#i imagine he mentions how he always thought her wings were beautiful
saucywendeee · 2 years
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One spring morning
Drawing prompt/idea by @bladesofkyber​ :D
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ceoofglytchell · 25 days
A Fall From Grace
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Summary: When Gwayne Hightower traveled to King’s Landing to support his nephew the King in the war, he brought along his dear daughter, you. Soft-spoken, pious and well read; Dowager Queen Alicent took you under her wing immediately, but another pair of eyes never left your form either. From the moment of your arrival you had taken Aegon’s breath away and he was intent on getting closer to you even if it meant setting foot in the Sept again to join you for prayer.
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Hightower!Cousin!Reader
Word count: 3982 words
Warnings: incest, infidelity (because Aegon is still married), obvious longing from both sides, he’s a little obsessed, fluff, making out, allusions to smut, Reader is described of having Hightower like features, religious guilt (kinda?), lots of praying, no mention of Y/N
Notes: I thank you all for reading my stuff 💛 As always, feedback and criticism is always appreciated.
It had only been two days since you had been wandering through the endless, cold corridors of the Red Keep, and for exactly two days you had been all that King Aegon, second of his name, could think about. Every thought he had was about you, even though he was supposed to be in a meeting of the Small Council planning the attack on Rooks Rest that he had only recently learned about was happening.
Where were you? What were you doing? Who were you with? How were you feeling? Did you miss home? Were you betrothed?
Aegon turned the small white and green colored ball over and over in its holder on the council table, obviously not listening. Lord Tyland was talking about something, but his words didn't really reach his ears because he was once again thinking only of you. At this hour you would have to accompany his mother to the sept to pray to the gods or you went alone if you so wished. He himself was not a religious person, but he knew the customs and traditions of the Seven, as his mother had tried to teach him when he was a little boy, but she had failed miserably at that. As far as he knew, only his youngest brother Daeron actually believed in all that nonsense, but he had also grown up in Oldtown, where their mother and uncle came from so it was no surprise.
You too.
As far as he knew, your father- his uncle Gwayne Hightower- had fed you the religious customs and traditions of the Seven from a very early age, and you also had several Septas who raised you to be a perfect young lady, but you never took the vows that would make you one yourself. You were Gwayne's only daughter, so it was your duty to marry and give your future husband heirs to continue the bloodline, and, by the gods, Aegon swore that he would be the one.
You were not just beautiful, you were a real feast for the eyes. Your wavy auburn hair, your pale skin with your constantly rosy cheeks and your smile that always made his knees go weak were the most breathtaking things he had ever seen, which was why he could forgive you for your religious nonsense and still wanted to make you his in every imaginable way.
Your body was always covered in pretty gowns in the color of House Hightower, green, but all accents and jewelry you wore were gold, which made you a walking, living banner for his cause and no one would question where your loyalty laid. He was the king and he could have anything he wanted, and now he wanted you, his beloved cousin, whom he had only met two days ago.
It wasn't his fault that his heart had decided that way, it had just happened. If only he was still unmarried…
You were, but he wouldn't allow you to be sold to anyone like a broodmare or as a price to win another house over to his side. Even if your hand was given to Daeron, he would not approve, because the very thought of seeing you happy with someone else made him angry, but it also made him painfully aware of how much you had already done to him. Only two days... how would he feel once you had been here for a week, a month? He would probably go mad sooner or later if he couldn't have you.
He had to act, and quickly, because otherwise you would be gone and choose someone else instead of him.
Suddenly he slammed the table with the palm of his hand, which froze the other council members for a moment and the room was filled with silence for the first time in two hours.
"You bore me. You all bore me.”
Without waiting another second, Aegon stood up abruptly from the table, whereupon the other council members also stood up, since he was their king and this was yet another formal custom that he could not care less about, and he disappeared as quickly as he could from the small council. The meeting was over. For him, anyway, because as soon as the doors were closed, Larys Strong spoke again and the conversation continued without their most important member. A marriage alliance was also one of the topics that were discussed in his absence.
It was not long later that Aegon stood in front of the large entrance doors to the Sept, which he had all too fond memories of. Only two weeks ago, he had hidden under one of the altars, completely drunk, because he had not wanted the crown. He still did not want it, but it also gave him a new sense of purpose in life, and something worth fighting and living for. A lot had changed in the last two weeks, his view of his birthright, as well as a sudden deeper interest in you.
It was extremely embarrassing to admit that he hadn't even known you existed until Alicent had told him in passing. It was almost a shame how you always he had been hidden from him, albeit unintentionally.
Carefully, pulling the hood further over his face so that no one would see his silver hair and guess who he was, he entered the interior of the Sept and was immediately greeted with the smell of fire, incense and melting candle wax. As always, it was quite dark inside, the only light was the lit candles and the slight sunlight that fell through the windows above, so that it was not completely pitch black and one could still see the floor beneath one’s feet.
He let his gaze wander through the wide hall and over the individual statues of the Seven, to whom most people prayed, and there, in the distance, kneeling in front of the statue of the Mother, you were. The light from the many small candles and the light that fell through the window fell directly on your body which was wrapped in a dark green gown and in that moment Aegon decided that you must be an angel. There was no other explanation for this beautiful, divine being that he saw praying quietly a few meters in front of him.
The young king felt a lump forming in his throat and he slowly began to make his way towards you, even though he already knew that it would be difficult to keep his composure once you looked at him with your doe-like eyes.
He was not a religious man. He was not even a good man, which was why he felt guilty for corrupting someone as pure as you and dragging you into his own sinfulness, but it was necessary because part of him wanted to protect you, wanted to hold you in his arms, stroke your hair and share slow, deep kisses with you while shielding you from the horrors of war.
The gods would not forgive him, but perhaps you would.
While you were lost in prayer, you heard footsteps approaching from the side, but you did not let that distract you at first. After all, it could have been anyone; Septas, the Dowager Queen, or anyone from the common people, as was customary in Oldtown, where everyone prayed side by side, since every human - common or noble - was equal before the gods.
A small clearing of the throat from the side, however, made you open your eyes again and turn your head to the side, as you were curious as to who had come to you, but your eyes immediately widened in surprise when you looked into the face of your cousin Aegon, who had recently been crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms.
"Your Grace? To what do I own the honors?" you asked him in a gentle voice and you immediately started to stand up to curtsy to him, but he indicated to you with a quick gesture that this would not be necessary.
"Please, you may kneel. Forgive me, I did not know you were in the middle of a prayer."
A small smile played on your soft lips and you shook your head slightly, as if to tell him that he need not worry about this, which made his heart beat faster and he had to fight the urge to reach out and tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear that had come loose.
"No, please, it is fine, cousin. I was almost finished," you answered him in return and you folded your delicate hands again as if you wanted to finish your prayer, whatever it was - at least in your thoughts and not out loud.
Aegon hesitated, but when he let his amethyst colored eyes wander over your form for a brief moment and he noticed the way your dress hugged your figure, he knew there was no turning back for him. "May I join you?"
Your eyes lit up and your soft, kind smile widened into a truly happy one, whereupon you moved slightly to the side so that he could kneel on the cushions next to you. You had never thought of your cousin as pious, but there were always signs and wonders.
"How... how does this work now?" Aegon asked you carefully and in an uncertain voice, while he folded his hands together just like you, but unlike you, his gaze was not on the imposing statue of the deity on the altar in front of them, but he was looking at you alone. He just couldn't take his eyes off you and your otherworldly beauty.
A small giggle escaped you and thanks to the flickering golden candlelight he could see your cheeks turning a light shade of red, which made a feeling of pride well up in him, now that he knew he had an effect on you.
"You close your eyes and pray. In other words, you can tell the Seven anything and they will listen to you. You can also ask them anything and they will have an answer for you and show you the way.”
He was a sinner and he knew it. He could do nothing but watch your pink lips move as you calmly explained to him how prayer worked. How would it feel to kiss you? Would you kiss him back if he did it now, here in the middle of this sacred place? Did you want him as much as he wanted you?
“What do you tell them?” he asked you with a hint of curiosity in his deep voice as he continued to examine you as if you were the altar he was supposed to worship.
“I ask them for peace and that my father takes a safe journey and returns unharmed,” you told him honestly, a slight glimmer of sadness spreading in your eyes that made him want to reach for your hand to comfort you. Of course, he had never seen a war himself, but he also knew that not everyone returned from battles - especially not when fire-breathing dragons were involved.
"Well, then do not let me stop you."
You both clasped your hands together and closed your eyes to address your words to the gods and perhaps even make a request. But while you continued exactly where you had left off when you were startled by his footsteps, Aegon didn't know where to start. The last time he had prayed was many years ago and his mother had put the words in his mouth back then.
Your light breathing and the crackling candles finally inspired him and the young king actually managed to address the Seven, even though he didn't even really believe they existed, but the words just bubbled out of him - even if it was all just in his head and his thoughts would probably not be heard by anyone. He wished he could tell you all of this directly...
Your eyes fluttered open once more about a minute later and you were surprised to see, as you looked to the man to your right, that he still seemed to be deep in prayer. Whether he was actually speaking to the gods or just thinking about his day, you took the time to look at him more closely. Because he was sitting so close to you, you could see all the little details on his admittedly very handsome face. From the way his long eyelashes gently touched his cheek, to the small moles on his pale skin, the slight curve of his nose, his full lips and the way his shoulder-length, slightly wavy hair framed his face.
He was beautiful...
You condemned yourself for thinking that, especially when kneeling in front of the statue of the Mother, but you couldn't help yourself. Aegon Targaryen was a beautiful man and no one should deny that fact. After all, the Targaryens were closer to gods than to men, although you were never sure if you should believe that old saying, but as you looked at him now, you thought there must be something to it, because why else would your heart suddenly beat faster whenever he was near and you could feel his intent gaze on you, or that a warmth spread through your body as if the Seven had finally heard your prayers. Maybe he was the one you were waiting for?
After what felt like an eternity, in which Aegon poured out his heart in his mind, although no one was listening, he blinked his amethyst eyes again and immediately froze when he looked at you and you were already looking right back at him with an expression on your face that he had never seen from you before.
You quickly turned your head away and looked down at your lap, while a deep flush took root on your soft cheeks. He had actually managed to make you blush - in the middle of the Sept! If he could do that, he wondered how much else you would let him do that would most likely tarnish your purity and innocence. He was very excited to find out.
"What did you pray for?" you asked him in a quiet tone and with the kind voice that he knew from you, but you still didn't look up at him again. You probably wanted to hide your blush from him, but it was very obvious.
Aegon could go two ways here. First, he could tell you that he too had prayed for a quick end to the war and that he would not lose any more loved ones, or second, he could tell you about his thoughts about you, which he couldn't bring himself to do. No, a lie had to serve as an answer again for today.
"For strength, guidance, and a safe return," he replied at last, which was partly true. Everyone saw him as weak, his own family, the realm, and most of all his traitorous half-sister, and he could not and would not allow that. His council did not listen to him, nor even ask for any suggestions he could make, but they made their own plans behind his back. Criston and Aemond had also betrayed his trust and plotted behind his back and without his consent decided to march to Rook's Rest instead of Harrenhal, which was the really important prize in this war that Daemon of all people now owned, even though the Lord of the old castle was his very own Master of Whisperers. Why put him as king and then ignore him still and treat him like a stupid child? He had not asked for any of this.
"A... a safe return? Do you mean Ser Criston? I heard he is an old friend of the family.”
The king hesitated. For a moment he didn't know how to answer you, knowing you knew what he meant but didn't want to believe it. He would fly into battle personally to support the Lord Commander of his Kingsguard who also served as his Hand. He would not be seen as weak, ever again.
“I will fly to Rooks Rest to support Criston and your father's army. Mayhaps I can guarantee that we do not lose too many men.”
Your expression in this very moment reminded him of a little doe - innocent, heartbreaking and full of worry. You quickly shook your head, causing a lock of your auburn hair, which reminded him of his mother's locks, to fall over the left side of your face. It seemed like you couldn't believe it, like you didn't want him to go and put himself in danger under any circumstances.
"But you are the king?" you questioned uncertainly, as if he was jesting, because you couldn't imagine that he was being serious. He was not a warrior. His younger brother, Aemond, should go, he was talented with the sword and his dragon was much bigger and far more experienced than Sunfyre.
"And that is exactly why I must go, my dear." Aegon leaned one shoulder against the cold stone of the altar so that he could look at you better while you would have this difficult conversation with each other.
"No, no, you cannot. You must not do that," you contradicted him, the expression on your pretty face becoming not just worried, but almost panicked. He almost had the illusion that you might actually care about him. That thought was just too good to be true...
"I declared this war and I will fight in it too."
Without being able to hold back any longer, you put one of your delicate hands on his arm and grabbed the soft, rich fabric of his green doublet, which, like your dress, was decorated with fine gold ornaments, because you didn't want to let him go. He was barely older than you and the thought of him personally flying to battle, much like your father - who did not have a dragon but still-, was one you couldn't bear. He was one of the few people you truly trusted and if, gods forbid, you were to lose your father, you couldn't also lose your cousin who had stolen your heart since day one.
"Aegon, please... do not do this."
Your hand on his arm, your soft voice and the pleading look in your eyes were simply too much for him. He couldn't hold back any longer. Without a warning, he leaned in and pressed his lips firmly against yours, making you gasp in shock into his mouth.
For a moment you didn't know what to do, but your body made the decision for you. Your eyes fluttered shut and you began to kiss him back gently and hesitantly, even though the rational part of you screamed at you that it was a sin, that he was your cousin, that you weren't betrothed to each other, that he was already married and that you were in the middle of the Sept, but you didn't even hear those voices anymore because you were already lost in the kiss.
Surrounded by the soft crackling of the candles and pleasant silence, Aegon lost himself completely in you. He kissed you as if you were the air he needed to breathe, as if you were everything that still bound him to this world and he couldn't stop, already addicted to your sweet taste.
The tip of his tongue grazed over the seam of your lips, begging for entry, and you, always obedient and docile, opened your mouth and let him in, whereupon a soft moan escaped you. That sweet little sound alone set his whole body on fire and he abruptly pushed your back against the altar with him caging you against the stone.
Your arms wandered around his neck, your thin fingers burying themselves in his silver mane, while his hands began to wander over your body and he explored your soft, feminine curves bit by bit, but he didn't really take much time, as he was loosing himself more and more in the proximity of you and the intimate kisses you shared.
His fingers started to rip open the laces of your bodice at your back, feeling the urge to see all of you, to feel your beautiful, milky skin under his palms while he let his lips wander over every inch of your perfect body, but before that could happen you broke the kiss, gasping for air.
"We...we can’t. Not here."
"Please, I need you. I need you so much, let me have you,” Aegon begged as he began to place some hot, open-mouthed kisses on your neck, causing your grip on his hair to tighten, which only served to increase the fire that burned inside him for you.
“I want you, Aegon. I want you more than anything, but not here, don’t do this to me. We could be seen.”
A long sigh escaped him and he buried his face in your cleavage, even though he knew you were right. It would be a scandal if he was seen taking your innocence on the altar of the Mother. His chambers, however, were more than available and wonderfully secluded for such depravity. But not now.
“You’re right, darling. You’re right,” he whispered, breathing heavily, as he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist to keep you as close to him as possible, because he didn’t know if he would ever have the chance to hold you in his arms again.
“We could go to my chambers? I am sure you would find my bed extremely... comfortable, Your Grace."
Aegon chuckled at your sweet attempt at being sensual, but it worked. He could feel his body instinctively snuggling closer to yours and he noticed how wonderfully you fit him, but he slowly began to lean back so he could look into your glistening eyes once again.
"I would love to, very much, but I must go."
The hope and desire slowly faded from your eyes and a look of confusion spread across your face for a split second before realization dawned on you and you realized why he had come to the Sept that day specifically.
"You are flying to Rook Rest today..."
Before you could object, the king pressed his lips against yours again and cradled your face in his hands to reassure you that it was fine and that he had to do this.
"I will not be seen as weak. I will come back to you, love. I will come back and then I will love you as you deserve, yes?" he murmured and leaned his forehead carefully against yours, his silver hair a contrast to the auburn of your family, which was also his.
"Promise me. Here, in front of the eyes of the gods."
"I promise."
As gently as he could, as if you were made of porcelain, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear and let his eyes wander over you to memorize every little detail before Aegon then tore himself away from you with a heavy heart to get the conqueror's armor put on as quickly as possible back in the castle, to then mount Sunfyre and go to war.
He wanted to stay with you, by the gods, he wanted that more than anything else, but he had to do this. He had to prove to everyone that he could be the king they had wanted to mold him into.
You, on the other hand, felt tears welling up in your eyes as you watched him leave, because something inside you screamed that this kiss would be the last truly wonderful memory you shared with him.
And, unfortunately, you were soon proven to have been right.
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itsswritten · 4 months
teeny tiny
Pairing: Fairy reader x Azriel
Word Count: 2.6K
Summary: Azriel practices dwindling with you. (Just some fluff, mutual pining, pre bond snapping)
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Wings Universe - read more from this couple here.
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Azriel was watching you intently, a soft smile spread on his lips as his gaze danced across your expression. You were so passionate when you spoke about your work– your duty as a fairy. 
A stark difference to how he felt about being an Illyrian.
But knowing you now for only a year, you had softened that perspective he had for his own heritage. Purely by how dedicated you were to yours, and how you lit up whenever you got to speak about it. Naturally, when getting to know the IC you had wanted to learn everything about the Illyrians, everything about the sisters, about Amren. Every finer detail.
That warm nature of yours, got even the most reserved opening themselves up to you. You were always genuinely interested too, mesmerised in the differences and similarities you found among your new friends. You would never scrimp on compliments either, lovely words rolling off your tongue in awe when Cassian had explained some Illyrian lore. You even went as far to admit that you’d always thought the dark winged fae looked very cool and fierce. 
Azriel could vividly remember the heat filling your cheeks one evening at Rita’s when you’d admitted that, the faerie wine offering you some liquid courage. The comment had gone straight to Cassian’s head, prancing round Rita’s flexing in front of Nesta with a stealthy look, posing for her. “Look how fierce I look, Nes,” Nesta only rolled her eyes.
Azriel, though, had kept that comment. Tucked it away in the corner of his mind that he saved purely for you. A space filled with compliments from you, mentions of the things you loved, or observations of when he thought you looked especially beautiful– which truly was everyday. That corner of his mind was slowly growing by the day, bit by bit consuming him more and more. But he didn’t mind. For every new area you occupied in his consciousness, it replaced something dark instead. Those nightmares became few and far between after you entered his life, and he felt lighter, brighter. 
A mark that could only be left by a radiant individual– you.
Ever since he’d met you, he was absolutely smitten. There was a magnetic charge between you both, that just couldn’t keep him away. He was like a moth to a light, fluttering so dangerously close that if he wasn’t careful he might just burn. 
But he couldn’t stop. Despite the risk of it all, the risk of you burning his desires down. The obvious rejection you would undoubtedly give him if his feelings ever became known. So he settled for friendship, in fact savoured in it. He welcomed the friendly banter and familiar touches you so kindly offered him, but sometimes he dared to imagine…selfishly letting himself wonder, if he was to confess, would it really all go up in flames?…or would a warm glow await him instead.
