#merry christmas to all of us (and/or whatever you choose to celebrate this time of year)
cementcornfield · 9 months
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Joe: posts
Ja'Marr: my boy, my guy, my step brother 😤
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toournextadventure · 9 months
a novel life pt.2
Summary: You're trying to make nice with Sam's little sister, for everyone's sake. Maybe it leads to an interrogation. Maybe it leads to more. And maybe you end up sucked into the unusual events that follow Legacies
Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: swearing, distrust, mentions of past trauma, mentions of blood, mentions of Scream typical violence Pairing: Samantha Carpenter x GN!Reader A/N: Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Yule, and whatever holidays y'all all celebrate 🫶 (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5)
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“Are you sure this is okay?” You asked as you nearly tripped over your feet.
Sam gave you a look that was both sweet and condescending. “Yes, because I said so.”
“That doesn’t seem like solid reasoning,” you mumbled, but nonetheless continued following her up the steps to her apartment.
It was nearing Halloween, with the cooling air finally allowing for the use of jackets. Which you had few of, since Sam had decided to keep them for herself. Not that there was anyone to blame but yourself; it was what you deserved for offering her jackets every time she forgot one. She had simply decided it was rather nice to have an unlimited selection of jackets, both too-large and just right.
In all her wisdom, Sam had suggested the two of you, and Tara and her partner have a movie night. Tara got to choose the movie, and no one could object. All in all it should have been a win for the younger Carpenter; she could make you suffer if she truly wanted, and you couldn’t say a word about it. Which was going to cause the night to be very, very long.
Oh, the things you would do for her.
“Is she going to pick something scary?” You asked before you both approached the door. “Because I don’t like scary.”
“I have no doubt it will be scary,” Sam said with a barely-concealed smile. “I’ll hold your hand to keep you safe.”
“You’re my hero,” you said as you leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to her lips. She tasted strongly of the cigarette she had smoked on the way from your apartment to hers.
You tried to pull away, but she quickly followed, keeping her lips pressed against yours. Every sense was enveloped by her. Her smell, her taste, the feel of her body pressed against yours so tightly it was as if you would float away without her. There was nothing you could have ever wanted more than your Sam.
“We shouldn’t give Tara something to be upset about,” you mumbled against Sam’s lips when she finally pulled back just the slightest distance.
“Tara’s always upset,” she answered before sighing, “but you’re right.”
“Baby steps,” you said with a smile.
“For the big baby.”
“I’m kidding,” she tried to argue as she grabbed your hand and started finally moving into the apartment.
You both knew she wasn’t kidding.
“My dude!”
You had barely walked through the door when Tara’s partner called out to you, a genuine, toothy grin visible on their face. They had asked you to call them J, which you had happily agreed to. Sam teased that it was short for Joker - you assumed because of the scars - but the look on Tara’s face told you not to ever bring it up. Ever.
It was a rule you could oblige by.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again,” you said as you hung your coat on the back of one of the chairs at the dining table. It had only taken you dropping your coat once before you realised the Carpenters saw no need for a coat rack.
How utterly uncivilised.
“They think it’s a pleasure to see me,” J said to Tara, who rolled her eyes almost instantly. 
You would never say it aloud, but you noticed the small smile she sent their way. So, she wasn’t as heartless as she wanted you to believe. Exactly like her older sister. It would be simple enough to chalk it down to their past experiences with the world; it had taught them nothing but hardness. But maybe they both just needed a safe space to let those walls come down.
“What did you choose?” Sam asked. She very quickly made her way to the couch opposite Tara and J.
“Depends,” they said.
“On?” Sam asked.
J turned to look at you and held something up to their mouth. “What’s your favourite scary movie?” The voice came out almost robotic, sounding similar to… something you possibly recognised? Vaguely?
“That’s not funny,” Sam said quickly.
“Lighten up, Sam,” Tara said even though she pushed J’s hand - and the voice changer - into their lap. “We’re watching Hellraiser.”
“Thought you didn’t like that one,” Sam said. She reached over and grabbed your hand the moment you sat down beside her on the couch.
Tara’s eyes darted to where your hands were joined and lingered. “I don’t.” She looked back up at you with a hard gaze. “I picked it out just for you.”
“Oh,” you said, perking up instantly. “Thank you.”
You turned to look at Sam with a stupid smile on your face, missing the look J sent Tara. Well, this was turning into a lovely evening! Tara had picked out a movie just for you! Surely that was progress to the finest degree, was it not? If all it took was watching a movie with them every month, you were more than happy to do so. This was turning out to be a rather lovely evening.
At least you thought so until the movie started and you realised just exactly why Tara had picked the movie out just for you.
It was… well, it was a movie. Filled with hooks and needles and… blood. Oh gosh, so much blood. There was a singular blessing amongst it all; you hadn’t eaten before coming over. Thankfully the popcorn sat untouched between you and Sam as your stomach twisted and turned and tried its best to embarrass you.
Sam squeezed your hand as you did your best to keep your cool. Not that it was such an easy thing with all the… you couldn’t even think the word without feeling queasy. Surely there was no way they all enjoyed this kind of thing, right? It was grotesque! The creatures on the screen, the inhumanity of it all, how was it an enjoyable movie?
The room started to shrink around you. Oh, that wasn’t good, you didn’t want to feel claustrophobic, you were trying to be tough. You couldn’t let anyone know that you had an, um, aversion to blood. What would they say? They were all horror fans, how could you ever possibly mention that you just… didn’t enjoy it? Quite frankly, it made you sick to your stomach, like all those science experiments you had to do back in grade school.
The credits couldn’t have rolled a moment too soon. If anyone were to ask you what you thought, you wouldn’t have been able to answer. The only thing you were aware of was your heart beating loudly in your ear and the saliva that continued to fill your mouth. Maybe it would actually be better if you didn’t try to answer anyone for a few more moments.
“So, Professor,” Tara asked all too soon. “What did you think?”
-You cut yourself short. There was a part, a rather significant part of your mind that said you should lie. Tell Tara it was a wonderful movie, and you would love to see more if it existed. But lying had never gotten you anywhere in the past, had it? It certainly wasn’t going to assist you in winning over Tara, not when she was already sceptical of you. How was a lie going to assist you?
It wasn’t. 
“It’s not my cup of tea,” you finally said before swallowing the remaining saliva in your mouth. “I don’t really enjoy scary movies.” You nodded to yourself. “Or blood.”
“Oh my god,” Tara huffed, “why can’t you just lose your shit about something?”
“Tara,” Sam warned.
“No, this is ridiculous,” she continued as she stood up from the couch, ignoring J reaching for her hand. “Why can’t you lose your shit?” She pointed at you. “Nobody is this level-headed about everything.”
“That’s enough,” Sam said as she followed suit, standing up from the couch. Similarly, you reached out for her hand but she moved just far enough away.
“Get out,” Tara said before promptly looking Sam dead in the eyes.
“Excuse me?” Sam asked.
“Get out,” she repeated.
“Hey, T-”
“-You too,” Tara interrupted J, who froze with a comically shocked expression on their face. “Both of you get out so I can talk to them-” she pointed at you “-alone.”
“Absolutely not-”
“-Sounds reasonable,” you interrupted Sam. She looked at you like you had grown a second head. “I would love to talk.”
“Come on, Baby Ghost,” J said as they stood up. You were starting to feel left out by being the only one still sitting. “I’ll buy you a new pack of cigs.”
Sam looked like she wanted to argue, but both you and Tara gave her a look. Differing looks, of course, but still. While Tara seemed to get her a death stare that was almost permanently etched onto her face, you tried to go the more convincing route. If Tara wanted to talk, who were you to tell her no? Talking was key, that’s what your family had always done and it had never ended poorly.
“Fine,” Sam finally said. She seemed resigned. “But you have 15 minutes and that’s it.”
“Deal,” Tara said. “Now get out.”
You stayed as still as a statue when Sam leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips. A little more forceful than usual, but you wouldn’t complain. Any kiss from her was perfect. A sigh came from behind her, and you both knew who it was from, but she took her time before pulling away and standing back up.
“Don’t let her bully you,” she said.
“Sam,” Tara said forcefully. “Get out.”
“Fine,” Sam said, throwing her hands up. “But I mean it,” she said as she and J walked to the door together. “15 minutes.”
You and Tara both watched your partners leave the apartment, practically abandoning you to the force of nature that was the youngest Carpenter sister. It shamed you to admit you were a little afraid of her. You knew there was something going on deep down that she either wouldn’t or couldn’t accept, and you wouldn’t dare fault her for it. But she let her internal frustrations out in a very external way.
“What’s wrong with you?” Tara asked the moment the door shut behind the two. You stayed silent. “You don’t yell, you don’t scream, you don’t even freak out when I put on a movie I knew you would hate.”
You waited a moment to make sure she was finished. “I was raised by two very… pacifistic parents,” you said, gesturing for her to sit on the couch opposite you. “We talked through our issues, we didn’t yell about them.”
Tara opened her mouth as if she was about to argue, or complain, or something. Slowly, her mouth closed and she pursed her lips. She kept looking at you, but slowly took a seat opposite you. There was something going on behind her eyes, you could see it, but you knew better than to question her just yet. Just like your mom had taught you; let them lead the conversation.
“I don’t trust you,” she said slowly. Her eyes stayed locked with yours. “You’re too understanding and too kind.” You stayed silent. “Sam only ever falls for freaks.”
“Didn’t she date an FBI agent?” You asked. You could vaguely remember what Sam had said about her, but she had seemed nice enough.
“Kirby is cool, I’ve always liked her,” Tara said with a dismissive shake of her head. “But she was attacked by Ghostface twice,” she said, “so she’s a freak by proxy.” She looked back at you. “So what’s your deal?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know,” you said, “ask your questions and maybe you can find out.”
It had initially been your idea, but before Tara could even open her mouth you started to second guess yourself. Perhaps allowing her to ask whatever questions she wanted without any repercussions was… not the smartest idea on your part. You had nothing to hide, but what if she really started to ask unusual questions? What if your answers weren’t what she wanted to hear?
But when you thought of Sam, and being with her, you felt that, without question, it was worth the gamble.
“Have you ever used a knife?” Tara asked quickly. It seemed she wasn’t going to wait.
“Not outside of cooking,” you answered just as quickly.
“How about a gun?” So, it would be a rapid fire interrogation. Game on.
“Ever hurt anybody before?” A tilt of her head.
“Not on purpose.”
“What about animals?”
“Not even in science class?”
“I-” you attempted to clear your throat to buy a bit of time “-I fell ill that day.”
Tara paused and narrowed her eyes. “Because of blood.” It wasn’t a question.
“Yes,” you said anyway. “It makes me sick to my stomach.”
“You’re pretty pathetic,” Tara said as she leaned back on the couch. For the first time in… well, ever, you thought you almost saw her smile at you. “That’s exactly Sam’s type.”
“I thought you said it was freaks,” you pointed out.
“Pathetic freaks,” she corrected quickly. That quirk near the corner of her mouth rapidly disappeared. “Why did you choose Sam?”
You paused. It was uncertain what exactly Sam had told Tara about you both meeting. Surely she wouldn’t have overdramatised it, but had she told her the truth? The truth was… well, it was pathetic as well, but you weren’t entirely convinced Tara would approve. Not that it was entirely her place, but the two were the only family each other had. They both had a right to be cautious of anyone new coming into their lives.
