#sano mikey
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Shinichiro: So anyway, then I-, wait. Hang on.
Shinichiro, standing and walking to the window, pulling it open and leaning out of it: Don't even think about it!
Baji: Oh, come on!
Mikey: How'd you know?!
Sanzu: I TOLD you they had people watching us!
Wakasa: What were they about to do?
Takeomi: We truly have no idea. But with these kids we’ve learned to play the odds
Benkei: Damn
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em1e · 2 years ago
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万次郎 // GIVEN THE CHOICE ⠀ ༝ ༝ bonten!mikey ⠀ ༝ ༝ 8.4k words ⠀ ⚠︎ big brother!draken, mentions of violence, character death, manga spoilers, pregnancy, angst, suggestive?, implied fem!reader but no pronouns. ⠀ — you've always liked mikey growing up. how do you tell him years down the line that you've had his kid?
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there’s not much to say about being the younger sibling to draken. 
even less about his delinquent friends he seemed to follow around like a puppy. 
but you could say a lot about his friend mikey. self-proclaimed leader at the age of eleven, you watched from the sidelines as he became the true leader of his silly group toman, saw how it’d develop to something more as you grow older. 
and as the years pass, you become more acquainted with those same people he’s always around - namely one baji keisuke, who made it very apparent from the start he wanted to be your friend because ‘only cool guys have a weak best friend’ and apparently no one else in toman was weak. 
days turn to weeks turn to years with you in their shadow, but you’ve never seemed to mind. 
you enjoy your view from the sidelines. 
“you can’t tell anyone.” you warn baji with a finger pointed in his direction, eyes narrowed as if that could somehow make your threat more lethal. 
he holds his hands up in mock-defense, taking a step away with his shoulders slouched, “you have my word.” 
you look away from him, arms crossing over your chest as you answer. 
“sorry?” he tilts his head, leaning forward, “didn’t quite catch that.” 
you feel yourself flush, hiding your face to mumble the reply, “mikey.” 
there’s a beat of silence for all of five seconds before he starts laughing. 
“you have a crush on mikey? of all people?” 
you shove him away from you when he leans against you for support, yet still manage to press your hand against his mouth because he’s so fucking loud, “quiet down,” you hiss out, “they’re supposed to be ‘round the corner, will you shut up?!” 
“just think it’s funny how you ‘nd your brother have a thing for each of the sano siblings-”
draken and mikey stumble upon you with a fist full of baji’s hair, the other hand pressed firmly against his mouth while he has his own shoving at your face to keep you away. 
and that’s just how most days go - when they aren’t terrorizing the city, they’re bothering you for one reason or another. 
until it isn’t. 
until kazutora gets released from juvie and baji leaves you in the dust and then dies after. . . it’s a lot to take in, especially for someone so young - so close to someone who suddenly drops it on you that they want nothing to do with you, and then you hear during the aftermath from your brother that he was begging for you to forgive him, for you to take care of mikey, too, because someone has to. 
until draken finds you curled in on yourself sobbing because even to the end, baji put other people above himself and it’s so fucking unfair that that’s how he meets his demise. 
you stay in your room for a week without moving. it takes draken practically dragging you out of the space to get you into the world again, mikey at his side with a frown. 
and maybe it’s from the mutual trauma of losing someone so close to you (despite it being a thousand times worse for mikey, since he was actively there at the scene), but you and mikey grow closer after baji’s death. 
you make sure one another eats, that you’ve done your assignments on time, that you’re getting enough sleep, that you’re taking care of yourselves. 
it stays like that for a while, you tucked behind mikey and draken like a secret, something no one else can touch or bother with emma at your side. 
and then she dies, too. 
her death was the breaking point for them, you think. 
unexpected and quick and cruel that mikey had to watch her pass, the tensions eating away at them and bursting at the seams from the announcement of her death. when draken came back home with busted knuckles and tear-stained cheeks, it broke you because your big brother was supposed to be the strong one. a piece of you chipped away when he crumbled in your embrace, sobs wrecking through his body while you held him close. 
the funeral isn’t any better, tensions still high, and draken steps away at the end when you move to talk to mikey. 
you promise to check in on him when you can, pull him into a hug while offering your condolences, and when you separate he doesn’t look at you as he says his thanks. 
when you make your way to draken, you will yourself to glance back at mikey and . . . he looks so small, standing beside his grandpa. unfocused on the people that come up, shake his hand with frowns, then leave. as if feeling your stare on him, he looks up to meet your gaze, and with such a small glance, you can see how heavily everything’s weighed down on him. how cruel the world has been to him, and how it remains unrelenting of punches. 
he looks away before you do, and draken pulling you close to him by the shoulder to keep you from walking into someone draws your attention away from mikey. 
weeks turn to months, passing without a hitch, and you do your best to check in on mikey when you can. some days you visit and his grandpa answers the door, turning you away because mikey’s out and he doesn’t know where he is - most days your texts and calls go unanswered. 
ken later informs you toman’s disbanded and he isn’t sure what to do with himself. despite your best efforts, getting in contact with mikey becomes harder and harder, until it becomes an impossible feat altogether. 
years pass with no contact - with everyone lives moving forward, with your brother owning his own bike shop and inupi coming to work with him, and you getting an insane job offer for your dream position. it’s crazy amazing for someone your age to see an opportunity like this, and you’re elated beyond belief by the proposition, except . . . it’s on the other side of japan. 
you’d have to leave everything you’ve ever known for the chance of a lifetime, and it’s your brother who encourages you to take it. 
“who knows if something like this could happen again,” he says with a smile, ruffling your hair in a way that big brothers do, “you’ll always have a home here to come to if things don’t pan out.” 
you see everyone you can in the weeks before you leave, even manage to pin down mitsuya for coffee before he leaves for another exciting runway event in italy (you tease how you wish you’d be going there instead - he offers an invite once you’re settled in your new apartment). 
the only person you couldn’t pinpoint a location for was . . . mikey. 
despite your many calls to the old number you have stored in your phone, searching for him at his old childhood home, even asking draken and the other friends from his old gang - no one knew. you amaze yourself with your own detective skills, though, by some miracle able to find an address - you applaud yourself as you step to the door, double checking the apartment number matches what you have written down before you knock. 
there’s a moment where you stand dumbly waiting for someone to open the door, and you think for a second maybe you have the wrong apartment, or maybe he’s not home, or -
there’s a click of the lock sounding, the door creaking open just enough for you to see the darkness inside. 
you brighten when mikey peeks his head around the door, leaning against the frame and just . . . staring, expression unreadable. 
“hi . . .” you breath out, “’ve been lookin’ for you.” 
“that spells trouble.” he says without missing a beat, looking down both ends of the hall before he pushes the door open further. an invitation to enter, one you take gratefully. 
“for who?” you can’t help but tease, eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room as you spin to face him closing the door, “me? or you?” 
“depends on how this goes.” he shrugs, leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest. 
you don't take his words as the threat they are, smile still as bright as when he first pulled open the door, “how have you been? it’s been a while.” 
“‘ve been better,” he looks away from you, “definitely been worse.” 
“wellll, “ you spin on your heel to get a look at his apartment, reaching for the wall where the lightswitch sits and flipping them on, “what have you been up to? s’nice apartment, even better with the lights on.” you chastise lightly, making yourself at home somewhere you surely could never consider it to be. 
when you turn back to face him, he’s already behind you, hand on your wrist, still touching the switch. 
“what do you want, (y/n)?” he asks. your gaze softens on him, now able to take in the light bags under his eyes, the way his frame is smaller than you remember. 
“to talk,” you answer gingerly, reaching forward to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, “to see you and know you’re not dead in a ditch in roppongi.”
“you can clearly see i’m not, s’there more?, ” the words leave his lips bitterly, contrasting how his eyes flutter closed, how he leans into your touch. 
“‘m moving pretty far,” you add after a moment of silence, “otherside of japan. just wanted to see you’re okay before i leave.” your thumb rubs gentle circles into his cheek, head tilting when his eyes snap open at the admission. 
“what for?” he pries, and the way he asks reminds you of when you were kids; when he’d beg and beg and beg to play with the toy you were already playing with if only for the fact that you were playing with it, how he’d whine and pout until you relented because you couldn’t stand the idea of him being upset with you. 
“a job,” you’re completely transparent as you answer, “‘the opportunity of a lifetime’. it felt . . . i dunno, wrong? to not share the good news with you-mph?” 
you're silenced by him suddenly pulling you to him, lips pressed to your own with his hands cupping your cheeks, and truth be told it’s everything fourteen-year-old you dreamed of and more. everything you ever wanted in life kissing you in his apartment before you go miles and miles away to start a completely different dream and it hurts. 
but you don’t have it in you to push him away, not when he presses you against the wall to deepen the kiss, or when he pulls your clothes off of you with a desperation that leaves you whining and begging, or when he guides you to his bedroom and continues his affection that holds the passion and emotion that’d been buried under fifteen years of dirt. he brings out each skeleton from the closet with every thrust until the both of you are spent, laying naked in each other’s embrace until you fall asleep. 
it’s surprising, almost, to wake up the next morning alone in a bed that isn’t yours. 
there’s no sign of mikey when you look around the apartment, the only tell of him even staying in the form of a stack of cash with a note in his familiar handwriting left on the kitchen counter. 
hope this helps you get started in the new city. - mikey 
a number sits in a smaller font under the note, in even smaller writing it says for emergencies, use this number. 
it feels weird, taking the money with no way to show your appreciation, so you rip a small corner from the paper and write your thanks out, the promise of visiting him soon when you’re back in town added with a heart at the end of your note. 
two days later, and you’re driving to a new city with your entire life packed in suitcases and boxes - a moving truck scheduled to deliver your belongings a day after you get to your apartment. 
almost two months pass, and you find you’re settling well; everyone at the company adores you, and the building your apartment’s in sits across from a nice ramen shop that you like to go to every tuesday night after you get paid. 
you come down with a stomach bug, one you can’t seem to shake, and after a week of calling out and forcing yourself to work despite being exhausted and crabby and ill, you go to the doctor. 
imagine your surprise when he tells you you’re fucking pregnant. 
two months, in fact, proven with the sonogram he sets you up with, and you’re calling your brother in hysterics in your car when the appointment is over. 
“pregnant?” he repeats over the phone, after taking the first five minutes of the call just trying to calm you down, “by who?” 
you’re chewing your lip raw as you answer, “mikey . . .” 
there’s a beat of silence, before you’re whispering out, “‘m scared, ken. i-i’m miles from home and-and i just started this job and i don’t even know if i can take care of a baby on my own-” 
“you’re gonna keep it?” he asks, tone genuine. 
