#maybe advocate for this instead bc this seems to work
aloeverawrites · 2 years
A transphobic talking point is that allowing trans women into women's spaces will make women unsafe.
Science shows that this isn't true, and common sense shows that putting trans women in men's rooms and trans men in women's rooms makes no sense if you don't want men in the women's bathrooms.
We need to follow the science to see what actually makes women safer in public. The short answer? More female arcitects.
So what needs to happen? Yes, streets need better lighting, but not just on main routes: veer off onto a side road and they’re usually dimly lit. That means women avoid them, which in turn leads to those streets appearing even more inhospitable and more people avoiding them.
Claustrophobic, enclosed designs need to be eradicated: bus stops should be clear glass with two entrances and lifts, where possible, should be on the external façade of buildings, and also be transparent. Where stairwells are required, they need to be wide, as do pavements, thereby creating a greater sense of space.
Unwelcoming underpasses need to be revitalised: in Tokyo’s Ikebukuro district, an area infamous for sexual harassment, a subway near the train station nicknamed the ‘pee tunnel’ was transformed into an urban art gallery so footfall increased.
Measures to increase people numbers such as these would contribute to boosting ‘natural surveillance’ or ‘eyes on the street’, as the renowned US urban activist Jane Jacobs has pointed out, where people are safer because their visibility to other members of the public is increased. As Jacobs wrote back in 1961: ‘The first thing to understand is that the public peace of cities is not kept primarily by the police, as necessary as police are.  Horrifying public crimes can, and do, occur in well-lighted subway stations when no effective eyes are present. They virtually never occur in darkened theaters where many people and eyes are present.’
A busy street – or ‘active sidewalk ballet’ as Jacobs puts it – is the best form of security.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Emily's shoulder Charlie: "There is still good in Sera. Her intentions have been horridly corrupted, but they once came from a desire to protect and preserve. We can help her see the truth and return to goodness!"
Emily's shoulder Vaggie: "PUNCH HER IN HER STUCK-UP ANGEL FACE!"
XD chaggie down in hell having a rest after the drama, meanwhile EMILY-
Emily: "I'm not sure the face punching idea would even work. Sera's too tall..."
Shoulder Vaggie: "Trust me, she's sunk low enough for you to reach."
Shoulder Charlie: "Which MEANS she's ALSO in the perfect position for HUGS!!!"
Emily: "I don't even know how to throw a punch."
Shoulder Charlie: "And that's fine!!"
Shoulder Vaggie: "No problem. Just think about that that time you found out souls were being permanently wiped from existence once a year in the name of protecting heaven bc Sera was scared people might not actually like being damned and tortured for all eternity and figured just letting Adam murder them was the best way to keep sinners away from the pearly gates. Not that you needed to know any of that, though. It was fine if you sat happily up on your cloud, far above the mountain of dead bodies piled up to keep it safe."
Shoulder Charlie: "....We could punch her a little, maybe."
Emily: "Charlie!"
Shoulder Charlie: "I'm sorry! You think Vaggie's making a REALY good point, is the thing!"
Emily: "Why do my hands suddenly hurt-?"
Shoulder Vaggie: "It's called clenching your fists. You're making a fist with your hands for the first time ever. Good job. Don't tuck your thumb though."
Emily: (untucks thumb) "I still can't just punch Sera. It wouldn't make anything better!"
Shoulder Charlie: "We could call it a, uh, direct demonstration of our opinions on the matter. Or a lived example of why violence is bad!"
Emily: "You're not supposed to be arguing for punching!"
Shoulder Charlie: "I said I'm sorry! But the only time you met me, the real me, I spent the end of the day burning with rage and yelling at people about it! And it's my girlfriend you've got advocating for the face punching- I can't help that you think I'd be kinda down for it!!"
Shoulder Vaggie: "The whole dating me thing is a pretty big clue she's at least not turn off by violence, if it's for helping people instead of, y'know. Murder."
Emily: "Vaggie- help me. The real you was more quiet and cautious-"
Shoulder Vaggie: "Probably because of the blackmail."
Emily: "-you, you tried telling Charlie to keep a cool head! Tell me that too!"
Shoulder Vaggie: "Remember that thing where it turns out real me used to be an exorcist, used to do that murder stuff? And got left behind in hell? Probably for the whole not liking the murder thing?"
Emily: "I was trying not to remember that..."
Shoulder Vaggie: "You're not a princess of hell or a lowly ex-exorcist. You're a seraphim. You could punch Sera and get away with it."
Emily: "Ugh.."
Shoulder Charlie: "But only a LITTLE punch, okay? Gently. Gently punch."
Shoulder Vaggie: "That's not how it works babe but sweeet thought."
Emily: (SIGHS) (stops arguing internally with herself)
Sera: "....."
Sera: "Are you alright, Emily."
Emily: (despondent) "I'm fine, Sera."
Sera: "You seem a bit, droopy. I haven't even had proper glimpse of your face all day."
Emily: "Sorry. I just can't look at you right now."
Sera: (devastated) "...oh."
Sera: (rallying) "Well it will pass in time, I'm sure. Once you understand things better."
Emily: (hiding fists in skirts) (urge to punch) (RISING) "SuRE."
Emily: "..."
Emily: "Oh you know what? We haven't talked about Sir Pentious today!"
Sera: "Haven't we."
Emily: "We haven't, actually!" (smugly smooths out skirts) "He's settling in here nicely, isn't he? Isn't it wonderful having a new angel in heaven? Seeing him around, so amazed at everything- being so sweet and kind as he finds his way around after dying to protect his friends- Isn't it such an extra blessing, that he made it here aaaaallllll the way from hell? Aren't we lucky Charlie and Vaggie's hotel for reforming sinners is a thing? And is STILL a thing, even after Adam and Lute tried killing them all? On our orders? Which- thank heaven!- didn't work?"
Sera: (eye twitch) (eye twitch) "Indeed."
Emily: "I'm sure they'd be SO happy to see how well Sir Pentious is doing." (beaming) "We should invite them back sometime!"
Sera: (Glowering) "....."
Emily: "See I knew you'd agree Sera. You're overprotective- but that doesn't make you vindictive and petty, right? Right. You're not like Adam, may he rest in peace- Now, about setting something up to help the transition go more smoothly, the next time a sinner earns their place in heaven..."
-down in hell-
Vaggie: "You've got a great frown line going on, sweetie. What's up?"
Charlie: "Oh it's silly, but...
Charlie: "...Is Emily going to be okay up in heaven, do you think? After finding out about. Y'know."
Vaggie: "If she's anything like you? No."
Charlie: (whimpers) (frown x2)
Vaggie: "But if she's half as brilliant as you are, then she'll figure something out."
Charlie: "If she's so much like me, then she's also a Charlie without her Vaggie. That's not much of a Charlie."
Vaggie: "You did fine in Cannibal Town alone, babe."
Charlie: "Only AFTER thinking about you!"
Vaggie: "Well- uhh-" (tries not to smile) (smiles a lot) "Sir Pentious is up there? He counts for something."
Charlie & Vaggie: (stare up at heaven)
Charlie: "....think he's already blown up the pearly gates?"
Vaggie: "If his Egg Boiz haven't shown up there yet? Yeah. Probably."
-pearly gates-
Sera: "That is why we have Peter keeping WATCH on the gates! We do NOT detonate the gates of heaven with several tons of TNT- singeing Peter's wings in process!"
St. Peter: (coughs smoke) "Ow~"
Emily: "We could just leave the gates open-"
Sera: "NO!"
Emily: (leaning in to pentious) (whispering) "I'll leave the gates open an Egg Boi sized gap okay? Don't worry."
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timandlucy · 2 months
I got asked this question and loved it so much, I wanted to open it up to the group.
If you could choose 5 Chenford scenes to rewrite, which would you choose, and how would you rewrite them?
At first glance this seemed easy, but as I started to think about it more, I realized a lot of scenes I might want to rewrite bc maybe I disagree with something they do or say, are the scenes that largely contributed to their character growth in the end.
