#maybe its because i not so secretly crave control
rubarb69 · 9 months
There is a certain kind of fucked up that a person has to be to give themselves a James t Kirk looking ass haircut in 2024.
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plutonianeris · 2 years
ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴀ ᴄᴀʀᴅ: accepting where people see you as the villain ⛓𓌹*♰*𓌺⛓
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this is a general reading & for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. scroll through the images & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. 🖤
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♱☾pile one☽
sometimes it feels like you can never win because one way or another, theres always someone criticizing you. People are nervous around you and its not necessarily anything you do. I got a lot of scorpio and plutonian energy in my cards/ the oracles. People in your daily life make you seem like the villain because either 1) you don't share too much of you and they are craving for access or 2) you are equally as suspicious of them. Regardless, people can be kind of intimidated of you (but never publically admit it, more like hide it behind shady comments). lol the lyrics of the song playing right now in the background "make everyone hate me if that makes you feel better, your girl talks shit about me just to feel better" as you keep climbing up in your career/ reputation youre going to feel like a lot of more people are judging you. Accept that you cant control that. And if it makes you feel any better, it is envy/ hate but its to hide some jealousy and even some admiration as well.
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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♱☾pile two☽
I heard "theres just no way in hell that this is all on me" the people you live with/ family (and in your hometown) could see you as the villain in those moments you are trying to express your emotions. You could get called being too "emotional" I heard "crybaby" or maybe even being called a hothead & impulsive when you try to talk to your loved ones about how you feel. You could be known for having a short temper or being very emotional (like the type to cry after seeing someone in pain or reading a sad news article). In reality, people close to you can get irritated with how emotionally intelligent you are. When you're angry/ upset about something your'e always determined to do something about it, and you start off by allowing yourself to feel your feelings. Accept that some people dont want to make room for you needs/ emotions. But then know when its time to refuse to give people more access to your energy and make sure you are meeting ur own needs. I just heard "I am worth more than these poor experiences you are trying to give to me"
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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♱☾pile three☽
you could find that people in your neighborhood, apartment complex, or even the school you go to tend to turn you into the villain on the forms you communicate/ ask questions/ express yourself intellectual point of view. If you have siblings you could find that you get into frequent fights or bicker a lot. Youre eager to learn new things and that could throw other people off as you rush past them, ready to know more about the world. this pile reminds me of a curious child lol touching the "dont touch" sign. Out of all the piles this one feels more playful. Its like people suck their teeth and roll their eyes but youre so resilient. you bounce back in a way that feels so efortless that they dont stay too mad. its like even the people that see you as "the villian" at times are still secretly rooting for you? idk lol this pile was weird but also kind of endearing. Again, it reminds me of the way a child falls and quickly gets back up. Even if people judge you, you know that you have to keep it pushing. I just heard "in 5 years... shit, in 5 weeks none of this bs is gonna matter"
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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♱☾pile four☽
people you get into close relationships with (friends, but especially lovers or even your crushes) can make you the villain for your "eccentricity." this pile gave off big Aquarius energty (it reminds me of those with aspects between venus and uranus). lol like your beauty and ways of being are very unique or quirky. honestly, those qualities (your forms of dress, taste in music, the weird things you say, random facts u know) are actually what makes people interested in you and start crushing on you. but then at the same time they judge you for not conforming to societal norms. It's like "I think you are unique and brave, but god cant you just be normal sometimes?" thats annoying! My advice to you is don't EVER let people treat you as if spending time with you was a burden and don't let people pick and choose when to hang out with you. watch out for when you have big groups of friends, you could find that 1 or 2 could be hating behind your back. You always stand out in the crowd and sometimes that leaves insecure people with a sour taste in their mouth. You could be someone that has a different religion/ ethnicity/ background in comparison from the rest of your peers (whether it be at school or work). lol alien superstar is playing in the background rn "don't ever waste your time trying to compete with me... no one else in this world can think like me'
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
© plutonianeris🕸️🕷️
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esosage · 1 month
God i need more movie robotnik angst! Like my man is prime angst material and theres just not enough for him!
Need him to be sobbing, and crying, and haveing a mental breakdown.
Especially when it involves stone, since it forces him to let his walls down, and bear his soul to the other man wether he likes it or not. Which could really offer some interesting developments in their relationship.
I can see movie eggman being very antsy after he has a mental break down infront of stone, since he's primarily waiting for the other to either take advantage of him or leave him. Since thats probobly what he's experienced in relationships up till now (with the whole trust issues thing.)
Infact, i'd say he gets so antsy that he becomes a self fulfilling profocy. Being so pent up, and not beliveing stone has anything but maliciouse intent twards him now, he lashes out at the other. Saying some real horrible shit in an attempt to push him away before stone can hurt him.
He ends up secretly regretting it after the fact. He tries to convince himself that its better this way, or that he doesn't care, or that he likes hurting the other, in attempt to cover up that guilt, but he knows deep down that its just not true. Even so, that doesnt stop him from returning back to old habbits to cope with being in a very unframiliar situation: aka him being a dick. Maybe not directly to stone this time, but by avoiding him. He isn't really angry at stone, more so angry at himself, but he doesnt have the emotional intelligence to recognize that. So he tries to put up walls. In his mind hes gotten far to attached to stone and needs to cut the other man out before he has a one up over him, or uses robotniks emotions against him. But robotnik just cant do it. He cant force himself to get rid of stone, he cant force himself to just fire the man, because stone is the only person who takes care of robotnik.
Now, robotnik doesnt think that stone genuinlly cares for him, he doesnt think anyone is capable of that, but stone does give him attention. Attention, that he despretly seeks and searches for. Infact, stone has probobly cared for robotnik, more than anyone else before. Which isnt a high bar, since robotnik isn't exactly a likeable person, but its still a very big thing for a robotnnik. Because in his whole life, stone is one of the very few people who has cared about him somewhat, and managed to stick around him for this long without gwtting tired of his bulshit. And as someone who has been longing and desperate for attention their entire life, who craves it, robotnik just cant give stone up. Regardless of if stone huets him or not, because he doesn't think he'll find anyone else who will care for him as much as stone does.
Of course, he never acknowledges this, because to him, saying that he needs the agent on such a deep level is admitting to being weak. Since he's supposed to be untouchable (and perfect.) And he much less has enough emotional intelligence to understand this, so he puts up walls instead, in the hopes that stone will do it for him. That stone, just like everyone else, will get sick of his bullshit and leave. (He doesnt really want this in reality. But because he's in such an unframilar situation, hes resorting back to old habbits and lashing out to feel more incontrol. Because theres nothing robotnik hates more, than not being in control, because in his mind, if hes not incontrol then he's going to get hurt.)
Thankfully for robotnik though, stone is crazy and refuses to leave. He might have before robotnik had the mental breakdown, since he didnt belive the doctor genuinlly cared about him before then, but after the mental breakdown, he knows that the doctor cares about him more than he's letting on. So he refuses to leave, because he knows somethings up with the doctor, and he's not going until its fixed. Careing more about robotniks wellbeing than his own, (regardless of how unhealthy it is.)
This confuses to robotnik till no end, and sets his mind down another spiral. Because normally, your mean to people and they leave, but stone isn't doing that...... why? Thats the part that catches robotnik up the most: the why. In robotniks mind, he's an asshole, he knows he is, he plays into it sometimes, and thusly he thinks nobody can care about him. That because he's a horrible person, and because, in his mind, he'll never be anything but one, its simply impossible for anyone to care, much less love him. So he doesnt think stone is capable of loveing him. Which begs the question of why stone is staying.
If stone doesn't love him, and has every reason to leave him right now outside of the pay, why stay? Does he want revenge? Does he have a card up his sleeve? Is he trying to take robotnik down? Is that why he's been more nosey lately?
All of those are questions floating in robotniks head. His trust issues takeing his anxiety twards the issue and going wild. Which naturally sends robotnik down a paranoid spyral.
All of this, culminates in another argument. Stone demanding to know whats wrong, and robotnik eventually slipping up in the moment, and admiting that he thinks stone hates him, and is trying to sabatouge him.
The agent vehemently goes against this motion, claiming he would never tries that, and that he doesn't hate robotnik. Of course, due to his trust issues, robotnik doesnt buy it. Combating this with the "facts" he has gathered thus far. Asking why stone would stay with him otherwise if it wasn't to gain something.
Another thing the agent opposes, stuttering over his words to avoid saying the obviouse, but just enough to hopefully convince robotnik when he says he cares. Though robotnik keeps pushing back, still not buyinh it.
And exaughsted, stone just screams out rhe truth in the hopes that it will get through the others thick skull. Admiting that he loves robotnik, and thats why he stays, because he cares about him dammit!
This leaves robotnik floored, he doesn't belive it at first, can't fathom the thought of someone actually being in love with someone like him outside of what he can give them (relationships arw transactional in his mind,) but hes putting up a lot less ressistancdñe than before. And while he doesnt want ot admit it, logically speaking, it would explain t a lot of things.
Eventually robotnik does something slightly emotionally intelligent for once in his damn life, and asks for a moment, (he doesnt say its to prosess his emotions, but its deffinetly implied,) and he asks stone to leave.
This obviously leaves the other anxiouse, wondering if he did something wrong in admiting his feelings, but he complies. Thr two on their own to process everything..
They end up haveing a conversation about it later once they've calmed down, (something stone had to initiate,) and it ends up being productive! The two of them planning a path forward for the both of them (with no romance by robotniks request) and they begin to work on things.. very slowly yes, and with a lot of cognitive disonence on robotniks part (he still cant admit that he cares, much less loces stone yet, even if he does,) but its progress and stone is satisfied with it.
Anyhow, sorry i went on a ramble, my thoughts decided to just go this way lol. Regardless, my point still stands, robotnik is a very deep and interesting character, and deserves to ve explored more. And also deserves a hell of a lot more angst.
Thank you for listening to my bullshit.
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dullahanblorboposting · 10 months
Hmmm I do enjoy the large amounts of feral toxic and obsessive violence flavors of durgetash around but its not my preference, like. I crave the 'horrible awful worst people youve ever met are soft for (ONLY) eachother' dynamic. What if, given the opportunity, they really WOULD rule together side by side, and they really do secretly and shamefully yearn for that comfort together. What if they almost indulge in it sometimes. AAAAAAAAAA
I really love the star-crossed lovers, forbidden romance, mutual yearning, tragedy of the only person to ever know you, and even openly like you being a temporary co-conspirator but ultimately your sworn enemy you you know you must kill.
Maybe it's just circumstantial. Maybe in another life you really would have hated him, or worse, had no feeling towards him either way at all, but that's not your reality. Your reality is that he's the ONLY ONE that offers you a painful glimpse of normalcy. Or as close to normal as someone like YOU could get. And it's so tempting (comforting even? Is that comfort?) That you can't ignore it. No matter how much guilt and shame it brings, no matter how much fear you hold towards your Father. You can control your urges, but not this? This feeling, this longing is stronger than even your deepest nature as child of Bhaal, so much so that you can't control it. So you ask for forgiveness instead. With promises that in the end, the result will be the same. You will kill him all the same. He will die at your hand, before only you, yourself.
You justify it this way. To the temple. To Father. To yourself.
Death is the only way this could end anyway. Because could you really go on living the way it was before? Before being known, accepted, liked as you were?
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girldigital · 4 months
I'm not very good at maintaining a presence here which is good.
Yesterday I got higher than expected and  got visited by these thoughts I often keep buried deep.
I tweeted:
“Do you think it’s cool to have grown up ugly and insane but to have become beautiful and good at being normal and to marry knowing you tricked your partner into getting into a union with a monster.
i will pretend for you but the horror i feel when i think about if you were to see through the blinds”
Why is it that I don’t believe what I’ve become? Like I’ve hijacked someone else’s life that wasn’t meant for me. I think about the movie Us a lot. More than I should probably. Besides the grander implications of it which I think unfortunately do reflect the way capitalism has rotted our world and turned it into genetic lottery, I often feel like I’m not in the right place. This wasn't the life predetermined for this arab muslim girl.
I’ve always had a fascination with shapeshifters – Ditto, Mystique, Kirby. Their ability to become anything they want when they please has always been such a draw to me. I used to attribute it to me being a Gemini but I think it goes deeper than that. That demon used to say that was because I had no real sense of self and that I was confused. As much as he probably said that to further belittle me, I don't think he was entirely wrong. I’ve come to realize that, while I dropped my dreams of becoming an actor professionally, much of my life has turned into acting in all facets, and I’m not sure where the line between authenticity and performing is anymore. Maybe I never knew.
It saddens me to think about just how awfully I think of myself. I like to think that I am a confident person, knowing my worth and what I bring to the table. However, once I get into that state of mind and these sort of intrusive thoughts come to the forefront, I can’t help but realize that these are very real feelings I harbor about myself.
I’ve always been a pretty self-deprecating person. I think growing up the butt of the joke, you kind of have to take the bull by its horns in order to have some sort of control over the narrative. What’s interesting is that I don’t even think I technically need to do that anymore.
Before, I knew I was othered. Of course, probably a lot of it was made bigger in my head than it was in reality, but I was always a bit different.
I was quirky, as much as I hate to say it. Uneven bangs, crooked teeth and permanent dark circles was how you could spot me. I always had a bit of an eclectic sense of style, having breakdowns in the shower wondering what sub-category of fashion could I possibly fall under: Skater? Emo? Preppy? Never being enough for each, I always felt lost.
I never had a tribe to cling on to, always floating and morphing according to my surroundings and who I was interested in pleasing at the time.
While I was very clumsy at first, just like any skill you hone with time, I actually became pretty proeficient at it. It took very long and multiple different iterations, some more successful than others before I got to where I am.
All my life, I thought I couldn’t have the life I secretly was hoping for – both due to all the restrictions that were imposed onto me.
I had given up my fate to one of obediency and surrender. I wasn’t strong enough to fight for what I longed for and I was content with what I had, thanks to the amazing friends I was lucky enough to cross paths with and to my somewhat niche interests which I could find solace in by myself.
I used to say I was often alone but never lonely. I always enjoyed my own presence. While I felt envy towards the extroverted and popular girls, the more you grow the more you realize when something isn’t for you and it makes no sense to crave it if
Anyway, I think this conversation also ties in with gender and sexuality unfortunately. It’s a huge mess that needs untangling and I’ve been avoiding doing so for so long. It’s like that one scene in H*rry P*tter with the baby Voldemort in a room. I simply do not want to have to deal with it so I keep the door closed.
Like I said, I’ve always wanted to be the pretty extroverted girl. When it became obvious to me that I was very bad at playing that part, despite the efforts that were consuming my every day, I started settling in what came more naturally to me. I presented a bit more androgynously and, though many would like to disagree, in a way that’s less desirable. I started finding empowerment in not blending in, in making up my own rules and defying what was asked of me, as a woman.
