#mercury elevated planet
lilacstro · 1 month
Astro observations part 14
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Well, the result of my poll clearly said for this and waiting for it to end would make no difference I know haha, so here we go with part 14 :)
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people with planets in subconscious houses(4/8/12) in water signs or even having planets in all of them or at least 2 could be really emotionally receptive, and may feel overwhelming emotions, sometimes being unable to manage this tsunami and moodiness that can manifest can even cause mental troubles
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Girls having an afflicted moon/mars placement, or moon or mars in harsh aspects can experience hormonal/menstrual problems some point in life
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One of the best friendships happen when your moon sign matches someone's sun sign and vice versa
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women with 5th house Leo/Aries/Sun/Mars could be really protective around their children
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For girls who say "I always cry on my birthday" or "my birthday month is my worst" could actually have sun transition into their 8th/12th house at the time of their birthday month. I can make a post on how your birthday month could be for you, let me know if you guys want to read.
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I often tell my clients and I have seen it myself, people with strong Jupiter in their chart are the ones that go through a lot of hard times, the lesson here is to maintain that unwavering faith and optimistic mindset and move forward, it is not until then that you have learnt, Jupiter starts to bless you :)
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people with ruler of 4th in 10th could actually struggle with having their secrets be their secrets in life, it would just somehow come out to people, not exactly fully exposed but people would know something is up.
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planets in your 4th house can in fact tell you what you may like to keep hidden, for example having NN in 4th may not really like sharing my goals or plans with people.
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ok so I recently saw some celebrity's newborn's natal chart, and I saw Mars conjunct Uranus in the second, and it just speaks to me that somewhere in this life, this baby gonna want to spend money like crazily-excessively and he would rebel otherwise, this sure can turn into many more mature things with time, but that impulsivity with money seems something that he needs to look after
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Mercury in Leo people are actually so unafraid lmao, they can deliver the most obviously wrong facts with full confidence and when you confront them, well you cannot actually. But they can make excellent journalists, debaters, politicians etc.
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People with 6th/8th/12th house placements or any of these houses in Virgo/Libra risings should be very aware of who they are entertaining. These kinds of people are actually really giving by nature but they need to be sure that people are not blantly "expecting" them/ latching onto them just for getting what they want.
6th house- literal service, cooking, cleaning, looking after them in tough times
8th house- to change them for their good at the cost of draining yourself
12th house- to mentally elevate or spiritually enlighten someone on the right path
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I think it is not very talked about and a very underrated thing but Neptune in 2nd house people can be really intuitive, things they say may come true but they would not have enough confidence to speak it out or believe it themselves is one thing. Can make really good psychic/tarot readers and even astrologers.
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Venus in 12th house people may attract situations where they can unknowingly want to keep their relationship/friendships private BUT please for god's sake, talk about it to other people, since to me this translates as an isolated Venus and the chances of being manipulated run high and you probably would not even know.
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People who can have their comments get a lot of likes or want to comment out of desire can have Mercury in 11th, but please note Mercury and the 11th should most likely be in fire or air signs, water and earth can rather keep their opinions to themselves.
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Speaking of which if you have Mercury-Mars placement in 11th, you are very likely to be someone who fights for what they like, be unafraid of arguing or putting out your comment on internet, for example: fighting that your fav artist is right or this song is being hated on for no reason etc.
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You may often find yourself contradicting between the life choices of your North Node and South Node house/Signs. For example, someone with NN in 4th and SN in 10th would want to think "ok I wanna marry young, have kids and look after my kids", OR sometimes think "no not at all I will be an unmarried childless girlboss living her life in 30s", it is likely that it is not in between OR it can be, "well how will I manage this desire to have a successful career and be a mother at the same time idk"
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People with Sun/Saturn and Neptune in harsh aspects could have father struggling with substances, or maybe dogmatism or have some kind of un real ideals, may feel very hard to impress, yet you would probably still in some want to get his validation which rather seems impossible because of how out of the world and unrealistic it could be.
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Wherever Juno sits in your chart can show what can change in your life most when you meet your spouse or most significant other, for example people with Juno in 11th, would change what they usually prayed or wished for, their friends and social life. Juno in 9th may become more philosophical or open to higher education. Can make another post on this one
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Speaking of which, Juno can also give clues on how your future spouse could be, it is like a tarot kind of description, not everything would be accurate but some of it sure would be. For example, Juno in 11th could have spouse who works on Internet or through Internet, could have Aquarian traits of having strong, different opinions, BIG hopes and dreams, etc. Can make a post on this one again lmao
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well that is it for today, send your post suggestions from above or anything else you wanna see:)
i love you all <3
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
Aspects of Venus in the Natal Chart
☌ Venus Conjunct Other Planets
Conjunctions can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, they combine the energies of the planets involved, enhancing their qualities and creating a powerful synergy. This can result in heightened strengths and abilities in the areas governed by the conjunct planets. On the negative side, conjunctions can amplify challenging traits, potentially leading to imbalances or conflicts if the combined energies are not well-integrated or harmonized.
Venus Conjunct Sun: This conjunction blends love (Venus) with identity and ego (Sun), creating a harmonious alignment between personal desires and affectionate expression. The individual radiates warmth and charm, often attracting admiration and forming deep emotional connections. However, there may be challenges in distinguishing between personal needs and the needs of the relationship, sometimes leading to self-indulgence or dependency. Venus Conjunct Moon: When Venus is conjunct the Moon, emotions and affections are deeply intertwined. This aspect enhances sensitivity and a nurturing nature in relationships. Individuals are likely to seek harmony and beauty in their personal lives. They have a strong need for love and comfort, often expressing their feelings with warmth and tenderness, making them charming and empathetic partners. Venus Conjunct Mercury: This aspect enhances charm and communication in relationships. The individual expresses affection through articulate and persuasive language, fostering harmonious interactions and intellectual rapport. However, there could be a tendency to prioritize mental stimulation over emotional depth, occasionally leading to superficiality in emotional exchanges. Venus Conjunct Mars: This conjunction combines love and desire, enhancing passion and assertiveness in relationships. The individual pursues their desires with charm and confidence, often initiating romantic connections with vigor. However, it can also lead to emotional impulsiveness or conflicts arising from differences in emotional and physical needs. Venus Conjunct Jupiter: This aspect enhances love and generosity, promoting optimism and expansiveness in relationships. The individual values harmony and growth, often seeking to elevate their emotional connections through shared experiences and mutual understanding. However, there may be tendencies towards overindulgence or unrealistic expectations in emotional matters. Venus Conjunct Saturn: This conjunction blends love with responsibility and commitment. The individual values stability and longevity in relationships, often approaching love with maturity and patience. However, it can also lead to emotional restraint or fear of vulnerability, as they prioritize security and practical considerations in emotional affairs. Venus Conjunct Uranus: This aspect promotes uniqueness and unpredictability in emotional expression. The individual values independence and innovation in relationships, often seeking excitement and freedom in love. However, it can also lead to emotional detachment or sudden changes in emotional preferences, challenging the stability of romantic connections. Venus Conjunct Neptune: This conjunction enhances sensitivity and idealism in love. The individual is deeply compassionate and romantic, often drawn to mystical or artistic expressions of affection. It supports emotional empathy and spiritual connection in relationships but may also lead to idealization or confusion regarding emotional boundaries. Venus Conjunct Pluto: This aspect intensifies love and transformation in relationships. The individual experiences profound emotional depth and may undergo significant personal growth through intense emotional experiences. However, it can also lead to power struggles or obsessions in love, as they navigate the complexities of intimacy and control.
⚹ Venus Sextile Other Planets
Sextiles are positive aspects that encourage cooperation and the easy flow of energies between the involved planets. This harmonious connection facilitates smooth interactions and enhances the beneficial qualities of each planet, leading to supportive and constructive outcomes. The ease of this aspect promotes opportunities for growth, creativity, and positive developments in the areas influenced by the sextile.
