#mentions of odin
autisticwriterblog · 3 months
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The Old Gods giving the player directions during We Sing.
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worstloki · 6 months
Another thing that makes Loki’s upset reasonable is that by Thor 1 Odin was already dying, and within the decade would die (as is mentioned, and as we see in the following Thor movies). If Odin ever planned on telling Loki about his origin why would he leave it till the literal end of his life. acting like he planned to tell Loki still makes it sound like he was waiting for his deathbed to do it. at best.
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bloomingkyras · 5 months
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Group Date R2 (Part 2)
@bakersimmer , @theosconfessions , @moonfromearth , @simsinfinitylt
another shenanigans happen..All of this give me headaches and had to make a U turn not continue what I plan for them.. alright, let me explain what happen...
Adriadne caught Gemma with Felix which she supposed not to come down from her room cause its their solo date after all. but yeah it's happen..
Gemma caught Adriadne with Aria and also, there was Max involved. at 1st, I was like oh ok,they want to have sometimes together, so I just ok, go on..and I got notif that Max join them after that 🤦🏻. ( I don't want to post that "Spicy" post here cause they totally naked.)
Adriadne tried to apologize but Gemma can't accept. Odin was there saw what happen.
He also had being caught trying to "seduced" Felix but Felix refuse cause he is straight. I don't blame Odin if he had different intrest.
After Gemma left,Odin asked what actually happen to Adriadne.but they end up fight.but both not win the fight..
one more things that me feel like..wo.. this is BC challenge after all,not in relationship or married. cause there's a call that gemma got from Nephinea, telling her about caught in cheating. She told her about manner and so on..I didn't manage to get the call notif and I don't know what mod cause that and i know that i don't have any mod like that but I just pretend it was a new update from growing together.
I'm aware of what happen. I feel guilty about this.We decided that 2 of the contestant who got the most lowest or lost both friend and romance relationship will be eliminated. I know that I said before that group date didn't effect the point, but the main things will be effects was relationship bar. So, its is what is it.. Everyone in the house had bad sentiment with each other. So its fair...
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saucywendeee · 2 years
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One spring morning
Drawing prompt/idea by @bladesofkyber​ :D
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 months
tagged by @galedekarios, @hawke, @zahra-hydris & @rivensbane thank you so much lovelies!!
rules: make a poll with your top 5 favourite antagonists and ask your followers to vote for their favourite.
Tagging w/ zero pressure as always: @elizzacassan, @tekehu, @elluvians, @mercymaker, @wentian
@leviiackrman, @bankaizen, @shadowglens, @leopardmuffinxo & anyone else who wants to do this one!
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sawyarts · 1 year
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The riddle 👑🐎
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royal-tea-blogs · 10 months
Ok but if magic is disabled in the tva then why isn’t loki showing his jotun skin? Why not have the very thing that caused his mental breakdown, his (frankly justified) hatred of Odin, and what basically set him on his path changing his character shoved in his face all the time? Why not have a Loki who learns to care for others as he learns to care for himself? WHY IGNORE THE ONLY INTERESTING PARTS OF THE EARLY THOR MOVIES? WHY ARE MARVEL COWARDS?
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after Grima's defeat, all the future kids take Lucina for an intervention, because now she has no excuse for chain smoking
Owain: World's gonna end? Grima's dead dear cousin, no more "infinite overtime" for you
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forsworned · 1 month
I just remember talking to this guy in the Navy and I was explaining the operations in Ghosts and he just stared at me and said that so much of it sounded unrealistic. Like the look on his face was so fucking funny, and that's how I discovered that military men do not fuck with Ghosts
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autumn0689 · 11 months
What I find funny is that, since Warlin Door is basically confirmed to be Saga’s father, since the Old Gods didn’t really like Door and most likely that it was Tor who struck with his lightning, that not only did Mr Door have the Old Gods as guests for his talk show, but that he performed a musical song with them. I find it funny since there seems to be bad blood, but that the Old Gods showed up to his talk show and that Door let them show up lol.
