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aspiringtrashpanda · 10 months ago
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✨MC teaches the brothers about "jinx"✨
“I’m kinda hungry,” you voiced, your Curses and Hexes homework doing little to retain your attention. 
Mammon snorted in response, not bothering to look up from his D.D.D. “Who are ya? Beel?”  
You waited a second before retaliating, hoping that someone would come to your defense. Alas, it seemed that the brothers lounging around you had long learned to tune out any word from Mammon’s lips.  
“I have basic needs like all of you too, you know,” you huffed, gesturing to the Avatar of Gluttony, cross-legged on the carpet next to you.  The warmth from the fireplace at your backs cast flickering light over the crinkled chip bag in his massive hand. “Eating isn’t trademarked by Beel.” 
Beel grunted, sharp snaps sounding from the rhythmic churn of his jaw.  
Levi’s handheld console let out a chime that signaled some sort of victory. “It’s only, like, his whole personality lmao.” 
Beel’s chewing paused, but Asmo swooped in first. “There’s more to Beel than food,” he cooed, “I mean, look at those sculpted muscles! He’s also the most handsome little brother~ ♡ ”  
“Gee, thanks Asmo,” grumbled the lump of blankets on the couch.  
“Aw Belphie, don’t be like that! I like your slender physique, too!” 
Somehow, the mound of linens seemed to shudder in distaste. Asmo only shrugged, losing himself in his hand mirror.  
“Asmo is right though,” Satan hummed, turning the page of his current book – A Comprehensive Guide to the Devildom’s Most Toxic Plants, “To define Beel as solely a glutton does little to recognize all his positive characteristics.”  
Beel swallowed, before flashing a dazzling beam. “Thanks, Satan.”   
The living room fell silent once more, save for Beel’s snacking and the crackling of the hearth.  
“Hey!” You thought you’d try again. “Know what I could go for right now?” 
You paused for anticipation, readying your answer. 1, 2, 3 and... 
“Hell’s Kitchen.” 
Your spine went ramrod straight, eyes locking onto Mammon in the split second after your voices had harmonized.  
“Jinx!” You gasped, “You owe me a soda!”  
“Huh?” Mammon blinked owlishly.  
“Jinx!” Your enthusiasm was lost on your company. Your neck cracked as you glanced from brother to brother, your grin dampening when they looked at you as though you’d grown a second head.  
Satan frowned. “What are you talking about?” 
“Is that some normie saying?” Though he sneered, there was curiosity in Levi’s eyes.  
“You don’t have jinx here?” You barreled onward, explaining, “It’s a game we play in the human world when two people say the same thing at the same time.” 
“How does it work?” Asmo pursed his lip, which only drew his attention to his shade of lip gloss, his mirror capturing his eyes once more.  
You shrugged, “There are various versions of the game. Sometimes, the loser can’t speak until they buy the victor a drink. Other times, they’re silenced until their name is uttered aloud 3 times.”
Mammon lunged forward, toppling off the couch as he rushed on all fours to where you sat on the carpet. Before he could protest, eyes wild with a mix of fear and anger, you placed a finger to his lips. 
“Nope! Not ‘til you buy me a Devil Cola!”  
“LOL!” Levi rejoiced, “Mammon, you’re such a n00b!” 
You weren’t the only one who noticed the way Mammon’s eyes brightened, Satan chiding, “Watch it. You can’t say his name or he’s freed, remember?” 
“Oh~ I wonder how long he can hold his tongue?” Asmo giggled, finally distracted from his mirror. You couldn’t blame him. Mammon’s expression was a cross between anguished and constipated.  
His jaw clenching, slivers of his teeth glinting through curled lips, you could feel the irritation radiating from the Avatar of Greed. Absently, you considered if you should tell him it wasn’t an actual curse. Did he know there was no power other than himself silencing him?  
“Can he eat?” Beel inquired, genuine concern mingling with sympathy as he watched his older brother straighten up and march towards the entrance hall.  
“You don't need to speak to eat,” Belphie's muffled voice reasoned beneath the blankets.
“HEY MAMS!” You called to his back, shoulders curled up to his ears in anger, “Buy me a Devil Cola, won’t you?"
And really, you hadn’t expected him to follow through at all. He left the room and you returned to your homework. Beel continued eating, Belphie continued sleeping, and Satan continued reading for the sole purpose of poisoning Lucifer, you were sure. 
