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Dental Assistant Job Scope
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Health Education Center Clinicals Scheduled (HEC) is Medicaid approved and will offer the following Clinicals on November 10th to 11th December Call (502) 762-5151 to schedule an appointment. Online CNA training Fee Kentucky The school was founded by three healthcare professionals who understand the needs of an SRNA entering the healthcare profession. H.E.C. offers the needed training for students to become a State Registered Nurse Aide (SRNA) that will allow them to enter the the health care field.
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Reasons to Count on a Chiropractor for Back Pain
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More and more people deal with chronic pain in their back, neck, shoulders, and legs, with headaches and migraines. They don’t know what to do and what path to take and eventually choose medication. This is not the best solution because it provides addiction and only the symptoms are treated, not the cause of the pain. Many reasons lead to pain, especially nowadays when people don’t exercise enough when having mobility issues, and spend too much time at their desks or on the couch. Luckily, a chiropractor for back pain can do wonders.
The good news is that people start to realize that medication is not enough and they need professional assistance from someone trained in the field, experienced, and highly specialized, with a strong medical background. This is how they end up at a female chiropractor near me. Clinics have both female and male practitioners; in case you have preferences and you only seek the assistance of a certain gender.
What Does a Chiropractor for Back Pain Imply
Chiropractic care is non-invasive and it stands by the idea that the body can heal on its own with the help of a chiropractor for back pain. The hands of the professional can relieve pain and realign the joints. Of course, practitioners in the field have years of study behind them, great experience in the field, training, and knowing exactly how the human body works. Conditions that affect your muscles and joints, bones and cartilage and connective tissue can be treated thanks to chiropractic care.
Treatments usually focus on the spine, but specialists in this field know how to treat other parts of the body as well, depending on what each patient is dealing with. They are associated with physical therapy because of their similarities, and some conditions can benefit from both. Chiropractors use their hands to manipulate the symptoms, while physical therapists focus on exercises and stretches. Some patients benefit from both and end up feeling a lot better.
A safe and drug-free method of promoting health and wellness is chiropractic therapy. The adjustments are made gently to realign the spine and relieve nervous system stress. The body is better able to mend itself when the neurological system is operating properly. This has several advantages. Chiropractic care can help you recover from injuries and reduce or eliminate discomfort temporarily. In the long run, chiropractic care regularly can lessen stress and depression, improve mobility and balance, promote flexibility, and strengthen the immune system.
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Why Search for a Female Chiropractor Near Me
Not all females are comfortable going to male chiropractors. Some of them prefer a female chiropractor near me due to religion. There is nothing to worry about because it is quite easy to find a clinic that has practitioners of both genders. This makes it easier for female patients to seek help and feel comfortable during the adjustments. They need to undress and if they are not comfortable and remain stiff, their muscles and joints will not perform well.
The long-term effects of chiropractic care are real and many studies show them, especially for patients that share their experiences with those interested. Injury prevention is one of the most significant advantages of regular chiropractic care. Adjustments from a chiropractor can ease stress and pain while also enhancing mobility and balance. Better movement makes the body less likely to fall and sustain other injuries, especially as people age.
Improve mental health  
The fact that regular chiropractic care can help lessen stress and sadness may surprise a lot of people. Two of the most prevalent mental health conditions are anxiety and depression. Chiropractic adjustments aid in reducing pressure on the spinal column, which enhances the performance of the neurological system. When the nervous system is in good working order, the body's reaction to stress can be more effectively controlled. Severe pain leads many people into depression, thinking they cannot enjoy life normally. A chiropractor for back pain will explain more.
What is more, frequent chiropractic care can improve general well-being and help people have a more optimistic attitude toward life by reducing or eliminating pain, especially chronic pain. A female chiropractor near me stands by patients’ sides, helping them get rid of pain, improving mobility, and making them feel better overall. Many athletes seek this treatment when they need recovery or when they are injured. The short and long-term effects are notable. 
Improve flexibility
Another major advantage of consistent chiropractic care is a flexible body. Your muscles and joints can move more easily when your spine is perfectly aligned. Increased flexibility may result from this expanded range of motion. Including chiropractic in your regimen of medical care might help you become more conscious of the changes in your physical well-being. You should be better able to recognize when anything is off after working with a female chiropractor near me to minimize chronic pain.
For instance, you might become aware of subluxation or spinal misalignment sooner than you would if you experienced chronic pain and stiffness. Your nutrition, sleeping patterns, level of physical activity, and other aspects of a healthy lifestyle can all be supported by a chiropractor for back pain. Together you can come up with a plan to improve your lifestyle and your condition, avoid further complications and not rely on medication. Several procedures may be required, but this depends on every person’s needs.
How to Trust a Female Chiropractor Near Me
When it comes to your health, it may not be easy to trust a chiropractor for back pain. Perhaps you have your doubts regarding their certifications and experience in the field, but once you go straight to a clinic, there is less to worry about. Clinics do background checks on all practitioners and make sure to hire only the ones that have education, skills, licenses, and training, and know the most about medical conditions.
Initially schedule a consultation with a chiropractor to see if you relate and you can start treatment together. If something is not right, other practitioners fit your needs.
#More and more people deal with chronic pain in their back#neck#shoulders#and legs#with headaches and migraines. They don’t know what to do and what path to take and eventually choose medication. This is not the best solut#not the cause of the pain. Many reasons lead to pain#especially nowadays when people don’t exercise enough when having mobility issues#and spend too much time at their desks or on the couch. Luckily#a chiropractor for back pain can do wonders.#The good news is that people start to realize that medication is not enough and they need professional assistance from someone trained in t#experienced#and highly specialized#with a strong medical background. This is how they end up at a female chiropractor near me. Clinics have both female and male practitioners#What Does a Chiropractor for Back Pain Imply#Chiropractic care is non-invasive and it stands by the idea that the body can heal on its own with the help of a chiropractor for back pain#practitioners in the field have years of study behind them#great experience in the field#training#and knowing exactly how the human body works. Conditions that affect your muscles and joints#bones and cartilage and connective tissue can be treated thanks to chiropractic care.#Treatments usually focus on the spine#but specialists in this field know how to treat other parts of the body as well#depending on what each patient is dealing with. They are associated with physical therapy because of their similarities#and some conditions can benefit from both. Chiropractors use their hands to manipulate the symptoms#while physical therapists focus on exercises and stretches. Some patients benefit from both and end up feeling a lot better.#A safe and drug-free method of promoting health and wellness is chiropractic therapy. The adjustments are made gently to realign the spine#chiropractic care regularly can lessen stress and depression#improve mobility and balance#promote flexibility#and strengthen the immune system.
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apute11as · 1 month
Everything happens for a reason part 5 - Alexia Putellas x pregnant!reader
Summary: the world cup final holds some bumps and bruises.
Warnings: angst, blood, injury (all resolved don’t worry!!)
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Notes: We pretend alexia played the full 90 of the final… and assisted the winner🤫and no R*biales situation. ALSO deepest apologies for how inactive i’ve been, i have been busy but… i’ve also been lazy i’ll try and be better from now on im sorry!! ❤️
⭐️My requests are open!
Other parts here!!
Things had been a lot calmer since yours and Alexia’s phone call. The morning sickness and overall fatigue was ever present but the mind numbing arguing had subsided. Alexia still wasn’t overly impressed that you were still playing, as you were nearing the end of your first trimester. The management staff now knew about your pregnancy but after a medical checkup and lots of reassuring, they cleared you to complete the tournament.
The World Cup final was soon and you’d just finished the match that saw you get through. As the final whistle blew, relief flooded your system at the win.
“YES WE’RE THROUGH Y/N!” Screamed Mary, picking you up and hoisting you onto her back.
“I know I can’t believe it!!” You shouted back
The rest of the girls were celebrating as you remained on the goalkeeper’s back, her carrying you around like a carriage.
“Oi careful Mearps don’t want to damage the little princesa!” Bellowed Lucy, upon seeing you on her back.
You were pretty sure Alexia had threatened Lucy in some way in order for her to look out for you whilst Alexia couldn’t. You couldn’t go a day without the older brunette either piling extra food onto your plate, shouting at someone for touching you lightly or simply calling the baby “La princesa”.
Later that evening, you were splayed across Lucy’s bed, Alessia beside you as the two of you had decided to bombard the older girl until she agreed to let you come in. A Disney movie was playing in the background as you rested your head in Alessia’s lap, your hand absentmindedly tracing patterns on your small bump.
“Ughh why are my tits so sore!” You groaned
“I don’t think your wife would be too happy about me partaking in a conversation about your tits” joked Lucy sarcastically.
“oh shut up! Everything just hurts all the time now, my whole body just kills, especially after the matches” you whined.
“Old age feels the same” laughed Lucy.
“Well both of you are complaining an awful lot considering we only have the final to go, surely that’s exciting no?” added Alessia
“I mean sure it’s exciting but i’m not really looking forward to playing against my wife and half of our team”
“Yeah me neither honestly” agreed Lucy
“Ugh you’re both so miserable, we’ve made it to our first world cup final!” Alessia insisted
“I can’t wait to go home honestly” you began. “I mean obviously I’d love for us to win and this tournament has been incredible, but I just miss my wife and my dog” you explained, eyes filling with tears.
“Oh honey are you crying?” Alessia asked, pulling you into her embrace
“shut up i’m not crying” you huffed in disgust, causing alessia to squeeze you harder. “it’s the baby it’s not me” you sobbed
“look at that la reina is controlling you through her spawn even when she’s not here” bellowed lucy
“Piss off bronze” you sulked
Training leading up to the final was exhausting to say the least, and it really wasn’t helped by the helicopter parenting you got from half of the team, regarding the baby. The running joke of you “carrying the heir to the throne” caught on quick, even Sarina had played into it, which really didn’t help the teasing you were already receiving from the girls.
Alexia had managed to call you every day recently, inquiring after the health of her “princesas” and somehow managing to hover more than anyone, despite not even being there in person. That is how you found yourself, the day before the final on the phone to your wife, despite you both swearing not to speak to each other before the match.
“Yes Alexia i have been eating well” you huffed
“Are you sure mi amor? How is the sickness?” she replied
“Still exists but it’s definitely better now, it’s only in the morning so it’s not draining me quite as much.”
“That’s good bebita, how are you feeling about tomorrow?” Your wife questioned with a frown.
“Hey i thought we agreed, no football talk” you asked, raising your eyebrows.
“sí but i couldn’t resist mi amor, it won’t leave my mind”
“i know Ale but just think, after tomorrow we’ll be together again, regardless of the result” you smiled
“i miss you so much” she sighed
“i miss you too baby” you agreed
Dinner that evening was tense, it was evident that despite the excitement in the air at the prospect of a world cup final, the anxiety levels were also high. Even Georgia who was infamous for her inability to keep quiet, was relatively subdued. A strange sense of dread overcame your body as you realised your little bubble would burst as soon as the World Cup was over. Which was not to say that that you didn’t miss your wife because you most definitely did but you knew that this would almost certainly be your last game of competitive football before the baby arrived which was bittersweet when you really thought about it.
“How you feeling darling?” Questions Mary, lightly bumping your hip as she passed her plate onto the chef to be loaded.
“Nervous but excited i think” you half laughed.
“You’ll be amazing, you’ve saved us multiple times in this tournament. I know how hard it’ll be to be up against her but you deserve it y/n! Celebrate that regardless of the result tomorrow”
“You always know what to say Mary” you smiled, bringing the older woman into a hug.
You hadn’t slept so well since the tournament has started, sometimes all that was needed was a friend.
The journey to the match saw you receiving a good luck text from many people, one of which being your mother in law. Although you knew she’d be supporting Spain, as would Alba, you knew that the pair would be proud of both you and Alexia regardless of the result.
The bus arrived at the ground after a short 30 minute drive, something you were thankful for as that pregnancy travel sickness was no joke. You were seated next to Alessia much to your delight, the younger girl had been nothing but supportive of you the entire tournament. Ella and Mary were sat opposite you two on the table, playing a rather competitive game of uno.
“You ready?” Alessia sighed as she stood up.
“As ready as i’ll ever be” you said, mirroring her sigh.
“LETS GO GIRLS!” Bellowed Ella, the brunette forever having no filter.
You stepped off the bus, only to be greeted by masses of fans behind the gates, waiting to cheer you in. Many of those fans were adorned in Spanish shirts, likely hoping to get a video of you, Lucy and Keira as you noticed a couple of them with Barça scarves around their necks.
You smiled as you high-fived the row of mascot children to your right, carrying a bottle of water in your other hand.
As you found your way to the changing room, the atmosphere started to sink in as you realised you were actually at a world cup final, something that 5 year-old you had dreamed of since the day your idols Ronaldinho and Rivaldo had stepped onto that same stage 21 years ago.
Pitch inspection was up next as you wandered beside your captain with her reminding you of formation and reassuring you of your importance to the team throughout the tournament. You looked across the pitch and saw the Spanish team doing the same thing, wondering whether or not it would be appropriate to go and greet them.
Lucy being Lucy, beat you to that thought as she bounded over in the direction of Ona and your recognisably pink-haired girlfriend. Alexia was adorned in a navy blue tracksuit that proudly (or rather not so) displayed the RFEF emblem on her heart.
You wandered over, slightly more carefully than your counterpart, locking eyes with your wife as she looked up from her phone. Her gaze softened as it met yours, the both of you knowing that a conversation would result in tears, no matter the nature of it. Instead, you chose a simple hug, a hug that said more than words ever could. One of her arms was settled on your back, the other reached gently over your hoodie to caress the small bump that formed there.
“I love you” she whispered softly in your ear.
“Te amo” you responded, before breaking the hug and wandering back over to join the rest of your teammates, knowing you both needed the focus before the match and any further interaction would have to wait for the sake of concentration.
Upon reaching the dressing room, you began to change into your warmup kit, placing your hands where your wife’s have been just moments ago and smiling.
“Starting to show are we?” Questioned Leah with a smirk
“Hmm yes a little” you smiled
“How do you feel seeing her?” She inquired after Alexia
“Honestly relieved to be with her again” you sighed
“Well that’s good darling, we’ve got a game to win now come on!” She cheered as she dragged you by the arm, onto the pitch.
You readied yourself into position, you spared a simple glance at your wife, knowing that regardless of the result today you would end up in her arms and that thought alone was enough to calm some of the nerves currently enveloping your body. You glanced into the stadium briefly, scanning the crowd where your gaze met your mother and sister in law, cheering frantically. You noticed that Alba was in fact wearing an England scarf on top of her Spain jersey, a detail that made you grin slightly at her love.
The game kicked off relatively fast paced with Spain holding much of possession but luckily the majority of that possession was through their defence and midfield and far from your backline. The actual tempo of the game was relatively calm with the majority of Spain’s attacking opportunities being closed down through the talented midfield and sharp defence that England possessed.
However this all but changed in the 29th minute as Lucy made a risky run out into the middle and you were torn between covering her and staying on Jenni as she’d positioned herself perfectly onside, ready to receive any loose ball that came her way and likely put it in the net, knowing the talented feet of the 33 year old. Ultimately you stood your ground with Jenni, calling on Georgia to come back and cover. Before Georgia could grasp what you were saying over the volume of the crowd, Spain had regained possession via Alexia as she slotted a pass of pin point accuracy across to Olga Carmona who running at full speed down the wing, the wing in which Lucy should reside. Damn Lucy Bronze and her spontaneous spurts of energy. Your legs moved faster than your mind as you raced across the pitch, attempting to thwart Spain’s promising attack but before you could get there, Carmona struck the ball with a perfection that many could only dream of. You watched as the ball soared across the goal, straight at the right post and hit the back of the net as Mary stretched out fully.