“i . . . yeah, i think so - i-i mean, i want to . . . is that stupid? is that a stupid want for me to have?” your lip wobbles waiting for his answer. 
“no, but . . . s’lot of work, (y/n). if it’s something you do want, you know i’ll support you in any way i can, you just gotta tell me how to help.” 
“i wan’a come home.” you settle, and the way the words leave your lips remind you of a child, begging a parent for something so small when this is anything but. 
“we can do that,” draken promises, “i’ll get a flight and help you pack or get inupi to ride with me. we’ll figure it all out, don’t stress.” 
you sniffle, wiping at your face hastily, “kay . . . okay. thank you ken.” 
“f’course,” you can hear the smile in his voice over the phone, “s’what big brother’s are for.” 
and the next few weeks are filled with moving your life back home, with the help of draken and inupi. the people at your job are nothing but happy at the news for you, despite being sad to see you go - they wish you the best in life, though, and even offer another position to apply if you ever decide to come back to the area. it’s sweet, really. 
you move into draken’s house and have a healthy baby boy that looks so much like mikey, you think it might kill you. you name him shin. 
he makes you promise to not try to seek out mikey one night, after you’d rocked shin to sleep and put him down in his crib. 
“no one knows what he’s been up to,” he argues quietly when your brows furrow at the demand, “and frankly, the few ties i still have with gangs make me worried from what little things they tell me.” 
“but those could just be rumors,” you frown, “he deserves to know he has a kid.” 
“it’s dangerous, (y/n).” draken settles with the finality of a parent telling their kid they can’t have another cookie, “‘m serious. don’t try to contact him.” 
despite the weight the conversation holds, you can’t help but stick your tongue out at him childishly. something he returns, only to narrowly dodge the stuffed animal you throw his way in opposition. 
and though the warnings loom in the air, you can’t help but try to let mikey know - calling the number he left countless times, trying to use your rusty detective skills that aided you in finding him almost a year ago, just trying to make him aware that you had his son. 
you don’t seek child support, or demand otherworldly things that a parent could only dream of (a rocking chair that massages your back and automatically rocks? you drool at the thought), you just feel it’s something he deserves to know. something he should be given a choice to be a part of. 
except he’s known since you moved back. 
it was a difficult task, keeping tabs on you when you were so far away, but he knew from the day you settled into draken’s home by word of mouth from koko. it must’ve been a punishment for koko, to check in on all of their friend’s from their pasts, to make sure their lives are going how they want them to and make sure everyone is happy. 
mikey couldn’t stomach the photos koko would offer, waving them away and requesting the verbal update instead, and when your son is born, he’s only informed that there’s no father on the birth certificate. your attempts to contact him died in vein, the number he gave you belonging to an old throw away phone he got rid of a week after he left it with you. he didn’t think you’d ever need it. 
three years pass, and koko would be damned to say the kid doesn't look like a photocopy of mikey. wild blond hair, all bright eyed and sweet. 
you work at a diner now, usually leave shin with draken and inupi for your nightshift and ken takes him home when he’s done at the garage. 
it’s cute, the way they interact with him - they let him get in the way of their work, careful so he doesn’t get hurt, but allow his curiosity and grubby hands grab hold of tools and bolts and pieces they need. 
you're not overly fond of letting shin have his way with whatever he can pinch between his fingers, since usually whatever he does find ends up in his mouth like a chew toy, but ken and inupi tease you for being too overprotective. 
you still live with ken, despite insisting the need to get out of his hair, but he promises it’s okay to take your time since he adores his nephew and doesn’t mind helping, and inupi’s became a good friend by proxy. 
it’s rare for you and your brother to argue, especially in front of shin, and truly you’re not sure what sparked the conversation in the first place - all you know is you’re upset. 
“inupi, tell my brother it’s unfair for mikey to not know he has a kid.” 
“inui, tell my sibling if mikey wanted to be involved, he would be. simple as that.” 
“we don’t even know if he knows,” you groan out, leaving inupi to hold up his hands defensively. 
“i have no argument in this.” is all he offers. 
“but you have some insight, “ you counter, kneeling down when shin tugs on your pants, “you know the story-” 
“i’m just sayin’ you’ve tried for three years-” draken starts.
“-four years, “ he continues, “and you’ve gotten nothing. i don’t see a need for you to continue if you’ve come up empty handed for so long.” 
“because, ken-” 
shin’s lip wobbles for a second before he bursts into tears, gripping the front of your shirt until you’re shushing him and pulling you towards him in a hug, “shhh, baby, it’s okay. what’s wrong?” 
he continues to cry despite you rocking him, and it takes draken pulling him out of your arms while tickling his sides to make him stop. 
“prob’ly didn’t like the arguing.” inupi comments, dodging a wrench you throw his way with a glare. 
“we’ll talk about this later,” you sigh out, standing on your toes to squeeze shin’s cheeks, “i love, love, love you.” you emphasize each ‘love’ with a kiss to his chubby cheeks, happy to hear his crying replaced with giggles and incoherent toddler babble. 
your shift at work isn’t anything special - you have some regulars that come in at the odd hours of night, and by the end of your shift, you’re the last to leave; finishing out some paperwork the managers can’t be bothered to do despite getting paid far less than them to do it. 
you fish your keys from your bag, unlock your car, ready to begin the short drive home but . . . your car won’t start. 
of course it doesn’t. it’s an older model, one you were supposed to take to the scrap yard for a slightly newer model last month but couldn’t because shin unexpectedly got sick and you had to fork out some cash to make sure he got better. 
you sigh, pop the hood of the vehicle as if maybe some of your brother’s knowledge of mechanics could somehow transfer to you, and call the aforementioned male. 
it rings. . . and rings . . and rings. no answer. 
you try again. 
you kick at the front bumper in frustration, running a hand over your face in search of another contact. surely inupi is awake at two in the morning, right? 
the call rings out, and you’re really worried it’s going straight to voicemail for a second, but he picks up on seemingly the last buzz, “hello?” he sounds groggy, like you did just wake him up. you don’t have time to dwell on the thought when a group of guys appear from the sidewalk, spotting and attempting to talk to you in one breath. 
“car won’t start?” one asks, nudging his friend as they make their way closer to you, “we can help.” 
you turn away from them, “hey inui, can you come get me from work? ken didn’t answer and my car won’t start.” 
“hey.” the guys are much closer now, one stepping around to the front of the car while the other two stand off to your right, vying for your attention. 
“yeah f’course. there other people around you?” there’s some shuffling from inupi’s end, like he’s getting out of bed. 
“yeah. um, how long till you can be here?” 
“ten? minutes maybe.” you swallow at the answer. 
“great, i’ll see you in five.” 
you pull the phone from your ear slightly, turning back to face the two guys to your right, “i don’t need any help, i have a friend on the way-” 
there’s only a moment between you dismissing their assistance before the guy who was at the front of your car is shoving at your shoulder and pinning you to the side of your car, one hand pressed firmly to your mouth while the other squeezes your wrist until your phone falls from your hand and kicks it away. 
you shove a hand at his face, trying to reach into your bag for your taser or pocket knife or a really sharp pencil when the guy moves his hand from your mouth to your throat, squeezing hard enough you’re sure it’ll bruise, while tearing your bag from your shoulder and throwing it to sit with your phone. 
the smell of alcohol comes off of him in waves when he grins, leaning down to get a good look at you, “we can ‘elp ya,” he offers, “but not for free.” 
your nails bite into the skin of his wrist, the need to breath overtaking every other sense desperately while you continue to kick and claw at him.
his grip only relents at the sound of a motorcycle idling in the parking lot, but the pressure of his hand still keeps you in place by the throat, head turning to address who could see fit to interrupt this ‘exchange’. the man on the bike adjusts the mask on his face, tucks his long platinum hair to the side, seeming to ignore the eyes on him. 
“diner’s closed,” one of the other guys says, stepping towards the stranger, “and we’re kinda busy here ourselves-” 
he doesn’t get the chance to really say what they’re doing when the guy steps off the bike and just swings. 
his fist meets the guy's cheek with a harsh thwack while mumbling, “shouldn’t touch shit that doesn’t belong to you.” 
the guy holding you up releases his grip completely, leaving you to drop to the ground when your legs buckle under your weight, frozen and left only watching as the two remaining men are taken down easily by your potential savior. 
when the three stay unmoving on the ground, he crouches in front of you, adjusting the mask on his face once again while taking in your shaken form. 
“you okay?” you don’t trust your voice, so you only nod, “is someone on the way to get you? or d’ya need a ride?” 
you nod again, “i-inui’s coming.” you manage to whisper out, unable to catch the way his eyes widen slightly as he stands to his full height. 
he begins to walk away, back to his motorcycle that’s still running, but his steps hesitate when you call out, “is that you, koko?” 
he doesn’t turn to face you, doesn’t address if you’re correct in your assumption, “don’t worry ‘bout all this,” he says instead, “i’ll take care of it.” 
and then he’s climbing onto his bike, pulling out of the parking lot less than a minute before inupi’s pulling into it. 
you’re still on the ground when he rushes towards you to see if you’re okay, stepping over the unconscious bodies with little regard. you recount what happened, which inupi dismisses since he remained on the phone until he pulled into the parking lot. 
“do . . . was it really koko?” he asks, helping you up from the cement and gathering the items that spilled from your bag, offering your now cracked phone to you with a frown. 
“i’m not sure . . . i never really knew him like you did, “ you reach into your car to grab the important belongings and shove them in your bag, “it didn’t look like him but . . . it sounded like him. was his eyes, i think.” 
inupi looks away at this, “so what do you wanna do? ‘bout these guys?” 
you swallow, keeping your stare away from the three on the floor, “he said he'd take care of it and i don’t . . . i just wanna go home.”
“okay,” inui’s hand finds it place at the small of your back, guiding you gently to his bike and helping you on, “i’ll take you home.” 
when inupi walks you through the foyer, draken’s in front of you the second the door falls shut. 
you can see his worry in the crease of his brow, from the way he grabs your shoulders to give you a once-over and frowning at the way your neck seems to be irritated beyond belief, “are you okay? i-i had to put shin back to bed because he woke up ‘nd i didn’t have my phone on me but when tried calling back but you didn’t answer.” 
