#mental health in pregnancy
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keyajeeclinic · 5 months ago
Tailored Pregnancy Care Plan
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At Keyajee Ayurvedic Clinic, we offer a comprehensive pregnancy care plan designed to support mothers-to-be throughout the journey. Our holistic approach addresses physical and emotional well-being, including nutrition, stress management, and relief from pregnancy discomforts. With personalized treatments and expert guidance, we ensure you feel empowered and balanced during this beautiful time. Contact us at 44-7588-891-824 to learn more about our pregnancy care plans or to schedule a consultation today!
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hellyeahscarleteen · 4 months ago
Some Important Help Resources for Those in the United States
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We want to make sure that you know about -- and share -- some more safe direct help resources available on Scarleteen and elsewhere, as well as some content on our site that might now or soon be particularly relevant to you if you live in the United States:
These images include the following resources:
Direct Help Resources That Don't Call the Police:
Call Blackline: 800.604.5841 (centers BI&POC)
Deaf IGNITE at Willow Domestic Violence Center: 585.348.7233
Domestic Violence Support: thehotline.org
DEHQ: 908.367.3374 (centers the South Asian community)
LGBT National Help Center: 888.843.4564
Scarleteen: Text 206.866.2279 or visit scarleteen.com/ask
StrongHearts Native Helpline: 844.762.8483 (centers Native Americans and Alaska Natives.
Thrive Lifeline: Text “THRIVE” to 313.662.8209 (trans-led text-based support line centering marginalized communities)
Trans Lifeline: 877.565.8860
Abortion Resources:
Pregnancy Support:
All-Options Talkline: 1.888.493.0092
Scarleteen: Text 206.866.2279 or visit scarleteen.com/ask
If You Need an Abortion:
Plan C: www.plancpills.org
Aid Access: aidaccess.org
I Need An A: ineedana.com
Abortion Funds:
National Network of Abortion Funds: abortionfunds.org
Support Before, During, or After Abortion:
Hesperian: The Safe Abortion App
Dopo Co-Op: wearedopo.com (abortion doulas)
Exhale Pro-Voice: Text 617.749.2948 or visit exhaleprovoice.org (focuses on post-abortion support)
Miscarriage & Abortion Hotline: Call or text +1.833.246.2632 or visit mahotline.org
Scarleteen: Text 206.866.2279 or visit scarleteen.com/ask
Legal Support:
Repro Legal Helpline: 844.868.2812
To Identify and Avoid Crisis Pregnancy Centers:
Content at Scarleteen That May Help:
Rebel Well: A Starter Guide to a Trumped America
The Scarleteen Safety Plan
How to Access a Safe, Self-managed Medical Abortion
Abortion and Digital Privacy: How to Protect Ourselves
Self-care Amidst a Deluge of Anti-trans Legislation
You can also always use Scarleteen’s direct services to get one-on-one, tailored help (always by people, never AI) or to get help finding additional resources. ❤️
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coochiequeens · 1 year ago
So glad she got away from the dude. And the church coming out to support her instead of just pleading for her to stay because...... "divorce makes Jesus sad" is a pleasant surprise.
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that-scorpio · 2 months ago
Happy Sunday ☀️
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It’s VERY important for me to get up on the weekends and do my skincare, put on something that makes me feel “beautiful” and moisturize my hair. Look at myself in the mirror and smile while I tell myself how beautiful I am. It’s important for me not to fall into that “I’m unattractive” state because it’s easy to fall into, especially while pregnant. Now I do feel like I’m beautiful until I take pictures sometimes lol. I’m one of those “catch me in person” people some days, because the pictures don’t do me justice. My whole pregnancy I have made sure to put myself first and remember to GET CUTE. I heard a TikTok that said “look your best no matter where you’re going, no matter what you’re doing, look your best. Etcc” & that stuck with me. Even before I knew I was pregnant. So everyday when I’m leaving the house I look my best. Now after my little bundle comes I don’t know how I’ll feel/look, but right now I’m making sure to prioritize myself.
So to those that have told me I’m glowing, how beautiful I am, how nice I look, etcccc.
A compliment goes a long way, that’s why I always do my best to compliment others 🤍
Thank you to my little bundle because baby, mommy skin has been skinning 😮‍💨🥰😂
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pseudowho · 3 months ago
Random question, during any of your pregnancy’s were you ever insecure about you body, how you were acting, or any of your cravings?
Me and my fiancé were talking about plans for future kids and i’m to scared to ask anyone else. could you give me a small run through of things to expect?
Thank you so much!!
Hey! I'll answer this both as a woman who has done pregnancy and birth three times, and as an experienced midwife. I don't like the 'horror story' sharing that many women do around pregnancy; it muddies the waters, and is supremely anxiety-inducing for anyone who is pregnant while hearing it.
You need to know I could write, and have written, essays on this.
As a midwife: Pregnancy is this period of unique physiological change in your body and mind, that even when it is normal (i.e. normal symptoms, not a sign of an unwell pregnancy) can be profound and lifelong.
These normal symptoms, including but not limited to nausea and vomiting (commonly referred to as morning sickness, though present at any time of day), weight gain, swelling, congestion, mood changes, appetite changes, stretch marks, heartburn and hip/joint pain, can range from barely present/absent, to severe.
Even severe pregnancy symptoms aren't always considered abnormal unless they're making you unwell (i.e. unable to keep any food or water down).
These symptoms can be altered by many of your pre-existing conditions; your weight and general health, your lifestyle and eating habits, your exercise habits, simple dumb luck/genetics, family history, mental health and body image/dysmorphia, etc.
So in that respect, in a normal pregnancy, I have seen some women who are extremely insecure and struggling to cope with the changes to their body and mind, and some women who absolutely breeze through it like pregnancy hasn't even affected them. Nowhere on this spectrum does it ever surprise me.
So now I'll talk about the average first pregnancy. As I said...the experience varies wildly.
