#kotpota anaya
aphrmoosun · 2 months
I wanted to remind everybody that Kotpota is a science fiction movie, nothing happening there is real. I think everyone seems to forget it since they accuse the nomae nation of a lot of awful mental problems and it seems they are the ones with that problem because liking two characters together seem to mean for them that you'd f*ck an ape. They have serious problems and try to reflect themselves on us.
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I also want to remind y'all that Kotpota barely made good cyphers. It made 390M, not even 400M which was made for the worst movie of Caesar saga (in box office). So I don't know how all of them are creating this toxic environment in the fandom when we have done nothing and we are the one creating content and respecting all the characters. They seriously need to chill it out.
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phan3145 · 1 month
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Title: Slippery Slope. Fandom: Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Rating: M ( Cursing, blood, minor character death, mature themes) Pairing: Eventual Noa x Human!Reader.
***Notes: I am so sorry this is so late, you don’t understand how this chapter nearly ended me. I also had no intention of making it this long. Broken record, right? Want to say a big THANK YOU to @sttudnobright for commenting on my poll, because it was their comment that made me finally realize how to frame this chapter. Tagging @imaginarydreams since they asked to be kept updated. Also, reminder to check the rating for this chapter.
Chapter 6: Jumbled
When you opened your eyes again you were in your bed, fire going steadily across from you, lighting up the entirety of the cave. You didn’t remember leaving that much kindling on it, but decided you must have. At least it was warm. You let out a whining groan as you attempted to stretch your body. Your arms went above your head, your back arching, toes extending before curling a few times. Your body hurt so much.
Your left shoulder blade felt as if someone had clubbed you, your thighs not faring much better. They felt tight, vice-like. You swayed your hips slightly, hearing a pop in your right joint that relieved a fraction of the tension. You brought your arms back down from where they had been resting above your head, seeing your wrapped hands. Thankfully, you hadn’t bled through the cloth, but the skin underneath felt hot. You didn’t want to think about what it looked like.
Memory flooded back to you then; the library, the boar, the leap of faith off of the horse, and then falling asleep on the way back. This caused you to bolt upright, realizing you were in fact in your bed and not riding on a horse. As you did, the large figure that had been silently sitting next to you, watching your every move, sprung to their feet. You jerked away from them, a scream dying in the back of your throat when you realized who it was.
“Noa.” You gasped, hand coming up to clutch at your too dry throat. “What are you doing here? How did you get in?”
Noa appraised you a moment, eyes trailing up and down your form so methodically you felt naked. You fought the urge to bring your blanket up, knowing you were still wearing the same clothes you had on before. Speaking of which, your bed was dirty now that your outside clothes had touched it. That was probably the least of your worries though, remembering how your jacket had completely lost its backing. Though summer was approaching, spring was holding on with a vengeance at night when the sun went down.
Noa, apparently done with his study of you, handed you your canteen. You took it gratefully, saying a quick thank you as you drank. He chose to speak then, “Watching over you…could not wake you when we arrived…had to have Anaya…help move your rock.”
That frightened you, turning towards your entry way to see the rock moved to its normal open position. You swallowed thickly, “You two were able to open it?”
“Was not easy.” Noa replied, walking towards where your fire was going, and bringing something back wrapped in a large leaf. “Took much time…difficult to open…but not impossible.”
You noticed as he carefully handed you the leaf, that Noa’s eyes went distant, as if he was remembering something from a long time ago. Distracted by the new object in your hand, you unwrapped it to find fresh salmon. That explained the extra kindling, he must have just finished cooking it…you could still see steam rising from the ends. You were surprised how well the leaf insulated against the heat. Leaning over, you reached for the dagger under your pillow, slicing slits into the cooked fish to release the heat. You tore and picked at the edges of it, only then realizing how hungry you really were.
Noa eyed you warily, watching as you used the dagger to cut into the meat. You were too hungry to act shy about the weapon, shoving a huge chunk of meat into your mouth using the blade as a type of spoon. You swallowed quickly, waving the dagger in the air before explaining, “In case something else ever gets in. Last line of defense. It’s better to be safe than sorry, but I’ve never had to use it before.”
Noa grunted, apparently willing to leave it there. You took another bite, eyes trailing back over to your entry. The day you met the trio, Noa was able to budge the rock slightly, just by himself. You had marveled at his power, never fearing he would ever be able to break in from the outside, regardless of his strength. A part of you was grateful that they were able to get it open, giving your body time to rest in bed and wake up comfortably. Still, you felt uneasy at the thought that only two apes had been enough to pry open your sense of safety.
As if hearing your thoughts, Noa added, “Almost gave up…several times…in the beginning could barely…find it…then together could barley…move it at all….Soona suggested taking you back…to village for the night.”
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, eyes widening, and stomach dropping. You shook your head, “No. No, that would have been a very bad decision.”
Noa scoffed, “Anaya said…same thing…do not see why…would have been there with you…as I am now.”
Before you could say anything else, Noa was in front of you again, handing you an apple. The oddness of him feeding you struck you then, taking it from him but setting it down next to you. You weren’t done with your fish, but your appetite had suddenly vanished. You carefully moved the leaf and its contents off to the side, freeing up your lap so you could swing your legs over the side of your bed. You braced your hands on the edge, leaning forward slightly, attempting to take inconspicuous deep breaths.
Of course, Noa noticed something was wrong. He crouched to be eye level with you, something you noticed he always seemed to be doing. Anaya and Soona would move freely, but if Noa was speaking to you he would be sure to be on your level, or at least mirror your body language. You tried to avoid his gaze, that feeling of being exposed returning as he commented, “You should…eat more…no food since sunrise.”
You shook your head, “I’m not that hungry anymore.”
“Rest then?” Noa asked. “Can sleep…will stand watch.”
“Maybe later,” you mumbled.
Noa’s eyes scanned your face, fighting to catch your gaze. That in itself must have been telling, as he said slowly, “You…are…upset?”
You were suddenly hot, pulling your arms a little too roughly out of the sleeves of your ruined jacket. You held it in your hand, thumb rubbing at the shredded ends of the back. You didn’t think there was any chance of mending it, wondering if there was a way to repurpose it. For now, it did keep your arms covered at least.
You looked up then, seeing Noa’s expression shift from concerned to sorrowful. You weren’t sure if it was due to your silence or your tattered jacket. You tried to put some life into your voice, softly but kindly explaining, “You don’t have to stay, Noa. I’ll be alright.”
“Want to…stay.” Noa replied, shaking his head.
“Why?” You asked, a self deprecating chuckle leaving you as you ran a hand through your hair.
Noa didn’t hesitate, “Worried…about you.”
You didn’t say anything to that. He probably had good reason to worry about you…at times like this you worried about yourself too. Usually you were fine, but then there were days where you would feel the reality of your life crash into you and panic over the situation you found yourself in. It happened the day after meeting Noa, all the ways things could have gone wrong if he was a different ape, how things could still go wrong. God…just the thought of waking up, not knowing where you were, potentially surrounded by other apes, had your stomach turning.
So lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice Noa raise his hand up, his thumb attempting to brush over the mark he had placed on your forehead. You flinched back out of instinct. He did the same, snatching his hand away and tilting his head at you. You forced your muscles to relax, mumbling, “Sorry, didn’t mean to do that.”
“You..do not like…being touched.” Noa paused, it wasn’t a question. “Then…sometimes you do…why?”
That was one of the questions you didn’t want to answer, knowing there were things you would have to explain that Noa might not understand. There were also things that he wouldn’t like if you explained them to him. Today had been an eventful day, you were not only emotionally exhausted, but physically as well. You wanted to trust Noa, tell him everything you kept trapped and secret in your mind, but you didn’t know if you could trust yourself. It was all too heavy, it would crush you under its weight. He didn’t push though, patiently waiting for your response. You almost smiled, knowing he would probably wait all night for you if he needed to.
Not thinking too much on the action itself, you pushed yourself from your bed, lowering your body onto the ground to be closer to…well, Noa. As much as you hated to admit it, there was something about him that brought you comfort. If you were in your normal mindset you might question that further, but for now, you wanted the comfort of his closeness. His eyes widened a fraction, letting out a small hum as he shifted from his haunches to a seated position on the floor as well. His legs were spread out in front of him, yours were bent at the knee, feet feeling the cool stone beneath you as you rested your hands on your knees. If your foot moved an inch or two to the right it would be touching Noa’s, and you had to shake that thought from your head.
Your fingers tapped out a rhythm, trying to distract yourself as you admitted, “I mainly flinch out of fear. I don’t really mean to, but I’ve been alone for so long now that…usually if something is touching me, it’s not a good thing.”
“Fear…” Noa repeated, mulling over you or answer. “Why…are you afraid…of apes?”
“Apes can be dangerous,” you replied honestly.
“When?” He asked.
Your brows furred, “What do you mean?”
“When did it…happen,” Noa clarified. “When…were apes dangerous…to you?”
“I -I didn’t say-” you started, but Noa cut you off.
“Fear does not happen…for no reason,” he huffed. “When did apes…make you afraid?”
You hesitated, throat feeling tight again “ Years ago.”
Noa leaned in closer, tone softening, “What happened?”
Well, this was it. The thing you swore you would never speak about again for as long as you lived. You didn’t have to answer, but you had come this far, and not explaining this to Noa meant that he would never understand your fear. It might even drive a wedge further between you two at some point in the future. Today already took an emotional toll on you, so how much worse could this be?
“I…I told you I lived in a vault once, right?” You stammered.
Noa hummed.
You took a deep breath then, “There was a virus- which I’m not sure if you know about. It took away the ability for humans to speak, made us really sick. Sometimes…it even killed us.”
Noa nodded, “Know…about it.”
You swallowed, “It didn’t effect most of us in the vault….I think before I was born the ones in there were immune to it. I was-was tested when I was born, and I was allowed to go outside with my parents whenever I wanted. For m-most of my life everyone came and went as they pleased, living in nature, even farming. This…apocalyptic world our scientists were always talking about, didn’t seem so bad at the t-time. I had freedom, a family, and f-friends. I lived a happy life.”
“How old…were you?” Noa clarified, “When…it happened.”
“S…seventeen.” You mumbled, pinching your eyes closed for a moment and running a hand through your hair. It had only gotten longer, and you reminded yourself then that you should cut it soon. “I wasn’t…wasn’t even considered an adult yet. I never in my wildest nightmares imagined that I could lose everyone I…it happened so fast.”
“Where are family…friends…now?” Noa asked.
You took in a breath, “Hopefully, they’re all dead.”
Noa visibly reacted to this, “Why…would you hope…for that?”
“Because the humans the gorillas didn’t kill outright,” you gritted through your teeth. “Are the ones they decided to keep as pets.”
“Gorillas…killed?” Noa didn’t seem shocked, but it still seemed like a hard concept for him to understand.
You felt a shiver run up your spine, and you forced your body not to show it as memories assaulted your mind in response to the question. You couldn’t speak, choosing instead to jerk your head once in a single nod.
“What is…pet?” Noa asked, raising his left hand in a closed fist, before making a back and forth motion with his right hand over top of it. “Not pet like…this?”
“No,” you shook your head, teeth clenching. “Not like that at all.”
You had to take a moment to swallow the anger, knowing this was a genuine question. Noa was not the one you were angry with, he was the one who was here after you got hurt. He was the one who made sure you didn’t fall off the horse. He was the one that never harmed you no matter how easy it would have been to do so. He was the one listening to you, the one who was worried about you. He cared about you.
With your emotions in check, you explained, “A pet is an animal humans would domest- tame…an animal humans would tame to keep with them. We would give them names, and put collars around their necks so others knew who they belonged to. We fed them, and gave them shelter in exchange for their loyalty and companionship.”
Noa was hesitant, but admitted, “Does not sound…bad…we raise Eagles…very similar…we wear their feathers and…have names for them to…tell apart.”
You shook your head, “It’s not the same. The clan and the eagles are the same, equal. I’ve even heard Anaya refer to Eagle Sun as your older brother.”
Noa huffed at that, looking away a moment before asking, “How is it…different then?”
“First of all,” you started. “For humans, a pet was treated as something under us. We cared for them, loved them, but they were not our equals. We chose them, cared for them instead of letting them fend for themselves in the wilderness. Secondly, the gorillas did not share the same amount of care for their pets that humans did theirs. They treated them brutally.”
“How do you…know?” Noa challenged.
You looked him the eye then, refusing to so much as blink as you confessed, “Because I was trapped in a cage as a pet for over a year.”
You’d never seen an ape be sick before, but Noa looked awfully close. His face was incredibly scrunched, and unless it was a trick of the fire, he looked two shades paler. His body seemed more hunched in, as if someone had punched him in the stomach. He breathed out the only word he seemed to be able to form, “What?”
