#messy exes to lovers
audi0med1c · 8 months
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CHAPTER 2 of "Is It Over Now?"
"Look What You Made Me Do"
3,263 words - if you prefer to read on Archive or Wattpad...links here
Lexa's thumb hits dial on her phone before she's even closed the door behind her, now alone in the back seat of the black Suburban after walking the young blonde up to her door and respectfully declining the invitation to come up for a nightcap. She had used the excuse of an early call time tomorrow for her reason for needing to head home, though it was only 10:30 and she could not be more wide awake.
"So I take it you are not face-deep in your smokin' hot date if you're calling me right now." The smug voice teases through the phone.
"It wasn't even a real date Anya, you knew that." Lexa pinches the bridge of her nose.
"You said your agent asked you to take out one of his buddies' newbies to help get her exposure, that's still basically a date."
Lexa sighs heavily.
"Also...incredibly bold of you to take her to Clarke's favorite restaurant."
"I didn't choose it!" Lexa exasperates, "I felt bad saying no when she said she'd never been able to get a reservation there!"
"Well you did choose to overdo the PDA." Anya snorts, "Based on what I'm seeing on twitter."
Lexa quickly opens the app and scrolls her timeline, seeing plenty of shots from various angles within the restaurant - no doubt from other diners - from the night.
There's one picture of her back, as she reached Clarke at the front of the restaurant, with the caption "Uh-Oh, caught bringing the flavor of the week to their old go-to spot!"
She scrolls some of the comments underneath....
Damn what a power move, I respect it though.
This was definitely intentional 😳 so shitty.
I feel so bad for Clarke. They're always a younger hotter version of her 👀
Omg Lexa in suits😍😍😍
Hahaha Lexa having exactly one specific type will never stop being hilarious.
Okay but CLARKE'S DRESS🥵....like yes I'd chase after her too Lex
She scrolls more of the photos, images of Raven and Octavia shooting daggers across the restaurant, Lexa guiding her date out at the end of the night with a casually placed hand on the model's lower back, plenty of shots of Lexa looking like she's having a pleasantly flirty conversation while clinking glasses of champagne, and someone actually caught her placing the quick kiss on the back of the girl's hand when she returned to her table after Clarke left. She clicks into that picture, which is captioned "Lexa's Rizz is unmatched"
She hates that word – 'Rizz'... more dumb slang from Gen Z that is cringey as hell. But she's curious about the comments under this one, and as usual, it's a mixed bag of both her fans and Clarke's.
Awww I would die on the spot if Lexa ever did that to me😭
Lexa thinking "You look like my next mistake"
This is the cutest shit ever!
Ms. Perfectly Fine strikes again😬
Lexa's game >>>>>
Ew that could NOT look more forced.
I need Clexa back!
Damn what she say to Clarke after chasing her on her way out? 👀
Imagine fumbling Lexa Woods 💀💀
Lexa's roster is 🔥🔥🔥
"Ummm hellooooo?!?" Lexa suddenly remembers she's still on the phone.
"Oh, sorry uh what did you say?" She stammers.
"You are playing with fire if you keep doing this you know..." Lexa doesn't bother asking if she's referring to the public dates with models or intentionally antagonizing Clarke any chance she gets. Anya is one of the few people who knows anything about what actually happened between them two years ago when everything blew up in the media, and the fact that she is dating one of Clarke's best friends has only made it more complicated to not constantly hear about what she's up to.
"Don't worry about me Anya," Lexa tries to play off her growing remorse at not coming up with a reason to go to a different restaurant, "If I know Clarke, I'm pretty sure I just ruined her night." She laughs to cover up the worry that it might actually be true, and that makes her want to give her driver the Beverly Hills address she knows better than her own and go apologize in person.
Instead she types out a quick text, contemplating it, before hitting send.
Lexa: Hey, sorry about tonight, I really didn't think about how it looked.
She's not expecting a reply right away, if at all, but her phone vibrates only seconds later.
The One💔: Okay, sure let's go with that.
Lexa: I am😒The champagne was a bit much though. It's not like you haven't had plenty of company yourself? Including people I used to work with, btw...
