#mike rosenthal
leilighet · 1 year
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luegootravez · 3 months
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Eiza González by © Mike Rosenthal
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fofi42 · 3 months
Have you seen this angle yet? I probably haven't...
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nerds-yearbook · 3 months
Bernadette "Bernie" Rosenthal made her first appearance in Captain America 247#, cover date July, 1980. She was created by Roger Stern and John Byrne. ("By the Dawn's Early Light", Captain America 247#, Marvel Comic Event)
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cryptocollectibles · 5 months
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Marvel Team-Up #128 Spider-Man and Captain America (April 1983) by Marvel Comics
Written by J.M. DeMatteis, drawn by Kerry Gammill and Mike Esposito, photo cover by Eliot R. Brown.
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inbarfink · 2 years
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vertigoartgore · 6 months
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Captain America by Mike Zeck (the Cap artist from 1981 to 1983). What he remembered about it on his website :
WORLD’S FAMOUS COMIC BOOKS ARTISTS, Limited Edition Portfolio, 1983. Mike Zeck : "I think this was the first of the portfolio publications from Déesse ? Sixteen plates by sixteen different artists in this portfolio. I was invented to participate along with Kirby, Bolland, Kaluta, Chaykin, Chaland, and other artists from the US and Europe. My contribution was a Captain America illustration, since I was penciling the title at the time."
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nitpickrider · 10 months
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*Looks up how Death-Stalker died* You're a fucking moron, sir. Captain America 339
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gay-jewish-bucky · 6 months
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Captain America #289 (Jan. 1984)
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dw-flagler · 4 months
Every wildbow character with hair color described as blonde or similar to blonde. Characters are listed in alphabetical order.
A character's category is determined by their debut appearance. Though Lisa Wilbourn appears in both Worm and Ward, she will be listed as a Worm character, and not as a Ward character.
Ashley Stillons I (Damsel of Distress)
Ava ? (Cuff)¹
Brad Meadows (Hookwolf)
Carol Dallon (Brandish)
Crystal Pelham (Laserdream)
Dean Stansfield (Gallant)
Elijah Mathers (Valefor) (Later dyes white)
Elle ? (Labyrinth)
Emily Piggot
Eric Pelham (Shielder)
Gabriel Maxberry (King)
Glastig Uaine/Valkyrie
Greg Veder (The Worst)
Jaager Charles (Gasconade) (Appears ONLY in PRT Quest)
Jeanne Wynn/Brown (Citrine)
Jessica Biermann (Fenja)
Katherine Oldershaw (Grace)
Kurt Wynn (Harbinger/Number Man)
Lisa Wilbourn (Tattletale)
Marissa Newland (Sundancer)
Melody Jurist (Cricket)
Mike ? (Lightstar)
Missy Biron (Vista)
Mrs. Knott
Neil Pelham (Manpower)
Nessa Bierman (Menja)
Oliver ? (Oliver)
Principal Blackwell
Riley Grace Davis (Bonesaw)
Sam ? (Prism)
Sarah Pelham (Lady Photon)
Tammi Herren (Rune/Scribe) (last name presumed)
"Tom Moss" (Acidbath)
Victoria Dallon (Glory Girl/Antares)
"White Fairy"²
Blonde Adjacent:
Alabaster (white hair)
Kamil Armstrong (white hair)
Madeline ? (Winter) (white hair)
Paige Mcabee (Canary) (yellow feathers, hair unknown)
Polka (white hair)
Scion (gold hair)
Scrub (white hair)
The Simurgh (silver hair)
Worm has: 38 blonde characters, and 8 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 46.
Ashley Stillons II (Swansong)
Ashley Stillons III (Damsel of Distress)
Axehead? (Presumed)³
Bianca ? (Goddess)
Harbinger V (Limerick)
Hunter ? (Mincemaid)
Jay ?
Kathlee Rosenthal (Monokeros)¹
Lachlan ?