However, while I found self-love, I also found a new form of self-disgust. One caused by knowing I was undesirable to others. One that couldn’t associate sex appeal with the mockery I had made out of myself. I’ve always considered myself to be bisexual, but coming from where I am from, that’s often harder to put into practice than I’d like to. I know I’m not straight; I’ve felt it my entire life. It’s just that the muslim self-hatred associated with that, the trauma of m**********, male validation and just compulsory heterosexyality is a very tough combo to fight.
Especially when all you’ve grown up with is heterosexual aspirations, heterosexual porn, hetero hetero hetero.
Anyway, I’ll try to wrap it up since I already wrote a lot and am literally at work lol.
Ever since I started having sex, I’ve felt like a fraud. I know a lot of it is the guilt speaking, but even with that aside. I remember looking at myself in the mirror, skinny, blonde, desirable, thinking about how merely a year before I was heavy, had short hair, acne, and was overall just ugly. How the guy I was sleeping with would probably never have laid eyes on me had our paths crossed merely a year prior, and now here I am using him for sex. It was a strange place to get to in my life, for I never expected that I could actually land where I am.
In a way, I felt sort of like a villain. Like the king in Shrek, living his entire life as a lie, knowing he was a frog all a long, and perhaps not destined for the greatness and access he achieved. Crazy how there’s an allegory reflected in animation for every situation in life, it’s so funny. Anyway, this situation is also reminiscent of something far more sinister, but I cannot recall the reference.
In sum, I do feel like a witch, who’s taken control of this girl’s beautiful body and who’s playing the part of a cool girl despite being an absolute dork underneath. I wasn’t born cool and beautiful, I just learned to be.
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brandstifter-sys · 2 years
I Caught Fire
@dukexietyweek Day 2: Music
Word Count: 1419                              (Ao3)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Rating: T+
Warnings: Death mention, gore mention, sex mention
Virgil plays guitar, and Remus loves when Virgil sings for him
It wasn't always easy to sneak up on Virgil. Sure when he could keep quiet, Remus was good at it, even if it got him punched by the embodiment of fight-or-flight. A lot of the time he couldn't, because he always got so excited to tackle his boyfriend with affection.
Remus was in the mood to get some morbid attention and he knew just where to find his Sweet Sacrifice!
Virgil was in the Imagination, in his own small corner where he had full control. As Anxiety, he was blessed and cursed with a permanent spot in the Imagination to play out his constant fears and worries.
But he was relaxed, sitting on a grassy hill under a seemingly dead apple tree and idly strumming an old acoustic guitar, trying to find the right song to play at the moment. He was content to stare off into the distance at Remus' realm and appreciate it in its twisted elegance. It was a reflection of him.
Virgil chuckled to himself at the thought of Remus being elegant. It was possible, but he preferred the ball of chaos with a knack for the macabre and the sweetness of a corpse.
His fingers moved before he realized it. But he didn't mind the melody. Not when the song was so fitting.
"If I cut off your arms and cut off your legs Would you still love me anyway? If you're bound and you're gagged, draped and displayed Would you still love me anyway?"
Remus crept up the hill behind the tree, listening to the most beautiful voice secretly serenading him. He didn't want to interrupt, happy to swoon over the siren song that lured him into the waves of that deep, scratchy melody.
Why don't you love me anyway?
Remus grinned wickedly and rolled his shoulders. He could pounce and prove that he would love that edgelord anyway, no matter how gruesome he could get.
And then Virgil slowed his fingers, lingering on the last line. If he were anyone else, Remus would assume that the song was over. He knew better. But that didn't stop him from trying to tackle his boyfriend!
Virgil immediately jumped out of the way, still holding his guitar. He stared at the mess of a man on the ground, giggling even though he landed on his face.
"That's one way to say hi," Virgil huffed as Remus' sat up with a bright grin.
"It is! And I just had to make it special since you're serenading me so sweetly!"
"That is literally a song about a serial killer who's obsessed with a girl who doesn't love him and then he kills her," Virgil frowned. Remus simply leaned against the tree and spread his legs.
"I know, but when you sing it, you're just tempting me with a good time! And we both know you're singing about me, which is just heart boner fuel! Consider me seduced, and ready to be Sleeping with a Siren"
"I can do better," Virgil quipped and eyed his duke smugly. This hyper man-puppy was always craving affection, even if he wanted it to hurt. He was vibrating and excited to see what his Scare Bear could come up with.
Virgil sat between his legs and situated his guitar on his lap. He played a few chords and started to play the one song that could make even Remus a mushy romantic.
"Seemed to stop my breath My head on your chest waiting to cave in From the bottom of my Hear your voice again Could we dim the sun and wonder where we've been? Maybe you and me, so kiss me like you did My heart stopped beating, such a softer sin I'm melting"
Virgil sang softly and closed his eyes, letting the music fill him. He could taste the truth behind the lyrics, swirling in his chest like a firestorm.
"In your eyes, I lost my place Could stay a while And I'm melting In your eyes like my first time That I caught fire Just stay with me, lay with me now"
Remus wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist and nuzzled into his shoulder. He wanted to hold this wizard and melt into him, body and soul. He could drown in that voice and he wanted to.
"Never caught my breath Every second I'm without you, I'm a mess Ever know each other Trust these words are stones My cuts aren't healing Learning how to love I'm melting"
"I'm melting," Remus muttered and kissed his neck. He knew how much of a mess Virgil was when he cut the duke off, and how badly he needed the duke's brand of affection. Remus knew it would take time for Virgil to warm up to him again, and he was surprised at just how quickly Virgil got comfortable with him again.
"In your eyes, I lost my place Could stay a while And I'm melting In your eyes like my first time That I caught fire Just stay with me, lay with me Stay with me, lay with me now"
Remus was warm, holding him like a teddy bear. Virgil could fall asleep in his arms, could stay in this position and sing to his loving Cuddlefish until the end of time. Virgil would never let him go again, unless Remus wanted to end things.
"You can stay and watch me fall And of course, I'll ask for help Just stay with me now We could take our heads off, stay in bed Just make love, that's all Just stay with me now I'm melting"
"I'm melting," Remus said and lifted his head. He was completely enamored. Having Virgil pressed against his chest, his voice vibrating through the both of them, it was simply perfect.
He couldn't help it if he held tighter and peppered Virgil's neck with kisses. He loved the way Virgil flinched from the tickle of his mustache and soft lips. He loved that no matter how he twitched, Virgil kept playing without making a mistake, as if this song was wired into his fingers.
"In your eyes, I lost my place Could stay a while And I'm melting In your eyes like my first time That I caught fire Just stay with me, lay with me In your eyes, I lost my place Could stay a while And I'm melting In your eyes like my first time That I caught fire Just stay with me, lay with me Stay with me, lay with me In your eyes Let's sleep 'til the sun burns out I'm melting in your eyes In your eyes Let's sleep 'til the sun burns out"
"I'm melting in your eyes," Remus hummed softly and tilted Virgil's head to look into those beautiful gray eyes.
"I love you, Scare Bear. The fires in my chest have never gone out, I'd rather spend an eternity decaying with you than anyone else. No matter how angry the storm, I'm yours."
Virgil struck, dragging him into a kiss. He dropped his guitar, letting it twang as he grabbed Remus' face to pull him closer.
"You were supposed to seduce me!" Remus teased between kisses. Virgil was not about to let his mouth get away!
He twisted and straddled Remus' lap, knocking him against the tree. Remus had no time to react before those lips were on his again, melding with his and pulling his soul from his body. Remus grabbed his shoulders, inviting him to keep going.
"You were seduced before I started," Virgil gasped, his lungs screaming at him for air, "Are you complaining?"
"Not at all," Remus giggled and kissed his forehead, "I want to burn with you. I'll stay with you and lay with you, right here, right now. But we're moving once the sun sets. I don't want the vampires seeing me all soft and vulnerable!"
Virgil licked a long stripe up his cheek and chuckled, "How about we go back to your room and smolder until we get to visit the timeshare in hell once the sun goes down."
"Cuddles and nap time!" Remus giggled, "You know just what to say to make me squishy!"
"You're my squishy, and I love you," Virgil hummed and hugged him like a koala.
"You're my siren, and I love you more!" Remus giggled and licked his cheek, "And even without your musical charms!"
"Mmm," Virgil hummed and nuzzled his shoulder, "You have musical charms too, dingus. And I'd fall for you just the same."
The songs referenced are "Helena" by Misfits and "I Caught Fire" by the Used
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
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Love is not enough
– Jaehyun x female!reader  – High school au, SMUT, FLUFF, angst?  – 3,984k (this is a drabble for me, don’t expect) – Older Jaehyun by a year, Alcohol consumption, truth or dare, heavy cheating, protected sex, slight nipple play, jaehyun likes tits wbk, fingering, break up, virginity loss, hope I didn’t miss anything. 
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The blaring music from your brother’s birthday party disturbed you from your nap… but in a good way because you have a lot of readings to do and you’re planning to pull an all nighter. 
“Y/n it’s me, are you awake?” 
And up you go to your door but you didn’t open it yet, “Yes. I’m awake but I’m studying” you said, teasing the man from the other side of the door. “Go back to the party, Jae. You’re drunk” you tease further. 
“I’ve been drinking soda the moment I arrived- Will you please open the door, I miss you” he sounded sincere, and honestly you wanted to know if he’s telling the truth about the soda. So you opened your door slowly… and see the handsome man leaning on your door frame. Smiling so sweetly and happy to see you in your… shirt and panties only. 
“Can I come in?” he asks nicely and you opened your door widely to welcome him. It was dark and only your lampshade was on. He saw your books on your bed, thinking maybe he really did disturb you. 
“Now what do you want?” you sat on the edge of your bed, him too. He looked so handsome in his simple clothes as always. He giggled and put his hand on top of your knee, slowly making its way up to your waist to pull you closer to him. You still can’t believe you scored someone so handsome and gentle like Jaehyun. 
“I want you. As always.” he said before he proceeds to kiss your neck, making you moan using his lips and showing you how much he misses you by the way he kisses you. Tasting a hint of coke from his lips, now you know that he was telling the truth about the soda.
“You know we can’t. My brother is downstairs, not to mention it's his birthday” you moaned when you feel him open your legs, pushed you down the mattress and stayed in between your legs while kissing you. 
“Liking someone older than you is not a bad thing Y/n, and your brother knows that” he said and lifted your shirt to expose your boobs to him. Sucking your left nipple immediately while kneading the other. Jaehyun’s touch always makes you crazy and lose control, it’s very luring and the next thing you know you’re asking for more. So you reached for his hand, sucked two of his fingers, and from there he knew what to do. 
Pulling your panties to the side and teasing your wet slit with his thumb before he inserts the two fingers that you sucked. Jaehyun reached deep, curling his fingers and pulling them in and out to make you crazy even more. Gradually, he finger fucked you faster, building the momentum but to be honest he just doesn’t want to end it so soon already. But too late, because you’re closing your legs and reaching for his hand for him to stop. 
While you were shivering and your legs are shaking, he pulled out slowly and made you decent again. He really wanted to fuck tonight but he respects your decision. If you’re not ready then he can’t force you. 
“You know it’s been six months since we started seeing each other… secretly. Why can’t we make it official- you know I love you.” He whined and used your tummy as a pillow. Feeling the vibration of your body whenever you talk.  
Was it really six months already now? Did he really ruined your innocence six months ago and since then, he always came back for more even though you always refuse to fuck? 
“Do you still remember the first time I touched you?” he asks. 
“Of course how could I forget?” you smiled and raked his soft hair away from his face and traced his handsome features with your fingers. It all started because of a stupid dare. A stupid dare that changed your lives.
He may be older by a year and you may be his best friend’s sister, but that didn’t stop him from liking and loving you. Sure he had a fuccboi reputation, but he proved to you that he can be serious when it comes to love. 
Six months ago 
It was dark in the closet room and the time is running. Jaehyun was really drunk and you weren’t. That’s why you said yes to the dare. A chance to be in a closet with the hottest, most handsome man in school? Who would say no to that? 
“Well you look innocent, are you scared?” even though he’s drunk he can still be a real gentleman. 
“A virgin but not scared, just kiss me and get it over with” you whispered to him, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer. 
“Time is running. Let’s do something new, something more exciting than kissing and, make this memorable for the both of us, shall we? Just follow my lead” he says and planted a soft kiss on your lips. 
Before the kiss heated in no time and you feel Jaehyun’s cold hands going inside your shirt and knead your clothed boobs. Lifting your shirt slightly so he can see your boobs and pull your bra cups down, kissing your neck all the way down until he reaches your sensitive parts. 
“Fuck” you moaned but Jaehyun didn’t stop kissing your boobs. 
“Were not on the best part yet,” he said, smiling through the kisses while kneading your boobs and making you dizzy because of his touch. And just like that he put your right nipple in his mouth and sucked it. Licking it from time to time, squeezing it, and biting it slightly. 
Then the timer went off and that completely ruined the moment. “Okay times up-“ 
“Don’t fucking open the door!” Jaehyun yelled so loud that everyone from the other side went silent. “Sorry about that, you just looked so ruined. Here let me help you,” he put your bra cups back and pulled down your shirt. Patting your head and helping you fix your hair. “There, you look innocent again” he smiled and kissed you one last time. 
After that night, Jaehyun always looked forward to seeing you and has been asking you around. But being his best friend’s sister just put him in a more complicated position. 
One Friday night, your brother threw another wild party again and Jaehyun searched and searched everywhere for you, even asked you around but you’re nowhere to be found. “Try upstairs and don’t fuck her” your brother said and Jaehyun was smiling from ear to ear the moment your brother let him see you. 
With a beer in his left hand and a soda on his right, he made his way in front of your room and bravely knocked. “Second floor is off limits! Have sex in my brother’s room” you said shouted and continue typing for your paper. 
“I- uhm. But I don’t want to have sex in your brother’s room,” Jaehyun said awkwardly. He could have said ‘it’s Jaehyun and I’m here to see you’ but he didn’t because he was nervous. Then he knocked again. A little longer this time and now he’s really getting on your nerves. 
“What the fuck do you want?” 
But to your surprise it was Jaehyun. Smiling awkwardly and shyly. Where did the proud and mighty Jaehyun go? 
“I brought you a soda,” but he handed you the beer. “Oops. Sorry. I was nervous,” and he’s telling the truth because he can’t look you in the eye and you can see his hands shaking. 
“You’re not here for sex?” you blurted out. 
“No. I’m here for you,” he answered without hesitation and with all honesty. 
That night, you and Jaehyun talked comfortably in your bed until no one noticed that your bodies were incredibly close and you’re keeping each other warm. You don’t remember who initiated the kiss but you make out and touched each other before he leaves you. Leaving with a promise that he will come back tomorrow, even more sober and more confident he said. 
Day after day, your brother comes home with Jaehyun and your boyfriend comes bolting to your room the moment he steps inside your house. Kissing you like how he misses you, touching you like how he craves for you. 
And whenever your brother throws a party, you and Jaehyun stay in your room and spend time together. Sometimes when his friends want his full attention, he will sneak out and head over to your room and suck your tits for some time, make out, and flirt with you then he will go back to the party as if he didn’t just make you cum using his tongue or fingers a few minutes ago. 