Early on in your pregnancy (up to about 12 weeks) often feels like you're in an utter no-man's land. You feel like healthcare professionals aren't wildly interested in you; they'll take your history and 'book' your pregnancy in from (now this is based on the UK) about 8 weeks pregnancy (please note, your 'weeks of pregnancy' aren't calculated from the moment you fall pregnant, it is calculated from the first day of your last period, so in a woman with a regular 28-30 day cycle, there usually feels like there's a 'disparity' of about 2 weeks in your dates-- there isn't, this is how we calculate it). You may have an early scan or two. Essentially, we wait to see if the pregnancy is continuing; lots of miscarriages happen in the first 8 weeks. About 1/3 of pregnancies will miscarry here, in fact.
Tiredness is real at this stage. You may feel like you want to sleep constantly. It's shit that at this stage you often feel the worst, but feel like you're also just being expected to 'get on with it'. Please ask for help. If your partner isn't an equal partner pre-pregnancy, best of luck to you. You may feel utterly useless sometimes days from exhaustion, and this is normal I'm afraid.
Mid pregnancy drags, but you're usually starting to feel a bit better. The top of your uterus doesn't even begin to rise out of your pelvic brim until about 16 weeks, and the lower part of the uterus only begins to expand and form (creating that 'pregnant' belly look) from about 28 weeks, so don't try to force a bump that simply isn't there. Lots of women are very keen to look pregnant. Just chill. It's okay if you dont. Take it easy.
You do not need to eat for two; your pregnancy uses your intake more effectively when you're pregnant. Do take pregnancy specific multivitamins though. They don't need to be expensive or fancy ones; normal store bought are generally just the same, without all the fancy packaging.
Later pregnancy (the third trimester, 28 weeks onwards), you will likely notice that tiredness creeping in again. This is where your baby is largely formed structurally, and is maturing and gaining size and weight. Please ignore any and all comments from people who look at you and announce that you will have a big/small baby. They're idiots and likely wrong. Laugh it off. Here is where you may start to notice things like heartburn, hip pain, mood changes coming back again. You're heavy, and it's harder to move, and your organs are moving out of the way to facilitate a baby. Cut yourself some slack if at all possible.
So...now to me and what I had.
As Haitch: (tw/cw: suicidal ideations) So it's now a running joke, that my body was so 'good' at pregnancy, so utterly flooded with hormones, that while I became this perfect machine for growing and birthing babies, pregnancy broke me.
I spent every waking minute of the first 16 weeks nauseous and exhausted, bone deep exhausted. I had all the usual symptoms hit hard and early. I suffered severe pelvic separation, agonising pain, and @mrhaitch had to help me up from an early stage.
Thankfully, he was exquisite pregnancy support. Full is based on him, after all.
I ended up on some pretty strong medication for my heartburn, as it was severe enough that my stomach acid was damaging my vocal chords.
Worst of all was my mental health. From 26-28 weeks, your progesterone levels boom. This is normal. But this is where we discovered that progesterone is a very bad hormone for me. I developed severe antenatal depression and anxiety, and antenatal psychosis. I was paranoid, delusional, fragile and had active suicidal ideations. I had plans on how I would end my life. This is all utterly unlike me.
With my first pregnancy, our son was born at 42 weeks after a fast, normal labour, but I don't know how I didn't end my own life towards the end of my pregnancy. With my second two, we were more on it, and my lovely colleagues induced my labours from 38 weeks, purely because my mental health was so bad.
I was watched like a hawk in pregnancy 3. We knew I would lose my mind...and sadly, I did. I was medicated but It did little to help. It was at that point (October/November 2024) that I began writing on Tumblr...and here I am.
So as I have said...lots of things you could expect.
To this day in my 13 year Midwifery career, I have seen fewer than 10 women whose mental health was affected as badly my pregnancy as mine was. So I wouldn't worry too much about that.
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Phew. If you have any more specific questions, I would be happy to answer.
-- Haitch xxx
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epilogue-and-prologue · 2 years ago
Happiness - Part 3 - Final Part
Fandom: LOTR Ship: Eomer x F!Reader Trope: Arranged marriage Note: Reader is Elfhelm's daughter and I invented a lot for what I didn't know so probably A LOT of mistakes.
Warnings: Dealing with grief, loved one's deaths, depression, SMUT at some point, poverty, war's aftermath, diplomatic relations, pregnancy, blood, miscarriage
Word counts: 6 773
Tags: @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @middleearthpixie @glassgulls @evenstaredits @fizzyxcustard @sotwk
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When you woke up the first time, the bed was warm but empty. The sun outside was barely visible behind the mountains, but Eomer was already gone. A sigh escaped your lips, as you snuggled deeper into the covers. It still smelled like him, crackling fire and sex mixed in a musky embrace. You would not be getting out of bed anytime soon, your eyes fluttering close. The second time you woke up, the sun was higher up, but not all that much. A sound had woken you up, a door closing if you could recall. A dip in the bed made you frown before a soft kiss was placed on your naked shoulder. You could smell the spring’s arrival in the air, rain and wet earth as Eomer’s hand slid around your waist, his clothes soft against your back, a sigh of contentment escaping him.
“Good morning, lover.”
His hands were on yours making this place the only one you would be all day if you could. Upon turning around, you were met with a sincere smile and a kiss on your forehead.
“Good morning, Eomer.”
His name in your mouth was the only music he ever wanted to hear.
“Still not pregnant I gather?”
You laughed at the question. You touched your stomach, as if in search of something.
“No, I don’t think so. Would you mind if we tried again?”
He arched a brow, a mischievous smile appearing on his lips, his eyes shining with something you knew to be lust. It mirrored your own.
“Right now?”
You nodded eagerly, laughing when he pulled his tunic off, grabbing your body, caressing every valley and crease. He made good on his promise to be good to you. That day and all the others too. Nights were spent in his company, sometimes just reading in peace, together. Sometimes you were having diners with your parents, hosting diplomatic venues. Others you were dragging him out of his office, by any means necessary, more often than not finding yourself naked on his desk (or against the door). Even as king, he made it a priority to be with you as much as he could, especially after you made him sleep on his own when he prioritized a meeting with your own father over you.
