#military disrespect
chuck-glisson · 24 days
THIS, is THE BEAST, "Paula Knauss Selph", who DISHONORED the "Memory", of HER OWN DECEASED MILITARY SON, by allowing HIS "Military Funeral Service", to BE USED, as a CHEAP, ILLEGAL AND POLITICALLY MOTIVATED PUBLICITY STUNT, for of ALL PEOPLE, Donald Trump.
I hope YOUR "15 Minutes Of Fame" was worth it, because the "Backlash", ESPECIALLY from the MILITARY Community, is going to be INTENSE AND LONG LASTING!
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sher-ee · 4 months
He said it. He said all of it.
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thecolorsfucked · 7 months
if aaron bushnell wanted being trans to be something we talked about he wouldve prolly put it in his extremely well thought out live stream where he burns himself to death and only speaks on the genocide he is complicit in and not like any aspect of gender just saying white girls are sick still u didnt lose a sister go do something for palestinians instead of mourning a person who burned to death specifically so u would care about palestinians
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tomorrowusa · 26 days
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Weird Donald Trump – coming soon to desecrate a military cemetery near you!
Fresh controversy brews over Trump’s Arlington National Cemetery visit
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queermentaldisaster · 2 months
"We need to slutify the military"
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sleepyfemme · 4 months
memorial day is always a very stark reminder of the fact that i’m living in a completely different reality than most people in this country. my dad is a vietnam veteran (because he was drafted, because he was very very poor and couldn’t go to college) and that experience completely radicalized him. so i just was literally never fed ANY pro military propaganda (or pro war, pro cop, pro government, etc) and it just makes it so HARD for me to understand how so many people will do anything to justify all of the evil our military does. this year more than ever it just feels like i’m in the fucking twilight zone. driving through town today and seeing a flag at half mast for memorial day when every day i get on my phone and see images of decapitated children, charred bodies, people begging for money for their evacuation funds, a parent wailing for their child trapped under rubble. but no flag at half mast for them, no acknowledgement whatsoever? but we’re memorializing people who sign up to kill people in other countries to protect this country’s greedy soulless interests? and if i criticize those people in the slightest, I’M the evil one? i hate it here so much
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unfiltered-luffy · 1 year
Do you think Koby would want his partner to call him Vice-Admiral while doing the deed too?
Nope. I think he's consider it rude to be called anything other than his actual rank, which makes it even better if he's with someone with a higher rank than him. The power dynamic play that's possible with that is just beautiful.
That's only if they use his rank though. I think he's be more of a "yes sir, no sir" kind of guy, but he'd let his partners call him anything they wanted, because comfort during their activities is still the most important thing. No matter how rough he may get, he's still actually focused on his partner and how they feel about things. He's a good dom.
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lorephobic · 8 months
your first thought being that you want to kill a real person who died fighting the nazis for having a “meaningless” death is absolutely batshit. you cannot be surprised people are not happy with you when that’s your opening musing. it’s outright disrespectful and even if you were joking…jokes are supposed to be funny.
i think i’ve already explained my stance here, but i guess i’ll use this ask to go over it civilly and with the detail that it deserves, since apparently we are making this into a big deal.
• this was not ever meant to be seen as my mota thesis. after watching the ep, i had already posted a long thread on twitter explaining my thoughts, as well as talked to my other friends who were watching the show and aired my grievances to them. that joke should not have been the first thing that i posted to tumblr, but in my mind, it was supplemental to the many thoughts that i’d already typed out and shared.
• i did not anticipate that post being seen by that many people outside of my small circle, many of whom had already heard my full thoughts on twitter & discord and wouldn’t have misconstrued my meaning and frustration with the show. as i’ve said since, #mota is my personal tag for the show, i didn’t think people were using it as a main tag and i would have never tagged it with that if i knew that people outside of my followers, and the niche that i’ve created on this blog, would see it.
• the joke itself is being misinterpreted entirely and i know it’s not like. funny, but my intention with it was never even to be disrespectful to the irl curtis biddick who i have no personal qualms with LMAO. it is not his fault that he died the way that he died, but it IS the show writer’s fault for not doing anything to make that death meaningful and impactful to the television series that is supposed to be entertaining. i misspoke when i said the the real life curt’s death was meaningless (obviously bombing the nazis is important) but i genuinely only said all of that to point out my own deranged frustration with barry’s role in the show. i don’t actually wish any harm to the real curtis biddick, the joke is supposed to be on me for being insane enough to want to warp time and space to create a better story for curtis because the mota writers in eighty years are not going to do him any favors when telling his story. which of course gives me more (& better) barry content. which is all i ever wanted from this fucking show.