But perhaps you could answer the question a little differently.
“She’s kind,” you said with a subconscious nod of your head. “And bold, and intelligent - god she’s intelligent - and brave.” You averted Tara’s eyes. “And she’s really pretty too.”
Tara nodded once. “What are your intentions with her?”
Another question that you believed was potentially a trick. You couldn’t very well say you loved Sam just yet; you hadn’t even told Sam that little piece of information. But there were other intentions with her even if you didn’t necessarily use the word “love.” There were other things that were just as important.
“I don’t want to sound overly self-important,” you started off, looking back up to meet Tara’s eyes. “But I would very much like to be the one by Sam’s side as she continues on this path she’s created for herself.”
Tara looked at you; really looked at you. She was so very difficult for you to read. Unlike Sam, Tara did a better job at hiding her emotions. While Sam would give it away with her facial expressions, Tara did not. No, her feelings came out differently, whether in the slight twitch of her fingers or the impatient tapping of her foot on the rug. You hadn’t been around her long enough to know what exactly those feelings were, you simply acknowledged they were feelings.
“I’ll give you a chance,” Tara finally said, her voice far softer than you had ever heard. At least when it was directed at you. “But if you do anything to hurt her, or upset her, or lie to her, I won’t hesitate to kill you.” You gulped. “I’m not afraid to kill again.”
“I forgot you’ve both killed someone before,” you mumbled to yourself before speaking up louder. “Those are acceptable terms.”
“Good,” she said with a single nod of her head. “But don’t think this means I’ll go easy on you.”
You could both hear the other two finally approaching the door, bickering in a way that mimicked biological siblings.
“I would expect nothing less,” you told Tara as the door opened and the moment ended.
The rest of the semester went by without incident. Tara had stayed true to her word and gave you a fair chance to prove that you could be trusted with her sister’s heart, and it wasn’t something you had taken lightly. You knew how important the both of them were to each other, and you had done your best to prove that not only did you care for Sam, but you cared for Tara too.
She had finally eased up during classes, allowing you to properly teach without an ounce of disdain for you personally. In fact, she had even dared to come to office hours on more than one occasion to discuss certain pieces you had offered as optional readings. The Carpenters were immensely intelligent, no matter what the subject matter was.
You and Sam had fallen into a rather comfortable routine, always going for a date night on Thursdays to whatever new place your colleagues had recommended, and movies with Tara and J on Saturdays. You would spend the night at her place Thursday through Monday morning, and she would stay at yours Monday through Thursday morning. It was comfortable, and you were more than content.
But with school finally over for the semester, you could focus on the real gem; Christmas.
Both Carpenters - and J, for that matter - had been nonchalant with their decorations. A minimal Charlie Brown tree that had, at most, four ornaments on it. It was awfully quaint, and if they hadn’t been so blase about it you would have been content to leave it standing. Nevertheless, they had made it clear they didn’t care if there were any decorations, and you had taken that as a cry for help.
Your own apartment had, of course, been decorated since the day after Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful gift from your mother, learning how to decorate for the holidays, and you weren’t keen on squandering the skills and letting them fall off the wagon, so to speak. Sam had made a few comments, though you hadn’t taken her for a non-believer.
“It’s okay, really,” Sam tried to say when you and J finished bringing in what had to have been the seventh box of decorations from your apartment.
“Oh no, I insist,” you said with a smile. “Besides, my mother would be downright dismayed if she knew the decorations were sitting in my apartment unused.”
“Great,” Tara mumbled as she walked by without even offering to help, “we get to live at the North Pole.”
“Isn’t it exciting?” You said with a smile. “These are more neutral, so you shouldn’t feel too out of place, but they still embody the holiday spirit.”
“Well I think it’ll be fun,” J said with their own smile. “Do I get to hang the ornaments?”
“-the ornaments won’t be the only thing hanging this Christmas,” Tara said, tossing a mini marshmallow into the air and catching it in her mouth. “Especially with those blinding lights.”
You looked down at the ones in your hand and frowned. “I thought they were rather tame.”
“And they’re lovely,” Sam tried to cover, even though you could see the fake smile she had on her face. “You’re doing great,” she continued as she left a simple kiss on your cheek.
The decorating ended up being a one person job, you quickly realised when you discovered J could not, for the life of them, listen to instructions. More than once, the lights had been blown and you had to find the faulty one to fix it. Normally you would chalk it down to bad luck, but when it was only the ones that they were installing? You became a little suspicious.
At least they were all eager to help with the snacks and desserts, and that was something you could live with. Surprisingly, Tara was the one who had the most ideas. You knew you weren’t the best cook; you could follow instructions but that didn’t necessarily mean they would turn out nice. But with Tara at the helm? They were almost as good as your mother’s! Though obviously you would never dare to tell her that.
You also rather quickly discovered that they were not gift giving people. Understandable, you supposed, they had much more important things to worry about in life. It was still unacceptable. The moment you had found out, you had called your parents and told them the tragic news.
Gifts for all three of them - plus a gift each for Mindy, Chad, and Anika - had been delivered to your house within the week. Express shipping to be certain they would arrive before Christmas.
Which led to yet another tragedy; they had no stockings.
“It’s really not worth buying,” Sam attempted to persuade you over the phone on one of the rare nights you two weren’t spending together. “Just stay home tonight.”
“It’s no trouble, Sam,” you argued. “I’m heading out for a bit anyway.”
You didn’t admit you were already at the store, trying to decide which one would fit each person best.
“Just stay safe,” she said. You could hear car horns in the background but thought nothing of it. “I mean it.”
“I’ll be safe,” you insisted, “I always am.”
“Call me when you’re back home,” she said.
“Yes ma’am,” you said with a smile that she couldn’t see.
She hung up first, and you continued your search without any second thoughts. In the end, you had decided on a Santa stocking for J, a reindeer for Tara, and a snowman for Sam. They would look lovely hanging underneath the mounted television in their living room. But with the stockings, you needed things to fill them with.
Santa’s work was never finished.
It was dark by the time you finished buying everything you believed you needed. Stockings, fillers, and some snacks to make for a lovely evening. That should surely be enough to give the three of them a very merry Christmas, would it not? Your mother had already sent their Santa presents, and their other presents were underneath the tree, so as far as you were aware of at the moment, everything was taken care of.
You were still going over your mental checklist when you heard a commotion down one of the alleys on the way home. Every cell in your body told you not to bother looking; people got desperate around the holidays and it would do you no good to go poking your head where it didn’t belong. But if someone was getting hurt, then you needed to attempt to help.
Or at least make enough of a scene that someone else would come help.
“Excuse me?” You called out foolishly as you started down the dark alleyway. “Is everyone alright out there?”
You pulled your coat tighter around you as you continued walking. It hadn’t been raining or snowing recently, and yet something started to soak through your shoes and socks. The shocking cold that normally came from liquids in December wasn’t present; it was warm.
There was another noise. It almost sounded like something solid, but it was overshadowed by something metallic. You did your best to see something in the dark, even as your body continued to tell you to move along. But something didn’t feel right; you were feeling queasy again.
Something hissed in front of you, but it wasn’t a snake. No, you knew what those sounded like and this wasn’t even close. This sounded much more human, though that sound would only ever really happen in dire circumstances like if-
-a large white mask faced you. It was the only thing you could see in the dark, thanks to the lights behind you causing just enough radiance to make the mask almost seem luminescent. You weren’t a movie buff, especially not scary movies, but you weren’t stupid. Everyone knew what that mask was.
All those cells that had been telling you to run? They were silent. Frozen in fear, just like your mind. The killer wasn’t moving toward you, simply facing you, almost as if it was the very reason you were stationary. Which, it was, but not in the typical way that most would be privy to. You felt like a deer in headlights, and if you moved then you died.
You supposed that was how all the movies went.
“Aren’t you going to run?” Ghostface asked, in that same voicebox that J had had during the movie night.
You swallowed the saliva filling your mouth. “No,” you said in a trembling voice.
“Why not?” He continued. “I like when they run.”
“I’m not very fast,” you said. “You’ll catch me before I get to the street.”
He still didn’t move, and your eyes finally adjusted enough to see the silhouette of a body slumped at his feet. Your throat constricted at the sight; you were going to be sick. The very image started to worm its way into your brain; there was a very simple explanation for what was still soaking through your socks. It wasn’t snow.
“You should get home, Professor,” Ghostface said.
You nodded, even though you weren’t sure if he could see you. “Yes I should.”
“Stay on the sidewalk next time,” he said.
“I- I believe that’s sound advice,” you said with more frantic nods of your head. Your palms were starting to get clammy.
Ghostface lifted up a hand - holding a knife - and waved. “Good night, Professor.”
“Good night,” you said with your own shaky wave.
You walked backwards out of the alley, keeping an eye on the figure until it was completely out of sight. Your feet were frozen on the ground once you were under a street light. There were no more sounds coming from the alley, not even the sound of someone leaving. Wherever Ghostface had gone, he hadn’t followed you.
In an incredibly brave moment, you leaned over and vomited directly into a storm grate before going back home. You called Sam the moment you got back into your apartment.
You couldn’t find the courage to inform her of the night’s mystery encounter.
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httpiastri · 9 months
literally any driver: burying head in crook of neck, night kisses and shutting the other up with kisses
lacii my love <3<3 did this with lando, hope that's fine! merry christmas again, and i hope you enjoy this!! 😁
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"lando, did i tell you about that time when i first met my friend clara?" the words are flowing out of your mouth like you're spitting bars. your boyfriend doesn't even get a chance to answer your question before you've started talking again. "oh my god, it's a great story. you'll love it. so, i was in a french class when my other friend, sarah-"
lando is smiling subconsciously as you ramble on about your adventures, just as you have ever since he picked you up from the club. his fingers help you slip out of your heels – not that you even seem to understand what's going on, way too focused on speaking – before one of his hands lands on your waist. he takes a deep breath to keep his composure and hold back the laughter threatening to burst from his chest at your continuous gibberish, before he guides you to his bedroom with soft touches. he chuckles quietly at the way you almost take the wrong turn and end up in his kitchen, too engaged in your storytelling to remember the layout of his apartment. he isn't surprised, though, because;
alcohol always makes you blabber.
in most situations, you're not the most talkative, preferring to choose your moments to speak with great care. but when you start to get tipsy, it is like you are the world's greatest extrovert. even after getting just a little alcohol in your system, you talk to anyone with ears, somehow assuming that they're really interested in whatever you're ranting about.
thankfully, if you have your friends around, they usually drag you away by your arm, apologizing to the poor stranger to whom you've over-explained the storyline of your favorite movie.
lando learned about this side effect of your drinking early on in your relationship. on your third date, after sharing a few drinks at a local bar, you wouldn't shut up for half an hour, not giving him a second to interject with anything. he'd been surprised, but mostly confused, until he got your text message the following morning: oh my god, i did it... didn't i?
he'd tried to pretend he didn't know what you meant, wanting to put it all behind you, but you'd persisted. i didn't shut up. i never do when i drink. i'm sorry :(
lando was always one to be quick to forgive and forget, not wanting you to feel too bad. everyone does some questionable things when drunk, and he'd seen tons of people act worse than you did. but after that date, there would be uncountably many more occasions of you not being able to hold back when booze was in the picture. award shows, drinking games at home with friends, podium celebrations. once, he even found you outside a club after a race, sitting on the curb with one of your hands petting a stray dog as your other helped you explain the meaning of life. safe to say, he is used to your habits by now.
so tonight, when he picked you up from your night out with a few of your friends, he wasn't surprised that your mouth didn't shut once during the trip back to his apartment. you were excitedly telling him about the people you'd met and the drinks you'd had, so eager to explain every detail to your boyfriend when you were getting into the car that you forgot about everything around you and he had to lean across the console to put on your seatbelt for you.
most of the time, he finds your habit endearing. but sometimes, like right now, it gets just a little tiresome.
