#me at the end: 🫢🫢🤯🤯
buckttommy · 2 years
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whatever-fanfics · 7 months
MC's dark humor doesn't always land
Mozart: You are a noisy burden
MC: Thanks, I'll just go kill myself then 🥴
MC: *peace sign's and turns to leave*
Mozart: 😧🤯😨
Nobunaga: Tonight you shall warm my bed
MC: Ew...
Nobunaga: 🫨
MC: *looking at Leonardo's room for the first time*
MC: It's like that hoarder room in halloween town 2, where all the trash just accumulates and no one can find anything
*MC at a ball with Le Comte*
Random socialite: And how old are you, old enough to marry I presume 😉 😘
MC: Why would I do that to myself???
Random socialite: 😲
Random socialite: *looks at Le Comte* 👀
Le Comte: *sweating nervously*😅 😓
MC: *to Arthur* please be cool
Arthur: who's cooler than me 😏
MC: Literally everyone
Shingen: So how did you and Nobunaga meet?
MC: *without missing a beat* he kidnapped me 😐
Nobunaga: 🙄😒
Shingen: 😧🫢😠😡🤬
Hideyoshi: MC.....😰
MC: I have Stockholm syndrome
Jean: I no longer wish to live
MC: *not even blinking* Cool same
Motonari: I'll make sure the war never ends
MC: due to personal reasons you will now be named a menace to society
Motonari: heh..😏
Silvio: Fuck you!
MC: come here and fuck me yourself you coward!
Silvio: 😳😳😳
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strlingsav · 1 year
Yo…your last fic was brutal. I had to stop and back up coz immediately after the smut was pain! No prefaces or even a segue on what’s about to happen. It choked me up with the suddenness of it all.
Smut..fluff..more smut..more fluff..MOTHERFUCKING PAIN!!! 🤯😱🫢😭😭😭
Please, please, please…bring him back. Give us fluff and butterflies. Maybe he can survive, just a damaged but is able to come home to reader, he can heal and with those injuries, maybe retire and live in peace with reader? Maybe even have a bun in the oven waiting for him? Just heal us pleaseeeee! Anything will do, please!! 😭😭😭
(But only if you’re willing, of course.)
Thank you for the love, the smut, and the shared pain (coz I’m sure that also hurt you too). Just..thanks. 💕
Ugh of course I'll indulge this bc one I love you for being so sweet and two because I'm an absolute whore for happy endings. 🥺🤍 The first is here.
Endings: Two
– Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Explicit/gory content under the cut. Read at your own risk.
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"L.T.," A voice was hazy and distant in Simon's ear- miles away, but he could see the outline of a figure before him.
He didn't have the energy to respond. He wanted nothing more than to give in to his body's demand to sleep, to rest. The dopamine firing in his brain, coursing through his veins, kept him subdued, peaceful, even.
"Up you get, Sir." There was a short pause, followed by radio static, "We're on our way out, evac standby."
Simon grunted as he was lifted from the ground, the shift in his weight caused a growl to come from his swollen lips.
"Steamin' bloody Jesus. You look like hell."
Simon could register the voice, now. It was Johnny. The Sergeant had found him in the wreckage, he'd survived.
Simon could hardly muster a 'fuck off', settling for a haphazard groan of displeasure.
Simon carried on, regardless of the pain in his chest, in his thigh, the throbbing in his skull now making him fully aware of the injuries to his person.
"Need a medic down here!"
Simon felt his body transfer to a spineboard, not without a loud yowl of pain, watching his feet as he was carried toward another helicopter prepped for evac.
Soap jogged beside him, his hand helping carry Simon's weight. The fog hadn't yet lifted, still blurry and half-awake, Simon could hardly comprehend where he was headed.
"You'll be alright, Sir. We'll take care of ya. Hang on, wouldya?"
He was relieved and devastated at the same time. He'd already made his peace with dying, he'd agreed to the terms his body set, the serenity that had almost cradled him to his grave- but you, damn you, forced him to hold on. Damn you, for settling into his mind and making it your home. For being the only thing he could think of, rely on to keep him hopeful, as he was carried onto the helo.
You received the call while at home, nearly dropping the plate in your hands when you heard the Doctor on the other end tell you Simon had been admitted with traumatic injuries.
You drove to the hospital, disregarding every speed limit and stop sign, thrumming your fingers against the steering wheel impatiently at every red light, watching the road through blurry, swollen eyes.