Your hand covered your own mouth for a moment after the confession. Now that you said it out loud, it was real again. Nausea crept up on you at the epiphany, the fish in your gut souring the back of your throat. You turned away from Noa then, your other hand moving to your stomach and legs falling to the ground as you fought the overwhelming feeling. You already started, you couldn’t let yourself stop now. No one on this planet knew what happened now that your mother was gone. Someone else besides you should know. You took very deep breaths, hearing Noa start to make those humming noises again. They reminded you of the day you two had met, and that thought grounded you.
You turned back to Noa then, “My friends and I left the vault, three males and two females. We were traveling along a river, one we were very familiar with, when a group of gorillas and a few chimps approached us. We weren’t sure what to do, we had never seen apes before. The males simply stood in front of my friend and I. They had weapons, for hunting, but my friend and I had nothing.”
You saw the look in Noa’s eyes, the despair he held for you. You shifted again, bringing your knees up to tuck into your chest. You wrapped your arms around them, turning your head to face Noa as you rested your cheek on your knees. You tried to smile, “My friends were so brave, and if it weren’t for them, I might not be here now.”
“Do you…” Noa started. He opened his mouth as if to gulp the air, canines visible for a moment before he continued, “Do you…want silence?”
You shook your head, “I need to tell you, I need to say it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to say it again if I stop now.”
Noa nodded, grunting as he stamped a closed fist against the ground a few times. You weren’t sure what it meant, but it might have been involuntary as he sighed through his nose, “Will not…speak…until you are…finished.”
“Okay.” You sighed, closing your eyes and letting the memories overtake you.
Kieran and Erik were at it again, trying to prove who was stronger. Somehow you and Eden got dragged into it, both of you being picked up and thrown over one of the boys shoulders as they ran down stream. Eden was absolutely losing it, snorting as she screamed in glee. You on the other hand, were just trying to make sure Kieran didn’t drop you. Even you had to admit though, it was pretty funny, a few giggles escaping as Kieran tried to trip Erik.
“I will strangle you if you trip me Kieran, I swear to God!” Erik shouted, stumbling slightly as Eden continued to squeal.
You slapped Kieran on the shoulder, “Fight fair! If you make Erik drop Eden he’ll have to get in line to strangle you.”
“Yeah, yeah!” Kieran called, picking up the pace, as you imagined the river’s edge was close.
You raised your head to see Micheal bringing up the rear, multiple bows and packs of arrows slung across his back as he attempted to keep up with his two younger brothers. Your eyes locked and you smiled at him, who in turn blushed and looked away. You enjoyed flustering him, not sure when he started acting differently around you, only that ever since, he had trouble keeping eye contact with you.
You would probably marry him one day. He was two years older than you, and while looks had never been something you were a particularly good judge on, you supposed he was decent enough. He was about your height, with dark auburn hair and brown eyes the color of a rich wood. More than his looks though, he was smart, smarter than Kieran and Erik for sure. He was the main hunter, knew how to be patient and find solutions to problems most wouldn’t think of. You admired that in him, how he never pretended to be something he wasn’t, never boasted or bragged that he was strong. He let his actions speak for themselves. While Eden might appreciate Kieran or Erik for their playfulness and macho displays, Micheal was the one who had your full attention.
Just as you thought that, Kieran jerked to a stop, and you felt your body go forward as he let you down, hollering his victory over Erik. Eden was still laughing, giving Erik a quick peck on the cheek in an attempt to comfort him.
“Hey, I won,” Kieran protested. “Shouldn’t I be the one to get a kiss?”
“You tried to cheat,” Eden accused, finger pointing at him.
Kieran smiled, “Key word being tried. I didn’t actually trip Erik.”
Eden rolled her eyes, turning to Micheal who was just now catching up, “I think he should be disqualified. What about you?”
Without missing a beat, Micheal said, “Absolutely. Erik wins by default, congratulations you two.”
Eden cheered, giving Erik a high-five as Kieran sulked. I patted his shoulder, “Better luck next time. Hey, I appreciate that you didn’t drop me.”
“Do I get a kiss for that?” He asked.
I snorted, “Yeah, sure.”
I leaned forward to kiss his cheek when Kieran suddenly turned his head, kissing me on the lips. I pulled back immediately as he grinned, looking so proud of himself. Of course, never one to boast when he actually does something outrageous. I practically growled at him, raising a leg to take my shoe off.
“Oh, shit!” Kieran cursed as he attempted to run.
“Get back here you ass!” You called as you chased after him, “Come take your beating like a man!”
Eden pulled Erik back playfully as he made to grab him, but Micheal was suddenly there, lunging forward and grabbing Kieran around the neck in a type of chokehold. This surprised you, but you just chuckled evilly, ready to get your revenge. Micheal saying your name however, stopped you in your tracks. That’s when you noticed his eyes locked on to something up ahead of you. Even Kieran stopped struggling as he caught site of what Micheal had.
Eden, Erik, and you all turned at the same time to find out what the other two were staring at. That’s when you saw it, apes on horseback. You had never seen an ape in person before, and you had to wonder what they were doing here. The five of you had frequented this river since you could walk, this wasn’t claimed territory. You were too scared to look away or make a sound now, feeling like something was terribly wrong. Running didn’t seem like a good idea though.
You heard Micheal call your name again, “Put your shoe back on and get behind me. Eden, you too. Erik, back up to me with Eden slowly.”
We all did as he instructed as the caravan of apes got closer. There were five gorillas and three chimpanzees. Two of the chimps were walking alongside the group instead of riding. That must mean there was a settlement nearby. A new ape settlement.
You felt Eden wrap her arm around yours, attempting to pull you back further. You didn’t want to move, afraid to look weak, and Micheal was right in front of you. He hadn’t reached for his bow yet, but his hands were ready. Erik and Kieran on the other hand weren’t willing to wait, arrows strung and pointed towards the ground.
The apes stopped then, probably 20 feet away from you, making a few noises that you assumed was their way of communication. You noticed them scanning your group, the biggest gorilla locking eyes with you for a brief moment before turning his attention to Erik. He was shifting from foot to foot, arrow pointed slightly off the ground now, as if he sensed danger.
“We mean you no harm,” Micheal’s booming voice called out. “As long as you mean us no harm. We understand if this is your territory, we did not know. We will respectfully leave and return to our homes and not come back.”
The larger gorilla huffed at one of the chimps on the ground, who paced to the back of his horse. He then turned to the smaller gorilla on his left, pointing to Micheal. You felt your stomach drop, not understanding what that meant, but having a feeling it wasn’t good. You felt Micheal’s hand on your stomach then, pushing you back as he whispered, “Start backing up, but don’t run unless I say.”
You hummed, too afraid to speak as the group slowly started inching backwards.
The large gorilla spoke then, the deep scratchy voice sending chills down your spine. “Human who can speak…comes with us.”
Ice flooded your veins then, looking to Micheal who seemed to be assessing the situation. Erik, upon hearing that, raised his bow in the air, aiming for the gorilla who spoke. No sooner had he done that, you heard a Thunk noise, and a gasp be ripped from Erik’s mouth. You turned, watching in slow motion as Erik took a step back, allowing you to see the spear lodged in his chest.
You watched the realization hit him at the same time as the rest of you, a final glance to Micheal before he collapsed. You couldn’t react, shock gripping your being as you saw Eden cover her mouth to smother the scream she wanted to let out, visibly shaking now as she clung to you. Kieran was smart enough not to raise his bow further, but he and Micheal shared a devastated look before facing the apes again.
“Run.” Micheal hissed, and time seemed to not only resume, but speed up.
The gorillas all practically leapt off their horses. The two chimps on the ground hurling spears, not trying to hit you but trying to keep you all in one place. Eden took off alongside you, and for once, you were thankful she was smaller than you, it allowed her to be faster. You heard Micheal and Kieran behind you, turning your head over your shoulder once to see the apes gaining. Micheal did the same, and you saw the calculating look in his eye as he turned back around.
He called out then, “Kieran you’re with me, you two don’t stop running for anything! I mean it!”
You heard Eden whimper ahead of you as a sort of confirmation, and you stumbled a moment, wanting to stop but knowing if you did, whatever Micheal intended to do would be in vain. Two sets of footsteps stopped echoing behind you, so you kept running, dodging over limbs and bushes as you both strayed from the rivers edge in search of cover.
You heard arrows flying alongside apes screeching and roaring in tandem. You couldn’t look, couldn’t see who was winning. You had to keep going…..but then you heard Kieran scream. You turned then to see one of the chimps dead on the ground, and a Gorilla struggling to breathe next to the corpse, half dead himself. He had more than seven arrows lodged in his chest. There were two more gorillas though, one restraining Micheal and the other…
Kieran was on the ground, body twisted in an unnatural position, with the second gorilla above him. You saw dark arms raise before fists came down over his body. Micheal struggled in a net next to him, screaming and cursing at the apes. You looked away, hearing the pain in Kieran’s voice each time the Thump of fists came down on him. You heard a wet, cracking sound following the next blow that echoed in the forest. Then, there was no more screaming. No more hits to the ground. No more sound. You knew Kieran was dead.
You heard the pound of running steps behind you then, and you knew what was about to happen. You gasped in air, forcing your body to go faster, run harder. Eden was so far ahead of you…you knew she would probably get away if she just kept going. You willed your voice to be steady as you screamed, “Don’t stop, Eden! Run faster, give it everything you have! Don’t stop until you’re home! Don’t look back, just run!”
You didn’t hear a response, but you saw her shift slightly, running more on the balls of her feet and picking her legs up higher, arms jerking back and forth harder than they were before. You saw her duck behind a tree and then she was out of your line of sight. Part of you was comforted by that, but that relief was quickly extinguished when something smacked into your back and you quickly hit the ground. You scraped your chin when you landed, letting out a small cry of pain as you wriggled in the net you found yourself trapped in.
There was a tug, and you were being dragged back towards Micheal and the other apes. The Gorilla above you huffed and snarled as you continued to struggle, raising a leg and kicking you in the stomach. You groaned, curing in on yourself as another gorilla on a horse approached.
The gorilla holding you pointed towards where Eden had been, “Find the human and their nest, take the ones who speak…kill the rest.”
Eden was going to lead them home, and there was nothing you could do about it. You felt tears start streaming down your face, as the ape holding you sniffed loudly, throwing you next to Micheal, another ape gripping the closure of the net. The larger ape growled, “Weak human…bleeding…stinks.”
The ape above you seemed to huff in agreement, and as awful as this was, you were relieved that Micheal had escaped the slaughter. You were happy he was here with you. You actively avoided looking at his brother laying on the ground next to you as you thought this.
The two of you were thrown across a horse, a chimp walking alongside it as you tried to track where you were and where they were taking the two of you. You were separated from Micheal when you arrived to the ape settlement. It was built on the side of a cliff, apes working on a large wooden fence around the front. As you rode in you noticed they were taking you off to the left, but taking Micheal all the way to the back. Neither of you said anything, knowing that if one of you had the chance to escape you would do so, and maybe send help for the other.
There was a crude room made from a small stone alcove in the rocks. You were taken out of the net and thrown in, rolling on the ground from the unexpected force. You didn’t try to run, the colony of gorillas overflowing, it would only be a few steps before you were caught. A makeshift door of bamboo was shut behind you, leaving you in the small space to explore alone. You decided to bide your time and look around for anything that could be useful to you. A large nest of leaves and furs was off to the side, some baskets filled with fruits, and other random odds and ends were scattered around the room. Nothing you could use at present. You tried to not look too closely at the bones that were scattered on the floor, deciding it didn’t matter if they were human or not as long as they weren’t yours.
The larger gorilla from earlier slammed open the door then, ground shaking as he made his way towards you. There was nowhere for you to go, but still you tried to back up as far away as you could from him. In seconds, your back was against the stone of the cave as the gorilla closed the distance between the two of you. You refused to cower, but you did freeze in place. His height was staggering, standing on all fours but his eyes were level with yours. Only then did you realize that looking him in the eye was a mistake, watching as he yanked you by your ankle.
You hit the ground hard, attempting to catch yourself on your elbows before he dragged you half under him. You tried not to cry or scream, thinking it would only aggravate the ape further. He jerked on your limbs, pulling you this way and that, then grabbing you by the neck. He pulled you close, taking a deep whiff before throwing you back to the ground. Your skull practically bounced off the stone below you and you whimpered, clutching at the back of your head.
This seemed to catch the gorilla’s attention, seizing you now by the hair and using it to pull you into a standing position. He chose to stand on two legs now, raising you up with him, and you barley dangled on your tip toes in order not to have all of your weight hanging my your head.