The save never came.
Everything went silent.
Spain had scored and there was nothing you could do about it.
Your ears tuned back into reality as you watched Olga lift her shirt to reveal a message in celebration, you watched as her teammates, including your wife, rushed to pile her into a group hug. You watched as your own teammates sauntered back to the half way line in despair, knowing that your decision to stick back could’ve been the decider that cost a goal in potentially the most important game of your career.
Despite all this, you couldn’t help but feel a warmth inside you as you saw Alexia, the look of pure passion and happiness on her face, a look you missed seeing when she played. Your wife had assisted the goal to put her team ahead in a World Cup final and despite it being against your beloved England, you couldn’t help but feel a small sense of joy for the woman you loved.
Half time couldn’t have come any sooner as you wiped your brow and plodded off the field, exhausted from both the physical and emotional battles that the first half had brought.
The dressing room was tense, Sarina was in the centre of it offering a motivating team talk, a team talk you payed little attention to as all you could think about was how you selfishly hoped she’d pull you off at half time. You’d never ask to come off but if she did decide to take you off in that moment, you couldn’t help but feel you’d be happy for the rest as the pregnancy was seriously impacting your energy levels.
To your disappointment, your prayers were not answered and you were forced to likely endure another 45 minutes of football, despite the ache that persisted throughout your body. You gathered into the huddle of your teammates, just as the second half was about to commence.
“You alright y/n?” Asked Lucy, concern etched in her face
“Mhm just a little exhausted” you assured the older woman
“Well vamos chica let’s kick some Spanish ass!” Cheered Lucy, as the huddle broke up and everyone returned to their positions.
The second half started slowly with near enough no excitement, England has their chances throughout but none of them connected, hitting the crossbar or going just wide every time.
That didn’t stop Spain from fighting for a second all throughout, a second they might be coming close to.
Aitana dribbled through the English midfield as if they were cones in her training drill, leaving each one for dead and proceeding to boot in your direction. You met her run, using your body to shield your goal as she curved to the left, in an attempt to foil you but you stood your ground. Hands behind your back, body perfectly positioned as you blocked her powerful cross that would’ve found Jenni, unmarked in the box had it not been for your body. The ball went out for a corner as you let out a small sigh of relief which didn’t last long as you moved to mark none other than your wife on the edge of the box.
“Hola bebita” alexia grinned, in an attempt to distract you
“Shut up Putellas” you countered, causing her to roll her eyes and laugh from behind you, where her body was flush against your back, albeit a little softer than usual. Likely due to the precious cargo you carried.
Mariona aligned herself at an angle with the corner flag, holding one arm in the air to signal the corner routine.
A split second later she struck her foot to release the ball, a ball heading in your direction. You jumped and full power, in an attempt to beat a most definitely taller Alexia to the ball. Alexia jumper almost in sync, mind set on nothing but ensuring the ball reached the back of the net. However, neither of you made it to the ball and Alexia’s head collided sharply with the back of your head, causing a wave of pain to wash over you and your whole body to crumple forwards due to the shock, Alexia landing half on top of you.
You screamed out in pain as everything went black.
“Y/N!” Screamed Mary as she watched blood drip from your head.
“MEDIC NOW!” Yelled Lucy as the medical staff came rushing over to your unconscious form.
Alexia rubbed her head in pain as she sprung up at the commotion, met with the sight of her wife bleeding on the floor. Her pregnant wife, hurt, because if her. Reality kicked in at that moment.
“No no no no mi amor.” She pleaded “Lo siento, lo siento” she beckoned as she crouched down, eyes wide in horror at the sight in front of her.
She felt an arm grip her shoulder and pull her back and was met with the faces of Chloe Kelly and Lauren James as they shoved her away, screaming abuse in her face.
You’d regained consciousness as this point as the medics shone a light in your face and began assessing the wound.
“She’s pregnant” Mary announced to the medics, as they nodded with a look of pure worry that elicited a sinking feeling in the stomachs of those present.
Your teammates huddled close by, with concern present on all of their faces. Alexia fought her way back through pleading to you.
“Go away Alexia” was all you could manage before you slipped back out of consciousness.
Alexia’s heart broke at the sight, you blamed her, you thought she’d done it on purpose, shock set into her body as she watched in horror as the medical team loaded you onto a stretcher and stretched you off to medical.
“¡Quiero ir con ella!” Alexia demanded towards Vilda who shook his head and began lecturing her in Spanish. She protested consistently but eventually agreed to play the final 10 minutes, out of fear of punishment, not to herself by the younger players, should she argue any further.
The final whistle felt like an eternity later. Alexia having done nothing but fight the urge to run off the pitch in the final 10 minutes. Spain had won the World Cup but Alexia had no desire to celebrate with her team, all she wanted was to run to her wife and ensure you and the baby were okay. She was stopped by a firm grip on her hands as Vilda shoved her in the direction of the team. She shoved him right back, a moment she knew would be plastered all over social media later. A problem that could wait for the future.
As she was stopped again, Alexia spotted her mother in the crowd and signalled for her to find you and her mother did so, barging past security and into the tunnel.
Alexia slipped past everyone, ignoring the beckoning of the Spanish staff and bolted into the tunnel, knowing that the media would tear her apart later, calling her “cocky” “overrated” and “ungrateful” for her obvious disinterest in the trophy and general celebration but she did not care. The only thing on her mind in that moment was her family. No medal, trophy or football game was more important that you or her child.
After a frantic search she located you, accompanied by your medical staff and her mother and sister.
“Mi Estella, lo siento mucho” she pleaded, tears welling in her eyes
“I know Ale you didn’t mean it” you mumbled weakly
“No of course not amor! Are you okay? El bebé? Is the baby okay?” She rambled, ignoring the look of pure shock on her mother and sister’s face.
“We’re running tests now, just prepping an ultra sound machine” informed one of the doctors, as he squirted a blue gel across the gentle curve of your stomach.
“I’m so sorry querida” tears were streaming now “I hurt you! I hurt our bebita” she spluttered cupping your face as you felt the doctor begin to move the probe over your stomach.
“Ale no it’s okay, i’m okay look” you gestured towards the ultrasound machine
A steady heart beat filled the room.
A grainy image of your baby filled the screen.
The baby was okay.
“Oh, gracias a Dios” her mother exclaimed, relieved at the health of her grandchild that she’d only learnt existed moments ago.
“YOU’RE PREGNANT?!” Yelled Alba
“Sí lo siento for not telling you both, I found out during the tournament, we’ve been trying for months” you smiled, tears in your eyes.
The ultrasound technician wiped the gel with a tissue before printing out several copies of the image.
Your wife was unbelievably silent, staring, mouth wide at the ultrasound.
“Alexia” you called
“Te quiero más que a nada” she breathed. “I’m so sorry mi amor, I’ve missed you so much” she placed a gentle kiss to your lips, squeezing your hands firmly with her sweaty ones, before she placed a second kiss to your bump.
“I’m so glad we’re together again mi vida” you replied with a smile, touching your foreheads together.
“I so hope it’s a girl so she can be alba junior!” Raved the younger Putellas sister
“ALBA!” Alexia and Eli retorted simultaneously.
Thank you so much for reading this series, please send any requests in my inbox and any feedback too i love you all <3
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pitcinstitute1 · 2 years
An ideal place to start is with an online school. PITC Institute offer the best Computer Networking Training In Philadelphia. By attending classes, interacting with other students, and gaining experience, you can learn and advance your talents. Most of these courses don't need any expertise. Yes, they'll let you test out real-world tasks and get feedback on your work.
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mellowumbra · 9 months
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~Beautiful edges~
An alpha!Abbywerewolf! x afab!omega!reader
will have smut, like prolly gon be nasty need holy water smut. plot! slowish burn. alpha, only female alpha you've ever met. Smut is not under the cut but will be expressed!
⚠️ warnings: porn with plot!! dom!sub dynamic, breeding(r!receiving), vulgar words, VULGARITY, descriptions of genitalia, breeding kink, werewolfheat/rut! overstimulation (r!receiving) power and strength kink
Shummary: meeting an alpha was easy. Trying not to fall in love with one? Harder than it looks.
Here is to ALL YALL freaky sob's that just want to see Abby as a werewolf,,,, I love y'all so much
Relocating to the WLF had taken some time to feel somewhat normal and you owed your life to them. You were accepted as one of them, when you were first alone and near death. Omega's in the wilderness alone was a death sentence, but you managed to make your life here wonderfully enjoyable. As close as normal got, it all flew straight out the window when you met Abby Anderson.
Was it strange to meet a female alpha with unbridled power, skill, and rage? Absolutely. Did she scare the ever loving shit out of you? Absolutely. But that didn't stop you from perking your ears to listen every time her name was mentioned.
Abby was a force of nature, she commanded respect without needing to utter a single word. Six feet of muscle and piercing blue eyes that glowed gold and opulent when her wolf appeared. Everyone in the WLF knew about Abby, and were either terrified, infatuated, or a little bit of both. She worked for Isaac, as she was trained and worked like a dog in combat. She led the most dangerous of patrols under Isaac, the man who allowed the WLF to keep you safe, who sent her out to do his worst work.
Being an unmated alpha made it even more..interesting...
As soon as her name entered your airspace, words passed around about the alpha's skills during her rut. You could not stop the onslaught of other companions dishing tidbits during these conversations. Hell you couldn't go anywhere in the past two weeks and not hear about Abby Anderson, the most "skilled" alpha in the entire WLF. You were even more curious to why a female inherited an alpha title. You wondered why you hadn't heard her name sooner, and you soon figured out why. Abby had been in a relationship, and a serious one at that. But, that was over, from what the other omegas in your rounds gossiped about. You were surprised to hear that Abby had been dating a male, a one of almost equal rank as her. Her most recent "pursuits" were women.
You rolled your eyes at Arya's gossip and finished suturing a deep abdomen wound from your most recent patient. The man smiled at you, thanking you for the dressings and ointment. "Hey y/n," Arya says, your other medical assistant and friend catches your attention.
"Yeah? Whatcha need," you ask, wiping down your med tray and discarding a dirty needle.
Arya then asks you if you need to stay longer or if you need to head out. You reply no, you've got nowhere to be. Arya quickly discards her medical garb and ducks out, the sun already set. You sigh and work on seeing if anyone other WLF member needs to be attended to.
Something overpowering and strange enters your sense just after. It makes you stop, startled by the sudden thick air. A strong scent, almost hypnotizing. Abby Anderson is sitting on the bed across from you, blue eyes fixed on your figure. You start, now taken aback at how she appeared almost soundlessly.
"Jesus Anderson you scared the shit out of me," you swore, walking over to inspect a large shoulder wound running from her shoulder to mid bicep. Her muscles glisten with sweat, a now failing stitch job visible against her skin. Her honey hair in a signature loose braid, freckles dotting her neck and shoulders, clad in a gray tank top that exposes her skin to the blistering sun. "Sorry, is' just a habit," she breathes, "I didn't mean to startle you."
Her smile is dizzying but wanton, skin too white. She's in pain.
"It's alright, what are we looking at huh? A mighty alpha needing some help?" You tease, lifting her arm to assess her shitty patch job. Abby hissing at the pain or the figurative jab, you weren't sure.
You smile quietly, adding in a few words of "Alright gimme a second, I can fix you up."
"Thank you y/n, if I tell Manny that his stitch job was shit he'd take it personally," she chuckles dryly to avoid the grimace of you cleaning her wound with alcohol.
The stench almost clears your nostrils of her overpowering scent, almost. With a steady hand, you begin to swiftly move a needle through her flesh. The skin gave way easy to the needle, signalling she must've avoided coming here for a few hours, at least.
"You avoided coming in here, at least since before dinner," you say brazenly.
Abby puffs a quick breath through her nose, unhappy with the answer you've settled on.
"Maybe I did."
You can feel her eyes on you, this whole time. She follows the movements of your fingers, you can hear her nose purposefully inhale quickly at least once, and your cheeks heat at the sudden interest she's taken in you. Her scent is making your mind do flips, alphaalphaalphaalpha repeating in your head by your unhelpful wolf. Your hands almost shaky by the end, Abby rolls her shoulder with the new bandage applied.
"Keep that one for at least the next 2 days, or until you've noticed its leaked through your bandage. Keep it as dry and clean as possible," you instruct.
Abby just flashes you a blinding smile. "You do a good job, I feel better already. Thanks doll," she flashes a wink at you, smirk in her eyes.
That wink makes your ears turn red, palms suddenly sweaty. You roll your eyes to act nonchalant, placing a narcotic in her hand.
"Take these no less than 12 hours apart with food, and I mean it Anderson, with food," you say, fingers brushing one another's as you close her fingers around the pills. A resounding shock zaps through your fingers as fast as lightning, snapping her head up at you. Her eyes flash red just as fast, replaced by their usual blue.
Your eyes are wide, hand zinging from some unseen energy. Abby thanks you silently with a nod, hands stuffed in her pockets, and rushes off.
Ever since that day in the infirmary, Abby is never out of your sight. During inventory rounds with your other med students, led my Abby's surgeon father, Dr. Anderson. She's always just looming. Your friends start to ask questions when the blonde walks into the infirmary one day, looking as healthy as ever.
You stare curiously as catch her eye, when she throws another wink at you. All your other friends blush and try to look busy.
"You don't look in pain Anderson?" You question, raising an eyebrow.
"No," she chuckles, "but I do want to ask if you had any extra isopropyl alcohol on you? One of my buddies managed to get blood all over a cell, and we need a cleanup," she says, so casually.
You start, but manage to stutter out a response.
"Um y-yeah we have some but it's not here yet, I can bring it to you in an hour or so?" You question, to which she just nods and winks at you.
"Find me in the FOB on the first floor sugar!" She calls out, leaving you a blushing mess.
Some time later, alcohol in hand, you make your way to the FOB, when a sharp pain in your abdomen makes you lean against a wall in a back hallway. You shake your head, trying to clear your head as your wolf has taken over, screaming for help. Panic ensues. You know any willing male werewolf will hear you, and you sink into a corner.
Someone rounds the corner, and you can't see who it is as your vision is blurry with tears. You turn your head away to ease the embarrassment. The same overpowering scent you remember from two weeks ago invades your mind, and your wolf goes nuts. It's Abby, and she knows exactly what's happening.
"I'm so sorry please don't come closer pleaseAbby," you beg through near tears, your heat blinding and painful. Quick breaths through your nose accompanied with full body shakes makes Abby growl lowly. She knew you needed to be claimed, the pain unbearable for her future mate to endure. A rumble in her throat makes you tilt your head towards the ceiling, breaths coming in faster. That growl is pure power, pure dominance. The fear in your heart of her power comes through your eyes and Abby realizes your fear, and it hurts. Your intoxicating scent fills her nose like a fog, your fight against a need to be taken care of slowly failing. Your heat and scent flies down to Abby's pelvis, unable to stop the whirlwind of arousal she feels.
"Hey, hey look at me," she commands, power still in her voice. She's knelt to your eye level. Don't be sorry baby. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise y/n, I promise. Please, let me take you somewhere safer," Abby begs. Alphas don't beg, they command. Her beg, plea has you staring in her eyes, desperate to believe her.
You pant, fear still swirling in your eyes. Abby just offers her hands, warm and calloused. After not saying anything, she slowly lifts you into her arms. Eyes lidded, mouth slightly parted, your heat addled brain screams at the feeling of power and protection. You can't help but inhale deeply at her scent, your core aching for more. Abby slips you into her room.
"Y/n, please," Abby begs. "I want to help you." Her eyes are a tinge of gold, showing her alpha side. She puts her forehead gently to yours. "I know you have feelings for me," she breathes. "But I won't do a thing unless you say it's okay."