“‘m okay . . .” you assure, peeling yourself away from him, “gonna go shower . . um, inui can tell you what happened.” 
your voice is so small as you speak, ken can only nod and watch you disappear into the hall before he turns to inui, who delves into the story based on what he heard over the phone and what you told him when he arrived.
you scrub your skin raw in the shower, until it almost stings from how harsh you rub. you slip out of the bathroom quietly after, sneak your way into shin’s nursery and sit by his bed for just a second to decompress, rubbing the boys back softly while he sleeps. 
the peace is disrupted by ken peeking his head around the door, “c’mon, we gotta talk ‘bout it.” 
you almost pout, childlike, “do we have to?”
the look he gives you offers no leeway to argue, so you sigh and press a kiss to shin’s hair before standing, deciding now isn’t the time to start an argument. 
inupi’s gone when you come out to the living room, tucking your legs under yourself as you sit on the couch with ken beside you. 
you feel like a child they way you explain what happened, unable to look at him as you speak. ken visibly stiffens at the mention of the potential koko coming to your aid, interrupting you mid story to remind you, “you know it doesn’t matter that he helped you, right. you’re not gonna go out lookin’ for him or mikey or whoever else.” 
you frown at his words, opening your mouth to argue but he shakes his head before you can, “no, (y/n), ‘m serious. it’s too dangerous.”
you look down, defeated, but nod your head, “okay . . . fine.”
and really, you had full intention to abide by the warning. but . . . your boss called you the next day, said something about the diner being closed for the next few days because of something you couldn’t be bothered to remember and that you’d still be paid for the lost hours. 
the details don’t matter, really. you drop shin off with draken as usual, avoid mentioning the fact that you have the day off, and leave with the intent to use the next free hours just . . . looking. for koko or mikey or anyone who might know anything about either of them. 
it’s stupid, you think, to search and pry so openly, bouncing from bars and clubs asking anyone who’ll listen, but within three hours, you’ve gathered the following; 
mikey runs some big name gang. baton? batten? something. 
he has some executives that help run his gang, some of which own a few of the clubs in the shiftier parts of the city – haitani’s? you think they’re called?
the haitani’s are close to koko, who’s close to mikey, and really that’s the only thing you need. 
so you continue going from club to club, under the impression that apparently the haitani’s frequent their own clubs just about every night. you hear about a nicer club towards the edge of the city, one they favor to the other’s since the liquor is stronger and the girls are prettier – but these are all things you’ve heard from other people, so who knows how true it really is.
when you make it to the club, you wonder if your sundress is something considered to be ‘underdressed’. surely the juice stain on the front isn’t working in your favor as the bouncer gives you a once-over. 
“yer lookin’ for who, now?” he asks, one brow raised with his arms crossed over his chest. 
if you had any sense in you, you’d probably be scared of the way he eyes you down, but growing up around idiots who don’t know when to stop messing around has really ruined your fight or flight response. 
“the haitani brothers..” you reply, mocking the way he crosses his arms over his chest, “i heard they sometimes come by here, i thought maybe-” 
“you thought, huh?” his eyes rake over your form, and your arms shift protectively around yourself instead of mocking him, “well i think you should get outta here ‘fore you get hurt.” 
“i just need to know if they’re here-” 
he turns away from you with a hand pressed to the earpiece sitting in his ear, looking into the building before he turns to face you again with a squinted glare, “you sure they’re the right one? yeah. yeah. right. i’ll send ‘em up.” 
he gestures towards the inside of the building, nodding his head, “straight ahead, up the stairs.”
with those instructions, you head towards the back of the club and find a set of stairs, separated by a velvet rope with another bouncer standing in front of it. as if expecting your arrival, he unhooks the rope from its place and steps aside, gesturing for you to follow the stairs up. 
at the top of the stairs sits a closed door and when you push it open, peeking around it to get a look inside, you see a nice couch with two guys perched on them - one with a girl who you can assume is from the club sitting in his lap, while the other sips from the drink in his hand, eyeing you the second you’re past the threshold. 
the one with the girl in his lap openly squeezes her ass, grinning at you when you look away quickly. he leans forward, whispering something in her ear, and she stands with a pout, practically glaring at you as she leaves. 
the door clicks shut behind her, and you’re left in awkward silence with the thrum of music playing under your feet. 
after a moment, the one with a drink in hand tilts his head at you, “what’s a pretty thing like you doin’, askin’ for us by name?” 
“‘m lookin’ for koko . . .” you voice is smaller than you remember, making you almost cringe in on yourself at the way they eat it up. 
“why’re ya lookin’ for our koko?” 
“w-we’re friends.” you stutter out, “i just. . . need to talk to him.” 
“where’d all that confidence go?” the one who had the girl in his lap tsks as he stands, “we heard you over his comms, you were practically demanding to talk to us - now you’re a stuttering lil’ mess. what happened between now and then?” 
he stops in front of you, head tilted as he looms over you, “maybe you should get to know us first. ‘m ran, that’s rindou. thought we knew ‘bout all the nice things koko keeps hidden away.” 
though he isn’t speaking to you for the last part, his eyes don’t leave you while they rake over your face, over your body. he reaches to cup your cheek, almost pouting at the way you flinch away from the contact with a frown. 
“i’m just lookin’ for koko.” you settle with, leaning away from him. 
ran actually does pout at this, bottom lip jutted out. “you’re tellin’ me we can’t have some fun before he gets here?” 
“that’s exactly what they’re sayin’, actually.” someone says from behind you, and you jump when you’re being pulled away from ran by your upper arm. a glance behind you reveals the man you’ve been waiting for - koko, with his hair pulled neatly to the side and a scowl on his face. 
ran grins at the sight of him, clapping his hands as if he wasn’t just making you uncomfortable. rindou just clicks his tongue. 
“s’a shame you got here so quick. thought we’d have some time to get to know ‘em.” 
“as if you’d try.” koko accuses, fingers digging into your skin, “you know he’d be pissed if you did anything.” 
“who said anything ‘bout trying anything. just wanna know who’s got our dear boss so worked up all the time.” 
instead of giving him the satisfaction of a reply, koko fully faces you with his eyes narrowing to further slits, “you must be crazy to come here, even crazier to ask around for us in the first place.” 
“i need to see mikey,” you frown, “was the only way i could think of since it was you that showed up the other day, right?”
you can see the way he clenches his jaw, muscles tight, “doesn’t matter. do you know how dangerous it was for you to ask around for us? mikey isn’t someone you can just see anyways-” 
“why can’t they?” rindou, seemingly the only sensible guy in the room, questions, “they wanna talk to ‘im, he’d only be one call away.” 
“you know why.” koko snaps, heavy weight of his glare moving from you to the male, “we can’t just-” 
ran’s phone rings from his pocket, effectively silencing koko mid sentence, and when he pulls it out, he waves it in front of koko with a sharp-toothed grin, “speak of the devil.” 
you open your mouth to ask, maybe even demand the phone from ran as he answers, but a sharp squeeze to your arm from koko leaves you quiet - a silent warning heard loud and clear. 
don’t say a word. 
ran’s eyes rake over your form as he answers, licking his lips like you could be his next meal, “yeah? he just got here. no, i would never! i’m offended you think i would,” whatever mikey’s saying has him grinning like a schoolgirl, gaze moving from you to koko, “if ya wanted to talk to him, why didn’t you call him. yeah, whatever, whatever, fine.” 
he offers the phone to koko, who grimaces at the device. 
“wants to talk to you.” ran elaborates, as if the implication wasn’t clear enough. 
koko snatches the phone from him with a glare, letting go of your arm to turn away from the two of you, “hello?” 
you can barely make out the sound of someone on the other line, lip pulled between your teeth when you see how koko’s face pinches in distaste for whatever mikey could be saying. 
“are you sure that’s a good idea. no, that's not what i'm saying at all - okay, fine. yeah, i’ll take ‘em there. sure. bye.” 
he hangs up with a scowl, tossing ran back his phone as he turns to reface you, “come on, we’re gonna go somewhere.” 
“to mikey?” you ask, hope leaking off your tongue. 
he doesn’t reply, opening the door and gesturing for you to exit the room when you don’t immediately begin moving. 
you offer a small wave goodbye to ran and rindou, despite the fact that there was no pleasure in meeting them in the first place, and you miss the glare koko sends them once you’re walking down the steps. koko leads you out of the club, guiding you by the upper arm through the sea of people until you’re stepping into the cool night air outside. 
though you’re no longer in the middle of the thrum of people, koko’s grasp on your arm doesn’t leave until he’s stopping in front of a sleek black car. a cadillac, maybe? mercedes? you’ve never been good with vehicles. 
he opens the door for you, though, and you have enough sense to mumble a small thanks as you climb in. 
when he enters through the driver’s door, he pauses for a minute, letting the silence wash over the two of you while gripping the steering wheel. 
“it really is stupid of you to come around here, ” he says finally, still looking straight ahead while you move to carefully pull your seatbelt on, “i shouldn’t even take you to him, you know. i should just take you home.” 
“you don’t have room to talk about stupid decisions,” you snap in time with the click of the buckle, “inupi and i have mourned the loss of people we care about who are still alive and well, that’s not fair.” 
you see the way his jaw clenches, knuckles turning white from how hard he holds the steering wheel. 
“we made sacrifices for you-” 
“i made sacrifices too,” you frown, thinking about the lost opportunities to raise your son, “and i just want five minutes of talking to mikey. is that too much to ask?” 
“you have other people to look out for instead, “ koko clicks his tongue, grip relenting as he looks over to you, “just remember that you asked for this.” 
the weight of his words settle heavy in the air as he puts the car in reverse and pulls out of the parking lot. 
the car ride is silent aside from the soft music that plays from the radio, turned to low volume. koko doesn’t move to break the silence, and you don’t have it in you to disrupt the tension that builds, anxiety creeping under your skin until it pops into goosebumps on the surface when he pulls in front of a large apartment building. 
“you’re gonna go to the top floor,” koko explains, not looking over at you, “he should already be there.” 
“should?” you parrot, nerves catching up with you. 
“if not already then soon.” he clicks the button to unlock the doors for you, and your breath stutters at the sound, fingers dancing around the door handle. 