Mr. Drowsing
Nate ? (Reconciliation)
Rain O'Fire Fraizer (Precipice)
Ryan ? (Cradle)
Samuel Vasil
William Giles (Scapegoat)
Blonde Adjacent:
Anita Vera (white hair)
Christine Mathers (Mama Mathers) (silver hair)
Coiffure (silver hair)
Colt (Colt) (bleached hair)
Dino (silver hair)
Egg (yellow hair)
Engel ("glowing" hair)
Enyo (silver hair)
Foggy Idea (gray dyed hair)
Nailbiter (bleached hair)
Presley ? (gray-white dyed hair)
Vince Crowley (poorly-bleached hair)
Voltrage ("pale" hair)
Ward has: 18 blonde characters, and 13 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 31.
Blake Thorburn
Chloe Duchamp
Diana Thompson
James Thorburn
Joanna Duchamp
Lea Duchamp
Lola Duchamp
Paul Thorburn
Penelope Duchamp
Peter Thorburn
Rose Thorburn Jr.
Rose Thorburn Sr.
Roxanne Thorburn
Sandra Duchamp
The Briar Girl
Blonde Adjacent
Malcolm "Fell" Atwell ("light" hair)
Pact has: 15 blonde characters, and 1 blonde-adjacent character, for a total of 16.
The Baron Richmond
The Duke of Francis
Duncan Lambsbridge
Emily Gage
Gordon Lambsbridge(?)
Helen Ibott
Jamie Lambsbridge
Jessie Ewesmont
Lord Carling
Lord King
Lord Leeds
The Duke of Francis
The Twins (counts as 2)
Lady Glora ("pale of hair")
Lara (white hair)
Nora (white hair)
Twig has: 15 blonde characters, and 3 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 18.
America Tedd
Anthem Tedd
Avery Kelly
Edith James
Eloise Miraz
Freak (of Freak & Squeak)
Gillian Ross
Liberty Tedd
Reggie the Composite Kid
The Family Man
Ulysses Miraz
Wallace Davis
Mrs. Schaff (white hair)
Crooked Rook (white hair)
Gemma Duchamp (Grey hair)
Luna Hare (white hair)
Pale has: 13 blonde characters, and 4 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 17.
"Valentina's Mom & Sister"
Claw has: 2 blonde characters, and 0 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 2.⁴
¹ Both cuff and monokeros are noted to have dark hair in Ward while having blonde hair in their original appearances (Worm and WD Helena respectively).
² White Fairy is Mr. Gladly's girlfriend and a prolific redditor who is seen during the leviathan battle and the PHO greg interlude. deep cut. As a mortal enemy of greg veder, please treat her with appropriate respect.
³ Axehead is never seen in ward. However, Titan Skadi (who forms from Axehead) is described as having golden hair. I am presuming that this is from axehead the human having blonde hair.
⁴ Literally 1 person told me any characters from claw. i haven't read it. there's more than 2, but i haven't seen anything.
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blakelysco-pilot · 1 month
oooh those prompts are so cute bestie!! I’d love to see 64 & 74 for Ev and Val, and 52 & 87 for Rosie and Jo?
Prompts from this list; ask box is, as always, open chickies! 💗
More of everyone’s favorite pilots & their sweethearts under the cut
Ev & Val
64. “Are you ticklish?”
74. 74. “Don’t let go.”
With the band playing on long into the night, and the Silver Wings Club full of chatter, no one had even heard the rain battering down on the roof. The rain itself wasn’t uncommon on base, but at near midnight after a few drinks, it seemed to stop everyone in their tracks.
“Damn; wasn’t expecting that.” Ev sighed, shrugging off his jacket.
“It’s pouring, why are you taking off your jacket?”
“To keep you dry,” Ev looked down at Val as he draped it over her shoulders. “I’m a gentleman, remember baby?”
“How could I ever forget.” She grinned, slipping her arms into the sleeves, and watching as they fell straight down past her hands, engulfing her.
“So cute,” he chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Now come on, let’s see how quick I can get you back to your rack.”
“Wouldn’t mind stealing a jeep right about now.” She grumbled, pushing the sleeve of her right arm up so she could take his hand.
“Oh now she wants to steal a jeep!”
“Come on,” Val pinched his waist, watching as he jumped from where he was standing. It couldn’t be. She pinches his waist all the time. “Ev, what was that?”
“What was what?”
“Are you ticklish?!”
“You are!”
“I’m not!”
To prove her point again, she pinched his waist, and he jumped just the same as before.