Tears streaming down your cheeks, your eyes widen in surprise. You're lucid for just a second. "Oh god Abby, I-I don't know what to say," you groan, embarrassed. Your heat is blinding, a near total body and mind need to just be taken care of.
"I won't do anything you don't want baby," she cooes, her pet name undoing your resolve.
You take a deep breath and swallow, knowing that all you've wanted is for Abby to make you hers. And only hers.
"I want to be yours. I want to be only yours," you admit, cheeks darkening. "Please tell me you feel this as strongly as I do," you rush out, fully vulnerable.
Abby's turn to be wide eyed is short lived before she lands her lips on yours, desperate and hungry. "I want nothing more then to make you my mate. I- want- nothing more -than to fuck you into -this bed- for hours," she groans as you moan into her mouth. Her lips are warm, your arms reaching out to tangle in her blond hair. Your heat is begging, burning like a fire under your skin. You whine pitifully, Abby now fully aware of your need.
"I know darling, I know," she whispers. Abby lays you down on her bed, kissing you with a new ferocity that made you tug at her clothes. Feeling her strong abs run over your now bare chest made you bite her lip, a low growl coming from Abby's throat. Her mouth kisses down your neck and reaches the softness of your chest. With lips and tongue, she sucks your nipple between her teeth, licking it as it grows in need. Moaning at this was music to your alpha's ears. Your breasts are damp with spit and raised pink nipples fall in her mouth as she attends to one after the other.
She pulls your pants off, letting your heat racked body shiver at the sudden coolness. Her eyes flash a deep gold now, looking you over, a wanting moan leaving her lips.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to see you like this, how long I've been wanting to do this with you," she groans, the obvious bulge in her cargo pants making your mouth water and brain go fuzzy at her words. Her hands sink into your skin, pulling the flesh as she drags her hands down your stomach and over your thighs. Your cunt is wet, glazed over with slick and need. Pink lips swollen at the want of satiation. She kisses you, hand reaching down to palm you, gathering your wetness along her fingers. Your pants have turned into whimpers, into breathy moans.
"You're so wet for me, my precious mate," she cooes, dominance leaking through her words. "I wonder how wet you'll be when I sink my cock into your wanting pussy," you moan at her words, pulling off her pants. A small gasp leaves your lips as her member springs out of her boxers.
"That is a dick of an alpha for sure," you breathe out, hearing Abby chuckle darkly at your surprise. Its shaft covered in small veins, her pink head leaking precum at the sight of your naked body. Abby leans forward on her elbows, soaking up more of your slick on her cockhead, her kisses to your lips bruising. Your scent is making her drunk, the end goal of this mating lost. Ignoring her own desperation, Abby sinks below your waist and licks a long slow strip up your center, capturing your clit in her mouth to softly suck.
"I'm not fucking you stupid until your come all over my face, my pretty mate" Abby groans.
Her name leaves your lips in a yelp, unfettered moans follow. Her tongue is masterful, her lips covered in your shiny arousal. Up and down she moves her tongue, taking time to let herself tongue fuck you, dipping into your wetness. Latching onto your clit, she sucks soft pressure and swirls her tongue. With nothing to grab onto, you resign to tugging at your alpha's long blonde locks, legs high above your head, resting on her shoulders. The muscles in her back flex and stretch as she fucks you.
"Abby, o-o-oh fuck Abby baby pleaseplease alpha please," you moan and moan, dragging your hands through her hair.
At the mention of her title, Abby growls and picks up her pace. You feel the band in your belly tighten and snap within seconds as your orgasm washes over you in a blissful wave. Your toes curl and back arches off the bed, head thrown back in a long and loud moan. Abby continues to fuck your aching cunt into overstimulation, your legs shaking and breath uneven.
"Baby, baby I can't-can't take it anymore," you whine and moan. Abby doesn't stop but unlatches herself and slaps your pussy lightly with her palm.
"You're going to take what i give you angel, and you're gonna say thank you alpha," she hums and holds your jaw with her hand. "Okay baby?" She asks.
"Yes baby," you say softly, lips puffy as Abby captures them in a deep kiss.
"Thank you alpha," you admit shyly, peeking at her reaction through your lashes. Her breathing is ragged, hair undone and messy. Her eyes are a fierce gold, desire evident.
It didn't even take a minute before she slowly sinks herself into you, squelching sounds accompanied. Snapping up her head to you, she examines your features for any sign of pain. Your eyes are half open, lips parted in an O.
"Are you hurt?" She questions, stilling inside. You slowly shake your head, gripping her shoulders and wrapping your legs around her waist. With that, Abby slowly moves through your now sopping cunt. Her breath is short, focusing on not coming too early. You wrap around her like a vice.
"Fuck-fuck fuck baby you're so wet, so tight so warm you're so perfectfuck you are soperfect," Abby moans.
You moan at her praise, tangling your fingers in her hair, reveling in the closeness of your skin. Held up by her strong arms, the muscles in her biceps flex by your head.
"Hold on tight princes," Abby whispers into your ear, nipping at the skin.
Her thrusts start slow and languid, drawing out loud moans at each bury inside you. Your moans only get louder as her Hips snap back into yours at a near brutal pace, relishing in the wet sound of skin on skin. Abby examines your fucked out state of bouncing breasts, loud breathy moans and profanity.
"Fuck Abby fuck ABBY fuckfuckfuck my alpha fuck my alpha," you moan out, whining at the feeling of her cock stretching your walls to a beautiful feeling.
"Markmemarkmeplease baby breed me please baby please," you whine out, surprising Abby at your vulgar confession.
"Yeah baby? Fuck you'resofuckingwet, you take my cock so good baby you want my pups baby? Want me to breed you like a good puppy?" Abby moans, as the slap of wet skin fills the room.
"I bet you'd like me to breed you, huh baby?" Your fucked out smile gives her the answer she needs. "Yes abby please baby breed me please don't stop," you whine.
"Dirty girl, I knew you'd like that," Abby seethes as she bites your neck, sweat on her brow.
"You wanna be all round and fuckin full for me?"
"please Abby please baby yes yes yes!" you exhale a loud moan from your chest, as she leans forward to kiss you hungrily.
In a fast motion, she flips you on your belly, arching your back and pressing your cheek into the soft mattress. Your ass on display as she spreads you to see the slick drip down your thighs. You shake your ass slowly, all shame gone, wanting to be bred like a bitch in heat.
Her hands find your hips again, fucking into your cunt immediately like the world was ending. Muffled moans and screams come from your lips, Abby moaning at your soaking pussy sucking her in and milking her cock for all it was worth. Listening to your moans go up in pitch and your cunt get tighter and tighter told Abby you were so close to coming.
"You'gon come for me baby? Come all over my cock baby, c'mon you can do it. Cream all over my cock my good puppy," she rushes out, hands pulling you back to bounce on her dick.
"Fuck-ff-fuckfuck Abby I'm gon come 'my god I'm gonna come," your legs shake and let your orgasm push Abby into hers. Abby grabs your stretched out hand and squeezes it, to ground you. White hot pleasure consumes you and the heartbeat between your legs races.
You yell her name and moan a loud FUCK, drool sticking to the side of your cheek.
But abby wasn't done yet, your pleasure just comes first.
Abby's groans grow higher and higher, as your pussy pulses around her. As she feels you completely tighten around her, Abby's orgasm explodes. She feels her cock swell and a euphoric feeling washes over at the feeling of her breeding you completely full.
"Fuck baby, fuck baby ohgod," Abby moans as she collapses against your sweat drenched skin. You moan back weakly, shivering at her slow kisses up your back.
"You're so beautiful baby, gonna be so beautiful for me," Abby whispers, pulling out slowly to your disappointment.
"Fuck princess look at you," the alpha groaned, skilled fingers pulling your puffy pink lips apart to watch her cum drip out of your overstimulated pussy. You whine again, sensitive to her touch.
She coos, kissing the swell of your ass cheek.
"Come here princess let me hold you," Abby coaxes, slowing moving your body to lay between her legs. She softly kneads your back as you lay, breathing in her scent. Soft kisses to your forehead manage to lull you into a dreamlike state.
"Rest my precious mate, I've got you baby," Abby breathes, wrapping her strong arms around your figure.
Maybe falling in love with an alpha isn't hard after all.
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A Perfect Score - Chapter 3 - Goosebumps | FigureSkating!AU
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Summary: You perform your first match with Aemond, and things are beginning to heat up in the figure skating business | Word Count: 6.8k~ | Warnings under the cut~
Series Masterlist | Links to my Taglists: General Taglist | Aemond Targaryen Taglist
Warnings: sexual tension, masturbation (f), reader having racy thoughts but nothing crazy, mentions of medical treatment for trigeminal neuralgia, mentions of an open relationship
A/N: shoutout to @asumofwords for giving me inspo for the 'stretch'. Also we love a slow-burn enemies to lovers moment, but we're heating up! 🔥
Comments, reblogs & likes are always appreciated in this household. I love u 😚
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You were covered in sweat, visible in the black tank top you were wearing and by the harsh lights that illuminated the ice rink. Your chest heaved noticeably as you placed your hands on your hips, the remaining momentum having you glide across the ice as you looked at Aemond, who stood tall, arms crossed and looking as stern as the day you met him.
In the weeks training with him everyday, you’d managed to at least try to be civil (save for a few choice words over dinner which had either of you leave the table instantly. One time you both tried to leave at the same time, and had a staredown, which delighted Aegon immensely). Aemond had not changed his attitude, neither had you.
Nor had Aemond apologised for what he’d said. And so much time had passed now, you were unsure if he ever would.
Anytime you would both pass one another in the hallway, every shared look at the dinner table felt like striking a match and depending on the day, it would catch and spread, and erupt into a fully blown argument. A clashing of personalities that were perhaps too close to one another to truly get on.
You straighten up, sucking in a breath, “Aemond, it’s late”
He checked his watch, the look on his face confirming that it was indeed late but that he didn’t care. He shrugged, “Again”
With a sigh, you get back into position, trying to ignore the way he so blatantly stares and picks apart quite literally everything you do. Even if he is right sometimes, it doesn’t make it any less annoying.
You can feel every muscle begin to ache from the everyday rigorous training you’ve been doing, and icing your muscles in between is helping but not entirely. Every night, you sleep like a freaking baby, since it takes all your brain capacity to tiptoe around Aemond wherever you go. You appreciate it’s his home and he can be wherever he wants in it at any given time, but not being on good terms is starting to drain the very energy out of you.
For what feels like the thousandth time you build up some speed (wanting nothing more than to just push him over on those stupid skates he’s wearing) and jump into a spin, stretching your leg as far and as high as it will go without assisting it with your hand.
“No, no” Aemond says quickly, shaking his head and gliding over, making you stop.
He stops behind you again, his skates crunching to a halt.
“Don’t bend your knee” he comments, “did you stretch?”
You throw him a pointed look over your shoulder, “I always stretch”
Aemond hums, which is becoming increasingly annoying as the weeks go on.
You gasp in surprise when his hand reaches for your leg and lifts it, his hand encircling the legging-clad skin near your knee, grasping with minimal pressure. It momentarily tips you off balance, not having expected it, and his other hand goes back around your waist, palm flat on your middle between your ribs to keep you standing straight, as it had been the first day you practised together.
“Don’t bend your knee” he repeats, lifting your leg higher, tightening his other arm around you to keep you level and inadvertently tugging you closer to him, so much so you can feel his leg against your hip. “That’s it”
He lifts your leg so that it stands at a 45 degree angle, as straight as your leg will allow. But aside from the way your leg is stretched, your brain feels like it’s short-circuiting. His fingers curl around the meat of your thigh, pressing lightly to keep you up.
He is so close to your back, that you’re sure you can feel the puffs of air out his nose as he breathes, making the hair around your face sway somewhat in your periphery. And more than anything, his other hand, firmly on your torso, presses in, drawing your bodies almost flush with your back against his hardened chest.
All this makes your skin go all warm, in spite of the harsh air conditioning, your chest entirely too tight and everything about what he’s doing, how close he is, how his stature looms behind, all serves to make you realise how small you feel in comparison. You swallow anxiously at the thought, hoping he doesn’t realise how your breathing is suddenly heavier.
Your leg firmly on the ice wobbles slightly off balance, and he moves his hand to your waist, squeezing tighter.
“It’s alright, I’ve got you” he says, hushed, probably the softest his voice has ever seemed.
You turn your face only slightly when he says that, not having to move much to look back at him behind you. Almost as soon as you do, Aemond lowers his face, his eye meeting yours.
He’s worn his hair down today, as he sometimes does, but several strands are tucked firmly behind his ear, swinging softly in the gentle breeze. It makes your skin tingle and goosebumps form on your arms.
His eye flits around your face, and you know he must be able to see the slight flush you feel in the centre of your features, spreading down your neck, all the way down to your belly. In the closeness of the gesture, he stands tall behind you, and you see his eye run over your tank top, from his angle the shadow of your cleavage just visible.
He looks back at you quickly again, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, which have now stolen your attention. They stay parted, and he breathes ever so slightly heavier out his mouth.
It’s so miniscule, the gesture, that if you weren’t paying attention you’d miss it. But his hand slips from your mid-thigh just that little bit lower, and both of his hands squeeze tighter, until he skates backwards, gently letting you go. Something tugs about your core at the action. It felt so intimate. So sensu-
“Good, that’s good” he says weakly, clearing his throat.
You lower your leg almost as soon as he retreats, the place where he had touched burning significantly, feeling like you’d touched a hot kettle.
The session ends like this. Like there's something unspoken, and a hammering in your chest that won't cease as you walk up the cobbled path back to the house. Now that you're outside, you feel cold from having exerted with the soft sheen of sweat over your body. Aemond looks the same, his shirt sticking to the front of his chest and the hem around his biceps.
Aemond walked quickly ahead, helped by his long legs, but he was walking faster than usual, as if in a hurry to get back inside. He threw the glass doors open and rushed through the kitchen, not bothering even to say hello to Helaena who was leant by the counter, idly eating cereal.
Helaena looked at him and then at you as you stepped through the door, "What's wrong with him?" She asks, gesturing with her head. It was a common question since your arrival.
You can still feel the colour to your cheeks. But at least you could blame the fact that you were training just now. Even so, Helaena looked at you with a mischievously suspicious look.
You shrug, trying to be as convincing as possible, "Don't know. We just finished training"
Helaena raises an eyebrow, looking at the clock on the wall, "At 10:30 at night?"
Helaena smirks, as if she's not convinced.
You sigh, opening the fridge for a cold bottle of water, "Don't be like that, he hates me"
"He doesn't hate you" she insists, "He's just…antisocial"
You look at her sharply after a good sip, "That's neither true or an excuse"
Helaena bites her lip, desperate to say something, but she shakes her head and looks back at her bowl.
Sighing you check your phone, seeing an email from Hightower Management. It must have come in while you and Aemond were on the ice.
"What's this?" you ask, showing Helaena the screen.
"Oh, we've got a match in a few days. It decides who goes on the championship tour and Otto is just giving us the details. What to wear, which routine we'll do etc"
You scroll through the email absentmindedly, taking in the more important details, "I'm supposed to wear white?"
Helaena nods, "Aemond always wears black. Me and Aegon always wear variations of red"
You bite your lip, "I'll have to see if I have anything white"
"If you don't, we'll go shopping," she smiles.
"I can't afford that"
She furrows her brows, "Babes, Hightower Management will pay for it"
There's something about them paying for everything which, deep down, doesn't sit well with you. But you suppose, now that you're working for them, they really should pay. It just feels wrong. Especially after all those years where you had to make your costumes yourself, bent over the desk at ungodly hours only to be awake training the next morning.
