Always tired
736 posts
Hello! welcome to whatever this is! 22 She/Her; Commissions open! My art tag is "my art" in case you want to see that :3 Currently obsessed with Obey me! and Twisted Wonderland (and some other stuff too, but we'll be here all day if I list them all) I hope you're having a fantastic day!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
julia-loves-cupcakes · 23 days ago
Aaaaaaaaa I'm so happy with how it turned out X'D!! You did such an amazing job with the writing omggg 😭😭 it's beautiful<33
Cupid's Curse
alright, so I know it's not Valentine's Day anymore and hasn't been for a while now but I am quite the procrastinator! better late than never, though!
this was in collaboration with the wonderful and very talented @julia-loves-cupcakes who drew the art you'll see in the fic! go follow them and let them know how much you enjoyed their art!! together, we decided to make ours on satan and solomon, who have a bit of a magical mishap. don't worry though, mc always comes to the rescue haha
it's a two for one! read a fic and see amazing art at the same time that go hand in hand! thanks @obeymevents for organizing this :)
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When looking at Satan and Solomon from the outside, it was easy to assume they were collected. Their cool and suave demeanors were something envied by every demon who passed them at RAD. Today was no different.
But, today was Valentine’s Day, and they’d both been unlucky enough to forget. It was unlike either of them to forget such a holiday. In years past, they’d prepared surprises for those around them months in advance. For whatever reason this year, whether that be due to the influx of homework, or getting wrapped up in personal projects, the day was about to give them a shock to a caliber they hadn’t gotten in a millennia.
The two of them had been none the wiser the evening before. The two of them were huddled in Satan’s room over an interesting purchase they’d made the previous day at a second hand bookstore. The book itself wasn’t too special. It was a book that could prove tricky to come across as it had been decades since it had been in print, but it wasn’t something neither of them had seen before. What had actually caught their interest was the scribbles in the margins. Whoever this was, they’d left hundreds of annotations that ranged from their personal thoughts about the text, or improvements upon the listed spells. Satan and Solomon were aware of the hazard of trying out homemade spells, but they were hardly strangers to that.
“This comment is interesting.” Solomon tapped his finger against one of the notations.
“I thought the same.” Satan nodded his head, examining the writing again. “This had crossed my mind before, but I hadn’t thought to implement it this way.” It wasn’t easy to impress him, but this mysterious person had done it in less than an hour. He didn’t even know who they were, yet he found himself wishing he did.
“Satan!” A loud drumming on his bedroom door interrupted their conversation, then followed by a rapid jiggling of the doorknob as the person on the other side of the door tried to enter the room.
Satan couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “What do you want, Mammon?” He huffed.
“I need yer opinion on my gift for MC.” When Mammon continued to rattle the doorknob, Satan realized he wasn’t going to give up until he gave him what he wanted. He got up, and cracked the door open.
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“Show it to me.” Satan demanded, rather than asked.
Mammon was proudly holding up a handmade card, and a box containing two matching bracelets, each with a golden heart. A bundle of roses was tucked under his arm. “It took me forever to pick these out. Don’t ya think they’re perfect? One for me, one for them.” He removed one from the box, and gently showed Satan the heart up close. On it, was engraved an M.
“They’ll love it, but I’m confused. Why are you giving them a present?” Satan lent against the door frame, wracking his brain for an occasion. It wasn’t MC’s birthday yet, nor was it any sort of anniversary. There was also the chance that Mammon simply wanted to get them a gift, but that didn’t warrant a card in his opinion. It was far too planned for that to be the case.
“It’s Valentine's Day? Have ya lost yer mind? Of course I’m gettin em’ a present!” Mammon squinted at his younger brother, before putting the bracelet back in its place. 
Satan felt rooted to the spot as he took in the words. He quickly took a mental count of the days, using an assignment he’d just completed that he’d remembered dating for reference. He’d only completed that yesterday, and he’d marked the date as February 13th. It was indeed Valentine’s Day.
“I’ve got important matters to attend to.” He said stiffly, before suddenly slamming the door in Mammon’s face.
“Weirdo.” Satan heard Mammon sigh through the door.