“okay . . . thank you, koko. it’s . . . it is good to see you again. inupi would be happy to know you’re okay.” 
you don’t stay long enough to hear the way he inhales sharply, don’t see the way he tenses from the words. koko doesn’t wait for you to enter the building before he drives off, and you don’t look back as you push open the doors. 
the lobby is cold, you note dully, and it must be the reason your hairs stand on end when you find your way to the elevators. you wrap your arms around yourself after stepping inside of them, pressing the button to the top floor and willing your heart to not beat out of your chest. 
you realize just how much money mikey must have when the doors open to a penthouse - the entire floor being taken up as the apartment. you slowly step inside, sliding off your shoes by elevator and peek around inside the open area, spotting a living room, kitchen, and dining room all in the space. there’s a hall that cuts off towards the right of the room and you wonder if that’s where the bedroom(s?) and bathroom are. 
it feels wrong, almost, being here alone. though the room is definitely well furnished (the couch itself looks like it costs more than your broken down car), it feels . . . devoid of life. like maybe it’s only a place for rest - not a home. there’s no comfort of connection anywhere in the building, no vulnerability in personal property. you make your way further into the living room, eyeing the art hanging on the wall as if it could mean something to you. 
“i really thought he’d take you home.” you jump at the sound of a voice, whirling around to face whoever could be speaking. 
your mouth dries at the sight. 
mikey, but surely not your mikey, with his hair cropped short and paler than anything you remember, with bags under his eyes and frame thinner than what could be considered healthy, steps into view from the hall, hands in the pockets of his jeans. 
words die on your lips when he stops beside you, leaning back as if really taking in the painting you were eyeballing, head tilting, “heard you wanted to talk to me. must’ve been important if you went through all that trouble just to find me.” 
you don’t know what possesses you to take the first swing, to hit at his shoulder and his chest with tears welling in your eyes, but you do. 
and by some miracle, he lets you. it probably helps your hits are weak, with no intention to really harm - only needing an outlet for the emotions you’d been harboring for four fucking years. 
“why didn’t you call me,” you whisper when you’re finished with your barrage of hits, letting him guide you to the couch and sit you down on it, placing himself on the other end, “i-i wrote to you, i texted, i called, i looked for four years, mikey, and i got nothing in return. do you even know what for?” 
when you look at him, his gaze is set straight ahead to the wall across from the two of you, to the flatscreen tv that’s been off since you’d arrived - and who knows how long before that. 
“i’ve been busy.” he offers instead of answering, stare unwavering despite the way you frown and sigh out your disappointments. 
"too busy to respond? to even acknowledge my existence? what kind of fucking answer is that!?" you’re heated all over again by his lack of concession, at the way his eyes don’t leave the screen of the tv until you’re standing up from the couch with your arms out beside you, then tucking them into yourself and turning away from him, “koko was right, he should’ve just taken me home-” 
“why’d you come?” he asks instead, gaze finally moving from the tv to you. 
the question makes you pause, dig your nails into your arms as if that could somehow ground you. 
“i . . . we have a son.” you say finally, not turning to face him as the words leave your lips. 
you’re met with a beat of silence before he says, “i know.” 
i know. i know. i know, i know i know i know. 
he knew. 
he knew. 
“you know?” you repeat, turning to face him, suddenly quieter than before. 
“that you had a son,” he clarifies, face unreadable as he continues, “wasn’t sure if he was mine.” 
“how?” you press, legs buckling under your weight and leaving you to fall back down to the couch. 
“we . . . i’ve had koko do check-ins on everyone, every now and then,” he looks away at the admittance, “to make sure their lives are going well. did you know mitsuya’s a designer now? hakkai’s even modeled a few of his designs, and chifuyu and kazutora own a pet shop together, too” he’s deflecting, you can tell from the way he keeps his stare even and away from your own. 
“i do know,” you snap, “because they visit when they can. they want to see their nephew when they’re able to come by.” 
the way you bite your words out should sting, should hurt in a way he can’t place, but they don’t. he’s done this to himself, he knows, he’s just reaping what he’s sown. 
“why’d you leave?” you whisper out, “w-why’d you just disappear? why didn’t you respond to me? why did it take me getting hurt for you guys to make yourself known?”
he opens his mouth to reply, to say anything, but he doesn’t have an answer that will satisfy you. he knows that, and that is enough reason for him to keep his mouth shut. 
“have you seen him?” you’re still whispering, appalled he couldn’t assume your son was his - as if you didn’t pick the name shin for him. mikey shakes his head and it has you pulling out your phone with shaking hands, shoving it in his face until the lock screen photo of you, your son, and draken glare brightly back at him. 
his gaze moves from you to your phone, eyes scanning over the photo before they flit over to your face. 
“i didn’t know he was ours.” he defends, looking away, and you push the phone further into his face so he can’t escape it. 
“i’m telling you now that he is. “ you’re leaning into his space now, emphasize the need to look at the photo with another shake, and when he looks at you, really looks at you, his eyes trail from your own to your lips, to the bruises that marr your neck from the night prior. 
he tips your chin up to get a better look at them, setting you with a look when you offer some resistance, “did those guys do this to you?” you nod, “they won’t touch you again. no one will.” 
you frown at the implication, pushing his hand away with the hand not holding your phone, and he grabs that hand by the wrist when he spots the bruises decorating the skin there, taking it in with a still expression. 
“i can take care of you guys,” he settles, “make sure you never need or want anything. you won’t have to work at that shitty diner anymore. our kid would have anything he could ever desire.” 
his hand comes up to cup your cheek, wipes the stray tear that falls from your eyes, and against your better judgment, you lean into his touch. 
“i’m not asking that of you,” you explain, closing your eyes and willing any other tears that want to fall away, “you don’t even know his name.” you remind him, opening your eyes and standing when your phone starts to ring. you wipe at your face hastily, looking at the caller id, and only get a glance of the name ken before mikey’s pulling you down into his lap. 
you make a noise of disagreement, phone falling from your grasp to the couch beside the two of you from the sudden movement. 
“tell me his name.” he says, one hand still holding your wrist while the other keeps you in place by the hip. 
he practically demands it, eyes boring into your own as they search for the answer. 
“shin,” you reply after a moment, pulling your lip between your teeth, “i named him shin.” 
the hand at your hip grips it tighter, fingers digging into the flesh until it almost hurts. 
“shinichiro, yeah.” you don't know if it’s really necessary to clarify, but you don’t have a second to think about it when he suddenly surges forward, capturing your lips with his own. 
you falter for only a second before you’re returning the kiss with fervor, the hand not being held by mikey gripping the front of his shirt to pull him closer. 
“i will take care of you guys,” he promises when he pulls away from your lips to press his own to your chin, trailing down to your jaw and settling at the junction of your throat, peppering kisses at the free expanse of skin until it’s decorated pretty with hickies. 
his fingers dance under the hem of your dress, pulling you flush against him until your senses are full of nothing but, “can give ‘nother, you guys’ll have everything you could ever want.” he continues, the hand moving under your dress skimming across the tops of your thighs and pressing against your stomach. 
you whine, quiet and high in the back of your throat that leaves him grinding against you, hand moving from your stomach to your bare hip to guide you. he’s saying so many things, whispering so many assurances in your ear, and for a second, it’s too much. 
too overstimulating and happening too fast, but the way he holds you is so familiar, so comforting and warm and god you’ve missed him so fucking much. your phone buzzes to your right from the couch, and you pull away for a second to see it light up, see your brother’s contact pop up in that short amount of time before he’s forcing your attention back to him with a pinch to your hip, fingers pressing into your cheeks to turn your head back towards him. 
“eyes on me,” he demands, “keep your eyes on me.” 
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aryomengrande · 1 month ago
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aryomengrande's 127 squad (2024 division) ᕦ(ò_ó)ᕤ
← 2023 division | 2025 division →
happy 1/27 day !! you placed my artworks of keisuke baji, hajime kokonoi, and haruchiyo sanzu in 1st, 2nd, and 7th place in my most liked pieces across all my platforms last year, making it eligible for them to be in my 127 squad (⌐▰U▰) can i js say neo truly got my back last year bc baji and sanzu made it to 127 squad ?? ( ಥ‿ಥ ) neo truly got koko's back as well bc he's once again in the no. 2 spot lmao (koko give chance to others this year ok (눈_눈)) anyway, thank u to everyone who showed these posts a lot of love ! (∩˃o˂∩)♡ excited to see which ones get in the 127 squad this year ! ♡
deets under the cut
the album reference for baji is favorite (catharsis ver.). baji is my favorite character from TR, there is no one else i'm gonna crossover favorite album except for him. baji is also associated with vampires bc of his sharp canines which fits favorite perfectly bc the title track is entitled favorite (vampire).
the background is from lee taeyong and mark lee's parts in the music video. i'm enamored by that set, the woods, the lighting, the hearts, the envelopes, the apples...it's eye candy to me !
baji's pose is mark's pose and his drip is taeyong's.
a lil thing i added that's not related to favorite or nct 127 is the bejeweled bracelet. it appears in my birthday art for baji last year as well as my new year's art that also features him. gotta stay committed to the bit ( ̄ー ̄(_ _(
the album reference for koko is 2 baddies (faster ver.). nothing more koko-coded than flaunting wealth hdjsjs as the title track goes, '2 baddies, 2 baddies, 1 porsche' ✧˖°
the reference for koko is yuta nakamoto ♡
so usually i put their full names instead of the album title right and w koko's i js put '1 kokonoi' bc hajime means 'one' so it already means 'hajime kokonoi' which i like bc it mirrors the album title (2 baddies : 1 kokonoi).
the album reference for sanzu is cherry bomb. 'a cherry bomb that has been pickled for quite some time, you don't know when it'll burst' ; sanzu's always been chill in the beginning and then suddenly js snaps at some point lol a real cherry bomb (he has pink hair too, it's not red, but y'know, close enough ! 🍒)
the reference for sanzu is a combination of johnny suh and yuta nakamoto—it's johnny's teaser photo, the outfit is johnny's oufit during a live performance of cherry bomb (nctzens iykyk HAHAAH) but the format is from yuta's teaser photo.
originally, the person on the tvs behind johnny is johnny himself but for sanzu i changed it to mikey (specifically kanto manji!mikey bc this is kanto manji!sanzu) bc who else would sanzu be watching djdjsj
the pixel art in yuta's teaser photo originally had a cherry head, i changed it to a cheesecake head bc that's sanzu's favorite food. had to cram learning how to draw pixel art so yuh, sanzu u are so loved by aryomengrande HAHA
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1way2mars · 1 month ago
Pazuribe Event Translation - “Eventful journey in Tonpu Market Street! 〜Showdown with Bofurin〜” — Part 1
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☆ Please give credit in case of use!
☆ I'll do my best to update the second part of the event once it's released on Feb 2nd!
