#mc: klein
neerons · 3 months
Some of Ikémen Prince Emma's best quotes + Akatsuki's bonus quotes
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"The day's barely started, but I want to go back to bed already." (—Emma's thoughts)
"I'm putting on the best performance of my life here, and you're turning this into the worst melodrama I've ever seen!" (—Emma's thoughts about her made-up romantic relationship with Clavis)
"I don't know what to do. Why can't I be like the heroine in one of my stories, able to outwit everyone no matter how clever they are?" (—Emma's thoughts)
"I didn't, did I? Please tell me I didn't. Oh god, what was I thinking? Why would I throw myself at a sleaze like you?" (—Emma's thoughts about Nokto)
"Ooooh, if I could strangle you right now, I would!" (—Emma's thoughts about Silvio)
"So... we have a prince that likes blowing up the palace and no one cares?!" (—Emma's thoughts about Clavis)
"I could feel Chevalier's cold, silent stare, and that was somehow worse than anything he could have said." (—Emma's thoughts)
"You mean between Sariel's hellish lessons or your adoration? You're right, it's blindingly obvious which is better. Thanks, Sariel, I can hardly wait!" (—Emma's thoughts about Clavis)
"Take this! Bunny... Kick!" (—Emma trying to kick Gilbert, as a bunny)
"Don't tell me one of his business deals failed? Or maybe he stubbed his toe on something? Or hit his fat head on a doorframe?" (—Emma's thoughts about Silvio)
"Honey: 1. Luke's dignity: 0..." (—Emma's thoughts)
"You have no problem invading my privacy and coming in here whenever you please, but you think it's fine to threaten me because I did the same to you?" (—Emma's thoughts about Clavis coming into her bedroom)
"I went on staring at him, trying to decide whether it was worth it to punch him or not." (—Emma's thoughts about Silvio)
"If you let down your guard just because I'm a little rabbit, you might be the one who regrets it in the end." (—Emma to Gilbert)
"Could you get your face out of my face?" (—Emma to Silvio)
"Ahhh, why do you insist on acting the villain when there's not a single thing villainous about you?!" (—Emma's thoughts about Clavis)
"I slowly lowered my head onto his lap as though it might turn into a bed of knives at any second. (...) I realized I was laying on what were possibly the most deadly thighs in the world." (—Emma's thoughts about Gilbert)
"I am SO close to punching this guy." (—Emma's thoughts about Nokto)
"Some people would call that a book..." (—Emma referring to Rio's love letter)
"I know you hate it when I call you adorable, but... you really are adorable right now." (—Emma's thoughts about drunk Licht)
"...Instead of grabbing hold of me, have you considered maybe wearing warmer clothing?" (—Emma to Gilbert)
"Who in their right mind could have imagined that I'd be dragged into his bed and pounced on almost every morning?" (—Emma's thoughts about Chevalier)
"His Highness... stole my first time." (—Emma talking about Silvio to the King of Benitoite)
"Wow. He said something sensible for once." (—Emma's thoughts about Nokto)
"I didn't have his strength, but I had fingernails, and I made sure they dug in deep." (—Emma's thoughts about Silvio)
"I'm not going to let you have your way about anything and everything just because you were born important." (—Emma to Gilbert)
"PLEASE SHUT UP NOW." (—Emma's thoughts about Clavis misleading everyone about their relationship)
"No, it's fine, really, please take your time... Take all the time you need!" (—Emma to Gilbert telling her he won't be able to spend time with her that day)
"I always thought you were pretty overprotective, Rio, but I take it back—you've got nothing on Silvio!" (—Emma's thoughts)
"Would it be strange if I said I was relieved that the man I love is so intimidating to other men?" (—Emma's thoughts about Chevalier)
"He'd leapt so cheerfully into the pit that I was pretty certain I'd be traumatized for the rest of my life by the flamboyant way he'd hit the bottom." (—Emma's thoughts about seeing Gilbert fall into Clavis' trap voluntarily)
"If we ever actually find you, Clavis, I have about a million things I want to say to you, and none of them are polite..." (—Emma's thoughts)
"If you live for me, I'll stay with you, forever. I'll never leave you alone, ever again. Don't you want to find more ways to have fun with me?" (—Emma to Gilbert)
"He's hard enough to approach when he's fully awake, I can't imagine what he's like first thing in the morning!" (—Emma's thoughts about Chevalier)
"You're lucky that I still want you even after you call me soft and silly and say my heartfelt declaration is 'embarrassing crap'. Silvio... take me."