"and then, when jamie came around, she was like, what are you doing?, and i was like, i'm just having some fun!"
you're both sitting on the edge of his bed by now, after lando's helped you change into something more comfortable for the night, your mouth still running like you're one of the gilmore girls. you don't even flinch when his hands reach for your cheeks and he stares intently in your eyes – but he can't do anything other than smile.
lando loves your voice. he loves it when you're whispering something in his ear when you're out with friends, when you're ranting to him about some stupid coworker, and maybe especially when you're moaning and whining his name.
but now, he reckons you've talked enough for today. your vocal cords must be sore, and his ears are about to fall off, so it's time to call it a night – and he only sees one way to shut you up.
mid-sentence, lando leans in, pressing his lips to yours. he swallows the yelp you let out in surprise, one of his hands gliding to the back of your neck to keep you close. it doesn't take long for you to relax into the kiss, your lips moving with his while your hands reach for the neckline of his hoodie.
it's so easy to get lost in kissing lando. when he parts the kiss, you find yourself wanting to seal your lips again, already missing the feeling. your mind is now completely blank; all you can think of is the kiss. the man beside you laughs at your hazy expression, utterly amused by how you're suddenly quiet for more than five seconds (something he's sure hasn't happened yet tonight).
when you slowly open your eyes, the very content look on lando's face makes something click in your mind. he sudden kiss, his big grin...
"was i rambling again?"
the silence that follows gives you your answer, and you throw your head back as you let out a little groan. "hey, don't worry about it."
"i really didn't mean to. you know how it is, it just happens, and i don't really feel it as it happens, you know? it's just, the alcohol, it's not my intention. i actually told sarah today that-"
and for the second time, lando pulls you into him, quieting you down with his own lips. this time, as you (for the most part) understand what he's doing, you can't help but giggle into the kiss. your boyfriend matches your smile, taking your bottom lip between his teeth as a joking warning. he lets it flop back against your teeth as he pulls away to look at you again, but you've already lunged forward, head resting against his shoulder.
"i'm sorry," you start, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck. "i really am."
his arms snake around your waist before he leans back against the bed, pulling you down with him and into his side. "don't be," he answers, one of his hands reaching up to the back of your head, stroking your hair. "it's cute. you're cute." you continue hiding in his skin and he makes himself more comfortable in bed, pulling the blanket over you both. "we'll talk more tomorrow, okay?"
he feels you shake your head. "i'm done talking. i've talked enough. you know those tiktok videos where you only have a certain amount of words you're allowed to say every year? that's me. i've run out of words, i used them all today."
"oh yeah, i can tell," lando chuckles, pressing his lips to the top of your head. "close your eyes, baby. tell me about those tiktok videos tomorrow."
"didn't you hear me? i said no more words. i won't talk tomorrow because-"
lando sighs. it's going to be a long night.
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cooki3face · 9 months
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to those of you who are celebrating or are trying to make the best of what you can during these times. When I was little I always found it hard during the holidays because when I went to school and when I went out to stores with my family , everyone was excited for the holidays, decorated for Christmas and for the holidays and it was traditional for children in school to do holiday arts and crafts that were on theme for whatever holiday we were celebrating at the time. I was raised muslim, so early on I was told that Santa clause wasn’t real and neither was the Easter bunny or certain large mascots of these traditional holidays we celebrate in the west and I was educated about the history of said holidays and why my family chose not to celebrate these holidays.
We choose to try and curate joy and be festive during the holidays despite the underlying truth of the origin of most holidays and we do so in such flamboyant ways. As I move throughout my life, I carry with me my upbringing and the truth while I join friends and family in their festivities. There is always a part of me who cannot fully indulge. Today, we celebrate Christmas and before thanksgiving and we’ll continue to move through the new year and beyond to celebrate other holidays. Please remember that where there is a dark truth, especially in the west, we tend to have a desire to cover it up and reconstruct it to be something much less daunting and shift attention from the horrors and atrocities that mark such festive days of the year.
Carry with you the truth as you celebrate. You don’t have to not enjoy your holidays, not enjoy your time with your family, not enjoy the food you are able to eat, not enjoy the art you’re able to create, not enjoy the gifts you’re able to give. But, as a human being, you do have a responsibility to acknowledge injustice, to acknowledge the truth behind stories told, to acknowledge the atrocities that have happened and carry on behind the tendency to tell lies or deny the harsh truth, and you absolutely have a responsibility to acknowledge those of us in this world who bleed all the same whose lives are being taken from them, whose rights are being robbed, and who are being exploited in the name of western values, society, and tradition.
May peace be upon you ❤️ , happy holidays!
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hegrowth · 10 months
send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes. || accepting
oof ya'll we are in for it now. it's time... for puffin's hot take on softblocking. because yes I am and always will be salty about this shit, come fucking fight me and my anxiety-ridden existence.
firstly. I softblock inactive and archived blogs. I think that's chill. but I also always say I'm doing that, so in the event I accidentally softblock someone I didn't mean to and they check my blog like ??? they'll see that post and be like ah okay, it was a mistake.
now. for the love of fuck, why do people say they softblock when unfollowing folks in their rules but also state they do not want to be contacted if they unfollow you ? this is why I have anxiety. like, if you're gonna get offended every time someone messages you to make sure it wasn't an accident or glitch just block people.
and yeah, that is probably where 90% of my anxiety comes from, and why I struggle to reach out to people. because me, popping into someones DMs to make sure it wasn't a mistake gave them the ick and they decide to vague about me or block me anyway. grow the fuck up. and stop assuming the worst about people !
because you know what ? your self-righteous "ew don't talk to me after cutting you off" like tumblr isn't a glitching hellsite / mobile tumblr isn't an accidental thumb-swish away from deleting your blog is not friendly to your neurodivergent followers who struggle to understand situations and approach people.
because being disgusted by someone's genuine concern is shitty. if I come to you like, hey... it's because I noticed, and it mattered to me, and I managed to overcome the anxiety telling me everyone secretly hates me. you being rude about it isn't sexy, and it isn't cool. like, good for you. you're no longer being haunted by my lame ass.
listen. I understand that anxiety exists, obviously. but if that whole situation up top gives you anxiety then you should just block people. and also, if you are softblocking folks but aren't comfortable with them contacting you about it ??? copypastas bitch. a simple "hey, thanks for reaching out ! I did mean to softblock you, nothing personal, just please don't contact me anymore or follow me." goes a long fucking way, because if they then choose to keep pushing it ? you've set your boundaries, they're the asshole now, not you.
because the sentiment I see a lot is "I don't owe you an explanation" and I agree with that 10,000% !! do not come to me asking about why I blocked you or your friend or whatever else, I will not tell you, I do not have to tell you. but re: the copypasta I provided above ? no reasons, just facts. the only explanation you do owe someone is a clarification of the situation, aka setting your boundaries. no one needs to know why those boundaries are being set, in fact I fucking applaud you for setting them, but you do need to communicate that those boundaries are there.
SOFTBLOCKING ISNT ENFORCING A CLEAR BOUNDARY. softblocking is a petty ass way to rid yourself of someone. the metaphor I often see used is its the equivalent of scooping up a spider in your house on a piece of paper and putting it outside. I don't know about ya'll, but when I'm removing a critter from my home that I do not want in it I am actively talking to it and explaining the situation, even if it doesn't understand me, because I want it to know I mean it no harm and please don't come back. guys, no fucking joke, I wished a wasp a merry fucking christmas when I had to remove it from my house because I felt so bad my cat had been torturing it. wasps probably don't celebrate christmas !
point being, I communicate my boundaries to the spiders I'm taking out of my house like they're going to respect them. ya'll should do the fucking same. grow up. we all have anxiety. we all struggle to understand and accept certain social environments and interactions, especially online. we're all doing our best.
don't be a fucking asshole if you softblock someone and they want to make sure it was purposeful. in fact, don't be an asshole to anyone. there is no valid reason to be an asshole to anyone in the rpc, jfc.
also yes, if you softblock me I will block you, because I do not have the mental endurance to deal with the "they hate me" monologue spiraling through my silly little brain. because too many times I have experienced scorn and disgust and hate at being reached out to about softblocking and that has cemented in my brain, more than the anxiety it was a mistake. like just fucking block me, then.
so like. either don't softblock folks or grow up and communicate your boundaries, idk. and don't be an asshole, as previously stated.
this probably doesn't make any sense and has errors in logic / rationale but it's my anxious, frustrated ramblings so fuck it
final thoughts: please don't softblock me ! thanks
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revealingtoomuch · 2 years
Christmas Letter 2022
Like the petals in our pockets May we remember who we are
Snow by Sleeping at Last
It’s a white Christmas for the first time in what feels like forever. As I reflect, I wonder if that’s actually true, if it really has been years and years since the last time we had snow on the ground at Christmas, or if life is simply doing that thing that it does and changing things around to fit a better story.
Because if I’m honest, nothing has felt like Christmas used to, not for some time.
It scares me, you know? Maybe it’s just getting a little bit older, maybe it’s how easy it is to how bad the world can be. Maybe there’s plenty of good reasons, but it still scares me.
So I play the same Christmas movies I watch every year, and I listen to all the right music, and I put up the tree and I order the presents and I do whatever I can to possibly celebrate, and I hope for a spark.
Because it feels like to lose that part of me, to lose the boy who would be the first up, every Christmas morning not because of the presents but because of the sheer joy of the day, would be to lose something essential.
It feels like losing that part of me would be to lose myself.
I’m learning lately that I don’t really like boxes. That if you tell me I have to be or do just one thing, I’m going to get restless. I can’t stay in one place for too long without thinking about what it’d be like to do or be something else.
It’s one of the reasons I left my last regular job. I am not just one thing. I can’t be. I’m learning that if you ask me to be, it’s the same as eventually asking me to leave.
So if I really believe that, if I really think that I am made to adapt and grow and change, why do I think that I have to feel the same way about Christmas I did five years ago? Or ten? It gets trickier the further back you go.
The simple answer is … I don’t really know.
Maybe it’s that, looking back, it’s so easy to see the bad memories, the pain, the hurt, and so much harder to see the joy. Pain stays with you in a way that happiness seemingly can’t. It leaves its fingerprints and they don’t ever seem to wash off.
Except, at least for me, at Christmas. When I look back at Christmas, I don’t see the scared little kid I used to be — scared of being alone, scared of being a little bit weird, scared of the one because of the other.
I see the Christmas mornings, being the first up and sitting in the light of the Christmas tree, the whole world quiet from sleep and snow. I see the hope, the possibility, the chance that even for just a few hours once a year, we’re all on each others’ sides. That we’re all moving in the same direction, with the same purpose.