The One💔: At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.  At OUR fucking spot Lex? Really? That's low, even for you.
Lexa: I said I was sorry.
The one💔: Whatever.  I expect it at this point.
"Uhh Lexa?" Anya says cautiously.
"What?" Lexa's hardly listening.
"Don't think you ruined her night."
"What do you mean?" Her attention sharpens, and she gulps down the lump in her throat, hoping it's not the one thing she doesn't want to hear.
"Raven just got dropped off and heard Clarke tell the driver to head to Malibu."
The words settle like rocks in her stomach.
"You still there?"  Anya says after a minute of silence.
But Lexa hangs up without saying goodbye, her chest heaves briefly as her pulse races. Her eyes barely start to sting when she shifts in her seat, sucking on her top teeth, heat flaring behind her ears as her fingers quickly type out another text she will probably regret tomorrow.
Lexa: Tell Niylah I said Hi.
She leans back in the leather seat and lets out a sigh, satisfied with one last taunt on the night, picturing Clarke venting to Niylah over more wine the rest of the night, the girl Clarke always told her was "just a friend" which turned out to be one giant slap in the face.
They were dating within weeks of Clarke and Lexa's breakup. Looking far too familiar and comfortable for two people in the initial stages of a romance. But the relationship fizzled out after a year, and now they were back to 'just friends' again, orsomething...and Lexa somewhat relished the thought of Clarke spending the rest of the night venting to her most recent ex about herself, even if it was in a negative light.
Her phone vibrated again though, and the words on the screen sent her stomach plummeting.
The One💔: Tell her yourself,  I don't plan on talking when I get there.
Clarke had shot off the same message to the same three people she always does. Two of them were for a more primal purpose, and the third was just for moral support and maybe some cuddles, and usually their responses made the final decision easier if she wanted any company at all over the silent efficient satisfaction of her electronic alternatives at home.
Clarke:  Up for a visitor?
Bel💙:  Aren't you with O? Everything okay?
Last Resort🤢: Of course, already hard just thinking about you.
Niy💞: You know you don't need to ask. Door is open. Tea or night cap kind of night? -----
She had already given the driver instruction to head to Malibu, knowing which option she preferred, and knowing, as usual, that it was almost always available.  Perhaps the most reliant person she had outside of Octavia and Raven, Niylah and her had remained close even after breaking up last year. 
They ran in the same professional circles, with Niylah being a gallery curator, which was how she and Clarke had met.  She was a pure-heart, kind, and understanding.  She knew before Clarke did that they just were not meant to last, despite their deep respect and endearment towards each other.  It didn't surprise her or upset her when Clarke finally broke things off, unable to commit to the next level of their relationship when the subject of moving in was broached.  Clarke realized she wasn't able to offer that level of commitment, or exclusivity even, to anyone - even someone as deserving of it as Niylah.
It honestly didn't even change that much about their dynamic, except the ratio of how much they saw of each other in the daylight versus at night became much more lopsided. 
Clarke enjoyed watching the scenery outside change the further away from the city they got, until they were driving along the coastline. The vast darkness stretching out to the horizon, the waves ominous as they danced and crested in the dark was eerily soothing. 
Her phone vibrates again, and it's the last person she expected to hear from tonight.
Walking 🚩: Hey, sorry about tonight, I really didn't think about how it looked.
She huffs out loud in the back seat, instantly annoyed. Always the same bullshit. Lexa always knew what she was doing.
Clarke: Okay, sure, let's go with that.
It had been months since they had seen each other at an event for Raven's tech company.  Lexa had made the very rare decision to come solo, which Raven and Anya probably made her do for the sake of their intertwined friend group, who was all seated together near the front as Raven's guests.
They had been seated on opposite sides of the round table, with Octavia inbetween her brother Bellamy, and her boyfriend – Lexa's cousin - Lincoln, on one side and Anya - Lexa's oldest friend - and Raven on the other.  Clarke wasn't sure exactly what to expect, since usually when they had to be around each other it was premieres or parties where they could mingle within a larger crowd and avoid each other easily. But sitting at the table, it was hard for Clarke to find other things to look at.