"I couldn't help reaching out and squeezing his upper arm, just to see how it felt." (—Emma's thoughts about Gilbert)
"(...) I know you can be cold and ruthless, but you always make me feel more sure of myself." (—Emma's thoughts about Chevalier)
"This man invented a bizarre device to keep me cool, covered me up to protect my modesty... And now he's drying me off so I don't catch a cold. He's the sweetest person in the whole world, and I—" (—Emma's thoughts about Clavis)
"Gilbert can really make anything he puts his mind to. I mean, how many gunsmiths are also fashion designers?" (—Emma's thoughts)
"Oh, boy. Here comes Drama Queen Gilbert. (...) And here comes Sulky Gilbert." (—Emma's thoughts)
"I hope he comes back soon... ...Or just... never." (—Emma talking about Silvio to Rio)
"You're all good, kind men, and I know you'll never become the sort of corrupt, tyrannical rulers that Gilbert hates so much." (—Emma's thoughts about all the Rhodolitian princes)
"Okay, I admit that writing him letters in a language only the two of us know IS pretty romantic. But to think that people would assume I'm writing dirty things to him because of that..." (—Emma's thoughts about Chevalier)
"'By the time you'll be reading this, I'll be gone'...? Did you... Did you have to write something so cliched?" (—Emma reading Gilbert's letter)
"Nokto? Stop talking. You're only digging yourself into an even deeper hole."
"I can't see much with that hood in the way, but I can still tell you're exasperated. ...You know, I think we're going to become good friends..." (—Emma's thoughts about Roderic)
"He was the perfect prince... so long as he didn't actually talk." (—Emma's thoughts about Silvio)
"So he wants a kiss, huh? I think he's actually looking for more than that, but let's make him work for it." (—Emma's thoughts about Chevalier)
"I guess he means me...? What an ass." (—Emma's thoughts about an auction manager calling her a 'fine article')
"If you're asking stupid questions, expect a stupid answer. That's all I'm saying." (—Emma to Nokto)
"Is it just me, or has his expression softened a tiny, tiny, TINY bit?" (—Emma's thoughts about Chevalier)
"He was like a tyrannical villain from one of my books, flashy and loud and pompous, and a part of me wished he'd go back to whatever book he'd come from." (—Emma's thoughts about Silvio)
"It's like every time I think something positive about you, you find a way to ruin it immediatly." (—Emma's thoughts about Nokto)
Akatsuki's bonus quotes:
"Kill him." (—Akatsuki replying to Rio asking him what he intends to do to Gilbert)
"How dare he do something so shameless to my daughter, in front of a crowd like that..." (—Akatsuki talking about Gilbert)
"(...) when your vacation is over, you will return to your duties. (...) And I know someone as earnest as you would never do anything to breach a contract like that. ...I will come for you. So it's just until then. Got it? (—Akatsuki telling Emma he'll come save her from Obsidian)
"I'm not your father." (—Akatsuki to Emma)
"...I did not tell you stories about Emma so that you could make her your wife." (—Akatsuki to Gilbert)
"...I'll stop by to check on you regularly. If something happens to my daughter, I'll kill you." (—Akatsuki talking about Emma to Gilbert)
"She may not be my real daughter, but I'd never let a man I don't know near my valued worker." (—Akatsuki to Rio)
"They're for Emma. I collected them from all over the world in order to handle any sort of injury or illness." (—Akatsuki talking about his medicinal herbs to Rio)
"If even a single hair on her head is harmed, I'll never let you see my daughter again." (—Akatsuki to Rio)
"Your potential is limitless. It would be a shame for you to be confined here. (—Akatsuki talking about the bookstore to Emma)
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bastart13 · 3 months
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I'm procrastinating drawing Helena's redemption outfit, so I decided to sketch a bunch of other outfits instead
Top to bottom: Timeskip/powerups, wedding outfits, MC's corresponding wedding dresses, and just some pretty formalwear
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shatcey · 19 days
My fiancé has become a child (Luke)
Luke Licht Nokto
The event contains spoilers about Luke's route. Mostly everything was sweet and fun (thanks to Clavis/Jin and … surprise-surprise Chev/Belle), but in the endings, especially the dramatic one, everything became quite sad and philosophical.
The premium ending is a continuation of the normal one. It's like the big story is divided into two parts. That's why the developers make us read it in that order.
Luke stops in the hall, watching the strange scene. Chevalier and the little girl stand and look at each other, saying nothing. Luke came closer and asked the girl (who was obviously in tears, she was standing next to Chevalier after all) why she was looking at him. The answer is obvious. A book.
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Chev just gave them the book and left without saying a word. The girl looked at the book and sadly realized that she wouldn't be able to read it. Luke thinks this is not surprising, because this is too complex book even for an adult. She asked if he would read to her. He agreed.
A fun duo appears…
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Emma asks Luke who they are. And he says they're even scarier than the blonde they've seen before. He advised her to remember how these people look at her, and the next time someone looks at her that way, she should run away. She took it very seriously. Big brother mode is on.
Clavis immediately starts joking about the fact that Luke has a child.
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Luke didn't try to explain anything, just took the girl and ran away from them to his room.
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He simplified the information so that even a child could understand. And then he stopped, Emma noticed what it's quite a difficult job to be a minister. Luke added that this is also the prince's job. Belle (no, not yet, she's still just Emma) was thrilled to realize that Luke is a prince. She looked so happy, that Luke thinks it's probably because she read the story that made such a strong impression on her.
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Hey! They're not that bad! Well… most of them.
