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actuallysaiyan · 2 years ago
'Til You Cannot Speak(Ryomen Sukuna x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, PERIOD SEX, PERIODS, MENSTRUATIONS, BODILY FLUIDS, BLOODY SEX, cannot stress that enough, Sukuna is FILTHY, unprotected sex, creampies, cunnilingus/fem receiving oral, bloody oral, PERIOD SEX!!!!, kind of AU since Sukuna isn't in Yuji's body
word count: 1.4k
pairings: Ryomen Sukuna x Fem!Reader
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He’s kind of tired of listening to you bitch and complain about your cramps. Every time it’s your time of the month, you get so bitchy. He knows you can’t really help it, but he also knows that he has everything in his powers to be able to help you. And still you’d rather complain and play coy instead of just coming out to ask him. 
So one night, while you’re a few days into your period, you’re lying on the bed after a bubble bath to try and ease your cramps. Sukuna comes in after you and he sees you lying there, just basically being offered up to him. He licks his lips and saunters over to you, pressing one of his hands on the back of your thigh.
“Sukuna!” you squeak, pulling out one of the earbuds in your ear that is presently entertaining you. “You’re home early,”
He smirks, “Awh, you been missin’ me?”
You roll over on your back, your pretty doe eyes looking up at him. He’s so hooked on the way you always look at him like he’s your god, which he pretty much is. You nod your head, then you tell him how much you’ve missed him. He smirks once more, then licks his lips as he begins to spread your thighs.
“How about I make it up to you, pretty little slut?”
Your cheeks redden, “W-wait, you know I’m on my period.” 
Sukuna laughs, “That hasn’t stopped me before, and it won’t now.”
With your cheeks burning even more, Sukuna crawls onto the bed. He rips that little fluffy towel off your pretty body, and he gets quite the eyeful. He almost gets love drunk on seeing you naked. His cock gets so hard as you whimper. His knuckles brush against your glistening cunt, and he groans as he sees the slight pink tinge in the wetness.
“You think a little blood will keep me away from your sweet cunt?”
His words make butterflies flutter in your tummy. You’ve never been with someone who was so willing to fool around when you were on your period, yet you know that Sukuna isn’t just any somebody. He is the king of curses after all. You feel him rubbing your folds with his fingers now, just making you leak out even more of your nectar. Then he leans in, his tongue stretched to taste that first flow of your juices.
“Mmmm, you taste so sweet. My little slut always tastes so good.”
You whine and buck your hips up, hoping to get just a bit more stimulation. A gasp is ripped from you as Sukuna pushes you down on the bed forcefully and he bites your inner thigh. He looks up at you, a warning look glowing in those eyes of his.
“Don’t be fuckin’ greedy, got it?” Sukuna warns, and you know he will not warn you again. “Don’t be a fuckin’ brat. I’m helping you out.”
“‘M sorry, Sukuna. Just…it feels so good.”
He laughs at you, mocking your cute little noises. He always loves having you at his mercy. He knows he can be rough with you as much as he wants. Right now, he wants to lose himself in the taste of your bloody cunt. Sukuna isn’t sure if you taste sweeter when you’re on your period or when you’re ovulating. Either way, he always gets to taste you.
A growl rumbles through his chest as he continues to lap at you, and all the dirty and filthy things he says gets muffled by your slick. He loves to talk with his mouth full, His eyes flicker up your body and he’s filled with this excitement and giddiness when he sees just how fucked out you are just with him licking your pussy.
“How cute,” he praises in a mocking tone. “Don’t tell me you’re going to tap out already,”
You whine, “N-no, ‘want more, please.”
He pulls away from you, and you see just how wild and feral he looks. There’s blood dripping down his chin and he doesn’t even wipe it away. Instead, he pushes your legs so that your knees are pressed against your chest. Sukuna smirks at the gorgeous way you just open up for him, even when you’re bleeding like this.
“Just like a bitch in heat, hm? You’re always so obedient,”
The words go straight to your swollen clit, and Sukuna giggles darkly when he sees how your pussy is just twitching only from the filthy words he says to you. He loves that he has this effect on you. With one hand, he keeps your legs pushed up and with the other, he opens his pants. Your eyes widen when you see his thick cock spring out, and you feel your mouth water at the sight of him even if you’ve seen him a million times.
