#its all an attempt to revert
rubarb69 · 9 months
There is a certain kind of fucked up that a person has to be to give themselves a James t Kirk looking ass haircut in 2024.
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ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
idk how controversial this is but I’m actually such a big fan of s3a. it’s the exact kind of phantasmagorical bullshit that makes me kick my feet and grin like a fool. the whole show goes haywire and completely abandons the generic structure of the police procedural, and it totally gets away with it because at this point the narrative has unravelled so much that the show can safely let go of whatever conformity it was barely hanging onto in s2b. and on a metafictional level the shift in external genre strangely parallels the progression of the two main characters: just as will and hannibal have changed each other, the show too has revealed its true nature
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has this site recovered from that point in time when it was like. if u tried to delete a sideblog t**blr would just Delete Your Whole Account. like is it still doing that. i want to delete the sideblog i just broke the coding on cus i have no idea how to unbreak it but im like......... SOO SCARED of deleting my whole account on accident if that ~fucky wucky~ never got fixed
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sundaaz-e · 4 months
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Late Nights
It’s late in the U.A. dormitory as you sit in the common room, reading. Everyone has retired back into their respective rooms for the night, as they have class early. But you? No. You’re up waiting for your boyfriend—at least that’s what you think he is to you—to get back from his internship. Katsuki, Deku, and Todoroki have been basically run ragged at Endeavor's agency. Katsuki is always complaining to you about how he’s getting less sleep and has to go to bed around 10 instead of 8. "Such an old man thing to say," you think to yourself with a small smile. Your face quickly reverts back to its original state as you hear Katsuki yelling at Todoroki.
“If your ass wasn’t so slow we would’ve gotten there in time to take him down ourselves,” he says with his usual sass.
“C’mon, Kacchan, don’t blame it all on him,” you hear Deku say, trying to be the peacemaker.
You hear Katsuki grumble some profanities directed at Midoriya before he stumbles upon you.
“Oh, Y/N, you’re still awake?” Deku says but continues to walk towards the stairs alongside Todoroki, who doesn’t even spare you a glance.
“Yeah, can’t sleep,” you say dismissively, eyes focused on the man you really want to talk to. Katsuki had stopped right behind the couches, right behind you, his eyes trained on you. As soon as Deku and Todoroki were out of sight and mind, he finally broke the silence.
“You didn’t have to wait up for me,” he says without any clear emotion.
“I know,” you say simply. He brings his hand down to smooth down your hair as a sign of affection and appreciation before making his way to the stairs. You watch him, kind of shocked that that’s all you get. But before he starts up the stairs, without turning he says,
“Ya comin’ or not?” his voice gruff.
“Mm, I don’t know, do you want me to come?” you say with a teasing glint in your eyes.
With that, he turns to face you. “I’m so not in the mood for you right now,” he says, looking very unamused by your teasing smile.
“Well then, you better get going,” you say, pretending to return to your book. You’re not really digesting any of the words; you’re merely just skimming the pages to look busy. You hear him stomp his way in front of you before snatching the book right out of your hands.
“Hey, I was reading that,” you say, reaching for the book as he held it above his head. You stand up to jump for it, but he leans down and grabs you by your legs, effectively throwing you over his shoulder. He stomps his way up the stairs and into his dorm room before throwing you on the bed. You’re practically crying from how hard you’ve been laughing.
“You think this is funny, huh?” he says seriously, but you can hear the humor in his voice.
You nod your head yes, still dying, and he chucks the book at you. It didn’t hurt because it was a softcover book. But you grab one of his pillows and throw it at him. He doesn’t attempt to dodge it or catch it, so he just lets it hit him.
“You’re so annoying,” he says, giving you a mean side-eye.
You stick your tongue out at him. He starts removing his uniform to change into pajamas, which consist of old Christmas PJ bottoms that you gifted him last year and a skull shirt.
“Sleepin’ here tonight?” he asks.
“I don’t know, am I?” you ask.
“Don’t start that again,” he says.
“Sorry, sorry, yes I am,” you nod.
“You want something to wear or are you good?” he asks. You’re dressed pretty comfortably right now, so you shake your head no and climb under his covers. He flicks off his lights before joining you in bed. You like sleeping closer to the wall when you sleep with him because his quirk makes him extra hot, so it’s very easy to overheat. Plus, he likes sleeping next to his alarm so he won’t miss it— weirdo.
As you close your eyes to let your body enter dreamland, you’re shaken awake. Katsuki is pulling you closer to him.
“Mm,” you let out a soft grumble, annoyed that he woke you.
“Don’t sleep so far away,” he says.
As sleep begins to take you, you feel him place soft kisses against your lips. “Goodnight” is the last thing you hear before you fall asleep.
Ya’ll send requests idk what to writeee😭
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foreingersgod · 4 months
Let’s Stay Home (PT 2) . EE
pairing: emily engstler x reader
synopsis: see part 1
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she was restless all night. you could tell from the way her hands shook when she poured your glass of wine and from the way her legs bounced under the table. her hands refused to leave the plushness of your thighs the entirety of dinner, strong and lengthy fingers scrunching at the fabric of your dress. you tired to act nonchalant about it, wanting to have a nice dinner with your girlfriend. but the more she kept dropping suggestive little comments and touching you discreetly, the more you tried to get out of that restaurant as quick as possible.
the wine turned sour and your meal became bland the more you had to endure emily’s torture. it didn’t sit right with you that you were the only one being taunted, so you decided to do a bit of teasing of your own. throughout the night, you’d do small things that you knew would get a rise out of her.
you started out with cluelessly playing with your hair, something that had her constantly distracted. then you’d purposely lean your elbows on the table which pushed out your cleavage ever so slightly. emily, sitting next to you at the table, would hardly be able to finish her sentence as the tops of your breasts came into view. it was almost becoming too easy at this point. then, to be extra cruel, you’d run the toe of your heel up her leg. it sent shivers up emily’s arms as she watched you do it, the end of your dress hiking up your leg as you moved your foot up and down. her mind kept reverting back to earlier that night, when you guided her hand across the intricate lace of your new lingerie. thoughts of ripping that dress right off of you replayed over and over, something she had every intention of doing.
she tried her best to seem unbothered, like you had done when she couldn’t keep her hands off you, but she was failing miserably. her hand would often find its way to her mouth, biting on her knuckles to ground herself. you had fucked her up beyond belief and you hadn’t even laid a finger on her. she was a mess for the remaining moments of dinner, couldn’t even take the last bite from her plate before she was hailing over the waiter and paying the check. although she was more than eager to get you back home, wanting to take off that stupid fucking dress that caused this whole thing in the first place, she kept her composure as she guided you out to the car.
“you’re a fuckin tease,” she said as the doors to the car shut, you were already doing up your seat belt “d’you know that?”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, em” but you did. you knew exactly what she was referring too.
“you’re in for it when we get home” she implied, muttering under her breath.
“that attitude isn’t going to get you that surprise” you chimed, watching as her hands gripped the steering wheel suddenly “may i remind you?”
she said nothing, only shaking her head and jutting her tongue across the inside of her cheek. she did up her own seatbelt quickly before speeding out of the parking lot to get home. she didn’t now how much longer she could last.
you considered being a bit nicer for the car ride home, but something in you just couldn’t resist messing with emily a tiny bit more. she just looked too good over there in the drivers seat. her hands grasped the steering wheel, making her veins bulge ever so slightly as she drove. her blazer had been discarded to the back seat which left her in a plain white button up. the sleeves were rolled up to her elbow, displaying her toned muscles. she looked positively irresistible, there was no chance you were stopping any time soon.
you snaked your hand over the car console, fingertips lightly gliding over to emily’s thigh. your hand rested on her legs, positioned in dangerous territory. your touch hovered over where she needed you most. you felt her tense up, shifting in her seat and spreading her legs open more. you began to run your hand up and down her thigh painfully slow, making her jerk her hips into you. a satisfied smirk toyed at your lips as you kept your gaze on the road in front of you. you could feel her eyes shift to you and then the road then back to you again.
“i’m serious, ma” she croaked “stop teasing me”
“m’just tryna get you warmed up baby” you stated, stopping the motion of your hand with a gentle pat “relax”
she felt like all the air had been knocked out of her, words becoming caught in her throat before she could muster a response. a faint groan emitted from her lips when you continued the soothing movements of your hand. it was impossible for her to say anything the rest of the ride home, too busy imagining what she was going to do to you when you got inside.
the car pulled to an abrupt stop as emily pulled into the drive way. her buckle was undone in seconds, turning off the ignition and bolting to your side of the car. she opened your door, offering her hand to you to help you out. you smiled sweetly at her as you accepted it and followed her inside your shared home.
you weren’t able to turn the lights to kitchen on before you felt familiar hands on you waist, soft lips meeting with the skin of your neck. you could feel the tension between the two of you as you sighed deeply, reaching helplessly for the light switch.
“leave it” she demanded, pushing your hand away from the light switch as she guided you towards the stairs. she couldn’t wait another second to get you into bed.
“em,” you muttered, tilting your head to the side to allow her more access to kiss down your shoulder.
“cant wait to get you out of this fucking dress” she said as you approached the door of your bedroom “i believe i’m owed a surprise, am i not?”
once you had made it inside, you were instantly hit with the soft glow of the moonlight that flooded through the window. you turned around to face emily, admiring her features through the dimly lit room. she was breathtaking, hair pulled back, shirt already half way unbuttoned. she wasn’t lying-she really couldn’t wait.
“maybe…” you licked your lips, slipping off your heels and reaching behind you to undo the zipper of your gown “you’ll have to come and find out”
something in emily switched, like she was being granted something that she had been waiting for for centuries. in lighting speed, she had closed any space between the two of you, pulling you flush against her. her lips met with yours hungrily, tongue sliding into your mouth as you groaned deeply. the kisses were sloppy and wet, but certainly passionate. she reached behind you to push your hands away from the zipper, taking the liberty to do it herself. without pulling away from you, she delicately tugged the satin fabric down your body, letting it pool at your feet.
“hope you like it,” you smiled against her, moving your head back to allow her to view your stripped figure “picked it out just for you”
weeks ago, you’d purchased the most gorgeous set of lingerie as a small gift for yours and emily’s anniversary. it was a dainty little set, red and lacey and tight. the bra was strapless and quite sheer, adorned with thin lace flowers. the matching thong was similar in design, the crimson material hugging your ass in the most flattering way. you remembered trying it one when you had got home while emily was away at practice, you had never felt so beautiful in your life.