When you'd made it through the maze of hallways, finally finding Simon, he was asleep. He was on a ventilator, his skull bandaged where they'd pieced it back together once the swelling had gone down.
His eyes had been taped shut after surgery to aid in the repair of the severed retina, a white cast over the broken femur he'd endured.
You hardly recognized him through the swelling on his face. He wasn't the same- not the strong, solid man you'd said goodbye to a month ago.
You were sure it was a joke, a prank he'd pulled to keep you on your toes, but that wasn't like him, and a month in, you knew it was your new reality. He was lucky to be alive- so the doctor said.
The extent of his injuries meant physical therapy, a lot of it. The idea made you cringe, if he ever woke up, he'd fight like hell against it.
Despite feeling so completely overjoyed that he'd made it this far, survived this much, there was a part of you that knew there was a long journey ahead. A journey that would mean sleepless nights, emotional support, physical support.
You were dreading it. It seeped into you, like a bird of prey, it dug its claws into you. It only got worse.
A cycle of grief and anger, missing him- his voice, his eyes- so badly your breath caught in your throat every time you looked at him, looked at the broken man lying helplessly in the hospital bed- but also resenting him for putting you in that position.
Turning you into a caretaker, the solid foundation for the both of you while you almost lost the most important man in your life.
You couldn't help but feel the guilt eating away at you- how fucked up it was to think of yourself during a time when Simon might never wake up.
But you persevered, pushed past the dread in the pit of your stomach, and waited at his bedside with sharp eyes.
Day and night, you'd settle in, sleeping with a thin throw-blanket you stole off the couch and an old pillow. You'd wear his T-shirts and sweaters, just for a hint of familiarity, a semblance of your old life, his smell.
You'd hold his hand, even when you knew he couldn't feel a damn thing. You'd talk to him, tell him about your day- regardless of the fact that he didn't hear you at all.
Most nights, you'd sob under the disguise of the heart monitor and thrum of the ventilator. You'd grieve the man you loved. Whether he was dead or not, he would never truly be Simon Riley again. You'd learn to love the new man he'd be, you were sure of it, but your heart had been caged in, trapped under the weight of his unrecognizable form.
He had woken up after a few months, to which you celebrated with vibrating happiness. You tried not to smother him with affection. Instead, you gave him his space as he took in his surroundings, began to somewhat understand what exactly had happened.
You sat down, reaching for Simon's hand, and you felt him squeeze down. For the first time in months, he'd responded to your touch.
You stared up at him, your eyes welling with tears, your heart racing in your chest, pounding against your rib cage. A tidal wave of relief washed over you.
"Baby," You whispered, moving closer, kneeling next to him. "Simon."
His voice was muffled, panic filling his eyes as he realized he had an E.T. tube down his throat. You kept him calm, calling for the nurses immediately, watching with worried eyes as they extubated him.
He coughed, settling back into bed as he turned his head to look at you. Then, he whispered your name. Strangled and hoarse, rough with phlegm.
You could feel a shiver down your spine. You took a deep breath in, bowing your head to rest on his arm as your chest was racked with sobs. It was nearly impossible to control.
"God, Simon," You sniffled, your face tilting to look up at him. "Thank God," You cried, burying your face in his shoulder.
His doctor didn't want you to get your hopes up- he didn't want you clinging to the idea of Simon's recovery.
"We're not entirely certain what his brain function is like at this point, he'll need a CT. He may not ever remember his accident, and might even have trouble recognizing his surroundings." His doctor was resolute- harsh, not wanting to lead you on with false promises and hopeful ideations.
Your eyes had been swollen for months, and after finally coming to terms with his situation, they were dry and irritated.
You pursed your lips, entirely unsatisfied with the answer but defeated.
"Thank you," You forced a polite smile, turning on your heel, back to Simon's bed.
His physical therapy had been going well.
The cast had come off, and you finally recognized your boyfriend after the swelling went down. He was there, real, whole again- mostly.
You'd been woken up by his terrifying shouts and screams for help multiple times a night. It didn't subside, not until you wrapped your arms around him and quieted him down. You weren't sure if he knew, or if he wanted to hide behind the facade of sleep to save himself from embarrassment.