About thirty minutes passed before you heard the door to the Hall of Lamentation creak open.  
“No way!” Asmo squealed, a shutter sounding before Mammon could sprint to the couch and swat the D.D.D. from his freshly manicured hands.
Your jaw hit the floor as you looked up at the second born, at the condensation dripping down the can of soda that he thrust in your face. A petulant pout only brightened his blush, the way his eyes looked anywhere but you. The red tint to his skin darkened as his brothers laughed, jeered, teased him.  
The least you could do was offer him some praise. You smiled with all your teeth, “Thanks Mammon! The jinx is lifted.” 
He scowled, waving off your gratitude with an unnecessarily noisy exhale. With his newfound freedom, he instantly started pestering Asmo, critiquing his most recent Devilgram selfies. As your heart swelled with affection, the words in your textbook falling on blind eyes too occupied by the tiniest movements of your family, you felt completely at ease.  
You didn’t think you needed to elaborate, to clarify that you had used your pact and that there was no real magic behind the jinx. 
However, when you entered the House of Lamentation two weeks later, you realized you had been very wrong. 
The living room was a disaster, pillows tossed this way and that, candle wax oozing across something that looked suspiciously like a summoning circle. Splintered wood littered the carpet, broken chairs in a mangled pile next to the hearth. You were pretty sure you could smell something burning.  
You nearly dropped the bag of groceries in your arms, Beel stock still at your side. One look at your shopping buddy told you he had no idea what was going on, concern blazing to life in his purple eyes. 
“Lucifer?!” He called out, immediately seeking reassurance. 
Instead of the eldest’s smooth drawl, you were met with an incomprehensible shriek from somewhere in the kitchen. A clatter of pots and pans. A crash.  
Belphie came sauntering into the room, nodding in greeting. “The jinx didn’t work.” 
“What?!” You gawked, surveying the damage to the room, “What is going on?!” 
“He could still talk!” Satan fumed, stomping out of the kitchen with his bony tail lashing back and forth, “So I cursed him, but then that asshole reflected it, and it hit Asmo instead.” 
Sure enough, a completely drenched Avatar of Lust was next to appear, his mouth moving a mile a minute and yet, not a single sound to be heard. He tossed his hands in the air, hissing something fierce before flicking a wet strand of hair from his face.  
“And Asmo tried to charm Mammon to speak for him,” Satan was still ranting, “but Mammon tried to charge him for his services, which then set Levi off about repayment with interest.” 
You hugged the groceries tighter to your chest, squeezing your eyes shut as you realized you knew exactly what was happening in the kitchen. You heard the roar, the rumble of the house’s foundation, the continuous rush of water drowning out twin shouts you had heard far too many times before. 
But not as many times as the one voice that rose above them all.  
You winced. You’d have to buy your first a Devil Cola later.  
technically mammon was the one to provoke levi to summon lotan, so rip buddy. but let's be real, they're all getting punished.
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aspiringtrashpanda · 3 months ago
Omg thank you for the tag Miki! 💕
☆Pets: a sassy tabby cat named John and a blind mutt named Juno!
☆ Comfort food: ice cream ice cream ice cream (chocolate and caramel flavors, ideally)
☆ Languages: English and a teeny bit of French. Teeny tiny. I went to school for it for 12 years but can only read it, really.
☆ Random fun fact? I'm an emo kid at heart. The easiest way to get me fired up is to put on an emo playlist from 2000-2015 and I'll GO OFF.
☆ Something I’m proud of? All of the writing I did for Obey Me! month back in October (Masterlist here) but overall I'm proud of being social and making friends in the OM community. I love you all! <3
Tagging @shootingstarrfish @zephyrchama @satanghulu and @obeymetournaments. No pressure at all!
Tag game because I want to know you better !
-Do you have a pet ?
-Comfort food ?
-How many languages do you speak ?