“oh my god” her gaze dropping as she took a step away from you. her jaw slacked, eyes blown wide with lust as she took you in “jesus fucking christ baby”
“is it ok?” you asked innocently, wanting to hear her say it aloud.
“is it ok?” she scoffed, shepherding you towards the bed. you felt the backs of your knees meet with the foot of the bed, making you stumble slightly “baby, it’s more than ok, you look fucking stunning”
with a tender nudge, she pushed you onto the bed, forcing you to sit on the linen duvet. you leaned back onto your elbows and spread your legs to make room for her. she moseyed in between your legs, unbuttoning the rest of her white button up in the process, eyeing you up and down. she shrugged off her shirt, now fumbling with the buckle of her belt and the clasp of her dress pants. you watched impatiently, wanting her hands on you as soon as possible.
her now naked figure hovered over you, knee slotting in between your legs. she leaned down far enough to where her lips were inches away from yours. you closed your eyes, whimpering as you bucked your hips to try and create friction between your clothed cunt and her bare thigh.
“em, please” you moaned.
“please what?” she smirked, hands planted on either side of your torso to keep her above you.
she moved away from your face, now shifting to kiss along the exposed parts of your body. her lips left messy kisses along your collarbone, then to the tops of your breasts where she left deep purple marks along your skin. she exhaled breathlessly as she reached your bra, staring at the way your nipples hardened through the thin lace. she brought a hand up behind you to unclasp the bra in one fell swoop, allowing the beautiful fabric to cascade down your chest. satisfied, she wrapped her lips around your nipple, her hand kneading at your other tit. you gasped at the sensation, your own hand finding its way to the back of her head. she switched to the other one, tongue swirling across the pebbled bud. but she only stopped when she heard you, your meek voice echoing off the walls.
“please touch me-don’t stop”
those three words were all she needed to hear, her gateway into complete bliss. she pushed off of the bed to kneel in front of you, hands gliding down the sides of your body until they reached the waistband of your panties.
“anything for you”
you looked down, eyebrows knit together in anticipation as you felt emily’s hot breathe against your core. she looked at you through hooded eyes, biting down on her lip as she took in such a beautiful sight: you laid on the bed, practically naked and begging for her to touch you. her fingers hooked under the band of your underwear and tugged gingerly.
“can i?” she asked. you nodded vigorously in return.
without hesitation, she began to pull your panties down your legs, tossing them to the side. the coolness of the air hits you quickly enticing a small jolt from you. emily ran her tongue over the top row of her teeth, leaning back on her heels to admire that state of your aching pussy. you were already soaked for her, arousal quite literally oozing from you, which most definitely left a noticeable spot on your underwear throughout dinner.
“so fucking pretty, this pussy” she cooed, giving your thighs a small massage before running a finger through your folds. you groaned, not content with her reservedness “this all f’me?”
“yea, em-all for you”
she placed various kisses to your inner thighs before turning her attention to where you had been pleading for her to touch. fingers spreading you open, you felt her tongue come into contact with you. she licked a deep stripe up your pussy, attaching her lips to your clit as she sucked slowly. you moaned loudly, fingernails finding her scalp and gripping the roots of her hair. she took this as a sign of endearment, slipping down to sink the length of her tongue in your throbbing hole.
“holy shit-” you cried, hearing the obscene noises emitting from your pussy. the way her tongue swirled in your wetness, provoking the wettest squelching noises that had you at a loss for words.
“that’s it, ma” she inserted a finger into you, feeling the way your body tensed upon the feeling. you tightened around her finger as you breathed loudly into the humid room “that’s my good fucking girl”
she watched as your back arched, perky tits pointed to the ceiling and your head digging farther back into the mattress. god you were unbelievable. she added another finger to you, making a small scissoring motion to lure you to your orgasm. she found herself moaning into you, completely lost in the taste of you. she didn’t think she could ever get enough of it, wishing she could lay between your legs forever. the pace of her fingers sped up and she could sense herself becoming increasingly wet the more you moaned out in intense pleasure. she was eating you out like it was her last meal, sucking and licking every inch of you until your body began to heave, insinuating you were getting close.
“oh baby, yes” you gripped the back of her head harder “don’t stop, em, i’m gonna-oh my-i’m gonna cum”
you humped her face vigorously, feeling your slick coating her mouth and chin. it was like you had no control of your body with the way your hips moved back and forth. you could feel your high approaching quickly as emily continued to devour you.
“i-i’m so close” your words began slurring together.
“i know” emily curled her fingers into you, hitting that delicious, spongy spot inside of you “i know”
your eyes rolled to the back of your head, knowing the familiar feeling that was beginning to build up. her tongue and fingers kept their speed, making you overwhelmed with ecstasy. emily felt your legs starting to shake and noticed how your breathe became staggered.
“you got it,” she coaxed you “cum for me, come on, give it to me”
you let out a lewd and obscene moan as you reached your high, cumming on her face promptly. they approached near sobs as the pleasure washed over you, transcending your whole body. emily wasted no time in lapping up your juices, catching every last drop of your release. her tongue cleaned you up as you sunk into the bed, recovering from your orgasm.
emily got off of her knees and joined you on the bed as you scooted up to lay against the plush pillows. she laid next to you, bringing you into her bare chest, feeling the rapid beat of your heart. she raked her fingers through your hair as you smiled drowsily, still on cloud nine.
“you did so good, baby” she pressed her lips to the top of your head, grinning from ear to ear as she thought about how much she loved you “so so good”
you hummed in response, lifting your head to look at her. you returned her smile while drawing yourself away from her. ignoring the trembling of your legs, you hoisted yourself to straddle emily. she looked at you confused as her hands instinctively rested on the dips of your waist. what a vision you were, tall and proud and positively glistening in your own sweat.
“what’re you doing?”
long, nicely manicured nails left pinkish marks along emily’s skin as you trailed them up her stomach and over her chest. she squeezed her eyes shut when she felt your fingers gently scrape over her tits. she let out a faint ‘fuck’ as you advanced to her neck, wrapping around it and tightening your grip softly.
“don’t think i’m gonna let our anniversary end without returning the favor, em”
A/N: this is cringy and bad and i’m so sorry lol :’)
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anthurak · 1 year
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Something I’ve often found really compelling in Adventure Time is how The Grass Sword/Grass Demon/Fern found up becoming one of the most prominent and disturbing antagonists of the series pretty much by complete accident.
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Like it’s easy to forget after Fern has become such a prominent character both in the show and fandom, but the ‘curse’ of the Grass Longsword started out and spent much of the show entirely benign. All it really did was cause the sword to stick to Finn. If anything, the sword/curse was quite beneficial to Finn, providing him with a prosthetic arm and activating on several instances to protect him. Really, the entire point of the original Blade of Grass episode was that the sword was actually pretty useful.
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It was only AFTER stabbing and later merging with the Finn Sword to create Fern that the ‘curse’ started becoming actively malicious.
In hindsight, I think it’s pretty clear that while the Grass Spider/Octopus/Demon ‘curse’ entity within the Grass Sword may have been malicious, for the longest time it had no way of actually controlling or otherwise influencing Finn. The sword may have bonded to Finn’s body, but NOT to his mind, or more importantly his soul. This left Finn free to use the sword, and later even the grass-prosthetic freely without any danger or corruption from the curse.
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But then Finn accidentally used it to stab the Finn Sword. As we see in Two Swords, this for the first time gave the Grass Demon/Curse direct access to a soul, the soul of the alternate Finn within the Finn Sword. A soul that it was able to corrupt and influence and ultimately merge with to create Fern.
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This is one of those things that I think a lot of the fandom seems to miss: Fern isn’t some quirky doppelganger or a ‘brother’ to Finn. He is straight up a distorted, corrupted version OF Finn (the alternate iteration of him within the Finn Sword) manifested by the CURSE of the Grass Sword.
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As in, basically EVERYTHING Fern does that deviates from the ‘norm’ that is Finn can be considered the work OF the curse. From more overt stuff like his tendency to ‘stab first, ask questions later’ or the times he ‘flips out’, to more subtle things like his brooding or just the fact that he has a noticeably different voice (the voice of the Grass Demon mind you), ALL of these are the product of the Curse.
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And it’s this fact which makes Fern a truly tragic character. Because he was effectively doomed from the very start. Despite Fern’s attempts to do good and Finn’s and Jake’s attempts to accept him as his own person, Fern simply could not escape the curse’s influence. Because that curse was the very thing that created and maintained his physical body. It WAS his body. And this curse wanted nothing but to subvert, influence and ultimately CONTROL him for its own ends.
I think we can very easily assume that all of Fern’s failures, all his insecurities, everything that drove him to turning on Finn and trying to kill him and becoming the Green Knight in the final season, ALL of that was the result of the curse’s influence. Trying to whittle and break down Fern’s will so that it could mold him into whatever it wanted. And there was NOTHING Fern could do to stop this. Because the curse made itself a core part of what he was.
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When Finn and Fern finally enter his mental world and destroy the Grass Demon in Come Along With Me, we see Fern as he truly is: simply another version of Finn who has been corrupted by the curse.
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And with the Grass Demon dead, there is nothing to maintain Fern’s physical body, causing him to soon fade away. In order for this alternate Finn to be saved, he couldn’t exist as ‘Fern’.
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Of course this also means that ‘Fern’ didn’t actually DIE at the end of the series. He simply reverted back to his true form: The Finn Sword.
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And what I find so compelling and tragic about all this is that NONE of it had to actually happen. The Finn within the Finn Sword didn’t need to be put through all this suffering. Like it seems pretty clear that the Finn that become the Finn Sword was perfectly content being a sword. He didn’t need to be corrupted and spend the last two and half seasons being manipulated by a grass octopus demon.
Because when you think about it, ALL of this happened by accident. If Finn hadn’t lost the Finn Sword to Bandit Princess, or if he’d been able to simply avoid stabbing it with the Grass Sword during his fight with her, NONE of this would have happened. Finn would still have the Finn Sword and the Grass Sword would have likely remained benign and helpful to him. Heck, given how Finn seems to fully regain the use of the Grass Sword in his fight with Bandit Princess, he probably would have been able to duel-wield the Grass Sword and Finn Sword together.
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This is really what I find to be the tragedy of Fern: That two of Finn’s greatest tools wound up becoming one of his most dangerous adversaries, and even worse that the Finn who became the Finn Sword was tortured and corrupted for no real reason, all essentially by accident.