He had difficulty remembering the accident in its entirety, only remembering how difficult it was to move, to get up. He recalled the pain well, regardless of just how hard his body worked to keep him sedate. On the rare occasions he spoke about it, he'd never forget Soap. Never forget the voice he heard, urging him to stay awake, to get up.
You knew you couldn't thank Johnny enough, couldn't make it up to him in anyway that would equate to what he did for you and Simon. Anytime you brought it up, he'd shut you down, and Simon didn't speak about it either. Not unless provoked.
It was a memory he pushed down, as deep as he could, locking it away in the same vault where he kept every other long-living secret.
You knew better than to push him on it. You wanted to be there for him so badly, to tell him how happy you were that he was okay, alive, but you didn't. You gave him his space until he asked otherwise, which usually came in the form of a simple kiss, a hand on your waist, a quiet 'love you' when he passed by you.
You could never figure out why he'd suddenly started telling you he loved you more often, but you didn't question it.
When you missed your period, missed the cramps starting a few days before, the blinding headache at the start of the week, you realized your intimate exchange before his deployment may have had an unintended effect. Despite contraception, you had a feeling something was different- wrong.
You were pregnant. Two solid, indisputable red lines, staring you in the face. A happy face, on another, with a plus sign. It was real, concrete. Part of you didn't want to tell Simon- you wanted it to go away. But, against your judgment, you did.
It was late, finishing the day with a shower together as usual.
You were starting to show- not enough that he'd notice, especially not with the turmoil in his head. Though, while he scrubbed across the flesh of your stomach, a soapy loofa leaving bubbles and foam behind, the grin on his face when you stood on your toes to kiss him; it was the right time.
"I'm pregnant," You blurted out, your hands falling to your sides.
You avoided his gaze and silence fell between you, the running shower louder than ever, accompanied by your jugular pounding in your throat.
He looked shocked, confused, terrified- all in a series of minutes.
"Trust me, I know it's not ideal. It's not good timing. I know you're still healing and we're just getting things back together. I'm sorry."
He took a moment, his rough hand pressing against the small bulge in your stomach.
"How long have you known?" He asked.
"A few weeks." You swallowed.
"How far along?"
"Three months."
The tension was undeniable, holding your breath for the moment he told you he couldn't do it, didn't want it.
Instead, his arms snaked around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
"My kid's in there," He breathed, his arms squeezing you gently. "You're havin' a kid. We're havin' a kid."
You smiled softly against his shoulder. Now, you could be excited. You didn't have to feel guilty for holding it back, or for carrying another 'burden' inside you. You could celebrate. The baby, another milestone in your life with Simon, normalcy returning.
"We are," You breathed, leaning back to hold his face in your hands. "I love you," You said gently- a fact, a statement with every ounce of truth to it.
"I love you too, sweetheart."
He'd tell you one day that during his accident, all he could think about was you- that he wanted to fight to be alive for you. But for now, he settled for telling you he loved you, every chance he got.
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trashforazriel · 4 months
@gwynrielweeksofficial Day 10: Theories, meta incorrect quotes
Gwyn: Azriel, it's all over social media! They're saying I'm Lucien's daughter. 🤯
Azriel: Slow down Berdara. Who is saying that? What is social media? 🤨
Gwyn: You are too ancient for social media. Focus.
Azriel: Offended. Proceed.
Gwyn: How can I possibly be related to Lucien? I look nothing like him. 🥸
Azriel: This is weird for me in so many ways. 😶
Gwyn: What does that even mean? 😟
Azriel: Your hair.. I noticed it's just a few shades different from his. 😬
Gwyn: What is that face for? That's where our similarities end, though? Right? RIGHT?!?! 😳
Azriel: Your nose. 🤔
Gwyn: What about it? 🤨
Azriel: Similar slope..*coughs* 😳
Gwyn: Are you Shadowswanttoplay on reddit? 🫢
Azriel: ... Did you read how I theorized you also have Day court heritage? 😉
Gwyn: Give me your smartphone. 😑
Azriel: Fine.. just so you know, I thought it was an ugly paper weight up until 3 years ago. I love you.
Gwyn: Phone. 🙄
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lostinvasileios · 1 month
The cloud & moon god(s) are so ♡♡♡♡
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Tonight's moon phase was the full, flower moon. And, I had recently gotten a new tarot deck. One thing I usually do besides cleansing the deck, is perform a ritual with it. You know - like a magical bonding session.
