#inclusive helplines
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hellyeahscarleteen · 4 months ago
Some Important Help Resources for Those in the United States
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We want to make sure that you know about -- and share -- some more safe direct help resources available on Scarleteen and elsewhere, as well as some content on our site that might now or soon be particularly relevant to you if you live in the United States:
These images include the following resources:
Direct Help Resources That Don't Call the Police:
Call Blackline: 800.604.5841 (centers BI&POC)
Deaf IGNITE at Willow Domestic Violence Center: 585.348.7233
Domestic Violence Support: thehotline.org
DEHQ: 908.367.3374 (centers the South Asian community)
LGBT National Help Center: 888.843.4564
Scarleteen: Text 206.866.2279 or visit scarleteen.com/ask
StrongHearts Native Helpline: 844.762.8483 (centers Native Americans and Alaska Natives.
Thrive Lifeline: Text “THRIVE” to 313.662.8209 (trans-led text-based support line centering marginalized communities)
Trans Lifeline: 877.565.8860
Abortion Resources:
Pregnancy Support:
All-Options Talkline: 1.888.493.0092
Scarleteen: Text 206.866.2279 or visit scarleteen.com/ask
If You Need an Abortion:
Plan C: www.plancpills.org
Aid Access: aidaccess.org
I Need An A: ineedana.com
Abortion Funds:
National Network of Abortion Funds: abortionfunds.org
Support Before, During, or After Abortion:
Hesperian: The Safe Abortion App
Dopo Co-Op: wearedopo.com (abortion doulas)
Exhale Pro-Voice: Text 617.749.2948 or visit exhaleprovoice.org (focuses on post-abortion support)
Miscarriage & Abortion Hotline: Call or text +1.833.246.2632 or visit mahotline.org
Scarleteen: Text 206.866.2279 or visit scarleteen.com/ask
Legal Support:
Repro Legal Helpline: 844.868.2812
To Identify and Avoid Crisis Pregnancy Centers:
Content at Scarleteen That May Help:
Rebel Well: A Starter Guide to a Trumped America
The Scarleteen Safety Plan
How to Access a Safe, Self-managed Medical Abortion
Abortion and Digital Privacy: How to Protect Ourselves
Self-care Amidst a Deluge of Anti-trans Legislation
You can also always use Scarleteen’s direct services to get one-on-one, tailored help (always by people, never AI) or to get help finding additional resources. ❤️
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townpostin · 7 months ago
Voter List Draft Set for July 25 Release in Jharkhand
Electoral office urges citizens to verify registration details Jharkhand’s election machinery prepares for crucial voter list revision phase, emphasizing citizen participation in verification process. RANCHI – The state’s electoral office has made an important announcement regarding the progress of the voter list revision process. K. Ravi Kumar, the Chief Electoral Officer of Jharkhand, announced…
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dollthorne · 4 months ago
Warm Lines that don't call police:
Call Blackline: 800-604-5841 centers BIPOC
Trans Lifeline US#: 877-565-8860 (eng + esp) Trans Lifeline CA#: 877-330-6366 run by and for trans people
Wildflower Alliance Peer Support Line: 880-407-4515 peer support + mental health
Stronghearts Native Helpline: 844-762-8483 or chat online centers Native Americans + Alaska Natives
Thrive Lifeline: 313-662-8209 trans led and operated
LGBT National Help Center: 888-843-4564
More resources at: Inclusive Therapists
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olderthannetfic · 9 months ago
Bruh, I'm sorry but that reasoning does not hold up to any scrutiny if you even give a lick of care to learn the actual bullshit that goes on in queer sphere.
"(poc+trans) they’re marginalized even within the community,"
I'm a bisexual woman. I've been explicitly and blatantly excluded from queer and LGBT+ events when it came out I was 100% bisexual. Even at times where I had a woman as a partner. I've had to deal with accusations of being a predator from the lesbian community when dating lesbians, or "invading" lesbian spaces. I've dealt with accusations of transphobia for using the label bisexual, rather than "more inclusive" labels. I've been told to shut up when talking about my experiences as a bisexual woman, especially if it was me criticizing the behavior from the rest of queer spaces.
I've had to deal with being excluded from queer community events, helplines, or other resources for queer people because I was bisexual. Do not get me started on the times I was with a man, or male presenting partner. I've had to deal with people demanding that bisexuals get dropped from queer spaces, and that we should "choose a side" and that bisexuality doesn't exist.
And you know what? I know that the exact same shit happens to aces. In a slightly different coat of paint, but it nonetheless the same level of vitriol and exclusion happens on a constant basis. There's a reason why there's such a deep solidarity between aces and bis "It’s a flag that was created to draw attention to intra-community issues,"
It's a flag that pretends to draw attention to intra-community issues, but in reality only shines light on a tiny part, and in reality doesn't even do that well. I don't even think most people flying that flag have any idea as to the alleged specifics of why these designs were made. I've seen people throw out incredibly subjective and/or vague assumptions and assertions as to why they exist, while they're clearing doing guesswork.
It's not your accusation that people believe that the "progress pride flag is separating trans people and POC and acting like they weren’t previously included" it's that it feels incredibly shallow and ignorant of queer history, and queer POC history and racism-even from within queer POC spaces-.
It's the problem that people think that flying that flag while doing absolute fuck all to change the problems in queer communities is enough, intra-community also doesn't work if the communities represented don't also actively weed out their own problems. Don't add me I know about the NB-phobia, and inter-trans transphobia, "If you want to pass you're a traitor", dumbshit like "no rice or spice" shit from poc users on (certain) queer dating sites... That shit is and was never exclusive to white people.