As the winter months came, your appetite only grew. Nausea plagued you in the mornings, and before you could tell for sure, both your mother and Gera as well as the midwife confirmed it. You were with child.
You put your hand around your stomach, smiling brightly. It took nothing else from you for him to understand. He embraced you, kissing you deeply, now even more careful than ever as if in the span of a minute you had turned into fragile glass.
That night was spent around the fireplace, talking about future names.
“I was thinking, if it’s a girl, we could go for Brunhilde?
-My mother’s name? What did you do?
-Nothing that could grant her to be angry with me, I assure you.”
His false air of innocence earned him a hit against his chest, half-hearted while you laughed to yourself, wondering what could have happenned for him to suggest such an old fashion name - and that just to appease your mother’s desires.
Eomer turned even more protective of you as the weeks kept on, as you were running around the castle, helping everywhere and anywhere you could.
As you usually would, but he would have none of it. Especially when his sister gave birth, and you asked, begged, insisted to go see her even if it meant that you would go without him.
“I promise to be careful.
-I know you will be, I know my knights will be too. It is not that I am worried about.”
You frowned, unsettled by his words. He was already laughing around the words of his answer, grabbing your hands.
“It is me. How will I cope, these days without you? Without your touch and your care? How am I supposed to survive?
-You will manage I believe. Don’t act like a child. I cannot have two children to watch over once this one is born.”
He arched a brow before pulling you onto his lap and kissing you deeply.
“All things considered, I might just not let you go see this nephew of ours.”
The way he mentioned off-handedly the fact that he was both yours never failed to bring butterflies to your stomach. Instinctively, you smoothed your hand over your belly. His hand joined yours in a pleasant embrace. He kissed your forehead, leaning into you.
“I will miss you. I will join you in the next few days. Sooner, if I can.”
As his hand was drawing soothing circles where it rested, you let your head fall against his shoulder, lulled into a dreamless sleep.
The day before the departure was a heavy one. You had finished packing for the week, hoping the gifts you brought with you would be enough.
“My love, you are going to spoil the child.
-Better that than nothing. He is not mine, if he grows to be incredibly annoying I’m not the one who will have to handle his moods.”
Eomer’s laughter echoed through the room.
“I do hope, for my brother in law’s sake, that it is not the case.”
Before going to bed, you pulled out an extra blanket for the travel, the weather turning chilly this time of year.
In the middle of the night, you awoke to a sharp pain in your abdomen. Only thinking it was another pregnancy symptom, you slipped out of to fetch some water. You did not make it that far. A cry escaped your lips as you found yourself kneeling over on the ground.
“What is it?”
Eomer woke up when you left the bed and now worry was taking over his better instincts. His words were met with silence. Anguished, he reached out for you, in vain. He lit up the candles. What he found was what his nightmares wished they could conjure.
You were on the floor, sobs escaping you without a sound as if you were biting your tongue. Your hands were gripping the sheets at the edge of the bed. A fever seemed to be running through you. What he would never be able to erase from his memory was the pool of blood between your legs, staining the floor, your nightgown, your legs. Without thinking, he caught you in his arms, your tears wetting his chest as he went and called for the healers.
You could barely move. The pain was so strong, you thought you were going to die. Eomer’s hand was the only thing keeping you tethered to this world. The words of your mother’s prayers accompanied you as the night grew into a new day. She, as well as yourself knew what was happening even before they told you. The midwives were keeping their heads down, wiping the blood from their hands. They had given you a sedative for the pain, waiting until morning to see if you would live. It was not what you wanted. At that moment, all you wanted to do was die, just like your baby had; a part of yourself gone with them.
Dawn brought news of your miscarriage to the population. The infirmary was soon replaced by a bedroom, Eomer’s ever-watchful eyes never leaving you the whole time. From then on, your shared bedroom was abandoned, the home to this memory too vivid at the forefront of your mind. The names you had uttered and wished for, how they would look like with Eomer’s smile, a whole life in front of them. Now, they were gone, no more incarnation than a breeze in summer. Torture would have been kinder.
Days passed in a blur, winter morphing into spring and then summer and autumn again. Only Gera, your mother and Eomer could approach you. You were thankful he never insisted you talk to him, just sitting with you, sharing his days, and his concerns even when you would not answer.
You only ever left your bed to wash, change into another nightgown and go back. The maids were going in and out of your room changing your sheets and collecting your dirty clothes. It lasted so long, your parents feared for your life. Eomer’s concern could be seen even from a distance, and the whispers of the maids and the midwives were driving you insane.
As spring grew, your body took his own pace again. Your period came back. Eomer was the one to sleep with you when it happened. He felt helpless, cradling your head against his chest, soothing the pain however he could, panic taking you over, uncontrollable tears streaming down your cheeks. It was the final straw, the blood a sign of final death for that baby you lost, as well as a trigger to that night you would never forget.
Another morning in the winds announcing the beginning of winter, another day of loneliness. Eomer had gone to Gondor, explicitly demanded by King Aragorn concerning raids happening at their borders. He was more worried than he had let on to you. He had no choice but to go. You thought it would provide clarity for him, maybe a breath of fresh air, companionship…
All the things you knew you had deprived him of in the last few months.
Gera entered your room carrying a full plate of food at midday, even though she knew you would barely touch it.
“Your Highness, your breakfast is here.”
It was difficult from your windows to see what was happening downwards. The marketplace inside the city was full, but you could not see who was there, the snow covering the ground and shops in a thin and solid layer, as snowflakes kept falling.
“Thank you, Gera.”
The old woman gasped upon seeing your face, before shutting her mouth closed. She knew her place and you hated it. You had not slept that night, your lids becoming heavy without ever letting you rest.