Venus Sextile Sun: This harmonious aspect enhances creativity and self-expression in relationships. The individual radiates warmth and affection, fostering mutual respect and admiration. It supports emotional harmony and cooperative efforts towards shared goals, enhancing the overall enjoyment of romantic connections. Venus Sextile Moon: A Venus-Moon sextile brings a harmonious blend of emotional sensitivity and affectionate expression. This aspect fosters easy emotional connections and enhances social charm. People with this sextile are likely to express love and care in a gentle, supportive manner. They enjoy creating a pleasant, aesthetically pleasing environment and excel in nurturing and maintaining harmonious relationships. Venus Sextile Mercury: This aspect enhances communication and understanding in relationships. The individual expresses affection through thoughtful gestures and attentive listening, fostering intellectual rapport and emotional closeness. It supports harmonious exchanges of ideas and promotes a shared appreciation for mental stimulation. Venus Sextile Mars: This aspect enhances passion and assertiveness in relationships. The individual pursues their desires with grace and determination, often inspiring mutual attraction and emotional intimacy. It supports proactive efforts in romantic pursuits and encourages healthy expressions of desire and affection. Venus Sextile Jupiter: This aspect brings generosity and optimism to love and relationships. The individual values growth and mutual support, often finding joy in shared experiences and emotional expansion. It supports a positive outlook on love and encourages acts of kindness and emotional generosity towards others. Venus Sextile Saturn: This aspect blends love with stability and commitment. The individual values loyalty and reliability in relationships, often fostering long-lasting emotional connections built on trust and mutual respect. It supports practical efforts in love and encourages patient and mature approaches to emotional fulfillment. Venus Sextile Uranus: This aspect promotes innovation and spontaneity in emotional expression. The individual values freedom and individuality in relationships, often seeking unconventional or exciting romantic experiences. It supports adaptability in love and encourages creative solutions to emotional challenges. Venus Sextile Neptune: This aspect enhances sensitivity and compassion in relationships. The individual is empathetic and romantic, often expressing affection through artistic or spiritual means. It supports emotional healing and fosters deep emotional connections based on mutual understanding and empathy. Venus Sextile Pluto: This aspect brings intensity and transformation to love and relationships. The individual experiences profound emotional growth and may undergo significant personal changes through deep emotional connections. It supports emotional resilience and encourages the exploration of intimacy and shared vulnerability.
□ Venus Square Other Planets
Squares are negative aspects that create tension and challenges between the involved planets, prompting growth through conflict. This dynamic aspect often leads to struggles and obstacles that need to be overcome, pushing individuals to address and resolve the underlying issues. The friction generated by squares can be difficult to navigate, but it ultimately encourages personal development and resilience as one learns to balance and harmonize the conflicting energies.
Venus Square Sun: This challenging aspect creates tension between personal desires and the needs of others in relationships. The individual may struggle with issues of self-worth or feelings of inadequacy, affecting their ability to form balanced emotional connections. However, it also encourages self-awareness and personal growth through learning to prioritize mutual respect and emotional reciprocity. Venus Square Moon: Venus square the Moon can create tension between emotional needs and desires for affection. This aspect may lead to difficulties in balancing personal feelings with relational expectations. There can be internal conflict or inconsistency in expressing love and emotions, resulting in potential misunderstandings or dissatisfaction in relationships. Learning to navigate these differences is essential for emotional harmony. Venus Square Mercury: This aspect can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts in communication within relationships. The individual may struggle to express their affections clearly or to understand the emotional needs of others. It challenges them to develop empathy and effective communication skills in emotional exchanges. Venus Square Mars: This aspect can lead to conflicts or power struggles in relationships. The individual may experience challenges balancing emotional desires with assertive actions, potentially leading to emotional confrontations or misunderstandings. However, it also fosters emotional courage and assertiveness through learning to assert boundaries and manage conflicts constructively. Venus Square Jupiter: This aspect can create conflicts between emotional indulgence and practical realities in relationships. The individual may struggle with overextending themselves emotionally or having unrealistic expectations of others. It challenges them to find balance and moderation in emotional exchanges, fostering emotional maturity and realistic emotional expectations. Venus Square Saturn: This aspect generates tension between love and responsibility in relationships. The individual may experience fears or insecurities related to commitment or emotional vulnerability. It challenges them to develop patience and emotional resilience in forming lasting emotional connections based on trust and mutual support. Venus Square Uranus: This aspect can lead to conflicts or disruptions in emotional stability within relationships. The individual may feel torn between the desire for emotional freedom and the need for security or stability. It challenges them to find creative solutions to emotional challenges while maintaining authenticity and respect for emotional boundaries. Venus Square Neptune: This aspect can create confusion or idealism in relationships. The individual may struggle with boundaries or clarity in emotional matters, potentially leading to emotional vulnerability or disillusionment. It challenges them to develop realistic emotional expectations and to communicate openly and honestly in romantic connections. Venus Square Pluto: This aspect can lead to power struggles or intense emotional transformations in relationships. The individual may experience issues of control or possessiveness, challenging them to confront deep-seated emotional fears or desires. It encourages them to navigate emotional complexities with honesty and respect for emotional autonomy.
△ Venus Trine Other Planets
Trines are positive aspects that create a smooth and beneficial connection between the involved planets, enhancing talents and creating a sense of ease. This harmonious aspect facilitates the natural flow of energy, making it easier to express and develop the qualities associated with the planets. Trines often lead to emotional balance, inner harmony, and an overall sense of well-being, as the supportive nature of this aspect encourages the effortless integration of strengths and abilities.
Venus Trine Sun: This harmonious aspect enhances love and creativity in relationships. The individual expresses affection with warmth and generosity, fostering mutual appreciation and respect. It supports emotional harmony and encourages creative collaboration and shared enjoyment in romantic connections. Venus Trine Moon: With Venus trine the Moon, there is a natural flow of emotional expression and affection. This aspect brings ease and grace in relationships, enhancing charm and social grace. Individuals with this trine are likely to be emotionally supportive and nurturing, finding joy in creating a loving, harmonious environment. Their warmth and kindness attract positive relationships and mutual understanding. Venus Trine Mercury: This aspect enhances communication and understanding in relationships. The individual expresses love and affection through clear and thoughtful communication, fostering intellectual rapport and emotional intimacy. It supports harmonious exchanges of ideas and promotes a shared appreciation for mental stimulation and emotional closeness. Venus Trine Mars: This aspect enhances passion and assertiveness in relationships. The individual pursues their desires with grace and confidence, often inspiring mutual attraction and emotional fulfillment. It supports proactive efforts in romantic pursuits and encourages healthy expressions of desire and emotional intimacy. Venus Trine Jupiter: This aspect brings joy and optimism to love and relationships. The individual values growth and mutual support, often finding happiness in shared experiences and emotional expansion. It supports a positive outlook on love and encourages acts of kindness and generosity in romantic connections. Venus Trine Saturn: This aspect blends love with stability and commitment. The individual values loyalty and reliability in relationships, often fostering enduring emotional connections built on trust and mutual respect. It supports practical efforts in love and encourages patient and mature approaches to emotional fulfillment. Venus Trine Uranus: This aspect promotes spontaneity and excitement in emotional expression. The individual values freedom and individuality in relationships, often seeking unconventional or innovative romantic experiences. It supports adaptability in love and encourages creative solutions to emotional challenges. Venus Trine Neptune: This aspect enhances sensitivity and compassion in relationships. The individual is empathetic and romantic, often expressing affection through artistic or spiritual means. It supports emotional healing and fosters deep emotional connections based on mutual understanding and empathy. Venus Trine Pluto: This aspect brings intensity and transformation to love and relationships. The individual experiences profound emotional growth and may undergo significant personal changes through deep emotional connections. It supports emotional resilience and encourages exploration of intimacy and shared vulnerability.
☍ Venus Opposition Other Planets
Oppositions in astrology create a dynamic of tension and awareness between the energies of the planets involved. This aspect often highlights contrasting needs and urges individuals to find a balance between them. While oppositions can create challenges, they also provide opportunities for growth and integration as one learns to navigate the tension between opposing forces.
Venus Opposite Sun: This aspect creates tension between personal desires and the needs of others in relationships. The individual may struggle with issues of self-worth or feelings of inadequacy, impacting their ability to form balanced emotional connections. However, it also encourages self-awareness and personal growth through learning to prioritize mutual respect and emotional reciprocity. Venus Opposite Moon: Venus opposite the Moon can indicate a push-pull dynamic between emotional needs and expressions of affection. This aspect often brings challenges in balancing personal feelings with the desire for relational harmony. There may be a tendency to seek validation through relationships, leading to potential dependency or emotional conflict. Striving for self-awareness and balance is key to managing this aspect. Venus Opposite Mercury: This aspect can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts in communication within relationships. The individual may struggle to express their affections clearly or to understand the emotional needs of others. It challenges them to develop empathy and effective communication skills in emotional exchanges. Venus Opposite Mars: This aspect can lead to conflicts or power struggles in relationships. The individual may experience challenges balancing emotional desires with assertive actions, potentially leading to emotional confrontations or misunderstandings. However, it also fosters emotional courage and assertiveness through learning to assert boundaries and manage conflicts constructively. Venus Opposite Jupiter: This aspect can create conflicts between emotional indulgence and practical realities in relationships. The individual may struggle with overextending themselves emotionally or having unrealistic expectations of others. It challenges them to find balance and moderation in emotional exchanges, fostering emotional maturity and realistic emotional expectations. Venus Opposite Saturn: This aspect generates tension between love and responsibility in relationships. The individual may experience fears or insecurities related to commitment or emotional vulnerability. It challenges them to develop patience and emotional resilience in forming lasting emotional connections based on trust and mutual support. Venus Opposite Uranus: This aspect can lead to conflicts or disruptions in emotional stability within relationships. The individual may feel torn between the desire for emotional freedom and the need for security or stability. It challenges them to find creative solutions to emotional challenges while maintaining authenticity and respect for emotional boundaries. Venus Opposite Neptune: This aspect can create confusion or idealism in relationships. The individual may struggle with boundaries or clarity in emotional matters, potentially leading to emotional vulnerability or disillusionment. It challenges them to develop realistic emotional expectations and to communicate openly and honestly in romantic connections. Venus Opposite Pluto: This aspect can lead to power struggles or intense emotional transformations in relationships. The individual may experience issues of control or possessiveness, challenging them to confront deep-seated emotional fears or desires. It encourages them to navigate emotional complexities with honesty and respect for emotional autonomy.