Nokto came to remind Luke about the ball…
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Luke is surprised that there are already rumors about this. I wonder why? Clavis is known for spreading rumors. I'd like to see how he does it… really… It's not an easy task to come up with rumors that people would like to spread further…. I didn't try, I just remembered an experiment from The Big Bang Theory. I just realized I didn't finish it… I don't even remember where I left off…
Let's get back to the topic
So… Nokto remind Luke of the ball he needs to go to. Emma excitedly repeats "ball". But Luke came up why she couldn't go. She needs an invitation. And if she's a good girl and stays in his room while he's gone, he'll get her an invitation to the next ball.
Luke leaves the room, and someone with question marks exclaims that they will prove that they are reliable brothers. Indeed, who could it be?
Normal ending
On the way back from the ball, Licht stopped Luke, saying that he saw Jin and Clavis kidnap his secret child. Luke asks where they went.
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As always my baby notice everything. Good boy (pat-pat). Hey, don't flinch!
Luke ran into the kitchen and….
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Big brother mode turn on to the maximum! I won't lie, it's pretty scary.
Patting Emma soothingly on the back, he listens to the story. (pat-pat). I just like the way it sounds.
So, Emma wanted to make sweets, and who, if not Clavis, would have agreed to volunteer for this job. And Jin just followed along.
On the table were his usual ingredients with a very unique smell.
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How dare you criticize! So you know he's been putting a lot of consideration to this, and he's the perfect chef! And you… ah… this world is full of critics! It's the right food, it's the wrong food… (illegible grumbling)
So he suggests Emma cook with him. And as a result, the perfect cookies were born (in this world, where there are very strict about how food should look). I'm sad that Gilbert is not around… These are his cookies…
And the reason why Emma wanted to cook sweets
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Oh, no, it reminds me of Gilbert as well… At that moment, everything will remind me of him… I'm fine (sobbing)...
Jin tells Luke that they need to talk, but little Emma asks him not to leave her alone. And looking at that sad face, Luke just couldn't refuse her.
Emma is happy that he will stay, and Luke, looking at the smiling face, thinks that he was not interested in the lives of others before, but Emma (the big one, Belle) changed him so much…
Premium ending
Luke puts little Emma to bed. She is upset that she was a bad girl (she left the room), and now she will not go to the ball, as Luke promised. But he assures her that it's not her fault, but his older brothers.
Luke sneaked into the garden while Emma was sleeping. Where Jin was waiting for him.
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Luke agrees. And ask if it's wrong of him to forget? Like… She was the most important person in his life, but now…
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He was afraid that one day he would completely forget her…
(sudden change of scenery)
On the way back to his room, Luke sees a very familiar scene
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He looks so shocked. Like, why is she talking to Chev and not to him?
This time she is not crying and is really trying to talk to him. For example, she asks what he is doing as a prince. Emma noticed Luke and happily ran up to him.
She was looking for him and came across Chev again. This is fate! You should rethink your desire to marry Luke, girl.
Luke noticed that she wasn't crying this time. And she replied that it was because she was spending time with other princes and they weren't scary at all. But she added in a very low voice that she was a little scared.
Luke laughs at the girl's honest confession and remembers what Jin told him earlier.
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I must admit, these are very wise words. I didn't expect this from Jin.
I skipped a couple of scenes, after all, this is a summary.
For some reason, it was quite difficult for me to come up with jokes here. I have no idea why. I've been playing this game for 2 years now and I know the boys like family… but… My attempts progressed very slowly and creakily. Apologize for the result. I did my best. Maybe it's just Luke, maybe it'll be easier with other characters…
Right now, another part of this event is taking place with the Chevalier, Licht and Nokto. The description of the Chevalier's story reminds me very much of this one. I don't know if I will read it or not. Licht first, will see what's next.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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rekishiteki · 6 months
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This had me swooning. Nokto is so in awe and reverent of his mc I love him <3
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floydsteeth · 2 months
Hi! After months of working on it I've finally finished mt medieval redesigns of the ikepri cast!! Apart from rough sketches i dont have much to show, also! Calling them medieval redesigns feels a bit misleading since my inspiration was around 12th century to 15 almost 16th century which is like medieval to Renaissance, this is pretty much just a historical redesign, I'll have all the designs under the cut cause its a long post :P
Starting with our beloved emma!!
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sadly there isnt any cards in ikepri that include a fullbody of emma so i used a picture from the stage play:P
Followed bt sariel!
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Then jin!
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Clavis <3
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then leon!
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And nokto!!
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Luke :P
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That concludes part one!
Due to formating issues i couldn't fit all the princes into one post so I've decided to divide it into two, part one are Rhodolites princes + sariel and emma
Part two will be the foreign princes + Rio
I'll have a third part for my own oc's and possibly other peoples oc's if i have the motivation
Part two will be posted shortly after this one, part 3 might be a while
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devilmen-collector · 8 months
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Credit to my friends @tokiyumejo for my MC's fanart and @sparkbeast20 for the memes XD
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bakersgrief · 3 months
A/n: Finally, the winner of my wip poll, described as "Emma likes breasts." What it really is:
Ikepri with a masc lesbian Mc
Part 1: domestic faction
He's a bro, what more is there to say?