The rainbow flag as a battleground for these issues feels cheap, shallow, and childish because it was never created to exclude or target a specific sexuality. It was always a symbol of togetherness and fighting for our rights and right to live. Then some people decided that the flag that always represented the message "We're standing together" suddenly doesn't represent that message anymore, not because the flag doesn't stand for togetherness or the message has changed. No, it's because some idiots completely unrelated to the flag and it's meaning are being terrible people. No, just because someone is queer doesn't mean they get to poison the well for all other queer people and rot the meaning of a flag that always was for everyone, or their actions suddenly get to smear that the meaning of the flag from the get go included everyone, black, white, asian, brown, fucking translucent, and was always meant to show solidarity between all the sexualities. We're standing together as queers, but that doesn't mean individual queers can't be shits all on their own.
At this point we should just slap a triangle on all the pride flags, the flags themselves have absolutely nothing to do with it, but at least we can pretend like it does something, because a few dingbats can't behave and happen to be #that-sexuality/genderID. Let's add a bi and ace triangle to the gay, lesbian and trans-flag. Add an extra trans triangle to the trans-flag, maybe the NB and bi flag as well.
You can have your progress pride flag. You can have your feel good messaging if that's what it takes. But for the love of the rainbow, stop pretending the flag is anything but a shallow way to show-off that you at least know the surface level issues in the queer community.
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jammiedoggo · 29 days ago
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Journal: This is pro-lgbtq/queer made to encourge resistence against homophobic abuse and hate crime. The artwork depicts dragon fires the beam in self defense against the evil knight. Yep, it reverse role of the fairy tale. The animated film nimona has made a huge influence on me as i relate and resonate to the film a lot and became my all time favourite. Then it influence on this artwork design and symbolism.
Based off the meme "TASTE THE RAINBOW MOTHER F**KER!!!": https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/taste-the-rainbow-motherfucker and come along with youtube video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSoCld6kVKE
Why replace the swear? Censord.
Why anime-esque combat? Dymatic tension and epicness of the fight.
Why blood? The traumatic damage from the pointless war that scars us. How hatred brings nothing but withered and self harm then spread more hatred from trauma and pain.
Why queer as dragon? They discriminated minority who been portay as monster in propaganda. They are misunderstood and not sex offenders.
Why Knight as villain? Homophobia can be seen as heroes by those homophobe who shared the believe and hate. Not just that, the knight's color as lighten is reference to the phrase "White-knight". Evil guardian came to "aid" to rid off their enemies for their ideal and society they built a cult by control, ownership, isolation and custody. So more like conquerer.
As a acesexual myself, i do sometime have anxiety of people won't accept me as pure virgin and would molest, groom, Nzi, rpe me and force marrage and breeding. I'm proud of my ace identity as i prefer not to be suggestive sexual nor have breeding. I didn't like the "Woke" people and radical culture as they terrible representative to queer but there better representative of queer in media like adastra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGta8R5_rvo and Echo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ-LA9KfMa0 as examples.
List of Emergency numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_…..ephone_numbers
Any concerning activity, behaviour, illness and harm, please seek SOS when the opportunity. It's not for fault and don't worry about the police involved. Please ignore anti-police and anti-service propaganda said by your abusers and any perpetrators. Any "reasonable", "Punishment", "justice", "fault", "criticism" reason to harm and stolen from you by your perpetrator.
Multiple helpline links thanks to true crime youtuber Eleanor neal and I'm sharing it https://linktr.ee/eleanornealeresources
Domestic abuse Helpline:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_…..lence_hotlines RAINN: https://rainn.org/resources
Trevor project (LGBTQ+ help): https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ Samaritan: https://www.samaritans.org/
Helpline to report child abuse: https://www.childhelp.org/ Global missing children: https://globalmissingkids.org/
Bite back wolf pack!
This is NOT homophobic or inclusivity bias nor propaganda. This is made for support of queer and show self defense from constant provokitive bigotry who misunderstood them as enemies.
Please refrain from leaving creepy perverted NSFW, use my past mistakes against me and hateful (prejiduce) comments. There be no tolerance of condemed and harresment, They make me uncomfortable and will be removed. [!CAUTION]! Otherwise, beast unleashed (aka go nuts).
If any problem?, please calm down and touch grass to think before you act. Try to be polite and calm, adress the problem, the reason about the problem, express the feeling and solution advice that will help me improve. I want to stay pacifist and don't want drama, shame, witchhunted and get cancelled culture.
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xx-cr · 4 months ago
Mental Health Crisis Resources
If you are in a mental health crisis or emergency, you are deeply valued and are not alone.
Please reach out to the crisis services listed below for support. (We do not provide crisis services here.)
Before calling 911: If you or someone you know is in immediate, life-threatening danger and decide to call 911, please be aware that police are not equipped to offer mental health support and may even pose danger to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, Transgender, Mentally Ill, Neurodivergent, and Disabled People.
Please reach out to community leaders, neighbors, friends, and family to be present if you are calling the police.
See below for crisis warm-lines that do not use police intervention
For community-based alternatives to police in your city:
Visit: Don't Call the Police for resources with transparency about reporting policies
Search for mobile crisis or community response teams in your city. 
Calling 211 in some cities will dispatch community response teams instead of law enforcement. Ask in advance whether they dispatch the police if this is a concern.
Ask trusted loved ones for support: In addition to calling crisis services, we warmly encourage you to let your trusted loved ones know that you are struggling. Feel free to share these tips below with them if they're helpful to you:
Ask them to stay with you and to make a plan together. You don't have to face this alone. 
If you do not want police or hospital intervention, communicate this clearly.
Ask them to listen and empathize, and not judge, give advice, or center their own feelings. 
If you are using substances, alcohol, or self-injury to cope, ask them to stay with you without judgement. 
When you are ready for help, ask them to remove it from you.