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sluttysanemi · 2 months
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
a/n: ok this is sort of clunky ‘n all over the place but whatevaa. indulge in genya bein’ the teenage boy he is:((
c/w: non-sexual nudity, brief description of injury.
You and Genya travel together through the barren woods, beneath the moonlit sky. The trees are twisted and gnarled, with branches resembling skeletal fingers. The air is dense with the aroma of moist earth and decay, contributing to the forest's ominous aura. 
The air periodically whistles about, among the distant chirping of crickets.
Upon concluding your session of patrol, you revert to your allocated, shared cabin. 
However, as consequence of your negligence within combat, a fresh, piercing wound emerged across your stomach, concealed beneath your palm. Blood seeps through your fingertips and coats your apparel in a rich crimson. 
You reflect serenely on your circumstance. You are reluctant, and perhaps humiliated to share your condition, but you consider it as the best approach. Overlooking the wound may result in infection. 
You spoke. 
“Sorry, I– bruised myself.”, you murmured. “Is there a river we could stop by? Jus’ to clean it.”
Genya seems troubled, frowning towards you. His eyes narrow as he evaluates your statement. 
“What? Yeah… we can. There’s a riverbank, just over there.” He countered, diverting their path to a nearby stream.
As you drew near, the gurgle of running water broke the calm of the woodland.
Genya sits upon a smooth, broad stone near to the river's side.
You observe the crystal-like stream. The water rushes slowly across polished boulders, reflecting the moonlight in a vibrant array of colours.
Your fingers curl to your uniform, gradually lifting it upwards. You reveal the slender, freshly carved wound across your abdomen. Blood trickles along your flesh.
Genya averts his vision, appearing bashful and flustered as he observes the delicate skin of your abdomen. Attempting to preserve his composure. 
Eventually, he perceives the long, newly formed injury. He grimaces
“Shit…”, he cursed, his brows furrowing. “How’d you get that?”
You direct your glance to him, flushing faintly in shame. 
“...I sort of slacked. That’s all.”, You declared, attempting to explain yourself.
A brief pause.
“It’s… probably best if I undress.”, you began slowly. “Jus’ to let it clear beneath the stream. D’you mind if I?--”
Genya hesitates, biting his tongue. He senses his complexion reddening at the thought, but he encourages himself to remain composed.
“..yeah… sure… Go ahead," he grumbled quietly. 
Your back to him, you cautiously unclothe, discarding the blood-stained uniform from your body. As you let the fabric fall to the ground, an easing sense of relief pours over you.
 You steadily descend beneath the water, the scrape gradually clearing within the stream. The water envelopes you in its dark grasp. 
Genya glances elsewhere awkwardly, attempting to preserve a stern demeanour. His body stiffens as numerous beads of sweat fall along the surface of his skin. His breath caught in his throat.
“Is… the water cold?”, he asks hestitantly, swallowing dryly. 
You cast a glimpse at him, over your shoulder. “Slightly, but it is bearable.”, you reply quietly. “Almost soothing.”
You contemplate a proposal whilst listening to the night's critters. You remarked once more.
“Maybe you’d… like to join me?”, You inquired, peering intently towards him. 
He blinks, his cheeks developing an ominous red. His fingers twitch faintly. 
“...Are– Are you sure?”, He struggles with his speech. He lingers before swallowing, beginning to undress. He folds his uniform and lays it upon a nearby rock. A crisp breeze glides against his exposed skin.
“There’s a small bottle of disinfectant in the pocket of my uniform.”, you briskly recall. “I had bought it just in case. Could you bring it with you?”  , 
“...Yeah,” He responded gently, stepping over to your clothing and retrieving a miniature glass bottle from the pocket.
He approaches you, seating near the shore of the river. The container is in his hand. He glances at you, somewhat hesitant and shy. 
You peer between the glass and his expression. Your cheeks flushed once more. 
“You… wouldn’t mind…”, you whisper, attempting to gather your sentence. “It’s just– if I do it, i’ll be too gentle with myself, ‘n won’t clear it properly.”
His cheeks heat with your query, and the notion of his hands contacting your flesh... His mind is conflicted, yearning to sustain his calm. 
“Y–Yeah… I can do it…”, He responds, seizing the bottle and unscrewing its lid. 
You situate yourself on the river's ledge, exhibiting your wound. The expanse of water below mirrors the moon's fragile light, creating an atmosphere of tranquilly. 
Your fingers tread and trail through the greenery as you observe the firebugs dancing inelegantly. The flickering insects illuminate the gloom, culminating in a captivating show of lucency and movement. The crickets croak idly. 
Genya's gaze is fixed on the wound, staring to it. He raises up the container and spills a small bit of the transparent liquid over his fingertips. The fluid feels frigid on his skin. 
He slowly draws closer to you, shuddering slightly as a cold runs up his spine.
“..This might sting,"  he announced gently. He lays his hand upon your stomach, meticulously caressing and examining the injury. His touch is assertive, his demeanour attentive.
Exhale a hefty, pained breath through your lips, attempting to attain a sense of serenity.
 Your hand skimmed along his bicep. A pleasant warmth brushes against your fingertips.
He feels your touch to his arm, and he promptly peers to your visage, his expression beaming scarlet. Your proximity ignited a surge of emotions in him.   
He’s swift to shift his focus back to the wound, ignoring the sensation of her grasp upon his body. The warmth of your contact lingered on his flesh. 
“Sorry,” He murmurs, as he pours an additional portion of the disinfectant, carefully cleaning the incision. The fragrance of antiseptic permeates the space, merging with the metallic tinge of blood.
Your fingertips trace easing patterns on his back in a bid to divert your focus.
“...’S alright. Thanks for doin’ this.”, you spoke tenderly. 
He bites into his tongue once more, an almost strangled sound emerges from his lips. He tries to retain his poise, but your fingers sketching soft lines upon his body's surface renders it strenuous. His breathing quickens, his chest rising and sinking, putting out a considerable lot of effort to ignore your touch. 
“...Yeah.”, he replied lowly, his voice almost strained. 
Your fingertips continue to trace the crevices of his muscles, brushing his scars. You feel the coarse texture of his skin beneath your fingertips, your expression compassionate.
Genya shudders as your hands skim the ridges  on his skin. He attempts to breathe steadily, but he can feel his composure sliding with each stroke of your fingers. His face is flushed with a deep scarlet, and his eyes are adhered to your open flesh, willfully avoiding your glance.
 He finishes cleansing the wound, gently puncturing the region surrounding the injury. His expression almost relieved. 
Your thumbs glide to his hair, caressing the dark curls. The delicate strands flow through your fingers, and you can feel the warmth of his temple beneath your touch.
“...’S it lookin’ okay?”, You enquire, your chest heaving. 
Genya's gaze flickers to you momentarily before reverting to the body of water.
“Yeah… it’s lookin’ alright.”, he replied, his tone breathier. He took a deep breath, wiping sweat from his brow.
“You got a bandage then? Don’ wanna ruin your work.”, you continued. Your hands lay idly on your lap. 
He nods, reaching over to his pile of garments. “..Yeah, I’ve got one.”, he says, rummaging through his uniform, before retrieving  an unopened roll of fabric bandages. 
You observe quietly, grateful for his attentive care. His presence exudes an appeasing warmth, his mannerisms unusually delicate.
Your gaze trailing to the crystalline ripples of the stream, savouring the serenity of the sight. The calm murmuring of the river soothes every sense.
Genya returns to you, unravelling the roll of gauze and gently encasing it around the wound. His fingers work carefully, taking care not to overtighten the fabric while still ensuring that it stays in place. His knuckles periodically brush against your skin, and his breathing is slow and deliberate, his heart thundering in his chest. The tension between them is apparent, an unspoken connection humming beneath the surface.
As he laboured, you renewed your focus on the numerous scars that adorned his body. The jagged lines and faded marks stood in sharp contrast to the compassion with which he now cared for your wound, exhibiting an element of tenderness that he rarely exhibited.
“..You’re too rough on yourself, y’know. You’ve got too many scars.”, you remarked, sympathetically. 
He pauses for awhile following your comment, his gaze flickering up to your face. He exhales dryly as he continues to carefully wrap the bandage around the wound, his fingers working slower than before. The vicinity is filled with strained silence, punctuated by the erratic sound of fabric being pulled taut.
"..I'm fine.." is all he can say, his voice subdued and raspy.
You pause, observing him keenly. You grasp his hand and trace the scuffed skin. 
“You promise?”, you persisted. 
His breath jerks, your delicate touch renders it onerous to express himself clearly.
 He swallows dryly and nods slightly, his cheeks flushing as he struggles to regulate his heartbeat, which is striking against his chest. He attempts to gather his words.
“Yeah… yeah, I promise…” He replies, his voice slightly hoarse.
You nod, acknowledging his words. “Okay.”, you whispered, glaring to his flustered expression.
As he concludes wrapping his bandage over your injuries, a sense of serenity emerges. Under the silvery sky, you appreciate the beauty of the present. The subtle rustling of foliage and distant chirping of crickets create an oasis of peace, allowing you to temporarily forget about the discomfort. 
His gaze meets yours. He nods subtly, as he listens intently. 
“...I meant what I said. This meant a lot to me.”, you said truthfully.
Genya pauses, his breath caught in his throat. His face rose a deeper shade of red, his entire body trembled and tensed. He briefly looks to you before hurriedly glancing aside and murmuring a response.
“...Y-Yeah..”, he chokes out, before clearing his throat. “...I-I’m glad I could help…”
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Ellie is Cass
So! Years ago, Ellie began to destabilize again. They finally figured out that the reason she was destabilizing was because her Core was too young to sustain a Fully Grown Ghosts Body. The only way to save her was to Revert her to her True Age, so her Core could healthily grow alongside her Body. She would lose her Memories, but she would survive.
But, there was an incident. A Mercenary had attacked the Fenton's Lab one day while they were Babysitting Ellie, and killed both of Danny's parents. Then, that motherf#cker had kidnapped his Daughter.
And Danny searched for her, he did. He searched for Years on End, sent all the Ghost Allies he had to try and find her, got the word out in the Zone that his Daughter had been kidnapped. But nobody could find her.
It was like the Assasin has dropped off the face of the Earth, but even then he had his contacts searching Deep Space and the Zone as well. He just couldn't find her.