I would start with 5x20 ending scene, because the same way Tim always said to Lucy that she needs to listen to him if he sounds the alarm, that was her sort of sounding an alarm. She shared something vulnerable with him and in turn he didn't meet her halfway. If he'd opened up during that scene, and it was such a lovely set up, I think they would have avoided the whole fight in s6 (but I love that fight so would I really rewrite it? See my problem?)
One of the big ones and this is gonna get me banned from the fandom probably, I'd rewrite their getting together. Replace the ridiculous doppelganger storyline and instead have them come together in a more organic less forced way. I realize I'm alone in this, but I'm not the biggest fan of the whole early s5 storyline, leading us to think that if Tim and Lucy never found their doppelgangers, they would never have realized they love each other? Get outta here. This coming from the writers who said they didn't want chenford to get together because it would be unrealistic for a former t.o. and rookie to be in a relationship.... 😕
As much as I love Tim and Lucy working together and riding together, I think it would be sort of interesting to explore what would have happened post Jackson's death and the events at the almost wedding and at Tim's place if Lucy didn't become Tim's gofer. I think Lucy was too afraid to lose Tim bc he'd become too important to her, and he figured this was her drawing professional boundaries after they almost kissed in his living room, but what if that hadn't happened.
This isn't really a scene I'd rewrite, but more like add in, I will forever advocate for the necessary presence of Tim in 4x17. He should have been there. He would have been there.
And of course, I'd rewrite their breakup, if they had to do it, I would have wanted it done in a way that was kinder to Lucy, because yes Tim is in a dark place, yes Tim is struggling a lot, but the lack of respect he showed by not even allowing her to say anything... It just still doesn't sit well with me. Especially how he pretended everything was cool in the days after. I realize people do ooc things when they're going through something, but in that case I would have needed to see him seriously spiral, not like he was back to work like everything was dandy.
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medusacomplex · 1 year
very generic space au notes (or brainstorming really, this is super open to changing and i might decide on a totally different route if i think one up bc i don't think i'm sold on this entirely lol):
nancy was fascinated by the stars from a young age, but terrified –  when it came to her interests, though she held this loose awe-struck desire to investigate the unknown, she found it often too large and too abstract to feel at ease with. she opted instead for the natural world, predators of any sort, sharks and bears and humans alike. a great many things she could touch and see and feel. for that outside of her world, she harbored a reverence, disguised at times as a disinterest.
i think on the opposite side of things, mike was probably more of the space-inclined type between the two of them – verse dependent regarding whether space travel is new or well-established within society, but i think whenever it's developed the party is ecstatic and talk about it nonstop. nancy sort of plays the cool older sister rolling her eyes at the whole thing role.
typical e.t. fashion, jane is an alien i think in this situation –  not from this neck o' the woods. she lands, makes a whole fuss, if space travel is normal then perhaps it's because she's from a planet which is hostile towards earth or vice versa and therefore, whatever the reason, the us govt is trying to track them down.
in terms of barb ... i think getting caught up in a govt vs. aliens sort of deal ... nancy thinks it's likely she's still alive, because will was abducted, and they all seem to believe they can get to him and get him back, but eventually nancy finds barb wasn't that lucky, really. she was killed by govt agents searching for jane, a casualty in the process. in the aftermath, they cover up the death, and only nancy advocates for the truth –  govt agents are determined to keep the cover that barb was a victim of alien abduction, a way of antagonizing their enemy and shrugging off the blame.
while teamed up with jonathan prior to the resolution of everything, i think she and him find some kind of ship or something. it's probably mechanically fucked and needs salvaging, so they start working on it (calling a little on the ingenuity they started to promise us in s1 with jancy because i loved so much the idea of them building those traps, and i think in theory it kind of works that they might be building something more than that). jon thinks it's a little silly maybe, but at the time nancy is dedicated to getting it working because it would mean she's a step closer to finding barb. when all is said and done i think she continues working on it because she is so horrified and alone by the fact that barb is gone, that everyone's pretending it was something it wasn't, that no one seems to care.
once the ship is done, once she's graduated from school, once she's generally able to leave hawkins – she ventures out! and i think ends up in space, with an interest in chronicling her time out there and seeking a sense of closure for barb that she wasn't able to get. she focuses on govt corruption and is a strong advocate in exposing the less-than-savory ways in which earth handles intergalactic politics.
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rruffian · 5 months
poor things
endless bitching under cut
feeling pissy about the movie and the polarized reactions to it, because the movie adds up to none of what it's being criticized or praised for. it's not effective as satire OR feminist commentary OR a story of self-discovery, but neither is it an apologia for Born Sexy Yesterday with a horrifying subtext and chilling implications. no more than Titane condones first degree murder or Hannibal advocates cannibalism or Stoker promotes eating shitincest oh god I can’t believe I just typed this stupid sentence, why does this need pointing out.
speaking of, I got through the eye stabbing okay! maybe this means I can try Titane again.
re self-actualization via sex, agency, theory and class consciousness — these should have been distinct chapters, or they should have been interwoven better, or YL could have just stuck with sex as the main vehicle with the other three as counterpoint (especially since the movie is already 3/4 of the way there). chapter 1: children are sometimes sexually active, it’s pretty weird but it’s a thing. chapter 2: when faced with the prospect of arranged marriage with your babysitter, embark instead on a very primal educational sexcapade with a competent douchebag who clearly states his intentions and limitations. chapter 3: sex is not all there is to life in the long term. see also: reading. chapter 4: a grounded take on sex work, poverty and reproductive rights seems out of place here so maybe some utopian brothel revolution scenario where with Bella’s encouragement the patrons discover that consent is sexy, kink morally neutral and highly varied, and pleasure infinite. 5. return home, confidently smirk when called a whore, make the inexplicable choice to marry babysitter after all. maybe he could instead help her overpower the sadistic brute hellbent on genital mutilation? (who btw is her brain’s bio father and her borrowed body’s husband). and then she settles down with her parisian socialist lesbian prostitute lover and former babysitter is her lab assistant. with now-lobotomized brute as their gimp. would’ve loved to see this movie get nominated for 11 academy awards.
Bella’s relationship with sleazebag lawyer is dynamic and well-articulated, and what goes on between her and Godwin is shapeless and aimless in comparison.
almost holds up as a fantasy of autism as radical freedom, where she can keep trotting along, curious, unabashed and undeterred by multiple controlling men simply by virtue of being oblivious to the limits they are trying to set. some of her characterization is inconsistent with this angle, though, and her bluntness mostly reads as disinhibition that she grows out of. she also sheds her speech quirks and unsteady gait, and generally doesn’t look nearly as weird as a Weird Girl should. because of pandering cowards *shakes fist*
bit of a Miyazaki third act thing happening where the fully empowered heroine handles sick dragon/wizard/father figure, transforms menacing witch/spirit/father into demented old lady/his original timid self/goat-man and there is a crabby house servant and devoted sidekicks and also I find her taste in men questionable.
Holly Waddington 🤝 Kate Hawley in that sleeves should be as puffy as structurally possible.
Jerrod Carmichael got saddled with the clunkiest lines imaginable; the actress playing his lady companion is great.
in perhaps the biggest failure of them all, the incredible production design doesn’t quite resonate with any of the themes or evoke a sense of wonder.
the shift from b&w to color is supposed to signify her venturing out of the confines of her childhood home and into the big wonderful world but it doesn't feel that way bc the camera never assumed her POV in b&w in the first place and won't assume it in color either. instead we get the fisheye lens at random times. is it supposed to be like a sardonic Lanthimos thing where he beholds his characters from his voyeur/god POV going, "haha look at these absurd little humans with their foibles and follies and base animal instincts"? i suppose it is only happening when characters are boxed into rooms.
even though this isn’t quite a sex odyssey, the camera should have stayed as attuned to her sensual experience as it had been in the b&w chapter.
going in I thought the premise was haunting and interestingly abstracted from the conventional poignancy of survival, resilience, second chances and what have you. I wondered if having Victoria’s choice overridden in the spirit of scientific inquiry and curiosity would lend the movie a sort of brutally affirming tone, but ultimately she’s too opaque and inconsequential for that. and in no way does Bella narrativize her origin or emote about it, either, she just sees potential for practical application. very dispassionate of YL, very on brand.