Azriel began to look for the good parts of his own culture, an excuse to be able to share something with you. Little anecdotes of younger years with his brothers, the plants that grew in the harsh terrain of Ramiel, and what creatures may lurk in those mountains. Something Azriel noticed had piqued your interest. 
He found you numerous times after that in the library with Nesta and Gwyn, looking through bestiaries and field journals. Your commitment to the land and its creatures never wavering. You had found old scriptures, thousands of years old, of rare creatures that roamed the Illyrian land. Feline-like beasts that apparently once lived among Illyrians as their companions, a familiar of sorts. You had practically barged into Azriel’s room one evening when you had unearthed this new information, kneeled on his bed sharing this new discovery word for word as you read the translated version Gwyn had given you. 
“We’ll have to go look for them Az,” You had beamed, “It’ll be like an adventure, and well I could write it off as work too seeing as technically this falls under my jurisdiction.” 
Azriel had never cared much for his own culture and myths, actually, had rather hated every aspect of it. But somehow, watching you find the beauty between the cracks changed something in him. Over time the dismal opinion he had of Illyrians and that part of himself, paired with the progression in the camps had made a slight difference.
Today though, today, you were sharing even more of your world.
“So I thought, you know with you already being able to winnow you would grasp this the easiest” you smiled at Az.
You had brought him to the edge of one of the night court meadows you usually worked at. Elain had asked to join you on a day's work for the spring season, once confessing she wished the cauldron had turned her into a fairy just like you. You had told her she was perfect the way she was, exactly who she was supposed to be, and promised her anyone of any kind was welcome in the meadows. 
What was supposed to be a fun girls day with Elain had quickly snowballed into a field trip, the rest of the inner circle adamant they had to come too. But if your friends couldn’t master the art of dwindling then they would not be permitted in the meadows. Rhys and Feyre were fine, that unlimited pot of power they both possessed actually meant you’d caught them several months ago, rolling around in a flower enjoying some quality time together. You’re not sure who was more embarrassed, yourself or Feyre when Rhys clumsily fell out of a flower bell stark naked covered in pollen.
Before the others would be allowed to cross the threshold of the meadows you would need to teach them first.
“Dwindling is a lot like winnowing, how you move yourself to a different space. Or even how your shadows move you through space. It’s essentially the same, but it’s the space within you that’s moving…well smaller.” 
Your hands had been spread wide in your explanation, bringing them closer together as if your movement were perfectly representing how it worked. Your brows furrowed though, as Azriel looked at you with a soft dazed expression. Almost glassy eyed with a dumb smile on his mouth.
“Are you even listening to me Az?” Your tone felt stern leaving your lips. A little huff following after, that got his shadows moving in a giddy manner. It wasn’t just Azriel that found you utterly adorable, but his shadows too had a hard time hiding how your expressions caused a stir in them.
How they basked in your laughter, grew agitated in your discomfort or selfishly, liked to relish in your charming pouts.
Azriel quickly shook his head, as if shaking himself from the daze you so often ensnared him in, “I’m always listening,” he promised.
You rolled your bottom lip through your teeth gently, pausing for a moment to take in his words. How it had struck a ripple through your body, that often created butterflies in your stomach. Glancing up through your lashes you took your friend in, his large strong frame towering over you, never in an intimidating way. No, his presence, however daunting to others, always filled you with safety and comfort you hadn’t felt around many. And there were those beautiful hazel eyes that often reminded you of the sunrise after you’d worked the night shift. Golden rays breaking through the midnight blanket, spilling hazel threads into petals of blue.
Maybe one day you would tell him how when the sky filled with ribbons of gold and sapphire, that you only thought of him.
Quickly you stopped yourself from falling into your own daze, remembering his passing words. 
I’m always listening. 
That he was. So attentive, so kind, you’re not sure what you did to deserve the friendship of the Shadowsinger. You continued on, brushing over how genuine his words sounded. Rummaging around in your bag you pulled out a pouch of fairy dust.
“This amplifies your power, makes it easier to shrink. Should also help with the nausea,” you muttered, now choosing to ignore the way his eyes seemed to drink you up.
It was getting increasingly hard to disregard the effect the Shadowsinger had on you. He was so beautiful, so pretty– in that rugged Illyrian way. And he was very thoughtful too, and there was the way he said things to you sometimes that made it hard not to assume it meant more. Every word felt like a whispered kiss or unspoken promise, that you found yourself at times hoping, and daydreaming that perhaps it did mean something deeper.
Sprinkling the dust over Azriel, his nose scrunched a little at the scent. So familiar, he realised it reminded him of you. That lingering scent of fairy dust was always on you, mixed with vanilla and hints of honey, an underlying breeze of peonies. Your scent alone was enough to enchant him, enough to know he would be dreaming of you again tonight. His consciousness would slip him into a blissful haze of what it would be like to envelope himself in the crook of your neck and laze in your aroma.
Gently you took his hands into yours, his ragged hands engulfing your own. 
Azriel couldn’t help notice the stark contrast. How perfect and soft you were, delicate and light. He was rough and weathered around the edges, hardened by war and conflict. A gentle squeeze from you pulled him from his thoughts, realising how close you were now, he would only have to lean down slightly to bridge the gap between you. So close he could press his lips to top of your head and–
As if brushing that thought from his mind, his shadows moved towards you. Brushing a strand of hair from your face, while the other tendrils wove through the air in between you both like a dance.
“Are you ready Az? Remember everything I taught you?”
He nodded. 
Channelling his power in the technique you had shown him, his eyes fluttered shut. Honing in on the warmth of your hands and the faint sound of the breeze. His siphons simmered a glow as vibrations of power and space moved over the sharp lines and angles of his body, retracting and restricting the space within.
The air sounded different all of a sudden.
Vibrations growing louder, rustles becoming more powerful. Slowly Azriel opened his eyes, looking down at you, standing as you were before. He questioned if he’d even managed to do it, but as he glanced up he saw the tall green vertebrae of the grass tower above. The strands gently swaying in the wind, allowing the morning sun to filter through and cast viridescent shadows across the earth.
He had done it. He had dwindled.
The air was filled with a symphony of sounds, the song of crickets and the gentle rustling of the grass in the wind. Butterflies flitted by, leaving a gentle gust of wind in their wake. They were larger than him now, and he could vividly see the intricate designs and colours that lay on their wings.
“Az? Azriel are you okay? How do you feel?”
He hadn’t even realised you were talking, not until your hand gently pressed against the side of his face. Your thumb tracing the line of his jaw, as you looked up to him in concern.
“I feel fine,” he replied, finally remembering to take a breath as your touch left him.
“No nausea? You looked a little peaky for a moment, I was worried,”
Your remaining hand had slipped from his gentle grip, a simmer in his chest wishing it would remain. But Azriel unfurled his wings, stretching the dark membranes out, distributing his weight onto either feet to check his balance. 
“Okay…” You smiled then, “This went better than I thought, you know it’s Cassian I’m most worried about. I just have a feeling he’ll sneeze himself into a giant or something,”
“Wait, is that possible?”
“No, or at least I don’t think so. But somehow I could see it happening with Cass,” You laughed. The angelic waves of your laughter pulled up the corners of his lips as he let out a chuckle.
Oh Azriel could stay in this moment forever. Just the two of you, no one else in sight for miles.The sun basking it’s glow upon you both. Your laughter faded into a comfortable silence before you closed your eyes, head tilting up towards the sun as the rays washed over your face. 
Azriel thanked the Mother again for the blessings he had received since knowing you, because this moment right here– to be with you was surely one.
“Y/n…” Azriel couldn’t help breathe your name out, it barely a whisper as words he kept tucked in that corner of his mind seemed to pile into his mouth.
Gently your eyes fluttered open, your expression turning to him with a light hum in question. But before he could even untangle the mess of confessions on his tongue, a shadow loomed above.
With a slight jump, you hastily stepped back, colliding into the tough warm frame of the Shadowsinger, craning your neck up to see what had cast such a darkness.
A shadow– Azriel’s shadow.
The smokey tendril seemed to loom over you both inquisitively. It’s movements speaking of a curiosity to how its master was now so tiny.
“There’s always one,” Azriel grumbled, his hand tenderly moving to the small of your back for a moment as he stepped to your side.
Azriel crossed his arms across his chest, his expression boring on unimpressed as he glanced up at the disobedient wisp.
“You’ve got no excuse,” Azriel chastised, referring to the other shadows that had obediently followed an appropriate size to him after dwindling. 
The shadow slumped a little in response, eliciting a small gasp from you at how utterly adorable you found it. As if remembering you were there the shadow turned it’s attention. Azriel’s earlier command to resize itself held no authority but it quickly slinked itself slightly smaller for you. It’s size resembled something of Azriel’s shape as it twirled around you making the layers of your dress flutter up in the wind.
“Oh my…” Your cheeks heated a rosy hue as you attempted to hold your dress down in the gust of air.
“Sorry about that,” Azriel heaved, his patience growing thin as he tried to hide his slight embarrassment at his unruly shadow.
“It’s quite alright Azriel,” you reassured him with a light chuckle, the smile on your lips easing him. The use of his full name, raising goosebumps on his skin.
It wasn’t the only thing your smile eased, the shadow, as if melting under you, softened like honey. Oozing back behind Azriel’s wings in a dazed infatuation.
“Come,” you took Azriel’s hand in yours. Pulling him gently through the blades of green. “You should settle in this size for a while, make sure everything feels okay before we return,”
Azriel watched your fingers interlock with his, the smaller wisps of his shadows winding around your joined hands. Whispering words to one another that he couldn’t hear. 
He swallowed hard, once, twice taking in the view before him. Your usual pink dress dipping to the small of your back, taut flawless skin kissed under the sun as you pulled him through the green. No wings on show, though.
He wondered when you would share that part of you…if ever. 
Azriel would never ask, but he hoped one day you trusted him enough.
That he would be so lucky. But as you glanced back over your shoulder, sending him a soft smile that seemed to bury itself deep into his chest. He pondered, if for only a moment, that perhaps he was lucky.
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a/n: just a little instalment from your favourite couple! <3 What else do you want to see from them?? (Other than flower sex , I promise this is coming👀)
forever tags: @lilah-asteria @illyrianbitch @sleepylunarwolf @daily-dose-of-sass @milswrites @marscardigan
Wings tags: @minaethrym
661 notes · View notes
phan3145 · 24 days
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Title: Slippery Slope. Fandom: Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Implications, mentions of internal pain) Pairing: Eventual Noa x Human!Reader.
***Notes: Uploading this while watching deleted scenes from KotPotA. Did I actually make- “I’ll walk you out” a thing before it was a thing??? Thank you to everyone who continues to read and comment on my story, I’m so grateful for you all! I have had everything from the Strawberries to the end of this chapter written since CHAPTER FOUR! I am SO happy to finally be able to publish it. Yes, next chapter will be from Noa’s POV 🙊
Chapter 9: Gifts Part II
You reminded yourself that logic was not always your best course of action when dealing with the apes. Soona and Anaya were up in the trees picking peaches, while you, and now Noa, were on the ground loading up the baskets you had already collected onto the horses. Noa decided this was the best time to give you his creation, which, if you were being honest, took your breath away.
“Soona…helped,” Noa offered. “You bathe…too often to keep…the mark…so we made…from branches and…one of the tusks.”
“The mark?” You parroted, eyes still focused on the object in your hand.
Noa tapped your forehead, between your brows, forcing your gaze back to his as he explained, “Mark of Eagle Clan…Eagle Protector…when you defended us…against the boar…the ceremony honoring you…and the mark after…is meant to be worn…always.”
You felt your eyes widen, “That was a ceremony? I thought that was just a way to say thank you!”
Noa chuffed, “Do you not…know what honor means?”
Anaya jumped down from the trees then, basket in hand, “Like Soona said…very proud…very important Echo…no apes in clan…have that mark.”
“None?” You questioned.
Noa shook his head, “None….Oda…good ape…was the last to have it.”
You saw that distant look in his eyes again, and though you wanted to ask him to explain further, you tucked the question away for later. Noa would tell you in his own time, you were sure of this. If it was anything as frightening or life changing as your past, you knew it was not something easily discussed. Right now, was probably not the time. Soona descended the tree next, balancing two baskets as she explained, “Protector is meant…to choose how they wear…their mark…but Noa thought….better this way.”
Anaya shuffled over from his horse, pointing at the circlet in your hand, “Nicer than Oda’s…but not as colorful.”
“That’s fine with me, I’m not looking to stand out,” you laughed. “What did Oda’s look like?”
“Not…like this,” Noa emphasized.
“Brown…on face and…around eyes…for body and wings” Soona explained, using her fingers to pantomime where the markings were placed. She drug three fingers from each hand down her chin before continuing, “Blue on mouth…for tail feathers.”
You tried to imagine it, mumbling, “Huh. And he wore it all the time?”
“Yes,” Soona said. “Would have been better…as necklace…take less time to make…Oda had necklace…of honor kills…many tusks.”
You felt your fingers curl tighter around the circlet, eyes returning to Noa. He actively avoided your gaze, and you wondered if he did it for the same reason you sought his out.
Anaya confirmed your suspicions as he mocked, “Noa said… would not be seen…because of clothes…could have just…made it shorter…higher on Echo neck.”
“No,” Noa was quick to interject. “Mark was made on head…should remain on head…you do not…have to wear it.”
His eyes darted up to meet yours then, the vulnerability in them soothing any doubt you had about the gift. This was an honor, a rare honor that even Soona had fought for you to have. You remembered how she had insisted at the time, willing to go toe to toe with Noa. The ceremony happened because of her, and now you had this beautiful work of art in front of you, thanks to her help. The time this must have taken, the level of detail that went into it…you were more than grateful. You ran your thumb over the front of it, marveling at the intricacy of it.
Many thin branches were stripped of their harsh wood, smoothed down to the marrow, and intertwined with each other. It made a perfect circle, and in the center, what you originally thought was a delicate peak towards your forehead, was actually the shape of an eagle’s body. The ‘wings’ arched gracefully left and right of the center before entwining with the rest of the branches. The head of the Eagle, the blink and you’ll miss it pop of white, amongst the tan of the wood, was the tip of the tusk from the boar. The rough, dirty peak had been filed down to the pure white underneath. It was small, having been whittled away from the main piece, to sit delicately in the center.
Noa glanced between your hands and your eyes, the unspoken words clear as day. Soona and Anaya drew closer, also watching you with rapt fascination as you admired your gift. You smiled, maybe a bit nervously, before ducking your head and sliding the circlet in place. You were surprised to find that it fit. There was no uncomfortable tightness or rough edges poking at you either. The center of your crown felt warm against your skin, and you were only too aware of the eagle’s presence. You were not part of the clan, but their emblem adorned your head…because the three apes in front of you believed you were worthy of it.
You bit your lip, tears threatening to form around the corners of your eyes. You would do your best to be worthy of it; of them, of their trust. For a moment, Micheal popped into your head, but you quickly brushed it aside. That was different, he wasn’t hurting anyone. As long as you fed him, he would have no reason to sneak into the village, or attack their eagles for food. It was beneficial to everyone, and you would tell them. Eventually.
At their stares, you found your voice enough to ask, “How do I look? Is it on straight?”
Soona nodded, “It is…perfect.”
Noa hummed, nodding his head as he readjusted the tilt of it slightly. His hand hovered a moment before he grunted, “Fits.”
You smiled, ready to call it for the day and head back, when you noticed Anaya’s slightly distant gaze. You quirked an eyebrow at him, “Anaya? Everything alright?”
Your voice seemed to shake him out of his stupor, embarrassed that he was caught staring, admitting, “Was…thinking…reminds me of something…female apes wear…very rare…Echo is…pretty.”
The two apes next to him seemed just as shocked as he was by his confession. Soona looked more confused in her shock, while Noa seemed more annoyed, almost as if Anaya had said something to offend him. The looks barely registered to you though, as a surprised laugh burst from your throat and threatened to send you into a fit. You reeled it in just long enough to tease, “Good to know the more ape I look, the more appealing I become.”
“Not what…Anaya meant,” he was quick to defend.
“I’m not upset,” You reassured him. A hand came up to fiddle with the circlet, fingers skimming over the wood as you continued, “I never thought an ape would like anything about an Echo enough to think of them as pretty. We’re so different, compared to you. I always thought apes saw us as ugly, so it’s nice to hear the opposite is true. I’m just glad I don’t repulse you.”
Soona leaned in then, grazing her fingers against your arm, “You are not…so different…hard to see at first…no fur…then long fur from head…but I think…you are pleasant…to look at...not ugly.”
You gave a half smile in response, signing a quick, Thank you. The praise was unexpected, and frankly unwanted. You just said what you thought was true, what you had heard Gol and the other gorillas say for over a year. Now, you weren’t quite sure how to act. You tried to put your focus back on the fruit, picking up one of the baskets Soona had carried down, starting to tie it to the back of her horse. From the corner of your eyes, you saw Soona knock her arm against Noa. They locked eyes before she nodded her head towards you. Your stomach did a weird swoop before it dropped, realizing what she was pushing for.
“You…” Noa began, stepping closer to grab your attention, only to suddenly be lost for words. You saw his nostrils flare a moment, eyes trailing over your face and your hair. They caught on the Eagle emblem in your circlet, before darting down towards your hands, shifting to casually rest on your hips. You saw his nostrils flare again, before he practically forced his eyes back to yours. He seemed to sway forward, catching this movement and taking a step back as he scoffed. You looked to Soona and Anaya, who seemed just as perturbed as you by Noa’s mannerisms.
“Me…?” You trailed off, trying to help him refocus. Soona nudged him again.
That previous move must have cleared his head. He seemed to have found his words again as his mouth opened, but was interrupted when an unexpected hiss from you cut him off. Another, violent, pang in your abdomen nearly sent you careening to the ground. You caught yourself on the saddle, using the horse to brace your weight as you tried adjusting to the pain. All three apes had jumped back in shock, though Noa was the first to recover. He was at your side as you clutched at your abdomen, demanding, “What is wrong?”
You shook your head, tears in your eyes, “Need to go back…to the burrow.”
“I will take you,” Noa said.
His hands came forward, as if to lift you to his horse, before you thrust an arm out. You struck Noa directly in the chest, effectively halting him. It felt more like you had struck a wall, if not for the soft cushion of fur. This seemed to shock everyone, Noa included as he grunted and huffed while you literally kept him at arms length. You took a deep breath, still clutching onto the saddle with your other hand, “Don’t…touch me right now.”
All three instantly became more concerned, looking between themselves for a solution to a problem they didn’t understand. The pain wasn’t stopping, seeming to coil in on itself as your head fell forward, white knuckling the saddle as it intensified. The burrow wasn’t far, you could walk, if you could just get the pain to ease a little. You took a few more deep breaths through your nose, and tried to relax your tense muscles. You heard rather then saw the apes signing, the rapid movement of air and the sound of fur brushing against fur indicating you were correct.
Then, a relieved sigh escaped you when you felt the coil slowly unfurl. You focused on your breathing, arm lowering from its raised position to wrap around your stomach. You blinked away the tears that had misted your vision, finally releasing the death grip you had on the saddle in front of you. You raised your head up then, turning towards the apes who stood back in obvious unease. You tried to smile, however weakly, still clutching your stomach, “I’m alright now.”