“You can make noise,” the gorilla snarled. “No point in having you if you don’t. Understand human?”
You whined, still struggling against his hold, “Yes! Please let go, it hurts!”
The gorilla made a satisfied noise, yanking up once very hard before dropping you entirely. You couldn’t help it, you collapsed onto your hands and knees while tears fell from your eyes. The pain was overwhelming, feeling like your skull was on fire, and you sobbed in fear as the gravity of your situation finally set in. Your body began to shake, the air you gasped into your lungs getting more and more shallow no matter how deep a breath you took. The ape circled you the entire time, intently watching your reaction.
“You are young,” he commented. “Will get much use out of you if you do as you are told.”
You tried to quiet your noises, tried to focus on his words. He made a fist as he raised his arm, and you yelped, wrapping your arms around your head. The ape hooted in delight, “You are smart…that is good. You will refer to me as Gol. Understood?”
“Y-yes.” You stuttered, slowly dropping your arms.
Gol reached for you again, grabbing you by the neck and hauling you up. You dangled in the air once more, feet kicking as you felt his grip close around your throat. Both hands scratched across his arm for any sort of purchase, attempting to hold yourself up to pull any amount of air you could get into your lungs. He watched you struggle before explaining, “You will come when I call, you will stay where I put you, and you will eat when I give you food. You will do what I say without question or hesitation. Do you understand?”
You nodded, gasping, “Yes!”
“Yes, what?” He huffed.
“Yes, Gol!” You practically spat in an effort to get the words out.
He dropped you to your feet then, not giving you a chance to catch your breath as he grabbed your hair, leading you by it like it was a leash. You were marched through the settlement by his unrelenting grasp until you reached the human cages. A door was opened for Gol by a chimp, then you were thrown in. You scrambled on your hands and feet before the door was promptly slammed in your face. You sniffled, watching as the apes hooted and chuffed before leaving you alone.
Not entirely alone
You heard a deep sigh behind you and saw Micheal crouching in the back of the cage. Though your body was sore and you were pretty sure your chin was still bleeding, you ran to him. He opened his arms and allowed you to collapse in them, sinking to the ground with you as you remained wrapped in each other. He tried to soothe you as you cried, but there was nothing he could tell you that would fix this. His brothers were dead, and Eden was leading the other apes to your home.
Home…you wanted to go home
As if hearing your thoughts Micheal squeezed you tighter, whispering, “I know…but we have to be smart. We will not be here forever. We will not die here. We just have to bide our time. Trust me, I promise you’ll get to go home.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes, burying your face in the warmth of his chest and the comfort of his smell. You trusted him, as long as he survived you would too. You would live for each other in hopes of making it out of here alive. Who knows, there were a few mechanical weapons in the vault, maybe Eden made it before the apes could stop her. Maybe your parents were planning a rescue mission as you sat here.
Micheal called your name then, forcing you to look up. He kissed the top of your head, holding you closer, “As fucked up as this is…and as much as I wish you weren’t, I’m really happy you’re here with me.”
You nodded, tucking your head back into his chest. Your fingers dug into his shirt, swallowing hard before you started, “I’m sorry about-”
“Don’t.” He interrupted you, “Just…don’t. Not yet. Have your breakdown now, I’ll have mine later.”
You hiccuped then, “I’ll be there for you when you do.”
He smiled then, genuinely, smoothing his fingers through your hair as you clung to each other, “Thank you.”
You had lost track of time, how long you had been here…but now you remembered with painful clarity. There were two things that you were sure of. The first, your home was either never found, or everyone there was killed. You woke up anxious every morning for days, weeks, but you never saw anyone from your vault brought to the settlement. The second, is that you were a year older. You had been taken in the early summer, and summer was once again upon you.
You had been here for over a year. You and Micheal had saved each others lives more times than you could count; sharing food and water, keeping each other warm during the freezing days of winter, sharing pain when punishment was inflicted…and in your case, it was inflicted a lot. You were more aware now of how tired you were, how wrong your body felt compared to how it had been. Even Micheal was not unaffected, he could no longer string a bow, even if he was ordered to. Both of you it seemed could barely carry more than your body weight.
Gol had stopped by your cage today, yanking you out while another gorilla gathered Micheal. For the first time since the two of you arrived, you were separated. You couldn’t do anything about that though, worrying for your own safety when Gol brought you back into his room. There was a large basket in the center of the room, steam billowing out of it. You thought it was food for a moment, disappointed as you approached it to find only water.
Gol grabbed your hair, as he was accustomed to, forcing you to your knees as you cried out in pain. Nowadays the pain blended into itself, to the point you were almost numb, almost couldn’t feel it. The rub was, if you didn’t reassure him that you were hurt by his actions, he would be sure to be rougher with you until he got the reaction he wanted. He grabbed a ragged piece of cloth nearby, dunking it into the water before ringing it out above your head. The water was too hot, causing you to hiss, lurching forward and away from him, your fingers running through your hair to try to alleviate the burning feeling. You didn’t mean to do it, but your scrambling away from Gol and the hot water was a mistake you hadn’t rectified quick enough.
This angered Gol, who let out a roar before grabbing you by the ankle and yanking you back to him. His hand came down and hit you hard across the head, dazing you for a moment as you tasted blood. He had split your lip. At the faintest smell of blood the Gorilla growled his irritation, “Stinking human. Even more vile with that smell on you now. You should be grateful the water is warm. I should throw you in the river like last time.”
The memory caused your body to be wracked by chills, recalling late last winter, just before spring, when you had gotten your monthly. Gol usually ignored it or ignored you until it was done, but something about this one set him on edge. He had opened your cage and dragged you from the settlement, Micheal following after you but too weak to do much about it. Gol had thrown you, clothes and all, into the river to “purge himself of your smell.” You had nearly just stayed underwater, the cold getting to you and the will for air nowhere in sight as you imagined what you had to go back to.
A moment later Micheal had dove in after you. Stark naked, he pulled you out of the river, both of you shaking. Gol had sniffed once and deemed you acceptable enough to return. Micheal quickly stripped you of your clothes, as if you were a child, while you both followed Gol back. He wore his pants, but as he carried your wet clothes he forced you to put on his dry, warm shirt. It barely kept your modesty, but it wasn’t wet or cold. It was enough. Neither of you spoke about you staying under for that long; Micheal didn’t want to believe you would leave him, and you were too ashamed to admit that for a moment you were ready to.
The shame of the memory flooded you, forcing you to find your voice, “Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.”
Gol threw the rag at you, stepping overtop and away from you then before sitting in his nest. He huffed as he studied his most recent trinket he had found on a scouting mission, ordering, “Strip and wash yourself. Do not put your old clothes back on.”
You swallowed and did as he said, mumbling, “Yes, Gol.”
Though you were two different species you still turned your back to him then, every nerve ending in your body becoming a live wire as you sensed the danger behind you. You did enjoy the warmth of the water once it had time to cool, but you did not languish in its comforts, wanting to be done as soon as possible so you could put on fresh clothes.
When you finished, you stood, trying not to hold yourself in a way that showed that you were uncomfortable. Gol glanced at you before rising from his nest, ordering you to follow him. You felt shame well up inside of you as he paraded you back to your cage, jaw clenched as you imagined how many ways you could kill the ape if you only had a weapon. Micheal was already there, also missing his clothes. You both took one look at each other, before quickly glancing away, and pieced together exactly what it was the apes were plotting. Gol shut the door behind you and walked away. Oddly enough, the apes had been avoiding the human enclosures completely today, and now you knew why.
It was early summer, warm enough that there was no chill, but still you felt your skin pebble. Micheal called you then. His back was plastered to the wall of your enclosure, legs and arms spread as he looked away. His eyes were closed for good measure, motioning for you to come sit. He held the only blanket in one hand and you moved without hesitation to sit between his legs, trying to avoid looking at him too out of courtesy. He wrapped the blanket around both of you then, using your back pressed close to his chest to pin a corner in place, doing the same with his back and the wall.
For once, he seemed just as nervous as you. You could feel his heart beat ricocheting against his chest. He blew out a ragged breath, leaning his head back as you curled in to make yourself as small as possible. You felt him swallow, his heart rate slowly lowering until it was back to its normal rhythm. Then there was just silence.
After what felt like an eternity, both of you sitting there, waiting for something to happen, you felt Micheal shift closer to you. He leaned in to whisper discreetly in your ear, “We have a choice to make. Their way, or our way. One way or the other, I need you to trust me.”
You looked up at him then, his mouth set in a harsh line and his eyes stone cold. You reached for his hand under the blanket, squeezing once before admitting, “You know I do.”
“Good. Try to sleep for now,” he whispered. “You’ll need your rest.”
What he was asking wasn’t difficult, no sooner had you closed your eyes did you feel yourself being nudged awake for dinner. In some cosmic joke, both of you were given fresh fruit and fish for dinner. Clean water too. You were shocked, but Micheal was not. He made sure you both ate your fill, hiding an apple and an orange in the folds of his blanket. When the apes returned to take your trough away they leered at the two of you before hooting to each other.
You sneered at the retreating apes, “Apparently, it doesn’t matter what species, all men are pigs.”
“Hey,” Micheal chuckled. “I’ve been nothing but a gentlemen this entire time.”
You scoffed, “You’re the exception, not the rule.”
“That’s more like it.” He teased before becoming serious once more, “Are you ready? We’re moving in about five minutes.”
“Shouldn’t we wait a bit longer?” You asked. “That seems so soon after they just gave us food and water.”
Micheal shook his head, “They left us alone all day with the exception of our baths. They think the privacy will help, so I say we use it against them. It’s already dark, they’re all at the bonfire. No one will come to check on us until sunrise, and we need to use every second we have.”
You nodded, “Alright.”
And true to his word, Micheal was slowly easing two bamboo bars away from where they were spiked into the ground. You were surprised he was able to do it, but he showed you where he had been secretly bending them for weeks to make it weaker. He held it open while you slipped through, then he slipped out backwards himself. He held it as long as he could before slowly releasing it. It snapped back into place and you marveled at his strength, noticing how winded he was from the effort.
“I thought…” you began to say but stopped yourself. “Have you always been this strong?”
Micheal sighed, “More or less, it depends on the day. I couldn’t show the apes that or they would have worked me to death. Can’t say the lie didn’t weaken me still.”
He turned to you then, wrapping the blanket around you. He tied the material in strategic places, ripping and tearing where he needed to so you were covered, but still had full mobility. He used the excess at the bottom to craft a makeshift carrier to hold the apple and orange from earlier. He tied it around your wrist, and just as you wondered why you couldn’t hold it he explained, “We’re going to be climbing, you’ll need both hands.”
You blanched, eyes huge as you hissed, “You intend to scale down the mountain in the dark, barefoot, and naked?”
“Yes,” he said with confidence. “It’s our best chance. I’ll go first and you’ll follow my footholds.”
As you two made it to the edge you glared at him, “You are actively insane.”
He swallowed, “I hope so, because if I wasn’t I don’t think this would work.”
There was just enough moonlight for you to see Micheal, watching carefully as he began to descend. Once he was down a few feet he stopped, holding himself up and motioning for you to follow. The strain on your arms was nearly unbearable, but the idea of freedom forced you to keep your limbs locked and straight. One foot after the other, hand over hand, just don’t look down. You repeated it like a mantra, stopping when he told you to and continuing when he told you to.
After what felt like an eternity, you heard Micheal hit solid ground. You felt your heart kick up and butterflies surge in your stomach. Just as you reached the bottom you felt Micheal’s hands brace you. You let go and allowed him to catch the rest of you. You could have screamed with joy, looking up at the cliff for a moment before turning your attention to Micheal. His brown eyes were shining with happy tears, both of you letting out a few breathy laughs. You embraced then, only for a moment, before Micheal grabbed your hand and set off in a dash to the surrounding woods.
You weren’t sure where you were going, or if he knew where he was leading you two until you came to the river. That was perfect! You could cross and follow it back home, even though you were downstream you knew this river and its path home like the back of your hand. Micheal was a genius!
You turned to tell him as much, when you noticed him picking up a rock from the ground. He examined it closely before rinsing it in the river.
“What are you doing?” You asked, tilting your head in confusion as you stared at the rock in his hand.
He looked at you then, eyes sorrowful, whispering, “I made a promise.”
He dug the rock into the palm of his left hand then sliced it, letting blood run down his wrist and into the grass at your feet. He hissed, dropping the rock and clutching his closed palm.
“What are you doing?” You nearly screamed, remembering to keep your voice low.
He smiled sadly, “Making sure you get home. Why do you think I made sure you were the one covered, and had food?”
You looked down now at yourself then to him, tears prickling your eyes, “You promised we wouldn’t die here, you promised we’d go home together.”