You quickly bid Helaena goodnight, feeling the sudden hit of fatigue in your muscles as you drag your feet up the stairs.
You're barely on the landing as you hear Aegon murmuring lowly in the hallway, barely standing over the threshold of his bedroom. Aemond is leant against the doorway, one hand gripping the frame at the top, his lips pressed together as he chats with his brother lowly. So quietly in fact you can't tell what either of them are saying.
Hearing your footsteps approach your room, Aemond looks over, the conversation grinding to a halt when he sees you.
Warmth and embarrassment blooms across your skin, settling deep in your gut. He's clearly had a shower, as his hair is loose and damp around his shoulders, his skin ever so slightly flushed from the hot water.
As much as you don't want to admit it, you can't deny that you sneaked a peek at his grey sweatpants, hanging loosely on his hips, which you can only see since the black shirt he's wearing is riding up slightly with one hand on the doorframe, the grip now tightened somewhat.
Just like that everything is hot again and something akin to dull excitement settles between your legs.
Stop it.
You can remember his firm grasp on your thigh.
Stop it.
His eye flits over you again, jaw tensing noticeably. Your breathing noticeably heavier.
You gather your breath, willing the heat to disappear from your face and quickly retreat into your room, finding solace in the quiet, cool sensation of being away from Aemond, thoughts having a moment's reprieve.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
It surely can’t be the birth control. Your hormones have never been out of whack before? They had been on that pill, but that was ages ago...
So why does it feel like all of a sudden, you feel like you haven’t fucked anyone in a while? And why does it suddenly feel so urgent?
You try and think of the last time you slept with someone. Gods, it must have been several months ago with that guy from Highgarden, the one who came in about forty seconds and spent the rest of the evening crying.
It was unsatisfactory, yes, but you don’t have time to date! There’s no room for someone else in the busy schedule that is being a professional figure skater. None whatsoever.
You briefly think if you packed your vibrator with you and realised very quickly, that you didn’t even think about it when you moved out, thinking that you wouldn’t be gone long.
So once you’re showered, hair dried and laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, eyes tracing the patterns of the ceiling-rose with the domed light sat ornamentally in the middle, your stomach still carries that warmth you felt earlier.
The way his grasp lowered on your thigh.
The way his hand squeezed your waist.
The way his words had been whispered softly into your ear, warming your neck.
You shake your head in frustration, pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes. What the hell is going on? He’s a twat! It is against every moral cell inside you to find this man even somewhat attractive, after the things he’s said to you, nevermind his terrible attitude on top of that.
But as you have thought before. He can be both a twat and attractive right?
This is how you rationalise it, as your hand slips beneath the hem of your underwear, bringing yourself that dull buzz of pleasure as your middle finger teases your bud, aided with the surprise that you’re already wet. Your head tips back against the pillows, pressing your lips together to keep your sounds low in your throat, the other hand dipping beneath the oversized sleeping shirt you were wearing to cup your breast.
Not at all imagining they were someone else’s.
No, that would be weird.
It happens faster than usual. Your finger speeds up over your bud, pressing lightly as your hips move with the rhythm only slightly, and your orgasm sneaks up on you quickly, rolling through your body so fast that a quiet whisper of moan manages to slip out. By the time your hand makes it up to your mouth to cover your lips, the muted high is beginning to dissipate into your limbs.
You pull your fingers back, feeling the tiredness lingering in your body now that your orgasm has subsided, and close your eyes to sleep, just hoping, praying, that whatever you were even thinking about that asshole, would disappear by morning.
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It absolutely hadn’t disappeared.
That said, there was still a lingering annoyance in the way your partnership brewed in this murky state. Not speaking properly to one another, not even really looking at one another, and just marching through your training together, having to be the kind of intimate that is more indicative of lovers than business partners.
The match was taking place at Summerhall. A sort of halfway point for all the contenders of each region of Westeros, to come together and determine who most deserved to go on the tour of Westeros, competing for the championship title.
Your body was filled to the brim with nerves the entire journey there, your stomach doing flips with every speed bump the minivan struggled to overcome.
That morning, Aemond had been entirely irritable until he was summoned to a closed off portion of their family home, confined to a room for several hours. You sat in the doorway entirely confused, until Helaena had the heart to explain once Alicent was out of earshot.
"He's having his injections" she had said.
"His what?"
Trigeminal Neuralgia. It was explained as.
As a result of this accident, which you still knew nothing about, Aemond had suffered with severe facial pain as the damage had interfered with the nerve. As a result, he endured glycerol injections in the side of his face, which provided relief for a few months, even stretching to a year.
But when the pain flared, Helaena explained, he was impossible to be around.
Your heart aches with a kind of sympathy, knowing that Aemond has to deal with this pain and recurring painful injections to keep it at bay. And as he finally comes out, with a plaster taped to the side of his face, he at least looks a bit more relaxed.
Or as relaxed as Aemond can be.
It results in neither of you speaking the entire journey to Summerhall. He'd put in his airpods, blasted his music and fallen right to sleep, his head only moving when the minivan took a sharper turn than expected.
Part of you can't help but look at him when he was asleep, stealing glances where you otherwise wouldn't get away with. Admiring the sharp angles of his face, his aquiline-shaped nose and most notably, the sharpness and definition of his jaw and cheekbones.
It was a shame he was a dick.
Knock knock.
You shake yourself from the trance, looking up at yourself in the vanity when you hear someone behind the door of the changing room, their knock signalling their presence almost so soft you didn't hear it.
"Come in"
Alicent peeks round the door, smiling in a way only a mother does, her hair pulled back into a ponytail.
"How are you feeling?" She asks, once she's closed the door.
"A bit nervous, but fine" you reply, trying to sound convincing. But it clearly doesn't land, as Alicent smiles softly, sitting down next to you.
"Come, let me put on your skates" she suggests softly.
In the end, you'd misread the email from Hightower Management that you should wear white. In fact it said would, and they provided you with an all white outfit, some of it decorated with rhinestones, and a flowy leotard, very much indicative of the usual sportswear. It looked more expensive than any outfit you'd worn, and it made you feel strange wearing it now.
Alicent tugs at your laces, tying them expertly like it was muscle memory, "You know it always makes me emotional. Watching Helaena skate" she muses, her attention on her task, "Reminds me of myself"
You swallow, unsure of what to say at first, "Helaena is a wonderful skater. You should be proud" you smile.
Alicent returns it, patting your skate-clad feet and plopping then on the floor, "And I am sure I will be very proud of you also, my darling"
Your heart squeezes. She says it with such sincerity and emotion, with not an ounce of patronisation behind it.
"You look beautiful" she praises, tucking a hair behind your ear. Your hair was half up and half down, with waves put into it (courtesy of Helaena, as you'd previously mentioned you had no idea what to do with it). And your makeup, as you've always done, is bright and non-descript. A 'barely-there' approach.
You smile in thanks, taking a calming breath as you follow Alicent out the dressing room, meeting the rest of the team on the benches near the rink.
All of the other competitors also wait by the side lines, talking to their coaches. A few you recognise based on their house colours, grey for the Starks, a brother and sister duo, Cregan and Sara. As well as gold and red for the Lannisters, Jason Lannister and his partner, Johanna (who he totally isn't cheating on).
More than anything, the one that pops out the most are the Dornish, with their dark hair contrasting with their bright yellow costumes. Qoren Martell, lovingly nicknamed 'The Scorpion' and his Dornish girlfriend Mara. They were known for being unbelievably cocky, and put on quite the suggestive shows with their moves out on the ice. For this reason, they always made it to championships, giving both of them alike a big head.
In the distance you can see Aemond, all dressed and ready entirely in black, including some brand new looking black skates. Unlike in training, he wears his hair down around his shoulders, looking somewhat mythical leaning against the wall, arms crossed and receiving a bit of a grilling from Otto.
"Miss! Miss! A word for the White Worm?"
"Is it true Hightower Management had you sign an NDA?"
"Could you tell us about your troubled childhood?"
A slew of reporters seem to block your path, each of them shoving whatever microphones or recorders they have in their hands right into your face. You're so taken aback, that you don't even have the brain capacity to say anything. Your mouth is just open, with only unintelligible sounds coming out.
Otto materialises, pushing several of the reporters away while Aemond wraps his fingers around your arm, gently tugging you away while they're dealt with.
"Ignore them" he says lowly.
You take yet another calming breath, suddenly hit with the sinking feeling that the arena is jam packed full of important people, and the judges are lined up at the front, looking stern as anything. It never fails to make you wince to see their expressions.
Your breath is almost taken away though when you look back at Aemond.
Where his glass eye would usually sit, nestled between the angry scar down his face, sits a sapphire, glimmering in the harsh lights of the hall. Your lips sit parted in utter fascination.
You shake your head when you realise you're staring, "Sorry, I-"
"It's fine" he replies quickly, "I wear it for competitions"
You nod, eyes flitting to both his good eye and the sapphire, as if transfixed, "It's…nice". You almost cringe at yourself for the way you've said it. But truthfully, it's so distractingly pretty, it's difficult to not be speechless.
He stands still for a long time, looking around awkwardly not knowing what to say, "Thanks"
The announcement over the speakers echoes that it's almost time for your performance, and you swear you feel cold all over. Your eyes scan the crowd, rubbing your hands together nervously, spotting Rhaenys at the very back with Rhaena. Upon spotting you they wave widely, and you return it with a grin, feeling your heart swell to see they've gone through the effort to come to see you.
Nerves eat at you, remembering the routine, the jumps, the landings. The incessant coaching of Otto doesn't go amiss either. You slip your blade guards off your skates, watching as several cameras pan around the rink, and the commentators up in the box talking into their microphones.
"This is the first match from famed Aemond Targaryen, aptly nicknamed 'The Ice Prince', since his former skating partner, Floris Baratheon, was injured significantly. His new partner has yet to perform in any championship deciding matches"
"Yes, an unconventional choice for the Targaryens, to have such a green skater to be paired with. Time will tell if she will crack under the pressure"
You're the first to skate out, doing a few laps to warm up and adjusting both your hair and your outfit, making sure your laces are tight and secure before Aemond also skates out, having had a few words with Otto.
Coming to a halt in the middle, you take another steadying breath, shaking the nerves from your arms, ankles crossed as Aemond stops behind you. The crowd goes quiet when you assume position, his hand splayed on your middle, with yours covering his, trying to ignore the way it stokes the fire within.
Mahler's Symphony, Adagietto begins to play. Part of you can't help but find it a boring choice, but now in front of everyone, the crowd as quiet as a whisper as you and Aemond begin the routine, it feels more magical.
With his hair down and the sapphire on show, he looks utterly majestic on the ice, donned entirely in black, contrasting starkly with your white outfit. You can't help but look over at him every now and then, enraptured by his appearance.
"Technically, wonderful performance so far. The couple seem distant though, which I wonder if it will tie into their performance"
The first several jumps and spins go perfectly well, by the book, landing with balance. All building up to the one jump that you can tell, everyone is holding their breath for. The jump you'd been practising with Aemond for the last few weeks, was now being watched and streamed for everyone to critique and see.
The throw triple lutz.
Your chest inflates, as you both skate backwards, Aemond's hands wrapping around your waist as he skates behind you.
"Will they land it?"
Aemond throws you in the air, twisting you slightly and aiding in your airborne triple spin. The crowd immediately erupts in applause and cheer when you land it, your foot stable, both you and Aemond skating and joining hands in the next move.
"They've done it!"
"She's mastered the landing"
"Wonderful performance technically"
You breathe out finally, relief and pride blooming in your chest as you complete the last few spins and moves with Aemond, who doesn't let a single thing show on his face. As stoic and stony as ever.
It isn't until the routine is over that you see Aemond breathe what could be a sigh of relief that it's over. He doesn't spare a look in your direction as you skate off, greeted instantly by an excited Alicent and Helaena, who are congratulating you in heightened vibrant voices. Aemond earns a pat on the back as he stalks off with Aegon, speaking lowly.
"That was amazing!" Helaena praises, looking the part herself in her red outfit, "such a good landing!"
"Thank you!" You respond, seeing both Aegon and Helaena taking off their blade guards for their turn, "Good luck" you smile at her, making your way over to the bench to get off your jelly-like legs.
Otto gives you a nod, showing his wordless appreciation. In that way, you suppose Aemond is a lot like him, using few words to convey what he thinks.
You sit beside Aemond at the side lines, watching the board and waiting anxiously before the scores come in. He sits still, only his left leg bouncing to show how he's feeling, his tongue poking his cheek.
Aemond murmurs something, so quiet that at first you don't even hear it.
He turns his head slowly, his sapphire greeting you before his good eye does, stealing your breath for a moment.
"You were good" he repeats, clearer this time, "out there"
You bite your lip to hide your smile looking down into your lap, knowing it's hurting everything inside him to compliment one thing you've done.
He huffs a quiet laugh through his nose, turning away again, "Don't make me regret that"
You can feel the cameraman in your periphery move to angle in on both of your nervous faces as the scores come in.
With the exception of a few with some points knocked off, it's a clean score. The crowd erupts, and your heart hammers excitedly, the adrenaline making it feel like fire in your veins.
"A respectable score for her first pairs match. No doubt helped by her perfect landing of that triple lutz"
Alicent pulls you into a hug, offering her congratulations as you barely hear one another over the cheers. Your face burns from smiling so widely, relieved that you had done your bit and a damn good job of it as well. She moves on to hug her son, who offers a quick embrace, whispering something you don't hear to her.
"There she is. The Sweetheart of Oldtown offering her support to her son"
"The Targaryens make it to the championship tour yet again, Aemond Targaryen representing the Crownlands"
The last thing you see is Rhaenys and Rhaena in the crowd, clapping dramatically with wide, proud smiles. Your vision blurs with happiness for a moment, giving them a wide wave.
Turning to Aemond, you're not sure what to do to congratulate him. So you settle on offering your hand for him to shake. He eyes it for a moment, his brows pulled together, before shaking it, nodding in mutual thanks.
The camera doesn't miss it though.
Figure Skating is as much about performance, teamwork and performing for the cameras, aside from technical ability. You hate this fact more than anything. But every match, you're reminded it's true.
"Not a full house, but they have potential as a duo. No doubt points knocked off for performance"
"Let's hope the icy couple warm up once the championship tour rolls round"
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Some of the nerves had begun to wear off by the time the after party rolled around. You bit your lip as you watched Helaena in the reflection, stood behind you and pulling the curling iron from your hair, making sure it was waved in the right direction.
She met your eyes in the mirror, smiling, the highlighter around her eyes twinkling, "Excited for tonight?" She asked, squirting some finishing oil into her hands and running it through your hair.
"For the free food? Yes" you smirk at her, "however, wearing heels, no"
When you arrived in the hotel after the match, the dress was already laid out with the heels and jewellery in a box on the bed, kindly paid for by Hightower Management once again, accompanied by a congratulatory note.
It was an all black outfit, a bit sexier than you otherwise would have picked, with a slit up one leg. But wearing something you wouldn't usually was kind of exciting and you touched the gold necklace around your neck, a simple chain with no pendant, and admired the neckline of the dress in the mirror.
"Done" Helaena chirped.
You stood, smoothing down the front of the dress, trying to get used to walking in the black heels, "How do I look?"
Helaena had helped to curl your hair at the back, fixing in place a gold hair accessory as she did so, "Gorgeous. Everyone won't be able to take their eyes off you"
Something flutters in your belly when she says that.
"Anyway, see you down there, I've got to go with Aegon" she smiles, slipping out the door in her fitted cream dress.
