#modern aemond x you
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Shut Me Up
Summary: years after falling out, her, Aemond and the friend group take a summer trip to their Dornish villa, where real intentions make themselves known | word count: 9.2k | warnings: smut, choking, hair pulling, spanking, enemies to lovers ish, swearing, mentions of marijuana use, fingering
A/N: didn't mean to post this on the Mitchelly man's birthday but here we are. A little smutty number in celebration of my seasonal depression cured. And for this fic let's pretend they're all not related, mmk
She thought it'd stay in the group chat, like most of their holiday plans.
Unfortunately, or fortunately for some, it had somehow materialised into a long weekend away on the white sand Dornish beaches. Her bank account was not particularly happy, but the promise of endless sun, cocktails, friends and fun, would just about make up for it, she supposed.
As the only one with a credit card that wasn't maxed out, she rented the hire van for the six hour road trip it would take to get to the villa. She tried, often, to persuade Baela or Helaena into driving. But the former insisted on doing her makeup in the passenger seat for the first leg of the journey, and the latter, well, she'd likely be handing out the space brownies in the back seat.
So it was decided, in the end, Baela would pick up the second half of the drive. She prayed, for the sake of her deposit, that the roads were clear.
The force at which Rhaena threw her overnight bag at her nearly knocked all the wind out of her, “fuck me, Rhae, the hell is in this thing?”
“What? I need to bring aftersun, painkillers, first aid kit, blister patches��”
Baela snorts, brushing past her anxious twin to stuff her bag in the boot of the van, “Rhaena’s brain doesn't know the difference between having a gun to her head and being unprepared.”
“At least you pack lightly,” she smirks, raising a brow, trying her best to shove the luggage aside to fit.
Jace was quick to follow out, his flip flops unabashedly falling to pieces, clad in khaki shorts and a white shirt. She'll never get her head around what Baela sees in him. Sure he's funny, attractive, but he dresses like he's done it in the dark and it's still the early 2000s.
She watches as Helaena and Aegon squabble for the house keys to lock up, having hosted Jace, Baela and Rhaena the night before in preparation for the trip. Luke and Daeron, as fun as they are to have around, are too young for a trip like this. And it's probably for the better anyway, knowing the history between Aemond and Luke. The incident that nobody really dares to talk about.
Helaena beamed, eyes tinged pink from either sun or something stronger as she clambered into the back of the van in a boho white dress. There was an easy air about everything. An excitement that cut through the humid air that billowed off the concrete pavements. The sort you only get from going on holiday.
And Aegon, well.
He's Aegon.
He winks, pulling his sunglasses over his eyes, “hey babe.”
“Absolutely fucking not, Aegon. Get in the van.”
He feigns disappointment, “you're breaking my fucking heart.”
“You'll live.”
Aegon snacks Helaena's arm to budge up a space and plonks himself right in the middle seat, stretching his legs out only to annoy Rhaena in the seat in front.
“Who's ready for a road trip!” Helaena squealed excitedly.
Baela laughed, glancing back over Jace’s arm that was around her shoulders, “are you high already?”
“Excuse you, I am perfectly sober.”
“She's high,” Rhaena added, barely looking up from her phone.
She bit back a laugh, and was about to ask where the last passenger was, always late but hey, reliably late. But he appeared before she had the chance to utter the words.
He walked towards the van with the usual effortless arrogance, duffel bag shoved over his shoulder, silver hair pulled into a lazy knot. He was dressed in all black because of course he was. Even if it was nearly 40 degrees Celsius and hot enough to fry an egg on the kerb.
To be fair, she'd not seen him in a while, so she looked him up and down, and he was, if not a little bit taller than the last time she saw him. And the scar that lined through his brow, through his eye and down his cheek was almost silvery in the midday sun.
Aside from that, he was still the most raging twat she'd ever met.
For the slightest second, their gazes met, but he was first to look away. No smirk. No greeting. Just the cold, unreadable calm.
“Here he is, our favourite brooder,” Aegon laughed.
Aemond exhaled through his nose, sighing into the last seat at the very back and tucking his bag between his feet, “shut up, Aegon.”
Aegon grinned, clapping him on the shoulder, “Gods I missed this family dynamic. It's so fucking healthy.”
She pretended to instead be interested with how to turn the headlights on and off, even though she wouldn't need them on the six hour drive. Boot closed, engine roaring and everyone, well…nearly everyone, squealed ‘let’s go!’.
The inside of the car smelled like sun cream, salty crisps, and whatever questionable concoction Aegon had decided to mix into his oversized tumbler. The air-conditioning was on full blast, fighting against the relentless Dornish heat.
Helaena, currently high as hell of a ‘brownie’, was sprawled out like a sun-dazed lizard, arms stretched above her head, blinking lazily at the passing scenery.
Aegon chuckled, “how many did you eat, Hel?”
Helaena giggled, “like…one and a half. But they were big,” she raised her fingers like she was measuring something ridiculous.
She looked in the rear-view mirror as a car behind them overtook them on the dual carriageway, and caught eyes with Aemond, who had his noise cancelling headphones on. The blue of one eye and the misty grey of the other made her heart leap as they clocked on hers, however briefly. And Baela certainly noticed how hard she gripped the steering wheel.
Aemond looked largely the same, lean but built, sharp features, all arrogance albeit silent. And though his hair was tied back, a few strands were loose. And she hated that she noticed.
It had been years since the falling out.
It was a terrible mix. They were teenagers. Had a bit to drink, when the tolerance was horrific. Followed by a very public argument at one of his family gatherings that ended in her calling him a ‘pretentious, controlling asshole’. And well, the rest was history. They existed whenever the friend group got together, each too stubborn to force the friendship group to adjust to their spat, but she avoided him all the same.
For the record she still thought he was all of the above.
The drive was quiet but long. And between Helaena's spaced-out ramblings, Jace’s terrible choice in music and Rhaena complaining she needed to pee, Baela took it upon herself to find a service station to stop up. And as soon as the handbrake was up, the doors flew open and they all rushed out like a chaotic clown car act.
The station was nothing special, some off-brand fast food places and a tiny shop for snacks and drinks. But it would do. She hopped out the drivers side and down the side of the van, bristling when Aemond climbed out his side and they brushed shoulders.
He smirked, “relax, I'm not going to bite.”
All she could do was shake her head and throw a face of disgust that Baela certainly didn't miss, “are you two still at it?” she asked, amused, “this has been going on for years. Honestly impressive at this point.”
She rolled her eyes, watching as Aemond stalked off behind Aegon to the shop, “I don’t have the energy to argue with someone who thinks he’s better than everyone else just because he reads philosophy books and drives like he’s in a Fast and Furious movie.”
Aemond didn't go inside, he leaned on the wall, stoking up a cigarette, the lazy smoke dwindling from his lips into the hazy Dornish air. She hated the way he was just so effortlessly nonchalant, like he belonged in an black and white movie.
“You’re staring,” Baela said, voice laced with amusement.
She tore her gaze away, scowling, “I am not.”
Baela hummed knowingly, “suuuure. You know, if you just fucked it out, all this tension would be gone.”
She choked through a sip of water, “Baela—”
“What? I’m just saying,” she shrugged, smirking, “I mean, I don’t even think he hates you as much as you think he does.”
She scoffed, “please. We’ve been at each other’s throats since we were kids. Aemond thrives on making my life miserable.”
“Or,” Baela drawled, “he thrives on getting under your skin because he likes your reaction.”
She rolled her eyes, but her face felt hot, was she getting a sunburn? “We’re not having this conversation.”
“Fine, fine,” she relented, then, casually, she added, “by the way, I heard he and Alys broke up. Months ago.”
That made her freeze.
Baela watched her expression closely, like she was waiting for a reaction. She forced a neutral shrug, stuffing her hands into her pockets, “and?”
“And,” she smirked, “you’re pretending you don’t care.”
Did she care? Really?
“I'm going to pretend we didn't have this conversation.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Baela laughed without a care as Rhaena bounded back up to them with a handful of snacks. Aegon and the rest weren't far behind.
Aegon groaned, “thank the gods I was about to gnaw my own arm off.”
“I don’t know how you’re hungry,” she replied, eyeing him, “you inhaled half a bag of crisps like ten minutes ago.”
“I'm a growing boy,” he winked. Making the others gag.
Mercifully, nothing more was said on the matter. She simply graced the spot where Baela had been sat, had her snacks and let her drive the rest of the way. Rolling down her window, she let her hand rest out of it, the warm, dull air flowing through her fingers. Blissfully ignorant of her nemesis in the back seat.
She knew their dad was rich but Viserys’ obnoxiously sized villa was so endless it bordered on ridiculous. It was perched on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the endless blue stretch of sea, with a white, sandy beach sprawling at the foot of it.
The villa was no eyesore either. It's sunbleached patios, white stone walls and glass doors all reflected the shimmer of the sunlight on the water. And despite having the literal sea at your feet, the pool sat beneath the balcony, wide, deep and perfectly maintained.
Viserys Targaryen never did anything by halves.
Aegon whistled, “fuck me, I knew the old man had money, but taste?”
Helaena pushed by him, bag in tow, “I get the biggest room!”
“No you fucking don't—” Aegon called, running after her like a child.
She stretched her legs, hopping out of the van and inhaling the warm, salty sea air. The view was ridiculous, and a natural staircase made of stone led down the side towards the private beach.
Baela nudged her arm, “this is amazing.”
She nodded, “despite the company, this trip might be bearable.”
Aemond, audibly, trudged past with his duffel bag, lazily making his way into the villa with a smirk as if he'd heard.
Yep. Bearable.
Everyone was too exhausted to do anything but dump their bags in their rooms and laze around the pool. That, and raiding the kitchen for all the food.
By the time the sun had dipped below the horizon, everyone had found their spots and Jace and Aegon were already three beers deep and failing to pot anything at the pool table. She had found herself with the girls poolside, nursing a bottle as they dipped their feet in the cool water.
“We're all waking up early for the beach,” Rhaena declared, loud enough for Aegon to groan.
She laughs, the water rippling around her legs, “what are we doing swimsuit-wise? Practical or hot?”
Rhaena and Baela answered simultaneously.
“Hey I've seen you in the bikini, you'll give someone a heart attack,” Baela grinned.
“Shut up.”
Maybe it wasn't heart attack worthy, but the bikini certainly was something. It had honestly felt like she'd lived a lifetime since last seeing herself in swimwear, the seasonal depression had done no favours there. But now, looking at herself in the mirror, she nodded and pulled her hair away from her face, lathering herself with sun cream before attempting the blazing Dornish midday.
“Gods, if I were gay,” Baela whistled from where she sat on the bed, a dark blue translucent shawl tucked over her shoulders.
She rolled her eyes with a snort, “please, you'll be gushing in thirty seconds about how Jace looks in knee length shorts.”
“Hey. Knee length shorts gets some girls going, okay?”
Rhaena scoffs, white streaks of half-rubbed in sun cream glazing her cheeks, “just you, sis.”
Yep, definitely just you, she thinks.
She'd underestimated the beach. It was gorgeous, idyllic, in fact there weren't enough words. It was just secluded enough to feel private, and nobody wasted any time in making use of it.
Some jumped head first into the waves, tackling and splashing. Aegon had brought with him a garish purple lilo, which Jace found great pleasure in flipping over occasionally, dunking Aegon and whatever drink he was holding into the turquoise water.
Even Aemond, who usually abstained from these sort of activities, had shed his shirt and waded lazily into the water, the sun somewhat reflecting off his sun-cream glistened skin.
She hated that she noticed.
Even more, she hated the way the water made his hair a shade darker, how the drops of water ran down his chest—
No. No. Nope.
She leaned back on the sun bed, pushing her hat over her eyes, willing the image out of her mind as quick as it had come. And the first day passed quickly. She'd dipped in the sea, yes, but not the boyish, rowdy behaviour that the boys and even Helaena were sporting. Most of it was spent lounging, relaxing.
Gods, a lot of burning.
By the time night-time had rolled around, her shoulders were pink, mirrored with a dusty line across her cheeks and nose. The ticklish sensation hadn't kicked in yet. That was tomorrow her’s problem.
Right now, all she needed was a nice cold shower and peace.
And peace she found. The villa fell into an easy, relaxed quiet. Somewhere down the hall Aegon was giggling drunkenly, Baela was probably spooning Jace and she could fear the faint sound of TV through Helaena's bedroom.
She padded barefoot across the cool tiles, pushing open the balcony doors that graced one side of her room. The breeze crept in, welcome and warm on her skin, just enough to let in the salty scent in the air.
She mindlessly rubbed the back of her neck where the bikini top had made its tan line. Or what would eventually be a tan line anyway, right now it looked more scarlet. Staring out, the flickering lights of nearby villages blinked in the distance, sparkling along the peninsula where the villa sat atop.
The reflection of the lit pool below caught her eye, and she felt her throat tighten at the sight. Swimming, in the dark and illuminated only by the cool lights beneath the water, was Aemond, cutting through the water with lazy, practiced strokes.
He was alone. Quiet. And ashamed to say he looked good.
The thought came before it could be stopped, but once it was there it took root, and an immediate scowl crept to her face at her weakness.
His bare shoulders gleamed under the tempered light, lean, toned frame moving through the water with a silent grace. The water had made his hair slicked back, revealing the cut of his jaw, and the sharp angles of his cheekbones.
Aemond ran his hands over his face, leaning back with a sigh to dip his hair back into the water. Her heart nearly leapt through her chest as his gaze lifted to her on the balcony, catching her watching him.
Her stomach twisted, heat crept up her neck and it absolutely wasn't sunburn. She could do nothing more than just pretend she wasn't watching him, so she turned on her heel, and slid back inside her room, holding the balcony doors shut with her heart rate going a mile a minute.
She could feel his gaze as she shut the door. Could imagine his expression too, smug bastard.
Mouth suddenly dry, she pulled her shawl around her tighter and made for the kitchen, needing something to take away this aftertaste. Grumbling and sighing, she scolded herself, barely even at the cupboard before she spotted him.
He was standing by the fridge, bottle of water in hand, in nothing more than the shorts he was wearing to swim resting low on his hips. His hair was still damp, but some bits curled around his face, and she hoped he hadn't seen the way she noticed the slightest ‘v’ that disappeared below the waistband.
He turned, perfectly calm, as if he hadn't just caught her staring for the second time in ten minutes.
“Can't sleep?”
She crossed her arms, looking off, “needed water.”
He laughed once, breathy, and threw the water he was holding to her, which she caught with her other hand as it slipped through her fingers.
The moment stretched.
She only watched from her periphery as Aemond grabbed another from the fridge, and twisted off the cap. She had luckily resisted the urge to watch him bring it to his lips and down half as if he was parched.
No sooner had she bought the bottle to her own lips.
“You keep looking at me like that.”
She nearly choked on her water.
Her fingers tightened around the bottle, crinkling under the pressure as she turned to glare at him. “Like what?”
His eye flickered, taking her in with slow, assessing amusement. “You tell me.”
Her breath hitched, and she hated that her body betrayed her, the way her thighs tensed slightly, the way her fingers curled. Aemond noticed. Of course he did.
She rolled her eyes, masking the heat creeping up her neck, “you’re delusional.”
He chuckled, taking a slow sip of his water, his smirk never fading.
“Sure,” he murmured.
Rolling her eyes came naturally, “I still don’t know why you even came on this trip.”
Aemond raised a brow. “Why wouldn’t I?”
She scoffed. “Because you hate me.”
He tilted his head, considering her, his smirk turning thoughtful. “And what gave you that idea?”
She drained the bottle and crushed it with her palm, annoyance brewing, and she saw the amused quirk of his brow, “oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that you’ve spent the last few years acting like I’m the most insufferable person in existence?”
“You're not insufferable,” he chuckled, “maybe a bit, actually.”
She blinked, “excuse me?”
He shrugged, “I never said I hated you.”
She let out a dry laugh, “right. So all those times you went out of your way to argue with me? That wasn’t hatred?”
“I think you’re confusing hatred with enjoyment.”
She stomach flipped. No. Nope. Absolutely not.
She pointed a finger at him, “don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“You know what.”
That tone. That fucking tone. The one that was both amused and knowing, the one that made her face heat up against her will.
Aemond tilted his head, his voice dropping just slightly. “If I hated you,” he said, “I wouldn’t be standing here right now.”
She stared at him. The smirk had slipped from his lips. The teasing tone gone. Fuck.
There was something in his gaze that was something else entirely and she wasn't sure she wanted the flip of her tummy to tell her what it was. She swallowed hard. And before she did or said something stupid, turned on her heel and left to the sanctuary of her room.
And he let her.
A lazy morning was needed for most to sleep off the sunburns and drinks, but for her, she needed the lie in just to avoid running into Aemond as much as possible.
So with the day ahead, they'd decided to go to Sunspear Old Village, a collection of independent restaurants, shops and bakeries. The drive was short, but the difference between the villa and the sprawling village side streets was immediate.
The atmosphere was exciting, sunny, citrus and salt, vendors calling out for customer's attention. Markets lined the stoned path, freshly baked goods, colourful fabrics and handcrafted jewellery.
She and Baela lagged behind, a large sunhat on both their heads to shield from the unyielding sun, taking their time weaving through the stalls, oo-ing and ah-ing at the various Dornish wares.
One particular stall was everything she liked. Handmade jewellery of all golden hues, one worker was moulding a ring into shape and another was placing stencils against thinly laid gold and striking it with a mallet.
The one she liked was a small, golden sun pendant. Dark gold. Delicate and yet striking despite its simple design. The metal was hammered in small indents, and she marvelled at the craftsmanship with her fingertip over the surface.
“You should get it,” Baela insisted.
She tilted her head, “hm, I could but…don't really need it, and I didn't exchange enough money.”
“Since when did you need an excuse to buy jewellery?”
She grinned at Baela, glancing back at Aemond and Helaena as they toddled behind. The taller man had his hands in his pockets, sighing as his sister dragged him into yet another stall.
She swore she caught his gaze on her, for a split second.
Baela was too observant for her own good. “You are so fucking obvious.”
“I heard you two talking last night.”
She nearly choked on air, “what the hell, Baela—”
She snorted a laugh, pulling her sunhat over her eyes, “I wasn't eavesdropping! I just wanted a glass of water when I heard—” she straightened her back, puffing out her chest, “you keep looking at me like that.”
She gasped, smacking her arm, “Baela!”
She laughed, dodging herr second hit. "Oh, come on! That was the most tension I’ve ever heard in my life. I thought you two were about to—"
"Don’t. Even. Finish. That. Sentence."
Baela just smirked, eyes twinkling. “You’re blushing.”
“I am not.”
“You so are.”
She huffed, opening her mouth to fire back–
A flash of white and gold hurtled between them, and Helaena, her dress swishing around her shins, beamed up, “look!” she exclaimed, vibrating with excitement as she presented a gold charm in her palm, “it’s a scorpion!”
Neither of them could hide their amusement.
“Hel, of all the things to buy,” Baela smirked.
Helaena just grinned, unbothered, “scorpions are lucky,” she said matter-of-factly.
She laughed a little, half in amusement and half because it must be nice to see the bright side of everything, “of course you’d find something weirdly meaningful.”
Hel clutched it happily, “I’m going to put it on my keychain.”
She exchanged looks with Baela, who simply shrugged. Helaena was Helaena.
And then, as if she could sense the conversation she had just interrupted, she tilted her head at her, blinking dreamily. “Are you flirting with Aemond?”
And all it took was Baela barking out into fits of laughter for her to roll her eyes, pretend those words hadn’t just come out of Helaena’s mouth and jog forwards to Rhaena instead, who mercifully was blissfully unaware of anything going on with the aforementioned Targaryen.
She and the girls had taken it upon themselves to bring down some food from the kitchen as well as the fire pit, nestling it into the sand and pulling their shawls over their shoulders to stay off the chill once the sun had dipped with the temperature.
Aegon, as expected, was putting on a show. The moment the flames came to life, he thumped his chest like a deranged caveman, grinning wildly, waiting for laughter that never came.
Baela, unimpressed but entertained, simply lifted her phone. Flash. Click. Post.
Aegon froze mid-motion, the colour draining from his face. “Baela. Delete that.”
She smirked, tucking her phone away. “Nope.”
“I will literally die if that’s on the internet.”
“It’s already on Instagram.”
With a loud groan, Aegon flopped backward into the sand, arms outstretched in defeat. Baela only grinned, her attention shifting to the half-empty bottle beside her. “Oh, fuck, we’re out of vodka.”
She nestled herself closer to Jace, clearly not intending to move.
From across the fire, she scoffed. “I’ll get some, you lazy fuckers.”
Aegon half-heartedly saluted, “brave of you. I wouldn’t make it up those stairs sober, let alone drunk.”
He wasn’t wrong. The private staircase leading up to the villa was steep and unforgiving, and this was, what, her fourth time climbing it today? With a resigned sigh, she pushed herself up, the warmth of the fire lingering against her skin as she stepped away from the group.
By the time she reached the top, she paused, catching her breath, turning toward the horizon.
The sea stretched out endlessly, dark and gleaming, with a sliver of gold and baby blue still clinging to the edge of the sky where the sun had disappeared.
I could get used to this.
Even if she had to endure him.
Shaking the thought away, she slipped through the villa doors, heading straight for the kitchen. It was dimly lit, the quiet hum of the night settling around her. She barely made it three steps before a voice cut through the silence.
She jumped, nearly knocking over a glass. Her heart slammed against her ribs as she spun around, eyes landing on Aemond. He stood near the counter, arms crossed over his chest, his expression unreadable, except for the faintest trace of a smirk. But it wasn’t just the way he looked at her that made her pulse jump. It was how he looked.
His silver hair was damp, strands curling slightly at the ends, still clinging to the warmth of a recent shower. He hadn’t bothered with a shirt, just a pair of low-hanging black shorts, his skin catching the dim glow of the kitchen lights, casting shadows over the sharp lines of his stomach, the cut of his collarbone.
She swallowed, gripping the vodka bottle a little tighter than necessary.
He was insufferable.
He was annoying.
And yet–
“Didn’t take you for the helpful type,” she muttered, turning back to the cabinet, refusing to look at him for too long.
A quiet chuckle left his lips, “I wasn’t waiting for you, if that’s what you’re implying.”
Her jaw tightened. “Didn’t say you were. Just stop lurking around waiting to frighten me, would you.”
Aemond leaned against the counter, watching her with that same unreadable expression. She didn’t know what he was looking for, what he was waiting for, but it was irritating. She set the vodka bottle down on the counter with a dull thud, crossing her arms as she turned to face him fully.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get from this.”
“From what?”
“This,” she gestured vaguely, “you know exactly what. You’re acting like we never fell out. But we did, Aemond. You should hate my guts.”
Aemond resisted the urge to outright laugh. The truth was, they had never fallen out. Not in his mind. Oh, they had argued. Gods, had they argued. She had called him pretentious, insufferable, a controlling asshole. He had thrown words back just as easily, his own cutting remarks meant to frustrate her, rile her up, get her to fight him harder.
He liked that she didn’t hold back, that she met him blow for blow, insult for insult. Still does.
Aemond exhaled through his nose, shaking his head slightly, “you’re still talking to me.”
She scoffed. “Like I have a choice.”
“You always have a choice.”
Something in her chest twisted at that, but she refused to let it show. She rolled her eyes, reaching for the vodka bottle and tucking it under her arm. “Whatever game you’re playing, Aemond, find someone else to play it with.”
She left the kitchen without another word, gripping the vodka bottle tighter than necessary as she made her way back down the endless stone steps to the beach. The sea breeze hit her as soon as she reached the bottom, cool and briny, doing little to chase away the strange heat in her chest.
You always have a choice.
She scowled, shoving the thought aside as she rejoined the group, dropping the bottle into Baela’s waiting hands. “There,” she muttered, sinking back onto the blanket, pulling her shawl tighter around herself. “Now stop making me do all the work.”
Baela grinned, already unscrewing the cap. “You’re a hero.”
The fire burned low, casting a warm glow against their sun-kissed faces, flickering against the edges of the waves. She barely noticed Aemond’s arrival until he was lowering himself onto the sand a few feet away, silent, as always, but technically, next to her.
Unlike earlier, he had thrown on a loose button-down, the top few buttons left undone, revealing a sliver of tanned skin and collarbone. His silver hair was still damp, stray strands falling over his sharp features. He looked completely at ease, like he belonged in the firelight, the shadows playing over the angles of his face.
Stop that.
Baela poured out shots, handing them around. “To questionable decisions and even worse hangovers.”
Jace groaned. “We are so fucked tomorrow.”
The alcohol burned, but she welcomed it, letting the warmth spread through her veins, dulling the tension in her shoulders. One shot became two. Then three.
And then, somewhere between Aegon trying to wrestle Jace into the sand and Rhaena doing drunken cartwheels again, the conversation took a sharp turn.
“Oh, I know what we should talk about,” Aegon declared suddenly, tossing an empty bottle into the sand.
Baela groaned. “If you say kinks, I swear to the gods—”
Jace put his face in his hands. “Fucking hell.”
Aegon smirked, completely unrepentant. “Come on. We’ve been drinking. There are no rules. Let’s make this interesting.”
Rhaena laughed, shaking her head. “This is already a terrible idea.”
Baela smirked. “Fine. But you go first, since you brought it up.”
Aegon leaned back on his hands, completely unbothered. “Easy. Hair pulling, spanking, and—”
“Enough.” Jace groaned. Helaena fake gagged, shaking her head.
One by one, everyone went around, rattling off their preferences with varying degrees of amusement or reluctance.
And then it was her turn.
She hesitated. “Pass.”
Baela raised a brow. “No passes.”
She exhaled, rolling her shoulders, acting unfazed. “It’s not even that interesting.”
“Then it should be easy to say,” Baela countered, smirking.
She took a sip of her drink, then, with a casual shrug, said, “Choking.”
It wouldn’t have gotten such a reaction if it were anyone else, but Aemond, fucking chuckled. She turned her head sharply, only to find him watching her, smirking slightly, his gaze dark with something unreadable.
“What?” she snapped, her voice sharper than intended.
“Nothing,” he grinned behind the bottle he was nursing.
“No, go on, what’s so funny?”
Aemond tilted his head, studying her, his smirk growing the slightest bit sharper. “I just don’t think you’d let someone get their hands on you like that,” he murmured.
Her pulse spiked.
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the heat of the fire, maybe it was just him, but she felt it, the way the air shifted, the way the space between them suddenly felt far too small. Luckily, the others swiftly got bored of their verbal sparring. A small relief. But it made her feel at least like everyone wasn’t zeroed in on what they were talking about.
She scoffed, leaning back and burying her palms in the sand, “and you’re an expert.”
“I don’t think you’d let someone do it properly.”
Despite the crackle of…something, in the air. The alcohol had not only made her wavy, but braver. And she met his gaze with her chin up, “and you think you could?”
Aemond exhaled a quiet laugh, setting his drink down beside him.
“I don’t think. I know.”
Her lips parted, something thrumming hot under her skin, crawling up her spine. She pushed it away quickly, her eyes lazy and challenging, “yeah right, as if–”
Her lips snapped shut when she felt it, unhurried, his hand curling around her neck. Not tight. Not rough. Just enough to feel it. Just enough to make her breath catch. Her entire body went rigid, heat pooling at the base of her spine, her pulse hammering against the cage of her ribs.
His fingers rested lightly over her throat, long and steady, the faintest pressure applied in a way that was taunting. Testing. Aemond watched her reaction carefully, his gaze dark and focused, thumb resting just below her jaw, brushing over the sensitive skin, feeling the thrum of her heart at her pulse point. She swallowed, and he felt it.
His lips curled slightly. "See?" His voice was low, smug, dangerous. "That's how you'd want it."
Her breath was shallow, a sharp contrast to the cool sea air around them. She willed herself to react, to do something, anything, but her body wasn’t cooperating.
Aegon groaned loudly, “gods, just fuck already.”
The spell snapped.
Aemond pulled away, slow and deliberate, and she ripped her gaze from him, shaking herself back to reality. "Shut up, Aegon," she muttered, rolling her eyes, though her voice was noticeably weaker.
She glanced around, seeing that most were preoccupied. Thank the gods for vodka. But even as the conversation shifted, as Aegon moved on to some other stupid drunken tangent, her body still felt the ghost of Aemond's touch. Still burned with it.
She stole a glance at him beneath her lashes.
He was still watching her.
By the time they all stumbled back to the villa, buzzed from the alcohol, sunburnt from the day, and far too aware of the tension still crackling between her and Aemond, she knew she was in trouble.
Everyone was dispersing into their rooms, peeling off damp clothes and sand-covered swimsuits, muttering about showers and food. And her shower was swift and much needed, though the lukewarm water stung slightly at the red patch on her shoulder blades. She threw on a long shirt to sleep in to keep the sensitive skin off the sheets.
A soft knock though, froze her. In her gut, she already knew it was him. But it wasn’t gratifying in the least when she opened the door and confirmed she was correct. He leaned against the doorframe, as if he had all the time in the world, still wearing the loose linen button down shirt and shorts, though it was only now she noticed the chain sat at his throat.
She sighed, exasperated, but with a dull, needing ache she didn’t want to admit, “what do you want, Aemond.”
Aemond exhaled a quiet laugh. Then, without waiting for an invitation, he stepped inside, kicking the door closed. She stepped back automatically, breath hitching.
“Tell me to leave,” he murmured, his voice dark and even, like he already knew she wouldn’t.
The words balanced on her lips. But the heat between them was too thick, too heavy, and the ghost of his touch still lingered against her throat.
So she didn’t.
And the second she didn’t tell him to fuck off, she knew she was losing a game before it even started. Aemond crowded her as she backed up, almost casually, but there was nothing at all casual about the way he was looking at her. The way he was closing this distance as if he could predict how it would end. There was intent in every movement.
She echoed herself, “what do you want, Aemond.”
His smirk was expected but still made her stomach flip all the same, “I think we both know the answer to that.”
The air thickened, wrapping around her like smoke, suffocating. She should stop this. She should push him away. She should. But she didn’t. Instead, she stayed perfectly still as Aemond reached for her, tilting her chin up with two fingers.