“I have no intention of dying,” he smirked. “But sometimes things are out of our control. It’s almost dawn, I need you to cross the river while I lead the blood trail as far downstream as I can. If I can evade them until noon then I’ll cross and backtrack. If all goes well I’ll get home a day or two after you.”
Tears were streaming down your face now, Micheal pulling you in for a hug, making sure to avoid getting blood on your blanket. You reached up then, grabbing his face in your hands and looking at him. It may be the last time you would be able to do so. With that thought spurring you on, your brought your mouths together in a clash of lips and teeth. It wasn’t perfect, but it was hungry and full of promise. Truthfully, it was a first for you both.
You felt his uninjured hand cup the back of your head, pulling you in closer as the two of you breathed each other in. You broke apart for air, taking a few real breaths before he leaned forward again. It was softer this time, his lips melting into yours as he brought your bodies together. Your hands wrapped around his neck and you felt heat pool in your stomach, mouth falling open as he deepened the kiss.
He groaned in the back of his throat, as if sensing your excitement, but ultimately pulled away. You both were panting, and he had to stop you from leaning in again, tears drying against your cheeks. His pupils were so dark they nearly suffocated the brown, and when he leaned down you thought he would kiss you again. Hell, by the way he grasped onto you, you thought he would take you right here. Instead, he surprised you, choosing to rest his head against yours. His body swayed into yours a moment, and rocked back with you as you pressed firmly into him. You felt the nails and heat of his right hand biting into the flesh of your hip through the blanket, his hold firm but not painful. When had it moved to your hip?
He let out an aggravated groan then, harshly kissing the top of your head, before gently pushing you away, “You need to go. I’ll see you at home in a day or two.”
You took a deep breath, swallowing your heartache as you took a step back. He was still breathing raggedly, nails now biting into his crossed arms. He was holding himself back by the barest of threads. You couldn’t ignore that, respecting his restraint as you slowly made your way into the water. You saw Micheal bend down and wipe his bleeding hand along the ground, away from the edge of the water. He straightened, pushing out more blood before wiping the red streak across his chest.
He noticed your hesitation, a cocky smile taking over his features, which would have seemed more natural on Erik or Kieran as he admitted, “Just so you know, in different circumstances, no one else around, I wouldn’t have hesitated. Even now, you still drive me crazy.”
You felt a blush tint your cheeks, confessing, “Just so you know…I love you. I would have married you in different circumstances.”
True fire lit up his eyes then, a joyous noise coming out in a rush as he pointed his injured hand at you, “You remember in two days that you said that! I’ll come home to you if it’s the last thing I do. If some beast manages to get me before then, I’ll find you in our next life.”
A watery laugh escaped you then, “You still believe in reincarnation?”
“I have to now, don’t I?” He countered, “It’s the only way I’ll be able to marry you more than once.”
You giggled, feeling a chill run up your spine as silence engulfed the two of you. You swallowed, whispering, “I have to go now.”
Micheal hummed, “You do, before dawn breaks. Please, be safe. I love you.”
You nodded dumbly, turning then and diving into the water. The current was strong, but you didn’t fight it, allowing it to carry you as you crossed. When you made it to the bank on the opposite side you crawled until you hit stable ground. It took effort to lift your body from the mud, but you managed. Once you were standing again, you turned to look for Micheal. He had followed you along the edge of the bank on the opposite side, giving a small wave before continuing down stream. You waved back weakly, tears flowing again as a sob threatened to escape your mouth. You choked it down, smothering any noise as you turned towards the woods. You walked in the opposite direction, just as he told you to do, hoping that home was still where you had left it. And, if it wasn’t, you hoped that it would find you in two days.
You wiped a tear from your face, scrubbing at your cheek slightly before turning your attention back to Noa. His mouth was slightly open, lips pursed, fingers fidgeting with each other. He looked as sad as you felt. He was true to his word, staying silent through your retelling. He also didn’t rush to say anything after, which you appreciated. You needed this reprieve now that you re-opened that wound. Could you bleed out from emotional pain? At the moment, burying your head into your arms, it felt like it was possible.
Noa moved his arm, as if he was going to comfort you, but thought better of it, pulling it back to his side.
You gasped in a breath, “When I started to recognize where I was on the river, I took off and didn’t stop until I reached home. I had never run so fast in my life…except for maybe the day we met. I found out the gorillas did attack the vault, trying to take people, but were ultimately killed. No survivors were able to report back where the vault was. We lost a lot of people though….my friend, she didn’t make it. I left with my mother a week later. We travelled for months until we settled here. That was about four years ago. She mainly built this place. I helped, but she was the one who thought of everything.”
“Where is…mother?” Noa asked, hand raising under his chin to correspond the sign with the word.
You felt the tears spring forward again, and you looked up to try to stop them from falling. You let out a shaky breath, “One step at a time…I’ll tell you about her some other day, I don’t have it in me right now. She meant...she means so much to me.”
Noa looked down then, something you said striking a nerve in him. He fiddled with the band on his arm, avoiding your eyes. A long sigh came from his nose, his hand coming up in a very human way to rub and hold his brow. His voice was rough as he spoke, “The Echo male…why is he…not here?”
You paused, wishing the words you were about to say were different. “He never came home.”
Noa kept his gaze from you still as he whispered, “I am sorry.”
You hummed in return. What else could you say? You waited for him as long as you could, but ultimately you couldn’t stay there. Your mother knew it too, which is why you both made the selfish decision to leave, sneaking away during the cover of night. You sat up then, pulling your jacket back to you from where it rested on the bed. It had been your mother’s, which she gave to you during the cooler nights of your journey. She never seemed to get cold, though in hindsight she had probably just put your needs before hers, hiding any cold or discomfort from you. You weren’t exactly present during the first half of your journey, just a shell at that point. Living as if life was a dream and nothing mattered. You wished now you could remember those earlier days, showed more appreciation for your mother while she was alive. She had given up everything for you.
Noa sniffed, pointing to the jacket in your hand, “Clothes are…important to Echo?”
You had to smirk, Noa thought it was a safe question to ask. You nodded, “Mhm. They keep us warm, and safe from the outside elements. This belonged to my mother, but now that she’s gone, it belongs to me.”
“Why were your…clothes taken?” Noa asked, lips curling up slightly in what you supposed was confusion or irritation. “After so long…sounded like…there was a purpose…do not understand.”
You bit the inside of your mouth, trying to think how best to respond. Of course Noa wouldn’t understand shame or modesty, it was inherently human after all. You decided to just spit out the ugly truth of the situation, not having a good way to sugar coat it, “The gorillas were trying to get us to reproduce…for whatever reason. Obviously, humans don’t have fur like apes, so clothes not only cover our bodies but our sexes too. Usually, if we remove that barrier in front of someone of the opposite sex, it’s a signal that we want to…mate, I suppose is the word you would use?”
Noa’s gaze finally returned, eyes piercing into yours as he asked, “What word…would you use?”
You shrugged, “We have a few words, I guess it depends on the intent. If it’s for reproduction, which in this case it would have been, then it would be called sex. If it’s with a partner, someone you care about and just want to be with, it’s called love making.”
“Partner…” Noa hesitated. “Is mate?”
“Not necessarily,” you responded. You were grateful for the brief interlude into human customs, even though the subject would have been considered wildly inappropriate with anyone else. “A wife, or in my case, a husband would be the term for a partner that I’d be with for life. A partner in general, can be anyone.”
Noa thought for a moment, “Partner can be…someone who is courting you? Not ma- husband…not husband?”
“Right,” you chuckled. The old English term was rather endearing, though humans preferred the more modern term of dating. Noa didn’t need to know that part, you liked courting better.
Noa looked to the fire then, gaze distant as he allowed his mind to wander with everything you said. You took that moment to enjoy the silence once more. Your next breath was deep, and the air felt cleaner, lighter. The weight of your past had been lifted, even if it didn’t last until morning. Just telling Noa, having him listen and show empathy as you shared your pain, momentarily healed some fractured piece inside of you. In a strange twist, you found yourself wanting to reach out to him now. The sudden pull was undeniable.
“Noa?” You called, getting his attention.
He turned to you then, grunting in response. You reached your hand out then, stopping just an inch or so away from his hand, looking for permission. Surprise was clear in his gaze, looking between your eyes and your hands, so close together but not quite touching. He hooted softly, raising his slightly closed hand, knuckles brushing against yours before you turned your palm, sliding it under his to gently grasp his wrist. His fingers twitched against your skin before you felt him mimic your hold.
For the first time, you noticed his eyes were not focused on yours, trained instead on your joined hands. He tilted his head, turning his arm slightly too in order to get a closer look at what he was holding. He had probably never seen a human up close like this before, his other hand rising to trace the details of your fingers. Your slightly crooked pinky was a moment of interest to him, then the webbing of skin between your fingers, before he moved on to the small scar on the top of your middle knuckle.
While he was focused on exploring your skin, you took the time to study his face unencumbered. You noticed all the muscles there that shifted under the weight of each new thought and emotion. How could one ape be so expressive? Mouth, jaw, and brow just seemed to be an extension of his gaze. He was an open book now that you could see close enough. Confusion, intrigue, and the desire to learn more, all written there, burning within his eyes. Now, it was reflected in his touch as well. You had to fight the urge to laugh as he brushed against the small hairs on your arm, seeming to take interest in the fact you did have hair that was not on your head. You let him continue, wanting the moment to last a bit longer.
You realized this was the first time you had voluntarily let him touch you, and sought out to touch him in return, since the river. This strange truth took you by surprise. That couldn’t be right, thinking back to all of your interactions, but coming up with nothing. Riding together would have been the closest you could think of, but even then it wasn’t necessarily voluntary. It had been out of forced proximity. Maybe that’s where it had started? You couldn’t deny the warmth of his hand, the strange feel of his skin compared to yours was like a balm. It soothed something deep inside of you. Or, maybe that was just Noa. Even that first day you met, when you had invited him back to your shelter, you sensed there was something different about him. It’s like you recognized it subconsciously, some strange likeness in him that called out to you.
Whatever it was, you were grateful for it now. You couldn’t bring your voice above a whisper as you admitted, “I’m glad you’re here with me. It was nice not to wake up alone…even if it did startle me at first. Thank you for bringing me back, and thank you for listening to me. It strangely felt…good, to say it all out loud.”
Noa’s mouth pressed in a thin line, eyes traveling from your hands, up your arm to your shoulder. They paused briefly at your neck before jerking to your face. You felt his thumb twitch against your wrist, next to your pulse, before he said, “You saved me…after your history with apes…means more now…than before…thank you…will always be here…if you need me.”
You couldn’t lie, throat tight as you confessed, “You shouldn’t think so highly of me because of that. I had no plans to save you. The truth is I don’t know or understand why I did it. I saw you fighting for your life and I just…reacted.”
Noa’s grip tightened a fraction, his gaze reflecting something similar to clarity. It was if a great weight had been lifted from his mind. That’s when his eyes lowered, his free hand smoothing over the top of yours, trailing up to your forearm before sliding back down. You watched in rapt fascination, the graceful movement of his hand as he did it again. You thought he would say something, but he didn’t, seemingly too focused on the moment. Too focused on his hand going up your arm, then back down. He didn’t seem angry or upset about your telling him the truth, so you took comfort in that. That’s when you felt your thumb, clasped loosely around his wrist, start to mimic his hand, sweeping up and down in that same soothing manner. The hair there tickled your skin as you moved it.
His eyes were never wary of yours, but you noticed a flitting back and forth between your stare and your stroking hands. It was contemplative, but soft at the same time. You both continued to just watch your hands move, easing into the actions of the other. He continued his hypnotic back and forth movement, causing a contented sigh to be released from you. The next time he caught your now drowsy stare, the right side of his lips curved upwards. Your mouth parted slightly, breath caught in the back of your throat as your heart skipped a beat. It all fell apart for you then; suddenly feeling too intimate as you continued to sit, touching Noa, in silence. You broke eye contact, looking down as you stopped moving, very slowly and gently pulling your arm from his grip. He noticed your discomfort immediately, releasing you just as gently.
Always so careful with you. Always allowing you to decide when to pull away.
He brought his hands slowly back to his lap, and you brought yours to your chest. You felt your heart pounding against your palms, and you wondered when that had started. You felt the tension in the space rise, your eyes sliding back up trepidatiously to meet Noa’s. There was that intensity again…and you wished you knew what he was thinking
“Jumbled.” Noa finally said.
You saw his mouth move, but didn’t quite hear the word over the sound of your pulse in your ears, “What?”
Noa made that same gesture he had at the library, hand to his chest, “Inside…jumbled spirit.”
You scoffed, trying to lighten the mood, “I killed a boar today, and I’ll give you the fact I hit the pavement like a rag doll, but I’m not jumbled, Noa.”