You like women? Cool.
But do you like steak?
Even if you don't, you're one of his bros now.
Takes you to the tavern for a good meal and a drink every time he convinces you to sneak out with him.
Thinks your non-traditional gender expression is super rad.
That's what he's fighting for in Rhodolite, for people to have the freedom to love who they want and live as they please.
Femboy and tomboy solidarity!
This bisexual legend doesn't care who you like, he still won't accept you as Belle!
Aaaaaand... he's attached to you now.
The bond between a lesbian and a little boy kitty cat is unbreakable, you should have known that going in.
Helps you put together formal outfits that match your gender presentation.
If you don't want to wear a dress to a party, he's got you covered!
He'll still give you the cold shoulder at first, sorry.
He'll warm up to you once he sees how open and accepting you are.
The strength and determination you have that comes from existing outside of society's rigid gender roles and stereotypes is dazzling to him.
You'll still have to put in some work to get to know him, but he's very protective of you now.
Would accompany you to town or hang around while you're on a date if you ever felt unsafe while in public.
Ah, a woman with taste.
Tries to recruit you in his battle of breasts vs thighs with Clavis.
Stops the flirting, unless you're cool with playful flirting between friends.
Takes you to the tavern with him for drinks and introduce you to some of his lady friends.
Will also help you find nice clothes that aren't too feminine for you. Gotta look good for the ladies, after all.
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articdelilah · 10 months
Hellooo I love the teen mc concept so I'm wondering if you could do it also with Leon's faction? Thank youu
✮ A Little Trouble ✮
Platonic!Ikemen Princes x Teen!Reader
Hi Anon!! Thank you so much for requesting💞 Your wish is my command! Sorry for the wait!! (I know nothing about Leon so I’m sorry if he’s OOC)
Domestic Affairs Faction
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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Leon tried to argue with Sariel about his choice. This girl has school and friends and life to live! It would be horrid to put such a hard task on such young shoulders. Sariel of course did not wield with Leon’s request of changing the Belle.
By her side from day 1. He showed how the factions work and what they do, their aim and motives.
After the very hard first day with Leon, they go into town to get ice cream! Or steak. Whichever one Belle is feeling after such a day.
Leon is consistently looking out for her, making sure Chevalier doesn’t say anything too honest or hurtful. If he tries, he’ll be shut down by Leon almost immediately with furrowed brows.
Very protective but not in an overbearing way. Definitely not as subtle as the other Princes. When Belle asks to let her dual with him, he thinks about it but decides against it. He promised her that once she reads all the books Sariel assigned, then he’ll dual her fair and square. Motivation!
Belle liked to observe the man work. She sat with him, asking him questions about the different subjects and affairs that are happening in Rhodolite. She asked about Obsidian but Leon tried to avoid the topic.
Obsidian wasn’t a big threat currently and perhaps it’d be better if Sariel told her? No that would be the worst case scenario.
Leon explains Obsidian’s land, why they want to invade and their current status of threat. Belle said she’d ask Chevalier about it as well, but Leon only made a sour face.
A sudden clang of two silvery swords frightened the birds which were resting in the nearby oak tree; the birds of brown feathers sore into the clear sky as a result. The air wasn’t thick with bloodlust or hatred however instead filled with adrenaline and determination. Belle had begged Leon for them to dual for as long as she could remember, doing everything in her power to get him to agree. Sparks flew in all directions as the two continued their dual, brows creased on the young Belle’s face making Leon smile. He was so proud of her, being able to read all those books in a couple of days sure is an accomplishment. In the midst of thought, Leon was abruptly pulled away from his thoughts as a cool sharp point nudged his neck. His eyes widened as he realised he let his guard down. Despite this he couldn’t help but laugh at the distaste on Belle face “Stop going easy on me! Come on! Fight me for real!”.
“I’m trying”
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Jin laughed with Clavis when he met Belle. He simply loved her already!
For the first week of Belle’s stay, he always made sure she had flowers and a few lollipops in her bedroom. Everyone needs snacks right! The flowers were simply never the same colour however. On Monday the roses were red, Tuesday they were pink.
His great hand coming down to ruffle her hair and laugh when she told Jin about her worries. After all, how can you be worried with Jin by your side? If there was anything Jin could help with, you bet he did help.
Is studying alone hard? No worries. Jin is right there to help! Want a break? Jin’ll take her to town for some food!
Belle had been working hard and Jin knew that. He wanted to take some of weight off her shoulders by making her life at the palace a little easier by doing small gestures like bringing her the heavy leather bound books Sariel assigned Belle to read back to her room.
Once Jin came back to find the new Belle alone in the drawing room. He peaked his head in and noticed that she wasn’t reading any heavy leather bound book but rather staring intensely at a fashion magazine for teen nobility.
He knocked on the door to get her attention, asking the girl what she was looking at. Belle watched him next to her as she hesitantly showed him the dress she had been looking at. Her gaze averting to the rug on the floor. Jin agreeing it would look lovely on her.
Lollipops and summer nights on the balcony>>> Late night walks around the town + the palace are very common.