So, I go outside... Greet my beautiful lady Selene, get the basics of what I do with moon rituals out of the way, and I begin to speak and perform for my deck, affirm what I wanted to come to fruition between me and the deck, ect.
Now, I'm not one for doing divination with clouds, I don't even work with any primary cloud divinity. So, when I start seeing 𓂀 form in the clouds, I was - 😮😮🤯🫢 I've never seen that symbol before, and had to look up the meaning... It shook me lol
I've more or less always had some sort of divine signal during my rituals, for bigger or smaller, but this - was huge. And repeating. Time and time again, the symbol would make itself out and known in the clouds. The moon sometimes acting as the pupil.
And that's not even all,
Near the end of the ritual, where I'm simply speaking with her about my days and whatnot, I look over and I see some of my soul animals morphed into a single cloud. A fox with the tail of a cat, ears of owls, and so on. Looking upwards, and seemingly sat upon some sort of... Upward... Ship like thing, or maybe sea.
Not to mention also Hermes' iconic helmet?
I'm starting to think Hermes might've played a hand in the cloud shaping, haha
I wish I had thought to take a photo of these beautiful sightings.. Alas, most of my most wonderful experiences only are kept in my brain. Which isn't the safest place for photographs, but I digress-
Anyway.. It's really nice how these signs showed up. I'm very happy to be able to be on the path that I'm on. Sometimes, when these things happen, so bluntly or seemingly insignificant to unsuspecting eyes, it... Makes me relieved I didn't end everything at 8 or any other age. That the world truly did not end when I was 14.
It makes me happy to be alive - to be able to be alive with such beautiful energies such as my deities. Praise be to all of their names. Kisses and hugs for all of them. Xoxo, my divine loves. 💛💐💐
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reputayswift · 1 year
🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸 I used to think 🤔💭 one ☝️ day 📆 we’d tell the story of US 👥👉📚💬 how we met 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️ and the sparks flew instantly 🫂✨💖🪽 and people would say “they’re the lucky ones” 😮‍💨💬🍀 I used to know 🧐💭 my place was a spot next to you 👫 now I’m searching the room for an empty seat 🕵️‍♀️🪑 ‘cause lately I don’t even know 🙅‍♀️🧐 what page you’re on 📄📜📖❓oh! a simple complication 🤏🥴 miscommunications 🗣️🗯️🙉 lead to faaalllout 💣💥🤯 so many things that I wish you knew 🤞😖🧐 so many walls up I cant break through 😣🤜💥🧱 🧍‍♂️ now I’m standing alone 🧍‍♀️ in a crowded room 🧍‍♀️🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍‍♂️ and we’re not speeeakkin’ 🙅‍♀️🧍‍♀️💬🧍‍♂️ and I’m dying to know 💀🧐 is it killing you 💀🔪🧍‍♂️like it’s killing me yeeeeah 💀🔪🏃‍♀️ I don’t know what to say 🤷‍♀️ 💬 since a twist of fate 〰️➰➿ when it all 👫💕 broke down 🏃‍♂️💔🧎‍♀️ and the story of us 📖👫💕 looks 🫣 a LOT like a tragedy now 💐😔🪦🪦 🥁🥁🥁 (next chapter 📄🤏) 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸 how’d we end up this way? 🤔 see me nervously 😬🫦 pulling at my clothes 👗🤏 and trying to look busy 👀🧍‍♀️💬🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍‍♂️ and you’re doing your best 🥇 to avoid me 🏃‍♂️💨🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍‍♀️❓ I’m starting to think one day I’ll 🙋‍♀️ tell the story of us 🗣️👉📖👫💕 how I was losing my MIND 😵‍💫🧠💫 when I saw you here 🧍‍♂️👀🧍‍♀️ but you held your PRIDE 🧍‍♂️🫴😌 like you should’ve held ME!! 🫂 OH I’m scared to see the ENDING 🫣📖 why are we preTENDING 🎭 this is NOTHING 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️ I’d tell you I miss you 🗣️🤚💬👂🫢 but I don’t know HOW 🤷‍♀️ I’ve never heard silence 🤐🤐 quite this LOUD!! 