"Say it," he murmured, and her eyes flickered to his mouth as he uttered the words.
She swallowed, throat dry. “Say what?”
His thumb dragged along her jawline, slow, teasing. "That you want me to touch you."
Her lips parted, a breath escaping. Humiliation and arousal tangled together, tightening in her chest, her stomach, lower.
She hated him. She wanted him.
And that was exactly why she finally whispered.
"Touch me."
His smirk disappeared, the fight leaving him. And then he did.
His lips crashed against hers, swallowing her gasp as his grip tightened around her jaw, backing her against the door. The force of it made her lips part, and Aemond wasted no time in taking advantage of it. He kissed her like he was claiming something, like he’d been waiting for this, waiting for her to give in. His tongue brushed against hers, demanding, teasing, and the moment she kissed him back with the same hunger, his hand wrapped around her throat.
Not hard enough to cut off air, just enough to remind her that it was there.
A soft, desperate sound escaped her lips before she could stop it.
Aemond smirked against her mouth, pulling back just enough to murmur, "So you do like it."
She glared at him, breathless, dizzy with want. "Shut up."
His fingers tightened, just slightly. Her pulse jumped and she tugged him back to her by his shirt, back to her lips, Aemond groaned, deep and low, before pulling back and flipping her around, her front pressed against the door, his chest flush against her back. Even like this, she could feel him strained against her backside, and it only made her want to push her hips, see how far she could push him too.
His hand slipped up her shirt, on the bare skin of her stomach, and she froze and melted at the same time. She felt him exhale against her neck at the touch, before sliding the tips of his fingers against the waistband of her underwear.
"Tell me you want it," he murmured against her ear.
Her breath came out shaky and she hated it, “Aemond—”
His fingers slipped lower, teasing, hovering exactly where she needed him. "Tell me," he repeated, dangerously patient.
She clenched her jaw, her body already thrumming. “I want it.”
Aemond’s chuckle was dark and satisfied. "Good girl."
His hand slipped beneath, past the barrier of her underwear, and the moment his fingers met her slick heat, his breath caught. Her lips parted, choking on air it seemed, her eyes slipping shut as he took his time.
"Fuck," he rasped, voice rough, "so fucking wet."
She bit her lip hard to stop herself from making a sound, but then he pressed his fingers against her clit, slow and deliberate, and she shuddered.
“Don’t be shy now,” Aemond murmured, lips grazing her neck, his other hand coming to her jaw to tilt her face towards him.
She nearly whimpered when he circled his fingers against her, slow, teasing, in complete control. The pressure was just enough to drive her insane, but not enough to push her over the edge. And then he did something dangerous. His hand tightened around her throat at the exact moment he slipped a finger inside her.
Her knees buckled.
Her body met him with infuriatingly little resistance, and Aemond seemed to revel in the warmth of her, how tight she seemed around one digit alone. And she just knew he was thinking about something else. How she might feel around him.
He groaned, pulling back just enough to look at her, his eye dark, jaw tight, lips parted like he was barely holding himself together. “You’re fucking perfect," he muttered.
Then, without warning, he added a second finger. She gasped, pressing back against him, his name slipping past her lips in a breathless, wrecked moan.
Aemond grinned, pressing his lips to her shoulder, her neck. "That’s it," he murmured. “Take it.”
Pressed between the door and Aemond was an unfortunate predicament. Unable to move, she could only stand there and take it, his long, deft fingers pressing up into her forcefully and crooking forwards, searching for her sweet spot with an almost obsessive attitude. But equally, so close to the door, to the hallway outside, she had no choice but to press her lips together and be quiet, despite his wish for her not to be.
He wanted people to hear.
She felt the slow, forceful grind of his fingers deep inside her, not thrusting in and out, but pressing, pushing, curling, rubbing against that spot that made her body tremble, made her breath hitch. Aemond moved his fingers in deep, slow circles, stretching her from the inside, coaxing out pleasure with cruel precision. Every shift of his hand sent shockwaves up her spine, her walls gripping around him tight, desperate, needy.
His thumb dragged against her clit, matching the pressure of his fingers inside her, not flicking or teasing, pressing down firmly, rubbing slow, torturous circles.
"Fuck—" the word tore from her throat, raw and uncontrolled, her hips jerking forward into his touch. And at the friction against his aching arousal, he almost whined.
But Aemond hummed, pleased. “Good girl.”
His voice sent heat licking down her spine, pooling low in her stomach. Her head fell back, her body tightening, burning, spiralling toward something devastatingly sharp.
"Aemond—" her voice was wrecked, breathless. He groaned, like hearing her like this did something to him, like it unravelled him, too.
His hand at her throat tightened slightly, tilting her head back as his lips grazed her jaw. “You’re gonna come for me, aren’t you?”
She could only nod, unable to think, unable to do anything but feel. The pleasure coiled tighter, deeper, spreading outward, her thighs trembling around his hand. Her body snapped, shattering apart as waves of pleasure crashed over her, raw and consuming, making her shake in his grasp.
Aemond groaned at the feel of it, his fingers working her through it, slow and deliberate as her walls fluttered around him, her body pulsing, clenching, trembling.
She barely had a second to catch her breath before he was moving. Grabbing her like a sack of potatoes and throwing her on the bed, wrenching her underwear down her legs, and forcefully flipping her over onto her stomach.
And then.
A sharp crack of heat across her backside.
Aemond must have felt her jolt, must have noticed the way her breath hitched, the way her thighs instinctively squeezed together. “Don’t be so surprised,” he mused, positioning her exactly how he wanted.
He leaned down, lips ghosting over the shell of her ear, his voice dark with satisfaction.
“Girls who are into choking are into much more than that.”
Her stomach twisted, her breath catching both at his words and his manhandling. She glanced back, catching his hands as they worked his shorts open to free himself, rendering her mouth suddenly dry. It was all so quick, she barely got a good look at him. He tugged her hips up slightly, the fat head of his cock parting her sensitive folds and began to push inside, and then she forgot how to think entirely. A wrecked sound escaped her throat, muffled by the sheets, her body already soaked, stretched, ready for him after his ruthless teasing.
He filled her completely, every inch stretching her open, the burn of it making her eyes squeeze shut. Aemond groaned, his hands gripping her hips hard enough to bruise.
“Fuck, still so tight,” he rasped, pulling back before slamming into her again, rough and unforgiving. The force of it sent her forward onto her elbows, her breath punched from her lungs. Starting out in this position, she felt every bit, the way his cock bent inside her, as if sculpting her to the shape of him.
It was filthy. Brutal. Perfect.
His fingers dug into her flesh, his pace relentless, punishing, as if he wanted to ruin her for anyone else. She let out a desperate, breathy moan, her body giving in, taking everything he gave her, arching back into him. And when she did, Aemond let out a low groan, sliding a hand up her back, over every notch of her smooth spine, trailing along the nape of her neck, his fingers tangling into her hair and tugging.
A ragged gasp tore from her throat, her scalp burning in the most intoxicating way. She clenched around him, and he felt it. His grip tightened, pulling her head back just enough to make her spine arch beautifully, her mouth parting in a silent moan.
Aemond groaned at the way her body reacted to him, the way she clenched around his cock like she was trying to keep him buried inside her forever.
“Oh, you really do like that, don’t you?” his voice was low, rough, laced with something dark and possessive, her hair wrapped around his long fingers.
She barely managed to choke out a sound, something between a gasp and a whimper, but it only spurred him on. His grip in her hair didn’t falter as he snapped his hips forward, fucking into her harder, deeper, rough enough to make the headboard slam against the wall. She shook beneath him, unable to do anything but take it, absorb every brutal thrust, every sharp pull of her hair that sent electricity racing down her spine.
“You’re going to come again, aren’t you?” he murmured, his pace never slowing, his thrusts hitting deep, over and over, dragging her closer to that edge.
She could only nod, her fingers clutching desperately at the sheets, at nothing.
She whined as he released her hair, his arm sliding around her waist to pull her up to him, dragging her up onto her knees with her back flush against his chest. Her head lolled back against his shoulder as his hand slid over her stomach, pushing her back onto him with every deep, punishing thrust.
“Aemond,” she gasped, barely able to form words, her voice breaking.
He groaned at the sound, at the way she tightened around him, pushing his hand lower, rubbing slow, firm circles over her clit.
And that was it.
Her body snapped, pleasure crashing over her in violent, uncontrollable waves, her moans raw and shattered as she came around him, clenching so tight it nearly sent him over the edge too.
“Fuck,” Aemond gritted out, his thrusts turning desperate, chasing his own high as her body milked him.
He buried himself deep, his jaw tight, breath ragged, before he finally let go, groaning her name as he came, spilling inside her, holding her still as he filled her completely.
For a long moment, the room was silent, nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing, the crackling of the sea breeze through the open window. Aemond’s grip eased, his hands sliding down to her waist as he pressed his forehead against her shoulder, his breath still unsteady.
Slowly, he pulled back, completely out of her, his hands sliding down her hips, making her shiver at the loss of him. He pressed a quick, lingering kiss to her shoulder before pushing himself up, reaching for his lowered shorts and pulling them back over his hips.
She lay there on her stomach, face pressed into the pillows, trying to process what the fuck had just happened.
And more than that , what it meant.
But before she could let her thoughts spiral, Aemond flopped onto the bed beside her, stretching his long limbs out, one arm tucked beneath his head.
It was almost too casual, too normal, like they hadn’t just spent the last hour fucking each other senseless. She turned her head, staring at him, trying to read the subtle curve of his lips, the way his gaze flickered to her like he was waiting for her reaction.
Finally, she spoke, voice hoarse from overuse.
“So…what now?”
Aemond let out a low chuckle, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. “That depends. Are you going to keep pretending you hate me?”
“You should be the one pretending to hate me. I was convinced you despised me.”
“Hate you?” He glanced at her, sharp, amused. “I never hated you.”
She blinked, caught off guard. “What?”
“You, though? You’ve been trying very hard to convince yourself that you do.”
Her stomach flipped, and she groaned, grabbing a pillow and smacking his arm with it. “You’re a dick.”
Aemond caught her wrist easily, his grip firm but playful, tugging her just enough to pull her closer. “Careful,” he murmured smugly, “you might make me think you actually like me.”
She rolled her eyes, but there was no real fight behind it.
Lying back down, she stretched, her body already sore, knowing she was going to get it in the neck from the others tomorrow.
“Oh gods, they’re going to be unbearable about this,” she muttered.
Aemond just grinned, clearly unbothered. “That’s tomorrow’s problem.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
He gave a lazy shrug, running a hand through his messy silver hair. “A little.”
For a second, Aemond propped up, fishing something out his pocket.
“What are you–”
Her voice died on her lips the second she saw what laid in his palm. The sun shaped, gold pendant she had seen at Sunspear Market earlier that day stared back. The dark gold glinted against her eyes, and she tentatively reached out to touch it.
Aemond shrugged. But she could see he was trying to play it a little cool, to stay off the embarrassed flush to his cheeks at such a sweet gesture, “I saw you looking at it.”
She hesitated, but she was more shocked. She hadn't honestly expected something so nice, especially from him, as hard to read as he was. Such as right now. He was so composed. As if he hadn't had it in his pocket all day, waiting to give it to her.
“You bought this for me?...”
A silly question in hindsight, but she was too floored to ask anything else. And she didn't even need his reply truthfully.
Still, Aemond smirked, propping up to watch as she ran her finger over the metal, “I did, but…”
She looked up, her heart constricting, “but?...”
Aemond bit back a nervous smile, “you can wear it…if we give this a chance,” he says, vaguely gesturing between them.
Her breath caught. Not because it was unexpected, he had been pushing her in this direction all night, all trip, maybe even longer than that. But hearing him say it so simply, so confidently, so Aemond, sent something warm and unsteady rippling through her chest.
She glanced away for a second, fingers brushing the pendant absentmindedly, before letting out a slow breath. “And what exactly is… ‘this’?” she asked, her voice softer than before.
Aemond tilted his head, “this,” he murmured, “is me saying I don’t want to pretend I don’t want you anymore.”
Gods, he was good with words when he wanted to be.
Her lips parted slightly, but before she could say anything, his expression shifted, turning just a little sharper, a little more amused.
“And also, I’m realising one of my kinks might be you calling me a pretentious asshole.”
Before she could stop herself, she burst out laughing. It was unexpected, light, breaking the thick tension in the air.
“Maybe you are a pretentious asshole,” she managed between giggles.
Aemond hummed, leaning closer to brush his lips against hers, “hm, you keep up, don't you.”
She couldn't stop smiling, her cheeks hurt. And Aemond's fingers brushed her skin, reaching for the chain of the necklace, “let me.”
Lifting her hair, she raised her chin so he could clasp the pendant around her neck, the gold sitting elegantly against her chest. He hummed in appreciation and she swallowed, a shiver running down her spine at the barely-there touch.
“Shall we celebrate.”
She raised a suspicious brow. Celebrate.
A bark of laughter threatened to break out.
“Celebrate how, exactly?”
The dark looks returned to his gaze, and she gasped as he maneuvered atop her, his hand bunching up her shirt around her hips. “With you, wearing nothing but that pretty little necklace I just bought you.”
Her stomach tightened. And her body responded before she did.
And judging by the smug look on Aemond's face. He noticed.
She woke up sore, in the best way possible.
The sheets were tangled around her legs, her body still buzzing from the night before, and when she shifted slightly, the cool press of gold against her skin reminded her of exactly how they’d celebrated.
Aemond had already left the bed when she woke up, thank the gods, which meant she had enough time to collect herself before inevitably facing the others.
Black bikini, sandals slipped on and she was out straight away, her hair still tousled from how rough Aemond had been with her the night before.
Helaena, Baela, and Rhaena sat sprawled out on their towels, sunglasses perched on their noses, drinks in hand. They looked far too entertained. And they knew. Oh, they fucking knew.
“So…” Baela drawled, adjusting her sunglasses as she turned toward her. “You had an eventful night.”
She rolled her eyes, dropping onto the sand beside them, already regretting coming down here. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Rhaena scoffed, hiding a smirk behind her drink. “Oh, come on.”
Helaena, as dreamy as ever, blinked up at her, tilting her head. “You’re glowing.”
Baela snorted, finally pushing her sunglasses onto her head so she could look at her properly. And then, her gaze zeroed in. She grinned. “Oh my gods, you’re wearing it.”
Her stomach dropped. Shit.
Baela pointed at the gold sun pendant resting delicately against her collarbone, shining in the morning light. “So, Aemond buys you jewellery now?”
She groaned, tipping her head back against the sand. “I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?”
Rhaena smirked, twirling her straw between her fingers. “Not a chance.”
Helaena giggled, “I knew you didn’t hate each other.”
“Oh, I still hate him.”
Baela barked out a laugh, “so that was a hate fuck, was it?”
Rhaena snorted into her drink, nearly choking on it.
As if completely uninterested, Helaena excused herself, grabbing an empty tupperware as a beetle flew into the reeds by the stairs. Classic Hel.
Rhaena cleared her throat, “so…was it good?”
“I'm not talking about this.”
“Oh, so it was good,” Rhaena mused, eyes twinkling.
“I hate all of you.”
Baela leaned in. “You know what they say. The quiet ones are always the worst.”
Rhaena thoughtfully. “I bet he was really intense about it.”
“Oh, definitely. Control freak. Probably took his time—”
She groaned, “oh my gods, can we please change the subject?”
Helaena returned, beaming, a freshly caught beetle in her tub, “well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm happy for you.”
She peeked up at her through one squinted eye. “I don’t think you’re supposed to be happy about your brother getting laid.”
Helaena simply shrugged, smiling. “You make him less grumpy.”
Her only saving grace was that the guys were too far out in the water to hear any of this. Jace and Aegon were already trying to drown each other, waves crashing around them as they wrestled.
But Aemond stood farther out, water lapping at his waist, arms crossed, watching the spectacle with mild amusement.
She had no doubt Aemond suffered the same treatment this morning. Hounded with questions and easy ribbings. But unlike her, Aemond could silence any incessant question with a pointed glare and a well placed ‘fuck off’.
As if sensing her eyes on him, he turned, his hair sticking to his face. She watched his gaze drift to the necklace that sat snug at her collarbone, and then back up to her eyes, the faintest smirk on his face.
Maybe the rest of this holiday wouldn't be so bad.
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Bad Idea, Right?

summary: A night of drinking with your friends lands you at your ex boyfriend’s apartment — which is ultimately a bad idea.
pairing: Modern!Aemond x Ex girlfriend!Reader
word count: 3k
warnings: Explicit smut, alcohol consumption, angst, brief mention of drug use, language, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, p in v sex, creampie, Aemond is a fuckboy. 18+ MDNI
note: idk how I feel about this but Modern!Aemond is my weakness, and the grwm of Ewan ruined my life. Feedback is appreciated! Feel free to send me requests!
If someone were to ask you your own personal example of girlhood your answer would be simple: getting ready for a night out with your girlfriends. While going out and partying with your friends was fun, you considered the act of getting ready together art in itself.
It was tradition, a ritual. Filled with laughter, inside jokes, excitement, and anticipation.
Glitter, hairspray, memories. It was your time to bond and let go of everyday stress.
And that’s where you found yourself right now: sat in front of your best friend’s vanity, large curlers in your hair. The sweet smell of vanilla coming from Rhaena’s birthday cake scented candle filling the room.
Six months had passed since your breakup with Aemond and the twins had declared that you had spent more than enough time moping. It was time to get you back out in the world.
“I’m so happy that us girls are going out tonight,” Baela said as she finished up applying her mascara.
You involuntarily scoffed at her comment.
“What?” She questioned, glaring at you.
“It’s not like it’s just us,” you say matter of factly.
“Oh, come on! You know Jace is basically one of us!”
She wasn’t wrong. If you had to pick a guy to be in your friend group, it would be Jace Velaryon. He was easy to talk to, kind, considerate. A breath of fresh air from what you were used to. You understood why Baela was into him. Plus, he donned a beautiful set of chocolate colored curls matched with an adorable, toothy, grin.
“Do not beat around the bush, Bae!” You admonished, “I know Cregan will be there too.”
Cregan Stark was Jace’s best friend. A rugged guy from the North. He had a thick beard and piercing gray-blue eyes. He had quiet confidence, basically a big teddy bear. There was no denying he was rather handsome. It’s not that you would be opposed to sleeping with him, per say, you just weren’t sure if you were ready yet; although Baela begged to differ.
Once the three of you were all ready to go and the Uber was on it’s way, Baela pulled you to the side.
“Look,” she began, holding each of your hands in hers, “I know you're nervous. You’ve been through a lot and it can be hard to put yourself back out there — but you deserve this. Aemond’s out living his life, you have to live yours! It’s going to be fine! You look incredible, we are going to have a great time.”
Baela, as usual, was right. You were enjoying yourself. You were now on your third drink, tapping your finger nails on the glass as you half heartedly listened to Cregan tell an embarrassing story about Jace from when the two of them were in high school when you felt your phone vibrate.
A text from an unknown number flashed against your screen, paying no mind to it you opened it immediately. Your stomach dropped.
Hey… it’s Aemond.
You swore that men had some kind of radar that would let them know when a woman was finally happy without them. When that radar went off, only then was it that they decided to try to contact you again. Not during the months where your heart was left in ruin, not when you would do anything for answers. Only once you were healing, on the brink of reaching that light at the end of the tunnel; they weaseled their way into your life once more to ruin everything — and Aemond was right on schedule.
It had been months since he last contacted you, you felt as though your stomach was gonna fall out, your nervous system in a frenzy.
You could not let him ruin your fun.
“Let’s take a shot of something,” you suggested.
And then your phone buzzed again.
I know it’s been awhile, but I wanted to see how you’re doing?
Been awhile? That’s the understatement of the year. He didn’t care how you were doing when he broke up with you over a text. He didn’t care when the rumor of him sleeping with a professor spread around campus, humiliating you.
Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.
Relief washed over you once you saw Baela return with 5 shots of Tequila in hand.
“Heard this makes your clothes come off,” she said as she handed you the shot glass, shooting a wink over to Cregan. You downed the shot quickly, ignoring her comment. The liquid burned down your throat as it settled into your stomach.
Slamming the shot glass onto the table, your head spun and you could’ve sworn you felt your phone vibrate again. You needed air.
“I’ll be right back, I need a cigarette.”
“I’ll come with you!” Rhaena chirped.
“No!” You shouted, almost too enthusiastically.
“No, that’s okay. I know you hate the smell of smoke, Rhae. I’ll just be a minute.”
With that, you frantically made your way to the patio of the bar. Just as you lit your cigarette a familiar voice called out to you.
“Ohhh shit! I knew that was you!”
Now you were sure that the universe was certainly conspiring against you. It was none other than Aegon Targaryen. Aemond’s drunken, perverted, older brother. Wonderful.
Turning on your heel abruptly and puffing smoke out of your nostrils you gave him a reluctant wave.
“Hi, Aeg.”
“How are you?” He asked, wrapping his arms tightly around you, “how have you been?”
Not sure if it was the liquid courage or the need for someone else to witness the audacity of your ex, but you just shoved your phone into his chest, eyes glued to him as he scrolled through the messages with his eyebrows raised.
“Damn, I never would have thought Aemond to be the type to beg!” he laughed as you shot him a look of disapproval.
“Listen,” he said before taking a long drag of his own cigarette, “Aemond means well. He was pretty shaken up after you guys broke up.”
Yeah, right. What was there for him to be shaken up about? He broke up with you.
“And if you ask me,” he continued through puffs of his cigarette, “you’re the best thing that ever happened to him.”
“Isn’t he seeing someone like, twice our age?”
“Not anymore.”
A pregnant pause filled the air between the two of you as he handed you your phone back.
The conversation was becoming awkward, so Aegon tried to comfort you the only way he knew how.
“I know you’re stressed and all… do you, uhhh, want a bump?”
His question took you by surprise.
“A bump? Um, I’m good, Aeg.. thanks.”
The blonde lifted his hands up in defeat.
“Good call, if you do go see Aemond, I doubt he would be happy about that.”
“I’m not going to see Aemond,” you answer flatly, hitting his arm lightly.
“Well, whatever or whoever you decide to do tonight I wish you luck!” he smirked, “but, I know our mom would be thrilled if you started to come around again.”
“She misses me?” you blurted out, the desperation clear in your voice.
“Yeah,” Aegon shrugged, “we all do.” He smiled as his large palm patted against your back before he made his way back inside the bar.
You stood in silence as you finished your cigarette, unsure of what to do when you received yet another text from Aemond. You responded with the first thing that came to your mind.
Have you been drinking?
No. Come over. I want to see you.
Your phone buzzed again, but this time it was a picture. A photo of his cat Vhagar. The elderly feline was sprawled out across his leather couch, the caption reading: “she misses you too.”
She did not. She only ever liked Aemond.
Well, I’ve been drinking so… can’t drive.
Where are you? I’ll come get you.
No. He couldn’t. You couldn’t risk Baela seeing, she would kill you.
Nah. That’s okay.
God, this conversation was going nowhere. Why were you entertaining him anyway?
Let me get you an Uber.
Gods, he was pushy.
Fine 🫠
Once you found yourself back inside the bar, you decided to use that last shot of tequila as your reason to leave. You had said something along the lines of the mixture of liquors wasn’t agreeing with you and that you were gonna head out. The girls were disappointed, but they understood. Baela’s only condition is that you were sure to text her once you were home safe. You bid Jace and Cregan goodbye, and even agreed to go out for drinks with them again in the upcoming week.
As you sat in the backseat of the Uber, your palms filled with sweat and your heart raced as you made your way to the other side of the city to Aemond’s new apartment. You couldn’t help but feel nervous, wondering how he might react and if this was the right decision. Your mind raced with thoughts and emotions, but you tried to stay composed as you you pulled up to the building.
Aemond was waiting outside the apartment complex for you. His expression was unreadable as he puffed on the last few drags of a cigarette, quickly flicking it to the ground and stomping it out so he could make his way over to you.
“Hey,” he greeted, offering a shy smile before extending his arms out to hug you. “I’m glad you decided to come.”
His scent alone was intoxicating. A mixture of nicotine, spearmint toothpaste and musky cologne. Being in his embrace again had your head spinning, you felt as if your heart was going to beat out of your chest. It was almost as if the two of you never parted ways, like he never left. Damn him, you thought to yourself .
“Well, this is my new place,” he said as he opened the door to the lavish apartment. It was absolutely was stunning. Beautiful, mahogany cabinets and stainless steel appliances. The living room was spacious with high ceilings and a giant window that had an incredible view of the city. It was very Aemond-esque. It felt familiar, safe.
You spotted Vhagar on the dark green velvet couch in the center of the room.
You watched carefully as one of her eyes opened, she rose from her spot almost instantly once she spotted you. Making a beeline to Aemond’s bedroom.
“I thought you said she missed me?” you asked playfully.
"I may have lied," Aemond replied, giving you a shy smile.
An hour had gone by and you had spent the majority of it arguing with Aemond about your past. You listened to him attempt to apologize, explaining that it wasn’t you, it was him. He made a mistake, he’s changed. You weren’t having it, and yet, in the midst of it all, you had found yourself sitting so close to him you were almost on top of him. Mid sentence he had crashed his lips against yours. A rude interruption, for sure — but now, all bets were off.
The kiss was rough and intoxicating, a clash of teeth and tongue. He grazed your bottom lip with his teeth before sucking it into his mouth. Your head spun.
"More," you whispered against his lips, "I need more of you."
Aemond took no time to pick you up and carry you to his bedroom, as he placed you down on his bed gently. You feel his hands tearing off your clothes, striping you down to your underwear. Your heart raced with anticipation and desire. The intensity of his touch sent shivers down your spine. He lowered himself on top of you, reaching his arm up over his shoulder to remove his own shirt.
As he leant back down over you, his tongue trailed from your chin to your lips. A soft moan escaped your throat as he sucked on your lips, taking control of the kiss.
Arousal stirred inside you as he nipped down at your neck, licking and sucking until you arched your back under him, desperate for his touch.
“Missed me baby?” he teased, “because I sure missed you”, his violet eye scanned over your body, blown with lust as he made his way down. His slim fingers ghosted along your stomach, then gripped harshly onto the meaty flesh of your thigh. Your legs parted, letting him know what you wanted. He didn't hesitate, pulling your underwear off with one swoop. Leaving you completely bare in front of him.
“I missed this pretty little pussy too, fuck,” he groaned before biting at your thighs just before lowering his head between them, licking a stripe up your slit. You bucked under him, pushing him harder against you, driving his face deeper into your center.
A low groan left your throat, his name falling from your lips as you tugged at his silver hair and held his face against you. His tongue circled around your clit, the small bud swollen from his attentions. His fingers found their way inside you, exploring your cunt.
His thumb replaced his tongue on your clit as he rubbed harsh figure eights against you. He continued to rub your clit harder. Your breathing quickened, and your body legs began to shake.
"Oh, there’s my girl. You gonna cum for me?"
The combination of his words and a few more thrusts of his fingers made your mind go completely blank. Your ears rang, your vision blurred so much you had to squeeze your eyes shut, eventually seeing stars. Aemond finger fucked you through your orgasm as you soaked his hand.
You laid there for a moment, total blackness surrounding you until your Aemond’s calm voice brought you back to reality.
“Holy shit. You good baby?”
You nodded your head eagerly at him, “More than okay.”
After giving you some more time to come down from your first orgasm, Aemond crawled on top of you, as he began to slowly drag his cock between your already swollen folds, swirling the tip in your wetness; almost pushing in, but not quite.
“Aem,” you moaned, “please, I need to feel you. All of you .”
“Still so needy, hm?” He teased as he buried his cock inside you to the hilt. You winced at the length of him.
“Littleeee bit of a stretch baby,” he said as he let you adjust to his size, “there we go.”
"Oh.. Gods," you moaned. You forgot just how big Aemond was. The stretch was almost unbearable and yet, you craved more. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him deeper into you.
He began to rock back and forth into you, pumping his cock in and out. The louder you moaned, the harder he pounded into you. Eventually, the head of his cock pressed against your cervix.
"Please, please don't stop," you begged. He began to pound into you harder and faster, the lewd sound of his balls slapping against your ass filled the room. You felt your second orgasm of the night building inside of you as he continued to fuck you.
"Oh, Gods! Aemond, please, you’re going to make me cum again,” you babbled as your orgasm ripped through you once more. Your cunt clenched around his length as the tip of his cock bullied the spongy spot inside you without mercy.
Your slick coated walls contracting around him was all it took for him to lose control. He let out a loud groan as he spilled himself inside you, filling you with his seed as he bit down hard on your neck.
“Fuck,” he groaned as the aftermath of his own orgasm coursed through him, his cock still twitching inside of you. After placing a wet kiss on your cheek he positioned himself upright, placing a hand flat on the headboard behind you to help keep balance, he slowly pulled his cock out of you. You winced at the emptiness, a pool of warmth leaking out of your cunt and onto the bed sheets.
“Oh, shit. Here, let me help clean you up.”
As you came down from your high, you also came to your senses. No. Him cleaning you up would be too intimate of an act — as if he wasn’t just buried inside of you.
“No, Aem. It’s fine, I need to go to the bathroom anyway.”
He shrugged, “there are washcloths under the sink if you need one.”
Your heart sank as the bathroom door shut. A red lacy bra, that definitely didn’t belong to you was slung over the door handle. Memories of your past relationship came flooding back, along with feelings of sadness and regret. You couldn’t help but wonder who the bra belongs to, your first thought was that older professor. It's a painful reminder that not only had Aemond had not changed at all, he also just took advantage of you.
This was definitely a bad idea.