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punksocks · 10 months
Astrology Observations No.26
(Just based on my opinions, only take what resonates)
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-Aquarius mars can denote a career around trends, tech, and social media. It can also denote your career taking off during times of social progress or spearheading social progress. (John Boyega’s career took off when he became the face of a much more diverse Star Wars, and a lot of his most celebrated roles have a social consciousness to them, pretty great if I do say so myself)
-Virgo venus gets the reputation of being picky in relationships (and they are) but I feel like Sagittarius Venus can be more fickle. Virgo Venus natives have a set of standards and attributes they’re looking for, but Sagittarius Venus natives will put you on a pedestal then knock you off of it when you do something they don’t like.
-Underdeveloped Gemini Venus will ghost you in the middle of a crisis (man Pisces Venus too, but they may feel bad about it lol)
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-When it comes to a sense of justice, I feel as though (developed) Scorpio moons give everyone a run for their money
-I feel like Aquarius in big 3 (sun, moon, rising) can often find themselves being forced to be humanitarian/being made to work toward the greater good in some situations (to lend others money, to take care of friends/family, to befriend someone lonely, etc.) I feel like these placements often can be forced to give more of themselves than they are comfortable with (developed ones will often find a great sense of joy in connecting with others through care though)
-On the other hand I feel like Leo in the big 3 can find themselves being forced to pay attention to themselves/become the center of attention (elevated at a job for their hard work, given unexpected attention for a talent, etc.) With Leo placements I notice that in their home life or childhood they may not receive the attention they need, but early on they get attention from outsiders. So they end up going through this arch of getting more comfortable with their sense of self and being in the spotlight.
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-Aries placements can often be the first in their family to do something (go to college, start a business, etc) without more long term oriented placements things like businesses may not last though
-Virgo/Gemini/3rd/6th house placements and having an absolute weakness for stationary lol (I have a 3rd house Stellium and I have to force myself not to buy a sketchbook or notebook every time I’m out, with a 40% success rate lol)
-I always expect Libra placements (especially sun/Asc/Venus/mars) to have a very blonde/fair/delicate features naturally but a lot of Libras have this gothic look, like raven hair ivory skin classic beauty (and a lot of PoC I follow with Libra placements can be much darker skinned, which is also a beautifully classic look)
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-I think Jupiter and Saturn count towards your personality, but since they’re slower moving planets I view them as the bridge between the asc/sun/moon/mercury/Venus/mars placements that really directly define your personality and the generational planets that show up in traits across people in your age range (but effect everyone differently because of house placements and aspects)
-Do a lot of people get sick during Scorpio season? Or is it just me ?? (During the last week of Scorpio season like 6 people I knew got sick at the same time and I had a medical thing, wtf it’s uncanny)
-I think Neptune in Capricorn is a big reason that depression became such a focal point for younger millennials and elder gen z- well that and late stage capitalism but yknow. (Capricorns being prone to depression, and Neptune ruling over mental illness)
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-You may show more of the traits of the sign in your 12th house when inebriated (like sun in 12th may be more outgoing when they drink, moon in 12th may be more introverted/emotional, mercury in 12th may be more chatty and inquisitive, Venus in 12th may be more charming/romantic, mars in 12th may be more aggressive/antagonistic/s*xual)
-Mars in 12th/Pisces mars may find that unresolved tension sits on their subconscious and makes it hard for them to do other tasks
-Cancer over the houses can show where you feel at home (cancer in the 4th is super loyal to their family/mother, cancer in the 7th means you feel at home with a nurturing partner, cancer in the 9th means you feel at home abroad and traveling and with other communities or with religion, cancer in 11th means you feel super at home with your friends.)
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astrobydalia · 8 months
Astro knowledge
A short more educational post for y'all!
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work by astrobydalia
Pisces/Neptune rules marketing while Gemini/Mercury is more about sales. They’re both deeply related but difference is Gemini is the salesman that appeals to your reason and resorts to mind games (Mercury) in a one-on-one to convince you why you should buy into something. Marketing on the other hand is ruled by Pisces because it appeals to the collective unconscious (Neptune). It’s all about crafting subliminal messages that make you see that product/idea as more appealing even when you know what you're seeing is not realistic. Very related to propaganda as well. This is also a field that requires a lot of creativity, they're constantly using metaphors, hyperboles or even making up little fictional stories to sell a product...
I've already said this but for anyone new, the planet that rules real love is moon not Venus. See the full explanation here
Where Sagittarius is in your chart will bring luck and happiness, but Taurus does give off expansive (or dare I say expensive) energy too. Where Taurus sits in your chart is an area of your life that will be more grandiose in nature cause Taurus rules over indulgence and pleasure. You could experience some sort of privilege when it comes to this house, the themes of this house come to you in abundance with little to no effort. Some examples:
Taurus 1st house: have a striking and bold appearance, gives off luxury and attractive vibes regardless of their looks. These people could come across as a "high value woman/man" without trying
Taurus 7th house: very active and abundant love life, lots of suitors and business partners landing on your lab, they want to provide for you and/or give you lucrative opportunities
Taurus 9th house: having access to high quality education or elevated knowledge. Probably attended a very exclusive or expensive collage, payed vacations vibes, easy and frequent relocations
Taurus 10th house: almost untouchable reputation, very respected and liked by others, is always seen as innocent or harmless, lots of success with their ventures
The 2nd house also talks about your roots and upbringing but in a more objective and material sense. This house and the position of its ruler can be very telling of how your actual social and economic context shaped your basic values. It can also talk about your house as the 2nd house rules over real state, lands, properties, etc. The 4th house is more about your home, how you were raised within that reality and how it impacted you emotionally at your core
Example: Libra risings could come from an environment that shaped their values around survival and money gains due to Scorpio 2nd house (I've seen very commonly they come from marginalized groups or humble beginnings or very financially competitive environments). So they have a family that is very demanding and expected them to work or be a boss from a young age (Capricorn 4th house)
Speaking of, 2nd house does not ONLY rule money!!! It rules RESOURCES and anything that you own that is highly valuable and you can put a price on!!!! And yes of course since these things are valuable they can be easily monetized, traded, used to make you money. This can be your skills, assets, real state, etc. The 2nd house is your piggy bank basically
There's a lot of talk about how 11th house is how you make money in your career while 2nd house is how you spend it. Well this is technically true but I'd like to add more explanation to this. In derivative astrology 11th house is 2nd (money) from the 10th (career) so it does show how you actually make money from your career. 2nd house is where you get money but 11th house is how you make money. Your 11th house is the multiplier (credits to @cosmicpuzzle for that fact) while 2nd house is where your financial stability lies on. In other words 11th house is indicative of how you generate more but 2nd house is all about what you already have, its about what you can make with what you OWN already, it deals with money that is already available through your resources' value (again, you piggy bank). This does 'make' you money in a way like if you lose your job and are lacking money your 2nd house where you turn to for example if you own a house you can rent it, you can buy a rare item that costs a lot, selling your art or any other natural skill, etc. The concept of value is important in this house bc it can increase or decrease (while 11th house increases and multiplies). The more valuable your resources are the more potential money you have available which means more financial stability and wealth. Anyways hope all that makes sense
We often refer to water signs when talking spirituality but truth is fire signs are very spiritual in nature as well. Fire symbolizes the spark of life itself, nothing could exist or be created without it. Aries deals with the basic ontological conception of 'I am, I exist', Leo is about how the self manifests and create itself and Sagittarius is about the purpose of the self. Living beings need heat to thrive/live and just like fire radiates heat your spirit radiates energy, creativity, passion, action, inspiration, purpose... and that's what fire signs represent. I'd say fire represents the fundamentality of spirit while water is more about the complexity of inner world.