“What…was that?” Soona asked, eyes scanning up and down your body but finding no sign of injury.
You noticed Anaya doing the same, Noa actively scenting the air as he took a step forward, “Smell…different.”
Your cheeks burned at that, and for once you were thankful for the sunburn. You took a few steps back, begging, “Please don’t do that, not right now anyway. It’s…a human thing. One I don’t really want to explain today. I want to go back to my shelter before it gets worse.”
“Gets worse?” Anaya parroted, shoving past Soona and Noa on all fours to get to you. “Echo…is sick?”
You hesitated, “I…suppose. It’s something that only effects females. I’ll be fine, I just need to rest for a little while…maybe a few days.”
“We…have medicine.” Noa offered, “Healers at our village…could examine-”
“No,” you were quick to interject. “It’s not that type of illness. Like I said, I just need to rest.”
You made to walk around the apes, but Soona’s hand on your arm halted you, “If we can help…let us…we do not want…Echo to suffer…looked like…much pain…before.”
You took a deep breath, sighing, “I know… and yes it was. I appreciate all of you, but there’s nothing you can do about this. Just leave me be and let me go. You’ll see me again, I’ll meet you at the creek like I always do.”
Soona’s saddened look would not be forgotten any time soon as you shrugged off her touch, nor would Noa’s hurt expression as you brushed past him. Anaya of course, would be the one to break your heart, feet planted firmly on the ground as he asked, “We can…walk with you…make sure…get home…safe?”
“Anaya,” Noa whispered a warning under his breath, as you turned to face them.
You stared at the three apes, your friends, who were starting to feel more like family every day. Your stomach twisted and the idea didn’t seem so bad anymore. You had to think about Micheal first though. After a moment, you realized it was early enough in the day, he probably wouldn’t be there. You nodded your head then, “I would like that, if you don’t mind. I know you need to get the fruit back to your village.”
“Need to get fruit…to your burrow,” Noa countered.
“Fair enough,” you said, leaning up against a nearby tree while Soon and Anaya mounted their horses. Noa was checking to make sure the fruit baskets were secured, first on his horse, then on the other two, before guiding his horse over to you. You shook your head as he looked between you and his horse, “I can’t ride today. Besides, we aren’t that far away.”
Noa seemed like he was trying to puzzle out a problem; gaze moving from the trail, to his horse, to you, and back to the trail again. He motioned for you to come to him, your confusion obvious as you stepped towards the horse. Noa held out his arm, ordering, “Hand.”
You offered up your hand then, which he took, his larger one encompassing yours. Noa guided your hands to rub at his horse’s neck in a deliberate circle, before patting it three times. The horse snorted, trotting in place before starting to walk in the direction of your home. Noa released your hand and quickly took up the reigns, just in case his horse started to go in the wrong direction.
You wondered what that had been about, ready to ask Noa when his voice cut in, “We go…now.”
Not needing to be told twice, you walked alongside Noa, who refused to ride while you walked. Instead, he kept pace beside you. Anaya and Soona trailed slightly behind, flanking Noa’s left and your right respectfully, as you lead the way. You felt another pang in your abdomen, thankfully this one not as bad as the first. You stumbled a step before quickly righting yourself.
Noa scented the air again, loudly. You were starting to suspect he did it on purpose, so you would know when he was doing it. Afterwards, he asked, “Happens often?”
You shrugged, “I suppose. It’s random, so I can’t say for sure.”
“Lasts…few days…at a time?” Noa questioned again.
You grit your teeth, “It is as unpredictable as the weather, Noa. I don’t know.”
He was quiet a moment, before leaning his shoulder into yours, bumping you with a playful smile. “Sounds as…frustrating as…ape questions.”
You snorted, chuckling under your breath, “Your questions aren’t frustrating, I’m just not very patient when I’m in pain.”
“Is it…” Noa hesitated again. “Forever?”
You hummed, “Probably for the rest of my life, but it’s not an everyday thing. It comes and goes in a cycle.”
Noa hummed, seeming to be done with his questions. You heard a low hoot behind you, turning to see Anaya sign, Sure echo will be alright?
You smiled, signing back, Echo fine. Will not die. Needs rest.
Anaya gave a thumbs up, which caused you to giggle. This caught Noa’s attention, who turned back to see Anaya’s gesture. He scoffed, hooting under his breath, and signing, Youngling.
Anaya signed something back you didn’t understand, until Soona said out loud, “Means…elder.”
It took you a moment, before the comments seemed to click in your brain, and you full on cackled. Soona joined in with you, followed by Anaya and Noa who did so more out of good nature, rather than finding the situation funny.
The rest of the journey was mainly quiet, and you were close to your burrow now. It was just over the next rise in the hill. You turned to Noa, ready to tell him you would just take a few peaches and continue on without them, when he abruptly stopped. You took a few more steps forward before freezing, noticing the trepidation on his face. His nostrils flared for a second, before his eyes widened, looking down towards your middle before warning, “More…pain.”
Your brow furrowed, wondering why he would suddenly say that, when another pang went through you like a bolt of lightning. Your entire body seized, the air frozen in your lungs as you tried to gasp in a new breath. You felt your knees buckle, but before you could fall, Noa had released the reigns of his horse and lunged for you. His arms came up underneath yours, wrapping around your back to support your weight as you collapsed forward.
Your hands found purchase on his shoulders, nails digging in as the intensity increased. You heard Noa let out a vocalized growl of pain, teeth bared as the sound was ripped from his throat. You swallowed, trying to breathe through your own pain, whining, “Sorry.”
You heard Anaya and Soona hooting and screeching faintly, the roar of your own pulse and ragged breathing muffling most of the sound at first. Soona’s voice broke through the fog as she called, “Hurt…Noa…what…do we…do?”
Noa hissed through his teeth, huffing once before admitting, “Is fine…still not as sharp…as Eagle Sun’s talons.”
“Echo need help?” Anaya asked in a rush.
Noa’s head turned, and you weren’t sure if he answered or not, considering you didn’t hear a response, and his hands were occupied with your body. You wanted to laugh at the whole thing, at the absurdity of relying on Noa to even stay upright. You tried to loosen your fingers from his fur, before another pang ripped through you. You had the awareness enough to allow your nails to dig into your own palm this time, instead of Noa’s skin. You couldn’t understand why it was so bad, it had never been this bad before. Maybe you needed to pick up a medical book the next time you went to the library.
Noa noticed your fists shaking on his shoulders, one hand loosening from under your arms to cover your fist. He pried at your fingers before flattening your palm to his shoulder again. He did the same to the other hand, snorting, “Echo nails…not painful…I am…strong…can take it.”
You wanted to argue, tell him that his earlier yell didn’t sound like it wasn’t painful, but could only clutch at him tighter as another wave of agony hit you. Noa’s arms tightened around you then, shaking his head and puffing out air from his cheeks as Soona and Anaya made to jump down from their horses. You tucked your head into his chest, jaw starting to hurt from how hard you were clenching your teeth. Noa shifted, getting a better grip on you, just before you felt the deep ache begin to ease. You sighed in relief, nearly going boneless in his grasp, breathing in deep gulps of air as you tried to stabilize the rest of your body.
Noa patted your back, somewhat awkwardly, offering, “You can rest…a bit longer.”
You shook your head, pulling away as you moaned, “I just want to go sleep this off.”
Noa nodded, “Let’s get you…to burrow.”
Everything that happened after that was a giant blur. What you could remember was Noa’s arm curled around your back and your waist, supporting half your weight on his shoulder as you walked, while Anaya and Soona’s voices talking rapidly back and forth in the background. Noa seemed to be answering the questions though, to the best of his ability. When the apes reached your home, only to find the rock in place, there was an argument for getting it open before you wandered away from them to your tunnel hatch. Soona had followed you quietly, watching as you slumped onto the ground, opening the hatch with shaky arms.
You were pretty sure she helped lower you down, knowing you didn’t fall forward like you normally did. Anaya and Noa came screeching around the corner soon after though. They were not happy with this form of entry, but you had already closed and locked the door before they could reach you. Crawling actually hadn’t been too hard, taking pressure off of your spine as you bowed forward.
Once you reached the inside of your cave though, you distinctly heard Noa’s booming voice, his fists shaking the rock as he banged against it, hoping to get your attention. You trudged to the door, letting him know you were fine and that you would see them in a few days. Noa wanted to argue about the rock being in the way, but you could only tell him it was safer that way. You stripped off your clothing as he tried to convince you otherwise, crawling into your bed in relief. A quick “Go Home” had been yelled as you wrapped yourself up in the few blankets you had.
They must have listened, because there were a few moments of precious silence before you were greeted with oblivion.
It was another two days before you saw the apes again. You had spent the last day and half curled up on your bed writhing in agony, or dead asleep. Still, your monthly did not come in that time, which began to worry you that something else was actually wrong with you. When Micheal showed up that first night he had noticed your pain, sniffing at your body before leaving and returning with a dead mouse. Disgusting…but sweet in a way. You had sat up long enough to give him some fruit and half of your last fish. He seemed reluctant to eat it, but did so the next time you fell asleep. You woke up to find the food gone and Micheal curled up on the ground next to your stone bed.
You were able to stroke him a few times before he growled and walked a few steps out of your reach. He never left though, remaining a comfort to you as you prayed the pain would stop and not come back. When it seemed to finally end you took solace in the fact you still had half a day to rest before returning to the creek. At night, when you couldn’t sleep, you thought how you would explain what happened to the apes, hoping Soona as a female, would at least sympathize with you. You were pretty sure apes didn’t menstruate, but usually when it came to males versus females Soona chose your side, if for no other reason than she was happy not to be outnumbered anymore.
Of course, Soona had stayed back with the clan the day you returned, apparently having important duties to attend to before midday. Noa and Anaya would check your usual meeting place without her, relieved to see you there fishing after so long. When you told them you were feeling much better, Noa sent Eagle Sun back to the village, a signal to Soona that you had recovered. You thought it was sweet, and grateful for the initial distraction. Before you could launch into an explanation though, both male apes had ushered you up and away from your fishing spot.
Knowing you were no longer sick, they took the opportunity to lead you deeper into their territory. Noa explained there was a second part to your gift, which they hadn’t been able to give you before, because you had become so ill. You were nervous, very reluctantly wading across the creek with them and into uncharted forest. You were quickly shown specific landmarks they used for mapping and common trails they followed. You had remained on edge at first, head on a constant swivel as you imagined running into other apes. Anaya and Noa both assured you though that there were no other apes outside of their village today.
It was too early in the season to hunt, and the clan did their fishing mainly by Eagle. A branch of the creek also ran through their village, so collecting water only became an issue during dry seasons. It made sense. You wondered why they were showing you all of these things, why this was so important to them all of a sudden, until Noa and Anaya brought you into a large grove. You had to avoid briars and thickets of brush, but you followed in their footsteps obediently. You reached a clearly ape-made barrier before they stopped you. It resembled a gate, and as Anaya untied the rope around the door, your nose caught the scent of something sweet. When it was opened, your jaw dropped.
This grove…was full of strawberries.
You were in shock. The grove in front of you wide and vast, the fruit looking perfectly ripe towards the middle. Anaya ushered you forward, and you turned to Noa, who had nodded in confirmation. The steps you took were careful, not wanting to step on the wild growing plants and potentially damage one. The sight, the smell of it all, brought so many emotions flooding through you. You thought the fruit had gone extinct. You hadn’t had one since you were a child, and even then, trying to recall the taste in your memory proved in vain. All you could remember, was your mother’s face as she handed you, what you would later learn was, the last one.
“Noa…Noa…” Anaya had called. “Do it now…give now.”
You were brought out of your reminiscing to see Noa bend down at a random bush, straightening back to his full height a moment later with a basket in his hands. Not just any basket, you noted as you caught sight of the pattern. It was your basket. The one you had given him the day you two met. You had forgotten all about it. He kept it this whole time? Noa came towards you then, that slight back and forth sway of his gait bringing a smile to your face as he placed the basket in your arms.
You thought it would be empty, the weight taking you off guard. Noa removed the top of it then, showing you it was full to the brim with fresh strawberries. Your eyes closed for a second, fighting back a ridiculous rush of tears at the kindness. You didn’t even have the words.
“These…are yours.” Noa said, tapping the rim of the basket. “No other place…for many days journey…can come here…whenever you want.”
Anaya came towards you then, “Picked…and Noa washed…this sunrise…now you know…where it is.”
A part of you didn’t understand, the circlet around your head feeling more prominent now than it had before. Why? Why share all of this with you? Their traditions, their territory, their trails…their food? You looked up into Noa’s eyes, seeing more in his gaze than you had anticipated. There was that familiarity, that warmth, but also a nervousness behind it all that had been present a few days ago too. That’s when it dawned on you.
This was just as new to him as it was to you.
There probably wasn’t a reason behind it all. Just like there hadn’t been a reason for you to save him, or for you to charge the boar and kill it. You both were simply reacting to each other, to the moments you shared, even if you didn’t understand them. You were relieved to know you weren’t the only one feeling unsure at the end of the day. It felt more equal that way, you two learning together. His gaze shifted, a silent question present now, and only then did you realize that you hadn’t said anything yet.
Stomping down your revelation, as well as your emotions, you broke eye contact with him. You turned to Anaya, who was hovering next to you. Your gaze bounced from one ape to the other as you breathed, “Thank you. Thank you both-and Soona! I had no idea these even still existed. It’s been so long since…You have no idea what this means to me. It’s…more than I have the words for.”
You found yourself gravitating towards those green irises again as you finished speaking. You saw the nervousness ease into relief, and emboldened by the moment, you set the basket down. You weren’t sure how to start it, but you tried to mimic what Noa had done before. Your left arm was thrust out, palm up and your right hand hovered in the air. Anaya looked thoroughly confused by your actions, but you saw a small spark of recognition in Noa’s eyes. You took a step closer to him then, images of the last time you both touched pushed firmly to the back of your mind. This wasn’t that…at least, you were pretty sure this was different.
Noa focused on your movements, that look of contemplation evident, not quite sure that what you were doing is what you were offering. Before nerves could settle in any further, you explained, “Trust.”
Noa’s shoulders visibly relaxed, as if your words took the weight of the world off of him. Then, he took that final step forward to meet you. His left hand clasped yours, bending down so your right could circle around his neck to the nape in one fluid motion. His other hand was in your hair then, both of you pulling at the same time to gently bring your foreheads together. You were about to shut your eyes when you realized Noa’s were still open.
That was different from the first time, and from when Soona had pulled you in. He was looking you in the eye now…intently. You could see why this was a sign of trust for the apes. It was intimate, seeing eye to eye while being this close. Noa’s were always so expressive, and the color absolutely captivated you whenever you were caught in his gaze. His pupils were the deepest black you had ever seen, sucking you in and absorbing all light until emerald green exploded out of the darkness to blend into his irises. You had never seen such beautiful green before, not even in the pine forests you had traveled with your mother. This close, you could also see small flecks of amber around the pupil, blending into the green, something that just added depth to any look he gave you.
Taking in a breath, you didn’t dare to blink, knowing you could see every twitch and flex of his facial features like this. You didn’t want to miss a moment. Your senses tuned into him, everything else around you dulling and fading into the background. Under your fingertips, you could feel his pulse, strong and steady, reminding you not to dig in too harshly to his fur while you held him. You forced your hand to relax more around his neck, but that only seemed to imply to Noa that you were about to let go.
His shoulders tensed and he applied more pressure where your heads touched, fingers bending to curl deeper into your hair, down to your scalp. Not enough to hurt, Noa was always careful not to hurt you when you touched. The sudden action somehow didn’t bother you, understanding the need to make the moment last. You pressed in further too, trying too hard to match his power and visibly moving his head back a fraction, which pulled a smile from him. Your stomach fluttered at that, and you felt a breathy laugh escape. It was cut short when you felt Noa’s thumb along your arm stroke back and forth, reminiscent of the movement your own had made that night in your burrow.
The hairs along your arm raised at the contact, soothed back down almost immediately by the pass of his thumb. You took in a deep breath, cheeks feeling warmer than they had a few days ago in the sun. Only then, did you decide that any more of this could be dangerous. Your hand slid away from Noa’s neck, trailing down his shoulder, noticing the hair along the edges rising before you pulled away.
Noa pursed his lips in a tight line, eyes pinching shut before reluctantly pulling his head away from yours. His eyes snapped open, as if he was physically unable to keep them shut, dragging in a long, audible breath through his nose. His fingers trailed through your hair, so long now, bringing the strands forward over your shoulder. His eyes followed his hand’s movement, knuckles ghosting along the side of your neck, then over your collarbone before retracting it all together. He straightened to his full height, eyes leaving yours to focus on your left arms, which were still clasped tightly.
Anaya broke the lethargic spell you both seemed to be under, arm outstretched as he demanded, “Anaya’s turn…trust.”
Noa’s eyes shifted from his Sunset Brother, to you, and then his gaze drifted towards your clasped hands once more. He grunted, nodding once as his arm slid down the length of yours. Your eyes fell from his face to watch his arm as it moved, feeling every brush of skin and fur. His fingers never skipped an inch, going so far as to trail all the way from your wrist to your palm, slowly tracing up the length of your curved ring and middle finger before finally pulling away all together.
Something about that motion had felt important, but as the hairs on your arm raised, again, you couldn’t figure out why. You didn’t have time to think about it though, turning to Anaya then. He wasn’t quite as tall as Noa, but he still had to bend down as you took his arm in yours. You had no time to grip his neck, feeling his head smack into yours non-too gently. You winced, but refused to make a noise for fear of hurting his feelings, knowing he didn’t mean to. His other hand came up to cup the back of your head, but instead of holding it, he patted it like he was praising you.
In any other circumstances, coming from any other ape, that would have unnerved or even enraged you. But from Anaya? It was actually sort of endearing. He didn’t wait very long before pulling away though, making the gesture with Noa feel twice as long in your mind now. You chose not to dwell on it, they certainly weren’t, as Anaya picked up the basket at your feet, handing it back to you.
You saw the look in his eyes and you chuckled, “Have one.”
Anaya reached for a strawberry but Noa was quick to push him away, covering the basket with his arm as he stated, “Anaya had more…than enough…when we were picking them.”
“That was breakfast…” Anaya argued. “Sun is past peak…hungry again…Echo said it was okay.”
Noa huffed through his nose, turning to look at you then. You smiled, “You can have one too Noa, food is meant to be shared and eaten together.”
With that said, Anaya did not hesitate. A strawberry was in his hand and then in his mouth before you cloud blink. Noa looked into the basket, choosing one of the smaller ones before sighing, “Worse…than vulture.”
“And yet…Echo feeds me.” Anaya countered, hooting with half a strawberry still in his mouth.
“Does not know…better yet.” Noa hummed. “Will learn…eventually.”
You laughed along with them, turning an arm that was holding the basket inwards to pick a strawberry for yourself. You settled on a large one that would take two bites to finish. You hesitated as you brought it towards you, hoping that it tasted good and that it wasn’t just some fantasy from childhood that would be altered now that you were an adult.
