#yeah it’s like. Maybe you shouldn’t be replying with “haha I do that” on a post talking about ignorant behavior
paranormeow7 · 5 days
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phenomenon I see on here a lot. if any tumblr users come in and reply to this with “WOW THIS IS SO ME LOL” you are proving my point
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fawcetttweets · 30 days
Idea for a private message. Cap gets asked by flash if he has any money so he can get some food or something and cap only has unconventional money like some old silver coins or an uncut gemstone.
Transcript at the end!
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I decided to maybe start posting these on TikTok! Since i don’t really have a choice but to turn in into a video I may as well use it, right? But! I want to post it on my main account… so I want to play a game!
If you’re the first person to guess my main account I’ll… uh. Tag you? Draw something for you? I don’t know, I’ll do something! I just wanna do a fun game!
Rules: no trying to figure out who I am irl, that’s rude. First person to guess my main account can ask for something (something APPROPRIATE. this isn’t legally binding and I can say no but I’d like to do something like do a doodle for you or tag you. Or maybe do an extra long tweet for your suggestion?)
Hint: I post about Billy Batson a lot on there too so it’s not a needle in the haystack thing. Im just curious if I’m super obvious or not and I think it’d be fun to make people guess hehe.
You can put your guesses in the replies, asks, tags, or reblogs! I always look at all of those things!
Edit: Just realized the transcript may be a bit off but I don’t have time to fix it rn, sorry :(
Flash: Hey cap! We’re good pals right? And good pals always help each other out, right?
Cap: what did you do
Flash: what! Why do you assume I did something?? Can’t a man ask for validation every once in a while without being judged? Do you hate men being vulnerable, captain marvel?
Cap: Sorry, Flash… I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. That was really wrong of me. You’re a really good friend and I always trust you to have my back in battle :)
Flash: awe that’s so sweet! You’re such a kind and generous guy! So kind and generous in fact that I’m sure you wouldn’t mind stopping by London with some cash?
Cap: sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Why are you cashless in London?
Flash: Funny story actually! I’ll tell you all about it when you get here!
Cap: Flash. I don’t have cash.
Flash: none? You gotta have SOMETHING.
Cap: I mean yeah, I do have currency, but not the type that would be accepted in London haha
Flash: oh American bills are fine! The Subway I’m at accepts them I already asked before I realized I’m all out of cash
Cap: You want me to fly to London to pay for your subway order???
Flash: You have super speed so you’ll be fine! And I’ll pay you back! Pleaseeeeeeee cap I need this I’m completely out of energy and can’t run back home without eating first :((((((((((
Cap: I don’t have American bills either tho
Flash: liar. You just said you had currency.
Cap: I have FAWCETT currency. I have Drachma, gold, uncut gems, obols, enchanted flowers, etc. Unless they accept knowledge of ancient spells lost to time and you’re prepared to pay me back with something of equal value?
Flash: you know what? I think I’ll just call Superman.
Cap: Nice talk! Good luck convincing him to leave his anniversary date with Lois to pay for your poor planning ;)
Flash: uuugghhhh you’re the worst. Think Batman will send a jet to pick me up?
Flash: ignore that. That was a dumb question. I’ll just walk.
247 notes · View notes
writeonwhiskey · 3 months
the skz house: ch 20
a/n: thank you @bahablastplz for editing! i am so excited to get this chapter out to you guys. i hope you enjoy it! its quite long, i don't normally add a word count, but i should warn you before you get started haha
wc: 10,370
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[ read chapter 19 here ]
Chapter 20: Of Father's & Basements
You follow Changbin up the stairs in autopilot mode, your body moving one foot after the other without you even thinking about it. Your mind is stuck on what’s happening on the first floor. Why would his father show up like this? Why hadn’t anyone warned you guys before you got on the plane? He didn’t appear at the house, in the country, out of nowhere…someone had to of known he was coming. They shouldn’t have blindsided Chan like that.
“No, I don’t need any help, y/n. I’ve got it,” Changbin attempts to joke.
You blink and refocus on him in front of you. His arms are tense and shaking from the weight of yours and Chan’s suitcases.
“Sorry,” you murmur as he puts them on the ground at the third floor.
He takes in your expression as he raises the handles on the suitcases. He doesn’t say anything further about it as he starts pushing them towards Chan’s door. You trail behind him again.
“Bin?” you call to him when he stops at the door. “What’s going on?”
“I’m not really sure.” he replies, turning to face you.  
“But you have some idea, don’t you?”
You watch his face carefully. He’s typically always smiling or joking about something but right now there’s not a trace of either.
“Is his family alright? No one’s hurt?” you continue.
“Yeah, they’re fine,” he reassures you.
You feel some relief at that, but it’s almost immediately replaced by a sinking feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. If his family is alright and his dad still showed up here, two days after Christmas…
You think back to Chan’s behavior on the flight heading to Miami and after speaking with his family on the phone Christmas Eve. He knew something was wrong, even then. Whatever it was, though, he clearly hadn’t expected his father to show up because of it. You don’t want to believe it has anything to do with you, but your gut instinct is telling you otherwise.
“Changbin,” you say, pleading to him with your eyes on the brink of tears. You don’t want to think that you’re the cause of all this. If you hadn’t been so persistent in getting Chan to break down his walls, maybe this wouldn’t be happening right now. You wouldn’t have even asked him to come on the trip, he would have gone home and wouldn’t be facing the wrath of his father two stories below you.  
“It’s not my place to say anything. I’m sorry,” he says sincerely.
With his words, you’re reminded of your role in this house. As close as you may have gotten to every one of the members, you are still an outsider. There are certain things you don’t have the privilege of knowing.
Changbin opens the door to Chan’s room and pushes the luggage inside. You walk past him and enter; he closes the door and leaves you alone inside. You resist the urge to crumble on the floor and instead sit on the edge of Chan’s bed. You’ll wait for him to come up and then you can get some answers, you can make sure he’s okay.
Some time passes and he doesn’t come up. When you re-emerge from the room and go back downstairs to find him, you’re informed he’s left the house with his father. You wonder how long they’ve been gone and why he didn’t text you to let you know.
You already know why he didn’t. It’s none of your business. You can’t forget that.
Chan doesn’t come back at all that night.
It’s Wednesday, and even though neither Hyunjin nor Chan are home you still stick to the schedule. You curl up into a ball on your bed in Chan’s room, alone. But you hardly sleep.
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The next morning you’re shuffling throughout the house, keeping yourself busy with household chores. It’s why you’re here, is what you keep telling yourself. You interact with the other members and assignees that are home, but everything feels off without Chan or Hyunjin around. You do their laundry—clothes and linen—clean the kitchen, vacuum the floors. Anything to keep your mind preoccupied.
It's well into the afternoon and you’re vacuuming the living room. You don’t hear the front door open; you’re so caught up in your thoughts you don’t even hear your name being called. It isn’t until a pair of arms wrap around your waist that you’re pulled from your thoughts, jumping and screaming at the sudden contact.
With one look down at the arms around you, the rings on the fingers…you know it’s Hyunjin. You shut off the vacuum and spin around, wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace.
“Aww, you missed me?” He teases, squeezing you back just as tightly.
“I thought you were coming back tomorrow,” you say, your voice muffled against his chest.
“Change of plans,” he shrugs, resting his cheek on top of your head as you remain in the embrace.
You don’t want to let him go yet. You need him too much. He lets you hold on to him a while longer and when you finally pull away, he’s smiling down at you. You take in his still darkened locks, perfectly structured face, his plump lips, the adorable freckle beneath his eye, the eyebrow piercing…
Your hand flies to his chin, tilting his head up while the other brushes his hair away from his face.
“Hwang Hyunjin,” you say sternly.
He winces at the use of his surname, taking both of your wrists in his hands to bring them away from his face. He shakes his head causing his hair to fall back in place, covering his eyebrows.
“You hate it?”
You free one of your hands from his loose grip on your wrists and brush his bangs back again, taking in the look on him.
“Well, I do think your face is perfect without it…but it looks good on you.”
“I know,” he responds with a wink.
You swat him on the arm playfully, already feeling more at ease with him at home.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back early? I would have come pick you up.”
“You just got back yesterday…I thought I was being considerate,” he explains. “Thought maybe you’d like to rest and here I find you, Cinderella-ing away.”
“I needed a distraction,” you shrug.
He ushers you towards the couch. He sits and you plop down next to him, feeling the exhaustion from the work you’ve been doing all morning hit you all at once.
“How was your trip?” he inquires.
“Better than I expected.” You turn to face him on the couch. “Until we got back…I’m sure you know.”
“I heard,” he nods. “He’s fine. He’ll be back soon.”
You exhale a long sigh. You know better than to ask for more details at this point. Even Hyunjin wouldn’t be able to break their code and explain anything to you. It’s hard to reconcile with that fact, truly. The only person who can elaborate is Chan and he’s nowhere to be found, and there’s no telling if he even will when he returns.
“Did you have a good time back home?” you ask.
“It was nice to see my family. Kkami, most of all,” he tells you. “But I don’t think my mom could get me out of the house fast enough after I showed up with this piercing. She thought my dad would lose his shit if he saw it.”
The tone in which they speak of their fathers is always shockingly cavalier. This does nothing to help your concerns over where Chan is.
“So, you were sent back early?”
“For my own safety,” he laughs.
Considering Chan has been M.I.A for almost 24 hours now after his father showed up, you don’t find this funny at all. Their dads wouldn’t actually physically harm them…would they? The thought makes you feel sick to your stomach. If Chan shows back up with scars or bruises, you are liable to lose it.
Hyunjin hooks a finger under your chin and brings your attention back to him.
“Let’s go get lunch,” he suggests.
“I haven’t even showered yet.” You look down at yourself and brush back the hairs that have fallen from your messy bun.
“Well go shower, I’ll unpack…then we’ll get lunch.”
“I’ll unpack for you later,” you say.
“I need something to do, or I’ll pass out and fuck up my sleep schedule even more.”
“Okay,” you concede softly.
Before you can stand, Hyunjin pulls you onto his lap, his eyes searching yours. He cups your face with one hand, stroking the side of your face with his fingers. You lean into his touch. You want to apologize for being in such a sour mood when he’s just returned home, but all you can muster is a forced smile.
He gives a small shake of his head in return.
You don’t have to say anything. No apologies are necessary. You can feel whatever you’re feeling. You should know that already.
He brings your face to his and places a chaste kiss on your lips. He doesn’t part his lips, doesn’t deepen the kiss. He keeps his lips against yours and you feel a little more of the tension subsiding.
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Changbin tries to weasel his way into lunch with you and Hyunjin, but Hyunjin firmly shuts him down. The two of you venture out alone—you have lunch then make a few stops for groceries and to pick up saline for Hyunjin’s piercing. While unpacking, he realized he left the bottle he bought in Korea. Which, of course he did.
When you return home, Chan still isn’t back. You’re sad at that, but far less than you would have been if Hyunjin weren’t here. Your saving grace, however, is pulled away by Changbin and you’re left to put away the groceries with Rhiannon. You’re far from hungry but you help her make dinner for the others that are home.
“He did not,” you say to her when she reveals that Allie texted the group chat what Lee Know got her for Christmas. You left your phone upstairs, not wanting to continuously check it for a text from Chan you know isn’t coming.
“He did. He really did,” she says laughing as she wipes her hands to take her phone out of her pocket. She turns it around to show you the picture.
It’s a selfie of Allie, her expression is a mixture of shock and confusion as she holds a butt plug next to her face.
Charlotte sent several eye covering emojis beneath it.
“What the fuck,” you say, laughing with her.
“I know. Raunchy.” She sets her phone back on the counter and returns her attention to the meat on the stove.
You get back to chopping the vegetables on the cutting board in front of you.
“Not just raunchy…it’s actually kinda rude considering he turned down her offer for anal sex last month,” you tell her.
“Exactly! She’s never going to let him do it now,” Rhiannon replies.
Someone clears their throat near the kitchen entrance and you both turn your heads to see who it is.
You’re frozen in place, mid-chop. Of course, he’d return while you’re in the midst of discussing anal sex.
You take in his expression—he seems okay. He looks like he didn’t get much sleep, but he’s alive and well on all other counts. His lips turn up into a smile when you look at him and you surely could use your stethoscope right now, because it feels like your heart skips a beat at the sight.
“Hey,” he says to you softly.
“Hey,” you reply.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Me?” you ask incredulously. “I’m fine. Are you okay?”
He holds his hand out for you. You set down the knife and walk to him, placing your hand in his when you’re close enough. He brings you to him, wrapping his arms around you, hands resting on your ass.
“I am now,” he confirms.  
He still seems like the Chan from your trip, and you let out a small breath. You feared that the brick walls you worked so hard to bulldoze through would be replaced by impenetrable steel. Maybe you overreacted. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as all that you were thinking. Though, what choice had he left you with?
“Will you tell me about it later?” You ask quietly.
“I don’t know that it’s conducive after everything…but I will, if you want me to.”
You nod.
“Okay.” he says.
“Okay.” you echo.
He places a quick kiss to your forehead, then smacks you on the butt.
“As long as you tell me what all this anal talk was about.” He says, loud enough for Rhiannon to hear.
Your eyes open wide, and Rhiannon starts guffawing behind you.
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You sit next to Hyunjin for dinner, though neither you eat. It’s just nice to be with everyone again. Well, almost everyone. Jeongin, Lee Know, Felix, Allie and Seungmin still aren’t back yet. You occasionally glance towards Chan—he still seems fine. Though, he’s not actively contributing to the conversation he still chimes in occasionally. You want to know what’s on his mind so badly and silently wish for everyone to finish eating faster.
After dinner, both Chan and Hyunjin go up to their rooms while you help Rhiannon with the dishes.
On your way upstairs, an unfamiliar conflict weighs on you as you ascend to the third floor to see Chan. It’s a Friday…you’re supposed to be with Hyunjin. And you will be. But…the last week and a half with only Chan has you feeling out of sorts. You try to tell yourself that nothing has changed…you still care deeply for them both. The connection you now have with Chan is what you always wanted. This will allow you to be with both of them comfortably. Chan opening up to you and professing the feelings he has harbored towards you for years, however, is what has you out of sorts.
Chan’s door is open when you reach it; you knock on it to alert him of your presence. He’s seated at his desk and spins around in his chair as you enter. His laptop is open and you see the familiar music program displayed on the screen. If he was able to get right back to work on their project, he really must be fine.
“So…” you trail off, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“So,” he repeats. “Anal sex?”
Your expression falls flat, and he chuckles. He knows what you’re here to discuss.
“Okay, okay, sorry. What do you wanna know?”
“Why did your dad come here? Where did you go?”
“To check on me,” he tells you. “We went for dinner and then I stayed at the hotel with him.”
“Check on you for what? Are you unwell?”
You know he’s not, but he’s being brief with his responses. You don’t want to blame him; you are throwing multiple questions at once in his direction. It must feel like an interrogation.
“He knew…he knows…about us, I mean.”
“What about us?”
“That I canceled my trip home to go with you instead.”
“And he flew all the way out here for that?”
“It’s just…not something I would normally do. Skipping out on certain obligations and Christmas with my family, my siblings in particular.”
“Shit, Chan…I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. I wanted to go with you.”
“You’ve never missed a Christmas with your family?” He shakes his head. “And that’s why he was so pissed?”
Chan is quiet for a moment.
“The trip was…well, you are a deviation from my plans.”
You arch an eyebrow at that.
“From their plans, you mean?”
“They are my plans, too,” he shrugs, “…he just wanted to make sure I’m not straying from the path.”
“Are you?”
He sighs.
“I’m trying really hard not to. I don’t want to disappoint them, they’ve done so much for me. But I also want to give this a try—being open and transparent with you…even knowing how it will end.”
It strikes you then that you may have to be stronger than Chan at the end of this semester. You don’t know if you can do that.  
“You deserve to be happy too, Chan. Even if it’s just for a little while.”
Until he moves on and finds a suitable partner that will please his parents. You wonder if that’s the obligation he mentioned, but you can’t bring yourself to directly ask him about that.
“I’m gonna try.”
“We’ll just enjoy the time we have together?”
“And even with all the things you told me in Miami, you’re okay with me sleeping in Hyunjin’s bed tonight?”
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want you all to myself,” he confesses. “But it’s Hyunjin…I know he’s good to you and handles you with care. And he’ll give you back when I need you.”
When he needs you? You grip the edges of his mattress to refrain from smiling stupidly at that.
“After our trip it feels a little heavier, you know?”
“Does it?” he asks, as though it’s not obvious why it would. “I’ve shared everything with these guys since we were kids…I know it sounds crazy, but this is not that different.”
You scrunch up your face at that. Is he comparing you to a toy or clothing item they share amongst the group?
“So, you’re okay with me sleeping with all of them?”
His eyes darken at that.
“Fuck no. Just one. Just Hyunjin. That’s all I can bear.”
You laugh at his reaction.
“Just checking.”
As convoluted as the overall situation is, his answer makes sense. Aside from him finally opening up to you, nothing has changed. He still felt this way the entire time you’d already been with Hyunjin and there hadn’t been any problems about that. The only difference now is that you know too. And what you will make of that information over time.
“Does it seem unfair?” you ask.
“That you only get me…and I get you and Hyunjin?”
“I only get you?” He arches an eyebrow. “The fact that I get you at all is enough.”
The sincerity in his tone makes your eyes sting. He strokes your cheek with the back of his fingers.
“I’d trust him with my life…I trust him with you, too. Now, go down there to him before I change my mind and tie you up here.”
A flurry of butterflies make their way from your stomach down to your pussy at that remark. It sounds tempting enough to make you hesitate to return downstairs so quickly. You’ve been without Hyunjin for so long, though. You can’t deny that you physically miss him too.  
You lean forward to give him a kiss before standing.
“See you tomorrow?” he nods. “Goodnight.”
Back in Hyunjin’s room, you find him in the dark, sprawled out on the bed on his stomach, already snoring. You could have stayed upstairs after all. But after the long day of travel he’s had, his fatigue is understandable. You shake him awake, telling him to get beneath the blankets. He does as you tell him; his eyes still partially closed. You change into your pajamas before climbing into bed with him. He cuddles up to you, throwing one leg over both of yours and resting his head on your shoulder.
You wonder how you’ll adjust to this new normal with both of them. Or if it will ever feel normal.