- Random fact about yourself
-Something you’re proud of
To begin this little tag game, I’ll tag @ebony-reine-vibes @freddie-77-ao3 @newobsessioneveryweek @thehaikuman and @miraclesnail
I hope the questions aren’t boring and love you all 😘
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susujelly · 4 months ago
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I love you hella britney spears
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Hella britney spears is by @.aspiringtrashpanda and @.shootingstarrfish
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shootingstarrfish · 10 months ago
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mephisto's brought you the latest devildom news! get it fresh off the press!
alternatively titled @aspiringtrashpanda is too smart and we have too many ideas when we chat HAHA
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starry-miki · 3 months ago
⭐️ Gift 2 for @sane-omblog ! In participant of @obeymeholidayexchange ⭐️
Prompt! “Purgatory hall squad in matching sweater for Christmas”
(Click for clearer version idk how to fix it ;-;)
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💕 I would like to first say thank you to @ephie-om for both helping me with what Simeon would be doing and also “encourage” me to keep this piece and finish it all the way though! And i would also like to thank my sprint squad too; yall help me stay productive and I finally would like to thank @aspiringtrashpanda for the creation of this event, I’ve had a wonderful time meeting so much new people and gaining new moots and seeing my older ones too!! I love y’all so much!!! 💋🫶🫶💕
Now onto this piece thoughts and comments, other info and bonuses! (Kinda Long?)
After 9 crashes on procreate and hours of labor I would love to present you, your 2nd gift Ne! I decided to go a little all out for this one since I know I wouldn’t have enough time to do the 3rd gift 😔 (more details below)
Frankly I’m surprised it turned out alright, since I completely forgotten how to render more uhhhh more extravagantly?? and the last time I actually fully render was about roughly in May for Ven congrats gift?? So basically this was running on Christmas prayers and hopes and dreams LMAOOOO
Cookies! You may notice each cookie looks a bit different, which each character decorated each others cookie!
Simeon did Solomon’s cookie,
Luke did Simeon’s cookie,
Raphael did Luke’s cookie
and you already know which one old man made drew it with my left hand (let’s be honest it’s the best looking cookie and the best looking thing in this entire piece I’m make it as my profile pic)👁️👁️
Here is a full view of the piece without the cookies surrounding I forgot to save a non filter version of it but I have some snippets when I was sending it to one of my acquaintances but I guess of only old man and Raphael?? (But Raphael came out so cuteeees 😭💕)
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So the 3rd prompt details I’ll talk about it on my side account in a new post. I probably have it up some time in the next few days if not def sometime on first week of January, it also got a backstory to it LMAOO
💕 Happy holidays again Ne and I hope you enjoy your presents! And I hope the new year brings you joy and wonderful new things for you!! 🐞💋💕
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aspiringtrashpanda · 8 months ago
Omg starr thank you 😭 I'm so happy to participate in thissss!
Last song: Pomade, I'm not even kidding. I think it summoned this tag from @shootingstarrfish
Favorite color: the specific yellow of sunflower petals. That golden yellow that feels so warm and inviting. (#fae033)
Currently watching: I am incapable of consuming new content during my hyperfixations, so I have Brooklyn Nine-Nine on repeat in the background all the time. I'd definitely win a trivia contest.
Last movie: See the above predicament. Though I did watch Pitch Perfect recently with my dad as it is my go-to silly feel-good movie when I'm feeling blue. The inner theatre kid comes out.
Currently reading: Nothing Grows to Burn by @havenesc has such a firm grip on my heart. I drop everything when updates come out. Also following Hearts Spring Eternal by @/riverofnara (Ao3). Shout out to only human by @sakkajagga for being an incredible Simeon fic that NEEDS MORE ATTENTION, PLEASE.
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: new OT3 just dropped.
Relationship: Too busy thinking about Levi obey me tbh. No shame. (thus the orange prompts)
Current obsession: In Obey Me! hell with not intent to leave.
Last Googled: rocket pop popsicle origin... Just to find out they're actually called Bomb Pops? And Firecrackers?! But if you Google "Rocket Pop" a bunch of Rocket Pop recipes pop up, so clearly the world has a collective agreement on what Rocket Pops are. Is this a branch of the Mandela effect?!
Currently working on: Fics on fics on fics. Zine work. And whatever shenanigans I get up to with Starr and Laurus.
Going to tag the love of my life @4laurus even though she definitely won't do this, and I am also going to pester @zephyrchama, so that she feels double the pressure (on the bladder?) (It's an inside joke don't worry about it)
Nine people I want to get to know better
Tysm @444rockstargf for the tag!!
Last song: In the air tonight- Phil Collins
Favorite Color: Forest green
Currently Watching: Supernatural
Last movie: Fallen (1998)
Currently Reading: Carrie by Stephen King and a Dean Winchester fic called As it Was on Wattpad
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory?: Spicy 100%
Relationship: Single as FUCK
Current Obsession: Scripting for/thinking about my drs (specifically all my ones for Rory Characters and my Dean Winchester dr)
Last googled: Dean Winchesters birthday (notice a pattern??)