You caught Noa and Anaya watching you, your hesitation. You swallowed, not wanting to face any potential questions from them. You went for it, breaking the skin of the fruit with your teeth. That’s when, somehow, you remembered exactly how the last one had tasted as a child…and realized this one was so much better. The first one wasn’t quite ripe yet, having a harder skin and a more sour taste. This one, the skin was soft and the flavor was overly sweet, juice exploding in your mouth and coating your lips in its syrup.
You moaned out your appreciation, finishing off the second half quickly. Anaya hooted, and you handed him another, taking a second one for yourself, “These are amazing. I owe you guys each a basket of grapes for this.”
“Yes!” Anaya practically wailed, arms raising in the air. “You are Anaya’s…favorite Echo.”
Noa hooted at that while you turned to leave the grove, basket in hand. “I’m going in a few days actually, the three of you could come with me if you want. That way you’ll also know where it is.”
Noa was silent then, and you could tell he was thinking before he responded, “Will consider it…talk to Soona later…we have…one more thing to…show you…before dark.”
“Alright, should I leave these here?” You asked.
Noa turned to look at Anaya before answering, “Should be safe…as long as you do not…leave them for too long.”
“Understood,” you chuckled as you set them down by the door. You took one more and popped it in your mouth for good measure before closing the lid. “I will definitely be back for those.”
Anaya followed you out while Noa closed the door and tied the rope back. The two apes suddenly became very quiet, urging you to follow them as you started to walk uphill. You followed diligently, seeing the sun still high enough in the sky for you to make it back to your burrow before it became dark. You had covered a good distance between your shelter and the grove, you estimated it was about a thirty minute walk. You had to tell yourself that was a good thing, since you would probably be here too often otherwise.
Your calves started to burn from the incline as you continued uphill. No matter what was up here, there was no way you could see yourself doing this again unless you had to. You noticed Anaya and Noa ahead of you, signing again in rapid gestures, ones you weren’t entirely familiar with. You caught a few words, like clan and Echo as well as worried and fine. Noa chose that moment to turn back to check and see if you were still there. They had reached the top, pausing their gait along the trail so you could catch up.
You doubled your efforts, not wanting to keep them waiting. Once you managed to climb the top of the hillside, you noticed the forest trees opened up into a wide clearing. You bent over for a moment, unable to take in the scenery while you braced your hands on your knees. You blamed the incline and the heat for why you felt the need to catch your breath. Your abdomen twinged, but did not give you a jolt like it had a few days ago. You were thankful for small mercies. You looked up then, to ask Noa where you were, when the words suddenly withered and died on your tongue. That’s when you saw it.
Their village
You were horrified, straightening up too fast and then freezing on the spot from the blatant movement. That was a mistake. The apes could notice you…and you were able to see many apes moving about freely. The village looked more like a small city with the blur of motion in front of you. You saw some carrying baskets, some weaving vines and sticks together to form a larger structure. They were using rope and pulley systems as well, the looming tower in the center stealing your breath for a moment. You’d seen apes take over trees, rocks, and old human structures, but never build something like this. There were so many working on it. Working together.
Your eyes were pulled away from the tower by a few young apes running around, chasing each other and screeching good naturedly. Human or not, you loved kids, and the carefree way they played forced the breath you were holding out of your nose. A renegade smile also tugged at the corner of your mouth. They had run between the legs of a male ape, whose Eagle had just landed on his arm. He hooted at them, shooing them away with his free hand before returning his attention to his bird. He took the fish from its talons and scratched under its neck, like you had done so many times with Eagle Sun. Then he made his way over to an ape you recognized, the matriarch from the creek. The one who had taught the young apes about fishing without an Eagle. For a moment, it seemed as if she was looking at you, and you felt as though you locked eyes with her. Then, she continued to sway and move on towards a cleaning table, and you decided it must have been your imagination.
After all, there was so much commotion in the village, nothing was standing still like you were now. Everything was boisterous, sounds of life and happiness erupting from the clearing. It was a peaceful looking place, and you thought how nice it must be to live there. It looked like a wonderful ho…but then you caught yourself. You dropped to the ground so fast the impact hurt your knees, tall grass shielding you from any eyes that might choose to roam towards the edge of the forest. You weren’t sure how to move yet, eyes scanning back and forth as you processed what was happening, fingers twitching as you balanced on your haunches.
Noa and Anaya were watching you closely, not stopping you when you decided to turn and bolt back down the hill. They did follow you, but did not call after you, allowing you to move freely until you felt you were safe. It wasn’t too far. Once you were back in the forest, surrounded by trees, the clearing a good distance away, you stopped. You fought against the tremors that threatened to shake you back down to the ground, every muscle pulled taught with the effort.
“Echo…okay?” Anaya asked, hesitantly.
No. No, you most certainly were not. Your arms wrapped around yourself then, nails pinching and digging into your clothes, reminding you that you were wearing them. Somehow it didn’t fix the feeling of being naked, of feeling exposed.
“Did not have…to leave.” Noa explained, “Clan knows…about you…has known…knows we were…bringing you today.”
Anaya hummed, “Soona stayed…has food for you…for everyone…who wants to meet Echo.”
Your back was facing the apes, and shouldn’t that just feel unnatural? But it didn’t…because you trusted them. You trusted Soona and Anaya. You trusted Noa with…and suddenly you felt a spark of anger ignite in your stomach. It burned and bubbled while you attempted to take deep breaths. You tried to force yourself to calm down, to try to see this from their point of view. You didn’t want to spiral or overreact like you had in the library. They trusted you, wanted to show you where they lived because they know where you live. The clan knew you saved Noa’s life, knew the trio was spending a lot of time with you. Maybe, they even knew you were teaching them to read. Naturally, they wanted to meet you. Food. There was food there with Soona…and other kind apes just like her. Just like Anaya. Just like Noa. They wanted to meet you. The trio had prepared for this, probably all morning. They were trying to do something nice…right?
Your fingers relaxed against your arms. The tremors died down into small twitches you had no issue controlling. You took a breath. You had almost fully calmed down, had almost convinced yourself this was innocent…then Noa opened his mouth.
“Cannot avoid clan forever…you need them to know you…and they need to know…that you are not a pest…to be chased away…the Elders agreed…after much convincing…to let us bring you.”
…a pest?
You whipped around then, the fire in your stomach now reflecting in your eyes.
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dancingbabya-notes · 1 year
Your scars are beautiful
Everyone gains scars; it's a part of life, no one is immune to that. From small ones that are barely noticeable to ones that signify or are a reminder of a very strong memory. A badge of honor, a reminder of a mistake, luck that no one else was harmed, or a bad memory. (PS the only reason I wrote this is because the most recent chapters I've read are rotting my brain and I sometimes think a little too hard about my own scars)
Characters: Todoroki, Mirio, Midoriya, Amajiki, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinso, Shoji
Spoiler warning: there are spoilers for the bnha/MHA manga in Shoji’s part so if you don’t want that please don’t bother reading.
Tw: trauma, mention of falling from extreme heights, mentions of child abuse, mentions of abuse, mention of self harm, 
Sometimes you would walk into your shared room with Shoto, he looks at his face so intently in the mirror. But trying to imagine him without the burn scar on his face was difficult. That was your only image of him since school. Today he seemed to be intently picking at the skin around the old scar.
Walking up behind him you put his hands down so they sat in his lap as you hug him tightly. “Sho, Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He states, his low voice not expressing much emotion but for some reason you just knew.
“Do you wanna touch my scar?” You ask, he blinked.
You were very protective of your own scars, it wasn’t because it was an old scar. It wasn’t because of anything sad, it was because you went too far. Like Icarus you flew too close to the sun and lost your wings. When it happened you remember him reaching for you and the pain in his eyes.
“Are you sure, my love?” He looks at you in the mirror.
“Of course, you always tell me you find comfort when I touch your scar,” you smile.
“No,” he shakes his head, his hand sitting comfortably in yours. “Just sitting with me right now is fine.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“It’s an old story.”
“That doesn’t mean it can stir new feelings,” you offer, giving him a slight squeeze.
Shoto thinks for a moment, mouth opening and closing a few times as time seemed to stretch before he found the right words. “I know now…why my mother felt the way she did. But I can’t… help but feel I had been too hasty in forgiving her. Or… that I’m wrong for not forgiving… my father.”
You try to think of a good thing to say but you weren’t sure if your words would bring him solace or pester the pain more. “I think you need to talk to them again. While it may open old bleeding wounds I feel telling them how you’re feeling might help. If you want I can sit with you when you do?”
“No, I feel it will only cause me unnecessary pain,” he sighs.
“But emotional pain can come up later,” you mumble then to realize. “Sho, are you worried that we will be bad parents to our children?”
“Yes,” he pulls on your hand a bit, stretching it a bit beyond to position that was slowly making pins and needles prick at your skin.
“No one’s perfect, but all we can do is try our best and make up for the mistakes we make. If you want when we start a family we can go to counseling,” you suggest. “That way we can get a second option, you might also get some closure with the pain you feel regarding your parents.”
Shoto pulls you around to face him, kind of sitting his lap but with his arms around you instead of you’re around him. You smile as he buries his face into your hoodie.
“You always seem to know what to say my love.”
Flinching you quickly roll your pant leg back down. It was moments like these where you wish the mirror didn’t make you feel so small.
“There you are,” Eijiro smiles as he pulls you into a hug. “I thought you were asleep or something.”
“I was just antsy,” you mumble. “Sorry I should have said I was in here.”
He looks at you and he can tell. “Your scars are making you anxious, aren’t they?”
You nod.
He starts peppering your face in kisses. “It’s not your fault, it wasn’t something we could help. Nurse didn’t know.”
Nurse. Without her you didn’t want to know what would have happened to you. Your hero career would have ended that day. Even the short month to recuperate wasn’t enough time, you still had nightmares, waking up screaming, and the phantom pains. The reminder was the scars. Why couldn’t you move past this?
“I know.”
Eijiro picks you up and sits on the bed with you in his arms. He kissed your face, but you could tell where he was kissing. He had a purpose. Your body was littered with scars, the proof of your life and the things you’ve dealt with. The thin one just above your eye was from when your brother spent a day drawing portals through the house and you had fallen through one out into the tree. The smooth one by your ear from a surgery that had been found to be unnecessary: the hospital had mixed up your chart with another child patient, your mom was not enthused.
The one under your eye from when you accidentally cut your face, having thought you put the exact blade down, you were lucky you didn’t get your eye. He brings your hands up and he kisses your fingers, the paper thin cuts you’d gotten from learning how to cook and other craft related accidents. A small giggle escapes as he looks you in the eye for a moment.
“You don’t have to do this,” you smile.
“But I want to.”
With each kiss you were reminded of the origin of the scar. Your left hand: a wet rock from the river by the summer house. Your right wrist: the bracelet you wore during a spontaneous rescue during second year. Your shoulders: the burns from an old mission. Your stomach: an inconsolable attacker. Every memory was fine until he kissed your legs. The perfect lined scars that cut straight accords your knees.
Your breath shook a bit as the tears started. You were so scared. Plenty of other times you’d been scared but when you couldn’t feel your feet or toes, or even just the pain, were the most terrifying two minutes of your life.
His hands touched the scar and you flinched. “I know that I’m lucky. So many people pity me now.”
“Who cares what they feel about your scars,” your boyfriend pulls you back into his lap, peppering the top of your head and your forehead with kisses. “What matters is you are here, you are safe, and the pain you feel will disappear. It will fade into a bad memory.”
“I know. But what if-
“Y/n, if anything had happened we would have figured it out. Okay?”
You nod. “Thank you Eiji.”
When you see Midoriya’s scars, the ones on his hands, his arms, anywhere you wonder, would it have been better if you realized and accepted your second quirk sooner. You had grown used to using the regenerative ability given to you by the monster that forced your creation. Body torn to shreds over and over again, everyone always talked about how lucky you were. But were you?
You could lose a finger and if you consume enough toxins you could grow it back without worry. Your body showed no signs of scarring, well not visible at first glance. You had one scar. It was small and you just knew it was a part of you now.
“Cookie? Is there something on me? Don’t tell me there’s another water-
“No, you’re fine.” You shake your head and you smile looking at your boyfriend. “Have I ever mentioned that you’re beautiful?”
Midoriya didn’t seem to know what to say, his jaw hung open as he quickly covered his mouth and turned away. You chuckle slowly breaking into a laugh as he blushes so hard you could see it on his back from his shoulders.
“Cookie,” he whines and you slowly try to catch your breath.
Standing up you smile before taking his hand and kissing the first scar you’d ever seen on him. “It’s true. I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”
You weren’t sure what it was but he pulled you close to him before kissing the top of your left ear. Which made you embarrassed, the only imperfection you had. A slight notch in the top of your ear. Like someone had cut a slice of it out. At the time you must have been no older than three or four, the faint memory of pain and then it ending.
“I think you are far more beautiful than I am,” he smiles before you push him away.
“Put on a fucking shirt,” you scold.
“Sunshine, are you okay you’re shaking?”
Putting the pot down you think. “I’m fine though. Huh?”
Turning your. Hands over and over you did notice a slight shake, but that was normal right? Frowning it was odd when old memories would be triggered.
“Ah, I know what’s wrong.” You chuckle nervously. “I remembered when my mom had a hard time moving the pot to the table because she didn’t want us to burn our hands on the plates.”
Mirio was a bit confused. “Why did you think about that?”
You flex your wings and shift the feathers to the side a bit to show the one spot where only short feathers grew, it didn’t impair  your flying and you were surprised you could even fly at this age. “She dropped the pot, my dad was so angry he hit her and got me in the crossfire.”
Though you had a light hearted smile on your face Mirio frowns. “I’m sorry to hear that Sunshine.”
You wave your hand dismissively. “If I hadn’t witnessed that I’m sure you and I would have never met. Don’t apologize, it made me think that I hope my mom is in a better place, and I will be very very careful who I marry if I ever do.”
Mirio had thought much about how you’d grown up, it was partially because you never talked about it. He didn’t want to pry usually but he did want to know as much as you were comfortable sharing.
“How do you feel about scars anyway?” You ask.
“They’re proof we live,” he smiles before brushing his hand against your feathers.
You shriek, pulling away quickly and stumbling forward. Groaning you clutch your side, having effectively slammed your entire weight into the corner of the counter.
“A warning,” you gasp. “Please, my feathers are sensitive.”
Shaking your head you start laughing only to be paused from the pain shooting up your body.
Your partner watches intently as you work. He always did this, because he said it made him feel better. Watching you work when he had nothing to do. Somewhere along the way of learning you had been given the task to create new things for uniform fabrics. He remembered how when you both met and you made him something only for him to learn how your quirk actually worked.
Your blood infused with fabrics could change them drastically. A fabric that couldn’t be cut with most known blades unless you bled on it. A super stretchy fabric that didn’t wear easily if at all, water resistant fabric, changing a fabric to be flame retardant. Your quirk was virtually limitless if you had drawn enough blood.
“Tamaki? You’re staring pretty hard right now, did I mess up the pattern somewhere?” You pause a bit confused as you look over the piece.
Chuckling a big he shakes his head. “I just thought you looked beautiful.”
Okay now you messed up, quickly switching off the machine you felt yourself gradually melt to the floor. “What did I do to deserve someone as kind as you?”
“N-no I’m the lucky one,” he argues.
“I’m not beautiful and you know that, all these scars from trying to figure out how to use my quirk.” You laugh jokingly.
But Tamaki grabs your hands tightly. “You are beautiful, scars and all.”
You couldn’t help but smile, it was a stupid smile that one only makes when they’re drunk on love. “You’re beautiful too Tamaki. As beautiful as the moon.”
His face quickly reddens, but he did have enough sense to pick you up off the floor. Your work space was a workplace hazard in more ways than one.
“Don’t ever say your scars aren’t beautiful, without your abilities some many more people would be in danger,” he huffs, his ears burning from his embarrassment from your earlier comment.
“Mm, I’ll try.”
Katsuki hardly cared about his scars. He took care of his body and as long as he could do his job as a hero who cared what he looked like. But usually he’d skim over his scars when getting changed and a recent exchange made him angry seeing his scars.
You were working like usual, heroes were still plentiful but the job was safe. Your hero costume featured a mask to shield your face from others. Only he and a few trusted people ever saw your face without the mask. So during the recent publicity event when someone chastised and scolded you for your scar Katsuki had to be held back.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it,” you had said, but you still cried yourself to sleep in his arms.
It was a scar that left you permanently inhibited, taking one eye with it. After all the healing you’d gone through and everything one person’s comment could still bring you down.
“Tsuki? Are you okay?” You ask, crossing your arms.
He scoffs. “I’m fine.”
“Tomorrow is the gala right?”
“Would you be mad if I said I’d rather stay home?”
Why? He didn’t want to go, you didn’t, might as well.
“Then we don’t have to go.” He shakes the wrinkles out of his shirt before folding it.
You pause. “What?”
“I didn’t stutter.”
“I never said you did, are you sure we can just-
Katsuki stops folding the clothes and faces you. “I’m tired, so are you. Plus, you need a break from your mask. Whose fucking idea was it for it to be so tight to your face? Can’t even fucking breathe properly in that damn thing.”
You blink. “Wait, do you think I’m upset about what that person said?”
He narrows his eyes.
“Katsuki, seriously? I’ve had this scar since I was like five. Sure as shit ain’t pretty, but someone who doesn’t matter to me isn’t gonna make me upset.” You laugh. “If this hadn’t happened to me I would have never learned how to feel around for water and sense things with it.”
He smirks, pulling you into a hug. “Damn right. But we’re still not going to the gala.”
“Don’t wanna wear a tie?”
He didn’t answer you.
When you got married to Denki the first thing he did was make you cry. Because for some reason that was shut what he did. At your wedding in front of all your friends. Were you drunk? No. Had it been a long day? Yes. But somehow it was even more memorable.
Instead of a traditional or western “wedding” you both decided a small get together for family and friends would be so much better, on the condition your parents even showed up. As you looked at the scar that you both shared across your arms you couldn’t help but giggle.
“What are you looking at bumblebee?” He asked and his voice seemed to fall. “Oh.”
For Kaminari it held a different meaning. You were always so careful, it came with the territory of being a support item creator especially with a quirk like yours. Telekinesis could be powerful and used in many different ways but you used it both as a crutch and a tool to protect yourself. So when he saw that his mistake blemished your skin he thought “I just vowed to protect her and got her hurt.”
“I feel like it’s beautiful. Luckily Yoko could heal it up,” you smile brushing your fingers on your own scar.
“I’m sorry.”
You frown. “I like this scar. It’s not the first one I’ve ever gotten but it’s ours.”
“I didn’t know that knives could split like that if the wrong pressure is placed on it.”  He mumbles.
“It’ll be a good teaching moment for when this one gets older.” You coo brushing the hair from the child’s eye. “I’m sure Teru will think it’s funny how his parents share a scar. Though I think the story of how we met  will top that.”
“I guess you’re right. But I’m still sorry,” Kaminari pouts.
“You have more than made up for it, my overpowered pikachu.” You grab him by the face and squeeze it a bit before kissing him.
“Do you think Teru will get scars?”