Still, he would not rest until he found his daughter. And the one who took her would have more than just Hell to pay.
For David Cain meanwhile, he had struck Gold on his most recent mission. He had been hired by the League if Assasins to go and kill a pair of scientists who had somehow managed to get their hands on Lazarus Water. Apparently they had gotten it a while ago, but had somehow gone under the Radar for years.
But while he was there, he came across something Special. A Lazarus Touched Child. One who seemed to be more Blessed than Any Other Lazarus Touched he had ever heard of. And she was just a Baby.
A Baby who could be raised and Moulded into a Weapon, as any Lazarus Touched should be.
So, he took the Baby and presented it to the League. Ra's ordered that he raise the Child as a Perfect Weapon, to be used as his Bodyguard and Attack Dog. And so he did.
For years, he raised the Child in the most Secluded base he could. There was no need for him to teach it Language beyond following orders, so he filled its head with absolutely nothing but how best to Kill.
Unfortunately, the Weapon managed to escape after its first mission. He tried to track it down for Years, but to no avail. He should expect nothing less from a Lazarus Touched who had been trained from Birth to be the perfect assasin, but he guesses he should have expected this.
Still, he will find the Weapon. And he will teach it why it should have never attempted to escape.
Cass had been feeling off for a while.
Well, No, that's not right, it's more accurate to say that she had never felt truly right. For as far back as she can remember, since her earliest days of childhood, she had always had a nagging sensation in the back of her mind, telling her that something was missing.
She didn't know what though. Was it an Object? A Memory? A Person? She had no idea.
For some reason, the feeling had lessened a little when she got adopted by Bruce. She felt a bit more whole, like some part of her had found a part of what it was looking for, but at the same time the rest of her still felt as if it was missing something.
And recently it had gotten even stronger. She couldn't ignore it anymore, she needed to find the thing her heart was yearning for.
She needed to feel Whole again. Again?
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damian-lil-babybat · 1 month
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When I say Damian al Ghul Wayne has almost all the ingredients of a classical Greek Tragedy, it is not an empty claim.
1. Tragic Hero: The hero facing his destiny with dignity. His virtuous character forms a bond with the audience, while his tragic flaw results in the audience’s fear for him, and his terrible punishment reveals a sense of pity.
Damian is the hero of his own story. In his mind, he was given a destiny, a standard to live up to. It came from his grandfather, as Hafid al Ghul, son of the Demon. It came from his mother, as her Alexander, with Talia deluding herself as Olympias. It came from his father, as the son of Batman.
He thought himself perfect on all those role, mighty ones they might be, heavy and overwhelming even, but he persevered in ways that should be impossible and ultimately achieved the pinnacle of a perfect heir for all of them.
2. Tragic Flaw: The human limitations of the hero or an error in judgement leading to the downfall. He attempts to escape from his destiny; however, he unknowingly runs toward it. His attempt leads him to his “damnation”.
But what he thought was perfection, was his downfall. For even if he was designed and raised to be perfect, those roles are fashioned by imperfect mortals. As the son of the Batman, he was all too much of a monster to even be treated as child, let alone a son. As the son of the Demon, he was too soft, kind, and all too human, to sit upon the al Ghul's immortal throne. As the great Alexander, he was deemed as a mere pawn, a victim of circumstance, and not a victor of his own fate.
He was set up for failure before his story even began.
3. Catastrophe: The horrible ending of the play: death, suicide, ruin etc. Upon the truth being revealed about Oedipus’ origin, Queen Jocasta commits suicide by hanging herself, Oedipus stabs his eyes with the pin on Jocasta’s dress and pleads to be exiled from the city.
And just like all tragedies, it ends up in death...so many deaths and sacrifices. Repeat and rinse, the cycle continues with each redeeming arc punctuated by his death or ruin.
And just like Sisyphus, one must imagine him to be happy. For how else could he endure these unending trials?
4. Central Belief of Destiny: The belief of the fact that the actions were preordained by the gods and the flaw was inevitable. Even though Oedipus attempts to flee from his preordained destiny, the belief in inevitable destiny becomes the reason for his destruction.
How else could he keep harking on to his destiny? Desperately clinging to it like a promise gold once he touched it like Midas' cursed hands? But no, everything he touches turns to dust, every height he scale would be pushed down reverting him back to his old bare bones of an unwanted worthless child from both side of his parents, even how much he tries to make things right. Every person or thing he treasured is another ammunition for plot purposes to make him more tragic than he already was.
Damian had tried to flee before, but fate always brings him back. Because Batman needs a Robin. But Bruce already has a Robin, doesn't he? Because Damian needs to be Robin? Just cause, who would he be then? When all those titles he earned has been discarded and thrashed in the light of Batman's justice?
And the only one title he could be proud of is always threatened to be taken away if he just as much cross an invisible line that keep on changing depending on whims of the doomed narrative.
5. The Chorus: Approximately twelve masked men, forming a specific group, make comments on the ongoing play by singing and dancing.
Due to its form of media, Damian has no twelve singing and dancing masked men. XD
BUT If I have a say on this, I'll give Damian his own set of bardic troupe narrating his life story, and maybe somehow DC writers would finally admit he was loved and wanted, and was never alone and actually have family, companions and friends along the way!
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AND THAT IS WHY it makes more sense for writers to like and, or dare I say, even love Damian's character.
A lot of great fanfictioners in AO3 actually root for this little guy. So it's nice ✌️
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yuomizuu · 27 days
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♡ | open arms ── kinich x reader !
synopsis: a bit of kindness can go a long way. at least, that was what the elders in kinich’s clans would often say. though in a land where war with the abyss is at a constant, he finds it difficult to truly believe such a notion. perhaps meeting you simply had the sole purpose of erasing those doubts that shrouded his mind.
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additional: w.c 899 ⸝⸝⸝ content includes . . .gn reader, implied friends to lovers, character study www
( 💌 ) yuomi’s note: slowly but surely reverting back to my musical kid phase ty mr. jorge for creating epic and what better way to commend that than doing some kinich brainrot ^w^
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natlan — a nation of eternal oaths and converging fires. where the sacred flame burns brighter with each chant of the epic hymn that echoes from land to sea, bringing back valiant warriors, now deemed heroes, anew.
yet beyond those blazing flames of ardent also lies a resplendent nation full of color and life. made up of magnificent gorges and valleys that stretch as far as the eye can see, vibrant fields where the saurians roam free, and rejuvenating springs that ease the weary, you'll find a unique beauty reflected within it all.
for most of his life, kinich had often found it difficult to view his homeland through the lens of the latter. since a young age, misfortune has always seemed to follow him wherever he goes, like a relentless beast chasing down its prey that's slowly becoming more and more exhausted. where no matter how far he soars, the shackles of a brutal reality always drag him back down. eventually, such experiences would sometimes render the lone saurian hunter an austere individual, whether intended or not. in his eyes, the world was but a tapestry of unbridled battles.
it was only after meeting you that, slowly but surely, kinich would gradually learn to appreciate the more charming aspects of life and even gain a sense of tenderness towards it. however, that still doesn't cause him to lower his guard completely.
"kinich, you're doing it again," you mused, the lush grass below softening your footsteps as you and your companion tread through the forest. the occasional murmur of wild animals hidden within the trees or nestled away in burrows echoes throughout.
hearing this, the male ahead of you briefly stops in his tracks to glance back at you with a puzzled look. "doing.. what exactly?"
stopping beside him, you motion at the weapon held in his hand. "gripping onto your sword so tightly that the tips of your knuckles are turning white. i swear… it's like you're expecting us to get ambushed out here any minute."
in response to your sigh though, he simply shrugs. "perhaps we will be."
"kinich, we barely took on this commission not that long ago, and we aren't even at our intended destination yet. i doubt we'll find ourselves walking into trouble so soon."
"better to be prepared for catastrophe before it strikes when you least expect it."
an air of laughter escapes from you then. "catastrophe," you repeat to yourself, head shaking in slight amusement. "we aren't exactly tackling the abyss here you know."
"no, but if we were, your lack of attentiveness would surely lead us to such." in between his pause, you catch sight of the subtle curl of his lips. "not even ajaw would be so heedless, and that certainly says something."
"you little…!"
balling your hand up into a fist, you immediately go to throw a punch on his arm that ultimately does not land when the now chuckling male catches it effortlessly. not that such a punch would've hurt him in the first place, but kinich is all for finding the humor in evading your poor attempts at attacking him. plus, you've managed to land a good punch or two on him before, although he blames ajaw for distracting him during those moments.
before you can pull your hand away from his grasp and unwillingly accept defeat this time, kinich intertwines his fingers with yours, holding your hand firmly. without saying another word, he turns to continue walking along with you at his side now.
due to your good-natured sense of self, it's often left kinich to be roped up in more conflicts than he'd usually expect: said conflicts are getting you out of trouble.
but even in the face of danger, you never cease to look for the good in others. while many have considered this trait of yours to be a display of naive foolishness, it felt like a breath of fresh air for kinich. while he was also considered to be different from those of his tribe concerning certain viewpoints and beliefs, you were an oddity that transcended beyond his own novel ideals. if you had not been born and raised in natlan, kinich would've surely mistaken you for being an outlander. even you had once jokingly said that perhaps you were actually a child of the anemo god, barbatos, that the wind had accidentally blown too far from home.
because, unlike the fierce fires that dwelt within the spirit of every warrior in natlan, your flame was akin to that of a candle: a gentle yet comforting light that simply wished to share its warmth with the world around them and kinich would do anything to keep that light of yours burning for evermore.
he'll never admit to you aloud, but he secretly thanks the anemo archon every day for sending him a beautiful soul such as yourself. your presence alone was as calming as a gentle breeze, and his love for you a sweet, sweet melody.
"speaking of ajaw, where is the little rascal anyways?" you ask, breaking the silence as you look around to find the creature that has strangely gone quiet.
"i sent him to scout ahead for a bit. he'll be back soon enough."
a soft smile creeps onto your face. you spare the male one more glance before giving his hand a light squeeze.
"of course you did."
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impyssadobsessions · 2 months
DPXDC PROMPT Vlad Hired the Wrong Guy
Vlad decides that perhaps a ghost can't do the job right anymore -though as much as Vlad would have loved that to be the fitting end for Jack- so he hires an assassin instead to finally put the end to this.
He hires the best. Deathstroke.