☆ I'm not a professional translator and I'm still learning Japanese. That's why some things might not match exactly/could have been better translated/there might be mistakes. This is a great way for me to learn. I put a lot of effort into making the translation as good as they can be!
☆ Find more pazuribe translations here!
☆ If you have any comment, question, correction or suggestion, please let me know! Interactions are appreciated (^^ゞ
花垣 武道:マイキー君!今日はどこ行くんスか?
Takemichi: Mikey-kun! Where are we going today?
佐野 万次郎:んーーー決めてねえ
Mikey: Mh……… Haven’t decided yet.
場地 圭介:急にツーリングしてぇって言ったのオマエだよな?なんで行き先決めてぇんだよ...
Baji: Weren’t you the one that told us you wanted to go on a tour so suddenly? Why haven’t you decided where to go…
佐野 万次郎:風を感じたかったんだよ いいから着いてこいオマエら!
Mikey: I wanted to feel the wind. You guys just follow me!
花垣 武道:あ、待ってくださーい!!
Takemichi: Ah, waaait for me!!
佐野 万次郎:おっちょっと上手なってんじゃんタケミッち
Mikey: Oh you’re getting better Takemicchi.
花垣 武道:本当っスか!?アザス!
Takemichi: For real!? Thanks!
松野 千冬:...場地さん 2人とも行っちゃいますよ?
Chifuyu: ...Baji-san. We’re also going, right?
場地 圭介:...ハァ~~ 行くか千冬
Baji: ...hah~~ Let’s go, Chifuyu.
松野 千冬:はい!
Chifuyu: Yes!
松野 千冬:結構遠くまで来ましたね…
Chifuyu: We’ve come pretty far…
場地 圭介:ここまで来たのは初めてだな
Baji: It’s my first time coming this far.
佐野 万次郎:なんか音聞こえねぇか?
Mikey: Do you hear that?
Ka-ling klink
佐野 万次郎:こっちだな 行ってみようぜ!
Mikey: Over here. Let’s go!
場地 圭介:おう
Baji: Yeah.
Ka-ling kling klink
花垣 武道:音はここから鳴ってたみたいっスね
Takemichi: Seems like the noise comes from here.
松野 千冬:「東風商店街」…ってどこだ?
Chifuyu: “Tonpu Market Street”... Where’s this?
場地 圭介:聞いたことねぇな
Baji: Never heard of it.
佐野 万次郎:にしても落書きスゲェな 渋谷もスゲェけどここもヤベェ
Mikey: Either way the graffiti are awesome! Shibuya’s also amazing but this place is insane.
松野 千冬:族が多いんすかね?チームのナワバリとかだったら勝手に入ると揉めそうっスけど…
Chifuyu: There can be a lot of gangs, right? If it's some team's turf and we go in as we like, we might end up in trouble.
場地 圭介:まぁ喧嘩売られても勝てばいーだろ
Baji: Well, if they pick up a fight, we’ll definitely win.
松野 千冬:そうっズね!さすが場地さん!
Chifuyu: You’re right! As expected from Baji-san!
花垣 武道:ん?なんだろうこの看板
Takemichi:  Mh? What’s this sign?
佐野 万次郎:おーいタケミッち 置いてくぞ~!
Mikey: Heeey, Takemicchi. We’ll leave you behind~!
花垣 武道:え!もうあんな遠くに!?待ってくださーい!!
Takemichi: Eh! You’re that far already!? Waait for me!!
佐野 万次郎:うんめぇ~!!ここのたい焼き最高じゃん!
Mikey: So good~!! The taiyaki here is the best!
店員:そんなに喜んでもらえて嬉しいよ はい、これサービス
Shop clerk: I’m glad that you like it. Here, this is on the house.
佐野 万次郎:マジで!サンキュー!!
Mikey: For real! Thanks!!
花垣 武道:すっごい馴染んでるな…マイキー君
Takemichi: You’re fitting in so well Mikey-kun…
松野 千冬:だな~そもそもこの商店街の奴ら不良に慣れすぎじゃねえか?
Chifuyu: Right~ Anyway, aren’t the people in this shop district way too used to delinquents?
花垣 武道:確かに 特攻服のオレら見ても怖がってねーし
Takemichi: For sure. They aren’t afraid to see us with our uniforms.
場地 圭介:おい、マイキー オマエ食いすぎだろ
Baji: Hey, Mikey. You’re eating too much.
場地 圭介:腹一杯まで食うと寝んだから ほどほどにしろ
Baji: You’ll eat until you’re full and then fall asleep, so don’t overdo it.
佐野 万次郎:え~ 場地さんも食えよ!ほら!
Mikey: Eeeh~ You should also eat! Here!
Delinquent 1: Oh~ Kids wearin’ a uniform tryin’ to act all grown up in a place like this~.
Delinquent 2: We had business in this town first! You kids grow up and go back home to your mums!
松野 千冬:あ?何だよテメェら
Chifuyu: Hah? What the hell, you assholes.
Delinquent 3: Don’t beat around the bush and leave immediately!! Come on!!
松野 千冬:えっと、危ねぇな お返しだコラァ!!
Chifuyu: Woah, that was close. Hey, take this!!
Delinquent 3: Don’t mess with me! I’m gonna kill you all!!
松野 千冬:勝手に喧嘩買ってすみませんっス
Chifuyu: Sorry for picking up a fight as I like. 
場地 圭介:気にすんな こんな奴ら大したことねぇよ
Baji: Don’t worry. These guys are no big deal.
佐野 万次郎:さっさと終わらせんぞ
Mikey: Let’s get it over with.
花垣 武道:はい!
Takemichi: Yes, sir!
?? (Nirei): Sakura-san! It’s there! Let’s hurry!!
Sakura?: Yup!
佐野 万次郎:コイツら弱ぇな
Mikey: You guys are weak.
Delinquent 1: Y-you guys are still kids, so why are you so strong…! 
Sakura?: You assholes!! What the fuck is this fuss!!
?? (Nirei): Please don’t bother the people from town!!
場地 圭介:ハァ?コイツらが先に喧嘩売れってきたんだよ
Baji: Hah? These guys picked up the fight first.
Delinquent 3: If you ain’t have nothing to do with this, back off!
Sakura?: It can’t be helped, let’s stop this.
?? (Nirei): Y, yes!!
花垣 武道:痛ってて…やべえ、ちょっと気失ってたかも
Takemichi: Ow, ow, it hurts… Damn, I might pass out.
場地 圭介:おーい、タケミチ こっちは終わったぞ~
Baji: Heey, Takemichi. We’re done over here.
松野 千冬:数だけで大したことなかったっスね!
Chifuyu: They were just a few, so it was no big deal.
花垣 武道:場地君!千冬!
Takemichi: Baji-kun! Chifuyu!
松野 千冬:タケミッち 相変わらずボロボロだな~
Chifuyu: Takemicchi, as always you’re all worn-out~
Sakura?: Hey! For fucks sake, give me a break!
佐野 万次郎:邪魔
Mikey: You’re on my way.
Sakura?: Ow.. That hurts!!!
花垣 武道:マ、マイキー君の蹴りをガードした…?あの人何者だ…?
Takemichi: H-he blocked Mikey-kun’s kick…? Who the hell is that guy…?
?? (Nirei): E-excuse me!! Where did you come from!?
場地 圭介:あ?テメェこそ誰だよ
Baji: Hah? Who the hell are you?
楡井 秋彦:オレは風鈴高校1年楡井秋彦っス
Nirei: I’m a first year student at Furin High School, Nirei Akihiko.  
花垣 武道:風鈴高校…?
Takemichi: Furin High School…?
楡井 秋彦:知らないンスか!?この「まこ��町」を守るヒーローっスよ!
Nirei: You don’t know!? We’re the heroes that protect this “Makochi Town”!
松野 千冬:ヒーローねぇ
Chifuyu: Heroes, huh?
楡井 秋彦:それより!あんた達は何者っスか!桜さんがあんなに苦戦するなんて…只者じゃないっスよね!?
Nirei: However! Who are you guys! It’s unusual to see Sakura-san struggling with a fight… You are no ordinary people!?
花垣 武道:オレは東京卍會の花垣武道っス!
Takemichi: I’m Tokyo Manji Gang’s Hanagaki Takemichi!
場地 圭介:東京卍會壱番隊隊長 場地圭介だ
Baji: Tokyo Manji Gang first division captain, Baji Keisuke.
松野 千冬:同じく壱番隊副隊長 松野千冬だ
Chifuyu: I’m also first division vice captain, Matsuno Chifuyu.
楡井 秋彦:東京卍會?聞いたことないっスね…
Nirei: Tokyo Manji Gang? Never heard of it…
佐野 万次郎:ふーん オマエなかなかやるじゃん
Mikey: Pheeew. Not bad at all.
場地 圭介:お、終わったみたいだな
Baji: Oh, looks like you’re finished.
佐野 万次郎:オマエの名前は?
Mikey: What’s your name?
桜 遥:…桜遥
Sakura: Sakura Haruka…
佐野 万次郎:桜ね オレは佐野万次郎 マイキーでいいよ
Mikey: So Sakura. I’m Sano Manjiro. Mikey’s okay.
桜 遥:ハァ?マイキー?
Sakura: Hah? Mikey?
桜 遥:お前ら結構やるな
Sakura: You guys are quite impressive.
桜 遥:まだまだ本気出せんだろ?
Sakura: Still not making a serious effort?
桜 遥:やっと本気出しやがったか
Sakura: Are you finally stepping up your game.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year ago
No Sharing Part 2
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(Name) honestly doesn't remember the ride to the hospital. Much less getting to the delivery room. (Name) smiled tightly at his mates. Who were not making the situation any better. But he loved that they were trying. "Are you feeling okay?" Draken asked him. Softly holding his hand. Eyes full or worry for his Omega. (Name) smiled and kissed him softly. "Yes, Alpha. The pup is just ready to come early. That's okay, though."
Mikey smiled and kissed his Omega's temple. Draken sighed and squeezed (Name)'s hand. "Baby, you don't have to pretend everything is okay. You can be honest." (Name) took a deep breath and grunted in pain. "A-Are you sure Alpha?" Draken smiled and nodded. (Name)'s smile dropped, and he grabbed Draken by the front of his shirt. "Get this pup out of me or so help me, I'll make you regret having a KNOTT!"