He introduces Belle to his favourite tavern and shows her the nightlife of Rhodolite (without the bad stuff ofc)!
Jin usually brings her to make fun of the drunks with him, dine and chat loudly about anything that really came to mind.
The 1st Prince of Rhodlite leaned on the pastel pink wall of the newest clothing store, waiting for the new Belle to finish getting changing. The whole place was filled with dresses and suits for young nobility, making it the biggest trend in the higher classes. The clothes were imported from Jade and Benodite. Jin had popped a lollipop in his mouth a few moments prior as he hummed a little song under his breath. Belle let out a little squeak in the changing room, making Jin smirk and hurry her out of the rather large stall. Her hand slowly peaked in the corner of the fabric of the curtain, pulling slowly on it to reveal herself in the same dress she was looking at in the magazine. Belle gave the 1st Prince the largest smile and spun and twirled; The dress was light green and white, adorn with lace and pearls. This particular dress was exported from Jade and it reached her knees with a large bow at the back. “Stunning Belle! But not quite finished yet” He wagged a finger and the [H/C] haired girl skipped over. Jin’s hand held a green bow that matched the dress with pearls, his fingers brushing her hair behind her ear before playing the bow in place.
“Thank you Jin! You’re the best!”
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Yves was speechless at the news of Belle being a teenager. After all, being Belle is such a big responsibility! Can a teenager really handle it?
Yves takes on the new Belle under his wing, giving her a little [F/C] diary to write her notes in. She cannot forget anything of course.
Is afraid to let her out of his sight for longer than 2 hours.
He was so surprised how Belle treated him, especially that a lot of people were taught young about his bloodline. Belle however was still kind and caring despite everything she had heard in town. Yves asked her about this one day, the girl spoke that “Unless I’ve met the person, I would never claim they are evil just because of the blood that flows through their veins”
Yves has very strict with Belle, but he always made it up to her by baking her cookies or cake. Tea parties are also quite common, BUT ONLY TO TEACH BELLE TABLE MANNERS no other reason
Make overs with Yves are simply a must! Yves teaches Belle how to do her hair in complex hairstyles, the basics of colour meaning and styles of clothes worn on different occasions. Fashion is just as important as politics in the noble world after all!
Eventually Belle asked Yves if he would show her how to bake and Yves couldn’t hold the prideful smile that lit his face, he of course agreed! It was only because it was his duty as Prince however 👀
The palace was cold, silence and darkness submerging every corner it could greedily claim as its own. Despite the harsh snow outside, the kitchen was filled with warm light and cheery laughter of a Prince and a young girl. The fire crackled as the two sat on plush pillows, giggling as they engulfed in quiet chitchat. On the wooden floor lay plates of chewy cookies and sweet colourful macaroons. Belle held a plate with peach pie, struggling to hold it still as she fell into a fit of giggles once more. “That’s not even that funny!” Yves tried to pout but failed miserably as seeing Belle smiling so hard made his heart swell with pride. Sure Clavis’ prank with the cardboard cat was definitely not fun to experience, but maybe perhaps it was worth falling into Clavis’ potholes just to hear Belle’s laughter.
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He was distant. Just like Chevie, he found the thing ridiculous and shook his head disapprovingly when told.
With the help of Yves and Sariel however, Belle got a chance to spend more and more time with Licht.
He tried to be rude, but Belle never took it to heart. Perhaps she knew from the start how kind he actually was. Either way, Belle being persistent was both a blessing yet curse.
Soon she became his companion. She was obviously worried about him which gave Licht motivation to be better. He never wanted her to worry about him.
Despite this Licht usually keeps his distance from her, making sure she is safe from afar.
Licht showed Belle how to ride a horse, knowing full well that Belle did something wrong to spend that extra minute with him.
Licht is always willing to sing to Belle after she had a rough day or a nightmare. He’ll stroke her hair and sing that same song his mother did, the Prince’s sweet voice lulling the girl into a sweet dream.
One day, Licht had invited Belle to visit him at the stables. She put on her best outfit before meeting him, but she was taken by surprise when Licht said this isn’t a riding lesson.
Not even the cold breeze of approaching autumn could make Licht’s heart less warm as he observed the girl near him. In her hands a basket filled with all types of flowers: coneflowers, dahlias and cosmos. Yellows, pinks and whites brought life to the brown weaved basket. Licht sat amongst the grass letting the cool air fill his lungs, his horse a couple of metres away grazing at the greenery. Belle plopped down next to him, smiling a smile that was brighter than the sun. “Close your eyes.” Licht smiled softly at the girl. She giggled when she closed her eyes, waiting patiently. Carefully picking the flowers with the longest stems, Licht’s fingers braiding the flowers over each other. He did this for a minute before placing the flower crown on the now impatient Belle who was starting to complain. Her eyes shot open and her hands began to delicately inspect the flowers which adorned her soft hair. Her eyes squinted with cheerfulness. Licht’s silent moment of his own happiness becoming brighter as the girl pounced on the once lonely wolf. The 6th Prince held her close, swearing that he will protect his sister. After all, they say that blood is thicker then water of the womb.