“Milady, if I may be so bold, you should go get changed.
-I am fine, Gera.”
Her eyes stilled for a moment, reminiscing something you could not see. Her tone became commanding, solid stone against you. She would not let you fall into the abyss like this.
“No, you are not.” She put down her tray on a nearby table. “You have not been since the miscarriage. I know I am out of line, but I refuse to let you wither away like this. You will get dressed and you will accompany me outside. I am not asking.”
Stunned, you could not answer her, even when anger and frustration took you over. You knew she would not let it go. Even more so, when she came back with your mother. Her eyes told you more about your state than your own could.
All the dams had broken in her. She was crying and you received her with open arms, finding yourself crying on her shoulder. Only then did you realize, that seeing you like this must have broken her heart into a thousand pieces. What selfish person would put their mother through such pain? All those years and now you knew her grief, now you knew why she could not stop talking about her children passing. They were ghosts accompanying her everywhere she went. Present until her last breath.
Soon, you found yourself embracing one another, kneeling on the ground. Gera helped you get back up, all sniffles and tears herself. As she was about to bow out, you grabbed her forearm, asking for her to sit with you. She did not leave.
Silently, you all shared the food left on the table, hands clasped over theirs in a sign of gratitude. You spent the rest of the day with both of them, strangely accommodating one another, going out and cooking again, for the first time in months. It had been so long since you left your room, you wondered for a moment if you’d remember where to go. Gera was quick to guide you, as your mother kept talking and talking about how the winter had been so cold this year, the older women distracting you from any semblance of loneliness.
They were a bowl of fresh air, soothing your pain a little bit of gossip and tea, at a time.
Eomer’s trip had been silent. Leaving you was the hardest thing he could do. Initially, he had planned to refuse. You were the one who had insisted, telling him he could not put his duty on hold any longer. Seeing his sister felt like a balm to his heart but, when he saw his nephew’s face, his heart broke all over again.
The child was a mere babe still, babbling away at random things, throwing food around. He had been named after a Stewart of Gondor, Thorondir.
He had his mother’s eyes, vivacious and rebellious. He had been letting the boy play with his hair, letting him get it tangled and wet with his slobber. That night, the dark had been quiet, the bird abandoning the planes reaching beyond where his eyes could see. He was thinking of all the memories you both had conjured for that child, the ones that would never come to be.
The night he had found you, his first concern was that he was going to have to watch you die. All the blood you lost had clung to his skin as if it had been his own wound.
After learning of your loss, he knew he had failed you. You were clear with him from the very beginning: you wanted a family. Your dedication and self-sacrifice never ceased to make him proud of you, but what good it did to you, he did not know. His heart clenched, the babe in his arms lulling himself to sleep against his chest. He brought him back to Eowyn, her face a haven of happiness if he had ever seen one. But he had seen one. Yours. Before all of this had happened.
His sister’s hand startled him.
“Lost in thought brother?”
She was putting Thorondir in his cradle, soundly asleep, ever so careful with the small being when she added.
“If you are doing what I think you are doing, let me tell you one thing: this was not your fault. Miscarriages are more common than you would know.
-I…” He stopped, tears forming in his eyes. It stunned Eowyn to silence, her brother never one to show vulnerability before. “I was so helpless… Useless. For all I am, I could not be that for her. I could not be there as I should have.”
The lump in his throat kept him from speaking.
“When I left, her voice was so faint, so frail… She made me promise to keep warm.”
He chuckled, despair distinct in the undertones of his voice.
“Even when so low, she still manages to show care and love for me. I fear she believes I might leave her. I have never felt so lost in my entire life.”
As he was whispering those words, the door opened revealing Faramir, slightly flushed by the evening air, accompanied by somebody Eomer recognized immediately. He stood to his feet in a hurry.
“Your Highness.
-You may ease Eomer. I am here as a friend.”
Aragorn was only wearing his ranger’s attire. He closed the door behind him, Faramir offering him a cup of wine he accepted gratefully.
They all settled a little further away into the rooms, around an oval wooden table, to not wake the babe. Smoke was starting to gather above their heads when Aragorn spoke again.
“When we met earlier, you did not say how much the loss of your child was affecting you.”
Upon his arrival, the King had assured him his thoughts were with him and his wife for their loss. Eomer stayed silent, not feeling capable of articulating any words capable of qualifying what he felt.
“Not many people know this, but Arwen and I found ourselves in a similar situation. She was barely aware she was with child when they were ripped from us.”
Eomer’s tears were making him ache deep inside his chest. For your touch. For you. Who you were before this tragedy. Who he was before too.
“Her grief was overcoming. Her soul shattered. So much so, I feared I was losing her.”
Eowyn and Faramir were gripping each other’s hands, her head resting on his shoulder, as she was watching over her brother, again powerless in helping him grieve.
“Time and only time can heal this wound. The only thing you can do is be there for her, and you must know that your grief is shared amongst the people at this table.
-And I am thankful for that, my lord. Alas, I am at my wits’ end. Every time I leave her room, I fear she… I fear I will find her body the next time I open the door.”
Aragorn’s hand reached for Eomer’s shoulder.
“I know. This fear I have had myself. I know it all too well. In truth, my friend, it will never really pass. All you can do is support her in any way she needs. But I trust you to do so if you have not already.”
The Rohirrim smiled sadly, brows furrowed.
“Only someone who has felt the same thing she has can understand her pain. If she is able, let her know that Arwen would be willing to talk with her on the matter. Considering she just gave birth, moving will not be an option but she offered to write letters.
-This is ever so kind, your Highness.”
He smiled, understanding shining through his eyes.
“No. My wife is the kind one. I am merely the messenger.
-Then, If I may be so bold, thank her for me. And for her.”
These exchanges lasted long into the nights Eomer stayed there and by the end, the pain had receded, the guilt hiding in the nights he could not sleep.