Slade however decided to take a liking to the little hero. So when Slade succeeds in his mission (or not if you want to pull some plot shenanigans) he ends up taking away something far more valuable to Vlad.
Danny. Now Imma put my thoughts below but y'all can take this anyway you want >w< <3
I can see Vlad giving Deathstroke weapons to fight/capture Danny too- not kill him though he probably can't even imagine that would be possible- with order to strictly kill Jack and maybe make it look like Phantom did it. (For some extra spice ;3) Phantom was able to fool some of Slade's attempts- but in an all out brawl- Slade wipes the floor with Danny. Danny being slung around like a rag doll, taunted, and mocked. He doesn't stop fighting which just amuses Slade more. Eventually there first fight gets interrupted (cause I imagine it was in the lab) probably be Jack and Maddie coming into the basement- but Deathstroke was able to hit Danny with the belt- forcing him to change before vanishing himself. So Danny gets "grounded" from the lab- even though he tried to play it off as a ghost attack- which made it either worse or better for him. His parents going protective mode- when he's trying to figure out how to save them. Only for Deathstroke to be in his room one day, looking for a "chat". Danny's not having it and tries to fight him only to be captured by one of Vlad's devices. Danny recognizing it. "You-You're working for Vlad!" "Oh ho ho, So you do have some brain cells that isn't used just for puns?" "Why!?" "Money. And a few unique toys." Slade tossing an ecto-ray in his hands. "I'm an assassin. I had assume you didn't need to be detective to figure that one out." Danny struggling against his bindings. Panicking. "You can't- Vlad-..." "Oh I definitely can. He is not the hardest target I had to hit- though I must admit you're an annoying obstacle." "I won't let you!" "I don't think you're in a position to stop me." Slade pressing a button to shock Danny before he a new power to escape. The shock forcing him to revert to his Human form. Imagine Deathstroke taunts Danny more. About what he is- about his parents hatred of ghosts. "Even if you save them- they would hate you. Shame." "You're not the first fruitloop to tell me that." Can see after Danny impresses him one more time- and Slade finds out Vlad is also a half ghost. I can imagine Slade finds a way to force Danny to join him. Whether its by succeeding in killing his dad and manipulating Danny into learning out to take revenge- Or by blackmailing/threatening to follow through but not just kill Jack/ but both his parents- saying he'll teach him how to REALLY fight. Even saying that with his help, he'll make sure Masters won't bother him again. Just all the manipulating. Danny at wits end might take it. Can see Vlad being FURIOUS- but now Deathstroke has weapons to not only HARM/KILL him-he ALSO becomes Danny's mentor. Vlad being the one to contact heroes he knows have history with Deathstroke... framing it as him taking away his godson. Maybe purposely sought out Nightwing. Unknowingly damning himself more as Nightwing will find out Vlad was the cause to all this- AND if Danny gets rescued/gets out of his deal- he'll have hero friends to rely on.
I just love the idea of Slade and Danny dynamic. Especially since Danny not only similar to Dick, his phantom form also looks similar to Respawn. I just think its neat XD And be a damn terrifying threat to Danny.
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Sunny Day Jack -- A Difficult Update/Setback
Hello everyone.
It is with great unfortunate sadness that after many months of trying to work with our current programmer for Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, we have had to make the difficult decision to terminate their working relationship with them.
This isn’t a choice made or taken lightly. We understand that doing so comes with a great amount of disappointment, and an attempt was made to do our best to withstand the situation because we knew that either way, it would be the disappointment of you all– or our health and safety.
We’ve made posts to social media before today, but now we will be going into a smaller bit of depth to the best of our ability. 
After coming onto the project in 2023, a series of negative interactions began between Us (the affected) and the programer. The programmer was brought on by former management at the time quickly, and with little integration.
Issues had cropped up at the time, chief among the affected being creator Sauce. It was around this time that the HimboEngine was created between older management and this programmer. And work on the engine, to the best of our knowledge, began. 
There had been at the time an internal push not to use this engine and revert to the originally promised one by creator, Sauce. And while we understand that the core drive was to make the game as accessible as possible to as many computers as possible, as well as to create a superiorly programmed product– it was only programmed in or by the programmer and one other person.
By that point, the push to resume working in NaniNovel continued. However, we were told that too much had been completed in Himbo and it was not financially viable to roll production back.
When prior management left in 2023, we continued to work with this programmer under the continued understanding that considerable work had been done.
However, issues still occurred. And there were instances of inappropriate treatment and actions between management and the programmer in question.
Attempts were made for many reasons to accommodate this person, and to allow them to grow and hopefully become aligned with the team’s core values. No persons were forced to work with them, besides management. And management has done their best, to their own ability, to not have to rollback the project and persist.
We are not comfortable releasing the extent of the disagreements and actions that have caused this separation. We have to focus on the future, and those involved in this decision are not comfortable reliving and reiterating the events that took place. 
We know more than anyone it seems that unfortunate things have happened. And we apologize for not holding on any longer. However, we are unable to interact with this person any longer. It is for health reasons– it is for fear of safety reasons– and it is with an unbearably heavy heart.
We must ask any and all fans to please not seek this programmer out. We will not be further releasing their name. To attempt to maliciously contact, find, or “expose” this person would be to go against the affected team member's wishes entirely.
However, this means we are now unable to any longer have access to several resources.
The loss includes:
Any progress on SDJ (builds)
The HIMBO Engine, in its entirety
The current most build of SleepyTime Jack
Access to and ownership of the SnaccPop website
The planning Github, contributed to by other SnaccPop team members
We will probably never get these back.
The programmer has made it clear to us that not only unless we reinstate them, but give to them a position of authority within SnaccPop, that we will never get these back. They have idled the concept of releasing or continuing work on these things without our consent, "for the fans".
We have no clue if this will happen. But in this instance we can say that we do not consent to any unauthorized release of SDJ builds. We do not know what SDJ assets this programmer has or has downloaded, but we are aware they are storing game sensitive information in private storage spaces.
We would advise fans to avoid any SnaccPop website domains or projects not posted by official accounts. And we hope, if Programmer can see this, they will understand that regardless of whether they intended to or not- it is unacceptable, and a choice that will likely reflect deeply on their personal career and something that could potentially blacklist them should other developers come to find out.
Otherwise, while it would be nice to have back these things paid for- the programmer has made it clear they believe this is in the fan's best interest. Hiring them back is a requirement, and they believe that the fans paid for the content, not SnaccPop, so they're under no obligation to return it.
The amount loss totals to several thousands of investment, months of planning and work, and contributions from multiple persons from across the team (consequently, making their work either temporarily or even permanently unusable.)
This is why we were hesitant to make any changes or decisions on the matter. We understand that it might not have been the correct choice to actively degrade our own health for the sake of the project, but the valid disappointment, frustration, and even distrust of fans was something we felt was worth the effort to try to make things better.
It's never an ideal thing to feel you are putting yourself above or before so many people. We had hoped that all these negative experiences were the result of miscommunications or otherwise emotional/personal narratives. But regardless of what they are now, we cannot continue to withstand them. We hit our breaking point.
No personal or individual contractors were made to endure mistreatment, and the affected were content to bear the circumstances while we could. But a point has been reached where we no longer can.
As of now– we are aware this individual is currently attempting to make pledges to the Patreon to further “elaborate”. We are aware they are monitoring our posts on our social media accounts, and we are very much aware they are unhappy with being removed from this position.
All we have to say to this is the following:
Please. Leave us alone. The whole of the SnaccPop team is not comfortable being around you. The SnaccPop team does not feel safe with you around ANY member. And the only reason we will not further elaborate is because we are tired, weary, and want to be left to develop this project in peace.
We don’t want to be around you. And that is OUR choice. You cannot force yourself upon people who do not want to be around you. And if you continue to try, you will never be able to move on.
Please just leave us alone.
As for updates, for now? A team of four programmers is assembling the game together. 
We don’t have much to update yet, because we are actively waiting for more concrete information to become clear.
The intentions of a customizable pronoun system are in the works. Those programming are longtime, since-the-beginning fans of the project. The whole of the SnaccPop team has come together under this situation. It’s a sad reason to do so, but we’ve been doing our best.
We still plan to release something by October of this year. And we’re hopeful, because we’re a bunch of fans now working together and collaborating (with pay–) on this project, just like it was always intended to be.
Whatever is released in October will be on Early Access still. And we know it’s been a difficult period of time for the development team AND fans. But we’re going to make the best of the situation.
Again– please do not harass, stalk, “call out”, or “expose” anyone. Do not try to figure out or pass around who Programmer is. 
This entire situation has ultimately been a large drain on the affected persons and we just want to be able to figure out what comes next and how to make the game. We'll answer what we can to the best of our ability.
 Our team will actively be taking a mental health break for the month of June, while management plans and restructures production. Creator Sauce will be picking up any work unable to be performed in order to support the team, for no cost and out of personal passion and a desire to help the team move forwards. But it will NOT help the team at all for this to be reduced to gossip or “drama”.
We are tired. And we are hurting. And we understand the monumental loss AND the disappointment to fans occurring at the same time. The last thing we want or need is to have to relive the situation more than necessary.
Thank you all so much. We are sorry, and we apologize. We did our best.
-SnaccPop Studios / Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack development team.
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onlydijah · 3 months
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𝜗𝜚 CATCH IT! — dislike to lovers, both are still in high school, no warnings i think
𝜗𝜚 WORDS FROM ME! — hi i wrote this at like 3 am so my apologies if its not good😭 idk if im gonna continue this but if i do i it’ll be a 4-parter!! plot was inspired by some book i read i lwk forgot the title (😓😓)
𓂃 ִֶָ𐀔 — word count, 1.3K
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THE MOTONOUS BUZZING of the pasty white fluorescent lights vibrated throughout the sterile, lifeless room as an older, chubby man paced around the spacious area. “I don’t even know what our game plan is here ken. I… ugh.” he spoke, feebly.
The younger teenager shrunk deeper in his seat, reverting back to his signature manspread. He looked around unsteadily, praying he didn’t accidentally meet his coach’s disappointed eye and let out a laugh.
As the dull melody of clicking footsteps and clock chimes continued, a million and one thoughts swirled through each other’s heads. While one was more focused on what he would eat for dinner tonight, another grappled with the fact that his star baseball player was as good as gone.
