I Have Crippling Impostor Syndrome
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bigfatbreak1 · 3 days ago
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Her hair was inspired by Cosmo and Wanda. She looks a bit clapped from the front but that’s bc the canvas I used was too small so some details were compromised.
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bigfatbreak1 · 4 days ago
"He’s the man BEHIND the man behind the slaughter."
Insert undertaker standing behind aj styles meme
Honestly, Shaw and Purple Guy are kinda equally matched in their penchant for violence so their dynamic is more like this image;
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bigfatbreak1 · 4 days ago
The fnaf ask made me think about Poppy’s Playtime, the smiling critters I can see Shaw winning’s Shaw gonna deal with Yarnaby or Catnap?
Girl, honestly I don’t know. I’m going to level with you; I’m pretty sure he would not survive. His hubris can only get him so far.
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bigfatbreak1 · 4 days ago
How the actual f he still have his driver's license
Scratch that how DID HE EVEN OBTAIN IT.
The cops in Timberline are useless, (Gordy basically let Shaw get away with firing his gun in a crowded amphitheater.) So, Shaw probably just made a drivers license himself. It’s a post-it note with, “Shaw can legally drive,” scribbled on it in red crayon.
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bigfatbreak1 · 4 days ago
Shaw should work as a nightguard at Freddy Fazzbear's. He would be the best guy for the job
You and I both know Shaw would do that job so well. He’s not stuck in there with the animatronics, the animatronics are stuck in there with HIM. He doesn’t give a single fuck that there’s kids souls in there, his fists are rated E for Everybody. He’s the man BEHIND the man behind the slaughter.
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bigfatbreak1 · 5 days ago
that one paswg "dieto" scene but it's Beth's first week of being a vegan and shaw isn't making it any easier.
Subverted; Beth definitely body-shames Shaw on the reg.
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bigfatbreak1 · 5 days ago
Moot went off. I co-sign this. Very in-character for Shaw.
how long can shaw survive the 2010s-2020s. (Specially with all these furries walking around)
my bet is 0.5 seconds before he flips out.
Well. I’m gonna be completely honest with you, I don’t think he’d be *as* phased as one thinks.
Furries have existed for wayy longer than 2010. But Shaw definitely has no knowledge of that anyway. But if he happened to encounter one while away from Timberline for some reason..
Let me just say this. He..technically has his own fursuit. That he wears and pretended to be a werewolf in. He also watches sports, and i’m pretty damn sure he’s seen a mascot before. Which are just normalized fursonas.
Him seeing a full suited furry would be a split second of complete disbelief and horror. He’d honestly think it was an actual animal a man..for a second. But then would realize that tigers don’t have purple stripes or some shit and would just be kind of confused on why some random ‘mascot’ is walking around.
Maybe a little disgusted even that someone would choose to dress like an animal (slightly hypocritical). But i don’t think he’d flip out on a furry. More like a “What in the name of Uncle Sam’s striped pajamas!?” moment. Maybe snap a picture. (We all know he actually likes that little camera.)
He’d tell Gordy alllll about it. Like in an ‘i told ya so’ way.
Therians however. That’s a different story. Unlike furries (from what i’ve seen) they actually walk around and (sometimes) make noises and act like animals. now THAT would horrify Shaw. It’d be just like his worst nightmare. People being controlled / manipulated by animals. People acting like animals. A total reversal of the natural order.
He’d stop and stare and freak out to himself.
Now, MOST therians i’ve seen are children. So if Shaw approached them i’m gonna be honest with you his ass might be handed to him by an angry father. Or mother. Might take both parents.
Back to jail he goes.
If he decided NOT to approach one, he’d probably be inclined to take pictures for “evidence” of the animal uprising happening and spreading outside of Timberline. He will DEFINITELY be at the next PTA meeting showing everyone this new, groundbreaking information. And the truth…will be revealed.
So would he survive this day in age? Yes. But he’s still a batshit conspiracist. So, as things get more accepting and modern outside of Timberline, the more trouble he’d definitely have with this type of stuff.
Not like he’d ever leave Timberline for too long anyways.
Note that i have absolutely nothing against furries (i literally have my own fursona, lol) or therians. This is just how i believe Shaw would behave with them.
And for therians, don’t take my word for how they act. I just know that they believe they’re animals. And i’ve seen quite a few online.
Hope you liked this. If anyone has anything to add i’d love to hear!
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bigfatbreak1 · 6 days ago
This with Beth and shaw...
I mean, yeah sure. She’s good, he’s… he could be better.
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bigfatbreak1 · 6 days ago
shaw is Sony's farquaad..
Lord Fuckwad? Shaw is the only reason Open Season turned enough of a profit to keep Sony Animations studio running. Put some respect on his (presumably last) name.
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bigfatbreak1 · 6 days ago
Guys what if Beth makes Shaw listen to Laufey as a way to neutralize his insanity that he gets from hard rock
I feel like that would backfire and he’d become one of those pearl necklace-wearing, performative meninist Film Cooper clones who thinks he deserves a medal for acknowledging the fact that women have periods sometimes.