#modern!aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen#aemond x reader#aemond x you#aemond targaryen smut#house of the dragon#hotd s2#aemond targaryen fanfic#ewan mitchell#aemond targaryen x reader#modern!aemond#hotd imagine#hotd fic#house of the dragon smut#my writing#aemond x y/n#aemond imagine#aemond fanfic#aemond targaryen x you#modern aemond smut#modern aemond#prince aemond#aemond one eye#hotd#aemond oneshot#aemond targaryen oneshot#modern aemond x you#modern aemond x reader smut#modern hotd#modern!aemond oneshot
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The Enemy
English is not my first language, please be kind
Modern!MafiaBoss!Aemond x Ex!Fem!Reader
•Warnings: smut, taking of sexual themes, murder, non-con, knife play, mention of killing someone.•

“Yeah, baby —“ He breathed out as he moaned, looking down as you circled your hips against his cock. He slapped your ass and gripped your hips tightly, stopping your movements to start pointing into you from behind again, fast and hard, like he loves it.
“Baby — Yes, fuck me —“ You moaned as you arched your back, burying your face in the mattress.
“Fuck, baby —“ He growled as he squeezed your hips, his fingers digging in your skin as he thrusted faster, close to the end. You moaned louder as you started rubbing your clit, wanting to finish with him.
“Let me —“ He panted as he leaned down and slipped a hand between your legs, his fingers taking the place of yours, rubbing your clit furiously, making you aware of how close he really was.
“Fill me up —“ You moaned as you panted, trying to jerk your hips, moving them back to meet his thrusts.
“I’m going to, baby —“ He moaned as he moaned in your ear. “You’ll be fucking leaking -“ He moaned again, the image his words created in both your mind making you come on the spot.
You let yourself fall down on the mattress of his door room bed.
Aemond sat back on his haunches, slipping carefully out of you, looking at his cum slowly leaking out of you.
You smile, satisfied as Aemond laid behind you, wrapping his arm around your middle, pulling you back against his chest as he smiled, kissing your shoulder sweetly.
“I love you so much.” He mumbled against your skin. You smiled even more as you caressed his arm with your hand.
“I love you too.” You hummed as you looked back at him, your lips joining immediately in a soft, slow kiss.
The room’s silence was broken by a harsh knock at the door, followed by Aemond’s sigh, a mix of amusement and annoyance.
“Yeah, yeah. We’ll be quiet next time.” Aemond exclaimed, raising his head towards the door.
You chuckled as you heard a string of curses from outside.
Aemond’s room-neighbor had complained already about the volume you kept during sex, just like this time.
All of you knew this wasn't the last time he would be coming.
Your last years at college was almost to an an end, but you and Aemond planned to fuck in these dorms a few more times.
It was memories like that that kept Aemond going in the prison.
He missed his girl.
He had been completely inebriated by her since the first time she saw her. She was sweet, soft, caring and gentle, something he had barely known in his life.
She was also funny, a bit sassy and beautiful.
She was also the sister to his number one rival family.
After his father’s death, the business went all in his hand, his father knew he was the best for the inheritance.
But he didn’t care. She didn’t care. She didn’t want to have anything to do with the mafia world, she wanted to stay out of it, and her brother was more than happy to let her.
It was just the two of them, her, and her brother Cregan, whose parents died in an accident during work.
Their relationship had to be a secret.
She knew her brother would have never allowed her to date him, and he had to keep his reputation solid and fearful.
She didn’t ask about his job, he didn’t tell her about it, they went on dates, they had sex, Gods, a lot of sex, and they just… lived their life.
That, until Cregan found out.
“You stay out of this!” Cregan shouted at her, as she sobbed, her back pressed against the wall of her house.
Cregan had a broken lip, his cheek was red, and probably there would have been a nasty bruise the day after.
Both him and Aemond were painting as they stood in front of each other, looking at each other like lions ready to fight.
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Aemond quickly scolded Cregan, taking a step towards her. Cregan pulled out a gun and pointed it to him.
“Don’t you dare. Don’t take another step.” He growled.
“Cregan no!” She sobbed desperately, her face red, her cheeks completely wet, her eyes full of pain. “Please I love him!” She was begging him.
“No! I let you live your life, I gave you everything, I protected you, took care of you! And this is how you repay me?!” His voice was louder than thunder, and his face was scary.
She had never seen her brother like that, so furious.
“I didn’t choose to love him!” She sobbed back, her voice strained and weak.
“I don’t care! I don’t fucking care, you’re coming with me.” Cregan said as he grabbed her wrist, tugging her towards himself, his gun still pointing at Aemond, but he didn’t care.
Aemond took another step forward, but then Cregan raised his gun from his chest to his head, his eyes on him, his expression pure coldness.
She screamed and squirmed in the arms of her brother, trying desperately to reach for the gun, or Aemond.
“You won’t see her again. I swear to God if you try I’ll make your head blow with one of my bullets.”
Aemond couldn’t fight more that day.
But he was going to get his revenge.
And his girl back.
“Dinner!” The guards shouted as they hit the metal doors of all the rooms with their sticks. Aemond grunted and pinched the bridge of his nose, the sound giving him an annoying headache, just like every morning.
He sighed and stood up, he washed his face in the sink and tied his hair back into a ponytail as his roommates got up too.
As the leader of the Targaryen family, he had a lot of friends here.
He was protected, not even the guards dare to touch him.
He guessed it was thanks to the nasty scar on his face.
And his name.
He took a deep breath as he leaned his head back, closing his eye.
“You’re so pretty.” Her naked body was laying beside him, her soft fingers were caressing his scarred cheek, her eyes fixed on the stone in his eye socket.
“You’re saying that out of pity.” He grunted as he turned his gaze from the ceiling to her.
“I’m not. I love your face. I could stare at you for hours.” She smiled as she bit her lip, her hand moving to caress his hair.
“Such a creep.” He huffed a laugh as he turned his body to the side to look at her better. He moved his hand to her breasts, looking at how her nipples perked at the mere touch of his fingers, how her breath would always hitch.
“Do you really think so?” He looked back up at her face. She smiled softly and nodded, caressing his face again.
“Gevie.” That words, his native language coming from her mouth was a massive turn on for him. He immediately crashed his lips against her and pulled her body close to him.
“Issa rūs.” He growled.
-My baby.-
Aemond shook his head to get himself back together, then he walked out of his cell to walk with all the other prisoners to the eating room.
He was always among his people every step he took, in his room, at his table, at his chores.
He rarely was alone.
The few times he was, he fucked his hand like a wild animal until it would be covered in cum.
All for her.
He always did everything for her.
“Cregan?” He could hear her voice through his phone, they spy hidden in her brother’s office offering a live audio of her voice.
Her sobs.
“Cregan?!” She shouted as she kept crying.
He closed his eyes as he listened to her sobs. He could almost see her, kneeled beside the body of his brother.
At the moment, Cregan’s body counted three bullets.
He did it for her.
So they could get back together, live together.
God he had missed her so much.
He was tired of jerking off on her nudes, he needed the real thing.
“Cregan!” She shouted as she kept crying desperately. He heard some ruffling, something falling on the floor.
“My brother is dead!” She shouted. “M-my… Aemond Targaryen did it.”
He did it for her.
And she put him in handcuffs.
Days were long without her, and even more without anything about her body.
At least he managed to get one of her thongs in there.
But the scent almost faded.
“The plan is set, boss.” Jason, his left arm in the prison, said.
Aemond gave one nod as he looked down at his food.
Escape prison was easy.
He didn't do it earlier because he knew she needed time to recover from his brother’s death before she could focus back on him.
Placing a few pieces of evidence that would lead away from him and make up an alibi was like stealing candy from a baby.
His trial process was easy to finish, after all, they didn’t have true evidence that he killed Cregan, and his alibi was firm.
Turned out to be easier than ever.
With a smirk on his face he walked out of the front door of the prison, his jumpsuit replaced with a pair of black jeans and a black sweater.
He looked at his driver and got in the car.
“Let’s go get her.” He said as he made himself comfortable.
It was night when he broke into her house.
Actually, broke in was an euphemism, he owned the place.
She was living with his money, and she didn’t even know it.
He saw her on her bed. Her hair messy on the pillow, her mouth half open.
Her body was covered by the blanket.
She was beautiful.
He walked closer to her, caressing her face softly as he looked down at her sleeping form.
She had always been a deep sleeper, it was hard to wake her up.
He was happy to learn it when he had a little something to take care of, one of the nights she slept at his house.
He slowly handcuffed one of her wrists, then he pulled her arm up, slowly, carefully, then he raised her other arm, and quickly handcuffed it to the headrest.
He walked slowly on the end of the bed, dragging her blanket with him, smiling as she saw her wearing both but a thin pajama.
He slowly moved her pants off, along with her panties.
He needed to taste her again.
His hands slowly moved her legs open, his head digging between her thighs.
He took a deep breath in, taking in her scent before licking her slightly, enough to have the taste on his tongue.
He had to bite back a moan as he pulled back slightly.
It had been so long since the last time he ate her out.
He’ll make sure he’ll have all the time in the world in the future.
What took him off guard, was her foot hitting his face at full force.
But still too weak.
He chuckled as he stumbled back. He stood up and looked down at her.
“I remember your brother teaching you to fight. He obviously failed, you wouldn’t scratch a man, baby.”
“Don’t call me like that, you bastard!” She shouted.
So feisty, just woken up.
“At least my brother taught me how to fight. And don’t you dare speak of him again!” She said as she tried to say up, but she quickly became aware of the handcuffs.
“You like those, baby?” He asked as he stood at the edge of the bed, nodding towards the handcuffs. “You know which one are those?” He smiled down at her. “The same one they used to handcuff me when you turned me in.” He sighed as he yanked the sheets completely off the bed.
“And for the record. I didn’t teach you how to fight, because you didn’t need to with me. I would have never let anything happen to you. I’m not letting anything happen to you.” He specified as he looked at her trying to get free of the handcuffs.
“I did this all for you. For us.” He said as he grabbed her ankles, her eyes snapping back at him. “We can be together now.”
“You killed my brother!” She screamed, trying to kick him again, but he simply chuckled, pinning her ankles down on the mattress.
“He spreaded us apart. He pointed a gun at my head.” He hissed.
“He never shooted!” She growled back. “He never would have!”
“And see what that brought you.” He moved her ankles apart. “You’re alone. Your business is shattered, I took it.” He said as he started tying one ankle to the foot of the bed.
“No, no!” She tried to get away, but it was useless.
“Why do you think you still have your money, baby?” He asked as he moved to tie the other ankle.
“Why do you think you’ve been spared by the destruction of your family business?”
“Fuck you. You psycho-“ She gritted her teeth as she found herself unable to move.
“Now now, no need for insults.” He crawled on top of her. “After all… I’m here to collect.” He grinned down at her. “You’re my war prize.”
“I’m not your anything.” She growled, but he didn’t even listen.
“We’re going to move away.” He said as he lifted her shirt, despite her trying to stop him by squirming harder.
He grabbed a handful of her soft boob, and leaned down to suck her nipple, his leg sliding between hers, his thigh pressing against her clit.
“Keep squirming.” He smiled against her, her movements making her grind against his thigh. She tugged at the handcuffs as she tried to lower her hands.
“You-“ She tugged again. “Killed-“ Again. “My brother!” She yelled as she started to cry. “You had no right! No right! He loved me!”
“Not as much as I do.” He said as he moved his hand between her legs, strolling her clit. “I might hate you for calling the police on me-“ He looked down at her cunt, then back up at her face, the tears running down the sides of her face. “But you are my woman. No one loves you more than I do.” He pulled his fingers back from her and pulled off a knife from the back of his pants and twisted easily in his hand.
He straddled her and pointed the knife to her throat.
“I would let this world burn for you. If you’d told me you don’t want to be on this earth anymore, I’d use all my power to find another planet to live on.” He leaned down, his face inches from hers. “And we’d repopulate it.”
“You’re crazy.” She said, her eyes filled with tears as she pressed her head against the pillow to get as far from the knife as possible. He licked the handle.
“About you, baby.” He turned the knife in his hand, the handle pressing against her skin, the blade against the skin of his hand. “You can ask me anything. Anything. I will give that to you.” He moved the handle down her body. “You just…” He moved the handle inside her, looking at her eyes widening at the intrusion. “… stay with me baby.”
She looked away, turning her head to the side as Aemond started to move the knife slowly, caressing her inside walls with the rough material.
“Stop -“ She sobbed as she closed her eyes. She hated how her body was betraying her, feeling pleasure out of something so sick and wrong. “Stop, just stop.”
“You feel that too, uh?” He kept looking at her. “You feel this is right. That we belong together.”
She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, fighting back sobs and the confusing mix of pain and pleasure coursing through her. "No, no, Aemond!" She whispered hoarsely, her voice shaking. "This is torture.” She said, desperate, hoping to at least gain his pity.
Aemond chuckled darkly, the sound sending shivers down her spine. "Torture? Is that what you call this?" He rocked the knife handle inside her gently, the crude motion stimulating her sensitive flesh. "Or perhaps...enlightenment?"
Her eyes flew open, wide with horror and revulsion. "Shut up!" She spat, struggling futilely against the restraints. "You're insane, Aemond. Fucking insane!"
Aemond smirked, enjoying the sight of her distress.
"Maybe I am." He admitted, his tone casual. "But doesn't that make what I'm doing even more brilliant? I'm rewriting reality for us both."
He began to thrust the handle deeper, faster, each stroke hitting that spot within her that made her toes curl as the blade started to cut his hand, but he didn’t seem to care. "You can deny it all you want, but your body knows the truth. It craves mine as much as I crave yours."
Her breath hitched, her hips bucking involuntarily against the handle. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the blood from her bitten lip. "Please..." She whimpered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. "Stop, don’t do this to me..."
Despite her protests, she couldn't ignore the traitorous sensations building within her. The knife handle's coarse texture rubbing against her inner walls, the pressure and friction igniting a fire that spread through her core.
She hated it, she hated the feeling of nostalgia, of happiness of having back at least part of her past, even in a maddening and sickening way.
Her thighs clenched, a moan escaping her lips before she could bite it back.
"See?" Aemond purred, his voice a seductive whisper. "Your body tells the truth, even if your mouth lies. You want this, baby. You need me."
Her gaze snapped to him, her eyes blazing with a mixture of fury and shame.
"You killed my brother!" She yelled again, hoping to get control of her body back with her
Aemond raised an eyebrow at her accusation, his expression unreadable. "Your brother was weak." He stated flatly. "He got in the way of my plans, and he paid the price."
The knife handle continued its relentless rhythm, each stroke pushing her closer to the edge. Aemond's free hand reached up to grip her chin, forcing her to meet his piercing gaze.
"You can hate me all you want, baby."
He punctuated his words with a particularly deep thrust, the blade scraping against her cervix.
Her vision blurred, her world narrowing to the searing pain and the overwhelming urge to surrender.
"Stop fighting it." Aemond commanded, his voice low and commanding. "Let go and accept that we are not separating again."
"I hate you." She groaned as her body arched from the bed. "I will never love you again."
Aemond smiled, a cold, calculated smile devoid of warmth or humanity. "You’re so pretty when you’re in denial, baby."
He increased the pace of the handle, driving it into her with brutal force. She screamed, her nails digging into the sheets as she struggled against the restraints. But Aemond held fast, his grip unyielding as he rode her through the agony and ecstasy.
"We are two sides of the same coin." He growled, his breath hot against her skin. "You cannot escape me, just as I cannot escape you. We are destined to be together."
With a final, vicious thrust, Aemond buried the handle to the hilt inside her.
Her scream cut off abruptly as the handle plunged deep, the sudden impact triggering a violent contraction within her. Waves of intense pleasure crashed over her, obliterating the pain and leaving her gasping for air.
For a moment, she hung suspended, lost in the overwhelming sensation. Then, with a strangled cry, she came undone, her body convulsing in a frenzy of release. The orgasm ripped through her like a tornado, making everything fade except pleasure.
As the aftershocks subsided, she lay limp and spent, her mind fogged by the intensity of what had just occurred. Through the haze, she felt Aemond withdraw the knife, licked the knife handle and then discarded it carelessly on the floor with a satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he watched her body twitch and spasm through the aftermath of her climax.
Rising from the bed, he towered over her prone form, his imposing figure casting a shadow over her. "That's the power I hold over you." He murmured, his voice low and menacing. "The ability to reduce you to this - a broken, quivering mess, completely at my mercy." He smirked. "But you know I have much more power over you than just that. Even if you did manage to leave me, baby, please tell me.” He looked down at her. “Do you think you'll be able to live a normal life? Find someone new to love, have a life with him, a future, fuck him?” He laughed as he shook his head. “No, baby. I love you. And I’m not letting you go. Ever."
Her chest heaved with ragged breaths as she stared up at Aemond, her eyes glazed and unfocused. The echoes of her intense orgasm still resonated through her body, leaving her feeling raw and exposed.
She wanted to lash out, to spit venom at him for his cruel words and actions. But the strength had been drained from her, leaving only a hollow shell. All she could manage was a pitiful whine as he loomed over her.
"I-I won't..." She whispered. "I won't ever be yours, Aemond. Never." She hissed evilly, but he simply chuckled as he started to pull down his pants.
Aemond chuckled darkly, amused by her futile defiance. He reached down and grasped a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back to expose the vulnerable column of her throat.
“We’ll see about that.” He whispered in her ear as he settled comfortably between her legs.
He lined up his throbbing cock with her entrance and thrusted to the hilt, stretching her tight core around his thick length.
“Take it, you feisty little bitch.” He smiled. “I still remember everything you like, you know that right?” He looked down at her, watching her discomfort as she struggled to adjust. “I know you. And I’ll make you feel so fucking good, baby.” He set a punishing pace, pounding into her relentlessly, moaning and closing his eye for a moment as he savoured the feeling of having her walls being stretched out from him again.
“Scream all you want. No one's coming to save you from my cock.” He reached around to fondle her clit, rubbing the sensitive nub in time with his brutal strokes.
She yelled, her tits kept bouncing against his chest with every thrust, but he reveled in her cries, the sound music to his ears as he rutted into her like an animal.
He picked up speed, his heavy balls slapping against her ass with each powerful thrust.
“You love this, don't you? Love being fucked raw by me.” He moaned as he felt her pussy clench. “You’ve always loved it, when I treated you like you could never break, unlike everyone else did.” He leaned down to bite and suck at her nipples, adding to her torment and pleasure. “And you still do. Just like you love me.”
She clenched her hands into fists, squeezing her eyes closed as the nostalgia of their past ate her alive.
"Fuck you – I don’t love you!" She gritted her teeth.
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes as he drove into her again.
“Oh, keep telling yourself that, baby.” He grinned, a hint of pride in his voice. “Your tight little cunt is gripping me so fucking tight – it knows exactly what it's missing without a real man's cock.” He reached down to rub her clit harder, determined to make her come on his cock.
“Admit it, baby. You're loving every second of this.”
His hips snapped forward, hitting that sweet spot inside her that made her gasp and clench around him.
"I'll never come for you." She growled.
He chuckled, a dark and sinister sound that echoed through the room. “Oh, you will. You're so close, I can feel it.” He pinched her clit roughly, trying to force her to orgasm and pounded into her harder, faster, reveling in the feeling of her tight walls squeezing him.
“There’s no more escaping this. No more sending me away -” His voice was strained by pleasure, he wasn’t even trying to control his sounds, moaning shamelessly.
“I-I hate you –” She said as she felt herself treading on the edge of her orgasm. “I’ll never love you again, you’re trash to me.”
He smirked at her defiant words, finding them only more arousing.
“Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart. But it’s not your body that betrays you.” He could feel her getting closer to the edge, her pussy fluttering around his shaft. “It’s your mind.” He thrusted especially hard, grinding against her cervix.
“Cum for me, baby. Now”. He demanded, his voice low and authoritative.
She shook her head defiantly, even as her body betrayed her, trembling on the brink of climax.
“Never... I won't…” Her words dissolved into a moan as he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside her. “F-fuck!”
Despite her best efforts, she could feel herself hurtling towards orgasm, her pussy clenching rhythmically around his pistoning cock. The stimulation to her clit combined with his commanding presence proved too much to resist.
“No – ” She cried out as she came undone, her vision whiting out from the intensity of her release.
Her inner walls spasmed almost violently around him, milking his shaft for all it was worth.
“Aem -” His name slipped past her lips unbidden as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her.
He groaned in satisfaction as he felt her pussy clamp down on him like a vice, her juices flooding his cock and dripping down his balls. “That's it, cum for me – ” His voice suddenly soft as he continued to pound into her through her orgasm, prolonging her pleasure and using her spasming walls to bring himself closer to the edge.
“Fuck, you feel amazing.” With a final, deep thrust, he buried himself to the hilt and let out a guttural moan as he started to cum. He grunted, shooting thick ropes of hot seed deep into her womb as he filled her to the brim with his potent release.
They didn’t move for a while, catching their breaths after the intense encounter, but as soon as she bursted into tears Aemond immediately hugged her, freeing her wrists.
“Shhh, I’m here, baby -” He whispered in her ear as he caressed her hair, keeping her close, but she kept crying harder.
She couldn't help herself, even if he killed his brother, a part of her will always welcome Aemond, desperate for the old sense of stability that she had been seeking since it all went down.
Since her brother tore her away from Aemond.
Because that was the moment she felt like dying the most, and she felt the worst sister in the world for that.
So she cried, hoping those feelings would just flow out with her tears.
She hated Aemond, but not because he killed her brother, she hated him because he was still the love of her life, despite everything.
Because she tried to move on, desperately, she wanted to run away from her feelings for him, but every time she managed to find someone interesting she would feel guilty, she would feel like she was in the wrong place, like she was doing everything wrong, and she couldn’t fix it.
“I hate you.” She sobbed as she wrapped her arms around him tightly.
“I know.” He pressed his forehead against her temple. “I’ll fix it.”
Taglist: @ka1afbr @cynic-spirit @ladythornofrivia @zenka69 @queenofthekeep @adorewhatever @diannnnsss @kotadislikesthissite @iloveallmyboys @valyrianflower @dixie-elocin @gelacat0413 @quinquinquincy @mamawiggers1980 @darylandbethfanforever9 @rhaethoughts @believeinthefireflies95 @urfavnoirette @summerposie @sk1mah1 @queenofshinigamis @anukulee @chlmtfilms @m-riaa @p45510n4f4shi0n @malfoycassimalfoy @agoldenwoe @sapphirevhagar
#hotd aemond#aemond fic#aemond fanfiction#prince aemond#aemond smut#ewan mitchell#hotd s2#aemond targaryen#hotd season 2#aemond one eye#mafia au#mafia rp#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond x reader#aemond x oc#aemond x y/n#aemond x you#prince aemond targaryen#house targaryen#hotd fanfic#hotdedit#hotd#house of the dragon#modern aemond x you#modern aemond#modern aemond x reader#modern au
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gave you all my best me's (i)
Description: Aemond needs a fake-girlfriend. It's a good thing that he has leverage over his nephew's ex-girlfriend.
Pairing: (past! jacaerys velaryon/reader), aemond targaryen/reader
Notes: I wanted to rewrite this fanfic before writing a bonus chapter. I'm not a big fan of the old version of this: you're losing me. TWO PARTS SO COMMENT TO GET TAGGED.

It is a beautiful thing to be admired for your talents, but when the media begins digging into your personal life - it is difficult to decipher where one draws a line. "When are you getting married?" The late-night host asks.
You answer him with an awkward chuckle.
Despite your social media branding - you longed for marriage, a white picket fence, and children. "There's so much more to life than getting married," you pursed your lips into a thin line. You could already see yourself in tomorrow morning's tabloids - trending on Twitter AND Tiktok with a witty hashtag.
"I agree, but for other people, it's a milestone moment for them. Is it not in your plans to get married in the future? Or is it an if it happens, it happens kind of thing?" The man continues to inquire.
You forced a smile on your face.
You did want to get married, but it's not in Jace's plans. He's the type of man who goes from hotel to hotel - the type of man who doesn't have his own apartment because he likes to act like a cowboy. Jace is the type of man who'd wear speedos with Birkenstocks. He does not ever see himself getting married, but he sees himself staying with you forever.
"I, unfortunately, don't see myself getting married. I mean respect for the people who are married, but for me, it's not really a necessity because I already see myself staying with this one person my entire life, and for me, I don't feel the need to get married." You explained, echoing the words that Jace whispered to you last night.
"- but yeah, if it happens, it happens." You rolled your eyes.
You placed your Le Smoking YSL Jacket loudly on the table, hoping that Jacaerys would take a hint and know that you've finally arrived. It has already been three-weeks after the viral interview, and he didn't seem bothered by the attention.
"I missed you," you smiled at him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. He always smells like vanilla. "- did you watch the interview?" You asked, pulling away from the embrace. He returns back to typing on his 3-year-old Macbook. "I watched it," he confirms.
You took a deep breath, which probably means that his family has already watched it. "I'm sorry my PR manager forgot to warn me. I seriously felt like a deer caught in headlights," you complained, pausing to see if he was mad.
Jacaerys is the oldest son of Laenor Velaryon and Rhaenyra Targaryen. He is the scion of the two oldest families in America. His great-great-great something on both sides came to this country on the Mayflower - and thus, they took extreme precautions when it came to safeguarding their privacy. Rhaenyra was already adamant about allowing her son to write his little books, and now that you were in the picture...
"It's fine, I hope they stop asking about that marriage thing." A sigh escapes his mouth, and you can hear him clacking on his keyboard - typing without an end. "Maybe it's a sign for us to talk seriously about the topic." You begin.
"Marriage is for people-pleasers. We spend a lot of money on this one celebration where everyone gets to eat and dance, but marriage doesn't mean being with someone forever." He articulates, unable to say, that he doesn't want to repeat his parents' mistakes and that he doesn't want to live in a bickering home.
"I want to get married," you blurted out.
He responds with silence. It is obvious that he is thinking of an appropriate response - but you know that the answer is no. "I have everything that I could ever want in the world, a perfect career, a perfect boyfriend, a perfect house. The only things that I want now are marriage and babies, Jace." You continued to explain, and his face dropped to the floor.
You reach for his hands, entwining them with yours. He gazes up from his laptop, and he stares right into your eyes. "We're not going to be like your parents." You promised.
"We aren't a hundred percent sure of that. I can't even promise you everlasting love, I can't even promise you that I can love you with the same strength every day." He tilts his head. Which leads you to believe that the only reason he hasn't married you yet - is because he doesn't love you at all.
"I know, but you choose me every day. You choose us every day, and that is the same thing as love." You persuaded.
You could sense the reluctance in his movements. "We're fighting all the time. I haven't seen you in almost a month. Getting married is not going to fix our problems." His voice softens. He loves you with all of his heart, but he doesn't know how to show that love without first ruining it.
"Let's break up," he proposed.
He was expecting you to say no, like all the other times before, but this time - you retreat silently. You grab your things and you leave his hotel room.
pussydaposi: This is my roman empire
nameofficial: I Love You, I'm Sorry OUT NOW!
liked 1,293,012 others
sacramentoLove: When are you gonna pay ur taxes 🇪🇸
Destination12: Shakira x Y/N Collab cuz they both don't pay taxes to the Spanish government
oompaloompa: Y/N singing bella ciao link in bio 😭
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"Who's the guy?" You whispered in Lucie's ears, and she turned around to look at the man who had been staring at you for the past five minutes. "Holy fuck, that's Aemond Targaryen. His family literally owns half of Texas." She whisper-shouted.
It didn't help with the fact that the man was smoking hot. Lucie stares at her phone for half a minute. "Wait, can I leave alone for just a second? Cecil forgot to bring his polo, and the receptionist is not letting him in." She groaned. "I'll be fine," you gave her a slight smile.
Lucie leaves your side, and Aemond begins walking towards you. "(Your Name)," you introduced yourself with a smile. "Aemond Targaryen," he shakes your hand.
This could be the beginning of something new...something different. "You don't look like the type of person who'd spend her weekends in old country clubs," he smiles charmingly. "I came here with my friend, Lucie. She's supposed to have a date with this guy, but he seems to have forgotten the rule of the country club." You chuckled.
Aemond tilts his head softly, and he whispers. "Always wear a shirt with a collar." He laughs.
"It's such a preposterous rule, I bet you that I'll have to hear about her boyfriend's expensive suit and how it is preposterous that he wasn't allowed inside." You giggled.
"I bet you that the staff doesn't get paid enough to deal with people like them," he led you to another part of the gardens. This part was exclusive only to esteemed members of the club, which probably means that this Aemond fellow is important. "I heard that a beautiful singer was going to be here. I had to my brother's golfcart to make it in the Clubhouse in time," his eyes narrowed.
Of course, the people that he heard those sentiments from weren't exactly appreciative of your presence. It was one of his mother's cousins who said something about these idiotic celebrities eating in the place where they were eating. "Oh please, you don't need to sugarcoat their words. I bet you that Lucie is scandalized for bringing me," you snorted.
You hate spending time around these old money folks. In your eyes, they've spent the majority of their wealth, and the only thing that they have left is their snootyness. "They're all idiots anyways," Aemond rolls his eyes, pleased that you weren't one of those cunts who'd kiss ass to the wealthy.
His phone rings, and he reaches for the call card inside of his wallet. "I'd love to take you out on dinner sometimes, not here, but you choose where to eat. Please call me as soon as possible," he placed a hand on your shoulder.
He bids farewell, realizing that his business partners were calling him already.
It was a surprise to see that Aemond had a follow-through; the next day, he had already arranged a dinner with you. "I honestly had no idea where you'd want to eat. I mean, I'm sorry for bringing you to this small diner." You chuckled.
Rich people can be so banal sometimes, they eat at the same five restaurants, they wear the same clothes from the same five ateliers, and they all go to the same yoga studio, for goodness sake. You knew that if you wanted Aemond to consider you worthy of his attention - you needed to stick out. Which leads you to this diner, the real heart of NYC.
"It's beautiful. I've never been here before." He looks around with an appreciative smile. "I used to eat here a lot when I was a college student, I couldn't afford anything else - and the food here seriously tastes better than some Michelin restaurants. It's nice here, it feels so ... raw." You struggled to find the words.
The food was amazing, but the community that this diner constantly fed - it's a thing for the books. The cab drivers, the hotdog stand sellers, and the college students. It is home. "It must be hard being famous," he shoves a piece of pizza inside of his mouth.