“Heheheh, good girl…yes, such a good girl for me.”
Sukuna strokes his cock a little lazily, and he watches you squirm to try and get closer to him. He knows that you crave a good fuck whenever you’re on your period. Something about your hormones changing and the pain in your body. You just want to be able to relax and feel good. Sukuna knows he’s got a duty to keep his little lover pleasured and fucked out whenever you’re in this state.
You gasp as you feel his cock bullying its way into you, and you cling to him as he bottoms out in one quick thrust. He smirks at your cute little expression. It’s hard sometimes for him not to just blow his load right then and there when you look so damn adorable. Even if he did cum quickly, he knows he can just keep going and going. 
“Mmmm, fuck you feel good,” Sukuna mumbles, and he begins pressing kisses all over your neck.
His hips rock fast and hard, his pelvis basically digging into yours as he pounds himself into you. The whole time, your juices and period blood just gets smeared all over his lower abdomen. Sukuna’s eyes snap down to where the two of you are connected and he couldn’t be happier with the sight of the mess he’s creating with you.
“Yes! YES! That’s it!” He cries out, his voice full of lust.
You can barely hang on. Every thrust has his cock sliding so deep inside of you. It bruises your sweet spot and cervix, rendering your brain into mush. You can’t even think straight. You’re just letting him fuck himself into you, over and over. There is an obvious sound of wet skin slapping together as Sukuna fucks you fervently.
“Gonna pump my seed into you,” he purrs in your ear. “Wouldn’t you love that?”
You whimper, “Please, ‘kuna…”
He chuckles, “Nah, I need you to tell me what you need. Use those words, baby girl.”
You swallow hard, your brain trying to catch up with the information you're receiving. Your orgasm is impending, and you find it hard to say anything to Sukuna as you feel the pleasure building so deep in your tummy. You lick your lips a few times, and Sukuna goads you on to tell him what you want.
“N-not fair, ‘m gonna cum…”
He enjoys seeing you like this. He loves to fuck you stupid until you can’t even think straight. One of his hands slides down your body to begin rubbing your swollen and aching clit.You yelp as the pleasure builds to something so intense, you’re panting and begging and not even making much sense as you babble on about how you’re cumming and how good it feels.
As your silky walls begin milking Sukuna, he feels his own climax coming on. He can’t keep his eyes to one place for long, as all of it is so debaucherous and filthy. Your little hole is leaking such beautiful fluids along with that sweet menstrual blood. And your face is so cute as you are already fucked out.
“Tell me you want my cum! Say it now!” Sukuna growls, and you shudder.
“I need it, ‘kuna. Wanna be filled with your cum.”
That’s all he needs to hear before he’s exploding so deep inside of you. The filthiest growls and groans come from him, and he begins to tell you how good your little cunt is. He fucks his cum so deep inside of you, pushing it deeper and deeper until he rides out his high. Once he’s satisfied, he pulls out and begins rubbing his blood-soaked cock to your folds.
“What a good girl you are,”
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bidisasterevankinard · 11 days ago
I was eating corn bread with meat, ketchup and pineapples and my dad said it looked too strange. He tried and decided it's not really good (ketchup with pineapples). I left out the part where i craved smt like it, especially pineapples in this mix, because I have menstruations started today. Like dad, i was eating it bc my brain and body are fucked with hornones
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danywylde93 · 3 months ago
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Et c'est répartie pour un tour drapeau rouge 💄🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸
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konatat · 2 years ago
The Psychological Harm of Menstruations (short)
Periods are a bitch.Anyone who suffers with periods knows it is more than dealing with monthly bleeding, it is dealing with all the other stuff that comes with it that monthly horror.Often our periods and bad moods are mocked by “Oh, they are angry, they must be PMSing”, for those who don’t know PMS is known as Premenstrual Syndrome, it is where someone hormone levels change before your menstrual…
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View On WordPress
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megafaunatic · 7 months ago
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gay people house meshi
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sayruq · 6 months ago
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Palestinian girls and women are forced to use tents as pads. People boost. Donate if you can
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mostly-funnytwittertweets · 6 months ago
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lovegasmic · 3 months ago
getting a glimpse of Sukuna’s dumbfounded expression was not common, the first was when you confessed to be in love with him, the second, right now.