🔊💥🙉🎼📣 now I’m standing alone 🧍‍♀️ in a crowded room 🧍‍♀️🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍‍♂️ and we’re not speeeakkin’ 🙅‍♀️🧍‍♀️💬🧍‍♂️ and I’m dying to know 💀🧐 is it killing you 💀🔪🧍‍♂️like it’s killing me yeeeeah 💀🔪🏃‍♀️ I don’t know what to say 🤷‍♀️ 💬 since the twist of fate 〰️➰➿ when it all 👫💕 broke down 🏃‍♂️💔🧎‍♀️ and the story of us 📖👫💕 looks 🫣 a LOT like a tragedy now 💐😔🪦🪦 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸 this is looking like a contest 👀🏆 of who can act like they care less 😌🏆🫲🧍‍♀️ but I liked it better when you were on my side 👫🏆 the battle’s in your hand’s now 🧍‍♀️🫴⚔️🤲🧍‍♂️ but I would lay my armor down 🧍‍♀️🫴🗡️🧎‍♂️ if you said you’d rather love 👫 than fight 🧍‍♀️⚔️🧍‍♂️…..so many things that you 🙋‍♂️ wish 🤞😣 I knew 🙋‍♀️🧠 but the story of us 📖👫💕 might be ending SOON 🧍‍♀️🫳📚🔥 now I’m standing alone 🧍‍♀️ in a crowded room 🧍‍♀️🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍‍♂️ and we’re not speeeakkin’ 🙅‍♀️🧍‍♀️💬🧍‍♂️ and I’m dying to know 💀🧐 is it killing you 💀🔪🧍‍♂️like it’s killing me yeeeeah 💀🔪🏃‍♀️ I don’t know what to say 🤷‍♀️ 💬 since a twist of fate 〰️➰➿ when it all 👫💕 broke down 🏃‍♂️💔🧎‍♀️ and the story of us 📖👫💕 looks 🫣 a LOT like a tragedy now 💐😔🪦🪦 now. 🗣️ nOoOooOoooOoow!!! and we’re not speeeakkin’ 🙅‍♀️🧍‍♀️💬🧍‍♂️ and I’m dying to know 💀🧐 is it killing you 💀🔪🧍‍♂️like it’s killing me yeeeeah 💀🔪🏃‍♀️ I don’t know what to say 🤷‍♀️ 💬 since the twist of fate 〰️➰➿ ‘cause we’re goOing down 🕳️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️💔 and the story of us 📖👫💕 looks 🫣 a LOT like a tragedy now 💐😔🪦🪦 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 thee end. 👩‍🏫
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sitp-recs · 1 year
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Survival of the Species by @romaine2424
Harry/Draco (2011, Explicit, 47k)
Draco approaches Harry on the 9 ¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea. The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. There be dragons! HPDH compliant but before any other canon info had been released. Minor Albus/Scorpius, minor Harry/Ginny. Cw for infidelity and a dubcon sex scene (both happen in a specific context, be warned though)
“Ever since you told me of the custom, I knew this would happen. The night I found you frozen outside, I knew I didn’t ever want to lose you. It’s been slowly building to this point everyday as I’ve watched you.”
Happy happy birthday darling Rom! I initially thought about making a list then I remembered that I did a Hidden Gems post already 😅 the next best thing was reccing one of my all-time favorites of yours, and this is such a belated rec! I read this fic right after immersing myself in the gorgeous, comforting world of Garden of Eden, and despite the similarities (older Drarry with kids and adult plots, love it!) the change of pace and atmosphere was so intense it felt like diving into a completely different world, one of fabulous mythical beings and impossible life decisions.
Dare I say this is my favorite Veela fic?? Maybe so! I’ve never been particularly into creature fic in general - something about its inherent dub con aspect (which you’ll see cleverly depicted here) makes it tricky for me, and I’m rarely able to stay engaged with long, plotty fics exploring this trope. Colour me surprised when Rom’s rich, well-researched and fascinating creature lore slapped me in the face with thoughts and feelings; sure enough I found myself deeply mesmerized by this carefully crafted world-building. The rituals, the family tree, the rules surrounding the biological/reproductive aspect! There’s so much behind it, so many vivid cool visuals and I distinctly remember my face going 🫢🤯😱 during this read. And the pacing is so smooth you don’t even realize things are rapidly getting very angsty and very complicated. Such incredible storytelling power!