“Yesterday,” he corrected, smiling now. You rolled your eyes playfully before he continued, “You feel alone…even when you are not…do not want to be touched…but enjoy when you receive affection…scared of apes…but care about Anaya and Soona.”
“And you,” you added unintentionally. The way it rolled so naturally off your tongue surprised you.
Noa chuffed, grinning triumphantly, “See?…How can you be scared…and care at the same time?”
You leaned back against the stone ledge, shrugging, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because humans are complicated and capable of complex thoughts and feelings?”
Noa turned his head away from you, making a gesture you didn’t understand as he blew out air from his mouth. It felt like a natural response to you being cheeky though. When he turned back he pointed at your chest, “I fix jumble…you teach to read odd sounding…book.”
You tilted your head then, “Are you trying to make a deal with me?”
“No,” Noa huffed, arms crossing. “You have no say…this is what I have…decided.”
“You do realize I was going to teach you to read anyway?” You laughed.
Noa hummed, “Yes…but now I…give back.”
He was always giving back
“Ah,” you said. “And how exactly do you plan to fix the jumble?”
He moved from his sitting position then, standing in a crouch to offer you both of his hands, “Will let you know…when I figure it out…one step…at a time Echo.”
You chuckled in the back of your throat, hesitating only a moment before taking his hands. At first, you expected a swift jerk or a harsh pull upwards, but instead you felt his grip shift. He was carful of your palms, holding the backs of your hands and your wrists now as he carefully pulled you towards him. You were able to keep both feet under you, and Noa merely braced your weight as you pushed yourself to stand, making sure you were stable before releasing you all together. At times like these, you appreciated the intense focus he seemed to have around you, for it allowed him to notice the smaller details you wouldn’t normally think of yourself.
Noa looked down towards the ground for a moment, brows furrowed, then at his still open hands in front of him, before mentioning, “You have never denied…an offer…to touch you.”
“What?” The suddenness of the statement confused you.
Noa stretched out his hand then, as if to demonstrate, “When I offer…you take…when I ask… you agree…you are not afraid when I touch you…when you know I will.”
You shrugged, “I suppose, but that only makes sense. I’m expecting it.”
Noa shook his head then, arms mirroring the motion, a strange look in his eye as he tried to explain, “Ape touch…my touch…not bad.”
“Noa.” You tried to follow, to understand what he was saying, but he was either too excited or he didn’t fully comprehend what he was trying to say either. “I know you have no intentions to hurt me. I know that, but I can’t help my reactions sometimes when-”
“You do not dislike…when I touch you.” Noa interrupted, and it somehow sounded both like a question and a statement.
You licked your lips then, finally understanding what he meant. Your eyes darted to his palms before returning to his face. You shook your head, “I don’t dislike it.”
The admission made heat rush to your cheeks, even though it was an innocent statement. Noa hummed then, swaying slightly as he took a step away from you. You felt your next breath come in a bit easier. He picked up your spear from the ground, where he had been sitting earlier, leaning it against the rock of the cave before saying, “We will start there…build on that.”
The heat did not dissipate from your cheeks from his words, your mind adding fuel to the fire as you imagined multiple ways “building on that” could go. You choked down the heat enough to steady your voice as you asked, “Are you leaving?”
Noa turned then, smirk playing on his lips and brow raising, “Want me…to stay?”
How in the hell were you meant to answer that?! You were sure for a moment your brain stopped working as you attempted to process his words. As if sensing your turmoil, Noa shuffled in place, huffing, “Must return…time approaches for…Great Climb of the season...as Master of Birds I have…much to do.”
You nodded, not quite understanding, but appreciating that he saved you from further embarrassment. You cleared your throat then, legs stiff as you took a few steps towards him, “I’ll walk you out.”
Noa waited for you to be next to him before he took another step towards the exit. You walked out first, watching comically as he had to bend at the waist to get out. He eyed your entrance, wondering, “You will…be able to move rock…now and later?”
You sighed, “Probably not, I’m going to close it half way, nothing should be able to get in that way and I can still slip out if I need to.”
“Sore?” He asked.
“Very,” you half laughed. “It was an…eventful day. Not sure if I can say that it was a good or bad one though. When you aren’t so busy with preparations, we’ll start your reading lessons. So, let me know, okay?”
“Tomorrow,” Noa said confidently, swaying slightly closer to you. “After midday.”
His eagerness did not surprise you, smiling, “Alright. Tomorrow, midday. The three of you can meet me by the creek. Same place as usual.”
He nodded, glancing over to his horse, whose tail was swishing back and forth in irritation at being tied up for so long. Noa returned his attention to you then, sighing, “Be safe…will see you…tomorrow.”
“You be safe as well, it’s dark.” You stated the obvious, internally kicking yourself before giving a small wave. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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auden-the-knobhead · 4 months
It’s not an addiction because I can stop at any time 😃
(I’ve watched this fucking movie 9 times in theaters plz someone help, it has a chokehold on me)
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junkienet · 2 months
✱ DEAR LIFE ANCHOR ? buffoon anaya.
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fluff ⌇ being cute with a partner undertone ⸻ ﹙ 𝒜lt ﹒ universe ﹚ established relationships. 𝒻.ᐟreader
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LATER THAT AFTERNOON ◞ 03 : 56 o ' clock. ⸻ before a playful banter.
anaya's glum fingers scour along the elliptical crest of your waist—line , squeamish. the orbicular mold of his orbs candied in alabaster phosphoresce , apathetic to the incandescent sun at the edge of his scruff , the burnt sienna of his bosom splosh in a duvet of molasses tufts , herding the ridge of your pigmented cheek in a flush of apricot gradation.
his mango―juice plopping lips chuffed in barks of rapacious tomfoolery , his abdomen upsurged in collision with your mane. his fingernails towed in parallel with the silhouette of your feathery belly beneath the dishevel polyester of your viridian flannel , probing the stretch—marks that watered your hip—joints , dimming the gurgle that embellished the gossamer azure sky.
the apex of his mouth is lenghten in kiddish rouse and skepticism , the zucchini—cushion of his fingers blundered against those of the right palm in a totter. his cloying prickles compose your laughter to rupture , and the inevenness of the rim of your eyes when smiling nacreous cause him to fatten his thorax in veracious deity.
he undulated from side to side , scuttling his talons on the pallid surface of the meadow. his canicular exhalations tang your temple , the periodicity of his voice prattling in the concavity of your gullet. " the echo waist . . . very small. " he scratched with bulbing shoulder blades as he bleats a chortle.
" is that so? " the frolicking ape nods with teeny weeps of assertion , sloping his head in inspection.
the bristly pasture of his exorbitant , herculean arm , bandaged the warp of your torso , his thumb pressurise the shell of your rib cage in proclivity. " made for anaya. "
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bigfatbreak1 · 3 months
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Do you guys remember that one vine with those kids screaming “Fuck Kevin Durant!!!”
IDK, I just feel like it’s really relevant rn.
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1emon1ime · 6 days
Baby Boy - [ Anaya x Female Human Reader ] NSFW
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ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58857355
Anaya x Reader
You find Anaya peaking on you while bathing in the lagoon and decide to teach him a hard lesson.
Rating: Explicit! NSFW. 18+
Content: Femdom! Rimming/Ass eating, and anal fingering-- ((Uh hear me out, Anaya strikes me as the kind of character who would put up a fight about it but he quickly realizes that he LOVES being dominated? Lmao. Anyway enough of me yapping.))
Do not click read more if you are under 18 or do not want to read such content listed above! Seriously tired of people who can't read warnings and then get mad at me in the comments!?
If you want a sequel where Anaya gets to smash let me know 😔
From the moment you had stepped foot into the shallow lagoon, you had a feeling that there were a pair of eyes on you. It was quite hard to ignore that shaking feeling of being watched.
Water droplets glisten in the spring sunlight, dripping along the curves of your naked form and down into the teal water below.
It can’t be helped , you think. There’s no privacy out here in the wilderness, unlike the human base that you grew up in. Of course there would always be wild animals skittering by, you just had to be cautious that it was not anything dangerous.
--Your head whips around on instinct when you hear a twig snap, always cautious– always careful. You know well about the dangers out there, it had been drilled into you from a tender age.
But this, you soon realise, is something different. 
Someone familiar.
You drop your guard, defensive posture turning more relaxed. However, your emotional state is anything but.
“I can hear you, you know.”
You listen for him behind the shrubs, hear him stop what he had been doing and gulp. Yep , your intuition was definitely correct. 
You don’t even bother to grab your shawl, marching over to the nearest bush, and just as you expect, when you peer over the top of it, you see exactly who you had been expecting to find.
He stares up at you, his dark, almond eyes wide as saucers. His hands are clasped tightly between his legs, hiding his genitals, as if it wasn’t obvious what he had been doing.
You cross your arms and lean forward, staring him down with a menacing glare that has him cowering beneath you.
He looked like he was seizing up, unable to move and not wanting to. Blood rushing to his face in humiliation, turning the tips of his ears red as he starts to stutter over his words.
He clearly has no excuse for himself.
“I-” he starts, shaking his head and clearing his throat as his voice cracks. “This isn’t what it looks like– Anaya promises--  h-had other things on my mind.” What a lame excuse. Pathetic. 
"Why don't you come here." You beckon, leaning against a tree and pointing to the spot right in front of you.
Anaya hesitates, but eventually makes his way over, albeit humiliating. In this position how can he not? He’s been caught. It's clear that he knows he has messed up, and he was willing to accept the consequences.
"Do you like to watch me, Anaya?" You ask, your voice stern, "do you like to look at my body, and touch yourself to it?"
"No!" he replies quickly, defensively. "No, I mean... Yes. I- I didn't mean to- I- I didn't intend--"
You can’t help but notice how his eyes dart to your chest, as several stray rivulets of water drip from the tips of your nipples and down the soft curve of your stomach.
"So, what do you call this then?" You point to the erection that stood proudly between his legs, despite his feeble attempts to hide it.
He swallows nervously.
"Well?" You taunt, awaiting the next pitiful excuse that he would come up with.
Anaya looks away, ashamedly, not able to keep his gaze on you. 
 "Anaya's sorry, (Y/N). I don't know what came over me. I- I won't do it again, I promise."
"I don't believe you," you say, matter-of-fact. "And I'm not the only person that you have to apologise to. I'm sure the elders would love to know where you’ve been spending all your time, you little perv. –Slacking on your duties to watch me bathing."
"No, no please!" He begs, falling to his knees before you and reaching for your hand. He kisses the back of it, his face red with embarrassment.
You can't help but chuckle, and he looks up at you, confused, his lips still lingering on your hand.
"I'm teasing you, Anaya," you chuckle half-heartedly, and he visibly relaxes. "But I'm serious about the apology."
"Of course, (Y/N). Anything."
You lean back further against the tree trunk and spread your legs slightly.
"I think you can make an excellent start, by licking my cunt."
As your words sink in, his face goes from confusion to shock, to embarrassment. You're certain he could feel his heart beating out of his chest, his mind going a mile a minute.
"Well? I'm waiting."
Anaya blinks, swallowing thickly as his eyes trail over your body, watching as water drops slowly roll down your skin. He gazes up at you like a lost puppy. Eyes wide and apprehensive, looking to you for direction and you sigh, running a hand through your hair.
“Go on, start licking.”
You feel his breath, hot against you, as he leans in and presses a kiss to your clit.
"That's it," you encourage, as you run a hand over his head. "Don't be shy. Show me how sorry you are."
He does exactly as you say, placing more kisses against your folds. You feel his tongue slide up the slit, before his lips are wrapped around your clit, sucking gently.
He doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing but he isn’t clueless either. He watches your face intently, taking in each time your expression changes, each time you bite your lip or make an encouraging noise and he takes note, to repeat whatever he did and make you do it again.
He starts to lick, and suck, and nibble, and you have to try hard not to let yourself become too loud, not wanting to alert anyone nearby, lest they come and investigate.
"Oh, Anaya, you're a natural," you moan, and he seems to get more confident, hearing the encouragement in your voice.
He continues working his tongue deeper and from the corner of your eye you spot him running a hand over his cock, pumping himself eagerly.
You swat him and grab his wrist.
"Don't even think about it," you warn. "Not until I say so. Put your hands behind your back.”
He whimpers, but obeys, hesitatingly before continuing his work.
"That’s it, good boy," you whisper, petting him affectionately.
When you delicately run your fingers through his soft fur, massaging  his scalp and gently pressing on the back of his head to sink his face deeper into your pussy, he can’t help but let his eyes flutter closed, a soft moan escaping his lips.
Your hips start to buck and you begin to grind against his face, more aggressively than before.