“are you dying or what the hell is wrong with you, woman?” he asks, standing still on the doorframe while you curl into a ball on your shared bed, period cramps.
“shut up— fuck, can you pass me an ibuprofen?” you ask with a pained expression, to which Sukuna stays still.
“... a what?”
“ugh! a pill, it’s in the bathroom cabinet” you’re two seconds away from snapping, but also know that Sukuna’s old ass does not know how medicine works. at least he’s kind enough to bring a glass of water too.
“what is—”
“cramps” you cut his questioning short with a bit more anger than you should, and of course, your boyfriend lifts a brow.
“watch your tone” you sigh at his words, eyes rolling as you lay in bed and turn on your side again.
and Sukuna is even more confused now, why are you mad? why are you ignoring him, why are you laying with your back facing him?!
he hates this, hates your attitude, but still quietly slides in bed behind you, he doesn’t understand a thing, but his hands come to cover your lower belly like he saw you doing a while ago, pressing his nose on the crook of your neck, he doesn’t speak, knowing you’re not in the mood. so instead just— uncharacteristically— waits, waits until you tell him what’s wrong, and then he can pamper or punish that bratty behavior depending on your answer.
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myautisticpov · 1 year ago
"People shouldn't post about how the contraceptive pill can be prescribed for non-contraceptive reasons because it's sex negative" feels like a take that can only come from people who don't realise just how young some people end up being prescribed the pill
Like, fine, you, person in your twenties, might be comfortable being like "this is the pill I take to fuck without getting pregnant", but I don't think it's sex negative for a thirteen-year-old who has been prescribed it for debilitating period pain to not want to have to hide their medication from their classmates on an overnight school trip because their classmates think that the only reason anyone would take it is that they're sexually active
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shamebats · 4 months ago
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actuallysaiyan · 8 months ago
Reblogging cause of reasons 😈
'Til You Cannot Speak(Ryomen Sukuna x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, PERIOD SEX, PERIODS, MENSTRUATIONS, BODILY FLUIDS, BLOODY SEX, cannot stress that enough, Sukuna is FILTHY, unprotected sex, creampies, cunnilingus/fem receiving oral, bloody oral, PERIOD SEX!!!!, kind of AU since Sukuna isn't in Yuji's body
word count: 1.4k
pairings: Ryomen Sukuna x Fem!Reader
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He’s kind of tired of listening to you bitch and complain about your cramps. Every time it’s your time of the month, you get so bitchy. He knows you can’t really help it, but he also knows that he has everything in his powers to be able to help you. And still you’d rather complain and play coy instead of just coming out to ask him. 
So one night, while you’re a few days into your period, you’re lying on the bed after a bubble bath to try and ease your cramps. Sukuna comes in after you and he sees you lying there, just basically being offered up to him. He licks his lips and saunters over to you, pressing one of his hands on the back of your thigh.
“Sukuna!” you squeak, pulling out one of the earbuds in your ear that is presently entertaining you. “You’re home early,”
He smirks, “Awh, you been missin’ me?”
You roll over on your back, your pretty doe eyes looking up at him. He’s so hooked on the way you always look at him like he’s your god, which he pretty much is. You nod your head, then you tell him how much you’ve missed him. He smirks once more, then licks his lips as he begins to spread your thighs.
“How about I make it up to you, pretty little slut?”
Your cheeks redden, “W-wait, you know I’m on my period.” 
Sukuna laughs, “That hasn’t stopped me before, and it won’t now.”
With your cheeks burning even more, Sukuna crawls onto the bed. He rips that little fluffy towel off your pretty body, and he gets quite the eyeful. He almost gets love drunk on seeing you naked. His cock gets so hard as you whimper. His knuckles brush against your glistening cunt, and he groans as he sees the slight pink tinge in the wetness.
“You think a little blood will keep me away from your sweet cunt?”
His words make butterflies flutter in your tummy. You’ve never been with someone who was so willing to fool around when you were on your period, yet you know that Sukuna isn’t just any somebody. He is the king of curses after all. You feel him rubbing your folds with his fingers now, just making you leak out even more of your nectar. Then he leans in, his tongue stretched to taste that first flow of your juices.
“Mmmm, you taste so sweet. My little slut always tastes so good.”
