#I think what a lot of adaptations get wrong is that they’re either too afraid of leaning into their og media
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Was Anyone But You a good Much Ado About Nothing adaptation? No, not at all, but fuck it was fun!
#y’all know I have many thoughts about this play and these characters#but even though the movie didn’t completely live up to my expectations as an adaptation#I still really enjoyed it!#and I really despise all those people making posts about how sydney sweeney can’t act#idk it seems a little rude#my main problem is how they messed up the benedick and beatrice characterization and dynamic#I love that they played up the ex lovers thing (which is left up to interpretation in the play)#and i love love queer Hero and Claudio!!!#but their hatred of each other didn’t really pack the same punch as in the original#I suppose I wish they weren’t afraid to make the characters bigger assholes?#ya know- give them more flaws?#because right now the enemies part doesn’t really feel believable for big parts of the movie#They really could have leaned more into making Bea a bit of a cold and snappy mess (as she is in the original)#and Ben more of…ya know…actual human disaster who can’t commit#both of their characters in the play are driven by their desire never to marry and their distrust for the opposite sex#They included this a bit with Bea (her not believing in true love and all that)#but her break up with Jonathan (because he was too nice???) didn’t really convince me of it#They also keep insisting that Ben is a fuckboy but we never really see it demonstrated?#I personally don’t mind the fact that they changed up the whole ‘convincing them that the other secretly loves them’ bit#especially considering this is only loosely based on much ado#but I do think they made it a bit messy considering they included the gulling scenes but only as a joke#I wish they’d either leaned fully into the much ado plot or ditched it#I think what a lot of adaptations get wrong is that they’re either too afraid of leaning into their og media#or too afraid of seperating themselves from the og media#oh god I’ve reached the tag limit help#anyways- rant over#anyone but you#maria talks about things#much ado about nothing#beatrice x benedick
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random sentence prompts ━ from various tv shows, part 16
i don’t think i’ve ever been this fucking tired.
sometimes people act like one thing, even though they’re something else.
that little bit of hope, that’s the part i couldn’t bear.
i would give anything to feel like a good person again.
best way to make us suffer is to give us hope.
piecing this together is like trying to grab hold of water.
so far, i’m underwhelmed.
i don’t want a relationship. i just want to be with you all the time.
i just wanna know why everyone always abandons me.
i can’t be around you anymore. it’s confusing, and it makes me feel insane.
you didn’t take me out of love, you took me out of spite.
don’t let love make you out to be a fool. leave before you’re left.
you are a lonely, selfish, narcissistic asshole.
every time i look at you, i feel so completely dismantled.
i have people who mean more to me than you would ever understand.
always surprised to see you so tenderhearted.
that’s more like salvation than a simple favor.
when i think about the specifics too much, i just get sad.
i let my ego get in the way of a lot of good shit in my life.
it’s easier to lose interest than to work through things.
it’s my life. it’s already over in the first place.
i only wanted to leave because i’ve never felt seen here.
do you wanna be right, or do you wanna have your family?
you’re exactly like me. that’s the problem.
i just wanna feel normal. please help me feel normal.
it felt like we were changing the world.
i am so sorry i freaked out. it will not happen again.
i thought that work would distract me.
you challenged me, and in return, i made you feel small. i’m sorry.
you said that we were bad for each other.
why is my fucking point of view the one everyone’s assuming is wrong?
sometimes it feels like i’m watching other people experience things.
you know, sometimes i think you just lie for the fun of it.
i fucking love that. i love when you stoop to my level.
sometimes i just wanna feel so normal that i’m almost boring.
that’s the thing about liars. they look just like everybody else.
i don’t hate you. what good is that gonna do?
i feel angry, sad, betrayed. i don’t hate you, i feel bad for you.
i feel bad for you because you aren’t the good person you thought you were. that’s gotta hurt, knowing that.
i'm either all in or all out. i need to find a way forward.
when you are ready, this will make you stronger. better.
you either adapt, or you lose your mind.
don’t tell me you’re pretty, privileged, and humorless.
you know, at some point, we’re gonna have to start trusting each other.
i used to be a happier person.
thank you for not being full of shit.
she was a nuisance as a child and a horror show as a teen.
i’m so sick of hearing everybody’s opinions about me.
i don’t think you’re pathetic. i just want you to be careful.
i’m done looking like a fucking idiot, so i’m asking you to treat me with some respect from now on.
i just got you back. i’m not losing you again.
everyone was so scared, there was no time to be angry.
i believed in you. don’t you get that?
would you rather i just pick you apart and make you feel like shit?
what you want is for me to read your mind so i can say whatever you want to hear at any given time.
i was already on my fucking own.
whatever this is, it’s you and i.
i couldn’t kill you. i’d probably just cry.
if we’re gonna do this, we’re doing it together.
this seems like a really good plan to piss off my parents, so i’m in.
do things around here feel different to you?
scared people do scary things. even the good ones.
i know we don’t right now. but could we make sense again?
we keep playing with fire, and we need to stop before we burn our lives down.
i am the one who keeps people alive.
which fucking nightmare am i supposed to be afraid of?
i cant help if i’m in the dark.
every time something good happens, something bad comes to ruin it.
whatever this is, we are stronger than this.
will i ever feel normal again?
i think this is your normal now. and everyday, you’ll get a little more comfortable with it.
#rp sentence prompts#rp ask meme#ask meme#one liner sentence starters#sentence starters#meme#*#rp one liners
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Just finished Emily Windsnap and the Pirate Prince. Overall I really enjoyed it!! It had fast pacing, lovable new characters, clever callbacks to the earlier books, another major character arc for Emily, and a very surprising ending. My only nitpicks were some really predictable moments, more retconning, and one very big plothole..
This is the first book where King Neptune doesn’t show up. He’s mentioned but doesn’t play a huge part in the story. Honestly I’m glad for this. After 7 books of Neptune being a convenient deux ex machina in each ending, I’m glad to see this story can be told well even without him. And after all the crap Neptune put Emily through, she deserves a break from him XD.
The book references "Scooby Doo" and I have so many questions...do other pop culture franchises exist in the Emily Windsnap universe? Does Disney exist? Or Starbucks? What would Emily and her mermaid friends think about Disney's Ariel or the Starbucks mermaid logo? Would Sam and Noah be familiar with anything from pop culture (Noah mentions movies)? Or did their parents completely isolate them from modern society to live a pirate’s life?
Emily understanding all the poems makes a lot of sense, considering her dad Jake is a poet. She’s read all his poems before, is told that she has a good imagination, so this isn’t too far-fetched. And I like how it’s balanced out by her being wrong at least once. This saves Emily from being a lazy plot device. Funny coincidence Emily and Sam both have dads named Jacob who love poems XD.
JAKE AND PENNY ARE FINALLY IMPORTANT AGAIN :D If you couldn’t tell, they’re my favorite ship in the series, honestly wish they had more plot relevance after Book 4. Despite not being in this story much, their small actions at the beginning have a HUGE payoff at the end.I mentioned Emily’s dad being a poet could be why she deciphered all the poems. Likewise, I think she adapted quickly to life on the pirate ship because her mom raised her on a boat. These are both examples of Mary P. and Jake’s importance to this story -- I think how they raised Emily gave her the skills she showed here.
Windsnap women be ditching their men for some pirate’s booty XD. Not just Emily leaving Aaron and kissing Sam, but also her mom Mary P. dancing with Noah while pining for Jake.
The BIG plot hole: WHYYYYYY couldn’t Jake Windsnap join his family on the cruise ship?! I know being a merman limits his options but…
There’s plenty of water both on and around that ship for him. The ship itself is confirmed to have water slides and swimming pools, maybe hot tubs too. He could get in and out of the sea whenever needed, and just use a rope or something to hoist himself back up.Couldn’t he get around on the deck in a wheelchair? Or Segway? Or is Mary gonna have to carry him? Honestly that wouldn’t be too hard: Jake is often depicted as pretty scrawny, and Mary must be pretty strong from all that sailing.
Is it because he needs saltwater? Is he going to die in any water that isn’t saltwater? Like those saltwater aquarium fish? The other merfolk characters swim in pools and lakes without any problem, so maybe this is just Jake’s problem.
Is it because the humans would be hostile/afraid of Jake? The book clearly shows not all humans are accepting of mermaids, even friendly humans like Sam still show some unconscious bias (like when he calls Shona “thing” and “it”), I thought maybe that was the direction the book was headed. I imagine as a service industry the crew members would try their hardest to be friendly with merpeople like Jake, but either they’re innocently insensitive (think Zootopia) or they just didn’t properly prepare their ship for a merperson on board (for example there’s not enough water or the swimming pool has too many chemicals that cause him pain). Or maybe some people are just jerks to Jake. But NOPE. Turns out at the end he went and chatted with the cruise ship just fine and got their help with 0 problems.
Honestly this all makes Jake seem like an entitled diva. After 3 books of his wife Mary going out of ther comfort zone to be with him, we never see him do the same for her, this book would have been the perfect opportunity. JAKE: your wife conquered her 12-year fear of water, left behind everything and everyone she knows, even cut contact with her disapproving parents...all to be with you. So you can shut up and suck up some 10 seconds in a swimming pool just for her.
Also Jake boarding the ship would’ve made 0 difference to the story. He’d still be unable to dance with Mary, leaving her free to dance with Noah. Being the nice guy he is, I could see Jake letting Mary dance with what seems like an innocent boy. And Jake could easily have escaped when the Pirate King took over. Heck he’d have the easiest time escaping by just jumping overboard XD.
You know what would’ve been a better opening? If Jake came aboard the cruise ship with his family hoping to have a good time. But instead he has a horrible time, so he literally jumps ship, leaving Mary alone and emotionally vulnerable to Noah’s schemes. This also would’ve been perfect foreshadowing for Emily’s internal struggles later when she’s the only mermaid on Sam’s pirate ship. Imagine she sees her dad struggling as a merman among humans, leading her to wonder whether humans will ever fully accept her being a mermaid.
This book adds nuance to the series’ overall “be yourself” message. Where several characters learn to just be themselves. Not just Emily like in all the previous books, but also Sam. There’s significant nuance to Sam’s “be yourself” arc. Sam had to change himself in some ways, by learning from Emily how to be more confident and authoritative. But Sam also stuck to his principles of not mistreating people like his brother, and of not stealing like his father. He strikes a perfect balance of changing and staying the same, depending on his situation, which is much more relatable (and a better message for kids that in no way could be misinterpreted). Also Emily gradually stops her people-pleasing tendencies. Throughout this entire series, most of her actions were to earn approval from the men in her life. She strove to be a : good daughter to Jake in Books 1-3, a good servant to Neptune in Books 4-5, and a good girlfriend to Aaron in the subsequent books. Suddenly this book ends with her ending a romance with both Aaron and Sam. Now that Emily stops caring what the men in her life think, who knows what awaits her? More importantly, Emily and Sam both learn that sometimes, being yourself means having to cut people out of your life. Whether its toxic people like Sam’s family, or people like Aaron who are nice but accidentally holding you back.
The ending took me COMPLETELY by surprise, and in the best possible way. Sam saves the day not by some intense battle with the antagonists, nor by saving everyone from looming peril. This book ends with Sam being the hero just by being kind to everyone. His past kindness to everyone “pure of heart” according to a poem, which makes him the only one able to pass a very dangerous obstacle. Then he stands up to his family, declares he’s gonna leave the pirate business and be a better person than them, and this immediately sways nearly everyone to join his crew. Not only do his remaining crew show genuine loyalty and respect to him, but most of his rival’s crew defect to join him. Sam’s cruel family watch Sam’s kindness succeed where they failed: Sam earned the Trident’s Treasure, authority over a a large strong loyal crew, and even the loyalty of the rival crew who switch sides to him. After years of his family’s disapproval over him not being a “real/true pirate”... it’s so satisfying to see him become a more capable pirate, by acting completely different from other pirates. The final scene is everyone whom Sam was kind to, pitching in to help him mend his destroyed ship and bring their treasure home.
The book has a great message about kindness. I think it succeeds where Disney’s live action Cinderella (2015) failed. Just like Cinderella, Sam chooses to treat people with kindness in situations where it’d be very tempting to act cruel. But unlike Cinderella, his kindness doesn’t prevent him from trying to change his situation and establishing firm discipline when needed. Unlike Cinderella, being kind DOES NOT make Sam a doormat. As stated before, Sam’s kindness in the end earns him everything he ever wanted: the treasure, the loyalty of his crew, freedom from his family’s expectations, and the start of a better relationship with his parents. Granted him ditching the family business was predictable, but it didn’t happen in the way I expected. Also when Sam finds the empty treasure chest , I predicted he was going to give some “The real treasure was the friends we made along the way” -type speech. GUESS WHAT HAPPENS JUST A FEW SECONDS LATER XD.
I’m so glad Emily and Aaron broke up in the end. She was so paranoid of and awful to him during their dating phase, when he’s nothing but nice to her. They really are better off as just friends and it seems Emily finally realized that. I just don’t like Emily giving Aaron this weird “you have your life, I have my life” BS reason for doing so. This book’s ending sounded more like Emily BSing her way out from someone she secretly dislikes. I am glad she didn’t dump him for Sam! I honestly that was gonna happen, and would be so mad at Emily if she did...why the heck would she dump someone she’s dated for about a year, for someone she’s been crushing on for only 3 days?! Thankfully the book ends with her happily single.
Aaron offering to move back to Brightport pissed me off . It really cheapens the sacrifice he made choosing to stay at Forgotten Island, which is a big reason he tried breaking up with Emily. In turn this also cheapens Emily and Aaron’s official break-up at the end. Because honestly the events of Book 7 are enough reason for them to break up: they’ll have a hard time keeping in touch because he’s moving away, they keep getting into petty fights, Emily keeps jumping to conclusions about Aaron, Aaron can’t read Emily’s feelings, Aaron never expresses his own interests and only goes along with Emily’s, etc.
Overall an enjoyable story! A great standalone and good part of a series. Only one Emily Windsnap book left. This next one’s gonna be hard to read because I know it’s the last ): .
#emily windsnap#emily windsnap and the pirate prince#liz kessler#mermaid#middle grade fiction#middle grade books#middle grade series#review#reaction#thoughts#rant
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part 3??
💫these are broad generalizations, they are based on personal experiences and my years of reading astrology books and blogs for shits and giggles. don’t take these to ♥️ as a full in depth chart reading would need to be done for a true analysis💫
-sun conjunct mercury natal aspect makes someone an excellent communicator but a terrible listener. retains half of what you say
-leo placements (especially moon) will try to relate to a situation by bringing up a personal event. truly it’s just an attempt to tell the person they understand on a personal level, but these placements come off as self-centered and bad listeners in their attempts to show relatability. as a leo sun i am completely guilty of this
-capricorn placements … are yall okay??
-1st house dominance in the natal chart points to someone who goes through a lot of changes. whether that be aesthetically or personally. it can take these people a long time to truly find themselves
-8th house dominance in the natal chart come on way too strong or not at all. 
-cancer moons… have a hard time admitting when they’re wrong. it’s as if they think that if they admit to having fault, they’re losing, and the other person will end up taking advantage of them.
-sun negatively aspecting rising in the natal chart points to someone who often gets told that they’re different than someone expected. whether that’s in a positive or negative connotation
-taurus placements it’s okay to have change sometimes! just because you’ve done something the same way your entire life does not mean that you always have to do that
-12th house dominant people are cursed with walking the fine line of liking your alone time and isolation to the point they lose those around them
-libra mars have to be basically guided during sex. they’re extremely adaptable sexually and down for most things but lack the take charge ability
-pisces/virgo venus/neptune aspecting venus are OBLIVIOUS if you like them. even if you’re so sure they know, that it’s so obvious, i can promise you they do not. the type to get proposed to and be like “wait! you like me? wtf”
-people with 3rd house planets natally are remembered more for what they say than what they do.
-attraction in astrology is so open-ended, for example, you could be attracted to people who have placements in your most dominant house. if you’re 5th house dominant you may find you’re attracted to leo placements even if nothing in your chart is pointing to that sign. you could also find if you have a natal stellium being attracted to people who have planets in that opposing house, opposites either attract or repel.
-people with a 10th house stellium do not always make it big career wise but they will never give up fully.
-libra/cancer chiron are afraid of other people hurting them, scorpio chiron is afraid of hurting others with their personal problems
#astrology#astro notes#astrology shitpost#astro observations#it’s not an astro observations by me if it doesn’t have a real housewives gif#3rd house astrology#natal chart
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gemini and pisces placements are similar in the sense that geminis are able to see things from all perspectives, while pisces are able to empathise with people who have all sorts of different perspectives. pisces placements... be careful with over-empathising with the people who hurt you to the point where you’re understanding why they did it and you start excusing their actions. gemini placements... be careful with seeking the multi-layers and million different perspectives in everything and everyone to the point where you’re driving your own mind insane and you don’t know what your opinion is anymore because you hyper-analyse so much. too much of a good ability becomes a curse.
people with venus-mars aspects have a talent for making people who hate them fall in love with them 💋
moon in the 11th house natives tend to attract friends who get into scandals. moon in the 10th house natives tend to be the ones who get into said scandals. it’s a PERFECT FRIENDSHIP
capricorn placements have a talent for knowing how to make things last. they want to prolong the enjoyment they get out of something for as long as possible, which is why their hobbies, friendships and relationships tend to last a lifetime... hedonistic sluts
since both the 7th house and the 11th house rule fandoms, celebrities with a 7th house or 11th house neptune can attract fans who view them as angels who can’t do nothing wrong — because of this, those celebrities rarely take accountability for their mistakes, since people keep pushing the “but they’re perfect :(“ light on them
pluto conjunct ascendant natives always come off as very serious during first impressions, no matter how approachable and inviting they strive to appear.
sun and moon in the 10th house people may feel as if they’re always exposed to the public eye, they can’t get away with keeping things secretive. others always notice whatever they want kept on the low. this can be especially frustrating if they notice that others aren’t exposed to the same kind of scrutiny that they are for simply existing
lilith in pisces bitches have a natural talent for appearing like angels even in situations where they are 100% guilty. it’s very easy for them to put on their vulnerable, lost puppy act lmfao, which triggers others’ protective instincts. they may be able to cry on cue when people call them out on their bullshit, making them feel like THEY’re the shitty ones for confronting the lilith native... it’s insane
lilith in the 12th house natives may feel as though the themes of lilith are trapped in their psyche, at the core of who they are and those themes become unavoidable for them — they’re always there, lurking in the shadows, becoming the center of their nightmares
people with mercury in the 1st house can feel veryyy threatened and defensive when someone possesses knowledge in an area that they don’t, it’s like it hits them right on their biggest fears. they often either try to “one-up” the other person in an attempt to heal their broken ego or shut down altogether in insecurity. it’s imperative that they work on developing a strong sense of self-worth because they can be extremely prone to comparing their mental skills to those of other people.
people with personal planets in the 12th house may feel as though a lot of their artistic drive is stifled by their lack of energy. like... in the mental realm there’s a lot going on and it’s incredible, but then you pick up a pen to actualize your visions and you feel exhaustion immediately overtaking you. it can feel like there’s a lot to your psyche that feels inaccessible to you not because you don’t want to explore it, but because you have yet to restore the energy to dive deep into it. this can be especially noticeable if there’s absolutely no 5th house energy in the chart
people with jupiter in an earth sign love being surrounded by greeneries in their home; they may take a lot of enjoyment out of taking care of plants, gardening, cooking and stuff of the sort. it makes them feel more grounded, independent, and even healed. they also LOVE scents that connect them to nature like the scent of grass and the ocean.
air mercuries can be very beware of strangers, they can feel offended when their friends make them socialize with someone they don’t know and it can take a hot while before they trust the person enough to lower their defences a bit. they need to know it’s safe before expressing their usual sexy eccentric selves in front of someone new. on the other hand, aries placements can also hate being introduced to new people through their friends but it’s mostly because they’re very territorial over them, and can’t stand the thought that this new person can hurt their friendship in any possible way
meanwhile, it’s probably an earth or leo/sagittarius mercury introducing new friends to the group. they’re so fucking good with people and it shows in how they make people feel welcomed so easily, it’s like they “take” the person in and adopt them into the group. they can’t stand seeing someone being treated like an outcast because they know how it sucks to feel rejected, so they’ll try their best to make you feel included
while on the subject of people who hate seeing others be treated like an outcast because they know how it feels like to be rejected: SCORPIO RISINGS. bro. people underestimate how chill they can actually be. if they see you being left out, they’ll approach you with no fucks given and do anything in their power to make you feel comfortable. they do so well in group settings.
and while on the subject of scorpio risings... i have a scorpio rising friend and he goes thru it on the daily. he often complains that people are always suspicious of him and that they seem repulsed by him, strangers on the street will stay tf away from him. and it’s so heartbreaking because his personality is so friendly and welcoming and it doesn’t at all match his intimidating appearance. scorpio risings have this energy that not many people can handle, others feel either really drawn to them or downright scared of them because of the “danger” element they seem to carry in them
i know two people who are both scorpio suns and libra moons and they look the exact same, even though they have different risings. brown, deep-set eyes, coarse dark hair, naturally tanner skin tone — and they have the same style as well, using lots of band t-shirts and dark clothing. scorpio energy is always so noticeable wherever it is i swear, it’s like it takes over the rest of the chart
gemini moons are what yall claim gemini venuses to be. like, seriously... have you ever met someone with a gemini venus? they don’t need constant stimulation or else they’ll get bored and cheat. not in the slightest; actually, they’re often incredibly loyal and crave longterm, committed relationships. if anything, they need stimulation outside of their relationship in the form of a good, exciting career and hobbies so that they don’t get too addicted to their partner and to constantly analysing every aspect of their relationship. gemini moons however, tend to have multiple partners throughout life and they often feat deep commitment. they can be huge players imo, IT’S THEM YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT!
sagittarius placements are so... tactile? like, they love to touch things. when they go to stores and stuff, they’ll start holding everything that catches their attention— it’s like they can only decide if they want to buy something after thouroughly exploring how it feels, the texture and the energy that the object gives them through touch. and they talk so much with their hands. it makes me so anxious like bitch you aren’t selena gomez, i promise you that you CAN keep your hands to yourself
taurus placements are so weird to me, i can’t understand them. it’s like they’re afraid of exploring their own depths, which in turn makes me unable to explore them. okay, how do i put this... it’s like they have this preset idea of who they are and after deciding so, they’re unwilling to let go of it. “i’m the stable friend who’s here for everyone even when i can barely take care of my own self” and then that’s who they are: the people who are a steady rock in the lives of others, taking care of everyone. and then they refuse to change even after getting hurt. and then, it’s like... well, you can’t just be that. you are a human who contains multitudes, but i don’t think you give yourself enough credit on how layered you are. that fear of changeability, that need to be the one stable thing in a world full of unpredictability will only damage you in the end, because you won’t get to fully experience life’s greatest pleasure: knowing yourself. becoming your own best friend, exploring every layer that there is to your being. i think you deny yourself of that experience because you fear that, with self-learning comes self-growth which leads to transformation. and you fear transformation because you don’t want to change for the worst. but like... transformation is necessary and with that comes adaptability + flexibility, which are things you could greatly benefit from.
scorpio venuses can be so pessimistic— and when they’re in a dark mindset, it’s so difficult to pull them out of it. it’s so difficult to get them to see the good in difficult situations, and to help them believe that it gets better. but even if you don’t believe me, i’ll keep telling you; it does get better. you’ll get through this.
jupiter in the 4th house is an indicator of food having been an amazing part of your childhood; there might’ve been a lot of feasts and you could’ve had a parent who loved to cook. being well fed might be a huge concern for you now; you might get sick easily when you’re eating fast food and non-traditional plates.
mercury square uranus is an extremely difficult aspect to have because, in your earlier years, you might’ve felt dumb or like there was something wrong with your intelligence because you might’ve found school difficult due to it’s structured nature that didn’t fit with the way you like to learn things— you need to learn in an interactive way that piques your interest. your anxiety and any traumatic experienced that you faced could’ve heavily impacted your school performance. you might’ve had an ease with learning but then, when it came to doing the written tests, you couldn’t perform to the best of your abilities. either way, school might’ve been a source of a lot of stress and difficulty.
mercury square pluto can have some weird manifestation where, like... you suspect things but you always suspect the wrong things. i’ve met a few people with this aspect and all of them were extremely suspicious of the most random things who were literally normal and innocent. this aspect can cause a lot of chaos to one’s interpersonal relationships because you might find yourself suspecting your loved ones in the weirdest circumstances due to your trust issues, which in return causes them to lose trust in you + the want to confide in you because you keep questioning everything they’re up to WHEN THEY’RE NOT UP TO ANYTHING IN THE FIRST PLACE. probably the most frustrating thing that can happen with this aspect is when you always suspect what you shouldn’t, but then, when sketchy things are actually happening that should be questioned, you don’t bat an eye to it. omfg it drives me insane
moon conjunct the ascendant can make someone have a very delicate appearance that gives others the impression that they need to handle you like fine china or else you might break. my mother has this at a very tight orb and whenever i bring people over, their first impression of her is always “she looks so frail”. the native might be extremely sensitive to every minor inconvenience which brings a lot of frustration to them, a feeling that they can’t control their reactions and inner turmoil. it can also suck when you don’t want to be depicted as the victim but then that’s the way everyone perceives you. the native might have very expressive and shiny eyes, and they can cry easily. it’s very difficult for them to hide their emotions.
your jupiter sign can signify where you feel an overflow of energy. jupiter in cancer may feel like you have an overflow of nurturing and protective energy towards your loved ones, with a lot of intuition and need for introspection. jupiter in leo can make you feel like you a talent for self-expression and dealing with others, being overly dramatic and prideful at times, and with a huge drive to have fun. jupiter in virgo can feel an overflow of perceptive qualities, with a huge amount of self-awareness and also awareness of your surroundings, ability to constantly analyse and a constant strive for perfection (which btw is impossible since perfection is unattainable and you’re a human being who makes mistakes and that’s completely fine. stop finding flaws where there aren’t none).
#astrology#capricorn#aries#libra#aquarius#taurus#sagittarius#virgo#leo#gemini#scorpio#cancer#pisces#venus-mars#moon in the 10th house#moon in the 11th house#neptune in the 7th house#neptune in the 11th house#pluto conjunct ascendant#moon conjunct ascendant#sun in the 10th house#lilith in pisces#lilith in the 12th house#mercury in the 1st house#jupiter in taurus#jupiter in capricorn#jupiter in virgo#scorpio rising#gemini venus#jupiter in the 4th house
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I haven’t been in the star trek fandom for very long (I’ve only just started binging the series in the last couple months), so it’s been pretty surprising to find out just how negative the perception of the reboot movies are.
this isn’t coming from the perspective of someone who grew up with the series, so it hit different for me than it might for people with a different relationship to TOS, but I thought it was genuinely clever and Respectful with how it was handled.
To quote leonard nimoy: “Well the alternative timeline gives them license to escape from canon concerns. I can’t see people saying ‘they shouldn’t do that because…’ or ‘that doesn’t tie in to such and such’ because it is a different time and place. Am I right about that?” [Link]
the entire Premise is that the original series happened as it was presented in TOS, but an event late in Spock’s life caused the creation of a parallel universe in which everyone’s lives were significantly altered through two key changes to the timeline. this gives them the freedom to Both revel in fanservice And explore different facets of the characters and their relationships.
the destruction of vulcan Vastly impacts the characters and the plot moving forward, and its a detail that a lot of people take issue with. but the emotional impact of sarek admitting Directly to spock that there is value in his humanity, that his feelings Aren’t wrong, that sarek married amanda because he Loved her cannot be understated. you can read all of these things into sarek as he was in the original series, but he Never had an open conversation about these things with spock. this creates a Believable and Rewarding change in their relationship, where we get to see a different facet of them Because of the changes made. and that’s exactly the appeal. showing us pieces of these characters that we never got in TOS that are nevertheless undeniably Them.
everyone is Different yes, but they’re also fundamentally the same people at their core and that matters.
kirk’s personality obviously takes the biggest change, with him experiencing trauma at a young age, losing his father, and having an implied abusive father figure after that point. he has a harsher personality in reaction to harsher conditions, he’s spikier and harder to love. but he’s also still fundamentally a Good person whose willing to risk everything to help people. he still has what made kirk prime a good captain and a good friend.
I’m not gonna say that it’s the most nuanced story in the world, but it explores a version of kirk that was born from even Less fortunate circumstances than kirk prime, exploring a kirk brimming with potential who learned to bite back after he was kicked down. exploring those themes of trauma and loss, of insecurity and growth, and coming to the conclusion that Fundamentally He Is Capable Of Good isn’t a Bad thing. you don’t have to like it, but his growth into a better person is The Point. they deepened his flaws (all of which were present in a less exaggerated form in TOS) To Show That Growth.