But sometimes, there are quiet nights with Jaehyun where you just eat pizza in the kitchen in the middle of your Netflix marathon. 
“Let’s make it official,” he said while chewing his pizza. 
“What are you talking about? We are official,” 
“That’s not what I meant. Let’s go out publicly, let’s have a date without your brother- do you really love me?” 
“If you’re going to ask something that’s too much for me and then you’re going to doubt my love for you, then I think you should go home Jae-“ 
“Fine, I’m sorry I’m being too demanding again,” then he stopped and cleaned off the pizza crust from his hands. “You know asking you to have sex with me when I completely know that you’re not ready, is too much. That’s too much Y/n,” he said sternly, walked towards the door and went home. 
And that was your first misunderstanding with Jaehyun. It’s not that you don’t love him. High school is just… high school and you don’t want the school gossiping about you winning Jaehyun because you let him suck your tits. He doesn’t care about those kinds of things but you do.    
So he broke up with you.
And regret it every single day. But Jaehyun was really in love with you and reached out to work things out. Good thing you’re really in love with him too so you gave him another chance. From there on the breakup made your relationship stronger because you both learned a lot. He stopped being demanding and you start talking things out with him. 
Six months later 
“Will I be really leaving for college without having sex you?” he pouted like a kid and lie comfortably beside you. 
“Oh Jung Jaehyun shut up, you’re so demanding,” you whined and turned your lampshade off, making your room really dark and cold. Then you started whispering, “but I love you,” you said and kissed him in the dark. Feeling him smile through the sweet kiss. 
He waited for you to fall asleep before he goes home. Didn’t really want to leave but he knew your brother will kill him if he stays over. Locking the door silently, Jaehyun went back to the party and spend some more time with his friends before he comes home. 
The night finished how Jaehyun planned on doing it. Have a couple of beers with his friends then go home and rest. 
But he didn’t expect someone from his past to send him a text in the middle of the night. He wasn’t stupid, he knew it’s a booty call and fuck he’s having a hard time ignoring her texts. 
It’s been months since his last fuck, specifically the night he met you he stopped fucking other girls. But this time, he’s craving for it and he’s about to do a stupid decision. 
In the end he invited her over and they fucked until the sun comes up.
“You know the way out, right?” The girl nods while she continues to wear her clothes. “I have a girlfriend now, just so you know. And I love her. So much” 
“Couldn’t care less Jae, I’m here for your dick not for your heart. But why did you invited me if you love her so much?” she asks. 
“I haven’t had sex in six months,” she snorted and laughed. 
“Well that explains everything. You were a beast the whole fucking time. Anyway, thanks for tonight....and for this morning” she said and left him. 
Even though he poured out all his lust and frustrations during the sex he still feels incomplete and now the heavy feeling of cheating is crushing him. 
The next day, he went to your house with flowers which you don’t know what’s it for. He just smiled and told you that he just wanted to treat you more like a girlfriend even though you’re dating secretly. 
It was a good day for the two of you and as usual, you spend the day either watching movies or talking nonstop while you two are in bed, cuddling close. 
Jaehyun became extremely sweet the following days and maybe it’s because he knew he’s moving away soon for college and he’s not planning to waste even a second he can get with you. “Do you want to go to a party tomorrow?” you blurted out while you help him sort out his Vinyls. 
“Sure. And if people ask if you’re my girlfriend I’d say ���no I was just accompanying my best friend’s sister’” he giggled. 
“No. Tell them the truth,” you finally said it but you didn’t make eye contact. “Tell them I’m your girlfriend” 
Your boyfriend then put down what he’s holding and attacked you with kisses until you’re lying on the floor and he’s towering you. Obviously, he’s happy, so happy that he’s in tears. 
Little did you know, Jaehyun just feels so bad because he cheated on you. Now he feels unworthy. “Don’t cry stupid, “ you said, raking his hair away from his face and kissing him so you could express your happiness. He returned the kisses and even deepened it to the point that you’re both horny already and you’re moaning. 
“We should stop, I think I’m losing my self control lately,” he said. 
“Then don’t stop,” you said and removed your shirt. Completely startling your boyfriend and shocking him because you’re removing your clothes, “Do you have a condom somewhere?” and that made him shake in nervousness. With quick and panic movements, Jaehyun went to his bathroom and looked for a condom. You on the other hand continued removing your clothes until you’re naked and went under his thick sheets. 
When he came back, he threw the condom on his bed and removed his clothes in front of you, leaving only his boxers briefs because he thought you’re still in your underwear beneath the sheets. Joining you in bed and slowly pulling his thick sheets away, to his surprise you’re naked already. 
“There's really no going back? Are we really going to do this now?” he asks. Crawling to your side and admiring you. He has never seen you fully naked even though you both fool around a lot. “This will hurt, I should warn you” he said and pulled your body closer to him. “Now that we're about to do it, I just want to admire you. You look beautiful,” he placed a kiss on your shoulder and slowly making his way to your neck, whispering more praises to you that makes you shy and giggle. 
“You’re not so bad yourself, now I can understand why girls like you,” you said and he shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully. “But this is about us right?” you said and pulled him closer, telling him to go on top of you. 
You watch him put the condom and shiver when he finally touches your knee to spread your legs open and ran his cold fingers on your wet slit. You stopped yourself from looking at him so instead, you were looking at his ceiling and avoiding eye contact as much as possible because you’re becoming shy. 
“Why are you shy?” he kissed you on the lips and reached for your hands, “Do you want to hug me while we fuck?” You nod without hesitation and Jaehyun hooked your arms around him. “I need you to calm down first, you’re so tensed” and his way to calm you down is to spread kisses on your body, kneading your boobs, sucking your nipples, giving your pussy a few kitten licks. All these so you know that it’s your boyfriend touching you right now. 
And when you’re finally ready, he lifted your legs and spread them open. You always knew that Jaehyun is big and you always knew that first times always hurt so you’re beyond ready now. 
He pushed in. Slowly. The head of his cock is already inside when you looked down, then you see your boyfriend struggling to push in because you’re so tight. 
You were breathing in and out heavily, gasping and groaning while you close your eyes shut and feel Jaehyun push his cock deeper. And when he’s finally in and you feel really full, he pulled out only to push back in a little harder but this time he’s kissing you. “It’s okay, you’re doing great,” he said and made sure that you’re still okay. 
After a few slighty hard and deep thrusts, Jaehyun now can thrust in and out smoothly. Although you’re still groaning and breathing heavily, but the pleasure is there now. Every thrust Jaehyun gave you was incredible and whenever he goes in deeper he made sure to look at you, watch you lose your mind. 
“Tell me if you’re close okay? I want to see you cum because of my cock for the first time,” and all you can do is nod. 
He sucked your boobs while thrusting deeper and harder now, groaning deliciously beside his ear from time to time and keeping him closer to your body. 
“Jaehyun I’m close,” you croaked and you started breathing faster. 
He doubled his pace and pulled his body away from you so he can watch you beneath him. Oh he loves how your eyes are closed now and your head is moving side to side, furrowing your brows and parting your lips. He felt you clenched and it felt fucking good around him that it made him, accidentally flop on top of you and crush you with his weight but you’re alright. 
He thrust faster and harder like an animal to the point that you're pushing his hips away because it's too much already. But the man above you knew what he was doing. The fast thrusts were replaced by slow and deep ones when he came already. 
Lips to lips and body to body. He kept you close while he shoots his cum in the condom and asks if you’re still okay before he pulls out. 
“More than fine,” you said and kissed his sweaty cheek. 
After he discarded the condom and brought you an oversized sweater, he was quiet the whole time while drawing circles on your thigh. “You okay Jae?” 
 You waited for his answer. 
“You were so beautiful while I was fucking you. Beautiful and special,” he blurted out. 
“Well that came out of nowhere. Stop making me shy,” you hide on his chest, you feel him snort and then pulled you in for a hug. 
 The whole summer before he leaves for college, you and Jaehyun spend your remaining days showing everyone that you’re together. Having dates and spending a lot of time outside, going to parties hand in hand, going to parties with Jaehyun’s jacket protecting you from cold. Everyone envied you. And when it comes to sex, you and Jaehyun fucked like rabbits but always in his house. 
It was the perfect phase in a relationship when you both thought you're never going to break up. Everything is fine, and you're going to be forever. And then suddenly someone or something will fuck everything up and ruin everything you both built. 
“Bough us a new box,” he was talking about the condoms. “Thin ones, this feels like we're fucking raw” he explains but you just stare at his phone when you finished reading something you didn’t expect to find. 
“Since when did we stopped respecting each other’s privacy?” He grabbed his phone from your hand and lowered himself so he can see your eyes. 
You were sitting on the edge of his bed and you keep your eyes on the floor. “Please look at me, I’m sorry I fucked up- but can you just please look at me so you know that I’m sincere!!!” He was getting even more frustrated that’s why he yelled at you. You weren't saying anything and you haven't talked about it yet, but he felt that he already lost you. 
So you look at him with angry eyes. Suddenly he forgot what he was about to say. 
Then you slapped him. You slapped him hard over and over again, but he didn’t complain or flinched. "Hurt me more. I deserve it. Punch me, I don't care. Come on," he forced your hand to slap himself, and now you're both in tears because you can see how your relationship is crumbling before you. 
"Hurt me but please don't leave. I will change," he said but it's too late for that. You slapped him one last time, so hard that he fell on the floor and can't do anything else when you stand up and gathered your stuff. Leaving his room and banging his door. 
Jaehyun never hated himself so much. 
Weeks before his graduation and your brother’s graduation, he begged and begged you to come back. Calling your phone every hour, texting you with long messages every day, and even reaching out through your brother. But Jaehyun is not welcomed in your home anymore, so he can’t see you and talk to you too. He can always approach you in person at school, but he's afraid that will only make things worst and he doesn’t want to make a scene at school because that can put you two in trouble. 
He was helpless and he's running out of options on how to win you back. 
One Friday night, you went home pretty late alone and Jaehyun waited for you to come home. He was standing beside your gate and you just ignored him and walked past by. But Jaehyun grabbed your arm tightly. Not because he’s mad but because he’s scared of letting you go.
“How can you come home alone this late? You could have called me, I can pick you up” he said, you didn’t care. “Please talk to me, I don’t want us to break up. I made the wrong decision and I promise it won't happen again, please Y/n.” 
Then he bravely hugged you. 
"This shit that I put you through it's my fault, you're heartbroken because of me. Please let me fix this, I'm sorry. I really don't want us to break up" For a moment there he felt you melting in his embrace. And honestly, you were because you knew that he's sincere and he will be dead serious about him fixing your relationship. 
But you were hurt. And you don't know if you can handle fixing at this time because what he did to you was a whole new level of cheating. You saw the messages, he was the one who invited the girl. That means he chose to hurt you secretly that night.
You love him. So much. But you don't know if love is enough reason for you to give him a chance.  
“You’re forgiven,” you finally said it and returned the hug, which finally made him smile and was about to kiss you but you refused. 
“You’re forgiven but I’m still breaking up with you. Happy graduation. I- uhm... I guess I'll see you around” 
And that’s how Jaehyun lost you. 
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themurphyzone · 3 years
PatB: Hades and Persephone AU Stuff
I forget who exactly came up with the PatB Hades and Persephone AU but as a myth lover I say yes to this 
1. Braides drew the short stick...literally. That's how he got to be ruler of the underworld and essentially outcasted from Olympus. Also getting eaten by your own dad as a baby tends to cause some lingering trauma.
2. Unlike other gods, Braides doesn't have any temples to his name. Most Greeks are too afraid to speak it, and have some wild misconceptions about the afterlife. In truth, he's just trying to keep the underworld running. He doesn't have any control over how anyone dies. Still though, Braides does crave some sort of recognition for the work he does.
3. Braides is gloomy and short tempered, but he tries to be fair and has a soft spot for those who died due to some sort of injustice in the world. He also has a garden filled with underworld plants, and his favorite is the pomegranate tree. He's also adopted Cerberus cause the poor puppy was cast out and viewed as a monster because of his parentage.
4. Pinksephone is the god of springtime who can make flowers bloom wherever he steps. In this AU, he was born when a sunbeam hit the petals of a rose just right, and when the rose bloomed and opened its petals, Pinksephone was there. 
5. Pinksephone is lovely and hailed for his beauty, making even Aphrodite jealous, but he does feel lonely sometimes cause everyone just wants to worship him and fears him even when he just genuinely wants to make friends and isn't seeking to hurt anyone. Sometimes he can be too silly though, and the Olympians sometimes think he's turning them into a laughingstock among mortals.
6. One day, Braides is feeling bored and makes a rare trip out of the underworld and into the world of the living. He wanders into a forest glade and sees Pinksephone growing flowers alone. 
7. Pinksephone is just helping the flowers along when he senses somebody watching him. Upon being spotted, the stranger tries to flee, but trips over a tree root, which allows Pinksephone to catch up. 
8. Pinksephone immediately starts fussing over Braides, asking if he’s hurt or anything and he immediately starts feeding him nectar and ambrosia to speed the healing factor along. With a mouthful of ambrosia, Braides protests that he’s a god and a stupid tree root can’t injure him (except maybe his pride). 
9. Still though, it’s the first time anyone’s given some thought to his well being, and he can’t help but latch on to it. And to his surprise, even though Pinksephone knows full well that he rules the underworld and probably shouldn’t be in the surface world right now, he doesn’t run him off either. 
10. Instead, they just sit in the forest glade in the middle of a flower patch and Pinksephone weaves a flower crown for Braides. The bright colors clash with his dark cloak, but he secretly likes it (the flowers Pinksephone produces never wilt). Braides admits he has his own garden he tends to in the underworld, and Pinksephone asks if he see it sometime. Braides is taken aback, because why would anyone willingly go to the underworld, and why would you go to the underworld just because you want to see a garden. But he’s longing for a little company, so he agrees. 
11. Pinksephone asks if it can wait til after the festival, because this week is the spring equinox and the mortals will be holding a festival in honor of him to celebrate the end of winter. Then Pinksephone asks Braides if he would like to come and have some fun too, and Braides admits he doesn’t really do festivals. He’s also a little jealous cause he’s never had a festival before. 
12. “There’s gonna be a ton of people from all over Greece. I guess...I just really want some company.” 
“Aren’t your worshippers plenty of company?” 
“Well...they’re nice enough. But they just crouch like frogs and give me offerings cause they think I’m gonna be mad if they don’t. I just wanna be friends with them, but I don’t think they believe me.” 
13. So Braides agrees to go the festival, if only to keep Pinksephone from feeling too lonely. Though he doesn’t really use his shapeshifting as much as other gods, he disguises himself as a small white raven so nobody recognizes him as lord of the underworld during the festival. 
14. The festival starts out well, at first. Pinksephone is given his offerings of flowers, cheeses, and the best crops. He’s a little more distracted this year though, spending more time watching Braides in the branches of a nearby olive tree than paying attention to all the royalty and wealthy folk who are trying to curry his favor. 