Suddenly, the cold breeze of winter hit Eomer at full force, made him shiver and snapped him out of his memories. The lights of Edoras were dimmed by the snow, he had never been so happy to see them again.
At last, it meant he would see you again.
* “Eomer!”
His steps had first led him to your chambers, and what he found there surprised him. Your mother, Gera and two women he did not know were there, playing a game of cards. You looked less pale than the last time he had seen you and even if your smile did not quite reach your eyes, your embrace was as fierce and strong as he remembered.
“How much I’ve missed you, my love.
-Me too.”
His eyes wandered around the room, bewildered. Feeling somewhat guilty, you pulled him aside.
“I… I hope this is alright. Finding myself in their company when I can’t sleep is very helpful.”
A warmth grew in his chest. Like a flower, you were blooming again, cared for and surrounded by people who only wanted the best for you. He knew you were in good hands. He only hoped to help you grow again from now on.
“You are usually there but since you were not I…
-It is quite alright. I am happy to see you smiling again. If you need me, you know where to find me.”
His lips met the crown of your head, in a departing gesture. You stopped him, a strong sense of longing inside of you.
“We are almost done. Would you wish to stay? I have missed you greatly these past few days. Sleeping without you is…”
His embrace drowned all your worries in a second.
“Of course, I will stay.”
Once the game ended - won by Gera, of course - and the women were gone, Eomer helped you get into your nightgown, before stripping his clothes and going to bed with you. You settled between his legs, his chest to your back. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, before laying down, sleeping a dreamless sleep entangled with you.
After this, Eomer had made a point of spending even more time with you. Going as far as playing cards with the women who surrounded you now. Their names came easily to him when meeting them outside of your “reunions”. One was a merchant’s daughter, she had been married to a man of Rohan long before you, around your age named Hilde and the other was Gera’s daughter, Sofia. He was only now realizing how lonely you had been from the very beginning of your marriage, without the company of other women. Of friends.
You were astonished by the Queen’s offer. It was with a feeble hand you had written the first missive to her. Arwen was a delight. She offered advice and empathy, bonding with you through that shared experience. It was enlightening to understand this situation to be one of many and not only yours, especially considering the envy surrounding the new Queen. She had been somewhat like you, losing her people and embracing a new one she had to learn the ways of. Gracefully some would say. With force and determination, you had come to know. Throughout these exchanges, you formed a deep-rooted friendship akin to the one you had with Eowyn, despite the distance.
Days passed, weeks even bringing the warm air of spring with each passing moment, but something was still missing from your life. Your husband. He was there. Always there for you. You had talked about the grief and sorrow this loss had given you. He had been honest and gentle, always listenning to you.
Never had you mentioned the idea of trying for a child again. Yet, the idea was growing in you, each day, watered by the tales of your friends about their children. The subject was a difficult one, and you were still frightened at the thought that you could lose it again. Yet, even without the idea of having heirs, you were missing Eomer’s touch more than anything. It got lonely, the nights he would spend with you without so much as an attempt to be intimate with you. You dreamed of it, waking up at odds hours of the night, not even entertaining the idea of relieving yourself from this agony.
The desire in you was restless and you could not seem to be able to bear it any longer.
A knock on the door startled Eomer awake. Engrossed in his letters, he had not seen you standing there, nor heard you calling out his name.
“Good morning.”
The soft kiss you placed on his cheek made him warm and yearning for more. Even the faintest touch would light that fire in him. It had been so long since you had shared intimacy, he feared he would not remember how to please you.
“Good morning.”
Your hands were fidgeting with the hem of your sleeves, eyes cast away from him. You wanted to tell him. You wanted to tell him how much you desired him to be with you again. All those words were neat and in order in your mind. To pull them out of there was a whole other story.
When his eyes were met by your avoidance, his eyebrows furrowed, jaws tightening resisting the urgent feeling of worry deep within his chest.
“What is it, my love?”
The sweet nothings. The sweet nothings were always the things that made you want him the most. Need him the most. He excelled in the art of body language but those words were the only triggers you needed for your body to want him.
He rose to his feet, taking your hands in his. The warmth spread in your cheeks, while his eyes were racking your face in search of what had happened. You gripped his hands tighter in yours, not looking at his face. You would have to face him at some point. You were a Queen after all. Queens did not hide, nor shamed from what they wanted.
Keeping that thought in mind, your grip tightened even more on his hands, before traveling up his chest, where your fingers weaved themselves on the linen of his shirt.
Your tone was so soft, lips red from nervous biting, eyes looking at him from under your lashes. Eomer’s train of thoughts entirely stopped when you pushed yourself up, your lips to his ear. The urgency in your words did not help.
“I want you, now, husband. Or I am going to lose my mind.”
In an instant, he had you over his shoulder his arms secured around your waist, while you were laughing at the audacity. Not one person you stumbled upon while you regained your shared room said a thing about the uncanny position you were in. Once arrived, he let you down, only to dive into your neck, nipping your skin there, while his hands were undoing your corset’s bonds.
“How much I missed you… How I missed your touch…”
There was a hunger in his words that made you ache for him deep in your heart. You grabbed onto his face, meeting his lustful eyes. Despite the presence of desire there, the ever-present adoration had made an appearance too. How much you wanted this man, or how much you cared for him could not be carried into any language known to mankind. Against his lips, you whispered “I love you” in a weak attempt to pour all those feelings somewhere, anyway. He kissed you ferociously, biting lightly on your lower lip. Eomer’s hands grabbed your dress, all but tearing it down from your body. His fingertips found their way up and down your spine, shivers following in their paths. On the other hand, you could not get him to take off any of his clothing which was infuriating you more than anything.
-Yes, my love?”
Another breathless kiss made you dizzy, as he was expertly walking you back against your bed. You managed to stop him somehow.
“Eomer, get naked, now.”
He smiled against your collarbone, ever so smug in his ways, knowing perfectly the effect he had on you. Nonetheless, he obeyed you in a heartbeat, before pulling you down with him on the undone mattress.