Just like Aries is the "natural" ASC for a birth chart, Libra is the natural ASC for a composite chart cause a birth chart represents the chart of an individual (Aries) while composite represents the mutual relationship between two people (Libra)
When you develop the themes of a certain house in a healthy manner, you naturally start attracting the themes of the opposite house. This goes to show you that things in astrology aren't as compartmentalized as they seem, everything works together in certain way SPECIALLY axis'. Examples:
You need to focus on yourself first (1st house) to find the right partner (7th house)
You need to investigate and learn (3rd house) in order to find higher answers (9th house)
When you invest successfully (8th house) you earn more available resources (2nd house).
When you develop your hobbies and individuality (5th house) you find keen people (11th house)
When you heal spiritually (12th house) you find healthier habits (6th house)
There's this misconception that you have to disregard your South Node in order to develop you NN, but the thing is the SN is the starting point that can lead you towards developing your NN. This can happen as a harsh and painful lesson tho if you liger too much on your SN. For example NN in Libra need to learn to compromise in this life, there's a lot of focus on the self and independence, but eventually this placement teaches them that if you really wanna develop yourself in full potential (Aries) eventually you'll need others (Libra). If they linger too much on Aries SN they could experience a harsh lesson that forces them to count on others
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saturnsbabyboii · 10 months
🍓Synastry Astro Observations🍓
(Cause I haven't been active for three months)
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🍓Regardless of the sign a planet is in, it is important to check the aspects it makes to other planets. This is especially the case for synastry charts and readings as aspects create an activation that can enhance, block or overturn the energy of said planets.
🍓People with Sun conjunct Sun aspect are very competitive with one another. This is usually exasperated when one or both have this aspect in a Fire house.
🍓Natives with Mars squaring others Neptune are usually challenging people realities. For the Mars native, the Neptune person is usually a cause of drama or someone that is petty or inauthentic. The Mars person can easily see through the Neptune person facade. However positively, the Neptune person can soothe the Mars native, despite their defensiveness. For the Neptune native on the other hand, this could be a relationship where the Mars person helps them overcome and outgrow harmful cycles, or actualize their dreams. Worst case, the Mars person is very harmful to the Neptune native mental health and psyche. They could be an abuser of sorts.
🍓Mercury trine Mars are people that can help each other process things and brainstorm as they work very well with one another balancing ideas and workload. This is the dream team for any project.
🍓People with their MC in square aspect to your Sun might feel embarrassed to be seen with you in public. Best case they prefer to be more personal and private with you, bringing you into their personal space and away from their outer persona.
🍓Personally, I have found that the predominance of Squares usually only works in context of friendship rather than in romance, sex or family. Although it could create conflict between personalities, when done right, it can signify support, companionship or even someone that'll be instrumental in helping you break out of toxic patterns or elevate into a higher level and field.
🍓MC square MC is an indication of having drama or a falling out publicly.
🍓Lunar Nodes in aspect to your personal planets have a strong effect on you, although it would be temporary. Meanwhile, someone Nodes in your angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) will play a big role in your life. This is would be particularly true if they're in aspect to your Ascendant/Descendant/IC/MC.
🍓Aspects between Venus and Venus create more harmony and attraction than positive aspects between Mars and Venus/ Mars and Mars.
🍓Jupiter conjunct Saturn are two sides of the same coin. They're two people with the same ideals and principles yet they approach and practice them differently.
🍓Even though it is not "official" or as widely done, but I give great importance to the compatibility between the houses in synastry, regardless of the planets present. Since the houses are a reflection of our life map, it can help us better understand our similarities and differences, plus our possible standpoints.
🍓When looking over synastry with a parent, take a good look at the aspects made by their Saturn and Chiron to your personal placements. Chiron in specific can show where/what they unleash or heal their trauma through you.
🍓Mars opposition Saturn is a high indication of a relationship being described as a "Cold War".
🍓Having Chiron and/or Pluto conjunct someone inner planets means you're are here to serve them karma or bring them justice.
🍓Ascendant conjunct Venus creates a very beautiful pairing. Whether it's romantic or platonic, this pair accentuate one another's beauty.
🍓Check the aspects your Neptune makes to the other person. The planets aspected indicate where do you overlook traits, paint a false picture, or what are you in denial about regrading the person. This works in terms of justifying behavior, making up a connection, and possibly lying on or magnifying "bad traits" in others that don't exist. It also goes the other way around.
🍓The placement of someone's Moon in your houses can summarize their emotional state towards you or what they find in common with you on a deeper level. For example:
Someone's Moon in your 1st house can be a person that feels endowed or in awe of your appearance (especially when their Moon is inconjunction with your Ascendant). You may carry yourself in a way that they relate to or deeply desire. This person may also be someone that shares superficial feelings of you or thinks that you're shallow. Possible jealousy.
Someone's Moon in your 2nd house is a sign of codependence, specifically of the Moon native towards you. Since the 2nd house rules resources and self esteem, this person may require a lot from you, and might be a bit too comfortable taking things from you. You yourself may also enable this behavior and don't see a problem with it. In some cases, this could be a person that is emotionally supportive and reinforcing of your own worth. In contrast, this could be someone that creates blockages and hinders your material growth.
Someone's Moon in your 3rd house will be a person that you feel very comfortable talking to. This can be someone you find out that they're from the same hometown as you or have lived/is living in your childhood neighborhood. A potential life long roomie. An indication of a nurturing or "motherly" way of communicating with one another.
Someone's Moon in your 10th is similar to that of the 1st, in that the Moon person would be either in awe or jealous of you. In this house, this is exhibited overtly. This person could be your biggest cheerleader or biggest hater. Something about you succeeding (or even failing) affects them deeply. It's likely that this person won't have your best interest at heart and may use associating with you as a way to gain fame or monetary wealth. In positive cases, this person could be a confidant in professional environments.
🍓People that have more than two planets in your water houses (4th, 8t, 12th) will have a profound effect on you for the rest of this lifetime. These houses are not only related to our deeper selves and private life, but they're also karmic. Our relationship with such people is much more darker and intimate, showing hidden aspects of ourselves that we may not be aware of. Being around them may be draining as those relationships can feel like a blood oath, to say the least. Particularly for the 12th, this person can unravel you in the best (and worst) ways possible. As the house of hidden enemies, this person might be harmful to you in an unforeseen ways. If both of you share planets in these houses then it's an indication of trauma bonding.
🍓A person with their natal Mars in your 8th house can be someone oddly provoking. Its giving "why do I even like you?". These are not the people you usually find attractive yet they have a strange hold on you. They're your forbidden fruit.
🍓Aspects made to the ascendent can explain ones first impression of another. For example, Venus in aspect to the ascendent describes a sense of intrigue and attraction based off of desire (Opposition), envy (Square), resonance (Conjunct), belonging (Trine), or curiosity (Sextile).
Bye Ugly xoxo
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dreamypisces888 · 1 year
Composite Chart Observations! Planets and houses !!!
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The Sun in the 6th house of the composite chart indicates:
Everyday routines, health habits and daily schedules become an expression of your shared self. You coordinate and synchronize these parts of your lives.
There is a strong focus on competence, effectiveness and efficiency within the relationship. Doing things "the right way" and being productive together is highly valued.
Moon in the 9th house: The emotional bond within the relationship is expanded through travel, education and exploring spiritual and philosophical ideas together.
Moon in the 7th house :
Emotional vulnerability and honesty are crucial for maintaining the emotional resonance and balance within the bond.
Minor changes in feelings or moods are easily detected and discussed in order to maintain equilibrium and flow.
Mercury in the 6th house: The couple communicates effectively about shared responsibilities, daily tasks and health matters. There is a nurturing and practical tone to your interactions.
Mercury 1 st house :
• Communication and intellectual connection are very important parts of how this relationship presents itself to the world. The way you talk to and think about each other shapes your combined public persona.
• As a couple, you are likely seen as lively, conversational, curious and eager to share ideas. Mental stimulation and discussion are a big part of your joint self-expression.
• How this couple communicate and exchange information becomes an expression of your shared identity. The words you use and topics you discuss together reflect who you are together as a u
Venus in the 1st house: The couple enjoy being seen together and sharing pleasant experiences in the outer world. Your mutual attraction elevates your individual self-expression.
Mars in the 2nd house: The couple enjoy exploring each others' desires and preferences through gift-giving and other expressions of value. There is a sense of drive and ambition around mutual material needs.
Jupiter in the 5th house: The relationship is a source of joy, creativity, pleasure and optimism. You encourage each other's self-expression and indulge in hobbies together.
Saturn and Uranus both in the 12th house: Commitments and independence within the relationship occur on a deep unconscious level. There is a spiritual dimension to your bond that values solitude as well as togetherness.