That we all want to make the world a little better, a little brighter, a little bit closer to the place that it could be.
That’s what it is about me and boxes, after all. And that’s what it is about white Christmases. It’s about what could be.
When I think about what could be, I see so many opportunities spread before us. We all have the chance, so often, to nudge the world even one inch closer to good. You might not see them, or you might, like me, wonder if the things you’re doing really matter, but the chances are there, ever ahead of you.
All you have to do is take them.
So, if you ask me why I make the things I make, why, given the other options, I choose tireless hope, let that be something of an answer. I know what we’re capable of. I’ve seen it; I’ve felt it.
There’s nothing left for me except to try and make it.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
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votivecandleholder · 1 year
Get into the Holiday Spirit with Christmas Balloon Decoration!
New Post has been published on https://happybirthdaydecor.com/balloons/get-into-the-holiday-spirit-with-christmas-balloon-decoration
Get into the Holiday Spirit with Christmas Balloon Decoration!
Christmas is a time of joy, love, and celebration. If you’re looking for a unique way to add some extra cheer to your holiday festivities this year, why not consider balloon decorations? Balloons can be used to create vibrant backdrops or festive centerpieces that will bring the holiday spirit into your home.
1 Christmas Balloon Decorations
1.1 Choosing the Right Color Scheme
1.2 Choosing Your Balloons
1.3 Getting Creative With Your Balloon Decorations
1.4 Table Centerpieces
1.5 Doorway Decorations
1.6 Wall Hangings
1.7 Making Your Festivities Memorable
2 DIY Christmas Balloon Decoration
Christmas Balloon Decorations
Let’s take a look at how balloon decorations can help you celebrate this season!
Christmas Balloon Decorations
Choosing the Right Color Scheme
When it comes to holiday decorating, color is a key. To make sure your balloons look festive and enjoyable, choose a color scheme that reflects the season. Think traditional Christmas colors like red and green, along with silver or gold accents. Of course, if you want to get creative you can always try different combinations — perhaps purple and gold or blue and white! Whatever color scheme you choose should complement each other, so make sure to do some research beforehand if needed.
Choosing Your Balloons
When it comes to choosing the perfect balloon for your Christmas decorations, you have plenty of options! You can opt for traditional round latex balloons, or go with something a bit more unique like heart-shaped or star-shaped balloons. If you want something even more special, there are also clear balloons filled with confetti or glitter, metallic balloons that shimmer in the light and even giant foil balloons in all kinds of shapes and sizes. No matter what kind of look you’re going for this holiday season, there’s sure to be a type of balloon that will fit the bill!
Getting Creative With Your Balloon Decorations
Now that you’ve got all the supplies you need to get started on your balloon decorations, it’s time to get creative! There are so many different ways you can use balloons as part of your Christmas display. Hang them from the ceiling in clusters or strings; make garlands by attaching them together with string or ribbon; use them as centerpieces on tables; create towering columns using stacks of smaller helium-filled balloons; fill glass jars with helium-filled balloons; wrap presents in clusters of colorful balloons; or hang large decorated letters from the ceiling spelling out “Merry Christmas.” The possibilities are practically endless!
Table Centerpieces
Unique Christmas Balloon Table Centerpieces
If you are planning on hosting any holiday meals this year, using balloons as table centerpieces is an excellent way to bring some extra cheer to your dinner table. You can either opt for traditional latex balloons or for more decorative foil balloons if you want a more luxurious look. Consider choosing colors that have special significance during the holidays like red, green, blue, silver, and gold. You could also opt for clear balloons filled with confetti or even mini holiday-themed trinkets like candy canes or snowflakes!
Doorway Decorations
What better way to welcome guests into your home than with some festive balloon decorations? Whether it’s a single large balloon or multiple smaller ones arranged in an arch shape over the doorway, these decorations will make sure everyone who enters feels the Christmas spirit. To make it even better, try tying some tinsel along with the balloons or adding some sparkly ribbons.
Wall Hangings
Wall Hangings
Balloons can also be used as wall hangings that will instantly add life and color to any room. All you need is some string or ribbon (to attach them) plus some tape (to secure them). You could opt for one larger balloon or several smaller ones of different sizes and colors arranged in an interesting pattern. Alternatively, you could take things up a notch by creating larger balloon sculptures in various shapes such as stars or snowflakes – perfect for those Instagram pictures!
Making Your Festivities Memorable
After all is said and done, what matters most is that everyone at your event has an enjoyable time. By adding balloon decorations, you are sure to make your festivities memorable for years to come! Not only will they provide visual appeal for guests but also be something for them to talk about long after the event ends. Plus, who doesn’t love playing with (and popping) balloons?
DIY Christmas Balloon Decoration
Christmas Party
Balloon Table Centerpiece
Christmas Balloon Decor
Balloons Decor
Christmas is such a magical time of year – why not make it even more magical by adding some festive balloon decorations? Whether you opt for classic round latex balls or something a bit more unique like hearts or stars, there is sure to be an option that will fit perfectly into your holiday décor scheme. So grab some helium and get ready to create some amazing balloon displays this year!
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Christmas Greetings from Express Yourself!
“Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart” — Washington Irving 
 Merry, merry Christmas! Hosts Keerthi and Hannah celebrate large with an entire hour of history, festivity, humor, and fun. Santa, Sinterklaus, Father Christmas, Tomte, Saint Nicholas, the big jolly man in the red suit. Hannah discusses the different cultural celebrations and traditions from around the world, while Keerthi reminisces about Santa Day at 5A and the fun with helping children enjoy this festivity. Both Keerthi and Hannah discuss the consumerism, gift giving, internet shopping, holiday music and films, the magic, and the mystery. Will Christmas continue from generation to generation? Time will tell!
 Whatever you believe, celebrate peace, joy, and love. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
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planetarybound · 2 years
Okay, so, with a message like this, it's time to shine bright for you.
Good morning, you never wanted to end our relationship, and you really screwed up with your words.
The way I see it, everything unfolded as well as it could. You warned me about codependency, and you predicted everything that would happen if I got close to you. I've heard those words many times, but timing and perspective was the only difference this time. Out of the carcass of the dead relationship flowers will blossom.
You miss hearing from me, but you can understand why I've distanced myself from you.
Okay, thank you. You'll hear from me today, I promise.
You're really sorry again, and you don't know what you can do.
There's nothing to do.
You just wanted to wish me and my family a Merry Christmas, and you hope that I enjoy the food, and that the New Year will be kind to me.
I wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas too. If you're celebrating, I hope you enjoy the food too, and that the New Year would be kind to you as well.
You say again that you're sorry.
You say you're learning not to take anyone for granted, especially me.
You say you keep messing up on your words.
You're sorry. You love me.
Okay. A relationship exists whether or not it's in a state of "we're a romantic couple" or "we're distant strangers" or whatever it turns into. There's nothing to be sorry for. I wanted a codependent relationship with you when it started, got what I wanted, lost myself in it, and I'm perfectly happy with how it turned out.
You apologize for permanently ruining everything.
See. That's just not the way to look at it.
You just want me to be happy no matter what. Even if I choose that you're not a part of my life anymore.
If that's how you really feel, then nothing is permanently ruined.
You can't control how I feel.
I can't control how you feel either.
You thank me for everything. You thank me for being there for you.
Again you're sorry.
Of course. You were with me through the darkest of dark times, you helped me through it all and we made the best of things. Losing my identity to be there for you had to end at some point. I also want you to be happy no matter what, but having a romantic relationship isn't going to be able to overcome all of the rest.
You point out it's almost Christmas and you never wanted it to be like this. You guess that you did it to yourself, and declare that you're bearing the consequences of your actions, and that it's another painful life lesson for you.
It's okay. It's better than it would be if nothing had changed, from my point of view. The way I see it, we've been in a robotic mimicry of a relationship, where you don't really appreciate me, and I'm lost in appreciating you, and trying to keep you "happy". The original feelings of love we had was long-lost, and it was just an arrangement of convenience and comfort, where neither of us made the other person happy, but we both avoided pain. I don't have any desire to erase you from my life, but I also don't have any desire to go back to the way things used to be.
Now to take this and turn it into a reply-message to you. 💝
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ohcanadashop · 2 years
6 Best Christmas T-Shirt Designs From Canada's Online Store || OhCanadaShop
After the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, Christmas-themed performances, music, and decorations have begun to appear in malls and on the nation's streets. However, odds are that no matter how much you try to mentally get ready for the holidays, you will eventually start to feel a little overburdened. It could be time to look at some of the fantastic personalized Christmas t-shirts that could be a real lifesaver, whether you are trying to find the ideal attire for the office Christmas party or simply searching for something that would wow that one uncle who you can never purchase for.
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This post will examine the top 6 Christmas T-shirt design ideas from Canada that you may print at Toronto Tees to start your own unique holiday custom. You can style our large selection of the Best T-Shirts Online in Canada in the manner we discussed in this post or whatever you choose by visiting www.ohcanadashop.com!
The Christmas Edition of "The Lights of Your Life"
When making Christmas t-shirts for the family, delivery and cuteness are the most important factors. You can use the classic appearance of lights on a tree or a house in this design to present your family as "The Lights of your Life." Each bulb could represent a member of the family, a child, or even the grandchildren of grandma. You might wish to turn out the lights of the [insert family name] at the top before you are finished. These t-shirts would be ideal for a family get-together on the big day or even for a party. With Toronto Tees providing the platform for personalized Christmas shirts, there is always a good cause to create your own Christmas t-shirts for the family! These shirts are the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season!
The Traditional Christmas T-Shirt
Everyone enjoys hilarious Christmas t-shirts, but there are instances when humor is inappropriate. In these situations, the traditional Christmas shirt design is used. One of the most well-liked products we have created for our clients is a classic Christmas proverb that is presented with a dash of festive brightness. Take the straightforward phrase "Have yourself a Merry Christmas." Yes, you could put that on a t-shirt and call it a day. However, suppose you want to spice it up a bit. A terrific Christmas shirt idea that works in any setting and can make the ideal holiday shirt for those annoying business Christmas parties is to add some holly and perhaps a fake holiday pendant to the shirt. Who wouldn't want a timeless t-shirt that they could wear every casual Friday at work and that would easily convert to a beautiful Christmas shirt in case they forget their friends' get-togethers on a crazy Friday? Love the season? The traditional personalized Christmas T-shirt could be the ideal shirt for you.
The Funny Vintage Christmas Design
As we previously mentioned, it's okay to make fun of the people you go to the party with since, occasionally, you want to be the humorous one. One of our favorite concepts is to use a vintage t-shirt with a wonderful message or design to make a vintage Christmas shirt. Let's use the cliche "I'm with stupid" line in this situation and make it a little more positive. Think of a vintage two-tone t-shirt with text in red and green. Dear Santa, They're the Naughty Ones is written there with arrows pointing away from you. At your business and friends' Christmas parties, this charming yet understated vintage Christmas t-shirt will be a hit. Additionally, who does not enjoy being Santa's good little helper? After all, you do want all the toys, don't you?
Enjoy the newborns' first Christmas.