I wanna be careful about this rec because I feel like giving too much away might spoil the fun. As the title suggests, this is a story that pushes both characters beyond their limits by putting them in an impossible situation. It’s a bit (a lot?) heartbreaking, but that’s also why so many decisions taken in that excepcional scenario, far removed from reality and normal conditions of temperature and pressure conditions, work. A particular context creates this vital connection of understanding and sympathy between us the readers and the characters, one the story might not have worked without. That’s such a delicate feat, and it blew my mind how Rom effortlessly achieved it. It goes beyond a fascinating lore and compelling plot points - in my opinion, it depends heavily on characterization and emotional resonance too, which this fic delivers in spades.
This fic really feels like an ode to both Veela and dragon lore, and the way it wraps everything together with a bold and fresh twist leaves me both excited and nostalgic for that feeling of “old creature classics”. Harry and Draco’s predicament getting stuck together away from civilization for so many years brings so many implications and complications, and Rom does not shy away from it. It’s painful and miserable and it shows human resilience in different ways than we’d have expected, and it ends up being really immersive and thought-provoking. I for one stayed engaged at all times, and really enjoyed the tender and comforting family feels we get in the second part. Buckle up and get ready for a 50k fic that covers so much time, character development and human complexity it feels more like a 200k epic. Treat yourself to an incredible journey with archaeologist!Draco as a bonus, and don’t forget to give Rom love and appreciation for writing such a clever story back in 2011!
I’m so so grateful that you’re back in the HP fandom and sharing your work with us again, my friend. You’re a fantastic storyteller and I’m very excited to see what comes next. Happy birthday!! 💜
Read on AO3
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ultrone · 1 year
I’m joining the older sister Lottie Matthews discussion because THIS is my niche !!! Now her home life is pretty shityy and her parents suck so I can imagine her younger sibling has the same kinda life BUT my canon is that the sibling starts drinking too much too young / using drugs (like Nat’s vibe but turned up by 100) and Lottie not knowing how to show concern without flying off the handle / actually getting involved into the situation (practically threatening your friendship group to stop enabling you - and you know people would listen to ms Lottie) and that’s not exactly anything big or helpful but like tell me you don’t see that too - maybe I’m just fucked up BUT god I want older sister Lottie Matthews core
omg yeah, like it’d be a polar opposite thing — Lottie seems more mature, she's part of the soccer team, she gives off motherly/responsible-vibes, she knows how to have fun but doesn’t go overboard. However, you could turn out more like Nat (just like u said), even though she is like a mom to you, she's still not your mom, she's just lottie, ur older sister, and u might rely on alcohol and drugs to fill the void.
just had this thought of what if nat is the one who secretly sells u whatever u're consuming? 🫢 imagine nat giving u a little bag with weed and shit and then lottie just walking in and seeing y'all, would she beat her up?
imagine a nat scatorccio x lottie matthews fic where they're dating and lottie's little sister passed away from an overdose before they started dating, nat felt so bad she started hanging out with lottie and being nice to her (kinda to make up for it), but they end up falling in love. lottie then finds out that nat was the dealer that “killed” her little sister 😨😨🤯🤯 if i didn’t have so many requests piled up i’d write it omg LMAOO
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nonsenuser · 2 months
reposting my challengers review here bc i wanna join in on the fun. also with every passing hour i love this movie more and more its giving me some crazy brain worms
i went 🫢😯 several times in the theatre. really awesome story (& it was told in a very creative way) about 3 people who have a strong passion for tennis (& each other!!!!) i actually dont even think this movie is meant to be about tennis at all, i mean there are literally at least 3 parts of the movie where a character goes "are we talking about tennis?", the game of tennis is an analogy for love (or probably sex). and because tennis is used to tell the story ur also treated with some superr interesting shots, its never repetitive and as the movie goes the way its shot gets bolder and more intense. & the score is SO FUCKING GOOD like it really brings out this movies best parts and makes it feel so modern rlly idk how trent reznor and atticus ross do it... 