The Favorite was genuinely amusing!! this isn’t -_-
all of the above notwithstanding, Emma Stone is impossible to tear eyes away from, though I’m still not convinced that warrants an academy award.
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
Misunderstandings - Anakin x fem Reader (angst +fluff)
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Thank you for the request @artiza-n ! 💕
Wc: 6.4k
Summary: Anakin and reader get sent to Naboo to guard Padme and Clovis during a debate and some misunderstandings ensue. Mostly jealous angst, some fluff at the end— happy ending bc we all need that right now.
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Gif from @swprequels​
“I still don’t understand why they need both of us,” you grumble, rubbing sleep out of your eyes as you walk out of the cruiser. The day is hot on Naboo, but grey and cloudy with a promise of rain later. The humidity makes your skin sticky, worsening your irritation.
“Think of it as a vacation,” Anakin pulls the luggage from the transport cubby, setting it on the ground beside him. “You watch over Clovis, and I’ll handle Padme. It should be a breeze.”
“Exactly. Which is why I don’t understand why they need both of us.”
You had just gotten back from a long and grueling siege on Pontoon, another one of those vast, endless desert planets in the Outer Rims. You’d really much rather be sitting in front of an air cooler right now, resting your tired bones and trying to forget the taste of sand.
“These are two very important Senators, Y/n,” Anakin waved off your attempt to help him with the luggage. “If anything happens to them at this debate, the Senate will lose important advocates for peace and the end of this war.”
You knew this, of course you did. Not that you’d completely agree with his statement-- Clovis always seemed a little shady to you, his morals seemingly scattered all over the place. You guessed that’s why the Council sent you, a simple marksman, to guard Clovis while the beloved freedom-fighter Padme Amidala got the most powerful Jedi to ever exist. 
“Besides,” said Jedi nudged you, lips curling into a teasing smile. “Don’t you want to spend time with me?”
Of course you do. Between the war and separate guild or Council missions you’d both been sent on, neither of you had time to even breathe in the others’ direction for months. The only reason the Council was able to wrangle you onto this cruiser was because Anakin was going to be there. Not that you’d even be able to spend much time with him during the day, although you were aware that you’d be sharing a room in between the Senators you’d be protecting at night…
You and Anakin meet the Senators at the hull of the ship. They walk down the ramp side by side, heads held high and hands clasped in front of them. Their movements are smooth, like they’re gliding on water, and the heat doesn’t seem to bother either of them.
“Master Skywalker. Y/n. Thank you so much for being here, it is so courageous of the both of you to be looking out for us,” Padme stands before you, beautiful as ever in one of her many extravagant, expensive gowns. The headpiece woven through her hair sparkles in the midday light, the warmth of her eyes capturing the rays of the brilliant sun. “However, I must say that I hope your services are not needed. I’d much rather this debate go by smoothly than have any dangerous interruptions.”
“I can assure you, we’ll take care of any problems before they arrive. Leave the dirty work up to us,” Anakin returns her smile, charming as ever. 
Anakin shoots you a glance and then follows her away, carrying multiple bags of luggage in each arm as Padme shows him where to put it. For such a small woman, she seemed to pack heavy. Unfortunately, this leaves you and Clovis to stand alone together, an awkward stillness settling before you.
“Um, Anakin has your luggage,” you yawn into your arm, gesturing to his receding form with the other. “I’m Y/n, and I’ll be your bodyguard for this debate.”
“You?” Clovis doesn’t smile, instead he scans you up and down with hawkish eyes. “You’re such a small thing. What could you possibly be able to do to protect me?”
It’s not said unkindly, but it still irks you. Your eyes narrow and you bite back a nasty retaliation for the sake of diplomacy. “You’ll find I’m pretty good with a blaster. The best, actually, according to the Jedi Council. That’s why they have me work with the Generals in the war.”
“Are you a General yourself?” Clovis begins to walk, heading toward the senate building. You follow at his side.
“Not exactly. They offered me the title, but I declined. I’m more of a freelancer, and once the war ends, I’ll go back to taking odd jobs. Besides, there’s no use in having an army if I don’t know what to do with it.”
“Humble. That’s admirable,” Clovis’s mouth tilts into something of a smile. “I, myself, could never turn down an army. Or the status, for that matter. You could be holding a lot of power if you pushed your way with the Jedi Council, you know.”
“My way?” you questioned. “I just told you, I don’t have a way--”
“And that’s your flaw,” he mused, chin still pointed up, never quite looking at you. “How curious-- your Jedi counterpart seems to have stolen all the ambition.” 
You roll your eyes. You never had a thirst for power, or status, or influence, or any of that. Your power came from behind a blaster, when your focus was trained on a single target and your finger was glued to the trigger. One simple twitch of a muscle, and you could end a life from miles away. That was your power, and it was all you needed.
He is right about Anakin, you have to admit. He was always looking to be better, not just for himself, but for the good of others. You love that about it, in fact it’s one of your favorite qualities about him. Sometimes, though, you wished he could see that he didn’t have to try so hard all the time to believe he was enough.
The blast of cold air that hits you as you enter the senate building wrenches you out of your thoughts. It whisks away the perspiration that had built up on your skin, cooling your body and calming your mood almost magically. The sounds of your collective footsteps tap along the glossy marble floor, echoing throughout the empty chamber.
“Aren’t you going to ask what we’re doing here?” Clovis leans against his podium, marked with a nametag spelling his name. Next to him is your seat, and on Clovis’s other side is Padme, followed by Anakin on the end. A cold dread fills your veins, just now realizing how boring tonight’s debate is going to be.
You sigh inwardly, tracing the engravings of your nametag with the tip of your finger. “My job isn’t to ask questions, it’s to observe.” 
“Well, observe away,” he pushes himself off the podium. “Although I don’t think it will be very entertaining.”
He’s right. You sit in your seat, legs crossed on top of your podium as you inspect your nails. It’s been three hours since you’ve arrived, the sun is setting, and all Clovis has done is stroll around the debate room, muttering to himself and pondering through his position. You’re bored out of your mind. Pulling out your holocom, you wonder if Anakin’s situation is any better.
“Y/n?” he picks up a long moment after you send the call, and his face projects blue before you. It’s loud where he is, and his eyes are looking at something else.
“Where are you?” you question. He sounds like he’s a party, but you know that can’t be true. “Where’s Padme?”
“She’s with me,” Anakin tilts his head, signalling that she’s sitting in front of him. “We’re at a restaurant getting dinner. I was just going to ask-- did you and Clovis go somewhere to eat yet?”
You drop your legs from the podium and lean in close to the com, speaking quiet so Clovis can’t hear. “No, he’s barely said a word to me since we got here. He’s been walking around the debate room all afternoon, just talking to himself.”
“You think he’s nervous for tonight?”
“Maybe,” you spare a glance at him. He’s staring at the domed ceiling, as if he’s counting the pillars coming out of it. “Or maybe he’s just psycho.”
“Oh, Clovis knows what he’s doing,” a femine voice interjects. Anakin’s eyes shoot forward again, immediately smiling as Padme speaks. “His pre-debate ritual is long and gruelling-- I should have warned you. He’s simply getting into his headspace, that’s all.”
“How long does it usually take?” you mumble.
“It shouldn’t be much longer. Make sure he eats beforehand, otherwise he’ll be crabby during the debate. And trust me, you don’t want to have to handle a crabby Clovis.”
Both Padme and Anakin laugh at this, and you force yourself to smile along. “Yeah, I’ll go see what he’s up to now.”
“Good,” Anakin says, momentarily drowned out by an uproar of cheers behind him. “We should get going, too. Padme needs to get dressed for the debate. See you soon.”
Anakin ends the call, and you’re left wondering how exactly the topic of dressing Padme came up. 
Shoving down your irritation and self-pity, you pocket your com and stand from your seat. Clovis’s head whips toward you like you had pulled a blaster on him.
“It’s getting late,” you stretch your arms over your head, working out the kinks and aches from sitting so long. “I was wondering if you were hungry at all.”