Lexa made it easier by being preoccupied with her phone most of the dinner, making no attempt to hide her smiles as she typed away to however many people she was talking to at the time, asking Anya how long she needed to stay before she was allowed to dip out for other plans. If there was one thing Lexa was always aware of, it was that being seen in public would find its way onto social media one way or another, and after being seen at the event at the same table as Clarke, she made a point of being caught very much cozied up to some model later that night at a club.  
Didn't think about how it looked my fucking ass... Clarke thought to herself.
Walking 🚩: Tell Niylah I say hi. 
Clark grinned. She knew Raven would tell Anya, who would tell Lexa where she was going.  She'd told the driver to head to Malibu regardless if she actually ended up going or not, making sure to say it loud and clear before Raven was fully out of the car.  Lexa's favorite thing seemed to be flaunting her parade of women in front of Clarke, but two could play this game, and Lexa would very soon come to learn that Clarke was much better at it.
Clarke: Tell her yourself, I don't plan on talking when I get there.
Niylah greets her with a warm mug of tea and even warmer hug, not letting go for almost a full minute. It had been a while since she has been here. 
"You look nice." She says softly when they let go.
Clarke slips her hands around the girl's neck, "Just kiss me, I've had a long night."
"What did she do this time?" Niylah chuckles. It catches Clarke off guard a little.
"I'm not offended Clarke, but I'm not dumb. It's almost midnight, so there's only one reason you're here."
"Niylah it's not--"
"I said I'm not offended. It's okay, Clarke." The older girl urges, running her hands up and down Clarke's arms, "We didn't work out for a reason, but it doesn't mean I hate whatever this is, you know you are always welcome here.  I can be whatever you need me to be for you."
Clarke looks down, slightly ashamed, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to--"
Niylah cuts her off, lifting a finger under her chin to close her mouth, bringing her face back up to look at her, and grazes her thumb over Clarke's bottom lip before pressing a soft kiss into her.
"I guess I should send her a thank you note one of these days, maybe some flowers..." She smiles sweetly, "...if she's what keeps bringing you back here to me."
Clarke's eyes start glistening, and she wishes more than anything she had come here under a different circumstance. Her and Niylah had remained close even after their breakup, and it changed very little about their dynamic or connection, only that there was no longer any expectations or obligations to each other.  They saw each other a lot less, and in public they were mostly just cordial friendly associates, operating within the same circles both being in the art industry.
But when they were alone, they seamlessly fell back into the comfort and ease of each other out of habit.  It was a quiet, tender caring that Clarke let herself get lost in possibly too quickly when everything initially blew up in the media with Lexa.  It was an easy escape, a refuge from the harshness of having so much of your life on display all the time, of constantly being compared to everything and everyone else around Lexa. Always feeling like she had to prove herself.
After a year together, when Niylah had mentioned Clarke perhaps moving in, it hit her that they had already reached their ceiling, and Clarke knew she didn't have any more of herself she could give to the girl, or anyone else at the time, and it wasn't fair to take such a step knowing it would never be more than this.
"You Okay?" The older girl asks gently, reading Clarke's face.
"I'm fine." Clarke tries to assure, but her glossy eyes well up even more.
The girl takes Clarke's face in her hands, "You're not fine at all." 
"Niylah, would you mind not talking?" 
She could save the guilt for the morning.  Right now she needed to feel soft hands drag along her skin, warm lips laying claim to every limb. Her fingers tangle in open hair as her head falls back into pillows and she crumbles like a piece of paper, lost in the sensation and memories that should NOT be surfacing in this moment. She lets Niylah have her completely, keeping her eyes shut so that she won't be tempted to look down and realize it's not green eyes looking back at her.
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Lexa is several shots deep in the back of a dive bar on the East side around the corner from her high-rise. She's made nice with the owner, who lets her in the back so she can tuck away in the corner and usually goes unnoticed as long as she keeps to herself. The local patrons are mostly middle-aged men who wouldn't recognize her even if one of her movies or shows was playing on the tvs in the corner over the bar.