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princepsumbra · 4 months
are you with crab milord?
Leo casts a surreptitious glance at his retainer, who continues to dutifully read over student essays before scribbling a grade atop the parchment. There doesn't appear to be anything serious bothering Odin, nothing that would account for the unusual silence of the last half hour.
Which can mean two other things: one, Odin is truly concentrating on his work, or two, he's mulling over some question in his mind but hasn't yet found the proper way to voice it.
Leo reaches for the next essay in his own stack. He's barely read the opening sentence when Odin finally breaks their tranquility.
With crab?
Slowly, Leo sets the paper down. Stares at Odin.
With crab?
He's used to odd questions and phrasings, has grown quite adept at sifting through the flowery language for the root meaning. But this? For the first time in years, Leo's at an utter loss.
Wait. A frown pulls at his lips, a crease wrinkling his brow. Is this some kind of...euphemism for something?
Corrin's not with child again, is she?
No. She'd tell Leo before anyone else. He discards that thought as quickly as it arrived, shaking his head in bewilderment.
"Odin," the prince eventually says, "what are you talking about?"
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asexualbookbird · 5 months
Top five things your precious boy does that makes you get the most seratonin
when he sees me and he reaches out his little paws 🥺
dropping toys at my feet
shoving away whatever im doing because he MUST sit in my lap right MEOW
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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❝ i am of both worlds now . ❞
@drunkelreporter / ( starter call ! )
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bloomingkyras · 5 months
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Group Date R2 (Part 1)
@bakersimmer , @theosconfessions , @moonfromearth , @simsinfinitylt , @aniraklova
I just tried to be realistic as possible of what happen in the house.
They just arrived at Salvadorada, which I decided to do an adventures challenge with them but some thing happen that make me make a U turn. They all was so excited and have fun together with the Bachelor. I got notif that Aria wants to join Gemma and Max, so both of them agreed. (if the situation involved the bachelor its fine for us). We perhaps that its gonna be fun, chaos moment, before the challenge happen but no no no..there's more..
What's happen on the part 2 will make u guys blow away 😌
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Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 27
“Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings: Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking, memory loss.
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26
Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokiprompts @evieplease @unlucky-number-13 @bitchassbecky691 @georges-left-ear
Eir was an imposing looking woman. Easily over six feet tall and crowned with a cap of snow white hair over steel grey eyebrows, she looked more like a general than a healer and tended to run her medical team accordingly. Loki had always had a great deal of respect for her, but he also found himself unaccountably ill at ease in her presence.
They were seated in his mother's study having gathered to discuss, much to his irritation, Loki's condition. Eir was the last to arrive, entering with the air of one barely humoring her inferiors. This look was lessened slightly as she nodded deferentially to Frigga but returned in double intensity as her eyes swung to Loki and Caroline.
"Thank you, gracious Eir, for agreeing to meet with us at this late hour," Frigga said, indicating a high-backed chair similar to the one in which she sat.
"When the AllMother calls, it is our duty to answer," she replied, sitting bolt straight in the chair, back not touching the carved wood. "The young Prince looks to be healing nicely from his wounds. I sense no lasting cellular deterioration beyond the elasticity which he always has possessed."
Her words were clipped, spoken in a deep, resonant voice. It was all Loki could do to keep himself from slipping back into the posture of the boy saw him as, slouching down to draw less attention to himself. To say the healing goddess had intimidated Loki, Thor, and their friends would hardly be stretching the truth.
"Indeed, his injury seems to be well on the mend," Frigga smiled.
"Pardon me, dear ladies. Do you think you might consider talking to me? I am in the room after all,” Loki asked with a look of false courtesy plastered on his face. His self respect, after all, would not allow them to completely send him scurrying back to the school room.
"Loki, behave yourself," Frigga chastised him gently, causing his eyes to roll.
"You see, they treat me as a child," he complained to Caroline who gave him a small smile of commiseration.