You look yourself up and down in the floor length mirror, fiddling with the ring on your pointer finger. Helaena had done a fantastic job with your hair, sitting in waves down your back. But you also couldn't help but feel weird wearing such a strappy dress, as it wasn't what you'd go for at all.
With a breath to psych yourself up, you swing open your door, going to step out, gasping back in surprise to find Aemond had his fist outstretched with the intention of knocking. Unlike you, he didn't move or say an inch, he just stares down, dressed in a black suit (this time with an off white shirt underneath), his sapphire still lodged in his left eye socket.
His eye briefly runs over you making your heart rattle faster, clearing his throat as he tucks his hand into a pocket, "Uh, Otto said I should come and collect you"
You swallow thickly, closing the door softly behind you, "Did he say we should go together?"
Aemond nods, rolling his eye somewhat as you make your way to the lift, pressing the button, "Everyone attends with their business partner" he says simply.
Oh, right. Just business partners.
The ride down the several floors is quiet, and feels longer than it actually is because of it. Aemond briefly adjusts his tie, trying to disguise the look he gives over the outfit you wear. Black to match him. Something flutters deep in your gut at the proximity, able to smell whatever aftershave he'd spritzed on himself as it clouds around your head, making your mind all foggy.
You both pause at the entrance to the event, absolutely heaving and bustling with the figure skaters, their managers, journalists and other important people, all dressed to the nines to impress. The classical music is barely audible over the chatter, laughter and clinking of glasses. The room has a smell about it, a sweet, saccharine floral scent flooding from the various expensive vases placed around. Lilies, you think. It's almost too overwhelming.
Suddenly, the slit in your dress makes you feel a tad self-conscious and you pick nervously at the fabric.
"Stop that" Aemond whispers, his fingers gently pulling your hand away, "Put on a brave face. It'll be over sooner"
Despite your skin burning where he'd touched, you nod once, taking a breath for courage.
Looking straight ahead, Aemond offers his arm, presumably to appear amicable. And you take it, barely putting pressure on the inside of his arm as you walk in together. Aemond keeps his steely stare, looking entirely uncomfortable in this environment.
The first people who approach you, arm in arm as you both are, are the Dornish couple, their dark hair curled and slick with gel. Qoren flashes a toothy grin at you, Mara on his arm looking somewhat doped out with her eyes hooded and kohl thick over her eyelids.
You surmise they must wear their rich yellow-orange colours all the time, judging by their outfits. And that the stereotype must be somewhat true, based on both of their plunging necklines.
"Here he is. The One-Eyed wonder!" He chirps. And you feel the way Aemond tenses up at the rude comment.
"Qoren" he greets flatly, biting his cheek.
Seemingly happy with his reaction, Qoren turns to you, "And who is this gorgeous flower?" He adds, hand outstretched for yours.
Politely, you offer your hand, introducing yourself and skin prickling when he kisses it for a little too long. Mara looks entirely indifferent, in fact she even has a smile on her face.
"So nice to see a fresh face in figure skating. I hope you are coping well with the Targaryens! Not everyone can handle their fire" Qoren muses.
What's that supposed to mean?
You're not quite sure what to say, so you settle for, "Thank you. Nice to meet you"
Otto appears suddenly on Aemond's left side, whispering something and easing him away. You feel somewhat apprehensive of being left alone when the two of them find a quiet corner to talk.
But when you look back at Qoren, your heart goes faster to find Mara on the other side of the room, chatting up Jason Lannister, which briefly makes your lips part in shock.
Qoren smirks, "Mara and I are open"
You shake your head quickly, "I didn't mean to stare I-"
He laughs, "It's alright. Really"
Luckily at that exact moment, a member of staff stops by your side and you quickly pull a flute of champagne off of it, sipping it slightly to take the edge off. You look at Aemond and Otto as you do. Aemond looks white as a sheet, staring at one corner of the room with a gaze that implies panic, with Otto still whispering in his ear.
When you follow their panicked looks, there's a woman standing alongside the strange brown-haired man from the schmoozing event, the one with the limp whose name you still don't remember. She is the epitome of beauty, with dark raven hair and blood red lips, her body filling out the emerald green dress with her hourglass physique and her neckline accentuating the fullness of her breasts.
"That's Alys Rivers" Qoren states, seeing your stare.
You look back at him quickly, cheeks burning from being caught looking, "Who?"
"Before our time. Retired figure skater. Represented the Riverlands"
"Retired?" You repeat, "she doesn't look very old"
Qoren scoffs, "She's older than she looks"
He points his pinky in her direction, leaning in to utter something quietly, "See that necklace?"
You follow his line of sight, eyes squinting in the low light. It’s true. A necklace hangs daintily in the middle of her chest, with a small pendant at the bottom.
"Sapphire" he tells you, "A gift from your One-Eyed partner"
You look at Qoren, utterly dumbfounded. He just chuckles, seeing the supposed trouble he’s caused.
"Once upon a time" he says, gulping down the rest of his drink, "Not until mummy found out anyway"
You can't find it in yourself to reply. Too stunned into silence.
"Pretty thing like you shouldn't be stuck with him" now this does catch your attention, shocked at the blatancy of it, "If you ever find yourself bored of him. Mara and I are looking for someone else to sleep wi-"
"Oh no, no!" You reply quickly, forcing a laugh out, "No thank you, I uh - besides Aemond and I aren't -"
"There you are!" Helaena blurts loudly, coming to your aid, her eyes wide as if she knows exactly what she's breaking up.
She tugs you away before you have a chance to say anything, and you instantly feel relieved, "Thank you" you mouth.
She smirks, "It's alright, Aem shouldn't have left you alone with them hanging around"
You can't help but look back at the black-haired woman called Alys, now finding that Aemond has approached her. She leans close to him, speaking in a hushed and intimate manner, biting her ruby lips. Aemond on the other hand has his signature look, giving nothing away.
You want to ask.
You so want to ask.
"Do Alys and Aemond know each other?" You finally ask, giving in to curiosity.
Helaena snaps her head to you quickly, panicked almost.
"Qoren said something?" She asks, to which you nod, "They were together a few years ago, not for very long. That's probably all you should know"
The sapphire necklace.
It all makes sense. The urgency.
Otto was warning Aemond she was here.
Your lips part in wordless shock, "But…isn't she…"
"A fucking dinosaur? Yeah" Helaena says annoyed, sipping her own champagne and turning her back to them, "Disgusting is what she is" she mutters under her breath.
Dread descends on you, clouding the otherwise warm atmosphere of the after-party.
You look back. Aemond is watching Alys saunter away from the event hurriedly with a less-than-enthused look on her face. He looks visibly annoyed. Uncomfortable even.
It didn't look amicable.
So why would she wear the necklace?
Even when Alys has left, his jaw remains tense and you can't help but feel like he looks smaller, shrinking into himself with his shoulders rolled slightly forwards. His gaze briefly meets yours before you turn back, sensing you’d been caught, seeing how Helaena is also being tugged away by Aegon to chat with Cregan and Sara.
"You look nervous"
You jump out of your skin, almost dropping the flute as that Lars-Larry-whatever guy leans uncomfortably close, his eyes glinting with mischief as they roll over you.
Gods, this man is fucking creepy.
“You looked marvellous on the ice earlier” he praised, standing beside you, watching as you tapped your fingernails on the glass nervously, “Larys Strong. Skating Journalist” he introduced, allowing himself to briefly shake your hand.
You gave as polite a smile as you could muster, “Yes, I have seen you around” Lurking around, more like.
He hummed with a small wry smile, his blue eyes darting around the room, meeting Aemond’s, who was looking at them as if wondering what they were talking about.
“Are you enjoying your time with the Targaryens?” he asked in what seemed like an innocent way.
“Yes, thank you” you reply, clearing your throat, “they are very accommodating towards me”
Larys leant against the table to take the pressure off his leg, “It is a wonder…”
“What is?” you turn to him, confusion ebbing into your tone. He smiles, eyes looking elsewhere, apparently pleased that he’d managed to capture your curiosity.
“...it is a wonder why Hightower Management approached you, over say, an experienced Pairs skater.”
Your lips part. Where do men get this innate fucking audacity?
“...Jeyne Arryn. Maris Baratheon. Even Netta, of no notable house, would be good choices. Better even”
“If you have something to say to me, just say it” you reply, jaw tensed and eyes trained forward on him. Entirely sick of the patronising manner of speaking.
Larys meets your eyes, still smiling “I have some information that may be of use to you. Regarding your employment with Hightower Manage-”
“Excuse us”, Aemond’s tall form appears beside you, standing between yourself and Larys, whose face falls significantly into a stoic frown once he realises the conversation is over.
Your annoyance towards the so-called journalist is stunted somewhat by Aemond’s hand on the small of your back, pushing you away from the conversation, making colour bloom to your face and neck.
Even several paces away, his hand remains there, the contact making your skin erupt in goosebumps as it trails slightly higher up your spine. His body bends to whisper in your ear, “Stay away from him. He likes to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong”
Tell me about it.
“What did Qoren want with you” he asks, his voice low in a whisper, his hand moving to your arm to pull you along. There’s something angered about the way he asks it, his fingers somewhat digging into the meat of your flesh.
The warmth is tainted somewhat by all the frustration of feeling as if secrets are being kept from you as well as the flat, demanding manner of his voice.
You bristle away from him, the warmth of his hand disappearing, “I’m not your fucking girlfriend, Aemond. Stop treating me like one” you hiss, turning to look at him, “just business partners. Right?”
Aemond stands there, briefly confused. But the longer your eyes look at one another, the more his expression shifts into something that you’ve seen only a handful of times. Like that time he saw you training for the first time. And when he assisted your leg stretch only a few days ago.
He half blinks. Trying to hide the passing of his gaze over your form with it.
“You look nice”
Instead of feeling flattered, rage only floods through your veins. Who does he think you are? Some vain, empty-headed woman who can be so easily swayed with a compliment? Throwing yourself at his feet just because he said the most basic nice thing he could even muster?
“You fucking-”
Otto Hightower steps in, unapologetically breaking up whatever it was that was happening (but his face seemed like it couldn’t care less anyhow), hands behind his back, “There you both are”
You and Aemond hit pause on whatever argument was brewing.
“I’ve spoken with the staff. You shall both be on tour together in a week. Alone”
Neither you or Aemond are capable of a cohesive reply, staring blankly at Otto, who just smiles, nods his head once and turns away.
Alone. On tour. With him?!
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Taglist 1 (Bold means I could not tag!)
General Taglist: @blairfox04 | @hb8301 | @jamespotterismydaddy | @natty2017 | @randomdragonfires | @risefallrise | @theoneeyedprince | @thelittleswanao3 | @tsujifreya | @urmomsgirlfriend1 | @valeskafics 
Aemond Taglist (1): @asp3nxx | @avidreader73 | @astroswift | @bellaisasleep ​ | @boofy1998 | @cathy1514 | @dahlias-and-marigolds | @fan-goddess
576 notes · View notes
whiskygoldwings · 3 months
Within Operating Parameters
One shot
Cody/Obi-Wan. Boil/Waxer. Clone/clone relationship mentioned.
Alternative Universe: Soulmates
Warnings: Dehumanization of clones
This kinda hit me out of nowhere, and kept me up until nearly 1 in the morning to finish it, so apologies if there's any errors/disjointedness. Also, I'm not sure who started calling the Negotiator's medic Helix, but it's stuck with me and I can't shake it now!
The clones never removed their helmets. Or, at least, not where anyone other than another clone can see. They spoke in military terms only, introduced themselves with identity numbers instead of names.
It makes Obi-Wan nauseous, even as he smiles gently at CC-2224 and thanks him for his assistance again.
He could FEEL their personalities in the Force, which only made their outward meat-droid presentation all the more painful. It’s unsettled all the Jedi, he knows, but he has always been particularly empathetic, and their fear and anxiety every time any nat-borns are near them makes him want to gag.
It presses at him constantly, the wary avoidance of him, the hopeful hero-worship, tainted by terror and panic. He’s been convinced from the very beginning that the clones are a trap, too conveniently placed to gift them an army when war began. But they are a particularly efficient trap for him. He can feel the curl of the Dark in the violent hatred he feels for the Kaminoans, in the creeping desire to turn the Negotiator to Kamino and rip the foundations asunder.
He breaths deep, drawing in the loving warmth of the Force, and breathing out the pain. His eyes are closed, and he feels a worried pang from one of the helmsmen, but he does his best to ignore it.
It’s the most effective torture that could have been devised.
CC-2224 stares at his eyes in the Mirror.
Still matching. Still golden-brown. Still within operating parameters.
He steps away, pulling his helmet on and activating the seals, ceding his spot to the next brother in line. CT-1477 is similary within operating parameters, but he takes the pre-requisite 30 seconds to observe and ensure he is still acceptable before moving to follow CC-2224 to the bridge.
CC-2224 sheds Cody with every step away from the Vode barracks. The clone slips over him, concealing the defective core of the brother from the enemy.
It’s a little harder today, as he steps onto the bridge. General Kenobi turns to him, and there’s a sad smile on his face, that quickly slides into a warm greeting, blue eyes shining at him.
CC-2224 knows the flash of warmth in his heart is defective, but it passes quickly. It is not permanent. It does not require reporting.
General Kenobi’s smile falters, and briefly there’s something painful on his face, before the serene calm washes it all away.
CC-2224 does not ache for the smile to return. He is functional. He reviews the battle scenario presented to him, and devises a strategy. He is not proud when General Kenobi strokes his beard and grins. He is not pleased when General Kenobi tells him it’s an excellent plan. He nods, and issues orders.
Cody bundles the memory in a tiny, precious box in his mind, and holds onto it for later.
Cody wakes in the midst of his brothers, warm and comfortable. Boil has a leg over his, Crys’ stomach is under his head. Wooley, the limpet, has drooled on his kriffing bicep again, and Cody can’t quite bring himself to be annoyed about it.
He’s woken, as he always does, at precisely 05.00hrs. He’s the Marshall Commander, he needs to wake before the others. The Kaminoans had trained it into him.
They did not train the extra five minutes he takes to soak up the warmth of his vod into him. That he took for himself.
The others wake around him when the five minutes are up. Wooley wipes his face on Cody’s arm, grinning up at him when he glares down. Crys stretches, careful not to disrupt Cody too much. Boil doesn’t move. He’s always struggled with mornings. Waxer is already pressing kisses into his cheek, dragging him up from the dark with the sheer obstinateness of his love.
Cody sighs, and waits until Boil manages to curl himself away from him, into Waxer, fumbling tired fingers into Waxer’s hair and holding him to him.
It’s time to get up.
Cody rises, stretching out cramped muscles from sleeping on the cold floor. They haven’t had an inspection yet while on the Venator, but the harsh punishments of the trainers and Kaminoans when they’d dragged the mattresses onto the floor still ache in each of them, and they haven’t dared that level of deviance yet. He firmly pushes away thoughts that General Kenobi probably wouldn’t care, would probably be pleased to see the humanity in them, and goes to take a piss and brush his teeth. There’s mirrors all along the wall in the bathroom over the sinks, but they’re not the Mirror, so he doesn’t bother to meet his eyes. Around him, brothers do the same, a mix of grumbling and smiling vode, all going through the morning routine.
Breakfast is caff and porridge. It’s actually not bad. The Generals had argued that ration bars was not enough to sustain an army conducting warfare, so Cody and his vod got real food now. It’s eaten in the confines of their cafeteria, sequestered deep in Vode territory, away from any nat-born eyes, but it makes Cody feel a little more human.
There’s not been a lot of that in their lives.
