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mandana-the-service-pup · 5 months ago
Today I had an appointment with Cardiology. I think the Cardiologist is avoiding me bc the whole time I was under his care his attitude was I’m doing these tests bc your anxious not bc I think there’s something wrong with you and There’s nothing more we can do and it’s not going to kill you. You need to learn to live with your heart problems and be ok with that. So he was kind of flabbergasted when I came back after starting methotrexate and my blood pressure & heart rate were completely normal after years of them progressively getting worse to the point of both being in the 190-200s.
So anyways, he’s been pawning me off on his assistants which is fine with me. At multiple appointments I had mentioned how my low blood pressure was one of my most debilitating symptoms. He never wanted to put me on meds for that bc to him my low blood pressure wasn’t a problem. But it is a problem. It affects my vision. It affects my cognition. It makes it dangerous to drive and impossible to think or accomplish tasks. He literally told me to just drink more water and then talk to his assistants. For two weeks I drank so much water and electrolytes that I was vomiting it up into my mouth when I moved. I ate all the salt I could take and used compression wraps. Nothing helped. I had to set alarms to remind me to take caffeine before driving and make sure I was home before it started to wear off. A few times it wasn’t enough and I had to pull over and wait it out.
So today his assistant finally prescribed me Midodrine. Which is so laughable for anyone in the POTS community bc it’s usually one of the first things drs try (after the water & salt trick 🙄) but I’ve been going to the doctors for POTS symptoms since 2009 and have been disabled by those symptoms since 2014 and this is the first time it was ever an option. I understand that for a while my blood pressure was too high to consider taking Midodrine but I haven’t had high blood pressure since the summer of 2023 and it’s almost 2025 now? It’s ridiculous.
Anyways, I’ll let y’all know how it turns out. It’s a short acting medication that I’m supposed to take three times a day. I took my first dose an hour ago and so far my eyes feel better, I can breathe better and my blood pressure is ideal so I’m taking that as a good sign.
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ineffectualdemon · 11 months ago
Did you know that if you have a vagina and take methotrexate, a medication used for including rheumatoid arthritis, that it can cause reoccurant thrush?
Meaning yeast infections that keep coming back after being treated?
Do you know how to treat reoccurant thrush?
Medication shoved up your vagina
Every day
And then once a week
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chronicillnesshumor · 10 months ago
I found out this week that my daughter told everyone at school that I'm on Meth because that's what I call my Methotrexate. 🤣
#autoimmune #autoimmunedisorder #autoimmunedisease #methotrexate #chronicillness
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lupusbadass · 4 months ago
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duerede · 11 months ago
💌Happy ❤️💉Methotrexate 💊Tuesday❤️ To All Who Observe💌💞💞💞💞
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metrixnos · 11 months ago
How do you pronounce your username? I keep pronouncing it methotrexate but I Know that's not at all right (my apologies)
Im curious how other people say it now that you mentioned this lmao, but the closest way i can explain it is like this:
If it helps any with pronunciation, a name people on the internet call me is ‘Met’ :) !!
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sawrens · 4 months ago
Lord i cant wait to get off my meds so i can get piercings EVEYWHEre...
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femmerose98 · 1 year ago
I’m not sure what to do at this point anymore. Ever since we moved into this apartment, literally the first night we moved in, we get woken up by three kids stomping, screaming, and jumping in the apartment above. It’s been over half a year now (since February it’s now nearly November), and it’s still the same shit from 8 pm until 10 am, stomping and screaming, sometimes for half an hour or an hour after 11 pm. Seems like they do nothing to take their kids outside, most weekends and weekdays they are inside all hours, and they act like it’s a trampoline or gym in a apartment building. Regularly waking us up anytime from 10 pm onwards til 12 am, 3 am, 6 am, and 8 am regularly. Earplugs do nothing, nor does fans or white noise on louder volumes. I have an app that tracks my sleep because I’m chronically ill and take chemo meds every week, and it tracks decibels going over 100 nearly every night from their kids stomping. I know because I look at my clock at 2 am, etc, when they stomp, and my app records 80-100+ decibel at that time. Occasionally my partner uses a blender for smoothies in the morning and even our blender in our own apartment is not as loud as their kids. What do I do?? They rarely leave the apartment so I can’t even talk to them in person which I would prefer to to. Our windows shake, our bed shakes, our lights in our apartment go super bright, then dim and flashes like a strobe (I’m sensitive to light flashing and can actually faint), our doors unlock from being closed from the force of their stomping, jumping and running. I feel like talking to them will only make it worse but when we talked to our apartment place they said just to call the police which isn’t fucking helpful. I left one note on their door when they were vacuuming at 11:30 at night like a month or two ago. I don’t know what to do but I’m sick of not getting sleep. I get like 6 hours of sleep each night with frickening chemo meds.