Currently working on: A request from a very dear friend +lots of fic ideas
Tags (sorry if you’ve already been tagged, no pressure <3): @kappasbbgirl @iiheartsai @facingreailitysgravity @angelsanarchy @wildathevrt @svgarcaine @strawberrybyers @violetshazard @k1mdr4cul4
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 3 months ago
My @obeymeholidayexchange piece for @aspiringtrashpanda ! Thank you for organizing this gift exchange! It's been really fun both to make a gift and to see everyone else share theirs ^^ It really did bring me some wonderful holiday cheer ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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And Imma gonna do the other in another post cause it makes more sense to me because of the style difference dhkhfhfk
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torchvic · 6 months ago
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behold. (credits to @/shootingstarrfish & @/aspiringtrashpanda for the great Hella Britney Spears Obey Me the Hedgehog. it's stuck in my brain forever)
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lvlup-levizine · 8 months ago
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Our mods put together this comic to explain what we're doing and demonstrate the collaborative opportunities that arise in fanzine communities.
Written by @aspiringtrashpanda
PART 1 by @shootingstarrfish
PART 2 by @4laurus
PART 3 by @foolych
PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM BY SATURDAY JULY 27TH TO JOIN THE PROJECT. Visit our carrd for more information and FAQ.
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foolych · 8 days ago
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BOOM! To celebrate over 1000 downloads of the zine, here’s the first half of the comic I made for @lvlup-levizine in collaboration with @aspiringtrashpanda!
I’m very thankful to have been invited on as a moderator for the project and even more glad to share my love of this freak with the world. Grins like the devilish grinner.
You can find the other half of the comic, and well so much more AWESOMESAUCE art, writing, and digital merch HERE
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artmopworks · 3 months ago
Chapter 16: Nature Walk
you can read the previous chapter here
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Thanks for your patience guys! The past 4 months have been insanely busy and im hoping this will calm down in the new year. The next chapter is already drafted out so hopefully we'll see a shorter turnaround. As always, thanks to @aspiringtrashpanda for all of her support and beta-ing!
Also! I plan to link all of the previous chapters to this one once I get over a stomach bug that had just the perfect timing this week 🫠🔫
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aspiringtrashpanda · 10 months ago
Beel and mc first date short fic ✨
Our sweet boy Beel deserves all the love <3 Let's gooooo!
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Characters: Beel x MC Sharing food as a love language, pure fluff. Did first kiss too, I hope that's okay! No warnings apply
This was a joke, right?  
You were seeing things. You had to be seeing things. 
There was in no way in all the three realms that Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony and Ruler of the Underworld, had just placed half of his gigadeath burger on your plate.  
Half. 0.5. ½.  
You weren’t sure his stomach could handle such deprivation! He was a growing demon! He needed his nutrients! 
“What?” Beel paused his chewing, burger grease dripping down his fingers and onto the checkered parchment paper on the tray before him. “You’re not hungry?” 
Eyes flitting from the burger - the frankly delicious burger oozing premium molten mozzarella, the cheese mingling with the juice pooling from the sizzling meat patty - to his concerned gaze, you wiped the drool from the corner of your lip and shook your head. “It’s not that. It’s just… Don’t you want your whole burger?” 
It was cute, the way he cocked his head to the side. His fiery hair fell into his eyes for a moment, his slow blink drawing your attention to his dark eyelashes. Your heart stuttered in your chest when he lifted his shoulder in a lopsided shrug. “I want you to try it. It’s really good.”
“Are you sure?” Your devil nuggets called your name from their carton next to your soda. They were tasty, sure, but that burger looked like something else.
“Yeah,” He nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. “Did you think we were only coming here tonight?”
The taste flooding your tongue - savory and salty with a crunch from the fixings cradled between two soft buns - was so overwhelming, you didn’t register his words. You were too busy relishing in the richness of the burger as it traveled down your throat and to your stomach, warming you from the inside out. It didn’t even bother you that the patty was probably made from some weird Devildom animal that you would usually find unappetizing. The burger was too good to care.
Realization struck you like lightning from above. “Wait, what?”
It was not lost on you how Beel’s indigo gaze traced the tip of your tongue as you licked at the residual taste on your lips. Something unreadable lanced through his irises. Suddenly, it was awfully hard to meet his eyes, your heart firmly lodging itself in your throat. 