• i made that post in a moment of frustration and my anger that should have gone toward the writers (and did in other forums) definitely hit the wrong target here. i understand why people are mad about it but i think it’s been such a disproportionate response to me making an unfunny joke in the tags of a post that was taken out of context and only my friends were supposed to see. if you don’t like what i’m posting then ignore it?? if you actually find it offensive, then tell me to my face so we can talk about it?? idk. dragging me thru the mud in front of ur followers is so weird !
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marenwithanm · 9 months
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Girl help I've become a trekie a few decades late.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 9 months
the captain should watch mash
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breakingfirst · 8 months
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romeythehomie · 1 year
chelsea and i were talking with james recently about him getting on tinder and how he doesn’t have any good photos and i was like “look. just use entirely photos of yourself in uniform. it IS cringe but you also WILL be getting just extraordinary amounts of pussy” and he was like. haha suuuure. and here i am swiping right on every guy in a uniform without even looking at their name.
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jujutsubrainrot · 2 years
Chapter 209: Offering to the Unknown
Opening words: “Going back in time to before Tsukumo's fight... the U.S. troops march into the colonies to hunt for jujutsu sorcerers!!”
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[[OKAY WTHECK THEY’RE IN THE ZEN’IN ESTATE! Specifically the training & discipline room that’s filled with curses.]]
》 Kenjaku: "That random transfer/teleportation after entering a colony is not [disclosed] in the general rules of the Culling Game. Unless they respond to the Kogane's questions, that [random transfer/teleportation] won't happen."
I didn't like how the first sentence was translated in the officials, since the raws specifically mentioned that the transfer/teleportation wasn't [disclosed] in the Culling Game's general rules.
The kanji used in the second part of the sentence was 問いかけ (toikake), and it means interrogation, query, question, or inquiry. Not sure why the officials chose "call" instead.
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》 Uraume: "This place would make a good “bath” that even Sukuna-sama [or Lord Sukuna] will be satisfied with."
The kanji used for bath, interestingly, is in quotation marks "浴" (yoku) so it *may* be referring to "ablution"/"bath" in Buddhism.
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》 Soldier Dude 1: "Well, that was easy. I don't know about this esper stuff or whatever, but.. what is the Lieutenant General so scared of?"
》 Soldier Dude 2: "He's a coward. Rumor has it that his wife's on his ass all the time."
Just wanna add that the kanji written was simply 小心者 (shoushin mono), which means a “coward” or “timid person". I'm not sure if "lily-livered" is actually a saying in Japanese, but if it isn't... why not just...
》 Soldier Lady: "Nah, there's more to it."
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》 Soldier Lady: "At worst, we just gotta keep the brain unharmed... right?! Grenades weren't very effective and the taser gun couldn't even puncture him."
Not liking the official translations at all, so.
》 Soldier Dude: "Couldn't puncture him? You mean you missed your hit, right?"
Not that important, but I just wanted to point out that they excluded the first part of the dialogue which, imo, emphasized the comrade's disbelief. Before he goes to ask if she had possibly missed her mark.
》 Soldier Dude: "Or was he wearing a leather jacket?"
》 Soldier Lady: "Even a .50 caliber bullet couldn't go through. And I was hitting bare flesh."
Not that important again, but the dude was asking a question and not making a statement.
》 Soldier Dude: "Did that guy have an ID from Krypton or what?"
Written text: クリプトン星のID (ID from Planet Krypton).
》 Soldier Lady: "Moreover... He was a monster who could turn his head into a helicopter."
Officials forgot to include the fact that she labelled him 化物 (bakemono), which means "monster", along with how he was able to "turn his head into a helicopter". Plus, we only know of one dude with helicopter head thus far, so it should just be "he" instead of "their".
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》 Soldier Dude: "...a helicopter?" 》 Soldier Lady: "It was a propeller. Propeller!! Like those on the Osprey and Chinook that we rode!"
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》 Soldier Lady: "It means there are different kinds of these jyu-jyu-su-shi!! Some are like the weaklings you've kidnapped.. And some are monsters like those we've dealt with.."
The term for "jujutsushi" (jujutsu sorcerers) used here was written in katakana ジュジュツシ (jyujyusushi), which indicates a foreign accent, hence why I wrote it in that manner. Once again, she labelled the tough ones "monsters", but this time, the kanji is 怪物 (kaibutsu).
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》 Uraume: "By pitting the Culling Game players against the armed non-sorcerers... in this case, soldiers." (...)
》 Kenjaku: "I'd give 60 points for that [guess]."
Kenjaku wasn't talking statistics, he was legit giving Uraume points for their guess/assumption.
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》 Kenjaku: (...) "As insurance, I had the military from other countries sent into each colony. But I don't think the military VS sorcerers fight would be exciting."
Kenjaku mentioned "military VS sorcerers" in the raws, and that he didn't think it would be "exciting" [of a battle].