“As he gets older yeah,” you nod, looking at the baby again.
“You’re happy with me right y/n?” Denki squeezes your scarred hand with his own.
“Of course I am. Accidental exploding knife and all. I think that made our wedding more memorable for me,” you chuckle. “I feel like it was my fault.”
“No, you can’t do anything wrong.”
You smile as you finish giving the kitten a bath. Fostering the stray cats so they could be taken care of or at least fixed was probably one of the few things you were glad your house could accommodate. Which made you think about the first time things like this happened. Trying to help a stray dog which resulted in a nasty bite as a child. But regardless you got the dog to safety. Your mom wasn’t all that happy about the bite.
“Hey puddin,” you smile as the older cat rubs against your face. “You know where to leave your gifts. Hitoshi will be coming over tonight.”
You giggle thinking about the first time you met him. Helping out at your parents' rescue center Shinso Hitoshi came in with his arms and face bleeding as the cat tried to free itself of his hold. You damn near panicked because of it. Even laughing with him as you patched him up.
“Look we match.” He joked showing his own bite mark wound.
As he walked in you held the now dry kitten, purring snatched the kitten from you and started taking care of it herself.
“Okay mama, looks like my job is done.” You roll your eyes about to wash your hands.
“Was there any trouble?” Hitoshi asks puttting the groceries down.
“No, I just thought about how I met you.” You hum.
Hitoshi thinks for a moment and nods. “Oh, well I’m glad we match. Doing stuff like this would be hard otherwise.”
You look at the scars you both bear, if not for these you might never have met your best friend.
When you met Shoji you had never expected it to be through your quirk. The ability to walk through people’s dreams and exist in that separate space. He’s much taller than you so even if your eyes weren’t glued to the floor you wouldn’t have usually made eye contact with him. Once you spent more time with him you had wondered about the mask why he wore it, but in fear of prying you kept your questions to yourself.
You’d always lived in the city you read about the way heteromorphs were treated in rural areas so seeing it first hand through a nightmare of his. Made you hurt. People who thought they were better than others hurt innocent people, it made you angry. But as he lays in your lap sleeping after a long day of hero work you keep your tears at bay.
“Why is this coming to mind now?” You mumble.
Shoji stirs in his sleep, and you bring your hand to his hair, rubbing his head much like how he did for you when you apologized for your inability to control your own quirk. His scars weren’t what made him, and you were glad at least he could come to terms with it. But the people who cared for him— like you. Will probably always feel pain. Leaning down, you kiss him and he chuckles.
“Are you crying again?”
You sniffle trying to make your voice normal. “No.”
“It’s in the past, things are slow to go but there’s been change since we were in school.” Shoji yawns a bit before sitting up. “Aside from thinking about the past, what are you thinking?”
“How beautiful you are,” you hum, stretching up a bit you cradle his face in your free hand. “Because it takes a lot to be this beautiful.”
He kisses the inside of your hand. “Only you say things like this.”
“And you know that I mean them. Just hold me back after counting to three if anyone dares say anything.” You clock your tongue.
“Hmm, I’ll give you five seconds.”
“Truly kind indeed to couple with your beauty,” you giggle, bowing your head a bit. “I am not worthy.”
But he didn’t laugh this time, instead he pulled you into his lap and just held you there. He does take your cup away from you.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be drinking coffee after five, stardust?” He frowns at the liquid and you avert your gaze.
“It’s decaf.” You lie.
He smells the cup and puts it on the coffee table before locking you in his hold. “I believe that’s enough ‘not coffee’ for one evening.”
Leaning back on his chest and looking up at him you still smile. “While your scars come from a bad memory I hope since they’ve healed you have a million more to make the bad seem insignificant. Plus I meant it when I said you’re beautiful.”
It was his turn to hold your face in one of his hands. “I know stardust. I know.”
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Favorite song | Robert "Bob" Floyd
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Summary: What happens if Bob isn't the one that has to eject from his aircraft? What happens if he has to see you do it?
Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x Fem!pilot!reader (call sign: Phantom)
Word count: 1.4k
Requested? Yes / No
Warnings: fluff, bit of angst, mentions of an accident, more fluff, lots of fluff.
A/N: Am I obsessed with Bob? Completely. And I don't have an ounce of regret in my body.
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Phantom, just like Bob, was one to stay at the back of the room when there was a social gathering. That's how they met at the academy.
They've been inseparable ever since. They've been trying to be paired together in the same aircraft for a while now. But it's been futile. And even when you are called on an important mission in Top Gun, he gets assigned to another pilot. 
Phoenix is a nice girl, and you grow to love her in so little time. She takes you under her wing, no pun intended. Natasha becomes your friend very quickly, it's like she can read you like an open book. And because of that, she knows that you, little cute you, have a crush on the wizzo. And because she is also a good friend of Bob's, Phoenix knows that the male also has some feelings towards you.
However, it doesn't matter how much she tries to get the two of you together. None of you will ever admit your feelings, too scared to risk that beautiful friendship. 
Your friendship with Bob was based on the mutual acknowledgement that neither of you wanted to be the center of attention. When you two hang out outside work, it's usually in quiet cafés, reading a book with steamy cups of tea and something sweet to eat. When escaping the base was impossible, or when you were deployed in the middle of the sea, Bob would always come to you, headphones in his hand. He would sit beside you, give you one headphone and put on some new music he had found and he'd thought you'd like. 
You never noticed, and Bob prayed to whoever was above that you'd never do, but when you were listening to music and closed your eyes to enjoy the sweet voice of the singer, he liked to look at you. You were so calm, not a sign of stress on your face. He liked how you tried to suppress your smile when you liked the lyrics of a song. Sometimes he wasn't even interested in the music. He just knew you would like it and he wanted to see you smile. 
Since arriving at Top Gun, there wasn't much time to listen to songs. There was so much to be done and so little time. You two were always rushing from one place to another. Bob missed you. He missed your quiet book dates (he swore it weren't dates, they were just friendly outings), laying down and listening to some music with you. He craved to be alone with you in a safe, calm place. And his gut was telling him that the two of you would go up there the day of the mission. He was scared that something would happen to you.
What neither of you could imagine is that danger would knock on your door sooner than you expected. 
You had just completed the course, having come out from a 9-g egressing maneuver that took your breath away. Quite literally. Maverick is behind you, congratulating you, Phoenix and Bob for the good job when a flock of birds appears out of nowhere, crashing against your aircraft and damaging the engine. You try to extinguish the fire that's burning it, but it's useless. You lose both, your aircraft falling down. You try to make it work again, save the f-18 ignoring Maverick, Phoenix and Bob's yells that come from the radio begging you to pull out. You do pull out at the last second, much to Bob's dismay. At least, you're alive. 
It takes almost an hour for you to get back to the base, having to wait for the rescue team to, well, rescue you. You're send straight to the infirmary for check up once you set a foot on the ground. Bob's there, sitting on a chair with his eyes closed, listening intently to every thing the doctors say to you. He opens his eyes once to look at you, and the intensity of his stare makes you shiver. He's mad. You've never seen him mad and it, honestly, scares the shit out of you. Quiet people getting mad? Those are the worst ones. 
Once the nurse leaves the room and you're completely alone with him, you move to the end of the bed to get up. 
"Don't even try it" says Bob with an authoritative tone. You've never heard him talk like that. 
"Bob, I'm okay. I can get up" you argue.
He gets up from his chair, walking to your bed and looking down at you. "If you try to move from that bed in the next twelve hours so help me God I will make you stay there myself" he says in a hushed voice. 
"Bob I-" 
"Why didn't you pull out before?" he questions directly and you know that he has been wanting to know the answer to that question for hours now. "Why did you risk your life like that?" 
"I thought I could save the aircraft…" 
"It was impossible, y/n. You knew it" he's mad. You don't know how to deal with an angry Bob. You've never had to. 
"Bob, I'm sorry" you mutter, looking at your hands. 
"You better be. I almost died up there" he confesses. "I thought I was gonna lose you"
"I'm not going anywhere, okay? You're not losing your best friend anytime soon" you try to joke, but he's not having it.
"I'm more worried about losing the woman I love" 
You raise your head so fast that it almost hurts. He has a serious expression in his eyes. Bob told you once how hard it was for him to express his feelings. It was a huge effort for him to even confess how you were his best friend. This, however, was something entirely different. He wasn't just opening a part of his heart for you to take as a friend. He was giving you the whole damn key of the entirety of his heart and soul. 
"L-love? As in… friendly love?" You know he's not talking about friendship here. But you need to hear it. 
"You know it's not friendly love, y/n. It's love as in 'you got me at hello' type of love. I've been in love with you every day since I met you. And I thought I'd never had the chance to tell you because you, missy, couldn't eject when you had to" his hands caress your cheeks while he sits down on your bed, pulling you in his arms. 
"If I say 'I love you, too' can I get out of bed?" you try to negotiate, only to make him chuckle. 
"No, you say that and the only thing you get is me laying in bed with you for the next twelve hours" he says, kissing your forehead. 
"Hmm, tempting. Does it include music?"
You sigh, smiling at him. "Then I don't have any choice. I love you, Bob" 
He shakes his head while laughing. "Next time, let's not wait until one of us is near a death experience to confess, please. I don't think my poor heart will make it" 
"You think there will be a next time? Robert, are you planning on confessing to someone else?" you joke, laying on bed and making room for him.
"I have the perfect girl here, why would I ever want to do that" he answers while resting on the bed. He pulls you closer, your head resting on his chest. You can hear his heartbeat, irregular and loud due to all the emotions of the moment. You close your eyes, smiling a bit at the sensation of being in the arms of someone you trust and love. 
"Hear something you like?" he questions in a whisper. 
"Yeah, my new favorite song" you say, making his heart skip a bit. 
He grabs your chin between his thumb and index finger, raising your head. You get lost in his shiny, warm eyes. He leans down, pecking your lips softly. It's the most innocent kiss you've ever gotten and the butterflies in your tummy are doing summersaults. He moves back a little, to see that beautiful, calm face he adores, with the loveliest smile he's ever seen. One that contains all the love you have towards him. 
Neither of you wanted to be the center of attention in any possible scenario. However, you two know that, from now on, you're the center of each other's world.
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emjiroki · 1 year
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Prince Shoto Todoroki x Court Lady Reader
Warnings: extreme fluff, arranged marriage, mentions of scars, Shoto is hopeless romantic and we love him ♡
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The late morning Autumn sun baked the windowsill stones as a soft breeze fluttered through the room, gently moving the silvery white fabric that trailed against the floor as you tighten the corset ribbons. The dress was a beautiful gift, handcrafted with delicate lace flowers and silky material, a true gift befitting a princess. You tightened the ribbons to the corset as Princess Fuyumi took a breath, a soft gasp eeking past her lips at the tight squeeze. You could feel her heartbeat hammering through the tight material as you continued to situate and fix, thrumming like the wings of a hummingbird. You gave her a cup of water that was on a nearby tray, a soft smile gracing you as she took the silver from your hands.
“Are you okay my lady? Feeling ill?” You asked with concern as her cheeks flushed.
“No. No, I’m fine,” She breathed, setting the cup aside, “just a bit nervous”. Her hands smoothed the material at her waist, her body fidgeting back and forth in the long mirror as she looked at her reflection. She was stunning in this dress, the deep blue of house Iida fitting her so well it really did feel like she was made for this.
“Nothing to be nervous about,” You said, finishing the backing with an easy knot bow due to this just being the fitting. But nerves were expected when planning to meet her future husband in a week. The dress box and a necklace with the family crest had arrived that morning at the castle gates by private messenger. Queen Rei immediately instructed you to have it fitted on Fuyumi to be tailored if needed and have it ready for the engagement ball.
“But what if he… doesn't want me?” She asked in a quiet voice, looking down at the floor, “What if we’re nothing alike and have no common interests? What if we aren’t meant to be and I end up like my parents?”. The conflicts between the King and Queen were far from private, their fights and cold behavior toward each other spilling over into the bare minimum family life they participated in. You had been taken in when you were only sixteen years old, an orphan made into an aid for the princess, and had quickly realized the strained dynamic that resided within the castle walls.
“But what if you are? And that night is the first night of the rest of your life?” You say, delicately taking her hand in yours as she looked over at you with her stone gray eyes filled with apprehension, “I’m certain everything will be alright”. She squeezed your hand for a moment so hard you thought your fingers would break but you let her, knowing she needed the grounding now more than ever.
“Tell me his name again,” She said, the hand not holding yours going down to pet along the patterned lace.
“Tensei Iida,” You said, having overheard the Queen discussing with her two private court ladies as they made wedding preparations.
“Tensei,” She said with a deep breath, the name rolling naturally off her tongue, “I like that”. You nodded as you fixed a strand of her hair that had fallen out of place, nearly jumping at the quick knock against the door. You bowed and stepped to the side as the Queen entered, gushing over how beautiful her daughter looked.
“Look at you! The prize of the country,” Rei said with an elated tone, hands flitting around her daughter looking for any marks or imperfections to the gown or her composure, “I can not believe that my lovely Fuyumi is going to be getting engaged to be married. The perfect Winter wedding, as is tradition”. The Todoroki’s were always married in the cold, their traditional wedding robes made of thick furs and deep crimson wool. But this time would be different as Fuyumi would only be in the crimson robes for the first half, changing the cloak over in the middle of the ceremony as a transition into the next family.
“Imagine if you are soulmates. A Royal pairing destined from birth, how romantic” Rei said with a dreamy sigh, giving her daughter a squeeze quickly before turning to you. “Does the gown need tailoring?”.
You shook your head. “No your highness, it fits perfectly. Expertly made,”.
“Excellent! Exactly what I wanted to hear,” She beamed, turning for the door once again, “We have many things to discuss Fuyumi, Meet me in the north wing parlor room as soon as you get your dress put away”. The wooden door shut heavily behind her, Fuyumi breathed a sigh of relief as her mother disappeared.
“Get this off of me, I would rather not look at it anymore,” She said curtly, undoing the bow behind her back as you moved quickly to loosen the corset. Once the garment was neatly folded away in a dressing trunk, the princess reluctantly left the room with a quiet “see you for supper” before the door shut behind her too. Fuyumi had always been reserved around her parents, going along with whatever they wanted for her just so she didn’t have to hear them fighting or be on the receiving end of their backlash. After Touya’s death and the second youngest son, Natsuo, leaving for a monastery almost immediately after the funeral before he could be crowned, the pressure had been put on her shoulders. And Shoto’s. Your cheeks burned thinking about the prince as you exited the dressing room and made your way across the hall, stopping by your small room on the way to grab the book you were reading so you could head to the gardens for a bit.
It really was a beautiful day, bugs and birds chirping as you made your way through the bloomed rose hedges and the soft dry grass beneath your feet. You always liked to escape to the back area where a few cherry trees blossomed, still smelling sweet in the fall coolness even with the flowers gone and the leaves turned a vibrant fire orange after the fruit was picked and made down into jams and wine, the spot was peaceful and a safe haven. You had just turned to the page with the folded corner when you heard the slightest shuffle of a footstep behind you.
“Your Father training you on your stealth skills?” You asked with a smile when you heard the prince sigh in annoyance behind you.
“He’s not doing a very good job apparently,” Shoto said, flopping down onto the grass on his back and laying his head on your lap where your legs were crossed under your long cotton dress.
“Maybe you are just not a good student,” You said, giggling as he reached up to push your face playfully.
“Such kind words for the man that wants your hand in marriage,” Shoto huffed, prying one of your hands off the book, lacing your fingers together, and pressing soft kisses to your knuckles. You could feel your lips turning down, brow furrowing out of his view for a moment. You always disliked when he brought up marriage.
“I know you’re grimacing behind your book,” He said pointedly, freehand coming up and pushing the book down so he could make eye contact with you.
“You know I don’t like when you talk like that,” You chided, bopping him very lightly with the hardbound spine.
“Like what? Like someone who loves you more than I have air to breathe?” Shoto mused, pressing one more lingering kiss to the back of your hand before placing it on his head, closing his eyes against the feeling of your fingers running through his red and white hair, nails lightly scratching at the scalp as you felt him relax further against you. The sunlight filtering through the leaves on the trees cast shadows of swaying branches and spots of light against Shoto’s soft face, like bright heaven kisses against his cheeks, his eyelids, and even the scar surrounding his turquoise eye, making him all the more ethereal. He always seemed to take your breath away, your hand faltering for a split second when he cast his bright heterochromatic eyes to yours, the blue and gray shining with so much warmth and adoration that your eyes began to sting with tears.
“I’ve never felt love like I do for you,” Shoto said quietly, a soft breath of vulnerability and admittance for you alone. Before you could even think about replying, the loud voice of one of the King’s attendants rang out across the garden and scattered the birds.
“YOUR MAJESTY! YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUESTED BACK IN THE TRAINING ROOM”. They always knew where to find him, but at least were none the wiser of your beings here. Shoto groaned, calling back a quick “I’m coming!” before sitting up and grasping your jaw in his hand.
“Meet me here tonight, After dinner. I want to see you again,” He said, bending in quickly to press a hard kiss on your forehead as you nodded, fighting the smile from your face. And in a flash, he was gone, wanting to be quick so as not to bring them searching. If anyone caught you two together it could mean the worst of endings. Exiled to the forest to die by the teeth of some beast or, worst, beheaded in a public display. Used as an example of what happens when inferior blood attempts to mix with the royal family. Being allowed a room in the castle alone was more than anything anyone like you could hope to receive from a family of such high standing, according to several quotes over the years from both the King and Queen. Fuyumi had always said to let their comments roll off your back, like water on a duck's feathers, never take heed to their words, and just smile and nod. Even if it felt like acid was boiling behind your teeth as you bit your tongue to keep your composure. An uneasy feeling squirmed like eels fighting the lingering butterflies in your stomach as you thought back to Shoto’s words.
‘The man that wants your hand in marriage'. He had said it with so much conviction, so assuredly that hope had bloomed in your chest for a moment. But it was always a means to an end, and with your luck, not a good one. The close relationship Shoto and you had was forbidden in the eyes of his parents, and almost everyone else, but the prince wouldn’t relent. Starry-eyed confessions in the dark of your room of running away, far away, across the ocean and leaving this big castle and all of the problems and torments inside of it behind. Slip through the cracks like a ghost in the night and vanish before morning dawn. It wasn’t a plan, barely even the bones of one, but the way he held you and spoke so softly it felt like it could be reality. Even as tears wetted your cheeks. You took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts away, not wanting to go into this dinner in a sour mood knowing the Queen’s cheer would bring about a worse one.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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True form
(Steddie x Succubus!Reader)
Summary: You’re nervous to show your human boyfriends your true succubus form. But you learn pretty quickly you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Warnings: Nudity, sexual themes, some neck kissing, monster/human relationships. Nothing too crazy but if I missed any let me know!! Either way my blog is as always 18+MNDI
A/N: This is just a little Drabble about the characters from my fic The Pull, when I originally wrote that story I was a bit nervous to make her look as inhuman as I wanted to so I’ve been working on this blurb for a bit about her showing them her most true form. Just a cute lil slice of life moment. Wk: 896
“Hold up… so you’re telling me… you’ve been hiding something THAT sexy from us the entire time!?” Your boyfriend Eddie shoots up from where he was lounging on the couch to face you and you snort at his antics.