15. When it’s time to mingle with everyone before the banquet, Pinksephone gets excited and wants to go make some friends, but is forced to stay put on his throne. From the olive branch, Braides can see how terribly lonely he is. So he sends leaves, twigs, and buds cascading down on Pinksephone, who laughs as each one hits him. 
16. Eventually though, Braides becomes too bold and ventures right up to Pinksephone, forgetting that he was supposed to remain hidden. The crowd’s merriment turns to horror when they realize a white raven, an ominous symbol of death, has appeared. They instantly view the white raven as a disastrous warning, and throw items at it to drive it away. 
17. Though Braides knows perfectly well he could smite the crowd at any time, he doesn’t go through with it. Pinksephone is already begging for everyone to calm down please, this raven’s my friend and doesn’t mean any harm. Braides doesn’t want to add any more anguish, so he simply flees the festival and heads back to the underworld. 
18. For several nights after the festival, Pinksephone waits in the forest glade for Braindes, but he doesn’t appear. Just when Pinksephone thinks he lost another friend, Braides reappears. Pinksephone shouts at him for leaving without a word, and if he didn’t want to be friends anymore, he should’ve just said it to his face instead of leaving him to wonder. 
19. Braides apologizes, never realizing the effects of his sudden departure on Pinksephone until now. He also reveals a small plant he’s hidden behind his back, a midnight blue flower whose petals have an ethereal glow to them, like the plant itself is a ghost. Nervously, he explains that he’s been trying to get the glow just right for Pinksephone. Pinksephone takes the plant, gently stroking the petals before enveloping Braides in a hug and forgiving him. He adores the plant, and asks what else Braides has in his garden. 
20. That night, Braides takes Pinksephone and they go to the underworld together. Unbeknownst to them, some nymphs misinterpreted the scene as Braides kidnapping Pinksephone and tell the rest of the Olympian gods. 
21. Braides opens up the earth and summons a chariot with demonic looking horses, which Pinksephone finds adorable (this isn’t necessary but can you blame him for showing off some of his god powers?). Pinksephone laughs all the way down into the underworld, enjoying the little impromptu chariot ride. 
22. To Braides’ surprise, Pinksephone loves the Underworld, from its rivers to his own palace, and he gets along especially with Cerberus, who’s very excited at having a new playmate. While Pinksephone is distracted and giving belly rubs to Cerberus, Braides checks on another surprise he’s prepared for Pinksephone: a pastry topped with several pomegranate seeds from his garden. 
He knows that if he gives Pinksephone food and drink from the Underworld, he would be forever trapped in this realm. Braides is tempted to give Pinksephone the pastry anyway...but when he sees Pinksephone’s bright smile and the flowers he’s threading into Cerberus’s long fur, he realizes that he can’t do it. 
Pinksephone glances over and sees Braides with his ears drooped, conflicted with his moral dilemma. Then he sees the pastry and asks about it, and Braides admits that while he’d love for nothing more than for Persephone to stay with him forever, he also has duties in the above world, and that he should be singing in forests and weaving flower crowns among the living, not stuck in such a dreary place. 
But before Braides can throw away the pastry, Pinksephone reaches over and eats it, all six pomegranate seeds included. Braides is shocked and asks if Pinksephone knew what he just did, and Pinksephone replies that he knows Braides went through all the trouble of making him something to eat that he wanted to show his appreciation, and that he wouldn’t mind spending half the year with Braides. 
23. The Olympian gods send an unexpected, late frost with bitter winds into the land, horrifying the mortals who expected a warm spring in retaliation and refuse to melt the frost until Pinksephone is returned. The mortals view the horrible frost as the terrible omen the white raven had forewarned at the festival. The gods send Hermes down to the underworld to deliver their demands.  
24. Hermes delivers the ultimatum: Hand over Pinksephone or else the world shall suffer a terrible famine. They’re both shocked that the gods would kill innocent mortals for this, and Pinksephone starts to cry, not wanting anyone to suffer but at the same time he also wants to be with Braides and is heavily torn between the two. 
25. Braides pulls Pinksephone in for a hug, and tells him to go to the surface world. They’d meet again in six months’ time, for Braides has been neglecting his own duties as well and needs to catch up. Pinksephone agrees, and they kiss each other before Pinksephone departs with Hermes. 
26. The gods lift the frost, and the people rejoice at the return of Pinksephone. But Pinksephone has his work cut out for him. Knowing that Braides was upset over never getting any recognition for his work, Pinksephone asks his followers to create a brand new festival; one that would celebrate the realm below. It’s met with derision at first, but some rebellious group of teens are highly interested. 
27. And that’s how Pinksephone created the Ancient Greek equivalent of Halloween, a night to celebrate the spooky and macabre. It became a huge hit, and Braides himself showed up. Braides loves having his own festival, thanks to Pinksephone. 
28. Trying to steal Pinksephone is punishable by Tartarus or getting glued to a bench for all eternity. 
29. Orpheus and Eurydice is a thing here, but Braides asks Pinksephone if he would follow them and distract Orpheus so he wouldn’t see Eurydice. It worked, and the pair of lovers were reunited.  
30. When Hercules showed up to retrieve Cereberus for his final labor, Braides was like ‘if you hurt my dog i shall personally tie you to a mountain and send an eagle to feast upon your liver.” 
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mrstsung · 2 years
Shang tsung during your Period hcs
My elder gods for pperiod relief! Ugh.
I'm currently suffering a bit. So this is hella self indulgent.
But for my people's with periods,this one is for y'all.
CW: periods. Blood. You should understand this if you have one. Nsfw implied,So if you aint comfy with any of this. Look away,keep scrolling. Gender neutral pronouns are used. Like i try to always do. Afab reader more likely. But still wanted to warn y'all first. Because i try to do that. Its courteous.
Look shang ain't no stranger. Guy is over 10,000 yrs old. I think he knows what periods are. -_-
But how you handle them specifically? You may need to tell him. But once you do its fine. Look shang isn't stupid (and i kinda hate how people treat men like they are stupid when it comes to these things. Like they may not know everything,but if you don't fucking tell them of course they aren't gonna know,you expect them to help you automatically?! Good lord. Sorry mini vent. Shang is accommodating to his beloved. But again,you'll have to tell him exactly what you need. He's a busy man too. Like he knows what the basics things are when it comes to periods tho)
He will make sure you are comfortable,like he always does. Nothing changes how he treats you from any other day
A hot bath for his beloved? Or course. Relaxing oils,salts,and maybe some herbal remedies for that sore,aching body.
Your fave snack or something you're craving? He will send a guard,a servent(or anyone willing to work for shang let's be honest at this point) to fetch it for you. Less they want his wrath,they better get the right one.
A nice massage? Oh most definitely. He would do this himself,even if you didn't nessicarly want to. He has skilled hands. May or may not get naughty. Sneak a few butt squeezes. Any squees,you make would delight him very much. (Look shang is a perv ok?! Deal with it)
If you need hygiene products he will make sure to have them. Either a servent with get them or you will have to. Its not that he wouldn't if he had the capability to do so. Its just.....he's kinda stuck on his island and the risk of leaving it and being caught by earthrealms champions and his enemies is kinda high. So....yeah. course he could use a portal secretly. But again high risk. He would do it if an emergency tho. But he'd rather get a servent to accompany you. And they better listen and protec you or else!
Shang isn't squeamish at all with period sex. I mean guy is practically around blood all the time. What's a little blood during the sexy times? But if you aren't completely comfortable with that. He will make sure that you are clean,put a towel down. Sexy bath time? Oh definitely he's down for that. I hc shang does prefer to be clean and smellin good during the smex. Buuuut he doesn't mind a little down n dirty either. I don't think this man truly has a limit either. (I hc he has preferences,and some things are not favored. Buuuut come on people,guy has been around long enough. I think he's tried lots of different shit. Plus you can't look at me dead in the eyes and tell me shang tsung aint a freaky freak. ) but period sex is tame compared to the other shit he doesn't mind. I feel shang thinks because its yours and in a more intimate,calmer,controlled setting. Unlike battle or even him *gulp* torturing his eneimes/victims. (Look its canon ok? Its the one thing i might be eh with him but everything else bout shang im whatever...this says a lot bout me doesn't it?) And it's your blood like i said. As long as your blood isn't spilled because of danger or any enemy. He find no need to freak out over it. He's down so as long as you give him consent....but he wont hold back either. He's a man of standards buuuuut he's also not shy from the more heavier shit either. Again just talk to him ok? Communication is key with anyone when it comes to relationships but especially smexy times. But especially with master shang. He wont do anything, without permission. But you give him the ok on being yo daddy dom? Hohohoho *laughs in anime villain* your in for a treat my dear.
Again shang prefers,once again preferences. Being clean. He is hella vain. Ngl. But sometimes,when you gotta please ya babygirl/boo thang honey. You make due.
Look i wouldn't put above shang to tease you on your period too. Playful of course. For his beloved? Its nothing more than in jest. But if you tell him to fuck off, he will. Smugly. "Is that why you were so angry in your training spar today dear?" "Master tsung,will all due respect...stfu" *smugly laughs* "i jest my dear. Come let me help you" *hehe*
Look i love shang but he's an asshole,a lovable one.
Overall shang tsung is good with periods. Idgaf what y'all say
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sepublic · 3 years
Kikimora’s Motives?
            I wonder if Kikimora is motivated to access Belos’ secrets, and that’s why she hates Hunter and tries to kill him?
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         Like, it’s obvious that Belos has a LOT of secrets and all sorts of weird, hidden knowledge… Kikimora could be like other characters in that she’s extremely fascinated and curious with magic, and/or powerhungry, so it makes sense that her obsession to learn more would drive her to latch onto the Emperor- The mysterious Emperor, with his inexplicable abilities and skills, who can hear what the Titan has to teach!
         That might be why Kikimora prizes herself and wants to be Belos’ confidant so much… She wants in on the secrets, she wants to learn more- And someone like Hunter gets in the way of that. Kikimora knows that Belos isn’t invincible nor infallible, he’s struggling and needs help, he can’t do this on his own and needs a person he can trust with most of everything…
         So, Kikimora offers herself up- To take advantage of this closeness and trust by Belos, by someone who has no choice but to rely on and trust someone with that… And that’s what she does, for a few decades! Belos needs people to help him with things, his most personal rituals and whatnot… So he needs Kikimora, and by her involvement, she inevitably finds out a LOT of things!
         Belos may or may not be aware of Kikimora’s desires, and he might tolerate it simply because he needs someone to help him, anyhow… And Kikimora doesn’t seem interested in betraying him anytime soon necessarily, just being that confidant by his side, who can access Belos’ knowledge and plans as a requirement for her role. But, maybe Belos was wary of Kikimora, which would then influence a later decision in life…
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         And so in comes Hunter! This young brat, who lived at least a few years before being ‘found’ by Belos… So it’s even less than sixteen years ago, when the Golden Guard came into the picture and usurped everything! For decades, Kikimora has been faithfully acting as Belos’ right-hand witch, she’s schemed and fought and worked to achieve this, those precious secrets, she’s acted as the Emperor’s proxy for him in public!
         And this is how he thanks her- By replacing Kikimora with Hunter, this little brat? This nephew, who showed up out of nowhere, because why now, why now does Belos suddenly fall back on this elusive family that he ignored for so long as Emperor? Maybe Kikimora knows the real reason as part of her aforementioned understanding of a lot of things…
         But with Hunter, with Hunter as a kid who feels dependent upon Belos, whose entire life is revolving around pleasing his uncle because he actually cares for him, unconditionally… Hunter is more useful and trustworthy as a secretkeeper and a proxy, then. Hunter knows nothing else and seemingly has no desires of his own, he feels obligated to take care of his last family member- So Belos won’t have to worry about Hunter rebelling, he won’t have to worry about Hunter using his position to find forbidden knowledge.
         And even if Hunter DID do so, it’d at least be for Belos’ sake, not his own… So, Belos replaces Kikimora with Hunter. Kiki still does her normal duties and legislation, but when it comes to personally caring for Belos? Being trusted by him, being privy to his deepest, darkest moments of vulnerability? Hunter gets in on that, too… That ruins the pride and prestige for Kikimora, as the ONLY one Belos trusts…
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         But now, Hunter isn’t just with her here- He’s completely replaced her! Hunter is leaving Kikimora out, because he doesn’t trust this gremlin despite her decades of actual experience and willing, ruthless murder for Belos… Because Hunter is ‘family’, so obviously that means more!
         And Kikimora is resentful… Hunter doesn’t see Kikimora as truly in it for Belos’ sake, so it’s better to keep her out of the picture, now that someone better-suited for the job is here. And Kikimora, she’s angered by that- She found pride in being the only person that the invincible Emperor could, and HAD to be vulnerable around...
         It gave her a certain power, a special superiority- To know that she’d seen Belos at his lowest, and he had to trust and need her for this! So even if it’s not a literal position of power at the top, in a way… Kikimora feels above even Belos, as someone whose health isn’t deteriorating, as someone he’s dependent upon, as someone who takes care of him- And she derives plenty of power from that realization.
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         Having Hunter come in, taking that special power, that prestigious role away… Taking away Kikimora’s power over Belos, the most skilled witch of all- That displaces Kikimora and knocks her down at least two pegs. And, because Belos has found a new confidant, he doesn’t need to let Kiki in on his later plans and ideas anymore… Effectively barring Kikimora from the knowledge she so craves and desires.
         Does Belos not care for Hunter at all, and does Kikimora recognize this? Or at least, understandably believe the Emperor doesn’t care… She overheard everything that went on, so it’s likely that Kikimora is aware of Belos’ physical abuse. That’d motivate her to believe that Hunter isn’t TRULY important to Belos, he isn’t really attached… Meaning there’s less risk and repercussion in being found out, if Kikimora had Hunter killed.
         And then Hunting Palismen occurs as we know it- Belos is vulnerable, he needs to let someone in on this moment of dependency, this deep and dark secret… And Kikimora instinctively goes along out of the habit of decades, only to be rudely reminded when Hunter makes it clear that Belos no longer needs her for that, that Kiki can no longer have this kind of leverage over the Emperor in a sense, of being needed by him- Of Belos having no choice but to let someone else see him, and know his weakness.
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         Kikimora hates that… She likes lording power over others, like when she taunts Lilith- And she likes having information and dirt on others. She likes that sensation of leverage, of knowing something that others don’t, something a person is trying to hide. Kikimora likes to snoop around and know people’s secrets, and wave that in front of them in her arrogance- She’s a little gremlin who controls a huge and powerful dragon, Kikimora potentially has a Napoleon Complex like King… So she compensates through knowledge and other forms of leverage.
         Kiki likes to feel better than people, to have her thumb over beings that should theoretically outclass her- Lilith, her pet, Hunter, even Emperor Belos himself! And Hunter is an outlier she can’t control, someone she doesn’t really know, who just sort of showed up out of nowhere- So out he goes! And now Kikimora knows that Hunter was the one who sabotaged her Palisman delivery, and Hunter doesn’t realize that…
         Hunter might have his own dirt on Kikimora, he can confirm that Kiki’s Handragon attacked him, it’s no secret that it belongs to her! That could land Kikimora into trouble, but presumably out of his innate mercy and chivalry, Hunter doesn’t tell this to Belos… But still. With how her eye narrows and its pupil shrinks, you can tell Kikimora is up to something- And she plans to weaponized it, no doubt… Because she likes having things as insurance in general.