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It’s no surprise Hyunjin remains dead to the world long after you’ve woken up the next day. Even after you shower and return to his room, he’s still knocked out. It’s been nearly twelve hours, which gives you a brief moment of concern. You walk to the side of the bed and stand still, watching him intently until you see the rise and fall of his chest confirming he’s alive.
You head downstairs and see that Changbin, Han and Charlotte are in the living room. You join them, watching TV for a while before Changbin suggests getting supplies for tomorrow. You go to the store with them to buy various New Year’s Eve accessories for everyone. Then, on a whim, take an hour-long detour to purchase fireworks. Changbin tries to assure you they’re the perfectly legal kind, but Han can’t lie to save his life.
You text Hyunjin and Chan to let them know where you are, though you’re sure they’re already aware. When you make it back to the house it’s nearly 5:00pm and the sun has already set. You feel like most of the day has been spent on nonsensical, illegal errands but at least it’s still winter break and you don’t have to worry about waking up for a class tomorrow.
Han and Charlotte immediately go off to his room when you make it back inside, while Changbin and Rhiannon hangout in the kitchen. They mention something about ordering takeout for dinner and you tell them whatever is fine as you make your way to the basement where Hyunjin and Chan are.
They’re in the midst of playing pool. Hyunjin, clad in a pair of black Adidas track pants and a long-sleeved white t-shirt looks up at you and smiles when you enter. He has a thin headband in his hair, keeping it out of his face and putting that striking new eyebrow piercing on full display.
Chan has his back to you. He’s dressed equally as comfortable in his typical sweatpants and  plain black t-shirt.
“We were just talking about you,” Hyunjin announces.
Chan turns around and greets you with a smile as well.
“Oh yeah?” you ask suspiciously. “What about me?”
“All good things,” Hyunjin replies.
“Only good things,” Chan adds.
You squint your eyes at them, “Uh-huh. Sure.”
You stop at the pool table, surveying the game. Whoever is stripes is losing badly
“Wanna take over? I suck.” Hyunjin offers you the pool cue.
“I’m no better,” you say.
“Let’s start a new game,” Chan suggests. “You two can be a team.”
You take the pool cue from Hyunjin, and he busies himself with racking the balls at the opposite end of the table. You walk over to Chan and nudge him with your shoulder.
“Hey,” he replies, placing his hand around your waist to pull you close. “Ready to lose?”
“Never,” you say, pushing him away.
Hyunjin finishes setting up the new game then disappears behind the bar. He returns with three drinks—beers for them and a White Claw for you.
“Are we placing bets?” you ask, cracking the top of the can open and taking a sip.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Hyunjin says. “We probably will lose.”
Chan nods confidently and you roll your eyes.
“Alright, let’s get warmed up then,” you say, stepping away from the table to set your drink on the bar.  
 “You guys wanna break?” Chan asks, chalking up the end of his cue.
You and Hyunjin share a look before both shaking your heads.
Chan laughs as he walks to the end of the pool table and bends over. He lines the cue up with the white ball and slides it between his fingers a few times before thrusting forward with so much power that all the other balls are sent in various directions across the table. He sinks a stripe and tosses a wink in your direction.
He goes twice more before it’s your turn. It’s a good thing you didn’t place any bets. You go to take your turn and your form is terrible, you don’t know what you’re doing. Hyunjin comes to assist you, offering a few tips. He stands behind you, placing one hand on your hip and one hand on your arm to help line you up.
“I don’t know if I’d listen to him,” Chan quips. “He might be worse than you.”
You do your best to ignore him and take your shot, but he’s right. You don’t hit anything.
The next time it’s your turn, Chan comes to your aid.
“It’s all about maths,” he says, placing his hands on you in the same way Hyunjin had, but he’s standing much closer. You feel your body get warmer and instinctively lean into him more. You can’t help it. “Geometry. You see the solid green ball?”
Your eyes flicker to where he’s pointing, but you could be looking at a rainbow-colored ball for all you know.
There have been very few times that it’s just been you, Chan and Hyunjin. And never simply hanging out for the hell of it. The relaxed mood of winter break and nearly empty house has provided this opportunity. However, it leaves you feeling uncertain about how to act. You’re not necessarily a completely different person around them alone…but you feel slightly apprehensive about showing either of them flirtatious or sexual attention in a shared setting.
“You can make a bank shot if you hit it at the right angle,” he tells you, bringing your attention back to the game as he guides your cue to the white ball. “Hit it right there—but you gotta use the right amount of force.”
Hyunjin is leaning against the wall, watching and rolling his eyes.
“Listen to this guy,” he scoffs and sips his beer. “Like he’s a professional or something.”
“Try it,” Chan says, stepping back to give you room.
You want to tell him to come back, that you still need more instructions. But how would that make Hyunjin feel? For you to so blatantly yearn for Chan’s touch right in front of him? You doubt that it would upset him…but would he be turned off by it? It is your day to be with him after all, not Chan.
You take a deep breath and shake your head, focusing on the green ball and where you need to hit it. You do exactly as Chan told you and it works.  
You stand up straight with a smile on your face.
“What were you saying?” Chan asks Hyunjin.
Hyunjin says nothing, just sips from his beer again.
You take another turn and miss. You frown.
“Baby steps,” Chan consoles you.
Even with your newfound knowledge, you and Hyunjin still lose the game. Changbin yells down when the food arrives, but the three of you collectively decide to play again instead. Hyunjin and Chan continue their banter, and you feel somewhat like a pawn in their arguments. But not in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable. If anything, it helps you ease into being around them both simultaneously. Something you’ve wanted from the very beginning.
When it’s Chan’s turn to shoot, Hyunjin comes to your side, holding or touching you in some way. And when it’s Hyunjin’s turn, Chan does the same. The fact that they both seem comfortable with it and aren’t making a big deal out of it makes you feel a little better about being so blatantly shared by them.
“If I make this,” Hyunjin says, lining up his next shot. “You have to kiss me.”
Chan, standing next to you with his arm around your waist, pulls you closer to himself but keeps his eyes on the table. You look at the set up as well—the ball Hyunjin is aiming for is literally right next to the side pocket. It’d be nearly impossible to miss. He knows he’ll make it. He wants to kiss you right here? In front of Chan?
You offer a shrug in response, for lack of anything better to do. You don’t want to offend either of them. Touching and caressing, even like they did in the hot tub, is one thing, but full on kissing? Is that not too much? You look back and forth between them—both completely unbothered by the suggestion, though Chan’s grip around your waist seems to tighten.
Hyunjin shoots and sinks the ball in the side pocket, then stands with a proud smile plastered to his face. He saunters towards where you’re standing near the bar and your pulse quickens. Chan drops his hand from your waist and leaves your side, heading to the pool table. Your eyes remain on him as he picks up the chalk to rub across the tip of his cue. Is he giving you some privacy or something?
Hyunjin hooks a finger under your chin, forcing you to turn and look at him.
Your eyes flutter shut as he presses his lips to yours. You start to pull back—assuming it would be just a quick peck—but Hyunjin’s hand moves to the back of your head and holds you in place. His tongue snakes out, slipping past your lips and into your mouth. It’s been over two weeks since you last felt his soft, plump lips against yours. Two weeks since you’ve tasted him. You’d forgotten how much you missed it.
Hyunjin breaks the kiss, pulling away from you with a smile. You feel your face flush and instinctively look towards Chan. He’s watching you both, nodding with his tongue caught between his teeth on the side. You don’t know what to make of that look.
“It’s still your turn, Hyunjin.” he states.
“Yeah,” Hyunjin agrees. “It is my turn.”
He leans forward again to capture your lips. You laugh and push him away, back towards the table to play. You’re well aware of how long it’s been since he’s had you. It is, most definitely, his turn. As crude as it sounds.
Hyunjin shoots again but misses.
“I’m disoriented,” he attests.
Chan walks around the table, looking at the remaining options. When he sees a shot to take, he stops and bends over to line up his cue.
“If I make this, you have to kiss me, y/n.”
You do your best to keep a straight face. It’s the start of winter and the basement should feel much colder, but you’re warm all over. Maybe it’s the alcohol. Maybe it’s these men that seem hellbent on driving you insane.
Chan doesn’t give you an opportunity to agree or not. He shoots, and sinks it in. Of course he does. He straightens himself with a smile and beckons you over with a jerk of his head. You slide off your stool and he leans back against the pool table. As soon as you’re close enough, he reaches for your hip with his free hand and pulls you to him. You let out a quick gasp at the sudden movement. You’re pressed directly against him. You can hear your pulse thumping furiously and you can feel Hyunjin’s eyes on you.
Chan looks down at you, waiting. You slowly push up onto your tiptoes. This is a first for you—kissing one guy then another within a span of minutes. Chan doesn’t seem bothered by it at all. You have to remind yourself this isn’t their first rodeo. Though, you don’t want to think too much on that. You tilt your head back, getting the angle right as your head moves closer to his. When your lips connect, he kisses you back hungrily, almost as if asserting his dominance or expressing his need for you more.
He moves your hips against him, and you can feel cock. He’s hard. He likes this.
You break the kiss and take a step back, eyes still shut. You don’t want to open them. You don’t want to look at either of them right now. You contemplate taking off up the stairs to hide out in the den for the rest of the night. But you wouldn’t do that…you couldn’t. Not when you’re kinda starting to enjoy this too.
The sound of Chan shooting again causes your eyes to snap open just in time to see him scratch.  
“I’m disoriented,” he mimics Hyunjin.
It’s now your turn. You slide past Chan and walk to the other side of the table, looking at the remaining balls. You don’t have many options.
“If I make this,” you say, settling on a shot and lining up your cue. “You both have to kiss each other.”
You spare a glance up at both of them to see their shocked expressions and grin. Good. They can have a taste of their own medicine.
But you miss.  
“I’m disoriented,” you sass.
“Thank God for that,” Hyunjin says and you all laugh.
You play the remainder of the game without any more kissing. You and Hyunjin still wind up losing. Again. You start to rack up for another game when Hyunjin excuses himself to the bathroom.
As soon as he turns to leave, Chan comes up behind you and puts his hands on your hips. He spins you around to face him.
“Chan,” you warn, placing your hands on his chest.
“Hmmm?” he picks you up and sets you on the pool table, not giving you a chance to say anything else before his lips collide with yours.
His mouth and hands are needy, all over you the moment he has you alone. You feel powerless to him when he’s like this—how could you deprive him of what he so desperately wants? You kiss him back and wrap your legs around his waist.
His hand finds one of yours and guides it between you, placing it on his hard cock. You bite down on his bottom lip before pulling away from the kiss as you squeeze his cock between your fingers.
“I’ve thought of all the different ways I could fuck you on this table over the last hour,” he asserts, trailing kisses along your jawline and down the side your neck.
“We can’t,” you reply.
He slips his hand beneath your sweatshirt to palm your breast.
“You don’t want me to?”
He forces you down onto the table with one hand and lifts your sweatshirt with the other. He pulls down the cup of your bra, and you let out a deep breath. You know you’d let him take you right here, even if the whole house were in the room.
“Tell me to stop,” he says, removing his hand from your shoulder as he leans down over you, taking your nipple into his mouth.
He swirls his tongue around it, keeping his eyes on yours, daring you to stop him. When you don’t, he pulls down the other side of your bra and latches his mouth on to that nipple.
“But, Hyunjin—”
He bites down on your nipple at that, and you gasp. He releases your nipple from his mouth and blows cool air over it, watching as it hardens.
“You’re mine, yeah?” he asks.
You keep your mouth shut and nod in response.
“You do what I want,” he pinches both of your nipples between his fingers, “when I want.”
“But what if he—”
You’re cut off again when he pinches your nipples harder, pulling on them and making you arch your back. The pain he’s inflicted sends shockwaves straight to your pussy. You don’t know how much of this she can take before turning completely feral. You bite on your lip to keep from crying out.
With your legs hooked around him, you pull him closer to you, wanting to grind yourself against him.
“There she is,” he says with a crooked smile. “I hope I didn’t spoil you too much on the trip.”
He continues to pinch and pull at your nipples.
“The things I said don’t change anything about this.”
The last few days of your vacation had been gentle…some might say loving. You hadn’t assumed he’d turned a new leaf sexually, though. You know what he likes, you know what he wants from you.
He releases your nipples and hooks a finger in the middle of your bra, using it to bring you up to him. He lets go when you’re upright and your sweatshirt falls, covering you up.
“When Hyunjin comes back down,” he says, hands caressing your thighs. “I want you to go upstairs and change into something more comfortable. No panties. No bra. Then come back here.”
Your mind immediately begins racing about why he would want you to do that, but you know better than to question him at a time like this.
“Yes, Chan.”
He takes a step back and you lower yourself from the table just as Hyunjin returns. You slide away from Chan and head for the stairs, passing Hyunjin on your way.
“You leaving?”
“I’ll be back,” you tell him. “Just going to change.”
He nods at that, and you leave him behind. On your way to follow Chan’s instructions, you see Changbin and Rhiannon cuddled up on the couch. They don’t pay you any attention as you pass by, too caught up in whatever they’re watching. You scurry along to Hyunjin’s room and contemplate what to wear. What does he even mean by something comfortable? You settle on a pair of gym shorts and leave your sweater on but take off the bra beneath it, and put your hair up into a ponytail.
When you return to the basement, the lights above the pool table and bar are off. Just the soft glow of the TV against the back wall illuminates the room. You walk towards it and spot both Hyunjin and Chan seated on opposite ends of the sofa. You take a seat between them with Hyunjin on your left and Chan on your right. Hyunjin tosses a large blanket over you and you hug it tightly to you.
You sit with your legs folded on the couch, body rigid as you overthink which way, if any, you should lean.
Chan controls the TV, scrolling through various movie options. He doesn’t ask what anyone else cares to see before settling on one. Your eyes are very much looking at the screen, but they’re not focused. You don’t know what he picked. Your mind is still trying to figure out why he wanted you to change and if either of them would be offended should you choose to lay on one of them and not the other.  
The movie starts to play, and you immediately recognize that the audio is in Korean. Chan is fucking with you, per usual. He knows there’s no way you’ll be able to concentrate on the film and read the subtitles while you’re sitting between them without any underwear on.
“You comfortable?” Chan’s voice breaks into your thoughts.
You don’t know if he means in general or if you’ve followed his instructions on getting comfortable. You turn to look at him and nod your head in response.
“Lay down,” he says softly but it’s not a request.
With Chan, he’s always in control.
With Hyunjin, it’s an equal balance between the two of you, and never to the extent of what Chan does.
You want to ask which way but you’re feeling all out of sorts at the dynamics. Showing yourself to be completely submissive in front of Hyunjin feels strange, but for all you know, he’s already aware. You don’t know what things they talk about amongst themselves.
You’re still looking at Chan when you feel Hyunjin’s hand on your shoulder. He pulls you to him, laying you against his side. He leaves his hand wrapped around you. You exhale a small breath and snuggle up to him, readjusting yourself so your legs are curled on the couch.
Chan lifts the blanket and pulls some of the excess fabric to cover his lap. He then brings your legs across his thighs and starts to caress them.
You revert your attention to the screen, still unaware of what movie is playing, but you can’t look anywhere else. Not at Chan, not at Hyunjin. You’re not stupid. You know something is about to happen, but not knowing what is bothering you.
Several minutes pass and you start to think maybe, just maybe you’re only going to watch the movie. Maybe Chan just wanted you to get changed, to know that you’re going commando. You know better than that, though.
His hand rubbing your leg slides up to your thigh, high enough to brush against the hem of your shorts with every caress. You tense up a little and Hyunjin begins to rub your arm. Chan moves your legs with his other hand so they’re side by side. He taps thrice on your thigh with his fingers and after this long with him, he doesn’t even have to say anything. You readjust yourself, shifting your hips to create a space between your thighs for him.
Chan resumes caressing the inside of your thigh, his hand inching higher and higher each time until his fingers brush against your pussy. He rubs along your slit with his finger, and you try your very best to remain still. You don’t know if Hyunjin is in on this. If not, are you supposed to contain yourself? Chan must know you won’t be able to.
You keep still until he slips a finger inside and you involuntarily squirm against him. You feel Hyunjin’s hand pause its movement on your arm. You can’t bring yourself to look up at him.
Your uncertainties are answered when his hand leaves your arm and dips beneath the blanket. He slips it beneath your sweatshirt, up your stomach and to your breasts.
Your head snaps up to look at him.
“No?” He asks innocently, and even Chan freezes his movements.
You don’t know if your shock stems from the fact that Hyunjin must be in on this too, or the idea of what is actually happening. This is something you have never done before, but you can’t deny that you want to. You’ve experienced them separately and here they are, offering you both of them simultaneously. And, apparently, giving you the choice to proceed or not.
Seeing the contemplative look in your eyes, Hyunjin begins to knead your breasts. Your eyes flutter shut as you allow yourself to focus on only what you’re feeling. His long, slender hands handle your breasts with a remembered ease. He divides his attention between both of them and you feel the familiar shockwaves sending tingles straight to the nerves of your clit. You clench your pussy around Chan’s finger and slowly open your eyes as you nod.
Being with two men at once is not something you had ever considered before…but where else could you try it safely besides here?
You lean back against Hyunjin and Chan continues slipping his finger in and out of your moistening pussy. Having both of them touching you has your brain on the fritz again.
“Take his cock out,” Chan speaks a command you never thought you’d hear.
Under his direction, you don’t think twice about lifting yourself up to push down Hyunjin’s pants. He lifts his hips, and you slide them down along with his boxers, freeing his cock. It springs up towards you. You take delight at the sight of it, already hard for you while Chan’s fingers continue to slowly pump in and out of your pussy. Is Chan hard too?
You lick your lips, hesitating on your next move.
You glance back at Chan who gives you a quick nod. You then turn to look up at Hyunjin.
“Ours.” His tone and that word are all that you need to help settle your spiking emotions.
Even though his statement directly opposes what you told Chan earlier, Hyunjin is correct. You belong to them both. They can enjoy you together. And you them. However, it’s not lost on you that Chan seems to be calling the shots.
You readjust your body once more and grip the base of Hyunjin’s cock, his hands still fondling your breasts beneath your sweatshirt. You lower your head towards his pulsating member and take it in your mouth. You hear a groan and honestly, you’re not sure which of them it came from.
You feel Chan’s cock twitch beneath your legs on his lap. For a brief moment you wonder if someone might try to come down to the basement and catch you all in quite a predicament. Everyone that’s home, though, seemed preoccupied themselves. And this is the SKZ house, after all. It probably would not be a first.