"That is what you are, comparatively," Eir said, though no intended offense was detectible in her voice. "I had lived two lives before you were even born."
"I must be an infant then," Caroline said weakly.
It was a valiant attempt, and he admired her for finding her voice among such imposing women, but Eir was ancient even by Asgardian standards.
"Less than that," the healer turned her ice grey eyes on Caroline. "You are the blink of an eye, a wave on the shore. Here now, but soon gone with barely a trace to show you existed at all."
Sitting close to her on the sofa, Loki could not help but feel the wince that Caroline tried to hide from the room. Knowing what a slap that sentence would be, squeezed her hand in support. To Hel with Eir and her superior manner. Caroline deserved better.
"Dr. Thorpe has made more of an impact on me in the past month than all the population of the Citadel of Asgard did in my entire life," Loki defended Caroline, glaring at the woman who had saved his life.
"Has she? May I ask in what way? I am curious about the lasting effects of Midgardian exposure."
To left, Caroline smothered a laugh. Alarmed at first that something was wrong with her - a reaction to all of stress he had put her through would not be out of place - he belated realized with surprise that her humor was genuine. Something clicked inside Loki's brain. Caroline had looked at Eir, a Goddess who terrified most of Asgard, and realized the truth of her. The woman was not trying to be rude or offensive, not a bit. She simply looked at the world in through a scientific lens rather than an emotional one. Eir was legitimately intrigued by their connection. She would probably like to take Loki and Caroline's clasped hands and study them under a microscope.
"Well, young prince?" Eir prodded again. "What changes did the Midgardian girl make on you?"
"Well, that is just the problem," Loki sighed with a rueful smile. "I don't seem to remember."
"The spell we wove, clouding the disruptive memories," Frigga jumped in to explain. "It seems we obscured more than we intended."
"Ah. I see. The brain is a complicated piece of machinery, and we were pressed for time, if you recall. Had he woken up again and continued to fight his recovery, he may not have had enough energy left to heal."
"I do recall," Frigga's voice trembled a bit at the memory. "I am not reprimanding you, or myself, Eir."
"I should hope not. How much time has he lost?"
"A year or more," Loki answered for himself, the barest trace of annoyance in his tone, even though Eir looked at his mother. "I have no firm recollection of anything between Thor's would-be coronation and waking up in the infirmary."
"Well, a year is hardly so great a matter. It may come back eventually. Or not. It is difficult to say."
"It was a rather significant year," Frigga put a slight emphasis on her words that added to Loki's misgivings.
"Meeting a Midgardian woman hardly seems significant to me."
"And your opinion of it seems even less so to me," Loki snarled. Quirk of nature or not, he would not allow anyone to disrespect Caroline.
"Loki," Frigga admonished with a glance. "As much as I am sure Dr. Thorpe was important to my son, there were other things that transpired that may hold more wide scale significance."
Ah yes, the mysterious other things. Loki stole looks at his mother and the healer under lowered lids. What was it that had them all so on edge? He knew from what Thor and his idiot friends had let slip that he had committed some errors in judgement in regard to Midgard, but instinct told him that this was not the extent of his actions. Torture had been alluded to, as well as some sort of break down. The more he heard of his lost year, the more anxious it made him.
"Frigga, have you seen Thor? Ah, Eir, what brings you here this time of night?"
The door to the study slammed open and a man strode in. Considering he had entered without so much as a knock or a by your leave, there was only one person this could be. Not that Loki needed to know that to recognize his father.
Odin was huge, not just in stature, but in presence. Burly in a similar manner to Thor, if perhaps not in such dramatically fit shape, his presence made the room feel as though it had shrunk to half the size. His hair was mixture of white and grey, with a few dark strands showing the color it once had been. One eye hid behind a golden eyepatch, permanently affixed to his face, but the other shrewd orb seemed to hold a stormy sky tossing in its depths. A similar storm surrounded him, it always seemed to Loki. He radiated an energy that pulsed through the room, commanding all attention rest immediately on him.