Based on the strained expression on Solomon’s face, it was easy to see that he too had forgotten the holiday.
Solomon was still holding the book open with one of his hands, where it was frozen while he was lost in thought. “How did we both forget? What are we going to do?” Satan slammed his hand down on the book. Perhaps it was the pressure of the hit, or the tension behind it, but the moment it did, both of them knew something had happened. They were overtaken by an intense feeling neither could place.
Whatever it was, it wasn’t sudden. It gave the pair a second of false hope, that maybe nothing had happened. Just as fast as they’d built up that optimism, it crumbled around them as the book between the two of them let out a shimmery ray of light. 
Before he knew it, Solomon was tumbling through the air. He was just a second too late, and handed headfirst into the ground. He spent a moment on the ground, dazed, before deciding now was no time to be spent splayed out on the ground. With a light groan, he rubbed his head, and sat up. Most of his vision was filled with a yellow-tinged white. As he stood up, he realized the other thing for miles was that same sickly yellow. He brushed himself off, and quickly realized Satan wasn’t with him.
As he turned to his left to scan the area for the blond, he jumped back as his peripheral vision was filled with lines of something darker in color. He pursed his lips. He thought he recognized what he was seeing. In order to confirm his suspicions, he moved towards his point of interest. It was larger than he’d anticipated, so he hoisted himself up to stand on top of what he now knew for sure was a word. 
The word he’d chosen to investigate was handwriting from their mystery person, and was much larger than the text of the book, which explained the perspective. It was also quite a long word; one that he had to brush up on the definition of. He could now easily see the rows upon rows of text that he and Satan had been studying carefully. While drinking in the sight, he couldn’t help but notice that the aforementioned demon was nowhere to be seen. He turned to the other open page of the book, and quickly saw that the text in a specific corner wasn’t quite as orderly as it had once been.
Solomon was quick to decide to head that way, but rather than hop down off the scrawling, he jumped from word to word, using it to get to where he wanted as quickly as possible. Once he was there, he had to cover his mouth to keep himself from bursting out with laughter.
All of the nearby words had been gathered into a pile, all of them tangled together, making them illegible. With each movement, they wobbled, seemingly threatening to break apart. In the center of the unceremonious pile was exactly who he’d been searching for. The situation was anything but flattering. Satan sat in the middle, fighting to get free. He threw punches left and right, sending shorter words packing. He swore at vowels that threatened his peace, and snapped longer words in half with his bare hands. By the time Solomon had found him, most of the words had been reduced to their simplest form: letters.
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“You look like you could use a hand.” Solomon called out, standing next to the jumble.
“Do I really?” Satan sarcastically remarked, shoving a preposition out of his face. “I woke up in this mess.” He looked and sounded beyond frustrated, and if he wasn’t himself, Solomon might not know how to handle the situation.
“Take a deep breath. If you want to get untangled, shifting out of your demon form is the first step towards that.” Solomon gestured towards all the letters with holes in them stuck to his spiny tail. 
Satan let out a deep sigh. “You’re right.” He closed his eyes, and after a moment, he was back to normal. Solomon stepped forward, picking his way towards Satan. Once he was in front of him, he began to toss various characters aside to help free his friend. After working together to yank a particularly stubborn ampersand symbol off Satan’s arm, the blond was finally free.
“Much better, isn’t it?” Solomon plucked an exclamation point out of Satan’s hair, flicking it aside with a chuckle.
“Easy for you to say.” Satan grumbled. Now that he was finally out of his predicament, he was able to view their situation with fresh eyes. “Where are we?”
Solomon cocked his head to the side. “I thought it was obvious we were in the book we were just reading?” He said. Satan inspected the area again, thinking it over.
“You’re right.” The more he looked, the more Satan remembered. From the font of the text, to the ink color of the commentary, it was unmistakably their latest find at the bookstore. He opened his mouth to ask the question that was likely on both their minds, but quickly shut it again, shaking his head. “How we got here isn’t important. We need to get out of here.” He knelt down, and began gathering back up the letters he’d just been trapped in.