Lazily nibbling on his last acidic hell fry, he suggested, “Want to have a campfire?”
“A campfire?” You echoed, ducking your head when you became self-conscious of your dumb expression.
His mind made up, he toweled off his greasy fingers and stood, the stool screeching against the wooden floors of Hell’s Kitchen. “Yeah,” Determination as sharp as his jaw set his brow into a deep furrow. “Come with me.”
Keeping up with Beelzebub on the hunt for food was easier than you had expected. Looming over most demons, his long legs gave him the ability to cover impressive distance with each step. However, you found it wasn’t difficult to wander the streets of the Devildom at his side. Maybe it was the way he moved slowly, with intention, as if he was trying to commit every second of this night to his memory. Maybe it was his big heart, always so considerate of those he cared about. 
Maybe he was looking out for you, just as you always looked out for him. There was a reason you kept snacks on your person at all times, after all. 
It had come as a surprise when Beel had requested your attendance for an impromptu dinner at Hell’s Kitchen. You had been drowning in homework, the sharp knock on your bedroom door startling you from your third attempt to actually absorb the words on the page in front of you. 
“Hey, dinner tonight?” He had asked, so casually as if it was any other day.
“Sure,” You had smiled.
“Cool,” He had beamed that dazzling Beelzebub grin that stretched wide across his face. The one where you could count all of his sharp teeth. The one that creased his eyes into crescent moons and made your stomach twist into a pretzel. “It’s a date.”
You were pretty sure it had taken you at least five minutes to process the bomb he had dropped on you upon his exit. Another fifteen to find a suitable outfit - casual and comfortable, but also nice, you know? And you couldn’t possibly discount the solid forty minutes spent worrying over whether he was joking or being serious. 
When he had met you in the entrance hall clad in his best jeans and a flattering, nice sweater, you felt the relief inflate your chest like a helium balloon. 
And really, you still felt like you were walking on air. Even as you stood in the snacks aisle of a Devildom bodega, shying away from the unflattering glare of overhead fluorescent lights as Beel rifled through foil packaging with an intensity that you long learned accompanied his hunger. 
He fought you tooth and nail at the register, amusement dancing upon his lips. “Why should you pay?”
“Because you bought dinner,” you pouted, crossing your arms over your chest as if it would possibly make you more intimidating in the eyes of the 6’4” demon. 
“Hmmm,” he mulled over your argument for a millisecond, just to lean down and blow a raspberry in your face. He smirked, “Nope.”
It caught you off guard, your face burning as bright as a screaming tomato. Brattiness was usually Belphie’s expertise. 
Mischief melting into soft affection in his indigo gaze, fixed to you as the bodega clerk processed his payment, he ventured, “What if… you cover our next date?”
You liked the way the tips of his ears flushed, the way he rubbed the back of his neck and shot you a sheepish, albeit genuine, smile. 
“I think that would be fair.” A tickle spread across your cheeks, scrunching your nose and burning your skin. 
Though, the heat from your flush had nothing on the warmth of the flames lapping at the inky Devildom sky. The embers shot like fireflies reaching for the stars, the campfire crackling within the confines of the pit, lined by rocks that would dwarf even Beelzebub’s palm. It had come as a surprise when Beel had led you off the beaten path, guiding you to a clearing in a forest not too far from the House of Lamentation. However, the secret fire pit made a lot more sense when he explained that it was typically reserved for stargazing with Belphie. 
“Are those… rice krispie squares?” You asked, the pop of an adhesive seam wafting vanilla your way.
“They’re crackling mallow bars,” Beel corrected, though there was no judgment in his tone. He had this way of introducing you to Devildom cuisine in a manner that felt familiar, like he understood that there were a lot of similarities between the dishes you knew. “They’re made up of marshmallows and these crispy marrow bits that are caramelized and -”
“Do they taste sweet?” You suppressed a grimace at the unappetizing description.
He chucked, the sound oozing reassurance, “Yes.”
“Okay, cool.” As he retrieved two long sticks, splitting into sharp prongs at the tip, nostalgia hit you like a truck. You hummed, “I used to eat something like this all the time when I was little.”
He raised a brow. “You’re still little.”
“Very funny.”
He laughed. Peeling the wrapper from two treats, he secured both on the ends of the sticks. “Have you ever roasted them over a campfire?” 