Remove weapons: If there are weapons such as guns nearby, please lock them away or ask a trusted person to remove them. Your safety is the priority.
source: Inclusive Therapists
national help lines that wont call the cops:
Thrive Lifeline - 1-313-662-8209 - 24/7 text only
Call Blackline - 1-800-604-5841 - call/text/app
(their hours are unclear - i will update when i get an email response)
Trans Lifeline - 1-877-565-8860 - call only  
supports both english and spanish 1p-9p est mon-sun
StrongHearts Native Helpline - 1-844-762-8483 (24/7)
Chat online here
Wildflower Alliance Peer Support Line - 1-888-407-4515
7p-9p est mon-thurs, 7p-10p est fri-sun
LGBT National Help Center - 1-888-843-4564 - call only
4p-12a est mon-fri, 12p-5p est sat-sun
saw a lot of people circulating a list of resources from Inclusive Therapists and i thought i would share some of their mental health crisis resources and advice
it is worth noting that the majority of the helplines above will report you if they suspect you may be an imminent threat to others, but not to yourself.
Trevor, NAMI, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, National Domestic Violence Hotline, RAINN, and Veterans Crisis Line are all mandated reporters, along with many others- if they believe you could be a danger to yourself or others (which they are incredibly likely to) they will report you and send police to your location. Be careful if they use them, and check out some of the other resources above instead.  
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that-one-empty-skull · 1 year ago
Ressource Hub
good links to click
be cool
edit 12/01/24: Now updated with Pokémon ressources
Free Palestine
BuildPalestine.com - list of organizations that offer humanitarian aid to Palestine
eSims for Gaza - purchase eSims for people within Gaza to reliably connect to the outside world
PalestineAction.org - stopping Israel's arms trade in Britain and supporting arrested activists
Sea-Eye - civil sea rescue nonprofit, organizes rescue missions in the Mediterranean
Sex Ed & Bodily Autonomy
Scarleteen - queer inclusive ressources on sexuality, sex and sexual health
Women on Waves - nonprofit, brings abortion services and education to people in countries with restrictive abortion laws
-> Women on Waves Find Your Abortion - tool to research safe abortion options globally
-> Women on Waves Sex Ed - ressources on safe sex, contraceptives, and abortion
Mental Health
Findahelpline.com - tool to find crisis and suicide prevention helplines in you country (global effort, 50+ countries covered)
Prison Abolition
The Bail Project - providing free bail to those in need, US based
Are Prisons Obsolete by Angela Y. Davis - pdf
Abolition Democracy by Angela Y. Davis - pdf
Free Media
r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH - extensive piracy wiki
Internet Archive - tons of free archived media
Velvet's guide to piracy - how to safely get into torrenting
Gutenberg Project - free ebooks, world literature
Ocean of Pdfs - free books, mostly ficiton, search by language/genre/author/title
Library Genesis - free books and scientific articles, fiction and nonfiction
DnD ressource stash (@tadfools) - Google Drive with 200+ DnD pdfs plus BG3 art book
My ressource stash - emulators, roms, fangames, tools, etc
Art and Drawing
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg - pdf
Violence by Slavoj Žižek - pdf
If anyone knows good free (English language) ressources especially on kink and sex feel free to message me so I can add them
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scholarship-for-me · 8 months ago
Comprehensive Guide to UP Scholarship 2024: Eligibility, Application Process, and Benefits
Introduction to UP Scholarship 2024
The UP Scholarship 2024 is a remarkable initiative by the Uttar Pradesh government aimed at providing financial assistance to students from economically weaker sections. This scholarship helps bridge the educational divide by offering support to students at various educational levels. By covering significant educational expenses, the UP Scholarship ensures that financial constraints do not hinder deserving students from pursuing their academic dreams.
Eligibility Criteria
General Requirements
To be eligible for the UP Scholarship 2024, students must meet several general criteria:
The applicant must be a resident of Uttar Pradesh.
The student should be enrolled in a recognized school, college, or university.
The family income must not exceed the specified limit set for different categories.
Specific Requirements for Various Categories
Different scholarships under the UP Scholarship program have distinct eligibility criteria based on the student's category:
Pre-Matric Scholarship: Available for students from Class 9 and 10.
Post-Matric Scholarship: Available for students from Class 11 to postgraduate level.
Other Specific Scholarships: Tailored for minority groups, disabled students, and those pursuing professional courses.
Types of Scholarships
Pre-Matric Scholarship
Designed for students studying in Class 9 and 10, the Pre-Matric Scholarship helps them continue their education without financial burden.
Post-Matric Scholarship
This scholarship supports students from Class 11 onwards, including those pursuing undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies. It ensures that higher education is accessible to students from low-income families.
Other Specific Scholarships
These include scholarships for minority communities, physically disabled students, and those enrolled in professional courses. These targeted scholarships ensure inclusivity and equal opportunities for all students.
Application Process
Step-by-Step Guide
Visit the Official Website: Start by visiting the UP Scholarship official portal.
Register as a New User: Fill in your basic details to create a new user ID and password.
Fill the Application Form: Complete the form with accurate personal, educational, and bank details.
Upload Required Documents: Ensure all necessary documents are scanned and uploaded.
Submit the Application: Review the details and submit your application.
Key Dates and Deadlines
Stay updated with the official announcements to know the exact dates for application start and end. Missing deadlines can result in disqualification.
Required Documents
List of Essential Documents
To successfully apply for the UP Scholarship 2024, you will need:
Passport-sized photograph
Caste certificate
Income certificate
Mark sheets of the previous academic year
Bank passbook
Residential proof
Bonafide certificate from the educational institution
Tips for Document Preparation
Ensure that all documents are current, clearly scanned, and meet the size requirements specified on the application portal.
How to Register
Online Registration Process
The online registration is straightforward:
Visit the official website.
Click on 'Student' and then 'New Registration'.
Fill in the required details and submit.
Offline Registration Process
For those unable to register online, an offline process is available. Visit the nearest educational department office to collect and submit the application form.
Tracking Your Application
How to Check Application Status
Once you've submitted your application, you can track its status:
Log in to the official website.
Click on 'Application Status'.
Enter your registration number and date of birth.
Common Issues and Solutions
If you face issues while tracking your application, ensure that:
You have entered the correct registration number.
Your internet connection is stable.
You contact the support helpline for persistent problems.
Selection Process
Criteria for Selection
Selection is based on:
Academic performance
Family income
Category-specific criteria
Importance of Academic Performance
Maintaining good academic records is crucial as it significantly impacts the selection process.