“I can’t eat before a debate,” Clovis looks almost angry for a second, and then he glances down at his watch. His expression smooths into one of urgency. “Ah, we should head to the apartments. It’s time to get ready.”
The night is still warm, and the sidewalk drips with a rainstorm that you missed while you were in the senate building. The fresh air is nice, though, and you breathe in the smell of sweet flowers and savory restaurant food. The grumble in your stomach is hard to ignore, but you know you’ll manage.
Clovis leads you all the way to his suite, the temporary apartment that sits in conjunction with yours and Anakin’s, and Padme’s on the other side. Staying in this apartment complex made more sense rather than finding separate housing units, as keeping everyone together would aid in ensuring their safety.
Padme’s mansion would have been a nice stay, you think, but these apartment sweets are also quite luxurious. You walk into the master bedroom to find a formal, dark blue gown laid out for you on the bed. Next to it is a rumpled space where you assume Anakin’s suit had been, but instead there’s a note and a box.
Padme wanted to get to the senate building early, so we’re probably going to just miss you. Too bad, I won’t get to help you into this sexy blue dress. Maybe I can help you out of it later.
You laugh softly, smoothing your thumb over the inked-on smiley face before finishing the note.
I’m not sure if you had time to get anything to eat, so I got you something while we were out. See you soon.
You don’t need an “I love you” scrawled into the paper in order to know he wanted to add it. That would have been too risky, and there was no way you’d be able to make an excuse if anyone were to find it. Still, you rip up the note and throw it in the trash before opening the box underneath. Your nose is instantly filled with the smell of food, still warm, and you sit next to the blue dress, digging in unceremoniously.
You scarf down as much of the food as you can and then store the rest in the fridge before getting to work on making yourself presentable. You have to look put together, yet not so much that you stand out. You slip a couple of silver clasps into your hair and do your makeup, opting for a bold lip color because you don’t have much time to do anything fancy with your eyes. You’re running short on time-- you know this because of the knock on your door, and then the irritated sound of Clovis:
“Y/n, we have to leave now or we’re going to be late. You know how bad it would be to arrive late to this event?”
You stand in front of the mirror, desperately reaching behind you to grasp at the zipper of your dress. It would be so much easier if Anakin was here to reach it for you, but you make due and quickly pull it up. The dress is form-fitting and flows down into a puddle around your feet. A bit long, as you opted not to wear heels in case something went awry, so you bunch the skirt up in your fists and jog to the door.
“My apologies,” you open the door to find Clovis, now dressed in a pristine black and white suit with his hair gelled back. “I was making sure I had my equipment all in order.”
Clovis ignores your excuse, eyes instantly moving to take in your figure. You could swear they blow open wide for a fraction of a second before he composes himself, clearing his throat and masking his approval with his usual grim expression.
“You clean up quite elegantly. Now, we should head to the lobby, the limousine is waiting for us.”
You’re not sure what the point of a limousine is, as the walk from the apartment buildings to the senate building is 10 minutes tops. Probably for formalities, you decide, as Clovis helps you out of the vehicle. The building that had been vacant only a couple hours earlier is now swarming with Senators, all dressed in lavish, extravagant gowns. Everyone is holding a flute of some sort of drink, and they congregate in small groups, making small talk before the debate starts. 
Clovis wastes no time with socializing, and beelines for his seat.
You hang back, searching the crowd for Anakin. Without heels, many people tower over you and it’s hard to focus with the deafening sound of chatter filling your ears. But you’re trained for this, have spent your whole life blocking out the unnecessary, so you hone into your patience and scan the crowd closer. 
You’d recognize that head of golden-brown curls anywhere, even if it was tamed down for this event. He’s standing tall among the Senators, eyes gleaming bright as he engages a whole crowd of them in some wily story. He and Padme look at each other and laugh, his hand on her shoulder and her hand finding his waist. Your blood suddenly turns hot, and you push your way through the crowd to make it to them.
If you could, you would march right up and pull him away from all those greedy stares. They’re practically drooling all over him, and Padme’s hand is still on his waist. But you know better-- you can’t let anyone know you and Anakin are familiar, so you stand at the edge of the crowd, meeting Anakin’s eye.
You glare at his face, then at Padme’s hand, then back to him. His eyes narrow into a warning, extremely fleeting, and then he continues on charming the crowd. You know what he wanted to say-- it means nothing. It doesn’t stop the heat from blossoming in the pit of your stomach, the irritated glare you shoot Padme before looking down.
Way to stay under the radar, you think, slipping away from the crowd and deciding it’s better to keep your eyes on Clovis than get angry over a move on your boyfriend that was probably innocent. 
Clovis is sitting at his seat, still as stone, surveying the crowd before him.
“You nervous?” you take your seat beside him.
“Not at all.”
“Good. You’ve been preparing all afternoon, I think it’d be ridiculous if you still doubted yourself.”
“You… have faith in me.”
“Of course,” your eyes softened at the vulnerability in his statement. “You’re a powerful Senator.”
He huffed, the crack in his green eyes immediately cementing over. “I know.”
And, there he is. Back to being gruff and dismissive. 
It’s quiet for a moment longer, but you’re okay with that. Small talk is not an interest of yours either, and you’d much rather sip on the flute of drink that a servant had given you than join the crowd on the floor. 
Unfortunately, you have trouble wrenching your eyes away from Padme and Anakin, who are still surrounded by drooling Senators. Padme looks like an angel, dressed in a floor length gown spun out of gold thread that you’re pretty sure came directly from the sun. It shimmers and sparkles as she moves, standing out like a beacon of light among the rest of the room. She is radiant, with a matching headpiece that glitters like a chandelier, the jewels braided in and out of her chocolate curls. Even her makeup is minimal yet blindingly beautiful, with a gold shimmer staining her eyelids and cheekbones that reflect the warmth of her topaz eyes.
“She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” Clovis murmurs next to you, so quiet you almost don’t hear it.
“Who? Padme?”
“I believe she’s taking quite a liking to the Jedi.”
Heat sparks in your blood again. The fact that even Clovis notices how handsy Padme is being… then again, it’s a known fact that Clovis and Padme have a history, and he could just be reading too far into things out of jealousy.
“You shouldn’t call him that,” you choose to ignore his concerns. “Anyone could be listening.”
“You see that smile? That’s the smile she only ever gave me. I wonder if she even knows she’s doing it…”
“Clovis, Anakin isn’t allowed to form attachments. You have nothing to worry about.”
“It’s not him that bothers me,” he admits. “It’s her. Look. Look at the way she leans into him when she laughs.”
You take his advice and… now that he says it, she does get a little too close for your liking. Every time Anakin finishes a punchline, the crowd erupts in laughter and Padme joins in, bracing herself by gripping onto his arms and grinning into his neck. He catches her, ever the gentlemen, but he’s smiling too.
It’s a little more than innocent, and you can’t tell who’s fault it is. But that doesn’t help the jealousy steadily rising in your chest.
“The debate should be starting soon,” is all you say, leaning back in your seat and scowling into your flute of drink.
The only thing keeping you rooted to the seat instead of launching out of your chair to rip Padme away from Anakin by the hair was the fact that you know you’re the one who’s going to be sharing a bed with him tonight-- not her. 
You’re just hoping he even makes it back to your bed. Or will poor Padme need help with something else that requires Anakin’s doting attention?
A bell rings just on time, signaling for the Senators to take their seats. Anakin leads Padme over, arms hooked around each other, and she smiles at you as she approaches.
“Y/n, you look wonderful,” she whispers, and then slides into the seat between Clovis and Anakin.
Your cheeks burn in shame. How can you harbor such awful feelings toward her when she was so sweet? But the anger is worsened by the compliment she had just given you-- it’s one thing to be drop-dead stunning, why does she have to be so kind, too? What are you to compare? 
After tonight, Anakin’s probably going to think you are so difficult-- always complaining, always tired, never as pretty or gentle or kind. You don’t have a laugh that twinkles like wind-chimes, or eyes that reflect the light like soft glowing pools of honey. If she is the sun, you are just a cold, hard, chunk of ashen moonrock.