“I never considered that. They would melt pretty fast, wouldn’t they?”
“You would think so,” He passed you a stick, eyes warm with encouragement and something akin to childlike awe, “But they actually hold up for a while.”
For a moment, it was quiet. Just you and Beel and the chirps of the hell crickets in the undergrowth. It was hard to pay attention to the way the sweet bars darkened, a char climbing up the chunks of… marrow, or whatever… when you could feel Beel’s eyes on you. 
When you met his gaze, he was ready, already pulling the snack from his stick. “Here, try this.”
The marshmallow near compromised, the dessert fell apart in his large hands. Beel’s fingers tangled in sticky sweetness, you gasped in delight as strings of sugar stretched towards you with his gesture. “Oh, it’s so gooey!” 
His smile was so big, so warm, and you had the sudden thought that if you were in Icarus’s shoes, you too would fly too close to the sun. He went to feed you the treat, laughing, “Open wide!”
The explosion of flavor on your tongue - hot and sweet with that smoky campfire accent - had you squirming in delight, a thrilled hum vibrating in your throat. You were grateful that Beel thought to remove your stick from the fire. You were far too occupied with your new favorite snack to notice it about to ignite. 
Beel’s laughter died, his brow furrowing as conflict eclipsed the joy in his gaze. You looked to him, confused. “What?”
Had he always been that close? Had he been watching you with such longing this entire time?
“You’ve got a bit of marshmallow…” His adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped, eyes zeroing in on your lips. “Can I?”
You nodded. Your mouth was so dry, your pulse in your ears. With his nose nudging yours, you could taste the sweetness of the marshmallow treat on his breath, feel the way you were drawn closer like sticky sugar insistent on holding you together. 
His lips brushed yours - soft and chaste. It was funny how a kiss so gentle could hold so much weight. Featherlight, a tender brush, and yet you felt as though the prints of his lips were engraved on yours forevermore. 
“Mmm, tastes extra good,” he breathed, cupping your face in his hands. His thumbs smoothed over your skin, his eyes reading your soul as you leaned in to kiss him again. A peck to his lips, to his nose, to the apples of his cheeks.  
“What are you thinking about?” You murmured, reveling in his proximity, his radiant warmth. 
“Trying all my favorite foods off your lips,” He smiled, the twitch of his lips slotting against yours with such ease. “Think we could try that?”
“Sure,” You laughed, “It’s a date.”
this is low-key a love letter to burgers. My requests are open! Find more info HERE. Banner by @4laurus. Check out her work - and also her Beel.
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dailyraphael · 8 months ago
I WILL sound old but why is the hedgehog called hella britney spears? Im clueless and I love it?? Hella britney spears even has the same quil colors as shadow so i'm a fan already😂
And....when did the sopping wet cat say that he could fall for the troublesome pink sheep?
hello hello! i'll answer your second question first since that's the shorter one LOL, he said it in his HDD message this year!
"How do you know you've fallen in love?"
"It's difficult to say, but I think someone who works really hard is ideal. The human those seven are always hanging out with comes to mind."
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all that and he's still not dateable i'm at my limit
as for hella britney spears obey me's name, it all started with Panda (@/aspiringtrashpanda) suggesting that raphael would like hedgehogs because their backs are made of thousands of spears, and he would have a pet hedgehog named spears
i made a silly comic about this, which was reblogged with this screenshot
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and so his full name became HELLA SPEARS
but then over on twitter someone suggested his full name should be britney spears (like the singer), so THEN his full name became hella britney spears
and THEN it was suggested that his full name should be hella britney spears obey me, because obviously raphael's full name is raphael obey me
and thus hella britney spears obey me (or just spears for short) was born!
and spears resembling shadow is intentional, because the devildom species of hedgehogs are called shadow hedgehogs!
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countingsheepzine · 17 days ago
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Introducing @aspiringtrashpanda's MC, Áine!
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4laurus · 1 year ago
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Guess who got into the Obey Me hole? Happy valentine's day for those who wanna date an awkward-otaku demon Thank you @aspiringtrashpanda for this lovely commission
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shootingstarrfish · 5 months ago
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aaand at long last, day 31!! happy dia day :>
this was done in collaboration with the loooovely wonderful @aspiringtrashpanda, please read the fic she wrote that i drew these for!! she did an incredible job as always, im very honoured to have gotten to draw for her amazing work ٩>ᴗ<)و
read it HERE!
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