Benefits of the Scholarship
Financial Aid Details
The scholarship covers tuition fees, books, stationery, and other essential expenses.
Additional Perks
Apart from financial aid, recipients may also get access to mentorship programs, career counseling, and internships.
Disbursement Process
How and When Funds are Disbursed
Scholarship funds are typically disbursed directly into the student’s bank account in two installments: the first after selection and the second after verification of academic performance.
Important Dates
Keep an eye on official announcements for disbursement dates to ensure timely receipt of funds.
Renewal Process
Criteria for Renewal
Renewal requires:
Consistent academic performance
Submission of progress reports
Proof of continued enrollment in the course
Steps for Renewing the Scholarship
Log in to the official portal.
Click on 'Renewal Application'.
Update your details and submit required documents.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Common Queries and Answers
Who can apply for the UP Scholarship 2024?
Students who are residents of Uttar Pradesh and meet the income and educational criteria.
What is the application deadline?
Deadlines vary; check the official website for specific dates.
How do I check my scholarship status?
Log in to the official portal and click on 'Application Status'.
What documents are required for application?
Essential documents include a caste certificate, income certificate, mark sheets, bank passbook, and residential proof.
How is the scholarship amount disbursed?
The amount is disbursed directly into the student’s bank account in installments.
Important Contact Information
For further assistance, you can contact the helpline numbers or email provided on the official scholarship portal.
Tips for a Successful Application
Dos and Don’ts
Do: Ensure all information is accurate and complete.
Don't: Miss the application deadline.
Expert Advice
Start preparing your documents early.
Keep a copy of your application for future reference.
Impact of the Scholarship
Success Stories
Many students have transformed their lives through the UP Scholarship, achieving academic and professional success.
Long-term Benefits
The scholarship not only aids in immediate financial relief but also contributes to the long-term educational and career development of students.
The UP Scholarship 2024 is an excellent opportunity for students from economically weaker sections to pursue their educational dreams without financial constraints. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits, students can make the most of this initiative and pave the way for a brighter future.
Can I apply for more than one UP Scholarship?
Yes, you can apply for scholarships as per your eligibility in different categories.
What if I face issues during the online application?
Contact the technical support team via the helpline number or email provided on the official portal.
Is there any age limit for applying?
There is no specific age limit, but applicants must meet the educational criteria.
How often can I renew my scholarship?
Scholarships can be renewed annually, provided the renewal criteria are met.
What happens if my application is rejected?
You can contact the scholarship office for clarification and may be able to reapply if the issue is resolved.
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lgbtqweddingsnc · 1 year ago
LGBTQ Centers in North Carolina
October 19th was LGBTQ Center Awareness Day. LGBTQ centers are a huge resource to the community. They provide support, resources, education, crisis intervention and more. We have compiled a list of all the LGBTQ centers in the state of North Carolina.
LGBTQ Center of Raleigh
19 W. Hargett St. Suite 507 Raleigh, NC. 27601 (919)832-4484 [email protected]
LGBTQ Center of Durham
1007 Broad St, Durham, NC 27705 (919) 827-1436
LGBTQ Center of the Cape Fear Coast
1506 Market Street Wilmington NC 28401 (910) 262-0327 [email protected]
Carolina's Care Partnership
5855 Executive Center Dr Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28212 (704) 531-2467
Guilford Green Foundation & LGBTQ Center
121 N. Greene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 790-8419 [email protected]
North Star LGBTQ+ Community Center
930 Burke St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 893-9053 [email protected] 
Blue Ridge Pride
PO Box 2044, Asheville NC 28802-2044 (828) 423-0655 [email protected]
Onslow County LGBTQ Center
2440 Commerce Rd, Jacksonville, NC 28546 (910) 333-9968 [email protected]
Youth Specific Centers:
Youth OUTright
PMB 128, 30 Westgate Pkwy, Asheville NC 28806 (866) 881-3721 [email protected]
Time Out Youth
3800 Monroe Road, Charlotte, NC 28205 (704) 344-8335 [email protected]
Youth SAFE
Greensboro, NC [email protected]
OUTright Youth
748 4th Street SW, Hickory, NC 28602 [email protected]
PO Box 25217 Durham, NC 27702 [email protected]
University LGBTQ Centers:
Many universities in NC have an LGBTQ Center, but not all. Some that don't, have diversity and inclusion centers which provide similar services.
App State
East Carolina
NC Central
NC State
UNC Chapel Hill
UNC Wilmington
Duke Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
Wake Forest University LGBTQ Center
Queens University
Elon University
National Call Centers:
The Trevor Helpline:
1-866-4UTREVOR (1-866-488-7386) http://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Trans Lifeline
(877) 565-8860 http://www.translifeline.org/ 
National Runaway Switchboard:
1-800-RUNAWAY/1-800-786-2929 http://www.1800runaway.org/
RAINN - Rape Abuse & Incest National Network
1-800-656-HOPE (4673) http://www.rainn.org/
GLBT National Youth Talkline:
1-800-246-7743 http://www.glnh.org/
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233) http://www.glnh.org/
National Child Abuse Hotline:
1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) http://www.childhelp.org/
National Youth Crisis Hotline:
1-800-442-HOPE (1-800-442-4673)
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graysongoal · 4 months ago
Reminder that some of the hotlines listed above will call the police on you during a mental health crisis, regardless of what your wishes are.
The following are warm lines that do NOT call the police —
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Image description:
Image by Inclusive Therapists featuring a list of hotlines. More resources at InclusiveTherapists.com/Crisis
Warm lines that DON'T call the police:
Call Blackline 800-604-5841 Centers BI&POC, LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens *Note: they also have an app.
Trans Lifeline US - 877-565-8860 Canada - 877-330-6366 Run by and for trans people *Note: there are hours restrictions. They are generally open Monday thru Friday, 1 PM – 9 PM Eastern. Also, they have Spanish language options.