You begin to bob your head up and down on Hyunjin’s cock as you rock your hips against Chan’s fingers. You’re unable to fully wrap your head around what is happening so you try not to think about it any further, or anything else for that matter. You want to focus on what you’re feeling—pleasing and being pleased at the same time.
You let out a muffled moan as Chan’s thumb finds your clit. He applies gentle pressure and rubs it in circles. You continue to moan around Hyunjin’s cock and the sounds of your pleasure must set Chan off. In the next instant he withdraws his fingers and moves the blanket off you. He grabs you by the hips and pulls you up so you’re on your knees. He yanks down your shorts and palms your ass as you arch your back and stick it out towards him even more.
The change in position allows him better access to you, and you to Hyunjin. Hyunjin adjusts his hands, placing one on the back of your head while the other continues to grope your breasts.
Chan then turns sideways, resting one leg on the couch. He spreads your cheeks apart and then his mouth is all over your pussy while you greedily gobble Hyunjin’s cock. Chan alternates licking between your folds, fucking you with his tongue, and slurping your juices.
You grip the base of Hyunjin’s cock and stroke him as you lift your head for air. His hand moves to your neck, and he uses a finger to turn your head to face him. He leans forward to kiss you. You squeeze your eyes shut as you kiss him back, the sounds that escape your lips are something between a moan and whimper. Your hips are circling against Chan’s face of their own accord, your hand stroking Hyunjin, your tongue in his mouth. You feel like you could lose it.
You break the kiss.
“You feel good?” Hyunjin asks with a sly smile, tugging on your nipple beneath your sweatshirt.
“Too good,” you say. The wanton expression on your face reveals just how good you feel.
“I told you she’d like it,” he says to Chan.
Your head spins at his words. This was Hyunjin’s idea?
“Of course she does.” Chan pulls his face away from your pussy to respond.
You take your hand off Hyunjin’s cock and move away from Chan’s touch too. Your mind is racing, wondering when this was planned. Before you came back home? After you went upstairs? You truly thought that this had to of been Chan’s idea. If they were both in on this, you don’t want to feel like a complete bystander the entire time.
You’re on your knees still, but now fully upright when you look over to Chan.
“Take your pants off,” you tell him.
“Oh, she’s getting into it,” Hyunjin remarks with a light chuckle. You turn to him and silence his laughter with one look.
“And your shirts. Both of you.”
While they remove their clothing you maneuver the blanket so it’s under you and remove your own top before sitting down. You place a hand on each of their thighs, pulling on them until they both get the hint to slide closer to you. You bring your right hand to your mouth, spit on it, then place it on Chan’s cock. You do the same with your left for Hyunjin.
It gives you great satisfaction to see both of their heads hit the back of the couch as you start stroking them in sync. It’s nice to silence them after their smart comments.
Hyunjin’s hand is on you again, caressing up your side, past your ribs and over to your breasts. You turn to your left to kiss him and as you do, Chan lifts your right leg and drapes it between his. His hand, like a magnet, is on your pussy again, rubbing your clit with his fingers. You drape your left leg across Hyunjin, spreading yourself wide open between them.
You break the kiss with Hyunjin and turn to Chan. You lean towards him, slightly, and when he moves to meet you the rest of the way, you duck your head down to put your mouth on his cock. He grunts, placing his hand on the back of your head to force you down on him. You keep stroking Hyunjin with your left hand as your right hand and mouth work on Chan.
“Fuck, y/n. Your mouth feels fucking amazing,” Chan tells you.
You’d smile at that if your mouth wasn’t full of his cock.
You lift your head and move over to your left—Hyunjin’s turn again. You stroke him and bob your head up and down. You’re thankful to have this task, alternating back and forth between licking, sucking, and stroking their cocks to slightly distract you from the feeling of Hyunjin’s hands on your breasts and Chan’s on your pussy. You’d surely have flown off the rails by now without it.
You feel a hand on the back of your neck, but you don’t know who’s it is. It squeezes gently and pulls you upright. It moves to the front of your neck and pushes you back against the couch. You keep your hands gripped firmly around each of their cocks, switching up your pace from fast to slow. You slide your hands up to their tips, smearing around the clear liquid oozing out of them.
You look down to see that it’s Chan’s hand around your throat. Hyunjin’s hand replaces his on your pussy and you slide down on the couch a little, giving him room to enter you.
“Kiss me,” Chan breathes into your ear.
Your head snaps in his direction and you have no time to even think about the fluids you’re all swapping. Your lips are on his, his hand still gripping your throat as Hyunjin fucks you with his fingers. Hyunjin leans towards you from the other side, kissing, nipping, biting your neck. You keep stroking them both, adding more spit as needed. Your hips move back and forth rapidly against Hyunjin’s fingers while Chan uses his other hand to rub your clit.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you pant between kissing Chan.
“Yeah?” He keeps your head pressed back against the couch.
“Yes, yes,” you reply.
Hyunjin’s other hand goes to your breasts again, pinching and pulling at your nipples. Your body begins to shake as you cry out for more.
“You gonna come for us?” Chan asks, slowing his movements against your clit to tease you.
You look him in the eye as you nod.
“Tell me what you are,” he demands, picking up the pace of his fingers.
You open your mouth to respond, but don’t know what answer he’s looking for. He slows his fingers down again, to which you pout. Does he want to hear that you’re his? Or theirs?
“Look at you,” he says. He uses his hand on your neck to guide your head, showing you where to look.
The three of you are all tangled together. Your hands on them, their hands in you, on you, choking you, pinching you.
Hyunjin’s mouth moves to your ear, nibbling on your lobe before whispering two words.
“Our slut.”
Chan turns your head back to him before you can even get caught up in the semantics of what Hyunjin has just said.
“Respectfully,” Chan adds with a stern look.
The word absolutely has negative connotations but here, with them, you know they don’t mean it as an insult. Considering your current predicament, you can even agree with their use of the word. But because it’s them, because you know them, you know how they feel for you—it feels shockingly endearing to hear.
“Say it,” Chan commands, moving his fingers rapidly against your clit again as Hyunjin presses harder against the walls of your pussy, each time he withdraws his fingers.
Hyunjin replaces his fingers on your nipple with his mouth, sucking on it.
“I’m—I’m—oh, fuck—” you can’t form a simple sentence between your whimpering and moaning.
Chan forces your head back against the couch once more, squeezing tighter around your throat. You feel like your entire body could fucking explode. You grit your teeth together, focusing the few remaining active brain cells you have left to speak.
“I’m your slut,” you manage to eke out.
Chan groans at this and covers your mouth with his again. Hyunjin bites down on your nipple and that, combined with Chan’s tongue greedily invading your mouth sends you flying off the top of Mount fucking Everest with no parachute.
Your hands, still gripped around their cocks, stop their movements as you give way to an earth-shattering orgasm. Your body thrashes around as you whine into Chan’s mouth. They don’t stop touching you, even as the spasms subside.
When you finally open your eyes, the world around you feels like a blur, but you’re still very much aware of the two men beside you, now gently caressing your body.
They don’t give you much time to recover.
“He’s gonna fuck you now,” Chan announces.  
Your legs feel weak and your thighs quiver as you try to bring them back together. As much as you’d like a reprieve, your greediness for them is more prevalent.
Hyunjin slips off the couch and gets on his knees on the floor. He slides you down too, then turns you around. Chan moves over so your upper body is between his legs. He’s stroking his cock as he watches Hyunjin handle you.
Hyunjin pulls you back by your hips until your ass and thighs are pressed against him, letting you feel his cock as it gets hard again. He caresses your ass, then up your back before slowly pushing you down. You have nowhere to look but Chan.
That’s not a complaint, though. He’s the very essence of confidence seated in front of you, hand on his cock. Your eyes trail down from his, past his muscular shoulders and ripped abdomen to his cock, eyeing it hungrily.
You sway your hips from side to side until Hyunjin holds you in place and you whine in protest. You need one of them inside. Somehow, someway. His grip on you is tight as he starts to tease your slit, spreading your slick all around. You move Chan’s hand out of the way to take over stroking him.
“Wait,” he says, hooking a finger under your chin to bring your eyes back to him.
His gaze flickers up to Hyunjin and he gives a curt nod before looking back down at you. You feel the tip of Hyunjin’s cock at your opening and your first instinct is to close your eyes and drop your head.
“Look at me,” Chan orders.
You keep your eyes locked on him, biting your lower lip as Hyunjin, at a painstakingly slow rate, enters you. A moan escapes your lips when he’s finally buried in, to the hilt. He pulls out just as slowly, then thrusts forward with force, the sound of his thighs hitting yours is loud in the quiet basement.
Chan drops his finger from your chin, and you position your mouth over his cock. You spit on it, then work your hand around it to lather it up before gripping at the base and stroking him while Hyunjin fucks you from behind. You press the tip of Chan’s cock to your lips. You kiss it, then smack it against your lips a couple times, making him groan.
“Stick your tongue out,” he says, reaching up to take out your hair tie and let your hair fall around your face. “And keep doing that.”
You open your mouth, stick out your tongue, and do as you’re told.
“Fuck,” he tangles his hands in your hair. When he has a good grip, he forces your head down onto him. All. The. Way. You relax your jaw and tongue and breathe through your nose to accommodate the abrupt invasion.
Hyunjin delivers a smack to your ass as he plows into you, and you moan around Chan’s cock.
“Do that again,” Chan tells him.
Hyunjin grunts, rubbing your ass before smacking it again, harder than the first time. The sounds you make are muffled, with Chan’s cock in your mouth, but he can feel the vibrations.
“You’re so fucking wet,” Hyunjin says as he completely pulls out of you. He rubs the tip of his cock against your dripping pussy. “You like fucking us both, jagiya?”
Chan slightly releases his grip on your hair, allowing you to lift your head. His cock falls from your mouth, and it’s coated in your saliva, as is your chin.
“I do,” you admit. You couldn’t lie if you wanted to. “I really do.”
You resume stroking Chan with one hand while the other slides up his torso and across his abs. You lower your mouth back onto him, sucking and stroking in unison as Hyunjin slams back into you. The motions from Hyunjin’s deep and fast strokes help move your mouth on Chan’s cock.
“Shit—y/n, slow down,” Chan gasps suddenly. He uses his hands in your hair to try and pull you away. You shake your head, mouth still wrapped around his cock. You look him dead in the eyes as you start moving your hips to fuck Hyunjin back. They both made you crumble. Now it’s their turn.
“Fuck me harder, Hyunjin,” you say, holding Chan’s cock at an angle to lick up the shaft from base to tip, keeping your eyes on his.
“I’m gonna come, jagiya,” Hyunjin moans from behind you, pounding into you even harder.
“Please,” you reply. And you don’t know what comes over you with the words that fly out of your mouth next. “Fill up your little fucking slut. Both of you.”
Hyunjin grunts, his breath coming out in spurts as he comes.
“My fucking God,” Chan groans.
You put your mouth back on his cock and his hands fall from your hair. He leans back against the couch, resigned to letting you continue as he watches with a clenched jaw, shaking his head, but he doesn’t break eye contact either as he comes in your mouth.
You keep sucking his cock and rocking your hips back against Hyunjin.
Hyunjin is the first to pull away after he’s finished spilling himself inside your pussy. He withdraws himself completely. When Chan’s body finishes jerking, you slide your mouth off him.
“Show me,” he says.
You open your mouth to show him.
“Good girl. Swallow.”
You close your mouth and gulp down his fluids.
In the next instant he slides to the edge of the couch and pulls you against him, kissing you. It’s a hard, but simple kiss. When he pulls back, his brown eyes are filled with an emotion you can’t put a name to. A soft smile spreads across his face as he leans his forehead against yours.
“I told you I can share,” he whispers quietly enough for only you to hear.
He leans back against the couch then jerks his head towards Hyunjin. You turn around to see him splayed out on the ground, catching his breath. You let out a laugh and crawl over to him. He turns his head to you.
“Who are you even?” he asks, exasperated.
You lower yourself down to kiss him, just as hard as Chan had kissed you. Hyunjin moans, grabbing the back of your head to hold you against him as his tongue slips past your lips, his tongue swirling around yours. You relax into the kiss. Not a few hours ago you would have been concerned about kissing him like this after everything that has just transpired, but not anymore. You’re theirs just as much as they are yours. For now.
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After wiping yourselves down, the three of you end up pulling the pillows down from the couch onto the floor and use the other spare blankets to make a pallet to lay on top of. You lay in the middle of Chan and Hyunjin but at some point, end up cuddled up to Hyunjin. He’s truthfully the better snuggler. You don’t know when you fell asleep but when you open your eyes again, you don’t even know what time it is. There’s a new movie playing, and a hand has crept between your thighs.
You lift your head from Hyunjin’s chest to see he’s still sleeping. You turn to look over your shoulder and see Chan wide awake, looking at you. He grabs your hand and brings it to his cock. It’s hard, and a look of need is ablaze in his eyes.
“You’re insatiable,” you whisper, rolling over towards him.
“I didn’t have enough,” he whispers back. “I need to fuck you, too, y/n.”
He sits up, with his back against the couch and pulls you onto him. He brings his hand to his mouth to spit on before rubbing it against your pussy, then around his dick. He lowers you down on to him and lets out a long sigh. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and press your bare chest against his.
He quietly fucks you. Very little is said. You’re not surprised by how quickly you become wet for him and start fucking him back.
Even with a comatose Hyunjin next to you, this doesn’t feel as awkward as you may have once assumed. It doesn’t feel sneaky, doesn’t feel like cheating. They both can have you whenever they want, and you them.
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a/n: 10 pages in the word doc of pure smut for you guys. how was it?
since the tag list has not been working, i created a mailing list so i can email those of you who want to know when the chapter is being posted. if you'd like to sign up, click the link below. the email may initially go to your spam folder, it will be coming from [email protected]. not spam, just me :)
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Lost in Ikea. || John Price x Reader
For @glitterypirateduck's “O, Captain!” writing challenge! I used prompts:
4. Lost in an IKEA
41. Price and Reader run into each other (literally)
48. A character tries to hide that they are crying or upset
Rating: E Words: 1.3K cw: period/menstruation + symptoms, feelings of inaddequacy?. Tags: afab!reader (bc menstruation), you/your pronouns but no Y/N, crying, hurt/comfort, strangers. Summary: Reader is just having a bad day and John is a kind stranger. a/n: I just needed a little hurt/comfort for the soul. This isn't too serious. Also the 'lost' part of Ikea is more emotional than physical. ALSO ALSO, OFC I HAD TO DO THIS PROMPT, my screen name is literally Ikea.
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Should you have gone to Ikea while on your period, when you’re in pain and light-headed and in a mood to kill a man? No.
Here’s the thing, you wanted a specific little bear plush they sell there (DJUNGELSKOG). And a meal from the restaurant. And maybe a new lamp. And a new set of bed covers and pillows. And honestly, you could use a little trolley for your craft supplies. And since you’re there you might as well no longer postpone buying that shelf you need-
You walked around the store for over two hours just looking at everything and, steadily, filling up your card with more than you expected. Little knick-knacks, a new set of cups for the kitchen, a picture frame, etc. etc. 
You took your time, moved at your own pace, slowly observing all the room displays… Maybe got lost at one point, but that’s neither here nor there.
Once you found a storage trolley you liked, as well as a shelf, you advanced through the warehouse, pushing your large cart along.
The trolley came first. It was small and light enough and after checking that the box said White, you found yourself perfectly able to drag it onto the large metal warehouse platform cart.
But then the shelf- you crouched down and tried to get a grip on the box and pull, but the bitch was heavy. You huffed and struggled, but it wouldn’t budge. It probably didn’t help that both your womb and your lower back were throwing a rager of cramps and all your muscles were sore.
Maybe you shouldn’t have come on your period. Another weekend, any other weekend, and you’ve been strong enough to get the box with the disassembled shelf off its perch… But you wanted to do it today! 
You wanted to feel like you got something done. You wanted the sense of accomplishment… You wanted to feel like you persevered through the pain! 
You had the whole day planned out: You got out of bed, you showered, you had proper food and a desert, you cleaned your house, you went outside, and you finally completed something you had been putting off!
You couldn’t leave without the last one! You had to get it out! You wanted to take the stupid shelf home with you!!!!
Tears start pooling in your eyes, your lip beginning to tremble. You’ll blame it on the hormones and the frustration.
Stomping your feet, you walk down the aisle, abandoning your cart and turn the corner intent on pushing the box out from the other side-
Then you smack into a person and it knocks you so off balance (you were already sort of light-headed either way) that you drop onto the linoleum floor.
If the day wasn’t already bad enough and you weren’t already crying, taking a hard seat on the floor in front of a stranger only made you feel that much worse.
“Christ, you alright?” A man’s concerned voice comes from above you. You wince and close your eyes hard, trying to conceal the tears in them.
“Y-Yeah. Sorry. I was in a hurry and wasn’t paying attention.” You murmur and turn to the side, using the floor and the industrial shelf next to you to pull yourself up to your feet.
“No, I’m sorry, I was walking fast too.” He replies. “I wasn’t fast enough to catch you. Might be getting old. My reflexes aren’t what they used to be.” His tone sounds playful, like he’s trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah, haha.” You try to laugh it off. You still haven’t properly glanced at him and he can tell that you’re trying to conceal your redened eyes as you look off to the side.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Didn’t hurt you, did I?” He checks, his voice a lot more gentle.
God, you feel pathetic. Crying in front of a stranger in the middle of an IKEA warehouse. 
“I’m fine… Just… having a bad day.” You reply and for a moment you finally look over at him.
Great. On top of making a fool of yourself in front of a stranger who happens to be super kind, said stranger is also older and hot, definitely a dilf. Great, just great. You really should’ve stayed at home today.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” He replies softly as he peers at you with bright blue eyes under thick brown eyebrows.
“It’s fine. Sorry. Didn’t mean to make this whole thing awkward. I’m sorry.” You turn to return to your things. Fuck the damn shelf, you’re going home and never coming to this IKEA again.
“Wait. Hey!” He says as he calls after you. Turning to look at him, your face twists into an upset, embarrassed look.
“You don’t have to apologise for having a bad day or having a cry, it’s alright.” The man says as he approaches you again when you’re already at your cart.
As he speaks, you notice there’s no pity in his tone, or some sort of cringe-riddled sentiment of awkwardness that comes to normal people when a stranger suddenly overshares. He’s just… kind.