Christmas is a fun time of year, and if it's a new family member's first Christmas with you, it would be a good idea to make a t-shirt to make sure everyone is on the same page. A vintage Christmas t-shirt that will impress Grandma is among our all-time favorites in this regard. We've usually done this on a two-tone t-shirt to make the text stand out. In the script, if it's a boy, it says "Glory to the newborn King," and if it's a girl, it says "Glory to the newborn Queen." This is a simple yet elegant way to celebrate the first Christmas of a newborn, and it's a great chance to get everyone their very own personalized Christmas t-shirts to remember the occasion!
The Cozier
Everybody has heard of "cuffing season," and the holidays are a terrific time to warm up to someone new. Fortunately for you, the snuggler is a great choice for individuals who want to stay warm on a chilly winter night. One of the most popular designs from the previous year was a parody of a well-known Christmas tune. The design of this wonderful Christmas shirt idea emphasizes cuddles from the outset. Plain t-shirts are common, but if you want something a little more contemporary, a two-tone long-sleeve t-shirt would be ideal.
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Have faith in Santa!
The enchantment of Christmas is derived from the conviction that Santa Claus is real and that the force of conviction can guarantee that Santa receives all of the things he has prepared for the boys and girls of the world. This straightforward yet fantastic personalized Christmas t-shirt will let you demonstrate that you have class when it's called for and believe in what you're saying. Due to its relative simplicity, this shirt has historically been a popular choice. While there have been some revisions over time, we prefer the original. This Christmas shirt's original design is a long or single-tone t-shirt with the word "Believe" printed across the chest. We adore the addition of a tiny Santa hat that fits over the B's corner, but other wonderful small additions include reindeer, Christmas bells, and even the customary holly. The main goal of this fantastic t-shirt, which is available only from ohcanadashop.com, is to show off your Christmas passion.
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jobvacancyhut · 2 years
The Best Gifts For Coworkers Leaving for the Holidays
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Everyone is busy preparing for the holidays, but what about those who have to work? Here are some great gifts for coworkers leaving for the holidays! Whether they're going away on vacation or just taking a break, these gifts will make them feel appreciated. 
From thoughtful snacks to unique gift baskets, there's something for everyone on this list. Of course, if you're not sure what to get someone, don't worry - our blog offers many other helpful articles on topics like work-life balance and productivity tips. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Gifts for coworkers leaving for the holidays 
The holidays are a time to be together and celebrate. That means giving gifts to your coworkers who are leaving for the holiday season. Whether it's a gift that shows you care or something unique and personal, they'll appreciate it. 
Consider something like an engraved mug or wine glass. For something more practical, gift a set of office supplies like stocking stuffers or grab bags. And don't forget the most important gift of all - giving the gift of holiday cheer with a festive gift like gingerbread men candy ornaments! 
Best gifts for coworkers leaving for the holidays 
The holidays are a time to be grateful for the good in life, and what better gift than giving the gift of peace of mind and happiness to your coworkers? Whether you're a floral mastermind or a culinary disaster, there's a good chance your coworker will love something you gift them. Of course, nothing says "I care" like a delicious home-cooked meal. 
If you're feeling crafty, try making them personalized mug ornaments. Finally, don't forget to buy them some great Christmas gifts - everyone loves getting something nice! 
Top 10 best gifts for coworkers leaving for the holidays 
Coworker gift guide! For coworkers leaving for the holidays, gift-giving can be tricky. On one hand, you want to gift them something they'll love, but on the other hand, you don't want it to be too personal or cheesy. 
That's where gift cards come in - they can choose what they want, and they're perfect for that difficult person who has everything. If you know their favorite thing, get them that - it will be sure to make their day. 
Flowers are also a popular choice - they're natural and subtle, so no one will suspect you put any thought into it! And lastly, another great option is getting them something handmade or personalized - they'll really appreciate it! So whatever you choose, make sure it's something your coworker will love! 
Personalized Pens 
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Source: dayspringpens.com
Giving the gift of personalized pens is a great way to show your appreciation for coworkers who are away during the holidays. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as taking notes during meetings or writing down important dates and information. Getting them in time is essential - no one wants to run out at the last minute! 
Custom T-Shirts 
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Source: canva.com
Custom T-Shirts make a great gift idea for coworkers who are leaving for the holidays. They are unique and can be personalized to reflect the individual's personality. Plus, they make a great way to say goodbye and show your appreciation for their years of service. Delivery is always free when you order through our online store! 
Coffee Mugs 
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Source: nytimes.com
Looking for the perfect gift idea for coworkers who love coffee? Why not consider a coffee mug! They can use it at home or the office and there are a variety of different designs to choose from. 
Whether you’re looking for something simple, like a monochrome mug with just the name of your favorite coffee chain, or something more creative, like an illustrated mug featuring your favorite character from the Simpsons, there’s sure to be one that appeals to everyone on your list. 
And if you don’t want them spending hours sipping away on their new mug at work- saving you some money in the process you can buy them ones they can take home with them too! 
Fanny Packs
Source: nymag.com
Do you know someone who is always on the go and doesn't have time to stop and take a break? Well, gift them a fanny pack! This fun, quirky gift can be used anytime - from going grocery shopping to running an errand at work. 
Plus, it's practical as it can hold various items such as money, keys, or phone cards. To make it extra special, why not personalize it with a message or photo? Not only will this make the bag unique and special for your recipient; but they'll also appreciate knowing that you took the time to think of them! 
Candy Jars 
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Source: amazon.com
When it comes to sending your coworkers off on their way, why not do something special that will show you care? Something quirky and unique is always a good idea. Why not go for something like candy jars filled with chocolates or flowers? 
Not only are they perfect gifts, but they will also make the work environment seem brighter and more cheerful. And don't forget mugs - coffee mug gift-giving season is practically here! 
Scented Candles 
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Source: theguardian.com
Scented candles are a great way to say goodbye and thank you to your coworkers. Not only are they perfect for sending good vibes, but they make an excellent gift too! Choose something special that will remind them of you throughout the holiday season. Make sure to order enough so that everyone can enjoy their favorite scent! 
Motivational Keychains 
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Source: pinterest.com
There is no better way to show your support for someone than with a motivational keychain. It can be customized to the individual's interests and personality, making it a great gift idea. Not only that, but it can also make an excellent goodbye present or welcoming gift when somebody new joins your team! What's more, they make great gifts for new colleagues too - whether they're starting their own journey towards success or just looking for encouragement on their journey so far. 
A Subscription or Membership 
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Source: paidmembershipspro.com
When it comes to gift-giving, the best idea is always something that will show you care. This could be anything from a thoughtful subscription to a wellness or fitness magazine, a gift set of cookware, or even a personalized art piece! 
Something unique can also make for an excellent gift - whether that's a home decoration like paintings or sconces, or something more luxurious like an evening out at a luxury spa. So don't be afraid to get creative! 
Gift Cards 
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Source: ubuy.co.id
Giving gift cards is a great way to show your appreciation for the time someone has spent at work. They can use the card at any store or restaurant they want, and you don't need to get them something expensive - anything will do! It's always nice to make sure you pick up the card yourself so that the person knows you really appreciate their effort. 
Coffee Packets 
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Source: freshoffthegrid.com
When it comes to gifts, nothing says goodbye like a good cup of coffee. And who better to gift with than yourself? Why not make some coffee packets and give them away as farewell gifts? Not only will the recipient love their new mug of joe, but you'll get to spend some quality time together too! 
Simply customize the content and ingredients according to your coworker's taste- whether they prefer darker roast or flavored coffees. And best yet - these are very easy to make, so you can give a packet anytime and anywhere! 
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some of the best gifts for coworkers who are leaving for the holidays? 
There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as everyone's idea of the best gift for coworkers leaving for the holidays is likely different. However, here are a few gift ideas that almost any coworker will love: 
A nice card or letter expressing your gratitude and good wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 
Cookies or cake - Nothing says "Merry Christmas" more than a sweet treat! 
Pens, notepads, and other office supplies - Help your coworker organize their desk, stay up-to-date on work, or take notes during meetings - anything that will make their Christmas trip easier! 
How can I make sure that my gift is unique and special? 
When you are buying a gift for someone, it is always best to consider something unique to them. This can be anything from their favorite color to a favorite hobby. Get creative and think of things that you wouldn't expect someone to like. For example, my coworker loves dogs so I got her a mug with a dog illustration on it. 
In addition, gifts should be small but thoughtfully chosen. This means that they shouldn't be something that would take up too much space or be too expensive to ship. For example, I got my coworker a delicious food item that she could eat on the go. 
Finally, include useful information like where the gift can be purchased so that the person doesn't have to look for it and remember what it is. For example, I included the gift's purchase URL on the card I sent it in. 
What should I consider when buying a gift for a coworker who loves food? 
When it comes to buying a gift for a coworker who loves food, consider giving them cookbooks or specialty food items from their favorite city. They're likely a gastronome and may love trying new things. 
Gift them cookbooks like The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking with Science by J. Kenji López-Alt or Food Lover's Companion: A Guide to Purchasing and Enjoying Fine Food by Edward C. Smith. Alternatively, you could get them a gift card to an upscale restaurant in their destination city. 
Alternatively, if your coworker is someone who likes to take care of himself/herself, consider getting them a gift card to a health food store or a workout gym. Something that reminds them of you - like homemade cookies! 
Do any special ingredients need to be included in a holiday gift basket for a food lover? 
For a food lover on your gift-giving list, include items like artisanal cheese, gelato, chocolate, and other edibles that they will love. Try something different by baskets filled with treats such as a wine-tasting kit or cookbook. Another great option is to buy them tickets to their favorite restaurant or attraction! 
Is there anything else I need to know before purchasing my coworker's favorite Christmas present this year? 
When it comes to getting someone's favorite Christmas present, you don't need to go overboard. A thoughtful gift that will show you care is a nice coffee mug or an engraved mug. Alternatively, coworkers may appreciate gifts like travel vouchers, wine and beer tastings, spa treatments, or anything related to their hobbies/interests. 
What are some of the best gifts to give to coworkers who are leaving for the holiday season? 
When it comes to coworkers who are leaving for the holiday season, some thoughtful gifts that can be appreciated include:
Gifts that reflect the coworker's interests or hobbies, such as travel items, wine accessories, and ornaments made from vintage stamps. 
Another great idea is to get them a personalized gift basket filled with goodies they will love. This way, they can choose what they want and everything will be perfect when they receive it!
If you're not sure what to get your coworker(s), then consider sending flowers or candies - both of which will make everyone happy! 
Are there any specific types of gifts that are popular among workers during the holidays? 
Workers during the holidays tend to appreciate small and convenient gifts like candy stash or personalized mugs. Some great gift ideas for coworkers who are leaving for the holidays are snacks from home, finding unique stationery ornaments, and getting yourself a nice coffee mug. 
It's that time of year again - the holidays are coming! No matter where you stand on the whole Christmas thing, we can all agree that coworkers leaving for the holidays is a difficult situation. 
Whether you're a gift-giver or a gift-receiver, this blog has got you covered. From stocking stuffers to unique gift ideas, we've got you covered. Don't wait any longer - check out our blog and get started!
We have compiled everything about going away gifts for coworker, so here are the list of articles you can read for ideas:
Best Going Away Gifts for Coworkers - Comprehensive Guide
What Is A Good Going-Away Gift? Guidelines For Choosing A Gift.
Thanks for reading this article! You can comment below if you wanted to share your thoughts on this.