Part of her wishes she hadn't turned down that invite to go upstairs when she dropped off her date. She keeps staring at the last message in her phone. I don't plan on talking when I get there.
It could be anyone else. Literally anyone else.
Clarke knew exactly what she was doing.
Niylah was the reason they broke up. Just waiting in the weeds, feeding Clarke who knows what kind of lies. Lexa always sensed she was feeding Clarke anything to help her believe the never-ending rumors that would swirl around in the media about Lexa and practically any female friend or co-star she had. Just waiting for the perfect moment, the smallest crack to push through and make her move.
Fuck Niylah.
Right now she's probably waiting with open arms for Clarke to arrive and hear how much of a betrayal it was what Lexa did tonight.
It was hardly a betrayal compared to what Clarke did with Niylah.
No, two can fucking play this game.
The brunette rips another double shot, before taking out her phone and sending a message that only ever meant one thing.
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Cos: I can be there in 20? Lexa: Bring tequila.
Morning comes too quickly, bright and harsh and Lexa's head is pounding. She's sprawled out naked, on her stomach face first at the edge of her bed, and her hand fumbles around the covers searching for her phone to check the time: 7am. Damn. The space next to her is empty but she smells coffee brewing, and as soon as she attempts to sit up, a steaming mug is placed next to her on the nightstand, and the rich aroma stings her nostrils.
"You're alive" the perky blonde girl giggles, sitting on the edge of the bed and brushing the mess of wavy brown strands back from Lexa's face as she's hunched forward, trying to will the room to stop spinning.
"Baby Love... lay down, I got you, here." She props some pillows against the headboard so Lexa can lean backwards against them. "Here let me get you some water and advil too." As she's rummaging through a cabinet of medicine, vitamins, and supplements, Lexa looks through her phone, seeing mostly more tweets and comments about the run-in at the restaurant, but the nausea in her stomach worsens when she switches over to Instagram and sees a new post at the top of her feed. She stares at it for a minute, then drops her phone and races to the bathroom to empty her stomach.
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"You good babe?" The blonde says through the bathroom door, concerned.
After a couple rounds of heaving, Lexa pants, "I'm good, just going to hop in the shower."
"Okay, did you want to grab brunch after?"
Lexa wasn't sure she even wanted to leave this bathroom anytime soon, let alone eat, or be photographed out with Costia after just being seen on a date last night.
Costia knows what they are, and more importantly, what they are not. It works for them. Costia is hot and fun and eats up the attention she gets as Lexa's favorite arm candy. What started out as just purely hookups over a year ago evolved into a real friendship with convenient benefits.
"Not today Cos, sorry I have a shoot later."
"Ohhhh is it for that new show? The one based on a book?"
Lexa turns the shower on, "It's just a mini series, not a whole show, but yea."
"Aw...I love coming along for those." The girl hints, and Lexa feels a little guilty for wanting as little human interaction as possible the rest of the day.
"Next time Cos, I promise."
The hot shower has her feeling brand new when she emerges, and she's relieved to find the apartment empty as well. She grabs her phone to text her driver, Gustus, about picking her up in a bit for her photoshoot when she sees a message waiting from Anya:
Anya: Looks like you were face-first in a smoking hot blonde last night afterall😏 We still hanging later?
Lexa is confused at first, but then checks her phone, and sure enough, is tagged in a new photo:
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She notices who liked the picture, grinning as she plops back into her bed in her robe, smug and satisfied, thinking:
Let the games begin.
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emily-mooon · 8 months
You know when I hear people say they want more messy relationships in ST, I’m tempted to point my finger to the corner where Stonathan sits.
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lainalit · 2 months
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jpg-of-dorian-slay · 3 months
i'd dial drunk (i'd die for you)
“You’ve got a boyfriend.” Jesper says out loud. His voice comes out very scratchy for some strange reason, and he hurries to clear his throat again. “Please don’t be weird.” Wylan says softly. “Why would I be weird?” Jesper asks. “I’m just- you’ve got a boyfriend. I’m happy for you.” Wylan snorts. “Ok then.”
or: jesper gets in trouble and has to call his ex to come pick him up. good thing they've both moved on and there are absolutely no messy feelings left between them.