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         So if Hunter tries to put her back in line by threatening to reveal her assassination attempt by Belos, who knows? Kikimora might reveal her own hidden ace in the sleeve… And that’ll put the two at a tense stand-still as they try to figure each other out, and navigate. Hunter sees himself as protecting his uncle AND himself, now- And Kikimora is trying to defend her power and sense of control, at being relied upon and needed by others, because she’s needy that way.
         As for Belos? Maybe he thinks the competition encourages ‘growth’, he sure likes pitting witches against each other, after all- Hence competition to join his coven. Maybe he’s secretly aware and is amused by it… Maybe he was actually the one who put Kikimora up to the task after all, to ‘test’ his nephew and his resolve and power! Maybe Belos and Kiki are mutually aware of their own selfish desires…
         But because they need each other for that desire, because Kikimora prefers the subtle power of being Belos’ confidant –openly being the Emperor would paint a big target on HER back- they can sort of, weirdly, trust each other… Trust the other to act in their own self-interest, which includes their own benefit;
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         So while they’d gladly sell the other out for a corn chip if the opportunity came up, Belos and Kikimora know it probably won’t ever, so they’re content in their little adversarial alliance! They can count on the other to serve their self-interests, which includes one another out of necessity in the end.
         It really is nothing personal, so they don’t take it that way- Belos is using Kikimora, Kikimora is using Belos! But with the Day of Unity, with the ‘Titan’ having plans for Hunter… Well, if Hunter is already here and truly loyal, why not make use of him instead? Belos is cracking down on loose threads and preparing for a merging of worlds, there’s a pivotal moment approaching- So he should play it safe and confront the liability that is Kikimora’s self-interest.
         With the likelihood of Hunter betraying Belos and siding with the protagonists, for his own gain, or possibly being rejected by his uncle for petty reasons… Who knows? Maybe we’ll see Hunter demoted but still kept around for whatever plans that the ‘Titan’ has, and Kikimora? Depending on how things turn out, she’ll carefully watch and play her cards, for the right opportunity, and hitchhike off of whatever happens for herself!
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         She might not have to do much at all, really- Belos might just get rid of Hunter for her, after all! Because Hunter might care, but he’s fettered by the morality that forms the foundation of his concern… And THAT might be the bigger liability after all, unlike Kikimora’s lack of morals. So Belos might recognize that this is playing into what she wants, but so what? She’s more useful to him anyway, and Kiki recognizes this vice-versa and goes along. It’s nothing personal in the end, so it doesn’t hurt to be well-mannered with one another in the mean time, when things are still good.
        Maybe Belos and Kikimora will even come to a mutual understanding in regards to their suspicions of Hunter… And THAT will bring back that power and special privilege of being a secret-keeper, that Kiki always wanted! Especially with her knowledge on Hunter being the one who fought her, and the possibility of his palisman being discovered. Kikimora and Hunter have their pro’s and con’s, so Belos has to figure out which is best for him in the end, and Kiki seems more aware of and involved in the competition than Hunter anyway- So points for actually trying!
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        In Slavic mythology, Kikimora are house demons that can enter through keyholes. Maybe listening at keyholes or going through them plays into Kiki’s desire and ability to eavesdrop on others, unnoticed- And in a scene where she DOES eavesdrop on Belos and Hunter, the doors to his throne room have no keyholes. Which, they originally did in Agony of a Witch, which makes me wonder if Belos is wizening up to Kikimora.
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        She does seem inquisitive when it comes to Lilith’s bias towards Eda, so what with catching her off guard, and Kikimora might be the kind of person who has a tendency to stick her nose in things and snoop around, much to the detriment and annoyance of others- And she resents being left out as a result. I guess it’s like King’s feelings of abandonment, except way more sinister.
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮~
With: Leona, Sebek, Jade, Floyd, Vil, Kalim
Warning: So I know that what I made is really annoying for others... so I'd like to warn you that at the beginning, you will see me ramble about the character's hands. If you want to skip to the hc, go to where the 🤝 emoji is. ^~^
Note:Also, I’d like to address that I do not know how to make Headcanons for the life of me.... So this is just me making a shameless hc, with my shameless hand addiction, fueling my shamelessness, as I shamefully self insert myself in these things I wrote... Forgive me for my shamelessness.... Also, pardon me for my annoying commentary and emojis. I simply do not know how to control my excitement and my feelings so😔👊
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-I'd like to break the silence by saying... LEONA'S HANDS ARE BIG AND MUSCULAR! Leona works out in magift so it's a given that he'd have scrumptious big hands😳😳😳
-Leona's hands are chonky😳 he has long fingers that will surely make yours look very small! Also look at Leona's nails! Its ok looking for me, but it's pretty neat so👌👌👌👌
-Leona's got this rough and rugged look, so I think his hands will probably be kinda rough, BUT NOT THE CRUSTY ROUGH! it's more of the manly rough. A firm hold with his loaded wrist😏
Ok curious what will happen if you hold hands? I gotchu fam:🤝
-Imagine if the both of you were napping and you suddenly intertwined you fingers with his. Leona is a sleepy boi, BUT MAN! HE IS AWARE! Lion boi felt ur hands creeping unto his, but he'll pretend he didn't know that😏
-Leona LOVES holding hands! Only at private tho. This cat boy will never admit to that, but keep holding his hands and look at his reaction. He. Won't. Shrug. You. Off.😏😏👊
-Also when you play and fidget with leona's hands when you're doing premarital hand holding which is illegal btw he loves it when he looks at you spaced out fumbling your fingers with his.
-Leona has big hands, so he'll definitely make yours look wayyyyy smaller. AND LION BOI FINDS THIS ADORABLE! DO NOT FORGET THY HOLY WORDS!
-Lion boi is secretly the type to hold your hands when you're sleeping. He plays with your fingers, admiring how cute and small it is.
-Oh wait...Oops...he got caught... LEONA IS CAUGHT RED HANDED?😳 You wake up finding leona playing with your hands? It's either he turns on his back from embarrasment and tells you to sleep, or he squeezes your hands tighter and burries your face in the crook of his neck from embarrassment. He'll play it off as annoyed, but cat got his toungue huh?. Oh wait.... He IS the big cat😏😏😏
Ok enough babbling with leona...
AHAHAHAHAHA YES MY FAVORITE HANDS! Cough, I'm sorry about that
-Sebek has proportional hands. His is more on the medium-big side. But it is perfectly proportional! At least in my eyes...😳
-The back of his hands are smooth and spotless! Very scumptious to look at! Pls look at sebek's hands too!😳😳😳
-Bebek has PRETTY NAILS UGHHH! He most likely trims and takes care of it every week! Not the best nails, BUT VERY NEAT!😳
-Bebek is a highkey fanboy of malleus, so he trains everyday to protecc his God and saviour Malmal. Naturally, he'll have calloused and rough hands... BUT DO NOT FRET MY CHILDREN! It is not that noticable which shookt me. His hands are a bit roughed up, welp can't help it, he's a man with mang jobs after all. (Yes, I call him bebek because sebek is babey🥺)
Curious what will happend if you hold hands with Bebek? I gotchu fam:🤝
-Sebek is a child so he won't really initiate first on holding hands. BUT WHEN YOU DO! OH BOI!😏 
-Sebek has this transparent look to his skin... Almost ghostly per say. BUT WHEN YOU HOLD HIS HANDS... Sebek is not used to this interaction so expect a tomato in front of you... Sebek's face is flushed red reaching down to his neck, and the fun part is, even his hands are blushy blushy😏😏😏😏
-After the first time the both of you held hands. Sebek will crave for it A LOT! Expect him to randomly start akwardly making way to you hands and play with it while the both of you are just chilling. Akward..... Sebek.exe will stop working when you look at him confuse, in which he'll get flustered, and ask if he can hold your hands. ADORKABLE!
-It would take him some time trying to calm himself down, all flushed and red embarrased from asking to hold hands.
-At first, Sebek will firmly hold your hands, stiff and afraid he might break your fingers or something.... Pls tell him to relax and just chill🥺🥺🥺
-When the both of you gets used to hand holding, Bebek is the type to kiss your hands as a gesture of Love....hgnnn hot!😳😳😳
I'm sorry, I'm letting my personal hand bias get the best of me..😳👉👈
-Jade has big hands folks.... Big hands..... Perfect for unscrewing the cap of the holy water bottle.🤠
-mushroom boi has squishable hands in my eyes and you can never change my mind.
-his skin is probably smooth and sleek too, his palms must be soft but firm😳😳
-Jade has this grip that makes you feel safe for some reason. Maybe because it's big? or maybe because it's soft?
Wanna know what it's like to hold hands with mushroom boi? I gotchu:🤝
-Jade...oh Jade.... He is the first one to hold your hands in a surprise. Like... imagine after school ends, you ran up to him and he swiftly intertwines his firngers with yours..😳😳
-You are flushed from this sudden hand holding. Red cheeks, red neck. JADE FINDS THIS VERY SCRUMPTIOUS! Mushroom boi will try to push you on edge. Holding both of your hands tighter, and fumbling his fingers with yours. You're just standing there starstruck and embarrased by the sudden hold. Jade is enjoying this too much...😏😏😏
-Of course, to add more to the fun, JADE IS THE TYPE TO KISS THE BACK OF YOUR HANDS TO TEASE YOU!😳
-if you try to pull away from embarrassment...oh no.... You're just begging for Jade to tease you more huh? He'll hold you tighter and maybe even hug you.
-What if you try to hold his hands first? Oh my... Prepare yourself....if you try to hold his hands, he'll just smile like normal, but as time passes by and both of you are pretty relaxed now...that won't do.... He'd pull your hand he's holding and rest his cheeks at the back of your hand, he'd stare straight at you and tell you how much he loves you....😳😳😳
-goodluck on dealing with embarassment Jade stans (oho i know you love it)
-Floyd is whooping 191cm, it's common sense he has very big hands. Perfect for flipping the pages of the holy bible.😏😏😏
-This man child has some big rough hands! Expect your hands to look very small beside his!
- Also I want to tell you about Floyd's knuckles......I think I found my new religion now... Check out Floyd's knuckles!!😳😳😳👌
- Floyds's wrist is big too....mhmmm scrumptious eel martini😳👌
Do you want to know what it feels like to do premarital hand holding with this hot eel? ME TOO! Illegal hand holding time!🤝
-"Your hands are tiny koebi chan~" Floyd is the first one to randomly hold ur hands.😳
-If Floyd gets bored, he'd try to find interesting things to do to kill of the boredom. HMMM?! Do you see that? Koebi chan's hands! Eel boi will casually start playing with your fingers, squishing your palms as you sit there confused and embarrassed.
-He'll eventually intertwine his fingers with yours, as he points to it with his other hands and say "How cute~ koebi chan's hands are tiny!" Grinning widely with his teeth showing. Practically speaking, you are just putty in this eel boi's hands now. You are a blushing mess.😏😏 FLOYD HOW CAN ONE BE CUTE AND HOT AT THE SAME TIME?
-Eventually, floyd will start to crave having your fingers to hold on to! When you're randomly walking down the halls, don't be surprised if a random eel surprises you by linking your fingers together.🥺🥺
-Whenever eel boi sees you, he'd grab your hands automatically. He loves holding your teeny tiny hands with his big ones.😳
-When you avert your attention to something else, he made this habit of squeezing your hands a bit and looking at you with a pouty face. UGHHH MY HEART HURTS THINKING ABOUT IT-
-Whenever he gets jealous, he grabs unto your hands quite tightly, even if the both of you are out in public. Let's say a random dude keeps on talking to you. He'll grab your hands that’s still intertwined with his, and he'll bring it very very VERY CLOSE to his face.😳😳😳 Then he'd look at you straight in the eye as he bites unto your palms. He'd whisper "You're mine right? Koebi-chan~"😳😳😳
I'm getting too much into floyd, this is starting to become a fanfic🤦
-Ok vil's hands aren't crusty ok? He may be crusty, but not his hands!!!
-My man vil drowns in hand creams, so expect his hands to feel like clouds. It's soft, smooth and most importantly SQUISHYYY!😳😳😳
-Looking at vil's hands is not that exciting ngl... BUT HIS LAB COAT ONE IS👌 very beautiful👌very scrumptious👌
-Vil has proportional and perfect hands. Fingers are in the medium side, so as his hand size. Very perfect indeed.
-His hands might look frail and feminine at first, BUT MAN! You are so wrong! From a gentle hold, it can escalate to a very strong hot grip in seconds.😳
-The back of his hands looks smooth tbvh. And his nails are ok. BUT HE PROBABLY PUTS A LOT OF EFFORT IN MAKING HIS HANDS PERFECT! SO KUDOS TO MY CRUSTY VIL!🥺
Let's hold Vil's hands illegally ok? Don't tell the cops shhhhh! Hand holding time:🤝
-It would start off as a normal vibing session. The both of you are probably having tea, studying, or mainly just chilling in the lounge.
-But suddenly... Vil takes notice of your hands...Hold your wigs kids.... he'd ask you if you've been taking care of your hands, in which you answer "no" shamefully.
-But Vil will then smile at you and tell you you should take care of your hands and use hand creams to prevent them from going rough! He'll lecture you about how you should take care of yourself so the both of you can be perfect and beautiful together.
-Suddenly vil whips out a handcream from his bag, and he'll ask you for your hands.
-As embarrasing as it sounds. The most beautiful man in twisted wonderland is putting handcream on you.😳😳😳
-Vil would definitely massage your small fingers and compliment how pretty your hands are. He'd tell you how cute your nail are and how soft your palms are. Thats it. You're a blushing mess right now!!😳😳
-You'd try to look away from embarrasment, but when vil sees this... Oh boy... He'd pout, and as he's massaging your hands. He'd intertwine your fingers with his, to make you look at his direction again.
-Vil would definitely kiss your fingers and say "You're beautiful, my love."
VIL I LOVE YOU! ok thats all for that, I'm dying rn.
-Kalim you adorkable sunshine boi😳😳😳
- Kalim has smol hands, BUT NOT TOO SMALL! I'd say, it's probably perfect for you to hold hands with.😏😏😏
-His nails are also small, I think? But it's cute, and turns out i'm a sucker for cuties.🥺
-His lab card is scrumptious.... Both the hands and the food he is cooking...😳😳😳 I hope i'm not the only one who thinks that.....
-ALSO HE HAS A LOT OF ACCESSORIES IN HIS HANDS WHICH I'M WEAK FOR! omg his bracelets and bangles are making me feel hot and bothered.😳😳😳
-Anyways, kalim is sunshine so expect his hands to be warm and full of infectious positivity.🥺
Wanna have a chance to hold kalim's hands? Ur in for a ride fam!🤝
-At first, you's simply be invited for a flying carpet ride by ya sunshine boi, kalim. Pretty simple huh? Nahhhhh! 