and then of course there’s his relationship with spock.
people are totally justified in not liking that they had a rough start to their relationship, I usually don’t like to see that kind of thing in reboots or hollywood adaptations either, but the way people talk about it is just unfair.
Yes kirk and spock and bones have a very strong relationship in TOS, they also already know each other by the time the show starts. to look at them having to learn to get to know and trust each other when they first meet and say that it’s Bad because they were already full on ride or die for each other in the og series is silly. TOS kirk and spock had to meet and fall in love with each other too, it didn’t just happen over night kings.
secondly, the entire point of the first movie is that Even With reality itself being altered to pull them apart they are fundamentally compatible people that are Bound to each other. they meet each other on bad terms because of circumstances outside of their control, and yet they’re still pulled into each other’s orbit and find the other slotting into place next to them as if they always belonged. one of the first things that spock prime says in the movie is “I am and always will be your friend,” spock and jim are Meant for each other and the movie goes out of its way to explain that. which is what makes it so Weird to see people complaining about how they don’t like each other.
it’s a Different relationship, but it’s absolutely no less steeped in yearning or queer subtext.
speaking of queer subtext ! some people are Very unhappy with spock’s relationship with uhura.
first thing I wanna say is that making the argument that they’re doing anything that the original series hasn’t done is just, completely untrue. kirk has fallen in love with more girls in the og series than he knew what to do with, leonard nimoy was a heartthrob in his time (and he deserves it, awooga) and spock reflects that ! Spock usually turns the women who come onto him down (or when he doesn’t it’s because a plant has literally altered his mind), but there are exceptions to even that. all of three of the main boys have plenty of romance subplots, it happens. if that takes the possibility of them being queer off the table for you (which it shouldn’t, m-spec people exist) then I’m sorry to say that TOS is not exempt.
now, I can understand why Specifically This Relationship could rub people the wrong way or being disappointed that they didn’t outright depict kirk and spock as having a relationship (if not in the first movie then in the following ones after they’ve gotten to know each other), but even in that context the way I’ve seen people talk about it comes off as insensitive.
no, the relationship did not come out of nowhere. they considered having spock and uhura date each other in the original show (and you can see signs of this in the earlier episodes, where uhura very obviously flirts with him and they spend time together in their down time) before they decided against it, and spock was originally going to kiss uhura until shatner insisted that he wanted to do it (because it was the first interracial kiss on tv). [Link 1, Link 2, Link 3]
nichelle nichols was asked about this exact thing (spock and uhura’s relationship in the movie), you can read the interview in full here [Link] but I’d like to highlight this paragraph in particular:
“Now, go back to my participation in Star Trek as Uhura and Leonard (Nimoy) as Spock. There was always a connection between Uhura and Spock. It was the early 60’s, so you couldn’t do what you can do now, but if you will remember, Uhura related to Spock. When she saw the captain lost in space out there in her mirror, it was Spock who consoled her when she went screaming out of her room. When Spock needed an expert to help save the ship, you remember that Uhura put something together and related back to him the famous words, “I don’t know if I can do this. I’m afraid.” And Uhura was the only one who could do a spoof on Spock. Remember the song (in “Charlie X”)? Those were the hints, as far as I’m concerned.”
the film makers looked at the fact there were Hints for uhura and spock, that they were Interested in exploring an interracial couple for the first time (both before and immediately after interracial couples won the right to legally get married) but Couldn’t because of the circumstances of the times and decided to Make that depiction. you don’t have to Like their relationship just because of that fact, but it’s Incredibly reductive to play down it’s significance as just a No Homo cop out. explicitly queer relationships are not the only progressive or culturally important relationships in fiction.
moreover, if you can’t imagine polyamory in the communist utopian future that’s on you.
moreover, this perception that this was a soulless cash grab is just, unfounded.
leonard nimoy returned to the role as spock for the first time in 16 years (since 1991) and this was Entirely because of the respect they had for nimoy, spock as a character, and the franchise as a whole.
Lets look at some quotes from nimoy in interviews regarding the film:
Leonard Nimoy: When I first read the script (...) I immediately contacted J.J. and said “I think it is terrific…I think you guys have done a wonderful job. There is still work to be done, but it is very clear that you and your writers know what you are doing and you know how to do this movie and know what it should be about….and I am very interested.” Then as time went by we worked things out with Paramount, but the most important things were J.J. and the script. (...) I am very pleased about that and I am very comfortable with where this is going. I think the writers have done a terrific job. They have a real sense of the characters and the heart of Star Trek and what it is really all about.
TrekMovie.com: Now in the case of the new movie you have been retired from acting for years. What was it about this one that made you want to act again and go through the make up again? What was it that made you say ‘I really want to do this?’
Leonard Nimoy: You are right, this is a special situation. First it is Star Trek and so I have to pay attention. I owe that to Star Trek. Second place is that it is J.J. Abrams who I think very highly of, he is a very talented guy. Then came the script and it was very clear that I could make a contribution here. The Spock character that I am playing, the original Spock character, is essential and important to the script. So on the basis of those three elements it was easy to make the decision. So those three things: Star Trek, J.J. Abrams, and an interesting Spock role.
Praising the cast playing younger versions of characters from the original 1960s TV series, he [Leonard Nimoy] said: “Let me take the opportunity to say this. Everybody at this table [the cast] are very, very talented and intelligent people.”
“They found their own way to bring that talent and intelligence to this movie, and I think it shows. (...) When Karl Urban introduced himself as Leonard McCoy and shook hands with Chris Pine, I burst into tears. That performance of his is so moving, so touching and so powerful as Doctor McCoy, that I think D. Kelley would be smiling, and maybe in tears as well.”
“The makers of this film reawakened the passion in me that I had when we made the original film and series. I was put back in touch with what I cared about and liked about Star Trek, and why I enjoyed being involved with Star Trek. So, it was an easy way to come on home.”
“[In this Star Trek] they said things and showed me things, and demonstrated the sensibility that I felt very comfortable with, and I think that shows in the movie. I like it.”
[Link 1, Link 2]
again, you don’t have to like it just because leonard nimoy did, you don’t have to Agree. but the idea that nobody working on the film Cared is provably false. near everyone working on the project was already a fan of the series or were excited to be involved and did their homework. it’s genuinely a Miracle just how much of a labor of love this was, and in my opinion you can feel that through the movie itself. I’d highly recommend looking into interviews and behind the scenes details about the movies. they had a respect not just for the source material, but for leonard nimoy as a person.
there’s definitely more I Could say about this, but it’s 4 am now so I’m gonna shelve it jklfdsa
that said! it’s Fine to not like the movie, not everything is going to be suited to everyone’s taste, but the specific criticisms I’ve seen feel very off base
#star trek#kirk#spock#uhura#nichelle nichols#leonard nimoy#star trek aos#aos#star trek tos#tos#meta#long post#hello followers I write essays about star trek now
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“I don’t know why I’m crying I-I’m sorry” // angst and fluff ♥︎
hi... i kind of wrote a small fic with that prompt. you can read it here or on ao3! thanks for this i really needed the motivation. i decided to write something about what happened after 8x06! <3
Amy arrives home a little later than usual that night, overwhelmed with the events of the last few days. There are so many things to process, though the only thing she can focus on at the moment, is her husband’s suspension. She knows Jake very well, and most likely he’ll try to hide his sadness and pretend he’s fine, not because he thinks he’s weak but because he doesn’t want Amy to worry about him. Yet, she can’t help to wonder how he’s taking it.
Not knowing what to expect as she enters their apartment, Amy tosses her keys onto the couch sadly, too distracted to place them on the key hook. Jake is nowhere to be seen, so she figures he must be putting Mac to sleep, since it’s past ten already, and there are no toys scattered around the floor.
Indeed, she finds Jake whispering to his son, who lies in his crib, babbling and very, very awake, even though the lights are dimmed and it’s quiet in there.
“Hey,” Amy says softly.
Despite her tone, Jake startles, turning around, but immediately relaxes when he sees it’s just her. “Ames,” he breathes, looking down at Mac and then back at his wife, guilt taking over his features. “I kind of let him take a nap earlier and now he can’t sleep…”
“It’s okay,” Amy says, shrugging. She wants to add something else to reassure him, but her mind’s entirely blank, so she settles for a casual question. “What did you two have for dinner?”
Jake smiles. “He tried scrambled eggs for the first time. I know it’s technically breakfast food, but I read he can eat them now, plus it’s what I cook best.”
“He loved them, duh.”
Amy chuckles. “Of course. Did you have some too?”
“I… wasn’t really hungry.”
“Oh. Well, I haven’t eaten either. We can heat some leftovers if you want.”
Jake nods with a weak smile, which widens as he turns to check on Mac. “Hey, he’s asleep! Maybe he just needed to make sure mama arrived home safe.”
Amy leans over to look at her sleeping son. Mac looks so much like his dad, when he laughs or smiles—which he’s been doing recently a lot—but especially when he’s asleep and completely peaceful.
She turns to see Jake staring at their baby with a proud smile and it warms her heart. Perhaps he’s forgotten about the suspension.
“Leftovers, then?” she whispers after a while, grabbing him by the wrist to pull him a little closer to her.
“Sure,” he says, throwing a last glance at Mac before following Amy out of their room and closing the door behind him. They’ve learned to make as little noise as possible in the last ten months, so their voices are barely above a whisper by default whenever Mac is asleep.
As it’s routine, Jake turns on the TV, not choosing a channel, and mutes it before joining Amy in the kitchen, while she gets the food from the fridge and puts it in the microwave.
From the corner of her eye, she can see Jake leaning against the counter in an awkward pose, staring at her almost anxiously.
Amy has no idea how to ask the question she’s been wanting to ask him since she got there, so she takes a deep breath and turns to him. “Babe, are you… okay with it?”
His expression tells her he’s been dreading her to ask. Yet, he plays dumb. “With what?”
“With everything that happened. Your suspension…”
“Oh,” Jake spats after what seems like hours, as if every emotion he was supposed to be feeling before was just settling in. Amy’s stomach drops. These subjects might not be her thing. “It’s fine. I suppose I can talk about it, but is it necessary?”
She shrugs. “Just tell me.” Her voice is as soft as it can be. “How do you feel about it?”
Jake puts on a poker face now. She’s usually good at reading him, but she can’t tell what he’s thinking. Amy knows how much he enjoys his job. Everything had happened so fast, though, at some point she’d lost track of it all. One second he was very excited about his ‘Speed’ situation and then, suddenly, he was in too deep.
To sum it up, it hadn’t gone well.
“I feel weird,” Jake finally admits, looking down. “It feels weird to know I won’t be going back tomorrow. But I’ll… adapt, I guess.”
“I’m sure you will,” she automatically replies, hesitating a little before placing a hand on his chest.
He seems to attempt a smile, but it vanishes right away. “I feel stupid too. Why can’t I listen? Holt told me to stay out of it and I screwed up. I screw up a lot.”
Amy frowns. “Of course you don’t. Sometimes you can be silly, yes, but there’s nothing wrong with it. This time it just… it got out of my hands too. I was really drunk.”
Jake chuckles. “Yeah,” he says shortly, and then swallows. “So five months, huh? It isn’t that much, is it? There are like thirty days in a month so it would be like a hundred days which have twenty-four hours each, so it would be like twenty-four thousand hours.”
“No,” she says, shaking her head with a smile. Math is decidedly not Jake’s strength. “It’s only like… three thousand and seven hundred hours.”
“Oh. That’s… still a lot.”
Amy sighs. His eyes are red, probably with exhaustion, and she can’t recognize the emotion behind them. It might be just deep, deep sadness.
“Ames,” he says huskily before she can talk. “What am I gonna do?”
Her eyebrows shot up, but before she can even think of an answer, Jake cuts her off again. “Things were so well yesterday. It makes me think… I can mess everything up so quickly. And it’s always my fault. What am I gonna mess up next?”
“Don’t say that,” she says, her throat knotting. “It’s okay to make mistakes, babe. And you are great at dealing with the consequences. You learn from your mistakes, you’ve always done.”
“Yeah, I keep pushing things until something goes wrong,” he argues in a trembling voice, “and until then I stop, I��” and suddenly that trembling voice breaks.
Amy’s stomach drops again as his eyes tear up, becoming redder. He immediately looks away when he realizes himself.
“Hey,” she says soothingly, cupping his face to make him look at her. “Don’t beat yourself up over this.”
“I’m sorry,” he chokes. “I know it’s a dumb thing to cry over, I just—” once more he’s unable to finish his sentence, pinching his lips shut before his voice can get any louder or high-pitched.
A single tear streams down his cheek.
“It’s not dumb,” Amy says. “If it makes you feel like this, it’s not dumb.”
“Well, I got myself into it—”
“And as I said, you will learn from it. That’s what matters.”
“I’ve been suspended like a thousand times already,” he counters, his tone bitter. "What makes you think it won’t happen again? What makes you think I couldn’t get fired?”
She shrugs, trying to stay calm even though she wants to cry as well. “I wouldn’t be less proud of you than I am today,” she says. “You’ve grown up so much and whatever you have to deal with, I have to deal with too, because I love you and I’m willing to. So please, don’t beat yourself up over this because it’s going to be fine.”
He sniffs. “How can you know that?”
“Because I’ll make sure everything’s fine. You’re not alone, babe. You have me.”
Jake stays in silence for a few seconds, and she thinks he’s going to start sobbing, but his lips curl instead. “I love you so much,” is all he says.
“I love you too,” she mouths back, afraid she’ll begin crying if she talks, and then pulls him into a hug.
They stay like that for a while, maybe five seconds or ten minutes, sinking in a silence that they don’t really mind. She pulls away from his embrace only to wipe his tears away. Jake looks so tired. Exhausted, even. She feels the same way, when minutes ago they were going to watch some TV and have dinner, though now she’s not sure she’s up for it.
Jake must have been thinking the same thing because a small laugh comes from his lips all of a sudden.
“What?” Amy asks, amused.
“I just realized we never even heated the food.”
Amy chuckles, and it only causes him to laugh a little harder. She wonders if it’s the exhaustion making such a simple detail seem so funny, and rests her head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. It’s calmer now, it could be matching hers.
“Babe,” she says softly.
“Yes?” Jake hums.
“It’s going to be fine. I promise.”
He doesn’t answer right away, and Amy separates, afraid she said the wrong thing, but Jake’s only bowing his head like she said the cheesiest thing in the world.
“I know. Thanks, Ames,” he says, and then adds, “I love you.” Even though she hears those words coming from him at least ten times a day, he manages to make them sound like it’s the first every time.
“I love you too,” Amy whispers, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
Jake is about to return a much longer kiss on the lips when Mac interrupts the moment. Amy squeezes her eyes shut with a knowing smile—this has happened many times before. However, Jake immediately becomes alert and rushes to attend to his son.
Amy chuckles to herself, finally heating the food which is still inside the microwave and turns off the TV, because they are definitely not watching anything before they fall asleep, worn off with the events.
Like Jake would say, they’re sort of an old couple now, but she couldn’t care less. To her, so far, it’s meant that things can be so easy now.
Her husband doesn’t join her back in the kitchen so she goes and checks on him and Mac. The room feels so warm and quiet still, as Jake rocks his son softly, lulling him, again not realizing Amy’s watching. It always seems like he drifts away from reality when he’s trying to make Mac stop crying—and he’s good at it. She doesn’t know what it is, but Jake is great at it.
“I have to admit,” Amy says, startling him of course, “I’m a little jealous of you. You get to spend five months with him, all by yourself.”
Jake gives her what looks like an automatic smile, and then realization hits him. “I hadn’t thought about that before,” he huffs, stroking Mac’s soft curls and looking down at him. “Did you hear that, bud? Five months for only the two of us.”
Mac babbles, and Amy tries to ignore how awake he still sounds. “Careful, Ames,” Jake tells her. “That sounded a lot like ‘dada’, and with these five months? It’s definitely going to be his first word.”
Amy rolls her eyes with a playful smile. “Not if I train him every night.”
“Challenge accepted.”
An hour later they’re both in bed after eating dinner and Amy has already changed into her pajamas. Jake hasn’t stopped rocking Mac, who woke up once more, but his father doesn’t seem to mind, and Amy has the feeling that his suspension doesn’t sound so bad to him anymore.
#this is the first time i post a fic!!#i let myself go#it's 1.9 k words i think#anyway i'm excited to know what you think!#i enjoyed writing this a lot#it had been ages since i wrote anything like this#so THANK YOU anon#ilysm#jake peralta#amy santiago#mac peralta#b99 fanfic#fluff#angst#comfort
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Please I want to know more about your clones 🤔🤔
I am so late to responding to this but GLADLY!! I love gushing about them though I have so many (like 50 I think) so I will try to stick to my main group ahh :)
Cross (he/him): Cross was my first clone OC ever, so he holds a very special place in my heart even if I do not draw him often enough. He’s a commander (CC-0044) and was present on Geonosis, though later returned to Kamino to help Alpha with the CC training program.
He got his scar in 21BBY and it’s actually not from the battlefield (none of his scars are actually from the battlefield). The scar comes from being whipped by a lightsaber hilt, which sounds funny out of context, but it wasn’t an accident.
He’s batchmates with @katanrocksketches ‘s OC Asch! The two were pretty close when they were in training, and Cross got his name before leaving Kamino. It was given to him because of his kind of uhhh, “cross nature” or disposition pfft. He softens up a bit between 22BBY-20BBY though the walls go up again after that :’)
Coming off Kamino, he was a stickler for rules and was not a big fan of clones tattooing themselves/dying their hair and whatnot (he didn’t even like having a name at first though his batchmates used it enough that it begrudgingly stuck). After meeting Sunny though, he lets him do one tattoo and ends up getting his number underneath his left eye. It is like, staying to how he believes they should be while also accepting that it’s ok to be individual.
Cross’s favorite color is red because for him, red represents Ando (my Padawan OC) and they are very close (NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY. He sees Ando as his little brother or kih’vod to protect).
Cross actually does not know a lot of Mando’a because of his belief that they should not try to be seen as individuals. He distanced himself from anything that he considered “individualization”, and Mando’a was included in that. Sunny teaches him a little bit later down the line, and Ando also teaches him and Ten (another clone OC of mine) some Togruti, too
Part of Cross’s strict disposition comes from being subject to Priest’s death circles on more than one occasion (I might retcon that to Adral—a mando OC of mine—because I hate KT Ugh).
By the end of the war, he carries a lot of guilt. He loses a lot of the people he’s closest to because of his actions/orders, and he uh. Doesn’t live past O66 :’) he does get a very quick.. redemption.. arc.. kinda..
Sunny (he/him): Sunny was my second clone OC made around the same time as Cross, and he also holds a very special place in my heart :) I really love clone medics, there is just something about them that makes my brain go brrrr. I also think the irony of his name is great
Sunny’s name was originally Sers, but after writing him for a few weeks, I changed it because I thought Sunny fit better. His name was given to him by his batchmate, Aran, and while he vehemently protested against it, the name ended up sticking. He won’t admit that he actually likes it (though the tattoo and painting of his armor say otherwise anyway)
Sunny is the CMO of the 409th Corps (my OC military group basically). He’s a Lieutenant (or at a rank around there, definitely a CO at the least) and he does not back down. Ever. Even the people who outrank him will fall into line if he tells them to, Jedi included. He is not afraid to pull rank as a Medic, and his resting bitch face can be very scary
On the same line of thought as the rbf, he is basically perpetually scowling. He does not look approachable at all
Sunny loses the entirety of his batch on Geonosis, including Aran who he holds onto while he is dying. The Jedi leading Sunny’s company was.. not accustomed to war and failed to adapt when it was needed. Because of this, Sunny doesn’t necessarily harbor a dislike of Jedi, though he does not really trust many of them in leading positions. He also does not like that there are kids being put in the role of commander, he does see many Padawan deaths (he later comforts a dying Padawan that he was close to, I think I wrote part of that scene for myself and it was kinda upsetting oof) —> he gets his tattoo/paints his armor in order to honor his dead batchmates
Throughout the war, Sunny gets seriously injured only once after going down in an LAAT (where he nearly ends up dying too). Boost finds him, though he’s kinda accepted that he’s not gonna make it (I mean he does but it doesn’t look like he will for a bit). After Flip (younger clone OC) dies, he doesn’t really care if he kicks the bucket either :’)
Sunny is the only one out of my main gang to make it past O66. His chip doesn’t work at all, though he has to fight through his brothers (aha, the only ones who are still alive that he is close with) in order to save a Jedi youngling that was in the medbay at the time. After that, he goes on the run with the kid (clone dad clone dad) and offers his services as a doctor in the outer rim in order to keep them afloat
Boost (he/him) (she/her) [either or, there is no real preference]: Boost has gone through a lot of changes design wise. He started out as Dax, but then Dax became another OC, then she was Boost, though she had kinda short hair that was pushed back by a headband, then his hair was buzzed, and now we are finally at long hair Boost. Idk how to describe, but she is very shaped I think
Boost for his nickname from bear hugging his batchmates and lifting them off the ground when doing so. Also from fucking around in training where he threw another one of his batchmates in order to get from one ledge to another. All around just a name with silly origins that she liked and decided to keep
Boost and Sol are batchmates!
Boost is very tactically intelligent. She’s good at thinking on her feet, sees the bigger picture before focusing on details, good problem solver, etc. He is an ARC after all, there is good reason for his status and rank as a Lieutenant. That being said, he can also be very very stupid in the sense that off the battlefield, he’s oblivious. He does enjoy being the jokester of the group, and he sometimes plays up his dumbassery for jest, though yeah, a lot of people assume that he is not smart because of his demeanor which is very wrong
Boost is terrible. Terrible at braiding her hair. Sol is the best at braiding it, though she would never admit that even if everyone knows it. He started growing his hair out once they were off Kamino and hasn’t stopped since despite the fact that is technically not within regulations. Cross turns a blind eye and Ko (Jedi General) could not care less for inconsequential regulations like that
Boost is really good with kids, but good in the way a uhh.. chaotic uncle/auntie is. He’s a lot of fun to be around with, and being around kids makes him even more rambunctious than usual. He can be what is considered “childish”, pulling pranks and everything but like, he is very emotionally mature and knows when to be serious. Again, a lot of people kinda just boil her down to “dumb” which is really wrong, though it doesn’t bug him a lot.
Boost has a big sweet tooth!! He loves getting sweets when they’re on Coruscant, which they actually tend to visit frequently enough because of Ko’s status as a Sentinel (and also because Ko benefits what the Republic sees as the “propaganda machine” as a prominent General with a good track record).
Boost is romantically involved with @buttsalsa ‘s civilian OC Esta. I reblogged some art of them the other day, they are very cute :D
Boost doesn’t make it to Order 66 :’) I actually wrote out his death and cried after going back to read it LMAO It was rough
Sol (he/him): Sol was made as a package deal with Boost, and I feel bad because I think he gets overshadowed a lot but he is kinda like the rock for the group. When he dies, things really start to crumble but uh!! That is a sad thought for another time. Anyways, like I said, he is basically the rock and also a voice of reason for Boost’s shenanigans
Sol got his nickname after reading through some flimsi that their trainer had given him. He didn’t know if it had any meaning, but he liked the way it sounded and immediately began using it. Boost quickly picked up on it and the rest of their batch was very supportive
Sol loves reading. He specifically likes reading history, and Ando slips him what he can (fun fact, when Sol dies, Boost returns to their bunk to find a couple of holobooks that Ando had left and breaks down aha.. pain). Whenever he doesn’t feel like keeping Boost from causing trouble, he just sits in a quiet corner and reads his books while everything erupts in chaos around him
Sol’s favorite beverage is tea which Ko introduced him to. He has a few boxes he keeps with him when he can, and he shares them with Boost sometimes though he has to add a lot of sugar/honey in order to do that. If he could drink tea all the time, he could. On the flipside, he absolutely loathes coffee and doesn’t understand how Sunny can drink multiple cups on a day
Sol is kinda like the person that everyone is friends with even if they don’t realize it. He’s like.. the perfect emotional pillar, kinda the therapist friend in a group that desperately needs therapy. He’s more of a listener than a talker which is why it’s easy to overlook him, but he insists that he doesn’t mind much. That being said, it’s only once he’s gone that people start to realize just how much he did (aside from Boost who already thought the world of him)
Sol is also an ARC trooper, having gone through the training program together with Boost. He doesn’t have the same tactical knowledge that Boost does, but he’s good at mediating, long range combat, and also working through plans (he’s pretty meticulous). He and Boost balance each other out well, since he is like the “slow and steady” one out of them.
Sol is the first to go out of the main four (second out of my bigger group of six). He and his entire platoon are wiped out in a massacre as a result of false intel.. man :’)
Anyways, thank you for enabling to ramble about my ocs ToT I honestly just needed to infodump shdjf
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ok so i was thinking abt the main ln kids as that “brains, brawn and heart” thing or however it goes (idk but i also dont care and its too late anyways) and i realised i could never put each of them in just one bc they all have a little of each so as fun as it is to stuff things into boxes (figuratively and literally) today i will be doing not that and analyzing the ln kids once again! by urs truly <3 (all based on my own characterization! i wont be doing rcg but?? idk maybe later?? sometime??) (also ln, vln, and ln2 spoilers)
my first thought for six was brain which makes sense. it’s stated in all sorts of official media that she’s insanely clever, especially for her age might i add. she navigates the entirety of the maw on her own, facing brutal monsters that want her dead, solving puzzles and doing a whole ton of dirty work. she’s clearly adapted to this world as well, and doesn’t break easily. shes strong too. physically and mentally. theres an astounding amount of things she has to go through, keeping in mind that this world was not made for her in mind at all. everything around her is huge, and on top of that shes basically considered vermin. but she surpasses everyones expectations with her skills, and escapes the maw alive; harmed certainly, but alive. and i was going to start this with heart is what she’s lacking, but that’s worded horribly and just .. wrong. she has tons of heart, she just doesnt really. like it. and so she deals with it differently; she pushes it down. that’s not always easy though. sometimes she lets her guard down. in vln, she helps out rcg, even if that ends horribly, her heart was in the right place. throughout the first game, she hugs nomes, and provides them a source of light and warmth. and in ln2, she becomes attached to mono possibly more than she’s ever been to anyone else. even if it wasn’t her intent, she definitely grows to care for him atleast a little; but survive is still her top priority, and always will be (as it should be tbh). we see this at the beginning when they meet; the moment mono provides an exit and shows he isn’t a threat, six bolts, and only allows him nearby when she realises he can help her. this situation ends in defeat because before she knows it, they’ve been through all of it together, and they’re friends. .. but still she pushes it down. because getting attached could be dangerous. she’s independent, strong and clever, and anyone who can’t match her wit is weak to her, and could slow her down. and even if she’s right, what she doesn’t know is that it will hurt anyways. she tries so hard not to get attached but it doesn’t always work, and pretending those feelings aren’t there only ends up hurting more than she thinks, and it will keep hurting again and again and again. as for mono, i thought he’d fit in brawn. he’s definitely the strongest of them (not to say the others aren’t strong of course), again both mentally and physically. he’s born naturally with a decent amount of strength, and like i believe i said before, you have to be strong to survive this world for long, or yknow, at all. he’s good at facing danger upfront, using tools to his advantage. mentally, he definitely worries a lot, but he also does his best to stay on the positive side of things and look for the silver lining, and help others lean towards that track too; even if they dont want it, cough cough. that’s where heart comes in. he’s got a lot of that, and isn’t very afraid to show it. having someone to protect gives him a purpose, and a feeling of fulfillment; again, even if that someone doesnt want/need it. his big heart helps him gain allies, friends even, but his need to protect can get in the way of his own survival as well. even if he’s doing the right thing, that doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. counterpoint, like i said, having someone to protect gives him purpose; it gives him a reason to stay alive and really do his best. it’s a huge motivation for him, which is why he can easily get attached to others. as for brain, he’s also insanely clever, and is especially crafty with tools, in a similar way six is crafty with her environment, which is one of the many reasons they make a great team. onto rk! the reason i ended up with brain for six and brawn for mono is actually because i immediately thought of rk as heart; and he is. he’s kind, and very willing to help out, but he isn’t a doormat either. he’s emotionally clever and very in-tune with his own thoughts, and has a great amount of determination (hence his name/title, duh). he’s willing to give everyone a chance but knows boundaries and limitations too; there’s no manipulating or tricking him. he can tell when he’s gone too far, or when others have, and can befriend almost anyone; although that doesn’t mean he will. if someone is rude, or just doesn’t want anything to do with him, he’s aware of that and will likely return the feeling. he won’t really push (mono on the other hand definitely will, which can be both a positive and negative trait). he definitely isn’t the strongest, but again, say it with me, you have to be strong to survive in this world, mentally and physically. no amount of just heart or brains can get you out alive, even if it gets you far. although it’s not like there’s an escape at all, i suppose. while the ln world wasn’t always the way it is, it really does seem like there’s no turning back. this world is twisted and that’s just how it is now, sometimes not even strength, or all 3 traits i’ve mentioned, can get you “out” alive. rk knows firsthand.
#oh my goood this took so long#i had written them all out but the way it was written felt weird and i drafted it#so i was like ill come back to this later maybe#but then i just opened a new post and re-typed it#and somehow it turned out a little bit better#imo anyways#ok thank you *leaves*#ln2 spoilers#six rambles#little nightmares#little nightmares 2#little nightmares dlc#six#mono#runaway kid#rk#bwaaa please#also should i do rcg later or no ... idk..... cause i kinda have some ideas but....#plus she is technically a main kid#omg ok bye#infodumping#headcanons#character analyzation#b3u5%**%$* help me#mental illness<3
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The Witcher: The Games vs the Books part 2 – Characters and Accents
So, I've already talked at length about the relationship between the Witcher books and games, but how well they captured individual characters is its whole own subject – and you’d better believe I have enough thoughts on it for a whole extra post.