Draken's eyes widened, and he quickly pulled away. Slightly frightened. Mikey scoffed. (Name) snapped his head towards his other Alpha and glared. "What are you scoffing about? You don't have to deal with this!" Mikey rolled his eyes. Not noticing Draken shaking his head. "Omega, you're being dramatic. Everything is gonna be fine!" Draken face-palmed.
(Name)'s eye twitched, and Draken slowly backed away. (Name) pulled Mikey into the bed and galred heavily. "Everything is fine for you. Because all you have to do is release inside me. I have to do everything for the pup. I have to let it stay in MY body for nine months. Dealing with the kicks, cramping, moving, eating for more then one, and the pup using my bladder FOR A FUCKING TRAMPOLINE! Then I have to push another pup out of me. Can you do thaylt Manjiro? No. You can't even boil water or clean to save your life. Much less carry and birth a pup."
Mikey said nothing. Eyes wide and face as white as a sheet of paper. A doctor entered the room, and Draken carefully removed Mikey from (Name)'s hands. It took a couple of tries, but Draken finally removed the shorter Alpha. After he got them apart, Draken smacked the back of Mikey's head. "Ow! What was that for?!" "Are you trying to get killed by our Omega?!"
Mikey huffed and looked away. "I don't see what the problem is." Draken sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Mikey. You don't understand what pregnancy is like. So you absolutely can not say shit like that!" Mikey huffed and rolled his eyes again. Draken growled but took a deep breath. "Fine, you want to act like that? You're on babysitting duty."
Mikey went to agrue, but Draken pushed him out of the room. The twins jumped from the seats and rushed up to Mikey. "Is Momma okay?" Mikey turned back to Draken, who saluted to him and disappeared into the room again. Mikey sighed and bent down. Ruffling the kids' hair. "Your Dam is just fine. Right now, we just have to wait for your sibling to come into the world."
Back in the hospital room, things weren't going too well. (Name) was in a lot of pain. He just wanted the pup or pups out of him already! "Where is the doctor with the fucking medication?!" Draken tried calming his Omega down, but nothing was working. "(Name). Baby. Look at me." He carefully cupped (Name)'s face and lightly pressed kisses allbover his face. "You're doing amazing. I'm so happy that we've made our small pack even bigger. Thanks to you."
A nurse enters and clears their throat. "Excuse me, sirs. But your other Alpha wants to come in." Draken sighs but is taken aback when (Name) lets out a loud yell. Immediately catching everyones attention. Even Mikey's, who snuck into the room. "Ken. Can I hold your hand?" Draken didn't hesitate to give his hand. (Name) quickly held his hand and squeezed. Making the taller man quietly groan and flinch.
Mikey quietly made his way over and tapped (Name)'s shoulder. "(Name)-chin just calm down. You're scaring the pups with your yelling!" (Name) slowly turned towards him. With a face that could only be described as complete and udder fury. Before (Name) could fully grab the smaller Alpha, Draken, and a few nurses had already grabbed (Name).
Everyone but the stuggling Omega turned and glared at the smaller Alpha. "Excuse me, sir. But I think we'd all appreciate it if you would leave the patient alone, sir." Mikey went to say something, but the hospital door opening caught his attention. The twins quickly walked in, bowed in front of the nurses, and pulled Mikey out of the room.
(Name) laid back in bed and almost screamed when a wave of pain hit him. Draken looked more worried as time passed. It was never like this with the twins. Draken turned to a nurse, and before he could ask anything, the doctor came in. "Alright! Whose ready to have a baby?" "Wait where are the pain meds for him to do this?" The doctor looked worried.
"He hasn't been given the medication? I sent the medication a while ago. There isn't much time before he has to start pushing. So, unfortunately, we don't have enough time to give him the medication. He only has maybe a few minutes before-", before he could finish (Name), let out a blood curling scream. Making everyone in the room flinch. "Yeah. That."
The trio outside the room flinch at the sound of the scream. The twins turned to their dad. (O. Twin) had started releasing sour pheromones. Making the other two rush to comfort him. (A. Twin) was almost in tears. They've always been dam boys. Mikey was starting to regret bringing them here. Maybe Draken should've taken (Name) to the hospital, and he would've taken the boys home.
Another scream had Mikey pulling the twins from the door and back to the seats. Mikey's never been good at comforting others. He's always just bottled everything up before (Name) came along. He showed Mikey that showing emotions were okay. Mikey was always the one being comforted, but now he can't even comfort his pups. Mikey pulled the twins into his lap and held them close.
This is what Shinichiro would do for him and Emma. So maybe this will help them. Mikey started releasing soothing pheromones. Slowly calming the pups. Who snuggled closer towards his scent, glads. Slowly, the trio calmed down, and the twin fell asleep. With how much (Name) was screaming, he didn't know how the twins could sleep.
Maybe they got his deep sleeping trait? Maybe thats how they were able to sleep with the adults "played." Mikey sighed and laid back. There was no telling how long it'd take (Name) to give birth. It took almost 17 for the twins to be born. Now, granted, Mikey was out of the country doing Toman work. But now that he's here, he can understand why Draken was so exhausted.
It took (Name) 5 hours to give birth to his new pup. Draken couldn't take his off the pup. She looked exactly like (Name). (Name) was crying while holding his new daughter. She was smaller than the twins were, which did worry him, but the doctors said that she was completely healthy. Draken huffed a chuckle and kissed (Name)'s temple. "She looks so beautiful, Omega." (Name) purred and snuggled closer to the big Alpha.
A nurse had opened the door to let the other Alpha know of the birth. But was greatly surprised by how many Alpha's were waiting outside now. Before the nurse could get anything out, the others quickly made their way in. Wanting to meet the new pack member. As they filed in, they were surprised by the pink blanket surrounding the pup.
Baji, who had originally been holding a blue balloon with "Its a Boy" written in large print, quickly pulled the balloon down. His mates behind him laughed. Chifuyu quickly grabbed a marker from Kazatora and scribbled onto the balloon. It now had boy scribbled out, and girl was written on it.
Which had gotten a tired laugh from the Omega. Mikey slowly made his way forward and peered over. Curious on what the pup looked like. Only to be caught off guard when the baby sneezed into his face. Making almost everyone laugh. Save for Mikey, who didn't look amused at all. After cleaning his face, Mikey tried again to look at his new pup.
"Woah. She looks just like (Name)-chin!" "I'm surprised too. Especially since the twins came out looking so much like us." Mikey tried reaching for the pup, only to get his hand smacked. "Ow! What was that for?!" "The pup has to have skin to skin contact with the dam for a period of time, you idiot! Did you not listen to anything I've sad before about this??"
From the way Mikey avoided Draken's glare, everyone knew he had hit the nail on the head. Draken sighed and turned towards the group. "So what's everyone doing here?" Mitsuya stepped forward and started explaining how Mikey let them know (Name) had gone into labor. While everyone was distracted, the twins slowly made their way over towards (Name).
(O. Twin) pulled at Mikey's pant leg. Making the Alpha look down. "Can we see her?" Mikey chuckled softly and carefully picked the twins up. "Now be careful your dam is extremely tired." He gently set the twins on the bed. (Name) moved so the twins could see their new baby sister. "Boys, say hello to your new baby sister. Hana. Sano Hana."
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just-sp-in-inginthevoid · 1 year ago
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year ago
anything nsfw (or sfw idm) with mikey and a taller reader? or any other tr boys? no sub!reader please
A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for! I did both SFW and NSFW it was v fun. However if you'd like a m!reader or gn!/reader please let me know! I'll also do it for any other requested TR boy ty mwuah
Mikey x Tall!Reader
Lord the way Mikey would have had her head if they didn’t grow up together. She was always a cocky little shit on being taller than him--and seeing eye to eye with Draken. She’d been friends with him, Shinichiro and Emma your whole life. She used to be so small and shy and cute--what happened?
It felt like from one day to the next she grew in her own skin, having an awkward growth spurt as a teen and looking like a newborn giraffe learning how to walk for the first time. Always nervous to talk to boys and girls--the boys would look at her like some kind of freak, and the girls would simply make fun of her for her height. ‘How will you ever get a boyfriend if you’re so tall?’
Mikey was always there for her afterwards, make sure she knew that he still liked her a lot even if she was taller than him.
And then the years passed, and Mikey changed, and she changed too. Except now, Mikey was the leader of Bonten, one of the most dangerous gangs in the country and she was, well, a new executive climbing the ranks. No longer the shy, scared little girl, she was just as ruthless as the rest of them.
And all the while, by Mikey’s side no matter what. She was cocky, but respectful in front of the rest of them. Honestly the rest of the execs just thought you were a childhood friend and nothing more--much like Sanzu.
But what they didn’t know was that she’d joke and prod at Mikey behind closed doors. He was a ruthless leader, but with her he’d turn back into a kid, scowling at the way she’d hold things over his head (literally!). 
“I can fire you.” He’d start. “I can fucking kill you. You know that right?” throwing daggers her way when he scowls, arms crossed. She’d simply snort and say “You could. But then you’d be bored when you’re alone wouldn’t you?” She’s right.
Imagine the shock of the rest of the execs when Mikey ‘accidentally’ drops the ball during an interrogation mission. Rats were found smuggling drugs out from underneath them to make a quick buck and Mikey was personally there, front and center to get info. Of course, he wasn’t the one doing the torture, he’s too good for that. She stood behind him with a stone cold face, that could bring most of the men in the room to their knees. But the assholes who were caught kept egging her on like she couldn’t hold her own. Like a woman shouldn’t be in the ranks at all.
“You’ll do well to not insult my girl like that.” It didn’t go unnoticed, Sanzu and Rindou glancing at each other for a moment but thinking nothing of it--you were an executive, he could just be talking like you were his in the same way the rest of the execs were under his command. 
They kept sneering, until they realized she was the one doing the torture and not the usual suspect of Sanzu. It was gruesome and honestly one of the worst cases of torture they’d seen, but all the information was extracted. Which means she turned into their executioner, pulling a glock out from its holster underneath your shirt and putting a bullet between their eyes. The silence was deafening, only Mikey laughing to himself and raising her hand to his lips with a quiet ‘that’s my girl’ and a kiss to the back of her hand.
The next meeting the execs had (that Mikey wasn’t a part of) turned into a madhouse.
Mikey was always one to want to stay in control, but he had his work cut out with her. She was so good at keeping him underneath her, practically whimpering at the way she would tease his cock with her fingers, with her mouth, with her pussy. 