“I mean… I didn’t know how you would feel about it. There’s definitely been people who were into it but mostly I don’t really show that part of myself, I wasn’t hiding it exactly… I just didn’t mention it.”
“You really thought Eddie wouldn’t be into you having a full on demon thing going on? I thought you were getting to know us baby, but maybe I was wrong.” Your other boyfriend, Steve, who is sitting on the opposite end of the couch teases.
“It’s not that! It definitely crossed my mind because he’s a freak-“
“Hey! I take offense to that, you know!” Eddie huffed.
“You know I mean it in the best way baby…” you bit your lip and winked at him. “But what I was saying is��� I’m self conscious about it and I didn’t know how YOU would feel about it Stevie so I just kind of kept it to myself.”
“Sweetheart, I think you’re the hottest fucking thing to ever walk this earth and nothing can change that, not even some horns and a tail.”
“AND wings…” you responded, still self conscious.
“I’ll still love you, WINGS and all. Also did you forget our boyfriend is a literal goblin?”
That made you snort out a laugh. Something you’ve learned about Steve is he always knew what to say to reassure you no matter how big or how small your anxieties were he was always able to comfort you through them with ease. Not that Eddie didn’t, he just had a very different approach, more of a “I’ll roll you a joint and you can smoke it while I give you head” kind of comfort. Which was great too, but sometimes you just needed Steve’s calm voice and soft touches.
“Okay then… I’ll show you.” You stood up and stripped yourself, before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. On your exhale three things happened, little black horns started growing out of the top of your head, the cutest little pointed black tail popped up behind you, and pretty little black wings that reminded Eddie of the bats he had tattooed on his arm grew from your back.
“Holy fuuuuuckkk” Eddie groaned. “You’ve been hiding this from me? God damn baby you look so sexy.” He shifted in his seat, adjusting himself. You could sense his arousal and it not only reassured you but made your mouth water.
“There’s… one more thing. If you want.” You bit your lip in looked into his eyes, yours now that pretty crimson color that almost seemed to glow. When you smiled at him expectantly he could see your fangs and he couldn’t imagine how it could get better than this.
But before he could respond Steve spoke up “There’s more? How could you get any sexier than you are right now? Because shit honey… I never thought I’d be as into this as I am but you’re killing me.”
Your pupils dilate instantly when you look over at him. His beautiful brown eyes blown wide, his prominent bulge in his tight jeans, his jaw clenched. You wanted to fucking sink your teeth into his neck and taste his blood. You’ve yet to do that, or even tell them that’s something you want, but god you know they’d taste so good.
“Okay Stevie, I’ll show you.” You took a deep breath and when you released it just like before you had changed. Your skin was now the same shade of red as your eyes, your wings outstretched proudly on your back, your tail slightly moving from side to side, that sexy little mark on your lower stomach, and those beautiful black horns sitting so pretty on your head. You were magnificent, otherworldly.
“Fucking shit, come here.” Eddie outstretched his hand for you to take as you approached him. “You are by far the most magnificent thing I’ve ever seen. My little infernal princess.” He kissed the back of your hand, his lips plush and soft against your burning skin.
Steve reached for your other hand to gain your attention and fuck did he look good. His hair was a little disheveled from running his hand through it and the look in his eyes was fucking feral.
“I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t like this… Eddie’s right, you’re magnificent, ethereal even.” He kissed each individual one of your fingertips, bringing his lips to your palm and down your arm before pulling you down on the couch between him and your shared boyfriend, careful not to crush your wings or tail. Eddie rests his hand on your bare thigh, leaning his head down to kiss along your neck, collar bones, and shoulder. Steve does the same on the opposite side of you, both their hands inching closer to where you wanted them, their mouths moving down your chest. You had never felt more beautiful, content, and full of love. You wanted to bask in this feeling for the rest of your long life. You knew you couldn’t, but for right now you allowed your heart to feel full and just enjoy this moment with your boys, allowing them to worship you. Every part of you.
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mariaxxxxx · 7 months
Chapter 2: Love me, Love What i am
Summary: On summer holidays you find a mysterious shell among the waves. Then an unlikely friendship arises with a sea creature with wings on its ankles and ears pointed towards the sky.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY/ Minors DNI, Angust, Hurt comfort, Sex, Apologies, Crying, Creampie, Passionate sex, virgin!reader, size difference, smut, soft!dom!, HEA, somnophille, slight degradation, duvious consent, pregnancy, arranged marriage, inexperienced reader, abortion commented, unprotected sex (don't do that wrap this thing), kidnapping, aftercare, curse words.
A/N: English is not my mother tongue. I apologize for any errors.
A/N: Reader is heavily implied to be Mexican but i tried to keep it as free to the imagination as possible
Work count: 1.879
serie materialist.
Some years later...
"So what do you think?" You asked as you spun around on your own axis.
"You look beautiful." Namor exclaimed.
"I'm glad you liked it." You said, sitting down next to her on the sand. “He was even more handsome at the prom. You know, with the hair done, the makeup impeccable and the very expensive shoes.”
A smile formed on those beautiful dark lips clearly amused by his youthful enthusiasm. You had finally graduated from high school with the right to prom, an escort and a beautiful expensive dress provided by your mother and stepfather. The year was crazy for You surrounded by college preparations, dances, extracurricular activities and teenage parties; You went through it all with flying colors and when it was all over the summer finally arrived, You decided to stay with your grandmother until the end of the summer like she was used to doing all these years.
The early days You always spent with your lovely grandmother; where she spoiled you with kisses and treats. Afterwards, you closed yourself in your little room on the beach in the company of your friend Namor. When You saw him, shining on the edge of the sea with his golden skin, you ran to him and wrapped him in a tight hug that was returned with sloppiness – Namor was never good at hugging. You and him caught up.
You prattled on about how exciting and stressful the year had been with all the preparations for college. He told him about the problems his father was causing by revealing he wouldn't pay for his college and how his stepfather was a hero when he offered to pay. When You told him about your date to a dance, a cute boy from your biology class who tried to kiss you after the first dance Namor rolled his eyes and muttered how disrespectful little surface boys were.
The conversation went on until You mentioned how You would like him to see you in the ball gown as green as the jades that adorned your nose and ears; So, he asked You to bring the dress the next day so he could see it and so You did. You changed behind the black rocks and did your best to make the dress accentuate your curves. His intense gaze on his body resulted in small waves of heat running through his veins to disguise it. You twirled in a childish attitude, causing laughter from that beautiful man.
“You look beautiful like this.”
“I bet there are girls in Atlantis prettier than me.” You exclaimed with a fake air of outrage. Namor found his words funny.
“My home is not called Atlantis.” He said with his eyes fixed on the horizon.
“You never told me the real name of your house.”
It was a painful truth; Namor never trusted You to tell you anything about him or where he came from. The years of friendship consisted of you telling him your daily nonsense and him teaching you how to swim. You, with your wit, tried to extract any information, but he never let anything slip.
“Stop this nonsense.” He turned his head and looked at You. “It’s for your safety.”
He always said that damn phrase like a damn broken record. Damn mysterious seaman, You thought.
“If I know too much will you kill me?” You asked with a playful tone, but his hard gaze made your joke seem dull.
“Yes, if You know too much I will have to kill You…” He stopped suddenly thinking about the words he would say next “… or take You with me forever. You would never see your family again.”
You felt nervousness begin to penetrate your senses. In all these years it was the first time he had said this to You. Namor had always been reserved about who he was and where he came from reluctantly You accepted the condition of not being too curious for the friendship to last, but now your head was spinning. filled with doubts and demanded an answer. Cum! That man knew absolutely everything about You; he knew your favorite foods and colors, how you were sad every time your father promised something and didn't deliver, how your stepfather became an exceptional person in your life, your ambitions and insecurities for the future, the little pet peeves between you and your mother caused by her teenage stubbornness. You always told him everything, it was only fair that he did the same.
"Is not fair." You whisper as you play with the hem of your sandy dress.
“Ah” He suddenly smiles, looking more sharp than friendly. “I never said it would be fair, girl.” He looks at You from his place on the sand, and suddenly You realize how one-sided this relationship has always been.
“You’re right, you never said.” You respond without looking at him. You look at the waves crashing against the rocks as if you've never been to the beach before. Even when You try to turn your attention elsewhere, You can still feel his gaze on You.
“I won’t be able to be by your side as much as I would like.” Namor’s voice is soft and you resist the urge to look at him. “I will be away for three days and when I return I will bring a gift for You, a symbol of our friendship.”
The word present makes a muscle in his forehead twitch. He had never given you gifts before until the damn shell he took from You and never gave it back.
"I thank." Finally You turn your gaze to him after inspecting each wave that hit the rocks. You discover that you were too close to him to the point that your knees were touching each other. You look into his eyes and find so much weight behind him that it takes a long moment to speak. "I need to go. It’s getting late and soon my grandmother will come looking for me.”
You pushed your body to get up, grabbed his backpack and tried to brush the sand off your dress.
If you weren't so upset you would have stayed a little longer to change – you hadn't gone out in that outfit, it would have been very difficult to explain to your grandmother why you had to leave the house so formally. You counted on your grandmother's biological clock, by this time she was already asleep, so it would be easy to enter the house in that outfit.
“See you in three days, girl.” He said watching You get up and walk away.
The way home was short, as expected You found the house dark with your old grandmother sleeping like a bear in her bed. You walked towards the bathroom and turned on the shower, removing your dress. You made a mental reminder to wash it before your grandmother saw it. You got into the shower and closed your eyes as you felt the hot water run down your body, washing away the traces of water and sand, relaxing your muscles. The water hit her hair, cleaning out the small sand molecules that had been trapped in her locks. He opened his eyes, seeing the water a little dirty, a yellowish-green mixture entering the drain. He made another mental note, clean the bathroom and remove any remaining sand and algae stuck in the drain.
Leaving the Box, you wrapped a dry towel around your body and another around your head, picked up your clothes from the floor and left the bathroom. He walked quickly to the bedroom, closed the door and threw the clothes in a corner. He walked towards the closet and grabbed some clothes to sleep in. You used the hairdryer to try and dry your hair, but it was too big and full to tame so easily.
You did the best you could with your hair, after drying it you tried to untangle it without much success, finally deciding to put it in a braid. You lay down on the bed enjoying the feeling of lightness; your muscles became even more relaxed.
You turned your body, lying on your side, and stared at the dresser. His thoughts wandered to Namor; You felt like you had been lost for a while now, ever since you allowed yourself to think of him differently. The anguish in his chest was too much to bear, adding to the empty space that the seaman filled with his brilliance. It wasn't feelings of friendship, it was love. You were well aware of your madness in harboring feelings for him, metaphorically he was a being opposite to your world, but You never had time to think about the complications, until now.
The only memorable thing in her life was Namor. You thought it was funny how you couldn't remember what day of the week it was, but you remembered every detail of beach dates over the years. You think how beautiful he is and how hard it was not to look; Dark eyes, full lips, black hair, clean shave, jade piercings in his ears and nose. You could tell the exact number of pearls that adorned his neck; You could tell how many crochet stitches it took to build those green shorts that really suited him, the color that You adopted as your favorite in honor of him.
That man seemed to be warm and sweet, but fierce and arrogant, very powerful and passionate, but a bit idiotic and ambitious. Everything about that man exuded power and attraction, it was as if he unconsciously attracted You. You tried to ignore the new feelings for this man claiming that You had nothing more than friendship, this often left you frustrated. The feeling only grew when you found him at the edge of the sea, shining in the golden light of the sunset.
His presence was a breath of fresh air and his mysterious personality filled her heart. The feelings soon intensified. You had no idea this was possible and eventually seeing him made your heart jump out of your chest. With the good feeling also came frustrations because he never shared anything. It broke your heart every time he refused to answer any question about himself or the place he came from, yet the trust you felt in Namor was strange, but you didn't question it, especially when you swam beside him among the reefs. .
There was a huge age difference between you. Namor was old, not as old as his parents, but still old and You were just a recent high school graduate waiting for her college letters. The years didn't seem to affect him, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by You; You dared to joke with him about it, saying that the lack of sun and salt from the sea preserved him like canned sardines and he just smiled at your nonsense.
You squeezed your eyes shut to push the thoughts out of your head, trying to convince yourself that the feeling was nothing more than a teenage crush; it was easier to convince yourself of that to avoid disappointment. The moment you allowed yourself to relax you fell into unconsciousness without even realizing it.
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fieldofdaisiies · 2 years
Hi cutie. I was wondering if you could write a sad az x reader where the reader and him are broken up and he's just sad and depressed thinking that she isn't that affected or smth (like partying and stuff) but then in reality she has attampted su1c1de and az gets all sad when she tells him that?
Too dark? 😭😅
thank you for requesting once again <33 Of course I can write this. It is a difficult topic and if any of you ever needs someone to talk, my message box is always open for you!!
Azriel x Reader | I Wanted It All to End
type: angst  warnings: mentions of suicide attempt; please do not read if that is triggering for you!! word count: 1233
*all rights reserved*
When strolling through the streets of Velaris Azriel saw you and your were nothing like he expected you to be. He thought you had gone back to being your joyful and bubbly self, but you weren’t. You looked like a picture of misery — cheeks sunken, eyes dark and dead, lips pouted and dry. Azriel had thought you had handled the break up much better than he did. His shoulders sagged when he watched you sip your coffee, eyes blank while they stared into nothing. His heart broke once again.
You apperently had felt the same way he did since the fateful day you decided the relationship could and would no longer work out and it was finally time to call it quits. 
Azriel had thought you had partied to get over the break-up—he had imagined the worst scenarios of you hooking up with strangers every night to get over him and that you are already in a relationship again, happy and gleeful. But you weren’t. 
You were alone, drinking coffee all by yourself, with teary eyes and trembling hands. A lump formed in his throat and all of a sudden those dead eyes met yours. You had noticed someone looking at you, and finally found who those piercing and spying eyes belonged to. 
Forcing a weak smile onto your lips you lifted your hand and gave him a tiny wave. The gesture seemed out of place, but what else should you have done. You regretted it every single day of your life that your relationship had ended. He had been your everything. He had been your world, but something was in your way. Things happened that had it made so damn difficult for the two of you to still work out. A certain blond haired female had played a big part in it. Even after you had found out Mor was actually into females you still found it hard to control your jealousy. You knew Azriel had loved her for over five centuries—what if he never truly stopped loving her? You hated yourself for thinking those thought again—it was bullshit and—
“Hey,” Azriel breathed when he came to a halt in front of you. Being so occupied with your thoughts you hadn’t even noticed him coming closer to you. 
Hesitantly you lifted your gaze to his, eyes locking with those beautiful hazel ones. 
“Hey,” you stammered as well, fingers trembling around your coffee cup. 
Azriel’s tilted his head and gesture to the chair across from you. You dipped your chin and watched the spymaster sit down. 
“How have you—“ “How are you—“
You sheepishly giggled, Azriel’s doing the same when your gazes met again. You felt colour fill your cheeks. It was like you were once again on your first date—both slightly uncomfortable and uneasy with each other. 
“You star—“ “You star—“ Now you laughed, a tiny tear slipping out of your right eyes. Azriel leaned forward promptly, but stopped himself. He had wanted to wipe away the tear but it would have been out of place. He leaned back again and smiled. “You start, Y/N. How have you been? How are you?” “Fine,” you whispered, now avoiding his gaze and looking past his wing and shoulder at the SIdra. 
“Don’t lie. Please, don’t lie. Tell me,” Azriel mumbled, voice and eyes both pleading. 
You bit down on your lip and lowered your eyes to your cup. “Miserable. I have been miserable. I still am actually,” you breathed through nearly sealed lips, your voice breaking with the last spoken syllable. Your throat started to burn, lashes going damp. 
Azriel swallowed thickly, now also looking at your hands that were wrapped around the cup. “Me too. I miss you so fucking much.”
To that you lifted your gaze, tears brimming your eyes. “I miss you, too, so much. I am sorry. I feel so stupid for— Azriel shushed you when his hands slid over yours. He squeezed them tightly and inhaled deeply. “Don't apologise. We both played our part. I am innocent. But I can tell you that I hated myself every moment after we had broken up. I couldn’t imagine a life without you.” That drew a loud sob from you which made the people around you look over. You didn’t even notice. You hadn’t been able to imagine a life without Azriel. 
You were mate’s—breaking the bond was a worse pain than anything you could ever imagine feeling. It had shredded your heart into pieces, it had left a cold void inside of you and he had destroyed you. It had brought you to a dark place—a dark place no one should ever visit. 
"I no longer wanted to be without you," you finally said, shielding your face from his piercing look.
Azriel released air through his nose. "I know. I felt the same way."
Slowly you removed your hands and shook your head. "No, Azriel, you don’t understand. I really no longer wanted to be."
Understanding slowly crept in and in an instant Azriel squeezed your hands again before pulled them forward and placing them against his chest, his own covering them. The shadowsinger shook his head, lashes slowly dampening, eyes glistening.
"No," he breathed. His own throat started to burn. He stood, pulling you up after him. He pulled you flush to his chest, fumbled inside the pocket of his pants and put some coins onto the table before flapping his wings and taking of with you cradled against his chest. 
It was then that you started sobbing, your cheek pressed against his chin, tears wetting his shirt. 
You only calmed down a tiny bit when you landed, on top of a tiny hill, overlooking Velaris. Azriel still wouldn’t let go of you, pulled you onto his lap, holding you tightly against him.
He smoothing his hand over your hair, your back, your arms, crying as well.
“I had no idea,” he sobbed, “I had no idea this was what you went through. I am so sorry. Breaking up as mates destroys you. I should have never let you go. This should have never happened.” “It wasn’t your fault,” you finally said, voice unsteady yet stern. You lifted your head, face streamed with tears and eyes red and puffy. You tried to search his gaze, forcing him to lock it with you. “It wasn’t your fault. I just couldn’t stand it any longer. I wanted the pain to go away. I wanted it all to go away. I wanted it to end. It wouldn’t stop so I decided to end it myself.”
Your whole body shook and shivered, Azriel’s curled his arms tighter around you, a sob leaving his throat. 
“Is there a way we can try to make it work again. I no longer want to be without you. I need you in my life just as much as you need me. We are mates. Equals. We belong to each other. You nodded, tears falling down to your thighs. “I also want to give us another chance. I am still yours, if you still want to be mine.
“I never not wanted to be yours.” Azriel kissed your temple, your salty cheek, your trembling lips, both shadows and and wings curling around you while his wings shielded you from the outside world. You would make it work now. You had to.
tags: @juulle987 @marimorena06 @danikasthings @younxii @nightcourtwritings @mrofontaine @lunalilyf @whor-3-crux @tired-all-the-time @anni-was-here @ummmmmwat @azbracadabra @j-pendragonx @hollyismentallyillhelp @famousbasementpainter @bsenpai @lena-davina @red-highlady @thesugatoyourtae @azrielsbitxh
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Oh now that you pointed out the way Mina talked about the moon that night, reminds me how Jonathan used to talk about the softness of the moonlight (only for something horrific to follow)
You know what, you're right. The moon and moonlight is definitely associated with vampires. And much like the vampires, it often appears welcome and beautiful at first, but portends terrible events. It's also often very bright and clear, but the things it reveals inevitably become terrifying even if they don't necessarily start out that way. It happens right from the start on 5 May, with "rolling clouds" (much like today's "driving clouds") obscuring the moon for part of the journey but moving back to reveal Castle Dracula silhouetted dramatically "against the moonlit sky."