If you like my work, feel free to request!! Thank you for reading and Goodbye my Doves🕊️🌙
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mcx7demonbros · 2 months
I Have You Cornered
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Ft. Klein (my MC), the Demon Brothers
C/W: violence, slight gore
Summary: a rogue demon thought he had Klein cornered, but he was wrong. A drabble that is based on the dream I had and is self-indulgent as my birthday is coming up
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"I have you cornered, little lamb." The rogue demon laughs as he licks his lips with his demonic long tongue. Before him, Klein stands at the dead-end of the alley, his back facing the wall.
"I have to say, for someone who is facing a painful death ahead, you are not showing any fear." The demon says as Klein faces him.
"Well... Are you sure I'm the one who is going to die?" Klein asks, nonchalantly.
"What do you mean by that?" The demon startles.
"Are you really a hunter? Or a prey of bigger hunters?" Klein smiles and points toward something behind the demon's back.
The demon doesn't have to chance to turn back as a hand grabs his head and slams it to the ground.
"The Avatars of Sins!" The rogue demon groans as he looks up to see who attacked him. It was Satan, the Avatar of Wrath, his hand still holds the demon's head tightly and is pressing it to the ground. Standing around him are other Avatars.
"My saviors!" Klein exclaims and runs towards the brothers. He opens his arms and embraces the eldest, and lets his head rest on the firm chest of the Avatar of Pride.
"Oi, I'm here too, ya know!" Mammon protests but Klein quickly shuts him up by giving him a kiss.
"No fair, Asmo wants a kiss too." Asmo whines but the Overlord soon satisfies him. Other brothers also demands to get kisses.
"Y-you let that pathetic creature have all of you under its thumb, you seven don't deserve to be the Avatars of Sins." The rogue demon rages.
"Who allows you to talk?" Satan lifts the demon up, and uses his demonic hand and yanks the demon's tongue out of his mouth.
"Awww, we haven't heard him beg for mercy yet." Klein says with a regretful tone.
"Don't worry, we just need to pour a healing potion on him, I mean, heal him with a spell." Levi laughs.
"Before we torture him until he yields and begs for mercy." Belphie smiles.
"Lastly, we will cut him into eight pieces." Satan grins.
"Just like a pizza. But it won't be even then, we have to make it so that all 8 pieces are even." Beel adds.
"Our family has 8 members. It sounds just like a family pizza meal. You guys are the best." Klein says and hugs Lucifer again, rubbing his nose on the eldest's clothes.
"Alright, let's go home." Lucifer says.
The family walks home together happily, with the tallest of them carries the spoil that has just had its tongue reattached.
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 8 months
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
So in exorcism, the exorcist asks for the possessing demon its name first before banishing it from the possessed person & back to hell.
Now imagine an exorcist is trying to asking the possessing demon its name and it’s refusing to say it. But MC (could be OM!MC or WHB!MC) just casually walks and says “Finally, found you, [Demon’s name].”
You know I love this Possession Headcanon
Okay let's put this in the Obey Me world. MC was asked by Solomon who got a text from Asmo that one of the brothers (Either Satan or Lucifer cause they are more common) passed out but it turns out that said brother is being summon through possession and MC is the only one can draw them or exorcist him out of the poor human's body.
MC sighs and ask where to go.
Hours later MC arrive to the location and saw from outside of the house or facility people panicing, some screaming to go get a priest or somebody.
MC sneak into the building, once inside they can hear the demonic cursing and bones cracking. MC heads over to where the noises are and there they saw the possessed human floating in the middle of the room.
"I can't believe you got yourself summon like this! No you're traumatizing these people!"
"Who the fuck are you!!" one concerned family member yell at MC.
"I'm the person who's going to help you get my lover out of your relatives body!"
"I WILL DRAG YOU ALL TO HELL WITH ME" The possessed human scream in both the voice of the human and the voice MC's demon lover. Before throwing insulted after insulted at the people in the room but as soon they threw one at MC.
MC glared at the possessed and march over and slap them on the face before grabbing by the collar.
"Listen here you son of bitch! I came here to get you out of here, and you fucking call me a whore! As soon we get back into Devildom, you'll be hearing an ear full from me!"
Than MC preformed the simple exorcism as their pact with the brother in the human glows and after a minute it's over. The human is back and MC lets go of them before turning around as they pull out their phone.
"Barbatos, get me back to devildom... Now!"
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bastart13 · 3 months
Hi again, just wanted to say one thing I'm really looking forward to seeing is your rendition of Helena's S2-S9 outfit. Always loved it so much more. :)
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It's very interesting trying to translate it into my style. I'm not sure which direction to go in yet :D
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shatcey · 10 months
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Wow… I completely forgot that Leon was the one who recognized the rabbit in these strange looking things with horns…
Clavis's route
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omgitsbeewave · 3 months
I couldn't resist, mlb au, yay! Grian with ladybug miraculous. any name suggestions are very much in demand, to au or hero names
most of the characters here are teens bc i like school setting, things won't have real death and stuff bc like in the series g can fix almost everything.