》 Kenjaku: "Incarnated players aside, it's the Awakened players that will probably have a hard time. To begin with, even if there are strong Awakened types, many of them are reluctant to kill."
As previously stated, I prefer the term "Incarnated" rather than "taken flesh".
》 Kenjaku: "If they suffer casualties to a certain degree, the military will retreat. And since non-sorcerers are worth fewer points, the players won't chase them without a good reason."
Nothing wrong with the official translations; I just wanted to share how the original sounds.
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》 Uraume: "Even non-sorcerers release a large amount of cursed energy at the moment of death. Aren’t foreigners an exception?"
Uraume said "non-sorcerers", not soldiers. Also, instead of "non-Japanese", they used the term 海外の人間 (kaigai no ningen) which literally translates to "humans from overseas/abroad", or "foreigners".
》 Kenjaku: "Yes. Foreigners have no connection to cursed energy, but it's a different [scenario] when they die. “Death” inflicts enough stress to cause mutation in the [dying] brain."
"Death" was in quotation marks. Meanwhile, the kanji 変異 (hen'i) was used and it translates to (genetic) mutation so yes, this instead of "slight change".
》 Kenjaku: "So, from the beginning.. I had no intention to pit the sorcerers against the military. Even without such contest of power.. the "truth" is that the non-sorcerers cannot win, no matter how hard they try."
Should have said "from the start" instead of "at first", really. There was a mention of power comparison/struggle, so it should have been "contest of power". AND, I'm pretty sure this entire dialogue was spoken by Kenjaku, though some said the first half was by Uraume, then Kenjaku. Imo, it's more fitting if Kenjaku says it as it adds more weight to his already deranged character.
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》 Megumi: "They're not Japan Self-Defense Forces!!"
》 Megumi: "What is their goal!? To protect the people inside the colonies?! But that was a stun—"
Closing words: “The jujutsu sorcerers' hunters close in!!”
My thoughts:
I remember that time when Q (somebody out there) asked me about the “bomb” that Kenjaku was planning to drop – many of us believed it was Sukuna. I thought of that too but then I really wanted it to be something else ‘cause I always enjoy the unexpected. So Q and I came up with more ideas, and one of them being a military invasion and the other was a more literal take - the use of conventional weapons against Japan. Although we didn’t get it exactly right (bc it was revealed that Kenny went around the globe and held meetings with world leaders, whereas Q and I assumed that the foreign countries got wind of things on their own via the news & media), I’m just glad to see that our assumption wasn’t entirely too far-off.
Kenjaku simply tricked - or I should say, lured - these foreign countries into Japan in order to accomplish his true goal – the massacre of foreign non-sorcerers conducted by Culling Game players & cursed spirits. They're about to get rekt! A few people still consider this military invasion thing as Kenjaku’s "contingency plan" just so he has something to fall back on in case things don’t go as planned with the Culling Game – true enough, the CE wasn't sufficient in other colonies. But in my opinion, getting the Incarnated & Awakened players to battle in the Culling Game is a pre-requisite, and the military invasion is most likely THEE plan from the very start. Just like that someone said...
Yes, I’m talking about the man Reggie Star! Much respect to this man ‘cause he literally unraveled everything that’s sketchy about the Culling Game, although he had no exact idea what that "bomb" could be. As he stated before, if the Culling Game’s objective had been to collect CE generated from the battles, then why is it that there were only 1 or 2 strong players in every colony? And if the goal was to take advantage of the players’ CE, you’d want the sorcerers to have “long and drawn-out battles” but instead, the Game has already reached a deadlock by the time Gumi first reached Tokyo No. 1 colony. Reggie further theorized that "taking advantage of players’ CE in the Culling Game is the secondary or tertiary plan", whereas the primary plan is the bomb. In other words, the players participating in the Culling Game is a pre-requisite for the bomb that will eventually drop later when "only the strong players are left" in each colony. And the bomb are these foreign military forces.
Kenjaku already foresaw that the CE generated from the Culling Game wouldn’t be enough to fuel the barriers and, as such, planned to use non-sorcerers/humans from other countries as additional fuel source (read: sacrifice), and thus went out of his way *months before* to meet and negotiate with the world leaders, tricking them throughout the process. As Kenjaku said, these non-sorcerers never stood a chance of winning. They're only needed to break the Game's long deadlock, as well as to generate additional CE. Simply put, these non-sorcerers are being served as "offerings". Hence, the chapter title!
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people are often so ungrateful
especially people my age like teenagers... at least i think i notice that more often. wish it were more important to people to be grateful. and respectful as well. it's not that hard...
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mtshrike · 1 year
I think it's funny that a lot of CoD fans have created the most un-military-like militaries for their stories. Keep doing what you do, it makes the dudebros mad and it's hot. I don't care about accuracy, I want characters to live good lives. As long as you remember that the actual military still sucks 👍
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