sensei-venus · 1 year
Also, what color tails do the characters have in your opinion?
- gemini sensei
@gemini-sensei, just my own basic thoughts, wish I had better visual representation of these.
Robby:A shiny gold with a green highlight, his dad has a gold tail and his mom a green one. He has the best of both. Around his waist and along his fins are a pretty bright green and the rest of his tail is green. He only has two fins.
Miguel: Orange base with gold highlights all over, mixed match patches. Only has two fins.
Hawk/Eli:Deep purple with bright shiny blue, his colors fade as they go from bottom go top, blue fins that turn purple as they go up his tail. Has two fins but flowy.
Demetri: Exact same as Hawk but bright green that fades into a pastel green.
Sam: Pastel purple with amber highlights. Around her waist is a neat band of amber from her mom and the rest of her tail is pastel purple from her dads side. Has two sets of fins, one set near her hips and her bottom ones.
Anthony:Solid amber like his mom, one set of fins.
Tory: Gold with black fins. Gold fades to black at her fins. One set of fins.
Moon:Bright pink and blue patch work. She has two sets of fins at the bottom of her tail, very long.
Yasmine: Hot pink with light yellow fins, pink fades into yellow. Two sets of fins like Moon.
Johnny:Pure gold. One set of frilled fins.
Daniel:Solid Deep blue with only speckles of light purple. Two sets of fins like Sam.
Amanda: Solid Amber, one set of fins that are long and flowy.
Mike: Solid bright red, one set of fins.
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journen · 2 months
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Done for Mer May! My first time participating... don't know if I will have any follow up pieces for this AU but I hope you guys like this! 😄
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cookietastic · 1 year
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I come two months late to mermay with an offering to you of Daniel and the Mer-cobras in his care 🧜‍♂️
@phoomwhoosh also just dropped a mercobra fic too you can read here !!!
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wazzappp · 2 months
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More mer au doodles this time with Gabe!!
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guardianofthedawn · 2 months
Mermay!AU: Headcanon
In honour of Mer-May, here is my headcanon of what sort of mer the MK1 cast would be.
(I couldn’t tag all the characters 😞)
Geras: Coelacanth
Liu Kang: Leafy sea dragon
Raiden: Eel/conger
Kung Lao: Manta ray
Johnny Cage: Clownfish
Kenshi Takahashi: Japanese carp (koi)
Sub-Zero: Great White shark in appearance, salmon shark in constitution.
Scorpion: Tiger shark in appearance, salmon shark in constitution.
Smoke: Reef shark
Ashrah: Angelfish
Syzoth/Reptile: Sea snake
Sindel: Butterfly fish
Mileena: Angler fish
Kitana: Flying fish
Li Mei: Lionfish
Tanya: Coral cod
Rain: Blue tang
Reiko: Swordfish
General Shao: Hammerhead shark
Havik: Stonefish
Shang Tsung: Betta fish (Siamese fighting fish)
Quan Chi: Catfish
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hideousvampire · 4 months
the hoes gonna loooove this🥶‼️‼️
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hes a disgusting lionfish 👴
hes also a thief
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skyf0ckz · 2 months
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First piece for MerMay! Based on mermaid art from the 1800s <3
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randyzorra · 6 months
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I'm on vacation and got a coupe stim toys for the holidays (a lil green axolotl and a blue 3d printed slug)
obviously, I named them
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Shallow Water Blackout Ch. 1
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Explicit | Mer!Soap x Marine Biologist!Ghost
Sometimes, Simon wishes he chose a different job. Often, really. It's always cold and wet. He stares way too much at shitty statistical programs in claustrophobia-inducing labs. His supervisor sometimes drives him insane. But, he especially considers a career change when he finds himself stranded by the tide with a mer for company. A hungry mer, staring straight at him.
Or, how Simon Riley discovers one of the many benefits to being a marine biologist.
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Read it here
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h-z145 · 3 months
Spoiler ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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earthbovndmisfit · 2 years
someone mentioned an aquarium au and it's so cute 😭 maybe in such a setting they could have it that merpeople live long lives and just age more slowly so they could also have the other mer! Joestars take up residence at the aquarium once they find out that their great grandpa has found a home and a career there lol
That would be so cute, too!!!
Also, if anything, things can be tweaked a little and, rather than being descendants, the Joestars could all be siblings instead. I've seen some folks playing with that idea for other AUs and it's usually pretty nice to see, too!