His skin was littered with kisses, leaving behind traces of your passage in the form of bruises he would be unable to hide after the facts. He heaved a sigh at the feeling of your hands on him, the wet sounds of your mouth making him harder than he already was. Before he could stop you, your wicked and sinful tongue languidly wrapped itself around the tip of his cock and he jerked involuntarily against you. He was about to speak, when you pulled him inside your mouth, your hands wandering down his shaft in leisured and measured caresses. He was speechless, mouth dry, running only on the sound of your ministrations and the pleasure it elicited in him.
The whimpers he let out could have made you come in an instant. As much as you liked pleasuring him, you could not wait any longer to have him inside you, rocking his hips violently against yours. You were more than ready for it.
He knew what you wanted the moment you stopped to hover above him, teasing his tip with your wet mound. He cursed under his breath, making you giggle. He loved that sound almost as much as the ones you made in pleasure.
Now, under him, his hair was tickling your breasts in an ever-languishingly slow dance as he positioned himself before you. One movement of his hips and he was inside you. After that, it was impossible to keep yourself from meeting him in rhythm with his thrusts, tearing your name out of him as many times as you could. Your hands were clawing at his back, earning grunts and moans from him. You could feel him hit that spot every time he dragged himself in and out, completely seethed into you, filling you up until you could not tell what day it was.
The rapidly growing coil inside of you finally snapped, your back arching against him, and your mouth opened in a cry. As he felt you clenching around him, his hips stopped and the warmth of his semen sept inside you.
Eomer stayed there, not moving. He met your eyes, a deep frown there and a smile on your face. How he had missed that smile in that light, in that bed, with the feeling of you all over him. He pulled out soon after, tucking you under his chin, the beddings spread around you, modesty long forgotten. The pad of his fingers was a little rough against your skin, leaving trails of shivers behind.
You warmed yourself up in his embrace, pulling a sheet up for good measure. No words were needed when he looked down at you, content and happy, sharing a tender kiss with him.
After that occurrence, you resumed your intercourses almost daily. If a meeting was boring him, he would sneak out and find you. It came to the point, when you were certain every person living within these walls had seen or heard you at some point. Including, to your greatest dismay, your parents.
Upon entering the second year of your marriage, you found yourself pregnant again. Not so unlike the first time, you knew that you were with child but somehow you knew you would bear the child into this world against all odds. Still, the sickness overcoming you, the first months were spent on bedrest, to your greatest regret.
Hilde kept you company while Sofia was talking your ear off about the gossip she’d heard. Your mother and Gera were more silent, always looking at your stomach as if in fear fate would repeat itself. Even when you told them it would not. Specifically, then.
When you finally managed to get up and eat food without rejecting everything afterwards, your routine came back. Cooking in the kitchens, seeing the orphanages and their occupants during their recess at school, eating with Eomer at dinner always, having him eat you out afterwards…
The first months of this pregnancy felt normal and safe. Your belly was growing more and more, your skin stretching, soft scars littering your otherwise unmarred skin. Eomer loved those scars. He said that they were proof of the proper growth inside of you and could not be more proud you wore them. You liked to think of them as traces of your upcoming motherhood and it made you so emotional, you cried a few times at unfortunate moments. Eomer had also learned that your appetite had multiplied as well as your tastes. Spicy food was all you wanted to eat and he had to find a way to get those for you, even in the middle of the night. Poor husband of yours did not know what to do with himself when you were looking at him with those pleading eyes.
A few days into your sixth month, while partaking in a new card game with your friends, you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You had felt movement before but never like this. Somewhat akin to a cramp but not quite like it either. Worry started to grow, but your mother reassured you quickly.
“The baby is kicking my dear.”
The women around the table cooed, trying to get a feel of your stomach. Gera thwarted them all away, in her understanding that it had made her want to kick people when she was pregnant herself. Your mother wholeheartedly agreed.
When you told Eomer that very same day, he paled in an instant.
“May I?”
You nodded, smiling until it hurt. You could not be happier. He kneeled in front of your seat, before pressing his right hand against your swollen stomach. Nothing happened until they kicked again, where his hand was resting. He looked up, bewildered and amazed by the small action, left without words. He had the habit of talking to them before, but now, his instincts were completely going awry, scared to death for both your safeties.
“In the beginning, I felt as if it could still be ripped away from us so easily… But, when she started kicking I knew it was there. Happening. I knew I had to meet her and let her know that I would always be there for her… -How do you know it’s a girl?”
He had kissed your brow, eyes shining with something you did not know. “A hunch. She reaches for me as you do.”
“What do you mean?”
His gaze on you softened, a hand coming to rest on your ever-growing stomach.
“In your sleep, you reach out to me. She does the same thing.”
He kissed the palm of your hand, resting against his cheek, watching as you found yourself crying again, an occurrence he had come to know was harmless even if frequent during this pregnancy. Things were finally looking up. His eyes trailed down to your stomach again, placing a kiss there as a blessing. She was going to be just fine. He was sure of it.
Giving birth, as all the women around you had told you, was the worst part.
Specifically the part when you were begging for relief, Eomer holding one of your hands while your mother held the other the midwife telling you to push and push again as if you had not done it all already. And the worst part was that when your son was born, with light hair and soft eyes, perfect as he was, the pain was not over.
That moment led you to know that you had been pregnant with not one child but with two.
Eomer had been right. Your daughter reached for him the moment she laid eyes on him, and almost instantly stopped crying when carried into his arms.
Such a daddy’s girl, she was.
They would be growing up so fast. So soon.
You could not wait.
“Idis, Alaric, come back here!”
Eomer’s words were lost in the wind as his children ran down the hill, laughing at your slower pace.
“Let them. You know they always come back.
-I know.”
He kissed your brow gently, before changing his mind and whisking you up in his arms claiming your lips in a fiery embrace.
“Yet, they know how to get themselves into trouble quicker than even Eowyn’s son and that is saying something.