also so many scenes were just soooo smart or just super hot (examples below)
1. the whole churro scene 
2. art spitting out his gum into both of their hands in separate scenes 
3. arts serving tick
4. "you're going to hate me for this" (paraphrasing)
5. tashi yelling (& i guess what that represents is her really connecting with a player, happens twice in the movie) 
the ending caught me off guard but my weird interpretation of it is represents all 3 of them having an orgasm at the same time 🤯🎾 or they finally realized their potential as a throuple😌 great stuff i cant wait to watch it again
end (its also on letterboxd)
extra stuff below:
I HAVE TO SAY THIS AGAIN BUT THE SCORE GUYS. WOOWW as expected of trent reznor and atticus ross i mean the social network too was sexy in its own way
and people seem to be picking sides or whatever but i think theyre all very flawed ppl in their own way. it totally isn't relatable but it is realistic enough i mean considering their dynamic would u expect any of these characters to be flawless? that would be so boring
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amoebamom · 1 year
I finally got to watch the Super Mario movie (at the midnight showing) and I loved it so much!!!💕🥰 💕
It was everything that I expected for a kid's video game movie. And I would go as far as to say that it's what all video game movie standards should be from now on😉. There was so much cool stuff happening at times that you'll need to watch it again to catch everything. (I'm going to have to watch it again for sure🤓)
I don't have anything bad to say except that I wish it was a bit longer, so that the fun could never end🥹💞 there was something at the end credits to make you believe that there’s more in the future🤞🤞 and I also heard that there’s other projects that they're working on🤯 So I'm super pumped! wahoo!🙌💪💪
The voice actors did a good job with the characters. I especially loved Bowser's very passionate solo of his unrequited love❤️‍🔥🥰 [I would've said yes🥺😅].
The music selection, especially in certain parts, was great. All the Nintendo references that only true fans would notice were nicely added🪺👀 and a very touching moment of a flash back that demonstrates their brotherly bond😢🫂
Overall, I would give it 8.5 out of 10👍 ( it would've been a 9 if it wasn't so short🤔).
But did anyone else notice that the story was kinda similar to the movie from 1993, or am I just imagining it?!🫢
Anyway, I totes recommend it, especially for kids( or the adult-kid that grew up playing Nintendo, like me)👍👍👍👍
So, go and watch it, and see if you agree with me.😁
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sluttyten · 11 months
absolutely enjoying you in my arms so far. I love how you've integrated your previous writings into it, honestly left me a bit 🤯 haha. haechan and y/n are such a match in their sexual ways, I can't wait to read how they get together 🫢
Thanks! Originally I intended to include more of my previous works, but I didn’t want You In My Arms to feel too repetitive since there’s parts in these chapters that have both Haechan and Y/N’s alternate points of view, plus having the pov from the older fics just felt like maybe we don’t always need every angle of a situation 😂 but I had fun working them in there, and there’s still at least one more fic that’s going to be included in another chapter
I’m excited for you all to get to read them getting together!! I have had so much fun writing this one even though it’s taken me months lol but the end of it is near (for me, y’all still have a few more weeks of chapters, dw)
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solariannihil · 1 year
watched the movie version of the musical “Cabaret” and I have THOUGHTS (no spoilers unless specified):
- cried a lot
- was frustrated by the characters acting like everything is fine and nothing bad is happening, but then after reading analyses/criticisms ab the movie, I realized it was mainly frustration toward Sally. not even the cabaret cuz I feel like it was just a cry for help for everyone in it.
- (minor spoiler; tw SA) did the Master of Ceremonies touch Sally without her consent near the end??? couldn’t tell
- “I do” 🫢😥😟… “so do I” 😧🤭😱🤯😳😱😶‍🌫️ (I seriously needed a minute to collect myself LMAO)
- (minor spoilers; tw antisemitism) that one song, “If You Could See Her”, made me like wow it’s like how these ppl see Jews… but then that last line made me so fucking upset especially bc ppl LAUGHED at it. So fucking dehumanizing. :/
- we stan Brian
- the ending in the movie vs the musical is different which kinda bugs me. the whole thing that pushed me to watch it was the ending, but I saw clips from the musical ending on youtube so it’s aight.
- I kinda wish the ending gave more closure, but we can kinda assume what happens.
- (major spoilers) I doubt Sally and Brian will last together but I don’t wanna think ab that 😭
- overall rating: 9/10. One of the most disturbing things I’ve ever watched, but not for the reason I would’ve expected.