“Do you have anything? anything to say for yourself?” The frustrated man exhaled as he plopped down on his worn office chair, the wheels scooting it back a little upon his impact. “13 violations is absolutely crazy young man, your mom ever tell you ‘if you dont have anything nice to say, hold your tongue?’ god, we’re lucky the committee let you off easy the other 12 times, but I fear they’ve realized the way you act out on the pitch far outweighs any positives your talent grants you.”
The implication of career ending consequences in his coach’s outburst made the boy stand straight in his seat, “Huh? waddyamean, I would say my teasing adds charm.”
“Right… right! How about we go through some of your charming encounters, shall we?” The elder kissed his teeth as his hands rustled their way through the stacks of papers on his desk.
“That actually isn’t necessary!” Kenji responded suddenly with a nervous chuckle and uncomfortable grin, lunging across the desk in an attempt to stop his coach from reading his rather… vulgar jibes.
“No no, I think it's very necessary actually,” his coach remarked, raising his hand high to prevent the boy from reaching his documents. The younger boy fell face flat on the desk, choosing to just lay his head there as the man in front of him listed off the many crude actions he had been reported for.
“Are you kidding me? What does his face shape have to do with you throwing a beanball at his head?!”
“Ummmm.. so it was throwing me off the whole game so i had to like— even out his proportions.. ya’know?” Kenji answered sparingly, contorting his fingers and emphasizing each word he responded with so as to get his point across. “That’s not a valid reason and you know that.” his coach rebutted, shaking his head with distaste.
He loosened his grip and the pamphlet dropped with a loud “thud”. Raking his hands through his graying, jet black hair he began, “Listen, I'm gonna try and find a way to get you out of this— but there's no guarantee they won't find a way to terminate your scholarship. Ill have an answer for you by tomorrow.”
“Ouff.” The younger male let out a heavy exhale. “That bad?” he cringed.
“That bad.”
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The rest of that day was ruined for Ken as his only hope of starting a successful baseball career was entirely in his nimble-minded coach’s hands. Easy to guess he didn't have much faith in him.
He roamed aimlessly around the massive halls of his school, taking note of every detail that the scattered decor offered. The curve of the walls when he was about to enter the gym, how the lights dimmed when he got close to the designated faculty/staff areas, and the navy blue bean bags littered across the library that helped transform the original cold, uninviting room into a welcoming space for all.
He admired how many windows the academy had, leading beautiful, warm natural light to pour from literally everywhere. He found comfort and belonging in the school as he strode, the expectation of being kicked out heavy on his shoulders only strengthened his love for the establishment.
Eyes lightly stinging from unpoured tears caused him to clench his eyes and shake his head frantically— his soft locks swinging across his face before he pushed them back into their place.
“Hello? Kenj.”
“Huh? Oh. Hi [name].”
“What?” She shrugged apathetically. “I didn't mean to ruin your main character moment but I needed your half of the history assignment like— yesterday.” she deadpanned, moving her hands around frantically.
“That wasnt due until Thursday!” Kenji negated, turning towards the girl. The height difference was quite intimidating from an outside perspective, but nevertheless the girl continued to argue.
“Are you actually illiterate? Like is there anything up there?” she pointed to his skull. “PLEASE let me know because if not I will gladly sign you up for the reading comprehension classes my little cousin takes.” she scoffed aggressively, turning the lightweight ring she had on her finger excessively.
“I’m alright, thank you.” Kenji sassed, pulling out his phone to “check his syllabus”. A couple beats of silence passed before he pressed his lips into a thin line and smiled.
“Oh my god.”
“I'm not stupid. Here.” He spat as he opened his backpack and lightly shoved a manilla folder into the girl's chest. “You're so irritating, like— why get me worked up in the first place?!” she pushed him back lightly. “You're evil. I can’t even—“ she rambled, unconsciously letting Kenji push her into the direction of the cafeteria. “See, this is entertaining!” He gushed, opening the cafeteria door and letting go of the girls backpack. “Bye friend!” he cheesed, turning back around to look for his clique— wherever they were.
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The cafeteria was bright and energetic today, students laughing and arguing supplied audio for the usually silent enclosure; the clicking and clacking of plates and trays held a soothing melody for the ears of everybody there to enjoy while they worked and ate.
“Ohhhmygod that's crazy. He can't just do that can he?” Nia murmured as students bustled by their table to meet their friends. “Its not his fault, i'm here on scholarship so technically the school can revoke it whenever they want.” Kenji clarified.
“That bites man, im sorry.” she sympathized, shoving 3 sticks of strawberry pocky in her mouth. “S’okay. Coach Hayashi will find a way out for me. He always has.” he tried to reason, arms cradling his pounding head.
Nia dropped her pocky and rolled her eyes. “Now you're just lying through your teeth.” she chuckled. “Whatever.” Ken huffed, grimacing as his headache got worse.
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“OVER MY DEAD BODY.” The younger woman fussed, slamming the door. “Cmon, [name] its not such a bad thing!” her counselor eargly hooted, “You’ll only be doing it for a week— max. And… well, you dont really have much of a choice anyway.”
The student exaggeratedly flopped onto the cream colored bean bag, glancing back at the colorful walls of Mrs.Aoki’s room. “Theres nobody else up for it?” she sighed grabbing a multicolored throw pillow; hugging it close against her chest, “I’ll take literally anybody else.”
“Im afraid not.” her words echoed around the lively expanse, bouncing around the colorful furniture and across the motivational poster spreads on the walls. “Be grateful he’s even up for this. Listen— the only person who can strain this arrangement even more now is you. So if you want to ruin your chances of ever getting into a good university, go ahead.”
The veiled wisdom hidden between the statement of the older woman became loud and clear against the young girls ear. “Your right.” she conceded. “Ill be there tomorrow.”
“Thats the spirit!” Aoki rejoiced, offering her pupil a soft smile.
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© @onlydijah on tumblr. DO NOT copy, translate, or claim any of my works as yours. thank you! 💘
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fallenangelicss · 2 months
Catching Stray Kisses
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PAIRING | Bridget | Queen of Hearts/James Hook
SUMMARY | When bored in class, Briget reverts to people-watching to pass the time. What she didn't expect was to find someone already watching her. The culprit behind it also seems to be pretty good at pulling a rise out of her.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | This is my first time partaking in a month-long prompt list so I'm going to do my best to keep up with it can get as many done as I can. It'll hopefully give me a reason to write more which I desperately need. Also, if you'd like to support me then you should consider downloading the Kinder World app with this link. My referral code is WV9K4X but if you need a new referral code then feel free to reach out!
EVENTS | @aug-kissed | Blow A Kiss
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Bridget sat bored in class, her head resting on one of her hands as her feet kicked back and forth under the desk. As much as she loved Merlin’s classes, they tended to drag on when they weren’t doing any sort of practical work. The singular hour that they were in the room seemed to stretch on for days and it didn’t help at all that it was the last lesson before they were free to do as they pleased. 
Ella sat next to her, carefully taking notes as Merlin taught at the front of the room, occasionally writing what seemed to be nonsense on the chalkboard. Bridget knew it would be smarter for her to just pay attention now so she wouldn’t have to beg Ella later for her notes but she couldn’t bring herself to focus on the teacher for more than a few moments at a time, all the information he was spouting going in through one ear and out the other. 
It was honestly exhausting just sitting there. Bridget was ready to go up to her dorm and take a nap until dinner time then maybe make some sort of sweet treat afterwards that she could share around. She didn’t know what she would make but she knew she was itching to stand in front of her homemade mini-kitchen and get back to what she loved doing. 
Letting her eyes dance around the classroom after they instinctively went back to the clock hanging on one of the walls, seeing how they still had another twenty minutes to go before class was over, Bridget resorted to some sightseeing, attempting to find something that could keep her occupied while she waited for the bell to ring. 
Most of the students in the room, like her, seemed to be too bored to comprehend what was happening in front of them which could only be Merlin’s fault as he should’ve known better than to give anyone a theory lesson as their last class on a Friday. 
Like most days, Bridget noticed Uliana terrorising some of her classmates with her tentacles, trying to be discreet about it. At her side sat Morgie, which Bridget wasn’t surprised to see. Laughing almost uncontrollably at whatever it was that Uliana did, Morgie was always attempting to be a good villain for her. Another thing Bridget wasn’t surprised to see was Hades and Maleficent sat next to one another, their hands interlocked while Maleficent sketched something on some scrap paper and Hades messed around with some sort of fire magic. 
What Bridget was however surprised to see was Hook sitting by himself and staring directly at her. Normally he would be the one sitting next to Uliana, if not he would drag Morgie into the seat next to him so he was never by himself. But to see him alone and staring directly at Bridget was a shock, especially when he didn’t look away once he noticed Bridget had caught onto his stare. 
Blinking a few times to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, Bridget came face to face with Hook every time she opened her eyes. Not knowing what to do, a shy smile made its way onto her face to not seem rude under Hook’s stare. 
What Hook did next though threw her for a loop.
A smile of his own crept its way onto Hook’s face, the grin being more of a smirk than anything else. His eyes slowly crept up and down Bridget's frame before sending a wink her way, making a pink hue dust her cheeks as she zapped back around and faced the front of the classroom.
“Are you okay,” Ella asked, noting how Bridget was sitting with her spine straight and a flustered expression on her face. Still taking notes as she waited for an answer, Ella’s eyes ticked up to where Bridget was attempting to glance over her shoulder without getting caught and failing to do so. “Did something happen?”
“Nope,” Bridget quickly said, hands coming together and interlocking. Although Ella wasn’t born to much status like Bridget was, she could still notice when someone’s Princess was showing and that was exactly what was happening here as Bridget gushed to herself. Something regarding a boy had just happened and Ella was going to figure out what and who it was no matter what. “Everything is perfectly fine and normal. No reason to be worried at all.”
“Saying that just makes me more suspicious,” Ella warned, noticing how Bridget tensed up a little before sighing, almost as if her resolve was breaking. With just a little more pressure, Bridget would spill everything to her but it seemed like not much effort would be needed from Ella as Bridget was already undoing herself, fidgeting in her seat as she tried not to look back and giveaway who it was. Stopping for a moment before Ella looked back herself to see who it was, she rested a hand on Bridget’s arm and said, “It’s fine Bridget, you can tell me anything. I’m certainly not one to judge you.”
“You’re right,” Bridget smiled, returning the favour and grabbing onto Ella’s wrist, running a thumb over it. “I just noticed someone staring at me and…” “And you think they’re cute?” Ella finished the sentence for her, one of her eyebrows raising at Bridget as she waited for a response. Thinning her lips together, Bridget nodded her head, the blush that was previously coating her cheeks intensifying. “Okay, who is it?”
