#mexico feminismo
piratesandpizza · 2 years
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International women’s day
Mexico 2023
6,543 feminicides since 2015
10 women disappearing per day
Death to the Patriarchy
Freedom for all
Small edit to say, if you’re a TERF don’t reblog this, when I say freedom for all I mean ALL, Intersectionality is essential to feminism, Trans women, women of color, women of the LGBT+, religious women, ALL OF US.
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lipid · 6 months
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José Luis Castillo, father of Esmeralda Castillo Rincón, who went missing in 2009. He has since searched and protested for his daughter's case to be resolved. Last month despite protests, Esmeralda was removed from the missing persons register and her case considered closed.
He's still protesting for his daughter.
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i-8-ur-soul · 1 year
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Mexican women from Women's Declaration International protesting outside of the courts of Mexico City because a prisoner in Chalco was raped by a male inmate that self identifies as a woman.
The sign reads: "Get men out of women's jails".
You can sign a Change petition here to demand Mexican authorities that justice is delivered to the rapist and that they enforce our constitution so that imprisoned women are granted the right to serve their time in prison separate from men.
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rik-evora · 6 days
Apenas una chica “socióloga” trató de deconstruirme, haciéndome sentir culpable por ser hombre , por nuestra sociedad “machista opresora” pero al mismo tiempo ella anda como perra en celo detrás del macarra (chacalon) que es el típico macho mujeriego. Al final la hibristofilia y la hipergamia ganan. Solo buscan castrar/eliminar al hombre de poco valor.
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fulltimecatwitch · 7 months
sorry to get personal again today, but i got sick yesterday and since i'm unable to go the the women's march i today i will be screaming here
I know today is International Women's Day and for a lot of people it's a day of celebration and conmemoration and that's okay, it is important to remember and honor those who fought before us
But in you live in Latin America, then you know that today is not really a celebration. It is almost a day of collective grief for all us. Especially everyone who has lost a a sister, wife, aunt, friend, etc to murder or disappearance
10 to 11 women dissapear in my country ( Mexico) everyday
10 to 11 every fucking day
remember those fucking numbers because i sure do every day i wake up
10 TO 11
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And in Mexico the goverment cares so little that it has provided basically zero help to stop this violence.
It's the very same people who grieve their loved ones who have had to organize themselves so they are able to get answers about what happened to their lost ones.
The Madres Buscadoras are a collective who searches mass graves all throughout the country in hopes that they can find the remians of their loved ones.
Imagine having to dig the bones and remains of your wife, your sister or your friend with your own hands because the police refused to do anything to help you
and the worse thing is that even the madres buscadoras have disappeared while searching their loved ones because they want to keep them quiet, they don't want them and us to know what happened
where is the justice in that ?!?!?!?
I'm so fucking tired of feeling this horrible pressure in chest everytime my mom or sister go out alone and the only thing i can do is pray and pray they get home safely
i'm tired of having to turn on my location and take a picture of my outfit every time i go out because if i dissapear those will be the only references my family will have of me
i'm tired of listening to how many of us have been killed or assaulted everyday on the news because everyday you hear of a new case
i'm tired of the violence and injustice against little girls
i'm tired of the violence and injustice against my trans sisters ( unsurprisingly Mexico is only the second most dangerous country to be transgender)
im tired of people who think marching, burning and vandalising monuments is not an appropriate way to protest because they rather defend a monument than our bodies
i don't know what else to say, except that i really hope one day the international community talks about this more, especially all the gringos who have come to gentrify our country here and never show you this side of mexico
i will leave you the links for a movie and documentary you can see on netflix about the raw reality of women who dissapear on Mexico
Las Tres Muertes de Marisela Escobedo
documentary about Marisela Escobedo, a mother who searched for her missing daughter and was killed for it
Ruido by Natalia Beristain
movie about a grieving mother searching for her missing daughter who finds a network of support as she connects with other women whose lives have also been disrupted by violence
finally i leave you cancion sin miedo 💚💜
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eddie-roo · 2 years
Este día de la mujer me gustaría conmemorar a las mujeres mexicanas que hicieron y están haciendo historia.
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alexandrinav0605 · 4 months
2 de junio del 2024
Hoy voté por primera vez. Tomé el primer paso hacia mis responsabilidades como ciudadana y me siento … vacía. Durante años he expresado mi inconformidad hacia la situación de mi país, un país lleno de violencia, muerte y discriminación y lo único que los adultos me podían decir era “espérate a votar”, “Solo espera cumplir 18, ahí podrás hacer valer tu voz”, espera, espera, espera y eso hice. Esperé años, viendo a mujeres desaparecer frente a los ojos del país, a ambientalistas y activistas aparecer muertos justo cuando el cambio estaba a punto de llegar. Esperé y traté de prepararme para el día. Pues hoy llegó el día, por fin pude votar y no va a pasar nada.
No sé quién ganó y no me importa, porque yo sé que no va a pasar nada. Porque esa promesa que me hicieron los adultos durante años era una bola de mentiras. Porque al entrar a la casilla y ver a los candidatos por última vez, supe que todos eran el mismo libro con diferente portada. Veo el pasado y veo el presente y no encuentro las diferencias. Sé que no vamos a cambiar. Esa impotencia que sentí durante años sigue aquí y no quiere irse. Escucho las mismas promesas vacías y le pido a cualquier ser divino que me diga qué hacer, porque a mí se me acabaron las opciones. Escucho las mismas palabras de siempre. Solo queda votar por el “menos peor” dicen y yo solo quiero gritar. ¿Por qué? Eso no debería ser así. No deberíamos aspirar solo a un presidente mediocre. Deberíamos aspirar a lo mejor. Nuestra barra debería estar en la luna, no hasta el infierno donde el diablo se pueda tropezar con ella.
Lo que quiero decir entre tanto verbo es que estoy cansada. Quería sentirme orgullosa de mi país, quería poder gritar a los cuatro vientos “¡Soy mexicana!” Sin embargo, aquí estoy, pensando cuánto tiempo más tendré que esperar. Pensando si moriré, como tantas otras antes que yo, esperando justicia y un país mejor.
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pinkymattel · 6 months
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No se va a caer
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alifeinneverland · 2 years
Why in Mexico we don't celebrate women's day.
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Today we march.
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aguadeojo · 6 months
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8M 2024, Puebla, México.
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torposopla · 8 months
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jaimeblancarte · 3 months
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@jaimeblancarte Querétaro, Qro. 2024
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mikazzza13 · 6 months
si me pasa algo, yo no quiero que me busquen en las canciones de taylor swift, porque hay tantas a las que desaparecieron y no las han podido encontrar en ellas, porque realmente están escondidas y atrapadas en fosas y bolsas, tiradas y amarradas por las manos de sus agresores
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brokekiddo · 7 months
Ya casi es 8 de marzo y no estoy lista para escuchar tantas historias, sentir el dolor ajeno a la vez que recuerdo el mío, y sentir la impotencia que me causa el no poder cambiar nada para que otras mujeres no pasen lo que hemos pasado por tantos años
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rrrebelion · 2 years
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religiouscenter · 2 years
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Mujeres del colectivo 'Rabia' durante un acto de protesta en Veracruz (México) este miércoles 8 de marzo 2023
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