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
Screaming, crying, throwing up!!!!! Omg the way chapter 10 played with my emotions?! The stark difference in mood between the first half and second half is insane. I can barely comprehend how I feel into words 🤯
The first half was actually killing me probably the most angst in my opinion out of all the chapters. the date idea was flashing before my eyes before we even got it but I’m glad Hyunjin went with his gut feeling. I love how in the end Hyunjin always trust his intuition when it comes to y/n, I’m glad he didn’t go with what Hana said about the date idea. Y/n’s friends have always been questionable but damn this chapter screamed toxic friendships. it really breaks my heart how these people are supposed to be y/n’s "best friends" but treat her like shit and think so poorly of her (except for Minho, he’s the only one who doesn’t do/say things that intentionally hurt her). Please tell me Hana becomes a good friend at some point, sooner the better 😫
And then when y/n went over to Hyunjin’s?! My god I can’t believe all that actually happened?! The soju sure helped heat things up. All that longing really built up, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other 🫢 I’m also sooooo happy that y/n is finally being honest with her feelings and just saying/doing what she wants. Hyunjin and y/n deserve to put their own feelings first, they’re always being selfless, both are far from selfish
Okay I’m gonna go cry and scream until the next chapter comes out! Thanks for all your hardwork jade, you’re the best!! get some rest, you worked hard!!!!
hii 🦋 you’re right, writing the first half and second half made me feel differently too. the second was actually so easy to write, because writing scenes like that is my comfort 🥺
hyun definitely went completely with his intuition in this chapter, which was for the good, because he does know yn more than her friends let on.
the longing really built up ☹️ they were touching each other the entire time, and they definitely deserve to put their own feelings first 😔
thank you so much for this lovely review 😭 i absolutely love reading these more than anything.
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
HCH last night I was trying to have a dream about Jack as you do and ended up having a ✨suggestive✨ dream about my co worker and he recently got married LMAO I was like WTF BRAIN?? I think it might be because I’m too invested in the try guys/ned drama 🫢🫢 hope that makes u laugh - 💀
Lmaooo that’s so wild skully! 🤭 The try guys drama is so insane right? 🤯 Don’t get me started because I will literally not shut up. The way they handled it was so CHEFS KISS. I loved how real and authentic they were with their audience!!
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chateautae · 2 years
SAMMYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!
YOU HAD ME GO THROUGH THESE ROLLER COASTER OF EMOTIONS ON A FREAKING MONDAY AFTERNOON (time zone sucks) ohmygosshhh where should i start?? I dont even know i have the vocabulary to express how i feel reading the finale hth 🫠🫠🫠 i mean— to say the least it was the best plot to close the series. It’s bittersweet, but i wouldnt have it any other way. It may not be as happy as normally, i would say, but when you look at their pov, thats the happy ending they deserve 🥹 i was loosing my mind at the end tho, like i need to get a glimpse of their “temporary” happily ever after you cant end it like this— thank heavens for that little epilogue at the end.
I just finished reading it and already missing them 😫😫 i do hope luci!JK and y/n finally got the happiness they deserve. Thankyou so much for your work sammyy!!! It must be hard while you are stil recovering! I gotta say, this has been my fav series of yours 💞 stay happy and healthy sammyyy ~!!!
AHHH MY LOVE thank you so much for reading!! Ugh this feedback is just so lovely and I’m glad you enjoyed the story. THEY CERTAINLY DID GET THEIR HAPPY ENDING INDEED!! There was no way I was giving them a sad ending when their story’s already so tragic 🥹 you’re the sweetest you stay happy and healthy loves thank you again!! 💓
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wordstro · 2 years
OH AND ALSO I don’t know why but I think in another universe hongjoong and y/n could I’ve been friends 💀 idk how to explain it but there is smt between them. And hongjoongs creepy ass smile scares me sm. seongjoong are really a scary duo here.
Also did I understand right that hj said love of my life to woo? 🫢 or did I misunderstand smt? AH I really wonder what is going to happen, you are making this way too exciting 😭🤯
yes!! I think in another universe hongjoong and y/n could have been friends too. like even in this universe, if y/n didn't have the knife, their relationship trajectory may have gone in a completely different direction.
please know that every time hongjoong smiles with his teeth in this fic it's equivalent to his creepy ass smile in the halloween performances and i love that for me hahah seongjoong always end up being scary in my fics rip
when joong was referring to the love of his life, it's mingi! mingi is the original owner of the knife and this entire time hongjoong thinks y/n and mingi are involved. y/n, however, believed (until now) that knife was wooyoung's so assumed everything hongjoong was saying was about wooyoung. until hongjoong finally clarified he was talking about mingi at the end.
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