You licked your lips.
"I've been famous for as long as I can remember. I don't know how to live without all of the cameras." You pierced the pancake with your fork, bringing it to your mouth. "I need your help." He places both of his hands on the table.
"Where?" Your eyebrows merged together.
"My father is dying. He says that he'll leave his entire inheritance to the first person who gets married in our family. My siblings and my nephews are fighting for that spot, seeing that my older sister doesn't want any ties with us. Now, I know that there are cases against you by the Spanish government, and I can make all of that go away," Aemond offers.
"I'd love to help you but I'm really good at making mistakes," your eyes narrowed, weighting in your choices.
His eyes softened.
"The only mistake that you've made is allowing your father to control your finances. He's in jail now, and if you're not going to fix yourself, you're going to end up there too." He says.
You play with the rings on your finger, inhaling the scent of maple syrup. "So, I marry you, and you clear up all my charges?" You inquired.
"I fake our marriage, clear up your name, and give you $10 million to start again." He corrects.
"Alright then," you hummed. "Do we have a deal?" You smile.
He shakes your hand.
"We have a deal," he confirms.
Being in a pretend relationship with Aemond was honestly one of the easiest things that you've ever done. He makes it really hard not to fall in love with him. The way that he places his hands inside of his pockets, the way that he gives you the sweetest smile - it almost makes you think that his feelings are genuine. It is not, you remind yourself.
You flick through the rack of dresses in front of you. "What are your parents like? Are they traditional, or are they as laid back as you?" You questioned. He pauses for a while, trying to find the words that would properly describe his parents.
"My dad is a traditional man. He likes guns, and he believes in the Second Amendment. He's a senile old man. My mother, however, is trendy, and she's warm up to you." He informs.
"Tell me more about your family," you pressed.
You needed to be prepared for this battle.
"My older brother is an armchair socialist. He's always complaining to our mother about some animals dying. He's a vegetarian, although he always orders Chipotle on Fridays. His morality is a grey compass," Aemond snorts.
You giggle too.
"Helaena, my older sister. She's my second older sister. I think she's the person that Aegon thinks he is. She's too busy running this non-profit for refugees, but you don't need to worry about her, she's kind." He comforts.
"Then, I have a little brother, Daeron. He doesn't like us. He'd much rather spend time with our uncle." He turns to look away. Your eyes land on the vintage white dress you've seen in Lucie's wardrobe, it's a dress that Chanel never showed the general populace. An iconic piece, but not famous enough that it would seem tacky.
His hands snake around your waist. "What?" Your eyebrows merged together, and he pressed a kiss to your forehead, subtly pointing at the paparazzi that were standing outside of the boutique door. "Kiss me," he says, pulling your body closer - until you could smell his cologne.
"You are so demanding," you teased, reaching to cup his cheeks. Standing on your tiptoes as you pressed your lips together. The paparazzi outside of the door were caught in a frenzy, flashing lights of all colors greeted you.
He tastes like cherries and diet coke. It's intoxicating. A taste that is so different on your tongue. You pull away from the kiss - and he pretends to gasp at the sight of the paps outside of the door. "Let's go," he mouthed - pulling you into a deeper part of the store, where the media couldn't see.
ynkittens: (fan sent the picture) Y/N L/N with mystery man in NYC. Who is this man???
liked by 92,239 others
DoodleCop: OH MY GOD I miss her and Jace 🥺
YNNationSupport9: Stop, you're losing me
Aemond stares at his phone, an indescribable frown on his face as it continues to vibrate due to the number of notifications sent to his personal account. "I didn't expect your fans to be this crazy," he mumbled, seeing his face shared all around Instagram.
"You did tell me that our relationship needed to be public to be believable," your eyes narrowed. "Yeah but now they're calling my personal number," he shows you his phone.
An amused chuckle exits your mouth.
"If you can't handle the smoke, don't start the fire." You shoved a piece of pastry inside of your mouth. Aemond slumps on the blue cloud couch and turns his phone off. He has been staying in your apartment for the past month now, after the whole scenario with the paparazzi the studio apartment that he was renting was no longer safe.
"Helaena has been blasting my other phone since yesterday. She's a really big fan of you," he smiles, pulling you closer to him until you are laying on his lap. "She sounds amazing, when are we going to meet?" You inquired, reaching for a book on the coffee table.
His fingers comb through your hair, untangling the knots that your hairbrush couldn't fix. "Maybe tomorrow during the family reunion? She kind of just shows up," he says.
He couldn't deny your beauty. As time grows, he slowly finds himself loving everything about you...from your gentleness to your fickle mindedness. You weren't satisfied with making a decision without first looking at every possible perspective. When someone does a bad deed, you say well, maybe it isn't their fault, maybe it's the way that society has treated them.
Even when the situation proves to be difficult, you still choose to be kind. It's just a summer thing, he tells himself because nothing beautiful ever chooses him. All the good things wilt in his hands.
He flicks a strand of your hair away from your face. "I'm a little nervous about tomorrow," you admit. "- I've never felt like I belonged, you know what I mean?" You scrunched up your nose, and he continued to massage your scalp.
"I'm so hesitant when it comes to attending these parties because when I was a kid, my dad took us to one of his black tie parties, and my mom let me wear this beautiful unicorn dress, but apparently, the black-tie rule was for everyone, regardless of age. The host didn't want me to go inside the halls with my pink glittery dress because it didn't reach past my ankles...one of my cousins pitied me so much. She let me borrow her dress, but it was too big on me." You flinched at the faint memory.
"I had to sit beside my mom the entire time, and all of the kids were staring at me like I had a third leg." Your teeth burrowed into your lower lips. "That sounds horrible," he frowns. "Which is why I promised to never look unfashionable ever again..." You say.
nameofficial: our secret moments, in a crowded room. @aemondtargaryensapphires
liked by 1,293,012 others
MaybeThisTime3: Rue, when was this?
aemondtargaryensapphires: ❤️🔥👸🏻 - nameofficial: ❤️
Lucerys stuffs a large amount of vanilla ice cream inside of his mouth. "Did you check Instagram?" He teases his brother, continuing to play on his Nintendo Switch - almost smearing an entire spoonful of vanilla on the screen.
"Can you stop being annoying for five seconds?" Jacaerys rolled his eyes.
"He is so bothered," Joffrey giggled while scrolling on his phone. "I am not bothered," Jacaerys gritted his teeth.
"He's not bothered, but he's turning red!" Lucerys piped in once again. "I wonder if he'll take her to the reunion." Joffrey ponders, and a sigh escapes the oldest brother's mouth. Give you my wild. Give you a child. Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other. Now, the only thing he's answered with is a different type of silence.
It's neither of your fault that the relationship ended. It was just too much of a chasm, your personalities were too different. You were the type of person to fight for the relationship, the type of person who disobeyed fate, and he is the opposite of that.
Because if something is meant to be, then the whole universe conspires for you to have it by your side. If it is meant to be - you wouldn't need to fight for it.
You were wearing a white-satin dress that reached past your knees, it was embroidered with Swarovski crystals, truly a miracle that the dress ever held up. "Remember the story, I proposed on the beach, we didn't bring any cameras." He whispered, and you could sense his nervousness.
The car continues to drive inside a long entryway that curves to the side, you are greeted with tall bushes that cover the facade of the mansion. As you reach the third turn, the beautiful mansion is made known to you.
It was truly a sight to behold.
A mixture of French and Italian architecture was made even richer by the aged bricks that were used in constructing the estate. The mansion was about the same size as Central Park. It was clear that Aemond Targaryen was richer than God.
"You said family reunion," your lips pursed into a thin line. He gives you a stare, telling you that he didn't expect this many guests either. "My father must've invited his golfing buddies," he explains, regaining his composure.
He reaches for a box inside of his pockets. He opens it, showing you a beautiful emerald oval ring, a ring that is simple and elegant - a ring like you. "Are you ready to meet the vipers?" He smirks, placing the ring on your ring finger.
A doorman begins to open the doors to the car.
"If we wait until I'm ready, we'll be waiting forever." You plastered a smile on your face, straightening your posture, and exiting the car - making sure that everyone's eyes were on you.
Jace freezes as he sees the faint silhouette of your body. His relationship with you ended on good terms; he was happy with the outcome, but seeing you a year later - brings him back to pleasant and unpleasant memories. He partly wishes that he was stupid enough to his ex-girlfriend, but he is smarter than that.
He knows that the only time that he was ever truly happy was when he was with you, and now you've left him. Now, the only thing that brings him back to those pleasant memories are the songs that you've written about him.
What a horrible day to be alive.
His jaw clenches, watching as his uncle's hands snake around your waist, the very same waist that his hand used to fit like a perfect puzzle in. He watches as Aemond leans to whisper something in your ear, and you giggle. He bets that the joke isn't funny at all.
"Isn't that (Your Name)?" Rhaenyra inquires, and suddenly, Jacaerys' hand feels clammy around the champagne flute. He desperately wants to puke. Rhaenyra's eyes softened instantly, heart heaving for her oldest son. "Oh Jace," she cooed and he forced a smile on his face - he took a lazy sip of his champagne, and the drink bubbles in his stomach.
"I'm alright, mom." He insists.
Jace still cannot understand why his heart longs for you. He has everything he wants - he has everything that you prevented him from achieving because you dreamed of marriage. Why is he missing the shackles that he allowed destiny to remove?
Aemond begins to march in his direction, a satisfied grin on the other man's face. Could he have known? Jace asks himself. "Jacey," the man teased, one hand wrapped around you, and the other hand on a glass of merlot. Aemond was absolutely glowing.
"Uncle Aemond," Jace answered.
"Have you met this lovely lady?" Aemond tilted his head, half-expecting you to smile warmly at his nephew, as you have done to all of his relatives, but he was greeted with silence. Your eyes trailed back and forth between Aemond and his nephew. "Uncle?" your eyebrows merged together.
"I'm too young to be an uncle. My sister had him early." He informs. "I didn't expect you to be here," Jace says plainly as if Aemond was not standing right beside you. "I could say the same thing," you replied, your grip on Aemond tightens.
Something shimmery on your fingers catches Jacaerys' eyes. An engagement ring. An oval emerald engagement ring - like the color that the other side of his family proudly wore. "Congratulations on the engagement," he greets, forcing himself to be happy. Marriage is the only thing that you didn't agree on with him - he found it useless, you found it monumental.
"Thank you," you and Aemond say in unison.
"When she's the one wrapped around your fingers, you have to make a fist." Aemond stares at your face. Jace could only hum in return, his throat felt dry again. "I know the feeling," he takes a sip of his champagne.
He curses himself for still having these feelings for you. He should have fought against the world to have you beside him. He should have taken you dancing, bowling, skating, singing - but he didn't, because he was too engrossed in his own little world, unaware that everything was unfolding outside of his bedroom window.
He takes another deep breath, the world is bigger than the stories inside of his laptop. He can't believe that it has taken him this long to figure that out.
"Can you please sing something?" Helaena requests, flashing you her puppy eyes. You turned to look around you, and everyone was looking in your direction. Viserys raises an eyebrow as if asking for you to sing.
Daeron hands you one of his acoustic guitars.
"Do you have any song in mind?" You inquired, prepared to sing one of your love songs. "How did it end!" Helaena cheers, pulling Morghul (her dog) on her lap.
"That's a nice song that you've chosen," you forced a smile on your face. Of course, she chooses the one song about your breakup with Jace.
aemondtargaryensapphires: beautiful ❤️
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Jace watches as the waiters begin to serve their food. It was a gourmet meal provided by his step-father's fine dining restaurant, the food was beautiful, and it had the right color. You couldn't help but feel out of place - like the girl who wore a unicorn dress to a black-tie event.
"I'm allergic, I can't eat this." You whispered, flashing Aemond a concerned look. "Sorry, Aemond was the one who confirmed the samples." Rhaenyra's voice sounded apologetic, and sad because she was the one who planned the entire event. "Oh, it's okay." You smiled.
"How long have you known each other?" Jace blurts out, swirling the champagne in his glass. The first thing that couples do while knowing each other - is going on a date, and if you've been on a date with him thousands of times, wouldn't Aemond know about your likes and dislikes?
"Nine months, and it's alright, you can have Aegon's salad. He only pretends to be vegan." Aemond switches your place with Aegon's who is currently occupied in the bathroom. "Thank you," you mumbled.
"Your brother is going to throw a fit once he sees that," Alicent interrupts. "Mom he won't even notice," Helaena looks at you with hearts on her eyes.
Jace could only raise his eyebrows. Nine months and, his uncle wasn't aware that you're allergic to lamb sauce. He bets that Aemond doesn't even know that your eyebrows merge together when you're angry. He bets that the other man doesn't even know that your favorite game is Overcooked, and you refuse to move to the next stage when you fail to reach all three stars.
He's losing you to a man that hardly knows you.
"Where did you meet?" Lucerys pipes in, taking a sip of his strawberry milkshake. "In the country club," Aemond smiles. He looks at you like you are the earth, and he is nothing but a moon that rotates around you. "Her friend Lucie Churchill, she introduced us to each other," Aemond lies.
Alicent smiles, a look of adoration on her face. Aemond has chosen the best possible woman to fall in love with, a woman who's mantle is heavy with her own achievements. "When are you getting married?" She chimes in, happy with the idea of having grandbabies.
"Soon, I've always wanted a summer wedding." You answered coyly. You glanced at him, and suddenly, this summer thing was beginning to look real. "The good ones never wait," Aemond smiles, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
Jace enters the balcony, seeing that you are sipping wine on your own and staring at the French skyline. The dress that you were wearing was now slightly wrinkled, and the ring on your finger was slightly loose.
"Are you sure?" he asks.
"Sure about what?" You asked with a rough voice.
"My uncle," his lips are pursed into a thin line. He looks for a glimmer of hope behind your eyes, but it is too far.
He is too late to bring this love back to life.
"He's the only thing that I'm sure of," you answered.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes, and your eyebrows merge together. "Sorry for what?" You scoffed.
"I'm sorry that I didn't fight for us." He continues. "- it was always doomed from the beginning. I could never have asked you to make that sacrifice for me. I didn't accept it at first, but that just wasn't the life for you." You finished.
"But if I asked you back then, you would have made that sacrifice for me, so I'm sorry for not being what you needed." He says, slowly walking out of the balcony, completely oblivious of the man leaning on the door and eavesdropping on your conversation.
nameofficial: I can't help falling in love with you... ❤️ This is the beginning of forever baby 💍
liked by 2,129,391 others
ynkittens: wait did u get married? - nameofficial: Engaged. I'm sorry for not making it clear in the caption haha 😭
JacintaRobin: "I wanna teach you how forever feels like" aint for JACK IN A BOX bcs it's for mr aemond - Bananashake44: Aemond the literal alpha male??? THE SIGMA GIGA CHAD ??? THE ULTIMATE RIZZLER
@glame @xcinnamonmalfoyx @winxchesters @yentroucnagol @hotchnerswife @mxxny-lupin @mxtantrights @urmomsgirlfriend1 @kravitzwhore@sweethoneyblossom1 @introverbatim @flrboyd @kemillyfreitas
#aemond x you#aemond targaryen fanfiction#aemond smut#aemond targaryen x reader#modern aemond targaryen#modern aemond x reader#modern aemond x you#modern aemond targaryen x reader#modern aemond targaryen x you#modern aemond#hotd modern au#aemond x fem!reader#aemond imagine#aemond x y/n#aemond x reader#aemond fanfiction#prince aemond x you#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen fic#aemond stannies#aemond fic#aemond fanfic#aemond fluff#aemond targaryen fluff#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen x modern!reader#hotd x you#hotd smut#aemond targaryen fanfic#prince aemond fic
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You Win // modern!Aemond x reader
• Aemond x reader, Aemond x Alys •
Summary: You and Aemond have always had a solid relationship built in trust and love. All that is challenged when Aemond has to take a class led by Professor Alys Rivers.
TW: indefinitely, p in v, oral (m receiving), fingering, afab reader, bodily harm, smashing class, physical violence
Part 2 • Epilogue

You hugged Aemond tight and smiled brightly. “Yes, I will go out with you.” Pressing a kiss to his cheek you reached down to interlock his fingers with yours.
Aemond blushed as you two walked around the park. “I didn't think you'd say yes,” he admitted.
“And why would you think that?” You squeezed his hand.
“I thought Jace was gonna ask you out but -”
“But you beat him to it. Well, that, and I'd never go out with him. Jace is like a brother to me, I promise.”
Despite your promise, Aemond looked uneasy.
“Hey,” you stopped to face him and brought both of his hands up to your lips. After giving his knuckles a soft kiss you looked him in the eye. “I promise you I will never look or think of anyone else the way I look and think of you. It is only you for me, no one else. Okay?”
Aemond took a deep breath. “Okay. And I promise the same thing, too. Just us. You and me.”
He bent down and captured your lips in a sweet kiss. It wasn't rough or passionate but it was filled with promise and devotion.
Aemond was your rock. He was always there for you. Holding you close, Aemond would whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
At the end of the semester the two of you were able to move off campus and get an apartment for yourselves. It was bliss. Finally, you had your own space and no residential advisor to monitor you.
Coming home from classes was always a relief. Aemond would always be there, ready to welcome you home. He'd pick you up and spin you around while the two of you laugh; complete and utter happiness. Nothing could break you two apart.
“Tell me, babe,” you played with his hands as you used him as a pillow, “what would you have done if Jace asked me out before you and I said yes?”
“I would've done anything and everything in the world to prove to you that you belong to me,” he said. “You are all I want in the world. You have made me the happiest man on campus.”
You tilted your head up and captured his mouth in a sweet kiss. You wound your arms around his neck to help aid you in pulling yourself up. Aemond smiled against you and helped you onto his lap. His lips were perfect against yours.
Carefully, Aemond deepened the kiss and held you closer. When you felt his arousal you began to grind against him. You moaned against him, feeling your core tighten. Your hands moved to his hair, pulling at it. You wanted - no, needed - him closer.
Aemond's hands squeezed your thighs before tracing up your body and cupping your breasts. You sighed; the feel of him against you was comforting. He slid his hands back down to the hem of your shirt and delicately lifted it up over your head.
Aemond looked at you, pure awe in his eyes. “Fuck, you're beautiful. Although this,” he snapped the strap of the bra against you, “could leave.”
“Then take it off,” you whispered and kissed down to his collarbone.
“Gods, you drive me crazy.” He unclasped your bra and quickly latched on to a nipple.
The sensation had you arching your back.
“Aemond,” you moaned.
He hummed against you, making your core clench and your hands dig in his hair. You began to grind harder on him. You wanted the release so badly.
“Please, baby,” you murmured.
He released with an obscene pop. “Does my baby want to cum?”
You looked at him with big eyes and nodded your head.
A hand drifted down to your pants and he slid them off. He cupped your center.
“Gods, you're soaking through your panties.”
He began rubbing you over your panties and it felt so good. You were grinding hard against his hand. When he pushed aside the panty and stuck a finger in, you moaned loudly.
“That's it, such a good girl.” Aemond's eye was locked in you.
You bucked against him. “More, please!”
“Since you asked so nicely -” he plunged a second and third finger into you.
“Holy fuck, Aemond!”
His fingers curved inside you and found that sweet spot. Pushing you back on the couch, he freed his other hand from around you so he could rub your clit. It was so much. He smiled, watching you writhe in pleasure. Leaning down, he captured a pert nip in his mouth and began to suck on it.
“Aemond, FUCK!”
You came when he pushed against your clit and hit that sweet spot. Stars flooded your vision as wave after wave of pleasure hit you.
Aemond kissed you hard as he pulled his fingers out of you.
“I need to be inside you,” he growled.
His pants were quick to go as you slipped his shirt over his head. His hands went to remove his boxers but you stopped him.
“I want to do it,” you said with a mischievous look in your eye.
Aemond leaned back and let you slip them off. You looked at him, always amazed at how stunning he looked. His cock was thick and standing at attention. You took it in your grasp and softly rubbed your thumb over the head. Aemond groaned and bucked up into your hand.
Slowly you leaned forward and dragged your tongue from the base of his cock to its head. He put his hand on the top of your head but didn't push down.
You took him in your mouth inch by inch, letting him fill you up. He began to drip precum on your tongue and you gladly lapped it up. He tasted divine.
When you swallowed, he let out an audible groan. As you began to bob your head up and down he met you with his own thrusts. When his grip on your hair started to tighten you knew he was getting close. You wanted to swallow him all, for him to finish in your mouth, but Aemond had a different idea. Once he was able to pull out of you he fiercely gripped your face and brought it up to his to meet in a deadly kiss.
He pushed you back down on the couch and lined himself up with you. Legs spread, you eagerly awaited the sensation of him filling you up. You felt the head of his cock brush against you and you moaned. He was so close. He rubbed it through your folds, back and forth. Just the simple action had you arching your back again.
“Shhh, be patient. You’ll get my cock soon enough,” Aemond whispered.
You whimpered, holding yourself back.
After what seemed forever, Aemond finally pushed inside you. He was so thick, so big. You could never get used to the blissful stretch. He always made you feel so good. When he was fully sheathed inside you, he hovered his face just above yours.
“Tell me to move.” Aemond kissed your cheek.
“Please, please, move,” you begged.
“Anything for my princess.”
Aemond captured your lips in a searing kiss as he began to pump in and out of you. You met his thrusts with those of your own. Staring up at him in your own world of pleasure you couldn’t come to terms with just how gorgeous he was. It was as though he was an angel created by one of the gods. His long silver hair draped down as though it was a curtain hiding you from the world as he made love to you. You could never get enough of him and you never wanted to let him go. Suddenly, he pulled out, making you whine at the loss of his presence
“On your hands and knees, princess,” he commanded.
You did as you were told and stuck your ass up in the air. You loved it when he fucked you from behind.
Aemond’s cock began going through your folds again. You pressed against him, hungry for him to be inside you once more. He slapped your ass then quickly drove himself inside you. This time he set a brutal pace. This wasn’t love making. This was fucking. And gods did you love it. You bit down on a pillow to muffle your scream.
Aemond lifted you up to him. “Don’t do that; I want to hear everything.”
He dropped you down, and when you were back on your hands he began rutting into you. He was so fast, he was fucking you so hard, and being in this position had him hitting all the right spots. You tried to match him the best that you could. Aemond wound his arm around you and began to play with your clit. You moaned, not bothering to hold it in.
“Does my princess feel good?” he panted.
The best you could do was mumble something incoherent. It didn’t matter. He knew he made you feel good.
When Aemond pressed on your clit you screamed. When told you push against him you did as you were told. Everything was becoming overwhelming but so wonderful. His thrusts had your face in the pillow, your arms too tired to hold you up longer. He never stopped. Your core clenched every time he hit that special spot and you cried out in pleasure when he did it over and over again.
“Aemond, please -”
“Please, what, princess?”
“Please let me come,” you whimpered.
He pulled you up and laid down on his back, you still on top. He fucked you from underneath you and it was heavenly.
“I want you to cum all over my cock like this.”
One hand went back to your clit while the other went to your tits and he started playing with your nipples. Every time he thrust deep up you cried. Every time you cried he’d gently bite your neck then soothe it with his tongue. The pleasure was reaching its peak. So soon you’d reach your orgasm.
Aemond picked up the pace, fucking you harder. His grip on your tit tightened.
“Come for me, princess.”
The scream that ripped out of you as you reached your orgasm was like no other. Your body shook with pleasure as Aemond continued to fuck you through it, chasing after his own peak. Even as your orgasm subsided, Aemond was still pumping into you. So sensitive from you last two, you were on the verge of a third.
“I’m gonna come,” Aemond rasped out.
With one final thrust, he spilled his seed into you. His whole body trembled and he held you tight as he finished his peak.
When Aemond went limp under you, you pulled him out of your core and rolled over so you were facing him.
“Gods, I love you,” you told him as you brushed his hair off of his face.
“I love you, too, princess,” he brought you in for a soft kiss. “I will never leave you.”
When the second semester came around, the two of you still shared the same apartment. At this point it was a second home for the both of you. Five months and you two were still going strong. Aemond made a point to tell you every night that he loves you and wouldn’t choose anyone else. He was your person and you were his.
“Any interesting classes this semester?” you asked him one night as you lay on the couch.
“Nothing much. I have this,” he pulled out his phone. “‘Professor Rivers’ and there’s been some rumors about her.”
You scrunched your nose. “I’ve heard those rumors, too. Stay away from her, please?”
“What, you don’t trust me?” His tone was playful.
“I trust you, I don’t trust her.”
“You have nothing to be worried about, princess. I only have eyes for you.”
You pressed your forehead against his. “And I only have eyes for you.” You pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Time to go to bed, babe. I have an eight a.m and I don’t want to be late on the first day.”
“That’s fair.” Aemond stretched. “But I get to carry you to bed.”
“Carry me to - Aemond!” you laughed as he picked you up bridal style. “Maybe one day you can do this when I’m wearing white.”
He sighed wistfully at the thought. “One day.”
Even with new schedules, you and Aemond were still able to have your routine of him welcoming you home after classes. It was something you always looked forward to; what made your day bearable.
On weekends the two of you would go on a walk at the same park you started dating. It was a special place for you; a place of pure happiness. Rain or shine, you'd walk together. It was a reminder of the promises you made to each other that day.
“I love our walks,” you told him one day. You leaned against him.
Aemond hummed. “Me too, princess.”
In a comfortable silence the two of you walked. What you weren't expecting, however, was to run into Professor Rivers.
She was in workout clothes; a sports bra and leggings that showed off everything. You glanced at Aemond and found him staring at her. You brushed it off. It hurt, it made you jealous, but you knew it was just a guy being a guy whenever they see someone working out.
“Oh, hey, Aemond!” Professor Rivers greeted. “And you must be his girlfriend, I presume?”
Aemond opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off. “Yes, I am. And how are you?” You knew you had to keep things civil but alarms were going off in your head.
“Oh, I'm doing fine.” She stretched, putting her hands on her back and leaning backwards. The stretch made her chest pop out even more and it had you feeling self conscious. “Nothing like a good workout in the morning, right?” She winked at Aemond.
That wink made your blood turn cold. Is she hitting on him?
You coughed. “Anyway, we're going to continue our walk. Have a good day, Professor Rivers.”
You gave her a little nod and pulled Aemond along behind you.
“Oh, Aemond!” Professor Rivers called back to him. “Don't forget our meeting in my office tomorrow!”
You could have sworn Aemond’s hand grew clammy but once again, you brushed it aside.
“Yes, Professor Rivers,” came his short reply.
Professor Rivers gave him another wink before jogging off in the other direction.
You couldn't help the feeling that you were missing something. That whole interaction made you very uncomfortable. You looked at Aemond and saw him shuffling awkwardly. Looking down, you could see the slight bulge in his pants. You scoffed but didn't say anything. If he was going to get turned on by his professor it was fine as long as he didn't do anything about it. At least that's what you told yourself.
One of the best things about the end of the day was being welcomed home by Aemond. He'd pull you in a cozy hug and kiss the top of your head before pulling you over to the couch for some cuddles. After a month of classes, though, he stopped being there.
“Hey, babe, why aren't you home anymore?” You asked him one day.
“What do you mean?” He was pouring through a book.
“I mean you're not home when I'm done with my classes anymore.”
“I've just been busy. Classes this semester have been rough. They're definitely harder than last semester so I've been busting my ass at the library.”
“Oh, okay.”
“I was just wondering, I guess. I always look forward to seeing you after classes.”
“I'm sorry, princess.” He came up to you and kissed your forehead. “I promise once things calm down I'll be back to welcome you home. It's one of my favorite things as well.” He kissed you softly.
“Okay. Thank you, Aemond.” You nuzzled him with your nose. “I'm just… I know the rumors about Professor Rivers and the way she winked at you when we were on our walk gave me a bad feeling.”
“Professor Rivers? You're worried about her? She's just my professor, princess. I promise you there's nothing to worry about. She's a flirt, yes, but I deny her every time.”
You stiffened. “You have to deny her? And you haven't told me about this?”
Worry crossed Aemond's face. “I didn't want to tell you because I was worried you'd get upset. I promise she will never trump you. She is simply my teacher. Nothing more, nothing less.”
You took a deep breath. “Okay, I trust you.”
“And I love you. Nothing can break us apart.”
Since Aemond has been working on his school work late in the day, your new favorite time has been going to bed. Not only were you tired from the day, but it was also when Aemond would wrap you in his arms and you'd fall asleep to each other’s heart beat. It was calm, it was comforting, it was right. Some nights you'd still have energy for sex but he's been coming home so tired that you eventually stopped asking for it. Aemond noticed this and was concerned.
“Do you not want to be intimate anymore?” He asked you.
You two were laying in bed, both staring at the ceiling.
You sighed. “I do, but every time you come home you're already tired and I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to.”
“I will admit that the project I've been working on has been exhausting me, but I don't want that to get in the way of us.”
“Aemond,” you rolled over to face him. “If you don't want to have sex, that's fine. It's not the center piece of our relationship. Our is based off of love and trust. And if that means we have to sacrifice sex for a while, then so be it.”
Aemond shuddered and refused to look at you. It was slightly concerning. “Love and trust…”
“Yes, my dear. Love and trust. Don't get me wrong, I miss being intimate with you but I will never force you to do it if you're too tired, okay?”
He nodded. He still didn't turn to look at you. So you placed a hand under his chin and silently guided it so his eye could meet yours.
“There is nothing I want more than to simply be with you. Sex is merely a perk for me. The real gift is you.”
“Gods, you are perfect. How I ended up with you is a mystery.” He pressed his forehead against yours. “I love you, and if I ever hurt you, know that I never meant to.”
“Aemond, you could never hurt me. You have my heart and I trust that you will always keep it safe.”
One day you received an email from Professor Rivers to meet with her during a specific office hour. It was odd considering you weren't her student; Aemond was. There was something inside you that didn’t want to follow her instruction, to walk away, but you ignored it and made your way to her office.