Andrej Sapkowski's skill for creating vivid and engaging characters really is so much of what brings the books to life, and no matter how much work an adaptation might put into worldbuilding and plot, it's the characters you've really got to nail to get the long-time fans on board. Especially when you’ve done what the games have, framing themselves as a direct continuation of Sapkowski's story. Nothing invites comparison to your source material like basically forcing fans to read the original novels to understand even half the backstory alluded to in-game.
So how did they do? I can only offer my opinion – characterisation is necessarily going to be a lot more subjective than just telling you what plot points the games contradicted outright – but like any fan, I have opinions in plenty.
Of the main cast, I feel Yennefer is the character they've captured the best. They've done just as well with some supporting players – I have no real complaints about Dijkstra or Phillipa, for example, who are favourites of mine in both games and books. For the main players though, Geralt and Regis seem to be the ones who's differences I'm most inclined to forgive, whereas I don't feel like they've done Ciri justice at all. Book!Geralt is much less of a smartarse, for one thing, whereas Book!Ciri is much more of one. But if we're talking about the differences, I’m afraid we really need to start with Dandelion.
For all the genuinely good work the games do with characters, old and new, I don't think I can overstate what a disservice the they've done Dandelion, who I could not stand in TW3, but is now one of my favourite book!verse characters. Alas, Dandelion is a prime example of something the Witcher games really don't do well: camp. Being the archtypical bard, Dandelion is about as flamboyant as any enthusiastically-heterosexual man can be: you should be able to spot this guy by body language alone, he should be flouncing around and he should talk like a spoiled noble auditioning for Shakespeare. Book!Dandelion is over-the-top and ridiculous and just so much fun, and I loved him well before I'd even really gotten into the rest of the books around him.
Here's just a bit of dialogue from one of his first appearances, to give you a sense of how he and Geralt play off each other.
The bard seized the fingerboard of his lute and plucked the strings vigorously. ‘How would you prefer it, in verse or in normal speech?’ ‘Normal speech.’ ‘As you please,’ Dandelion said, not putting his lute down. ‘Listen then, noble gentlemen, to what occurred a week ago near the free town of Barefield. ‘Twas thus, that at the crack of dawn, when the rising sun had barely tinged pink the shrouds of mist hanging pendent above the meadows—’ ‘It was supposed to be normal speech,’ Geralt reminded him. ‘Isn’t it? Very well, very well. I understand. Concise, without metaphors. A dragon alighted on the pastures outside Barefield.’
Though TW3's Dandelion certainly looks the part, you have to go hunting through art from the Gwent cards to find much that comes close to really capturing his personality (see left pic below – though even there, a Dandelion who'd voluntarily break his treasured lute is a very hard sell). Though a lot of fanart does better (right-below – credit goes to Tatiana Ortaliz).