You whine and buck your hips up, hoping to get just a bit more stimulation. A gasp is ripped from you as Sukuna pushes you down on the bed forcefully and he bites your inner thigh. He looks up at you, a warning look glowing in those eyes of his.
“Don’t be fuckin’ greedy, got it?” Sukuna warns, and you know he will not warn you again. “Don’t be a fuckin’ brat. I’m helping you out.”
“‘M sorry, Sukuna. Just…it feels so good.”
He laughs at you, mocking your cute little noises. He always loves having you at his mercy. He knows he can be rough with you as much as he wants. Right now, he wants to lose himself in the taste of your bloody cunt. Sukuna isn’t sure if you taste sweeter when you’re on your period or when you’re ovulating. Either way, he always gets to taste you.
A growl rumbles through his chest as he continues to lap at you, and all the dirty and filthy things he says gets muffled by your slick. He loves to talk with his mouth full, His eyes flicker up your body and he’s filled with this excitement and giddiness when he sees just how fucked out you are just with him licking your pussy.
“How cute,” he praises in a mocking tone. “Don’t tell me you’re going to tap out already,”
You whine, “N-no, ‘want more, please.”
He pulls away from you, and you see just how wild and feral he looks. There’s blood dripping down his chin and he doesn’t even wipe it away. Instead, he pushes your legs so that your knees are pressed against your chest. Sukuna smirks at the gorgeous way you just open up for him, even when you’re bleeding like this.
“Just like a bitch in heat, hm? You’re always so obedient,”
The words go straight to your swollen clit, and Sukuna giggles darkly when he sees how your pussy is just twitching only from the filthy words he says to you. He loves that he has this effect on you. With one hand, he keeps your legs pushed up and with the other, he opens his pants. Your eyes widen when you see his thick cock spring out, and you feel your mouth water at the sight of him even if you’ve seen him a million times.
“Heheheh, good girl…yes, such a good girl for me.”
Sukuna strokes his cock a little lazily, and he watches you squirm to try and get closer to him. He knows that you crave a good fuck whenever you’re on your period. Something about your hormones changing and the pain in your body. You just want to be able to relax and feel good. Sukuna knows he’s got a duty to keep his little lover pleasured and fucked out whenever you’re in this state.
You gasp as you feel his cock bullying its way into you, and you cling to him as he bottoms out in one quick thrust. He smirks at your cute little expression. It’s hard sometimes for him not to just blow his load right then and there when you look so damn adorable. Even if he did cum quickly, he knows he can just keep going and going. 
“Mmmm, fuck you feel good,” Sukuna mumbles, and he begins pressing kisses all over your neck.
His hips rock fast and hard, his pelvis basically digging into yours as he pounds himself into you. The whole time, your juices and period blood just gets smeared all over his lower abdomen. Sukuna’s eyes snap down to where the two of you are connected and he couldn’t be happier with the sight of the mess he’s creating with you.
“Yes! YES! That’s it!” He cries out, his voice full of lust.
You can barely hang on. Every thrust has his cock sliding so deep inside of you. It bruises your sweet spot and cervix, rendering your brain into mush. You can’t even think straight. You’re just letting him fuck himself into you, over and over. There is an obvious sound of wet skin slapping together as Sukuna fucks you fervently.
“Gonna pump my seed into you,” he purrs in your ear. “Wouldn’t you love that?”
You whimper, “Please, ‘kuna…”
He chuckles, “Nah, I need you to tell me what you need. Use those words, baby girl.”
You swallow hard, your brain trying to catch up with the information you're receiving. Your orgasm is impending, and you find it hard to say anything to Sukuna as you feel the pleasure building so deep in your tummy. You lick your lips a few times, and Sukuna goads you on to tell him what you want.
“N-not fair, ‘m gonna cum…”
He enjoys seeing you like this. He loves to fuck you stupid until you can’t even think straight. One of his hands slides down your body to begin rubbing your swollen and aching clit.You yelp as the pleasure builds to something so intense, you’re panting and begging and not even making much sense as you babble on about how you’re cumming and how good it feels.
As your silky walls begin milking Sukuna, he feels his own climax coming on. He can’t keep his eyes to one place for long, as all of it is so debaucherous and filthy. Your little hole is leaking such beautiful fluids along with that sweet menstrual blood. And your face is so cute as you are already fucked out.