“You’re such a good boy, Mikey.” She’d coo, fingers slowly wrapping around his erection and pumping at a snail’s pace; teasing. “Coming home to me after such a busy day.” She leaned down and gave the head of his dick a kiss, holding his hips down so he can’t buck them up into her face. “Are you going to let me take care of you, baby boy?” He nodded, breath shaky as he exhaled, “Y-yes, please.”
She used her height to her advantage, push up bras and plunging necklines her best friend to tease him even in the office. She just had to lean only a little bit, pretending to lean down and read whatever it was he had in his hands before Mikey was panting like a dog begging her to let him fuck.
She’d sit down on his desk, short skirt and pumps that made her legs look even longer, spreading her legs ever so slightly so he could see the pretty lacy panties she’d been wearing. Mikey would get on his knees ready to eat that pretty pussy, only for her heel pressed against his chest to stop him (and he was still so far away, fucking long legs). You know that one scene of Wolf of Wall Street? Very much that.
Whenever  they fuck she’s very much on top, bouncing on his lap for her pleasure only. And if he cums before she’s ready to stop? Well Mikey better get used to overstimulation quickly, she’s not done yet.
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jeongyunhoed · 10 months ago
When Shinichiro Accidentally Eats Mikey's Taiyaki
Shinichiro: I have no excuses, I was totally over the line Mikey: Over the line? You are so far past the line, you can't even see the line! The line is a dot to you!
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thoughtssvt · 6 months ago
tokyo revengers spoilers
you know what's absolutely cunty about mikey?
in every timeline he still has his eyebrows matching whatever color he's dyed his hair. the detail 🤌
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i know other characters have their brows matching too but i don't think as consistently as mikey does
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owarinaki · 1 year ago
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Mikey 's Dream about Emma & Draken
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Izana: Bought you a lil somethin'.
Shinichiro(sus senses activated) : That was kind of you.?
Shinichiro opens the tiny box.
Izana: (/^7 ^)/ It's a necklace.
Shinichiro: It's a life alert...
Izana: It's still a necklace. Only it'll help next time you fall and can't get up.
Shinichiro: ...
Emma and Mikey: *Wheezing*
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queenkurokawa · 2 years ago
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art crt: bo_1125
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pearlprincess02 · 1 year ago
takemikey composite chart
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composite sun:
leo sun: leo sun in the composite is all about the highest self. this relationship exists to boost the confidence of both individuals. with a leo sun in the composite, the energy created is an illumination of the ego. both people want to hype each other up and encourage growth. they want the best for each other.
composite sun in 9th: composite sun in the ninth house deals with experience. the two will definitely learn a lot from each other, but especially through physical experiences! they will probably ask a lot of questions within the connection and have a goal of expanding their mind. a lot of teacher-student energy created. one person may try to get the other to do a lot of new things out of their comfort zone.
composite moon:
libra moon: “You are my peace and comfort in this very complicated world.” there is emotional satisfaction and comfort just by being in the relationship. together, there is an innate desire to keep the relationship working and at peace. you both balance the situations and problems you face and this helps in arriving at a common ground. outside the relationship, you are both diplomatic and friendly to others. you are both concerned about the relationship’s success or failure and this may cause emotional distress if one is not putting the same effort as the other.
composite moon in 11th: this placement indicates a relationship focused on friendships, causes, and long-term goals. perhaps you met through friends or a common group or club. you and your partner spend a lot of time with your friends in this relationship, and may even get their input in your relationship. make sure to not involve your friends too much, as too many voices might cause further issues to you both.
composite rising/ 1st house:
scorpio rising: mysterious couple, couple that no one can decipher, who seem to live their deepest dynamics alone, they show a lot of "belonging" to each other, they are closed but at the same time they seem to be deeply connected. intense feelings that are not said, but are felt by gestures, looks, as in jealousy situations.
composite mercury:
leo mercury: both become much more polite, romantic, expressive and somewhat loud when they are with each other, they feel comfortable enough to show their inner child. they are fascinated by how authentic they can be with each other and how the other makes their adoration for the other so obvious. they will love to share nice details that the other has with you and people know perfectly well how happy they are with each other. they can enjoy going on lots of dates and making each other feel as much in love as in the early stages.
composite mercury in 9th: the conversations they have will open their minds and expand their horizons, both will teach each other many things and can be a great teacher for each other. they will feel more optimistic and positive when being with each other, they will feel how stress or similar emotions fade, the time you spend with each other will be fun. they will talk a lot about their dreams and desires, even fantasies. they can be amazed to hear the other talk about what puts light in the other's eyes. sharing ideas and inspiring the other would be usual in this relationship, you may change each other's views of these relationships.
composite venus:
leo venus: leo venus in the composite is all about acceptance. usually one person in this duo taking a bold stance in admiring the other. almost like a disco-ball, these people try to illuminate each other and hype each other up. this energy will have people take pride in this relationship and accept all of the flaws. beauty radiates like an orange sunset on a summer day when these two come together. they never make others feel left out, either. 
composite venus in 9th: they will love to motivate each other and openly appreciate each other's points of view, they are fascinated by each other's minds and they will spread the passion for hobbies, things and even for life. they can see life more positively and more optimistically when they are together. both will teach the other things that they did not know, they will generate a joyful, philosophical and deep vision of love when they are together. they will feel delighted to find someone who shares their same vision of love, they will have similar values ​​and interests. you can take many trips together and experience new things with each other. they will express love in a fun, passionate and very direct way, they will like to do things to make the other smile and maintaining the happiness of both as a couple can be the main goal for both. they will look for the other to see the good side of life, relax them if there is a lot of work and take things more calmly. it is a very pleasant position for venus, both will do many things to make the other feel happy, satisfied and comfortable with the relationship. through love important and positive lessons will be given.
composite mars:
cancer mars:  a cranky placement for mars, this couple will have to take time-outs to talk about emotions and express anger consciously rather than passive-aggressively. there’s great desire to nurture, and the union is well-expressed through raising kids or creating community. they’ll likely keep a comfy, safe home with lots of visitors and a full fridge. mars here will require emotional growth and self-responsibility. this couple would enjoy remodeling a house together, as long as they remember to communicate.
composite mars in 8th : you two are enchanted by each other on such deep levels that it is difficult to express, the sex is intense, you have never felt anything even remotely close to this. both parties give their all in the relationship, they give their body, their soul and their heart to the other. they feel that they can fully enjoy sex when it comes to each other, they want to feel close, be with each other and merge on all levels. they make their partner discover sides and things about themselves that they didn't feel they knew. sex is very important to this couple, but it's more than just sex, it's the connection that makes it feel so necessary.
takemikey masterlist
composite sun
composite moon + house
composite rising
composite mercury
composite venus + house
composite mars + house
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ella390-the-potato · 2 years ago
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New Look = New Mikey = New Arc
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1way2mars · 9 months ago
Pazuribe Event Translation - “VS Blue Lock!? Let’s settle it with soccer!” — Part 1
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Some of the members from Toman mysteriously end up in Blue Lock! Follow Mikey, Takemichi and Mitsuya's side of the story!
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☆ Please give credit in case of use.
☆ I'll do my best to update the second part of the event once it's released on May 31st!
☆ I'm not a professional translator and I'm still learning Japanese. That's why some things might not match exactly/could have been better translated/there might be mistakes. This is a great way for me to learn. I put a lot of effort into making the translation as good as they can be!
☆ Find more pazuribe translations here!
☆ If you have any comment, question, correction or suggestion, please let me know! Interactions are appreciated (^^ゞ
場地 圭介:集会終わったしバイク流しながら帰るか
Baji: Meeting’s over, so let’s ride around on my bike on the way home.
松野 千冬:そっスね!
Chifuyu: Sure!
佐野 万次郎:おーい2人ともこれからヒマ?
Mikey: Heeey, are you guys free right now?
場地 圭介:あ?今から帰るトコ
Baji: Hah? We’re just about to go home.
佐野 万次郎:じゃあヒマだな!おーい!タケミっち〜!場地と千冬もいけるってさ
Mikey: Then you’re free! Heey! Takemicchi〜! Baji and Chifuyu said they’re coming.
場地 圭介:おい!!マイキー勝手に話進めんな!
Baji: Hey!! Mikey, don’t make decisions by yourself!
龍宮寺 堅:おっ場地も来たのか
Draken: Oh, so Baji is coming too?
三ツ谷 隆:結構人数集まったな
Mitsuya: So we ended up being a good amount of people.
松野 千冬:何かするんスか?
Chifuyu: What are we gonna do?
佐野 万次郎:タケミっちのヘタクソライディングの特訓がてら海の方まで行こうと思って
Mikey: I was thinking we could head down to the sea while we do a special training for Takemichi’s shitty driving.
場地 圭介:ほぉ~?そんなにヘタクソなんか?
Baji: Ohoo~? Are you really that shitty?
松野 千冬:まあ上手くはないっスね
Chifuyu: Well, he’s really not that good.
花垣 武道:千冬~!そんなにはっきり言うなよ~
Takemichi: Chifuyu~! No need to put it so bluntly~
佐野 万次郎:よしじゃあ出発だ!
Mikey: Alright then, let’s go!
花垣 武道:ん?
Takemichi: Mh?
佐野 万次郎:え、何ここ
Mikey: Eh, where are we?
松野 千冬:今オレたち神社にいました・・・よね?
Chifuyu: We were just in the shrine… right?
龍宮寺 堅:あぁ・・・なんだココ何かの施設か・・・?
Draken: Aah… What’s this, some kind of institution or…?
三ツ谷 隆:同じようなドアが並んでるな
Mitsuya: There’s similar doors lined up.
場地 圭介:神だのみじゃねぇ?
Baji: A plea to the gods, isn’t it?
松野 千冬:場地さんそれ言うなら「神隠し」っスよ
Chifuyu: Baji-san, if you say that, it’d be “spirited away”.
場地 圭介:あーそれだワ
Baji: Oh– well then.
龍宮寺 堅:とりあえず進んでみねぇ?誰かいるかもしれねぇし
Draken: For now why don’t we move forward? There could be someone else.
花垣 武道:そうですね・・・誰か探すのはアリがも
Takemichi: Right… Might be someone to look for.
場地 圭介:よっしゃさっさと行こうぜ
Baji: Okay let’s get moving.
花垣 武道:(なんなんだ・・・?ナオトもここにはいないし、タイムリープ・・・じゃないよな?)
Takemichi: (What’s going on...? Naoto isn’t here either, and it isn’t a time leap, is it?)