“How come when I do this while we’re dancing you don’t get all squirmy?”
“Cause I’m wearing my jacket,” he grumbled. “I don’t feel it as much, but I always know you’re there.”
“Oh honey, that's so cute!”
He fixed her with an eye roll before turning back to the door, the rain now somehow coming down harder than it had been a moment ago.
“Alright, you ready to make a break for it?”
“No, let’s go back inside and curl up in one of the big chairs until it passes.”
“Val,” he chuckled. “Mike already kicked us out.”
“Mike doesn’t know it’s pissing rain!”
“Alright, I’ve got an idea…”
Bending at the knees, Everett scooped her up like a bride, cradling her close to his chest as she wrapped an arm around his neck, her head thrown back in glee.
“I thought I’d at least have to wait until we got married for you to carry me this way!”
“You’re wearing a skirt,” he pecked her cheek. “I can’t carry you the other way without everyone else getting a show.”
“Oh no, we can’t have that,” she grinned wickedly, face pressed close to his. “Not when the show is only meant for you.”
“Sometimes I wonder how you got so fresh, and then I remember.”
“It’s four letters and he’s insufferable.”
“Remind me to thank him whenever he gets out of the stalag, yea?”
“Sure thing,” she mock saluted. “Now, let’s get to bed.”
“Don’t tempt me, I’ll sneak in there.”
“I’m counting on it.”
With a wink, Ev tightened his grip on her before stepping one foot out the door, the rain soaking up his pant leg in seconds flat.
“Don’t let go.” He looked down at her, eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled, asking her in the moment, and then some, to always hold on.
Rosie & Jo
52. “Can I kiss you?”
87. “You were never just my friend.”
He thought he had it all figured out that morning when he left for work. He was Major Robert Rosenthal. He was smart. He was capable. He was still unable to pull the wool over his mothers eyes.
“Ma, I’ll be home late tonight, we have a big case and I’ll probably-“
“Spend the night at Josephine’s?”
Mrs. Rosenthal fixed her son with a look, one that said he wasn’t fooling anyone. That woman knew exactly what he was up to. With her parents once again visiting Mrs. Harris’ sister down south, Josephine was home alone, and unlike the last time, Rosie was home too, and didn’t like the idea of his girlfriend puttering around in that house by herself.
“I don’t like the idea of her alone, Ma.”
“I know,” his mother sighed. “Go on, just, be respectable for the love of god, Robert.”
“Love you Ma!” He passed her on his way out with a kiss to her cheek. “I’ll call later, okay?”
“Yes, yes of course, now go,” she shooed her son out the door. “Have a nice day at work, and give Josephine my love.”
Now, it was early evening and he was walking down the block towards her home. His briefcase in one hand and a bouquet of peonies in the other, he couldn’t help the extra pep in his step at the idea of spending a whole weekend with her with no one watching them. Quickly ascending the stairs, he knocked on the door, his smile growing as he saw her silhouette approach the door. Then she was there, standing in front of him with a bright smile, stepping forward to wrap her arms around him.
“Hey, honey,” he sighed, feeling his entire body relax as she hugged him. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too,” she pressed her lips to his cheek, and Rosie felt himself yearning for every night after work to be this way. “Come in, I’ve got a surprise for you!”
“A surprise? And here I thought I was surprising you.”
Jo stepped back to assess him, and it was then she saw the bouquet of pink and white flowers in his hand, and the twinkle in his eye.
“Robbie, they’re beautiful,” taking them from him, she pressed her nose softly into the petals to take in their sweet scent, smile growing. “Thank you!”
“I know peonies are your favorite.”
“Second favorite.”she grinned.
“What? Wait, I thought -”
“You’re my first favorite,” she took his hand and led him into the house. “Always have been, and always will be.”
He shook his head thoughtfully, her sweet remark lingering between them as he followed her further into the house. He had dropped his briefcase by the door on his way in, and was surprised to see that she had cooked dinner for him while the house was hers alone for the day.
“I made dinner,” she turned back to face him, and he could see she looked a little nervous. “I got the recipe from Jean…”
“Honey pie, I would have been perfectly happy with a club sandwich and some french fries, but this smells amazing.”
