#mikey kun
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delulu-sushi · 1 year ago
Future Y/N and Mikey visiting their childhood!!! Canon to Always By My Side. :D
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"Remember this place?" Mikey's words trigger your memories as he offers his hand to help you off the back of his motorcycle
Just like he did that day
He entwines his fingers into yours, as deep as one possibly could, as the two of you walk down Musashi Shrine.
You glimpse at him.
Now 25, Manjiro Sano was still as charming as ever. He left his playful appearance, his hairstyle now mimicking his older brother's and his clothes being less casual and more flaunting, but he was still you're Manjiro.
As you walked down Musashi Shrine, you noticed how just the aura of the place brought back his Toman demeanor, just as he would walk down all those years ago... ...the hundreds of heads bowing down as he walked past them, his cape endlessly flowing back as you watched him with a proud feeling that never went away. Watching the invincible Mikey, no, your invincible Mikey walk so confidently, and see so many people respect him...
Manjiro stood where his young self once stood, and you swear you saw the ghosts of the past. He turned to you as his smile grew bigger, and slowly walked towards you, who was leaning on a pole. His one hand reached for your face as he brought his forehead closer to yours, planting a soft kiss on your lips, before whispering his daily mantra, "I love you".
"You know you can't whisper those words without taking things farther" you tease him in between his soft kisses.
"Heh," he chuckles as he takes his hands in yours leading you down the shrine and on a path in the forest, "Don't worry dorayaki, I know what to keep private" he says with a snobbish wink as you roll your eyes at him, the two of you erupting in a series of giggles with your flirtatious talks.
"Are we going to that tree?" You ask Manjiro as you notice the surroundings around you. "Honestly, I didn't think you would remember, seeing how you forget your own birthday"
Mikey gives you a raised eyebrow as he starts giving a very irrelavant and made up list of all the things you forgot, which you give an eye roll and eventually erupt into giggles
He loves making you laugh
"Never stop laughing, m'kay?" He doesn't stare you straight in the eye, but moves his arm over your shoulder as you hug his side
"For you, I never will." You answer back as the two of you eventually stop at the tree.
Manjiro rolls his sleeves down and reaches his hand into a tree hole untouched for 15 years. He pulls out a rusty box, once golden and embroidered, now dusty. Still, Manjiro takes out a handkerchief and wipes the box, which, to your astonishment, is still as beautifully embroidered as it was all those years ago.
Jiro clears his voice and stands up tall, very evidently trying to hold back a childish smile as he begins a speech.
"MS. L/N, F/N, 15 YEARS AGO I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU. 15 YEARS AGO I ASKED YOU TO PUT SOMETHING IN THIS BOX THAT REMINDED YOU OF ME. 15 YEARS AGO, I did the same" His voice calms down as he smiles lovingly. He can't stop. Manjiro opens the box and motions you to take out his letter, as he takes out the picture you drew.
"Dear dorayaki, " you start to read the letter and sneak a glance at Mikey, who freezes with a tomato-red face, suddenly remembering how much of an embarrassing love-struck 10 year old he was, "Jeez Jiro, I can't believe you made up that nickname when you were ten" you tease him.
"One day, you came to my grandpa's dojo, and I thought you were just another girl. Then we played together. You, me, Baji, and Sanzu, and all I wanted to do was make sure no one tagged you but me. Now I am ten and Shinichiro is always talking about the girls he gets rejected by. And sometimes, I get scared that you too, will reject me."
You pause to take a breath. Never in your life did you imagine that the 5th grade boy who acted so cool and chill in front of everyone was head over heels about you, going so far to write a whole letter.
"I think I'm in love with you. And if this is true, then I'll tell you. I'll look at your pretty E/C eyes all day long and we'll drink milkshakes together, and I'll even let you finish mine. But most importantly, if this is true, then I'll bring you back here and", you turn over the paper, anticipating what comes next... but its empty. Confused, you look back at Manjiro, whos
On his knees.
His hands on a small square case which you hope has what you think is inside.
He's staring at you, with love, because he knows what you're answer is going to be
"Marry me?"
No words come out of your mouth as you nod your head while tears slowly drop down your face as he takes your precious hand and slides a golden ring with the engraving Sano.
"Then I'll bring you back here and I'll make you a Sano" he finishes the last sentence of his letter and kisses your hand, while your still in shock about what happened.
"We're, WE'RE MARRIED NOW! We're married now? Oh my gosh, we are married Manji" Manjiro never thought you would be freaking out more then him. He looked straight in your eyes, picked you up, and twirled you around, "YEAH! You're a Sano now!" You've never seen him this happy before.
He then picks up the drawing you put in the time capsule,
A wedding reception. The Sano family, and all your friends surrounding the side. And in the middle?
You and Manjiro as bride and groom
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koffeenoe · 2 years ago
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Mikey chikito ❤️🥺
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suns1stray · 2 years ago
Mikey's drunk
Y/N : ( touches mikey's arm )
Mikey : don't touch me you hoe !
Y/N : the hell??
Mikey : i will have you know that I am married tand i have a very beautiful wife !! So don't touching me !!!!
Y/N : well thanks, but manjiro , I AM YOUR WIFE !!
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flyby303 · 1 year ago
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Love these two 😻❤️😍
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yuyuhakuweeb · 1 year ago
Look at him...... LOOK. AT. HIM.
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tarkusmaxiboom · 2 years ago
Tokyo Revengers S2 EP12
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hazzalll-tskngl · 2 years ago
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tr-mha-fan · 6 months ago
Does anybody know a fic (idc if it's good or bad) where the author shows what happens in the Bonten timeline after Mikey and michi fall from the building? Whether Takemichi time travels or not, just a fic that shows what happens afterwards?