“Well…” Bridget trailed off, her eyes flicking backwards before looking back at Ella. With a nod of her head in his direction, the two of them looked back at the same time to see Hook still staring at Bridget, the same smirk still coating his face. His eyes didn’t move from Bridget’s face, solely focused on her and not even acknowledging Ella. Raising his hand that wasn’t occupied with a hook, Hook blew a kiss towards Bridget, a chuckle pouring from his mouth when both Bridget and Ella whipped back around.
“Did he just?” Bridget started, not having to finish her sentence for Ella to understand.
“Yeah,” She nodded, just as surprised as Bridget. This was news to Ella. She would have to do a serious amount of stalking and research before she let that pirate anywhere near her friend but for now, it wouldn’t hurt. “Looks like you won’t have to look too hard for a Castlecoming date.”
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burning-omen · 1 year
Birthday Present
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Miguel O’Hara x Male!reader
(A/n: Birthday present for my best homie cuz I love its gay ass- you know who you are. Also this is a day late but shut up)
Summary: You and Miguel celebrate your birthday
Warning⚠️: sub!Miguel, Dom!Male!reader, Miguel being nervous but also extremely submissive and obedient, edging, overstim, dacryphilia, handjob, anal, biting, marking, creampie, pwp, friend to lovers(???), not beta read
You enjoyed portals- which was a statement you would have been severely confused by several months ago. But ever since you joined the ever growing Spider-society, you've become very well acquainted with portals. You spent the majority of your down time in the Spider HQ, usually bothering Miguel until it was time for you to go patrolling again.
Today was different- today, you decided to take a little more time off that usually- the Daredevil of your universe taking over for you as a gift- a birthday gift.
While most people would be spending their birthday with friends and family- you decided to spend it with your fellow spider people.
You watch beeped as you landed- the portal closed behind you the second you were out of it. You ran into various Spider-people along the way, they have you various greeting, some wishing you a happy birthday- others just gave you a curt nod before moving on.
You didn't stick around any of them too long- b lining for Miguel’s office.
When you entered you could see him watching the screens- as always.
“Miguel!” you said with a smile.
His back was facing but you could see his head turn slightly as he glanced at you over his shoulder. In a moment- nearly every visible screen was cleared, a few still displayed the connections between timelines and whatnot- but most were just empty yellow screens.
“Y/n..” he responded, his voice quiet, tapping his claws against the desk. Lyla floated near his shoulder, only for her tiny form to disappear when she turned to you.
You step forward with caution.
“Miguel, are you okay?” you asked, placing a gental hand on his back, sliding it up towards his shoulder in an attempt at reassurance.
A moment passed- very still, and very quiet. You stood there with him for a moment.
After a few seconds, he broke the growing silence.
“I..have something for you.”
His voice was still quiet, his claws ever so slightly digging into his desk as your hand slid from his shoulder to the center of his back- you could feel his heart pounding against your hand, unwavering, but far to quick.
He finally turned to you, his face warm with a red blush- just as quickly as he turned to you, he looked away.
“It's not here..” he muttered, clearing his throat a bit before continuing, “…you can have it later.”
That was all he said about it- at least for the moment. You continued on like any other day- rambling Miguel’s ear off, telling him stories, joking, and flirting as you always did.
It wasn’t until night fell, when HQ was practically empty, that he brought it up again. You’d hardly noticed the how late it was until LYLA abruptly- and rather aggressively, reminded Miguel of his gift.
Miguel, as though a switch had been flipped, reverted back to the unusual flustered state he was in earlier. Despite the change, he thanked LYLA with a glare. Signaling for you to follow him, and you did. The walk from Miguel’s office felt oddly long- and for a moment you felt as though you were walking in circles, but eventually you made it to an exit high enough for the two of your to swing from.
Swinging through Miguel’s universe was always an exhilarating experience- though you’ve only done it a couple of times- you always notice something new about his universe. Not only was it an entirely different universe than yours, but it was decades in the future as well, making it infinitely more interesting.
You didn’t know where you were going, you followed closely behind Miguel, matching every one of his swings with your own until you landed on the high balcony of a large apartment building.
“This is my home..” he said, sliding the balcony door open and stepping inside.
You followed with a bit of hesitation, glancing back at the night sky behind you before entering.
For a reason you couldn’t explain, you didn’t expect his house to be…nice. You knew he had practically thrown his entire soul into being Spider-Man, so seeing that his house was not only fully furnished- but nicely decorated as well was a bit of a surprise.
You wandered through his apartment, hardly even realizing he was gone- nearly fascinated with all the little things he had around.
You didn’t realize he wasn’t with you anymore until you looked away from a rather confusing painting hanging on the wall, trying to ask him what the actual hell it was, only to realize that you were alone.
“Miguel..?” You called.
The lights in the house were dimmed, something you admired about the house, you figured Miguel had the heightened senses that all the other Spider-People, including yourself, had. Making your way through the house, calling out the Miguel every so often, checking each and every room until you found him.
He was again facing away from you, his suit was gone, replaced only by a pair of grey pants that hung dangerously low on his waist.
Just like before, in HQ, you took a few steps forward, placing your hand on his lower back, feeling just how hot his bare skin was beneath your fingers. Before you could ask if he was alright he turned to you, your hand sliding across his skin as he did, resting now on his waist- an action that was only furthered the deep fluster that Miguel felt.
“Y/n, I-“ he started, his eyes looking everywhere but into yours as he tried to find the right words. “I have a gift for you- I just don’t know if you want it.”
And as he moved closer into your space, his breathing ragged, cheeks red, and body hardly clothed -inching closer to yours, you finally got it.
Miguel seemingly took your realization as the green light to go ahead, pressing his body against yours, his hands finding the mask you barely registered wearing and pulling it off, you have no idea where it ended up after because the moment it was gone Miguel’s lips were against yours and the heat from his body was quickly spreading to yours.
One sweet kiss quickly turned to heavy panting, and messy, almost biting kisses- you've never been so aware of his fangs until they caught onto your bottom lip. His hands found their way into your suit resting at your sides as Miguel tried to think of something the do with them. To him you had it all worked out, one hand on his waist while the other stroked his cock through his pants- his mind clouded as his arousal grew- letting out a long whine against your lips.
Leading the man backwards onto the perfectly made bed behind him, laying him on his back, taking a moment to enjoy his mildly disheveled form and the growing tent in his pants.
Loud whimpers and whines filled the room as you continued to prod at Miguel's body, running your hands over his massive pecs, letting the muscles rest in your hand before giving his nipple a tight pinch, making his entire body shudder beneath you. Running your hand down his stomach until you were low enough to hook your fingers in the waistband of his pants- yanking them down with one hard pull.
Exposed and leaking pre-cum from the tip of his cock, Miguel tried to squeeze his legs together in a desperate attempt at modesty. It didn't last long, placing one hand on each thigh, forcing them farther apart than they had been before.
Leaning down, using your arm to support yourself as you whispered in his ear,
“Be a good boy and sit still for me, Miguel.”
He let out a short noise, you took it as a ‘okay’.
He didn't move, letting his leg lay wide open- giving you more than enough space to prep the man.
And despite the fact that he looked so beautiful beneath you, fully submitting to your every will, you were still going to tease him- at least a little bit.
Moving to his thighs, pressing your lips against them, leaving marks and bruises as you worked from one thigh to the next, watching him struggle to keep his hips from bucking up against you- trying so hard to follow orders. Then, as a way to test the waters, your kisses turned to bites. You didn't bite him particularly hard, it was hardly enough to hurt. He gasped hard, his body shook, and you could physically see him resist the urge to snap his legs shut, thighs straining as he forced them to start open.
“You like that? Do you like it when I bite you”
He opened his mouth to respond- but all that came out was a strangled whine- he nodded rapidly.
You kept going, biting his thighs, his chest, all the way up to his neck, all while ignoring his cock. Glancing down you watched as pre-cum beaded at the tip before sliding down his shaft.
When you looked back up at Miguel, he was looking at you, deep red eyes pleading with you as he whined out a small, “please.”
And for a moment you did consider giving him whatever he wanted, he was being perfectly obedient and he was such a beautiful gift. But then again it was your gift- and you could do whatever you wanted with your gift.
Wrapping your hand around his cock, a sigh escaping from him, you stroked his cock ever so gently. Up and down, watching him revel in the stimulation. But as more time passed his contempt turned to desperation as you kept the slow, teasing pace, never speeding up despite his begging and pleading and the tremor in his hips and his hands clawing at the bed in frustration.
“What's wrong, honey?” You asked.
He glared up at you, but his voice didn't match the harsh look he gave you, “Faster, please-” he groaned through gritted teeth.
You seemingly ignored him, still stroking him at the same slow pace.
His frustration grew, even as his orgasm grew closer and closer. Looking up at you with full intent on giving you the harshest, meanest glare he could muster, but the moment his eyes met yours you seemed to finally acknowledge his words from before. Without a moment's warning you sped up- and while he moaned and screamed and spasmed beneath you, you still kept the near-neutral face you had when you'd set the slow, deliberate pace from before.
“I-I’m so close, y/n- pleasepleaseplease-”
His breathing became ragged and his claws dug into the mattress and a stream of thanks and praises left him, then finally-
Your hands were off his body and a short laugh left you as he whined in disapproval. Coming down from his impending high- all that build up for nothing- leaving him far more frustrated and far more desperate.
And he begged, loud and shameless, pleading with you, asking you wky you had stopped, grinding his cock against the open air in a desperate attempt at friction.
Then, as though you had never stopped, you started again, starting at the brutally fast pace as before.
Panting and trying his hardest to convince you to let him cum this time. His words jumbled into a frenzied mess of noise.
He tried to hide when he was close. It had snuck up on him so fast and he hoped he could he could fool you into letting him finish.
But you stopped again- like you were fucking psychic- like you had and 7th sense telling you when he was close. Miguel growled out various swears but didn't try to convince you again, he knew you'd draw this out for as long as you could.
You did it two more times, getting him so close to the edge, then stopping just seconds before he could cum. It was torture, his body was overly sensitive, he felt as though every touch had been amplified by a thousand. Tears streamed down his face as you edged him for what felt like the hundredth time.