“What’s on your mind?” Solomon began doing the same, knowing his companion had a plan.
“First, we need to make a distress signal. We don’t know anything about this place. What happens if the book closes? Mc might come by, so they might see this.” After Satan had an armful of letters, he began arranging them in the shape of an S, placing them back down on the page as they’d appear if typed.
“I knew I liked you for a reason.” Solomon chirped, earning him a playful shove from Satan. For the uncertainty of the situation, the two were having more fun than they thought they’d be having. The pair made quick work of their plan, even adding MC’s name to the end to hopefully have a better chance of catching their attention.
Once they were finished, they stood back to admire their work.
“I think we did an excellent job.” Solomon dusted his hands off, a smug grin adorning his face.
“Now that that’s done, our next plan of action should be finding a way out. Easier said than done though.” Satan went back to scouring the area, in search of anything useful. Before they could, however, they felt the ground beneath them rumble. In a blink of an eye, everything tilted sideways, sending the both of them, along with a collection of unanchored letters, plummeting downward. To Satan and Solomon, it seemed as if there was no end, as it was yellowed paper as far as the eye could see, like when they’d appeared in the book.
Satan, rather than extending a hand to Solomon, roughly grabbed him by his cape and managed to grab ahold of a nearby word. It was one of the few left that hadn’t fallen with the rest when the book had been tilted. The force of the two beings and hundreds of letters hurtling at them had sent the words below them falling too. For a second, the two let out a sigh of relief. As if their exhale had been the final straw, like in a cartoon, the handlebar of the H Satan had latched onto let out a squeak, and gave way. 
Yet again, Satan found himself in a pile of letters. At least, this time he wasn’t alone. Or, so he thought. He dug through the heap. Since Solomon had hit the letters first, he was nowhere to be seen. If it hadn’t been for the book shaking, Satan thought he wouldn’t have found the sorcerer. Satan saw his hand appear nearby him, and despite being semi-trapped himself, he did just as Solomon had done for him not too long ago. Solomon reemerged, hacking. With a clumsy slap on the back from his blond companion, a comma flew out of his mouth.
“I don’t think I’m ever going to see letters the same again.” Solomon shook his head, a hand on his throat. “Almost choking to death on a comma wasn’t in my bingo card for this century.”
Satan nodded in agreement. “We need to get out of here.” Again, with all too convenient timing, in the blank space that had just been created above them, writing began to appear out of thin air. It wasn’t typed like the kind they were bathing in, nor was it swoopy and elegant like the annotations that still hung in the air around them. It was a style of handwriting they recognized. The pink was unmistakable.
“Found you guys! Sorry about the tumble.”
The two looked between each other and the sky with disbelief. “That’s MC handwriting!” Solomon exclaimed, his signature smile back.
“I don’t believe it.” Satan’s mouth hung agape.
“I sure can’t either.” They paused for a moment, before continuing. “You guys are so cute!”
Satan took a moment processing what they’d written, before thinking out loud. “Can they hear us?”
“I sure can. You sound like mice.” Neither of them could hear or see MC, but Satan already knew they were cooing over the book. “Based on what I see, it looks like you could use some help.” It was an eerie thought that they were being watched. At least it was someone they trusted.
“Any ideas?” Solomon inquired.
“Hang onto each other.” The message was ominous, but the two latched hands regardless. Slowly but surely, they could feel the book being tipped back on its side. It was just slow enough so they weren’t overtaken by the letter, but quick enough for them to be sliding down the mountain at an alarming rate. It was a bit harder to see what MC was writing to them now, but it wasn’t impossible. They went back and forth for a bit, bouncing ideas off each other. Each one got shot down for various reasons. At some point, they began to grow desperate as time ticked on, and the suggestions grew more and more ridiculous. It got to the point where the entire page was filled with the communications back and forth.
MC eventually left the pair to go fetch an eraser to clear the page, giving them some more time to ponder.
“Do you think Asmo will miss me?” Solomon dramatically sighed, draping the back of his hand over his forehead after plopping down on the ground.