“If it’s no good, I promise I won’t be offended. Or upset.”
“Jo, come here…” he couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up from his chest. Here she was, one of the best bakers he knew, self proclaimed world's best chocolate chip cookies, and she was nervous over dinner.
“We can always go out…”
“Shh,” he pulled her into his arms, cradling her face gently. “Can I kiss you now?”
“Can I?”
“You don’t have to ask permission, you know. My kisses are for you, always.”
Rosie closed the gap between them, his lips covering Jo’s with zero hesitation. One hand slipped up and into her hair, pulling her closer just so he could feel her body pressed against his. Feel her hands gripping his arms with such force that it felt like she’d never let go. He never wanted her to. She giggled when his mustache tickled her lip, but never wavered in her kiss; her hands slipping up from his biceps until she could wrap her arms around his neck. Nothing but the need for oxygen could separate them, and even then. Rosie was convinced if he was going to die, he’d want to do it in her arms.
“All those kisses just for me,” he whispered against her skin as they broke apart. “How lucky for me… we should have stopped being just friends a long time ago.”
“You were never just my friend,” she purred, nosing at him softly. “I hope you know that.”
“I know. I’m just sorry we wasted so much time dancing around it for so long.”
“I’m not sorry. All my greatest moments have been with you, and we get to keep doing that now. The only difference is, there’s more of this…”
She kissed him again to prove her point, and he agreed in earnest, hands coming to grip her thighs and hoist her into his arms.
“Much more of this,” he grinned. “I promised Ma I’d be a respectable gentleman this weekend…”
“Your mother isn’t here.” Jo winked.
“Then let’s go work up an appetite, sweetheart…”
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dustyy-angel · 1 year
The Best Newsies Thing submissions
Race's cigar
Jack Kelly
The money the movie didn't make
King Of New York
Davey Jacobs
David Jacobs (movie)
Seize The Day
Crutchie (uksies)
Trans Racetrack headcanons
92sies Mush's front flip during Carrying The Banner
Spot Conlon (movie)
King Of New York (movie)
Newsies fanfiction
Kid Blink (movie)
The tony awards performance
Spot Conlon (uksies)
The chair Mike Faist fell through
Ben Cook kicking himself in the face
Jeremy Jordan attempting to dance and almost falling on his face during the proshot bows
Bill and Darcy
Albert (uksies)
Christian Bale falling over every time he tries to dance
Race (movie)
Santa Fe
Les pretending to smoke his candy to imitate Jack
Musical Davey's character development
Mush (movie)
The Delancey brothers
"The woild is yer erster"
Bumlets spinning on the ceiling fan
Jack Kelly (uksies)
Stray x Lucky (uksies)
Santa Fe (movie)
"Hi i'm Andrew Keenan-Bolger and I play Crutchie in disney's Newsies"
Dancing with the stars performance
Carrying The Banner
Carrying The Banner (movie)
"Our man Denton!"
Bryan Denton (movie)
Unemployed by Joshua Burrage and Ben Cook
Ben warming up and Andrew putting on multiple pairs of headphones
Sarah Jacobs (movie)
Specs (Ryan Steele)
Jack Kelly (movie)
Katherine (uksies)
Out There in Santa Fe by Ben Fankhauser
"I am a kooOOOoiiiii"
Andy Richardson crawling around like something from a horror movie
Ben and Sky dancing to What If I Go
“Forget about Trey. Where’s my fucken chair?”