松野 千冬:おい、タケミっち何してんだよ置いてくぞー
Chifuyu: Hey, Takemicchi, what are you up to? We’re leaving you behind–
花垣 武道:あぁ置いてかないで!今行く!!
Takemichi: Aaah don’t ditch me! I’m going!!
花垣 武道:完全に迷った・・・
Takemichi: I have no idea where we are…
佐野 万次郎:同じ風景ばっかだな~ ぐるぐる回ってるみてぇ
Mikey: It’s all the same sight~ It’s like going aroound and aroound.
三ツ谷 隆:ココ、さっきも通らなかったか?
Mitsuya: Didn’t we go through here before?
花垣 武道:いつの間にか千冬たちともはぐれたし・・・・・探しに行きますか?
Takemichi: We somehow got split up from Chifuyu and the others… Should we go find them?
佐野 万次郎:アイツらならなんかあっても大丈夫だろ
Mikey: Whatever happens to them they’ll be okay.
三ツ谷 隆:まぁでもココがなんなのかもわかんねぇし早めに合流したいな
Mitsuya: Yeah but we have no clue what this place is so I wanna meet up with them as soon as possible.
佐野 万次郎:お!扉はっけ~ん!とりあえずここの扉開けてみようぜ!
Mikey: Oh! Foound a door~! Let’s open it for now!
花垣 武道:え!マイキーくん!少し警戒したほうがいいんじゃ・・・!?
Takemichi: Eh! Mikey-kun! Shouldn’t you be a little bit careful…!?
???(潔 世一):くぞぉ・・・!まだまだ!!
??? (Isagi): Shit…! Not there yet!!
???(糸師 凛):フン・・・
??? (Rin): Hmph…
花垣 武道:あ!誰かいた!よっかた~!!あの~すみませんちょっといいですか?
Takemichi: Ah! There was someone! I’m glad~!! Umm sorry, do you have a minute?
???(潔 世一):え?誰?
??? (Isagi): Eh? Who is it?
???(糸師 凛):誰だ
??? (Rin): Who’s that?
花垣 武道:いや、あの~怪しい者ではないんですが・・・ちょっといつの間にかこの建物の中にいまして・・・ここがどこか教えてくれませんか?
Takemichi: Oh boy, well~ I’m not someone suspicious but… before we knew it we were inside this building… Could you tell me where this place is?
???(潔 世一):”ココ”のこと知らないのか?
??? (Isagi): You don’t know about “this place”?
花垣 武道:え?あ、はい・・・
Takemichi: Eh? Ah, yeah…
???(潔 世一):”ココ”に関係無いやつが出入りできるようになってるわけないよな?
??? (Isagi): There’s no way guys unrelated to “this place” can go in and out, right?
???(糸師 凛):当たり前だろ しかもこいつらの服見てみろどうみても不良だ 何しに来たのかしらないがさっきと出ていけ、邪魔だ
??? (Rin): That’s obvious. And look at their clothes, they look like delinquents. I don’t know why you came here but it’s about time you leave, you’re on the way.
???(潔 世一):ちょっ!凛!
??? (Isagi): Wait! Rin!
花垣 武道:え!すみません!話聞いてください!
Takemichi: Eh! I’m sorry! Listen to me! 
???(糸師 凛):触るな
??? (Rin): Don’t touch me.
佐野 万次郎:オレの仲間に手ェ出してんじゃねぇよ
Mikey: Then don’t mess with my mate.
???(絵心 甚八):そこまでだ
??? (Ego): That’s it.
???(絵心 甚八):拳だの暴力だのに頼るのはナンセンスだ ここは”青い監獄(ブルーロック)”勝敗はサッカーで決めろ
??? (Ego): It makes no sense to rely on fists and violence. This place is “Blue Lock” and we decide the outcome with soccer. 
佐野 万次郎:は?そもそもテメェ誰だよ
Mikey: Hah? Who are you anyway?
???(絵心 甚八):俺の名前は絵心甚八 その部屋にストラックアウトが出るようになってるから じゃーね
??? (Ego): My name is Ego Jinpachi. Soccer goal targets are supposed to appear in that room so… See you.
???(潔 世一):あ!切れた!何の説明にもなってない!!
??? (Isagi): Ah! He cut off! That doesn’t explain anything!!
佐野 万次郎:今のやつを探して話聞いた方が早そうだ 行くぞ二人とも
Mikey: It’d be quicker if we found that guy and asked him. Let’s go, you two.
???(潔 世一):お、おい!
??? (Isagi): H-Hey!
???(糸師 凛):ほっとけやってもどうせ勝つ
??? (Rin): Even if you leave it as it is, I'll win anyway.
佐野 万次郎:ハァ?んな訳ねぇだろ さっさとオマエ潰してアイツ見つけ出してやる
Mikey: Hah? You’d say that. We’ll find them and then I’ll crush you.
佐野 万次郎:ホラッ!!
Mikey: Come on!!
???(糸師 凛):力任せでサッカーができると思うな
Rin: Don’t think you can play soccer using all your strength.
花垣 武道:き、気づいたらサッカーで勝負することになってる・・・
Takemichi: Before we knew it this became a soccer competition…
???(潔 世一):てか、結局君らは何者なんだ?
??? (Isagi): I mean, who are you all anyway?
花垣 武道:何者と言われても・・・強いて言えばさっきの人が言ってた通り不良になるんスけど・・・本当に怪しい者じゃないです!何回も言ってると逆に怪しく見えるかもしれねえけど・・・
Takemichi: Who are we… If you ask me, we’re a bunch of delinquents, like that other guy said before but… We really aren’t shady! Though it might seem fishy if I keep on repeating it…
三ツ谷 隆:オレらなんでココにいるのか本当にわからないんだ
Mitsuya: We really don’t know how we ended up here.
花垣 武道:神社にいたんですけど、鳥居を潜った瞬間にここにいたんです!信じてください!
Takemichi: We were at a shrine, but we suddenly were here when we went through the toori! You gotta believe us!
???(潔 世一):うーん・・・(まぁ必死っぽいし本当・・・なのか?)
??? (Isagi): Mhhh… (Well, he looks desperate so… it might be true?)
三ツ谷 隆:そういや 自己紹介がまだだったな オレは三ツ谷隆だ
Mitsuya: Come to think of it… We haven’t introduced ourselves yet. I’m Mitsuya Takashi.
花垣 武道:あ!オレは花垣武道っています アナタの名前は・・・
Takemichi: Ah! I’m Hanagaki Takemichi. Your name is…
潔 世一:ああ!俺は潔世一 あっちで勝負してるのは糸師凛ね
Isagi: Aah! I’m Isagi Yoichi. That guy over there competing is Itoshi Rin.
花垣 武道:えっと、潔・・・クン  携帯借りることとかできますか?もしかしたら迎えを呼べるかも
Takemichi: Mh, Isagi… kun. Do you have a phone I could borrow or something? Maybe someone could pick us up.
潔 世一: あ~ごめん 懈怠貸せないんだ
Isagi: Ah~ Sorry. Can’t lend you a phone.
花垣 武道:やっぱり不良だからっスか!?悪い事には使いません!!
Takemichi: Is it because I’m a delinquent!? I won’t use it for bad stuff!!
潔 世一:いや、違う違う!オレ今没収されてて手元に携帯ないんだ
Isagi: No, you got it wrong! I don’t have my phone with me right now because they took it away.
花垣 武道:え・・・?没収って?
Takemichi: Eh…? Took it?
潔 世一:”青い監獄(ブルーロック)”には入る時携帯は没収されたんだよ サッカーに集中するために
Isagi: When we arrived at Blue Lock, they confiscated it. So we can focus on soccer.
花垣 武道:さっきの人言ってたその”青い監獄(ブルーロック)”って何ですか?
Takemichi: What’s all about this Blue Lock that guy mentioned before? 
潔 世一:今全国の高校生ストライカー300人を集めて世界ーのストライカーを育成するっていうプロジェクトがあってさ それがここ”青い監獄(ブルーロック)”ってわけ
Isagi: There’s a current project to bring together 300 high school students from all over the country and train them to be the world’s best striker, that’s Blue Lock.
花垣 武道:はぁ~最近のサッカーはすごいですね
Takemichi: Woah~ Soccer is amazing these days.
潔 世一:ってそれ置いといて花垣くんたち帰りたいんだよな やっぱ絵心さんのところに行くべきかな・・・それとも帝襟さんか・・・? よし!外部と連絡取れそうなところに案内するよ
Isagi: But putting that aside, Hanagaki-kun and the rest want to go home. Maybe we should go to Ego-san… or maybe Teieri-san…? Alright! I can take you to some place where you can contact the outside world.
花垣 武道:え!いいんですか!?アザーズ!!マイキーくーん!!
Takemichi: Eh! Are you sure!? Hey!! Mikeeey-kuun!!
佐野 万次郎:何?タケミっち今いいところなんだけど
Mikey: What? Takemicchi, we’re at the best part…
花垣 武道:潔クンが外と連絡取れるところに連れてってくれるみたいです!
Takemichi: Isagi-kun seems to be taking us to a place where we can reach the outside world!
佐野 万次郎:フーン
Mikey: Mhhhh.
三ツ谷 隆:その前にドラケン達探さなきゃな・・・
Mitsuya: We gotta find Draken and the rest before that…
潔 世一:他にも誰がいるのか?
Isagi: There’s more people beside you?
花垣 武道:はい あと3人とはぐれてしまって
Takemichi: Yes, we split up from three other friends.
 潔 世一:多分それも絵心さんのところに行けばわかると思うから とりあえず行こうか 凛も行くかー?
Isagi: Probably you’ll find out about that when we go to Ego-san’s. For now, let’s get going. Rin, you coming?
糸師 凛:どうでもいい
Rin: Whatever.
佐野 万次郎:なぁ、オマエなかなかやるじゃん また会えたら続きやろうな!
Mikey: Hey, you play quite well. Let’s pick it up where we left off next time we see each other!
糸師 凛:フン
Rin: Hmph.
 潔 世一:じゃあ案内するよ
Isagi: Then, follow me!
花垣 武道:お願いします!
Takemichi: Thank you so much!
糸師 凛:力任せでサッカーやってんじゃねぇ
Rin: Don’t play soccer with brute force.
糸師 凛:オマエなんかに負けるかよ
Rin: I’m not letting you win.
糸師 凛:素人にしてはやるな
Rin: You played well for an amateur.
You can read part 2 here!
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spooky-bunnys · 11 months ago
Finally some baby Mikey!
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