"AllFather," Eir greeted Odin, nodding from where she sat. Even she sounded deferential when she spoke to Odin.
"My queen is not unwell, I trust?" Odin's eyes flicked from Eir to Frigga, concern clouding them.
"I am fine," Frigga brushed off his worry. "We are discussing Loki."
"Good evening, Father," Loki stood to acknowledge his sire, bringing Caroline to her feet with him as he was not about to drop her hand now.
"What has he done now?" Odin demanded. "You are awake, I see."
"I am. Your well wishes are much appreciated," Loki couldn't resist from adding in the last words.
"Loki has not done anything," Frigga told her irritable spouse.
"Well, there is a first time for everything," Odin said with a hard look at Loki.
"You are not being fair, father," he said with the merest hint of a smirk. "At least half of the time it was Thor's fault."
"SILENCE!" Odin shouted, causing Caroline to let out a squeak she would be relieved to know only he could hear. "Now, would someone tell me what I walked in on?"
"Loki has lost some of his memories," Frigga said, shooting Loki a look when he opened his own mouth. "It is a side effect from the spell Eir and I wove on him."
"The Princeling is missing approximately a year of time," Eir added.
"Considering how he spent that year, I would think that would be all to the better," Odin opined, making him even more uneasy about his deeds. "If he is truly innocent, or at least not culpable for his actions as you claim, then it is better to let the unpleasantness lie in the past and hope we all forget it."
"That is the worst thing you could possibly do!"
Loki heard the words ring out in Caroline's clear voice. If he could have jumped in front of her and stuffed them back in he would have. Odin's eye, dark with anger at being gainsaid, swung to pin her to the carpet like a bug in one of Eir's experiments.
"And who is this person who dares contradict me in my own palace?"
"A Midgardian woman the Prince has befriended," Eir was the first to answer in a voice that said she was impervious to the tension crackling in the room. "He claims she is important for some reason, though I have yet to discover how."
"Caroline is my consort," Loki said boldly, puffing out his chest and hoping he sounded confident.
"A Midgardian woman? Consort to a Prince of Asgard? Don't be absurd. Call one of the guards and have her escorted to a room in the servants' quarters at once. We can send her home on the morrow."
"If Caroline goes, I go," Loki was angry now, and used it find the confidence he had never had to stand up to his father head on. "I am in love with her."
"He is obviously more disturbed in the head than you led me to believe," Odin said to Frigga.
"Dr. Caroline is a brave woman who saved Loki's life. Thor told me all about it today when we went to retrieve her. Perhaps we should hear her out." Frigga defended her, surprising Loki himself with the revelation. How had Caroline managed to do that? What other secrets did this wonderful woman hold?
"Regardless, she knows nothing of these matters. Her opinion is irrelevant."
"On the contrary," Caroline countered, taking a step forward. "I know a great deal. Loki and I have spoken at length, before he lost his memories, about what he was put through. I would go as far as to say that at this moment I know more about the situation than anyone alive. What's more, I have made the study and aid of trauma victims my life's work."
Loki stared at Caroline with love and admiration as she locked eyes, or eye, with his domineering father. Few even among the other Gods would dare to stand up to the AllFather when he was in a temper, and here was a diminutive mortal doing just that. He was immensely proud of her.
"Your life's work," Odin mocked. "A child on Asgard would have studied longer."
"Yes, we have already been through the disparaging of my age," she said. "I admit that my life is short by comparison, but I believe in this one matter if nothing else my expertise should be respected."
"You talk of respect - "
"Father - "
"My love," Frigga cut through Odin's next growl and Loki's protestation. "I believe we should listen to her. Just hear her out. After all, what harm could it do? If she fails to convince us, we have lost nothing. On the other hand, if it could harm Loki or anyone else to keep his memories buried, better to find out how and deal with the problem."
Loki held his breath, waiting to see if Frigga's calm and common sense would carry the day over her husband's pride. Sometimes it did, but not always by a long shot.