-Of course, in order to get to the carpet where kalim is, sunshine boi needs to lift you up in the air.
-Kalim will offer his hands whilst riding on the carpet. Hggnnn such a cliche scene from a movie🥺👌
-But the thing is...... Even if you're already in the magic carpet, sunshine boi will forget he was holding your hands...😏
-He'll keep on telling fun stories and talking to you while both of you are high up in the clouds. Oops.... You noticed you're holding kalim's hands... You went red and flushed from embarrasment. Your hands begin to get sweaty as you stare at the both of yours and kalim's hands together...
-Expect your sunshine boi to take notice of this and ask you what's wrong... You'd point at his hands embarrasingly as you look away in the other direction.
-To your surprise, when you look at kalim again. Kalim is beet red too! A BEET RED KALIM IS RARE! DO NOT FORGET THIS MOMENT GAMERS!🥺🥺🥺
-He'd ask you if it's ok to hold onto your hands maybe just a little bit more???? It's not a sin to ask for more right?😏
-Kalim lets go of your hands for a moment. BUT DONT WORRY! he'll just try to properly hold your hands this time! He'll intertwine his fingers with yours, and maybe lightly squeeze it too.😳
-After this brief akward moment, Kalim goes back to his sunshine tendencies. Smiling brightly like the sun he is🥺🥺🥺
-When your night ride is over PLS DONT LET GO OF KALIM'S HANDS YET! he'll be a bit sad if you do😔👊
-But when the both of you lands on the ground...Kalim would grab the both your hands, and put them both on his cheek.He'd intertwine his fingers with yours from the back of your hands and the both of you probably just wants to melt then and there.
-He'll tell you "please dont go yet!" KALIM UR SO ADORABLE! PLS HUG KALIM!🥺👊
The End ^~^
I just babbled about my hand worshipping tendencies all throughout this headcanon... I'm sorry about that pls. stone me gently for I have sinned....
Tags: @muraenxdae You're the one who suggested this, take responsibility.... @cursedtwst let's lick their hands together ok? @edgymcmytrash u said u wanna be tagged? SUFFER! @nightingale-oath let's be shameless together ok?😳👉👈
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stuffthatbard · 3 years
Good Puppy
Tags: Jaskier/Yennefer, Puppy Play, Light Dom/sub, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Collars, Cock Cages, Butt Plugs, Vibrators, Multiple Orgasms, Forced Orgasm, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Sub Jaskier, Dom Yennefer, Humiliation, Omorashi, Watersports, Breathplay, Aftercare, Praise Kink, Spooning, Consensual Kink
Ummmm prompts sitting in my inbox? What prompts haha
When Yennefer first suggested it, Jaskier thought she was kidding. Pretending to be a dog? Like a kid playing make-believe? He didn’t understand how anyone could find it arousing, but the idea did intrigue him, and so he agreed to try it out.
He hadn’t expected to like it quite this much, but something about the way she treated him—loving, yes, but somehow still beneath her—got him off like a rocket.
And even beyond that, beyond the fact that a sighed “Puppy,” could have heat curling in his gut immediately, he found that he quite liked the submission of it as well—whenever they played, he didn’t have to worry about anything. He only had to be a good boy and listen to her—or, if he was bad, to take his punishment. But he was rarely bad—pleasing her earned him praise that he desperately craved.
And one day, when they’re lying together in bed, sweat cooling on their bodies, Yennefer brings up something more. “What would you say,” she muses, fingers curling round his hair, “to being my puppy all the time?”
“All the time?”
“Only at home,” she amends herself. “The rest of the world doesn’t get to see you like this. Only I do,” she purrs, tugging at a lock of his hair, sending a shiver down his spine.
He bites his lip. It’s a daunting thought, but he can’t deny that he’s interested. “What would that mean?” he asks.
“The same rules would apply—you would always wear a collar, and you wouldn’t be allowed on the furniture, and you would sleep in your crate—unless you’ve been good and I let you join me in bed,” she says.
He hesitates.
“You can say no. We can keep doing this, only playing occasionally.” She pets a hand over his hair, inadvertently reminding him exactly why it is he loves this.
“I want to,” he blurts out. “I want to try it.”
Settling into life as her puppy is much easier than Jaskier thought it would be. The only challenge is this: When Yennefer is at work, and he’s left home alone, he can’t quite settle into the mindset. He supposes he doesn’t have to, not while Yennefer isn’t here. He can’t sink fully into being her puppy, but it feels wrong not to, and so he’s caught in a sort of in-between state, with all the desires of a human being and none of the restraint to stop himself from acting on them.
He doesn’t think twice about pleasuring himself while she’s gone—she won’t be home for hours yet, after all, and he’s so horny he could cry. Surely it won’t hurt much if he rubs one out, right? He has needs, after all, and if she’s not there to help him fill them, well…
He hops up on her bed, buries his face in the sheets that have her scent on them, and starts rutting against the mattress, thoughts of silken skin and sharp nails filling his mind. He’s close, so close, on the edge of coming—whimpering and gasping—
He hears the door open.
The shock of being caught by Yennefer summons his orgasm immediately, that wicked little exhibitionist streak he’s always had rearing its head. But it’s not as satisfying, ruined by the sudden thought that she’s seen him breaking the rules.
He stares at her, breathing heavily, and she stares back. He expects yelling, he expects her to grab his collar and drag him off the bed, berate him—he expects anything except what actually happens.
“Aw, did puppy make a mess?” she coos, walking over and dragging a finger through the cum painting the sheets. He whines, face burning in embarrassment, burying his face in the sheets so he doesn’t have to look at her.
“None of that now,” she says sternly, but her fingers are gentle when they scratch behind his ear. She coaxes him to lift his head, tugging gently at his collar until he looks at her. “It’s alright, I should have known you couldn’t control yourself.”
He perks up a bit—does this mean he’s not in trouble?
He keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop, for his punishment to come, but she doesn’t do anything that night. Is it a test? Is she leaving him waiting in anticipation, to make it all the more intense when it finally comes?
He’s almost forgotten about it by the time she comes home the next day—later than usual, and carrying a shopping bag, though from this angle, he can’t see what’s inside it. Curiosity is eating him up, but puppies can’t ask questions—and he’s determined be good for her, not wanting to remind her of his recent transgressions.
He greets her enthusiastically, nuzzling into the vee of her legs—maybe she’ll even let him apologize the way he knows best, until she’s shaking with pleasure.
She catches on immediately—of course she does. She’s a good owner, always knows what her puppy wants—though that doesn’t mean she gives it to him, of course. “Do you want to say sorry?” she asks, reaching down to pet his hair.
He whines and nods, eager to earn her forgiveness.
“Go sit on the bed,” she instructs, and he leaps to obey. He’ll show her just how good he can be, and secretly he hopes that he might be rewarded for it.
Antsy with anticipation, he fidgets in place, though he doesn’t dare get up and pace. She doesn’t make him wait long—she follows shortly after, carrying the same bag, which she sets aside. Though he’s burning with curiosity about what’s inside it—and whether it’s meant for him—his attention is pulled away by her shutting the door and beginning to strip, revealing skin that he’s itching to taste. If he had a tail, it would be wagging right now.
She climbs atop the bed and leans back against the headboard, looking every inch the regal queen despite—or maybe because of—her nudity. Her legs part, revealing a glimpse of her cunt, already starting to get wet.
As much as he wants to leap into action, kissing and licking, he’s been trained better than that. He waits until she pulls him in place with a finger hooked around his collar, nudging his head down, before he starts to lave his tongue over her.
His licks are sloppy, uncoordinated, but no lesser for his eagerness. Slick drips down his chin, mixing with drool as he salivates, relishing the taste of her sweet cunt.
After she shakes apart on his tongue once, walls clenching around nothing, she tugs him up by the collar, and he shifts his attention to her clit, licking and sucking until she’s moaning, legs trembling with another orgasm. He knows better than to stop, and returns to licking between her labia, dipping his tongue inside as she shudders.
He flutters his tongue, teeth just barely grazing her clit, and she grinds down, smothering him, though he doesn’t complain. He laps up the slick that gushes forth like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted, licking her clean until, oversensitive, she pulls him away with two fingers hooked in his collar.
“Good boy,” she croons, once she catches her breath, and pulls him into a kiss, tasting herself on his tongue. “Apology accepted.”
His heart soars. He’s been forgiven, and he’s been good! He whines with pleasure, nipping gently at her lips until she pushes him away and sits up.
He watches as she leans over and pulls the bag closer—he’d forgotten, and his heart drops when he sees the first item she pulls out. “Oh, don’t be like that,” she coaxes upon seeing his face. “This is to help you be a good boy. You want to be good, right?”
He whines. He does want to be good, but this—a cock cage? Forget a reward, this is perhaps the worst punishment she could give him.
Will she ever allow him to come again? And what about—he gulps—what about when he needs to piss? He trusts her with his life, but not enough to trust that she won’t delight in making him squirm.
But he doesn’t stop her when she leans forward and fits it around his cock and balls, the cold metal making him flinch back. “Stop that,” she admonishes, flicking lightly at the head of his cock, and he yelps.
It’s a painful few minutes as she waits for his erection to go down enough to fasten the cage closed and lock it, tucking the key away. “There we go,” she coos. “Now we shouldn’t have any more accidents.”
He whines again.
“And,” she continues, “I have a treat for you.” He perks up as she pulls another item out of the bag—a tail plug, and his eyes go wide in arousal when he sees it.
She laughs, but not meanly. “Turn around and present.”
He does, holding his cheeks open the way she taught him to allow better access—and because ‘it makes such a pretty sight,’ according to her.
He jumps at the first press of a slick finger at his hole, but leans back into it as she works him open, little whimpers making their way out of his mouth. The plug slides in easily, popping past the tight ring of muscle and settling right up against his prostate. The fur of the tail brushes against the inside of his sensitive thigs, and it sends him half mad with sensation.
He feels a sudden sharp sting on his ass—she’s spanked him, just to see the way he yelps and clenches around the plug, yelping again when it drives the plug further in, pressing just so against his most sensitive spot.
He forces himself to settle, consciously relaxing his muscles and giving himself some relief. Experimentally, he wiggles his lower half, the tail swinging side to side, and earns an appreciative hum from Yennefer. “Do you like that, puppy?” she purrs. “I certainly do.”
He nods, turning around and nuzzling up against her thigh. She really is good to him.
“Wait until I show you the best part,” she says, rummaging around in the bag once more. Jaskier hears a small click, and then suddenly he feels the plug start to vibrate, forcing precum to weep out of his caged cock, which is valiantly trying to get hard again despite its bonds.
His fingers scrabble against the sheets, trying in vain to find something to cling to as he rides the waves of vibrations. He whines, thrusting his hips forward into the sheets by instinct, but he can’t get any stimulation on his poor caged cock. His desperate humping is as useless as his cock is now.
He buries his face against her leg, whining still, and she takes pity, switching the vibrations off. “I’ve put you through a lot tonight, I know,” she murmurs, petting his hair. “We’ll play with that later.”
He remains frustrated and unsatisfied until he falls asleep, but he’s at least grateful to be forgiven and even allowed a place in her bed.
When he wakes up the next morning, he expects Yennefer to take the cage off. Maybe this was just a brief punishment, a test, and she’ll let him come since he’s been so good.
But she just laughs at his hopeful look—“Silly puppy. This is for your own good, remember?”—and leaves it on. And to make matters worse, he knows that she’s going to be busy all day today—she’ll be home, but most likely locked away in her office while she works.
The sole consolation is that she won’t have the time to torture him with pleasure, something she delights in doing whenever they’re home together. But she won’t be giving him any attention, either.
He dozes for a bit, whiling away the morning, until he gets too bored and goes searching for anything else to do. He would jerk off, but, well, that’s not an option anymore. He considers going to bother Yennefer, but even before thinking about it he knows it’s a bad idea. And he’s trying to be good, after all.
It’s around noon when the urge to pee gets really bad. He’s been holding it all morning, ignoring the steadily-growing urge, but it’s truly undeniable now. Hanging his head, he goes over to her office, scratching at the door to get her attention. The door doesn’t open, though. Heart clenching, he whines, knowing that she’ll be angry with him for disturbing her, but he’s desperate at this point—good boys don’t have accidents, after all, and he’s perilously close to one.
His bladder is straining, almost as if he can feel the piss sloshing around inside. After a wave of need hits him particularly hard, his hands fly down to his cock, squeezing as firmly as he can despite the cage in the way. He needs to go.
He starts to cry, tears of frustration and desperation falling down his face, hiccupping whines making their way out of his mouth. “Jaskier, stop whining. I’m busy,” Yennefer calls from the other side of the door.
So she knows he’s there, and she won’t come to help. Jaskier knows, then, with absolute certainty, that he’s going to piss himself. He’s going to piss right here, right on the floor, through his cage, and it’s going to get everywhere, and Yennefer is going to be mad, and—
He’s peeing before he can even finish the thought, hot piss hissing against the bars of the cage, dribbling onto the floor into a hot puddle, soaking his legs. The relief is great, but it’s overpowered by the intense guilt and shame of the action. He’s pissing on the floor. Like an untrained puppy.
Though his eyes are squeezed shut, he hears the door to the office open. He whines, not meeting her eyes, shoulders hunched up.
“Bad puppy,” she admonishes—the exact words he feared. “What have I told you about making a mess?”
He whines, but it’s cut off as she wraps a finger around his collar and pulls him after her. He rushes to catch up, limbs uncoordinated, weak with relief and heavy with dread. She drags him to the bathroom, has him clamber into the tub, and turns the faucet on full blast. He yelps, the water stinging his skin—at least she’s using warm water, rather than cold. It’s still not something he was expecting, and he’s left dripping but clean in the aftermath.
She towels him dry, rough but not painful, except for when she tweaks his nipples or yanks at a strand of hair or tugs at his tail. He stifles his yelps, though, not wanting to anger her more, even as she clicks her fingers at him to follow her to the bedroom.
He makes as if to jump up on the bed, but one stern glance from her has him reconsidering. Right. Only good boys are allowed on the furniture. He sits at her feet, head bowed, waiting for his punishment.
She bends down and brushes a finger under his chin, lifting until his eyes meet hers. “How can I help you learn this lesson, hm?” she asks, thumb stroking his lips. “I don’t think pain will work—you’re too eager for it,” she mocks. “But pleasure, well—my dirty little hedonist, I think I can teach you about too much of a good thing.” She leans in close, her breath mingling with his. “I’m going to make you mess your cage until you run dry.”
She switches the vibrating plug on. He sucks in a breath, hips jerking forward and almost touching her leg, but he wrestles himself back under control. Don’t make a mess, he coaches himself, his hips twitching as if to drive himself back further upon the vibrator. She laughs delightedly. “Good boy, you’re learning already.”