Neptune in the 1st house: There is an idealistic and spiritual quality to the public image and self-identity created by this couple. You inspire and elevate each other.
Pluto in the 11th house: The relationship transforms your social circle and ideals. You uplift and empower each other in the wider world through shared friends, groups and aspirations.
Node in the 3rd house: This relationship serves to expand your intellectual horizons and stimulate communication and learning together.
Lilith in the 8th house: the bond reveals and elicits each other's depths, vulnerabilities and hidden passions. There is a transformative intimacy between you.
Chiron in the 6th house: This couple have the potential to heal each other's wounds surrounding health, work, and cares through loving support and nurturance in your daily lives together.
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Planets in the 11th house
The Eleventh House, often called the House of Friends, highlights the strength we find in connections. It's about the power of groups, clubs, and organizations that shape our lives. Within these circles, we discover our potential and grow into our true selves. This house also resonates with our dreams and hopes. It encourages us to envision and work towards our best selves. In the Eleventh House, Aquarius, Saturn, and Uranus reign.
The Sun: in the 11th house fuels a drive for elevating group goals, often leading you to influential friendships and a leadership role within communities. Your open-minded and responsible approach aims for positive change, driven by a desire to empower and uplift. Embrace your social influence, using it to make a meaningful impact on the world around you.
The Moon: in the 11th house often brings female friendships and a sense of security through group belonging. Your nurturing instincts find expression in humanitarian pursuits, valuing collective well-being over personal gain. Working for the group's benefit is fulfilling, driven by your empathy and responsiveness to others. Within your career, friendships play a crucial role, shaping opportunities and enduring beyond tasks. Prioritize a sense of belonging to nurture your emotional well-being, guarding against detachment from your feelings.
Mercury: in the 11th House bestows an ingenious, adaptable, and intellectual mind. Achievement revolves around mental prowess. Friendships, especially with younger individuals or diverse perspectives, energize you. You thrive as a communicator within groups, perhaps as a spokesperson or secretary. Your innovative problem-solving talents shine, but seeking intellectual nourishment from your community remains vital for your growth.
Venus: in the 11th House, your friendly and tactful nature attracts a circle of helpful friends. While your nurturing spirit enhances connections, ensure self-care isn't compromised. You radiate grace in group settings, enjoying diverse activities and fostering ease. Your allure for the unique draws you to like-minded souls, creating a harmonious social presence.
Mars: in the 11th House ignites strong desires and leadership qualities, magnetizing energetic and enterprising friendships. Use caution in choosing the right companions, as you may give too much or inadvertently exploit. Active engagement in group pursuits suits you, inclining towards leadership roles. Your loyal and dynamic nature often makes you the go-to friend, embodying the role of the supportive leader within your circle.
Jupiter: in the 11th House, you thrive through social networks and group dynamics, finding success in business and leadership roles. Your charisma and global outlook make you a natural influencer. While your altruistic drive is commendable, keep aspirations within reach, allowing your positive impact to flourish among friends and the community.
Saturn: in the 11th House brings enduring acquaintances and a sense of duty to purposeful groups. You're drawn to serious connections and work diligently for collective goals, often with limited personal recognition. Patience and hard work lead to later rewards. While feeling distinct might bring challenges, value your unique essence without isolating yourself. Prioritize quality over quantity, nurturing close bonds while overcoming the fear of exclusion.
Uranus: in the 11th House signifies intuitive originality and a strong creative streak, driven by humanitarian ideals. Unconventional friendships with like-minded individuals are common, though you may seem aloof at times. Your rebellious spirit and reformative tendencies stand out, advocating constructive change. Embrace your unique essence, attracting those who resonate with your radical perspectives. Your path is meant to diverge from the ordinary, inspiring transformation.
Neptune: in the 11th House can blur boundaries between self and group, seeking acceptance and compassion within collective ideals. While enjoying group immersion, remember the distinct energy it holds. Your dual nature lets you perceive hidden dynamics, even amid the allure of unity. Empathy guides you, understanding the fine balance between individuality and collective purpose. Cultivate healthy boundaries to avoid being exploited while staying true to your compassionate connections.
Pluto: in the 11th House grants keen awareness of power dynamics within groups, triggering a cautious approach. Sensing motivations and avoiding exploitation becomes second nature. While this can be draining, it shapes a close-knit circle of trusted friends. You may shy away from institutions or new acquaintances due to trust issues. Reconnect with your heart, embrace your uniqueness, and nurture genuine connections that rekindle your spirit.
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seafoamreadings · 14 days
week of september 8th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: a little bit of gentle mars energy helps you do what needs to be done without overexerting yourself too much. indeed, maybe some helpful person (or spirit?) just handles matters for you and lets you rest, if that's what you need. or they clear things up enough for you that you can vigorously pursue the things *you* want to do.
taurus: truly it's not a bad week to be a taurean. some welcome support arises from people and things that you enjoy - especially if there is some budding romance. and by the end of the week the airy trine of benefics is lucky for you and may provide some good resources and an elevation of your routine.
gemini: although you may face some sort of challenge to your ego this week, try to handle it with grace. give the benefit of the doubt wherever it is possible. when it is not possible, do your best to let it go. a benefic trine between venus and jupiter, in your sign, can repay you plus interest for your endless patience and understanding this week. but it doesn't work quite as well if you blow up.
cancerians: ideally this week has you doing two things: making a stable, pleasant home base for yourself where your subconscious can really feel and be safe and happy, and secondly being out in your community engaging with local (LOCAL!) plants, animals, and people. bonus points if you are helping out somehow. more introverted cancerians may prefer to pick up some trash or care for some plants rather than the more extroverted activities that are also auspicious now like volunteering at a shelter or with children or the elderly.
leo: this may be a somewhat trying time for your sign but it shouldn't be *horribly* grueling, and it should be quite temporary. by next week you'll be in the flow a little more comfortably. for now just keep your finances in order and your ducks overall in a row to the best of your ability. treats are all well and good but overindulging is not doing you favors at this time.
virgo: mercury moves into your sign, sextiles mars, and then trines ceres (your modern/co-ruling planet.) it's an excellent week for getting things done and going after unmet needs, and even potentially beginning or rekindling a pleasant and nurturing romance.
libra: venus trine jupiter later this week is a huge lucky trine for you if you are hoping to bring in money, love, academic success, or any kind of helpful people. accept gifts and compliments with grace and poise but don't neglect to be grateful, even delighted.
scorpio: this may not appeal to all scorpionic people, but it's a fantastic time to do magic. if that's not your thing, do some psychology on yourself. a little shadow work, a little deep analysis (especially with the help of a qualified professional!), a little bit of changing your scenery to change the whole vibe.
sagittarius: toughing out some tedious or otherwise agitating tasks or circumstances at the beginning of the week will be worth it. that's because by the end of the week a trine of the two benefic planets benefits you hugely - especially in relationships and friendships.
capricorn: mercurial themes benefit you tremendously all week. think like a virgo, if you can. spreadsheets, detail-orientation, impeccable cleanliness, and so on. these things are good for your health and good for your money!
aquarius: much like your sign's fixed cousin scorpio, this is a week to be doing magic or at least spicy psychology. and for you in particular, the ceremonial, drawn out kind is likely to serve you better for now than folksy or chaotic versions. the end of the week has a lovely air-sign trine which may bring many such works to fruition.
pisces: have any talks with your partner or friends that you've been putting off sometime in the next couple of weeks. and nurture your friendships and support system carefully especially this week! it's always important to have a good social support system to fall back on in hard times. and you may have the opportunity to be that for others as well.
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yesterdays-xkcd · 6 days
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Interestingly, on a true vertical log plot, I think the Eiffel Tower's sides would really be straight lines.
Height [Explained]
Caption: Top of observable universe.
[Black Hat is standing on top, throwing a black kitty down.] Black Cat: Mrowl!
[Map of the universe from observable universe to Earth. Each area of item is labeled. Labels left to right, up to down:]
(46 billion light years up) Hubble Deep Field Objects One billion light years: Great Attractor. Antennae Galaxies (colliding). Andromeda.
Holy crap lots of space.
One million light years: Magellanic Clouds. Edge of galaxy. Galactic center. Crab Nebula. Orion Nebula. Horsehead Nebula. Romulan neutral zone. The Pleiades, duh!. Rigel. Betelgeuse. Ford Prefect.
[Three arrows are pointing up above three lines labelled “expanding shell of radio transmissions”.] Edge of federation sector 0-0-1.
Pollux. Arcturus. Missing WMDs. Sirius. Barnard's Star. Alpha Centauri.