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scootersscooter · 7 months ago
Methotrexate tablets my detested </3
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clockcower · 1 year ago
I was scared of immunosuppressants and anything to do with opioid receptors and like, ive been scare shitless of shower products for so long but. I finally caved and risked it for the biscuit with baby conditioner.
And I'm actually holding back tears I had NO reaction besides a little tingle (which was probably anxiety and foreign texture). My hair is soft, I smell nice, and I have 0 burning!!!!! I've not been able to use conditioner for well over a year and before that only sparingly for years, suffering burning so my hair wouldn't be as brittle.
I don't think of myself as very deprived because I'm used to my limitations but being able to use one step, in shower conditioner that smells nice is just. I'm actually crying now goat DAMN
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mandana-the-service-pup · 1 year ago
Service dogs are not exempt from local dog registration in the United States so we went to our City Hall to pay our annual $10 fee. They were closed for renovations so we had to leave without dropping it off.
We were already prepped for public access training so I took her grocery shopping instead. It was my first time driving since starting Methotrexate and I felt even more dizzy & nauseous than I usually do while driving. There are some driving warnings on the Rx so I’m thinking it’s related. I will have to be extra cautious until I figure out the details.
My main focus was public access training so shopping was slow. It amazes me how she always seems to be improving even when we have to take long breaks from public access. A couple halfhearted sniffing mistakes that were easily redirected and that was it. Her heeling is marvelous imo. She was noticeably slower on her position changes but I know it’s because I swapped out her old shoes for new ones that still need to be broken in. I like the Ruffwear Grip Trex for quick outings but they can be tough to break-in especially in the cold.
She was being super good at ignoring people which I like to reward with occasional breaks to say hi to polite strangers. She prefers kids & elderly people so when I noticed a blind preteen with her grandmother who were talking kindly about us I offered to let her say hi. The child was especially excited to meet Mandana because she is working on getting her own service dog. I described Mandana & her gear and let her feel her ears, head, harness, badge and shoes. I answered questions about training & tasks. She wanted to know what tasks Mandana knows that could help a blind person so I told her about how she’s trained to locate specific objects by name and bring them to me. She was excited to show me her Disney stickers so I gave her one of Mandana’s custom stickers and showed her how she could feel the ears and tail that are cut out. Mandana really enjoyed the attention and we all had a fun conversation.
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elyjm1313 · 7 months ago
I'm starting methotrexate for my PsA tomorrow and idk how to feel. We've been fighting with my insurance for half a year and they won't cover the biologic that my rheumatologist would prefer I take without my failing on methotrexate first. I'm just really dreading the side effects. I reacted really badly to gabapentin when I tried it for my nerve pain and while I know they're totally different drugs, I also know my body is a little weird.
I just want to not hurt without taking a billion pills.
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chronicillnesshumor · 11 months ago
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[found on Etsy as mug, tee, and hoodie https://tinyurl.com/yc2cnd8s ]
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schmedterlingfreud · 1 year ago
Today I had my first shot of Methotrexate :(
My tummy hurts but nothing more. For now. I guess my journey has just begun… 💉
And I also had a very fucked up conversation with my dad.
I was holding the syringe, taking deep breaths to give me the courage to inject the med. He was watching me, my fear of piercing my belly, and said: "Why are you scared? You did worse to your arms for years", referring to my self harm permanent scars.
I gave him a burning and hateful look. I said: "You're just an asshole", and hit myself with the syringe. Like… WTF is wrong with him?
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spooniestrong · 2 years ago
2nd Methotrexate dose today and it's kicking my ass. Headache & nausea and I can't take anything bc ibuprofen & acetaminophen interact... ughhhhhhhh... any advice?
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reserwrekt · 2 years ago
Methotrexate fog feels like I'm constantly buffering
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