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shironezuninja · 2 years ago
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Batman teamed up with Spider-Man and IDW Publishing TMNT in past comic book collaborations. It should be Spidey’s turn to team up with the Turtles now.
Seeing Krang coming out of Leatherhead’s stomach became my stopping point in reading their comics. So I need some Mirage Comics fuel to ignite the flaming passion within me again.
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I love a smiley Mikey 🥹✨🫶🏼
And indeed everyone does love him. 🤍
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fionarara · 2 years ago
__ ❥ ___ ❥ ___ ❥ ___❥ __ _❥ _____ ❥ __ ❥ _____ ❥_ _❥ _______ ❥ ________ ❥ _ _❥ power bottom mikey ❥_ __ ❥_______________❥ __ ____ ❥___________❥ ____ ______ ❥______❥ ______ __________❥__________
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delulu-sushi · 9 months ago
First Date! Mikey x Y/N
A/N: Canon to my series, requests r open! This is long hehe but I hope u like!
July 6, 2005
A sudden knock on the front door catches you off guard so early in the morning, but the figure standing on your porch surprises you even more.
“N/N-chan!” Mikey flashes a handsome smile that gives you butterflies in your tummy as you awkwardly brush your messy hair with your fingers
“Wow Mikey, never thought you’d be awake before 1 pm” you say sarcastically trying to hide the fact that you were thinking about him this morning.
You can hear Draken chuckling in the back at your comment but Mikey’s smile never fades, in fact it grows bigger. “Come on! Let’s go!” Mikey says excitedly grabbing your wrist and pulling you from the house.
The summer breeze flows through your hair and carries your scent to Mikey’s nose, prompting him to speed up to move his mind away from your scent. But the sudden shift in speed causes you to wrap your arms around his waist tightly, you move your face to the back of his head, and he can feel your hot breath on his neck.
“Jiro!” Your plead to slow down clicks Mikey out of his daydreams, bringing his senses back to what was happening. As Mikey slows down, he moves his hands to yours, embracing his waist, and envelopes them in his hands. Tracing your fingers and offering comfort, Mikey breathlessly whispers to you that it’s ok, as he stops the bike.
You guys stay there for a second. Not because Mikey was tired or because you were scared. None of you wanted to let go of the other in these precious moments of serenity you found in each other.
Draken clears his throat and you quickly jolt your head up, awkwardly stumbling off the bike, Mikey following after you. You take in your surroundings, the bright green grass at the Shibuya park, no one around but the three of you. “So…” you say, “Are we just hanging out or something?”
Draken stares down at Mikey and Mikey looks back at you, creating a long silence between the three of you. You stare down at your shoes and start clicking your heels together, not noticing Mikey coming towards you until his shoes touch the tip of yours. You look up and blush at how close your face is to Mikey, your noses barely touching. You stumble back but Mikey catches you by the wrist and pulls you back towards him.
Your eyes, nose, lips. He wants it all to be his
“This is our first date” he blurts out, taking you by surprise
“First date… of what?” You ask whispering. Your whispering voice is calming and cute and Mikey catches himself smiling to it.
“Of us” he says back trying to hold a straight face
“Did I miss a few chapters of my life?” You answer sarcastically
Mikey just pouts at you and looks away to the side, his face blushing. Ever since he realized he started liking you, he could never imagine himself asking you out but he always imagined the perfect life with you.
You, you, you.
Mikey, the fearless, invincible, reckless fighter never imagined how hard it would be to ask out the girl he likes…
“Jiro?” You cup Mikey’s face and look at him with concern, “You were lost in your-“
Mikey suddenly cuts you off when he puts a finger over your mouth, sushing you. His hands move away from your wrist and trails down to intertwine your fingers, squeezing them. His eyes, staring right in yours.
“Can I be yours?”
The confession brought a surprised but relieved look on your face, and a hot red blush on Mikey’s.
“I -uh never expected you to ask me like that” Of all the things you could have said, now it was your turn to be embarrassed, “Um what I mean was-“
“So it’s a yes?”
Mikey asks with a meek face. His voice is full of hope, and his eyes full of love. You’ve never seen him this way but damn do you prefer it.
“Yes” you smile back watching Mikey erupt in a huge smile, embracing you with a big hug while practically jumping up and down like a kid
Surprisingly to you, Mikey had actually planned the rest of the day. Walking down the bustling streets of Shibuya proudly holding your hand and showing you off, while Draken solemnly third wheeled behind you two. Usually Draken would be cursing his life, but for once, he was glad the tension between you two was resolved. 
Mikey had planned to do all your favorite things, go to [ur fav restaurant], then go to an arcade and attempt to buy a cute toy, and finally, relax at a park and bring you back before your parents came back from work.
"N/N-chan" Mikey's voice... it wasn't excited, not his usual bubbly voice, but rather, shy. "Yea? Whats up!" You casually ask the blonde lying on the grass next to you. Hanging out in your favorite spot as Draken awkwardly steps to the side. You turn to face Mikey
Mikey's messy hair fell on his eyes as he turned to look at you, no, look in your eyes.
He trails his eyes down your arms to your fingers, and slowly moves to touch them, a small smile creeping on his face as he says them for the first time
"I love you"
"FINALLY" You can hear Draken burst out as you start giggling full of love, laughter, and every happy feeling possible as Mikey hides his face in redness, about to beat Kenny up.
A/N: this marks the end of the first date but if ur curious to see where it goes…: read this!
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koffeenoe · 2 years ago
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enojao >:3!!!
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tr-mha-fan · 11 months ago
This is so Manjiro Sano coded, like, especially the darkness part
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flyby303 · 2 years ago
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I do love me some Mikey-kun 😍
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 10 months ago
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decided to redo this but this time with my kin characters
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