Andrew forgetting the strike sign
Kara accidently throwing the broom into the orchestra pit
Corey Cott singing the Santa Fe key change four bars early
"It's oyster Race" "THATS WHAT I SAID"
Les Jacobs (movie)
Letter From The Refuge
Once And For All
Skittery (movie)
Jess LeProtto falling into the orchestra pit
Finches slingshot
Gay/Trans awakenings caused by the movie
Za Zooming Out
"Up stays, uh upstairs"
Bad weather and shopping
Tommy Bracco pep talks
Letter From The Refuge (Ben Cook edition)
Anthony Rosenthal's vlogs
Newsies fanart
Seize The Day (movie)
Blood Drips Heavily On Newsies Square
The stage directions for Jack shaking Roosevelt's hand
Jeremy Jordan
Ben Fankhauser
Newsies Got Swag
Brooklyn's Here
WWH (reprise) at broadway bakes and Cory keeps messing up
Anything You Can Do by Mike Faist and Adam Kaplan
Ben and Lavon singing Something To Believe In
"AAAHHHHHHHH" "See this, this is Newsies"
92sies Jack saying "ambastards" instead of ambassadors
"Tell me how quitting does Crutchie any good" "Dszahdh"
Crutchie swearing in uksies
The amount of ass-slapping in livesies
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luegootravez · 3 months
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Sasha Lane by © Mike Rosenthal
0 notes
famousdaily · 1 year
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JENNA DEWAN ━ Mane Addicts April 2015 ph. Mike Rosenthal
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spinningerster · 2 years
fellow fansies - I have complied a (hopefully) comprehensive list of cast members for anyone new to the fandom or for those who may like a refresher on the casts. I've not included every single character, just the main ones, so if you'd like a character adding just ask; also if you notice any cast members are missing or have been labelled incorrectly in any way, please let me know, I want this list to be as accurate as possible. characters with a dash (-) for any of the categories I wasn't sure if they were included in that production or not. if you're able to fill in any of the blanks that would be much appreciated. any questions, please let me know <3
1992; Christian Bale
Workshop; Jay Armstrong Johnson
Paper Mill; Jeremy Jordan
Broadway; Jeremy Jordan, Corey Cott, Mike Faist (u/s)
Tour; Dan DeLuca, Joey Barreiro
Proshot; Jeremy Jordan
UK; Michael Ahomka-Lindsay, George Crawford (u/s), Matt Trevorrow (u/s)
1992; Robert Duvall
Workshop; Shuler Hensley
Paper Mill; John Dossett
Broadway; John Dossett, Rob Raines, John E. Brady (u/s)
Tour; Steve Blanchard
Proshot; Steve Blanchard
UK; Cameron Blakely, Ross Dawes (u/s), George Crawford (u/s)
1992; N/A
Workshop; Meghann Fahy
Paper Mill; Kara Lindsay
Broadway; Kara Lindsay
Tour; Stephanie Styles, Morgan Keene
Proshot; Kara Lindsay
UK; Bronté Barbé, Bobbie Chambers (u/s)
1992; David Moscow
Workshop; Jason Michael Snow
Paper Mill; Ben Fankhauser
Broadway; Ben Fankhauser, Ryan Breslin (u/s), Garrett Hawe (u/s)
Tour; Jacob Kemp, Stephen Michael Langton
Proshot; Ben Fankhauser
UK; Ryan Kopel, Alex James-Hatton (u/s)
1992; Ann-Margret
Workshop; Liz Larsen
Paper Mill; Helen Anker
Broadway; Capathia Jenkins, Caitlyn Caughell (u/s), Julie Foldesi (u/s)
Tour; Angela Grovey
Proshot; Aisha de Haas
UK; Moya Angela, Kamilla Fernandes (u/s)
1992; Marty Belafsky
Workshop; Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Paper Mill; Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Broadway; Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Andy Richardson, Garrett Hawe (u/s)
Tour; Zachary Sayle
Proshot; Andrew Keenan-Bolger
UK; Matthew Duckett, Alex James-Hatton (u/s)
1992; Luke Edwards
Workshop; Matthew Gumley
Paper Mill; R.J Fattori, Vincent Agnello
Broadway; Lewis Grosso, Matthew Schechter
Tour; Vincent Crocilla, Anthony Rosenthal, Ethan Steiner (alternate), Jonathan Fenton (alternate)