He could feel himself getting closer- again. He prepared himself for disappointment- for you to stop and laugh, and coo at him as he came down. But you didn't stop, you sped up, you hand squeezing around his cock. Broken gasps and moan falling from his lips as waves of overly intense pleasure washed over him. His body spawned and shuddered as he came- his hips bucking wildly into your hand as cum shot out from his cock- making a mess of hiss stomach and your hand.
Everything felt so intense, your hand, now unmoving felt overwhelming, and even the dimmed lights of the room felt too bright as he came down.
He didn't speak, he didn't know if he could. His brain fogged and his body was burning hot.
You let him calm down, letting his mind clear at least a little bit- you didn't mind just sitting and admiring him for a moment. He looked so pretty, covered in cum, sweat, and tears, trying to keep his grip on reality and consciousness.
“Y/n-” he whined, his eyelids hanging dangerously low.
“C'mon Miguel, we're not done yet.”
His eyes widened, looking up at you as you finally began taking off your suit. Seeing the massive tent in your pants he couldn't help but get excited. He soon found that massive might have been an understatement when you finally got rid of your pants. He breath hitched in his throat when he saw your cock- and for a moment, he worried about pain- about you having to make yourself fit inside him.
In a moment of clarity mixed with an unprecedented amount of lust- he realized that he wanted that- all the worry he felt about being in pain dissipating and exhilaration taking it's place. He wanted you to make it hurt, and he wanted to be forced to stretch around you, he wanted to be full of you- and even though he felt like his skin was burning with how sensitive he was, he couldn't wait for more.
You prodded his lips with two fingers- you didn't even need to tell him what to do before he opened his mouth, sucking your fingers in and lapping at them with his tongue, tasting himself on your fingers.
“Open.” you said, and he did, letting go of your fingers and looking up at you for more orders.
Lifting his thick thigh up onto your shoulder to give you more access to his hole. Looking back at him, his mouth hanging open as he panted, and whined.
Circling his hole with your fingers, watching him tense up before relaxing a second later.
“You ready?” you asked calmly.
Her barely gotten his response out before you shoved both of you fingers into his hole, pressing in- knuckle deep. Miguel gasped at the slight stretch, but he quickly grew used to it.
Pulling out to just the tip of your fingers then slamming back in, his legs twitched. You spread your fingers apart inside him, he hissed, grinding his hips down against your hand.
You fingered him hastily- it was almost funny how quickly he was coming apart just from two fingers. He whined and moaned out your name, loud enough that you just knew his neighbors could hear him.
Then, just like before, you stopped suddenly- and he didn't think he could do this again, he couldn't go through another hour of relentless teasing-
“I think that's enough, don't you?” you asked, smirking.
He looked up at you, confused.
It took him a moment to get it- but once he saw you lining up your cock with his hole it clicked into place.
“Yes- yes, please- ah- fuck- I need you to-“ He begged, his words broken by moans but you understood him clearly.
Pressing the tip of your cock into his hole, feeling it squeeze around you.
“Fuck-“ he panted, “-fuck me, please- please, Y/n, I-“
You didn’t need to be told twice, thrusting your entire length in one swift motion. His walls tightened around you and you savored the intense pleasure that it brought. His head had fallen back against the bed, eyes screwed shut and and mouth hanging open as a long moan emitted from his throat.
His cock spurred out cum, dribbling down his cock and pooling at his stomach, and still, having just cum again and being stuffed full, he tried to grind against you.
“Miguel-“ you breathed out.
He only whined in response.
You pulled out until only about half your cock rested inside of him before slamming back in. He sobbed as a new wave of tears streamed down his face. You felt so good but it was overwhelming, stinging and burning him from the inside out.
With one hand on his waist and the other on his thigh, you have a few more teasing thrust before setting bruising pace.
Poor Miguel felt like he was breaking, mentally and physically as you slammed into him again and again, hitting his prostate with every thrust. His thoughts were a mess and any possibility of him stringing together a coherent thought was long gone.
Clawing at the bed beneath him, tearing holes in both the sheets and the mattress with his claws, something that he’d be deeply embarrassed by later.
“More-“ he moaned- and you obliged.
His arms wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you down to him, pressing his lips against yours for a moment then burying his face in your neck, he clawed out your back, his claws retracted but his nail still drawing blood. His fangs extremely close to your neck as he panted.
His cock was pressed between both your stomachs, constantly being stimulated as you thrusted into him.
It’s didn’t take long for him to cum again, cum dripping slowly out of his cock- his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He bit down on your shoulder without warning, not to hunt you, or even to silence the onslaught of practically screaming moans coming from him, but to brace himself as a pain filled orgasm washed over him, his nerves screaming with pain at the overwhelming amount of stimulation.
Pressing both hands on your chest, his voice horse, straining as he tried to get out a single sentence.
“Y/n please- I can’t- please slow down-“
And you could here him loud and clear- and you understood, you could hear the pain underlying his tone. But you didn’t stop- instead, you sped up, chasing your release as fast as you physically could. And yes, you were putting him in more pain, but it was faster- and it would be over sooner.
It didn’t take long, between him clawing at you, moaning the way that he does, and his body, tight and quivering around you, you didn’t stand a chance.
You pulled out slowly, watching your own cum flow out of his abused hole.
Looking up a him you could see relief wash over him- he finally relaxed. Going limp against the bed. You brushed a few stray stands of hair out of his face, he hummed in content, letting his heart finally rest at a steady pace.
“You okay?”
“You want some water?”
By the time you navigated to the kitchen and back he was asleep.
He figured you’d be gone when he woke up- he was beyond exhausted and wouldn’t be good company if he was asleep, and you had your own universe to get back to.
He woke up sometime in the after noon, rolling over in his bed, feeling throughly sore. Opening his eyes he saw you looking down at him. You were sitting up against the headboard, having borrowed some of his clothes, phone in hand.
He could see the sun shining dimly through the window.
“You missed your meeting.” You said, moving one hand to run through his hair.
“I figured.” His throat hurt and his voice was a bit horse, but he should have expected that, “what time is it?”
“About 6:30 pm.”
He groaned into his pillow, but didn’t say anything else for a long moment. A few minute passed and he considered drifting back to sleep, instead, he asked,
“Why are you still here?”
You stopped whatever you were doing on you phone, but didn’t look away from it.
“You want me to leave?”
“No- no, I’m just surprised that you stayed.”
You laughed, dropping you phone against you chest, staring down at him.
“Miguel I’ve literally been trying to fuck you since I joined the Spider-Society, do you really think I’m just going to leave after- I’m emotionally invested now.”
“So-“ he groaned as he forced himself to sit up, “what I’m hearing is that you like me.”
You adjusted yourself in the bed.
“Yeah just- don’t say it like that it makes us sound like middle schoolers.”
“Whatever you say..”
(please tell me of y'all see some mistakes I did NOT re-read this lol)
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pad-wubbo · 1 month
All AAI2 official English character and case names rated based on whether I think they're better or worse than the fan translation equivalents:
Di-Jun Huang > Di-Jun Wang - It's the same.
Horace Knightley > Bronco Knight - Worse.
Ethan Rooke > Bastian Rook - Worse.
Nicole Swift > Tabby Lloyd - Much better.
Raymond Shields > Eddie Fender - Slightly worse.
Jay Elbird > Rocco Carcerato - Much better.
Simon Keyes > Simeon Saint - Slightly worse.
Sebastian Debeste > Eustace Winner - Sounds worse, fits better.
Justine Courtney > Verity Gavèlle - Much better.
Sirhan Dogen > Bodhidharma Kanis - Much better.
Patricia Roland > Fifi Laguarde - Much better, they've already done "patrol" twice.
Jeff Master > Samson Tangaroa - More unique, less punny. Not sure.
Katherine Hall > Judy Bound - Slightly worse because no food pun.
Isaac Dover > Artie Frost - References his nature as an artist, better.
Pierre Hoquet > Paul Halique - Same as Japanese name, no longer parrot.
Dane Gustavia > Carmelo Gusto - Worse, doesn't sound as awesome.
Delicia Scones > Delicia Scone - It's the same.
Karin Jenson > Florence Niedler - Much better. Florence Nightingale and needles.
Bonnie Young > Hilda Hertz - Better, because alliterative.
Jill Crane > Rosie Ringer - Better, alliterative. Different nursery rhyme.
Blaise Debeste > Excelsius Winner - The absolute Winner among these names. It's so pompous, contains "celsius" and "excel" and just sounds like he went to Oxford.
John Marsh > Shaun Fenn - It's the same. Shaun means John and fen means marsh.
Amy Marsh > Amelie Fenn - It's the same.
Dai-Long Lang > Da-Long Lang - It's the same.
Jack Cameron > Alf Aldown - Better, only because it's a Deid Mann tier awful name rather than a boring realistic name.
Turnabout Target > Turnabout Trigger - Better, sounds more like a presidential assassination attempt.
The Imprisoned Turnabout > The Captive Turnabout - Better, less long-winded.
The Inherited Turnabout > Turnabout Legacy - Better for same reason as above.
The Forgotten Turnabout > A Turnabout Forsaken - Sounds more pretentious, but probably better because less confusion with The Lost Turnabout, where Phoenix forgets.
The Grand Turnabout > Turnabout for the Ages - Worse, I think. It sounds cooler, but doesn't have any chess connotations. They should have called it "The Grandmaster's Turnabout" or "Turnabout Checkmate", I think.
Also, have updated case cards to help you get used to the new names.
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Some extra things:
* iFly Airlines in AAI1 has been reverted to its Japanese name of "GoYou". This was probably done because iFly is the name of a real Russian airline with global sanctions against it since 2022.
* As a result, Hugo Ifly is now Ugo Hughes and the tanuki called Mr. Ifly is now Captain Ugo.
* Moozilla is now Taurusaurus, which I think is a better name.
* The Grand Tower is now the Bigg Building, suggesting that Big is not merely its size, but a Mr. Bigg is its proprietor.
* The Zodiac Hall galleries are now referred to as seasonal "Wings" rather than "Palaces". Makes more sense.
* Edgeworth Law Offices is now referred to as Edgeworth and Co. Law Offices, the Co. being Eddie Fender (aka Ray Shields). Again, makes more sense.
* Rocky the bear is now Teddy, since his owner is now already Rocco as a Rocky reference.
* Anubis the hunting dog is now Helmut, a lame pun on "hell mutt".
* Astique the elephant is now Azea, like an "Asian" elephant.
* Ally the alligator is still the same. Regina Berry is not very good at naming animals.
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