The hallway her office was in was quiet. Most of the other faculty members had already left. As you neared her door, however, you heard…squeaking? It was a steady rhythmic squeak. Something in your stomach dropped but you didn’t know why. He wasn’t with her, was he? She said she called both of you to her office but that couldn’t be it. Getting closer to the door, the noises got louder. Then you could hear the voices.
“Yes! Yes, right there!”
Then a male grunt.
“Fuck me like you fuck her!”
This didn’t make any sense to you. So before you lost your cool, you opened the door.
And there they were.
Aemond. Fucking Professor Rivers from behind.
No. No. This couldn’t be happening.
Alys screamed as she came on Aemond’s cock. You noticed his thrusts got sloppy, just like how they do when he’s with you. He came, his cock still inside her. Gods, you hoped he was wearing a condom.
As both of their orgasms faded they looked up at the open door.
Then they saw you.
Alys’ face was filled with ruthless glee.
Aemond looked ashamed.
Alys carefully got off of Aemond and fixed her skirt. “I see you made it to our little meeting.”
You just stared at her.
“You see, I told Aemond to drop you so he could be with me but he, what did he say? ‘Refuse to hurt you.’” Alys smirked. “He still kept coming to me, though. So, I thought why not just let you see for yourself.”
“Aemond…” you whispered. Your heart was broken. Shattered.
“No, please, princess, this is not what -”
“Don’t call me princess! I was never your princess, was I?” you looked at him with tears streaming down your face.
Aemond fixed his pants and tried to get to you but you stepped away from him.
“Don’t come fucking near me!” You stopped breathing, your heart stopped beating. Everything was just frozen. “Why?”
“Yes, Aemond. Tell her why,” Alys prompted him. She came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Tell her when you started to love me,” she whispered loud enough for you to hear.
“Love her?” Your voice broke.
“It was an accident, I swear. I never meant to hurt you,” Aemond tried to say. “I never -
“Meant to fall in love,” you completed the sentence for him.
“No, no, I don’t love Alys.”
You laughed mirthlessly. “Alys. You don’t even call her Professor Rivers.”
“Yes, I mean no. I mean. I don’t love her. I only love you.”
“What a fucking lie, Aemond.”
“Go on,” Alys wanted the conversation to continue. To her it was entertainment. “Tell her how you started to visit me during office hours, and how you wanted me to sit so close to you. Tell her how you relaxed into my touch. How you accepted our first kiss.”
You began to tremble. “Aemond, please, gods no. Make her stop.”
“Oh, you don’t want to hear all of it? You never wondered why he stayed out so late?”
“He told me he was working on a project at the library, and like a good fucking girlfriend I trusted him.”
“Oh, sweetie. He wasn’t doing a project. He was doing me,” Alys winked. “Gods, he fucks so good, doesn’t he? The way his fingers find that perfect spot, how his cock can hit it when he fucks you from behind, how -”
“STOP! Stop this right now.” You looked at Alys. “This is just a game for you, isn’t it?”
“A game? Well, of course it is!” She chuckled. “It’s always fun when a student falls in love with me.” She turned to Aemond, who was looking at her with a wide eye. “What? You think that you were the first and only? My dear, how naive.”
“You told me,” Aemond started. “You told me you loved me.”
“Yes, I did. And you believed it. What a shame. I think this one,” Alys nodded at you, “loves you though. Or at least she did. You fucked it up. What a shame. It was fun to watch you squirm whenever I was near the two of you. She always looked so concerned but never said anything. What a good girlfriend.”
You took in a deep breath and looked at Alys and Aemond. “If this is just a game, if we were just a game Aemond, then congratulations. I give up. You've won. You've taken my heart and shattered it.”
Without a second glance at either of them, you left the office. As soon as you go out of the building you sprinted to your apartment. The vision of Alys and Aemond fucking was stuck in your head and it would’nt leave you. You ran as fast as you could, running away from the one you loved, the one who has shattered your heart.
When you arrived at your apartment you ran to the bathroom and locked the door. You felt sick. You wanted to throw up. Collapsing at the base of the toilet you began to wretch up everything you ate within the last eight hours. You were crying. Tears were falling down your face, snot was running, and vomit was hanging on your lips, dangling above the toilet water. You spit a few times, getting all the vomit out. You grabbed some toilet paper to wipe your mouth as you stood up. You caught your reflection in the mirror. You hated it. You hated everything you saw.
A guttural scream came out from inside you as you punched the mirror as hard as you could. Once. Twice. Three times. You were screaming and sobbing, your fist hurt, there was glass everywhere. When you finally stopped, the mirror was in pieces all around the floor. Blood was dripping down your fist. It wasn’t until then that you heard the pounding at the door.
“Please, princess, let me in!” Aemond called from the other side.
“I’m not your fucking princess. Leave me alone!” You put a hand on the door, as if to reach through it and touch him, but instead you slid down onto the floor, leaving a strip of blood in your hand’s wake.
“Please, I’m begging you to open the door. I need to know you’re safe.”
Staring at the door you weighed your options. You could stay here all night and listen to him attempt to talk to you, or you could tear the band aid off and deal with him now. You chose the second option.
“Thank the gods -”
“Never. Call. Me. Princess. Again.”
Aemond looked at you with pain in his eye.
“You're bleeding.”
“Yes, I am.”
Aemond moved quickly, getting a wet towel and wrapping it around your knuckle. “I never meant to hurt you,” he whispered.
“You mean you never meant for me to find about you fucking your professor?” You glared at him. “You know, your sister even told me about the rumors surrounding her and I still trusted you. I trusted that you would stay away, that you would be loyal to me.”
“I am still devoted to you, prin -”
“Don’t call me that!” You took another swing at Aemond but he backed away. “You’re not devoted to me, Aemond. You stopped being devoted when she fucking kissed you and you didn’t push her away! You stopped when you kept going to her. You stopped when you started fucking her.”
He took a deep breath and took a careful step towards you. You reared your arm back, ready to try to strike him again if he got too close. The pain on his face was evident, and it broke your heart not to go to him, to comfort him, but you held your ground.
“I do not love her. I made a mistake, a stupid mistake. I will do whatever it takes for you to trust me again.” Tears were brimming on the edge of his eye.
“That’s the thing, Aemond.” A tear ran down your cheek. “I don’t think I can ever trust you after this.”
Aemond started crying broken sobs.
“And yet I still love you,” you whispered.
“Then let me love you,” he reached for you.
You reeled back, as though he was burning hot. “Never again, Aemond,” you said through your sobs. “Never again.”
You pushed past him to go to your room and start packing up your things.
“No, what are you doing?” His voice was raspy.
“I’m leaving, Aemond. You broke me. I can’t be with someone who will do that to me.”
“Give me some time, a second chance, please!” he begged.
“YOU HAD YOUR SECOND CHANCE!” you paused to ground yourself. “You had your second chance when I asked you why you were coming home late. That was your chance to tell me the truth, but no, you lied to me. You lied to me just so you could get your dick wet.”
“Princ-” he stopped himself. “Stay, please don’t leave us.”
“I’m not leaving. You already left. I’m just going home.” You looked at him, resolved not to break down as you left the apartment. “Goodbye, Aemond. You win.”
#fics by bean#hotd modern au#modern!aemond#modern!aemond x reader#aemond x reader#aemond x you#modern aemond x you#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen x reader
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You Might Think It's Foolish
prompt: meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time creates anxiety, so, you stick to his side. at dinner, his mother calls out your clinginess - and Aemond doesn't defend you. or when someone else calls you clingy and he doesn't defend you / agrees with them.
pairing: modern!Aemond Targaryen x female!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby collection masterlist: Poisoned Apple
word count: 3.1k+
warnings: short and to the point, angst, hurt and no comfort, drama, relationship angst, stand alone, cursing, toxic family, toxic relationship...? barely edited, author's tired of her drafts.
Fall. Autumn. A time of shedding the old and preparing for the new. Perhaps that was why this happened - the universe was trying to shed what was unwelcome in your life. Yet you wouldn't see it this way for several long months.
The trees grew over the winding backroads in a curved canopy; creating a golden tunnel for visitors to pass through on their way to remote destinations. You were no exception, cruising at a leisure speed while taking slow, deep breaths to attempt to soak in the beauty autumn in the Northern Hemisphere brought. It was impossible not to feel enraptured by the serenity of the country roads, music set so you could hear it but still have a conversation if you wanted.
Your passenger princess told you it was the next right.
"I can't believe we're late," you whispered, sighing in strained stress. "This is a horrible first impression, Aemond."
"We won't even be the latest," he smirked.
"Doesn't matter, it's still rude to show up when the party's already started."
"We were busy."
"You were getting a new tattoo," you deadpanned.
"Exactly as I said - busy. And you got your third ear piercing, so, I don't want t'hear it."
You swallowed, making the right turn. "That's the house?" You gawked.
"Mhm," he gazed out his window, "welcome to the Targaryen Manor, princess."
"I forget you're from old money," you muttered, finding a suitable parking space and pulling in. You gathered your belongings, including the flowers from the backseat you insisted on bringing for his mother, and vacate the car.
"You're gonna be fine," Aemond smirked, tossing his arm around your neck as you moved up the walkway. "Just be yourself, laugh at their jokes - you'll fit right in."
"I feel like I can't even afford to be here," you whispered, approaching the front door. He chuckled and took your hand, letting you squeeze it tight as he opened the door and lead you inward. "Jesus, Mary Mother, and Joseph," you gaped, eyes bugging wide as the interior.
The term "fancy" didn't even begin to cover it.
And Aemond just smirked at you, amused by your response; knowing your family grew up without money and the nicest thing you owned for years was a Wii that had been purchased from a family-friend for a third of the price. So to see you here, amongst luxury and money, was an absolute treasure to him.
However, that was short lived, because the next thing you noticed was the amount of people milling around. There was at least 13 different people in sight, and for some reason, you knew there was likely many, many more. Aemond lead you into the kitchen, and from there, you could barely keep up.
First, you met his mother, Alicent. She was a kind woman, but stoic and calculating; observant with a quick wit. She intimidated you, made you feel small, burned you under her stare; and since you were dating her favorite child, you knew she was scrutinizing you. You felt desperate for her approval, and when you offered her the large bouquet of flowers, she actually let her lips twitch in a small smile. She thanked your generosity and consideration, making you feel like you had some kind of breakthrough with her.
When Alicent went to put the flowers in water, Aemond assured he thought his mother "adored" you before introducing you to his father - the birthday boy. He was sweet; soft spoken and bright-eyed; all too happy to have a conversation with you. He asked how you and Aemond met, then what you were studying in university, if you liked it, what you wanted to do with your degree. He asked what food was your favorite, if you played sports, about your family, and if you had any hobbies. Viserys Targaryen had a kind soul, making you wonder how he and Alicent remained married.
Though they say opposites attract.
Aemond showed you around the house, stopping to introduce family members; then heading to the backyard where you were drug around to meet the hundred other family members. You were close to tears the whole time, knowing it was his father's birthday, but not knowing how bloody big his fucking family was - and that they'd all show up today. You felt blindsided, it felt like a deliberate withholding of information to convince you to come. You were under the impression it was a family dinner, but now, you understood, it was an actual celebration.
There was people everywhere you looked, everywhere you turned. Voices spoke over one another, children ran around playing tag or jumping on a trampoline; babies cried and screamed, the grill was loud with sizzling meats, and a radio played through intermittent static. Multiple dogs ran around, trailing mud everywhere, even going as far as to shake their coats out to shower bystanders. The smell of charcoal, smoke, and chlorine mingled with that tangy-good scent of BBQ; but it made your eyes sting.
It was a sensory overload.
It was a miracle you hadn't burst into tears yet, but you remained anchored to reality by maintaining a close proximity to Aemond.
You held his hand in a vice grip. You held his bicep with a curled-grip that left fingernail indentations in his skin through the fabric. You held his waist, belt loops, anything you could grab onto in a possessive grip. You constantly touched him to reassure yourself he was still with you; being your anchor to reality, tangible and real since your anxiety drowned you in a sea.
You didn't think it was an issue. Didn't think anyone would notice, so you obviously didn't think anyone would care if they DID notice. You liked touching Aemond, it kept you grounded; if someone had an issue with that, it was 100% just a personal problem. However, plenty of people did notice, and when you sat down for dinner, you were unprepared for the ambush.
Conversation was flowing; food passed around and utensils scraped plates. Drinks sweat into the table cloth, citronella candles twinkled, and laughter was in an abundance as each person found merriment in their family. You were feeling more relaxed, but the truth was, there was so many people here that you felt nauseous enough to only take a few small bites from your plate.
Aemond noticed and met your eyes, subtly opening his hand to you in an offer for comfort. You all but snatched his hand into yours, smiling in thanks as he only smirked broadly and continued eating. You tried to sample what you could, but it was impossible to stomach much of anything. You reached for your water, took a sip, and heard Alicent question your name.
When she had your attention, Alicent asked, "Have you had many boyfriends, dear?"
"Oh, no," you answered honestly, "no, I've gone on dates but Aemond's," you laid your free hand to his bicep, sliding down to take his hand with yours, "my first boyfriend."
She hummed and stabbed her fork into the salad set in front of her, muttering in a lower tone, "Then I guess I can overlook it all."
You cocked your head, setting your glass down, wondering, "Overlook what?"
"The clinginess," she shrugged, reaching for her wine glass. "You've been stuck to his side all day - never even parting to go to the restroom, it seems. So, because he's your first, I can overlook all this... For now."
Your head began to spin like in a bad cartoon. You felt your heart cement and drop to your stomach; throat swelling to suppress either sobs, vomit, or both. The entire table was quiet. "I-I'm sorry, Mrs. Targaryen," you offered in confusion. "I'm sorry if I've offended you, but it's not with malicious intent."
"No?" She mocked.
"No," your head shook vehemently. "I did not realize my actions could be interpreted negatively, and I assume you, it was not my intention to create tension."
"Oh, spare me. You haven't let go of Aemond once all night, and even now, as we all sit for family dinner, you hold his hand hostage; preventing you both from eating. Don't you think he'd like to spend time with his family without needing to make you feel included in every single thing he does or says today?"
You gulped, "I did not mean to offend you nor your family."
"It's not offensive," Helaena Targaryen, Aemond's only sister, tried to intervene. "If you feel uncomfortable in any situation, why not seek out that in which you already know helps comfort you?"
How had it come to this?
"I am not offended," Viserys croaked, "I find young love refreshing."
But this made Alicent rage, "It is offensive when you prevent Aemond from actually visiting with his family. It's his father's birthday for God's sake! We don't have an infinite number of them left! If you want to hang all over him when you're at university, fine, but when you're here? In public? Around family or elders? It's not acceptable behavior, especially when you prevent my son from participating as a member of this family."
Your mouth went dry as you remembered your parents did not raise you to ever tolerate disrespect. If someone offered insult, sure, walk away, but they also taught you to stand up for yourself in particular fights. This felt like one of those fights.
There were also vivid memories long since repressed that flashed you back to your own parents telling you, you were clingy. They didn't want you hanging off them, distracting anyone, being an overall nuisance; so they started fighting your fire with their own. They became verbally aggressive, constantly ridiculing and belittling you; attempting to keep you humble by insulting your character - saying nobody (be it man or woman) would want someone like you. Your baggage was too heavy and you knew it, your parents telling you it was why you felt the need to cling in the first place.
If you held on tight enough, the weight of your trauma would eventually anchor your person in place. It'd be too late to swim away once that anchor sunk.
You looked at Aemond, thinking he'd tell his mother to quiet down, but he never did. He just stared at the table, so, you tossed his hand into his lap - feeling disgusting by his physical touch right now.
It was evident he wasn't going to defend you, so, you defended yourself, "I know you might think it foolish, but the reason I was 'all over' your son was because I was caught off-guard by the number of family members who attended today. I was lead to believe this would be a small, intimate affair so I could properly meet his nuclear family, and when I realized that was not the case, yes, I held onto Aemond because I felt incredibly anxious. I cannot control what makes me uncomfortable, but I was expecting under ten people - not close to a hundred. So, truly, if me seeking solace with my boyfriend upsets you, I am sorry, but I will not apologize for feeling blindsided and misdirected - I will not apologize for feeling anxious and nervous amongst such a large family that I've never met before, and - "
Aemond snapped your name, silencing you instantly out of sheer shock; your eyes widening a fraction. He growled, "That's enough, do not speak to my mother like that."
"So, she's allowed to call me clingy, but I can't - "
"I told you to watch your mouth," he seethed, "and not speak to her like you just were. She made an observation - an accurate one - not out of spite, like you want to do in retaliation."
You scoffed, while glancing between mother and son, nodding slowly. You mutely used your cloth napkin to blot around your lips, swipe your tongue over your teeth as you pushed your chair back and slowly stood. "You know what? I don't need this shit. I refuse to sit here and let you speak to me as if you're holier than thou," you told Alicent, then looking to Aemond, "nor will some mama's boy gaslight me."
Helaena giggled behind her hand as you swiped your purse and phone, turned on your heel, and walked away. Aemond sighed and called your name, standing from his own chair, still trying to slow you down by calling out to you. "Aemond," Alicent snapped when he meant to move after you.
"You've done enough," he told her, jogging after your retreating form while calling your name.
"Nice one, Mum," Aegon scoffed. "That's one way to make sure he doesn't knock her up - just break them up."
"Aegon," Daeron groaned.
"What? Isn't that what she was afraid of? Aemond getting too serious with her?" Aegon snapped. "He's finally happy, and you what? Had to implode that?"
Aegon's words sunk into his mother's heart as Aemond rushed after you, nobody untouched by the things he said.
Outside, you rushed for your car while fumbling with your purse and keys. Aemond followed, still. He finally caught up when you made it to the car, his hand whipping you around to face him.
"I didn't fucking mean it," he rushed, holding you securely in his grasp. "Hear me? I didn't fucking mean it, I-I just wanted the arguing to stop, I know how Mum can get and I didn't want it to escalate. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, my love, I didn't mean it at you - I just - I panicked - I don't know why. Perhaps we're both still very green to this whole relationship thing."
"Oh! Fuck you," you snapped, pushing him off you.
"Listen to me - "
"No, you're done talking," you raged with your manicured pointer finger jabbing the air between you in a dramatic fashion. "Your mother fully insulted me in front of everyone - your entire family, whom I wasn't even aware I was meeting, nor was I even ready to meet!"
"I was willing to meet your parents and siblings. Not your entire extended family! You meet the nuclear family first and when ready to level-up, you bring your significant other around your aunties, uncles, cousins - whatever. You ambushed me," you snapped. "You totally caught me off guard - but instead of apologizing and acknowledging my discomfort, you just carried on on your high horse. You let me hold onto you - yet there was no word about being clingy - and you even reached for my hand a few times! Yet I was the one being slandered and labeled as 'clingy'!? But you know what? That's cool, really fucking cool, that's fine. Like I said before, fuck off. I don't need to be with someone who crumples like a wet piece of paper when Mummy Dearest starts to huff and puff. I need someone who's going to tell their mother to cut it out when they're trying to wrongfully insult me - your girlfriend. Better yet? I need to be with someone whose mother doesn't start on that bullshit! That has respect! Decency! Now get the fuck away from me!"
You shoved him back a few steps to give room for you to open your car door and get in - immediately hitting the automatic locks. You started the engine, put your seatbelt on, took one last look at your first love as he tried to plea with you through the rolled up window, then shifted into gear and pulled away.
You felt your anger boil to a new height when you replayed the entire day. How dare Aemond? How dare he try to manipulate this situation? He had no right to ask you to shut the fuck up while his mother was free to run her mouth! Well, first and foremost, how fucking dare Alicent insult and challenge you in such a public setting? How in the Seven Hells had Helaena been the only one to defend you? What the hell did you even need defending against? Why did you showing affection and needing reliable support upset Alicent that much?
Your phone began to ring, and when you glanced at it, you saw Aemond's contact photo displayed on the screen. You ignored it and put your phone on airplane mode, leaving it on for now. However, after a few long moments of stressful thinking, you turned the setting off and called your sister - knowing no matter what, she'd be your rock. When she answered, you told her a simplified version of events, and at the end, your tears had been triggered and she was encouraging you to come over to her house.
You agreed, shut your phone off this time, and drove to your sister's place. When you arrived, you were shocked to find her waiting in the driveway, opening her arms with a pout when you got out of the car. "C'mere," she cooed, enveloping you in her arms when you stepped into her embrace.
"Why do boys suck?" You whimpered.
"Because that's just how they were programed," she sighed.
"Sh-She called me clingy," you managed through your tears, "his mom called me clingy, a-and Aemond d-didn't defend me. So, when I had to defend myself, he just told me to be quiet 'cause his mother wasn't wrong - or what-the-fuck-ever."
"I know, honey," she sympathized, giving you a squeeze. "What're you thinking?"
"That I can't trust someone like that," you admitted. "And if I can't trust them, why be in a relationship?"
She nodded, "I think you know what you need to do next."
"I don't want to."
"Nobody really wants to, but it's necessary," she held your phone out for you after pulling it from your back pocket. "Don't let him or his mother disrespect you - especially in front of his other family members. I mean, shit, how're you supposed to face any of them again after that?"
"Exactly, his mom didn't exactly do it in private..."
"See?" She stared at you while you sighed, shaking your head. Your sister encouraged, "Make the call. This isn't a sustainable relationship, and Aemond shouldn't have to choose his mother and his girl - so, let's just make it easy on him, and you choose. Wanna be with someone who lets his mother say shit like that to you? Who tells you to be quiet, instead of shutting down his mother's insults?"
You frowned, whispering, "I don't think this is enough to break us up. It shouldn't be, right? This shouldn't be the end-all, be-all, should it?"
"No, honey, but the disrespect cannot stand, either," she shot back. "If he felt so comfortable to say that in front of his family like that, you don't wanna know what he's gonna get comfortable doing in more private settings." Tears filled your eyes as she reminded gently, but firmly, "Make the call."
requesting rules and masterlist
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Forgettable date

r.q: Can I request a sweet smut modern aemond x fem reader where they were both so busy that they forgot about valentines day so aemond surprises reader with a romantic dinner and they end up just skipping dinner for some steamy bedroom time and in the middle of it, aemond whispers to reader "you're mine" and that was his way of proposing to reader, thank youu
w.c: 1.1k
c.w: office worker!reader, fluff, sweet aemond, aemonds job is left ambiguous, smut, oral (f!receiving), p in v, not proofread.
You were so swamped with work you had no concept of time, you were sure it was february as you had to pay your rent on the first of every month but if someone asked you what day it was you would have no clue. Same goes for your boyfriend of three years aemond, despite the fact the two of you dont work in the same field your schedules just so happen to both be so packed all the time.
as the rest of your coworkers began to pack up their stuff for the day you sat at your desk still fiverously typing away at your computer, you had a presentation in a couple days and report due tomorrow afternoon so you had decided to stay overtime.
some of your coworkers had come over to talk to you as they were wrapping up for today.
“you got any plans after work?”
one of them gasps, “what do you mean? he didnt plan anything?”
you furrow your brows but dont turn to look at them, “what do you mean? he?”
“your boyfriend? or did you guys break up or something?” you turn to her at the mention of him and tilt your head, “why would he have planned something?”
one of them laughs while the one your looking at shakes her head and sighs, “do you really not know? its valentines day.”
“no…” you turn towards your computer, looking at the date and gasping, “oh my god. i had no idea.”
“did you guys not talk this morning?”
“we did but neither of us mentioned anything.”
“maybe hes planning on surprising you later.”
you groan and run your hands along your face. what if he was and you had nothing prepared? shit you didnt even have a gift for him.
your coworkers laugh and wish you good luck before they leave.
you have an internal debate before deciding to pull out your phone to text him.
‘aemond oh my god happy valentines day it completely slipped my mind im so sorry.’
you anxiously bite your nails as you wait for him to respond. youre tempted to lock your phone shut as you notice the three bubbles pop up.
‘oh is it valentines day? i had no idea. im so sorry baby ive been swamped with work happy valentines day my love. im about to get off for the day, ill see you once you get home. love you ❤️’
you let out a sigh of relief at him admitting that he had no clue either. most people would assume that he was just saying that to make you feel better but you knew aemond wasnt like that and he wouldn't hold it against you.
‘i cant wait to see you my love. im going to be staying for a bit longer to wrap up.’
You notice he reads the next then decide that you’ll pick up some baked goods on the way home as a gift and hope that you dont stay too long as you turn off your phone and get back to work.
an hour and a half later with a box of a variety of backed goods in hand turning the key to your shared apartment with aemond. youre immediately hit with the smell of your favor meal and a smile graces your face. he knows you love it when he cooks.
“im in the dining room my love.”
you walk in and you gasp at the sight of the set up table set with flowers and candles with your favorite meal plated out.
you feel hands wrap around your waist from behind you and a kiss placed on your cheek.
“happy valentines day my love.”
he lets go and take the bag out of you hands, “you picked this up?”
“on my way home. grabbed your favorite.”
he hums and walks back over to you after he places the bag on the table.
he grabs your cheeks and gives you, “how was work?” he mumbles as he continues to kiss you, “it was good, report done,” you pause for a moment as he begins to kiss down your jaw and sigh, “presentation almost done.”
he begins to trail kisses down your neck, stopping to suck on it.
he hums, “fine.”
hes not much of a talker, especially not when hes busy leaving hickeys over your next.
“aemond the food.”
“fuck the food. i have a meal right in front of me.”
you squeal as he lifts you up bridal style and carries you upstairs to you bedroom. “youre so ridiculous aemond.”
you yelp when he tosses you on the bed and makes his way on top of you, kissing you deeply.
he pulls away from you grabs his shirt from the back of his neck and rips it off before he goes back to kissing you.
you moan against his lips and he pulls away from you hand moving down to your waist to take off your pants, your underwear sliding along with them.
“aemond.” you whine as he begins to kiss down your stomach.
“let me take care of you tonight.”
he licks a strip up your slit and uses his hands to grip your waist and presses you down as he continues to lick at you. your heads reach down and grip at his hair pressing him closer. you can feel him laugh against you which leads you to moan out loud, “aemond.”
“let me take care of you.” he repeats and wraps his lips around your clit sucking on it leading you to throw your head back onto your pillow.
he doesn't let up even when he can tell youre close and youre begging him to slow down he keeps up his pace until hes finished licking up every drop of your cum after you had finished and kisses his way back up and smiles at you.
“ill be happy after you fuck me.”
“you're never sated my love.”
in a rush you both take off the rest of your clothes and he reaches over to grab a condom out your bedside table before you reach out and grab his wrist.
he looks over at you with a confused look, “if you dont want continue.”
“thats not it i just,, maybe we dont need it tonight.”
hes face turns smug as he grabs the hand you had wrapped around his wrist to kiss it.
“i love you.”
“i love you to-” youre interrupted by him pushing into you and you moan gripping onto his shoulders and bringing yourself into the crook of his neck.
“fuck you always feel so good my love.”
you cant respond as he begins to thrust into you. his hands lock with yours and his lips are right against your ear.
“youre mine.”
you moan, “say it.”
“im yours aemond im yours.”
you dont notice as he reaches over into the bedside table and grabs a tiny black box.
“then marry me.”
you feel like you're in a daze as he continues to thrust and shows you a stunning ring inside the box.
“marry me.”
#aemond targaryen#prince aemond targaryen#prince aemond#aemond#aemond one eye#aemond x reader#aemond fanfiction#hotd aemond#house of the dragon aemond#hotd fanfic#prince aemond x reader#prince aemond fic#prince aemond x you#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen imagine#modern aemond targaryen x reader#modern aemond x reader#modern aemond#modern aemond x you#aemond fic#aemond targaryen fanfic#aemond targaryen angst#modern aemond targaryen#modern aemond angst#house of the dragon#hotd#hotd imagine#aemond smut#house of the dragon fanfiction
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Modern Aemond - Breeding Kink
Modern!Aemond x Reader
You and Aemond explore his breeding kink for the first time.
Quick smut drabble because I was in a dirty mood and wanted to practice some things!
Contents: modern AU, foreplay only, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, dirty talk. Porn with zero plot.
Warnings: this is heavy on the kinks, we're getting a little fetishy in here.
Words: 1200
You have only just rinsed off the last dish in the sink when Aemond rises from his chair and comes to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his chest to your back.
He did offer to help you with the post-dinner cleanup, but you refused like you always do - you like things done your way, and Aemond likes them done his way, and unfortunately your preferred approaches are often in conflict.
And besides, you wanted him to watch you. You wanted him to come and embrace you exactly like this.
He brushes his lips against the back of your neck, from your shoulder and all the way to your ear, pressing a lingering kiss to the delicate skin behind it. His touch is gentle, but the intent is clear, and it makes you giddy with excitement. For obvious reasons, but also because you have something special planned for tonight.
Since the first time you slept with Aemond, you have known about this little kink of his. It is not very subtle - he loves to kiss your chest and stomach, he loves your breasts, he loves when you tell him to come inside of you. But he has never spoken about it, and neither have you. Aemond is not the sort of man who will happily tell you all about his dirty fantasies. He is much too buttoned up for that; too proud and reserved.
So you must proceed with caution.
“Touch me,” you sigh, smiling to yourself when Aemond does exactly as you expected, sliding his hand down your thigh and in between your legs. You are damp there already, and he gives a hum of appreciation, but he’ll have to wait a little longer before you get to that part.
"No -" you bite your lip, and your hand comes to rest on top of his, moving it higher until it's on your stomach instead. Right where it’s soft and rounded. "Touch me here."
He hesitates, not quite catching your drift, or maybe he doesn’t want to catch it. But you guide his hand over your belly, letting him feel where it curves, the softness of it, the little bump of protective fat that you spent your teenage years despairing over.
It feels very taboo to be touched in such a way, and your heart beats fast when you look back at him over your shoulder. “You like that, don't you? Does it turn you on?”
There’s a slight pause, and Aemond presses his forehead to your hair before he answers with a reluctant yes.
"I like it too," you whisper, letting your head fall back against his chest. "I like to imagine it - being pregnant with your child - being all round and heavy..."
Aemond gives the softest moan, right in your ear, and he holds you tight against his body, his cock growing hard against your backside.
Oh he likes it, alright. He likes it a lot.