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incorrectlovestruck · 5 months
Helena: That dog is one of Jinhai’s hounds, she’s followed us for three hours now. LnL MC: How do you know it’s a she? Helena: I dated the Witch Queen. I think I know a bitch when I see one.
Submitted by anon
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devilmen-collector · 5 months
Food Allergy
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Ft. Klein (my MC), 3 devil kings (Satan, Mammon, Lucifer), nobles (Sitri, Leraye, Paimon, Bimet, Eligos, Valefor, Morax), Ppyong
C/W: food allergy (symptoms include hives rashes, swelling, breathlessness), Bimet cutting others' sensitive parts
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Satan's teeth crunching sound could be heard throughout the hallway of the royal palace of Gehenna as the king of wrath radiated the crimson colored energy of his sin. The reason for his rage today was the unannounced appearance of Mammon, the king of greed, who suddenly came to Gehenna and took Klein away.
"That Mammon, I'll kill him." Satan growled as he crunched his teeth again.
Meanwhile, at the royal palace of Tartaros, Klein the Evil Overlord was being carried by Mammon, who himself was sitting on a carriage that could move automatically.
"Didn't you say that we would be having a banquet?" Klein asked.
"Yes, Master, I want to show you the food culture of Tartaros. Even though Abyssos is the country that is the most famous for its food culture in Hell, their cooking methods are... unconventional. While Tartaros's cooking methods are more similar to those in the human world. I think you could tell that Tartaros cuisine inspired many dishes in the human world. And I believe you will love our food."
Hearing Mammon said, Klein made connection between Tartaros architecture style and its cuisine. He could already imagine dishes of dim sum, sushi and other Asian dishes before his very eyes. Just the imagination made his mouth water. He couldn't wait to take a bite.
"We're here." Mammon announced as the carriage stopped in front of a gigantic gate made of pure gold. On the two doors of the gate was the carving of Mammon's sigil, surrounded by those of mythical beasts. All of those seemed to highlight how Tartaros devils value the room behind the gate.
"Uh... Shall I get down? Since you need both hands to push both doors. I know you have those golden arms, but I think it's a good thing that we enter together." Klein said while blushing. As much as Klein is an Evil Overlord, he loves the idea of his devils being his equals.
"I haven't thought about that before. But you are right." Mammon agreed and put Klein down. He then used both of his hands to push open the large gate.
"His Majesty Mammon and the Son of Solomon!" A devil standing by the gate announced as soon as he saw the gate was opened. Then, Mammon and Klein entered the room hand-in-hand.
Inside the room, there was a large, no, gigantic long table with countless dishes on display. Each was put on a large golden dish or bowl, which could automatically keep the food within the desired temperature. And as Klein had expected, many of the dishes he wanted to taste were there.
"How many dishes are there?" Klein asked in whisper.
"200." Mammon's answer nearly made Klein squeal in happiness.
On the side of the table were the nobles of Tartaros, Bimet, Eligos and Valefor, along with many servants standing behind them.
When they had finished greeting Mammon, all straightened their backs again and looked at Klein, who waved at them. Eligos waved back with a smile, while Bimet and Valefor returned the gesture with their smiles, with Valefor's smiles being more genuine and Bimet's smile seemed more business-like.
Mammon took Klein to the chair at the head of the table.
"Thanks." Klein said as Mammon pull the chair out for him. The latter also sat down on the chair to Klein's right.
The Overlord looked at the three nobles standing at the side of the table without any intention to join, with Valefor trying to hold back Eligos, who were already looking at the dishes with sparkling eyes. Unlike Gehenna, other countries have strict protocol which dictates that nobles can't eat in the same table with their kings, unless invited.
"You three can join us." Klein said as he motioned with his hand sign for them to join him and Mammon. He knew Mammon wouldn't mind it.
"Thanks, Son of Solomon/Klein." The three nobles chirped as they came and sat down at the table, but their seats were all below Mammon's, toward the middle of the long table. Among the three, Eligos was the happiest since he eats a lot.
"Let's the banquet begin." Mammon announced and the servants standing on the two sides of the table started serving. Since the table was too long and had too many dishes, neither Klein nor the devils could reach all the food by themselves, so the servants had to help them by recommending the dishes and serving them the food.
"Glorious Son of Solomon, I'll serve you in this banquet." Klein looked to his left and saw a young devil in servant attire.
"May I recommend [...] which are all the most delicious dishes of Tartaros."
Klein couldn't understand the dishes' names, which were all said in Hell language. He just nodded to the servant, indicating he would want to be served with all of them.
The servant left him, and soon enough, returned by his side with some food he had taken from the 200 dishes on the table that he had recommended. Among them was Klein's favorite dim sum.
"Master, try this." Mammon himself poured Klein a small cup of Tartaros liquor, which looked similar to traditional Eastern Asian alcoholic drink, such as soju, sake, etc.
Before long, Bimet also summoned beautiful devils to perform a play for all those who were enjoying the banquet.
The banquet went on...
Why am I feeling itchy? Klein asked himself as he began to scatch his face and his back. The itch soon became more unbearable and Klein started to scratch more and all over his body, including his face and his back.