Then when Jonathan tries to take comfort in the view on 12 May, he finds that despite the light being 'almost as bright as day', it casts dark shadows and makes the world beyond the castle indistinct. What it does bring into sharp relief however, is Dracula's inhumanity as he crawls face-first down the castle wall. Jonathan even wonders if it is a trick of the moonlight, but in fact the moon is revealing the truth to him here:
I looked out over the beautiful expanse, bathed in soft yellow moonlight till it was almost as light as day. In the soft light the distant hills became melted, and the shadows in the valleys and gorges of velvety blackness. The mere beauty seemed to cheer me; there was peace and comfort in every breath I drew. As I leaned from the window my eye was caught by something moving a storey below me, and somewhat to my left, where I imagined, from the order of the rooms, that the windows of the Count's own room would look out. [...] But my very feelings changed to repulsion and terror when I saw the whole man slowly emerge from the window and begin to crawl down the castle wall over that dreadful abyss, face down with his cloak spreading out around him like great wings. At first I could not believe my eyes. I thought it was some trick of the moonlight, some weird effect of shadow; but I kept looking, and it could be no delusion.
Then of course we come to the vampire ladies, who are strongly associated with the moon/moonlight. There always seems to be mention of the moon when they appear, and they even seem to melt into and out of it. It also reveals the truth of their nature right away, by showing Jonathan's footprints but not theirs in the dust, and again shining bright upon them but without causing them to cast a shadow. And again, it seems to shine brighter on the one vampire's mouth, as if emphasizing the danger there.
Before that though - once again it softens the reality of the 'natural world', making the dust and ravages of time seem milder and more beautiful, prompting Jonathan's musings on ladies of old. It's as though it picks one specific thing to be clear about (vampires) and makes the rest less distinct.
The windows were curtainless, and the yellow moonlight, flooding in through the diamond panes, enabled one to see even colours, whilst it softened the wealth of dust which lay over all and disguised in some measure the ravages of time and the moth. My lamp seemed to be of little effect in the brilliant moonlight, but I was glad to have it with me, for there was a dread loneliness in the place which chilled my heart and made my nerves tremble.
15 May
The room was the same, unchanged in any way since I came into it; I could see along the floor, in the brilliant moonlight, my own footsteps marked where I had disturbed the long accumulation of dust. In the moonlight opposite me were three young women, ladies by their dress and manner. I thought at the time that I must be dreaming when I saw them, for, though the moonlight was behind them, they threw no shadow on the floor. [...] There was a deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck she actually licked her lips like an animal, till I could see in the moonlight the moisture shining on the scarlet lips and on the red tongue as it lapped the white sharp teeth. [...] There was no door near them, and they could not have passed me without my noticing. They simply seemed to fade into the rays of the moonlight and pass out through the window, for I could see outside the dim, shadowy forms for a moment before they entirely faded away.
16 May
The vampire ladies vanish into the moonlight... and then when they return on 24 June, they come out of the moonlight. This time the light isn't emphasized as being especially steady and bright, instead it's almost quivering. For the first time it's being used to hide a vampire rather than reveal them... at least at first, and then the women become more distinct and do become visible in time for Jonathan to flee.
Then I began to notice that there were some quaint little specks floating in the rays of the moonlight. They were like the tiniest grains of dust, and they whirled round and gathered in clusters in a nebulous sort of way. I watched them with a sense of soothing, and a sort of calm stole over me. [...] Quicker and quicker danced the dust; the moonbeams seemed to quiver as they went by me into the mass of gloom beyond. More and more they gathered till they seemed to take dim phantom shapes. And then I started, broad awake and in full possession of my senses, and ran screaming from the place. The phantom shapes, which were becoming gradually materialised from the moonbeams, were those of the three ghostly women to whom I was doomed. I fled, and felt somewhat safer in my own room, where there was no moonlight and where the lamp was burning brightly.
Another neat detail this time is the lamp coming back. He mentioned that before he met them the first time, and outright said it wasn't much use but did comfort him (bolded above), and here Jonathan flees the moonlight to hide and seek comfort from his lamp.
This might also go into the quality of the moonlight as well. It's often called 'yellow', so despite being so clear it changes the color of the world. It changes your perception. It reveals the supernatural elements - while the modern lamp shines a different kind of light entirely. It's the opposite almost, bringing the natural reality into focus and making the supernatural feel less real or present. But it doesn't actually protect you from it, an important point.
Anyways, now we come back to Mina's description of the moonlight today. She doesn't get as drawn in to its beauty as Jonathan does, given the situation, but it still fulfills that same purpose for her of revealing the vampiric attack to her. And yet, for her, the moonlight is only available part of the time. There's those heavy clouds again, and every time she seems to get a glimpse of what is happening, they sweep over and cover the scene once more. She gets to see Lucy perfectly clearly, but Dracula isn't fully revealed, only an indistinct figure that is gone soon after:
There was a bright full moon, with heavy black, driving clouds, which threw the whole scene into a fleeting diorama of light and shade as they sailed across. For a moment or two I could see nothing, as the shadow of a cloud obscured St. Mary's Church and all around it. Then as the cloud passed I could see the ruins of the abbey coming into view; and as the edge of a narrow band of light as sharp as a sword-cut moved along, the church and the churchyard became gradually visible. Whatever my expectation was, it was not disappointed, for there, on our favourite seat, the silver light of the moon struck a half-reclining figure, snowy white. The coming of the cloud was too quick for me to see much, for shadow shut down on light almost immediately; but it seemed to me as though something dark stood behind the seat where the white figure shone, and bent over it. [...] When I came in view again the cloud had passed, and the moonlight struck so brilliantly that I could see Lucy half reclining with her head lying over the back of the seat. She was quite alone, and there was not a sign of any living thing about.
Perhaps it points to a different approach here in England: unlike in his home where the moonlight reveals everything supernatural (but too late to get away, as it already is surrounding you) here Dracula is alone and choosing to hide in darkness. Mina isn't able to see him (maybe isn't ready to believe in him) and so she only gets half the picture in the end. Only Lucy, spotlighted in the moonlight (affected by vampires) but no one else with her. No sign of what was done to her.
Regardless, the usage of moonlight is definitely interesting in a way I'd never thought of before.
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unreadpoppy · 10 months
song as old as rhyme - chapter 15
{Beauty and the Beast AU - Raphael x OC (Elize)}
chapter 14
Read on AO3
A/N: this might be a good moment to tell y’all i can’t visualize things in my head, soooo for my sake, you'll have to imagine what Mizora's place looks like (also, just pretend she has like a idk, mansion in Faerun). Also, I apologize if some of the dancing makes no sense, descriptions are hard.
Warnings: Mentions of violence
Taglist: @littlemoondarling
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“Ah, Raphael, how nice of you to have made it here. And quite on time, as well.” A blue woman, with fiery red hair, four horns and wings, spoke. She had a golden adornment on her head and her garment left little to the imagination. 
The she-devil turned her attention towards Elize, eyeing the human up and down. “And you must be Raphael’s newest pet, Elize.” She said, with a smirk. “I am your hostess, Mizora.” 
Elize chose to ignore the ‘pet’ part and asked “You know who I am?”
“But of course! Words spread like wildfire in the Hells.” She giggled. “It was a matter of time until everyone heard about Raphael’s new apple of his eye.” Mizora took one free strand from Elize’s hair, looking at the cambion. “I can see why you chose her.” 
Raphael’s jaw tightened and his chest puffed. “Careful, Mizora.” He said as he eyed her down, taking a step towards her. It was then that Elize noticed how much taller and bigger than the other devil he was. “You might be the host, but you still ought to know your place.” 
Mizora huffed. “You are no fun.” She took a step back, addressing both of them. “I’ll leave you to enjoy yourselves.” She grabbed a drink from a nearby servant and walked away. 
Elize, who had let go of Raphael’s arm, turned towards him. “You look…furious.” His face was contorted, his nose scrunched. She even swore she saw his eye twitch. 
“Mizora always has a special way of getting on my nerves.” Raphael looked at Elize, and his face softened just slightly. “Come. Let us talk with the other guests.” He ushered her forward, placing one hand on her back. It was the first time Elize noticed how big his hands were, with how much space on her back they covered. 
Elize and Raphael greeted and briefly spoke to many different fiends. Although most were decent, there were a few that made inappropriate comments (mirroring much of Mizora’s own) or looked at Elize’s bosom for too long, prompting Raphael to tighten his hold on Elize. 
After a particular demon made a very rude comment, Raphael excused himself, allowing Elize to have a moment alone. She walked towards a balcony and gasped when she saw the sky. 
For the past few months, all she had seen beyond the windows of the House of Hope were the hells. When the pair arrived, she had been quick to notice that Mizora’s home lacked the typical scent of Avernus. Now, seeing the moon and the stars shine, Elize felt her eyes watering, and a tear falling down. 
She was so entranced that she failed to notice the figure beside her, until a voice spoke. “My lady, why do you cry?”
Meanwhile, in a distant room, Raphael had cornered a demon. 
The foul creature had stared at Elize’s chest for too long and that had struck a chord with the cambion. He never considered himself to be a particularly righteous man, but it felt wrong to see Elize disrespected like that. 
At least, that was what he was trying to convince himself of, as he beat the demon up. 
Deep down, Raphael knew, he was jealous. He felt possessive of her, especially after the events of the last few weeks, and to see someone eyeing her, as if she were an object - that, Raphael wouldn’t tolerate. He already had to deal with Mizora’s insinuation earlier, but enough was enough. 
‘She is mine.’ He thought, as he sent the demon back to the hell they came from. He straightened his clothes and with a snap of his fingers, the mess was removed from him. Taking a deep breathe, Raphael made his way back to the event. 
Elize jumped slightly at hearing the voice, but then calmed down. The voice belonged to a dark skinned man, with black braided hair, and eyes of different colors. Due to the two horns sprouting from her head, she believed he must be some type of tiefling, even if he lacked a tail. 
“Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” She gave him a small smile. 
 “I apologize.” He gave her a slight bow. “I am Wyll Ravengard, the Blade of the Frontiers.” 
“Elize.” She replied. “Pleasure to meet you.”
He smiled. “The pleasure is all mine. But you have not answered my question: what made you cry?”
“Oh, it’s just… I haven’t seen the night sky in a long time.” When he made a face of confusion, she clarified. “I made a deal with a devil and I have been living in Avernus ever since.” Realizing what she just said, Elize followed with “But please, it is not as bad as it seems. It’s quite nice, actually.” 
Wyll raised an eyebrow but didn’t protest. “If you say so, I believe you.” He said. “But should you ever need help, don’t be afraid to call for help.” 
Before he could continue, or Elize could reply, a voice spoke from behind him. “She will do no such thing.” Raphael loomed behind him. “Wyll Ravengard.” The cambion said in a sinister tone. “I see Mizora still has you on a tight leash.” 
Wyll turned to face him. “Raphael.” He replied in the same tone. “I see you recovered from the beating we gave you. Maybe I should call Tav over and we can have a rematch.”
“You contemptuous creature, I´ll-”
“Master!” Elize said, interrupting Raphael, who seemed he was about to burst into flames. She took a step forwards, coming in between the two men. When Raphael looked as if he was about to smite Wyll then and there, Elize put a hand on his chest, getting on her tiptoes to whisper “Look, the dancing is about to begin.” Head motioning to the couples making their way to the dance floor. 
Raphael looked down at her, jaw still tightened. “Come on, let’s join them.” She said, adjusting a strand of his hair that was out of place. ‘Strange’ she thought ‘his hair was perfectly combed when we left’. 
Finally, he took a deep breath and took a step back, placing his hand forward. Elize sighed and took it, allowing him to lead them to the only spot available in between the other couples, the very center of the ballroom. 
They took position and began dancing. Raphael was stiff from anger, and he kept looking around the room, which prompted Elize to say “Ignore them. Focus on me.” 
He closed his eyes momentarily and opened them again, to Elize giving him a small smile. “I apologize. My mind seems to be elsewhere.” 
“It happens.” She replied. At this point in the song, he lifted her upwards, and she held onto his biceps. “Thankfully, you have a very good dance partner to keep you grounded.” Elize said smirking, as he put her down. 
Raphael chuckled. “I believe mere hours ago, I was the one who kept you grounded during the steps.” He felt his anger begging to dissipate, the conversation making the room lighter.
“Ah yes, but that was long ago.” Elize replied. “But do tell me, how am I fairing now?” 
At that moment, they had gotten to a moment in the dance where Raphael was behind her, holding her hands in a way that her arms were crossed in front of her. As he pulled her close, he whispered the answer in her ear. “You are splendid, my dear.” He eyed her neck, fighting the urge to claim it. 
Elize felt a shiver go down her spine as he said that. Eventually, they faced each other again, looking into each other's eyes. 
Although she preferred his warm brown human eyes, she still felt as if she could lose herself into the abyss that were Raphael’s devilish eyes. His sclera was black and his irises were of a burning orange circle. As Elize stared into them, she felt as if everyone else faded away, and only the two of them existed in the room. 
Raphael, on the other hand, felt a sense of calmness when he looked into Elize’s green eyes. They made him think of a nice spring day, the type of day that invites you to go outside and feel alive. Elize’s eyes were painfully human and he was fond of them. For a moment, he allowed his gaze to lower towards her pink lips and he couldn’t help but wonder if they were as soft as they looked.
As the dance got closer to the end, Raphael whispered. “Elize, forgive me, but I believe I must steal something of yours.” 
She frowned. “What is it?” 
“A kiss.” Raphael pulled her even closer and kissed her on the mouth. Elize was taken by surprise at first, but then melted under the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his lips on hers, snaking her arms around his neck and back. 
Raphael’s hands made their way towards her back, to support her weight as he dipped her, finally letting go of her mouth. As they held the position they had practiced earlier, they once again looked at each other, the same feeling passing through both of them. 
When he pulled her close, she whispered “I think we should go somewhere more private.” He smirked and snapped his fingers.
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rainwaterapothecary · 12 days
"Unsettled" pt. 6
Serennedy Golden Compass AU [Lore][Pt. 1][Pt. 2][Pt.3][Pt.4][Pt.5]
[TW this chapter: Dictators, implied transphobia, gas chamber mentioned. This is a fun au and I don't want anyone blind-sided.]
Luis' Mind, The Past
Panza had Settled shortly after the boat touched down in Portugal. Abuelo had tried to keep his grandson’s spirits up, but after the Depression had taken Abuelo’s job and killed Luis’ search for higher education and left them with nothing but two suitcases and two daemons… well, Panza lost his color but never his spirit.
“African Gray Parrots are very smart creatures, you know? There’s mi joya.” Luis smiled with his eyes as Panza leaned into his Bonded’s fingers for scritches. Leon raised an eyebrow.
“Makes sense. Don’t think I’ve ever seen one- Ah.”
Luis snickered with his daemon as it swapped forms but Leon just smirked and rolled his eyes. Showoffs. At least some things never change.
Even then, when things were bleak and Luis had left everything he held dear (that couldn’t fit in his suitcase… so the things that mattered like Leon and his Nonna), his soul still found a way to have a shock of color. Panza strutted across the table as Luis bragged about his ‘little jewel’, the red plume in his tailfeathers catching the light like he was dancing.
Can’t keep a good man down.
“Things were…hard, amigo. There’s no other way to put it. He thought that once we made it back to Valdelobos, to familia, things would look up somehow. I…don’t know what his plan was.” Panza had begun dancing at Fiorire where she sat looking up at the table, rocking side to side and flaring his wings. Luis sighed.
“We lived in the village for a little while, Tío was still there, and the farm.”
Leon wrinkled his nose in sympathy, even so many years later he remembered how much Luis hated farm work. Always the daydreamer, never the manure shoveler.
“But he got me books! And after…” The two men let the weight of Abuelo Serra’s life settle over the conversation, having already said everything that needed to be said about the end of a quiet, strong man and his levelheaded Cuca hen.
Luis whistled a tune quietly, giving his daemon accompaniment in his tango of feathers and cheek before continuing. Fiofire sent Leon a look that both rolled her eyes and betrayed her amusement.
‘Leave it to Luis to try to cheer you up while he tells you heavy shit’, her look said. Leon rolled his eyes and smiled at her in reply.
“Panza and I made our way to Madrid for school, that was around 1932? 1933?”
“I was working at a grocery store in 1932, ol’ McAlister’s place.”
“Oh? Good for you!”
“Mm, continue.”
“Well…then things got …ugly.” Luis shook his head and his daemon paused to send his Bonded a look. Luis shook himself out of it. “The regime that came along… didn’t like, well, me, to put it kindly. Very Catholic.” Leon winced for him.
A smirk that heralded mischief that looked so good on Luis’ features lit him from within and the scientist winked.
“So we went underground. Found our own way, taught others, learned things.” His normally-beautiful eyes were dancing like all the Dust in his body had decided now was its time to shine.
“We stormed the records office and put together a few things that wouldn’t be missed…with quite a few things that would, and then we got out of there. My cómplice, my herd of students and academics bent on changing the world, Leon. It started with Spain and El Caudillo, but it was going to be so much more. Imagine it, Leon: Great minds like mine bent on making things better…”
The ex-soldier rested his cheek on one fist and just took in his friend. How different their lives had become since they were parted.
Luis had fought a war in secret for his people, his classmates and teammates. Leon had been dragged into fighting for a country that didn’t want to admit that it was made up of kids like him.
They both loved their countries, don’t get him wrong, it’s just that the fighting had taken very different tolls.
Luis shook his head to clear it.
“Then that God-damned war.” Luis drew in a shaky breath at the memories, drawing a hand down his face. Leon had a good enough grasp on the Spanish language to understand the names and circumstances Luis was implying, giving an identity to those he had lost while Leon sat at that table with his Nonna and a pencil.
“’Neutrality’, my ass.”
Luis’ hand dropped to the table, startling the other three before he waved it all off.
“So we came back to the states, ey Panza?” Better than being a smart ‘homosexual’ in a country that shook hands with the gas chambers. Leon didn’t blame him. Luis stopped picking at his rings when Leon settled a hand atop his.
“Even then they tried to get me to fight, you know?” Luis smirked at his bird, now a green parrot of some kind. “Took one look at my chart and sent me to the government. I didn’t even have to sit through a physical!” Leon chuckled and shook his head.
“Of course.”
Luis chuckled and bounced one shoulder to call his daemon up it. A massive skunk with an even bigger, more luxurious tail skittered up to sit on his shoulder.
“But they were interested in my Dust research. Had gotten copies of the papers I had published before the Academy kicked me out for what was beneath my clothes.” Luis shrugged easily at this, like it was just trivia he knew. Leon’s heart ached for his friend: so smart but so many barriers.