“Say that again,” he breathes, hoarse and husky. “Tell me you want to be heavy with my child.”
“I want to be heavy with your child -” you wiggle against his crotch, drawing another little gasp from him. “I want you to fuck a baby into me - fill me with your cum -”
You blush at your own words, and Aemond stifles a groan. His hips move slowly against you, rubbing his stiff cock against your bottom, and his hand keeps stroking you even without your own to guide it. Moving in little circles over your stomach, pretending that you’re already full of him.
Your lips part, and you turn your neck around as best as you can, desperate for a kiss. It is an awkward angle, and even more so because Aemond has a fair bit of height on you, but you tilt your face up, and he bends his face down, and you meet somewhere in the middle. Except he doesn't kiss you, not really. Rather, he brushes his lips against yours, so slowly, teasing you with soft and delicate touches. No open mouths, no tongue. Just the feel of his warm, wet lips, and when you reach up for more, he draws back.
"Kiss me -" you beg, but Aemond shakes his head, and his arm around your waist holds you firmly in place.
“How do you want me to fuck you?” he breathes.
He loves it when you say filthy things. It gets him so hard, drives him mad with need. But he is making it difficult for you now, with the way he's holding you, the way he’s thrusting up against your arse. You can barely form a coherent thought, let alone a whole sentence.
“Gently,” you manage. “I want you to be gentle - I want you to make love to me.”
“I can do that,” he whispers, brushing his nose against your hair, dipping lower to nibble at your ear.
“And - oh - I want you to come inside of me - want you to empty your balls right into my womb -”
Aemond moans loudly at that, much too aroused now to feel self-conscious about anything. He touches you with both hands, gently and intimately, caressing the curve of your stomach and rubbing his palms over your soft little belly. Savouring how warm you are, how smooth and lovely. Perfectly ripe for what he’d like to put in you.
“I want you to imagine it,” you breathe, every bit as turned on as he is. “I'd be pregnant, and you would touch me like you're doing now, and feel my belly all full and round, and my tits too -”
“Fuck,” Aemond groans, and his hips jerk against you. “Oh - fuck.”
He turns you around to face him and easily lifts you onto the kitchen counter, so he can lean down to kiss you. Properly, finally. You whimper when his tongue slides against yours, and you slip your hand down to stroke the hard bulge in his pants, squeezing it firmly before you undo his zipper and wrap your fingers around his cock.
The tip of it is wet with precum, and you spread the fluid over his shaft before you begin to stroke him in earnest, dragging his foreskin up and down at a steady pace; tightening your grip as the filthiest words spill from your lips.
Do you want to get me pregnant, Aemond? Do you want to feel my little wet cunt? Do you want to spurt your hot seed inside me?
“Stop -” he pants. “You'll make me come -”
“I want you to be close,” you coo, still stroking him, although you do slow down the pace. “I want your cock so hard, and your balls full of cum - big and heavy with it, so you can breed me properly -”
“Stop,” Aemond hisses, and his fingers close around your wrist, gripping it so tight that it hurts. His eyes are dark, and his voice is low and with that hint of a temper that excites you more than it probably should. You like that he’s a little moody. Volatile, even.
“I want you,” you mewl, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, desperate to feel him closer. “Call me something bad, call me a slut -”
“You are a slut,” he whispers in between kisses. “You’re my dirty little slut - my filthy little whore -”
You moan in response, and there’s a playful look on your face when you pull back and look up at him through your eyelashes.
“We should practice - making a baby…”
“Yes,” Aemond says with the most devastating smirk. “We should.”
Tagging: @arcielee @helaelaemond
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after hours

⋆. 𐙚 ˚masterlist ✧₊⁺AO3 ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ taglist
⟢summary: she receives a late night call from her needy boyfriend, aemond.
⟢pairing: modern! aemond targaryen x reader
⟢warnings: 18+, MDNI, f and m masturbation, phone sex, use of sex toys for reader, and I think that's it?
⟢wc: 2,387
She sits on her bed, a plate of yesterday’s reheated pepperoni pizza laid across her lap while the television played rerun episodes of Gilmore Girls when her phone rang unexpectedly.
At such late hours she decided to let her phone ring, for if she answered whoever it was calling on the other end would know she was awake and she did not want that. It was probably one of those scam calls that were going around tricking people to give out their credit card information for their own benefit.
Though, she wondered if they knew that she had only ten dollars currently sitting in her bank account after she had spent the last of her savings on pizza.
She sighed happily once her ringtone slowly faltered down but it wasn’t long before it started ringing again and again. And on the fourth ring she sadly set down her pizza to the side before snatching off her phone from the power socket.
Her eyes widen in horror as she views the bold letters of the caller ID. She immediately accepts the call, rushing to turn off the television to give her full attention to her caller.
“Angel.” Aemond greeted in a low hum, sounds of metal clanking could be heard from the background.
She appreciates that he doesn’t sound angry for her lack of response. In the past few months she had the pleasure of knowing Aemond, she had come to learn very quickly that he was not a very patient man. If Aemond wanted something, whether it’d be something materialistic or sexual, he wanted it now in any way possible.
“Hey Aem, sorry I thought you’d be asleep.” She apologizes, setting a few pieces of loose hair behind her ear.
In the other line, she hears Aemond acknowledge her by singing another low hum, something Aemond regularly did that frustrated her. At first she thought Aegon was just joking around when he first set them up on a blind date, that Aemond was a man of a few words and only humming out his responses. But as she got to know him more throughout their dating phase, she realized that Aegon was in fact not joking. It took her months to break him out of his shell.
“So, how are things down south?” She asks, quickly changing the subject to that of his work status.
Aemond worked in the field he always wanted to be in; as a high school history and philosophy teacher. Aemond loved his job even if they were students who made it tough for him to educate those who did take their studies seriously. He loved the challenge. He loved being up on his feet teaching the histories of how Westeros came to be or educating the famous ideologies of the greatest philosophers that made Aemond fall in love with the subject.
You could say Aemond was a workaholic. There was no denying that. What some teachers considered the best part of teaching was the summer vacations, Aemond absolutely despised it. However that problem would soon resolve after she had called up her uncle Oberyn, who taught gender and sexuality studies at Sunspear University, if there were any positions available for Aemond’s area of degree during the summer. To her delight, her uncle informed her that the university was looking for someone who was fluent in High Valyrian to teach a beginner course.
Aemond immediately emailed his resume in and within a few days after his students left for summer break Aemond got on a plane to Dorne and began to work in his new position in a new city.
Which was about a month ago.
“Hard,” Aemond breathes as he licks his lips.
“Aw, my love—” She tried to comfort him before she was cut off. “Hot,” Aemond corrects himself, standing up from his own bed to retrieve his laptop.
“Well Dorne is known to be quite hot. Especially during the summer.” She informs in a matter of fact tone as she toys with the thin strap of her nightgown. “Besides, I thought dragons prefer the heat.”
A low chuckle came from the other end. She can practically imagine the corners of his lips curving up to a smirk. “We do prefer heat but we are not immune to it as you think. I even purchased three fans to keep myself cool. Though, they do not work for shit which leaves me, as of right now bare.”
She paused, straightening up from the bed. “When you say bare—”
“I mean bare as when I came into this world”
A long silence came afterward, and she could hear the beat of her own heart thumping against the screen of her phone. She looked at her Charlie Brown calendar hung above her nightstand. Once she confirmed that today was in fact the weekend, it became evident why Aemond was calling at such a late hour.
Heat began to seep into her lower belly down between her thighs at what she could surmise would happen next.
It had been some time since they were last intimate. Forty-two days to be exact; the day before his departure to Dorne.
Aemond and her spent the whole morning, afternoon and night tangled within each other going round after round in different positions and different rooms of their shared cottage saying their goodbyes until she passed out from the many orgasms Aemond gave her. The following morning Aemond threw himself into fits of giggles when she could no longer stand up from their bed to drive him to the airport, feeling sore and bruised from the intensity of the night before.
“Angel? Have I lost you?” Aemond asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. She replied with a shaky no before Aemond began to speak again. “Hmm then accept my facetime call.” Her eyes locked with her laptop which she did not realize it had been ringing and nervously pressed the green button.
Through the low lighted room she could see the silhouette of Aemond. His laptop perched on top of his stomach, his bare and freckled chest full on display. She so desperately wished she was there to roam her hands all over him. And she stifled a moan when she noticed Aemond’s silver hair was pulled back into a braid just as how she liked it.
“There you are my beautiful angel,” Aemond purrs, giving his hardened cock a good squeeze from the base. His eye roams over her clothed figure, taking in her sheer white nightgown that leaves nothing to his imagination.
Heats spread to her cheeks, his compliments never tiring her.
“You don’t know how much I miss you, angel. Your hands—” On cue her hand slowly waves itself down between her thighs, pushing her lacy panties to the side as her fingers come into contact with her arousal on the way to her clit.
“Stroking my cock while your lovely mouth sucks me off.” Aemond imagines it all like it was yesterday and his cock pulsed so hard it ached. It wasn’t any better when he saw her chest rise and fall with wanton little pants escaping her lips.
She was touching herself. Something Aemond warned her not to do in his absence. He wanted to reprimand her for such an act but instead Aemond let her continue as he wanted to watch her unfold and peak especially for what he had in mind.
“Oh, Aemond, I miss you too.” She whines, throwing her head back into the pillows, struggling to keep her laptop perched ontop her knees. Waves of pleasure move throughout her body, his words going straight to her core.
She hears Aemond groan.
“Your tongue on my cunt and- and—” Her words stammer and she feels the tips of her ears flush with embarrassment for her next confession. “Go on, angel.” Aemond encourages as he gazes at her reddened state. He finds it endearing and if he was there right now, he would pull away her hand until she confessed.
“Your nose.”
“And what about my nose?” He hums using his thumb to circle the tip of cock.
“I-I love your nose on my clit.”
Aemond’s one good eye widened and felt the intense pressure in his lower stomach increase. It was no wonder why whenever he went down on her she screamed the loudest when his nose brushed against her sensitive bundle of nerves.
Aemond continued watching her touch and lose herself in pleasure. Intensely watching as her fingers vigorously circled her clit with sweat above her brow. He moaned sweet nothings through his laptop and just as he sensed she was about to peak, Aemond stopped her.
She did as she was told and she couldn’t help to let out a few tears of frustration.
“Get your buzzy out, angel.” Aemond instructed. Instantly her mood shifts into an excited and eager one.
“Which one?”
“Oh you know which one.”
She definitely knows which one. Her hand reaches for the drawer of her nightstand where inside lay rows of different forms of vibrators as well as different sizes and shapes of dildos Aemond purchased within their relationship. Their favorite being a dual pink vibrator that was made to stimulate her g-spot along with her clit. It was also remote and app controlled with multiple levels of speed and vibrations that made her come in less than five minutes. Which was good since it took her a while to come.
“Good. Now be a good girl and undress in front of me, angel” She eagerly nods at his words and sets her laptop in front of her. “Look at me while you bare yourself to me.” Her eyes snap up meeting his darkened violet eye that was full of passion and concentration as her fingers lift the hem of her nightgown.
She sees him bite his lower lip once her breasts are revealed. Aemond nods for her to proceed to take off the next piece of clothing and she does so, tossing it somewhere across the room not caring where it lands.
Having laid together multiple times, she swallows the need to cover herself and spreads her legs apart just enough for Aemond to gaze through the camera at how wet she was for him. Aemond inhales the desire to stroke his cock into completion. He wanted to see her fall apart first.
“Now place the buzzy in your cunt, slowly.”
She rubs the silicone against her slick gathering some of her juices before sliding the thicker part of the vibrator inside. She sighs in relief at the sensation, it wasn’t as big and delicious of a stretch like Aemond’s cock but it was just right to feel some satisfaction.
She then bends the longest part of the silicone gently against her pulsating clit with needy whines and pants waiting for further instructions.
Seven fucking Hells. Aemond curses to himself wishing nothing more than to book a flight back to King’s Landing and have her sit on his face licking away her juices. Aemond remembers that in a month that will happen soon.
Aemond’s fingers swipe through the different kinds of vibrational settings through the blue hearted app and settle for one with the lowest speed to get her started.
Once Aemond hears a series of surprised cries and gasps, he gives up on trying not to touch himself. He starts stroking his cock at a languid pace as he watches his lovely little angel struggle to keep her legs still and open through the camera.
“You’re doing so well baby,” She hears Aemond praise. “Tell me does that feel good? Are you close? Answer me, sweet angel.”
She fervently nods her head.
“Use your words, angel.”
“Y-yes.” She says, barely being able to control words out through the pleasure. “Yes, what?” Aemond taunts before he lets out a hiss when the fat head of cock starts to ache more. He knew he wasn’t going to last long as he hadn’t touched himself so intimately in forty-two days, wanting to also keep good on his promise.
“Yes, Aemond, it feels so good. I need more please.” While vibrations felt so indescribably good it wasn’t sufficient to send her over the edge. She knew Aemond set the vibrator in level one. And in their lovemaking, Aemond usually set the speed at level five which was neither too fast nor too slow. Just right to see stars followed by another round.
When Aemond set his laptop to the side, giving her a full view of his proud length standing straight against his stomach, she nearly lost it, clenching the silicone tightly inside her walls. Gods she really did miss him. All of him.
She groans loudly when Aemond sets the speed she likes, making her eyes roll at the back of her head, pinching both of her nipples for some extra stimulation but what Aemond says makes her halt and glance at his disheveled state.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m coming!” He moans as she watches his hand stroke his cock vigorously while long ropes of his seed spurt all across his chest and hand. Series of whines and growls leave his lips all while his hips buck upwards at the intense pleasure that makes Aemond cry. Literally cry.
She watches all in awe.
Saying he looked beautiful was an understatement. No, Aemond looked so godly and ethereal and she understood now the reference that Targaryens were closer to gods than men.
Once Aemond steadied himself, the words left her lips without thinking.
“That was quick.”
And before she had time to explain, the air in her lungs left quickly like her words as she felt the most intense and deep sensation between her legs. She let out incoherent noises to which she could not describe. Were they moans? Groans? Cries? She did not know.
All she did know was the tightness in her lower belly finally snapped and her orgasm washes all over her like a tide.
After a few minutes, she heard Aemond laugh through the screen. “You were saying?” He teases as he waves his phone around the camera.
She feels too tired to reply. Her body automatically feels relaxed and stress-free.
“Oh, angel, don’t get too comfortable. I’m not done with you yet. I’m still very hard.”
Oh shit….
im gonna go hide under my bed now lol
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#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen#ewan mitchell#ewan nation#modern! Aemond Targaryen x reader#aemond one eye#hotd aemond#hotd fanfic#modern aemond x reader#modern aemond x you#aemond fanfiction
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Modern!Aemond [headcanon's]
pairing: Modern!Aemond x f!reader
warnings: mentions of sex, no details
word count: 496
English is not my first language, sorry about mistakes.

Aemond loves your difference in walking speed. He often overtakes you and then reaches out his hand, squeezing your tiny fingers.
Aemond loves to watch you sleep. If you suddenly fall asleep in the car, he always picks you up and carries you to bed, trying not to disturb your sleep.
Aemond carries your textbooks. You take one course in history and literature, and you often have common classes.
Aemond loves to shower with you. Even if you wake up earlier, he is always there and fills most of the shower stall with his strong body.
Aemond gives you flowers every monday. You hate this day of the week and your sweet guy is trying to cheer you up.
Aemond introduced you to his family. He is pleased that you got along with his mother (this is very important to him). You even found a common language with Aegon, which is usually not so easy.
Aemond isn't afraid to show you his scar. You have been together for quite a long time and he is confident in you and your love.
Aemond loves watching you play with Vhagar. The old dog accepted you, although not right away. You managed to conquer him with affection and treats.
Aemond takes you to museums, you take him to the theater all the time. He loves spending time with you and your green dresses, in which you look great.
Aemond is sure that you will be together forever. You have been together for almost three years, he is sure that when he proposes to you, you will not reject him.
Aemond was your first boyfriend and taught you how to please yourself and him.
Aemond loves the cowgirl position, he can see your face, watch your breasts bounce and squeeze your curvaceous thighs while picking up the pace.
Aemond also loves it when you are underneath him. You can't even accept it completely, he too big for you. This sight makes him ecstatic.
Aemond loves to eat your pussy. In bed, in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the car, he doesn’t care whether they see you, the most important thing is the pleasure of his baby.
Aemond doesn't tell you, but he likes it when you call him "my prince." These words awaken something dark and lustful in him.
Aemond is not afraid of your pregnancy and you do not use condoms. You take pills because you think you’re not ready for motherhood yet, he accepts your choice.
Aemond didn't tell anyone, but one day you fucked with him in his father's office. It was an accident, but you both remember how he fucked you on the couch.
Aemond keeps several photos of you in your underwear in his closet. You made them together last Christmas and then had sex in front of the fireplace.
Aemond loves to cum inside you, but he always goes along with you when you ask him to cum on your face.
Aemond dreams of filming your sex, but has not yet found the courage to ask for it.
#modern!aemond targaryen#modern!aemond x reader#modern!aemond#aemond headcanons#modern!aemond headcanons#modern aemond targaryen#modern aemond x you#modern aemond x reader#modern aemond targaryen x reader#modern aemond#modern hotd au#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen#aemond x reader#aemond fanfiction#aemond targaryen x you#fic recs#aemond fanfic#hotd fanfic#hotd fanfiction#aemond fic recs#aemond x oc#aemond x you#fic rec#aemond targaryen x oc#aemond fluff#hotd aemond#aemond one eye#aemond fic#aemond hotd
391 notes
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𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 - modern!aemond targaryn x reader
rating: 18+, minors dni
summary: academic rivals, where revision has the same rules as strip poker
word count: 3.8k
tags: mature content, smut, modern!au, reader being petty and competitive, aemond also being petty and competitive, guest appearance by aegon
note: this is like… my first attempt at writing smut so ….*clown emoji* anyway hope you like it
y/n was used to being number 1. all throughout high school, be it history or physics – she had the highest grade in every class and was managing to do so without much effort, really. she hadn’t expected that to change when she landed her dream university, dragonstone. but when she arrived she had the rude shock of getting acquainted with aemond targaryen. first day of their valyrian history class, she had expected to impress her professor with the extensive knowledge on the subject that had been one of her favourites in high school, but when she found herself being beaten to the punch by the blonde bastard, she took an instant dislike to him.
pettily enough, as everyone was leaving the class, she made a show of saying “suck-up” in a not so quiet whisper as she passed him by. “excuse me?” his condescending, posh tone made her eyes roll. “all i did was answer his questions. i wasn’t the one gushing about the books he had written.” he sharply pointed out. “whatever.” she tried to brush off the retort. “if you’re so jealous, maybe actually read before class next time, instead of whining.” he coolly stated as he stalked off, leaving her behind as she gritted her teeth and glared at his striding figure.
from that point onwards, every class that she shared with him, she made a deliberate effort to work extra hard for. she went beyond just the recommended readings, she would write extra few hundred words for every essay, and for every test she would spend hours in preparation. still, frustratingly, all of this effort only made her good competition for him and not the outright winner. it seemed that aemond targaryen was in fact used to going beyond just the bare minimum, she didn’t ever see him take a break. if he wasn’t at the library, she found him sweating it out on the track field. his perfection was downright annoying.
what her friend baela found annoying, was the detail with which y/n would observe (obsess over) his daily behaviour and then rant about it to her. by the time finals week was on the horizon, she was just about done with y/n’s obsession.
y/n had been in the middle of ranting about how she had caught aemond revising for finals on the treadmill, when baela slammed the book that was open in front of her with frustration. “why don’t you just join him then?” she sarcastically asked, earning a “yeah right” from y/n who returned back to her notes as she realised that all this talk of her rival had clearly seemed to drive her friend to the point of irritation. “actually… why not?” though she had asked the question rhetorically, baela soon realised that perhaps that wasn’t such a crazy idea after all. y/n, did not share that understanding. she blinked back at her “i’m sorry am i supposed to say something or just wait in silence while you regain your senses. what are you talking about?”
“you said it yourself, you study better with a partner. and i don’t have any of the same classes as you.” the thought of baela having fun studying marine biology while y/n had to suffer aemond targaryen’s presence all alone at the history department was a point that brought her great sadness each day. “he does. and you have to admit it, he’s pretty good.”
as soon as y/n opened her mouth with a retort right on her tongue, baela silenced her with one pointed sentence “i have one reply to all your objections — keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”
oh, y/n thought, she’d never thought of it that way. “besides,” baela reopened the book she had shut, “this way you can keep an even closer eye on his schedule.” she teased.
aemond somehow didn’t need to lift his eye to know who it was that had approached the corner library desk that had become his unofficial residence for finals weeks. “can i help you, l/n?” he asked, as she stopped before him. “no, but i can certainly help you, targaryen.” she announced, pulling out the chair across from him and putting her laptop bag down on the desk. he wordlessly raised his brow as she made herself comfortable. “look—” she knew that selling the idea to him was going to be just as hard as it was for it to be sold to her, but she was as stubborn as she was competitive, “—if we work together, our work will be halved. i can beat your ass at history of tyrosh and the origins of dorne any day of the week, and you are marginally better than me at valyrian history and aegon’s conquest. i am proposing that we sit and quiz each other on the exam portions and that way we’re both covered for our weaker subjects.”
she did not like the smug smirk that overcame his face at the suggestion. “so, you’ve come here to grovel for my help?” she could punch his perfect white teeth in. “look you little shit, while everyone on campus will be sweating and crying and chugging copious amounts of energy drinks to survive this week – we could be sailing through it, if we do this. our rivalry’s entertaining and all, but the stress of finals week will make even your fabulous hair fall out.”
“hmm.” he considered her words for a second. she rolled her eyes as he seemed to revel in making her wait for his response, “c’mon, targaryen, do it for the hair.” she was sure she saw his lips twitch upwards at her teasing.
“fine.” he finally gave in, causing y/n to sigh in relief, “but if you can’t keep up, i’m dropping you.” “likewise.” y/n promised.
she had to admit, studying with aemond was actually not that bad. their reading speed was similar, he kept her on her toes with his constant quizzing, and initially he had seemed to be singularly focused on the task at hand. as the days went on though, y/n found that they had actually started to talk of things beyond dead king and queens. “so, you’re like, related to the conqueror?” she asked as a manner of taking a break from their revision of her least favourite class, the conquest of westeros. “yeah, directly. he’s a great-great, times ten, grandfather.” he answered, turning the signet ring on his hand subconsciously. “that’s cheating, then. i’d be great at that class too if daddy had told me tales of grandpa aegon every night before bed.” she shrugged as she reached to grab the pot of black coffee, to refill her cup.
“well, ‘daddy’ didn’t even bother saying goodnight most nights, so let’s not attribute any of my success to him.” she looked up at him suddenly at the off-handed admission about his home life, but before she could really react, he added. “you just want there to be more to why i’m better than you, rather than accepting – i just am.” there was that smug smirk again, the one that she used to loath. but nowadays, that same smile was more playful than hostile, she had noted. “or, i’m trying to figure out if being an asshole is just who you are, or if it runs in your family. aegon burned half of westeros down to colonise it, so I’m leaning towards the latter.” “colonise?” he was clearly irritated at her choice of words. “one race of people, the valyrians, through violence made another race, the first men, submit to them. that’s the textbook definition of colonisation, is it not?” she raised her brow, inviting him to debate her. she knew it was the subject he felt most passionate about, and thus, it was the class where she would most often find herself playing devil’s advocate, for no reason other than to oppose whatever view aemond had taken. in their revision sessions, too, she liked to watch the passion light a fire in his eye whenever she would declare his opinion was wrong. he looked hot when he was academically pissed off.
“westeros was just different war lord states fighting for dominance until aegon united the seven kingdoms.” he firmly argued. “so what, that gave him open invite to just come and take over?” she challenged, crossing her arms with a self-satisfied grin at having gotten him so riled up already. he opened his mouth to throw his retort at her, when suddenly the door to aemond’s apartment, where they had been studying, swung open to disturb the proceedings.
she saw a man with platinum blonde hair that matched aemond’s stumbling as he entered the apartment with his arm around a beautiful girl, with black hair hanging down to her waist.
aemond, she noted, was visibly annoyed at this.
“oh, did we spoil your little study session?” the other man rhetorically asked, without any real remorse in his tone, his words slurring to indicate that he had been drinking. he sat himself down on the sofa next to y/n, uninvited, a move that inexplicably made aemond’s jaw tighten. “you must be my little brother’s study buddy, y/n. i know all about you, and i’m sure he’s told you nothing about me. i’m aegon, the nerd’s big bro.” y/n was immediately amused at the thought of this man, who was decked in a supreme tracksuit and who’s hair seemed to have been left uncombed, was the perfect, prim and proper aemond’s elder brother. “nice to meet you, aegon. are you studying at the university too?” “business major, yeah, graduating next year.” he replied stretching his hand to place it behind y/n. aemond snorted at his brother, “with the way your finals prep is going, i would not bother wasting money on a graduation gown.” he eyed the woman with whom aegon had entered, judgement clear in his eye.
“hey! i decided to follow your lead and i’ve asked cassandra here to be my study buddy. i’ve actually gone one step further than you and invented the best revision method.” he declared. aemond seemed to have no curiosity at his brother’s statement, but y/n asked “do tell.” aegon turned to her with a pleased smile, “it’s revision, but with strip poker rules.” he simply answered.
she raised a brow at his response, “as in…?” “as in you quiz each other, and every time one of you gets an answer wrong – you take an item of clothing off. it’s a win-win, if you get the answer right, good job, you know your shit. if you don’t…. well, its so much more fun if you don’t.” y/n had to purse her lips to suppress the laughter at the back of her throat.
at the sound of aemond packing up his books, she looked away from aegon to the younger brother. “let’s go to your dorm, y/n. he definitely doesn’t know his shit, and his ‘revision’ tends to be loud.”
as per y/n’s prediction, final’s week had indeed sailed by for aemond and her because of their revision sessions. they only had one exam left now, and it was the one they had both been dreading the most – historical methods. it was a subject that was so boring and plainly simple, that they knew it was easy enough to study for, but they could not bring themselves to revise something so mind-numbingly dull.
y/n, in her frustration, threw her notes on the table at aemond’s apartment. aemond, seated on the other end of the sofa from where y/n was lying on her back, shared her frustration, but he tended to be more stoic and was determined to finish the work on hand. “it’s just a few more topics, and then you never have to think about the subject ever again.” he tried to placate her. “it’s too boring, i can’t do it!” she complained bringing her hands up to her face in frustration. aemond couldn’t help but notice how the action made the t-shirt she was wearing ride up and expose soft skin just above her jean shorts, his eye remaining fixed on the spot for a second too long.
then, the mixture of a caffeine high and a boredom that was seeming like an unending chasm, gave birth to what y/n thought was a brilliant idea. she moved her fingers slightly, so only her eyes would poke out from behind them. “let’s try your brother’s idea.” she suddenly said, “i don’t think anyone has ever said that sentence before.” he remarked.
“i’m serious.” she sat up, as if to indicate her earnestness. “the ‘revision, but with strip poker rules’ idea, let’s try it.”
aemond’s expression was unreadable as she watched him, but she was certain she saw his adam’s apple move at the suggestion. “it’s a dumb idea.” he said, but his throat had gone dry at the thought. y/n rolled her eyes, “that’s the point! it’ll break the monotony.” she crawled to his side of the sofa. “come on, aemond. don’t be a coward.” the suggestion of him even possibly being cowardly had clearly set off something in him. “fine.” he shut the book in his hand and placed it on the table.
they quizzed each other, and it was going much the same as their usual quizzing went, which disappointed y/n since it did not in fact break the monotony as she had wanted. that was until, in her over-confidence, she got a question wrong. “well…” aemond seemed to be very satisfied indeed at her wrong answer, “are you going to do the honours or are you ready to admit that you’re the only coward here?” he scanned the white t-shirt she was wearing, almost with hunger and an expectancy, y/n thought.
she pulled the shirt off over her head, and threw it right at his smug face, “i’m no coward.” he caught it with ease, and for a split second she was sure he smelling it as he held it to his face, before dropping it in his lap. when he looked at her now, he didn’t even attempt to hide how he was taking in her figure, as she sat exposed only in her black bra. knowing that she was being watched, she sat straighter, even as she muttered “pervert” but made no attempt to hide her form.
“please, don’t even try to pretend like you don’t love it.” now, that did take her aback. sure, she had caught him looking at her chest or her ass many-a time over their study sessions, and had done nothing to stop it, but she hadn’t realised that he had in fact, caught her catching him when he looked. he knew she had allowed it all this while, unspoken.
the monotony was certainly broken now.
when it was next aemond’s turn to ask a question, he threw her an easy one, a question she had answered in class. but y/n shrugged and said, “i don’t know”, as an answer. aemond snorted at her, “yeah, you do.”
she simply laid on her back as she undid her shorts and slid them down her legs, eyes never leaving aemond’s as she did. he wet his lower lip with his tongue, and then bit down as he watched. his eye trailed her bare legs, up to her panties, with very little being left to his imagination now that she sat only in her underwear on his sofa.
“my turn” she had the perfect trick question in mind, and when he called her out, saying “there is no right answer to that”, she shrugged once again. “are you going to do the honours or are you ready to admit that you’re the only coward here?” she threw his words back in his face with a grin.
he didn’t seem to need a lot of convincing. he pulled off his shirt in one swift move, and y/n felt her stomach clench at the sight of defined muscles on pale skin. she took a minute to memorise his details before she asked him the next question, but she hadn’t even reached the end of it before aemond was unbuttoning his pants, answering the question by simply saying “don’t know, don’t care.” it seemed as if he was in a hurry, as if he had waited long enough for this moment.
y/n seemed to be in a hurry too, when she deliberately gave a rushed, wrong answer to his next question. she moved her knees to straddle him where he sat, able to feel everything through her own cotton panties over his satin boxers. “need some help with the bra hooks.” she said as an excuse for her action. he readily obliged, with his hands reaching behind her and unhooking her bra with ease, letting the material fall down to the floor. his hands trailed up from her waist to her chest, pale hands first covering and then roughly squeezing her breasts. she started to rock back and forth where she sat, her now wet panties grinding against his obvious bulge.