Your face softens a bit more and you quickly turn to look away. Instead, your eyes find the stupid box with the shelf you want, still on the industrial shelves, and you start crying more.
“I just want that bloody shelf and it’s… it’s too heavy and I can’t get it into the cart and- I can’t believe I’m crying over this!” You complain and gesture vaguely to the space in front of you as you find yourself sniffling.
“Alright. Hey, it’s alright.” He assures you and gives you a friendly tap on the back, on your shoulder, over your hoodie. “How about I get it for you?” He asks.
You find yourself looking up at him. “I don’t wanna bother you.”
“Not at all!” He says with a friendly smile and a nod. “I’m plenty strong and I’m already here! Plus, imagine me walking away now after offering?” He jokes.
You can’t help the chuckle the escapes you amidst your broken sobs. “Would’ve been proper rude.”
“Of course it would. And my mum raised me right.” He adds playfully, causing another chuckle to rise out of you. “That’s the smile I wanted.” He cheers.
John moves forward and crouches, helping to slide the heavy box off the shelf with a mighty grip of his big hands, sliding it onto the bottom of the metal cart with the rest of your shopping. “There it is.”
“Thank you…” You murmur as you seek for tissues in your pockets, grabbing one to dab away your tears.
“It’s alright.” He assures you again. “And, for the record, there’s no shame in crying. If you would’ve asked me 3 days ago what I was doing, I’d tell you I was having a good sob in my car after going to the supermarket because I was so tired and overwhelmed.” He admits and chuckles.
“You?” You ask, not quite sure if he was being sincere.
“Oh, yeah. I cry all the time, me.” He tells you and winks one of those blue eyes at you, making you chuckle again.
“Well, thank you, erm…” You trail off, realizing you don’t know his name.
“John.” He says while reaching a hand forward for you to shake. You return the introduction with your own name.
“You think you’ve got this? Or are you gonna need help getting it into the car?” He gestures at your entire cart.
“Oh, shite, you’re right… Need to get this into the car…” You groan and facepalm yourself.
“Tell you what-” John says as he looks at you. “You wait for me while I get the rest of my things-” He takes a list of paper with scribbled reference numbers on it from his pocket. “And we’ll go through checkout together, and I’ll help load this up into your car?”
His offer is so sweet and sincere and kind, you find your eyes clouding with tears again. Then, you nod eagerly and dab away the tears with your crumpled up tissue again.
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[ O, Captain! Masterlist ] || [ My Masterlist ]
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mimi-hirinnn · 7 months
Sleepless Night
Tighnari x Sleepdrunk/Reader
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You sighed in annoyance pulling your hair out of your scalp.
“I don’t get it! Well no…I do but still…” You grumbled in annoyance.
Your back hurt, your hands and wrist hurt from all the sitting and writing trying to cramp for your upcoming test. The Akademyia class you were in had a upcoming test which was…tomorrow…and it late night.
“I should have studied earlier…I shouldn’t have fallen asleep earlier…”
You groaned on your desk defeated, your eyes felt so tired that they felt like they were gonna close at any minute. Not to mention you had a massive headache that wouldn’t go away for the life of you.
“Should make more coffee…” You tiredly said and got up only to stumble on your desk and drop all your equipment and papers on the floor.
“Not again…” You mumbled not when your heard a laugh across the room near your door. You jolted and looked up to see who it was.
“T-tighnari!” You muttered out face turning red.
“Relax, here I’ll help you.” He offered his help.
“No! It’s okay! Just regular clumsy me…” You stated.
“Cute…” He muttered but you were unable to catch him.
“Pardon?” You asked politely.
“Nothing.” He simply said with a slight smile that turned into a smirk after seeing your confused expression.
“Are you still studying?” He asked looking over your table.
“A-ah yeah…” He picked up your paper and placed them down your desk and you did the same too.
“Thank you…well I need to go-!” You started to try and walk off but Tighnari’s hand stopped you.
“Where are you going?”
“Uh…I need to uhh make coffee…”
“Didn’t you just make a cup earlier?”
He then sighed, “If you’re going to lie, at least try and sound convincing and cover up the fact that your cup is right here.” He scolded grabbing my cup from my desk with a hand on his hip.
“Haha…uhh Karkata made that for drinking…”
“For who? You or Karkata?” He asked with a slight smile.
“Karkata…” You tried lying but there was no use.
“I don’t think Karkata can drink that type of thing.” He said in tone like he was offended a bit by your horrible lie, who were you kidding nobody would fall for that lie maybe a child but Tighnari…
“Cute you thought I would fall for it or no?” He hummed.
“N-no!” You muttered out but in reality you were hoping he bought your terrible lie.
“Uh huh.”
“Okay fine…Karkata didn’t make it…I did…”
He hummed as he placed the cup down.
“Lying is bad Y/n.” He scolded like he was saying it to a child.
“I know, I know…”
“Then why did you lie?”
“W-well- because! You would stop me if I made another cup of coffee right?”
“Maybe? But now that you lied, yes.”
“H-huh! That’s not fair!”
“Fair to me, you’re the one who lied with a terrible lie to. Did Cyno teach you that?”
“No…he would probably say, “Nah, I lied because it brewed in my head like my coffee…that makes no sense…okay maybe I can’t copy his jokes but still..”
Tighnari sighed heavily, “Well it was…alright…” Now he lied, it was bad but he couldn’t say that to you.
“Just admit it’s bad…or else you’re the one who’s lying now…” You replied making Tighnari’s scoff.
“Fine it’s bad. Rather tell the truth then lie I guess in this situation. Anyways out of track.” He said then continued. And you stood there not even listening much since your head was hurting more now but then, you felt the pain in your head get worse causing you to lose balance and stumble but Tighnari’s arms were there to catch you.
“Woah, be careful. Are you okay?” He asked concern now written all over his face.
“I’m okay…just a bit dizzy…” You winced in pain a bit.
“Is your head hurting?”
You stood there silent taking in his scent finally realizing you’re resting your head on Tighnari’s chest causing you to retract back.
“Ah sorry-no no! I’m okay just a bit tired that’s all!” You tried to reassure pulling away from his embrace as Tighnari let’s go almost hesitantly.
“Tired.” He scoffed. “Your face is paler now than before.”
“I’m fine…”
“Stop lying you idiot! You aren’t fine.” He finally snapped.
“Do you think not sleeping is going to help you get a higher score on your test?” He yelled.
You stood there not knowing what to say…
“Look Tighnari…please don’t yell…” You said with a frown, your eyes were so tired.
He then gently grabbed your head. “I’m sorry…I just…when you do things like this…stupid things like this, I can’t help but worry! You’ve been locked in your room the whole time today. You didn’t even bother to eat until Collei or I came to your room to give you something…”
“I know..but I promise I’m okay Nari…” You sleepily said you were less jumpy than before hand. Maybe it was his relaxing scent..? You go up to him and place your head on his chest again.
Giggling, “Hehe so soft…so warm…” you muttered then looking at him with a sweet and cute look on your face.
Tighnari only looked at you with a blank face but then it turned a bit red and he started to frown.
“Don’t say things like that with that kind of face…” He muttered out.
“Why? It’s true. You’re so warm and soft…and I like it…sometimes it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside that I-!” Tighnari quickly covered your mouth with his gloved hand shutting you up.
“Shhh…someone is here.”
“Hmm?” You hummed tiredly and gently removed his hand off.
“Probably one of the forest rangers.”
You weren’t listening much and stared at his lips while he talked but you were so out of it now. Before you knew it, you were leaning in towards his lips.
“Hey are you even listening-?!” He asked before he was met with a tired “hmm?”
Before he knew what was happening your lips were slightly touching while his breath hitched a bit.
You two stood there looking at each other and you took the first move and closed your eyes and kissed him. His lips were a bit soft and you didn’t see the shock expression on his face. You stood there kissing him and after he processed what was happening. He didn’t realize when he started kissing you back.
“Master Tighnari where are you…?” A young girl called out, it was Collei. “Ohh maybe he’s with Y/n?” She told herself you and Tighnari could hear her footsteps get closer and closer.
You only huffed out of breathe when Tighnari pulled you away.
“Y/n, have you seen Master Tighnari- oh there you are Master!”
“C-Collei, is something the matter?”
She only looked at you two and how close you were to each other.
“Am I…uh interpreting something…?” She asked with her innocent look.
“Nope, go ahead Collei. Y/n here was just being stubborn as ever to go get some rest anyways mind that, is there something you need?”
“Ah okay well, I wanted to ask if you saw if anyone took—?” She continued but you didn’t put any mind on it but only looked at the hand he has on your shoulder.
Still drowsy with sleepiness, you were taken in by his scent while looking at his lips again, imagining again to kiss them.
You got up in the middle of their conversation and tippy toed to Tighnari’s face aiming for his lips once more.
Tighnari was quick to catch you and blocked your lips with his gloved hand with a panicked but frustrated expression.
“What are you doing!” He whispered in your ear as Collei rambled about something of hers that was missing and saw as well however dense about what you were trying to do.
He proceeded to flick your forehead.
“Don’t lean into me, I know you’re tired but there’s a bed right there. Anyways, I think I saw Amir taking to the storage room. Look for it tomorrow alright? It’s already getting late and I don’t want you staying up late okay? It’s bad for you.”
“I know I know…I’m just worried about it…” She muttered softly.
“I’ll help you look for tomorrow okay? Now off to bed.”
“Okay…goodnight Master Tighnari and Y/n!”
“Goodnight Collei.” Tighnari sighed as you waved her a sloppy goodbye.
After Collei left Tighnari only looked away from you and pinched his nose temple, his eyebrows frowning.
“What were you thinking?! What if she walked in and saw us huh? And what’s with you all of sudden? This is why lack of sleep causes problems! If it were someone else they might have taken advantage of you or get upset with you!” He scolded as he ignored most of his lecture and only stared at his lips once again.
“Hey! You aren’t listening again…” His tongue clicked with annoyance with a frustrated look on his eye.
Once again you only leaned it and kissed him so needly. Pushing your lips into his causing him to stumble and fall to the ground with you on top of him. You pulled away and whispered, “I need more…” While gave in with a sign and started kissing you back.
You only looked at him after you two finally pulled away, his face was beyond red. His ears were now down like a sad puppy. By the looks of it, he seemed embarrassed to be seen like this.
You only grinned in a teasing manner and grabbed his ears still sleepy.
“What? Do you not want me to see you like this?”
He didn’t say anything but his ears twitched making you giggle.
You had enough fun and were too tired to tease him further.
You got off him as he also got up on his feet, still not making eye contact with you. That’s when you grabbed his hand.
“Hey what are you doing-!”
You dragged him to your bed as you both landed on your bed, him wrapped around your arms, softly embracing him.
“Wait- I’m too heavy-!”
“No…” You whispered, “I’ll rest if you stay with me…”
Finally giving in, “Alright you win.” You then mumbled, “I love you…” And quickly fell asleep leaving a dumbfounded but smiling Tighnari.
“Goodnight, I love you too…”
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onlinekitsune · 2 years
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ೃ⁀➷ PAIRING, GENRE, WARNINGS: mammon/gn! reader, hurt/comfort, protective mammon, also loving and affectionate mammon, warnings for: bullying, mostly like rumors around reader, nothing graphic, physical, or detailed
ೃ⁀➷ SYNOPSIS: nothing could prepare you for attending a school mostly made for demons. you didn't know what to expect or what not to expect. however, having rumors spread around you wasn't anywhere near your guesses. you'd thought that was just a human thing, clearly you were wrong. you kept them just between yourself and strayed away from the brothers. never expecting the impact that it would have on one brother in particular.
ೃ⁀➷ WRITER’S NOTE: hello my beloveds!! i hope you are doing well!! i wanted to throw a lil thing out real quick. i'm still working on the cyoa, it should be out soon!! also wtf i never expected to hit 1k on ANY of my posts or even be close to 200 followers! it's a small achievement i suppose, but i started this blog out of impulse! and never intended to have people to enjoy my content, so i truly do appreciate it! also also i redid a taglist thing, if anyone is interested! no pressure! just thought i should maybe have one? i love u all mwah
taglist form here!
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Your only company in the classroom was a single ray of moonlight peeking through the window. You scoffed at yourself for letting silly rumors get to you. You should’ve been used to them, especially going to an all human school. Atlas, here you were wasting your time hiding in classrooms. You didn’t want to burden any of the brothers with your problems. Although, you wouldn’t know if they’d be able to tell. Even so you didn’t want to drag their names along with yours. There was enough attention between you all when people found out you lived with them. You swung your feet, frustrated at how sensitive you were. Studying, that'd get my mind out of this gutter. You swung open the first textbook in your stack. It was about Curses and Hexes. The thought of using these against your classmates wove through your mind. You browsed through like they were some sort of catalog.
“Oi, there ya are! Where have ya been? Why are ya here still?” Mammon bombarded. You stumbled in your seat, dropping the book onto the ground. You would’ve followed if it wasn’t for Mammon’s quick reflexes. He held on your chair, raising an eyebrow.
“M-Mammon? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be home by now”
“Coulda ask you the same thing! You’re studyin’ here? You could do that back home.” He replied, still right beside you. You tried to control your nervousness, but you felt your heart pound with every second. You avoided his gaze and hesitated. Guilt began to settle in, realizing he was looking for you.
“Yeah. I just, got caught up. You can go ahead, I’ll follow soon.” You laughed. It was hard recognizing your own voice. You just hoped it’d be enough for Mammon. He let go of your chair and moved from your view. You let out a soft breath, as you clutched your book.
“Did I do somethin’ wrong?”
“Huh?” You let out, turning around. Mammon stood behind you, facing the door. He shuffled around, to face you. There was an odd look of worried splattered across his face.
“You’ve been actin’ weird these few days. You’ve avoiding everyone, but, specially me. Did ya just forget we walk back home together? I didn’t say anything bad right? Did-“
“It’s nothing to do with you, Mammon.” You interrupted. Your finger fidgeted along the points of the pages. You didn’t consider how this would of effected them. Silence fell upon hearing footsteps from outside of the classroom.
“... can't believe a human like them, is getting special treatment... like it's really annoying how... they're kinda weird too haha... living at the house of lamentation? ugh! why them... hate living with a human...”
Their words cut in and out like an lost signal. You sighed, just relieved they didn’t enter the room. On the other hand, Mammon was fuming. No one had the right to bad mouth you. He teased you but that was just a friendly thing! He gritted his teeth, heading towards the voices. You had the moment to grab his wrist, pulling him back. “Wait. Mammon, don’t.”
“Why? They shouldn’t be sayin’ things like that! Specially ‘bout you!” He spat, glaring towards the door. His protectiveness pulled on your heartstrings.
“It’s whatever, just don’t get involved.. please.” You whispered, slightly tugging him away from the door. He turned to look at you. Your eyes were soft, and full of worry. And yet the shined so bright along with the moonlight. It was almost as if the light was there just to accompany them.
“Is this why you’ve been weird?” He asked. You felt your soul sink a pit in your stomach. The look on your face was enough of an answer to him. You dropped your head down, defeated by yourself.
“I…I didn’t want to drag you into this. It’s stupid. I’m sorry.” You muttered. You tried holding back the tears but they puddled along your waterline. "I wanted to be able to leave you all out of it." Mammon stood silent but still stood beside you. Your tears ended up pattering along the floor, spread around your feet. Being so vulnerable and open made you feel absolutely mortified. You didn't want anyone to know about this, and even worse, let anyone see you cry about it.
“It’s not stupid.” He replied, placing a hand on your own. You didn't realize that you had your hand still wrapped around his wrist. "Anyone would be upset."
"Mammon, I'm not a child. I should be able to just push these stupid rumors away. I'm just too sensitive."
"There ain't anything wrong with that. It's okay to be sensitive... it's actually a little refreshing." Mammon replied, falling into a murmur. His cheeks flushed a soft shade of red. "It's like comforting."
You tilted your head. It was a bit odd to see such a timid version of Mammon. "I-"
"We all love you! So, hiding from us only hurts everyone. I'm your first, so hiding from me... is just unbelievable! Ya should be able to come to me 'bout anything!" He blurted, grabbing ahold of both of your hands. You froze at the sudden change. Mammon was not the best at showing his emotions. But, here he was trying his best to pour out his heart to you. You'd be lying if you said it wasn't working. Even if he wasn't the best at words, the thought really shined through. A smile slowly made it's way through you. You squeezed Mammon's hands.
"I love you too. Thank you. I.. didn't mean to worry you." You nervously laughed. The silence fell through again, as the two of you just stood in each other's presence. Your eyes glanced between your hands intertwined and Mammon's expression. He shifted his head a bit, looking around. But before you could say anything, he'd already moved in to kiss you. It was quick but unexpectedly soft.
"Sorry! I shoulda asked? I'm sorry!"
You could only laugh at how stupidly cute he could be sometimes. You pulled him into a hug. You didn't expect this to be an outcome of what today had in store, but you'd take it. It was better than crying in a classroom.
"Stop apologizing, and... kiss me again."
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k4g3hika · 1 year
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steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: steve harrington was aloof. one moment he was loving and another he treated you like you were garbage. but at the end of the day, you knew he loved you. even if he was dating ms. perfect, nancy wheeler.
genre: angst
wc: 2.8k
note/warnings: this was based off season one steve! season two, three, or four steve would NEVER. so i warn you now that steve is a major asshole in this, and there is no remorse. there are mentions of sex and cheating. reader is the other woman no matter how much she wants to deny it. also shoutout to giveon for inspiring me to write this ToT. and!! thank you so much to @andvys for rekindling my love for steve harrington!! haha you inspired me to write again <3
tags: fwb, angst with really no comfort, reader and steve are 18+, DNI if you are under 18 please.
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Steve Harrington was…aloof. One moment he was ignoring you, treating you like you were scum and the last thing that mattered to him in the world. Then, there were the times when he adored you. He treated you as if you were the love of his life and worshipped every part of you.
You wished that he acted like the latter every time. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much whenever you saw him prancing around with his picture perfect girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler. Who, he claimed to love to the core, but behind the door you knew that wasn’t true. You heard it from Steve himself.
“Steve…wait,” lightly pushing Steve off of your neck, you stare into his eyes as he bore into yours, “I have a question.”
“Okay, is everything alright honey?” He got up a little, pushing himself to your side instead of right on top of you. What you were about to say took a lot of bravery. It’s been on your mind for the last couple of weeks, but you just couldn’t manage to spit out the words.