Proshot; Ethan Steiner
UK; Nesim Annan, Haydn Court, Oliver Gordon, Ethan Sokontwe
1992; Max Casella
Workshop; Robert Hager
Paper Mill; Ryan Breslin
Broadway; Ryan Breslin
Tour; Ben Cook
Proshot; Ben Cook
UK; Josh Barnett
1992; N/A
Workshop; Jordan Nichols
Paper Mill; Garrett Hawe
Broadway; Garrett Hawe
Tour; Sky Flaherty
Proshot; Sky Flaherty
UK; Jacob Fisher
1992; Mark David
Workshop; Jordan Samuels
Paper Mill; Ryan Steele
Broadway; Ryan Steele
Tour; Jordan Samuels
Proshot; Jordan Samuels
UK; Samuel Bailey
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; Kyle Coffman
Broadway; Kyle Coffman
Tour; DeMarius Copes
Proshot; Michael Rios
UK; Matt Trevorrow
1992; N/A
Workshop; Bobby List
Paper Mill; Aaron J. Albano
Broadway; Julian DeGuzman
Tour; Julian DeGuzman
Proshot; Iain Young
UK; Damon Gould, Zack Guest (swing)
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; Andy Richardson
Broadway; Andy Richardson
Tour; Nico DeJesus
Proshot; Nico DeJesus
UK; George Michaelides, Jordan Isaac (swing)
1992; Gabriel Damon
Workshop; John Arthur Greene
Paper Mill; Tommy Bracco
Broadway; Tommy Bracco
Tour; Jeff Heimbrock, Anthony Zas
Proshot; Tommy Bracco
UK; Clarice Julianda
1992; N/A
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; Thayne Jasperson
Tour; Josh Burrage
Proshot; Josh Burrage
UK; Mukeni Nel
Tommy Boy
1992; N/A
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; -
Tour; -
Proshot; Michael Dameski
UK; Jack Bromage
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; -
Tour; -
Proshot; Jacob Guzman
UK; Mark Samaras
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; -
Tour; -
Proshot; David Guzman
UK; Arcangelo Ciulla
1992; Aaron Lohr
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; Ephraim Sykes
Tour; Jack Sippel
Proshot; Nick Masson
UK; Joshua Denyer
1992; N/A
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; Evan Kazprak
Tour; Anthony Zas
Proshot; Anthony Zas
UK; Joshua Nkemdilim, Bradley Trevethan (swing), Rory Shafford (swing)
1992; Michael Lerner (Weisel)
Workshop; Robert Creighton (Weisel), Tom Alan Robbins (Jacobi)
Paper Mill; John E. Brady
Broadway; Michael Gorman
Tour; Michael Gorman
Proshot; John E. Brady (Wiesel & Jacobi), Michael Gorman (Mayor)
UK; Jamie Golding (Wiesel), Alex James-Hatton (Wiesel u/s)
1992; David Sheinkopf
Workshop; Corey March
Paper Mill; Mike Faist
Broadway; Mike Faist
Tour; Michael Ryan
Proshot; Devin Lewis
UK; George Crawford, Zack Guest (swing), Jordan Isaac (swing), Bradley Trevethan (swing)
1992; Shon Greenblatt
Workshop; Ben Thompson
Paper Mill; Brendon Stimson
Broadway; Brendon Stimson
Tour; Jon Hacker
Proshot; Anthony Norman
UK; Alex James-Hatton, Zack Guest (swing), Jordan Isaac (swing), Bradley Trevethan (swing)
1992; Charles Cioffi
Workshop; Bill Nolte
Paper Mill; Mark Aldrich
Broadway; Mark Aldrich
Tour; Mark Aldrich
Proshot; Mark Aldrich
1992; N/A
Workshop; Mark Price
Paper Mill; Nick Sullivan
Broadway; Nick Sullivan
Tour; Bill Bateman
Proshot; Bill Bateman
UK; Siõn Lloyd, George Crawford (u/s)
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; Laurie Veldheer
Broadway; Laurie Veldheer
Tour; Meredith Inglesby
Proshot; Meredith Ingleby
UK; Bobbie Chambers, Lindsay Atherton (u/s)
1992; Kevin Tighe
Workshop; Marcus Neville
Paper Mill; Stuart Marland
Broadway; Stuart Marland
Tour; James Judy
Proshot; James Judy
UK; Ross Dawes, Alex James-Hatton (u/s), George Crawford (u/s)
Nunzio/Teddy Roosevelt
1992; N/A
Workshop; Tom Alan Robbins
Paper Mill; Kevin Carolan
Broadway; Kevin Carolan
Tour; Kevin Carolan
Proshot; Kevin Carolan
UK; Barry Keenan, George Crawford (u/s)
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warningsine · 1 year
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Marion Cotillard by Mike Rosenthal
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