Either way, I feel like some of them (Joseph and Josuke, unsurprisingly) would playfully tease Jonathan about his land boyfriend~ Kissy face and all lol
I also think some of the Joestars wouldn't be too much for the "educational jobs" at the aquarium, so they would probably be more into helping feed and take care of some of the other sea creatures living at the aquarium.
That said, Jotaro would be interested in studying some of those sea creatures living there. Jonathan would do so, too, with the difference that Jotaro would probably be more the kind of merguy who works "behind the scenes" and away from interacting with any and every visitor at the aquarium, while Jonathan would be all for the role as a guide, teaching everyone who is interested about anything and everything in regards to sea life. He's also really good at it, so chances are most if not all visitors will learn something new that day about sea life.
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Atlanteans keep summoning Phantom. They don't mean to, but now he has a very different look.
Apparently the summoning ritual for the High Prince of the Infinite Realms was leaked (he's pretty sure it was Johnny and Kitty), and teenage Atlanteans are like any other teenager; absolutely willing to peer pressure their friends into doing stupid creepy shit.
He keeps appearing underwater, and it's super uncomfortable to take that moment to remind himself to stop breathing so he doesn't accidentally inhale a lungful of water.
Easy solution; he's already got two forms, and one of them is pretty malleable. As a ghost, it's not like he needs to use his legs anyways.
So he changes it.
It's got glittering white scales, glowing green freckles, claws, and a betta-fish-like tail with glowing neon ridges. He calls it his mer-sona, and makes sure to call it that before Tucker can beat him to it.
Now whenever he gets summoned, he just sticks to that form.
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merartwork · 2 years
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Sprig Organically wild FONT
So Ill start with the font type I designed its named Sprigs its organically wild. Nature is a big inspiration for me and one of my favorite things to do is to go out and look at the details that it offers. Certain twigs and sprigs you can bend if they are flexible enough into baskets, bowls and in my case letterforms. This font is a decorative font and I applied it to one of my favorite movies Adaptation...its quiet a ride I suggest watching it.
So I had a blast creating this mock up two page magazine ad for this red wine. The name of the wine is unruly and one of my favorite actors is Johnny Depp I think Mr. Depp's professional and personal life reflect the taste of a full flavored savory red wine such as unruly.
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thisisnotthenerd · 6 months
and now the best battles of the intrepid heroes go head to head
feel free to give reasoning/propaganda as you like!
the sidequest poll
quick episode descriptions:
arcade ambush: fighting biz in the arcade. the failed perception checks. getting sucked in and out of the games. riz in the palimpsest. beating a nat 20 in the box of doom. shooting off biz's fingers on the count of three.
broadway brawl: the show must go on. misty having the performance of a lifetime. queen titania. i may be little but i am fierce. esther in the rafters. don confetti. ricky, naked, bodyrolling on misty. stephen sondheim riding a bear. subduing titania with a waist trainer.
blast from the passed: after the trial for gorthalax. completely indecipherable battle. bill seacaster kills gilear. johnny spells can't get a word in edgewise. statistically i have just a good a chance at rolling good as any of you. toxic masculinity is dead, i dance now! riz is blasted off the ship into the iron city of dis.
boys' night (Roll20Con): just the lads, going to a party, where they are supremely uncool. extorting gilear for alcohol [uncle pappy's dag nasty rocket hooch] emergency poem for ragh and corey. stealth mode down the highway. chungledown bim is back. fabian falling under the car with the liquor. warping space time and going to the lan party.
deep bleu sea: peppermint batman is invisible in the darkness. primsy is attacked. jet sends stilton to the bottom of the ocean. shenanigan time. the boats sinking and shifting. cumulous appears. throwing the cheese marauders to induce a dexterity check. can i use swirlwarden to get back into the boat. annabelle in the yogurt
treachery at gramercy: fighting around the umbral engine. ricky's bat counterspell. pete surges twice. cody is a mounted combatant who read dante's inferno. tony simos is a crazy level 20 open hand monk. pete has subtle spell. ricky says tony get fucked and does 90 damage. kingston's spirits of the city. sofia stunning everyone. cody meets lucifer and makes a new contract. sofia pulls dale out of the past and into the present.
battle of the brands: the gang buys truly so much stuff. you are required to do a certain amount of drugs. barry is the angel of mercy. the sisters of the cosmic veil having a bikini party. taking kublacaine. we are the ball. barry taking brutus to the finals on a nat 20. nat 20 death save from aurora nebbins. margaret speaks to the plinth and then is down to 1 hit point. skip crits on the plinth. free teleportation shenanigans are not allowed. gunnie casts explosion. barry rapid shots the plinth and does product placement. operation slippery puppet. am i getting ocean's'd 11'd on my own fucking show? what the fuck is happening? a real son of a bitch is no more. sundry sidney has saved the dog!