“Y-Yeah, everything is great. I just…” you sigh and look at Steve, who was leaning on his elbow as he looked down at you. His touch gave you goosebumps as he brushed it on the little exposed part of your stomach that your shirt couldn’t cover. With moments like these, the intimacy was just too much. You couldn’t handle seeing him ignore you at school and adore you in the privacy of his or your house. The frustration was finally getting to you so you muttered, “Do you like me Steve?”
He scoffs, “well, of course I like you Y/N. I like every part of you-”
“No. I mean, like, do you like-like me?” Your face begins to feel hot. Steve’s eyebrow perked up and his touch along your stomach stopped.
“Yes, Y/N, honey. I like-like you. Why are you asking? We sound like middle-schoolers.”
Relief fills your heart. You couldn’t believe that he actually liked you. But before a smile could grow on your face, you ask him one more question.
“Then…why don’t we date? Like, with a label. If you like me so much,” your eyes drop down, “why are you still with Nancy…” the room got quiet. You could hear Steve’s pause in his breathing, before he exhaled loudly. His silence got you nervous, and you suddenly wanted to leave. You knew you shouldn’t have asked him. Now you’ve gone ahead and ruined everything.
But before you could leave, Steve gets back on top of you and puts his hands behind your neck. His thumbs begin to caress your cheeks. You could feel your heartbeat quicken, as his silence along with his eye-contact was making you nervous.
“Nancy is just…an image. She’s cute y’know. But you?” His lips land on yours for a quick peck. “You’re different. You’re my favourite.” At first, Steve’s kisses all over your face made you giggle and his reply to your question eased your heart.
But now, when you look back, you should’ve left Steve right there and then.
Noise from your phone interrupts your chain of thought. You finally look around your room, realising that you were not in fact at the Harrington residence. And in place of Steve, was your body pillow clutched tight to your chest. Recollecting yourself, you notice that the phone is still ringing, urging you to immediately get up and answer the call.
“Honey.” Your heart stops. Speak of the devil. “Can I pick you up? I miss you.” Looking up at the clock on your bedside table, the time reads out ten o’clock.
“But Stevie, it’s late-”
“I know honey, but I really want to see you,” you hear sighing on the other line, “please?”
You can never say no to Steve. Even if all your friends and family claimed this relationship to be toxic, denying Steve would be like giving up an addiction.
“Great, I’ll pick you up.”
Steve’s BMW pulled up to your house and you wrapped your jacket tighter around your body. It was fall, prompting Hawkins to have this breeze brush through and freeze everyone in the process. He honks the horn, and you pull open your front door and rush to his car.
“Hey honey.”
“Hi Stevie.” You shyly mutter, jumping into the passenger seat and shutting the door behind you. “What’s wrong-”
Almost instinctively, Steve kisses you straight away with a need you’ve never felt from him before. You try to protest, but he just pushes deeper, holding your face and attempting to pry your mouth open with his tongue. Beginning to get uncomfortable, you praise God that Steve finally leans back, looking at your equally swollen lips.
“Steve! What-what are you doing!” He leans back into the driver’s side, pushing his hair back with…was it frustration? “Steve, what’s wrong?”
“C’mon honey, I just wanted to see you. Why don’t you let me kiss you, hm?” You furrow your eyebrows, trying to see any clues in his posture, face, anything really, to see why exactly he was acting like this. Sure, there were times where either of you couldn’t wait to get your hands on each other, but this time it felt different.
Almost like Steve was trying to kiss and forget, like he had a problem weighing on him that he wanted you to erase.
But you cared too much to just be a memory eraser. You wanted to know what was wrong with Steve, and you wanted him to vent to you about it.
Like a couple.
“Steve, tell me what happened-”
“Y/N.” His sternness pulled your words back. “Can you quit asking questions? Jesus, you’re acting like you’re my girlfriend.” Silence ensues the conversation. You were taken aback.
It’s true, you aren’t his girlfriend. But…didn’t he like you? You thought you and Steve were more than this. More than a hello, fuck and bye.
You were, right?
“Listen, come here, ‘kay? Help me feel better and I’ll tell you after. If that makes you happy.” Pausing, your hands clench out of unease. You console yourself, promising that Steve was probably just frustrated and tired. Hopping over to the otherside, you sit yourself onto his lap and look into his eyes.
They looked almost empty, apart from the obvious lust that he had for you. But was there anything else? He said you were his favourite, Steve didn’t like Nancy, he liked you.
Steve pushed his lips onto yours, hands rubbing all over your back and lifting your loungewear. Caressing every part of you, he continued to kiss all over your neck, finding his favourite spot to leave a mark. Your hands gave a slight pull to Steve’s brown curls, emitting a groan from him and him pulling you even closer.
“Love you honey…thank you.”
That’s right. Steve loves you. Not Nancy Wheeler, not any other girl in Hawkins. Steve Harrington loves you.
Now, looking back, you notice that Steve never told you why he was so upset.
You walk up to Hawkins High, holding your textbooks to yourself. Chrissy says something that you don’t really pay attention to, probably something about Jason or cheer practice later that afternoon. The parking lot was filled with students, and even more as the school bus came around and dropped off more kids.
As the both of you came closer to the school, you knew that this was where Steve normally parked his car. Getting giddy, you try to take a peek at the familiar BMW, but in contrast, you see quite an unfamiliar sight.
Steve and Nancy were passionately arguing. Not that they didn’t argue, it was normal for a couple. However, this one seemed more angry, mainly coming from Nancy which was unique. She was the quiet type and usually didn’t get mad. Being nosy and all, you continue to stare in hopes of catching what exactly they were talking about.
“Oh my, is that Steve and Nancy shouting? Is the dream couple finally gonna break?” You hear Chrissy giggle beside you. Your best friend didn’t exactly know what was happening between you and Steve. At the beginning, before his public relationship began, she was made aware of your situation. But as soon as Steve and Nancy were a thing, you kept you and him a secret.
It’s not that you were embarrassed, you just didn’t want to receive criticism for what you were doing.
“Wait, Y/N, is that not your claw clip?” Looking up, you see an object that Nancy was holding in her hand. It seems to be the subject of their argument as Nancy had it in front of her, accusingly pointing it at Steve. Trying to take a closer peek, you see the familiar white clip that had gold lines engraved all over it. It glittered in the Hawkins morning sun and your heart came to a stop.
It was your clip. It must’ve dropped last night when Steve took it out of your hair. You swore you grabbed it, but then when it was missing this morning, you just assumed it was in your closet somewhere! You began to panic, and grab Chrissy’s arm to walk faster towards the school.
Turning around, you make eye contact with Steve. His gaze was low and angry, making your heart jump out of fear. You knew Steve wouldn’t get mad at you, but maybe he was just annoyed that Nancy was screaming at him. In a public parking lot at that.
“Y/N?!? What are you doing?” You walk speedily to your locker, opening it up quickly and stuffing your books inside. “Y/N? What’s the matter with you? You’re scaring me.”
You don’t know why you were feeling so anxious either. But, seeing how Steve was looking at you, it made your knees feel weak and not in a good way. Your arms held onto the books that were on the verge of falling out, shaking. Your arms were shaking.
“Nothing Chrissy! Just…see you at Bio, okay?” Leaving Chrissy in the dust after slamming your locker shut, you made your way to the restroom. Trying to ease your pacing heart, you rub your chest and get in front of the mirror. You know Steve likes you, so shouldn’t you be happy that Nancy found out about the cheating?
Cheating…it wasn’t cheating. You were with Steve way before he began to date Nancy. If anything, she was the other woman.
Oh God, what if Nancy sends whispers around the school about you and Steve. You would be seen as the other woman, even though you most definitely were not. Nancy Wheeler is the other woman.
Suddenly, a smile etches on your face at the realisation of something. Steve and Nancy will surely break up, maybe already have, right? She found another woman’s clip in her boyfriend’s car. That should be the last straw. That means, Steve will finally be yours. And you and Steve will finally go public. This must be a sign. It was meant for your clip to be left in his car, it was for Nancy to finally realise that he didn’t love her.
He loves you.
Later that night, you wait for Steve’s call by the phone. It will come. You know it will. He will call you, say that Nancy and him broke up, and the both of you will finally go public. No more kissing in his car or his room, maybe you can kiss in the hallway, or even at parties. Steve Harrington will finally be in your arms, and you can actually call him your boyfriend.
However, instead of the phone ringing, a knock comes from the front door. You lift your eyebrow, looking down at the phone expecting something else. Maybe Steve wanted to do a surprise visit? He never knocks though…
More knocking came, and you lifted yourself off of your bed, going to the door while pulling on one of Steve’s sweatshirts that he gave to you. When it will be made official, might as well wear something of his right? Since you were going to call him yours and he was going to call you his. The thought made you giggle, and you open the door with joy etched onto your face to meet just the person who you were looking for.
But instead of relief, Steve’s expression was filled with annoyance. His hands were on his hips as he looked at you like a stern parent.
“Steve! You’re here-“
“Are you crazy?” He spat. Your heart came to a stop. “You left your clip in my car last night Y/N. Do you have any sense?”
“What?” You pull open the door more, wanting to pull Steve inside but he stood his ground. “Steve-”
“You know that I have a girlfriend Y/N. How can you leave your shit when you know she’s in there every day! You’re so fucking careless.” Steve heaves, wiping his eyes with his fingers. He really left you speechless, because instead of saying what you wanted to say, you could only stutter. “What, you have nothing to say? Did you want me and Nancy to break up or something? For what, so that you and I can be together?”
You purse your lips and thin them out, fingers coming together to fidget with one another. It felt weird, having what you wanted to happen thrown at your face in a fit of rage.
“God, this was all a mistake. Messing around with you, was a huge mistake!”
“Why are you saying these things? I thought you liked me, Steve.” Muttering your words almost like a whisper, Steve chuckles demeaningly. Your heart continues to hurt, however, you stay and stand in your place, ignoring the ache.
He rolls his eyes, “Y/N, listen, I like you…but for an entirely different reason. Way, way, different from Nancy…
You’re a good fuck.”
You felt your heart shatter. “W-What? What do you mean Steve?” You walk forward, attempting to hold onto his shirt. Trying to find solace in him, Steve responds by stepping back looking almost disgusted with your touch.
Why, why is he doing this to you?
“Trust me, we have fun. But I can never be in a relationship with you. So get that dream out of your head, and don’t leave your crap in my car.” Steve begins to turn around to head towards his car, stepping on the last bits of your heart with every step he takes. But before he finally leaves, Steve spins with one final heart wrenching comment.
“And take that shit off, I better not see you wear that sweater out. If Nancy sees, she might actually break up with me.” He chuckles, “plus, it looks fucking weird on you.”
A sob leaves your lips. Without any guilt or remorse, Steve gets into his car, reversing out of your driveway. You realise that he didn’t even turn off the engine, making you see that he really didn’t give a shit about you enough to think he was going to be here long.
You fought the urge to slide down your doorway. The last thing you wanted was your neighbours to see you helplessly sobbing on your doorstep. Opting instead, to close the door and sit on the floor. Covering your mouth, you cry, wiping your tears off with your sleeve.
You feel your shoulders shake with every sob of anguish that was pulled out from your body. Your hands felt like leaves shaking in the wind like the ones outside in the cool autumn breeze. Everything felt so useless and inside, you felt so helpless.
You were an idiot for thinking that Steve ever liked you, or even ‘loved’ you. But it just seemed too good to be true. All he wanted you for was sex, and it made you feel empty, as if starved from something you thought you had.
But, you couldn’t hate Steve. At the end of the day, you see that it was your own idea of Steve that made you stay.
You saw Nancy’s Steve. The affectionate one that kisses you in front of people and shows you off at parties. The one that takes you out to breakfast and dinner, and cuddles you on the couch.
You failed to see your Steve, who called you past nine o’clock at night, ignored you at school, and made you feel loved, only when no one was looking.
Steve didn’t play Nancy, no, the only fool who was a pawn at his game was you.
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oksana-moods · 1 year
Queens of Promise - Smut Part
Summary: Following the trails of her sun kissed skin led you directly to a heaven that you soon learned you had been locked out of.
A/N: Okay, if you don’t read smut, this chapter is not for you, but worry not. Part 9 will be posted around the weekend of shortly after. Now if you do read smut, here’s a treat. Some sort of 8.5 part for the ones who enjoy this kind of reading and yeah I wrote roughly 4.5k words of smut. It was just so easy, it flowed haha. Please, tell me your thoughts.
Warnings: Smut. MINORS DNI! +18 ONLY! Explicit content, bad language.
Previous Parts here
“Between Heaven”
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“I- I don’t know how to love.” You reply. You had had many experiences with women in bed or in any place actually, but you had never loved. And Wanda Maximoff, somehow, was so much more and again, you didn’t want to treat her any less than she deserved. “And you deserve more.”
Her brows furrowed at your hesitance, but one look in your eyes and she knew how scared you were. Maybe for completely different reasons but still, just a scared woman in front of another.
“You speak about what I deserve, but what about what I want?” Her words set your whole body on fire and you’re all but aware of how close she was. “And I want you to show me how it is.” Her confidence hit you full force and you couldn’t deny how bad you desired the woman standing in front of you.
You felt her hand caress your cheek then your hair, then back to your cheek. “Wanda, I don’t wanna do anything that you might regret.” You held onto your last shred of consciousness as if your life depended on it. Maybe not your life, but your sanity.
Wanda was about to link her lips with yours again, but refrained herself at your words, then looked at you and asked you to open your hooded eyes. “I want you to be the first to touch me. I won’t regret this.” Her voice was hotter than lava and melted every nerve in your brain.
Her body burned with the same desire yours did. Then, you let go of that fragment of consciousness and let your own instincts take over your entire being. “Your wish is my command, Your Highness.”
You pulled Wanda into your body and as soon as her body was fully flushed against yours, you pulled her in for a searing kiss, setting your heart ablaze. Your hands roamed her body as if desperate to feel her.
You kissed her cheek, then her earlobe before your lips found her neck. While you let your own desire dictate the rhythm, Wanda’s mind became a puddle of nothingness. She had never been touched like this before and only the gods knew how much she yearned for your touch.
While kissing, biting and sucking on her pulse point, your hand hovered over her breast and gave light squeezes, the best you could with so many clothes standing between your skins.
Realizing she needed more, much more than she was having, Wanda helped you ease the buttons of your tunic. Since you were disguised as a trader, your clothes weren’t so difficult to shed, but hers, it was quite the opposite.
As you walked to her back in order to take off the many laces of her dress, Wanda’s mind started to wander and wonder. You definitely moved expertly, so far, you knew where to kiss or touch as if her body was your own.
“I’ve heard stories about your…” She bit her tongue, trying to find the right words. She was taught that a princess shouldn’t use bad words or talk about profanities. “Sexual adventures.” She decided to find a common ground. Not too much polite nor too much whorish.
She closed her eyes and this time she bit back a low moan that tried to escape her lips when you bit the exposed skin of her back.
“Hm.” You hummed before biting her once again, this time slightly harder and, this time, Wanda couldn’t suppress the sound escaping from her mouth. “People like to talk. Why don’t you tell me what stories and I’ll tell you whether they are true or not?”
Wanda nodded, not fully certain that you’d see, but she couldn’t trust her voice. Your hands touching her over the fabric was maddening enough. She couldn’t even think about when you touched her bare.
Upon feeling that you were working on the laces, she tried to concentrate on said stories. They were vulgar but she’d be lying if she said she never felt a fever on her midsection once or twice.
“C’mon, Princess. I wanna hear it.” Your voice so low on her ear wrecked her nerves, little by little. In addition to that, the way you always pronounced the word princess made her blood boil, for you always spoke as if it weren’t her tittle, but a condescending call. And fuck, her body betrayed her resolves once more when another moan escaped her lips.
A low chuckle was the only thing she heard, but she knew you had seen what you were doing to her. You were experienced and she was just a woman about to be deflowered and, for the first time in her life, she didn’t want you to be respectful about it.
“You made love with a woman before her husband could. Called for prima nocte.” Wanda spoke one of the first stories she had heard about your libertine actions across the world.
“False.” One lace off and you kissed Wanda’s bare skin. The feel of her body against yours and the power you had over her was intoxicating, your heartbeat increased with every sound coming from her mouth.
“You took a whore as company when you went to a war against a rebel Lord.” Wanda found her voice but with all your ministrations was getting hard to focus on her memory.
“False.” You kissed her again. “She was a castle maid from Triskelion, not a whore.” You clarified and Wanda gasped both at your words and at your tongue touching her back.
“And you threatened to make love with said Lord’s wife if he didn’t stop with the rebellion.” Wanda’s voice failed her for the first time as your fingers touched the growing amount of bare skin of her back.
“True, though I remember using the word fuck.” Your voice was back on her ear, your hot breath was electrifying. “I’d fuck his wife and daughter if he didn’t stop the rebellion.”
Wanda gasped both at your words and at your mouth leaving a kiss on her earlobe before returning to your activity. There was something about the way promiscuous words rolled out of your tongue, her body was on fire and, though completely inexperienced, she knew you didn’t even start.
“And I didn’t have to enforce for his daughter came willing for me to fuck her.” You completed though Wanda’s mind was far gone, for she felt that you had reached and opened the last lace. She could feel her gown loose on her frame, yet you haven’t undressed her.
Shivers shot throughout her body as you left a trail of hot open-mouthed kisses over her back, the trail followed the perfect path of her back bones from the nape of her neck until her lower back. She felt your hands roaming her skin as if to touch-imprint the feel on your memory.
It was so chaste and so sensual at the same time, which sent her nerves into tatters and the redhead could feel the heat pooling on her midsection. If she were to be honest, it was embarrassing the effect you had over her body.
With your nose, you trailed her back up until your mouth was once again close to her ear and asked. “Can I?” Your hand gave a light pull on her dress so she could understand what you were asking.
She remained silent and you feared that your confession had scared her away, but it was short lived for her voice broke the silence.
“Please.” Right then and there, you realized, that there was nothing that you wouldn’t do if Wanda asked you with that voice. It was half whispered half raspy and full of crave.
With a light pull of your hand, the gown pooled on the ground at Wanda’s feet and although you were behind her, you saw her trying to raise her arms to cover her body. Only you stopped her by gently grabbing her arms.