He whimpers, caught between the dual pain of his flesh pressed against the cage and the pleasure of her praise and the wonderful vibrations. With the plug pressed directly against his prostate, he’s rapidly barreling towards an orgasm—except his cock is kept forcefully soft, weeping through the bars and pooling on the floor. He whines upon seeing it and, without a second thought, leans down to lick up his mess.
Her hand comes down in his hair, at first caressing, but then she shoves him down, nose ground against the floor. “That’s right. Clean up the mess you’ve made,” she says, not letting him up until every drop has been licked clean.
The vibrations keep rocketing through him, assaulting his every nerve. He bites his lip, feeling an impossible orgasm approach. Even confined in a cage, he can feel it building, building, until it overtakes him in a wave, dragged out of him in a slow oozing drip. He pants, riding it through, his panting turning into a steady whine as the plug doesn’t stop.
His oversensitive nerves jump with every sensation, his fingers curling into fists, sweat beading and dripping down his skin. He risks a glance up at Yennefer, silently begging her to stop, but she just raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you want to be good, puppy?” she asks, and he does, he does want to be good, but it’s almost painful now, a second orgasm forcing its way through his body.
He’s right on the edge—but he still needs something to push him over, something to pull him through the wall of oversensitivity and bring him to ecstatic pleasure. He gets it in the form of her sharp nails pricking at his skull, yanking his head up, and her other hand tugging at his collar and twisting. He gasps, air cut off, hands coming to scrabble at his neck, eyes rolling back in his head—and comes like a fucking fountain, cum spurting between the bars of his cage, all the blood rushing from his head, stars filling his vision.
He slumps down, gasping in a breath as she releases his collar, her deceptively strong arms catching him before he can fall into the puddle beneath him. She lifts him up and places him in bed—like a good puppy, his hazy mind tells him—and he slowly comes back to the feeling of her scritching her nails lightly behind his ear in the way that always drives him mad with pleasure, and the sound of her murmuring praises.
“Good boy, Jaskier, you were so good for me,” she coos, and he feels her jostle the cage between his legs. His eyes shoot open and he scrambles backwards with all the urgency his lazy limbs can manage. He can’t handle anything more right now, not with his poor wrung out cock so sensitive. His safeword is on the tip of his tongue when she speaks.
“I’m taking it off, that’s all,” she promises, and he settles down, letting her unlock it and ease it gently off, noting with a whimper the dark lines the cage has gouged into his flesh. “Oh, poor thing.”
Next is the tail plug, and he knows not to jerk back from the slight tug at his stretched rim. There’s a brief flash of too-much as the widest part of the plug exits, followed by the alien feeling of his hole gaping around nothing, fluttering weakly in the plug’s wake.
“Lovely,” Yennefer praises, looking at his hole as if she’d like nothing more than to devour him. Mercifully, she leaves well enough alone, and nudges him over until she can fit on the bed next to him, pulling him into her arms. He goes with a happy sigh, glad his punishment is over and basking in her closeness. “Good boy,” she praises him one last time before sleep claims him. He really does love being her good puppy.
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constellaj · 4 years
just ran into your art today and. would you like to elaborate on your gay lucky in love rewrite 👀
boy would i
as always shoutouts to @crystalfloe for pitching + workshopping w me on this, ESPECIALLY on this one since it was mostly her idea!
we open up with a shot of shadow circling through amity park, looking in the windows of various citizens. danny is face-down, fast asleep; valerie is repairing some gear; tucker is being a gamer; sam is watching a horror movie; paulina is also watching a horror movie. shadow passes by all these houses and gets more and more annoyed, until he peeks the window of a large, elaborate house:
dash has drawn the curtains, turned the lights off, turned a fan up. this is his deep dark secret. he’s sitting on his bed, face lit by the dim rose glow of his laptop. the volume is turned down so low but the viewer still sees and hears him whisper along to the movie: “but we could never be together, jessica...” “but... I love you...” he’s watching a HORRIBLY cheesy hallmark romcom.
but of course nobody can KNOW he’s into chickflicks and romcoms! he’s a tough football man and it would trash his rep if anyone knew he secretly craved those deep but silly romantic stories... the tenderness, the love...
shadow has specifically been looking for a romantic.
shadow slips in and ‘possesses’ dash. possesses in quotes, because, well, even though dash is dumb and therefore easy to possess, shadow is ultimately a glorified dog, and not a fully sentient ghost; he doesn’t have any total agency in dash, and the most he can do is mess around with his emotional and hormonal balance. shadow is DISMAYED, upon entering, that dash’s deep romanticism is so repressed, and so immediately gets to work digging it out of the recesses of his brain, putting it in the forefront.
(see, what danny and the audience will learn later is, shadow is a ghost that subsists off of love. romantic love especially. he first found a ‘host’ in johnny (before he died!) because johnny and kitty were madly, ridiculously in love, and johnny especially admired kitty beyond words. they still do love each other, of course! but like all healthy relationships, they’ve learned to take breaks, and they have a ‘break week’ once every few months.)
(this, naturally, drives shadow up a WALL; after a certain level, displays of romance become like dog treats, and shadow has been downright spoiled by the overabundance of love between the two. when they take a BREAK WEEK and aren’t constantly showering each other (and therefore him!) with affection, he needs to go find another host, because clearly they do not love him and have forsaken him. they kick miette.)
since shadow’s prime host for so long has been johnny, his understanding of a few... norms... are bleeding over. dash shows up to school with a leather jacket and a motorcycle (his family’s rich, of course he’s had one). his hair is slicked back and the cologne is overpowering. while danny and others think it’s just another asshole stage of dash, kwan (as well as the popular kids, but kwan especially) notices something’s wrong. it’s not quite... dash. 
yeah, he’s happy-- well, he’s also strangely flirty with everyone (shadow is testing the waters, trying to find out who is the best match). and kwan LOVES that he’s happy. but he’s a little too daydreamy, he laughs a little too long. he is having horrible luck all day, but he just keeps taking it in stride. dash is concerned with appearances, but this is the first time he’s put in effort like it was for other people to see. he’s a little too suave. his eyes reflect just a little too much light.
and then-- luck of luck-- shadow finds the big name repressed crush.
fenton! of course!
danny did NOT want to deal with dash towering over him and slamming him into the wall, but he didn’t KNOW how to deal with dash leaning over him and telling him he looked cute. danny’s flustered! of course he is! well, yeah, dash is an asshole, he knows that, yeah he’s a stuck up rich kid, YES SAM, he knows this (sam is not fooled by a little hair gel and some high heeled leather boots), but you can’t deny he’s, well, built. and he’s weirdly suave? and nice. he’s actually being really nice. what no of course DANNY hasn’t had a crush on DASH this whole time or anything. shut up.
the fact that dash asks him to meet him in the woods at lunch (because sam, jazz, and even tucker are increasingly concerned with dash just making moves on danny, afraid it’s some new form of abuse; and lancer keeps perceiving it as bullying since that’s their dynamic and breaking it up) and he GOES is just. well. that’s unrelated isn’t it.
they kiss and danny is starting to maybe think dash just had a homophobic middle school experience like everyone else when- his GHOST SENSE GOES OFF. RIGHT HERE? RIGHT NOW??? (gee what could be causing it?) dash cracks a joke about him using too many breath mints and danny panics, bullshits an excuse, and runs off to transform and find the ghost.
dash thinks he’s been rejected and almost shakes out shadow’s possession from the sheer dismay, but shadow doubles down. no, no, we can find another crush. somewhere.
...oh hey! the ghost boy!
time to double down on the ghost aesthetics.
danny’s just finished fighting kitty (”where’s your boyfriend” “that’s none of your BUSINESS!”) when there’s a motorcycle rev underneath him. there’s... dash, again, but.... something feels very, very wrong.
danny lands, cautious. “hey phantom... you into biker dudes?” “don’t you have... a boyfriend...” “heee sorta dumped me in the woods”. and then danny gets close enough for his ghost sense to go off. and it clicks.
“dash, you’re possessed”
this is the ONE THING that shadow can’t have. this could be the perfect romance, and THIS GHOSTCHILD thinks he knows more about ROMANCE than SHADOW??? PSH. cue fight scene! dash of course is grappling with both not wanting to hurt phantom, but wanting this ghost out of his system, because of COURSE he’s possessed geez why else would he want to kiss FENTON of all people-- but shadow REFUSES to leave, slowly building more and more monstrous elements onto dash, darker eyes and claws, erasing his legs until it’s not dash as much as it is a large shadow monstrosity with dash at the center.
danny eventually realizes he needs a new strategy and runs for it. after a decent amount of bickering with sam/tuck, they realize that the only ones who would know how to tame shadow are.... kitty and johnny.
turns out, when shadow went missing, kitty NOTICED. (johnny didn’t! he was having a fun alone time working on his bike with loud music.) this is bad. why? well, johnny is NOT a very powerful ghost. in fact, he’s sort of the opposite. he and shadow have a symbiotic relationship of sorts; it’s shadow’s residence in him that gives him any powers at all, like the basic healing factor a ghost has, or phasing, or flying. without shadow he’s essentially a zombie, who can still be hurt in the ghost zone. NATURALLY, kitty decided to run off and retrieve shadow (because this isn’t the first time he’s run away on break week, always throwing a tantrum) before anything horrible could happen to Johnny; this is what she was doing in Amity in the first place
this is the part of the story where i reveal that the ending isnt fully fleshed out yet. in the rough conversation right it ended up with kitty and johnny trying to FORCE shadow back into johnny, and they’re getting annoyed by it, and kitty goes “well this wouldn’t be a problem if YOU weren’t so LOVING AND SENSITIVE” and johnny goes “well i wouldn’t LOVE YOU so much if you weren’t BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFUL” and they have a whole argument like that. its very funny. and shadow ends up still running away and possessing dash again.
ah, in typing this out, i have figured out an ending!
the above fight and run away happens, and there’s two endings: one where shadow possesses dash, and one where shadow possesses danny. in both, of course, the other party realizes the only way to get shadow out is through making shadow feel safe enough to leave, aka... flooding the room with romance. if dash is possessed, danny and co. realize that danny’s the prime candidate to... be the suave lil boy. if DANNY is possessed, sam and tucker begrudgingly explain that, uh, yeah, phantom might have a crush on you, he’s just really controlling of his emotions. (also kwan! kwan definitely plays a part if dash is possessed, maybe even in saying “uh... he has a bigger crush on Fenton. can you guys get him instead?” and danny. explodes)
blahlbahblah luring shadow out by being gay happens and shadow gets scooped back up by the 13s. as much as the previous argument is funny it might also be very funny if johnny literally noticed none of this, and kitty shows up like ‘you lost this’ and johnny is like. ‘...shadow? when did you leave’. anywho.
that’s the concept! the MAIN difference is that johnny and kitty actually have a very healthy and sweet relationship, and the conflict, ironically, comes from the fact that they love each other TOO much. i do love ‘dash finds out’ reveals but as far as an episodic romp goes, this might not be the best ep for him to discover the secret in. however in a oneshot or something of course you could slot that in there excellently i believe.
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min-chery · 3 years
Sing me to sleep | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook / Named OC
Warnings: Side-character death / mention of suicide / arson / nightmares / description of burn injuries
A/N: This one doesn’t have a synopsis hehe. It was inspired that one scene from the Fake Love mv. Also, this one is written in Jungkook’s POV. Enjoy~~
Word count: 1.47k
I watch the steady rise and fall of her chest as the air gets drawn into her lungs in her state of sleep. A peaceful silence engulfs us save for the sounds of our mingling breaths.
My Mika, so strong in the day as she fights off her demons, now looks so vulnerable under the moonlight that shone. Like a baby, so pure and so fragile, born into the cruelty of the world.
She lies in my bed, looking as if she belonged among the still life that surrounded us. Had it not been the movement of her chest, one would have assumed she was dead.
She does not hold me in her slumber. Doesn't seek out for my comfort, even if she deep down knows she craves for it.
The stillness is so comforting that I don't feel myself falling into a slumber. But it feels as if someone pushed me into a comfortable darkness. The kind that I would never be able to escape, but I would never wish to leave either.
Frantic hands that relentlessly tug at my t-shirt yank me up from sleep. The sound of pained ragged breaths being drawn in sends my mind into a state of frenzy.
My hands hastily look through the dark for the remote that controls the air conditioner. And when it finally gets caught, I lower the temperature, sending a rush of cool air through the machine.
Mika's pleading eyes look at me, tears of frustration willing up at the corners. I see the wiggling of her toes, something I've discovered she does because she's afraid all the fear will paralyze her. Will cripple her of her physical abilities.
"Get it off, koo." She whispers helplessly. As if a task as small as getting rid of the blanket from over her body seems like a tedious job.
I free her of the layers, including the pajama shirt that stuck to her upper body like second skin from the sweat. I take her into my arms and pull her onto my lap, holding her in a loose embrace.
One hand goes into her hair, my fingernails lightly scraping at the scalp as a form of stress relief. The other holds her against my chest, right above the heart that beats painfully fast, just for her.
"It burns." She whimpers, her hands extended out towards the side.
My eyes fall on the vicious marks that marred her right arm. Starting from the back of her palm right until her elbow. The day of the incident flashes in my mind as if it had happened only yesterday.
The images of her burnt hand, the smell of her skin being toasted and crumpled from the fire that night fill me up.
I would forever hate Yoongi hyung for what he had done. Did he hate life that much to set a building on fire with himself and his girlfriend inside? Was he so hurt and angry with life to forget he held the very love of his life in the same room?
Did he, for even a second, think about us? His friends who'd been there for him at all walks of life? Me, his stepbrother, who loved him so much even if we never said it out loud?
I don't realize my fingers are roving over the damaged skin until a quiet hiss leaves Mika. The skin isn't supposed to burn anymore. Not when it's already been three years since it took its birth.
It's then I realize her mind is playing games with her. Her conscience is still hazy from the nightmare.
"How about we apply some lotion on it?" I ask her, my voice very low and gentle. I see her eyes blink slow, taking in the words I just muttered. And then she gives me a single nod.
The lotion will be cool on the skin, tricking her mind into thinking it works on the burn.
I lift myself up from our bed with my girl in my arms. Her ankles lock themselves at the base of my spine, holding herself up as we walk towards the bathroom. I set her down on the counter and open the cabinet right next to where she sits.
She lets me stand between her thighs, her legs not once removing themselves from around my torso as I pull out her favorite rose-scented lotion.
"Shall I?" I ask and she nods, giving me her hand. I know it takes her a lot to do that. The insecurities of letting someone take closer looks and touch the skin seemed to have never left her.
I smear the pale pink lotion onto her hand, rubbing it in gently with small circular motions.
I think of the night before Yoongi's death. The then weird conversation we had. He kept asking me to take care of Mika knowing very well that I loved her at the time too.
"You're not going anywhere. Why do you want me to take care of her? It's your job as the boyfriend." I had scoffed at the time. It had felt as if he was trying to rub the fact he was her boyfriend right in my face.
"I won't be here for long." he had simply stated. I was confused. All I remember afterward is overlapping voices, shouting. Me shouting at him. Him muttering 'sorry kookie' over and over again. I demanding to know what he meant.