"What's the matter, Master?" Mammon was the first one to notice, then even the nobles noticed their beloved being uncomfortable.
"I don't know. I'm just feeling itchy for some reason." Klein said, his voice raspy. Then he started to cough and he felt he couldn't breathe.
Oh no, food allergy. Klein thought before trying to stand up, but he lost his balance in the process and fell. Fortunately, Mammon managed to catch him.
"Mammon, it's very uncomfortable." The Overlord said weakly before falling unconscious.
"Stop standing idly, go call the doctors!" Bimet shouted to the servants, who were shocked and didn't know what to do in this situation.
"Y-yes, I'll go get the doctors right away." The servant who had been serving Klein said and ran out of the dining room through a side door.
Klein open his eyes, or rather he opened his right eye while trying to open his left eye, which had become swollen due to the allergy.
"Try not to talk so much, even your lips are swollen from the allergy." Lucifer said as he caressed Klein's cheek which had turned red from rashes to the swollen lips.
"What happened? Is it food allergy?" Klein said, almost like whispering.
"Yes," Lucifer answered "you ate something that is similar to crabs in the mortal world. You get rashes over your body, and and many parts of your body are swollen. You were taken to Paradise Lost on Morax's advice so we could properly test your blood."
"Lucifer, do I look ugly right now?" Klein asked suddenly with his raspy voice.
"Klein, do I look like the type to love physical beauty alone?"
Klein wanted to shake his head but realized it was difficult because his head felt heavy as hell. But Lucifer understood his reply nevertheless.
"And I don't think those pure devils would say otherwise."
Hearing Lucifer, Klein unconsciously cracked a smile, even though it was also difficult and painful because his lips were swollen. Klein knew the devils wouldn't detest him because he had become physically ugly, but sudden insecurity needed an assurance. Lucifer also smiled, he leaned down and kissed Klein on his rashed cheek.
"I'll give all to your heart desires when you have recovered." The king of pride whispered to Klein's ear before turning around and walked to the door.
The moment Lucifer opened the door, Leraye, Paimon and Eligos fell inside. Behind them were Bimet, Valefor, Sitri, Morax, Ppyong and the two kings of wrath and greed.
"I'm sorry. I tried to stop them but they kept insisting that they would stand outside and they promised to keep silent." Morax explained.
"Your Majesty Lucifer, can we go talk to Klein? We are very worried about him." Leraye pleaded like a sad puppy.
"Don't be too loud." Lucifer said a very few words and left the room.
"Klein will need a lot of rest. So please don't take it too long." Morax smiled and left the room to meet with Lucifer outside.
"Kleinnnnn!" Paimon sobbed.
"I should have been there to prevent you from eating allergic food." Leraye lamented.
"I should have asked Minhyeok about your allergies." Ppyong sniffled.
Why does this begin to sound like a funeral? Guys, I'm not dead. Don't give me Belial treatment.
"This wouldn't have happened if Tartaros didn't take Solomon to taste their cuisine." Sitri glared at the Tartaros camp. The Tartaros nobles wanted to argue back but unable to. Ultimately, it was their country's responsibility.
"Stop crying! Klein will bounce back and he will return to Gehenna in no time." Satan assured his nobles.
"His Majesty Satan is right." Leraye beamed.
"Get well soonnnn!" Paimon placed a kiss on Klein's cheek, much to Satan's annoyance and Sitri's jealousy.
Before long, Morax appeared again to announce that visit time was over and everyone had to leave. However, Mammon didn't leave right away as he wanted to have a private conversation with Klein.
"Someone hasn't been kind to you, huh." Klein said as he finally got the chance to look at the king of greed's face properly and saw a swelling on his face, which likely came from Satan's fist.
"I'm sorry, Klein." Mammon apologized.
"You couldn't have known, Mammon."
"But still, if I had done a little bit more research into allergic food, you wouldn't have had suffered."
Klein couldn't find a word to comfort Mammon. As he was laying on the bed, unsure of what to say, he noticed that Mammon's right fist had always been behind his back since he entered the room.
"What are you holding there?"
Knowing that he couldn't hide from Klein, Mammon showed what he had kept inside his palm. It was the ring he had given the Overlord when they were taking a picture for Phenomenon's contest. But it was broken.
"Your fingers were swollen and the ring was in the way of the blood flow so we broke it." Mammon regretted. It was a sign of his love for his Overlord Master, but now it was broken, which many considered to be a bad omen.
"You can find a good craftsman to put the pieces back together," Klein said "and when I recovered, put the ring on my finger again." The Evil Overlord raised his heavy right hand and put it on top of the broken ring, over Mammon's hand.
"Yes, you're right, Master." Mammon thought for a while before putting his other hand on top of Klein's hand. "I'll mend it and put it back on you." Then the king of greed bent down and kissed Klein's hand before leaning into the bed to kiss Klein's cheek.
"By the way, tell Bimet to not cut the chef's nipples and testicles."
Klein said it not out of kindness, but he wanted to be the one to decide "punishment" for that devil.
Mammon smirked to Klein's words before telling him to rest and left the room.
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