“I won’t hurt you.” You whispered into her ear and punctuated with a chaste kiss on her shoulder. “If you’re uncomfortable, I can stop.” You were so turned on that your whole body shook, but you wouldn’t be a jerk and disregard Wanda’s feelings.
“I know. It’s not you.” You opened your eyes as you felt her moving and now her front was completely flushed against your body. “This- I’m feeling a little self-conscious. That’s all.”
Her insecurity hit you in the chest for you did not expect that. If anything, Wanda’s body was just as perfect as a sculpture could be. In fact, Wanda’s body was a shrine begging to be worshiped.
“You are perfect, Wanda.” You kissed her lips once, then trailed until her shoulders and back. “Let me show you just how much.”
This time, she didn’t give you an answer. Not with words, for that matter. She pulled you in for a kiss that could scorch your soul but only made your body crave hers more and more.
Almost impatiently, Wanda pulled your lower tunic and you got rid of your pants and soon you were skin to skin.
After guiding her to the bed, your mouth left hers and trailed down the sweet valley of her breasts. You tasted one, then teased the other before lavishing her nipples with the attention they desperately needed.
Wanda’s back arched once, then twice with every movement of your tongue around her hardened peaks, and it was perceptible that it was becoming hard for her to control the sounds coming out of her mouth.
You travelled southern on her body, never forgetting to kiss or touch every single inch of her silky skin and with every touch another jolt of pleasure coursed through her. And every moan made you wetter.
When you were a little bit lower than the line of her navel, and about to reach her intimacy, you looked up silently asking for permission. Wanda nodded at you through demi-hooded eyelashes, and you swore that you were yet to see sexiest sight.
You continued down and found her midsection already soaked. You had felt it while grinding your leg on it, but this sight, well, now this was the sexiest.
You had to physically refrain yourself from attacking her lips and clit directly, but you remembered that this was her first time. You couldn’t act like a deranged dog. So, out of respect, you planted small kisses on her groin, up and down on both sides until she was used to your actions.
Her breathing, though, became heavier with every touch of lips and tongue.
Then, you gave a feather-like kiss on her sex and chuckled when Wanda’s body jolted out of the bad.
“Sorry.” She apologized, but you assured her with another kiss, not so light this time.
Soon, you stopped with the kisses and started to lick and suck her clit in the rhythm of her moans and sharply intakes of air. As you started to properly eat her out, Wanda’s knuckles were white, grabbing the sheets for dear life and that sight drove your head into nuts.
Incoherent words started to fall from her mouth, but you couldn’t understand, and you knew the reason why she spoke so low. “You can speak out loud. No one’s going to hear you, except for me.” You reassured her with your signature smile.
“But I-.” She tried to form coherent thoughts as she popped on her elbows, but it proved harder than she had imagined. “These words are so unladylike.”
You chuckled and kissed her inner thighs just for good measure, but you liked the effect it had on her, nonetheless. “You can speak whatever you want, Princess. I’m sure I’m going to like.”
Not even sparing her a glance, you dived between her legs again and her moan was loud and clear this time. “Don’t hold back your pleasure.” Your ministrations pulling sweet sounds from her, and it was driving you insane.
After a hard suck on her clit, Wanda jolted again half shouting an ‘oh’. You could feel the pleasure building in her and she wouldn’t take long.
“OH.” She exclaimed and the flow of juices coating your chin and tongue told you that she had come. You locked eyes with her long enough to see her shy smile, making your heart do somersaults in your chest.
When she rested her head again, you lunged on to her intimacy for another round. The moans and jolts were accompanied by grunts and another set of incoherent words, though this time you could almost discern one or another.
Deciding to increase her pleasure, you used one finger to tease her entrance and her perinium “Oh my-.” She cut herself by biting her lips and you smirked, she was closer than you thought and soon, your mouth was rewarded with her juices again.
“Such a good girl.” You murmured as you climbed the bed so you could lay by her side. Wanda only smiles and has her eyes hooded, definitely enjoying the bliss of her orgasm.
“What you were doing down there,” Wanda’s raspy voice broke the silence. “It was so good.” and it was your turn to smile softly. Her body glistened with a thin coat of sweat and by the gods she got more beautiful with every passing second.
She opened her eyes and let her head fall to the side to properly look at you, there was this new emotion dancing in her eyes, and you wished you could categorize every single one of them for later contemplation.
Wanda lifted her hand and traced your features with the back of her index finger, it was slow and kind as if she too was trying to engrave your traces into her skull. “You are so pretty.” She said softly, voice much like an angel. “Your eyes, your lips… you’re driving me insane.”
The back of her finger touched your lips, and you pecked it lightly, earning another smile from her. You leaned down and kissed her once more. It was slow, almost lazy until she pulled back and asked.
“Is this taste…?” You chuckled at the poor woman in front of you. Like a full castle lady, she couldn’t let vulgar words pass through her lips, it doesn’t matter that she spoke one or two barely minutes ago.
“You, Wanda.” You kissed her again, languidly, and pulled back looking directly at her eyes. “This sweet taste is your sweet juice.”
You saw her cheeks tinting with a light shade of red and you laughed. The innocence right after what you just did wouldn’t match anyone else but her. You dropped your head and kissed her cheek once, then traced her cheekbone with your nose until your breath found her ears.
The redhead knew that this action was nothing compared to what you just did, the kisses and the things you made her feel, but she could feel her body reacting again. Her arousal flared through her body like a wave and the feeling was exhilarating.
When you kissed the skin right under her ear, the sokovian let out a strangled breath and you felt her hand coursing through your back. Her nails dug onto your skin right after you bit her neck the harsher until now.
Your lips were back on hers in no time and, for the second time that night, your leg was in between hers, this time the wetness pooled from her center but also from yours. The feel of this perfect woman exploring your body was maddening, especially after she learnt that if she squeezed your ass just right, she’d bring your hips onto hers.
Between sloppy kisses and ragged breaths, Wanda would probably make you cum by only grinding her and it wasn’t fair. Her power over you wasn’t fair.
Wanda moaned and all the pleasure she was feeling was everything and nothing at the same time. Somehow, she wanted more. She wanted you more, but she didn’t know how to ask for. Or even what to ask for.
However, she desperately needed to feel more.
The harshness with you groped Wanda’s ass made her hiss and bite your shoulder, earning her a moan from you. It was plain to see that she’d make you go insane by the dawn if you lasted that long.
You found yourself kissing and playing with her nipples again. If more comfortable with you and your ministrations or if because she was finally setting herself free, was unknown to you, but Wanda moaned loudly. It was music to your ears.
As your tongue swirled around her hard, swollen peaks, your hand traveled further down her body. The woman beneath you hissed and let her head fall back on to the mattress as your finger circled her clit.
The wetness coated your digits, making it easy for you to tease her folds, her entrance and go back to her clit. It was almost a pattern, sometimes slow and sometimes pressing her intimacy a little harder, but never really touching where you wanted. Or she needed.
You wanted to make sure Wanda would feel all the pleasure you could give, you wanted to make sure that her first time being touched would be as perfect and delightful as it can be. All you wanted was to love her properly.
It was obvious by her body movements that Wanda wanted more. Her lust was so high that she’d take your fingers and anything you were willing to give her, but you never quavered your ministrations.
With the tip of your middle finger at her entrance, you locked eyes with her and asked. “Can I?” There was no turning back now. After her answer, her life would change forever. Up until now it was all teasing and play, but now you offered her the real game.
“Yes.” She choked between deep breaths, mouth sexily hanging open and eyes wide with anticipation.  
You held eye contact as you slowly slid your finger passed her cunt and you felt her tight walls pressing your digit. Her face contorted with pain but also with pleasure and her mouth moved without speaking any word.
This woman would be the death of you.
You let her adjust to your length for a moment and when her chest weaved with calmer breaths, you started to move. Nice and slow. In and out in a lazy pace, you could feel her sex clenching around your finger, sending your nerves out of the window.
This new feeling, the feel of you inside her was effervescent, incandescent even. Her soul, much like her body, was about to burst with this new sensation. Her hips moved on their own accord, as if trying to meet your hand and increase the pleasure.
She tried. She tried moving faster but still felt like something was missing. She wanted more and this time she asked.
“More.” She breathed out and she wanted to slap your face after you shot her one of your daring smile. You were playing with her body, taking your time and finding pleasure in make her squirm under your touch like a needy virgin.
Although you were indeed playing the sculpture laying under you, you conceded her wish. You took your finger from her cunt and after a whine escaping Wanda’s lips, you pushed two fingers inside her. Walls once again clenching around your skin, sending goosebumps through your spine.
You could feel she was full, moving desperately to increase the friction because you still kept a steady pace. You wanted to see how far you could take her, for the sight of her writhing and about to beg was heavenly.
Incoherently words flew from her lips, and you knew what she wanted. You didn’t have to be experienced to know that. But you wanted her to give in to you fully. You needed her to.
“Use your words, princess.” Your hot breath on her ear and that tone again made her walls clench involuntarily. The way you used her title as a praise was infuriatingly hot and she had to admit you had her wrapped around your finger. Literally.
The shyness that refused to leave her the whole night, suddenly was thrown out of the window. Much like a shameless whore, she bellowed. “Gods fuck me. Harder.” The urgency of her command was emphasized by her nails piercing your skin, much like her existence punctured yours.
And who were you to deny any demand of this ruler? Who were you if not another servant willing to do as their mistress ask? Who were you if not the most devoted disciple of this goddess?
She asked and you delivered. You fucked her just as she had asked and if before her moans were loud, right now it was like her lungs couldn’t hold back any longer. Your name floated through her lips, and she enchanted it like a prayer.
The rhythm which you fell in with her body was like magic and you had never experienced it before in your life. Up until now, you hadn’t felt the pleasure coursing through your partner’s body like you did now. As she chased her orgasm it was like your own body could feel it too.
You could feel the pressure building within her stomach, so you cooed. “Cum for me, princess.” Again, the praise sent shockwaves through her skin, and it was all too much. She couldn’t hold this amazing sensation any longer, so she came undone.
Wanda’s screams as she reached her climax were certainly engraved in your memory for life and, much like the sight of her, you’d never forget the things she made you feel.
After you helped her ride her high, you took your fingers from inside her and you could see her eyes darkening with lust once you wrapped your lips around your fingers as to clean the juices coating them.
“Gods, the things you make me feel.” Wanda sighed and you snorted amused, wondering if she could read your mind like an open book. Or maybe she was a witch.  
“You’re beautiful, Wanda.” You kissed her lightly before laying down by her side. You could feel your core pulsating with need, but you wouldn’t ask her to touch you. Your adventures were probably too much for her already.
Your thoughts were sliced, though, as she turned her body to face you. Expectancy was evident in her face, but also something else. Again, she was unsure. You just didn’t know of what.
“I- I don’t know what to do.” She stated almost uncertain, and you frowned your brows in confusion and hurt.
One would think that after the night and pleasure you had just shared, Wanda would stop doubting of the undeniable feelings growing between the pair of you. But no.
She’s still feeling the bliss of the sex, yet, here she was, breaking your heart with her fears and will probably go back to her enchants of ‘we’re enemies’ as though you didn’t just pour your heart for her.
“Wanda.” You sighed, your wetness belonged to the past now. “We can figure what to do with this enemies thing in the morning, yeah?” You asked, eyes almost pleading for her to let you in, for once.
“What are you talking about?” Wanda retorted, now her brows were furrowed too.
“Weren’t you just second guessing what we just did?” You asked again, suddenly feeling a bit lost.
And definitely, a lot lost when Wanda laughed. You realized, with a start, that this was the very first time you saw her laughing this freely. Eyes closed, nostrils flaring and mouth wide open. She was like an angel brought to Earth.
Your heart literally fluttered watching her.
After her laugh died down, Wanda looked at your eyes and spoke. “No, you twat. I was saying that I don’t know what to do.” She let her hands roam your body a little as if trying to convey her message, then completed. “To make you feel good too.”
“Oh.” You muttered dumbly and she sneered at you again. You were so used to her withdraws that your brain automatically read her sentence as another one. “Oh.” You muttered again after your mind finally wrapped itself around what she meant.
“You don’t have to.” You assured her, with a small smile gracing your lips. “It’s okay.”
She shook her head lightly and shifted her body so now it was her turn to straddle you. The previous confusion now long forgotten, and your body shivered with anticipation. Your own arousal was back on full force.
“But I want to.” She purred in your ear as she lowered her body. The feeling of her nipples against your own was from another world. This woman had you at her mercy.
“Just do what your body says.” You whispered after you found your voice, for her mouth was already attacking your neck as if there was no tomorrow.
If anyone would’ve told that one single woman, made of flesh, could open the gates of the heavens for you, you’ve laughed. But here you were, knocking the doors of the paradise called Wanda.
Apparently, the redhead was a fast learner for her mouth was sent from heaven while playing with your nipples. But when she reached your sex, it was as if she’d suck the life out of you and by the gods the sight of Wanda eating you out whole mouth was the sexiest sight you had ever had.
Every kiss, every touch was like a thousands of blazing suns scorching your soul until you begged for forgiveness to every and all of your sins. Even the ones you haven’t committed yet. There was something spiritual in the way the auburn woman drove your body to a hidden place of pleasure.
Right then and there, you understood that the feel of Wanda’s love was like waking up into a perfect dream. It is like learning that you’ve been locked out of heaven this whole time and she was the goddess who guarded the key.
Much like the time, inexorably and inevitably, your heart fell for Wanda, for everything you possessed now belonged to her.
Body, mind and soul.
Part 9
taglist: @californianwhiterabbit
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atlasofthestaars · 6 months
Are you okay?? It's been a while
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haha that's a lot of messages!
hi! i'm not dead <3 I'm back! sorry for my sudden disappearance! I've been busy with life! I've been on the grind for college and art, and somehow along the path I got a boyfriend ??? He uh. knows I make this fanfic, so maybe he can get me to update this faster
To be totally transparent, I have not written much. Like at all. I hit a major writing block before disappearing and then time flew and now we're here!
Am I dropping this story? Nope! I plan to update and finish this thing, even if it takes me months between updates, sorry about that haha
Well, I'll be working on chapter 17 now! I felt bad so I have the entirety of what I HAVE written below! It's just the intro flashback like usual so there's not much, sorry about that :(
“I’m surprised you said no to Sonya’s offer.”
You stared ahead, watching the sunrise over the cityscape. Gold and pinks stained the sky, the colors seeping into the clouds that passed by overhead. The air, though it’s been a week since the final showdown, still felt like it was scented with the ashes and blood of those who shouldn’t have died. Maybe it was because of your animalistic traits, but you swore it smelt fresh too. You tried not to close your eyes, or else you’d see those things again.
“Is it really that surprising?” You asked. Your voice was scratchy. You couldn’t tell if it was due to a lack of speaking or too much speaking. How much silence and talking you’ve been taking felt murky. The whole last week felt like a blur, in all honesty. You rose a hand up, massaging your throat. You heard a shift, and finally you allowed yourself to look at your companion.
“In all honesty?” Johnny’s voice felt like it had lost much of the grandeur. If you were feeling in a better mood, you would have maybe even joked about the rather plain way he was speaking. Making jokes, however, was the last thing on your mind. You watched him carefully, his shoulders slumping forward as he took a good long stare at you. Did you look as much of a wreck as you felt? You felt your body try and straighten up, to attempt to look somewhat put together. “Yeah, I kinda am.”
“Why?” You asked, still analyzing the actor. There was a long stretch of time where the both of you simply stared at each other. You noted the uncharacteristic eyebags, and just how…normal he looked. “Isn’t it obvious I would choose to stay with Lord Raiden and help those back at the White Lotus?” You inquired further. A tone of offense slipped into your tone, one that you only noticed until you saw the slight cringe from the man.
“Well, yeah, I guess.” Johnny replied, his face scrunching up slightly. It seems he was still reeling a bit at your harsher tone. “But you seemed so…adamant about working with Sonya over the last week. You wouldn’t even rest, sleep, or eat until either she or I practically dragged you out of whatever task you busied yourself with.” He pointed out.
“I’m just a hard worker.” You excused yourself. You decided to ignore the very, very pointed and judgemental look the actor sent your way. Hard worker was not even an understatement, it was simply wrong. You weren’t working to earn merits. You were working to distract yourself. Catching your mind drifting, you stared down at your hands, noting the many more calluses that would form from how much you’ve been writing lately.
You don’t think you’ve written this much in ages.
“Listen, I’m not stupid. I’m not going to make you spit out whatever’s been bugging you, because I think you won’t, and I feel like I already know what it is. But I will say I do know what it looks like when someone’s trying to drown themselves in something to distract themselves.” The actor told you in a strangely stern voice. He crossed his arms, staring you down. “But like I said, I know there’s no point in carrying that point on.” He sighed, running a hand through his unusually unstyled hair. “So what are you even planning on doing when you go back?” 
You paused, looking at the actor. Was he that good at reading people, or were you that exhausted that you could not even put up a convincing front anymore? You searched his face, trying to figure out which answer was the right one. Maybe it was both, you couldn’t tell anymore.
“Anything to help the world recover.” You told Johnny Cage. You knew your answer was vague, but you guessed it was better than nothing. Plus, what you said was true. You were planning on doing anything to help your community to rebuild. Whether it be helping rebuild the building of the Wu Shi itself after the invasion years ago, or to train new initiates with your father, you were willing to do it.
You could not let what happened last week ever happen again. Not as long as you were alive.
“Sounds like a tall task.” Johnny said, his gaze now settled on the pinkened horizon. There was a bit of wistfulness to his voice, as if acknowledging the terribly difficult task you had placed upon yourself. There was no doubt in his voice, though. Instead, it felt as if he knew that you’d be true to your word, even if it meant your doom.
“What about you?” You asked, suddenly feeling awkward as the conversation had died out. You hadn’t wanted your conversation with him to be entirely about you. Not only was it something you weren’t all too fond of in the first place, but it felt wrong especially when your conversation partner was someone as ostentatious as the actor. “What are your plans now? To go back to acting?”
“Honestly? Thought about that for a bit.” Johnny admitted, shrugging. There was a certain type of look on his face, one that seemed long for normalcy that he could never have back. “But after seeing all of this shit? I don’t think I could return to that life. I was planning on taking Sonya’s offer to join the Special Forces, kinda hoping you would too.”
“Really?” You said, unable to hide the surprise in your voice. Your eyebrows rose, before you felt a soft huff leave your lips. “Was it so you could have a friend in the force, or is it so you could have someone to bug in the force?”