“We’re going to be fine.” Satan rolled his eyes. He softened his tone once he saw a touch of genuine concern on Solomon’s face. “If we really can’t figure a way out, MC can always take us to Barbatos. He would surely have a solution.” He knew that Lucifer was likely a quicker option that’d get the job done just as effectively, but Satan wasn’t willing to receive his help. Especially not when he apparently sounded like a mouse.
“I’m not sure he’d want to help me out in particular, but if it’s our only option
” Solomon nervously laughed.
“I’m back!” The words around them began to vanish in large sweeps.
“Please be careful.” Satan recoiled as one of the eraser strokes came a little too close for his liking.
“Sorry.” After that, they erased with more precision, taking care while near them. When the page was clear, MC penned something near where they were standing, seemingly having thought about it while they were away. “Since it’s Valentine’s Day, maybe a display of affection would do the trick?” Their words got Solomon thinking. 
“I like it!” Satan wasn’t as convinced, but Solomon’s cadence caused him to give the idea more thought.
“What do you mean by that?” Satan said slowly. He wasn’t sure where the sorcerer and his apprentice were headed with the idea, but the fact that they were both so enthusiastic about the idea only let him know just how connected they were.
MC drew a heart with a smiley face next to it, most likely an answer to his question. It spurred Solomon on, as he did a little jump for joy.
“Exactly my idea. Great minds think alike.” Solomon and MC began to create space on the page, leaving Satan no chance to question them further. He still hadn’t totally been following, but as long as it didn’t involve anything conventional, he was on board. Knowing them, it would be anything but.
Only when Solomon began to arrange his armful of letters in the shape of a heart did Satan finally get it. He felt stupid for not getting it sooner. He joined in, while still not fully convinced, because two of his favorite people were wholehearted about it. It couldn’t hurt to try.
“Would you like to do the honors?” Solomon offered, extending an S out to Satan.
“Let’s do it together.” Satan took the other side, and they slotted it into the tip of the heart, forming the point.
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At first, just like when they were transported into the book, nothing happened. Solomon couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed, but he continued to hang onto hope. It took a couple seconds, but a similar feeling washed over him that he’d gotten right before heading into the book. It was vaguely familiar, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it as the pair was engulfed by another beam of dazzling light.
After the light faded, and the pair finished with their frantic blinking, they realized they were standing right next to Satan’s bed. The book rested where they’d left it, and standing off to the side was MC, their savior.
“You don’t know how grateful we are to see you.” Satan let out what was hopefully his last sigh of the day. Solomon on the other hand, didn’t hesitate to hug them, insisting Satan join in.
“I knew you’d find a way.” Solomon hummed.
“That was all you guys. I was throwing out ideas.” MC laughed. “I’m glad I came looking for you.” They added.
“We need to confess something.” Satan knew Solomon was about to tell them about how they’d gotten into their predicament in the first place.
“Did you forget about Valentine’s Day? I’m not mad.” They smiled.
“Mammon reminded us. You can probably guess where that went.” Satan was a little surprised that they somehow got it spot on, but he knew by now to expect the unexpected from MC.
“There’s no need to apologize, since I know that’s coming next. I’m not upset you forgot. You show me just how much you care all year round. Besides, don’t think I haven’t noticed just how swamped you’ve been lately.” They knew the cat duo all too well.
“That is true.” Satan trailed off.
“When have I ever been wrong?” They triumphantly put their hands on their hips. “Don’t start.” MC shot down Solomon before he could even open his mouth with a nasty side eye.
“Let us make it up to you at least.” Solomon pivoted away from teasing MC, and instead, got into a playful argument with them. MC was insistent that they didn’t need to do anything. Instead of joining them, Satan fished in his pockets for his DDD, hoping he hadn’t left it behind in the book by accident. Instead, he found something very different.
“Look at this.” Satan caught MC and Solomon’s attention. He drew his hand out of his pocket, revealing a couple of rouge punctuation marks. MC stuck out their hand, and, without a second thought, Satan dumped them into their hands. They curled their fingers around them, hiding them in their fist.
“Why don’t we go get something to eat? I’m free right now, and I think Asmo is planning something that I’m not allowed to be around for anyway. You guys must need a break after that ordeal.” MC offered.