The debate goes on for an eternity. You zone out for a lot of it, stewing in your anger and drowning in self-deprecating thoughts. A few times you’re brought to the brink of tears before you remind yourself you’re here on a mission, and throw yourself into scanning every nook and cranny for something that could be amiss. Eventually, a break is ordered.
Senators begin to rise from their podiums to stretch their legs, including Padme. She tells Anakin she’s going to the washroom, and your eyes zero in on the fingers lingering on his arm as she leaves. You stand as well, meaning to walk a little and stretch your legs, and Anakin follows you.
“Padme’s right,” he catches up to you easily. “You do look wonderful. Blue really is your color.”
You stop by the open window, breathing in the fresh air as you search his eyes for truth. Does he truly mean it? Does he look at you with that same light he had looked at Padme with? Or is he only saying it because he has to? Because he’s used to complimenting you because you’re his girlfriend?
“What? What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” you lower your gaze, picking at the marble stone engravings of the windowsill. 
“Y/n,” Anakin lowers his voice. He’s concerned now, picking up on how upset you are. “I said you look beautiful. What’s the problem?” “No, you said I look wonderful. It’s different than beautiful.” You mean to leave it there, but  can’t help but add, grumbling under your breath, “Padme looks beautiful.”
It’s immature. You know it as soon as you say it, but for some reason you can’t stop yourself. You just want Anakin to take more notice of how strong Padme’s coming on to him, to assure you that it means nothing. You know it means nothing, but you still need that confirmation.
“She does,” he says, and your heart drops. You look up at him, and he’s staring back with an intensity you can’t decipher. “She’s a Senator, Y/n, this is her debate. Of course she has to look beautiful.”
“She’s more beautiful,” the words fall from your lips and taste like poison.
“What’s this about?” Anakin’s voice is dripping in irritation. Once hearing it himself, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them, he speaks again in a softer tone. “Why are you comparing yourself to Padme?”
Gah, even the sound of her name coming from his mouth is like nails on a chalkboard. But you decide to do the first smart thing you have all evening, and take a lesson from him. You breathe deeply and bite down on your anger before answering.
“I’m not trying to,” you admit, eyes falling from his face to trace the exposed skin of his neck. “I just-- she’s flirting with you.”
“It’s harmless.”
“I-- I know. But…”
“It still bothers you. You’re jealous.”
“I have nothing to be jealous about,” even saying this, you can hear the lie in your voice. You repeat the statement, more to yourself, trying to believe it. He’s yours-- for now. He could just as easily be Padme’s. What if he wants to be Padme’s? 
“Look,” Anakin takes another grounding breath, then fits a finger beneath your chin, tilting it up to look at him. “I can see you’re trying to think rationally, so I’m not going to tell you that you’re being ridiculous. But… you’re being ridiculous.”
“Wow. Thanks.”
“You have to understand, I do not like Padme like you’re thinking. I--” he cuts himself off, eyes flitting around the room before leaning in close to whisper in your ear. “I love you.”
Goosebumps erupt all over your skin, making you shiver. His lips ghosting over your ear, the whispered promise of his devotion to you… suddenly, you feel very stupid.
“Okay,” you accept, and the bells ring again, signalling everyone to take their seats. You head on over with him, but not before putting as much heart into your next words. “I’m sorry for getting jealous.”
“It’s okay,” he gives you the first warm smile of the night, smoothing your hair down quickly before breaking off to take his own seat.
You sit next to Clovis, considerably calmer, replaying Anakin’s whispered “I love you” over and over in your head, the touch of his gentle hand in your hair. There was no need to make such a fuss, and honestly you were upset with yourself for ruining the night. You decide to make another smart decision for the night, and push away all of the negative thoughts to the deepest corner of your mind. No more, not tonight-- instead, you would focus on a way to make it up to him for being so ridiculous, and to thank him for being so patient with you.
It’s as you’re planning the rest of your night out, that you see Clovis’s knee bouncing under the podium. You know his time to speak is coming up soon, and his actions betray his mind. He’s such a liar. He is nervous.
“You’ve got this,” you tell him, reaching onto the podium to give his hand a squeeze. His palms are clammy, and he looks at you like you’ve struck him.
“I know I do,” he spits, but doesn’t move his hand from underneath yours. “It’s just pre-performance jitters.”
His next words are so quiet, you almost don’t catch them.
“It doesn’t help that I have two gorgeous women sitting next to me to witness this all.”
Now it’s your turn to look like you’ve been struck. You know he means for you to hear it, otherwise he wouldn’t have said it. Anakin seems to be thinking the same thing, as you can see him give Clovis a sidelong glance just as Padme takes the seat between them again.
“I-- um… we’re rooting for you,” you fumble. “No need to get nervous now.”
Clovis blows out a long breath, and then covers your hand that’s squeezing his palm with his other. “Thank you, Y/n. You’ve truly been so patient and accommodating this whole night. I must find a way to pay you back afterwards.”
“Oh, there’s no need--” your words are cut off as the delegates call for order, and then the debate resumes. You don’t miss the way Anakin’s back stiffens in his seat.
Clovis works up a nervous sweat in the minutes leading up to his speech, but when he gets up, he delivers it without a flaw. Everyone claps, and then Padme goes. You clap along once she’s finished, trying not to calculate if Anakin is clapping harder or faster for her than anyone else. He’s not… but you just had to be sure.
There never seemed to be any threat for the entire night, except for one instance. A young man stood by the door, eyes shifting around for a moment too long to be casual, and Clovis seemed to notice as well. 
“Where, exactly, is that equipment you were speaking of earlier?”
“There’s a strap on my thigh, and it holds my blaster to it. Look,” you pull your skirt back to reveal your leg up to your thigh, where the tip of your blaster peaks out. “See, nothing to worry about.”
It doesn’t even cross your mind that Anakin would notice, or that he’d even mind.
Finally, the debate ends, and the senate room is dismissed. You let out a long breath, ready to just get out of this dress and relax in the suite with Anakin now. However, you stand to leave your seat but Clovis is in your way.
“Y/n, like I said before… I must show my gratitude for your services. Please, let me buy you dinner.”
“Oh-- Oh geez… um.... I can’t,” your eyes flit from Clovis to Anakin, who’s standing behind him. He’s got his back turned, bidding farewell to the new friends he made, but you know for sure that he’s listening. “I really need to go to bed, we’re leaving early in the morning.”
“You can come to my suite, we can order room service. They’re right next to each other… besides, you can always just stay over at mine for the night. There’s room.”
That tone. Those eyes. You know what he’s insinuating, and it sure as hell isn’t just dinner. 
“Clovis, I’d love to, but I really can’t.”
“Oh. Okay.”
The green cracks of his eyes are hardening again, the soft daisies growing from them being wrenched out in clenched fists and stomped under a boot. You want to stop them from freezing over in that insufferable ice again, and decide it might be nice to humor him for a job well done tonight. After all, he was a lot kinder to you than you thought he’d ever be, and part of you likes being one of the few people on his good side.
“How about I walk back with you to the apartments? We can do that much.”
Clovis smiles, and holds out an arm. “I’ll take it.”
As Clovis escorts you out of the debate room, you turn to look back at Anakin. He’s ushering Padme out of the crowds, staring after you as you leave. He doesn’t smile, or wave, or do anything really. Except look angry. 
A sudden ball of nervousness forms in the pit of your stomach. Oh no. Offering to do this was a mistake, that much is becoming clear with every step you take with Clovis latched onto your arm. You can feel Anakin’s eyes burning into your back the entire way out of the senate building, until you’re on the streets of Naboo and he’s off in a limousine with Padme. 
Of course he’s going to be angry at you now. You were mad at him for allowing Padme to flirt with him, and now he’s going to think you’re making a move on Clovis to get back at him for it. Even though that’s not at all what’s happening… Oh how the tables have turned. 
You’re jittery the whole walk back. Clovis tries to make conversation, but you only offer him short, clipped answers. Really, you should have shut down his advances in the debate room. No matter that you pitied him for being rejected by Padme and yourself, you should have said no. You didn’t owe him anything. But here you are, and now you are going to suffer the consequences from Anakin when you get back to your room.