“I don’t know about you guys, but… I think tampons should be FREE!”
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bigfatbreak1 · 7 days ago
Shaw being a DïCK at concerts makes too much sense. I feel like most ppl are helpless to stop him because he’s, like, ten hectares tall and half Sasquatch. I can just imagine the collection of band tees he has. They’re like his badges of honor.
SHAW - Concert HCs
[Honestly have had these written down for a while. Concerts are my scene. Been to a lot. You can agree or disagree with these i don’t care. Also if you have questions about these feel free to message me.!]
When he goes to concerts, (ESPECIALLY) in his early 20’s, he’s one of those guys who push their way to the front, and doesn’t give a shit who gets angry. And his abnormally tall height definitely pisses people off behind him.
Obviously he gets drunk before concerts. Not piss drunk, because he still wants to enjoy the show. But drunk.
He would get pretty violent and brash in the pit if the band is more on the heavier side, when he was younger attending shows. Has, and probably will continue, to take this opportunity to push someone while everyone’s shoving each other around. AKA get a little too violent, mostly when he drinks *at* the concert.
Don’t think modern mosh. I’m talking about the OG style. He was more of a shoving guy than a…thrashing his arms around and shit one. NO hardcore style moshing.
When someone complained about his behavior..?
“What?! I’m doin what everyone else is doin’!”
in that arrogant, definitely-knows-what-he’s-doing-tone. Definitely had a smirk on his face.
Likes to get a t-shirt from every concert he goes to. A nice little collection, he has. Likes to get the ones that have the tour name and dates on it, proving he was there live.
His favorite type of venue is any place that’s outside. He always wants to be in the front. If he’s not, he’ll definitely make his way up there somehow.
Likes to brag to people about the shows he’s been to. Or if he’s met any band members. I honestly feel like he gets excited when someone asks about a band tee he has on. He’ll tell ya allllll about it.
Also. Definitely one of those dads who puts on his music, and makes their kid guess the song or the artist in the truck. (Always does with Maggie. 100%)
[Okay. I know i have more. i just have adhd and can’t remember shit..ever. Hope you guys like them. Also i feel like something was off about my grammar in one of them so let’s all just remind me if that’s the case.]
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bigfatbreak1 · 8 days ago
HC lore time
Shaw's gun "Lorraine" is named after his dead wife whom was mauled by a bear to pieces.
Then he went insane thinking animals are a hivemind of skinwalkers set to enslave humans.
Yeah sorry very very corny but like, it made sense.
Over the years lots of people have speculated why Shaw named his rifle Lorraine. The two most popular theories are that he either named it after his late wife/daughter. I have my own theory, but it’s a bit far-fetched. I think he had a social worker named Lorraine when he was younger. I mean; just look at him, there’s no way he had a good childhood.
She encouraged his aspiration to become the best hunter in timberline. When she left, little Shaw was devastated, but he preserved her memory by naming his gun after her.
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bigfatbreak1 · 9 days ago
This is so funny i had the exact same panty and stocking thought but Chantel Dubois was Stocking haha
Her and Shaw would make a gruesome twosome. I don’t think Shaw likes french ppl though :(
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bigfatbreak1 · 9 days ago
I had a dream the other day that my friend and I started shipping with Shaw from Open Season. I relayed this to my friend and she asked me 'how did you know the guy's name?' since neither of us have seen Open Season for literal decades. And I had to tell her it was because I follow your blog. Your influence! Keep on keepin' on, by the way, I respect the hustle.
Thank you for your kind words! Oh my gyawd.
I love talking about dreams. So, you had this dream and then when you woke up and told your friend about it, and she was surprised that you remembered his name? And the reason why you even know his name is of my non-stop Shawposting antics??? I didn’t know I could do that.
To circle back to the dream in question; you said you were “shipping with Shaw,” so I’m assuming this means self-shipping. Do you draw? If so; I’d absolutely love to see art of your s/i.
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bigfatbreak1 · 9 days ago
OK OK OK HEAR ME OUT !!!!!!!!!
WHAT IF (listen!) WHAT IF
Shaw and beth as panty and stocking
(If u know that show, If u don't then it's a really funny anime u should check out,,,fair warning on offensive humor in the English dub tho)
Immediately yes.
PASWG is literally the only anime I’ve ever fully watched. Shaw is panty, Beth is stocking and Elliot is Chuck. So, that’s means I am Brief. Purrrrrrr.
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bigfatbreak1 · 10 days ago
The skinny lil rat tail is giving me so much life. So much life oh LORD!
Shaw and Daniel’s baby allll grown up. Into a teen. In their eyes she’s still a baby though.
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That’s her with glasses. Daniel and her have the same habit of forgetting their glasses, and usually they have to remind each other.
(Without glasses)
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bigfatbreak1 · 10 days ago
It’s even better when the character exhibits some ND traits. That basically makes your headcanon canon lmao.
Being neurodivergent and headcanoning all of your f/o’s as neurodivergent is honestly one of the best things ever
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