Wildflower Alliance Peer Support Line 888-407-4515 Run by trained peer supporters *Note: they are open specific hours, too — 7pm to 9pm ET Monday through Thursday & 7pm-10pm ET Friday through Sunday.
StrongHearts Native Helpline 844-762-8483 Centering Native Americans & Alaska Natives *Note: focused on domestic / intimate partner & sexual violence. You can also chat with them online or via text.
Thrive Lifeline 313-662-8209 Trans-led and operated *Note: this is primarily a text line, but it is open 24/7 and focused on people from marginalized & forcibly oppressed communities (including disability & neurodivergence).
LGBT National Help Center 888-843-4564 *Note: there are hours restrictions. They are generally open Mon-Fri 4 PM - Midnight/eastern time & Sat Noon - 5 PM/eastern time. They have specific lines for coming out (888-688-5428), youth (800-246-7743), and seniors (888-234-7243). Also, they have an online peer chat, which is open Mon-Fri 4 PM - Midnight/eastern time & Sat Noon - 5 PM/eastern time.
PS: If you want to share this on other platforms, I will be working to get this up in other places — Twitter Mastodon Bluesky Threads Instagram Facebook
Please, spread this for those who might need it right now
U.S. suicide hotline: call or text 988 (available 24 hours)
U.S. trans lifeline: (877) 565-8860 (when you call, you’ll speak to a trans/nonbinary peer operator. full anonymity and confidentiality)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357) – provides 24/7 confidential support and referrals for individuals and families facing mental health and substance use disorders, including panic attacks and anxiety.
LGBT National Help Center: (888) 843-4564
Trevor Project: Call (866) 488-7386, text START to 678-678, or chat online.
Take care of yourself and each other. Please stay safe ♡
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onlinecounsellingtherapy · 3 days ago
Remote Counselling Services in Romford, Greater London
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The Growing Need for Mental Health Support
Romford, a thriving urban hub in Greater London, is home to a diverse population facing various daily pressures, including work-related stress, relationship issues, financial concerns, and more. The COVID-19 pandemic further amplified the need for accessible mental health care, leading to an increased demand for remote counselling services. Many people who previously hesitated to seek therapy have now embraced online and telephone counselling as a viable solution.
Benefits of Remote Counselling Services
Remote counselling services provide numerous advantages, making therapy more inclusive and effective for a wider audience. Some of the key benefits include:
Accessibility — Individuals who may struggle with transportation, mobility issues, or time constraints can now access professional help from their own homes.
Convenience — Online or telephone sessions eliminate the need for travel, making it easier for busy professionals, parents, and individuals with disabilities to schedule appointments.
Affordability — Many remote counselling services are more cost-effective than in-person sessions due to reduced overhead costs for therapists.
Privacy and Comfort — Clients can engage in therapy from a familiar and secure environment, which can enhance their willingness to open up.
Wider Choice of Therapists — Remote counselling allows individuals to connect with qualified professionals across different areas, rather than being limited to local therapists.
Types of Remote Counselling Services Available in Romford
Various forms of remote counselling services cater to different needs, preferences, and therapeutic approaches. Some of the most common options available in Romford include:
1. Online Video Counselling
Video counselling via platforms such as Zoom, Skype, or Microsoft Teams provides a face-to-face experience without requiring in-person meetings. This method is effective for individuals who value visual interaction with their therapist.
2. Telephone Counselling
For those who prefer a more private and flexible option, telephone counselling allows clients to speak with a therapist without video interaction. This approach is beneficial for individuals who feel anxious about being seen on camera.
3. Text-Based Counselling
Some counselling services offer support through live chat or email, allowing clients to communicate with their therapist through written messages. This method can be useful for individuals who express themselves better through writing.
4. Group Therapy Sessions
Remote group therapy sessions enable individuals to connect with others who share similar struggles. This approach provides emotional support, reduces feelings of isolation, and fosters a sense of community.
Leading Remote Counselling Providers in Romford
Several organizations and private practitioners offer remote counselling services in Romford. Some of the leading providers include:
NHS Talking Therapies
The NHS offers free and confidential therapy services for individuals experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, and other common mental health issues.
Services include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), guided self-help, and counselling.
Mind Havering
A local branch of the mental health charity Mind, providing online and telephone counselling services for residents of Romford and surrounding areas.
They offer various mental health support programs, including mindfulness and stress management courses.
Private Online Therapists
Many qualified private therapists in Romford offer remote sessions through platforms like BetterHelp, Counselling Directory, and Psychology Today.
Clients can choose therapists based on their specialization, experience, and approach to therapy.
Samaritans Romford
Provides free 24/7 emotional support through phone and online chat services for individuals experiencing distress or crisis.
Helpline: 116 123
How to Choose the Right Remote Counselling Service
Selecting the right remote counselling service can be overwhelming, but considering the following factors can help individuals make an informed decision:
Therapist Qualifications — Ensure the therapist is accredited by professional bodies such as the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
Specialization — Choose a therapist experienced in dealing with specific issues such as anxiety, trauma, relationships, or grief.
Cost and Insurance Coverage — Verify pricing and whether the service is covered by private health insurance or available through the NHS.
Personal Comfort — Opt for a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and whose communication style suits your needs.
Therapy Modality — Consider whether video, phone, text, or group therapy best aligns with personal preferences.
Overcoming Stigma and Barriers
Despite the increasing acceptance of mental health support, some individuals still hesitate to seek therapy due to stigma, cultural beliefs, or misconceptions. Remote counselling can help address these barriers by offering discreet and flexible access to support.
Employers, community groups, and healthcare providers in Romford can play a role in promoting mental well-being by raising awareness and encouraging the use of remote counselling services.
Remote counselling services in Romford, Greater London, have revolutionized mental health care, making it more accessible, affordable, and convenient. Whether seeking support for stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship challenges, individuals can find effective and professional assistance from the comfort of their homes. With a range of options, including online video calls, telephone sessions, and text-based support, remote counselling is an invaluable resource for those in need of mental health care. By embracing these services, Romford residents can take proactive steps toward emotional well-being and personal growth.