“We’re going, and you’re not paying a single grim.” Satan firmly stated. Between them saving himself and Solomon, and it being the afternoon of Valentine’s Day, he was determined to treat them like the royalty they were.
“If that’s what you guys want.” MC shrugged, knowing there was nothing they could do to sway the team. That was a battle they could not win, not with both Satan and Solomon against them.
“It is. Only the best for my dearest apprentice!” Solomon put his hands on MC’s shoulders from behind, before spinning them around with a sweep of his cloak so they were sandwiched between himself and Satan. “How about this? Let us make it a surprise.” He peeked over their shoulder, looking between them and the demon across from him.
“I’ll tell you right now, it won’t be much of a surprise if you just take me to a cat cafe. I’m not saying I’m opposed to that, but the two of you are very predictable.” When Satan sputtered and turned pink, MC knew they’d gotten his plan spot on.
“What are you talking about?” Satan swatted at the air, promptly making a beeline for the door.
“We’ll be back in a couple minutes.” Solomon grinned, and after giving MC’s shoulders a final pat, he left to follow Satan, likely to find a new place to eat.
MC found themselves giggling over their antics. They were all too easy to anticipate. They opened the hand holding the pesky punctuation marks, peering down at them. Leaning over the book the duo had only just emerged from, they placed their hand facedown on the book, and dragged their fingers across the page. When they lifted it again, the characters were gone, and the book was mostly back to normal. 
The text was restored to its original positions, and their pink notes were gone. The only difference was the heart Satan and Solomon had made to free themselves was still present, tucked away in a corner. With several more strokes of their pen, they left a vague note, about the heart being key. It seamlessly blended into the rest of the annotations left behind, like it had been there to begin with. They shut the book after that, satisfied. 
Never did they guess that it would be Satan and Solomon to stumble upon the book after all those years. 
They then left to go find wherever the two had gone. They did have a lunch date to attend to, after all.
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 28 days ago
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Heeeeeere's a lil sneak peak of my piece for the @lvlup-levizine ^^
If you didn't know, it's a free Leviathan centric zine that's gonna drop on March 1st! It's filled with a whole lot of cool stuff made by a whole lot of cool people, so please check it out! >w<
Oh, and it's gonna have a separate NSFW DLC if you're into that ;3
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 3 months ago
F, Lamb-bae
I had the pleasure of writing for @julia-loves-cupcakes in the @obeymeholidayexchange this year. Best of wishes for 2025~ Also on my AO3!
Luke doesn’t believe weird anime foods actually exist in MC’s world so Barbatos decides their next baking collaboration will be one such dish.
After the fifth “Last photo, no seriously!” they managed to extricate themself with the promise to take and upload photos to their Devilgram the entire time. Not caring if anyone was watching, they carefully tucked the knot of their bundled apron between their teeth and bounded down the hallway on all four hooves.
At first, they had been worried the brothers would judge them for the strange habit, but then they’d seen Belphie charge into furniture like a bull, Satan running up the stairs like a cat, and even Beel clinging to the ceiling to nonchalantly eat in peace.
The doors of the House Of Lamentation swung open without so much as a whisper, seemingly aware - and fond - of the little sheep. They were running so fast, they nearly bowled over the guest waiting at the base of the front steps.
“MC!” the short angel cried, bouncing happily in place, “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” Luke grabbed the sheep’s forehoof and took off running. MC stumbled after him, laughing.
They’d long-since gotten used to the Devildom, to RAD and its students - something they never would have believed in a million years had someone suggested it just a few years ago. They’d also believed the little angel, who wore his passionate heart on his sleeve, when he constantly professed his disdain and outright contempt for demons - but here he was, a big grin on his face as the two rushed to the Demon Lord’s Castle.
They were greeted by Barbatos at the door, giving them the slight bow he insisted they deserved as honored guests of the Devildom and treasured friends of its Lord. “Welcome MC, Luke. Please, follow me to the kitchen.”
They looked at the assembled ingredients - thrice-drowned-rice flour, albinic hell ostrich egg, a wide variety of frozen dairy products, and, oddly enough, a box of almonds from the Human World - trying to guess what dessert they would be making today.