terror on toy island: a soft little touch. mer-king's insect plague. no daddy. pib getting the little guys. i'm so fucking scared! the water surges around the mer-king. the terrible dogfish is here. daddy-meter is spinning. pinocchio crits to figure it out. pinocchio screaming to wake the dead. it has asthma! and another thing, with the eyes! you were about to instantly die. gerard is wearing full chain mail in the ocean.. rosamund & ylfa are swallowed. the sea witch shows up. murph causes a nat 20. call of destiny. rosamund gets the eye with a seven. i'm a lion in the water. pib's acrobatic crit. one v. one.
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codisgay · 5 months
Mermen in Love
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Mer!Poly with Male!Reader, Soap, and Ghost.
Probably some Orca inaccuracies.
Ftm!Johnny, so M!Preg warning ig.
It had been a big surprise when suddenly Johnny started to get... well, fat.
Obviously neither {Name} or Simon said anything about it, assuming it was just because there happened to be abundance of fish and penguins recently.
All stayed normal until Johnny suddenly awoke from his unihemispheric state, normally he slept a long eight hours but this time he was in a panic.
The entire pod went to calm the unruly orca down, Simon and {Name} having to physically restrain their mate until he calmed.
"What the 'ell was that about?" Simon questioned, rubbing Johnny’s puffy cheeks in his palms.
"There's something inside me!" He wailed, letting out a noise as he was slapped by the calf growing in his womb.
Simon and {Name} exchanged a look as Johnny wailed between them, the entire pod stopping before {Name} shooed them off to continue on their hunt while he and Simon dealed with this.
"Love... are you sure? We were careful, we always are." {Name} asked gently, not wanting to further aggravate his mate. "It could just be a stomach ache...?"
"You think I wouldn't know if I was just getting an ache?!" He snapped, whipping around to shove an accusing finger in {Name}'s face. "Answer me dammit!" Johnny yelled, shaking poor {Name} by his shoulders.
"That's not- Stop that!" Simon interjected, forcing himself between his mates. "Both of you need to calm down." He frowned, glaring at them from beneath the human skull that sat on his face.
"Now, Johnny. {Name}'s question was valid, if not a bit rude." He huffed, giving him the side eye before turning back to Johnny. "We have been safe for years, so what did we do differently this year?"
All three paused, thinking over the last season. Which had to of been at least six months ago, until {Name} and Johnny shared an embarrassed look, neither would look back at Simon.
"What? Did you two do something?" He folded his torso so he was casting and even bigger shadow over the two as he awaited an answer.
"Well," {Name} started, "me 'n Johnny might have... gone a bit longer after you went out to talk to Price." He mumbled, finally working up the courage to look his seething mate in the eyes.
"A bit longer? You both know we do this a very specific way that way Johnny doesn't have any calves, we all agreed to wait until we were ready." Simon looked almost... disappointed in the two. Shaking his head as he grumbled something to himself, his face did fall though. Looking more worried than stern.
"Look... it's too late to go back, I'm not mad. A little disappointed that you waited until he was pregnant to tell me. But I'm obviously still going to be here." He sighed, pulling the younger orcas closer to him. Gently rubbing the back of their necks to soothe the obviously bubbling anxiety.
Joseph chirped happily, floating idly while messing with a crab on the shore until he heard the familiar bellows of his fathers return.
"Daddy!" He screeched, tackling Johnny in a hug who eagerly returned it as {Name} and Simon finished bringing over the leftovers of the polar bear carcass.
"What?! No hug for us? We're the ones who bring you food!" {Name} and Simon both exclaimed in unison, quite pouty for two full grown orcas.
Joseph, the little bugger, only giggled and started to devour as much of the carcass as his tummy could fit.
It's weird, normally I hate the idea of having children but this idea wouldn't leave me alone.
OH YEAH! Hey, hey, did you get the reference? Joseph? Yeah! Obviously no explanation needed since Ghost's backstory is pretty much the same, just shifted around. So their Joseph is names after his dead nephew for those who didn't know. :)
It came out a lot better than I hoped, also thank you to everyone who got my last posts to over 300 notes!! That's flipping(hehe) crazy!
Also I forget a lot of tags so those who repost with more tags, I thank you 🙏
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skyf0ckz · 1 month
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Ponyboy finding an injured Johnny...
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