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neetols · 2 years
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in my head they're exes to friends to lovers again after a 500 year breakup, oh verr goldet is living for the drama unfolding in wangshu inn
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ourdreamsareneon · 2 months
it's crazy the level of discourse there is about antis/pros and how teenagers just devolve into purity culture so quick. I'm sure I used to be like that, but somewhere between dating gang members and reading copious amounts of philosophy the world became a lot more gray to me when I entered my twenties and I've realised three things that I think are important for teenagers to know:
To quote my favourite childhood book series: "People aren't either wicked or noble. They're like chef's salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict." Sure, going to car meets, selling drugs, drunk driving, stealing cars, playing chicken with cops are all examples of bad things that you shouldn't do but am I going to sit in my lovers bed and tell him that this life he was born into that saw all his friends die in drive bys and that saw his own dad pull a gun on him when he was a kid makes him a shitty person? Even though I can see all of the good in him, and can tell he doesn't want to do this, I should ignore it and focus on the negatitives? We have all done bad things, we all do bad things, and we all will do bad things. It doesn't make you a bad person.
Purity culture hurts everyone. There's a great book about this called the History of Sexuality that delves into how purity culture and the censorship of sex is at its essence the capitalist authority controlling the means of reproduction. At large scale 'pray the gay away' and 'contraception is a sin' make it so that men and women couple up more (instead of same sex coupling) and have unprotected sex. On a smaller scale 'AO3 is evil because it has pedos' and 'watersports is the grossest thing ever' do the job of the capitalist authority on a more digestible level. Us vs Them no longer is 'alt right vs communism' they use your words to make it 'pure good hobest people vs pedos who like piss play.' you are making bullets for your enemy and handing them your own damn gun. I promised I wouldn't make this whole post this one point tee hee sorry if you want me to elaborate just ask lol
Fetish ≠ real world experience. I'll build my own pyre as an example: I love me some good CNC (consensual non-consent) in my fanfics but in real life sex I have a praise kink so bad I have cried during sex multiple times. I am into tooth rotting sweet stuff and the kindest people in the world in real life. The media you consume 1000% has an effect on you, I'm not arguing that. I am however arguing that if you have media literacy and know what media is and is not harmful to you, it shouldn't effect your real life drastically unless you have other shit going on. I know this is rich coming from the "I have dated people in gangs" guy because that may show what kinda guy I'm into but prommy that's not a sexual attraction thing, it's 100% a lifestyle thing that again I will elaborate on if you want. Point being, porn ≠ reality and what gets that blood flowing isn't necessarily a reflection of how good or bad you are (ofc there are kinds of porn that are bad but that's beside the point and a very complicated thing for me to type while I'm this sleepy)
thank you for coming to my ted talk. pls I am begging on my knees for people to stop having black and white world views but i also know that's just a product of being a teen so if you are a teen pls! go out there and! consume media from different cultures and people with different lives to you! the world is at its best when it is wide!!! and full of love <3
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kazamajun · 12 days
t8's despair ending but there's an additional scene where kazuya finds out jun is alive via being served divorce papers
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lestatlioncunt · 18 days
you know it's the time for me to cut my hair when i'm on pinterest looking for haircuts photos
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kazumist · 4 months
im gna be honest with u all thoma's installment is gonna be the less angsty one compared to everyone else in the shs universe LMFAOOOOO UHM
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mariathechosen1 · 3 months
Was Anyone But You a good Much Ado About Nothing adaptation? No, not at all, but fuck it was fun!