Anaya moans again, this time louder, his cock twitching and leaking between his legs and you know he's aching to touch himself from the way he tenses and his arms shake. He has to restrain himself, not wanting to disobey.
"Anaya," your breath hitches, "I'm close."
He doesn't respond, but picks up the pace, his tongue delving deep inside of you, before sliding up to circle your clit.
The stimulation sends electricity through your body, and your fingers dig into the fur on his shoulders as your orgasm hits you like a wave.
You pant heavily, trying to catch your breath. Still clinging to his shoulders as you shake, trying to steady yourself.
"(Y/N)," Anaya murmurs, as he licks your juices from his lips, and you notice his cock still hard and heavy, leaking onto the ground below.
You hum in response, your mind hazy from your orgasm, and Anaya stills, waiting for your next command. It makes your heart swell a little to see just how obedient he’s being.
You motion, guiding him back a little and he looks up at you with that expectant gaze and you have to mull over it for a moment. Wondering how you would really make him learn his lesson.
"Anaya needs..." he hesitates, finally gaining the courage to speak again, "I need," his voice is low, you almost didn’t hear it at first. It’s like he’s not able to bring himself to ask for what he wants.
You raise an eyebrow. "What is it? I can’t hear you."
"I- I need-" His eyes are filled with desperation, tongue pushing against his quivering bottom lip.
"Use your words, boy."
"need to come."
You pretend to think it over for a moment, humming as if you're considering. "Alright, then."
Anaya seems to sigh in relief, thinking that you've granted him permission.
Though, it wouldn’t be in the way he was expecting. You grinned to yourself, standing upright to get a better view before you gave the next demand.
“Turn around and get on your hands and knees.”
He obeys without hesitation, positioning himself so that his ass is fully presented to you, head turned to the side, just enough that he could continue to watch you from the corner of his eye. Even just the sight of you looking at him in such a lewd and submissive position is enough to make him groan and wiggle his hips, though just barely.
Your eyes travel from the cleft of his ass, past his taint, down to where his cock hangs, and when it twitches under your stare, you can't help but smirk.
"So desperate," you tut. "What would everyone say if they saw you like this? A young, promising warrior, brought down to his knees by an Echo . I'm sure that would go down a treat at the next ceremony."
Anaya doesn’t respond, only groans even more pathetically, and you chuckle. Teasing him was always so amusing.
Stepping closer, you drag one hand up his thigh, brushing against his well-groomed, dark fur and you can feel him shiver under your touch.
"Now, now. No need to be so tense." You say, inching closer to his behind patting his ass playfully.
You run a finger along his taint, gently teasing him all the way up to his pretty, pink asshole before withdrawing your touch.
Anaya lets out a sharp gasp, as if he hadn’t expected this, while also simultaneously missing the feeling of your finger massaging him there.
"You’ve been very obedient today." You tell him, truthfully. There's a hint of promise in your voice.
He whines desperately at the feeling of you gradually spreading his cheeks, his hole puckering as soon as your eyes trace over it. You lean in closer to let a thick trail of spit fall from your lips, landing directly above his entrance and rolling downwards. For a moment, he hisses through his teeth, the cold air hitting his sensitive area. But it’s not long before your tongue meets it and evenly distributes your saliva across the surface of his delicate skin.
Anaya moans, loud , his back arching like a cat.
You smile against his ass, amused by his needy reaction.
His breath is shaky as you languidly lick along his taint and back up to his hole, pressing a light kiss right at his entrance, before asking, "Do you like the way that feels, Anaya?"
“A–ahh,” he trembles, hardly a response, he  whimpers incoherently into his knuckle as your tongue delves back into his depths, your hands spreading his cheeks further. 
“I expect an answer when I ask you a question.” Your breath fans across his ass as you whisper, and when you lay your tongue against his hole again and give his ass a playful slap he fights to hold himself up.
“Y-yes, (Y/N).” His voice is barely audible. “I— I Anaya likes it– a lot .”
He’s practically drooling when your index finger presses against his entrance, slowly sinking in. Moaning lewdly, his eyes float behind their lids. His hole eagerly takes your index finger to the first knuckle, even as you pump it and sink it increasingly deeper. You can almost feel how laboured his breathing is around you.
You add a second finger, joining the first to stretch him ever so slightly more than before and he pants breathlessly. Hunching forward as you slide your two fingers all the way out. His voice trills with a needy purr as he starts to beg. So desperate-- aching for release that you refuse to give him again and again.
“Ah– I need it, I need it, please–”
 “Shh,” you say, running your other hand along his inner thigh, so close to his aching cock yet not close enough, and Anaya practically whimpers like he’s a bitch in heat.
Your voice lowers to a whisper, in a soft velvety tone, "Beg for me, baby boy. Tell me exactly what it is you need.”
He starts panting, hips bucking into the air, searching for some sort of friction.
“I need– you,” he whines, voice breaking. “(Y/N), I need your touch. I need you to make me come. Please.”
“Hmm, I don’t know…” You mull, prodding the coals of his vexation. Tilting your head ever so slightly, you pretend to think about it, drinking in his frustration as you do.
Anaya groans, “Please— There, touch me there–” His gaze lowers between his legs. “Please, please, please, Anaya will do anything you want.”
“Fine,” you relent, “I’ll let you cum, since you asked so nicely.” You wet your fingers again and slowly slide them into his passage, amused when his eyes go wide once again.
“But I’m not touching your dick. You need to learn a hard lesson, to respect others' privacy…” You remind him, letting your middle finger join the first and curling up to meet the spot that you know will drive him to the edge. You’re pretty sure the young chimp has never experienced this sensation before.
He cries out, his entire body going rigid, and his hole tightens around your fingers, coaxing you to continue.
"There we go," you praise and you can see from his expression how he buckles under your words. "Now, be a good boy and cum for me."
You curl your fingers, rubbing against his prostate again, and he moans, the lewdest sound you have ever heard in your life.
It shows in the way he jolts, crying out a broken sound, and his legs shake so hard that you wouldn't be surprised if he fell over.
"Ah, Y-Yes– (Y/N)!" He cries, "that's... It's-!"
You cut him off with another slap on his ass, and his whole body spasms.
"Quiet down, would you?" You chastise, there's no real malice behind it, more of a warning than anything. "Don't want the others coming here and finding you like this, do we?"
He shakes his head and bites his lower lip to keep his voice down.
"Good boy."
You continue your assault, thrusting your fingers harder and faster, rubbing them over his prostate, making him cry out. Anaya bites down hard on his own knuckles, trying to stifle his moans, while the other hand struggles to hold himself up.
"You look so cute like this, Anaya," you giggle, corners of your lips curling into a devious smile, and his face turns even redder than before.
He whines as you pick up the pace, adding a third finger and stretching his hole even wider. You have a feeling he’s close as his body starts trembling and you can feel his muscles squeeze tight around your digits.
"Come on, baby boy. You can do it. Come for me, Anaya."
Anaya squeezes his eyes shut and breathes heavily as you focus entirely on massaging his prostate. He whimpers softly and suddenly, his body stiffens, back arching as his orgasm washes over him.
He cries out loudly, unable to hold it back any longer, and he cums all over the ground below. He lets out a few small gasps and his cock spurts, draining him, legs trembling and threatening to give out underneath him.
You continue pumping your fingers, and milking his prostate, not stopping until you can see his cock has stopped twitching and there is no more semen to be milked.
Eventually, when you decide that he has had enough, you carefully remove your fingers and pet his back softly.
Anaya slumps forward, panting heavily.
"Did that feel good, Anaya?"
He can only nod.
"Are you still going to touch yourself while you spy on me?"
Anaya doesn't reply immediately, he looks at you, his eyes wide and glazed over and it takes a moment for him to realise that you have asked him a question.
"Huh? What?"
"Are you still going to watch me bathe, and touch yourself, Anaya?" You repeat yourself, a little more sternly.
"No, no,  Anaya promises. I-I won't do it anymore, not unless you want me to."
You hum.
"Good, that's what I like to hear." You pat his shoulder affectionately.
He doesn't move, still in the same position that you left him, trying desperately to regain his compusure.
"Well, I'm going back to the spring to wash off.” You say and pause momentarily.
“--You can join me if you wish."
With that, you turn and leave and it's not long before you hear the soft pitter-patter of Anaya's footsteps behind you, following like a loyal puppy.
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blogthebooklover · 2 months
Noa: (to Mae) Friends do not spy Anaya: (comforting Mae before agreeing with Noa) I forgot about that Mae: (turns to Noa) I spied because I care Noa: I care too! Mae: Well, WHY didn't you say so? Noa: I JUST DID! Mae: ALL RIGHT FINE! Noa: (dramatic screams) Mae: (dramatic screams) Noa: (SCREAMS) Mae: (SCREAMS) Anaya: (trying to keep the peace between them)
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ARE WE WAKING UP TO SOONAYA YET bc they’ve got potential
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lotusbee · 16 days
My Bird Calls are open if anyone wants to send a request or some questions you're more than welcome to ☺️
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diaphene · 3 months
i seriously thought anaya was going to betray them out of fear … i had a weird feeling
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blastoqueen · 2 months
Chapter 4
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Noa x Mae (Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes)
Content warnings: None
Comments: English is not my first language. The chapter problably has a lot of bad english, but in my defense I wrote this with a terrible headache. Anyway this doesn’t have a lot of plot, I just wanted to write something sweet between them
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When Noa looked at Mae, the first thing that came to mind was her eyes. Bright blue, looking deep into his soul. Next thing he thought of was her long hair, entangled and dirty, he often wanted to tell her that she should just cut it all.
“If you are going to be a hairless being, do it right” he never dared to say those words out loud, but the need was strong.
There was a part of him, a confusing and strange part of him, that wanted to touch the brown hair and detangled every not. He has seen Mae do that with her hands.
It had been two weeks since Mae settled in the village. Noa never told the human, but it took a lot of convincing and yelling for the elders to accept her permanently into their clan. He felt almost embarrassed when he had to make an announcement to the rest of the apes, telling them that Mae was a part of them now, and that they should respect her as long as she did her part in the community. Of course, there were disagreements, but eventually most of them came to accept the Echo in the Eagle Clan.
“But going back to her hair…”
“Why only females… come with you?” Soona asked Mae. They were at the lake, getting clean.
“Actually, humans don´t shower next to each other… ideally” the human responded.
“Why?” Case, Soona´s friend interrogated.
“We are shy”
Mae removed her clothes and step into the water, joining the other two females, who were fighting playfully.
“Are you mom?” Case asked.
“Your chest”
Mae felt self-conscious, she braced herself, covering up her breast and looking away.
“No, I´m not a mom”
“Oh. Echo thing then”
Soona pinched her friend.
“Chest is big” Soona explained, trying to get Mae out of her shy shelf “Only moms get chest that big… to feed”
“Oh” the human girl said, she uncovered herself, starting to scrub the dirt out of her skin “Yeah, for humans is normal. Most girls have this. You don’t have to be a mom”
They continued getting clean, and when they were done, they relaxed in the grass, watching the sunset.
“I know nobody… sees beauty in you” Case said “but I do. I think you are… pretty”
Mae stayed silent for a few seconds, not sure if she should feel offended.
“I see the beauty too” said Soona “Your body… is different, hairless, thin. But there is beauty… in that. Even if you… are not like ape”
The human smiled, she felt safe, appreciated, loved.
She felt also pretty. And that was nice
“Where were you, Mae?!” Noa asked. He came running to her and almost hug her. Luckily, he stopped in time “Hair is wet”
“Calm down. I was taking a shower, with the girls” Mae said, almost ignoring him and passing by him
“What? You took shower recently” the ape started to follow her into her room in one of the towers.
“Yeah, humans need to shower often. Be grateful, otherwise you would be begging me to take a shower”
When they got into her shared room, she stopped him right at the entrance.
“Goodnight Noa” she said with a smile. This would be fun.
“Wait what?” the male got confused, she wasn’t going to let him in? Maybe chat a little bit like other nights?
“I share this room, Noa. I can´t just invite a boy whenever I want” she had this grin on her face… the ape catch on her game.
“Oh, I see. Well, if I cannot come in, maybe you should come out” he responded back, leaning into the wall.
“And go where?” Mae asked with a funny smile.
“You´ll see”
“Would there be climbing? You know I prefer walking”
“Do not worry. We take horses” he said. Mae closed the door of her room, ready to follow the Eagle Clan leader.
She started to walk when a hand stopped her.
“And by the way, if we climb, just get on my back, Echo” Noa whispered in her ear.
“Are you allowed to run away in the middle of the night?” Mae asked.
They were in a green field with knee-length grass walking under the moon light and a torch.
“I am not running away” the ape said distracted, looking down to the grass, concern in his face.