“it’s your turn to ask.” she breathlessly reminded him after a minute, “fuck revision.” he was trailing kisses around her collar bone, sucking hard enough to leave bruises, she was certain. ““fuck revision”? who are you and what have you done to aemond targaryen?” she chuckled. he only gave her a growl in return, as his arms snaked around her waist to hold her up and then place her back down, with her back hitting the soft sofa.
he hovered over her for a second, supporting himself on his knees as his fingertips traced her side. “you look so hot when you’re concentrating….” he murmured, seemingly out of nowhere, as his fingers found the waistband of her panties and hooked under them. “…and when you’re debating me….” he pulled the cloth over her legs, and his hand reached down to the wetness between her legs “… and especially, when someone tells you you’re right.” a shiver went down her spine she felt two of his cold fingers in her folds. “already so wet for me.” he chuckled.
“oh, would you stop being a tease and just…” at her complaint he withdrew his fingers suddenly, causing her to whine. “just what?” he asked, making her feel more frustrated with him than she had ever felt before. “did you really think i was going to let go of the perfect opportunity to make you beg for me? make you beg me, to fuck you?” oh, there was that stupid fucking smug smirk once again. Now, it was no secret that y/n had too much pride, especially when it came to facing off with aemond targaryen. but as she lay there, exposed and achingly wet, she decided she had to bury her pride to get what she wanted.
“aemond…” she swallowed, “fuck me.” that did not seem to give him what he wanted. he cocked his head to one side, “hmm. you’re missing something.” she huffed, thinking why he had to make this so difficult, and how satisfied he must be at getting her in this position. “aemond…fuck me….please.”
at that, he grinned. he bent down to be inches away from her face, “as you wish.”
she felt two of his fingers enter her suddenly, making her gasp. his fingers curled inside of her roughly, at the same time he started to kiss the side of her neck with more gentleness than she had expected of him. the dichotomy gave her a high. his fingers continued their assault, as her hands tangled themselves in his hair. “so tight…” he whispered against her ear, “how long have you been thinking about this, you little slut?” y/n could only hum back, not capable of formulating a well thought-out response.
Her legs clenched as he continued to dig his fingers inside of her with perfect rhythm. His thumb reached up to massage her clit, as her hand reach down to grab the arm that was inside of her, nails leaving scratch marks. A warmth spread around inside her stomach at the feeling.
when he suddenly pulled his fingers out, she groaned in frustration, “has anyone ever told you, you have no patience?” he tutted. y/n rolled her eyes as she sat forward and her hands moved to finally remove his boxers, “yes.”
with his boxers now discarded, he positioned her to lay back down on the sofa, her legs around his waist. his tip grazed her core, but he didn’t enter her which only added to her annoyance. “aemond, i swear to the old gods and the new, if you tease me for a second longer—” she was cut off by him slamming inside of her suddenly. “ah!” she moaned as he filled her, “that ought to shut you up.” he grunted, supporting himself by keeping a hand on the arm of the sofa that was beneath her head. “oh, gods… aemond…” she could feel him touching her spot, legs growing weaker with each thrust.
he was going at it with a ruthless pace, leaving her feeling helpless and satisfied at the same time. his mouth dipped and he began sucking on her nipple, his teeth grazing where she was sensitive, making her yelp in pleasure. she grabbed his shoulder, grip strong enough leave even more marks. as she felt his tongue circle the skin around her nipple, she made a mental note to tell his brother that she had come to agree that his method of revising was indeed ingenious.
“aemond…i’m…” she had begun to say, “yeah baby, almost there” he replied lifting his head to her face. he tucked a stray stand of her hair behind her ear, a gesture that felt more intimate than the sex. he placed his hand on her cheek before his lips finally met hers. she could taste the black coffee they had been drinking on his tongue, mixed with something minty like toothpaste. for all the roughness with which he fucked her, y/n realised that the kiss felt sweet, tender almost.
“fuck…” he said against her lips, and she could tell he was close too. “aemond…ah!” she reached her peak, just as he pulled out and finished on her stomach.
panting, breathless and sore, for once y/n did not have a retort in the presence of aemond targaryen. he seemed rather speechless too, as he remained above her, unspeaking but his eye refusing to leave her face. he seemed to be in deep thought, and just when he opened his mouth to speak, a different voice could be heard from down the hall.
“and you called my ‘revising’ loud.” aegon snorted, leaning against his bedroom door.
#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen imagine#house of the dragon fanfiction#aemond x you#house of the dragon x reader#hotd smut#aemond imagine#aemond targaryen smut#hotd x reader#aemond targaryen x you#aemond fanfiction#aemond fic#modern aemond#modern aemond x you#modern aemond x reader#fics i wrote
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A Duet of Fire and Fate
Part Two | Series Masterlist
Summary: the monotonous days of practice are starting to grate, but made more complicated by the pianist's lingering words | Word Count: 4.3k~ | Warnings: sexual tension 😘
“Aemond, darling, please…” Alicent pleaded behind the closed door of his bedroom, her worried, motherly voice muffled through the thick frame, “it's not the end of the world, love, okay?”
He'd been in the exact same spot for several hours, his knee bouncing irritably and impatiently. He closed his eyes, as if trying to put on the image of being completely calm. But his hands were clasped painfully, fingertips sore from practice, and he could barely hear his mother through the door anyway, with the large headphones pressed to his ears, with the uncomfortable sting of the cello raking into his brain.
His heart was racing with stress, playing the same bit of ‘Cello Concerto' over and over again, trying to find the part where Otto had incessantly pressured him to perfect it. Wrong timing. Wrong tune. Incorrect finger placement.
Each time he stumbled over the same tricky passage, his frustration mounted. The melody was supposed to soar, but all he could feel was the grinding pressure to not mess up, to not let Otto down, to not disappoint his mother who believed so fervently in his talent.
Where in others, he witnessed nurture in the form of pride, loving gestures and unconditional support. He could see no merit in it. Love to Aemond was tight and oppressive, and weighty on his shoulders.
The door to his room creaked open slightly, and his mother’s voice, muffled and distant through the noise-canceling headphones, attempted to break through the barrier of sound. "Aemond, dinner," she called, her tone gentle yet persistent.
He barely glanced up, giving a slight shake of his head. The outside world, even the simple call to dinner, felt like an unwelcome intrusion.
"Aemond, please," she tried again, her voice firmer now. A choice of tone usually reserved solely for Aegon. "You need to eat. You’ve been at this for hours.”
Aemond cradled his cello gently between his knees, the hum of the ensemble drifted in the air, each musician fine-tuned to perfection with scales and snippets of melodies to practice. But despite this, Aemond found his thoughts elsewhere, his memories blurring into his current reality, where a new challenge in the form of the pianist had emerged.
With every draw of his bow across the strings as if he were an artist gliding a paint-slick brush over canvas, Aemond found his concentration fragmenting. His thoughts were pulled back to the pianist’s effortless expression, her ability to blend technical mastery with palpable emotion. A stark contrast to his own methodical, disciplined approach.
She irked him. She intrigued him. Two feelings which should not hold hands in Aemond's black and white reality. Every single thing his musical education had deemed secondary, she challenged. In the brief moments where he could witness her artistry himself, her performances always lingered, whereas his own, for all its precision, rarely achieved.
“Focus, Aemond.”
Otto's chide was soft and yet audible to everyone. It echoed a long and tired reminder of years past. And he found himself unable to pull back the glare that his own grandfather shot first down the bridge of his nose.
Practice ended how it often had, disappointed and dejected. He could no longer think of her or the words she'd said in their last encounter without feeling the frustration thud in his heart. After all, could the skills she so easily spoke about even be learned?
He longed to see what she saw, how she felt when she played.
The route back to Aemond's apartment was mentally tiring, and the frustration that usually ebbed away with every step, somehow lingered, and permeated throughout his body. For some time, playing the cello had not been met with accomplishment, now more often than not, met with a long and exhausting sense that he could be better.
That is what Alys had said as well, a few weeks ago, when she'd packed up the rest of her things, still pink in the face from Aemond's lips and tongue having pleasured her between her thighs to completion. The difference between her attitude and her parting words almost gave him emotional whiplash.
“I can't be the one to distract you. Not when you need to focus. Not when you have the opportunity to be great.”
Her voice was firm. And there was no room for argument or rebuttal. When Alys said something had to be how it was, that was it. Aemond had watched silently, scrubbing a hand over his face at the closed door of his apartment. He wanted to argue that if Alys had in fact cared that she'd be distracting him, her lack of presence would be just that.
How often now had he been sinking between her thighs, just to think of something else?
He never thought himself a sex addict, and yet the idea of going so long without it, with the show yet months away, made him angry to think how affected he was by it. This was hypocrisy the likes of his brother, Aegon, would love to shove in his face, he just knew it.
The stone square that choked the Grand Sept was speckled with light through the trees, rustling in a manner some would have found comforting. Couples kissed near the fountain, artists drew for money, set up with a view of the Sept while onlookers watched with joy, and children tripped and squabbled through the various nooks that had once marked the spot of a great dynasty.
This was where he waited, taking in the view and the gentle, somewhat melancholic lull of people's lives go past him without a blink. It was an hour before he'd have to traverse back the way he came for his personal booking, to practice the pieces he so desperately wanted to perfect.
During the day, his phone was off. Nothing was more important than what he deemed his life's work.
With a soft sigh, he sat on the wall, watching the square empty as afternoons drew in, his seeing eye following longingly at a brother and sister, who must have had the same age gap he and Aegon had, chasing one another on the cobbled path. Their squeals of glee and bright, happy faces stirred something heavy in his chest.
Had he ever felt as carefree as that. Had he ever felt like a child. Or had he been a grown man for so long.
His thoughts drifted to his own childhood. He would stand stiff and rigid at recitals, looking out to the expectant gaze of his mother, her burning pride gazing into him. There, there was no room for carefree joy akin to the brother sister chasing each other through the square. His childhood, if it could be called that, was dominated by routine and scales, not play and abandon.
He glances at the golden ticking hands of his watch and with a heaved sigh, lifts his cello case to trudge back along the cobblestones to the music school, feeling the familiar pull of responsibilities. Yet, something about the moment nagged at him, a sense of loss for experiences never had, for a childhood spent in service to a future that demanded everything.
With a heaved sigh and another trudge through the now darkened halls of his music college, Aemond pushed open the door, expecting a deep, sullen and wooden silence. Only to be greeted, or rather, whatever the negative version to being ‘greeted’ is, by the sound of the delicate, light twinkle of piano keys.
He watched at first with a sense of both unease and interest as she played, her face partly hidden by the locks of hair that had fallen between her concentrated brows. He couldn’t even really see her playing, but could feel the sensitivity of her fingers on the black and white keys, the piece melancholic.
Aemond willed the crease between his brows, attempting to feign disappointment between his awe.
“You’re in the room I booked.”
Her eyes pierced the darkness between the opening of the grand piano, searing a memory into his mind through her vibrant gaze. At first, she seemed surprised at not being alone, and then her features settled, and he saw the wrinkles at the corner of one of them that made it clear that she smirked at seeing his annoyance.
She stood and closed the lid with a soft thud, pulling her bag over her shoulder, “yeah well unless you want to try moving a grand piano?” she smirks, raising one eyebrow as if daring him to reply.
Aemond exhaled sharply through his nose, setting his cello case against a nearby chair, conceding the point without words.
“Didn’t think so,” she replied in a jokey manner, smiling down as she organised her sheet music into a neat satchel bag at her side.
While she wasn't looking, he found himself watching her, for no particular reason. There was something about the way she moved, the confidence she exuded even in the simplest of actions, that intrigued him. It wasn’t just curiosity about her attire or a superficial interest, he found himself wondering about the depth of her character, about the source of her fearless demeanour. If his stolen looks were not to see what she was wearing today, then perhaps to see if he could glimpse into her soul for just a moment, to see where she got her fucking audacity from.
He sat to prepare his cello, running his middle finger over the bow strings, the density of them feeling somewhat satisfying against his calloused tips.
“You’re not going to lecture me about how I need to… ‘make love to my music’, or some shit like that?”
She chuckled softly, a sound that seemed to resonate a little too deeply within him. “What you do with your cello in your alone time is none of my business,” she quipped without looking up, her voice light yet laden with a hint of mischief.
The air between them was charged with an unspoken tension, a dance of mutual curiosity and veiled interest. As she packed up her things, Aemond found himself unwilling to break the moment, his usual reserve shaken by her presence. There was something about her, a boldness, an unapologetic embrace of her own talent and identity, that challenged him, that made him question his own guarded nature.
As she slung her bag over her shoulder, ready to leave, she paused, glancing back at Aemond who was methodically preparing his cello. A thought seemed to strike her, and her eyes lingered on him, curious and considering.
"Actually, do you mind if I stay a bit longer to listen?" she asked, her tone casual but with an underlying sincerity that caught Aemond off guard.
Aemond felt a mixture of apprehension and pride swell within him. He was used to accolades and audiences, but her request felt different, more personal, more significant. His initial instinct was to guard his practice, a time he usually kept private, a sacred space where he perfected his art away from prying eyes. Yet, something about her frank interest, devoid of any apparent ulterior motive, piqued his own curiosity about how she might perceive his music.
He was so taken off guard, as he was so often by her, that he forgot to say anything and simply nodded. He positioned his cello, settling it between his knees, his back straightening as he prepared to play. The invitation was extended on his terms, yet internally, he acknowledged a desire to impress her, to validate his approach and perhaps, to challenge her own musical opinions.
Her posture was relaxed, but attentive, as if she at least wanted to offer him the respect of knowing she was listening wholeheartedly. As Aemond drew the bow across the strings, the first notes resonated through the room, rich and precise. He chose a piece that showcased his technical prowess, a complex Bach suite that required meticulous control and deep concentration.
As he played, he found himself increasingly aware of her presence in the room. Each note was not just played for the sake of practice but as a demonstration of his skill and dedication to his craft. He watched her reaction out of the corner of his eye, her expressions subtle yet revealing. She seemed genuinely absorbed in the music, her earlier playful demeanour replaced by a focused seriousness that matched his own when he played.
The last draw of his bow brought those guarded walls back up again, the same ones that usually came tumbling down when he felt that in the throes of playing, feeling as if he was alone, were so easily crumbled. When the last note vibrated into silence, Aemond allowed himself a moment to gauge her reaction fully. She had leaned forward in her chair, as if she wanted to see his technique closer.
“You play with such precision,” she almost whispered, so quietly he strained to hear them. As if the words hadn’t been for him at all.
He wasn’t certain how to place her review, negative or positive. And it aggravated him that even in her criticism, she was aggressively neutral.
"Precision is crucial," he responded, his voice steady but his mind racing. He ached to say more, but alongside fearing he would appear defensive, he was unsure whether he wanted to invite criticism from her.
She paused, considering his question, her eyes locking with his. "Precision is your strength, no doubt," she began, her voice gaining confidence as she spoke. "But music, at least to me, also needs to breathe, to have a life of its own beyond the notes on the page. Your playing is impeccable, but it feels tightly controlled, almost constrained."
He quashed the rising irritation, or at least as much as he could, forcing himself to consider her words from a place of growth rather than confrontation. "So, you're suggesting I let go a little?" he asked, watching as she smiled at his confusion.
“Maybe,” she said lightly, “allow it the freedom to surprise you. Control you. You might find you like it.”
He couldn’t help but dissect the slight flirtatiousness in her voice. And yet it was almost gentle, a stark contrast to the sharpness he was accustomed to in such discussions.
She broke the silence that seemed to bulge between them, “do you like it?”
His mother watched him eat, her gaze laden with a mix of pride and concern. The clink of cutlery filled the brief silences as she finally found the words.
"Do you enjoy it, Aemond?" she asked, her voice soft yet carrying weight. "The cello, I mean. Do you actually enjoy playing?"
Aemond paused, his fork suspended in mid-air. It was a question that had lingered at the edge of his consciousness, unvoiced and unanswered. Did he enjoy it, truly? Or had it become merely a vehicle for his ambition, a pathway that he had been set upon rather than one he had chosen?
"It sometimes feels like the only thing I know how to do," he admitted, and for someone so often so sure, his voice wavered.
His mother’s hand reached across the table, her touch warm against his. "Music should be a source of joy, not just a pursuit of perfection," she reminded him gently. "It’s a gift, Aemond, meant to be cherished as much as honed."
Aemond paused, the question catching him off-guard. "Do I like what?" he asked, unsure if she was referring to her suggestion or something more implicit.
She bit back a small smile, and yet it still wormed its way onto her face, “losing control.”
Her question, laced with a hint of playfulness, hung in the air, and Aemond found himself momentarily lost for words. He was unaccustomed to such directness wrapped in…flirtation?
“Losing control?” he repeated, his mouth feeling a little dry.
“Mmhm,” she hummed, “you hold the reins so tightly. Might be liberating to loosen…or even let go, once in a while?”
The atmosphere between them seemed to thicken, the words ‘losing control’ echoing not just through the room but through Aemond’s thoughts, disrupting his usual composure.
Aemond shifted slightly, the concept of loosening his grip, both metaphorically on his music and literally in his life, seemed to resonate deeper than he anticipated. "And you think that's something I need?" he asked, his voice lower, the hint of a challenge lacing his words.
She didn’t move an inch, but her presence seemed more pronounced. The subtle scent of her perfume mixed with the mustiness of the old practice room created a contrast that was oddly intoxicating. "Isn't it?" she countered softly, her gaze steady on his.
The air between them was palpable now, her every word pulling at something he usually kept well guarded. His heart beat a rhythm almost too pronounced, mirroring the tension that seemed to pulse through the space.
Clasping her bag closed, she stood, "Music is about feeling, about passion. It’s not just the notes, but the spaces between them, the breaths, the moments of surrender.”
Aemond’s response was caught in his throat as he absorbed her words, her proximity, the undeniable tension that seemed to dance around them like the very music she spoke of. How the hell did she do that?
She allowed herself a cheeky smile, one that reached her eyes so quickly that with those alone he would know she was amused, “maybe you should surrender to it sometimes.”
A part of him wanted to dismiss her words, to reinforce the walls he had built around his methods and beliefs. After all, she was the face of his competition, a symbol of the school he had been conditioned to outperform. Yet, the way she spoke about music, with such a raw, inviting passion, made it impossible to ignore the pull he felt towards her ideas, towards her. The rivalry was supposed to be clear-cut, a battle of schools and skills. But with her, it blurred into something messier, charged with an undercurrent of something he couldn’t quite name but felt all too powerfully.
It was a dangerous mix.
To admit she affected him would mean opening a door he was adamant to firmly keep shut tight. One that could lead to complications. Not even in terms of the competition. But for his prized discipline. She watched his expression to her words closely, her eyes reflecting a glint of knowing. He desperately wanted to hate her for it. To remind her that she was no better than him simply because she wasn’t plagued with the need for perfection like he was. That she, beyond the walls of the music school she seemed to haunt, could leave her instrument within them. Whereas Aemond was forced to carry his cello on his shoulders, to support its heavy toll on him, and that every step he took, it took more.
It seemed like she was going to say more, as her lips parted. But as quickly as they did, they closed softly again, and that enigmatic smile returned.
Fuck her.
When Aegon had been in his early twenties, he’d moaned and groaned on the sofa, his phone slobbed to one side, complaining that the girl he was currently texting was verbally edging him. Aemond had merely grimaced, finding his brother's frustration more amusing than relatable.
But now he felt that aggravation of it. The fact that she knew he was hanging on every word, and still chose not to say anything, to leave thoughts dangling in the charged air between them.
She gave him a final nod, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken words and tensions that lingered, then turned and walked away. It was only when she was halfway down the hallway that the perfect response sprang to his mind, but by then it was too late. All he could do was watch her retreating form disappear into the dim, wooden corridor.
In that moment, Aemond felt like a modern-day Eurydice, fading into the shadows, but with a twist, this time, Eurydice longed for Orpheus to look back. Aemond knew that if she turned, if she offered him one last look, it would mean stepping back into a narrative filled with complexities and perhaps inevitable loss. Yet, he craved that backward glance, a sign that their fleeting connection meant as much to her as it did to him, even if it meant returning to the shadows.
Aemond tried to refocus on his practice as he returned to the solitude of the music room. He played mechanically, his usual precision present but the soul of the music notably absent. The strings didn't sing; they just spoke in monotonous tones. With more than half of his allotted practice time remaining, he packed up his cello, and resisted the urge to hurl it across the room.
Driven by a need for something more tangible, more human than the cold wood and strings of his cello, Aemond left the practice room abruptly.
No more than 15 minutes later, he stood at the smirking figure of Alys Rivers, leaning against her door frame, arms crossed and wearing delicate lacy sleepwear, as if she could supernaturally anticipate that he would come to her.
Her eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and satisfaction, seeing him slightly dishevelled, a rare break in his usually composed demeanour.
“I don't want to fucking hear it.”
Alys, unfazed by his sharpness, raised an eyebrow and smiled wryly, stepping aside to let him in. Her reaction was more teasing than concerned, her amusement clear in her casual posture.
"Where?" Aemond's voice was blunt, his usual grace undercut by a barely contained frustration.
"The bed," Alys responded with a flick of her head toward the bedroom, her smirk deepening as she watched him stride ahead.
As he passed her, she couldn't resist adding, "Need some instructions, or do you remember the way?"
Aemond didn't respond, his back to her as he moved into the bedroom. Alys followed at a leisurely pace, her demeanour confident, almost cocky. She leaned against the doorframe, watching as he shed his jacket with quick, jerky movements.
Alys pushed off from the doorframe and walked over to him, her steps deliberate. "Something's happened-," she said, reaching out to smooth the crease between his brows with her thumb, her touch light but insistent.
He caught her wrist, his grip firm. "I said I don't want to fucking hear it," he retorted, his voice low and strained.
Alys met his gaze, her expression partly unreadable. "Okay," she conceded, pulling her hand back gently. She gestured towards the bed. "Show me what you need.”
As Alys led him toward the bed, Aemond followed mechanically. His movements were automatic, driven by habit more than desire. Pulling her hips towards him and slinging her legs over his shoulders was like second nature at this point. Alys was warm beneath him, her body responding in all the familiar ways, her breaths, her touches, her sighs all scripted from past encounters. Yet, as Aemond moved with her, his mind was elsewhere, disengaged from the act.
The room was silent except for the soft rustle of sheets and the muted sounds of their closeness, but inside Aemond, a storm was brewing. The physical motions were all correct, but the emotional undercurrents were misaligned, leaving him feeling even more isolated as they moved together. Alys seemed not to notice, or if she did, she chose not to address it, caught up perhaps in her own interpretation of their actions.
Afterward, as Alys settled beside him, her breathing even and content, Aemond lay awake, staring at the ceiling. She was close, yet he felt miles away, trapped in a cycle that provided physical release but no real solace.
Sensing his detachment, Alys’ voice broke through the silence, “you okay?”
Aemond didn't answer. Instead, he gently disentangled himself from her and slid off the bed. His movements were smooth but distant, as if he was pulling away from more than just the physical proximity, leaving the bedroom without so much of a backward glance at Alys, barely wounded from his dismissal, naked in bed. Alys watched him go, her expression resigned. She remained silent, making no move to follow him or press him further.
In the living room, Aemond walked straight to the mini-bar and poured himself a drink, his hands mechanically tilting the bottle, the familiar clink of ice soothing his frayed nerves. He took a deep sip, letting the liquid burn down his throat, hoping it would wash away the disquiet clinging to him.
As he turned, his gaze fell on the grand piano sitting under the low light in the corner of the room. It was an elegant piece, one that Alys had long forgotten, now sitting idly and out of tune. The dust gathered in its crevices spoke volumes of its neglect, a stark contrast to the careful maintenance of instruments at his own school.
The piano, much like himself tonight, felt abandoned, left to stand as a mere piece of furniture rather than the vibrant instrument it was intended to be. Compelled by a sudden urge, he approached it, his fingers running along the cool, smooth surface of its keys, each one silent and stiff from disuse. Aemond pressed a key tentatively, listening to the dull thud that echoed back, as if to taunt him.
For a brief moment, he considered the task of tuning it, of bringing it back to life. It seemed a fitting metaphor for what he needed himself, a realignment, a correction of the discord that had crept into his own life and art.
As Aemond's fingers wandered across the piano keys, his thoughts meandered back to the pianist from the opposing school. She had described music as a living entity, one that breathed and moved, pulsating with the emotions of its player. This concept lingered in his mind as he contemplated the neglected piano before him. He wondered how she would react to such a forlorn instrument. Would she feel compelled to restore it, to draw breath back into its worn frame and let it sing once more?
Just as he secretly hoped she might rekindle something within him, a spark long subdued under the weight of discipline and expectation.
General Taglist: @aemondsfavouritebastard @bellstwd @blackswxnn @blairfox04 @buckybarnesb-tch
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the happiest girl
But tonight, I'll be the happiest girl in the world. You'll see like it never happened.
Modern! Aemond x reader Wordcount | 1.8k Warnings | Aegon's a cheating bastard, sadness, mostly fluff.
Aegon took nothing in life serious. And your relationship with him… Was just one of those things. You loved him and you believed he loved you, to some degree at least. He just happens to love himself and his own needs more.
You were staring at the message you received on Instagram from some girl. She was claiming that she had a relationship with him. Part of you wanted to scold her but you decided against it. You always had some suspicion about it, he came home a lot later, he didn’t look at you the way he used to. Somewhere, somehow you saw it coming. But it still hurts. It feels like your heart was shattered in a million pieces and there was no one to pick them up. The apartment you shared with him did not feel the same anymore. What once was a place of happiness and comfort, is now a place of dread. Because that is what you felt right now, you dread to see him. But you had to know. Time was ticking by slowly as you were waiting for him to come home.
Finally you heard him stumble in. He wasn’t aware of anything… It was like every other day, but this one was different. You could feel a sense of foreboding, almost as if you expected it to happen, but it still hit you like a wave of bitter salt water.
As if you were drowning, struggling to keep your head above water. You saw him stumble in, drunk and unaware, yet you didn't feel rage or despair, just a deep sense of sadness and disappointment. He came towards you and sat down on the couch, still not aware that you were aware of his affair. "Hi there love," He tried to kiss you. "Don't." Your voice was cold as ice, and a chill ran through your body. He looked at you with a drunken grin and giggled. "Come on girl, it's just a little bit of fun. Lighten up!" "Aegon I know about her." Aegon's face went blank. He sat up straight and looked at you with a cold and emotionless gaze. "Her? What are you talking about?" "The woman you've been sleeping with. I've seen the messages. Don't give me any bullshit right now, I know the truth, and you know it too." Aegon swallowed – you were not supposed to find out. "I expected more from you. I thought you were better than this. But you're obviously just a coward who can't even keep his pants on. How could you do this to me, to our relationship? I trusted you and you broke it. You know what? I can't stand the sight of you right now. I'm going out. Don't expect me back."
It was cold outside, but the cold air felt refreshing after the suffocating atmosphere inside the apartment. You walked to the nearest bus stop, your tears streaming down your cheeks. You felt heartbroken and angry, and you didn't know where to go or who to turn to. All you wanted was to be held and consoled, to be taken care of and loved. But that seemed like an impossible dream, now more than ever. You wished you could turn back time and undo everything that had happened, but you knew that wasn't possible.
You suddenly felt your phone buzzing. Aegon sent you a text message, "Please come home. I want to talk. We can fix this." You read the text message and hesitated. On the one hand, you wanted to believe that he was really sorry and would change his ways. But on the other, you knew that deep down inside, he had been cheating on you for a very long time, so no matter what he said, nothing could really change that. And in all honesty you had nothing left to say. You sent him a text message back, "Don't contact me again. I'm not coming home. We're done." He responded with the usual, "I'm sorry, I promise I can change. Just give me another chance, I can't lose you. I will do anything for you."
"You're not the one who gets to cry." Tears started to fall again. You turned off your phone because you didn't want to hear any more of his excuses and lies. You stood at the bus stop, trying to calm yourself down, but all you could do was cry.
You wanted to have a drink to numb your pain and clear your head. You walked to a nearby bar and walked inside, taking a seat at the bar. You waited for the bartender to come over and order a glass of wine. “Put it on my tab.” A voice behind you spoke. Your eyes widened in surprise when you saw Aemond. You looked at him for a moment, surprised that he was here and that he was the one who offered to pay for your drink. "Aemond... What are you doing here?" He smiled at you, "I was just here having a drink with some friends when I saw you. I saw that you looked troubled, so I decided to come over and see if you're alright. I didn't think I'd see you here..." “Oh ehm… Aegon and I… We broke up…” Aemond's expression changed, becoming more empathetic. "I see... I'm so sorry to hear that. It must've been really hard for you. Do you need someone to talk to?" He didn't seem surprised, not at all. Aemond took a step closer to you and put his right arm around your back. You could feel the warmth of his body and it felt calming. He asked, "Can I tell you something?” You nod at him, you've always liked Aemond. He was different but in a good way.
He took a sip from his drink and looked at you. "I know we've been friends for a long time, but I can't lie to you. I've always had feelings for you. I know that's not something you probably want to hear right now, but I couldn't just keep it to myself. I understand though if you're not interested in me the same way, but if you will, let me comfort you, just this one time. You need someone right now, and I'd like to be the one you turn to."
You were speechless. Aemond continued, "I know it's unfair to confess my love for you in this situation, but I didn't want to miss this opportunity. I've always had a huge crush on you, and maybe this was the universe's way of letting us know that we needed each other. I know this may not be the right time for us to begin a relationship, but if you're open to that idea, I would be more than happy to be here for you and support you through this difficult time."
It took you a while to progress all of that information. You finally find the courage to speak up, "Aemond, it's really kind of you to say all of that. I can't say I'm not tempted to take you up on your offer, but I'm still a bit shocked by everything that happened. I'm just not sure if I'm ready for a relationship right now, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be cared for and consoled. Could... could we spend some time together, just for tonight?"