#y’all know I have many thoughts about this play and these characters#but even though the movie didn’t completely live up to my expectations as an adaptation#I still really enjoyed it!#and I really despise all those people making posts about how sydney sweeney can’t act#idk it seems a little rude#my main problem is how they messed up the benedick and beatrice characterization and dynamic#I love that they played up the ex lovers thing (which is left up to interpretation in the play)#and i love love queer Hero and Claudio!!!#but their hatred of each other didn’t really pack the same punch as in the original#I suppose I wish they weren’t afraid to make the characters bigger assholes?#ya know- give them more flaws?#because right now the enemies part doesn’t really feel believable for big parts of the movie#They really could have leaned more into making Bea a bit of a cold and snappy mess (as she is in the original)#and Ben more of…ya know…actual human disaster who can’t commit#both of their characters in the play are driven by their desire never to marry and their distrust for the opposite sex#They included this a bit with Bea (her not believing in true love and all that)#but her break up with Jonathan (because he was too nice???) didn’t really convince me of it#They also keep insisting that Ben is a fuckboy but we never really see it demonstrated?#I personally don’t mind the fact that they changed up the whole ‘convincing them that the other secretly loves them’ bit#especially considering this is only loosely based on much ado#but I do think they made it a bit messy considering they included the gulling scenes but only as a joke#I wish they’d either leaned fully into the much ado plot or ditched it#I think what a lot of adaptations get wrong is that they’re either too afraid of leaning into their og media#or too afraid of seperating themselves from the og media#oh god I’ve reached the tag limit help#anyways- rant over#anyone but you#maria talks about things#much ado about nothing#beatrice x benedick
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dallonwrites · 10 months
update: i am EXHAUSTED so much happened today......so i didn't really expect to make "progress" with the draft but the whole "this is just a warm up" really made the idea of writing feel chill and low energy so it made me at least write something!! and i enjoyed what i wrote actually!! def going to try tomorrow with a more "proper" writing session afterwards
Beau tears the wrapper into tiny pieces and tries to remember if Felix had ever been this talkative. He thinks it was only under bedsheets and lamplight when neither of them wanted to sleep, the crook of his neck in a taxi after nights Beau successfully convinced him to buy tequila shots. There’s something effortless to him that is not new, but no longer hides itself, like how the sunset, every night, even with the clouds and the fog, effortlessly makes its way into the waves. An effortlessness that keeps Beau from getting anxious amongst traffic or questioning if this was a good idea at all, but something tangles in him, feels messy and raw, the idea that the Felix the world sees now is the Felix that was once all his.
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musingmixtape · 6 months
✧ closed starter for @hclysins
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“I'm sorry that I pulled the it's not you, it's me.”
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outline planning is going well 🙂
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plots4us · 2 months
i play (maggie lindemann), and i am looking for (m/f) with (nicholas galitzine). looking for ( a messy exes, friends to lovers, i have ideas!) plot. this plot will be for (group). this plot (will not) be chemistry based, (will) contain mature themes and will be (mostly headcanon). reach me at (beautyisboring on chats)
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lloronahoelife · 2 months
Chisme updates🎭
Litteraly been depressed after hearing that ig my ex (actually just a situationship but he called me his ex surprisingly) litterly did admit he left me for his fucking toxic butxh ex.. am i still hung up about him. Yes tf i am he gave me the affection i wanted but he showed me his true bitch asss whore side
Nyways theyr talking about babys and names but the girl who he left me for wanted their babys name after me 🤧 when she litterly fucked me up by going to steal him back (WHICK SHE ADMITTED TOO) but he got mad at that fact and was 'like tf no?? Not naming my kid after my ex' and she got mad cause she though i was just a side peice he was like "tf no" and she throws a fit while he was like yk what "insert her toxic ex name" would be cute as a baby name..SHE GOT PISSED and went off acting victum but my sister friend heared all this while being on the phone and then started poping off cause she hates that girl so much like she told her all the lies ghat that girl made up cause BITCH lemme tell you she did so much messy shit for what?? Like you already stole him back from me i dont want him back anymore girl! You two are toxic made for eachother<3
..but tbh she put it on herself cause girl i havent even talked to both of them i fact anyone bro ive been fucking addicted to tumbler and fortnite for the past month since it hPpened like ZERO CONTACT and this bitch still brings my name to her mouth... calling me a homewreaker and shit like girl thats you! not me!
im a fucking dumbass mostlikey on the spectrum and somehow got rizz but to be called homewreaker without doing so..honestly im honored to be mention that way??😭
🎀i love my name🎀
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stopthefeeling · 3 months
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Not messy gays being involved in a clandestine date gone wrong here that leads to a second chance at happiness twice?!?!?!?!
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