Related Post: Online Mental Health Support in Romford, Greater London
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templedekhosblog · 15 days ago
Temple Websites in India: A Digital Gateway to Sacred Destinations
India, with its deep spiritual heritage, is home to some of the most famous temples in India. These sacred sites attract millions of devotees annually, seeking divine blessings and experiencing the spiritual grandeur of these architectural marvels. From the revered Himalayan shrines to the intricately designed temples of South India, these holy places hold immense cultural, religious, and historical significance. With the advent of technology, temple websites in India have emerged as a crucial medium for devotees to stay connected with their faith. Whether it's virtual darshan, online donations, or real-time temple updates, these platforms have revolutionized the way worshippers interact with temples.
The Growing Significance of Indian Temple Websites
The concept of Indian temple websites has gained immense importance in today’s digital era. Temples have evolved beyond being just physical places of worship; they have embraced technology to reach devotees across the world. Whether you are planning a pilgrimage, looking for spiritual guidance, or simply seeking divine blessings from afar, these websites offer a range of services to make religious experiences seamless and fulfilling.
Key Features of Hindu Temple Websites
Many Hindu temples in India have developed their own digital platforms to provide a variety of services, such as:
Live streaming of aarti and special pujas
Online booking for darshan and prasad
Virtual temple tours for remote devotees
Secure digital donation portals for religious offerings
Detailed temple history and architectural insights
Information on temple festivals, rituals, and traditions
Travel and accommodation details for pilgrims
Social media engagement for spiritual teachings and community interaction
These features have transformed temple visits into more convenient and immersive experiences, ensuring that devotees stay connected to their faith regardless of their location.
Enhancing the Pilgrimage Experience Through Digital Access
For centuries, pilgrimage has been an integral part of Hindu culture. With the increasing influence of digital technology, India temples are now making pilgrimage journeys smoother and more accessible through online services. Some of the key digital advancements by famous Hindu temples in India include:
Pre-registration and e-pass systems to manage large crowds efficiently
Mobile-friendly interfaces for easy browsing and navigation
Dedicated helplines for pilgrims requiring assistance
Audio and video guides explaining temple history, significance, and rituals
Integration with travel platforms to assist in itinerary planning
Community forums where devotees can share experiences and seek guidance
Online reservations for temple accommodations
This digital transformation has made spiritual journeys more convenient and inclusive, allowing people from across the globe to connect with their faith in new and meaningful ways.
Finding Hindu Temples Near You
If you're looking for Hindu temples near me, technology has made it easier than ever to locate temples in your vicinity. Websites such as TemplePurohit, Google Maps, and Justdial provide detailed listings of famous temples to visit in India, complete with visitor reviews, temple timings, and directions. Many Indian temple websites now feature GPS-based services that help devotees plan their spiritual tours more efficiently.
Additionally, several mobile applications are dedicated to temple visits, offering daily updates, real-time notifications about religious events, and virtual darshan options for those who cannot visit in person.
Most Famous Temples in India
India is home to numerous world-famous temples in India, each with its own unique significance, history, and architectural splendor. Some of the most revered Hindu temples in India include:
Shri Venkateswara Temple, Tirupati – One of the wealthiest and most visited temples globally
Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi – A sacred Jyotirlinga dedicated to Lord Shiva
Meenakshi Temple, Madurai – Known for its stunning Dravidian architecture
Jagannath Temple, Puri – Home to the grand Rath Yatra festival
Golden Temple, Amritsar – A revered Sikh pilgrimage site with stunning golden architecture
Kedarnath and Badrinath Temples – Important Himalayan pilgrimage destinations
Somnath Temple, Gujarat – One of the twelve sacred Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva
Ramanathaswamy Temple, Rameswaram – A significant pilgrimage site associated with Lord Rama
Each of these famous Hindu temples in India now maintains official websites where devotees can check darshan schedules, make donations, and get the latest temple updates. Whether you plan to visit physically or participate in virtual rituals, these websites ensure that spiritual experiences are accessible to all.
The Future of Digital Spirituality
The rise of temple websites in India has made religious worship more accessible than ever before. Whether you seek to visit a famous Hindu temple in India in person or experience a virtual darshan from your home, these platforms ensure that faith remains an integral part of life despite physical distances. The integration of digital tools with traditional religious practices has opened new avenues for spiritual engagement, allowing people to remain devoted and connected in a fast-paced world.
With the growing digital presence of India famous Hindu temples, devotees can now participate in religious ceremonies, seek spiritual knowledge, and contribute to temple activities with just a few clicks. As technology continues to advance, these platforms will play an even more crucial role in preserving India’s rich cultural and religious heritage.
As religious tourism continues to flourish, Indian temple websites are helping devotees stay connected with their faith, no matter where they are. Whether you're searching for famous temples to visit in India, exploring India famous Hindu temples, or looking for Hindu temples near me, the digital world has made it easier than ever to access spiritual experiences. With just a click, you can embark on a divine journey, reinforcing the timeless essence of devotion in a modern, interconnected world.
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qnewsau · 21 days ago
Coalition MPs vote in favour of Pauline Hanson's trans inquiry
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/coalition-mps-vote-in-favour-of-pauline-hansons-trans-inquiry/
Coalition MPs vote in favour of Pauline Hanson's trans inquiry
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Eighteen Coalition senators have thrown their support behind One Nation leader Pauline Hanson’s call for a parliamentary inquiry into the “need for a national ban” on medical treatments for transgender children.
In the Senate on Monday, Pauline Hanson put forward her ultimately unsuccessful motion for the parliamentary inquiry.
Hanson moved for a Senate committee to examine “the human cost of experimental child gender treatments” and “the need for a national ban on gender-related medical interventions for individuals under the age of 18.”
Three Coalition senators – Andrew Bragg, Maria Kovacic and Richard Colbeck – joined with Labor, Greens and independents to defeat Hanson’s motion.