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
I was asked to list the 911 episodes that contain significant moments for Buddie’s relationship so here we go (feat. highlights):
2.01 [Under Pressure]
🌈 “Who the hell is that?”
🌈 “We might end up real close.”
🌈 “You can have my back any day.” //“Yeah. Or, you know, you could...you could have mine.”
2.03 [Help Is Not Coming]
🌈 “Whoa, you got a kid?”
“Christopher. He’s seven.”
“And super adorable. I, uh. I love kids.”
“I love this one. I’m all he’s got.”
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2.04 [Stuck]
Just watch the episode. That’s my advice.
2.06 [Dosed]
🌈 Buck assumes Maddie is referring to Eddie when she says “He is so cute.” “Yeah, he gets that a lot. You should meet his kid, though.”
2.08 [Buck, Actually]
🌈 Thomas + Mitchell’s love story: “You don’t find it, son. You make it.”
2.10 [Merry Ex-Mas]
🌈 “You two have an adorable son.”
2.13 [Fight or Flight]
🌈 Eddie is there for Buck after Maddie has been kidnapped by Doug. “This isn’t your fault.”
2.18 [This Life We Choose]
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3.01 [Kids Today]
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🌈 Christopher gives Buck a card to congratulate him on returning to work: “Buck, you are an awesome firefighter. Love, Christopher.”
🌈 Eddie lets himself into Buck’s apartment and drags Buck out of bed to spend time with Christopher
🌈 Buck and Christopher have a day of fun (before disaster strikes)
🌈 Christopher assures Buck “You’re gonna be okay, kid.”
3.02 [Sink or Swim]
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(Meanwhile, he has no idea that Buck and Christopher are caught up in the tsunami.)
3.03 [The Searchers]
🌈 Buck looks for a missing Christopher (he places Christopher’s glasses around his neck after retrieving them from the water)
🌈 Buck asks Maddie “How do you tell your best friend that you lost his son?”
🌈 Buck collapses in relief after Eddie is reunited with Christopher, who isn’t severely hurt
🎵 you won’t ever be alone, wait for me to come home 🎵 (If I gave you highlights of the ending I’d be quoting the entire dialogue.)
3.05 [Rage]
🌈 “No, because he filed a stupid lawsuit and now I can’t even talk to you because of it. You know how much Christopher misses you? How could you? You’re not around.”
3.06 [Monsters]
🌈 Buck tells Eddie “I just want you to talk to me. Even if it’s just to say that you’re still mad.”
Eddie: “I’m not mad...When you decided to sue the department, to make Cap the bad guy, did you ever stop for a minute to think what that could do to us?”
🌈 “I really am sorry. So, whatever it takes for you to forgive me...”
“I forgive you...Just don’t do it again.” *cue last time they’ve hugged in canon*
3.09 [Fallout]
🌈 “Buck was on the pier when the tsunami hit. He’s kind of obsessed with natural disasters.”
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🌈 The Kitchen Scene™
🌈 Eddie says playing video games with Buck and Christopher is “my kind of therapy”.
3.10 [The Christmas Spirit]
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(Eddie’s expression while watching Buck play with Christopher and Denny.)
🌈 Christopher asks Buck if he can spend Christmas with him since Eddie is working. Buck admits he will also be working. Christopher is unamused. (“Stupid work.”)
🌈 Athena and Buck team up to bring everybody’s family to the firehouse for a Christmas celebration. Buck watches Eddie and Christopher embrace, then later helps Christopher open a gift.
3.11 [Seize the Day]
🌈 “Uh, this is Eddie’s house. I’m not really a guest.”
3.12 [Fools]
🌈 Buck and Eddie construct an adaptive skateboard for Christopher and are both present the first time he tries it out
3.15 [Eddie Begins]
🌈 Buck digs his hands through the dirt and mud after Eddie gets trapped underground. (“Eddie! No! Eddie!”) Bobby has to pull him back.
🌈 Buck believes he is the one who should go down in the well to rescue Eddie. Hen asks, “So we can end up with two cut lines?”
🌈 Eddie recalls bits & pieces of his life as he fights to survive. Buck is part of the montage (along with Christopher and Shannon).
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3.16 [The One That Got Away]
🌈 Eddie tells Buck that the 118 will never stop being a family no matter what the future holds (In hindsight, we now understand why he said that.)
3.18 [What’s Next?]
🌈 Buck is not thrilled with the idea of Christopher attending summer camp: “Woah, woah. Two weeks away from home? Isn’t Chris kind of young for that? I mean, what if something happens? What if he gets homesick?”
🌈 Buck and Eddie come face-to-face with Abby Clark, Buck’s ex-girlfriend, while attempting to rescue victims of a train crash. It is the first time Eddie has seen her in person.
🌈 Buck is willing to risk his life to fulfill a promise he makes to Abby (save her fiancé). Eddie is not happy about this and argues with Buck in front of Bobby.
🌈 Eddie: “His fiancée’s Abby.”
🌈 Eddie joins Buck as he watches Abby leave the scene of the crash with her fiancé.
“You okay?” // “What’s next?”
🌈 Buckley-Diaz cuteness at May’s high school graduation party
4.01 [Alone Together]
🌈 All you need to know is that Eddie, Hen, and Chimney quarantined at Buck’s apartment during the beginning stages of COVID-19.
4.03 [Future Tense]
🌈 Buckley-Diaz game nights are still going strong, making it canon that Buck is the only other adult Christopher has spent time with during the pandemic (He has yet to see Carla, Abuela, or Pepa.)
🌈 Buck and Christopher “prank” Eddie by sending him an expensive coffee maker to poke fun at his fear of technology
4.04 [9-1-1, What’s Your Grievance?]
🌈 Eddie watches Buck take out his anger towards his parents on the punching bag. He tells Buck he doesn’t need to apologize to them for his recent behavior if he didn’t “say anything that wasn’t true”.
🌈 “I just want to hit things.” *Eddie stalls the swaying bag with his hand.* “I’ve been down that road. I don’t recommend it.”
4.05 [Buck Begins]
🌈 “I had to do it.” // “I know you did.”
4.06 [Jinx]
🌈 “Check.” ☑️
🌈 Eddie is “still not sure what inspired the [Buck 3.0] software update.”
4.08 [Breaking Point]
🌈 click here for a detailed analysis of the interaction between Buddie when Eddie comes home after his date by my friend @yramesoruniverse
🌈 click here for an in-depth look at the conversation between Buck and Christopher after Christopher took an Uber to Buck’s apartment without Eddie’s knowledge
4.12 [Treasure Hunt]
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Buck: “...” “How do you feel about 33-and-a-third?”
4.13 [Suspicion]
A must watch.
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4.14 [Survivors]
You can’t watch 4.13 and NOT check out the finale.
“Because, Evan...”
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madara-fate · 3 years
Hey Maddie. First of all, merry christmas to you! Hope you had a great time and celebration. Second, sorry to bother you with this but I gotta ask your insight on this. You know how Naruto fandom is STILL going back and forth about Naruto and Sasuke being horrible dads to their kids, and making it a competition which one is worse lol. So when it comes to Naruto, a lot of people keep using this one scene in the Boruto manga where Sasuke came to report something related to Otsutsuki to Naruto, and Naruto quickly said he wanted to join Sasuke (I wish I could find the page to show you but I tried looking for it and couldnt find it). In the scene, Sasuke then also reminded Naruto how he (Naruto) had a village to take care of, so there was no need to come along and he (Sasuke) could do it himself.
So people basically use this scene to show how prepared Naruto is to leave his family behind to join Sasuke, which consequently shows how a bad father/husband he is cus he's really quick to choose to neglect his family, for Sasuke or to join Sasuke on a mission. Correct me if I'm wrong cus I always see that scene as Naruto wanting to join Sasuke cus he wants to get it all over with. He wants to join Sasuke to get the job done when he can, ultimately to keep the village, as well as his family safe from whatever threat Otsutsuki would bring. Not because 1. he loves Sasuke so much that he would drop everything to be with him, or 2. he doesn't care about his wife and kids that he readily would leave them behind cus he chooses his job over his family.
Reason 1 obviously comes from Tomato and Ramen shippers, so that's obviously really incorrect and just a whole lot of projection lol. But the second reason comes from so many fans of both Naruto and Boruto, who follow and read the manga, and this discourse always occurs in the fandom. They're basically saying that Naruto is the worse father cus he didn't think twice about leaving his family to join Sasuke, and if it weren't for Sasuke stopping him, he would definitely do it without a second thought.
What are your thoughts on this? Like I said, I always interpreted that particular scene very differently like how I mentioned earlier, but somehow that second reason is the most accepted 'canon fact' by the fandom, and if you think otherwise you're basically 'in denial' and 'too blinded by bias' to accept that Naruto is a bad father/not family man.
The scene you're referring to was during chapter 5 of Gaiden:
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And your interpretation is correct. Please don't think that the utter delusions of those extremists incorporate the most accepted perspective of the fandom, because it most definitely doesn't.
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kontextmaschine · 3 years
Reading public health Twitter and have never been so pro-Biden as upon seeing those guys wailing about him letting us die in the course of serving and pursuing power, rending their garments, and gnashing their teeth
I am, of course, a proper pagan, with proper pagan morality, if someone places themselves In uncompensated service to me and my interests I take it as a testament they are beneath me; in contrast to the extent they use and expend me towards ends of their choosing they are my superior
(I mostly only consider Biden superior insofar as he embodies the role of President; positions reversed I'd do the same to him. Contrast Taylor Swift, certainly my superior as the world's biggest celebrity, &ct, but able to acquire that role by virtue of her superiority in the first place [it is possible this ranking might change as I fully explore my new power post-recovery])
Think the Trump-COVID two-step really might usher in the dawning of American paganism, or at least a master morality to replace the Christian-inherited slave morality that manifests in things like therapeutic culture, a legal system that elevates victims over victors, or the whole "public health" edifice (or, honestly, the attempt to pass pussywillow Wiccans off as "pagan")
And that all the 2010s, "cancel culture" and all that was a last gasp, that as the paganism born in the '60s* (much remarked on at the time and in the decades following) marched through counterculture to subculture to mainstream culture there was a last ditch attempt by the lowly to throw it back, exploiting whatever residual deference towards them remained. But unlike the '80s pushback it fell short, so from here on the American pagan future is unwritten
* you gotta untangle it here from stuff that was rather the next step in slave morality: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" was pagan, "Free to Be… You and Me" was an attempt to locate morality in the value of individual humanity just qua individual humanity; "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, NLF is gonna win", "Hanoi Jane" respect for your enemies for killing your side was pagan virtue, resistance to "old men" spending young Americans' lives as fuel for their war machine was unvirtue.
Anyway, Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals, and a Happy New Year!
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If We Make It Through January 7th
Draco and Harry on the wrong side of the holiday season, making the gloom a little bit brighter. Also on AO3 here.
I’m barely through the front door of the place before I catch a glimpse of the man behind the counter and freeze up. Right there in the doorway.
A frustrated cough comes from behind me, and I hear a rude “excuse me.”
I swear. “Sorry,” I move out of their way, back onto the icy cobblestones: the patron flicks me an insincere smile as they hurry into the warmth of the bakery, and the door shuts in my face with a clang. The noise of the store, regular café sounds and music with it. That’s unfortunate, as Diagon still has Christmas jingles incessantly twinkling across the cold brick back and forth down the alley on this side of the new year, and that’s… only one part of the reason I want to enter.