But as poorly as the games capture his flamboyance, they're not that much better when it comes to taking him seriously. TW3 left me thinking he was all talk and no substance; the books make abundantly clear that he really is renowned enough to be welcome in courts across the continent. Though he often overestimates what he can talk himself out of, he isn’t stupid either: he's lectured at Oxenfurt, spied for Dijkstra, and then there are the moments where the frivolous playboy mask slips and you realise he's sometimes much better at understanding people and relationships than Geralt will ever be (which is honestly kind of funny considering how many of Dandelion’s relationships end with plates being thrown at him from an upper story). He's not at all above mocking Geralt when he deserves it either (and especially his personal and relationship issues) – Geralt will happily mock him right back.
We never do learn how they became friends (I'm pretty sure the incident listed in the wiki is just the date of their first expedition together, not their first meeting), but Geralt just doesn't form lasting friendships or romances with anyone he can't have an intelligent conversation with. And Dandelion is a damn good friend to Geralt – one who, despite being a helpless, squishy little bard, will keep Geralt's secrets under torture, or will follow him into Nilfgaard in the middle of a war simply because you don't let a friend make a trip like that alone. (Seriously, I don’t ship it nearly as much as some, but hot damn there is some material in here if you do.) In short, it's basically inconceivable that he'd leave an amnesic Geralt wandering around Vizima alone, as he does in the first Witcher game – which is the kind of thing I can mostly forgive as a gameplay conceit, only it doesn’t really get better from there.
He’s also supposed to be blond, something I don’t think is technically specified until fairly late in the novels, but 100% what I’d been picturing since his first description as a man in a colourful bonnet with cornflower-blue eyes (let’s face it: Dandelion’s hair isn’t the only thing about him that screams ‘blond’). It’s a shame no-one from the games to the show to the novels’ cover artists seem to have noticed – but at least there are some fanartists out there who were paying attention (credit for these goes to Asphaloth, Ghostcupdraws, Hvit-ravn (tumblr deleted), 94355 and itsmespicaa).