“A bit of both.” The actor, or rather, soon to be ex actor, said. A hint of his signature smile was sent your way, and he crossed his arms. as he looked at you from the corner of his eye. “With how long we’ve known each other, I can’t say I hate you. I could have done without the whole doom impending tournament that made us meet, though. Not a big fan. Plus, you being there would mean there’s one less hard ass there I’d have to deal with.”
“I’m honored.” You replied, hoping the sarcasm you were attempting was getting through even with your dry tone. There was a beat that passed as you considered your next words. “I’m not going away forever, Cage.” There was what you assumed was relief that twinkled in his eyes as you told him that. “I’m sure there will be help that Raiden will need from the Special Forces, and vice versa. Plus, I already told Sonya this, but if we hear anything about those revenants that Raiden spoke of, I want in. Not to mention, I’ll be sure to write.”
“Good to know you’re not abandoning us.” Johnny joked, but there was sincerity within his voice. He seemed genuinely glad you were not going to ditch any of them any time soon.
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souonsu · 2 years
Genshin Modern AU Headcannons: Texting Styles
Warning: There’s cursing (because someone was being rude and an ass to one of the characters OTL) and mentioning of 18+ things.
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Dainsleif, Ajax/Tartaglia All imagines are with a GN reader. 😘
(Note: I’m listing these headcannons under my Genshin modern AU, but these headcannons work as standalones regardless of my AU ideas.)
Diluc: He keeps things simple and to the essentials.
Proper Grammar.
Keeps autocorrect and autospelling, auto anything is kept enabled. If there's quality-of-life functions to be utilized, they will be used.
Will definitely unsend/delete messages if there are enough errors or just doesn't like it and then retypes and sends it again. Otherwise, he’ll follow up with text correction with an asterisk (though it's rarely seen unless it's a particular slang or name spelling).
Rarely uses "lol" in favor of "haha" OR even rarer, the laughing emoji when he’s actually laughing harder than usual.
He does use some some abbreviations and convenient shorthands that just help with cutting down on time spent typing. 
On that note of emojis, Diluc uses emojis sparingly, but you'll see it more often if he feels that he’s close to you and will sound a little more casual.
He is most often using the normal smiley, 🙂. 
Tends to keep his texts short and to the point, but once in awhile....you may see longer texts from him if he’s explaining something. Nothing outrageous because he gives rather clear instructions and cuts all the fluff. That’s typical of him.
While they are to the point, they aren’t curt or cold (unless your POV is kaeya....in which that case Diluc really becomes curt).
You’ll feel his emotions come through. His warmth will show up in his text when he’s concerned or his silent anger....when he’s angry....(I encourage all to evacuate the premise if you feel endangered in any way.)
How long does it take for him to reply: He’ll usually get back to you or he’ll give you a timeframe of when he’ll get back to you or answer your text/inquiry. He’s usually on top of his responses unless he’s super busy, in which he’ll apologize for the long wait and get right into responding.
He’lll try not to leave you on read, unless of course the aforementioned busy state he could be in considering his workload or assignments OR unless you’re Kaeya. Yeah, he can be cold to his bro. Just doesn’t have time for his shenanigans sometimes. 
Sample of getting back to you about your proposal:
D: Just looked through it. I have made notes on the margins for suggestions. Of course, these are just suggestions. Feel free to ignore them if they’re irrelevant.  D: All right, ttyl. Send me your revised proposal if you want me to look through it again.  D: Just finishing up my own and submitting it before the end of the week.
Sample of him texting you if you two are dating:
D: Morning, y/n.🙂 D: Just wanted to text you that before you get out today. D: I’ll be honest. I couldn’t sleep last night. Probably just nerves. Kaeya would laugh at me if I told him, which is why I won’t. D: I can’t wait to see you in a bit. D: Please text me if anything comes up.
Yes, yes. He’s so sweet. Please let me have him. Also, he definitely debated which emoji to send in that second to last text.  “Is another smiley emoji too eager? How about 🥰? No...no. That’s too much.” It reminded him too much of what Kaeya would do and he just mentally eyerolls or groans in response. The reminder causes him pain and makes him feel embarrassed. “Maybe I shouldn’t add an emoji at all? Ugh. There...I sent it.” By the way, he really wanted to send this emoji, 😌, because that’s how he felt, but didn’t. Although, he immediately starts second guessing himself and wishes he could retract it, but ultimately accepts it. He accepts his fate. 
When the two of you start dating for longer, he won’t have to second guess himself anymore because you’ll know him so well. Be easy on him, he doesn’t have any dating experience, but boy does he try. He tries his best on top of Kaeya laughing at him at every turn.
As a side thing, Diluc would be real shy and quiet whenever you guys are talking on the phone because he feels like it’s surreal to hear your voice over the phone. He feels like phone calls are more intimate. Staying quiet is a good way for him to hide his nervousness from you.
Kaeya: He keeps things classy and relatively chill. 😉
Proper Grammar and stylistically due to his literature background.😏
Keeps auto-punctuation enabled, but has autocorrect/auto-spelling off because he knows how to spell (occasionally forgets the spelling of the flavorful and less used words), but also because he just likes to use slang and make sure his phone doesn’t autocorrect the names he types.😕
He’ll use abbreviations in texting like your lols and lmaos, ttyl, imo, and so on, Not the type to make up abbreviations of his own unless they’re inside jokes between you two.😀
Yes, he’ll use quotations as “air quotations” and expect to see italics for all things sussy. 
If you haven’t caught on yet, yes, the smug emoji is representative of him 😏 and is seen in most of his texts because he knows the tea and wants to know other people’s tea.
You can kind of expect him to use all the emojis at his disposal except the really loud ones like: 🤬🥵😭🙀. Yeah sorry, he doesn’t do cat emojis...but he might make exception if the person he’s dating likes cats.🤭 Anything to please his partner or bring a smile to his friend’s face.
Definitely changes the hand emojis to match his skin tone. No doubt about that.💅
His text lines is variety just depending on what he’s talking about or replying, there’s no real limit, except I don’t think he would ever do those longgggggggg paragraph texts. Yeah, that’s not very classy to him.😕 If he needs to type that much, he might as well call them or meet up.
It might be hard to discern if Kaeya is being sarcastic or genuine sometimes because he always seems to be hiding behind his emojis. Sometimes he’ll use emojis deliberately to mask what he’s really feeling... 😟
How long does it take for him to reply: He almost always has his phone on him and on hand, so it’s safe to say he’ll respond relatively quickly if not right away, but once in awhile he might just leave some people on read if it’s the non-essential or some pesky acquaintances. 🤭
The thing about him is, he talks to nearly everyone, but how close he is to each is varied and actually only talks to a few on a daily basis who he can share all his gossip and personal updates like Diluc, Dainsleif, Rosaria, and Lisa. The list goes on for a little longer...
Sample of texting to Lisa:
K: Remember how I told you about Beidou from L College being Ninggaung’s lackey for the week?👀 K: Well, I think they’re dating now.🤭 K: I have heard so much from my sources as of late, I can’t wait to share it with you. K:🧐 K: I think this is enough to warrant a phone call or a coffee break. You let me know.
Sample of texting you to go out on a date:
K: Hey there, y/n. K: I wanted to ask you in person, but I didn’t get the chance with you speeding off to your next class. As usual...😩 K: But I was hoping we could meet up for a coffee date at the spot I was talking to you about. 😏 K: Anytime is good with me. I’m pretty flexible. 😉
Confident guy, but secretly hoping you have time and won’t reject him right away.  He was typing, “unless you don’t want to...,” but then deleted it because he really wanted you to say yes and doesn’t want to leave an inch for you to turn away from him.
He enjoys phone calls more than Diluc for any situation. Hearing him laugh or chuckle through the phone is a treat. Not to mention whenever he hums a “hmm” lowly. Ohhh, it’s delectable.🤭 If only he knew how it makes Kaeya simps feel to hear all that.😩  
Dainsleif: At this point, he really should just trademark the thumbs up emoji.
I’m sure you can pick up from the short blurb that Dain really doesn’t type much at all and will mostly just uses some hand emojis to respond to most texts. Honestly, it should be talent.
Sometimes it can drive some people nuts over what he means when they’re texting him something urgent like “omg, I’m having a panic attack,” and he just goes “👍.“ Like do you mean, “cool story bro” or “good on you for dying right now.”
Maybe he doesn’t care, but people will never know because he doesn’t really make it known. I mean...you have to be either the bravest or angriest person ever to confront him about it. Most times, I think people just leave it at that because it might hurt their pride a little knowing what he really thought. The guy can be pretty blunt and cold.
Honestly, he might not even get to text a thumbs up emoji when you’re having a panic attack because he’s not always on his phone. Especially, when he’s working and he’ll see the text like....god knows when. Although, as someone who I consider as tech-savy, he can always link up his texts to his laptop. So, I guess he straight up either silence the texts or ignore that text....I’m kidding, he would have never ignore something that dire if he has the person on his contacts (and kept that contact...) Thank goodness he’s not in the medical field.
He’s definitely the type you want to talk to in-person if you want his honest answer. Texts are only so good to a certain point. 
Texting is for scheduling for meet ups or phone calls. Or simply a way for him to get quick updates from someone.
Needless to say, his texts are super short, if he types anything, and even more to-the-point than Diluc’s.
Yeah, he’s not a great conversationalist over texts at all.
He’s quite infuriating to those who are fast texters or prefer texting over to phone calls.
However, he’s not entirely neglectful. It just depends on who is sending him texts.
He doesn’t use a whole lot of punctuation, but his texts aren’t long so they’re very clear  
How long does it take for him to reply: Well.....it depends. If you’re not high on the list of priority, maybe never. He’ll straight up leave you on read like what he does to Kaeya sometimes, but Kaeya finds ways to grab his interests, which leads Dain to reply sooner than usual.
Sample of texts with someone from the same major as him:
Monday 7:06 PM Guy: Did you manage to recover the files for Fred? Dain: 👍 Guy: Awesome👍
Wednesday 8:23 PM Guy: We just arrived at Jerry’s party! where u at? Dain: 🦶 Guy: I’m assuming ure walking over then... Wednesday 9:30 PM Guy: Dude, it’s been like a hr, where u at? Guy: People are starting to wonder if ure coming at all... Guy: Please get here soon! Wednesday 11:43 PM Guy: Dude, did u leave early? I don’t c u anywere. [Left on read.] 
Thursday 1:45 PM Guy: Man screw u. I heard u left with cynthia! Bet u guys screwed!! Guy: Fak u, thinking ure the shyt or something! [Contact deleted. Conversation deleted.]
They did indeed have s*x only because she asked nicely and Dain was not in a relationship. Dain’s a gentleman who doesn’t mind casual s*x, but also who is he to deny a nice lady asking politely (or anybody asking politely in general😉). Beats hanging with douchebags. He has no time for drama or toxicity. He cuts them off right away.
Sample of a text to you when you’re dating him:
Dain: Hey Dain: I thought I should text you something like you told me to  Dain: I’m having PM classes today from 5 to 10 today Dain: But I’ll be free outside of that Dain: Let me know if you need me for anything Dain: We can meet up for lunch if you want You: Sure! Dain: 👍
Now, I know what this all sounds like, but let it be known, he is not a player. In fact, when he’s dating someone, the other person is more likely dump or cheat on him because he’s actually super faithful to his partner. S*xy times are reserved only for his partner if they so wished it. Unfortunately… sometimes the other person just doesn’t share the same level of commitment as he does...🥺 By the way, that’s considered a lot of texting by his standards and expect it to continue because that’s how committed and serious he is.
Ajax/Tartaglia: He’s normal, I don’t know what to talk about.🙃
There’s not a whole lot of characteristics to be picked out from his texting styles other than the fact that he always seems to reply to you when you least expect him to like....immediately replying to you even though you’re sending him texts at 3 AM. Like...does he even sleep?
That and his arsenal of emoji usage: 🤗🤭😑😧😲🥺😩😈 🥰😘🤯😃😉😎🥳🙃
He is one emoji beast and every one of them can immediately help you evoke the expression he has at every given moment. At least it’s nice to know how he’s feeling.
How long does it take for him to reply: Not long as long as he’s conscious. If he’s sleeping, well sometimes he’ll wake up to the sound of his phone pinging because he doesn’t really set it to silent mode except when he has class or during a movie. He usually has his phone on ring because he’s always there when you need him. He’s there for both his family and friends, and as long as he’s alive, he’ll continue to commit to his loved ones. (This only possible for someone as crazy as he is...or beastly...)
Sample of him replying to your 3 AM texts:
3:21 AM Ajax: Everything alright? It’s not like you to text this late...😐 You: Yeah, but isn’t that same for you? Ajax: Er...I might’ve had coffee too late in the afternoon? Ajax:😩 You: 🤭 A latte again? Ajax: Yup, couldn’t resist.... They were having a chestnut praline latte promotion and they were HALF OFF!!!!😋 Ajax: I may or may not have drank a little more than I should have🙃 You: And you didn’t invite me... You:😞 Ajax: Hey chin up, it’ll be my treat tomorrow 😉 Ajax: WAIT! I mean...my treat in a few hours🤣🤣 You: That’s true!!!🤣🤣 Ajax: So I’ll see you in a few...and then you can tell me what’s going on ok? You: Yeah, that sounds good  Ajax:😃👍
Best bro and he’s the same if not more with his siblings. He’s always there to support his people. He’ll schedule a meeting with people as soon as he can if he senses anything is wrong. Heck, he might just show up on your stoop or front door if it’s serious enough. He’s just that kind of guy and you can’t hide from him either 🙃... “You can run, but you won’t get far...” (Cancers are lowkey scary in how much they care sometimes....)
Sample of him texting you when you’re dating because:
Ajax: y/n..... Ajax: I miss you....😩 You: Ajax...it’s only been 2 days? You:🤨 Ajax: Yeah, but we could have shared 6 meals in those 2 days you know? Ajax:😧 You: Ajax, don’t ask for the impossible. Ajax: It’s not impossible if...say we’ve moved in together somewhere?🤗 You: What You: Wait! You: Hold on! You: Woah, let’s slow down a little bit here... Ajax: ok....😞 You: Right You: We can’t rush... Ajax: If you say so...😉
Be careful with this one.... If you have your own place, don’t be surprised if he starts sleeping over at your place more often or him trying to get you sleep over at his....he’s already started to get you comfortable with the idea and he won’t stop there. No...then he’ll start luring you in with his traditional style home cooking. Ho ho. Don’t let him lure you into it. No, you must resist! Resist those Russian pancakes. Hey, you! I meant food not the Russian pancakes on his body. *slaps your hand* No touchy! Once you’re onto him, you’re a goner.
Btw....here are those Russian Pancakes and a recipe. Yumm.
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Thank you for reading this far!!
These headcannon posts are pretty experimental for me, but they’ve been fun to type up and think about.
Low key Kaeya’s texting style to ask someone out on a coffee date is pretty similar to what Tartalini would do as they both enjoy using winky emojis and are pretty flirty, but gotta diversify the texts and situations to deliver a breath of scenarios.
I had headcannons for Ayato’s texting style too, but I ran out of steam towards the end. So, I’ll just have to save those for another time.  I really wanted to elaborate on why I would think Dainsleif is open to casual s*x, but I feel like that could be a whole post on it’s own, so I tried to refrain from it taking over his section. After all, this is suppose to be on texting styles and their tendencies. 😉
I just hope you enjoyed reading it! If you’re interested in more of my modern AU headcannons, you check it here!
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
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@hotmothsummer Tumblr 100% ate this ask for some reason but thankfully it was still in my email SO
And listen when it comes to these prompts it is never "will this fit" it is "I will MAKE it fit" (Also I'm still taking these u can find the list here)
So here's some dads
Ah, what a nice and serene afternoon in the Hidden City Park. Sadly no warm sun to speak of, but plenty of soothing sounds between the pond, the fountain, a nearby musician playing saxophone and the chirps of… some kind of flying creature Jason never learned the name of. 
So relaxing to spend time here instead of in the office. 
How tragic that it shattered the instant his daughter let out a loud and frustrated screech.
“Nooo! That’s my ice cream!” Holly whined from just behind.
“And who payed for it?” Donatello replied.
“Doesn’t matter. It’s mine. You have your own!”
“So I can’t even taste yours? You’re being so selfish.” 
Jason let out a long sigh. 
“Daddy!” Holly clung to his leg with one arm. “Dad stole my ice cream.” 
Jason checked to make sure she wasn’t smearing the rest of hers on his jeans and rested his hand on her head to try to calm her down. Then he looked at his husband as the softshell casually wandered past them. He held his cup of ice cream high and ate such little spoonfuls as if he was oh-so innocent and couldn’t be blamed.
“Donnie,” Jason said. “Stop causing problems on purpose.”
“I would never.” He put his hand to his chest. “I just wanted to know what hers tasted like. I barely took a lick of it.” 
“You took a whole bite.” Holly held up her cup. An entire scoop was missing. “Look!” 
Donnie pointed at her. “You have no proof you didn’t eat that yourself.”
“I didn’t!” Holly wailed. 
Jason knelt in front of her before she got any louder and drew the attention of the other yōkai walking around. “Holly, hey, look at me.” He kept his voice low. 
Holly did, thought she kept her huge pout as a few tears ran down her cheeks. 
“I’ll tell you a secret.” Jason leaned closer so he could whisper. “Yelling is not how you get revenge on Dad.” 
She let out a gasp, and then whispered back. “Then what do I do?” 
“Ignore him. To start, hold my hand so he gets jealous.” Jason stood back up and held his hand out. Holly took it, choosing to lick at her ice cream for the time being. 
“Well,” Jason announced just a bit too loudly as he walked past Donnie who scraped the bottom of his bowl. “Holly and I are going to look for a toy store.” 
Donatello watched them just as he tried to shove his tongue into the container. “Huh? I thought you said we should go by the museum today?” 
“Yes, well, since you’ve made the decision to cast yourself into our daughter’s disfavor, I think I’ll take advantage of it and take back the spot of ‘favorite parent.’”
“Yeah!” Holly giggled and clung to his hand tighter. 
“Haha, hilarious.” Donnie mumbled and tossed his garbage into a nearby can.
Jason could already tell that his husband was only pretending not to care. And after arriving at the store and wandering around it became more and more obvious. 
Every now and then he’d dart over, some kind of toy in his hand, and try to show Holly how it worked. Their daughter would just stick her nose in the air with a, “Hmph!” and then cling to Jason’s leg. 