He finishes first, and stands first. He is always the first. It’s the correct order of things. He feels Cody start to slip away, CC-2224 activating with the measured footsteps towards the armour lockers. None of the other Vode catch his eye, the fond touches of earlier come to an end.
CC-2224 is not their vod.
He strips perfunctorily, and steps into the sonic. Cody looks down at his body, traces the new scar on his shoulder. CC-2224 steps out when it finishes. Pulls on the new set of blacks waiting for him. He settles the pieces of armour into place.
Around Cody/CC-2224 other brothers/clones strip and clean themselves. Deadened eyes, tight jaws. The rare aesthetical defect standing out in the midst of symmetrical bodies.
Cody glances away and walks out. He stutters a moment, dread coursing through him.
What if he didn’t look in the Mirror? Just for one day. What if he didn’t look?
He does, of course. Two golden-brown eyes. Matching. No deviance.
CC-2224 pulls his helmet on and goes to his duty.
There’s something tense in CC-2224’s presence today, Obi-Wan observes. Almost like he’s approaching a precipice, and has a choice as to whether he backs away, or continues to the edge. It’s beautiful. Obi-Wan finds himself watching out the corner of his eye, breath held, waiting to see which way he goes.
CC-2224 stays calmly still, hands behind his back, feet shoulder width apart. His chest rises and falls slowly.
Obi-Wan sighs, and looks away. There’s a spark of frustration, before he manages to ease it into the Force. The tense feeling has eased, CC-2224 has walked away from the cliff edge, and Obi-Wan does his best not to feel bitter disappointment.
Perhaps if he’d approached the man...?
He’s very tired of being feared.
It’s a moment of anger, a moment of exhaustion that drives him when he strides over to CC-2224, and puts a hand to his shoulder. It horrifies him in the next second, and he gapes awkwardly at the tilted helmet.
He has never breached their personal space before. It was vile, they had so little autonomy over their own lives; he refused to put them in uncomfortable situations when they were so clearly institutionalised to avoid any nat-borns.
Yet he’s still got his hand on CC-2224’s shoulder. He’s still staring into that visor, blue eyes searching for a glimpse of anything underneath.
CC-2224 doesn’t shake him off, doesn’t move. His external comms must have switched off, because there’s not even the sound of his breathing. He is still, silent, and his Force presence has shrunk to a...
Obi-Wan feels his own breath catch, as something delicate and yearning unfurls from the shadow of CC-2224’s mind. The helmet trembles slightly, and a gloved hand comes up to place careful fingers over his own. They stand like that for a moment, two, and Obi-Wan realises the trembling of the helmet is rough, disjointed.
He thinks CC-2224 is shouting in there.
Obi-Wan doesn’t know what compels him. He lifts his other hand to CC-2224’s helmet, places his fingers over the button to unseal his helm. CC-2224’s other hand jerks up, grabbing his wrist. He waits, and CC-2224’s fingers loosen, then slide over the back of his hand, over his own fingers, and press down against them.
The helmet unseals with a hiss.
They stand there for a moment longer, Obi-Wan staring into the visor, the visor impassively staring back. The trembling has stopped, but CC-2224 heaves with every harsh breath that pants out of his mouth, loud in the absolute silence of the Bridge. Obi-Wan suddenly worries for his ability to breathe, bringing both hands to the edges of the helmet, dislodging the gloved ones on top of his, and slides the helmet off.
CC-2224 has wide, golden-brown eyes, a cruel scar around the left one, and a wide, gasping mouth. He stares desperately back at Obi-Wan, who hungrily drinks in every line of his face, the helmet falling to the floor and rolling away as he presses his hands to either side of CC-2224’s face.
He watches, wonderously, as the golden-brown of Cody’s left eye swirls and rivers of blue flow through it’s warm deserts. He feels an odd, warm sensation in his own left eye, and knows sunlight and sand is filling his in turn.
CC-2224’s eyes snap to his own changing one, and he touches a gloved thumb to the edge of Obi-Wan’s eyelid. Obi-Wan can’t help himself, this wonderful, miraculous man in front of him overwhelmes him, and he turns his face and tilts up, pressing his lips to the pad of that thumb. Something broken punches out of CC-2224’s throat He grabs Obi-Wan’s face and slams their lips together.
It’s imperfect, teeth, brutal desparation and terror, but Obi-Wan answers, careful and gentle, easing them into a cautious kiss. He slides a hand into curling, regulation-cut hair, and slowly pulls away. He leaves his forehead pressed against CC-2224’s briefly, watching him come back to himself in fits and starts, and the horror beginning to twist his face.
Obi-Wan steps back, heart heavy as he lets go of CC-2224, as CC-2224’s hands fall away from him. This is his soulmate. His soulmate is terrified of him.
Obi-Wan has gone too far.
He still isn’t really sure what came over him. He steps away, collecting CC-2224’s helmet from where it rolled to, and walking back to him. The man is frozen, the only movement his eyes, wide like a cornered animal as he watches Obi-Wan. It hurts, like nothing Obi-Wan has ever felt before.
He raises CC-2224’s helmet over his head, and carefully brings it down, concealing those beautiful, mismatched eyes, one the colour of golden sands at sunset, one ocean-blue. He brings the helmet down, until it sits snugly where it should, and activates the seals.
He steps away, then turns and leaves. He feels the tears on his cheeks as he goes, and knows CC-2224 saw them before he left.
The other clones on the bridge never turned away from their panels.
CC-2224 functions within parameters for the rest of his shift. He does not see the General again. His heart rate is high, his breathing short, but he wrangles them back into acceptable ranges every time they begin to exceed the maximum. The other clones do not react to him. They do not say anything. They do not deviate from their duties.
Only Cody has done that today.
CC-2224 carries them through the rest of their shift. He does not wonder where General Kenobi, and his deviant mismatched eyes are at any point. He does not think about him. Does not remember his chapped, warm lips on his...
CC-2224 breaths carefully, brings them back within parameters, and functions.
It is Cody, when he passes the door to the Vode barracks, who wrenches off his helmet, tearing skin in his haste to pull it off before he releases the seals, and flings it carelessly to the floor. It is Cody who stumbles to the Mirror, desparate and terrified, and looks at his eyes.
Mismatched, deviant eyes.
His right is still regulation golden-brown. His left... His left is wonderful, brilliant stormy ocean blue. He presses stunned fingers to his own cheek, then to the Mirror, not quite able to believe what he sees. He stares, and stares, and stares. It does not change.
His brothers are behind him, helmets off, matching golden-brown eyes all staring at his own not-matching set. There’s wonder, horror, fear and anticipation on each of their identical faces. They are silent, waiting for him to react first.
He does not know what to do.
Eventually, the tableau is broken by Helix.
The Chief Medical officer orders them all to their dinner, placing himself between Cody and the others, arms folded. He stares them all down, until they trickle away, each one looking behind them at their Vod as they go. Wooley is the last to leave, and goes to reach out for Cody before Helix hisses at him. Wooley slopes off with a worried gaze, and finally, Cody and Helix are alone.
Helix turns to Cody, and watches him carefully through the reflection. It’s several minutes before Cody managed to look away from that blue, blue eye and meet Helix’s own regulation golden-brown pair.
Helix’s face is firm, but not angry. He looks at Cody. There’s no pity, or condemnation, he is simply there.
It helps Cody find himself again, in amongst the echoes of the Kaminoans in his head. He takes a deep breath in time with Helix’s own, and closing his eyes, turns away from the mirror.
He only opens them again when he’s turned completely away, and, standing straight-backed and proud, he faces Helix, waiting for his vod to lead him to the medical bay for decommissioning.
Obi-Wan hasn’t managed to meditate for the past hour. It’s not for lack of trying. He’d sat on the floor, hands on his knees, eyes (mismatched, wonderful eyes) closed that whole time. His legs are numb; he’s not entirely sure he can get up at this point, and frankly, he still desparately wants to go and find CC-2224 and beg him to please forgive him.
He winces as he unclenched his fist from where he’s dug his nails into his shin again. With a heavy sigh he gives up, awkwardly pulling his legs out from their crossed positions, and flopping back so he’s laid on the floor completely.
Meeting your soulmate was meant to be... The most incredible moment in your life. He’d grown up on stories of eyes meeting across rooms, drawn to each other inevitability. That first curl of colour-shift, that first warmth of knowing each other. Even Qui-Gon had spoken reverantly of it, in those moments he managed to overcome the grief and speak of Master Tahl.
Instead, Obi-Wan felt like he’d violated his soulmate.
He couldn’t help but remember those wide, frightened eyes, the hitch of fear in his soulmate’s breath. His warm brown skin had paled, even as he’d lurched forwards into the kiss.
Obi-Wan shudders, swallowing back bile.
Whatever the Kaminoans had done to the clones, his taking away CC-2224’s right to hide his eyes, to not make that soulmate bond was far, far worse.
He could feel it, delicate and frail in the center of his mind. He curled protectively around it, even as he carefully kept from touching it or strengthening the fragile thread. A soulmate bond with one who was force-sensitive could be a beautiful thing, a gentle sharing of emotions and thoughts of each other.
Obi-Wan refused to intrude upon CC-2224 anymore than he already had. He would allow himself tonight. One night to hover over it, bask in it, but careful not to touch. And tomorrow he would go to CC-2224, apologise for his over step, and seal it. It couldn’t be broken, not now it’d been allowed to form, but he could prevent it from growing any stronger, and give CC-2224 choice in this at least.
He wipes away his tears, and stared at the ceiling.
He was not meant for good things.
Cody stares at Helix, confused and frankly, fucking angry. They are in Helix’s office within Vode territory.
Helix has positioned them with Cody’s back to the door, and Helix facing it. He has placed Cody’s helmet in his hands, and set up a proximity alarm, so they will be alerted if anyone approaches. Helix stated he isn’t worried about Vode, that the secret will be kept by their brothers, but the fear of a nat-born inspection hangs over them even now.
Helix is a very good brother. He had spent the last hour explaining soulmates to Cody, and answering his questions. He explains that back on Kamino, those Vode pre-selected and trained to be chief medical officers had been quietly and secretly taught by Trainer Skirata exactly why they had to check their eyes every day, why they weren’t allowed to remove their helmets, why the Vode were trained to be inhuman drones when performing their duties.
Skirata had not been kind, but he had been indignant that this had been taken from them. It had been his small rebellion before he went and committed his full betrayal.
Helix told him of the Manda’s gift, the sign of the soulbond, the person who was made for Cody, and who Cody was made for. He told him that the Kaminoans had hidden this from the Vode, kept it from them for fear that their product would escape their indoctrination. He held Cody’s face and smiled, wide and proud, as he told him that this meant Cody would be loved.
At first Cody was silent, then doubtful, and then, so, so force-damned angry. So angry he shook with it, and thumped his fist on the floor, teeth clenched.
The Kaminoans took everything from them. Produced them. Trained them. Modified their bodies and mind. Gave them only identity numbers and shoddy armour. He didn’t know why this was the final straw on the pile of his resentment, but it was. He roars and bellows, Helix quiet and solid with him as he rages. The sounds of his fury echo off the walls. It isn’t long before the proximity alarm rang repeatedly.
No one enters, and Helix remains calmly sitting, waiting for Cody’s anger to settle.
Eventually, it does. But not into the weary acceptance of before. He feels something delicately warm in the core of him, and he surrounds it with calm revolution. He looks up at Helix with mis-matched eyes, and sees the same anger in him.
Together they rise, and Cody leaves the office, stepping out to the fading whispers of his brothers stood in the hallway, as they all turn to watch him. Boil and Waxer, Wooley and Longshot. So many brothers faces with halting, worried expressions.
He looks back at them, a single set of mismatched eyes within the sea of golden-brown, and tells them the truth.
Obi-Wan woke from troubled sleep to a sense that something had changed. For a moment, he stays lying on the floor where he’d eventually fallen asleep last night, and blinked up at the ceiling, struggling to center himself in the Force.
The oppressive fear and anxiety had been swept away by a flood of rebellion and joy. It sang through him, wardrums pounding at the heart of it. His limbs were flush with energy, his heart pounding in time with the beat. He found himself clambering to his feet, unable to resist the pull of fierce jubilance. His saber leapt to his hand, the force dancing playfully, excitedly around him, teasing him towards the door.
He walks dazedly through the hallways, following the curl of something golden dragging at his chest. His feet are bare, he wore only his sleep clothes, hair flattened from lying on the floor, and he didn’t care. He needed to find it, that wonderful bloom of warmth in the center of his mind, that proud, fierce presence that unapologetically called for him.
Blinking, he steps onto the Bridge.
The clones wore no helmets. Identical heads, with identical curled black regulation haircuts stood at their stations. The few nat-born officers were stood quietly, confused, unable to stop staring at the bared clone faces around them.
Obi-Wan could only see one.
CC-2224 stood, turned towards him, face open and proud and mismatched eyes locked with his. His hands are calmly held in the small of his back, posture military crisp. He watches Obi-Wan as he approached, until he stands infront of him, then he reaches out his right hand, placing his thumb on Obi-Wan’s cheek below his golden-brown eye.
Obi-Wan startles, placing his own hand over the gloved one on his cheek. “What?”
Mismatched eyes crinkle nearly closed with the force of the smile on his soulmates face.
“My name is Cody.”
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mikobeautifulheart · 25 days
Well more like attempted kidnapper.
TW: Stalker/kidnapper and drug use (once)
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It all started when you and were sent on mission to an abandoned building, they suspected a special grade curse in there holding a few people hostage.
You managed to get all hostages out of the building but one, it was a risk but you had to make sure that if anyone died it was the curse or you. You fought and did kill the curse, helping the last hostage out of the building yourself.
You sighed and sat on a bench out side waiting to gather enough strength to walk home. It was then you felt a shadow Infront of you.
"Oh hey, are you okay? There is medical assistance over near that car there if your injured, maybe you should just get checked out instead."
"I-I'm okay. Look, I just wanted to thank you , I really thought I was going to die back there and if it weren't for you then I wouldn't be here right now."
Coming down from your adrenalin you took a closer look at the guy. He was slim and taller then you, but he looked weak like he hadn't eaten in days. That may as well have been the case; he could have been stuck there for days before they found the curses precense.
"Eh don't worry 'bout it, it's my job. And take this." You said tossing him a snack you had in your pocket.
He caught it and smiled at you.
With that you smiled back and began to walk back. As you walked you thought you felt an odd presence, not cursed energy but something else lingering on your skin.
It was probably nothing just you being tired...
As soon as you got back to the dorms you went straight to Megumi, your beloved boyfriend, who spent the rest of the night with you curled up next to him in his bed while playing with your hair.
You wake up to see Megumi getting dressed. That's right now it's Megumi's turn.
"Wait gumi, gimmie a sec and I'll go with you" you mumbled half asleep.
"No y/n today you should sleep in, not like Gojo is going to teach any classes anyway." He said sitting on the edge of the bed to tie his shoes.
"Just rest today okay? We'll talk when I get back." With that he walked out the door and you heard it lock behind him.
You had to admit it was nice to get some rest in.
After waking up late to class you were walking around the field yourself, waiting for everyone to show up for training. You felt you phone go off in your hand showing that you had a message.
Who was the guy this morning?
It was such a random message and when you inspected it further and saw that it was from an unknown number.
You nervously paced around in circles before you brought your thoughts together. Worst case sanario you get worked up and it was just a bad prank by Nobora and you'd have to beat her in your training session.
Is he your boyfriend?
No, you refuse to play along. For now you would just ignore the number.
Why won't you answer me?
"Y/N!" Nobora shouted getting your attention. You saw her and everyone else walk toward the field smiling.
So it was a joke.
Why were you so nervous, are those your friends?