“Are you sure you can’t stop in? Not even just for a drink?” Clovis asks as you make it to the top of the stairs. You turn the corner, and Anakin is leaning against your apartment door, arms crossed, clearly waiting for you. 
“Uhh,” you unwind your arm from around Clovis’s. “I really can’t. Sorry.”
Clovis follows your gaze, and sees Anakin. His tone turns steely. “Is it because of that Jedi?”
“No, oh my-- no!” you feign the most incredulous expression you can, nerves growing more frenzied as you grow closer to your apartment door. “I really am just so tired. Please Clovis, I have to go.”
“Y/n, it doesn’t have to be like this--”
“You’re right,” a deep voice cuts in. “It doesn’t.” 
Anakin takes the arm that Clovis refused to let go of, and slips it out of his grasp. Thankfully, for Clovis’s sake, he lets him. Anakin pushes you behind him and stands before Clovis, towering over him by a couple inches. 
“It was a pleasure serving you and Senator Amidala. Hopefully we can work together again soon. Have a good night”
Each word that comes from his lips are dripping with venom. Clovis grows red in the face, and you can tell he’s trying hard not to retaliate. In the end, he decides to turn and stalk back to his own apartment door. 
Once it slams shut, Anakin turns to you. You meet his eyes with the most innocent expression you can put on.
“None of that,” he hisses, and steps past you to walk into the apartment.
“Oh, come on!” you follow close behind, closing the door and jogging to catch up with him. He’s standing before the bed, roughly loosening his tie. “Anakin, please don’t be mad. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Really? How am I supposed to believe that after what happened earlier?”
“Yes, okay, I admit I was jealous of you and Padme. But I got over it! I swear I wasn’t trying to get you back for it, I promise. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
Anakin pulls the buttons off his shirt so hard, you’re afraid they might break. Suddenly, he is shirtless, and so very mad, and so very tall… and muscular… and… wow…
“You can’t even look me in the eye when you say that,” he argues, stopping to stand before you. You wrench your eyes away from his toned midriff and meet his eyes, which are blazing with hurt and anger. A warmth is rising in your veins-- a different kind than earlier-- but it’s beat out with something stronger. Guilt.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him, trying so desperately to ignore the heat that’s radiating off his chest. “I really am. Clovis was just… kinder than I expected him to be--”
“Was he? Was he kind when he had you sit in silence all afternoon in the senate building? Was he kind when he refused to let you eat? When he guilt-tripped you into spending time with him?”
“That’s not exactly what happened,” you cross your arms and size him up. “And you’re not totally innocent either, you know.”
“Really?” Anakin cocks an eyebrow at you, sitting down on the bed roughly. He leans back on his arms, daring you to continue.
“You let Padme flirt with you, and you never told her to stop. You could have set some boundaries, told her to back off a little...”
“And you could have told me you were leaving with Clovis before gathering your skirts and skipping away,” Anakin bites back. 
“I wasn’t planning to! Anakin, please, both of us made mistakes tonight. Can we just agree on that?”
He frowns, eyes flickering over your still-dressed form. He motions for you to come closer and turn around, so you do. Gentle fingers work at the zip on your back, dragging it down to free you from the constraints. You remember the note he wrote from earlier, how he couldn’t wait to take the dress off of you, and grow disappointed at how the night had gone. This was not the context you had been expecting. 
The way his hands linger on your waist, you know he’s thinking the same thing.
“Okay. We both made mistakes.” You feel his soft curls against the bare skin of your back as rests his forehead against you. You hold your dress up in the front so as not to expose yourself. “I’m sorry for letting Padme flirt with me. I should have put an end to it-- I know it hurt you to watch.”
“It did,” you whisper. “But I’m also sorry. For getting so jealous even though you never accepted her advances, and for making it seem like I was trying to get revenge. It wasn’t my intention.”
A soft “it’s okay” is kissed into your back. His hands grip your waist, turning you in his grasp. He’s looking up at you now, hair mussed up and eyes wary. “You good?”
“Yeah. You?”
What were you guys doing? At the end of the day, it’s you and him. Padme is out of the picture, and so is Clovis. Everything is alright, and that fuss you both put up throughout the night was virtually pointless.
Looking into his eyes, the ones you love so much and could never picture yourself ever parting from, suddenly this whole thing seems elementary. How terrible, disastrous, and ironic this night turned out. Replaying the events in your head, you find a smile begin to crack at your lips. Anakin can’t keep a straight face either, the ridiculousness of it all beginning to catch up with you both. You begin to laugh, and he follows, burying his head in your stomach as you hug around his neck.
“We must be back in training school,” you giggle, feeling his shoulders shake beneath you. “How pathetic of us.”
“Ahh,” he groans, suddenly wrenching you off your feet and onto the bed on top of him. He nuzzles his face into your neck, pulling you as close to him as possible. “Let’s just forget this night ever happened. It was dreadful and embarrassing.”
“As far as I’m concerned, I was never even here.”
“Me neither,” he presses a line of warm kisses down your neck, stopping at the strap of your dress. “Let’s get this off. Do you still have your blaster on you?”
You pat the metal strapped onto your thigh. “Locked and loaded.”
“Well, gee, thanks for telling me. I definitely didn’t want to get my head blown off.”
“Safety’s on, wisecrack,” you help him shrug your dress off, kicking it from your legs and off the end of the bed. You unclasp the band from around your thigh and distribute the blaster onto the nightstand. 
“I’m the wisecrack,” you don’t miss the way Anakin’s voice deepens, attention suddenly captured by the bare skin of your body beneath him. His eyes follow the path his fingers are tracing up your leg. “Careful, or I’ll have to report that to the Council.”
“For what? Being right?”
“For creating conflict of interest on the job,” his fingers skim the soft flesh of your upper thighs, tickling their way past the curve of your hips, the dip of your waist, up and up and up… “It’s terribly naughty of you.”
His words are teasing and corny, but somehow the deeper insinuation of them still cause your cheeks to burn red. 
“Anakin,” your voice is hoarse, causing your blush to deepen. His long fingers cup your chin, keeping your lips ghost over his as his other hand pulls the silver clasps from your hair. “I need a shower.”
“I can meet you in there?”
You clutch at his shoulders, bringing him forward to close that gap between your lips. His mouth is warm against yours, pliant and soft and generous. It’s everything you’ve been yearning for all night, all this time you’ve been apart. The smell of him, taste of him, feel of him— you could never get enough. 
“I’ll save you a spot.” 
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Obey Me Hospital AU
I recently got surgery and all I could think about was this so here you go....maybe I'll do the others?
Lucifer: -he is the head nurse for the day shift -will advocate for the patient - stands up to doctors and enjoys kicking them from their high horse -his scrubs ALWAYS have dogs on them -is extremely patient with people and is the go to for comforting loved ones of his patients -can often be seen telling stories to calm people down -always celebrates with the patient when they are getting released
Mammon: -is also a nurse who works for the ER -Mammon is the one who evaluates for SA signs and does SANE testing -is very calm and caring taking on a more quiet and soothing tone instead of his normally bold and loud one -has to be held back from kicking the abusers ass -due to the heaviness of his job during his breaks he will go to Lucifer for a hug and a rant -his little hat always has crowns on it as he claims they bring you goof fortune if you are friendly, and he's always friendly
Levi: -he is our surgeon for the ER -all those years of surgeon simulation finally paying off -he is so nice and always explains what they are going to do and how -tries to help the patient stay calm and always answers any questions claiming there is never a stupid question when someone is going to operate on you -has really fun hats for his scrubs all different geeky references -listens to anime openings during operation
Satan: -another nurse bc they are the best -Satan actually only works with minors -he is very calm and welcoming to children but the second an adult tries to pull something you will feel his wrath -he doesn't mess around with parents and will even ignore them to make the child feel heard -like mammon it is his job to look out for any signs of abuse but its even harder to hold him back from letting the abuser have it
Asmo: -Babies!!!! -he works in the maternity ward as a nurse :) -the one you want to have during labor -can and will yell at your partner for eating in front of you, complaining, or ignoring you -lets his patients know all their rights and makes sure they are comfortable -toxic MIL? spill the tea and when she shows up he isn't afraid to ruin a day -is always cooing over the babies....doctors fear he might steal one
Beel: -Beel also works in the maternity ward as a nurse -while he doesn't deal with active labor he does help patients after and takes care of the babies -the gentle giant who can get any baby to stop crying and go to sleep -everyone swears he magical as he seems to calm everyone down -probably has literally thrown either a toxic partner or family member out -can often be caught singing lullabies to the newborns or sewing something
Belphie: -he works next to Levi as the anesthesiologist -he knows most people fear needles so he tries his best to help ease their nerves -when he goes to do the IV he asks them to pick a song for them to sing together as a way to distract them -always keeps his patients under no one has ever woken up on him -loves chatting with recovery nurses to hear the funny stories of when they wake up
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The Three Dilfs plus the Twink Fathers if they had to joint parent the JJK kids.