“You’re encouraging this on purpose.” Donnie pointed an accusatory finger. 
“I would never.” Jason mimicked his husband’s pose from earlier and put a hand on his chest. “But you know, if you want to avoid her scorn maybe you shouldn’t eat her ice cream.”
“It was one bite.” Donnie threw open his arms.
“You have a very big mouth.” 
“Yeah.” Holly laughed. “Big mouth!” 
Donnie looked down at her. “Be careful about that one, Holly Berry, you could end up with a mouth just as big as mine.” 
Their daughter let out a genuine gasp or horror and then sprinted out of the aisle. “Nooo!” 
Jason shook his head. He should follow, lest they lose track of her in the store, but it wasn’t particularly big and she never liked to wander far anyway. 
“Seriously, what’s going on?” Donnie asked. “Were you just mad she always invited me to play time and not you?” 
Jason rolled his eyes and stepped up to his husband. “No, love, I’m not nearly that petty. But you should apologize to her.” 
Donnie groaned. “I was just teasing her.”
“You ate an entire scoop of her ice cream. It’s a big deal to her.” 
“You and I both know she’s going to forget about it the moment we walk out of here with a new toy.” 
He shook his head. “She won’t forget. She’ll remember and be far more protective of her food the next time around.” He grabbed Donnie’s arm and shoved him in the direction their daughter went. “Go on. Apologize and offer to buy something to make up for it. I am not dealing with the two of you bickering during our day off.” 
Jason gave Donatello a moment to catch up to their daughter. In the meantime he took a closer look at some of the items that sat at eye level on the shelf. Yokai toys sure were a lot different than ones on the surface. Sure dollhouses and trainsets and the like were common, but why did the dolls move like that? Jason prayed Holly didn’t take one of these home or he’d definitely have nightmares if he saw it winking at him from a shelf. 
Movement caused him to look ahead. Holly ran toward him and ducked behind his legs just as Donnie rounded the corner. 
“Holly,” he whined. “I said I was sorry.” 
“I’m ignoring you.” She insisted. 
“Then how is Dad supposed to fix this?”
“Buy me more ice cream.”
“You can’t have more ice cream or you won’t eat dinner.” 
Holly screamed with her mouth closed and stomped on the floor so hard that Jason felt it. 
Jason turned around to look at her. “How about Dad gets you something from here?”
She looked up at him, eyes wide. “I thought you were going to get me something.”
“Well, I was just going to get you something small. I bet Dad could afford to get you anything you wanted in here.” Jason looked back at his husband before the softshell could protest. 
Holly gasped. Her gaze immediately shot over to the dollhouse displays. One of which had three whole stories, functioning lights, and full sets of furniture. She ran over and pointed at it, standing on her toes in the process. 
Donnie cringed. “How are we even going to fit that in her room?” 
Jason shrugged. “Figure it out.”
“Oh don’t talk like you aren’t also going to go insane when you keep tripping over all the little critters that come with that.”
“You shouldn’t have eaten her ice cream.”
Holly scampered back over to them. “Dad, please?” She stared up at him with her dark eyes. “Please, please, please?”
Donnie let out a defeated sigh. “Fine. But you have to let me carry you on my shoulders the rest of the day.” 
“Okay!” She already jumbled a couple of times and latched onto his arm when he offered it to her. With the skill of a squirrel she climbed up to his shoulder and then sat down, hands resting on his head. 
Donnie smiled up at her before shooting a smirk at Jase. “Hah, take that, now I’m back to being the cuddle favorite.”
“With a bribe.” Jason reminded him. He stepped past his husband and patted him on the cheek. “Now get that dollhouse so we can head to the museum.” 
Donnie looked at the display again. “How are we going to carry that out of here?”
“Sounds like a you problem.”
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askbensolo · 14 days
Hope you’re okay man. Haven’t heard from you in a few days. I’m also sick so I feel it!
Dude, you got it too?? Horrible!!!
Yeah, that bug took me down hard. That, and the cute little depressive episode that I developed from not going outside or seeing anyone for a few days. It…was…kinda bad…and, um, a little weird—but—I’m here, and I got through it, and everything’s okay now!
So, uh…sorry for the radio silence. Congratulations. You’ve just experienced what it’s like to know me.
Speaking of which…Fannie’s kinda mad at me at the moment. I guess the good ol’ “yeah haha sorry for the late reply btw!!” has an expiration date. And…maybe…shouldn’t be used on girls.
I don’t know. I’m kinda mad at her, too. I mean…I wasn’t trying to ignore her. I’m always bad at replying, yeah—but I don’t disappear like that unless things are really, really bad for me. And…without going into too much detail…they were. I was definitely having some thoughts that I shouldn’t have been having. But I woke up yesterday morning and realized the galaxy isn’t terrible and everyone doesn’t hate me, sooo, now I’m all better and ready to go back to being a general nuisance!!
I wish she would be a little nicer to me. I am doing a lot better these days, but I…just have a hard time sometimes, and I don’t think that’s my fault. When I was feeling good enough again to text her back, I was hoping she’d give me some kind of encouragement, y’know, “I’m glad you’re doing better, I love you,” or something like that—but instead she just chewed me out for leaving her on read and made me feel like a bad person.
You broke the promise you made to me. You told me you would keep in touch. If you weren’t going to do that, you shouldn’t have told me you would. I’m feeling pretty upset with you.
don’t you care that I had a really hard week?
Of course I care. That’s why I kept messaging you every day, even though you weren’t writing anything back.
but now that I responded, you’re being mean to me. So…I don’t get what’s going on
Ben, can I call you?
No not right now I’m in the middle of helping Poe move in
When can we call?
I don’t know I’ll let you know okay?
And then I didn’t. And…that’s where things are at right now. And, yeah, I feel bad about it, but I also feel sort of betrayed, because she texted me “I’m thinking of you, I love you, I miss you, please message me back” every day that I wasn’t responding, only to get pissed and let me have it once I finally did reply, and that really hurt my feelings, and made me feel like crap, and like she didn’t really mean it when she was texting me every day and being nice to me, and I don’t think she’s sorry.
Did I promise her I would text her all the time? Yeah, I did. And I will, once we patch things up and figure this out. But I was really not doing good last week and I don’t think it would be fair to hold me, in that state, to any promises I may have made when I was mentally well—
But anyway—enough about women and their mysterious ways! I am feeling better now. In all respects. I’ve still got that annoying little leftover cough that specifically only resurfaces in embarrassing social situations, but other than that, I feel fine. I was able to go back to the gym today, and even though I’m a little weak from being sick, it feels good to move. My first day of work went…about as well as it could have, I think. Poe and Beebee-Ate have now been here for twenty-four hours without driving me fully insane. And, I walked around the university campus after dinner for old times’ sake, and laughed at all the college kids who still have to go to class at seven at night. Ha! Losers!! I’m done with my day at five!!!
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drivestraight · 2 months
Omg hi so I read your newest fic which was so good, I’m a very casual Landoscar enjoyer but I like how your portray them, specially after Hungary!
I also read anatomy of a joke for the first time and omg it was so good, one of those fics that you read and you know what’s going on is a train wreck but you are oddly enjoying it even though you shouldn’t
This max had so many layers I was desperately craving to peal back, especially every time the fact that he had a gf was brought up, I would kill to know if Kelly really gave the thumbs up for all that mess. He is also very funny in here like damn I respect you for somehow always win despite everyone else losing their minds around you.
Lando…everytime he appeared I felt like I was that friend that he never listened to when they told him his man ain’t shit, probably what oscar was at some level lol. I like the vagueness around what are his true feelings regarding oscar and max, at some points I was convinced he was actually in love with max and at other I doubted everything.
Prayers for oscar, i was yelling at my screen for him to dip out of that mess and save himself, I wonder what happened after the last scene with max
Anyways I like your writing and I will be reading the rest of your fics! Also I kept wondering about why the title was “anatomy of a joke” and after thinking about it I think I got it lol
thank you so much! i obviously don't write landoscar that much dsjf;lkdfjsa and it's more of a new thing i'm doing on a whim so i'm happy you like how i write them!
and YEAH haha with anatomy of a joke i knew that there was no way i could introduce people to it fairly... you just have to jump right in... and it takes you places... i remember finally reaching austria and it was like. hehe. This is where it goes off the rails. it was supposed to be so much lighter but then it just progressed the way it did, and i liked how it was turning out, so then i just went with it! happy it turned out well :)
and yeah like. one thing i was trying Not to do was overexplain anything or belabor the point. keep things a little unsaid and let people intuit what they wanted/read between the lines and interpret it the way they wanted, but also leaving enough space/intrigue that you felt compelled enough to like, think about it. what it means, etc.
the girlfriend mentions were important... is it really purely casual on max's side? no feelings just friendship handjobs etc etc. but there is the weird possessiveness and needing to take up every space he shares with oscar/remind him that lando is his, etc. but yeah god he really was just. reading the room but also ignoring all of the signs and being like. So you want a threesome tonight. at every change he got 😭😭 love this guy
and exactly with lando... does he like max? eh. idk. it means something to him, though. waves hand vaguely weird intimacy issues. we gotta keep it semiotic. all the signs are there but if it's in a language you can't decipher, you're just left staring at it wondering what it all means, re: what oscar was going through the whole time, while also trying to tell himself he didn't care/give off the air that he didn't care, when he's had a flame for lando for like 6 years. fun little topsy turvy moment to me to write, that flashback.
and after that last scene with max he went back to his hotel room and Wallowed. I think. maybe. <3
it's called anatomy of a joke because... well... oscar's the joke...
if i do end up writing lando pov, the "joke" will become clearer. idk if i will, even though it's pretty planned out rn, but on the off chance that i do end up writing it, i'll keep lando's side of things a secret... get back to me in like a month on this...
anywayyyyy thank you thank you! i always love to get little messages like these - ik i don't reply to ao3 comments really, because it gets rly overwhelming at times, but i always read everything people comment/send me on tumblr about my fics, and i really appreciate it all! keeps me feeling encouraged to write more. tytyty
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n0vadroid · 5 months
From Strangers to Soulmates
Robaire opened the door. “Aa-” Robaire stopped himself once he saw who it was. “G-Gogo?”
“H-hi, Robaire,” Gogo said. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I need to talk to you.”
“Oh, uh…okay. But how did you find me?” Robaire asked.
“I just, um, asked around. I remembered where you stayed because I walked you here, haha.” Gogo sighed. “I just came back from the mall and…I saw Aaliyah.”
“Yeah, she said she wanted to go shopping and I couldn’t go with her because I was busy-”
“She was with another guy,” Gogo finally said.
Robaire’s eyes widened. “A-another guy? What do you mean?”
“W-well, she was shopping with someone named Perris and she…kissed him.” Gogo saw Robaire’s face and her heart immediately broke. “Robaire, I’m so sorry-”
“You’re lying,” Robaire said. 
“E-excuse me?” Gogo asked.
Robaire balled up his fists. Robaire was angry at Aaliyah for lying to him and because he fell for it again. But he wasn’t sure if Gogo was lying, so he was mad at her too. 
“She wouldn’t do that. You’re lying.” Robaire glared at Gogo. “Aaliyah was right. You’re just trying to break us up.”
“W-what? No, never! I just-” Gogo sighed. “I’m worried about you. You’ve been ignoring my calls and this morning you were acting weird. Maybe it’s because of your…relationship.”
Robaire was silent. “Aaliyah’s a good person and we broke up by mistake. Sorry for hurting you, but she’s my priority. You’re not.”
Gogo felt like her heart took a hit. “Robaire? W-what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that you already have a fucking boyfriend, so why don’t you go talk to him?” Robaire replied with a cold glare.
“B-boyfriend?” Gogo connected the dots. “You mean David?”
“So I was right,” Robaire said. “You need to go.”
“W-wait a minute, Robaire. Let’s just talk-”
“Now,” Robaire demanded with his voice getting louder.
Gogo stared at him in shock and Robaire continued to glare at her. Gogo slowly turned away and left, feeling herself becoming sadder and sadder. When she finally made it to her car, she got in and finally let out her tears.
“I was only trying to help,” Gogo said between cries. “I wasn’t trying to make you angry.”
Gogo broke down and couldn’t even drive home, so she called Miranda. 
“Gogo?” Miranda asked.
“H-hi, um…” Gogo sniffled. “I-I need to talk to you.”
“Are you crying?! What happened?!” Miranda asked.
“I…I..” Gogo continued to cry as she thought about what just happened. 
“You were right..”
“Oh, honey,” Runa said while rubbing Gogo’s arm. “He’s just one guy. Don’t let him get to you.”
Gogo was sitting down on the couch between Miranda and Runa. “B-but I’m still worried about him…”
“Well, you shouldn’t.” Miranda sighed. “I tried to warn you. Guys like him are the worst. They only play with your feelings.”
Gogo was silent. “I’m…I’m not sure it was all him. Ever since he got back together with Aaliyah, he’s been…cold and distant. What if he’s just hurt?” 
“Well, if he is hurt, then you can’t do anything. You tried to help him but he ended up hurting you,” Runa replied. “Maybe you should…keep your distance.”
Gogo thought about it and it seemed like the only way to help him…and herself.
Part 18
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f0point5 · 6 months
Freddie? Wtf? I tought he was her friend.
And her manager? What is she doing? Shouldn’t she be protecting her clients interests? And her mother?
I read the new part and I’m filled with rage!!! It took me a moment to remember, that these aren’t real people. I was ready to break some knee caps.
Lando really fucked up, I hope he realizes how difficult this whole thing is for her. Or at least start respecting her boundaries. Can’t wait to see how Carlos replays.
Also, what was he trying to teach her? She a model, she knows more than him. Maybe, If he took her golfing it would made sense.
Landooo 💀💀💀 Girly doesn’t even like having her photo taken and you wanted her in your video? I’m sooo confused
Missed you, I’m glad that you’re recovering well. My aunt always says If I don’t need three days to recover from my vacation, was I even on vacation? Being sick after traveling is just a sign your body is exhausted because you used every atom of energy to have a good time.
Freddie is her friend. It’s…complicated.
The issue with the management will be explained but basically Lauren isn’t the top of the food chain and Y/N’s mother has been a player in her career for a long time….
Haha Carlos will indeed reply to him, so those questions will be answered. Lando does not always follow advice to the letter.
Poor Lando. He has all the good intentions and just ZERO delivery skills. It needs to be studied.
Yeah like idk you travel and then you’re back and it’s like hey what are you going to wear to my wedding in September and this guy I was talking to resurfaced…I think my body went into shock 😂
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mikeyelistsukasa · 2 years
hiii! could you make a sakura nanamine x reader were the reader is jelous please?
thank you so much!! ^^
Sure thing<3 usually I’ve heard sakura can’t leave the school but in this fanfic she can!(its for the angst sorry not sorry lol)
Sakura with a Jealous Darling
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It was all an accident
You didn’t mean to snap at her
You just had a bad day
A really REALLY bad day
“Oh s/o…thank you but natsuhiko-kun already got it for me yesterday”
“Sorry girl im just faster when it comes to my lady. She should’ve ended up wi-“
And there is goes a book hitting natsuhiko yet again
“Dont call me that”
“Welp that’s alright typical natsuhiko 😅 would you like to go out today maybe?”
“I can’t i have promised to tsukasa-kun that i will stay here to come up with new rumours”
“Yup yup!sorry s/o but i guess sakura chan can’t come to your lil date haha”
“Oh uhm yeah thats fine too…maybe tomorrow?”
“Can’t. Exams”
“…after the exams?”
“Hm yeah i might be free”
Hearing “might” from her sounded more like a no to you but you hoped she could come
“Alright i have to head off bye!”
Wow she didn’t even reply whats so great in that book she is reading-_-
It was very VERY lonely without your girlfriend and gosh if it weren’t for these two-…wait am i…jealous?
No this cant be…or is it
You were unsure so you just went to sleep
Days have passed and you were finally able to go on a date with sakura
You dressed up nicely and went on your way
You guys met up at a café
It was going great until she took out the book natsuhiko bought her
„So…how was your day so far?“
No reply
„Hm? Did you say anything dear?“
It felt like you are talking to a wall
„Ive asked how your day has been..can you please put the book down? It feels kinda awkward and hurtful as if you don’t wanna be here with me“
You kinda felt guilty saying that knowing she loves to read 24/7
But she did put it down anyway
„You are right my apologies s/o and about my day it w-„
Suddenly she heard her phone ring
It was natsuhiko
„God why him of all people“ you thought to yourself
Suddenly sakura stands up ready to leave
„W-wait where are you going?“
„Something happend at school and natsuhiko-kun told me that tsukasa-kun wants me to be there“
And before you could reply she was already outside of the cafe
All alone
You payed for your order and left
It went on and on
She was busy
Busy busy busy
First natsuhiko then tsukasa and then even mitsuba???
And not to mention how clingy tsukasa is…
You were deep in mind while sitting on the couch of the broadcasting room
That is until tsukasa came again hugging and licking sakura‘s ear
Thats when you snapped
Suddenly all eyes are on you
Did you just say that out loud?
You ran right to the exit and into the girls bathroom
But little did you know someone chased after you
„Stupid natsuhiko. Stupid book.stupid tsukasa.stupid cafe. Stupid sa-…“
You just went quiet not even wanting to pronounce her name
„Stupid sakura?“
You hear a familiar voice
As you looked up it was sakura
„Sakura!!!….What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with „these“ boys“
She sat next to you
„S/o are you perhaps…jealous?“
„NO IM NOT…Maybe…so what if i am?!”
You raising your voice startled her a little
“You’ve treated ne like im not even there for the past weeks! Oh sorry! Natsuhiko already brought me this and that. Oh sorry! Tsukasa wants me to this and that. Oh sorry! I need to study for this and that. And OH SORRY for abandoning you at the caf-“
You felt her hugging you out of nowhere
“You’re right…i am sorry. But that doesn’t really make it up”
You decided to stay quiet
“This might still not make it up but.”
You looked just to see her holding two tickets to a movie
Wait that movie…!
“Would you maybe have time to watch the new______ movie with me? You did wanted to watch it so i thought-“
You suddenly hugged her tightly almost causing you two to fall
“It’s alright don’t worry i understand you didn’t mean to snap”
You guys stayed in that position for a while enjoying eachothers presence
“So…are we gonna watch th-“
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Hope i left you satisfied! Please visit again!!!
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