“What´s wrong?”
“They should be dancing”
“I wanted to show you the lighting dancers”
Mae stared at the ape. Was he loosing his mind?
“Wait!” Noa spoke “They are here”
Right when the girl was about to make a sarcastic comment, a firefly emerge from the grass, shining bright. Then, more of them started to fill the air. Dancing.
“Have you seen one of these?” Noa asked her
“No. I read about them. But I have never… woah”
The human watched fascinated how those little insects were producing light and just flying around, illuminating the dark night. It was truly amazing.
“Thank you for showing me this” Mae said with happiness.
The fireflies kept dancing and Noa kept falling.
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aphrmoosun · 3 months
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"You cannot make a climb without Anaya!"
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phan3145 · 13 days
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Title: Slippery Slope. Fandom: Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Implications, Possessive and aggressive behavior ) Pairing: Eventual Noa x Human!Reader.
***Notes: I will be going on a HIATUS for a few weeks. Work is switching over tech this week to new software I need to learn, and then next week is my one year anniversary with my husband. We are going to swim with dolphins at Discovery Cove in Florida! I’m excited, but I’ll be writing in my free time and banking chapters so everyone will have more regular Wednesday updates when I return. Until then, thank you to everyone who has been reading and commenting up to this point. You all mean the world to me ❤️
Chapter 10: Bad Words, Bad Feelings
When she turned, the look in her eyes had him wanting to kneel on all fours in submission. Ridiculous. He was Master of Birds, he submitted to no one. Anaya did not have the same title as him, actively looking down and shuffling back a step. He would have teased him for it, for his submission to an Echo, if the next step she took did not have him questioning his own assurance. He fought his spine’s urge to bend, remaining upright by sheer will.
Her anger was somewhat confusing, but it became clearer as she demanded, “Is that what I am to you? A pest?”
Ah. That seemed to be the cause of her mood shift. He tried to explain the situation, hoping to calm her, “Humans are…considered pests…to my clan…they have never met…a good Echo…that could speak.”
Unfortunately, this did the opposite of what he had intended. She took another step towards him, hands balled into fists at her sides. He knew she was not foolish enough to try to fight him, let alone hit him, but the idea itself was amusing to think about. He recalled her nails digging into his shoulders a few days ago, that was probably the most pain she could inflict on him if she tried. Still, he had seen that look in her eyes once before. Only once, during a time in his life that seemed so long ago now. It was when Mae had killed Lightening, using her human weapon to save Soona. It was angry, it was resolute, and there was a trace of fear behind it all.
“If we’re such pests, and you had to convince your elders, then why even bring me?” She asked, shuffling in place as if she couldn’t decide if she wanted to take another step forward or go back.
“I had…no choice,” he admitted. “You…saved my life…you..spend time with…Master of Birds…but do not…show yourself…makes apes…uneasy.”
“No choice…” she muttered, looking away from him and back towards the village.
He could see many expressions dance across her face, her eyes distant as she seemed to be thinking on his words. Whether that was a good or bad thing, he could not say. He noticed the muscle along her jaw become more prominent, before her head snapped back to him like a cobra strike, eyes holding heat worse than fire. This time, he did flinch back. It was scary, how Echos could be calm and docile, then turn like a wild animal ready to defend its existence. He did not understand it.
Her voice raised, louder than he had heard it before, “No choice? There’s always a choice! There should always be a choice. What frustrates me the most about this, is you say you didn’t have one, but I know that’s not true! You’re the Master of Birds, no one…higher than me, remember? You expect me to believe you didn’t have a choice?”
He could not meet her eye, casting his gaze downwards. He had a choice. Of course he did…though it really did not feel like one. He had responsibilities now, he was no longer a youngling. He could not keep running off with his Sunset Brother and Sister to visit a strange Echo as if his life had no purpose. The clan demanded more of him, they needed a leader who was present. Anaya and Soona deserved better from their leader too, having to assist him on days they did not see you to make up for the days they did. They each would hunt and gather food equal to three apes, while he tended to eagles and prepared for Big Climbs of this season’s apes.
Though she also assisted with gathering, there was only so much an Echo and three horses could carry. It would be better if he could bring a larger party, but that meant not seeing his Echo, or worse, scaring her. That is what it came down to. He was choosing her comfort- choosing her, over his clan. If she could just meet them, maybe even be accepted as part of his clan, then he would not have to choose. There would be no choice.
The elders of course, were the cause of this. They learned of his meetings with an Echo, smelling her on him when he returned from their visit to the library. They ‘advised’ him to either chase her away, to avoid further distraction, or present her to them so that they may learn her scent and know her. She was not a threat of course, so that should be no problem. The real problem was, if her first exposure to apes of the clan after everything she had been through was the elders, then she would never come back. The elders were…elders. They would not treat her with the respect she deserved immediately, if at all. They still did not care for Humans. Mae certainly had not helped his cause either. He thought his mother, the younglings, and a few apes only a season or two younger than him might be enough to sway her opinion in a positive favor towards his clan.
She scoffed, his continued silence stretching too long for her liking. “I knew it. And when we first met you accused me of being a liar.”
“I did not…lie.” He growled, gaze jumping back to hers. He made sure his canines were not bared, anger creeping up on him now as he confessed, “The other option…was not a choice…I had to…think of my clan.”
“Of course! Oh, and since we’re on the subject of choice,” she was quick to add. “Were you going to give me a choice? You didn’t think it might be important to tell me that you were blindly leading me to your village of apes?”
Shame burned the pit of his stomach, knowing he was untrue when it came to this. She was right, and oh, how he hated it. Still, he could only argue, “Thought…it would be better…if I did not…if you could…only meet apes.”
“I have met apes, Noa.” She hissed, teeth bared now as she paced towards him, stopping with only a few inches separating them.
Any other time, he would enjoy being this close, her scent becoming this familiar yet ever changing thing that he had memorized countless versions of. It brought comfort to him, certain scents of hers calling forth memories he had shared with her in private. He did not understand how or why her scent was not constant, but he decided he did not dislike it. At present, her being this close, hissing and baring her teeth? Her scent was an unwelcome distraction, forcing him to fight the natural instinct to bare his own canines and force her to yield to him. He did not like this feeling of having to defend himself from her. It was not natural, as an ape or as her companion.
“You know I’ve met apes before. You also know what they took from me, and what that has done to me.” She continued, voice lowering. It was softer in volume, but harder in tone, like it was coming from the back of her throat. It sounded hurt. “You know this, because I told you. I told you because I trusted you. I have never trusted an ape like I trusted you. That’s because you were never like them, Noa. Never. Not once.”
He felt his own rising anger cool and mellow, hearing her praise him even while hurt by his actions. She wasn’t done though, “Today was different…you were different. Instead of setting yourself apart like you always do, instead of being the Noa I’ve come to know…you took the choice away from me. You decided for me because you believed that you knew better. This is why I live alone, no one gets to make decisions for me. Especially not an ape.”
“Trying to fix…” He began, but she cut him off.
“You don’t get to argue this!” She said, raising a finger to point at him, “Just because I trusted you, doesn’t mean you suddenly get to make decisions for me. You’re trying to fix something that’s not broken! The way I react, the way I am, it’s what keeps me alive! But why am I surprised? This is the way apes are. With enough power and time, you and your clan will become just like them.”
The words stung, and he gritted his teeth, lips pulled down as far as he could over them, “Not..true.”
“No?” She questioned, “How are you any different? You and your clan already see humans as pests, something lesser than you, to be chased away. Do you think that’s any different from how they saw me?”
A part of him recoiled on the inside, remembering similar words he had spoken to Raka regarding Echos. He did not know then, but he knew now, and that is not how he saw her. “You are not lesser…but you are…alone…you do not have to be…apes in clan would…welcome you.”
“You think so?” She challenged.
“Know…they would.” He replied, “Anaya…and Soona did.”
Her eyes cut then to Anaya, who was swaying on his feet, arms tucked into his chest, taking in everything happening around him. He looked as if he wanted to leave, but also would not tear himself away from their Echo while she was upset. He had become strangely loyal to her…though maybe he was not the only one. Her gaze returned to him, something underlying in her tone as she argued, “Not every ape is like Anaya and Soona.”
“Come and…see for yourself.” He tried, grasping for her. His palm connected with hers, and he had just started to curl his fingers around her wrist, when she swiftly ripped her hand away. She avoided his touch, a first for them, and took several steps back, completely out of his reach. He saw her overlap both arms across her chest, hiding her hands away from him within the crook of her elbows.
It was another sting, but he refused to chase after her. “You said…did not give you…a choice…I chose…because I know…you would have…chosen to run…like you always do.”
Her eyes went almost comically wide before narrowing, “Excuse me?”
“You are…afraid.” He continued, thinking he could potentially goad her into following him. “Ridiculous…dumb…Eagle Clan…would not harm you…yet Echo is…scared…so scared…always scared…of apes…jumbled.”
With every word her breathing increased, hands clenching and jaw tightening. Anaya, seeing the same thing he did, grunted, “Noa…stop.”
He raised his arms, keeping them wide as he challenged, “Prove…wrong.”
She stood there, unblinking as she stared him down. He thought she would march back up the hill, so strong willed and stubborn when she wanted to be. A few more silent moments passed before she finally decided to respond. He could not have predicted the next words out of her mouth.
“No.” She said, no anger or malice in her tone. It was flat, emotionless. That scared him.
His arms bent, lowering slowly as he parroted, confused, “No?”
Her steps were strong, purposeful, her shoulders back and head raised as she devoured the distance she had placed between them. Though her movements were not threatening by any means, he tried to keep some space between them, feeling his breath become heavy in his chest when a tree suddenly met his back. There was something about her now, this new stance, that made his own mind jumbled. He forced himself to focus as she spoke, “No. I do not have to prove anything to you, I owe you absolutely nothing. Not my time, not my attention, not my life, and certainly not my trust.”
His brows furrowed, “You…would rather run away…than trust my clan…trust that I…would not let anything…happen to you?”
Her words were scathing as she answered. “Let me explain this to you in a way your chimp brain can understand. I want nothing to do with your clan…or you, Master of Birds.”
“Echo does not…mean that.” Anaya interjected, finally stepping forward and somewhat in between the two of them. “Echo is…upset…Noa is wrong.”
He huffed at that, “Echo thinks…but it is true…she will always…be afraid…if she runs now.”
She pivoted around Anaya as he attempted to edge her away from him. “What are you trying to accomplish here? Do you think I’ll meet your clan and just forget what happened to me? Or are you naïve enough to think your clan will suddenly accept an Echo pest because you told them to? I’m not an ape!”
“As good as,” he countered.
She scoffed, “Is that meant to be a compliment or an insult?”
“Only human…would think being called ape…is an insult.” He snorted, realizing how this was the first time in a very long while he referred to her as a human and not an Echo. When he had actually begun to separate the two terms, he was not sure. “Having the mark…will be enough…for most to…accept you.”
Her hand rose to her crown, eyes narrowing in what he believed was confusion, “The mark is enough? Why? Because there is no other ape who currently has it?”
He puffed out air from his cheeks and rolled his eyes at that, “Echo is naïve…there has never been…anything other than ape…to wear the mark.”
“So, what?” She shrugged, “I’m the first Echo, that doesn’t change anything.”
“Changes everything!” He snarled, the fact she didn’t understand the importance of her situation frustrated him. “You are not only first Echo…but first outsider to wear it…only meant for apes…of the Eagle Clan...symbol of belonging...stronger than…my word as leader…cannot be undone…once honor has been granted…that is why…I did not want to give it…in the first place.”
There was silence, her body almost going slack, allowing Anaya to push her back a few steps with ease. She looked surprised, as if a tree limb had smacked her during a climb, one she did not see. He had seen that look many times before. Even Anaya, noticing her expression, simply let his hands rest on her arm. She was far enough away now not to be considered a challenge, his mind reeling before quickly righting itself. He knew better, with humans, they were more of a challenge when they were silent than when they spoke. He waited for another turn, for her to lash out when the shock wore off.
“That’s why Soona and Anaya…” she trailed off. “Why give it to me then? You didn’t want to, and it’s not as if I was aware of what it meant.”
Still, she did not understand! She was important to Anaya and Soona, and whether he liked it or not, she was important to him. She was not an ape and she was not part of his clan, but with her defense of them from the boar, she had earned it. There were witnesses, and Soona had called upon him as a worthy leader to bestow it. He had been unsure when both Soona and Anaya pushed for the honor to be bestowed. It was not as simple as it being against The Law, that would have made his argument easy, it had never been done before! He believed it impossible.