"Very well," Odin agreed at last. "We will here this person out. But I warn you, my decision will be final."
"Of course," Frigga assuaged him.
Loki didn't say that regardless of what Odin decided he would stop at nothing to recover his memories, but he was fairly certain everyone in the room knew it to be true. He bit his tongue instead as his parents seated themselves in the highbacked chairs that were not quite thrones.
"Loki, you should wait outside."
Caroline spoke so softly to him that at first he thought he must have misheard her. Surely, she did not expect him to leave her to face his father's wrath without him? Did she thing him such a coward?
"I most certainly will not," he insisted.
"We need to discuss what you have been through," she said practically. "Part of my concern is about the way in which you find out what you are missing. For you to hear it baldly discussed would be particularly cruel."
"I can deal with whatever it is."
"You could, but you shouldn't have to. Please, Loki. You have been torn apart once already by this. There is no need to have it go that way again."
"Dr. Caroline is right, Loki," Frigga echoed.
"Why don't you come into the next room with me, Princeling. I will look into your brain and see if I can determine just where the edges of our spell lie, in case we want to attempt to alter it."
"I do not like this," Loki looked from one of them to the next, eyes landing last on Carolines.
"I promise she will be fine, Loki," his mother assured him. "I will look after her."
"I am not a damsel in need of rescuing, Loki. This is my job. Please, let me do it."
"I will be just next door," he said reluctantly.
"I am hardly going to harm the girl," Odin grumbled.
Ignoring his father, Loki searched Caroline's eyes one last time before sighing in defeat. She was right. If he had really shared his story with her, she was the best equipped to decide what to do. He just wished he could spare her the unpleasantness of a confrontation with his father. Leaning down, he gave her a long, lingering kiss. He had meant it as a show of loyalty for the others in the room, but the moment his lips met hers he forgot them.
"Come along boy, you have made your point," Eir interrupted.
"Call out if you need."
As Caroline nodded, eyes slightly glassy, Loki reluctantly allowed Eir to lead him from the room.
Caroline's father had warned her that someday her need to ease the emotional pain of others despite the circumstances would land her in hot water over her head. Well, it didn't get much hotter than where she was now.
The departure of Loki and Eir had left her alone in a room on an alien planet (that she wasn't even sure actually was a planet) with her lover's parents, beings of immense powers who had inspired the gods of ancient Earth societies. It was all a little daunting to say the least.
"Very well," Odin grumbled, pinning her to the spot with his one eye. "Let's get this over with. You will tell us everything that Loki said to you, leaving not out a word out."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I cannot do that," she replied automatically, taken aback by the brusque request.
"I do not understand," the God glared at her. "I thought that was the reason we were allowing you to remain."
"Perhaps you can explain what you mean, Dr. Caroline," Frigga suggested with an encouraging smile.
"Loki is - was my patient," she tried to keep her voice professional. "As such, some of the details of what we spoke about are confidential. Ethics will not permit me to share them with anyone."
"Your ethics are of no concern to me. We are dealing with the safety of whole realms."
"They may not concern you, your Majesty, but they are of great concern to me," Caroline shot back, before taking a deep breath. "I cannot tell you word for word what Loki said, but I can discuss matters in general."
"Go on," Frigga said, as her husband just glowered. "Though some of it I have pieced together. He was tortured?"
"He was. For months on end. I do not know, and I do not wish to know, all of the ways in which he was tormented, but I do know that included mental and emotional torture as well as the physical. Loki was broken down bit by bit by someone who knew exactly how turn someone's mind, a creature he referred to as The Other, in service of Thanos."
"The Mad Titan!" Odin seemed interested now. "He was involved in all of this?"
"He was," she nodded. "His children abducted Loki and he used The Other, with the help of one of the Infinity Stones, to bend Loki to his will."
"The Mind Stone," Frigga said. "Thor told us it was in the scepter Loki used in his invasion."