So just be conscious that I imagine the trio to be baby/toddler ages
Definitely the most jealous out of the four.
He won't say it, but hearing about how Yuji had the time of his life with Nanami and how Nobara adores Touji makes his blood boil
But when Megumi gives him those puppy dog eyes, he can't stay mad
So very jealous but also very whipped
The type of dad who tries to act all cool and hip with the kids but in reality is boomer
No clue how to care for a young child though. Rest in pieces, Babygumi.
Really dependant on Getou for the more dirty parts of parenting.
He refuses to change a diaper for the longest time until he does it once when no one is home bc Yuji was crying up a storm and he gets over it
Doesn't baby proof the house. At all.
I'll say it again
Rest In Pieces, BabyGumi.
Doesn't know where kids like to hang out. He takes them to Starbucks and then the mall, where Nobara proceeds to suck his cash directly from his bank account
Toji taught her well, after all.
Gojou has two ways to discipline them- let them see the consequences of their actions and then obnoxiously help them fix it (primarily when the kids were younger) or dangle them off a cliff while singing songs like a cracked out gremlin.
Gojou doesn't need to punish often, since in this universe I've made up he primarily watched over Yuta and Panda, who are nice little ones.
Still insists on kissing them all on the forehead and tucking them in at night
It takes a while for him to warm up to child rearing
He's still struggling with his "monkey" mentality, and young children are rife for it.
Though maybe as he's watching a baby Nobara sleep, watching carefully the way parents do as though to make sure she breathes through the night, he snuffs out all curses in the area.
After that night, the taste of curses- like a rag, used to clean up vomit- isn't so unbearable anymore.
Not when he feels such conviction in his soul
So slowly, as he holds Yuji's hands to help him take his first steps, as he tells Megumi what "miscellaneous" means, as he shows Nobara how to make cursed dolls...
Monkeys don't seem so bad anymore
But the zookeepers do
If you catch my drift
Getou doesn't believe in physical punishment, but he is a strict parent when it comes to life-decisions
Not in the way you'd expect though.
I.e., if Megumi was torn between leaving the jujutsu world or going to college, Getou would be there to help him find a third solution
And punishment was never his style. Swallow enough vomit-stained rags, you begin to feel disgusted over such things.
Instead, he guides. A distant hand that points in a direction and tells you where it leads.
Also hopeless with what kids like. He let's Yuji wander around Tokyo and whatever catches his eye, Getou suggests.
Seems like a distant father at first
But his face is just like that
Genuine sucker for his kids
They have him wrapped around their tiny little fingers
The best out of the three of them with young children
And minors in general
Because- and sit down, this might shock you- he treats them like normal human beings
Nanami didn't have the best childhood, not to mention that many of his close friends didn't either, so taking care of children is something that's very close to his heart
So he likes to keep the kiddos close to his heart too
It made quite a sight, to see Nobara being lugged around in a baby bjorn, drooling all over his jacket while he exorcized curses.
The only parent out of the three mentioned that uses Vicks Vapor rub
If you know you know
Getou is more of a straight medicine kind of guy, and Gojo's never gotten sick in his life.
Nanami definitely got stuck with daiper duty when both Gojo and Getou refused
But he loves them
Tells the three of them that he's proud of them and loves them every chance he gets
Definitely one to have his heart melt when they fall asleep on him.
It's like the rule of cats. He is now legally obligated to stay completely still until the child awakes
That's his initial reaction, but then he remembers his rationality and picks them up and tucks them into bed.
Has definitely slept kneeling on the floor next to Megumi's bed when the boy grabbed his sleeve while sleeping.
Yuji was also a colicky baby, and Nanami found that putting him in a pot of water on the counter was an easy way to get him to be quiet
Nobara was mischevious. The second she could walk, it was over. Nanami burns 500 calories a day chasing her around.
And all of these memories are lovingly stored in his 6,000 baby albums.
Surprisingly good with babies
Extremely good with young children
And very nice with teenagers when he puts his mind to it.
Back in Sukuna's day, in his little social circle, being bad with kids was taboo.
You either are good with kids and love them to death or fuck you
So naturally, Sukuna took the "good with kids" route
He'll say a bunch of bluster about power and ruthlessness if you ask him
But the truth is that he adores children, and wouldn't have put in the effort to be good with them if he didn't already want to.
BabyGumi is such a tsundere with him
Always pouts and looks on the verge of crying when Sukuna is nearby or talking to him, refusing to respond without a wobble in his voice to Sukuna's questions
But the second Sukuna leaves, it's chaos.
He gets all sad and mopey, holding on to the tiger plushie Sukuna gave him like his life depends on it.
Sukuna has learned to just ignore BabyGumi's pouts and teary eyes and cradle the toddler close
And Megumi has no complaints being held in Sukuna's arms
He feels safe there.
The same can not be said for Yuji.
Sukuna scares him, but poor baby gets too distracted with other things when Sukuna is around to remember.
He'll be seated in Sukuna's lap, happily pulling flowers from the ground and giving them to the cursed spirit
And then when Gojo asks him how his playdate with Sukuna was, he bursts into tears and said it was terrifying
Makes for very awkward encounters, as Gojo saw for himself that Itadori was having fun
Nobara loves him
Genuinely wants to get his tattoos one day
And become a powerful sorceror like he was
He gives the best hugs (four arms!!!) So
Always indulges her when she rambles about her cursed dolls
And spoils her rotten.
Ah yes
The crusty anarchist (affectionate)
Megumi is also a big tsundere bby with this man.
The only one of his fathers he actually projects affection to is Gojo, and that's because Megumi knows his ass is one big jelly bean
As in mushy on the inside, hard on the outside, and very very jealous.
But Megumi will pout and claim not to like anything Touji does
Which really weighs on the man
He knows he's failed Megumi a bunch of times, and knows he deserves to be rebuffed
But it still hurts
Thankfully, Megumi is a sensitive kiddy, and even if he goes too far and Touji completely retreats within himself, Megumi tries to make it right.
Touji is so very whipped for his son.
The slightest bit of love Megumi shows makes his week.
And he's a very gentle father too
Is a staunch advocate against hitting children
His own shitty childhood paired with having a kid as quiet and reserved as Megumi, even if the kid wants to let loose but wont, stresses him out greatly.
Yuji also concerns him
Because he's very innocent, naive, and kind.
Touji knows he's gonna be trampled on.
So he does his best to sort of introduce more darker topics and harsh realities to Yuji without breaking the poor kid.
All in all, he's a depressed, cynical dad, who's trying to give his kids a better life and more tools to survive than he had.
DEFINATELY not the type of parent to hold the child's better life against them.
Tries to be loving, smothers the three kiddos in smoochies and lovingly made meals.
He doesn't really know what he's doing, but he prioritizes the kiddos safety and happiness first and foremost.
But he's definitely not as wealthy or stable as the others, and he knows it.
Whenever Nobara wants to go wander the mall, Touji struggles to swallow his pride every time.
He has the girl set a date, and between that day and the day they need to go to the mall, Touji works his ass off to save up.
He usually only needs to worry about money to keep himself afloat and leisure money for the kids
Since they usually eat at one of the others houses and stay the night there too
Yuji is the one he finds the easiest to be with when money is tight
Yuji doesn't have a habit of asking things from Touji- leftover instincts from when his Grandfather, also poor, took care of him.