Barbatos smiled faintly, “I happened to overhear Levi complaining that you said his anime was full of nonsense of a scene involving the use of a flamethrower in the kitchen.”
“But that’s silly!” Luke protested, “Burning food means you cooked it for too long.”
“I thought it best to demonstrate with ice cream, a dessert from the Human World. It’s called ‘Baked Alaska’, have you perhaps heard of it, MC?”
They were already drooling. “Ice cream
” The sheep had clearly spent too long in the company of Beel. Blotting the corner of their mouth with their apron, MC undid the bundle’s strings and tied their cute custom-ordered apron around their midsection with deft hoof motions. “Can’t wait to try it out!”
Luke’s face was red with a defiant pout as if expecting to be teased for it, reaching into a side cupboard and pulling out his own apron - apparently such a frequent visitor to the Castle’s kitchen to warrant keeping spares there - which was decorated with three small puppies.
Barbatos’ apron had been a gag gift from MC, just as a joke, one that made Diavolo laugh until the towering demon nearly cried, but it had definitely been used and laundered with special care. “The recipe I settled upon calls for multiple layers, and I felt we should each choose a flavor to represent this unity amongst the Realms.”
MC hopped up on the stool reserved specifically for them and drifted their hoof across the labels; they weren’t picky, but what did they feel best represented the Human Realm? Finally, they settled on a pale rainbow swirl - not bubblegum-flavored, sadly.
“I pick
 this one!” They turned to see Luke hefting a large tub of tan cake-themed ice cream above his head.
“Then I shall finish with this.” Barbatos held out his own container. “Green tea, for a mild undercurrent.”
Ooh, that did sound good, actually.
“Would you please store them in the fridge for now, while I return the others? Our choices must be soft enough to spread, but not melted entirely.”
The young angel excitedly carried the three containers as directed, too enthusiastic for his usual ‘we should not associate with demons!’ protestations. Food truly could surpass cultural differences, even across gaps as large as those between the Three Realms.
“MC, I will trust you with crushing the almonds and chocolate. Luke, will you handle the meringue, please? The dry ingredients have yet to be measured and your attention to detail will make it extra soft and fluffy.”
The MC had a big grin on their face as they poured the blanched almonds into the blender and hit the start button. Grinding it by hoof in a mortal and pestle would’ve been more fun, but there was still the hellishly dark cacao to break up. Wielding the large knife with a gleeful flourish, they attacked the chunks in their bowl.
Barbatos hid an amused smile as he observed his proteges at work; Luke was so intent on whipping the egg whites that his tongue was poking out of his mouth in concentration. Once the right amount of chocolate had been chopped, he poured it into a pot of melting butter.
Luke handed over most of his mixture after folding in the sugar for Barbatos to finish the cake batter. There was a brief squabble between the younger pair over what order the ice cream layers should be, but it was quickly and amicably resolved.
“Are you ready?” the butler asked, holding a bottle of cooking Demonus over the assembled dessert, ready to pour into the half-shell nestled atop a colossal mound of eggy goodness.
MC looked at the blowtorch in Luke’s eager hand with some alarm and quickly hopped down from their stool. “I’ll start putting things away, don’t worry!” What if their wool caught on fire and they had to run in panicked circles around the room until someone could put it out!? As they hustled out of flamesreach, a loosened apron string caught under one hoof and they fell over with a startled bleat, sending a mixed cloud of superfine sugar and flours into the air.
At that exact moment fire shot out to ignite the alcoholic spirits dripping down the dish’s sides, suddenly jumping to the ultra-combustible particulates that filled the room.
There was a loud silence, followed by a single “Oh, dear,” from Barbatos, who really should have seen that coming.
Luke scrambled over to a very singed-looking sheep, who made a pathetic sooty cough. “Oh no, are you alright?”
MC nodded, being lifted to their hooves and giving a full-body shake with several sneezes, revealing that their pretty pastel wool was mostly unburnt. “Sorry,” they apologized, wrinkling their snout as Barbatos delicately wiped first Luke’s and then MC’s face clean with a handkerchief he pulled out of seemingly nowhere; a good butler was prepared for everything.