Aemond smiled warmly at you, "Absolutely. I totally understand that you're in a fragile state right now, and the most important thing is for you to heal and move on from this situation. I don't want to pressure you into anything you're not ready for. But I do want to be there for you and help you through this difficult time. Is it okay if I sit here with you for a little while? I promise I won't force any unwanted advances on you."
You suddenly realized that if you'd asked Aemond out, instead of allowing Aegon to charm you, everything would have been different. You would never have gone through the heartbreak and disappointment, and you would have had someone who truly loved and respected you all this time. The thought of what could've been started to make you feel a bit down, but Aemond's presence always had a comforting effect on you. You couldn't have asked for a better person to comfort you in this very moment.
"Tell me something funny, Aemond. I'm in desperate need of some laughter." "Hmm, something funny..." Aemond thought for a moment, and then he smiled and said, "What do you get when you cross a banana with an elephant?" "Oh god... I didn't think you'd actually try to tell me a joke!" "Well, I can't say I'm a professional comedian, but I thought it would help lighten the mood. So, what do you get when you cross a banana with an elephant?" You had such a hard time keeping yourself serious. Aemond wasn't a natural funny person but seeing him try this way... Made you feel a certain way. "Just wait for it..." Aemond looked at you with a smirk, enjoying making you laugh. "Okay, ready? Here's the punchline - you get an 'eleph-nana'!"
And for the first time in a while the tears coming from your eyes weren't from hurt or sadness, they were from laughter. The two of you sat at the bar for a while, laughing and joking and enjoying each other's company. After a while, Aemond gently placed his hand on your arm. "Would you mind if we left the bar and went somewhere more private?" Your eyes lit up when he private, "I'd love that."
You could feel the cool air on your face and you saw the stars in the sky, they were exceptionally bright tonight. Aemond took you by the hand and led you to a secluded spot, far from any noise or distractions. He stopped in front of you and looked into your eyes. "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah, you can ask me anything." "Can I kiss you?" You shouldn't want it but you wanted it so badly, you wanted him to make you feel again. “I… Yes.” You whispered. The moment you said that, Aemond quickly leaned forward and kissed you deeply. You could feel his lips against yours and the warmth of his body. It felt amazing, as if all the pain from before had just disappeared. His hands caressed your face and neck as you embraced one another. You were completely swept up in the moment, and there was nothing else besides the two of you. You could feel the rush of hormones and emotions, your heart was beating fast and your breathing was shallow. The feeling was almost overwhelming, but you wanted more. Aemond pulled you closer and his lips pressed against yours with more passion. Your hands ran through his hair and you held him tightly, as if you didn't want the kiss to ever end. Aemond broke the kiss, "Would you like to come to my apartment?" Your heart raced as you looked into his eyes and nodded your head, unable to speak.
But tonight, I’ll be the happiest girl in the world. You’ll see like it never happened.
#aemond targaryen#aemond x reader#aemond x you#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen x you#aemond fluff#aemond one eye#modern aemond#aemond fanfiction#aemond targaryen x oc#modern aemond targaryen x reader#modern aemond x you
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When Aemond is exhausted
English is not my first language, please be kind
Modern!MafiaBoss!Aemond x fem!Reader
•Warnings: oral (male), smut, kissing, taking of sexual themes, boobjob, tits licking, (basically worshipping breasts), mention of killing someone.•

“Come on, Aemond…” You hummed as you looked down, your eyes half closed, your mind fuzzy by the alcohol. You caressed the back of his head as he pushed his face further between your tits, kissing, licking, sucking and biting every inch of skin he could reach.
But he wanted everything.
“Shut up, will you?” He mumbled against your skin, his tongue darting out between your breast and your top, touching your nipple, that immediately went hard under his light touch. You wrapped your hands around his neck as you shifted closer on his lap, hugging his face closer to your chest with a small moan.
You knew he had an exhausting day, enough to not even be able to take you and fuck you properly. The music of his club came low in the background, his office lights were low, the desk a mess.
Even his hair was all massy when you first walked in tonight, him who was always composed, elegant and a perfectionist.
His hair was even more messy now, but that was entirely your fault. One of his hands cupped the side of your tit, pushing it towards your face as his other hand moved under your wavy skirt, gripping tightly the skin of your ass, squeezing it in his hand. You moaned again, grinding slowly on the bulge you felt raising under your core, pushing Aemond’s face as close as you could.
You knew he loved when you did that, you even got worried in the past about how he could breathe so buried in your boobs, but he never complained once, instead he sometimes scolded you for talking nonsense.
He growled as he dug his fingers in your skin, his hand on your ass sproning you to keep grinding on him, as the other moved to tug down your top harshly, enough to hear some stitches ripping.
Your boobs sprang free and you could see Aemond’s eye basically sparkle at the sight, but it only lasted a moment, before he closed his mouth around your nipple, sucking hard, slowly taking more of your breast in his mouth, as his hand take care of the other, pinching it harshly, just like he knew it would have made you crazy.
“Oh, you’re so lucky I’m not on my pre-cycle period or I would have punched you…” You moaned as you kept staring down at him, so concentrated on your breast he barely even looked up at you when he hummed in response.
“Sir.” The door of his office behind you opened, but Aemond never relented, his attention started loyally on your body. You turned your head to the side to look at the guard that just entered, that immediately casted his gaze on the floor.
He wouldn’t have seen anything anyway, if not a bit of your ass because Aemond kept raising your skirt, and your back. He was lucky, because Aemond would have probably gouged his eyes off if he saw anything more.
“Sir…” The guard repeated, less convinced.”They caught someone of the rivalry here…” He explained as he refused to look up.
He didn’t say anything more, so the only sounds filling the room were coming from Aemond’s mouth, still attached to your tits, like an infant sucking for milk. You could already see some red and purple marks on your breasts, some of them along with the signs of his teeth.
He was really exhausted.
“Leave. Now.” You said as you looked back at Aemond, you could see him completely lost in your body, he probably didn’t even hear the guard coming in. You arched your back to push more your chest towards his face, making him moan as he moved his mouth to your other boob, sucking it immediately, eagerly, tilting his head back as if lost in pleasure.
God he was so cute when he was like this.
“But, Miss…” The guard contested. “The man…”
You heard Aemond groan as he gripped tightly the skin of your ass, forcing you to grind faster on him, and you quickly obliged, your arms around his head and neck tightening.
“Kill him, or whatever. Leave.” You repeated more firmly, not leaving doubts for any other questions as you started to pant, slipping your hand in Aemond’s hair making them even more messy.
“Of course, excuse me.” You head the door open and close again.
Aemond didn’t raise his head when he used his hand to pull down the straps of your top, so he could lower it even more. He leaned back on the chair, each of his hands palming freely each of your tits, squeezing them as he wanted, harder or more softly. He looked up at you and he widened his legs, and you immediately understood his prompt, so you raised on your knees and got off his lap, kneeling down under his gaze.
He nodded to you to continue, spreading his legs open, his bulge more than evident, the lines of his cock well evident. Your mouth watered at the sigh, and you immediately opened his belt and pants, tugging them down with his boxers, so his long, pale and veiny cock could spring free, for you to admire.
You immediately wrapped your hand around it, filing how it pulsated under your touch. You smiled as you saw a bit of precum on his tip, leaning on to lick it, as you looked up at him through your eyelashes with an innocent face.
You saw his nostril flare as he looked down at you, his hand slapping lightly the side of your tit. You whined softly, raising up on your knees and taking your boobs in your hands, trapping his cock between them. He immediately let out a deep breath, leaning comfortably on his desk chair, his hips shifting further on his seat.
“Yeah, baby…” He huffed as he locked his eye on your tits, as you let a string of saliva fall down on his cock, so you could start to move up and down slowly, always pushing your breast together more firmly when his tip disappeared in them. He moaned loudly, his hands gripping the armrest so tightly it looked like he wanted to break it. You kept spitting saliva on his cock as you started moving a bit faster, bending down your head and licking his tip every time you had the chance.
“Take it in your mouth.” He ordered as he kept looking at you in awe, tilting his head to the side as he kept staring at you. You hummed and wrapped your lips around his tip sucking hard, making him thrust his hips up by the pleasure you were giving him.
“Fuck yes…” He groaned as he shifted closer to the edge of his seat, quickly put his hand over yours, his were bigger, and held more of your tits in them, he pulled you closer, planted his feet on the floor and started to trust up between your breasts. He let go of one of your boobs only to push your head down, forcing you to take his cock in your mouth every time it emerged, then his hand flew back to its place, his fingers digging in your skin.
You moaned around him, sucking eagerly his cock, wanting to make him feel so good after such a bad day. The room was filled now with obscene sounds that kept coming out of your mouth, wet noises mixed with your moans and his.
“Oh fuck– F-fuck… You’re gonna make me come, baby…” He grunted as he squeezed your breast even more in his hands almost to a painful point, but you didn’t pull back, you wanted to give him everything he wanted to take. You hollow your cheeks, slipping one of your hands from under his, grabbing his balls and squeezing them gently, massaging them in your hand. He growled loudly.
“Fuck! Fuck, baby– I-I’m gonna come–” He panted, thrusting his hips furiously between your tits, looking down at how his cock disappeared and appeared again between them. You looked up at him, looking how he was completely lost in pleasure, his eyebrows arched and his mouth open.
You moved your hand lower, touching the skin that connected his balls to his butthole, pressing two of your fingers on the soft skin, watching how his body jerked at the unexpected touch.
“No, shit– Ah, baby…” He moaned loudly. You smiled around him as you slowly moved your finger even lower, pressing right against his little hole, watching how his eye shut as you felt his sperm filling your mouth with that warm, familiar taste. You swallowed with a smirk, letting go of him as he leaned back on the chair, spent as you kept licking his cock like a lollipop, cleaning him as best you could.
He looked down at you, slipping a hand in your hair, caressing your head gently. You looked up at him as you traced the underside of his cock with your tongue. He chuckled and grabbed you by under your arms to lift you up back on his lap.
You smiled as you caressed his hair and face.
“Do you want to sleep here?” You asked softly, looking down at you as he nodded, fixing your top.
“I’ll get it done, you open the bed.” You said gently as you stood up, locking the door to the office as he fixed himself back in his pants, going over the couch to open the hidden bed. You took off your heels, top and skirt, staying only in your panties, as you stood in front of him, waiting for him to take off his shirt so you could put it on. He smirked as he looked down at you, taking his time to take off his tie, then slowly undid every button of his shirt, his eye roaming shamelessly all over your body. You smiled back at him, holding your hands behind him, confident with your body in front of him. He finally took off his shirt, coming closer to you, bending down to kiss you as he put it over your shoulders.
“Thank you.” You smiled as you pulled back, starting to button it up. Aemond watched you from above you, stopping your hands the moment you started to close the buttons over your breasts.
“Can’t sleep without my pillow, can I?” He leaned down, his forehead touching yours as he undid a couple of buttons.
You liked when he was like this. When he completely let go of his facade of an angry, cold, mafia boss and let himself be a sweet loving boyfriend.
He picked you up in his arms, walking over the bed and laying you down on it, following you immediately after, resting his head on top of your tits, his arms around your waist.
“I love you.” You whispered as you saw him closing his eye, ready to fall asleep. “You’re cute.” You said lower then, more to yourself than to him. “I love you.” He mumbled back, hugging you tighter. “But never call me like that again.”
Taglist: @ka1afbr @cynic-spirit @ladythornofrivia @zenka69 @queenofthekeep @adorewhatever @diannnnsss @kotadislikesthissite @iloveallmyboys @valyrianflower @dixie-elocin @gelacat0413 @quinquinquincy @mamawiggers1980 @darylandbethfanforever9 @rhaethoughts @believeinthefireflies95
#aemond targaryen#aemond x oc#aemond fanfiction#aemond fic#aemond one eye#aemond smut#aemond x reader#aemond x y/n#aemond x you#ewan mitchell#modern aemond x reader#modern aemond#prince aemond#hotd aemond#hotd s2#hotd fanfic#hotd season 2#hotd#house targaryen#hotdedit#house of the dragon#modern aemond x you#mafia au
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gave you all my best me's (ii)
Description: Aemond tries to figure out if his feelings are real. A revelation sends this house of cards crumbling down.
Pairing: (past! jacaerys velaryon/reader), aemond targaryen/reader

Aemond takes a nervous bite of his mini-Oreos. It's been a week since he introduced you to his family, and all his relatives have been sending him kind messages. However, his father has refused to return all of his calls. Nothing new, he muses.
"Are you okay, hun?" You sit beside him, and the sofa slightly shifts to accommodate your shared weight. "Yeah," he responds reluctantly. He doesn't exactly know how to feel. He sometimes looks at you and thinks about turning this relationship into a real thing, but then, he remembers your conversation with Jacaerys on the balcony...
Everything has been so blurry and difficult lately.
What if Jacaerys suddenly calls, and you pick up, and everything returns to where you left it off?
"It's just been a tough couple of weeks," he reasons.
But he knows that the feelings that thump inside of his ribcage are far too complex to explain. "Do you want to talk about it?" You asked, and he shakes his head.
nameofficial posted to her story!
caption: with mr lover lover 😎 song: Boombastic by Shaggy
YOU are you aight you been pushing me away lately :((
AEMOND TARGARYEN I'm a little busy with work We're releasing a new phone this month
YOU does this have something to do with the jacaerys thing?
AEMOND TARGARYEN Ofc not xx I respect you It's not like we have a 'real' relationship
Your eyebrows merged together in fury.
It's not like we have a 'real' relationship.
You continued to stare at his message. Actually, you were glaring at your phone - until it suddenly fell on your face.
"Shit," you cursed. "Fuck," you continued.
The fact that Aemond wasn't entirely lying pierced your heart. Your feelings for him have blossomed these past few months, you didn't need a verbal reminder that this was all contractual. That he only chose to be pretend married to you because it meant inheriting his father's fortune. You are not important to him.
Thanks for the reminder, Aemond.
You were pleasantly surprised when Alicent invited you for a cup of tea. Aemond told you that his mother kept to herself, she only talked to people inside her small circle. You remember that the only thing that she acknowledged you with were small smiles and nods, but it's good that she's finally warming up to you.
I mean...you are going to be her pretend daughter-in-law.
"I am sure that you are not unfamiliar with the way our family conducts our business," Alicent begins the conversation, taking a leisurely sip of her tea. "- it's a new age, but some of our members are still stuck in the past." She gives you a thin-lipped smile.
What was she going to say next? She voted for Hillary Clinton in the last election. "- especially my husband. He is a traditional man. Before we got married, I was in my third year of medical school. I wanted to be a pediatrician, but he gave me an ultimatum, told me it was either him or being a pedia, and I chose him." She speaks with regret.
"Pardon?" You raised an eyebrow, unaware of where this conversation was leading. "My husband knows there are charges against you by the Spanish Government, which is easy to fix, but there is a stain on your reputation. You are not the kind of woman that he finds worthy of being a member of our family. He will not allow your wedding to pull through, and if it happens, Aemond stands to inherit nothing." Alicent explains with a deep breath.
You wanted to tell her that you were no longer here for the money, but Aemond would want the inheritance, right?
Alicent reaches for her handbag, dropping an envelope of cash to cover the bill for this tea party. She reaches for your hand, holding it with both of hers. "Please stay away from my son," she begs. "- you can find another husband, but I cannot find another him." Alicent pleads, not wanting her son to fall in his ranks in society.
Reputation means everything to people like them.
"Yes, of course." You forced yourself to agree.
It's what Aemond wants.
"Please don't mention this to him. I love him, but he doesn't love me enough to abandon you." You took a deep breath. She reaches for her handbag again, writing you a check for millions of dollars but you shake your head.
"- he'll have kids in the future with a woman that isn't me, but someone that you think is proper enough for him. You won't even remember my name by then. I don't need money, Mrs. Targaryen. I'm happy to have been here." You removed your engagement ring, placing it on the table.
"Thank you," she looks up with a sad smile.
"Thank you too," you answered, leaving without looking back.
AEMOND TARGARYEN Where are you? I bought some pad thai
AEMOND TARGARYEN Are you still there?
AEMOND TARGARYEN My mom told me I'm sorry Let's talk
It has been one year since singer Y/N L/N was last seen wandering around New York City. Thirteen months ago, MTV announced that her engagement with tech-CEO Aemond Targaryen had broken off. A close friend alleges that their breakup was amicable, and the couple were just heading towards different paths in life.
A year ago, Y/N L/N deactivated her social media accounts.
Six months ago, all charges by the Spanish government against her were dropped, citing that it was a third-party accounting firm that caused the mismanagement of funds. L/N was let go with a minor fine. It has been radio silence for quite some time now, but according to a few insiders, the singer is seen roaming NYC once more...
Why did she disappear? And why is she back?
nameofficial: i stayed there.... THANK YOU FOR INVITING ME AND @luciechurchill!! @taylorswift. i love you so much ❤️
liked by 2,128,321 others
taylorswift: I'm so glad you enjoyed the era's tour 💙💙💙💙💙 - nameofficial: twas absolute cinema 🤯
Y/NSUPPORT: SHE'S BACK !!! and she's paid her taxes 🇪🇸
BigBlueEyes6: Y/N stays the queen of the revolution 🇪🇸 bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao 👺
sexybaliye: I HAVE BEEF WITH HIM BECAUSE HE TOOK HER THIRD ALBUM AWAY FROM US 😭 MY ASS WILL FOREVER MOURN LOVER - applepie59: BYE...Karma by TS is Lover in a diff font - sexybaliye: Albums that will never be released LOL
hauntedasshome8: I'm not heartbroken....also me: Y/N L/N
nameofficial: I love the crowd in Nashville. I'm so happy to be opening the ERA'S TOUR by @taylorswift. ❤️
liked by 1,329,921 others
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"How long are you going to keep attending the concerts?" Aegon sits on one of the ottomans. He gives his brother a lazy smile before callously lighting his cigarette - knowing that he wouldn't get into trouble because his grandfather owned the hotel. "Why are you so curious about it?" Aemond rolls his eyes.
"I find it kind of weird that you leave after the opener," Aegon comments. "- don't you want to talk to her?" Aegon inquires.
"She looks fine," Aemond breathes. He doesn't want to ruin your quit life just because he dreams of being in your arms again. If you've moved on, then he has no choice but to follow in your footsteps.
"I've been analyzing her note changes," Aegon puffs.
"You pay attention to that?" Aemond raises an eyebrow.
Aegon chuckles annoyingly, as if he was your biggest fan. "When she says lay on the horn, there's a slight change in her voice, which probably means that it haunts her." He quotes your lyrics. "- in one of the surprise songs, she looked really sad when singing about the snow globe spinning round and round." Aegon continues his analysis.
He looks at Aemond again, who is looking at him with a strange stare. "Men are so stupid," Aegon stands up - he rolls his eyes before leaving the room and slamming the door loudly.
Aemond continues to watch you from the front row, he's already memorized your routine by now. He takes a sip of the beer that Aegon smuggled inside, and everyone cheers around him - seeing your faint figure begin to march towards the front stage.
"This song is going to be a part of my third studio album, I figured that I should share it with all of you first." You smile, strumming your guitar. "The apartment we won't share. I wonder what sad wife lives there." You begin your song. "Have the windows deciphered her stares? Do the bricks in the walls know to hide the affairs?" You walked around.
Freezing once you see him.
Aemond Targaryen in the flesh.
"The dog we won't have is now one I would not choose. The daughter we won't raise still waits for you." You walked past him. You could attend a million interviews after this and swear to god that you're not over him, but you'd be lying. Because you still love him. You still love all the ways that he'd massage your scalp.
"The girl I won't be is the one that's yours. I hope you shortly find what you long for." You glanced at him again. Seeing him feels like getting electrocuted. It makes you happy but at the same time really, really sad because you know that he doesn't feel the same way. "A year and some change. Isn't it strange?" You looked at him.
One word and you'll come running back to him.
"I'm sure she's beautiful and sweet." You continued strumming your guitar. "But you're the only thing I need," you change the lyrics, your voice beginning to fade in the background.
Aemond nervously bounces his legs, and a few security guards escort him backstage - and now he's waiting for you to finish your last song. He fidgets with the engagement ring inside his palms. It's a family heirloom, a ring that Alicent gave him that came from his grandmother, Alerie.
"Aemond," you say with a reluctant voice. "Y/N," He breathes, wrapping you in a warm embrace.
"What are you doing here?" You questioned, taking in the sight of him. "Let's get back together, please," he begged, offering you the ring that was inside of his palms. "What are you talking about? I thought that wasn't part of the deal, your dad won't leave you anything." You stared deep into his eyes.
"I love you," he confesses.
"The day that you left, I wanted to tell you." He adds.
"I only left because I thought that you didn't feel the same way," your frown deepened.
A chuckle escapes your mouth, truly in disbelief at how the tides shifted in your favor.
He drops on one knee.
"Marry me," he says.
"Of course," you agree.
Meeting his lips with fiery passion.
nameofficial: I take this magnetic force of a man to be my LOVER.
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bananalols: ok what happened to hello, how are you?
helaenatargaryen: Congratulations sis and bro!! 🧡
aemondtargaryensapphires: Happy wedding.
liked by 123,182 others
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nameofficial: I'm so happy to make it with you ❤️
liked by 3,239,192 others
imthatbitch2: Congrats, we didn't even know that u were engaged lols
HundredBoys82: What ever makes u happy...boo?
ColossalTitan: MRS LOVER LOVER

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You Win Epilogue // modern!Aemond x Reader
Summary: You and Aemond have always had a solid relationship built in trust and love. All that is challenged when Aemond has to take a class led by Professor Alys Rivers. Once she's gone, though, how do the two of you heal?
TW: p in v, oral (m and f receiving), manipulation, indefinitely
Part 1 • Part 2

It has been two months since you and Aemond have reconciled, for lack of a better term. Things were not great but they weren’t terrible either. Alys still haunted both of you. For you, those images she planted in your head as well as ones that you made up yourself. For Aemond, everything about her haunted him. He desperately wanted Alys out of his head, out of his life, but she lingered like a scent that wouldn’t go away. Every time you touched Aemond you couldn’t help but wonder if Alys touched him the way you did.
Sex was off the table. Aemond had tried, but you had denied him. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him like that, all vulnerable, because he had been vulnerable with Alys. It disgusted you, how he let her touch him. Not only was she his professor, but there was at least a fifteen year difference. And of course, the face that he betrayed your promise of being faithful.
When Cregan and Jason came out with their own encounters with Professor Alys Rivers, everything became clear. She preyed on other students just like she had with Aemond. A manipulator was what she was.
On one hand, knowing Aemond was not the only one made you feel better, but on the other it made you see red with anger. How dare she use students for her own entertainment like that? The fact that she was only fired was a mercy to her. In your opinion, her whole career should be upended.
“How are you feeling, Pri-” Aemond stopped himself before he called you the once cherished name.
“I’m feeling okay. Just lost in my thoughts, I guess.”
“Can I sit down?” He gestured to the empty seat on the couch.
You smiled at him. “Of course.”
Silently, Aemond took his seat and the two of you sat there in the nice quiet. This was how most of your time was spent now. No touching, no kissing, just being in each other’s presence was enough for now.
You wished things could go back to normal but you know that is impossible. There will always be the memories and knowledge of what happened in the past; something that cannot be undone.
“I miss us,” you whispered.
Aemond gently reached for your hand and when you didn’t pull away he let out a silent sigh of relief. “I miss us, too. If I could do anything to take it all back, I would.”
“I know you would. It’s just all fucked up, huh?”
You rubbed your thumb against his knuckles and held on tight. While you couldn’t have everything right off the bat, at least you could still have this.
Three months have passed and slowly but surely things were getting better between the two of you. Physical contact no longer felt tainted and you could hold his hand in public without being afraid.
Alys has been less of a menace in your mind, which you have been grateful for. You moved back in with Aemond but haven't slept in the same bed as him. That's still too much, too intimate for you.
“Do you think we're getting better?” You asked Aemond one day. You were sitting at a cafe table.
“I like to think we are,” he replied. “I'll do whatever it takes.”
“What if it's not enough? What if we can never be happy together again?”
You began to worry. You couldn't imagine a life without Aemond, can't imagine sharing your life with anyone else.
“We are going to make it. I promise, I swear on my mother’s life that we will be okay.”
A single tear ran down your cheek.
Aemond was quick to wipe it away. You leaned into his touch. He was so warm, so familiar, so comforting.
“One step at a time,” you reminded yourself.
Six months had passed and there was laughter again. Laughter and smiles and hugs and kisses. Alys was a dissipating thought to both of you. She wasn't around so she couldn't hurt either of you anymore. Until you ran into her.
Finally, you and Aemond were going on steady dates at least once a week again. Back at your usual park, it felt nice to return to some sense of normalcy.
“Did you really say that to your professor?” You giggled. “Aemond, that's terrible!”
He shrugged. “He's a professor, he should have decent knowledge of the subject he's teaching.”
You bumped Aemond with your shoulder and continued walking until he grabbed your hand to stop.
“She's here,” he whispered. “Why the fuck is she here?”
You gave him a confused look. “What are you talk - oh.”
Across the other side of a little bridge was Alys. She was on a run, just like last time. Seeing her made you tense up. Not again. This can't be happening again. Aemond’s hands began to get sweaty and you looked at him with a broken look. You two were doing so well.
“Oh, the lovely couple,” cooed Alys when she crossed the bridge. She put her hands on her hips and leaned backwards to stretch, extenuating her chest. “I've missed you, Aemond. I'm sure you've missed me. Though I will say I'm surprised to see the two of you together.”
“Shut up, Professor Rivers,” Aemond ground out.
Alys walked up to Aemond, completely ignoring you. “Don't ‘Professor Rivers’ me now, babe. We both know where your true loyalty lies.” She went to touch him arm but Aemond yanked back and stepped closer to you.
“You fucking ruined me.”
“No, babe, you did that yourself.” Alys winked at him then turned to you. “Poor thing, choosing to be with the one who broke your heart. You're such a desperate little thing.”
“Get away from us,” you growled.
Alys cocked her head to the side. “Hm. I see the pup has some bite. Okay, I'll leave you two alone. But don't be surprised when he comes running back to me.” With one last wink to Aemond she was back to her jog.
“I hate her,” he mumbled.
You looked down at the ground, too scared to see Aemond’s face. Alys’ taunt played in your head. He wouldn't go back to her. No.
“Is it true?” You hesitantly asked. “Would you go back to her?”
Immediately, Aemond turned to face you and grabbed your other hand. “No. I will never go back to her,” he swore. “Not only did she ruin us and you but she ruined me as well. I refuse to go back to her. You are all I want, all I need.”
Taking a shaky breath, you squeezed his hands. “I believe you, but it's sometimes hard to wrap my head around that.”
“I understand that you wouldn't trust me, and that's okay. I'll wait for you.”
Nine months had gone by and Alys has not shown up again, thankfully. Kisses, hugs, laughter. It was all back. Your trust has grown and your bond has become strong again.
Moving into the same room as Aemond was daunting but you knew it was time to be together again.
“Aemond,” you breathed against his neck. “I need you please.”
You were rocking yourself against him. He was hard underneath and feeling it was glorious. How you had missed this.
Aemond wrapped his arm around your waist. He kissed you back with passion and gentleness. “You will have me, I promise.”
With one smooth movement he locked your ankles around his waist so he could move you to the bedroom. With a flop you fell into the bed, arms open wide for Aemond to lay on top of you.
“Take it all off of me. Please,” you whined.
Without saying anything, he was quick to help you undress and then undress himself. You ran a hand down his chest, loving the feel of him under your hand. Lower you went, grabbing the thickness of his cock.
Aemond groaned as you bent down to give his head a small lick. He moaned as you took him all in your mouth. It felt great to make him feel this good again. You bobbed your head up and down, getting into a steady rhythm. Whatever you couldn't fit in your mouth you use your hand. Droll was dripping from your mouth but you didn't care. When Aemond started shaking, you released him with an obscene pop.
“My turn,” he growled.
Aemond pushed you back on the bed and spread your legs open. He kissed the inside of your thighs before slowly making his way to your core. You clenched around nothing as he began to kiss and pick and suck your clit. He had you arching your back into his touch. He had you moaning his name as he brought you to your first climax. At one point he removed his mouth and replaced it with his fingers, pumping in and out of you. He licked your clit while hitting that special spot inside you over and over again.
“Please, Aemond, I need you inside me,” you mumbled.
He was quick to stop and position himself in front of your entrance. Before he went any farther he asked if you were sure.
“Yes, I'm ready for you,” you told him. “All of you.”
In one swift motion, Aemond sheathed himself inside you. It felt so right like this. You and Aemond were made for each other. There is no other person for either of you.
Together you found a good rhythm, your hips rising up to meet his thrusts. He hit that special spot inside you each time and it had you clenching hard around him.
“Fuck, I can tell you're close,” he rasped. He bent down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. “Will you come for me?”
You nodded your head weakly.
“Good girl.”
Aemond picked up the pace, rutting hard into you. You soon became limp with pleasure, losing the energy to do anything except lay there as Aemond pounded his cock inside you. It was the best thing you have felt in months.
“I'm going to come!” you cried.
“Come for me. Holy fuck -”
Aemond’s thrusts became erratic as you fucked you through your orgasm. All you could see were stars. You vaguely remember him finishing inside you but you were so wrapped up in your own pleasure it was only secondary to you.
He collapsed on top of you, careful not to completely squash you underneath him. Kissing you cheek gently, he rolled over to be next to you. Before he could pull away, you cradled his face and caught him in a passionate kiss. When you broke apart you looked in his eye and saw love.
“I love you, Aemond. And I don't want to let go. Ever,” you almost began crying.
“I love you too, and I promise I won't leave you again,” He pressed another kiss to your forehead. “My Princess,” he murmured.
And for the first time in nine months, your heart filled with love.
#fics by bean#modern!aemond#hotd au#hotd modern au#modern!aemond x you#modern aemond x you#aemond x reader#aemond x you#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen x you
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