When the very next night Mika phoned me, I knew something terrible had happened. She sobbed from the other line, pleading with me to save her and Yoongi.
I ran to his house, calling our friends to help me with whatever it was were going to be met with. His house was intact but the thick smoke coming out the window of his room had been really scary. Namjoon had yelled at us to look for fire extinguishers. Anything that would help put out a fire.
When I ran into the room, all I could see was the figure that sat on the chair. Yoongi let the fire engulf him, set him to ashes along with his mother's favorite chair. Mika was petrified, looking at him as if she wanted to save him. But she couldn't move a muscle. Couldn't feel the fire move across towards her arm.
If it hadn't been for Taehyung knocking her over and out of the room, she would've gone down in ashes too. Maybe she had wished for it to take her with Yoongi too.
I had tried so hard to pull Yoongi out of the fire. I did my best. My fate really did have other ideas. He breathed his last in my and Mika's arms.
Endless therapy sessions were all we had after that. Slowly pulling our lives back together after he left us.
Somewhere along the way, Mika started falling for me. I was beyond ecstatic. We moved in together after two years. Though life wasn't the same without him, we knew we would be fine. Because we had each other.
There still are moments she hesitates telling me she loves me. She was worried she was hurting Yoongi every time she said the words. But I know she is trying every day to be better.
"Koo." she calls for me and I hum.
"You know I love you, right?" she looks at me with trembling, pouty lips. It makes it so hard to hold back now.
I pull her in by the back of her neck and kiss her. I let my lips answer the question that words couldn't. Of course I know she does. I see it in her eyes every time they fall on me. See her pupils dilate in her amber eyes.
"I know. I love you too." she smiles the brightest I've ever seen at this.
"Should we go back to sleep, baby?" she nods childishly, making me voice out a chuckle.
"Come on then." I say, before lifting her up once again.
Once we're all settled under the blankets, Mika looks up at me from where she lies over my chest.
"Do you want to wear your shirt back on?" She shakes her head a 'no'.
"What?" I ask her when I see that she's still staring at me.
"Sing me to sleep." I am surprised to hear her say that. She's never asked me to sing before and it makes my heart soar with happiness. All this time she had been secretly enjoying me sing around the house, even though she grumbled I was too noisy.
So I let my voice wash over her senses. Comfort her aching soul to sleep.
Her body loosens over mine, falling deeper and deeper into sleep. My heart synchronises itself to the rhythm of hers.
"I love you. More than you can ever imagine."
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lettrespromises · 4 years
╰┄───➤   LettresPromises informs you : you have one notification. ❜
╰┄───➤ Letter object : The heart speaks freely on birthdays.
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╰─➤ Trafalgar D. Water Law sent you a letter, would you like to read it? ❜
Letter object : ❝Law dreads his birthday, another regular day on the calendar according to him— but this year, you’re here with him, and you teach him that the hearts speaks freely on birthdays.❞ 
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Author’s letter :  ❝dear reader,
law lives rent free in my head and he will keep on doing so for the rest of his life, as he should!! happy late birthday to my favorite character in one piece, he deserves all the love in the world. sealed with a kiss,  nikki.❞ 
Genre : Fluff. Warnings : Cursing. Word count : 1.6K
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It was a miracle in itself that you had managed to convince Law to grant himself a bit of slumber, but don’t miracles belong to the world of fiction? Judging by how Law had woken up at the glorious hour of six in the morning to finish the work languishing on his desk and answer the hushed demands of his pen calling his name and begging to be used to spill more ink on his documents... Miracles indeed belonged to the world of fiction. He was, in a way, both the literal epitome and oxymoron of a doctor— the amount of healthy hours of slumber in his body was close to none, the amount of anxiety coursing through his veins was brushing the limits of sanity. He wrote the prescriptions as a doctor for his crew, but never did he once bother to take the own medical advice he gave to his subordinates… Ah! Acerbic poetry.
The harsh grip of his fingertips, which had already turnt white, over the edge of the mattress was a physical testimony that he was letting the guilt coloring his deeds a spectrum of all the colors associated to self-denial. Law couldn’t gather the strength to lay his silver orbs upon your frame, after all, he was blinded by culpability.
He knew that, he knew because this thought kept haunting his mind and kept taunting him. Each time his lids shut close, he could picture the outline of your face and the plea in your eyes. Then, when silence settled in his earbuds until it became deafening, Law swore he could hear you say « Please, Law, tomorrow’s your birthday— I know you’ve forgotten about it, but I haven’t. So please take care of yourself, just this one time, for me, please? » And the nuances of care embedded in your every word. And just like that you filled all of his senses, yes, all of them— even the touch.
« Don’t tell me you’re already up at this ungodly hour, Law. » your words crashed against the skin of his back in a whisper.
He was tormented, hesitating whether or not he should respond.
« I know, I know you don’t care much about your birthday. But just take this day to yourself, make it an exception. » your arms snaked around Law’s waist to metaphorically use his back as a human pillow, slumber enveloping your movements. « C’mon, doctor, you should know about slumber and everything. » you said, a yawn breaking suddenly the rhythm of your sentence.
It seemed like each one of your lingering touches couldn’t make things more soothing to him, and thus he gave in to the sweet temptations and promises orchestrated by the pacifying sound of your voice. « It looks like you have won this time, Y/N-ya. » this time only, his gaze landed on your half-asleep form and he secretly cursed himself for not having given in to his temptations earlier on.
He untied the grasp you held around his waist with the delicateness worthy of the touch of an angel, Law turnt around, every so slowly not to disrupt your journey to Morpheus’ arms and cradled your cranium filled with tonight’s dreams and set it on your pillow. Of course, your pillow was only a temporary placement, you slept much better on his chest anyway, when the rhythm of his heartbeat would synchronize with yours. Ever so naturally, and eagerness influencing his movements, Law shifted in your shared bed to lay by your side. Once he was settled under the warmth emanating off of your blanket, he allowed himself to grant your silent wish and place your head above his chest whilst the tips of his genetically given thin digits brushed the strands of hair caressing your forehead. He was bound to join Morpheus’ arms soon too, but not without voicing a confession first :
« You always seem to find a way to win, don’t you, doll? I might have to be stricter on you, I can’t have that stain my reputation as the captain. » Law hushed a snicker threatening to pierce the defense of his mouth and bowed his lips into a grin instead, « but who am I to refuse your love when it’s all I crave? Tell me, Y/N-ya, because I can’t seem to find the answer. » he kissed these words into your skin, just a way to imprint these words with the crimson color of his sentimental ink.
Law shut his lids close, and took the same path as yours to join you within the hold of Morpheus, your perfume accompanied him on his journey which never made him feel alone.
And what a surprise it was when he saw that your body was missing from your shared bed once he had woken up, or rather, once his body had absorbed a tolerable amount of slumber. The absence of your lingering smell in the air, the lack of the familiar warmth emanating from your body (and although Law despised how warm you could get at nights, he did miss this), where were you? His facial features bent under the panic, his orbs scanned the room for a hint of your presence somewhere on the submarine, somewhere, anywhere.
The crave to find you fueled his deeds and the urgency to find you was surely more important than putting a shirt on, he couldn’t, he had to— Law blamed this on having overslept, surely, if he had woken up earlier (and before you), these stirring thoughts would have never crossed his mind, not even once, and even hearing you drown his ear with complains would have been a much sweeter feeling than the burning sensation of his heartbeats adopting the pattern of a crescendo.
And thus the quest began— Law looked in his office but failed to see your frame, the bathroom, perhaps? Another defeat. Somehow, the mechanic room? Wrong guess.—
« Ahh, fuck! How was I supposed to know this was still going to be burning hot? It burns like hell! »  Now, now, how Law was not supposed to hear your plea of pain? Thoughts took control over his body and he wasted no time going to the source of the sounds, and, of course, you were in the kitchen. It seemed like such an evident answer, and he cursed himself yet again for not having thought of this earlier.
And there you were, in all your glory, blowing air on your reddened thumb, already guessing that you were bound to consider this burn as a medal. He couldn’t help but allow his lips to bow into a grin which shone by its genuineness : « I think I heard someone in distress, what a shame, where’s the doctor? » Law trailed off as he was reducing the space between the two of you, and soon enough— your martyr of a finger was held like the finest of china between the expertise of Law’s digits, a martyr which was soon soothed by a kiss planted by the man himself, « Oh, correct. I believe I’m the doctor here. So… Are you feeling any better? » He wondered, the smirk on his face emphasized the loving mockery lacing his words.
« Did I really deserve to burn my finger after having baked this birthday cake for you? Talk about unthankful karma! Maybe I shouldn’t have baked you this cake in the first place. » You suggested, adopting the same faux mockery tone Law had previously been using.
« You stand correct, Y/N-ya, you should have stayed in bed with me. » He begun, planting a peck on your forehead, an old habit which never faded away, « but did I really deserve someone like you in my life? I believe my karma is pretty wonderful, if I dare to say. » he mocked, but genuine adoration underlined his words, a tone only you could catch. « Will you join me in bed? It gives us an excuse to let the cake cool down for a bit, don’t you think? »
« Mhm, sounds like a plan to me, I just have one thing left to do before that. » You said, already grinning at the shenanigans taking form in your head, begging to become reality.
« What’s th- Hmph! » And there, in this very instant, your thoughts had become reality. Your lips crashed on his as your forelimbs circled his neck to invite him to deepen the kiss. And, once more, who was Law to refuse such thing coming from you? His own tattooed arms found shelter on your hips until vacuity throned between your two bodies, and thus began the marriage of your lips pushing one against the other in an union of sentiments which exploded in a myriad of smaller pecks delivered all over the flesh of his face.
« Happy birthday, Law! I love you so, so very much even if you’re grumpy all the time and never smile, you’re still handsome! » You said, a peck interrupted each part of your sentence.
And just like that, the melody of Law’s half-hushed laughter connected with your eardrums, just enough for you to hear, as per usual. Law allowed his forearms to settle on your shoulders whilst his cranium was placed upon yours, giving him a perfect platform to secretly voice his silenced thoughts : « I love you too, Y/N-ya, more than you will ever know. » It was a voiced confession, it was secret, just enough for you to hear, as always.
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NSFW Headcanons~ Ed Rooney
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Considering the time period, the way he was raised, and his less than desirable attempts at flirting, I’d say that it isn’t too unlikely that Ed would be a virgin; as much as he likes to act like he’s made it with tons of chicks. He seems like more of a thoughts rather than actions sort of guy; though probably not for a lack of trying. 
- If he wasn’t whipped for you before, he sure will be after you give him a blowjob for the first time. Mix his lack of experience with your mouth and all his years of repressed Christian lust and you’ve got a boy who will just about never turn down a blowjob. 
- Surprisingly enough, Ed is actually really good at going down on you; perhaps due to his sheer eagerness and determination to pleasure you. He likes it too: hearing all your moans and seeing that blown out, loving look in your eyes. 
- Although he gets a rush of satisfaction from seeing you breathless and quivering, he sort of gets a little shy after he makes you come, giving you a quiet “hey” when he comes up again; usually before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
- There isn’t a lot of foreplay at the beginning of your sexual relationship purely because he’s sort of insecure and a bit scared that you’ll “come to your senses” and not want to go through with it/won’t want him. That being said, all you have to do is stop him, slow things down yourself and assure him that you’re not going anywhere and he’ll start to relax and take his time with you. 
- Though, with that in mind, sometimes Ed just has to push you against a wall and kiss the hell out of you while trying to get your clothes off; at least the ones in his way, as quickly as possible. 
- He like really likes hearing you talk about your fantasies. There’s just something about you talking dirty and admitting that you’ve had sexual thoughts; particularly ones about him, that really gets him going. 
- He loves undressing you for himself but at the same time, he likes watching you undress for him so it’s really just a toss up on whether he’ll be fumbling with your buttons that day or not.
- Naturally, Ed likes being in charge and knowing that he’s the one making you feel good. He gets satisfaction from giving you orders and watching you follow them, but; at the same time, his preference isn’t as white and black as you’d think. 
- While Ed is definitely more of a dom, I can see him having a submissive side for the right person; you in particular. The first time you’re more assertive/aggressive with him; it doesn't even have to be in a sexual scenario, his mouth goes dry and his heart starts beating like crazy …and hey, he kinda likes that flustered, nervous feeling....
- Roleplay, well, kinda. If you want to explore that less dominant side of him, then you’ll soon find out that he likes when you act like an authoritative figure. It may be a teacher/principal, it may just be him referring to you as ma’am and you acting far more outgoing than you usually are, either way, he likes it. 
- Ed being touch starved? It’s more likely than you think. The sheer passion of his slow dancing speech makes me come to the conclusion that he really just craves being intimate and close with you. 
- On that note: he touches you as much as he can, hugging you close and running his hands along every bit of skin he can reach. If he’s acting this way with you then just know that you’re special because, as much as he may not act like it, he wouldn’t just let himself be vulnerable with any old broad. 
- He’s a boob guy ...obviously. He likes burying his face in your chest, kissing, groping, licking, etc. Honestly, his love for your boobs isn’t even always sexual, sometimes he just genuinely finds it comforting to faceplant into your chest. Rest assured, no matter how big or how small, he will happily have his face pressed between them. 
- He sort of likes tying your wrists to the headboard, especially with his tie; he’s happy to finally have a genuinely valuable use for it. 
- He tends to get a little rougher, faster, and more passionate when he’s jealous or in a bad mood; or just when he’s feeling particularly dominant.
- Teasing. He likes hearing you whine and beg for him to do something; it gives him a bit of a god complex. He’ll probably say a rosary for that thought. 
- Okay ...so you know the confessional...? It may it may not be a bit of a kink for him; kink as in he frequently imagines “being with you” in one or a sort of gloryhole situation. He’s a sick, sick man. 
- I’m torn between Ed being a glutton for punishment; since he seems to always just get himself into it, or not liking it at all; since it would potentially remind him of his father or the school. Perhaps, he just wouldn’t be into punching/harsh hits but other, somewhat softer things: hair grabbing, scratching, your fingers digging into his face, light choking, etc.
- Praise. Since he’s secretly a bit insecure and sort of contemplates whether or not you really want to be with him; in more ways than one, he really likes hearing you assure him about things with your own words. 
- He likes missionary position purely because it allows him to do everything that he likes best in the bedroom.
- I’m not gonna lie, Rooney probably has a big dick. And if not just big in general, than thick in particular. 
- Cockwarming; there’s two sides of it when it comes to him. There’s those moments where he just likes to stay inside of you and be relaxed and close, and then there’s those moments where he just likes smugly watching you try to control yourself. 
- He likes finishing on your stomach or boobs, maybe in your mouth if you’ll let him. He doesn’t really care where; he just likes when its outside of you for some reason. 
- The first time the two of you have sex, he may act all tough and try to ask if you need anything like a cool guy while the two of you get dressed; skipping out on aftercare, but after that he just can’t help it. He’ll slowly cuddle into you, hesitantly trying to gauge if you’ll let him. And if you do, then that boy can and will stay like that for hours. 
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