To make it possible, he had practically re-written The Law for her. His first true act as leader; not to present a new birth to the clan, or celebrate a completed bonding of ape and eagle, but to bestow the mark of Eagle Protector on an Echo! The elders passed must have felt great shame- it was completely against ape tradition. He was more ashamed that he was not more true when the time came. He tried, but when Anaya had asked him to vocalize the reason for his refusal, he could not. He was too afraid that to say she was not ape, would hurt her. Ridiculous. She was not, she said it herself just now.
It was his own jumbled spirit that lead to his decision to honor her. He had been terrified for her safety when she had taken his horse and engaged in battle with the boar. He felt helpless, Anaya and Soona too far away to coordinate with, and no trees for him to use to assist her if she needed it. He owed her his life already, but more than that, there was a fire inside of him that screamed out that she was his to protect, and he was hers. It had been a dull sound in the back of his mind since they met, which became louder the more time he spent with her. It had reached deafening heights when he saw her body hit the ground and then go still, blocking out everything else around him as he ran to her.
He had been so angry, and so relieved to see that she was mostly fine. He was more impressed by her display of capability, that he knew that to not honor her would be wrong. It had soothed that fire inside him, to see her wearing his mark, but that same screaming terror returned when he could not wake her later that night. The only thing he had been able to think about while she slept was what would have happened if she had been alone in the same situation. She was so smart, protecting and providing for herself, which was appealing, very admirable in an Echo alone. It was not suitable. She needed someone to take care of her, to provide for her, at least in times when she was sick or injured. She was more than worthy of a capable mate to live out her days with. Someone should take care of her.
“Noa!” She snapped, pulling him from his thoughts. He was no closer to understanding the right thing to say as she looked at him. Her eyes were full of hurt and betrayal, her body looking as if it was on the verge of collapse. “Answer me. Tell me why!”
“Sh-Shelter is not…home.” He began, carefully. He did not want to be at odds with her, and he did not want to hurt her. He needed her to understand, to know that what he did, he did with good intentions. “Echo would be…difficult to accept…apes do not trust…Echo for…good reason…but if Echo arrived…wearing mark of Eagle clan…mark of honor…then you would be welcomed as any other…clan member would.”
Her eyes narrowed, “You gave me the mark so they would know I’m trustworthy, that I’m not dangerous?”
“You are…dangerous.” He amended, “Mark…shows that…but to wear it…also shows that… you would…one day welcome…a place not only…amongst the three of us…but amongst the clan…a bond…belonging…a home.”
“I would never join your clan,” she spat quickly. She found her strength again, his careful wording seeming to cause that other turn he had been concerned about. She swatted Anaya’s hand away as he attempted to pull her back once more. “Stop touching me Anaya! What do you think I’m going to do to Noa?”
“Sorry,” Anaya grunted. “Not afraid…of what…you will do.”
Her brow raised at that turning from Anaya to him, “Really? Does that mean I should be afraid of what you will do, Noa?”
“Petty human,” he muttered, his instincts flaring once more at her obvious aggression.
“What was that?” She mocked, “I couldn’t hear you over your own pride!”
He was done holding back, she certainly was not. What good had it done him anyway? The more he tried to reason with her, the more she gnashed her teeth. Might as well be the brutish ape she was accusing him of being. He raised himself to his full height, pushing back from the tree and bridging the small distance Anaya had managed to put between them, baring his canines as he roared, “You are ungrateful…selfish…only care for yourself!”
She pushed her shoulders back, stepping forward to be toe to toe with him, not afraid to look him directly in the eye as she screamed back, “Ungrateful? Selfish? Are you sure that’s not you? I don’t care? You forget, I taught you how to read!”
She had him there, but something was wrong with his mind. He could not concede, he needed to win now. “Better off…thanks to apes…would not leave…your hole in the ground…without us!”
“Better off? Better off! I was just fine before you came into my life!” Her eyes were red, but there were no tears, not yet, and he had to wonder if Echo’s cried when they were angry too. “Can you say the same?”
“Yes!” He answered, without really thinking about it. “If Echo was not here…would make life…much easier!”
“If Echo was not here, you would be dead!” Her voice cracked as she screamed that final word.
There was silence for a few racing heartbeats. She seemed to be panting, and it was echoing in the forest around them. No, that was his own breaths. He was panting just as hard as she was, anger physically rolling off of them both. She would not bend, and he would not bend. He felt the fingers of his left hand twitch, something in him whispering that he should make her bend. His canines were pushed further into his gums then, he ground them in harshly, attempting to force that thought from his mind.
What she said was true, and that brought him pleasure as much as it brought him frustration. Those two emotions were mingling his thoughts together, and her scent-…it was different today. Past the bitter and sour smell of her anger, there was something else. It was the same smell as before. The one that made him want to get closer to her, made him lose the ability to speak, but this time it was…more. It was something he wanted to investigate, to understand. Where was it coming from? How much closer would he need to be to find it? She was practically on top of him now, and still he felt too…
Too close. He was too close.
He was breaking an unspoken promise right now, and if she were not so angry she would know that too. Angry…she was too angry. He was too jumbled to think clearly, and her scent was too enticing. He needed to get her away somehow. He would not touch her, fearing that would only make things worse between them. He could only speak a half truth now, hoping to push her away using his words like he had before.
“No longer…in danger,” he huffed. “Do not…need Echo…to be here…anymore.”
“Fine!” She growled, turning abruptly away from him, “Then I won’t be here! You don’t need anything from me, and I don’t need anything from you!”
“Noa…Echo please…stop.” Anaya pleaded, following alongside her, “Both are…untrue…bad words…from bad feelings…friends do not…mean it.”
She stopped, turning abruptly to Anaya, eyes searching for something in his features. Her brows furrowed and her face crumpled, “I wish I could believe that.”
Anaya visibly shrunk, releasing sorrowful hoots, looking helplessly between their Echo and him. He snorted through his nose, unwilling to back down. She was wrong. He was wrong too, but he believed he had more than earned her trust. She obviously did not trust either of them as much as she said she did. If she did, she would have agreed to go to the village. She turned then, eyeing him up and down before raising a shaking hand to her head.
Shaking? When did that start?
She removed his gift, hair sticking up in places as she gently pulled it away. She stared at it, thumb grazing over the eagle mark. He saw the sadness reflected in her gaze, before she tossed it at his feet. It landed in front of him with a dull thud, mocking him as a dirt cloud swirled up around it. He felt the anger and desire to win melt away from him, eyes seeking hers out as his jaw went slack. Something in his chest physically hurt now, feeling as if he was back in that burning tower, plummeting to the ground and unable to do anything to stop it.
“Echo…?” Anaya questioned, hesitating as he watched her. She turned to his Sunset brother, mournful smile obvious as she reached for his neck and brought her head forward to meet his. He heard her whisper something to Anaya, but could not tell what it was. As she pulled away, Anaya’s hand hovered over her arm, but he chose at the last second not to touch her. Anaya turned to him then, begging, “Noa…fix…please.”
He reached down to pick up the crown, straightening up and locking gazes with her once more. She was watching him, her anger seeming to have completely vanished. With his own mysteriously missing, all that was left now was regret and shame. He did not know what to say, how to stop this, or how to fix it. She visibly swallowed, tears clear in her eyes, “I don’t need it. I don’t belong to…your clan.”
He could not argue with her. Her words were true, but there was a strange ache in his chest that told him those were not the words she wished to say. Instead, he nodded. He thought he heard a high pitched noise, like a whimper from her, but it was so faint it could have been his imagination. He opened his mouth, but found words had deserted him again. They had fled to her, as she hummed, “It was nice while it lasted…goodbye, Noa.”
The words caused him to feel cold, an awful realization dawning on him. Did she mean forever? She turned and began to walk away. Was she leaving for good? He had to know! He called after her, first using the term Echo, but when she did not react, he called her name. Still, she did not stop.
He called her name again, “Stop…come back!”
He took several large steps to try to bridge the space between them, when she suddenly became a blur of movement. She had crouched to the ground, straightening up and spinning around at the same time, before he felt an intense pain in his jaw. His left hand came up to clutch his muzzle, hearing Anaya gasp and screech, jumping back a few paces.
He looked down, finding a stone at his feet. His movements were sluggish now, head turning up to see her arm raised, another matching stone resting in her palm. It was poised to be thrown. The surprise was so intense he could not find it within himself to react. She on the other hand, was still shaking, shifting from foot to foot, arm still raised. It shook too. Her breathing was shallow as she said, “I’m leaving. You can’t stop me, so don’t try to.”
He nodded again, huffing several times through his nose while backing away from her. Anaya shuffled over to stand next to him, looking just as shocked as he felt. Her shaking became less intense, but did not stop. She finally lowered her arm, eyes darting to the stone in her hand before shifting to the one on the ground. She looked distraught as she stared at it. Did she not know she had thrown it at him? Had she acted out of instinct?
One thing was for certain, she was leaving. She had dropped the rock in her hand and taken off in a full sprint before he could blink. She was soon out of their line of sight, and that seemed to finally shake Anaya out of his silence. He looked to Noa, confused and upset. He screeched, slamming his fists on the ground, before turning and racing back up the hill on all fours. He called out, much louder than he had heard him screech before, “Soona!…Soona!”
No matter how many seasons passed, he would be able to recognize that sound. By the way he was calling her name, by the tone of his voice, he knew that it would not lead to good things. He chased after Anaya, yelling, “Anaya…no…Anaya…stop!”
“Soona!” He screeched louder, creating even more distance between them as he ran. Anaya was still faster than him. He would never be able to catch him as he continued to call, “Soona…Soona…Echo gone!”
He was definitely in trouble.
Soona was screeching at him before he could even get a word in. Not for the first time, he cursed Anaya’s natural ability to run fast and speak faster when he wanted to.
“Why would you…say that…to her?” Soona asked, throwing an old piece of nesting at him.
He had brought them into the eagle tower, not wanting Anaya to panic half the village, or worse, alert the elders to her absence. Apes never needed privacy, but at the moment, he could not face any other after what he had done. He hung his head, whispering, “I do not…know…thought I could…convince her…she is usually…not like that.”
“Why was she?” Soona wondered, sitting down next to him, her own annoyance subdued. “I have…never seen her…angry…or upset.”
“Noa…knows.” Anaya accused, sitting away from him, crouched on the floor with his arms around his knees. The stance was a familiar one of mourning, and somehow this hit him harder than the Echo’s rock. Anaya refused to even look in his direction as he added, “Noa knows…about Echo…and apes…something not good.”
Soona turned her head, raising her brows, “Noa…?”
“Anaya…speaks true,” he said. Whether she returned or not, he decided that for the sake of understanding what went wrong, he would need to reveal her story. “We are not…the first apes…she has met.”
Soona was quiet next to him, but Anaya turned abruptly to face him. He still looked upset, but pushed himself to his feet, moving closer to Noa before asking, “Was…a pet?”
He was surprised by Anaya’s words, huffing, “How…do you know?”
“Guess,” Anaya said. “You are not…the only one…who speaks with her.”
He hesitated now, the statement catching him off guard. He knew that Anaya was close with her, but the moments he had shared with her, he wondered if she had shared similar moments with Anaya. When? When would they have had the opportunity? He recalled Anaya returning his arm band, not thinking anything of it when he mentioned finding their Echo by the water. He obviously did not know the whole story, but she must have trusted him with some of it, for Anaya to know the Echo’s meaning of that word.
Soona nudged him then, his original thoughts returning. “She told me…the night…after the boar attack…felt like a secret…so I did not speak of it after…she agreed that it was best…not to.”
“But you decided first,” Anaya grunted.
He felt his own brows furrow, “What…does that…matter?”
Anaya huffed, turning away, “Echo does not…like decisions being made…for her…yet you do…all the time.”
“I am…Master of Birds…need to decide things…sometimes.” He defended.
Soona shoved his shoulder, taking him off guard, “Still…dumb male…she is not…part of the clan…yet…you cannot…decide things for her…honor means…nothing.”
“Noa dumb,” Anaya agreed. “Echo…did not like…surprise…did not want to…be taken to village…Anaya said…so too.”
“I thought,” he defended. “If she did not…have time to…think about it…could see how…peaceful apes are…she would...be okay.”
“She met…apes before.” Soona asked, “That were not…peaceful…like…Proximus?”
He shuffled, arms folding around his own knees as he confessed, “I think…worse.”
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crossaik · 3 months
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the big three
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lunastar92 · 4 months
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Behind the Scenes with the cast.
Owen Teague/Noa
Lydia Peckham/Soona
Sara Wiseman/Dar
Travis Jeffery/Anaya
Kevin Durand/Proximus Caesar
Peter Macon/Raka
Freya Allan/Mae
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canadachildvol2 · 4 months
Can we all agree that Anaya sweetly saying "Hello, Echo" to Mae was one of the most precious things ever??
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