“Tell me you want my cum! Say it now!” Sukuna growls, and you shudder.
“I need it, ‘kuna. Wanna be filled with your cum.”
That’s all he needs to hear before he’s exploding so deep inside of you. The filthiest growls and groans come from him, and he begins to tell you how good your little cunt is. He fucks his cum so deep inside of you, pushing it deeper and deeper until he rides out his high. Once he’s satisfied, he pulls out and begins rubbing his blood-soaked cock to your folds.
“What a good girl you are,”
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gaylactic-fire · 1 year ago
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The Curse
Aka Hylia's favourite transmasc gets amnesia and forgets what periods are
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danywylde93 · 2 months ago
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No my period avait i have enough , it's too much
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irhabiya · 8 months ago
i'm curious how many people also don't experience cramps as their main symptom, because back pain is the worst for me by far it's usually how i can tell my period is coming up too
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reasonsforhope · 12 days ago
"A medical technology company in Australia is aiming for a world-first: it wants to launch a blood test for endometriosis (sometimes called 'endo' for short) within the first half of this year [2025].
In a recent peer-reviewed trial, its novel test proved 99.7 percent accurate at distinguishing severe cases of endometriosis from patients without the disease but with similar symptoms.
Even in the early stages of the disease, when blood markers may be harder to pick out, the test's accuracy remained over 85 percent.
The company behind the patent, Proteomics International, says it is currently adapting the method "for use in a clinical environment," with a target launch date in Australia for the second quarter of this year [2025].
The test is called PromarkerEndo.
"This advancement marks a significant step toward non-invasive, personalized care for a condition that has long been underserved by current medical approaches," managing director of Proteomics International Richard Lipscombe said in a press release from December 30.
Endometriosis is a common inflammatory disease that occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows in other parts of the body, forming lesions. The disease can be very painful, and yet the average patient often suffers debilitating symptoms for up to seven years before they are properly diagnosed.
While there are numerous reasons for such a long delay, symptoms of endometriosis are often highly variable, unpredictable, difficult to measure or describe, and dismissed or overlooked by doctors.
Today, the only definitive way to diagnose endometriosis is via keyhole surgery called a laparoscopy, which is expensive, invasive, and carries risks.
Proteomics International is hoping to change that.
In collaboration with researchers at the University of Melbourne and the Royal Women's Hospital, the company compared the bloodwork data from 749 participants of mostly European descent.
Some had endometriosis and others had symptoms that were similar to endo but without the lesions. All participants had a laparoscopy to confirm the presence or absence of the disease.
Sifting through the bloodwork, researchers ran several different algorithms to figure out which proteins in the blood were best at predicting endometriosis of varying stages.
Building on previous research, a panel of 10 proteins showed a "clear association" with endometriosis.
For years now, scientists have investigated possible blood biomarkers of endometriosis to see if they could differentiate between those who have endo and those who do not. Similar to cancerous tumors, endo lesions can establish their own blood supply, and if cervical cancer can be diagnosed via a blood test, it seemed possible that endometriosis could be, too...
Proteomics International claims patents for PromarkerEndo are "pending in all major jurisdictions," starting first in Australia.
It remains to be seen if the company's blood test lives up to the hype and is approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). But that's not outside the realm of possibility.
In November of 2023, some researchers predicted that a "reliable non-invasive biomarker for endometriosis is highly likely in the coming years."
Perhaps this is the year."
-via ScienceAlert, January 9, 2025
Note: As someone with endometriosis, let me say that this is a HUGE deal. The condition is incredibly common, incredibly understudied, and incredibly often dismissed. Massive sexism at work here.
I got very lucky and got diagnosed after about 6 months of chronic pain (and extra extra lucky, because my pain went away with medication). But as the article says, the average time to diagnosis is seven years.
Being able to confirm endometriosis diagnoses/rates without invasive surgery will also lead to huge progress in studying/creating treatments for endo.
And fyi: If you have a period that is so painful that you can't stand up, or have to go home from school/work, or vomit, or anything else debilitating (or if any of those things apply if you forget to take pain meds), that is NOT NORMAL, and you should talk to a competent gynecologist asap.
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sayruq · 1 year ago
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CONT the delivery of essential items into Gaza.
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