#menopause age
craving pathetic wet old women characters. where is the feminism
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hopkinrx · 1 year
Menopause: Symptoms And Natural Transition in a Woman's Life
Menopause marks a significant milestone in a woman’s life, signaling the end of her reproductive years and the beginning of a new chapter. This natural biological process can bring about a range of physical, emotional, and psychological changes, often accompanied by a variety of challenges and adjustments. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of menopause, exploring its symptoms,…
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guide-beauty · 1 year
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What is NuviaLab Meno?
Menopause is a special period in the life of every mature woman. The timing of its occurrence depends on many factors and we have no control over it. However, it is only up to you what your mood will be like. With the right supplementation, you can reduce the annoying symptoms of menopause and regain your vitality.
NuviaLab Meno is an advanced multi-ingredient food supplement created for menopausal women. Its unique composition was selected to help with the most common symptoms of menopause, such as: hot flashes, excessive sweating, difficulty sleeping, a feeling of constant fatigue, irritability, decreased libido or malaise.
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mothmvn · 3 months
more cisgender women should be looking at cisgender boys' puberty as a menopause preview, honestly. i find that cis men treat menopause with more pause, ironically, because they recognise the emotional/physical rollercoaster - gee, your body is suddenly sweating absolute buckets and smelling way outside of your control? you feel gross, you keep growing patchy hairs in new itchy places, and summers have suddenly become unbearable? woof, been there done that, let's get you an ice pack and some gatorade buddy, i mean mom
until menopause hits them, cis women (among others) can sometimes treat male puberty as a gross horror that they are forced to mitigate the consequences of - ugh, men with their hair and their smelliness that they can't keep sanitised, it's a concession to live with them, it's a chore to share space with them. you know it's not just a Boy Hormone, right? this exact same testosterone will jump you in a dark alley 30 years from now, you can accept it before then or keep treating it like an enemy latched onto those around you
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runs-4-pinkcupcakes · 4 months
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Hi Bunnies!!
I hit a milestone today. Normal BMI and 20# lost in 2024. I’m only 6# from my summer goal weight and summer isn’t even here yet! #killinit
I am having some IT band tightness so my running has slowed.
Hot girl summer, anyone?? 🩷
I guess I need to join Flex Friday! 🏋️‍♂️
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zelphafrost · 5 months
The perimenopausal urge to sequester yourself away from everyone so you stop feeling so fucking combative and angry.
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hi! i know there's one for liquid ocelot already, but what about plain revolver ocelot from MGSV/MGS1? thank you btw ❤️
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revolver ocelot from metal gear solid has the insight that only a post-menopausal man could have
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Fat accumulation changes as we age, particularly in postmenopausal women. Our bodies tend to store fat in new areas, even with clean eating and regular exercise, these stubborn fat deposits can persist. But there is a solution!
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ahedderick · 10 months
When I was 40 I started having hot flashes. Not too bad, compared to what other people described, but definitely perimenopause. There were ups and downs (which would actually be a whole other post - because at one point my body started producing androgens instead of estrogen), however, at 46 everything shut down for good, and I was formally in menopause.
Not the I could get any doctor to believe that, because apparently nobody, even doctors, can understand that average age for menopause does not mean 'every single woman reaches menopause exactly at age 51.' That is NOT how averages work. I was early. Other people are later. THAT is how averages work.
I felt pretty good about it, though! All done, no more fuss or mess, no problem. Three or four years went by and one day - like a lightswitch - the hot flashes were back. Much worse this time, waking me multiple times every night drenched in sweat. And while there is, technically, medical treatment for that? It just consists of replacing the missing hormones. Which means, if you think it through, that you are just putting off the misery; you will have to go through it later when you go off HRT!! My doctor was sympathetic in explaining that, but we both felt that it would be better to just go through it instead of putting it off.
Unfortunately. I am now 54. And the hotflashes continue, seemingly a permanent misery. Worse in winter than summer, because my body tries to keep me warm and uh, overshoots the mark. By a lot. So I freeze and burn and freeze again. And it's bloody-damned inconvenient! Sweating and swearing, I trudge forward.
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omegaverse-seeker · 3 months
Can omega heats stop in specific age?
Of course. They go through their own version of menopause. Menoestrus? That sounds like a cool name for it. Either way, Omegas got eggs. They gotta run out eventually.
God, imagine having a heat in the nursing home? I wanna walk off a cliff when I just have PMS. Lol
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littledancingphoenix · 4 months
Today's still not a good day. Honestly, I don't wanna do anything except stay in bed. Maybe I'll feel more up to doing my drafts later. Sorry, everyone..
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childofeberron · 8 months
i hurt so much today and ive already cried 3 times so someone needs to take me out back and put me down
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holocene-sims · 1 year
five oc facts
@sparkiekong tagged me a VERY veryyyyy long time ago and i'm just now getting to this tag months later (i'm so sorry 😭)
i'll tag: @thebramblewood @mangosimoothie @queeniecook @stargazer-sims @dandylion240 @jonquilyst 🤍
i just did a similar prompt for áine, who is this sim's niece, so how about facts for cathal? he's also a newbie to my sims universe, and i adore him and his personality tbh, but canon reasons make it hard for him to be included too much outside of random simblr posts like this
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he is WILDLY younger than all his other siblings (like by 20 years) and was a total surprise baby. really, he's kind of a medical miracle because he was born after his mother went into menopause and was in her 40s, and no one knew he even existed until he randomly sprang into the world one august morning lmfao 💀
i think i mentioned it in one post but he's been a vegetarian for most of his life! actually, he declared himself a vegan when he was, like, six years old; he figured out what eggs and meat really were and then refused to eat animal products for decades. much to his dismay, he did have to introduce eggs and milk and whatnot back into his diet when he ran into a few nutritional deficiencies from veganism, but he's made his peace with being a vegetarian instead 🥦
he 100% does not remember his father outside of what he looked like. his dad (and aoife's younger brother) died very abruptly and super young of a heart attack when cathal was maybe three or so, and it's something that really nags at him. he's well aware there's nothing he can do about it, but he feels some strange mix of bad emotions that he never experienced a father-son bond, and that makes him 100x as serious about being a good father who'll be around a LONG time and just generally treating anyone younger than him well. he doesn't want anyone else feeling that type of loss 🥲
he actually writes an agricultural column in the local online newspaper and contributes to the county farmer's almanac lol. his big shtick is sustainability in agriculture and how new green technologies should be combined with traditional cultural approaches to the land so the earth doesn't die in, like, 10 years from excessive carbon emissions 🍃💚
he met his wife yvonne in a ballroom dance class! he was just bored one day in college and went to the class to do something new, and he immediately developed the biggest crush on the instructor. he just kept going back every week until he was brave enough to ask her out, and when he did, they hit it off. oh, and this is totally their thing - he has quite literally taken her dancing every weekend since they got together 😭😭😭
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fmet · 1 month
I have so many transmasc characters I’ve made and I never talk about them because drawing OCs scare me but just know they are there
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mamahex · 6 months
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jotun-appologist · 2 months
Still riding the high from last night when a customer who I have helped a few times before in the past and I finally broached the subject of gender and admitted we both clocked the other as trans and both didn't know how to broach the subject. We were talking about the pins on her bag and I was like
"I still need to get a progess flag one, my bag is covered in pretty much only the nonbinary flag right now"
And she got the most excited face and was like
"I knew it!" All giddy because she had guessed right lol
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