#mcdonalds liberal
paradiclorobencenoo · 2 years
Nn se si debería cambiarme el nombre
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whywoulditho · 8 months
if you're still not boycotting israeli products, protesting against the genocide, sharing the news, asking for a ceasefire, I am judging you. I know my followers, I know my mutuals. I know the ones who selectively interact with my anime shitposts and ignore the ones about palestine. I am seeing you and I am judging you. I won't call you out on your bullshit personally, because if you can still ignore this humanitarian crisis while being active online and seeing all those posts, you're just not worth trying to reason with. But know that if you still choose to be silent, if you still think this issue is too political or complicated you're an ignorant, pathetic little bitch. you can't live without your starbucks? grow the fuck up. you think celebrities don't owe anyone their support and it is okay for them to stay quiet when it's the brown, the muslim who suffers? you're fucking delusional and you're pathetic. you think you get to turn a blind eye because it's not effecting you? you're a self-centered whiney little toddler. stay in your bubble and keep quiet all you want, i know you will lie to your kids one day and tell them you stood with palestine.
none of us are free until all of us are. free palestine 🇵🇸
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tobihashemroids · 8 months
Places to boycott: (places that support Israel)
Starbucks. Remax. Texaco. Burger King.
McDonald’s. Carrefour. Soda stream. Wix.
Google. Hp. Elbit system. Pizza Hut.
Amazon. Chevron. Jcb. Caf.
Air bnb. Puma. Hyundai. Barclays.
Disney. Axa. Intel. Hikvision.
Expedia. Ahava. Volvo.
Booking.comb. Siemens. Papa Johns.
Teva. Caltex. Dominos.
And more. Please boycott these brands and stores as well as you can.
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nando161mando · 1 year
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A day in history:
On August 16, 1997, in Utah, USA, four ALF activists burned down a McDonald's restaurant. The total amount of damages is 400,000 dollars. The next day, 2 Molotov cocktails were thrown at Cosmo's Furs, Illinois. And already on August 19, the ALF set fire to the office of Wildlife Pharmaceuticals.
День в історії:
16 серпня 1997 року, в штаті Юта, США, четверо активістів ALF спалили дотла ресторан МакДональдз. Загальна сума збитків – 400 тисяч доларів. Наступного дня в магазин хутра Cosmo's Furs, Ілліной, було закинуто 2 коктейлі молотова. А вже 19 серпня ALF підпалили офіс Wildlife Pharmaceuticals.
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mahoushojoe · 10 months
the lib zionist side of the discourse is currently making even simply BOYCOTTING look bad so idk why people continue to interpret them as being good-faith actors in this discussion
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ministerforpeas · 3 months
For his final publicity stunt, Ed Davey could always take a leaf out of what Paddy Ashdown did in 1993...
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paranormeow7 · 5 days
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phenomenon I see on here a lot. if any tumblr users come in and reply to this with “WOW THIS IS SO ME LOL” you are proving my point
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gryficowa · 1 month
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Read this, see how fucking crazy liberals are, they accept rape when it's not in the USA
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"Less rapes", you trash, rapes in Gaza are still happening, even under the rule of the blue party
Liberals clearly show that they have no moral backbone
Now that I have your attention:
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sincetheducksleft · 2 months
"I wouldn't wanna take a job a minority could have" is such a great excuse for asking your parents for money
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ms-boogie-man · 5 months
Larry Groce Junk Food Junkie
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lmaverick123 · 1 year
Corpos Are Evil and Need to Be Destroyed, Part II
Technically, there isn’t a Part I to this, but I decided to make this Part II so it can be an ongoing series.  I’ve made no secret of how I see the world.  D and R politics are nothing but a charade.  They are all corpo meat puppets who only exist to further the corpo cause.  Our government does fuck all for the people, and everything for the corporations.  While the people don’t do shit because…
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queermediastudies · 2 years
French McDonald's "Come As You Are" Advertisement
This ad specifically targets LGBTQ people through an illustration of a young, gay man on the phone with someone we can assume is his boyfriend. On the call they appear to reminisce about school together and express how they miss each other. The phone call then abruptly must end when the boy's father comes to the table with food and begins discussing with his son how all the girls would flock to him if he were not at an all boys school. Through this demonstration of hiding one's sexual identity from parents, LGBTQ people are targeted and can relate because so many of us know the pain of being stuck in the closet with family.
This ad was originally placed on TV channels local to Paris, France. After becoming more viral, the ad then spread to YouTube, other social media websites, and appeared in a significant number of articles as well.
The main cultural assumption built into the ad stems from neoliberal ideology. This assumption insinuates that all LGBTQ people are striving for is "equality" in a neoliberal, capitalist society and that we are not fighting for true liberation. This assumption is constructed in two ways. First, the implication that the boy is content with being in a monogamous relationship with another boy, contrasted by his father's discussion of girls, illustrates a world in which "queer liberation" is not liberation at all, but the assimilation into a neoliberal, heteronormative society. The "problem" the ad constructs is not this assimilation itself, but that the father is not allowing his son to engage in this assimilation. Secondly, the commercial ends imagery of the words "Come As You Are", followed by a McDonald's logo. As a massive capitalist enterprise, this portion is again insinuating that assimilation is the goal. By utilizing this text and imagery, McDonald's is saying "no matter your sexual orientation, we do not care as long as you spend money at our restaurants" and that you are free to participate in capitalist society since money is money. This rainbow capitalism, combined with the attitudes of McDonald's in nations that are not LGBTQ friendly (such as the company not putting the annual June rainbow logo for some of their Middle Eastern locations' social media), combines to prove how insincere and unserious this ad campaign was.
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whywoulditho · 6 months
i wish more people could understand that there are no good countries and bad countries in history. because you cannot have a nation selectively from good hearted people. there will be many instances where the bad people will make their way into powerful positions and those positions will make it easy for them to lead big crowds into dangerous ideologies. every country has a past and while each one has moments where they were treated unfairly, they all also have events where they weren't very fair to others. that's just how we are, we're humans. we make shitty desicions, we're greedy and stupid most of the time. GET TF OVER IT. every country has been victims and oppressors on different occasions. your heroes are someone else's nightmares. there is no good nation, there are good people. sometimes good people are ruled by bad people. sometimes good people are blinded by bad people. so can we please, PLEASE stop trying to use historical events to justify today's crimes? no matter what a nation has been involved in, no matter how much you think they're horrible people, at the end of the day no one deserves to die. period. i think if we could all understand this, less and less people would fall victim to demonizing propaganda. because every single time in history when a country decided to mass murder another nation they told the world "these people are really bad and they have done really bad things" and while the world was busy trying to figure out if that was true, they killed off everyone. then years later people come out and be like, "yeah, no, sorry. we were wrong." so what if the next time they try to tell us the oppressed are "bad people" we all just said, "yeah, doesn't matter. you can't kill them. that's not right." wouldn't that lead to taking action much faster?
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magicmarkerz · 9 days
idont even remember the original context for the liberal poop deli joke
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pheonix1t23 · 27 days
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boycott all woke bullshit and BOYCOTT ISRAEL.
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thebloodyhand-98 · 2 months
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