As for the games? Well, I cannot speak to how Dandelion came across in the original Polish, but I think it speaks worlds about the priorities of the English version that they didn’t even bother to cast someone with a halfway-decent singing voice as their master bard. There are isolated moments of dialogue that come close to sounding like book!Dandelion– mostly in Witcher 2, which comes closer to capturing the spirit of the books than either 1 or 3, or his attempts to convince his captor he's a disguised noble when you rescue him TW3 – but his voice actor is just painfully ill-suited to the role.
Geralt fares much better than Dandelion, though he’s still a little hard to square with the Geralt of the books. Book!Geralt spends a lot more time sulking, just to begin with: he sulks because his job is complicated and gets him no respect, and because the world is unjust and unfair – and, most of all, he sulks because Yennefer has dumped him again. He also gets mocked for sulking, and usually deserves it. Book!Geralt is generally a lot more taciturn and a less prone to making smart comments just to have something to say – arguably because in book!Geralt's world, making smart comments often ends at the gallows, or at least with some corrupt official making your life much harder. Book!Geralt's world kind of sucks, and he's just got to put up with it.
As much as he often plays into the expectations of being an uneducated monster hunter, he's also got a more of an intellectual streak than you’d guess. He may prefer to stay out of politics (because damnit, his job is to save people from monsters, not people who are monsters), but he attended school at Nenneke's temple and has even taken classes at Oxenfurt academy, and there's a lot of thoughtful nuance to his opinions – his speech to Ciri about why he can't in good conscience take a stronger stance against the Scoiata'el contains a wealth of historical perspective, just for one example. Even his smart comments tend to be, well, somewhat smarter in the books.
Book!Geralt’s explicitly a lot younger than Yennefer – around 50 is the usual estimate, falling far short of the 100-ish the games suggest (the scandal of having a man fall for – gasp! – an older woman clearly didn’t bother Sapkowski one bit). You don’t see nearly as much "I'm getting too old for this" from book!Geralt, who's really not that old by witcher standards, and is apparently still hunting monsters long into his future. I'm also a little annoyed by the way they play off his hatred of portals like he's a grumpy old man who doesn't like mobile phones, when his distrust originally came from having seen the gruesome deaths that result when portals go wrong. This is not to say Book!Geralt lacks other ordinary human flaws, however – twice in the last two books of the main saga, he gets severely sidetracked after his ego gets the better of him (in the adulation he receives after being knighted, then after arriving in Toussaint), and it's quite some time before he properly gets back on track for that whole rescuing-Ciri thing again. He’s also pretty hopeless when it comes to romance and relationships – breaking things off gracefully is really not in his skillset.
So why does game!Geralt not bother me more? Well, he's the main player character of a game franchise, and one who has to carry the experience largely solo. Some adjustments for genre are pretty much inevitable in that position. He's certainly fared better than Meve, for example, who's been softened far more from her book characterisation for her PC role in Thronebreaker. Then there's the whole amnesia thing – it's easy to believe that sort of experience would change a man – and if he doesn't sulk so much as he used to, maybe he's grown up a bit. Geralt's also in many ways the straight-man of Sapkowski's Witcher universe – there largely as the reliable centre for other, louder personalities to play off. But I expect the real bottom line here is that I do still like game!Geralt enough to forgive him a lot of what he lacks.

The books never do describe Geralt as being very attractive – something book-based fanart often tries to reflect. The point has been made before that the rather-alien-looking Geralt of the first game (left pic above) is probably a lot closer to his book-description. However, the main distinguishing factor you’ll see in book-based fanart is probably the ubiquitous headband, which genuinely is what book!Geralt wears to make his hair behave (the example on the right above comes from Diana Novich).
All that said, if Sapkowski really wants me to believe that nearly so many women are eager to jump into bed with him, I’m going to have to shallowly assume our witnesses are unreliable on this front, and Geralt is at least as attractive as Witcher 3′s take on him. Nothing else makes sense. *g*
Regis varies mostly in that book!Regis is a lot more smug, sometimes verging on obnoxious – and a lot keener to make fun of Geralt (who generally deserves it). But then, Regis is old and wise and superpowered enough to dance rings around most everyone else – can you blame him? By Blood and Wine, Regis' overconfidence has been recently smacked down hard after his near-death-experience at the hands of Vilgefortz, and that kind of thing could knock some chips off anyone's shoulder. Throw in the fact that with Dettlaff, we have a situation not even Regis could make light of, and the changes to game!Regis make a certain amount of sense.
I do feel it's a bit of a shame that the vocal direction didn't work just a little bit harder to capture some of Regis' smugger side, or emphasise that his long-winded philosophising on human behaviour is supposed to sound a bit pretentious. This is actually something I suspect they were going for a few times in the script, but which didn't come through in the dialogue quite the way it was meant to. Still, again, I'm sure I'm biased by the fact that I like game!Regis far too much to find much fault in what they've done with him. They've done a lovely job capturing his friendship with Geralt too.

Looks-wise, there's a tendency in book-based art to portray Regis with long hair (even some pre-Blood-and-Wine Gwent art did so – see the two pics on the left above, from Gwent and early B&W concepts. The right-most pic is cover art from the books). I couldn't rightly tell you where long-haired-Regis comes from, though – perhaps it's described more explicitly in the original Polish, or perhaps it comes up in passing in some passage I've forgotten, though it may just as well just be a fannish meme.
The books do describe him as looking rather like a tax collector, slim, middle-aged, with an aquiline nose, prone to wearing black, and his hair as 'greying' or 'grey streaked', so presumably somewhat younger-looking than the game would have it. The hammer-horror-esque sideburns are likewise a game-verse addition, though I do like the look they went with – it's distinct from Geralt in a way that making him another long-grey-haired man wouldn't have been, and that's probably the point.

Being the hopeless Regis fan I am, I have quite the folder full of different fanart takes on book!Regis, so have a selection – art here is by gellihana-art, justanor, greysmartwolf, Nastyaskaya, NatalyLanier, beidak, natalliel, ellaine and afternoon63. For what it’s worth, I feel beidak’s (bottom pic, second from the left) comes the closest to what I’d have pictured personally, based on how he’s first described.
I find it much harder to rationalise the changes to game!Ciri, who I didn't exactly dislike, but found stuck too close to the role of generic-macguffin-girl-who-just-wants-to-be-normal to be very interesting. Having read the books, not only do I much prefer book!Ciri, I'm not sure I can emphasize enough how much the game did NOT prepare me for utter gauntlet of whump and misery that girl survives in the last four titles. Book!Ciri is a character who works for me mostly because of the same flaws the game mostly strips her free of – TW3 makes some token noise about how you can't tell her what to do, but she’s an utter little royal brat when we first meet book!Ciri, and it’s so much of what brings her to life. She throws herself into her witcher training with the enthusiasm of a kid going completely native, but still revels in getting to be girly for a change when Triss first arrives at Kaer Morhen. She hates Yennefer at first, but soon bonds with her just as strongly as she ever did with Geralt, picking up some of Yennfer’s haughty mannerisms along the way. And then she gets thrown through a portal and lost in the distant wilderness, and the whole world comes down on her head.
The build up to the first time Ciri actually has to kill someone is intense... and things only get worse from there. Steadily. For another couple of novels at a stretch. Seriously, a major caveat that pretty much has to go into any rec for these books (and I will absolutely rec these books) is that Ciri's story gets heavy. So heavy one finds oneself using phrases like, "that time that one guy died of his wounds on top of her while semi-consensually feeling her up was honestly one of the less traumatic incidents in the period."
By the end of the novels, Ciri has nearly died of thirst, been beaten, tied up, dragged around the country as a prisoner, run with bandits and killed innocent people for the fun of it, done fantasy-cocaine and got a tattoo, fought off more than one attempted rape, been drugged, lain for multiple nights next to an impotent elf who completely fails to impregnate her, watched the bodies of her friends and girlfriend being mutilated in front of her, and did I mention where she got that scar? She has survived hell, and it is absolutely a testament to her own strength that she somehow comes through it and puts herself back together at the end. When Geralt finally arrives to rescue her, what matters most isn't that her ordeal is over, but that she finally knows she hasn’t been abandoned by everyone who’d ever loved her after all.
The Ciri of the books is fierce and wild and arrogant, but she's learned her morals from the best, and she holds onto them until she can't, then picks them back up again when she can, and above all she survives. For all that her story turns arguably too much of the last two books into a slog of misery, oh boy does it pay off at the end. And that's probably about as much as I can say about her Big Moment in the last book without spoiling too much, so suffice to say that by the end of the saga, Geralt has pretty much become a supporting character in Ciri's story, not the other way around. (Seriously, you’d be surprised how few chapters of the last two books he’s actually in.)