But eighteen Coalition MPs – including frontbenchers Bridget McKenzie, Michaelia Cash (pictured above) and Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, and MPs Alex Antic and Matt Canavan – voted in favour.
An independent, national review of medical treatment for transgender children is already underway in Australia with allegedly bipartisan support.
Health Minister Mark Butler last month asked Australia’s peak medical research body, the National Health and Medical Research Council, to develop national guidelines for medical treatment, including puberty blockers.
He called the review as the Queensland government blocked access to hormone therapies for trans youth under 18.
Butler said at the time “these issues should be nationally consistent, and in my view, driven by the pre-eminent authority.”
Opposition health spokeswoman Anne Ruston backed the review at the time, agreeing adolescent health “should be informed by empirical evidence and by our health experts”.
‘Anyone who doesn’t accept that is simply playing politics’
Following the Senate vote yesterday, Mark Butler said the Coalition is “clearly deeply divided on this”.
“I thought that Peter Dutton, as the leader of the Coalition, made it clear that he didn’t want division and politics played on this,” he said.
“I asked the NHMRC… to conduct a review and issue new clinical guidelines for the treatment of trans and gender diverse children and teenagers.
“That’s their statutory charter set out in their legislation. They’ve got decades of experience in this matter. They are undoubtedly the preeminent authority to issue clinical guidelines in this area.
“Anyone who doesn’t accept that is simply playing politics with the lives and the health, particularly the mental health, of some of Australia’s most vulnerable young people.”
The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Coalition Peter Dutton last week privately read the riot act to shadow ministers instructing focus on the cost of living, instead of “culture wars”.
However last week, Dutton was on Sky News discussing his support for a national debate on trans rights, including inclusion of trans athletes in sport.
If you need support, help is available from QLife on 1800 184 527 or online at QLife.org.au, Lifeline on 13 11 14, Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, or beyondblue on 1300 22 4636.
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simarjeet12 · 1 month ago
Encouraging Women: India's Revolutionary Path
India's journey toward Women empowerment India has been revolutionary and is still changing the socioeconomic and cultural landscape of the country. Giving women equal access to education, work, decision-making, and opportunity in all areas of life is part of the idea of women's empowerment. India has made great progress in promoting this cause throughout the years, yet there are still obstacles in the way of attaining complete gender parity.
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The Historical Background of Indian Women's Empowerment
India has a long history of strong, independent women. Women have been crucial in forming the country, from Sarojini Naidu's literary achievements to Rani Lakshmibai's courageous participation in the Indian uprising of 1857. However, patriarchal structures and sociocultural norms limited women's autonomy and rights for generations. Their potential was drastically constrained by customs like child marriage, dowries, and restricted educational opportunities.
With social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar fighting for women's rights, the movement for women's empowerment in India gained traction in the 19th and 20th centuries. The foundation for the current gender equality movement was established by these initiatives.
Government Programs to Empower Women
The Indian government implemented a number of laws and initiatives to empower women after gaining independence. Article 15 of the Constitution forbids discrimination on the basis of gender, and Article 39 stresses that men and women should be paid equally for equal labor. A number of flagship projects have been introduced in recent years:
Beti Padhao and Bachao: Addressing gender-based discrimination and advancing girls' education are the goals of this campaign.
The Ujjwala Yojana promotes health and lessens dependency by giving women from households below the poverty line access to LPG connections.
By offering financial support for commercial endeavors, the Stand-Up India Scheme encourages women entrepreneurs.
Women Helpline Scheme: Provides women who are victims of abuse or violence with round-the-clock support.
These initiatives have had a major impact on women's freedom and quality of life improvements.
The Foundation of Empowerment: Education
In India, women's empowerment is based on education. In recent years, the percentage of women who are literate has increased significantly, from just 8.86% in 1951 to over 70%. Girls' access to school has improved thanks in large part to government initiatives like Samagra Shiksha and Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya.
There are still difficulties in spite of these developments. Concerns about socioeconomic dropout rates and gender inequality in higher education persist. A multifaceted strategy including community involvement, legislative changes, and financial incentives for families to send their daughters to school is needed to address these problems.
Employment Inclusion and Economic Empowerment
One essential component of women's empowerment is economic freedom. With more women occupying positions in a variety of industries, including technology, healthcare, and entrepreneurship, the number of women in India's workforce has been continuously rising.
Indian women's entrepreneurial spirit is demonstrated by the growth of women-led companies and businesses. Women now have opportunities to demonstrate their abilities and attain financial independence thanks to platforms like "Mahila E-Haat" and the Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA). To guarantee a truly inclusive workforce, however, issues like unequal compensation, workplace harassment, and a lack of representation in leadership roles must be addressed immediately.
Well-being and Health
Women's empowerment requires access to healthcare. With initiatives like "Poshan Abhiyaan" and "Janani Suraksha Yojana," India has significantly improved maternal and child health. Maternal mortality rates and child and maternal malnutrition have decreased as a result of these efforts.
However, progress is hampered by the stigma associated with reproductive health and the lack of adequate healthcare infrastructure in rural areas. Campaigns for awareness, better facilities, and culturally competent healthcare services are all necessary to address these problems.
Dismantling Social Barriers
In India, empowering women also entails dispelling long-standing prejudices and social conventions. Issues of gender-based violence and harassment have gained attention thanks to campaigns against domestic abuse and movements like #MeToo. Laws like the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act (2013) and the Domestic Violence Act (2005) have given women the means to defend their rights.
Maintaining these initiatives requires a shift in public perceptions. Stereotypes can be broken down and gender sensitivity can be encouraged with the support of education and awareness initiatives aimed at both men and women.
Leadership and Political Representation
Another crucial aspect of women's empowerment is political engagement. With the help of leaders like Indira Gandhi, India's first female prime minister, and Pratibha Patil, the country's first female president, women in India have achieved incredible advancements in political leadership. Women's participation in local governance has expanded dramatically since Panchayati Raj institutions reserved 33% of their seats for them.