Surely there are other places on Diagon that sell hot drinks and buns this late on a Wednesday. But… I know there aren’t. Even in muggle London.
Going home empty handed on Monday was one thing, but going home empty handed on Wednesday seems out of the question.
The cheerful drawings of smiling faces and steaming pastries on the glass are mocking me - there’s raucous noise of laughter just from the other side of the windows. I’m drawn up close and shivering in my winter robe, and it’s so cold that the warming charms keep wearing off. There are the sludgy remnants of snow on the cobbles, and I had to save myself from a couple of falls on the way down here. The blush on my cheeks is definitely from the embarrassment of the wobbles, but thankfully it’ll be passed off as the bite of the air. He probably won’t realise a difference anyway.
I take a deep breath, and go to reach for the door again, but then my hand stops, barely within my control. I close my eyes and try once more. Breathe deep, hand out to grasp the handle. I pretend not to think about whether any patrons of the bakery are staring at me through the glass. I hypothesise that if this takes me longer than five minutes, I’ll get an Auror called on me for drunk and disorderly, and wouldn’t that truly make my day.
Suddenly, it’s too much. I don’t even want to see his face. Wednesday pastries will just have to go without. It’s a silly tradition anyway. Surely if I’m ever allowed to forgo a habit, it would be as a new year’s resolution. It was his neurotic practice anyway. Probably one of those things I should toss out like I did all the rest of his stuff.
I take another deep breath and point my chin up, stare challengingly at one stupid smiling figure on the glass, and turn to make my way down to the other apparition point at the end of Diagon.
Stupid ex-boyfriends and stupid bleeding-heart holiday seasons. I manage to keep my feet reasonably stable as I walk down the almost icy path on this darker end of the street.
Unfortunately for me, however, a loud noise startles me and I completely wipe out.
A loud grunt expels itself from my chest as my back hits the ground. Thankfully my neck and head seem to be pretty well protected by the thick green scarf I’ve got wrapping me up, but my ass doesn’t fair all that well. “Fucking hell,” I mutter, and groan as I roll over onto my side. I wince when a sharp twinge in my back is set off with my movement.
Thankfully I’m not alone in my predicament, because the noise that startled me was an initial slick sharp sound of a slip against the icy cobbles. I tilt my head up and see heavy black boots, worn just slightly at the sole, and the figure of their owner, a man in amongst a mountain of sludgy snow that someone had just moved to the side instead of vanishing. I mutter to myself about the absolute travesty which is Diagon without proper foot traffic. People here get bloody careless this time of year.
I push myself up by my gloved hands, now soaked, along with the backside of my cloak. “Are you alright?” I half-heartedly direct to the man who I can hear angrily muttering to himself in his current position. I have to pay direct attention to getting my feet under me so that I don’t make another trip, but I do finally stabilise myself. I sigh crossly. My penance for getting so startled is that I don’t immediately get to grab my wand and dry myself off.
The man sighs too. His reply is muffled, but I think I can make out a “yep”. Charming.
He’s not moving though, so I huff out a breath impatiently and wander over to where he lies carelessly under an awning, face shadowed from Diagon’s twinkling lights. Good King Wenceslas chimes out of the charms on the street, and seems to mock me, and I have to force myself to think of how best to rectify this. I hope this guy isn’t drunk. Or maybe I hope he is, so that I can just call the aurors to deal with this.
“Are you pissed?” I ask, just to know.
“I wish.” Is his muffled reply. “Would be a bit less embarrassing if I were, I think.”
I roll my eyes. “Can you get up?”
“Yep.” He repeats, and then groans again as he pulls himself out of the soaking wet, dirty grey cushion, that is the snow bank.
My mouth drops open. “Potter?”
And, yep indeed. It’s Potter. He’s leaning back on gloved hands when he looks up at me quickly and then he groans. Throws his wet haired head back, and those green eyes look up at the awning like he’s berating whatever trickster god pulls his strings of fate. Or, so I assume.
He leans his weight on a single hand and stretches out the other in my direction.
For a second, I think he’s extended it so we can shake hands, before I realise that he just wants a hand up. I flush and hasten – carefully – over. A quick pull from my hand and he does the rest of the work, but he has to grab at my shoulders when he’s upright, a little wobbly.
He looks at me and grimaces. “I’m a danger to myself and others.” His hands release my shoulders, but only, it seems, to brush off bits of snow and dirt off of my coat.
I huff, my breath making a cloud of vapour in the space between us. “Well, I won’t disagree with you on that. Do you need me to go and get someone for you, or can you make your merry way to your reserved bed at Mungos?”
He laughs just a little. “It’s always a pleasure, Draco, honestly.” He’s joking, so I reserve the right to kick him until later. Maybe when he’s a bit less pathetic from the slip. “Are you okay?”
I scowl, and don’t answer his question. “It’s bloody 6pm on a Wednesday. In the middle of winter. After a snow storm. Who’s honestly buying wands this time of year?”
He smiles, winks slightly. “Gotta be made, don’t they?”
I roll my eyes. “Oh, I get it. You’re chained to your desk. A snowstorm fit for the arctic circle could blaze through here and you couldn’t be moved.”
He laughs. Harry laughs the same way he’s always laughed, and I blush just a little bit, as I’ve always done. I feel a shiver start to come upon me, but I keep it away by share force of will as he continues. “The new year is good for the thestral tail hair.” A dirty glove subconsciously comes up to rub at his wet hair, and he grimaces when he feels it. “Decay, new life, you know. The Death-horses and Winter going hand in hand.”
I smirk as he tentatively tries to rub his dirty glove off against a cleaner part of his cloak. “Cruel of them. Not taking the time to consider your plight.”
“Well,” he challenges, “I doubt it’s a major concern. It’s actually not every day that I slip and fall on the pavement. I survive my walks, mostly.”
“Well,” I answer, “I never slip or fall.” I raise a haughty eyebrow at him, and I can see the humour dust his eyes a little bit more. “Don’t go blaming me for this.”
He rolls his eyes and grimaces. “Why are we still so wet.” He flicks his hand and a wave of annoyingly familiar magic crests itself over my figure until the dirt and the moisture are driven right away. I flick a warming charm over him in thanks.
He seems to pay a bit more attention to his surroundings now that he’s dry and warm. “You just come from Finch-Fletchley’s? You mind reminding him that if the other shops are closed down for the holidays that it’s his job to vanish the snow after a blanketing?”
I avert my eyes, drawn to the bright lights of the bakery. I scowl. “You can tell him yourself, thank you very much.” I take a deep breath, and straighten my back. Keeping some decorum, hopefully. “We’ve broken up.”
Potter’s eyebrows are up when I glance quickly back to his face. He looks at me, and his face is very controlled. He looks at the bakery. “When?”
I swallow. “Week before Christmas, if you can believe.”
He can’t seem to stop himself from whistling sympathetically. Then he winces. “Sorry.”
I shrug, casually. “No matter.”
He snorts.
“I’m serious” I say, pointlessly.
He crosses his arms and looks hard at me. “Oh yeah? What are you doing here, then? Surely not too many muggleborns turning 11 around this time of year.”
Not to back down, and turn to face him properly and cross my own arms. “You know full well that’s not all I do, Potter.”
He rolls his eyes. “Like my point doesn’t still stand. What? You doing a lot of muggleborn house calls the week after new year’s?”
“Not every muggleborn celebrates Christmas and New Year’s.”
“Sure, technically. In reality, though?”
I turn away, and don’t answer his questions. He snorts, but then steps a little closer. We’re facing the bakery, because of course we are. O’ Holy Night plays above us. I wonder who chooses these songs.
I hear him take a deep breath in and out. “I really am sorry.”
I sigh, too. “It’s really not a big deal.”
“It’s only been two weeks, Draco.”
Two weeks and 5 days. If we’re counting. I don’t say this though.
He bumps my shoulder. “Not to pick at the wound, but what areyou really doing here.”
I consider lying to him again, but we’re not really in the business of doing that. It’d just be a bore. And he’s always been… good about things like this. “Christmas.” I swallow. “It gets lonely, you know.”
He hums.
I kick out at the ground with my foot and it slides a little bit too far, and I end up having to take a step forward to balance myself again – Potter grabs at my arm.
He laughs, a little anxiously. “Never slip and fall, huh?”
I ignore that, my face flushed and hot. “We had a tradition. Wednesday pastries at the bakery. I would assume it’s common decency to let someone know in advance if you’re going to break up with them. So that one can plan for these moments, right?” I close my eyes against the lights of Justin’s bakery, feeling unwelcome. “I apologise. I’m morose. It’s not exactly the post-holiday cheer I’m sure you want on a nice evening.”
He chuckles. “I wouldn’t call this a nice evening.” My warming charm wears off, and he flicks his wrist for another one to settle over us. He lets go of my upper arm, and puts a hand on my shoulder – drags me around a bit to face him. “Fuck him, right?”
I roll my eyes. “He’s not a bad guy, Potter.”
He rolls his eyes right back, and then looks quite serious. “Be a little indulgent with yourself sometimes, Draco.”
I look back at him. He’s only just shorter than me, and I’ve always cherished that fact, but now he almost seems to be towering over me, even with a bit of a slouch to his stand. His messy hair and his shadowed cheeks and under-eyes the likes of which I only really see during the summer break when I’m chaperoning muggle families and their muggleborn children to get their first wands before September. Working too hard. Chained to his desk.
“Do you want to have dinner with me?” I blurt out.
His eyes widen. So do mine. The heat in my face expands to a blaze, and I groan as I drop it into my cold gloves. “Merlin, I’m sorry. You just said the indulgent thing, and I couldn’t stop myself.”
“Hey, it’s fine.” He grabs at my wrists lightly and tugs a bit, but I don’t budge. “Draco.”
A clang mutely sounds from just up the street, the usual echo of the door in the cobbled street trapped by the snow. “Draco?” I hear, and look up. Startle, because that’s definitely Justin at the door, surrounded in the glow of the lighting. I take a step back almost without thought, and Harry’s grip on my wrist unfortunately makes me lose my balance. I go right down, and he follows. Right on top of me.
I groan loudly, my head and back and arse all once again wet and cold. Harry groans too, and his warm weight gets off me very quickly, tugging me up by my hands, and then a hand tight on my waist to right me. I don’t step out of his grip immediately, too overcome with the situation. Ready to take another crack at the cobbles and see if this time I brain myself.
“Hell, Draco,” Harry mutters, and then grabs his wand to get the wet and the dirt off the both of us again. Another of his beautiful warming charms settles over my body. “We’re even now, okay? No more falls, for god’s sake.”
Justin has wandered a bit closer by the time I look away from Harry’s face, a little consternated. “Draco? Are you okay? Merlin, what are you doing standing out here?”
I don’t respond. Harry coughs. “That’ll be me. I basically tripped him earlier, and we got talking.”
Justin’s eyes widen just a little, and he looks at Draco in concern. “In this weather? It’s freezing! I’ll grab you mug of spice cider, alright?”
“No,” I say, finally finding my bloody voice again. “No, I’m fine. And anyway.” I shoot a glance at Harry. “We’re tied one-for-one.” Harry smirks.
Justin continues when I look back to him. “Dray, come on. A cup of cider, a bite to eat.”