-I believe they inherited that from you.”
You smirked as he let you down. His eyes were still focused on the two silhouettes running in the grass, tackling on another to the ground.
“Idis, aim for the legs!”
You smacked his shoulder lightly.
“Don’t encourage them. Besides, I thought women had no place on the battlefield.”
Eowyn had told you about his words for her, years before. Neither of you, ever since he had a daughter, had let him live it down.
“Am I not allowed to change my mind?
-Or, Idis asked, and you yielded.”
He did not say anything, smiling against himself, but you could see the faint embarrassment in his eyes before he hid his face in the crook of your neck, quickly distracting you with feverish kisses.
The fact that the children were not far was a problem he did not seem very concerned with. Nor that you were already 5 months pregnant with the third one.
“It is entirely your fault I cannot keep up with the children we already have. Do you really want to aggravate your case?
-How is it my fault?”
In a gentle gesture, you put your hands around your belly. You came closer to him, whispering only for his ears to hear.
“I am pretty sure that you were the one who insisted on having another go with this. If I remember properly, you did everything you could to keep me in bed.
-As if you were resisting it in the first place.”
Faking exasperation, you shook your head at him. Before you could add to your aggravation with the man, your father appeared on the horizon, trotting to him on his horse. Once he reached you, he kissed your cheek tenderly and saluted his king.
“I am sorry to interrupt the family time but the emissaries have arrived.
-Eowyn and Faramir have arrived? I thought they were not due before tomorrow.
-Well yes and no. They arrived with company, and I am afraid that we’ll need more rooms.”
You exchanged a look with Eomer before you called back the children once more, this time bribing them with horses time. And grandpa. They adored their grandpa and it was adorable to see them run circles around the man.
“Well, I assume two Hobbits are in the midst?
-Yes, my lord.
-As well as a family of Gondor’s royalty?
-Yes, indeed my lord.” Eomer met your eyes, as you tried to keep the children from climbing the horse all on their own. You laughed at his bewildered face.
“That is all?
-Well, not exactly. You see, the Hobbits seem to have brought with them their families and Hobbits have very extended families. As well as numerous friends, such as a famous fellowship, they organized to reunite here.”
Before he could implode under the implications it would have, you stopped your husband’s train of thoughts.
“Eomer, I have organized for this. We were warned by your sister so I prepared the castle accordingly. She mentioned not telling you about it, but I fear you might faint if the surprise lasts any longer.
-You knew?”
His eyes grew serious. The children knew it all too well. It was these eyes they saw when they misbehaved.
“Ohoh, Mum’s in trouble.” Idis laughed behind her grandpa’s legs. He picked her up with some difficulty, holding her on his side. Elfhelm smirked at her reaction. “Yes, Mum is indeed in trouble. Come on little beasts, let’s get on grandpa’s horse and go back to the castle alright?”
Cries of glee erupted from the twins as he settled Idis in front and Alaric behind her. The three of them seemed rather amused by the situation, laughing as they trotted back towards the castle’s entrance.
You were now face to face with Eomer’s stern looks.
“You are in so much trouble.”
Your King was a lot of things but a skilled liar was not one of them. Soon, his face broke out in a mischievous smile, and you bolted knowing all too well what it meant.
He caught up with incredibly fast, tumbling you both down in the wild flowers, although he made sure he would be taking the most of the fall. Your wrists ended up loosely pinned to the ground, your husband looking down at you, an arched brow and that air about him that made you doubt you’d ever fall out of love with him. Pure adoration was not too much of a word to use when it came down to that face. It looked like your own, of that you were sure.
“What can I do to get out of this trouble, my lord.
-You know I hate it when you call me that and for that you shall pay.”
He smothered you kisses, tickling your sides until you were both breathless besides one another. Eomer’s fingertips traced down the shape of your face softly, before you cupped his hand with your own.
“We should be going.
-No, I want to keep looking at you like this for as long as I can.”
He shushed you with a kiss you would not forget soon, cradling your face and neck with his hands, warm and flush against your skin.
This was a moment you would never forget, for all the moments with him were memorable. Everything you had lived through, the heartbreak and the harshness of parenthood sometimes, the loss of your mother a year after giving birth. Now you knew. Of all the marriages you could have had, only wishing for contentment for this one was a mistake, for you were happy and no one could take it away from your family. Not now, not ever.
For as long as you had each other, the story would continue and you would be alright.
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inka-is-a-stinka · 2 months ago
I'm not congratulating you on your pregnancy.
I'm deadass not even apologizing for what I'm about to say because i am so serious when i say this:
Having children has become commodified. Commercialized. Made a concept built on successful profits.
The purpose of reproduction in any species is to sustain a solid population status. As humans, that is literally the last thing we have to worry about. We have far more than enough people on the planet, and we are considered an overpopulated species.
Overpopulation causes famine, fierce competition for survival (war), and opportunities for the excess population to be exploited into suffering.
There are millions of people on this earth without food, shelter, or support, yet people seem to be more than happy to contribute to the devastating conditions we're trying to fix. We cannot mend this earth, or country, by continuing to flood the population all over baby fever and selfish desires to fulfill something that feels is lost.
If our species was healthy right now, or ever, I wouldn't have such an issue, but seeing children and infants mutilated and bloddied from the continued attacks in Gaza is gut wrenching. So when I'm presented with news of a new consciousness being brought into the world, I can't help but see it as a malicious and ill thought out decision. Tonedeaf, to make the notion brief.
Pink and blue, boy or girl, themes and colors— it means nothing if that child is going to grow up in a world that does not prioritize their well-being.
It hurts to know that choosing to not reproduce, and prevent harm to another innocent human being that has absolutely no say in their conception and living conditions, has been de-normalized. While on the other hand, disturbing the peace that was known as non-existence in order to risk inevitable and unintentional suffering has been grossly normalized.