However, there is still a lack of representation in legislatures and higher political positions. Creating a conducive atmosphere through mentorship, training, and policy changes is necessary to encourage more women to enter the political sphere.
Technology's Contribution to Women's Empowerment
In India, technology has become a potent instrument for women's empowerment. The availability of smartphones, the internet, and digital platforms has created new avenues for social interaction, enterprise, and education. In order to close the digital divide and guarantee that women gain an equitable share from technical breakthroughs, digital literacy programs and initiatives such as "Digital India" are being implemented.
Women can now express their views, create networks, and look for assistance on online platforms. Campaigns on social media have effectively sparked community action and increased awareness of important topics.
Obstacles on the Way Forward
Despite the advancements, India still confronts a number of obstacles to women's empowerment:
Patriarchal Mindsets: Women's opportunities are still restricted by traditional attitudes and behaviors.
Gender-Based Violence: Human trafficking, honor killings, and domestic abuse are still common crimes.
Economic Inequalities: There is still a gender pay gap and restricted access to resources.
Urban-Rural Divide: In contrast to their urban counterparts, rural women frequently do not have access to healthcare, education, or work opportunities.
The Path Ahead
All facets of society must work together to achieve true women's empowerment in India. Important actions consist of:
Encouraging early education and knowledge of gender-sensitive issues.
Bolstering legal frameworks and making sure they are applied effectively.
Motivating males to take an active role as allies in the empowering process.
Utilizing focused strategies and initiatives to close the gap between urban and rural areas.
In India, empowering women is not just a goal but also essential to the overall growth of the nation. Stronger families, communities, and economies are a result of empowered women. Even though there has been a lot of progress, much more has to be done. India can unleash the potential of its women and create a more promising and inclusive future by cultivating an atmosphere of equality, respect, and opportunity.
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news365timesindia · 1 month ago
[ad_1] Mpower, an initiative of the Aditya Birla Education Trust (ABET), founded by Mrs. Neerja Birla, participated in the Tata Mumbai Marathon Dream Run for the third consecutive year in 2025, bringing together over 1,100 enthusiastic participants to raise awareness about mental health. The event saw strong support from Aditya Birla Group (ABG) employees and senior leaders. The event also marks a significant milestone for Mpower, celebrating its ninth anniversary of dedicated service in improving mental health access and fostering a more inclusive society.   Mrs. Neerja Birla’s initiative, Mpower, brings together over 1,000 participants for the TATA Marathon 2025 Dream Run, championing mental health awareness With 1 in 7 Indians affected by mental health issues, yet only 10% of those in need seeking help due to stigma, misconceptions, and limited resources, Mpower’s participation underscores the urgent need to break the stigma surrounding mental health. The Tata Mumbai Marathon provides an invaluable platform to raise awareness, particularly among the younger generation, who represent the future of India. Mpower's message is clear: mental health is as important as physical health and deserves equal attention and care.   Mpower leads the charge for mental health awareness at the TATA Marathon 2025 Dream Run, breaking the stigma and driving meaningful change The 1,100 participants in the Dream Run included students from various schools and colleges in Mumbai, volunteers, and employees of Aditya Birla Education Trust and Aditya Birla Group companies. Ms Parveen Shaikh, President of Mpower, who led the charge at the marathon, stated, "Mental health remains an underserved issue, but it is critical to the well-being of individuals and society. Under the visionary Guidance of Mrs. Neerja Birla Mpower has been working relentlessly to break the stigma surrounding mental health. The Tata Mumbai Marathon provides us with a powerful platform to ignite meaningful conversations and connect with the wider public, especially the youth. We are committed to building mental health champions who spread the message that seeking help is a sign of strength. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that mental health support is accessible, affordable and free from stigma” As part of Mpower’s ongoing efforts to offer tangible support, Mpower’s flagship 24x7 toll-free helpline, Mpower 1on1 Let’s Talk (1800-120-820050), offers immediate, bilingual assistance from trained psychologists to anyone in need. This helpline has been a vital resource for individuals facing mental health challenges, providing guidance and intervention whenever required with the mission to #StampOutStigma surrounding mental health. About Mpower Mpower, an initiative of Aditya Birla Education Trust is a pioneering social enterprise dedicated to transforming India's approach to mental health. Founded 8 years ago, Mpower has emerged as a leading force in spreading awareness, reducing stigma, and delivering holistic mental health care. With a robust team of over 200 trained professionals, Mpower impacts more than 121 million lives across seven cities, including Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, and Pune, as well as in Pilani, Goa, Kalyan, and Hyderabad. Operating through five key verticals-Movement, Clinical Care, Outreach, Academia, and Mpower 1 on 1-Mpower offers a comprehensive range of services. The Movement focuses on changing cultural perceptions and alleviating stigma. Clinical Care provides world-class mental health services through the Centre, the Foundation, and the Cell, catering to various needs from holistic care to affordable support for the underprivileged. The Outreach vertical drives awareness and capacity-building through IGNITE Programs for schools, colleges, NGOs, and corporates. Academia equips individuals and professionals with skills to handle mental health crises and foster empathy.
The Helpline offers 24/7 multilingual support, while special projects like Samvedana enhance mental health care in primary health centers. Mpower’s integrated approach and collaboration with government agencies underscore its commitment to creating a supportive and stigma-free mental health landscape. For more details or media inquiries, please contact: [email protected], [email protected]  !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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sleep-safe · 4 months ago
More resources: Inclusive Therapists.com/crisis
• Call Blackline: 800-604-5841
• Centers BI&POC, LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens
• Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860 (US), 877-330-6366 (Canada)
• Run by and for Trans people
• Wildflower Alliance Peer Support Line: 888-407-4515
• Trained peer supporters
• Strong Hearts Native Helpline: 844-762-8483
• Centering Native Americans & Alaska Natives
• Thrive Lifeline: 313-662-8209
• Trans-led and operated
• LGBT National Help Center: 888-843-4564
@Inclusive Therapists
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