But no one in the group was holding a phone...
You decided to forget about it, you were safe now that you were with people.
Teaning ended and you walked back to rhe dorms with everyone else before taking a shower and getting dressed.
Image attached
You opened the message to see a picture if you wrapped in your towel.
The blood drained from your face.
Is it okay if I come in?
You heard a knock at the door before the sound of the door knob being rattled filled the room.
You almost screamed before you heard Megumi on the other side.
"Y/n are you in there? I lost my keys on a mission."
You sighed in relife, finally you could be safe. You opened the door to see Megumi looking at you worriedly.
"Did something happen?" he questioned.
Was it really that obvious?
"Uh no? Anyway Megumi what about our mission this afternoon?"
"Yeah we'll leave for that soon, just give me 15 minutes."
You were glad you had Megumi on the mission kr it would ahem taken way longer. The vast part was probably the fact you got to go back to the dorms together.
"I'll go do a final check and then tell ichiji were done here." Megumi said gutting up from his spot next to you leaving you a water bottle that you were grateful for.
You were exhausted now, closing your eyes you listened to the breeze pushing the trees around. It was harmonic making you close your eyes and drift off for a moment.
A sting ran down your neck as you felt something poke it...hard. you sat up headooking side to side. You almost punched someone in the face when you realised there was a guy next to you.
"Hey y/n. Remember me? I was just wondering if you had anything going on with that other guy."
"What? Who are you?" Your thoughts become clearer and you did recognise the guy, it was the hostage you saved the other day.
"Oh you, you scared me." You went down to reach your water bottle before he handed it to you smiling.
"Yeah, so who is that guy your always with?"
"My boyfriend, Megumi? How do you know I'm always with him? I haven't seen you around since the abandoned building."
"I know. But I've seen you alot."
A shiver ran down your spine when you realised this guy is probably trouble.
"I think I need to leave now" you said standing up before falling to your knees.
What was going on. You looked at the bench before seeing two water bottles, you drank out of one that didn't have the same label as the one Megumi gave you.
Your body felt heavy and it became harder to move, the guy got on his knees infront of you.
He put his hand under your chin getting a better look at your face, eyes almost closed.
"You don't deserve all that's happening to you, or that rat your dating. He dosent appreciate you the way I do."
"N...no" you mumbled as he got behind you and tied your hands painful tight.
"Don't worry, you'll never have to see him again."
He threw you over his shoulder and walked toward the forest, your head was strong enough to hopelessly watch as the bench got further away.
You couldn't stay awake much longer, you were trapped panicking in your unresponsive body. All you could do was close your eyes as he carried you away.
A line of light slipped past he blinds as your eyes started to open. Your mind went straight back to the moment you were knocked out and immediately you sat up ready to fight. You took quick shallow breaths as you heard foot steps down the hall getting closer. Eventually the door creaked slowly before you shot up and kicked it closed hard sending g the person on the otherside into the wall.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" You yelled through the door.
"Y/n? Calm down okay, your safe now, it's me Megumi. Your in your dorm room see? Look around." The muffled voice said on the other side.
Not even hesitating you opened the door at the sound of his voice and wrapped your arms tightly around his chest.
"Megumi I was scared, I didn't want to leave. I didn't know how but I think he dugged me and-"
You started to sob into his chest as he embraced you back.
"It's okay now, I would never let you go. From now on if anything happens ir scares you I'll be here okay?" He whispered softly in your ear.
Just as you were being carried away Megumi came back, he summoned he demon dogs to track your scent before he found the guy a nearly beat him to death. He picked your unconscious body up, wiping a tear off your cheek before carrying you back to the car like you were as fragile as glass. He laid your head on his shoulder and pushed strands of hair out of your face.
He won't admit it to you but he nearly cried when you didn't respond to his words.
"I'll never let you go."
You nodded as he picked you up and carried you onto your bed, tracing circles on your back and pressing kisses to your head.
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Tagged: @hatake05 @pinkbunnysblog
AUTHOURS NOTE: got a little of track form the original idea soo..reblogs are welcomed and have a Good whatever time <3
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arysbruv · 7 months
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After years of not seeing each other, you had finally gotten over Poe Dameron, that is until he has to ruin it by suddenly appearing back into your life after smashing your heart into pieces. Yet, there’s someone different about him.
Pairings: poe dameron x readee
Warnings and whatnots: Reconciliation. Friends to lovers. Slight angst, fluff in the end.
Continuation of Gone <- read this first!!
It had been years since you left the resistance to go back to your home planet. After practically getting your heart stomped on by the guy you thought you actually had a chance with, you decided to leave and live a nice contemporary life in the countryside as a healer and medic.
You were quite content with your life, having rebuilt old relationships with old friends. You were finally moving on with life.
Poe, on the other hand, was not so lucky. He didn’t seem to be able to get you off his mind and it dismayed him. He wanted to find you. He had half the mind to just quit the resistance and try to find you, apologise for whatever he had done and hope you’d accept him. Yet, he couldn’t . War was still on the brink of happening so why leave now?
“Dameron.” A voice calls out to him. He looks up from his thumbs. He hums, realising he had just blurred out at the thought of you again in the meeting.
“Did you hear what I said?” Leia asked. Poe clears his throat, embarrassed that he hadn’t. She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I want you, Rey and Finn to go to The Elder World and find the Healer of the countryside.”
Poe agrees, not that there was much he can do anyway. Yet, a part of him lit up as he heard of the place he was supposed to go to.
The Elder World.
That was your home planet. He wondered if this person that he had to meet, they would know you.
So there he was, finally landing in the heavy forest next to the countryside of The Elder World. Finn pats his shoulder as they begin to walk to town. Everyone here was supposed to be in support of the resistance, so no need to be that wary.
They had asked around, trying to find this so called healer. Poe seemed intrigued by this person and eventually they were led to a little cottage near the outskirts of town. It was beautiful and charming. Poe looks at Rey and Finn, nervousness starting to consume him. What was wrong with him? Why was he so nervous?
Rey knocks on the door, and a tall boy opens it. Was this the healer?
Poe looks up at him, he felt a tinge of sadness envelop him. He was stupid for hoping that the person who would answer was you.
On the other side of the door though, you could hear your brother talk to someone. You fix up your dress and go to the front door, wiping your eyes that had dark eyebags beneath them. You were tired, but happy.
“Yes? How may I assist you? Broken bones? Bleeding? Coughs?” You ask, as you approach the door, not entirely looking at your patients. You stop in your tracks as you realise who was in front of you.
Poe’s eyes widen as he sees you. Rey and Finn look at each other before staring back at you. Poe pushes away your brother and immediately lines to hug you. You were enveloped by him. His hug was tight, and compressing. You didn’t hug him back immediately but you finally put your arms back around him.
You pull away, a feeling of longing still present in your heart. You shake the thought away. Why was he here? After everything, here he was in front of you. After getting your broken heart finally put back together, he came back to smash the leftovers of your broken heart into smithereens.
Before he could start his sentence, you interjected, “What are all of you doing here?” Rey explains the situation to you. You keep your eyes trained on her, but you could feel Poe staring at you. You shiver under his gaze. You pinch your nose as you think about their problem. “Do you seriously need me?”
“Yes.” Poe answers, too quickly. You ignore him, but sigh.
“Fine. I’ll get my things, but immediately after, I want to go back here.” You emphasise. Poe shrinks as he hears you say that, and a tinge of pity hits your heart but you ignore it, going inside.
Poe follows you in. He tries to talk to you but you decide to ignore him. You didn’t know why. He didn’t exactly do anything wrong. He didn’t know you liked him, so why were you so upset at him?
Poe finally caught the hint and left you alone. You were grateful, but a part of you still felt bad. Why did you miss his yapping so much?
The trip back to the resistance’s base would take 3 days, which meant you had to be in an enclosed place with him for three whole days.
The first day was filled with silence. You boarded the Millenium Falcon after waving and saying your goodbyes. You could see Poe cringe every time you hugged or kissed the cheek of your male friends. How odd. When you boarded, Poe had showed you your room, it was awkward with minimal talking from your side. It had been a while since you saw the Millenium Falcon and it was nice to see her back. Poe tried to crack jokes but he stopped after seeing your lack of response. He didn’t flirt with you, which you were happy with. The day went by quietly, with you keeping quietly in your room.
The second day was filled with a bit more talking, though it was mostly silent. Poe didn’t bother you much. He kept to himself and seemed to be avoiding you. You were grateful but didn’t understand. To your knowledge, Poe wasn’t the type to give up. The only time you saw him that day was when you ate.
The third day was the most interesting. It started with hard banging from your door, waking you up.
“Hey, It’s Poe… I want to talk.”
You sigh, before getting up and letting him up. He gives you a shy smile before sitting down at your desk. You gave him an odd look, he normally bee-lined for your bed.
“Look, I’m sorry. I don’t quite understand what I did but please tell me. I hate the fact you’re not talking to me and I’m incredibly sorry. It’s been hard without you and now that you’re here but you don’t want to talk to me… it’s harder. Please, tell me what’s wrong… Why did you leave? Tell me. Tell me so I can get better. Tell me so I can make it up to you.” He bursts out, letting it all out.
You stand, shocked. Your arms cross atop each other, as you watch the man break down in front of you. You were stunned to silence.
“What did I do wrong?” He mutters out to you, finally looking at you.
“You.. you didn’t do anything wrong.” You sighed, taking a seat next to him. He gives you a perplexed look.
“I… I liked you Poe, and I was convinced you liked me too, but I was stupid and it turns out you liked that Zorii girl and I couldn’t just ruin everything so I…”
You didn’t finish your sentence, looking at Poe. Poe processes what you say. “You liked me?”
You didn’t answer him. You looked away.
“Do you… do you still like me?” Poe asks. You couldn’t answer him. You couldn’t even answer yourself when you asked yourself the same question.
“Well, that’s a shame… since… I like you too.” Poe says, leaning back. You turn your head back and stare at him.
“I like you, but since you don’t like me back then…” Poe says, the same careless smile now back on his smile. You look at him, slapping his shoulder.
“You idiot.” You huff at him.
“I’m being serious. I like you.”
You look at him, and for once, you don’t see the playfulness in his eyes that he always had. It was gone and filled with seriousness.
“Tell me, do you like me back?”
You stared back and a smile crept up your face. A smile that had been gone for so long.
“I like you too Poe.”
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bynux · 16 days
Asking For Donations — This Will Likely Be My First & Last Time Doing This
Cshpp - $d1pl0mat
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Hey all, I'm a neurodivergent transfeminine person who could use a bit of a financial boost. I've been unemployed for over a year due to autistic burnout and a lot of life circumstances piling on in a short time. Thankfully, things seem to be settling into place and good things are on the horizon, but I need a bit of a push to get there.
The Good: I currently have an apprenticeship lined up that will pay me well and get me into my desired field of software development. I only have to do a behavioral interview (which I expect to pass with flying colors) and I'll be starting training next month. This will enable me to move in with my partners and largely get my life back on track.
The Not-So-Good: That still leaves me with about a month and a half of not getting paid yet. Like I said above, I've been unemployed for just over a year, taking odd jobs and helping my partner(s) with finances as a way of keeping afloat. However, the family I'm living with has their food assistance on hold and I'm unsure when that problem will subside. This is on top of running low on gas, medical weed, and with a phone bill due in the very near future.
This request isn't quite as urgent as some of the others you might see, but if you have $10-20 to throw my way I'd be insanely appreciative. I'm seeking a total of ~$300 to be solidly set with groceries, gas, meds, my phone bill, and a little overhead for incidentals.
Thank you in advance <3
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Phlebotomy Career Training Welcomes Students from Overseas
Phlebotomy Career Training (PCT) is a leading US institute offering various medical health careers and certifications to students from across the country and the world. The goal is to serve every student passionate about working in the medical field to learn new medical skills and be able to support themselves and their families regardless of their professional, educational, or financial…
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HEC has an onsite clinical lab that is in harmony with the state guidelines relating to COVID-19, which is where clinicals will be held. Click here to learn more about us. Nurse Aide Training Courses Kentucky
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whorediaries-09 · 30 days
if you tasted poison;
pairing- sirius black x reader warning(s)- angst, sexual assault. a/n- please do not continue under cut, if any of the topics trigger you.
prequel masterlist series masterlist little train.
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you were woken up by a loud thud on the door. out of instinct, you tried to crane your neck to locate the source of the sound. instead, a sharp pain shot throughout your body, tears at your waterline.
'she's not a death eater?'
'no. did you bring the veritaserum now?'
as the tears flowed down your cheeks, your vision cleared. severus snape and lucius malfoy stood by the door, discussing about you.
'we must trust the dark lord's choices. if we question it, it may backfire on us,' snape said, looking over at you. 'ah, she's awake.' lucius sneered.
'do you not trust my judgement now?'
'i'm a solemn servant of the dark lord, not yours malfoy,' the latter let out a breathe.
'the dark lord trusts me, you can't hold me captive,' you said. on a second thought, it wasn't the best decision to indicate any signs of life between them, yet here you were. lucius lifted a brow.
'you're awake now are you, mudblood?'
'must have fallen asleep. really comfy place to sleep actually,' you bit back.
'mind your attitude,'
'or what? your little snake friends will gather around and kill me? death doesn't fucking scare me,'
'you've got a nice tongue for somebody who'd in dire need of medical assistance,' lucius commented, his steps faltering near you. 'mind your attitude, or i might just feed you to nagini.' he bent over your form, tilting his head to meet your eyes.
you spat on his face.
he seethed with anger, getting away from you.
for the second time that day, the door creaked open. you heard the familiar steps near you, carrying a tray, the metal of utensils clinking against each other with every movement.
'eat, i've got to keep you alive, in the least,' he said, throwing the tray on your lap. he swished his wand, setting your hands free.
'no funny business,'
he stood by you, watching as you wolfed down the food. it was bland, lacking any form of spices, and cold, but it didn't matter. as long as it was something edible, you were happy with it. you needed to be alive, and you would get out of here, alive. you drowned the glass of water, breathing heavily as you finished the food.
'good girl,' he said, taking away the tray.
'don't call me that, lucius,' you warned. he swished his wand, tying up your hands. but this time around, he let you up in the air, floating within his eye line.
'no? what should i call you then? a filthy whore perhaps?' he said, sliding the shoes off your feet. you screeched, the pain shooting right through you.
'don't touch me!' you shouted, trying to get away from him. but he had you in place, as you floated like an object in the air. he had complete control over your body.
'no?' he asked, breathing you in, his fingers raking over your form. you felt the tears clot your vision. 'i fear,' he whispered, 'you're not in much of a position to give orders.'
his hands were cold and disgusting on your body. he held your head up, craning your broken neck on the other side.
'shame,' he breathed, ripping apart your clothes, matted with your blood. 'what a fucking shame. such a pretty mudblood,' he said, eyes cold as ice gazing over the exposed skin of your naked body. his words were vile and cruel, stabbing within you. as his hands touched every part of your body, as you hung mid air, helplessly, hot tears pouring out of your eyes.
'lucius, please, please leave me,' you begged, feeling pathetic. he laughed cruelly, bitterly and coldly.
'can't,' he said, burying himself within you. 'you feel so good.' pure hot white rage filled you up as he pushed himself within you, your nerves flowing with disgust.