Finding art which captures the aspects of Ciri’s character and history which are missing from the game has turned out to be pretty hard, though the fanart above from her bandit phase takes a decent crack at it (credit to Loles Romero and NastyaSkaya). I do rather like that one shot of her on horseback beside her girlfriend too, which comes from Denis Gordeev’s illustrations for the novels (below).

How much of this does TW3 get across with her portrayal in the game? Well, she's still pretty headstrong, I guess. And they let you give a 'sorry, I like girls' answer in one bit of dialogue, so they remembered her girlfriend existed. That's nice. But game!Ciri still has a kind of wide-eyed innocence that book!Ciri lost years ago, while book!Ciri is a little force of nature in ways the games hardly even hint at, and that's a really shameful loss.
You'd think, with a character so young, it ought to be easier to imagine she's simply grown up since we saw her last, but so much of what's changed about Ciri feels like a step back rather than forwards. I can shrug off Geralt and Regis' differences and still enjoy their game-verse-selves, but Ciri leaves me genuinely disappointed.

I’d say the official art that comes closest to capturing book!Ciri is that one portrait of her as a very grumpy young child (right above). Some of the early concept art (left above) feels a little more like it has her attitude, though she’s rather too yellow-blonde – not to mention too pretty. I think it also bears pointing out that Ciri isn’t really supposed to be the kind of beauty she is in the game – even before she gets what’s meant to be a seriously ugly and disfiguring scar. (Fanart below by justanor and bobolip)

But of course, the male gamer fanbase can’t be expected to give a fuck about a girl they wouldn’t want to fuck, so game!Ciri must be generically gorgeous. Le sigh.
I suppose I should at least touch on Triss, too, though she's a very odd case. She's so out of character in the first Witcher game that I am wryly amused that the biggest thing they arguably do get right is that taking advantage of Geralt the moment he showed up with amnesia is... pretty well in-character for her (look, I gotta be honest here, I'm not much of a fan of Triss in any of her incarnations).
The second game does a much better job with her – she actually feels like book!Triss, she has some good dialogue, we're finally dealing with some of her conflicted loyalties to the Lodge and to Geralt – though by the third, her characterisation has been so softened into “the nice one” that none of that potentially meaty conflict is ever resolved, or even really mentioned. Perhaps there's more buried in the Triss-romance path, which I've never bothered with, but the writers seem to have just given up on dealing with anything that might make her look less than wholly sympathetic. Heck, we hardly even get a clear statement about why she and Geralt broke up between Witchers 2 and 3.
Even speaking as such a not-a-fan of Triss, I promise there is more they could've done with the character the books give us. There's her ongoing trauma in from the Battle of Sodden, where she was injured so badly she was memorialised as one the dead: the 14th of the hill. There's her furious impatience with the neutrality of both the witchers and the Lodge: Triss has fought and died for a cause, and is ready to do so again. The second game sort of gets into this, but by and large, the games really aren't up to tackling the moral complexity of having such a theoretically-sympathetic character as Triss, who was still broadly willing to go along with the Lodge's plans to pair Ciri off and get her pregnant as soon as possible – her own wishes be damned. No, instead, Triss has conveniently left the Lodge before the rest of them go spiraling into abject villainy in the second game, clearing all that messy grey stuff out of the conflict.
Of course, the really big unresolved plot point still hanging over book!Triss is how badly she needs to terms with the fact Geralt's just Not That Into Her, and never has been – but since the games want Triss to be a serious romantic option, that's definitely not getting the resolution it could've used.
Book!Triss also pointedly avoids any outfit with a plunging neckline because her chest is covered with the ugly scars she received in the Battle of Sodden, something the games did not have the guts to reproduce. In a more confusing note, the books do consistently describe her hair as 'chestnut', which we'd usually think of as meaning 'brown' – though it turns out the games actually may not have been wrong to make her a redhead, since in Poland 'chestnut hair' apparently mean dark red hair (google some pictures of actual chestnuts, and you'll see why). Still, the firy-red-haired Triss of TW3 who wears nothing but plunging necklines remains a bit of a stretch, however you slice it. Once again, TW2 gets her best (and I must say, gave her the nicest outfit) – though even here she's conspicuously unscarred in all her sex scenes.

(Leftmost pic above is official Witcher 2 art, whereas Triss-with-scars fanart comes to us – once again – from nastyaskaya)
Shani sort of falls into a similar category as Triss as someone who isn't terribly well-served by any of her appearances, given that both exist in the first game largely to compete for Geralt's attentions. But I can't honestly say I find Shani’s portrayal in the Hearts of Stone expansion to be much better – the degree to which either version exists solely to fall all over Geralt is a bit painful, especially given that their relationship in the books is limited to a single, undramatic hook-up. Book!Shani really only appears in a couple of chapters: we meet her as a medical student friend of Dandelion's, who's been surreptitiously selling pilfered university supplies to fund her degree, then later see her again in the final book, where she proves herself as a battlefield medic during the climactic Battle of Brenna. She's pragmatic to a fault, and I really can't see her as the type who needs Geralt to point out to her that her patient is dead, for example, or who'd subject a guy with Geralt's problems to such an extended feelings-dump as you'll get out of her during the wedding.
Shani is a reasonably logical book-character to bring back, if only because she’s one of those who explicitly survives the ending, but for my money, "serious contender for Geralt's affections" is just not a role she works in.
Anna Henrietta
The duchess of Toussaint, Anna Henrietta, is another case who differs more from her book counterpart than you might think. In the books, the duchess is by far the least competent of the (pleasantly many and) various female leaders and rulers we meet – she comes across as rather young and naive, and every bit as absurd as everyone else in the ridiculous fairy-tale duchy she rules. She is, for example, most displeased to learn that Nilfgaard's war against the north is ongoing (something her courtiers have carefully avoided mentioning in her presence), because she'd long since sent the Emperor a stern note demanding he brought it to an end. She promptly has one of her ministers sent to the tower for misinforming her, and demands the others prepare an even sterner note for the emperor, which will surely do the job.
After Dandelion (inevitably) cheats on her, she has him repeatedly sent to the gallows, only to change her mind and send him a reprieve at the very last minute each time. Picture yourself a much younger and prettier version of the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, and you've about got her general vibe.
Blood and Wine sort of waves at this part of her character when she first speaks about Dandelion, and again in suggesting there's a widespread feeling she lacks compassion, and once more as she proves utterly immovable on the subject of her sister. But the generally sensible and insightful woman you deal with for most of the main story is a far cry from her book-verse characterisation. That’s a bit of a shame, because I feel like there's a lot more they could have done to blend the two versions of her. Still, it’s hard to argue the duchess we get suits the story being told around her.
Other characters
Much as I love Yennefer, Dijkstra and Phillipa, I don't really have much more to say about them because I feel the games have done such a good job. The Yennefer of the books gets to show a lot more depth and complexity simply because she has more scenes and more space in which to do so, but when ‘there isn’t more of her’ is your biggest complaint, the game is officially doing pretty well. I could certainly gripe her about how “dresses in black and white” seems to have been taken as “dresses in black with maybe a trace of white trim”, or how Yennefer and Triss seem to be the only sorceresses in the world capable of wearing pants, when Phillipa (just for one) is in sensible men’s clothing the very first time we meet her, but that’s getting into serious nitpicking territory.

(Not that Yen can’t look amazing in outfits with more white – art by Emily Caroll, theclashofqueens, BarbaraRosiak, and cosplay by greatqueenlina)
Vesimir, Lambert and Eskel, Geralt's fellow witchers from the School of the Wolf, fall into a similar category for me – though we spend far less time with them in the books, everything we see of them in the games feels like a fairly logical extension of their book-roles. Vesimir is somewhat over-played as the old fogey, and his death is painfully cliched, but the impact on the characters and Kaer Morhen still hits home – and the games do some especially great work expanding Lambert into a much more complex character. To my mind, the only shame is that more of the book-original characters didn't get the same treatment.
Who have I missed? There's Avallac'h, of course, but I think I've got him pretty well covered by that last post. Zoltan, perhaps inevitably, has had his personality largely flattened into 'generic dwarf', with nothing better to do than hang around Geralt and Dandelion. You wouldn't know Book!Zoltan was apparently incapable of turning away women and children in need, for example – even human women and children with the chronic inability to say thankyou for his help. Or that he eventually admits to Geralt that the luggage he and his friends are carrying comes from a decidedly unsavoury source for such a supposedly charitable, upstanding guy. Yes, even Zoltan gets to be a morally complicated character in the books – who knew?
Speaking of dwarves, pleased as I am that Yarpen Zigren gets remembered in TW2, he's an odd one to talk about, since even in the books, he appears to have had a substantial personality transplant between his two main appearances. Yarpen’s a largely comedic figure in The Bounds of Reason short story, where he cheerfully admits to having considered letting his men knock down a particularly pompous aristocrat and piss all over him to teach him a lesson, but he’s evolved into a studious voice of reason against the scoiata'el by Blood of Elves. TW2 doesn't do a particularly good job of capturing either version, which I suspect probably bothered me more than most people – I liked the later book-incarnation of Yarpen immensely (and not even just because he's one of few ever to really call Triss out on just how much she needs to stop misreading Geralt's friendship as anything more than it is). His chapter in Blood of Elves packs a hell of a punch.
On the subject of accents
I do have to wonder if I'd have warmed up to characters like Triss, Shani and Dandelion (or even Letho) more if they'd only had halfway decent voice actors. It's not just that none are exactly leading the talent at the acting part of the job, it's that their American accents stick out in TW3 like a sore thumb.

Geralt mostly gets away his own US accent by dint of being the very first character we meet, so we've gotten used to the way he talks long before we notice how he stands out – hell, maybe that's just how they talk down in Rivia (hilariously, book!Geralt eventually reveals he's not even from Rivia, but simply picked the place and taught himself the accent so he could feel a bit less like the abandoned foundling he is, which only gives us yet more excuse for why his accent might sound a bit weird). More importantly, Geralt is meant to stand out, to be the outsider wherever he goes, so having him sound like no-one else fits the character.
But neither Triss or Dandelion are "of Rivia", and by the time they show up we've had dozens of hours in a game where literally everyone else sounds British, or Scottish, or Irish, or vaguely-eastern-European in the case of the Nilfgaardians. So why do these weirdos sound like no-one else on the continent?
The short answer seems to be that every character with an American accent in TW3 is someone who had an American accent in at least one of the previous games, which were way looser with their casting and had enough incidental American accents around that they didn't stand out. Clearly, by TW3, consistency with prior games has been prioritised over consistency with literally anything else we’re hearing.
Gaetan is an exception to the rule as the only new character (at least that I caught) with an American accent – presumably because between Geralt, Eskel, Lambert, Berengar, and Letho (and cohorts), some sort of 'witchers have American accents' rule has been pretty well established (another random American-accented witcher shows up in Thronebreaker, just to underline the point). We're going to mostly ignore Jad Karadin here, since his British accent is presumably a recent affectation to go with his new identity, and so makes sense.

This still doesn't really work though, since Letho’s school is all the way down in Nilfgaard (land of the Eastern European accents), while the oldest witcher from Kaer Morhen (Vesimir) is the one guy with a British accent. He sounds nothing like any of his students, despite the fact he's logically the guy they ought to have learned their accents from. So the logic falls in a heap however you slice it, and I'm thrown right out of the game.
With TW3 as your intro to the series, it feels almost as if characters like Triss and Dandelion have been assigned American accents because they're just too important to be saddled with the same pedestrian British accents as everyone else, which did nothing to endear them to me. The only one I eventually warmed up to was Lambert, and then only because he's just such a bitter asshole that he eventually goes full circle and comes out the other side (somewhere around when you've heard his miserable backstory, then gotten drunk together and told him how much you love him, man). Gaetan similarly snuck in under the same clause – American accents clearly work better for me in this series when attached to characters you're supposed to find pretty insufferable on first impressions.
Some final notes
To conclude, it seems only fair to throw in a quick nod to some of the more memorable book-characters who don't appear in the games. Neither Mother Nenneke (Geralt's sort-of-surrogate mother) or Vissena (Geralt's biological mother) ever appear either, alas – Vissena doesn't even merit so much as a Gwent card, which seems quite the wasted opportunity.
Milva, Cahir and Angouleme – the three remaining companions of Geralt’s who died alongside Regis but who were not so easily resurrected – naturally don’t appear. But nor are even really mentioned in all the games, which seems rather less than they deserve after giving their lives to Geralt's cause.

Cahir and Angouleme do at least have pretty badass Gwent cards to their names, though I am properly offended that Milva (who has the dubious honour of being my very favourite book character who doesn't ever appear in the games) is stuck with a card of her freaking death scene – which not only gets the scene wrong (believe me, there was no grimacing and gripping the arrow buried shallowly in her chest for poor Milva), but doesn't even bother to get her hair the right colour, for fuck’s sake. Basically, Milva was a stone cold badass and absolutely deserves better. #justice4milva
One can only guess how I'd have felt about some of these characters had I read the books before playing the games – I am obviously biased towards forgiving changes to characters whom I liked in their game incarnations, regardless of how they compare. Still, I think it does speak wonders that there still all these characters who suddenly made sense only after I'd met them in the books.
Even if only for Dandelion and Ciri, I can only dream of seeing a bit more of the book-original characterisations make it into the collective fannish consciousness. There's nothing wrong with getting into the canon purely based on the show or the games, but having read Sapkowski's novels, it's no longer any mystery how they spawned this massive franchise. That the saga wasn’t even fully available in English until well after Witcher 3 was released – a solid couple of decades late, and long after it had already been translated into Russian, French, German, Spanish and more – is a real shame. For once, it’s us in the anglophone world who’ve been missing out: these books deserve so much more than to be thought of as a footnote to the games or the show.
#Dandelion#Witcher novels#Jaskier#Ciri#Regis#Geralt of Rivia#meta#The Witcher#long post is even longer this time#I blame everyone who gave me such lovely feedback on that last post *g*
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So I’m up to page 158 (Act III, Scene 2) of the much-recommended If We Were Villains and I have to say: I don’t get it.
Putting this under a cut for spoilers.
Seriously, I don’t get it. What’s just happened is that the the theater kids have found Richard near death in the lake and have decided to let him die because they were either so afraid of him or so angry at him that they just couldn’t bear to let him live.
Now, I’ve still got about 200 pages to go, so something may come up that explains all of this, but at the moment? This whole thing just doesn’t make any sense.
All of these kids have been close with Richard for over three years. His cousin Wren has presumably known him even longer than that, and Meredith has been in a romantic relationship with him for two years, so she might know him best of all. While the narrator made it clear that Richard was kind of an arrogant douchebag, prior to the Halloween party there didn’t seem to be any indication that he was violent, jealously possessive, or dangerous in any way. Then at the Halloween party something snaps and out of the blue he almost drowns James. After that, he starts physically abusing his castmates during rehearsals and performances and his overall demeanor is constantly angry and brooding.
If you had a friend, family member, or romantic partner that you’d known well for several years, and all of a sudden he started acting this way, wouldn’t you...I don’t know...be worried for him? Wouldn’t you think that something was going wrong with him, mentally or physically, that was causing this odd behavior? Or...would you decide just a few weeks later that you’d all be better off with him dead?
Right now, it doesn’t feel like the author has put in the work to make Richard’s murder? manslaughter? negligent homicide? plausible. Compare this to Bunny’s murder in The Secret History. Although we’re set up for it from the first page, it doesn’t actually occur until almost halfway through the book. Donna Tartt spends all of that time sucking us into the cozy-but-claustrophobic circle of these six students. She makes us feel the growing panic and fury that they feel every time Bunny taunts them (for months) about the bacchanal murder, or bums more luxury living out of Henry, or is just his general thoughtless asshole self, until we’re on board with killing him too. Bunny’s got to go. We have no choice.
In contrast, Richard hasn’t really done anything except seem to have some sort of mental breakdown that has caused him to become suddenly violent with everyone. And yet, within a mere three weeks, his friends, his cousin, and his girlfriend all decide that Richard’s got to go. We have no choice.
This does not make sense. It doesn’t help that the scene at the lake (where they’re arguing about whether to help Richard or let him die) is so unintentionally comic. Richard’s already so badly wounded that he would probably die anyway, and yet they all seem terrified of him. As if he’s Michael Meyers or Jason Voorhees and this’ll never be over!!!! until he’s dead. As if Richard---who’s got half of his head bashed in, mind you---has the superhuman strength to beat them all to death right on the spot if they pull him out of the water. Meanwhile the fella’s just floating there, groaning away. Um, guys? Little help here? I mean, it’s a comedy sketch.
So, like I said, I’ve still got a lot of this book to go and maybe it’ll get better. But for now it just feels like M.L. Rio really wanted to write her own version of The Secret History --- which is fine. After all, that’s why I’m reading it, because that’s what I thought it would be. But it looks like all she’s done is adapt the basic building blocks: elite school setting, insular group of eccentric aesthetes, collective murder of one of their own, diffident token outsider narrating the tale from years in the future. That’s all well and good, but it’s not enough. She still needed to take those blocks and do the work of crafting her story, making us believe it. Right now, I’m not.
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CQL Rewatch - Episode 9
Let me preface this by saying we’re entering a period of episodes that I’m not that fond of. There’s nothing wrong with them really, but it’s just padding and a little bit of set-up for later arcs, but I personally think the set-up is unnecessary.

Anyhow, straight into it! I shouldn’t say “straight” when wangxian is on screen. I struggled to get a good shot, but the dichotomy between Nie Huaisang and wangxian here is hilarious to me. He’s such a good comedy act, flailing and being totally useless, other than being another warm body, but at the same time, he’s the only one really acting like a teenager here. Lan Wangji is always so cold and serious, while Wei Wuxian is a goof until he needs to be serious, but both of them are also extremely talented. We know Nie Huaisang isn’t an idiot, but I don’t get the impression he’s a great cultivator either.