Please. Please, I am begging people to consider the consequences of becoming complacent to birth culture, and consider the true implications of reproduction. Understand what it means to create a new consciousness. Understand that a new life has no obligation to be grateful for it, and be prepared for the gravity of knowing that as a parent, should you ever go down that path.
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katyspersonal · 4 months ago
These are my personal thoughts on stuff that has been bothering me for almost a decade now. I kind of went from "It would be more merciful to do an abortion because my child would live in horrid if not dangerous conditions and be taken away for their own sake" to "Maybe they'd conclude that they love living even if they were dealt a losing hand and had only adversity. Even if they DO get taken away from a person financially incapable of caring for them and live as orphan. What if they will be happy to exist anyway? I can't make this decision for them. This is something person can only decide themselves and it is called "suicide", (but I'd still do everything I can to not allow that)".
I know I speak as though it is 100% guaranteed I'd be a single mother, and it is true. I can only possibly get pregnant..... against my will, to put it this way. And yet I am always scared that this "fate" will find me anyway. I am pretty sure fixations on potential threats is some type of paranoia. I've just riched the conclusion that I do not have enough ambitions and life itself to refuse being bound to someone. I just go to work, play videogames and obsess over my interests. Why I believed I'd seek abortion at all cost is because I could not care for a child when I am myself like a child. In every sense of this word but physical. But, again, if it became THAT bad, someone else would, then. I've just been thinking about the whole concept of not letting someone to exist "for their own sake" and I think I grew out of it? Sort of? Because losing misery means losing happy moments too, and someone might see them worthy to suffer for, no matter how rare they are. I can't just assume someone else will be as depressed about existing as me. Everyone is different.
The dumb part? I've came to this conclusion upon overanalyzing fucking Soulsborne videogames. I wish it was a joke, but I just have this neurodivergency that keeps me in permanent disconnect from "real" things and "real" people, and only through prism of special interests and characters things 'click' to me. It is like I am deaf, and fiction is my hearing aid. I still think it is so fucking funny that years of religion-based guilttripping, all these fake inspirational stories of struggling single mothers TV is filled with and having optimism hammered into my head by other mothers didn't change my mind on how having a baby is possibly the MOST cruel thing I could do all things considered. But then like, Melina yapped some sweet nonsense about not deciding for others that they'd rather not exist than suffer, and it sort of have been slowly growing ever since.
I also questioned whether this stuff got hard-coded into these games, but I don't think so? Miyazaki definitely loves motherhood but that's literally it. He just poured love for archetype into some characterizations, nothing more. It is more about how existence itself and its meaning is explored here. And how it clicked with what's been bothering me, because I am always scared that I am not safe from... that. Nobody with a working womb is, but I am fixated on this fear, as if this is doomed to happen. But the most dreadful part of it is kind of.. dissolving? Nothing could convince me I am strong and capable and not as stupid and helpless, no power in the world. But something could convince me someone would still love to live even with the trauma of having a mother so shit they had to be saved from her incompetence and helplessness
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keyajeeclinic · 1 month ago
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marvelsgirl616 · 2 months ago
Context: So I’m wearing a shirt that has my colleges logo in white and then in pride colors/rainbow it says “pride” below. My mom saw me in the shirt and we had the conversation below:
Mom: *sees my shirt* “are you a lesbian?”
Me: …*taken back by the comment and somewhat confused* “uh, no I’m bisexual.”
Mom: *raises an eyebrow* “have you ever been with a girl?”
Me: *visibly uncomfortable* “no, I haven’t….why?”
Mom: *scoffs and rolls her eyes* “well if you’ve never been with a girl, how do you actually know you’re bisexual?”
Me: *utterly speechless and now clearly uncomfortable* ….. “uh….because I’m attracted to them sexually?? Not that I need to justify my sexuality to you..but whatever.”
Mom: *narrows her eyes* “oh please, you’re not bisexual. you’re confused and probably tell people that wear pride bullshit for attention.”
*uncomfortable silence*
Mom: “oh, so when do you plan on having a kid? Cant you just find a guy and get pregnant? Your clock is running out of time soon and I want to at least have one grandchild before I die. I mean I had you when I was younger than you while still in college with an ab*sive boyfriend and raised you myself. You live with us (my mom and her fiancé to save money and because my mom has heath issues that requires lifting her and her fiancé can’t do it all), if I can raise a baby while going to college then so can you. Your school load is a lot lighter than mine was and we actually had to do work”
Me: *just walks away completely stunned*
Also, she had the audacity to look at me like I was the crazy one???
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jeysbvck · 7 months ago
i have absolutely pulled away from everyone & i just, ugh.
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year ago
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opiumophelia · 5 months ago
I have a biological father who can’t stay out of prison. I have an adopted father who will never get out of prison. Both know my mom’s gone. Both know they have multiple kids. Neither care to do better. Neither care to try. As a parent who would never do it to my kids I can’t understand why they do. What’s so fun about stealing and getting high while you disappoint your family and ruin others? I also can’t understand using “addiction is a disease” as an excuse. I’m an addict and I’m sober. I’m an addict and I choose to be a mom over choosing to get high. Make it make some fucking sense.
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harrington-thedad · 9 months ago
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share an urgent plea for help. Due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, my family and I have been forced to flee our home and seek refuge in Khan Younis. My mother, who is pregnant, is in critical need of assistance to ensure her safety and the safety of her unborn child.
We are facing severe hardships and are struggling to provide her with the necessary medical care and basic necessities. I have launched a campaign to raise funds for my mother's survival during this perilous time.
Your support in sharing our campaign on social media could make a life-saving difference. Please help us spread the word and gather the support we desperately need.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
i won’t be able to donate sadly but i will share and i hope people who see this post WOULD be able to donate and help 🩷
so please don’t mind the tags, they’re for reaching other people 🩵
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justanotherbipolarmum · 8 months ago
I feel inadequate as a woman as I'm struggling to fall pregnant.
This shit hurts.
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faveyoutok · 1 month ago
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