'taking it like such a good girl,' he groaned, his filthy hands roaming all over your body. 'what a good whore,'
it was cold. your body was restricted and lump on the ground. you could feel the blood dry at your lips. your body ached from all the abuse lucius had dawned upon you. you hated yourself for it. you ought to have had been more careful. it was your fault, letting lucius catch you when you'd been sneaking in his manor.
the disgust of the feeling of his touch still tasted like poison on your tongue.
you hated how you couldn't spit it out.
you felt your body growing lump, the hot tears a quiet contradiction to the coldness. the agony was too much. you felt pathetic, your eyelids becoming heavy, as you felt your breathing falter.
you didn't have it in yourself to go with grace.
you were dying for somebody who wanted to be the hero, flying around and saving faces. you'd be buried by him as he wore the same jewels you gave him.
and with your gathered storms, you watched as the soul torturously died within you. you felt your battleships sink, killing you softly, killing you treacherously. drowning you slow and heavy, pulling you under the waves which carried you to the shore.
it was as if you saw your life flash within your mind, when you heard the voice of the loss of your life. when you saw through your tears, the sparkle of life you'd burned reflect in front of your eyes. when you felt the cold yet cozy touch, so unfamiliar yet so similar.
you felt yourself being pulled against his chest, as he whispered, into your ear, holding you close,
'fuck, please, hold on,'
pathetically, you closed your eyes, the sight of tears in the gray eyes you lost the last.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
taglist (for series) - @urbansaint
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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reaper2187 · 2 months
Asami sato x firebender reader
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I still remember the first time I saw her.
It was during one of my training sessions, when I was still a young firebender trying to master my abilities. As I practiced, I couldn't help but notice her, standing at the back of the room, her long dark hair tied up in a ponytail and a confident aura surrounding her. I was instantly captivated by her beauty and strength.
Asami Sato, the heiress of Future Industries, was well known among the benders community. Her business empire was built on groundbreaking technology and innovation, and she was also an accomplished non-bender martial artist. Her reputation preceded her, and many firebenders admired her from afar.
But I was not content with merely admiring her from a distance. I wanted to get to know her, to be a part of her world. And so, I mustered up all my courage and approached her after the training session.
To my surprise, not only did she reciprocate my interest, but she also offered to help me improve my firebending skills. Asami could see the potential in me, and she was more than willing to mentor me.
With her guidance, my skills as a firebender improved tremendously. I was able to control and manipulate flames with ease, creating intricate shapes and patterns with my fire. Asami was patient and understanding, never once losing her cool even when I struggled with a particular technique.
As we spent more time together, we grew closer. We shared stories and experiences, and I learned that Asami was more than just a powerful businesswoman. She had a kind heart and a fierce determination to make the world a better place.
I found myself falling deeper in love with her with each passing day. Her strength and grace were irresistible, and I felt grateful to have her by my side.
But we both knew that our love was forbidden. As a firebender, I was expected to marry within my own kind. And Asami, being the heiress of Future Industries, was constantly watched and scrutinized by her father and the public.
However, our love was stronger than any societal expectations. We decided to keep our relationship a secret, knowing that the consequences could be dire if anyone found out.
Despite the risks, we were happy. We sneaked away to spend time together whenever we could, whether it was on a rooftop under the stars or in a secluded area of the city. Asami even started to join me during my training sessions, bringing along her latest invention to assist me in my training.
Our love blossomed, and I felt like I was living in a dream. But as they say, all good things must come to an end.
One day, while we were enjoying a peaceful moment in a garden, we were ambushed by a group of firebenders who were against any kind of relationship between a firebender and a non-bender. Asami and I fought against them, our bending skills meshing together perfectly as we defended ourselves.
But it was no use. They outnumbered us, and just when I thought the end was near, Asami stepped in front of me, using her martial arts skills to fend off our attackers. However, in the chaos of the battle, she sustained a severe injury, and I was too preoccupied with protecting her to notice.
When the attackers were finally defeated, I rushed to Asami's side, my heart sinking as I saw the blood seeping through her clothes. With tears in my eyes, I tried to heal her injuries with my firebending, but it was no use. Her injuries were too severe, and she needed medical attention immediately.
Without hesitation, I scooped her up in my arms and rushed her to the nearest hospital. As her life hung in the balance, I prayed to the spirits, begging them to spare her life. I couldn't imagine a world without Asami by my side.
After what seemed like an eternity, she finally regained consciousness. She looked at me with a weak smile, and I knew at that moment that she was going to be okay.
Asami's father, Hiroshi Sato, arrived at the hospital soon after. He was shocked and angry to find out about our forbidden love, but as he saw the love and care I had for his daughter, his heart softened. He gave us his blessing and even offered to help us keep our relationship a secret.
From that day on, Asami and I were no longer just two people in love. We were a team, facing any challenges that came our way, together.
Asami and I eventually got married, and we continued to train and support each other in our respective abilities. Together, we used our skills and resources to make a difference in the world, just like we always dreamed of.
Looking back now, I realize that our love was the catalyst for great change. Our love had the power to overcome any boundaries and obstacles, setting an example for others to follow.
And as I stand here, beside my wife Asami, I couldn't be more grateful for our love that started in a training room. It was a love that transformed not only our lives, but the world around us.
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worriedvision · 2 years
So uhhh how about maybe a tighnari x reader where the reader is a sibling of dottore's and they find out about his real work through a slip of the tongue (this is when they're an adult). They pursue becoming a doctor, and they decide to apply to Sumeru as well as other areas where they can train, and they get into Sumeru. Somehow they meet, chaos ensues when things are discovered
This is gonna be fun to write.
Translation: prepare to get hurt lol
Reader is gender neutral, please correct me if I slip up BC my brains like mush rn.
Got long af so I'm gonna do a second part lol
You never got on with your brother, finding him incredibly creepy. Sure, you were siblings, but something felt really dodgy about him. It didn't fade away at any point either, in fact it got even worse when he finished his education and somehow managed to get work for the Fatui.
You had assumed he was simply a medic, giving the bare minimum care to soldiers if they got wounded. Sure, it wasn't his idea of interesting, but at least he wasn't responsible for the care of vulnerable people who he could take advantage of.
Well, you found out he was experimenting on people who had less than ideal circumstances. See, he had been talking to a communication decide, and you overheard him documenting the age and condition of the 'new admissions'. Peering around the corner, you see the way his mouth just cracks into the most horrific grin. You just know he's trying to hold back laughter.
You never really knew what to do with your life, but you did try in school, achieving good qualifications to fit in wherever you deemed fit.
Now, however, you feel the sudden urge to become a doctor. Not like your evil brother, but rather a doctor that helps heal others, a doctor with a good reputation and an approachable exterior. Deciding to apply for courses, you go for Sumeru, Fontaine and Liyue. You already knew Sumeru would be near impossible to get into with how world renowned it was, you hoped to get into either Liyue or Fontaine.
When you receive the letter of acceptance from Sumeru, you manage to hold back your squeal of joy at the sight. Attached to the letter was a book you were to read up on. You flick through the pages, recognising one of the conditions to be one your brother was fixated on. You feel compelled to specialise in this reading, taking in all the information you can before you were to head off. Your mother thinks you're simply moving to Sumeru for some work, and she doesn't bar an eye when you leave.
You decide to take a detour from the usual route, figuring you may as well enjoy what other parts of Teyvat had to offer. Mondstadt, for example, felt like a getaway in comparison to your homeland. That wasn't exactly surprising, considering you had to deal with your brother's less than sane speeches.
Liyue was freeing as well, but in a more controlled manner than that of Mondstadt. You wished you left a day earlier, that way you would have been able to truly appreciate all the world had to offer.
However, you figure you may as well step foot into Sumeru. You navigate through the Chasm with someone who has the time to assist, you paying them respectfully with Mora before you head through into Sumeru.
To your surprise, you are met with a beautiful forest setting. Your mouth can't help but fall open, somehow able to keep ahold of your bag. You zone out for a bit, and you think you hear someone try to rouse you.
"Hello?" You hear a soft voice, a gloved hand waving across your face. You shake your head, promptly apologising before turning your attention to a beautiful looking man. His eyes peer into you, as if he asked you a question.
"Oh, sorry." You start. "I'm due to start a course soon at- uh sorry, one moment please-" you pause, pulling out your letter as well as the book you had been gifted. The man peers over your shoulder, and he lets out a sound of acknowledgement.
"Ah, what a coincidence." He responds. "I have to go into the city for work, I'll guide you." He nods, face still calm.
"...I would like to know who you are before trusting you with my safety." You half joke, the man smiling softly for a moment before he composed himself.
"You may call me Tighnari. I am a forest watcher." He explains. You begin to introduce yourself, only for him to recall your name. "I did see your letter, after all." He explains, smiling when you nod dumbly after realising he wasn't some sort of creep who knew all about you.
The walk wasn't very eventful, but Tighnari kept looking over at the book in your hand. You realise he's curious about the contents, and you hand it over. He looks over at you, surprised you were allowing him to read your book.
"I noticed you looking." You smile, Tighnaris ears twitching slightly. "I've already read through the book, so I think I can survive without it by my side all the time."
Tighnari nods, and he looks up to see the city entrance. Taking a deep breath, he walks up, you next to him.
When you find out you were to get a device of sorts attached to you, your mind already begins to dread the reaction you'd get if people realise you were your brother's sibling. Reluctantly, you do so, and thankfully neither of the people in front of you react. Taking a breath of relief, you walk with Tighnari, him leading you to the building you were to report to.
'Keep an eye on that one.'
After talking to Tighnari more, he asks if you would be interested in staying in the forest. Of course, you had some limits, but he told you there was someone that you both would benefit from being around. Eagerly nodding, you begin walking with Tighnari only to overhear a discussion between a parent and someone you didn't like the look of.
"Your son will be safe with us, rest assured." You hear the other person say. You tell Tighnari you'll catch up, and you make eye contact with the parent. Thankfully, it's discrete enough that the other person didn't suspect anyone was listening in. You shake your head, mouthing the words 'dont do it'.
"Thank you for the offer, I truly appreciate it." The parent starts. "However, I must turn this down."
The person sighs, clearly frustrated because this parent didn't fall for the trap that others did. You hide behind a crate, waiting until the other person is away and knocking on the door. They see you, and they demand an answer.
"I have reason to believe your son would be taken advantage of if you were to hand him over." You explain. "Was this organisation the Fatui, by any chance?" You ask after getting a look of confusion. The parent nods, and you can't help but feel relieved you overheard the transaction. "Believe me, their intentions are not pure." You finish, the parent staring at you as they take the information in.
"But my son's condition is complex." The parent queries.
"If you would like, I can keep an eye on your son's condition." You begin. "I started a course on this condition. If you like, you can check me."
The parent does so, and they nod slowly. It's like they're debating on something, but you brush it off. They thank you, accepting the offer and wishing you a safe journey home.
The walk back felt tense, for lack of a better word.
Tighnari had an expression of unease, staring ahead and not responding when you asked him if he found the book useful. After you look at him out of concern, he closes his eyes in thought before stopping.
"The book was insightful." He bluntly explains before walking ahead.
You have a feeling he's been told something, but you know better than to ask him to just tell you.
You are introduced to Collei, who takes interest in you immediately. You don't disclose where you're from, knowing from her history that she would fear you simply because of your origins. Collei can't help but laugh when she notices you look over at master Tighnari with a look that wasn't purely professional, stifling it when Tighnari raises a brow, asking her what was so funny.
Following her patient journey was certainly enlightening. For whatever reason, Tighnari informed you right before Collei woke up about the Fatui and what they did to her, and you remember the disgusting way your brother took joy in recording the patients he received on that day.
Collei never mentioned it, and you decided you wouldn't press her on it. The time she jolted after you brushed past her, you understood completely, apologising to her at the exact same time she did to you.
Tighnari started trusting you, but he didn't like the fact you never disclosed to him personally your relation to 'the doctor'. He waited, hoping you would tell him soon enough, only to become frustrated when it didn't happen.
One night, you three were out on a job, and Tighnari was asleep, Collei sitting with you while you examined her. Hearing someone in the distance, you look over to see a ginger haired man wave you over.
"Who's that?" Collei asks, you thinking of a good excuse to figure it out yourself.
"Oh, that's one of the parents of the patients I look after." You smile to make it convincing. "I'll be back in just a moment. If something happens, call me over."
You walk over, the man smiling and going along with the act until he was certain nobody else was paying attention.
"You're going to need to come with me." The man starts.
"And who are you go tell me so?" You bite back, the man chuckling lightly at your response.
"Tartaglia, 11th of the Fatui harbingers."
He takes note of how your eyes widen.
"Your brother really doesn't appreciate the lack of patients he's getting from Sumeru, and it started after you moved out." He explains. "He's going to start looking for you personally."
"Oh, thats certainly interesting!" You smile, Tartaglia sighing out.
"Listen, if you come with be back to the Fatui, we will train you to be whatever you want." He tries to convince you.
"I'd rather die." You say without hesitation. Tartaglia raises a brow. "I don't care what the Fatui can give me, I don't want to be associated with my brother's line of work."
Tartaglia rubs the back of his head, awkwardly looking away.
"Listen, you don't have much of a choice." Tartaglia sighs out.
"Give me a week to reconsider, please." You might as well try, right? After all, you knew this guy had siblings, and he would protect them to the best of his ability. Plus, the phrasing implied you would eventually fall into their hands.
"...Fine." he admits defeat. "You aren't gonna put up a fight if I were to deny you that anyway."
Returning back to camp, you see Tighnari glaring holes into you. Letting out a shaky sigh, you wave in hopes of him reciprocating it.
The fact he didn't let you know he heard most of the conversation.
You sit down, looking over at Collei who was sound asleep. Tighnari leans over, whispering into your head so he didn't disturb Collei with any of the information.
"Do you intend on handing Collei over?" Tighnari asks, his glare hardening.
"No." You respond softly.
"Why don't I believe that?" He continues.
"Because you know who my brother is." You respond. Tighnari keeps looking, not whispering anything else in the moment. "You associate me with him."
"...And why didn't you admit you were related to him? Don't tell me you're doing this to correct his wrongdoings." He continues to interrogate you.
You tear up, the weight of the situation slamming down on you.
"Because I knew you would label me to be exactly like him." You respond. "Truthfully, I feel stupid for only recently discovering what he does."
Tighnari lets you take a moment to breathe, pulling away from your ear. A tear falls, Tighnari doesn't seem to care. Why would he, considering what he knew since day one.
"...I don't know what I can do." You start once again. "I want to stay and complete my studies, but I trust you know why I couldn't safely do so." Tighnari nods, eyes looking over. "But I don't want to go to the Fatui, especially knowing their less than ethical actions."
Tighnari doesn't talk, hoping to see if you add anything else.
"If I'm spotted by the Fatui in a week's time in Sumeru, not only will I be punished, but anyone housing me will be hurt." You sigh, making sure Collei is still asleep so she didn't hear any of this.
"...I'll take care of this myself." You reaffirm yourself. "Don't look for me. Tell Collei I have a placement, or maybe say I've been moved into another area. " You explain.
"But what about you?" Tighnari suddenly asks out of concern, standing up at the same time as you do.
"Let me worry about that, okay?" You shakily let out, brushing off the hand that manages to reach you before you begin to execute your plan.
First step, you go to the academy the next day and inform them you are dropping out. You will also inform the parents that you have been keeping safe with your personal knowledge of the Fatui. Thankfully, the parents take it well, some of them explaining they had a feeling it was bound to happen. When you ask them to keep each other safe, they nod in understanding.
The next step, you find the parts of Sumeru that the Fatui don't have interest in. At first, you thought abandoned camps would do the trick until you had a very close call, almost being caught sleeping by a Fatui agent. You figure out that chances are, they had an idea of where you usually stayed because of your academic background, you have to think of perhaps going towards the areas where you weren't as likely to spot people who took pride in academic intelligence, but rather in trades.
You had a long road ahead of you, you realise as you set up camp just outside of Port Ormos.
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