One parsec:
One light year: Oort Cloud (?). Bupkis. Comet which will destroy Earth in late 2063. Pioneer 10. Voyager I. Eris (All hail Discordia!). Pluto. (Not a planet. Neener neener.) Neptune. Uranus. Saturn. [Two arrows labelled “life” point to two moons, one next to Saturn and the other Jupiter.] Jupiter. Asteroids. Mars. Venus. Sun. Mercury. Spaceship Planet Express: Hey, a heaping bowl of salt! Spaceship Discovery One: Open the fridge door, Hal. Moon. Human altitude record (Apollo 13). 2nd place: Snoop Dogg. Space elevator - One of these days, promise! Geosynchronous Orbit. GPS satellites. Lunar lander: In retrospect, they shouldn't have sent a poet. I have no idea how to land. International Space Station. Space junk.
Official edge of space (100 km): Meteors.
1/10 ATM: High altitude balloons. Airliners. Shuttle Columbia lost.
1/2 ATM: Cory Doctrow [In an hot air balloon]. Everest. Helicopters (6000 m). Cueball: Woo Python!
[A vertical scale is drawn along the right side of the picture, starting at 1 km and getting progressively smaller and smaller.]
1 km. 800 m: Burj Dubai (~800 m). 500. 400. Eiffel Tower (325 m). 200. Kites. Great Pyramid (140 m). Pop fly. Redwood (115 m).
100m. Oak (20 m). A person in the oak: Hey squirrels! Tallest stilts. Brachiosaur (13 m). Giraffe (8 m).
[Megan and Cueball holding the kite are labeled:] Folks.
Title: The observable universe, from top to bottom: on a log scale.
Caption: Sizes are not to scale, but heights above the Earth's surface are accurate on a log scale. (That is, each step up is double the height.)
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations♟
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Please do not repost any of my work on other social media platforms 🤍
Edit: please note that I’m attempting to be very neutral and I have not stated my personal opinions on her. However, Nicki Minaj is the PERFECT example of the effects of having a Scorpio Midheaven! People are obsessed with her. For better or for worse. The ‘Barbz’ have literally stabbed people, and beat up someone’s mother over her. Whilst, many musicians, and people in general cannot stand her, because they feel like she’s a bully. She is someone who is extremely polarizing. People become unhinged trying to defend her , whilst others enjoy the fact that there are large groups of people who strongly dislike her. This is the result of having a Scorpio Midheaven in a nutshell.
Whilst having Venus conjunct the Ascendant is often associated with “good looks” I actually think that it really helps with your reputation, and how people perceive you. I will use celebrity examples! Selena Gomez has an Aries Moon (this isn’t shade to Aries moons) and her mercury makes very difficult aspects (squares Pluto/ opposes Saturn) Thus, one would assume she’d be controversial or well known for her temper/outbursts & tendency to attract conflict. But the opposite is actually true, anyone who is perceived to be “shading” her immediately gets attacked, as most people think she’s very kind and genuine. Whilst she has admitted that her relationship with Justin was mutually toxic, most people just can’t seem to see her as the aggressor. Her Venus makes a conjunction to her Ascendant. Beyoncé, Rihanna, Anna Nicole Smith,Angelina Jolie are more celebrities with this placement. What I’m essentially trying to say is, people tend to give you more grace when your Venus makes a conjunction to your natal Ascendant.
It’s common to see people who have the ruler of their 5th house placed in the 10th monetize a creative hobby. Their career often involves making use of one of their creative/artistic skills. Working in the entertainment industries is very common with this placement. Working with children in some way, is also a possibility.
Libra on the 9th house cusp can suggest you studied law, political science, or anything that involves diplomacy at college. Alternatively, you could have trained to become an esthetician or a cosmetologist.
Chiron, Pluto, Mars & Saturn in the 11th house culture is rarely feeling as if your ‘friends’ have your best interests at heart. Having any of these planets in the 11th house can be extremely isolating! It can cause you to feel alone, or perhaps as if you struggle to find a group of people that you resonate with (on a friendship level).
A solar return year in which you have many 8th house placements, will be a year in which you experience many “life changing” moments. Most people fear having planets in the 8th house in their solar return, so they opt to travel to a different location on their birthday. However, I feel like this isn’t necessary! Change and transformation doesn’t always have to be viewed as bad! Sometimes we need change to elevate us in life.
A while ago, an Astrologer on YouTube stated that whenever she sees a Gemini rising, or Gemini placements in a composite chart, she automatically thinks there is cheating involved. I don’t know how I feel about this sentiment. She explained that because of the Dual nature of of the Sign Gemini; it more often than not represents a third party, or external influences that are influencing the relationship. I see where she’s coming from, but I don’t necessarily think it’s wise to always interpret it like that. I personally believe the aspects that are being made in the composite chart will tell you a lot more about what it’s likely to occur in the relationship. If there are tons of squares to Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn & the chart ruler, I’m more inclined to believe that there is the potential for deception.
People with Juno in the 12th or a Pisces Descendent, often have a subconscious “savior complex”. They are usually highly compassionate, and might find that they have a tendency to attract people who have been wounded by life or those who lack boundaries.
A solar return year, in which you have planets in the 2nd,8th, & 11th houses, also known as the “money houses” can suggest that you will earn or receive a large amount of money that year. Alternatively, you may experience a significant change in your financial situation. You want to look at the aspects of course! (Trines & sextiles are more likely to manifest positively, whereas the conjunction can go either way).
When transit Uranus makes a square to your Natal Ascendant or Midheaven, those around you may view your newfound behavior as being strange or erratic. You are likely to go through many unpredictable changes during this transit consequently, you will start to experience changes in your personality, which will impact your relationships. You may find that you no longer resonate with the people around you, and abruptly decide to move, or make a change in your friendship circle. This is a very unpredictable time in your life, and your behavior will reflect this.
Trigger Warning: Eating Disorders (please don’t continue reading if topics like this make you uncomfortable. My intention is never to harm anyone or make anyone feel uncomfortable 🤍)
I’ve noticed that any kind of Saturnian influence over the 1st, 2nd & 6th house can bring about poor body image or restrictive tendencies when it comes to food. For example, having Saturn in the 1st, 2nd or 6th house! Or perhaps Saturn is negatively aspecting planets in those houses. Capricorn over these houses can also bring about a food complex. Obviously not everyone with Saturn in these houses will have a restrictive eating disorder, it’s just an observation so please don’t make it apply if it doesn’t 🤍
On the other hand, a Jupiterian influence on the 1st. 2nd, and 6th house can manifest as binge eating or turning to food as a coping mechanism. This can be having Jupiter in the 1st, 2nd, or 6th house. Alternatively, this dynamic can also occur when Sagittarius is over one of those houses.
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periwinkle8ball · 1 month
Elements and Space Objects
The elements are an elevation of gender with and added layer of properties. The Primary, or Active Qualities, are Hot and Cold, which are identical to Masculine and Feminine traits. The Secondary, or Passive Qualities, are Dry and Wet, which give form and create the Elements.
Primary / Active Qualities: Hot v. Cold - temperature, demenor, energy.
The Hot quality is identical to Masculine energy.
Extroverted, expressive, self-expressive, fast-moving, light, bright, expansive, hot, visible, direct, conscious, vocal, dynamic, manipulative, extensional, and outward.
The Cold quality is identical to Feminine energy.
Introverted, subdued, self-repressive, slow-moving, weighty, dark, contracting, cold, invisible, indirect, unconscious, quiet, stagnant, sustaining, absorbent, and internal.
Secondary / Passive Qualities: Dry v. Wet - malleability, structure, texture.
The Dry passive quality is solid, resistant, strong, immovable, rigid, and breakable. There is a maintenance of form.
The Wet passive quality is fluid, receptive, soft, yielding, smoothing, and moldable. There is cohesion and adaptability.
Each element has a combination of the two different qualities giving it a unique demenor or Temperament. When I started studying the Elements and Temperaments have shown themselves to be interchangeable, so I usually address them that way. As you look at the traits of each element, you will also see the corresponding planets and signs associated with them. Take your time to think on their inherent nature in relation to these corresponding traits.
Fire / Choleric Temperament - Hot and Dry, Fire is self-expressive, bright, strong, and resistant.
Determined, driven, strength, dominating, assertive, willful, energized, quick, impulsive, impatient, temperamental, passionate, optimistic, inspired, self-motivated, high-achieving, result-oriented, prideful, courageous, destructive, creative, straightforward, demonstrative, concerned with personal identity, independent, impersonal, freedom.
Mars, the Sun, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius share these traits.
Air / Sanguine Temperament - Hot and Wet, Air is dynamic, light, fluid, and receptive.
Multifaceted, communicative, sociable, talkative, warm, enthusiastic, restless, youthful, charming, laidback, unfocused, scattered, anxieties, detached, opportunistic, intellectual, cerebral, visual, verbal, quick(witted), objective, studious, curious, abstract, rational, perceptive, perspective, relational.