"The invasion was guided by Thanos through the Mind Stone," Caroline went on. "I believe Loki was fighting against it as much as he could."
"I did wonder how one I trained could be so clumsy," Odin said grudgingly. "The Mind Stone is a powerful tool."
"I have had some small experience with it. Nothing compared to what Loki endured, I was only possessed for a matter of minutes, but it was the worst thing I have ever experienced."
"You were possessed by the stone and survived with your mind intact?" Odin sounded marginally impressed.
"Only thanks to Loki. He had prepared me for what might happen, and when I could not prevent it he sacrificed himself for me. That is how he came to be injured."
She couldn't quite bring herself to confess to Loki's disapproving father that he had sacrificed himself by jumping in front of a gun and allowing her to shoot him. He already had reasons enough to dislike her.
"If what you say is true, then perhaps Loki is not to be blamed for the battle on Midgard. While I am disappointed that he would be careless enough as to fall prey to the Mad Titan, once subjected to the Mind Stone even Thor might have difficulty resisting its urges."
Caroline almost bit a hole in her tongue at that. Thor was physically strong, but compared to Loki his mind was that of a child. He would have been easy pickings for the jewel.
"I did not think the details we heard of the invasion sounded like our son," Frigga agreed with Odin, tactfully ignoring the second part of his statement.
"I still do not see the current difficulty," Odin said. "You claim to care about Loki; why would you wish him to have to remember the pain and torment you say he endured?"
"If it was only the torture and invasion he had forgotten, I might agree with you," Caroline struggled not to take offence. "But we all know there was more. The memory loss goes back further, to the day of Thor's coronation."
"What of it?" Odin crossed his arms across his chest, in a gesture Caroline had seen Loki mirror many times before.
"Loki has forgotten he is Jotun," Caroline said baldly, deciding the best way was to rip off the band aid.
"He told you, did he?" Odin's words were laced with contempt.
"He did. But even had he not, it was in his SHIELD folder that I was given at the start of our sessions. Thor apparently informed his fellow Avengers when they were attempting to form a defense plan against him."
"Damnation!" Odin growled, banging his fist on the arm of the chair.
"The secret is out, your Majesty. Earth knows. From what I have gathered, many people on Asgard know. The lie of him being your son is no more."
"He is my son!" Odin shouted, face turning red.
"Then perhaps you should have treated him as such!" Caroline snapped back.
He was an innocent, and brilliant, and longing for love and you treated him like a possession. You never thought to look at the potential locked within and find a way to help it to bloom. You took him into your home and your family, you should not have done that if you were not willing to open your heart to him as well. The words screamed in her head unspoken, but she was sure her face said them all.
"How dare you!"
"Odin, please!" Frigga placed her hand on his arm. "Caroline, despite what you may believe, we raised Loki as our child."
"But he was not born your child," she replied, getting a handle on her emotions, "and he found this out in the worst way possible. There was no one for him to talk to about it. Thor was gone, his father was incapacitated, and you were tending to him. Loki's entire world was broken, and he had to deal with it all alone."
"I admit, the timing was not ideal," his mother said in an extreme understatement.
"That knowledge is still there, somewhere in his psyche. He may not be consciously aware of it, but on some level Loki knows. On some level, he probably has always known. It was difficult, but I was finally beginning to convince him that this truth did not make him a monster, condemned to be alone and hated."
"Thank you," Frigga said simply.
"It was my pleasure. I would have done as much for anyone, but Loki is special."
"He is."
"If we keep this knowledge from him, particularly when everyone else is beginning to know, I worry what will happen this time when he finds out. All of the work we have done to get him over the worst of his self-hatred will have been for nothing. The last time he learned of his true origins, he descended into an identity crisis that led to an attempt on his own life followed by the lives of millions. Don't put him and those around him in that danger again."
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coritale · 6 months
people should say 'i swear on the eye of odin' bec if im lying what he gonna do about it. he either dead (ragnarok) (cant add the double o thing) or dealing w whatever tf loki is doing
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