I literally watched this scene this morning and totally missed this part. Lan Wangji stops Wei Wuxian from killing or attacking the puppets further, as he’s about to use his sword to defend them all. It’s a great little moment, actually, because it shows how Wei Wuxian is willing to do anything, but he’s not willing to murder innocent people if they can be saved. We already know, with all the Lan principles, that Wangji would not kill needlessly, but we don’t necessarily know that about Wei Wuxian. But he has morals, he has his own principles, and he’s not going to cast those aside for nothing.
Now, you could say he won’t do it now in the story, but what about later? What about Wen Chao? I’d say that’s totally different. That was revenge. And one of the things I like about this story is that it doesn’t shy away from revenge (something that a lot of Western media kind of disdains—we seem to be afraid to in any way make revenge out to be something good).

I can’t believe I managed to capture the exact moment that Lan Wangji used the Silencing spell on Nie Huaisang. I’m honestly really impressed with myself. Of course, it was totally by accident. I was initially going to just talk about how funny Nie Huaisang is again, because I love his flailing and physical comedy, and his expressions are fantastic. But can I talk about this glare that Yibo has right now? Haha, I love it. Again, if looks could kill. If I were Wei Wuxian here, I’d feel pretty satisfied for being the one not silenced at this moment. Honestly, it shows such a progression in their relationship: they’re really working as a team, no longer at odds with each other. It’s really apparent that they have become a team: it’s Nie Huaisang and WangXian—not Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. There are also more moments where it feels like Wei Wuxian is really looking for Lan Wangji—like, it feels as if he’s more interested in the relationship than Lan Wangji. I don’t think it’s true at all, but that’s kind of what we’re shown. The thing is that Lan Wangji is so much more aloof and cold towards Wei Wuxian—very tsundere, I suppose. But of course, we know Lan Wangji is very conscious of Wei Wuxian.

I’m not going to pick on her specifically here, because overall, the fake instrument-playing is pretty hysterical. I do think she’s the worst at it, though, probably because she only does this in one scene or something. Wang Yibo has a double for a lot of the scenes where he’s playing the guqin, but what little we see is fine. Xiao Zhan is also okay—we know he isn’t really playing, but he does an okay job pretending to play. Like, his lip is on the flute. It kind of looks like Wen Qing doesn’t even have her lips on the flute—like she’s trying not to wreck her makeup. Anyway, I’m not going to harp (see what I did there?) on it—none of them are musicians.

Reminder to gif this part.
Any time Wei Wuxian comes to Lan Wangji’s defense is a good time, and coupled with a smile like this—my heart is melting, excuse me. I love these moments, because for just a few seconds, it feels like no one else is there—it’s just the two of them having a moment together. And Wei Wuxian is once again here proving how he’s loyal to Lan Wangji, how his friendship is worth something, and it’s not just skin-deep. I think Lan Wangji is touched here: the way his averts his gaze, as if he likes what Wei Wuxian is saying, but he still feels uncomfortable. Outside of his family, this is probably the closest relationship that Lan Wangji has ever had.

Wei Wuxian has a lot of cool magic, and it’s a shame we don’t get to see more of it. I like the idea that his talismans are more clever, if that makes sense. They aren’t just explosions or hitting people with waves of force to knock them around. He’s got golden nets, and talismans that can bind/bond people to each other, ones that can cause you to be pinned to the ground. It’s just very fun, and we don’t get to see a lot of that sort of magic in this world. Actually Lan Wangji has the Silencing spell, plus the body binding spell that he uses in the book, but that is, unfortunately, not in this series. And the first time you see it in the book is when he binds Wei Wuxian’s body so that he has to sleep right on top of Lan Wangji—great stuff.

WWX: So they are making use of my wisdom? LOL
Wei Wuxian stops to make a joke, saying he is most disturbed by the hallucinations because he has so many thoughts in his head—basically too smart for his own good here—and at the same time, poking fun at Lan Wangji, because he isn’t bothered by the hallucinations (ie. he doesn’t have many thoughts in his head). Okay, first of all, we know Wei Wuxian respects Lan Wangji a lot, so he is definitely joking, and it’s all in good fun. Lan Wangji rolls his eyes a bit, and he’s not bothered. He did, after all, tell Wei Wuxian to put the net over the other three so that he and Wei Wuxian could take care of the dire owl alone. He also respects Wei Wuxian and values him as a fellow cultivator and teammate. Second of all, again, Wei Wuxian is not an idiot! He’s smart! He’s clever! He’s not dumb! I don’t know who still needs to hear this, but I’m saying it again. I know it’s easy to put him into the typical BL “female” role: he’s smaller, he’s a bottom, blah blah blah. I honestly don’t like that at all. Every ship doesn’t have to be two opposites. It doesn’t have to be m/f, top/bottom, big/small, dark/light, smart/dumb, strong/weak. I’m aware of how the book is written and I’m aware of BL tropes in general, but I see two equals here. I like how they picked Wang Yibo, a shorter and younger man than Xiao Zhan, to play Lan Wangji. I like that they took out the fact that he has inhumanly strong arms. I like the different dynamic that it displays from the book characters. That isn’t to say that I don’t like the book—I love the book. The book is my favorite adaptation, both in terms of storytelling and in terms of plot. But that doesn’t mean that it’s perfect for me.
Anyway, enough ranting for now.

I love this shot. And I love how in sync they are in this fight—it’s like a dance. When I’ve heard about fight choreography in the past, I never associated it with the word “dance,” until I saw this series. I don’t know if it’s the costumes or the setting or the actors or what, but their motions are so fluid, so dance-like—it’s actually quite beautiful.

Oh, my god, look at that grin! I fucking love it!! Also, serious moment turns into a chance to tease Lan Wangji. I will accept it.