Jupiter, Venus, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius share these traits.
Water / Phlegmatic Temperament - Cold and Wet, Water is slow-moving, dark, yielding, and moldable.
Flexible, uniting, impressionable, reflective, observant, contemplative, intuitive, sensitive, empathetic, emotional, compassionate, refreshing, relaxed, easygoing, gentle, calm, steadfast, persistent, controlled, self-contained, yielding, deep, shy, private, secretive, deceptive, compulsive due to unconscious feeling.
The Moon, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces share these traits.
Earth / Melancholic Temperament - Cold and Dry, Earth is weighty, absorbent, strong, and rigid.
Grounded, secure, stagnant, regimented, enduring, patient, unyielding, ambitious, imposing, disciplined, dependable, practical, pragmatic, hard-working, materialistic, resourceful, detail-oriented, perfectionistic, tidy, sensory, analytical, premeditative, thoughtful, conventional, matter-of-fact, pessimistic, quiet, reserved, self-concerned.
Saturn, Mercury, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn share these traits.
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celestialtarot11 · 8 months
Why mercurial signs are the gateway so consciousness! ☁️✨
Hi friends! 🤗✨ We’ll be looking closer at Virgo & Gemini to see how they play a huge role in astrology & reaching higher consciousness. Although any sign can of course reach higher consciousness, having strong mercury aspects, mercury placement, or virgo/gemini can help with this. Lots of spiritual readers have virgo/gemini placements but not limited to 🤍
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Understanding Virgo ♍️- Virgo and Gemini both have different ways of channeling higher consciousness, even though both share the same goal. Virgo is in tune with the body, the senses, nature, and physical aspects. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of visions, communication, telepathy, and knowledge, Mercury does not necessarily mean physical communication between two people. But also communication with spirit guides, deities, higher beings or spirits. Virgos are constantly in tune with the spirit realm and energies of others. Virgos receive higher knowledge through their body, because Mercury sits in the body physically, which elevates Virgos health. Their senses have a way of communicating with them, strong gut feelings. Without the ability to communicate with their senses, their emotions and awareness of their body, Virgo feels greatly disconnected and may even get sick. Lots of Virgo’s I’ve seen got sick very easily (this does not replace health advice just something I’ve noticed as I studied!) And when they did feel better internally and externally, was when they practiced listening to themselves, their intuition. They don’t necessarily need to become spiritual, but just to listen to themselves is enough to boost their life force.
Understanding Gemini ♊️- Gemini in esoteric astrology is ruled by Venus. The rulership being Venus here, Gemini’s process to higher consciousness involves unity, community, and oneness. Gemini’s process is to understand the oneness in the Universe, the Cosmos, and in mass consciousness as a society. Gemini sees past the wounds and bounds of unhealthy love, to form a healthier relationship with spirituality and oneself. Gemini also has the ability to channel divine truth and wisdom, as in traditional astrology Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Gemini’s process is all about embracing duality itself, which creates unity. Usually Gemini is depicted with two faces. Embracing their inner light and darkness, like yin and yang is how Gemini’s tap into love. Through Gemini’s mind they have the ability to see opportunities, prosperity, and love in all. Also in Gemini’s process, they understand and accept the ego, whilst creating space for their growing and learning self. Gemini can move forward by facing their shadows, and making room for the side of them that is learning. Releasing codependency, attachment and mental prisons can help Gemini in healing 🤍
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Thank ya’ll for reading! 💗 It definitely taught me a lot on Virgos and Geminis ☁️🤍 Let me know your feedback always! Likes comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Paid readings ☁️💗
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
personal planets version
domicile: the planet is in it's home sign (comfortable)
exaltation: the planet is elevated (comfortable)
detriment: the planet is opposite to the home sign (uncomfortable)
fall: the planet is opposite to the exalted sign (uncomfortable)
when a planet is in domicile or exaltation it means the planet is comfortable in the sign it is in. this results in:
the placement becoming powerful (strong)
the placement being "too much" (overabundance of the planet's energy)
when a planet is in detriment or fall it means the planet is uncomfortable in the sign it is in. this results in:
the placement becoming weak and poorly expressed
the placement becoming "embarrassed" with how to behave or express itself (leads to coping)
domicile in leo, exalted in aries
♡ why it's powerful: confident and focused on the self as the sun wants to be.
♡ why it's too much: self-absorbed and places themselves at the centre of attention and situations (without the consideration of others).
detriment in aquarius, fall in libra
♡ why it's weak - aquarius: focused on society, ideals and groups (other people) and not the self and only knows who they are in relation to (their knowledge on) these things (which is other people). feels left out - alienated or isolated, black sheep.
♡ why it's weak - libra: insecure and focused on other people and seeks approval from others to validate identity. self-unaware and only knows who they are in relation to other people (who they're around or who they idealise).
domicile in cancer, exalted in taurus
♡ why it's powerful: secure, unfiltered emotional expression. easily defined emotions which can be translated effectively - "predictable" and expected emotions. treats (takes care of and spoils) themselves easily. naturally trusting.
♡ why it's too much: overindulgent in order to seek comfort, doesn't easily understand different emotional expressions, ruled by their emotional life (moody to the outside world). naive and too easily emotionally attached.
detriment in capricorn, fall in scorpio
♡ why it's weak: hard relationship with the mother, insecure and restricted emotional expression. secretive and suspicious. afraid of allowing themselves to seek out comfort. doesn't form close connections easily.
domicile in gemini (extroverted expression) and virgo (introverted expression), exalted in aquarius
♡ why it's powerful: quick thinkers and active communicators. • gemini: easily communicates with all people • virgo: highly effective planners and clever strategists • aquarius: lightning bolt epiphanies, understands different forms of information easily.
♡ why it's too much - gemini (extroverted expression): talks too much and too quickly (misses words, tells stories in the wrong order, lies etc.). says the wrong thing, can't be silent (offends and overshares).
♡ why it's too much - virgo (introverted expression): too practical (overly focused on plans and details), nagging, particular, pedantic.
♡ why it's too much - aquarius: easily defined by their knowledge - god complex.
detriment in sagittarius and pisces, fall in leo
♡ why it's weak - sagittarius: meaning over facts (and turns personal experiences into facts), unable to explain themselves effectively and tells stories in a confusing way.
♡ why it's weak - pisces: says one thing but means another, naive communicators (can be easily lied to), logic easily swayed by emotions.
♡ why it's weak - leo: one-way communicators, doesn't understand what others are saying easily, dramatic and ineffective storytelling.
domicile in libra (extroverted expression) and taurus (introverted expression), exalted in pisces.
♡ why it's powerful - libra (extroverted expression): connects easily with others, easily understands others' needs and wants, sharing and fair to others.
♡ why it's powerful - taurus (introverted expression): understands security and earthly matters, understanding of and appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, naturally sensual.
♡ why it's powerful - pisces: easily able to connect and empathise with others, flexible and adaptable to the lives of others, sharing and giving.
♡ why it's too much: lacks independence (needs possessions or other people) • libra: people pleasers, overly focused on romance • taurus: hedonistic and hoarding (possessive) • pisces: easily loses themselves in others.
detriment in aries and scorpio, fall in virgo
♡ why it's weak: self-concerned, can't easily open up to others and share. • aries: too selfish for give and take with others • scorpio: love has conditions (can't naturally give of themselves) • virgo: too critical of other people, perfectionistic and unaccepting.
domicile in aries and scorpio, exalted in capricorn
♡ why it's powerful: go after what they want straightforwardly, stands up for themselves, good energy and not lethargic about their goals.
♡ why it's too much: selfish and goes after what they want at the expense of others. • aries: blunt and inconsiderate (their rights over your rights) • scorpio: easily jealous of others and revenge-seeking (wants to tear others down, their rights over your rights) • capricorn: ruthless. can be extremely malicious and cruel, doesn't care who they hurt to achieve their goals even more so than aries and scorpio.
detriment in libra and taurus, fall in cancer
♡ why it's weak: procrastinating, lazy and can't stand up for themselves (sometimes needs others to stand up for them or needs others to help them do things - doesn't want to do things alone) • libra: stands up for others and causes but not themselves, feels the need to manipulate others to get their way, passive • taurus: inappropriate anger (anger simmers for long periods - is patient until they explode, creates unclear boundaries with others), passive about going after what they want • cancer: can't stand up for themselves and throws tantrums instead, argues too emotionally.
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 months
my very VERY impromptu Trump-Kamala thoughts
I wanted to have a proper look at both of their charts and analyze them with respect to the elections and so I thought I'll share with you guys some notes that I'm making in my head.