“Is the Baked Alaska okay?”
“MC, is that really the most imp-”
“I’m certain it will be fine,” Barbatos reassured the sheep, knowing how much they detested conflict. They also didn’t like other people worrying over them, so he had to redirect Luke’s concern before his dearest MC grew upset. “Mistakes happen all the time, and many delicious discoveries are the result of either accidents or simple curiosity.”
Nobody said a word, but they were in complete agreement that Solomon’s dishes had never been - nor would they ever be - a part of that esteemed group.
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 3 months ago
The TSL musical event looks different than I remember đŸ€”
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Now playing: Shadows of friendship
My second @obeymeholidayexchange piece for @aspiringtrashpanda ! I had soooo many ideas for this prompt but nothing looked right X'DD so in the end I thought a fake screenshot would be a fun lil second gift ^^
Version without my tablet's UI after the cut:
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The background I got from the game, cause there was no way I could remake it hkdhfk but I did redraw Levi cause I'm a masochist I guess
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 3 months ago
My @obeymeholidayexchange piece for @aspiringtrashpanda ! Thank you for organizing this gift exchange! It's been really fun both to make a gift and to see everyone else share theirs ^^ It really did bring me some wonderful holiday cheer ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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And Imma gonna do the other in another post cause it makes more sense to me because of the style difference dhkhfhfk
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 3 months ago
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They’re gay your honor
Decided to mix my one fav gay couple with my other fav gay couple. And it’s perfect.
Diavolo as Phoenix Wright and Lucifer as Miles Edgeworth.
I am using them as Discord stickers and give full permission for others to use them if they want to ^^
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 5 months ago
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🎁Join the exchange from November 7th-10th🎁
It's easy! Simply go to our CARRD, read through everything, and click the "SIGN UP HERE" on the sign up page!
Curious about what the exchange entails? All details are in the Carrd, but check out a summary below the cut:
Sign up and provide 3 sfw prompts concerning what you'd like to receive in the form of fanart or fanfiction.
Receive your assigned giftee and their prompts and preferences on November 11th via email.
Present your gift to your assigned giftee between December 24th-31st, either in the event discord or on socials.
Receive a gift from your surprise gifter between December 24th-31st, either in the event discord or on socials.
PLEASE READ THE RULES AND GUIDELINES IN THE CARRD BEFORE APPLYING. Let's spread some Obey Me! love this holiday season! đŸ„ł
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 8 months ago
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"Potentially very evil, but certainly very silly"
-An mc probably
Also, a couple of extra versions because I got really indecisive about the background:
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 8 months ago
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His route really cannot come soon enough, I need to know more about my husband :'3
Also some different hand designs because I liked them too much to discard and a nice yellow background so I can pretend he's not incredibly sad
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 9 months ago
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AW little guy !!!
OH he's a little bit fucked up actually ..
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 9 months ago
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Pixel animation commission for @thellamamongler of his pokemon OC, Juniper the Tinkaton!
Thank you so much for the commission! She's so awesome XDD Amazing character to draw and animate! X3
Transparent version:
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 10 months ago
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It's Luci's birthdayyyyy!!
Made this for the MAYLA contest a bit ago, and since I was already planning on posting it here, might as well post it on his birthday hfojfhofjofoh
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 10 months ago
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Who will he make a pact with next?
Also, as I always do, I was playing with overlays so have some extra versions:
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 10 months ago
*looks around and sees obey and twst*
This is niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!
*sees header and jaw drops*
GUUURL! I've found heaven
Why thank youu ;3
I'm a very normal amount of OBSESSED with both of those and keep making fan art but keep forgetting to post XDD so I'm trying to fix that jgdjdgjgd and you just reminded me, I haven't posted the drawing I have as my header huh? '^^ I'll... Do that now khdkhd
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 10 months ago
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Gluttonous sheep :3
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 10 months ago
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"The most darling, delightful and dangerous overlord this side of the pentagram!"
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julia-loves-cupcakes · 10 months ago
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