My sentimental heart loves how scared Wei Wuxian is for Lan Wangji here. All that time wearing the One Ring—I mean, holding the Yin Iron, is really wearing him down. (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself). But jokes aside, I love how Wei Wuxian is right there, instructing him on how to handle what’s going on and to not lose control, while the others are just kind of clueless as to what is happening or how to help. And even after Lan Wangji snaps out of it and says they have to go to the Chang Clan, Wei Wuxian’s expression still is one of great concern, and I doubt it’s out of fear for what the waiter has just told him. I think he’s just really worried about Lan Wangji. This is the first time that Lan Wangji has even been like this, even in the face of great danger, and Wei Wuxian is shaken by it.
Other episodes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
#cql#the untamed#wangxian#wei wuxian#lan wangji#nie huaisang#wen qing#wang yibo#xiao zhan#mdzs#mo dao zu shi#sorry this was short#but like I said I'm not really into a lot of these eps until indoctrination starts#also I wanted to make a comment about how the last bit was like scooby doo bc all of them solving myseries#cql rewatch
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Did anybody order a Wels backstory idea? No? Too bad, you're getting one.
This came from me thinking about how Hels is named after the dimension he came from, so what if that's the case for Wels too? Then the idea gripped me and I had to write it down quick. So-
Wels used to be simply 'Wels Knight': an NPC on a large MMORPG MC server. He was one of many Knights based in the kingdom of Wels, NPCs replaceable at will of the code. Made to give quests, fight mobs at the gates and wander the city... Simple programming, simple NPCs. There for the players and nothing more.
Except one day, Wels isn't.
It's a glitch in his code, or an attempt to improve the AI, but suddenly, he's sentient. He thinks like a player. He wants to do things. Explore, build and create. The server admins either don't realise or care, so he continues following his programming, unsure what would happen if he doesn't. He avoids dying, scared of that unknown. (Would he lose this? Become just another NPC like the ones mindlessly walking these streets again? Or would he simply cease to be? He doesn't want to find out.) He uses the code already forming his instincts to survive, blending in as a normal NPC. It's lonely, but he exists.
Until that doesn't work anymore. Maybe he's discovered and the admins try to reset him, maybe the server is going to be closed down, but Wels realises he needs to escape. He commandeers a command block, uses a transportation portal or something, but he gets out. Finds himself in a completely new world, alone. It's scary, but he finally has the chance he's wanted. He can build, create, explore. He wanders through different worlds, finally feeling like he's living.
But he's still got the code of an NPC. He isn't a player. It causes him to glitch, sometimes. He wasn't made to live without the support of the server and the code that keeps him together. Sometimes he finds himself following old commands, patrolling the streets he's built aimlessly before shaking back to life. He loses time, on occasion, waiting for someone to talk to him who never will. No matter how hard he tries to forget, he remembers his lines perfectly. The worst are the physical glitches. The times his code realises it's in the wrong place, tries to force itself apart. He learns to last it out, keep himself together. It's exhausting, but it's worth it. It's worth the opportunity to live like this.
He stumbles into an occupied world by accident. He hasn't interacted with players since abandoning his original purpose. It's surprising, when they accept him as one of them. As if he's another, normal player. It's called KingdomCraft and he fits in perfectly. The medieval build style is familiar. He grows to call the players friends (tries not to question if something like him can have them.) They accommodate his weird habits. How he avoids dying, needs time alone or sometimes doesn't seem quite... There. (And it's an unspoken rule in the group of them not to bother him about it. Not every player comes from a good server. If Wels doesn't want to talk, they won't push him.) Then, when they're invited to Hermitcraft, Wels is invited with them.
(Xisuma is confused, at first, by the extra player. He's never seen a player list be wrong before, but he's sure there's a reason. And he can't really say no to those excited faces as he brings them to their new world. He doesn't question it further. Maybe he should have.)
Hermitcraft is... Different. He learns new styles of building, picks up how to make farms and smelters. It's as exciting as it is scary. The mobs are stronger and he sticks to the safety of strip mining. The hardest part of adapting is the new players. There's a lot of them, and there's no 'unspoken rules' anymore. It's hard to hide his strange habits. Those days where his code feels like it's falling apart are spent locked in his bases, hidden from view. The hermits pick it up, mostly. They aren't upset if he cancels an event, they don't push him when they find him wandering with a blank stare. Nothing further than a concerned 'Do you want to talk about it?' He doesn't, and they don't. (Even if part of him wishes he could explain. Wishes he was a true knight, and wasn't so afraid.)
In the end, it probably happens by accident.
A newer hermit doesn't understand why Wels avoids dying. Sets up a prank that kills him, except he doesn't respawn. And suddenly the hermits are left scrambling as to why.
Or the glitching gets worse, until he can't hide it anymore. Once one of the hermits sees him in that much pain, his body showing the layers of code that make it up as he gasps for air, it's game over.
Either way, it's terrifying for Xisuma to have to try and transfer his friend's data into an actual player. To unravel the code that's already there and figure out what is actually Wels. The others sometimes joke about Xisuma being godlike. It's times like these that he wishes he wasn't, holding his own friend's existence in his hands. Nobody should have that power.
But he's glad he does when he sees Wels smile. The relief in his eyes that he doesn't have to follow those same, stupid commands anymore. He doesn't have to live in fear of falling apart. The other hermits embrace him, scold him for not telling them and don't treat him differently at all. He's always been Wels to them. How he was created doesn't change that. But now, at last, he's truly free.
#hermitcraft#welsknight#xisuma#my writing#hc#wels#yeah um went off a bit here#the idea struck me and wouldn't let go#so volia!#npc!wels
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Daryl x Reader
(Author’s note: the reader is Maggie’s sister)
Warnings: slight angst and fluff and a lot of cussing, tho I think that’s it.
You pulled your knees tighter against your chest, feeling slightly cold in the dark container, but at least now your eyes had finally adapted to the dark, so you could at least see better, even if it weren’t much. All you could think about was if he was even still alive, but of course he was, this was Daryl, he had survived far worse, a fact you knew even back on your farm when they all showed up. You should probably be figuring out how to get out of here, like everyone else, but all you could think about was him, the way he could scoff and hide his amusement when you finally got under his skin in a playful way. Daryl was hard to get through, especially at the farm, when that little girl was missing, but the way he looked for her, even though she wasn't his own, it just told you that he was a good man, he had just been through a hell of a lot of things.
“He’s alright you know” you flinched at her voice, looking up at your sister Maggie, nodding and looking down again. You had been so far in your own thoughts that you hadn’t heard her approach or sit down next to you, something that was dangerous, because what if it had been out there, and she had been a walker? But you shook that thought away, deciding to respond instead of just letting her attempt at comforting you slide “I know… I just-” you sighed, giving up trying to explain something she already knew in full detail. Maggie, Beth and your dad were about the only ones who knew, the only ones who knew how you felt about him. Carol had an idea, causing her to tease you often, but there was never any malice in her teasing, and she would never overstep the limit with it either. Rick had a faint idea as well, but hadn’t really addressed it besides one time when he asked if you and Daryl had anything, which you denied of course. But still you couldn’t help but worry, what if something had happened to him out there? What if he had died at the prison? What if he never made it out? Your mind only dug further and further into the endless possibilities until Maggie gently shook your shoulder, making you snap your head to look at her.
“He’s alright. He’s Daryl, ain’t nothing gonna get to him” she had always been able to know what you felt, just by looking at you. You simply shook your head “and if he’s not? What if he’s out there, and I’m stuck in here, unable to help him? What if Beth is out there, scared and alone and- and-... and I’m stuck in this fucking container because these people just got a stick up their ass? What if Daryl got fucking bit? Or what if he ran into these people and they- they killed him?? What if all of this fucking bullshit that they’re making us go through is for nothing and we’ll just be stuck here twiddlding our fucking thumbs and waiting to be fucking killed like one of those damn cows back at Daddy’s farm?” you remembered to keep a low voice, whispering harshly, but Maggie just laughed anyway “what? What’s so funny, Mag?” she tried to control her laughter, a few of the other people in the container looking funny at her, Glenn just smiled fondly at her however, but when she finally quieted down she looked back at you “I’ve never heard you cuss like that, Daryl must’ve really gotten to ya” she finally stated once she had been able to catch her breath, making me stare at her for a second, the both of us just looking at each other before giggling together.
“Hey! What’s so damn funny?” Abraham snapped, making us stop, look at him, before laughing even more, just pissing off Abraham, but he let it go. After a while Glenn came over, you and Maggie both having tears in your eyes for how hard you had laughed, even though you tried to suppress it “what’s up?” he kneeled down in front of Maggie, and once you had both calmed down you looked at Glenn while Maggie still giggled “I just cussed so much that Daddy would turn over in his grave” you said proudly, making Glenn freeze before shaking his head as he laughed as well, and Sasha, who had heard you, let out an amused scoff at the three of you giggling.
It had been hours since Maggie had lightened your mood, but now it had dampened again, you were still sitting with Maggie, your head on her shoulder as her head rested on top of yours, your knees were starting to hurt from being bent so much for so long, but you couldn’t care less, and apparently neither could Maggie.
Both of you flinched as you heard the door being opened, the both of you standing up, fighting against how weak your knees felt from finally being stretched out like they had ached to be hours ago. You got ready but as the doors swung open fully you squinted, your eyes hurting from the sudden light and how intrusive it was. You frowned when you saw who entered and when the door finally closed everyone except the ones who had just joined your merry little band of misfits flew towards them, hugging them separately. “We thought you were dead” you whispered as you hugged Michonne, who gladly hugged you back, and then you came to Daryl, and seeing his face, the bruises, you grew a mix of relief and anger. Relief that all he got out there were a few bruises, and anger because walkers don’t punch, people did this. As you studied Daryl he blushed and looked away, he hugged everyone, except you that is, and you took a step back, letting everyone else greet him and get acquainted as Rick let you know that these people are ‘screwing with the wrong people’.
You were currently using the necklace Beth had given you, back before everything started, to sharpen a piece of wood, turning it into a makeshift dagger, looking back at Daryl to see him already looking at you. You didn’t quite know who looked away first, but both of your heads turned at the speed of light probably. Maggie threw a small smile at you and you couldn’t help but smile back, she knew you felt like an with Daryl sometimes, with how tough he was to get through, and how you actually had gotten through to him, at the prison, but then everything happened, and now he treated you like a stranger again. Once Rick told you to get ready, you got up, you had used some rusty nails and your belt, you had wrapped the belt around your dominant hand, the nails going through the belt and out to whoever you punched, and your makeshift wooden dagger were in your other hand. You were ready to fight when suddenly something above you opened, dropping something down and making you disoriented. As they took Daryl, Rick, Bob and Glenn you tried to fight, but were way too disoriented, so was Maggie and Sasha, Michonne and Carl, everyone was way besides themselves, so all you could do, once again, was sit in the dark corner, now worrying even more so than before.
You exhaled heavily as you saw Carol, about to run to her when Daryl got there first. The way he ran to her, hugged her, it made a cold feeling settle in your bones and you couldn’t help but look away, even as Rick and Carl found Judith and embraced her, and seeing Tyreese alive and alright as well. You couldn’t get that cold, numb feeling out of you, seeing Daryl wrapping his arms around Carol, the way you wanted to be held by him, it made you feel something far more uncomfortable than just worrying about him or him treating you like a stranger. You awkwardly rubbed your arm as Carol came over and hugged you, you loved Carol like family, you really did, but comparing his reaction to when he saw you again, and when he saw her, you felt awkward with her hugging you, like the ex girlfriend who met the new girlfriend but haven't quite gotten over the heartbreak. Carol felt that and pulled away, frowning at you “sorry, I’m just so tired” you mumbled, making her nod, believing your excuse, for now anyways.
As you began to walk together, a family back together again, you couldn’t help but sort of glare at Carol and Daryl, looking down a few times in thought. When he had treated you like a stranger, you at least had a chance, but now it seemed like that had died, that the hope that you could at least get him in your life other than a member of a group was gone. You missed the look Maggie gave you, a worried, sympathetic look, which Glenn shared, after all he was Maggie’s husband, and she told him everything, even your crush on Daryl, though she hadn’t told him without your permission of course.
But still, you had been hoping so bad that maybe he would see you, maybe he would one day look at you differently, but he wouldn’t, not when he had someone like Carol, she was brave and strong and clever and not afraid to do everything for the group, so why would he want someone like you if he had her?
Too deep in your thought to notice, Daryl kept looking back at you, glancing every so often while he talked with Carol, and all he saw was your head bowed down, how you didn’t even talk to Maggie even though she tried, and the sad look you had on your face, like you weren’t sure what you were fighting for anymore. Carol encouraged him to speak to you, but he kept mumbling and shrugging, saying something along the lines of ‘I dunno, don’t wanna make it worse’ which Carol knew was bullshit. The both of you too wrapped up in everything else to notice that the both of you cared for each other the same way.
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birth chart reading for @pixie94
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a locomotive shape. this means that you're a very ambitious person, with a lot of energy. jupiter has a big influence on you, and your life revolves around making experiences, opening your mind and living every day as if it were your last. the empty part of your life is what you have to develop, hence your family, romantic life, health and also your communication and thinking style.
your dominant planets are uranus, saturn and neptune. you are a very hard-working person, you're a very responsible and mature individual even though you may be a little bit moody or unpredictable. you're also extremely creative, you're always able to come up with innovative ideas.
your dominant sign is pisces. you're a genuine, caring person who loves daydreaming. it's a sort of way to escape reality, but it gives you an enormous amount of creativity. you also possess a strong intuition, which can make you have a sort of sixth sense.
your dominant element is air. in your life, you adore seeking for knowledge of any kind. you may be interested in studying different subjects, from those you study at school like science, maths, literature etc. to more unconventional ones, such as astrology, psychology, criminology and so on. you enjoy interacting with people; even if you’re not that sociable, you’ll still be interested in their point of view and their ideals, as you see it as a way to expand your own mind. you’re also interested in vintage, and you may have a retro aesthetic or just like history in general.
🌎 ascendant in taurus, 11° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and mercury
taurus is ruled by venus, the planet of beauty. therefore, you’re probably very attractive, even if not conventionally. taurus risings usually come off as introverted and shy, you’re probably not much talkative. you’re a homebody, you prefer staying at home reading a good book instead of going out and partying, even though you don’t despise hanging out with your friends either. basically, you’d rather watch a movie with them than going to the disco, for example. you’re a very patient and cautious person; because of that, you may be considered slow, and it may be true, especially in your movements. yet, you just like thinking deeply about a decision, even if it’s just about what to eat for dinner. you don’t want to have regrets. you may also be quite materialistic, and hence you’re extremely careful to how you spend your money. you don’t want to be a burden to someone else, in fact you most likely used to feel guilty to ask your parents for money when you were younger. you’d rather be independent. usually, taurus placements are quite egotistic, but I don’t think it’s exactly your case. your heavy pisces energy points out the opposite; you’re careful to who’re you generous with, but you’re not selfish. you don’t fancy flaky, insignificant relationships. you prefer having long-lasting and intense bonds, you don’t have time to waste. you’re particularly loyal, but you could become too possessive and possibly controlling of your partners or friends. you’re probably not very flexible in life, since taurus is a fixed sign; you’re particularly fond of routine and you don’t like changing it out too often. it’s hard for you to adapt to changes, so you’d rather avoid them at all. taurus risings tend to have a very youthful vibe to them, and they’re usually more on the shorter side, or at least average. I’ve also noticed that they tend to have naturally straight and silky hair. even if you don't take care of it, it’s still thick and good-looking, it looks very healthy. your eyes may be big or at least of average size, and they’re usually hooded, almond-shaped with naturally long lashes. your nose could be a button shape or a french nose but, even if it’s not, it still goes very well with your overall face. your lips are most likely full, even if not necessarily plump. you may also have a defined, distinctive cupid’s bow.
taurus ascendant square aquarius mercury: you appear as a very intelligent individual, and people may even feel intimidated by that. you love interacting with others; even if you're not much talkative, you like hearing about others' theories and opinions. you could also do that by reading blogs, books etc. you may sometimes find yourself in conflict with others, as you’re very opinionated and hate it when others’ opinions are baseless. pretty much, you could seem like a know-it-all. on the other hand, you have a nice sense of humor, you're able to light up the room with your words, even though this quality of yours may be overshadowed by introversion at first. you could take advantage of your astute words and sense of humor to get you out of troubles, though! just be careful not to claim that everything hurtful you say is a joke.
🌞 sun in pisces, 5° / 1st decan ruled by neptune
this is the most intuitive pisces decan. you understand people’s thoughts just by looking at them, it’s like you’re staring at their souls. in fact, you’re extremely empathetic, you probably find yourself being a psychologist for your friends. or maybe, you’re actually a psychologist. you’re easy-going and you have great social skills; I don’t see you being extremely extroverted, but you don’t mind hanging out with your friends. you’re amazingly creative and imaginative, you have the ability to picture your ideas. this is an amazing talent, in fact most artists have pisces placements. the downside to pisces is that I’ve noticed that, since they know they’re vulnerable, they have the tendency to lie. they don’t do it out of cruelty of course, it’s a sort way to protect their ego. you could want to be seen as bolder than you are, hence you could struggle with identity crisis, especially during your teenage years. you have your own morals and beliefs, but you could feel influenced by others to change yours. luckily, this is something that gets better with time, as you start being more aware of your persona and you start loving yourself. you're most probably a very complex individual; after all, pisces is the most 'confusing' of all the signs. you're a sort of chameleon; you act differently based on where you are and who you're with. you could be a savage with someone, an introvert with someone else. you may even feel as if there's something wrong with your mind, as you just wish you could be like others. you should focus more on pisces' positive traits, though; you're extremely compassionate and considerate. you're emotionally intelligent, and this mutability of yours could make you succeed at many different jobs in your life, as it's very easy for you to adapt to and master new things. if you work hard, you can surely succeed in anything you want.
pisces sun conjunct pisces moon: you were born on a new moon, hence the sun and the moon were in the same sign at the moment of your birth. in astrology, new moons represent fresh starts; you're the type to start lots of projects, always feeling like you need to transform yourself or your routine. you're very self-aware of your identity, as you're constantly in contact with your feelings. you may even appear as too emotional, as the sun brings all your emotions out to see. some people have their sun and moon in signs that clash together, making them confused and indecisive; this is not your case, as you act to get what you want and need. people may judge you as shallow at first, but you're definitely not. taurus people are very loyal, with strong morals and beliefs. your pisces energy is quite the opposite, but it's only a first impression; once people get to know you, they'll understand your true nature and feelings easily. you're interested in knowing more about your roots, your childhood, and also about having a family in general. when you were young, you probably were even more energetic than now. you could be the type to look nostalgically at your old pictures, and you care about your mother a lot. you're also very interested in your own culture; you're not afraid to show the world your interests, reactions and opinions. the problem with this conjunction is that the individual may become so self-sufficient at the point that doesn't let anyone interfer in their life. it's obviously a good thing to do when someone tries to hurt you, but there's the risk it may happen even with people that are trying to help you if not well-developed. another problem that comes with this mostly lovely aspect is that showing your emotions freely makes you wear your heart on your sleeve. people may take advantage of that, and try to hurt you about things that you care about deeply, as they're not hidden. last but not least, your parents' relationships might have had impact on your growth. maybe they're divorced, and one of them had to compensate for the missing parent; perhaps, one of them was highly influenced by the other. or maybe, they just had a very peaceful relationship that makes you have high standards when it comes to love.
pisces sun square sagittarius mars: you’re extremely passionate about the things you love, you strive to be perfect at them. this could make you quite competitive, as your taurus energy wants to succeed and be always right. I feel like you don’t really enjoy being in the spotlight; you’d rather avoid conflicts, or at least not be the center of them. yet, sometimes it’s hard for you not be aggressive. I don’t think it happens often, but you can be very blunt and rude if someone truly gets on your nerves. this, paired up with your aquarius mercury, makes you sort of dramatic. as long as you don’t react like this too often, I don’t think it’s a big issue though.
pisces sun square gemini jupiter: this is a hard aspect, which could make you feel even more proud of yourself due to your taurus rising. you may feel like the universe is constantly against you, especially with your pessimistic pisces dominance. you may feel unlucky, or even overindulge in things you like to cope with sadness or anger. you may have the tendency to overeat, buy useless things etc. you go from having a low self-esteem, to even looking very bossy without even realizing it. you struggle to keep your identity balanced, even though you might have not been aware of it at first. to achieve fortune and joy in life, you need to work hard for it. to do so, you have to learn your karmic lessons in this lifetime, which probably revolve around confidence issues and their impact on your interactions with others.
🌙 moon in pisces, 7° / 1st decan ruled by neptune
hands down my favourite moon sign! you're extremely empathetic and sensitive, you care a lot about others and you treat others' problems as if they were yours, you get totally immersed in them. you have quite a vivid imagination, you're able to idealize and picture anything you want. while this placement gives you an incredible amount of creativity, it can also make you uncomfortable. in fact, you may actually find yourself imagining every detail of every situation, even the worst ones. let's suppose you hear of a rape at the news; you literally start imagining the scene detail by detail, and it makes you extremely uncomfortable. actually, it literally ruins your mood, as it's as if you actually lived that scene. going back to the creativity matter, you have the soul of an artist; you have very enhanced emotions, and you're able to express them through artistic outlets. you could be amazing at writing poetry, books, art, music... also, your particular empathy of human's intellect can also make you an amazing psychologist or actress, as you're able to understand others' feelings and make them your own. you're extremely spiritual, and if you don't feel like that, you just have yet to have your spiritual awakening. you may be able to talk to spirits, for example, or perhaps you have very meaningful dreams. or maybe, you could literally predict the future through them. you're also most probably an avid daydreamer, you tend to get distracted easily because you're too busy thinking about random scenarios in your head. seriously, you could even make a movie out of them. you're also an hopeless romantic, and you dream of finding not just your spouse, but your literal soulmate. to make it simple, you want all of your daydreams to become reality.
pisces moon square sagittarius mars: your feelings are very intense. you may tend to react aggressively, or at least overreact. you feel the constant need to express your emotions, but you also want to be understood by others. you tend to be aggressive because you're actually afraid that others may be the first ones to hurt you. you don't really do it with malice, it's your way to defend yourself from eventual enemies. this placement also indicates that your childhood / family life was or will be quite turbulent. to cope with this placement, I'd suggest you to be a little bit more mechanic when you express your feelings. you don't have to hide them, just try not to vent all your anger around. you don't seem strong, you're just exposing your weaknesses in this way.
pisces moon square gemini jupiter: you enjoy making different experiences and living your life to the fullest, making you also a risk-taker. you may lack self-control, especially with your emotional pisces moon. with this trait you get bored easily, and you may have a reputation for being flaky. you tend to overindulge; you may spend too much money, or even develop eating disorders like binge-eating. at least, you're able to build your life again and have a fresh start, but you risk to get stuck in this cycle. you have the potential to master different talents, but you may struggle to develop them due to this placement. you're a procrastinator, and you find it hard to focus on more things at the same time. you may also attract people with different beliefs and ideas from you, causing you to fall out with them easily. there are also positive sides to this placement, though! you're probably naturally lucky, even though luck may not always be by your side. you have a nice sense of humor, making you more outgoing to contrast your pisces sun and moon, which make you more shy.
pisces moon square sagittarius pluto: your emotions are so intense that they almost scare those around you. in fact, you're prone to accentuated mood swings; when you're happy, you start smiling and laughing joyfully. when you're sad, you're the type to cry, scream, even throw up in some cases. that's how far you go with your emotions. maybe, you also feel repressed to express your feelings exactly for this reason. you probably also have a conservative/possessive mother (or just any member of your family), with whom you don't feel at ease expressing your emotions. or maybe, your mother was absent throughout your life. on the other hand, you can understand others' feelings, but be careful not to use it to manipulate others. you could also be very paranoid, and might develop addictions and anxiety disorders, especially with your pisces moon. if you don't feel comfortable speaking to someone you know and there's something you need to talk about, I'd suggest you to do it with a therapist. don't be afraid to face your emotions, you'll only be able to control them if you get know them.
🗣 mercury in aquarius, 15° / 2nd decan ruled by uranus and saturn
mercury is exalted in the sign of aquarius, so this is definitely a beneficial placement! you have a very distinctive way of thinking and speaking. you don't like being like others, you don't follow trends. you're probably the trendsetter, and you may find confidence and pride in your ideas and opinions. some may even define you weird, but you have very strong beliefs that could actually be helpful for the world. you're quite 'ahead' of others from this point of view, you're able to find beauty in things without being influenced by others. for example, you may follow a fashion trend before it gets viral. you are able to come up with very innovative ways of solving problems, you're extremely creative. you may even be the type to invent your own words, or perhaps you love learning and reading new words, you have a wide vocabulary. you're also probably interested in science and any darker or logical topic, you want to use your words and theories to change something in the world. you want to leave an impact, maybe even help others through your mind. you have a very witty sense of humor, you most likely speak fluent sarcasm and you're also very astute. I would say that the only problem with this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all, especially with your taurus rising. you're proud of your intellect, you can't help but show it off, but obviously others may be jealous of you or feel attacked. for your voice, I assume you have a very particular tone, maybe even a nasal voice.
aquarius mercury square taurus saturn: this placement gives you limitations and lessons regarding the way you think and talk. it may be that you’re too shy to approach others and to say what you think, so you just don’t try. otherwise, if you actually take action and try to overcome this problem, you could get into troubles. that’s probably caused by the fact that you don’t really pay attention to your words. you may be particularly pessimistic, or maybe you lack confidence in social interactions due to these problems, which could be possibly caused by your parents, or perhaps interfer in your relationship with your family. in fact, you may argue quite often, and misunderstandings are also common. this is something that gets naturally better with time, but in order for it to happen you need to take action. you may for example start speaking more in school, perhaps you could apply for class president. anything that allows you to challenge your mind and voice, in order to make you gain experiences and become a master at it. many celebrities, once they mastered this hard aspect, got loads of success. you can do that too, you just need to work on it.
aquarius mercury conjunct aquarius neptune: you probably lose yourself in your own thoughts very often, starting daydreaming instead of doing what you have to do. you’re very creative and artistic, and you’re also able to fully convey your emotions in your words, even though it may be perceived as confusing sometimes. that’s because not everyone is as empathetic as you are. on the other hand, you may have the tendency to lie, or just being confusing in any way. you may not always express what you want crystal clear, as you want to able to modify the story just in case you encounter some hardships. also, you never truly express your feelings, probably out of fear. probably, the way you elaborate your thoughts is also influenced by your family and the impact they had on you. you’re always vague, and you keep your private matters for yourself. you are very intuitive, and you may even have some sort of psychic talent. you could do well at reading tarots, birth charts etc, you do have potential.
❤️ venus in aries, 14° / 2nd decan ruled by mars and the sun
with venus in aries, loving you is an adventure. you enjoy fun, exciting relationships. you're the type who's looking for a risktaker, even dangerous partner. you hate boredom, and this may be your weakness regarding this placement; that is, once the relationship starts getting more serious, you feel as if it's going down, when it's actually the opposite. hence, you just run towards a new adventure. this placement may even give you the reputation of being a player, but I don't think it's your case based on your others placements. you have to understand that relationships can get boring, but that's not necessarily a red flag. it just means you two are starting to feel comfortable together. you also enjoy physical contact, therefore cold partners are a no no for you. you need someone who's affectionate yet bold, and that would spoil you with attention and gifts. you enjoy the little things about love, such as remembering your anniversary or even giving you small presents, especially if they're homemade (like breakfast, poems etc.). you also try to avoid flaky people, as you don't like making relationships seem too light.
☄️ mars in sagittarius, 4° / 1st decan ruled by jupiter
you are driven by a strong sense of justice that makes you want to discover the truth. you hate lies of any kind, you want sincerity from those around you and you're the first to be constantly honest. you value your freedom a lot, your life motto is most likely 'live and let live'. you think everyone should live their lives by their own standards, without feeling afraid of being judged or criticized. you're a very pure and genuine person, you hardly ever judge a book by its cover, and you're also extremely open-minded. you're thirsty for knowledge of any kind, you're always up to learn something new. you may also be interested in foreign languages and cultures, as well as philosophy, literature... anything that can teach you something new about the world. you may be quite impulsive, and when you get angry you tend to be very blunt. you may say things that hurt others, as you're brutally honest, even though that wasn't your intention. you may also appear as flaky, since you don't like feeling tied to something or someone. you could often change your favourite colour, food, singer... you despise boredom, and your need for freshness may also manifest in your relationships.
sagittarius mars opposite gemini jupiter: you easily come off as more assertive and arrogant than you actually are. you say things impulsively, and sometimes you’re too blunt and hurt people’s feelings. you don’t do it on purpose, though, there’s no malice behind your acts; it’s just your natural way to express your opinions. you’re also very competitive, and this may make you look selfish. on a positive side, you probably have a naturally nice body (or maybe you react fast to diet/workout). you’re a risk-taker, and if you’re not you should try breaking the rules sometimes (obviously not doing illegal stuff lol). in fact, it’s when you’re both physically and mentally active that you’re able to come up with even better ideas, as you’re full of creativity. to cope with this placement, you can try doing something fun to challenge your mind, basically get out of your comfort-zone. of course you don’t have to overdo it, but it would be beneficial.
sagittarius mars square taurus saturn: this is another placement that indicates that something or someone is trying to restrict you, they're trying to prevent you from following your dreams and taking your own choices for your life. that someone is most likely an individual that has a lot on impact on you, it's someone very authoritative. or perhaps, it may even be a bully or abuser of any sort or just your insecurity to hold you back. as a result, you either rebel and get extremely angry, or you hide all of your disappointment inside of you. but soon or after, all of your intense feelings are going to eat you alive if you keep going like this, it's a very unhealthy behaviour. you could find it extra hard to achieve your goals, as when you try you always come across some hardships. what matters the most, is that you try to be more positive, you could even try manifesting more patience or serenity. you can't hold onto anger so much, or it will just fill you with negativity that could damage you. let it all go, focus on your goals and try to understand how to be more patient. in fact, you may often feel like you need to do everything as soon as possible, when it's not like that. you can allow yourself to be more calm and live life as it comes, it will make you feel much better with yourself and you'll also get more mature, which is crucial to learn your saturnian lessons and increase your self-confidence.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in taurus. you have a slow, cautious approach to the world. you don’t like rushing things, you prefer taking your time on any decision you make, it doesn’t matter whether it’s about what to wear or even about your future career. you’re fond of arts, creativity and self-expression in general, and people may actually know you for your creativity. jupiter and saturn are also sitting in this house. you have an incredible charm to you; people with jupiter in their 1st giuse are surely very talented at something; maybe, at school you are one of the best students, and everyone recognizes it and appreciates you for that; people understand your potential, and you may often receive compliments for your skills. basically, your personality is charismatic. during your early years you could be feeling insecure, especially when it comes to your appearance due to saturn also being placed in this house. you always feel like you're not enough, and that you constantly have to improve yourself to be accepted. this gets better with time, though. physically, you're probably very attractive and don't realize it! especially with your taurus rising. possibly, you could have a defined facial structure with high cheekbones, and your body could be more on the soft, feminine side with more curves to it. you may also have something bit to your face or body, such as wide hips, a wide forehead, a prominent nose or big eyes.
your 2nd house is in gemini. you’re probably very intelligent, and your skills are what boost your self-esteem. you’re also capable of doing more than one thing at the same time. you could make money from communication, hence you could become a writer, a singer, a theraphist, a judge, even an influencer. anything that involves the use of words. you may also be quite intelligent, and your intellect and ideas are what make you feel most confident. the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 10th house: your career will most likely allow you to earn a great income, you could actually become very wealthy thanks to your job. you may also work in an artistic/creative field or in a place related to money, such as a bank for example.
your 3rd house is in cancer. your parents were probably successful in school and university, and they passed down their knowledge to you. maybe, you may have the same interests or passions as them, or perhaps they want you to be academically successful just like them. you may also find yourself talking about your memories, as you’re very attached to them, or even directly about your childhood/parents. the ruler of the 3rd house is in the 11th house: your goals may involve communication. you may want to become a writer of any kind, a teacher, a translator, a singer... anything that allows you to use your voice and / or your thoughts and words. possibly, you could have made lots of friends at school as well with this placement. most of your friends live near you, and you share the same ideals, interests and cultural background as well.
your 4th house's cusp falls in cancer again. you're grateful for your family. in fact, you probably still live near them, maybe in the same city. you had a very nurturing family that cared about your needs, they always made sure that you had everything you needed. your family had great expectations of you, which could eventually led to anxiety/self-esteem issues. on the other hand, your parents cared about you, and they always made sure they let you have everything you needed. if you have siblings, you were most likely the favourite child in the family, or at least you were spoiled by your parents, both with material things and affection. overall, your childhood wasn’t much turbulent.
your 5th house is in leo. you're certainly very creative! you're most likely full of life and inspiration, and when you're at your best state you're able to let all of this creativity of yours out. you may have some creative talent, such as acting, drawing, writing, etc. you probably also enjoy going out and having parties, not necessarily in crowded places but even just with your close circle of friends. you could make friends easily, and even though you may be into gossip and rumors, you try to avoid them. in fact, you could be quite chatty and often come off as michievous for what you may say. even though you look very open to getting to know new people, you're secretly very picky about who you call your friends, or even when choosing a partner. you always try to be perfect, and hence you want someone that looks and tries just like you do. the ruler of the 5th house is in the 11th house: this placement indicates that a hobby of yours is a long-term goal for you. let's suppose you like fashion; you may want to find a job in that industry. or perhaps, if you like dancing you could end up becoming a dancer, and so on. you may also date lots of your friends, or perhaps it could be that you need to befriend people before getting into a relationship with them.
your 6th house is in virgo. you care about your duties, hence your job plays a crucial role in your day-to-day life. you are very organized, you like to have everything under control and as a result you are very efficient. you're also fond of your health, and you try to take as much care as possible of it, to the point that you could even become obsessed with it. in fact with this placement, you must be careful to not be pessimistic, or it will most probably mess you up, you could get stressed very easily. regarding health, you may often experience pain and problems to your stomach and digestive system.
your 7th house is in scorpio, with also your mars sitting there. you tend to attract very intense partners. your future spouse will be very loyal and fond of you, but they may be a little too obssessed with you. it will be a very intimate relationship, but you may struggle with control. in fact, you’ll most likely be both very possessive and easily jealous, and there may be some arguments regarding this issue. with this placement, you may also attract ‘broken’ people, such as drug dealers, alcoholics, abusers… yet, as I’ve already mentioned, you also have the moon in this house, which makes you luckier when it comes to love. you’ll most likely avoid this type of people, but your relationships will still be very karmic. they may be painful, as you love hard when you fall for someone, but they’ll be crucial for your self-growth. once you find someone right for you, they'll feel like family to you, as if you've known them forever. you'll be able to feel extremely comfortable and free with them. mars here indicates that you need independence, and you’re able to stand up for yourself on your own. you don’t need someone else to help you. you tend to attract partners in your life that are hot-headed, stubborn, assertive and goal-oriented. they strive to be the best at everything they do, they’re extremely competitive and willing to do anything to achieve their goals. basically, you attract very dominant partners, but you don’t want to be dominated or controlled. you may often experience power struggles between you and your partner, which cause you issues in every relationship you get in. at the same time, you wouldn’t stand someone too submissive either, as you still need someone that would mentally stimulate you. they may actually be quite selfish and self-centered, they’ll care more about their own development rather than that of you two as a couple.
your 8th house is in sagittarius, with also pluto placed there. you’re very curious when it comes to taboo topics, you like learning about them. you’re probably into conspiracy theories, as well as matters like astrology, tarots, horror, tragedies, mystery... you can use them to transform yourself and grow up, so you could definitely use this birth chart reading to improve yourself. 8th house is also the house of karma, and yours is kind of strange. you may often feel like you’re right about something, e.g the sky is blue. you’re very proud of your observation, but then it turns out to be different. it’s like the universe is constantly teaching you new things. luckily, this is something that gets better with time. in addition, having sagittarius here is great, as jupiter kind of protects you from the 8th house’s malefic themes. all the negative things that could happen to you, are actually blessings that are here to help you. you just need to be a little bit more optimistic, the universe has your back.
your 9th house is in capricorn. you have a pragmatic approach to philosophy, school and experiences in general. for example, you may be the type to plan every day of a travel. at school, you were probably the type to prefer more logical subjects, but I assume that you were good at all of them. yet, you may often get lost in your thoughts and get unmotivated from time to time. you’re also extremely open-minded, you hardly ever have prejudices. you surely don’t judge people from their sexuality, skin colour etc, you actually dislike that kind of things. the ruler of the 9th house is in the 1st house: you may come off as a very approachable and easy-going person! possibly, people could mistake you for a foreigner, it could be that you have certain characteristics of your appearance that make you look more 'exotic' or just foreign in general.
your 10th house is in capricorn, with also neptune and mercury. capricorn in the house cusp makes you very responsible and goal-oriented, you probably care a lot about your future. it may take you a while to reach success, you need to work hard, but the universe has your back; you can be sure that if you put effort into something, you'll gain lots of success. with neptune here you may be unsure of your future career, or at least indecisive. you may want to do different things, or maybe you have completely no idea. hopefully, the rest of the reading will shed some light on you. you may become a doctor of any kind, especially a psychologist. you may also work in the creative, artistic field, e.g you could be an artist, a writer, a musician etc. creativity looks crucial for you by your chart, and as I've already mentioned above you'll most likely turn a hobby into a job. having a successful career is your ultimate goal in life, and due to mercury it will most probably include communication and mind stimulaton of any sort. it’s pretty much the source of your confidence and energy, what your life revolves around. you may work as a writer for instance, you're probably going to communicate something. you may also do well in the fashion/beauty industry.
your 11th house is in aquarius, with also uranus, the sun and the moon placed there. you love working in groups, especially if you're the leader. once someone becomes special to you, you'll do anything to protect them. you may have an unconventional group of friends; for instance, you may have a particular style that makes you all stand out. or perhaps, your friendships may be quite inpredictable, for example you may argue out of the blue with no specific reason. in addition, this placement also indicates that you may have lots of online friends. with the moon in this house, you must be very unpredictable. you’re the type to change your mind often, probably because you’re constantly coming up with new thoughts and theories since you’re so intellectually active. this placement, considering that it’s also in the sign of pisces, makes you extremely spiritual. you may have some sort of psychic talent, or at least you’re just very intuitive. you’re interested in finding out the truth in the world, and you’re willing to dive deep to uncover it. the ruler of the 11th house is in the 11th house. that’s an extremely powerful placement! you have the ruler of the house of fame and goals in its natural place, hence you’d definitely do well as a celebrity. this placement, in fact, is common among some of the most famous, richest celebrities out there, like johnny depp, angelina jolie, kylie jenner, etc. obviously, this doesn’t mean that it’s exactly your fate! the choice is still up to you, but your chart indicates that you’d definitely do well in the spotlight, even though I feel like you probably prefer staying in your comfort-zone with your pisces moon.
lastly, your 12th house is in pisces. your dreams are pretty meaningful; you may have very vivid and lucid dreams, you could daydream a lot and you may even struggle to focus at a certain point, you easily have your head in the clouds. you could also feel drawn to spirituality, so you may get closer to astrology, tarots, meditation, yoga, chakras and so on. or perhaps, you may be a very religious person. you also have venus sitting in this house: you’re hopelessly romantic, to the point that you almost look naive. you’re not simply looking for a partner or spouse, you’re looking for a soulmate; someone you can literally communicate with just using your eyes, someone that knows how to make you feel even messier on the inside. you like to nurture and feel nurtured in a relationship. your ideal lover would be sensitive and empathetic, yet still with a sort of rebel vibe to them. this placement is indeed very lovely, but it has its downsides too, of course. the problem is, the 12th house, therefore pisces, makes you idealize your crushes/partners way too much, to the point that you create an image of someone in your head that turns out to be the opposite at the end. you ignore your partner’s flaws, as they seem perfect to you. pisces also attracts 'broken’ persons, so you may be prone to find yourself people with any kind of illness or addiction. you also have the tendency to fall for people who may hurt you because they’re unavailable, either physically or emotionally. you could possibly also crush on celebrities, movie characters etc. that’s because you’re more the type to fall in love with love, rather than with the actual person. your 12th house’s ruler is in the 10th house: getting in touch with your hidden, subconscious and higher self will be crucial to help you grow up and gain success. you may be interested in topics like astrology, psychology etc. most likely to get to know yourself, but your chart points out that you could easily turn these hobbies into a job! or perhaps, you may have a reputation for being secretive, you may not say much about yourself in professional relationships.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love you attract scorpio, gemini, leo and aries. your future spouse will most likely have aries and gemini traits; they’ll be extremely intelligent and astute, with a great thrist for knowledge of any kind. yet, they’ll also have a warm, soft, almost childish vibe to them that will make you feel like a teenager again. you’ll most likely meet them in your natal country they’ll also be probably older than you. your children will have cancer and leo traits as well: they’ll be extremely intelligent and witty, maybe a bit too paranoid and moody, but also very fond of their parents, especially of you. they’ll love playing around, but they could be a bit immature. they’ll also love being spoiled with affection, as well as material things.
👶🏻 family life
your mother was very maternal with you, and she probably had cancer/water placements probably even leo. yet, she could've been quite selfish and close-minded at times, but you still have a good relationship with her. your father was also very dominant in your family, and he is probably older than your mother. he's possibly a capricorn or another earth sign, or perhaps he may have virgo, gemini or pisces placements in his chart. if you have feelings, you have a very special bold with them; if they're older than you, you may act as their parent and viceversa, it's a very nurturing relationship.
📊 career
your venus makes multiple major aspects with your midheaven which represents career in a birth chart. as a result, you are probably naturally skilled at arts. you may have an eye for aesthetics, and hence you would do well in the fashion industry or as a creative director of any kind. you may also work as a makeup artist or a hairdresser, anything that revolves around beauty could make you successful, and you may be able to open your own business. and again, you would also do amazing in a creative field; you could be a writer, a singer, a dancer, an artist, a photographer, etc. you communicate something through your job, or perhaps you may work with people. for instance, especially since neptune is also in the 10th house, you may end up becoming some sort of healer, such as a doctor, a nurse, a therapist, and so on.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
you probably love clothes that can show and enhance your body. you may love wearing crop tops, skirts, bralettes, shorts... anything that leaves a part of your body uncovered, yet that still looks elegant and classy. you could also enjoy baggy clothes, paired with fancy accessories and heels. for colors, you go from wearing bold colours like red, burgundy and neon, to darker shades like black, dark blue etc. you probably also love neutral shades, like kaki, beige and so on.
👁 past life, life purpose
during this lifetime, it is probably easy for you to get out of your comfort-zone. you don't mind learning, making new experiences and challenging yourself, but this lifetime you don't need to go that far. you need to prove that what you learned in your past life is the key to nurture your skills, and be able to apply them in a smaller environment. you may find yourself travelling a lot, gaining lots of widsom from your experiences... in this lifetime, you basically need to learn through the experiences you gained in your previous life to communicate your thoughts. you need to understand how to communicate who you are to the world.
🤔 major transits analysis / may 20
you could be feeling quite insecure in these days, as transit sun is conjunct your natal saturn. you could lack self-esteem when it comes to your looks, as this conjunction happens in your 1st house. with uranus being also conjunct your ascendant, I feel like this year you could be changing something about your appearance, maybe your body or your hairstyle for example. you could feel uncomfortable with the change at first, but at least it's gonna pay off, as your natal sun is conjunct transit jupiter. even though you may have to work hard for your goals, you are going to achieve anything you wish.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
with your water placements, you probably have a 6th sense. you’re able to manifest what you want if you subconsciously predict it, even though it may be hard. you’d have to get in touch with your higher self to do so, and hence I would suggest you to light up some candles and meditate for a bit before manifesting, in this way it will be way more effective. you may manifest something while daydreaming, for example. or perhaps, you can also try listening to your own affirmations while you sleep, as you won’t be consciously aware of that. it’s probably the most effective way.
and this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, I hope it resonated with you :)
libramc xx
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Can't stop thinking about the Sides and how they are with kids, so this post exists now.
Janus is excellent with kids of all ages, probably the best out of all of them and that's a hill I will die on. He's adaptable to most needs, and is willing to admit when he's way in over his head. Vv soft and playful with younger kids, makes an extremely fun villain during play time, and has such a good reading voice. He treats older kids as equals, validates and listens to how they are feeling, and makes sure they know that they are loved and listened to. Teaches them a variety of things, from how to stand up to themselves, to the importance of self care, to ways they can help rise up against the government, to teaching them that it's alright to question themselves and to take time figuring themselves out. Despite acting super serious and sophisticated he is still a big dork and the kids love him for it. Always, always treats children with the upmost respect, and talks to them like the intelligent people they are as supposed to constantly dumbing things down. Is extremely protective of all kids, would strangle anyone who hurts a child with his bare hands.
Patton is very good with younger kids, but older kids make him a bit nervous. He is super playful with younger kids, and never fails to find ways to make anything fun. And make a child calm down in a matter of seconds, he is the baby whisperer. Encourages all kids to be open and honest abt their feelings, and assures them that there is no such thing as stupid emotions. However, older kids make him more nervous because they're so different from smaller children. They're at a point where they start truly seeing the world for what it is and understand more things and have more complicated emotions. He tries his best, of course, but he's always afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing.
Logan is good with younger kids, but is especially good with older kids. He keeps efficient track of the needs of younger children, and does well during playtime although at times he is a bit stiff. Can find it difficult to keep them entertained, and has a hard time explaining things in a way that isn't long and convoluted. And finds it hard dealing with emotions because he doesnt know how serious he can get before it gets too dark or heavy. But he's still good, younger kids love him, and he's happy about that. But with older kids, hes so good with them. Is extremely encouraging and understanding, never pushes any clearly set boundaries, treats them as equals, makes sure to make them understand that they each hold an indescribable amount of value and power, and educates them on the world and things thatll be useful in the real world. He always finds it a lot easier speaking to teens about feelings, because they're at a point where they know more. And also he definitely sees himself in a lot of them, so he says the things he wishes he was told at their age.
Virgil is good with both, not really amazing with either. He takes good care of little kids, makes sure they're always safe and free of harm, and tries to keep them happy. He succeeds mostly, but sometimes it gets hard. And when he doesn't know what to do he kinda panics but he always calms down enough to figure it out. Is not the best at comforting babies. He's a bit better with older kids, because he knows they can take care of themselves a bit better, but still has those moments of panic where he doesn't know what to do with them. Is extremely good at comfort though, as someone who has experience with anxiety. Is extremely protective of all kids.
Roman adores kids, all kids, but he can't take care of them for the life of him. Has definitely searched up "What do babies eat" at least once. Is better with toddlers but if one starts crying he will have no freaking clue what to do about it. He is however extremely good at storytime and playing make believe and keeping children entertained and happy. He's better with older kids but he still isn't exactly the nurturing type. He just doesn't want to do or say the wrong thing and also doesn't want the kids to not like him. He also isn't the best with handling emotions because he can literally barely handle his own and isn't used to open and honest conversations. Still, he tries his best, offers encouragement, makes kids feel good about themselves, and will destroy any adult that does them wrong.
Remus can be good with kids, even if he doesn't know exactly how to take care of them. Definitely teaches younger kids bad words because he thinks it's funny, but he tries his best to tone down his usual vulgar-ness for the sake of them. Loves goofing off with them, and has no problem keeping them entertained. Does not know how to calm them down from a tantrum. Can sometimes lose track of what they need, but the kids are good at reminding him that they need to eat. Definitely more chaotic around older kids, teaches them a bunch of weird and random facts, unless they express open discomfort with them. Vv affectionate, gives lots of hugs and pats and hair ruffles, but understands that each have boundaries and he tries to respect them even if he slips up sometimes. Like Roman, has a hard time dealing with their feelings. He's a good listener though, tries his best, is much better at offering distractions and making them laugh though. He does direct them to people who can help them better than he does. Is extremely protective of all kids.
#Raf's rambles#I don't know what this post is#but I refuse to put it in the main tags#akdkajaj#also I'm not qualified to take care of kids#then only experience I have with kids is the fact that I am one#so#don't @ me with actual behavioral facts#because idk man#and I'm not gonna do a bunch of research for a dumb post#akdksjaj
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