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So if you're not familliar with Trump's chart, he was (kinda famously among astrologers) born on a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - his a Gemini Sun is conjunct Uranus and north node (which helps his leadership qualities) and Sagi Moon conjunct the north node (which brings misfortune to women around him… in one way or another). He also has Mars on his Leo ascendant, which just makes his Gemini self be even more yappy and arrogant know-it-all.
Currently he's in his Saturn profection year and I've talked about it in my previous post but his natal Saturn is in the 12th house of secrets, loss and succlusion. We still don't know what his felony conviction in September will be but what I will say is that Saturn, not only in the 12th but also on exile in Cancer is like double banishment - it's not only themes of being isolated because of the 12th but planets that are in the sign opposite to its domicile often act like rejection of some sorts - and it's either something that rejects you or that you reject yourself, depending on the topic involved.
On the election day, Jupiter will be right on top of his north node and Mars will barely enter his 1st house, giving him more energy and power (mind you that Mars will later retrograde back to his 12th!). Saturn will move away from t-squaring his luminaries but it will still quietly do its malefic job from his 8th house. What's also worth noting is that Uranus will still hover over his MC and square his Mars. So that disruptive energy will linger and Jupiter's influence over his planets might just blow it out of proportion even more.
Interestingly on November 5th we'll have two major transits: Venus opposite Jupiter and Mars opposite Pluto. This is a very strong push and pull and kind of like a battle of the feminine and masculine.
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Kamala on the other hand, was also born during a lunation - she has Libra Sun directly opposite Aries Moon (feisty lady she is indeed!). So she's also a full Moon baby. Not an eclipse one but her nodes are just as prominent with the north node right on her Gemini ascendant - she's here to evolve and to do things for the people. And make silly remarks about coconuts Gemini-style.
There we have it guys, the battle of Geminis!
She's currently in her 12th house profection year, where her natal Jupiter is placed. Funnily, her Jupiter is where Uranus currently transits and where Trump has his MC - the Mars-Uranus conjunction surely affected her in a good way. Because she's a Libra, at the time of the elections she'll already be in her 1st house profection with Jupiter transiting her 1st, elevating her as a person. So both of them have support from the benefic.
The beginning of November will also be a notable Saturn transit for her with it opposing her Uranus, Pluto and Venus. As well as Pluto and Mars making a grand square to her luminaries (and to her ascendant ruler, Mercury!) This is a make or break kind of transit but will it give her enough clout and power to push through with the votes or will it bring her defeat?
What's worth noting with her is that soon she'll start having eclipses in the 4th-10th houses, which can bring changes in her living situation and career - but again, it's hard to really guess if that change means stepping down and leaving the White House or upgrading her status.
One thing that is for sure is that starting next year, the US will go into its Uranus return, which historically brought a lot of upheavals and wars every time so no matter who wins, shit will most probably go down.
My guess is that'll happen under potential Trump presidency - somehow he may be that trigger whether willingly or not or some other shocking stuff happens in the meantime and THAT will be the root of the american shitstorm???
Another interesting point is that on the inauguration day Sun will conjoin with Pluto - so we have the theme of forceful power and leadership or some other unpleasant things yet again. Venus will also just move past Saturn, which makes me think of the defeat of the feminine - OR maybe because Venus is exalted in Pisces this is the feminine stepping into authority and a moment of a metaphorical cease-fire and ease.
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talonabraxas · 7 months
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Full Moon in Virgo
The full moon in Virgo is the last full moon of winter, and of this astrological season. It will rise on February 24 at 7:30 a.m. EST. The astrological new year — and spring — starts when Aries Season begins at 11:06 p.m. EST, on March 19.
The Virgo full moon on the 24th opposes Mercury and Saturn, both currently in Pisces, and harmonizes with Jupiter in Taurus. Since the lumation aspects Mercury, the Planet of Communication, there might be some detrimental misunderstandings in relationships. Saturn’s presence makes it hard for us to express ourselves because it adds an element of emotional limitation, meaning that we won’t want to share our warm and fuzzy feelings but rather keep them to ourselves. Jupiter will exasperate such sentiments, making it more difficult for us to open up to others. Doing so might cause internal pressure because it’s important to release our frustrations instead of repressing and internalizing them.
Asteroids are small celestial bodies that add flavor to larger planets. The full moon gains more flare due to the presence of the asteroids Ceres in Capricorn and Pallas in Sagittarius. Although Ceres is supposed to be a nurturing planet, it is austere in Capricorn. This implies that we need to be in control of our emotional nature and work towards elevating our lives by applying our knowledge to avoid making mistakes we have made before. Learning from the past is key. Pallas represents wisdom, allowing us to use our skills and intellect to tackle different situations. This is an opportunity to heal ourselves, but we may become defensive and want to use this energy to expand our knowledge and understanding.
Expressing our hidden emotions can be challenging, but it can also be beneficial. The fixed star Sadachbia’s connection with the sun in Pisces can help us understand and deal with our feelings, leading to a sense of relief and reduced stress. Although the Virgo moon’s analytical nature may make it challenging to express ourselves, talking and sharing our thoughts can be helpful in the long run. The fixed star is an extremely positive influence that can help us uncover hidden sentiments and secrets, allowing us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and the complexities of our emotions.
Venus and Jupiter connect the day of the full moon. While the alignment of Venus and Jupiter may make it challenging to stay motivated, it’s important to remain optimistic and realistic. Relationship issues may arise, particularly in regards to finances, so it’s crucial to be mindful of these potential roadblocks. Utilizing the earthy energy of the Virgo full moon can help us stay grounded and focused, allowing for more productive thoughts and actions.
During the Virgo full moon, we’ll be reflecting on our thoughts and emotions to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. This is a time for introspection rather than sharing with others. We’ll be considering what we want from our relationships and how we can improve our lives. This lunation encourages us to use our intuition and knowledge to serve ourselves, and self-love is highly important during this time. --Refinery29, Lisa Stardust
Full Moon in Virgo - Talon Abraxas
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13lunarstar · 29 days
Planetary strength and dignity in a natal chart - part 1
In Vedic astrology, several key concepts help determine planets' strength and dignity in a natal chart. These concepts provide insights into how well planets function and deliver their results. This information is essential when analyzing a natal chart, as it helps evaluate the potential of each planet and understand what to expect in the specific areas of life that each planet influences. Western astrology uses the terms "domicile" or "own sign" or "exaltation", when speaking about the strongest positions, and "debilitation" or "detriment" (sometimes also "exile") when referring to the weakest positions. Similarly, the Vedic (Jyotish) tradition utilizes its own terms.
The strongest planetary placement - exaltation or Uccha (sanks.)
Meaning: Exaltation is the highest point of dignity for a planet, where it operates with maximum strength and delivers the best possible results. A planet in exaltation can express its qualities in the most elevated and positive way. Uccha covers a specific degree of a Zodiac sign.
Uccha Significance: Uccha (exaltation) is the most favourable position for a planet in Vedic astrology. When a planet is exalted, its energy is expressed at its highest potential, leading to positive results in the areas of life it influences. Exalted planets bring strength, ease of manifestation, and balanced expression of their natural qualities, often leading to success, growth, and fulfilment. However, it is important to manage the power of exalted planets wisely to avoid excessive or imbalanced expression of their energy.
for Sun Uccha is 10° of Aries
for Moon Uccha is 3° of Taurus
for Mercury Uccha is 15° of Virgo
for Mars Uccha is 28° of Capricorn
for Jupiter Uccha is 5° of Cancer
for Venus Uccha is 27° of Pisces
for Saturn Uccha is 20° of Libra
for Rahu Uccha is 20° of Taurus
Why Rahu is the strongest in Taurus: Taurus, ruled by Venus, is an earth sign associated with material wealth, stability, comfort, sensual pleasures, and practicality. It represents groundedness, persistence, and a desire for security and material success. Rahu is a shadow planet that craves material gains, worldly desires, and sensory pleasures. In Taurus, Rahu finds an environment that aligns well with its desires for material achievements and physical comforts. Rahu's ambitions and worldly pursuits are well-supported by Taurus's stability and capacity to accumulate wealth.
for Ketu Uccha is 20° of Scorpio
Why Ketu is the strongest in Scorpio: Scorpio, ruled by Mars, is a water sign associated with deep emotions, transformation, and the mysteries of life and death. It deals with intense change, regeneration, and exploring the hidden aspects of existence. Ketu is a planet that seeks detachment from the material world and aims for spiritual evolution, often through intense life experiences. Scorpio’s energy of transformation aligns perfectly with Ketu’s purpose of leading an individual through transformative spiritual journeys. Ketu in Scorpio facilitates deep internal change, helping the native transcend material desires and move toward spiritual growth.
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