I shake my head, wanting this day to be done with already. “I’ve got plans.”
Justin eyes get just a little softer. “Come on, please?”
“He does. Have plans.” Potter says, and my neck twinges with how fast I turn to look at him. “We’re going to dinner.”
Justin goggles, just a little, looks between Harry and me. There’s a certain part of me – a different part to the one that’s processing whether or not Harry means what he said about dinner – that’s a little vindictively pleased about Justin’s reaction. “Oh!” Justin says. “Okay, no… No worries!” He meets my eyes, and I flush. “It was good to see you. Please, do come around. The staff miss you, you know.”
I smile politely. “Thanks, Justin.” I stand a little taller, and nod to him. “Take care.”
“You too.” And he grins kindly, lifting a hand to Harry and me, before hastening back into the warm sanctuary of his bakery. The door does its little muted clang again as it closes. My mouth – still sitting in a polite smile – relaxes, leaving a little pain in my cheeks.
Harry hums. “Do you ever think that we’re all a bit toomature now?”
Surprisingly, I laugh loudly at that. I’m nodding even before I get the words out. “Yes. I’d almost wish to be fifteen again and have a real proper tantrum about this.” I sigh, laugh a little again. “But, you know. Fifteen-year-old me? Good riddance.”
“I don’t know…” Harry trails off, “there were some redeeming qualities. He was certainly a creative sort.”
I goggle at him, and immediately stop when I realise that I’m imitating Justin to some extent. “Stop having me on.”
Harry… laughs. “Yeah, I’m having you on. You were a right bastard.”
I shake my head, and turn away from the lights of the bakery, and start walking. He’ll surely catch up.
“I was serious.” Harry says, and I turn my head a little to let him know I’m listening as I walk. “About dinner.”
“I assumed so,” even though that’s a bit of a lie.
“And,” Harry catches up. “I mean ‘dinner’ as in. A date.”
I’m not proud of this, but I slip. Just a little. “Fuck,” I say as I try to catch myself. Thank goodness that Potter’s a bit more onto it, though. He just grabs my arm, and an arm around my back. Straightens me up.
“Bloody hell, I should have talked to him about the snow vanishing,” Harry’s saying as I brush off my cloak to hide my flush. “It’s all the Diagon Business Association talks about during winter, I don’t know what he’s on-”
He stops and looks at me. Christmas music is still playing, and its still grating, but goodness the lights work well on his complexion. And his eyes.
I smile, just a little. “We’ve got dinner plans, I thought? We could talk about this there, surely?”
He laughs.
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unimooshi · 4 years
Christmas Fluff Snippet Megapost
(brought to you by your host Mooshi bc I’m stuck at home and wanna procrastinate cleaning my room :) )
Rated: G/Fluff
Relationship(s): Literally as many I can think within the span of 3 hours as they’re all basically 1 paragraph long. Feel free to read whichever ones you want I’m making word soup rn. We smackin’ tonight kings, queen, and royals in between😌😭✨
All relationships can be whatever universe you want, unless stated otherwise. Have a good time
Also please keep in mind that I haven’t read a lot of the comics and have a limited knowledge on the cartoons bc I haven’t watched some of them, but I’ll try my best to write out the dynamic as I see it.
1) Starscream/Optimus (StarPrime) you knew we were gonna start with OTP
“I know you wanted to visit Earth for a small vacation, but did you really have to choose the coldest of Earth months to visit?”, Starscream said with borderline disgust as he stared at the snow at the bottom of their ship, the only redeeming thing about the environment was the setting sun.
He kneeled down and scooped up a pile of snow, watching it crumble away between his digits. His internal heating system kicking into overdrive to compensate, little puffs of steam floating into the air. It wasn’t that it was cold, the issue was how wet it would be. The mess that would be made inside their circuits and the water dripping from exposed wiring made Starscream shiver.
“No, I didn’t have to but Earth has such a happy culture this time of year and I wanted to share that with you. I think you’ll like Christmas. Cheer up, let’s take a walk.” , Optimus planted a small peck on the side of Starscream’s helm and stepped outside, the soft crunch of snow following the Prime.
Starscream reluctantly stepped into the snow and groaned with how much water his sensors were already detecting, “How happy could this holiday possibly be with frozen condensation falling from the sky and getting into your circuits?”
“Well, according to what can be found on the internet, it’s an annual religious festival, but most humans use it as a time to see loved ones and celebrate their love for one another.”, Optimus took Starscream’s servo and interlaced it with his own, removing his battle mask to reveal a soft smile with blue optics to match, “and besides you can take a warm lather in the washracks later while I warm up some energon. I know you like watching Earth movies every once in a while.”
Starscream really couldn’t argue with his conjux and just vented out more heat, the puff leaving a trail of white steam as it floated into the evening sky. If being on a mud ball planet meant Optimus would be relaxed then he supposed it would be worth getting his circuits drenched for. Honestly, doing anything was worth it if it meant his Prime would stop thinking about his responsibilities even for just a cycle.
“Your strobes are blinking by the way.”
Starscream stopped walking and flapped his wings into view then dipped them low, brushing it off.
“It doesn’t mean anything.”
“I’m sure it doesn’t.”, Optimus rolled his optics and laughed, holding his conjux’s servo a little tighter.
2) Knockout/Breakdown (KOBD)
“Merry Christmas Knockout!”, Breakdown burst into the Medbay with a clumsily wrapped box.
Knockout nearly dropped his datapad and jumped from the sudden intrusion, his servo switched out for his buzz saw until he saw who it was.
“Breakdown!”, Knockout vented out and transformed his servo back, “Don’t scare me like that so suddenly.”
“I’m sorry, but I just wanted to finally give you this. I knew you just had to have it when I saw it and I really hope you like it.”
“All is forgiven. Thank you.”, Knockout casually tore away at the wrapping and lifted the lid, his optics glowing brighter.
“Well...do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it!”, Knockout unfolded the white stripe vinyl inside to it’s full length, laughing with a full smile, “You always know just what to get me!”
He put his gift down on the examination table and went to go hug his conjux, climbing up a little to properly plant a kiss.
As high as the mood was brought up, it was quickly shot down again.
“Wait, I’m not done with your gift yet.”, Knockout left for his datapad and scrolled through something.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to give me one. Your company is the only gift I need.”, Breakdown tried to comfort his conjux, but Knockout held out a servo to stop him.
“That’s a sweet sentiment, but it doesn’t feel fair if I had my gift before yours is even done and I don’t want you seeing it while it’s incomplete.”
“I’m sure I’ll like it even if it’s unfinished. The thought matters more than what it is. Can you tell me what it is?”
“Are you sure?”
Breakdown nodded excitedly.
Knockout sighed and handed over the datapad, “It’s only about 75% of the way done, but it’s a transcription of that Earth book you wanted to read but couldn’t find an online PDF version of it.”
Breakdown scrolled through the pages of words and felt his frame melt.
“I know it’s not as good as what you gave me but—”
“I love it!”, He lifted Knockout off the ground and squeezed, “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome but watch the paint!”
3) Bumblebee/Blitzwing (TFA Blitzbee)
Bumblebee wasn’t one for snow to be perfectly honest. Sure, making snowmen and having snowball fights with Sari were fun, but he mostly did those activities to make her happy as her best friend. The frosty windows on the base served as another reminder as to why he liked to stay inside where it was warm and there was plenty of oil to drink, so it was rather ironic when he started seeing a mech who could make ice and enjoyed just burying himself in the frozen stuff.
“Come outside my little bee~”
Random sang softly and taunted him from outside the Autobot base. The heat from Blitzwing’s system fogging up the window further. Everyone else in the base had retreated back to their rooms for the night, leaving Bee free to do what he wanted in the living room. At least, he would be if there wasn’t a giant beige and purple bot trying to get him outside.
“No way Blitzbrain. It’s beyond freezing out there. I’m not locking up my servos just so you can eat street snow again.”
Bumble whispered harshly and opened the window, a gush of frozen air creeped their way through the cracks of his frame. His central heating system kicked online.
Random’s glossa slithered out of his intake, “Aww why not?”
“Because it’s gross. And that’s saying something when it comes from me!”
“I suppose that’s true.”, Icy’s lips pouted outward as he pressed his digits to his chin. His sharp features standing out in the crisp darkness of the night, “But aren’t you the one always wanting to go out? Why is it so different this time?”
“Because time impossible to drive in snow and I don’t wanna deal with traffic.”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
“So why don’t you want to come out here and spend some time away from this stupid base you tiny bug bot!”
Bee held a digit to his intake, “I’m right here idiot, you’ll wake everyone up and then they’ll see you and then we’ll have to fight.”
“You’re afraid of the snow aren’t you.”
“What? No. That’s not—I’m not afraid of it are you kidding me? Only sparklings are afraid of stupid things like that.”
“Ok, so you just don’t like the cold.”
“So what if I don’t?”
“Even if you can’t drive, it’s still a nice night for flying.”
Bumblebee’s optics widened, “Flying?”
“Yes. Calm winds, clear skies, no organics or bots in the streets, what more could you wait for?”
“You’re gonna take me flying?”, Bee’s voice rose in pitch and he looked up at his mechfriend with stars in his eyes.
“If you keep repeating the same thing I’ll crush you with this wall!”
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen something go splat!”
Random laughed at his own morbid thought.
“Ok, first of all, don’t crush me. You’re like three times my size, you don’t need a wall. Second, as long as I don’t have to get my servos wet I’ll be there in a nanoklik.”
Bumblebee gave a quick peck before racing away to touch himself up a little for his small impromptu date.
4) Megatron/Soundwave (MegaWave)
Megatron was busy. Again.
Soundwave didn’t mind it much as he just worked on his reports, but deep in his spark he really hoped he would’ve made some time to be with him. There was no such luck unfortunately. Soundwave knew his leader was always busy which is what made their small times together all the more special and intimate. Nobody ever saw the side of the warlord that he did and he was quite proud of that. It made him feel special.
A private communication line blipped open from Megatron. What convenient timing.
>Yes, Lord Megatron?
>I need you to send a message to Shockwave about the latest export of energon. There will be a delay because of Autobot meddling, but it shouldn’t take more than a couple earth cycles to have everything in order.
>Message received. Will be sent as soon as possible.
>Good. By the way Soundwave, I’ve left something for you in your desk compartment. Consider it a token of my appreciation for all you’ve done staying loyal to the Decepticons.
>Understood. Thank you Lord Megatron.
With that, the line cut off and Soundwave was left alone again in the communication center. His optics glanced over at the large compartment in his desk and opened it. Inside he found a small stack of datapads and one single use datapad filled out.
‘To: Soundwave
Silent as a thief in the night
You crept into my spark and took flight
Your visor so full of mystery
Yet take away much of my misery
In war there is treachery
In war there is loyalty
No words could ever be strung to say how much you mean to me
Merry Christmas,
From Megatron
A/N: I’m done with this post. Whoop. 4 short stories in one post. This is all I could crank out in a few hours. I didn’t anticipate this day to be so busy for me😭😭. I’ve been hanging out with family and dropping off gifts for friends at their door step. You can kinda tel I gave up at the end and poems aren’t really my thing. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow, so just pretend that whatever I post tomorrow was done today. Tell me what you think and have a nice night. I’m gonna pass out now. Mwah.
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