Luis stood up and walked over to his bookshelf, trailing a finger over bound books of different sizes and quality. On his shoulder, Panza trailed his tail over Luis’ cheek and rested it across his human’s shoulders.
“When I saw Galatea pass, it was the first time I had seen Dust in so pure a form. It made me wonder, later, when I got the chance to be intellectual about it: What makes this substance so special? Surely there was some connection between body, soul, and Dust but what?"
Leon’s lips began to grin without his knowledge as his friend walked him through the particles that hold the world together.
Watching Luis Serra Nevarro talk about science and adventure is like watching a poet or a play: He moved.
He became the topic he was thinking about and he got so excited he had to move about the room. Panza flitting around him on flickering firefly wings or snapping his jaws on the man’s heels, ringed fingers catching the light as he danced his way through papers he’d researched and experiments he’d run with names that aligned with people he’d lost.
“But the possibilities were too vast!” Luis spun on his heel, hair billowing around cheeks dusted with the glittering fractals of stubble. “So I turned to Panza! Panza?”
An unsettlingly large iguana scrambled up his back, long claws gripping soft fabric like fingers. Leon tried not to think too hard about that. Fiorire’s glance told him she caught it all the same.
“Panza! ¡Sí, bueno! I said ‘daemons are Dust incarnate, to some extent, so let’s turn the research on its head!’.” Both halves of Luis Serra suddenly looked at Leon with bright eyes and in that instant Luis was not the only man breathless.
“So what did you do?” Leon asked, pinned to the spot by their eyes.
Luis smirked at the lizard on his shoulder before flipping his wrist around to pinch his fingers together like a teardrop.
The scientist, thrumming with energy, closed his eyes...
Panza exploded in a silent display of light and glittering particulates. Gold spun around like a whirlwind with its eyes on Luis and Luis alone, frantic particles of Dust in a storm that toyed with the ends of Luis’ curly hair and enveloped the tall, lean man in a vision of gold and white light. Faster and faster the powders wove and danced, gray eyes snapping open to glow the gold of his soul in Panza’s stead.   
Luis opened his hand in a snap of motion and the chaos froze, millions of tiny stars stopping their spirals like a toy tornado of blown glass.
The light, blinding in its coagulation, molded a puddle of corium into his waiting palm, cosmic discord contained in shape once more.
When the scientist tilted his hand towards Leon, resting on his palm sat a blue morpho butterfly delicately waving its wings. The wild storm was contained in a Panza-shaped-box, tucked safely inside of the scientist’s very soul once more.
Leon sat stunned. Fiorire forgot to breathe.
Then Panza slipped through Luis’ fingers to bounce into an overweight pug who play-bowed to her. She sniffed him in frantic concern.
Luis shook out his hands and tilted his head, that manic light banking back into his normal, warm smile. Panza had helped himself to the golden glow, Leon noted, leaving only the calming sea-gray in his friend’s deep irises.
Leon’s hands were on him in a moment.
Everywhere he could reach, anything he could touch to reassure himself that this foolish, genius man was still alive and whole.
“You- Lu- You’re so-“
“Never do that again, capice?! Never, do you fucking hear me?” The panic in her voice brought the other two Bonded up short.
A gentle hand touched the back of the shaking one Leon had on Luis’ cheek. The scientist leaned into the hand cupping his face and looked into Leon’s pinprick pupils.
Acres of understanding were held in the soft look the man with the zoetrope heart gifted to his oldest and dearest friend.
“I’m fine, my friend. We’re just fine. I spent a long time researching how to pull off that little trick, and-“
“It’s not some parlor trick, Luis!” Leon snapped, shaking his head so hard his forelock bounced off of his cheek. “Fucking around with them- with the daemons is a death sentence, did you not hear me when I talked about the training and the way scientists were ripping the hearts out of kids?!”
He hadn’t meant to yell, especially not while holding Luis’ face between his hands with his daemon almost pinning Panza to the floor.
With effort and a sudden cut in volume, Leon took a shuddering breath and dropped his head forward to think. Luis’ free hand crept up to hold Leon’s other hand where it sat shaking alone on his cheek.
A susurration of scales against the scrubbed wood floor was all the warning Fiorire got before Panza was out of her grasp and mirroring their human’s hold on her face. White fur quivered as the wolf panted, meeting her friend’s golden eyes over the monkey’s proboscis nose.
Leon somehow dredged up the strength to raise his head.
Luis’ soul held his, the warmth of Panza’s small hands spreading like honey through Leon’s torso.
Sharp, pointed blue eyes met accepting gray.
Luis smiled, a gentle and supportive thing.
Leon kissed him.
It wasn’t quite angry, and it was definitely desperate, not the kind of first kiss Leon would have picked for them had he had the choice, but even as their lips got caught between clicking teeth, Luis’ hands softly moved to Leon’s sides, lengthening each press of lips and teeth and tongue until it was just a soft mouth giving, giving, giving while frantic, erratic breaths took, took, took.
At least Leon’s teeth weren’t making his partner’s lip bleed anymore.
With a long sigh into the other man’s mouth, Leon gave up.
Now, as he collapsed into the taller man’s chest Luis stood firm.
Before, when Leon had been putting all his weight onto his friend in the snow he hadn’t been focusing on the fact that Luis was taking his whole weight.
Then again, hadn’t he always?
Leon was the violent one - the hairpin trigger, the flash-bang, the cut lip and bloodied nose.
Luis wasn’t.
He was reading books aloud under trees when Leon’s head hurt from when the words moved around the page too much. He was making a noise to distract the bullies or the adults Leon had gotten on the wrong side of so they could get away. He was the one who always knew where to pinch a nose to stop its bleeding and how cold air should be when you blow on a cut.
So this time, just once more, he leaned on Luis.
And Luis held him together.
Also! As of writing (2024) African Grey Parrots are the smartest animal we've studied in-depth! It's said that they have the intelligence of a human 3-year-old, but I think they're probably smarter in ways that couldn't be tested at the time. Look up Alex the African Grey for more info! It's really interesting.
I had so much FUCKING fun writing the scene where Luis completely disassembles his daemon. Like. Oh my god that man.
...And what does that say about Panza's Bonded, I wonder. ;)
Memes and silly thoughts are on my blog under the tag #serennedy daemon au and we have fun here.
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batbobsession · 1 year
Positive-ish Things that Happened During the Curse
I feel that I’ve made a lot of posts about how terrible the curse was for the staff (I’m not mistaken in doing so, the curse was definitely bad for everyone) but that little voice in my head got me thinking: what if I made a happy post about it?  So without further ado, here are a few headcanons about the curse that will (hopefully) make you smile.
Chip teaches Froufrou some new tricks.  Garderobe and Cadenza had already taught him the basics, like “sit,” “stay,” “quiet,” and a few other general ones, but Chip decides that “roll over,” “play dead,” “hide and seek,” and a few other fun ones should be added.
In the first few days, Plumette and the other maids cleaned the entirety of the castle. Obsessively. And while this served as a healthy distraction, it was also a way to remind themselves that they weren’t forgotten. It was their own rebellion against the curse, and everyone thanked them for it. The only two places left avoided were the West Wing (for obvious reasons) and the East Wing, because Adam forbade anyone go near it after his mom died.
Cuisinier had control over most of the knives in the kitchen, and with some help from more mobile residents, he carved toys for Chip and Froufrou. 
Yes, telekinesis exists. Cogsworth confirmed that some objects are just objects, so I imagine Mrs. Potts can push her own cart, Lumiere can light every candle in the castle, Plumette and the other maids can control the sheets and pillows, Chip can use his saucer like a skateboard, Garderobe can make a dress with a thought, etc.
On the subject of dog toys, the Madame wasted no time sewing little trinkets filled with rice and beans from the kitchens. Though she couldn’t leave the East Wing, Mrs. Potts provided the necessary materials on her cart. It was through this love of crafting (and the precious dog, of course) that Garderobe and Cuisinier, the two stationary residents, became good friends.
They all became snow artists over time. Think about it: the whole castle is blanketed in an enchanted winter, which means an enormous amount of snow. As Lumiere put it, they were doing nearly nothing before Belle arrived. But I can imagine that the staff members--Chip, Chapeau, Lumiere, and Plumette especially--learned how to make the best snow-sculptures ever.
And for those who immediately call baloney on Lumiere being good at it because of his candles, he can and does put them out. And even so, you know you can form ice by melting away parts of it, right? Imagine him making abstract, curving shapes out of icicles, or beautiful, water-like patterns in ice blocks. 
Not to mention, any time Chip asks for a snowball fight, the team who has Chapeau with them always wins. And it’s unfair. But it’s fun.
There have been times when Chip has been buried in the snow. It’s all in good fun, but Chapeau insists on watching him every time. After all, porcelain/fine china can crack if exposed to enough cold.
There are some dogs out there that aren’t smart enough to recognize their own reflections, so I like to think Froufrou has no idea what’s going on. Like sure, his mamma and papà look different, but they smell the same, so what’s the big deal?
I think I’ve mentioned this in other posts, but during pre-curse times, Lumiere hosted little midnight parties with music and dancing. He keeps that up, obviously, and after the curse falls on the castle, those meetings descend into chaos (since the walls of the ballroom have playable instruments on them, and the maids can fly). Chapeau usually provides the music, and sometimes the maestro joins in (when he feels up to it--after all, he’s incomplete without his dear one). 
Cogsworth hates it, but has absolutely no say on the matter, because he’s outvoted by everyone else.
Lumiere could and did light candles from far away. Maybe it’s just the 1991 version knocking on my brain, but I love the idea of Lumiere just blowing out one of his flames and then having all of the candles in his vicinity flaring up instantly. You need a ballroom lit? Give him five seconds. Done.
Plumette and the other maids tested their wings. On a calm day, they just decided to see how high they could fly, and Plumette made it pretty high before the winds picked up. The quest to find her around the castle grounds was pretty funny...for everyone but Plumette. And Lumiere. Poor thing went cold with worry. 
Of course they found her, and of course she wasn’t hurt, but from a bird’s-eye perspective, seeing the staff scramble to “catch the maids” just makes me laugh so much.
Under Mrs. Potts’ strict instruction, Chapeau taught Garderobe and Cadenza Adam’s favorite lullaby, the one his mother sang to him when he was little. If the Beast slept inside the castle, whoever was closest, and whoever was awake, would play it for him. He’d rage and silence them if he was awake, so in that way, his mother visited him in his dreams. It was a sign of the servants relearning to care.
The first big reunion with the beast and the servants was a few weeks into the curse: 
For the first few weeks, the Beast was so filled with self-loathing he would avoid the staff on a daily basis, killing things in the forest and eating them, like a real animal. Once Mrs. Potts and Chapeau found out that this was what he got up to when he left, Cogsworth nearly had a stroke and put his foot down. The Beast was doing the exact opposite of what he was supposed to be doing; disappearing into some wild thing was absolutely unacceptable. 
They didn’t pull out every stop. To do so would mean pretending like nothing was wrong, and they weren’t about to start that. But they made him dinner--a childhood favorite--and locked the doors of the castle, forcing him to eat what they made. They hovered, out of striking distance, but present in case he needed them. 
He ate. He trudged up the stairs to the West Wing. Looked at the rose. And cried. His first good cry in years, one that eventually lulled him to sleep. 
He never missed dinner after that. 
tagging @lumiereswig and @lumiereandcogsworth​ because I feel they’ll enjoy this
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mytragedyperson · 2 years
Honestly kind of excited about stranger things season 5. I saw a post that said they were going back to S1 groups in S5, which is probably just kids, teens, adults, or I guess teens, young adults, older adults. I'm kind of lowkey excited to see how the other characters react to Argyle, if he's there which I'm pretty sure he will be.
I'm pretty sure Steve and El are going to die this season, Steve because they've wanted to kill him since S1 and El because Millie wants to die or wants more deaths in the show but also I feel like the Duffer brothers would definitely do something that ends the show as it began. We see a scene of the kids, now teenagers playing D&d before the show ends as it began, with will saying goodbye to Mike before going home, only now they're boyfriends. The show arguably began with the party and particularly will and Mike. It would be kind of beautiful if the show ended with them too.
Speaking of Will, kinda want a scene where he and Robin talk. Maybe Robin realises his feelings for Mike and talks to him about it. Robin adopts will and takes him under her wing.
Also I feel like, if Steve died that would be the thing that encourages the characters, all of them to fight back harder. Robin losing her best friend, the kids losing their older brother figure, all of them losing someone who's always been there, always been reliable, always put himself between them and danger, and if he dies tyring to protect one of them, maybe protecting Jonathan, that would not only encourage them to fight back, but also be a beautiful end to his character. And stancy don't get back together because that wouldn't really make sense for either of their characters or arcs. Also extra shootout to Dustin finding out he's dead or seeing him die and having a "not you, I already lost Eddie, I can't lose you too" moment.
Dustin doesn't die. I'm sorry if Dustin dies that will be too much for me personally.
I've seen people saying Mike might get vecna'd, makes a lot of sense. If baler is endgame, kinda want a scene where Mike is getting vecnad and El is trying to help him, it's not working, will tries and Mike manages to fight it and has a Max escaping Vecna moment. This would be pretty good evidence that it truly is requited and would show what the endgame is.
Will plays a big role in helping kill Vecna, maybe we find out why he was allowed to live. I know Vecna may have wanted a spy but why Will? When he was taken El wasn't known yet. When Vecna took Barb he killed her pretty soon after. Will survived, was allowed to live and later escape. He was used as a spy but after that the ficus shifted to El, stopping her. Either way El and Vecna probably will fight again and either El will kill him but destroy herself in the process by using her powers to much, or she'll lose and be killed.
Jancy will discuss their problems. Haven't decided if I think they'll break up or not but I do think they'll be endgame so even if they do break up canonically I'd imagine they'd get back together in the future.
Also possibly Mike and Will getting Murrayed in some way or Mike and el depending on which is endgame, preferably byler, because if they're not endgame it makes very little sense for him to be in live with Mike for 4 seasons
Also a scene where Mike either talks to El about the painting she apparently commissioned and El is like "I didn't commission a painting" or Mike rereads El's letters and realises the painting is the one El thought was for a girl Will liked. This could leads to Will and Mike having an argument about Will lying about the painting and Will blurting out that he likes Mike. However if this did happen, I think I'd be happier if Will was the one getting vecnaed and Mike trying to save him. Mike has another monologue but there's a clear difference between this monologue and the El monologue in that it seems more genuine and personal to their relationship, he references their meeting mentioned in S2, their fight in S3, how will showing him his painting in S4 gave him courage, how losing him in S1 felt like his world got ripped out from under him, maybe he mentions the jumping off the cliff to save Dustin scene in S1 in some way, maybe he apologises for forgetting his birthday, or maybe he didn't forget, maybe he had a present for him but never gave it to him because he was too busy arguing with him. Maybe he reminds him they're supposed to go crazy together, that it's up to them like always. Basically a big monologue mentioning events from last seasons and ends with Mike admitting he loves him too, he was just scared to admit it. Before this event him and El broke up because of the problems in their relationship that were never truly addressed or understood. And Mike saves will.
OK sorry it appears my predictions for S5 turned into a mini fanfiction so let's try and bring it back.
Idk what will happen with max but el will try to save her and, if she succeeds, lumax will be endgame.
Joyce or Hopper could die but I really hope they don't.
I feel like Robin could die but they wouldn't have much reason to kill her so probably won't, thankfully.
If el doesn't die and mileven is endgame, somehow, I feel like will could die, but this feels like it would be a less satisfying ending to me personally.
Obviously these are all just my opinions on what I think will happen. I could be wrong, they could just kill Mike or Nancy or Jonathan. Or they could decide to have Nancy and Robin get together. But these feel less likely and wouldn't make as much sense to me as the rest of what I've said
I hope we'll see more rockie but if we do it will probably be short scenes between all the action.
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WTNV quick rundown - 104 - The Hierarchy of Angels
Catch up with episode/live show/book rundowns I've done here, for all those quick fact needs without having to relisten to 200+ episodes and other content!
I know you are, but what am I? What am I? What am I? What. Am. I. Welcome to Night Vale.
It is time for the scattering of Old Woman Josie's ashes. Since it's illegal to acknowledge angels, the Erika's are running into difficulties fulfilling Josie's wishes.
Alondra is dealing with her mothers estate and can't seem to find a will, only a badly spelled message clearly made by the angels saying everything belongs to them. She just wants to go home even though she can't recall where home is.
The angels also start to construct an amusement park of sorts with an equally misspelled message giving them permission. Alondra's lawyer, Emilio Tavares tries to halt the proceedings saying they're using money from Josie's estate illegally and can't just do whatever they want to fulfil her wishes without legal documentation.
Miriam Adelman (the lawyer dragon), defends the angels rights to build the 'Night Vale Sculpture Garden' (which apparently includes roller coasters and such) in order to fulfil Josie's wishes and scatter her ashes under Giacomo Manzú’s famous sculpture 'Top Thrill Dragster.' This is all completed because nobody can stand against the dragons, but the city refuses to hear any more arguments from them since they aren't legally allowed to practice law on this earth and 'angels don't exist' to be clients anyway.
Weather: "Qualified" by Sammus feat. Open Mike Eagle
Larry Leroy, Josie's closest neighbour, recounts how the two of them were somewhat close. He also mentions how Telly is still out in the desert giving haircuts to cacti.
Cecil tells us the secret hiearchy of angels, which in a nutshell is this: Angels are immortal beings which can be human souls(but few deceased humans do become angels), animal souls, plant souls even the souls of outdated electronics. They are all named Erika and are all equal to each other. They share all memories and all physical sensations, experiencing everything simultaneously. Their minds are overwhelmed with enlightenment and pain. They have no centralized leadership, but they do have committees which don't have titles or objectives, emerging as needed. Angels are wealthy but do not understand currency.
Angels have no bodies, only visual projections of winged and barely humanoid forms, dreamed up by those who see and acknowledge them, and may vary based on the viewer. The secret hierarchy of angels is an ethereal mass of feelings and thoughts made manifest by necessity and are only individual beings because humans imagine them to be.
Steve leaves a message on Cecil's phone saying he's seen the Woman From Italy. Cecil also apparently enjoys playing jokes on Steve by pretending it's an answering machine when it's not, but also pretending he's there when it's actually the answering machine.
Kareem, after surviving as a radio station intern for 16 months, has decided to change his major to Earth Sciences so no longer needs his internship. He will instead be taking classes with Simone Rigaudeau at the NVCC, which was apparently inspired by him genuinely finding a death certificate for Simone dated 1983. He believes Simone knows what happened to NV, why Kareem's family doesn't know him any more and why Michigan is not on any map in NV. Cecil is bothered that he'll now have to do his own filing but wishes Kareem well.
Dana calls for a crack down on low level crimes so they don't become bigger crimes, including littering (which can after all, encourage the dangerous Street Cleaners to come).
Stay tuned next for hosts Josh and Chuck and their wildly popular show, Stuff You Shouldn't Know, which as usual will be an unbroken redaction beep for 30 straight minutes. No one has ever heard Josh or Chuck speak. And as always, good night, Night Vale. Josie was beautiful. And angels are real. Good night.
Proverb: A million dollars isn't a sandwich. You know what's a sandwich? A taco.
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