So less stress is on Touji to take Yuji somewhere nice when it's just the two of them
Megumi is similar, but not quite.
Megumi isn't really interested in material things or going out to eat very often
But he adores going to temples and being with the monks.
As Touji used to do.
It's bitter and painful to take Megumi to the temple where he used to worship
But he does it.
His love is sacrifice, humility, and acceptance.
But slowly, slowly, he's accepting help from the other dads.
I hope you liked it! This was just a spur of the moment thing, not a lot of hard thought and intricate story telling was put into this, but I hope you enjoyed anyway. This is a mix of my personal headcanons and canon lore, so feel free to drop your own headcanons in the comments!
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muzzleroars · 3 years
I’m convinced Joker might develop or already has a fear of falling. Not only did he see nearly two people close to him fall almost to their death, he wasn’t able to save one of them from falling (He definitely blamed himself for not catching Sophie.) I think it would be fitting given his ultimate persona anyway. Maybe it doesn’t affect him in the Metaverse or as strongly but in his normal life seems reasonable enough.
ohhh funny you mention a headcanon like this bc although it’s not directly related, i definitely give akira a major fear of falling after he takes a several story fall as an adult - i have akira work as a thief in the real world for about ten years, pulling daring heists on the rich and powerful to rob them of their wealth and secrets. he desperately needs the thrill of it and he believes there’s no proper legal means to strike back at them, so why not sink to their level, committing crimes instead against them and becoming a modern day arsene lupin in the flesh. he’s wildly successful in the venture, a burglar known throughout japan and lauded by many for the targets he chooses...however, it all comes to an end with a particularly bad fall one night, one he only survives bc i think akira is one of those people that seems to be comically indestructible. he is disabled afterward, relearning to walk with the aid of a cane, and this is when he becomes an advocate who works to reform the legal system as well as assist those wrongfully arrested or imprisoned. he becomes just as much as a force in that field, but i do believe he carries forward a terrible fear of heights and falling going forward - one that would i think be compounded by the things you mention here (i especially love the idea of that coming a little from satanael - i just read paradise lost actually, and the fall seemed very traumatic to satan there)
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enderspawn · 4 years
so now that we’ve had a few days since the syndicate stream, i think ive managed to cool down and step back to look at it more neutrally. ended up long and pretty rambly since its all pretty flow of consciousness so its under the cut, but heres some thoughts on the syndicate (and a bit on c!techno, since hes the originator)
in universe, techno has only just heard a new place was made. he doesn’t know jack abt it, so he goes over to check it out and learn whats happening. he meets w tubbo, who explains they arent a gov, and accepts it then goes. hes hesitant abt the nukes, but frankly? also understandable, they are nukes. any kind of mass weapon of destruction is something to look out for, same as if tubbo revealed his own wither vault. 
i think the reason that i, and many other ppl, had such a NEGATIVE reaction to what is a mainly harmless and completely reasonable interaction is. well, bc we’re the audience. we KNOW more than c!techno does. we know that snowchester very explicitly was formed without a government because they’re afraid of techno attacking. we know that the nukes are made to defend them, based off what happened to lmanberg. we know that ranboo joined partially to try and spare snowchester if worst came to worst. 
the reason we the audience were afraid of him going is bc we feared what would happen if he DID deem it a gov. bc we know the effort they’ve done to NOT be one, bc we have a connection to the town that c!techno doesnt. 
after then came calling the syndicate/techno tyrannical. after all- if they strike down every government then they are forcing ppl to follow their beliefs under threat of destruction or death. which is uhh pretty fucking tyrannical. 
the thing is that in the end the syndicate hasnt even done enough for us to like. KNOW if thats true. techno himself said hes totally fine w just group of people living together, hell hes in a damn SYNDICATE. you can def argue in general abt what gives the syndicate the right at all to decide if a gov deserves to exist, if being “”the deciders”” makes them inherently hypocritical. (this also is pushing that “they decide” bc, well, w the exception of tubbo now, theres very little chance the other ppl would win against techno and crew. it Would just be decimation. if they attack, they’re destroying it all). 
after all, they preach abt giving ppl the right to choose but then dont let them choose to form a gov. paradox of tolerance i suppose, since in anarchistic views there isnt like a “non-corrupt” government so every government is worth dismantling. (note, this is all based off my p limited understanding of anarchy theory and also Very Simplified for ease of speaking)
another reason we the audience may have been so afraid is bc, historically, techno doesnt lose. he may suffer personal losses and feelings of betrayal, but narratively hes won every battle hes really been in. its the status quo, so any possible conflict in the future you kind of expect the same. we were afraid of any kind of conflict starting. 
i think this stuff does kinda work in character too. c!tubbo admits himself he doesnt rlly know government stuff, and he doesnt seem to really know what techno would or wouldnt DEEM one- thus he has a similar fear to the audience of being struck down for it. ranboo, like stated before, partially joined bc he was afraid FOR snowchester. 
again i get that anarchy is against that greater establishment, but theres something to be said for the fact that. well. this is a block game. its systems work a LOT differently than real life, and real life anarchist theory may not transfer over well. there are a lot of good posts ive seen recently analysing lmanberg (specifically early lmanberg) and like. it genuinely worked to protect its citizens. they were able to pool together their resources and man power and protect each other from outside threats that would overpower them seperately. there IS no big overarching societal and deeply built in system to overthrow like in real life, if anything “having a government” IS the new system trying to form instead of anarchy (bc, to my knowledge, lmanberg was the first real “government” and the dream smp’s gov kinda formed as a response) it could def be another reason so many ppl are against enforcing anarchy-- this isnt the real world, and being in solidified groups could help the weak. without that, instead its the strongest survive and thrive while everyone else suffers. 
(then again to devils advocate my own point, a lot of times they’re referring in those posts to a time where wilbur, who was actually “in charge” wasnt around a ton, so there was less of a power structure in place. also, you CAN still have a group of ppl without being a “gov” (like snowchester or the syndicate) but then we get back to “what is a gov by the syndicate’s standards” as well as if they want to remove a gov at its start or JUST when it seems “tyrannical” (so if they believe a gov is inherently tyrannical). like if i started a direct democracy gov and explicitly called it a gov, do you take it down? its taking the opinion of all citizens and allows everyone equal power. is that corrupt just bc its ALSO a gov, or does it get to stay? where is the line?  idk man maybe give the gov like a free trial. if it starts being corrupt then step in but if they’re vibin they’re vibin. chill w the anarchy /lh /hj JFKDLSJF)
idk man this isnt fully conclusion imo i just wanted to long think abt this. also fuck this block game for getting into legit political theory and ethics and shit. “is someone valid in doing something for another person that they believe will help the other person if it limits their personal freedom” (or, is techno correct in enforcing anarchy bc he believes it is the best form for ppl, EVEN at the cost of their personal freedoms to make a gov) is too deep to be asking for a fuckin block potato pig. this is why i dont do a ton of discourse im just stupid and it starts getting philosophical at some point FDSKLFJ
yall can respond w your own thoughts to this if you want, even debate it!, but idk if ill respond bc uhhhh Brain Empty fdjsklfj i just wanted to ramble and sort out my own thoughts on the matter now that im not uber pissed at c!techno JFKDLSJFKL
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bbugyu · 4 years
:o i dont really know much about mbti types but u seem really knowlegable >.< what about dk's mbti??
oh my god the way i got a boner from being called knowledgeable OK LETS GO I LOVE SEOKMIN SO MUCH
seokmin is an infp, which is the mediator. i actually float between this personality type and infj (the advocate, which is also what wonwoo jihoon and minghao are), so seokmin and i are very similar in a lot of ways - our differences come from our zodiac signs i think ㅠㅠ; infps are actually really rare! yet seventeen has four KDJFSK they value harmony and authenticity and they always have the best intentions - which!!! IS SO SEOKMIN!!!! he will always see the best in people and always act with the best intentions! he is kind to a fault! what a sweet baby.
ok, here’s the breakdown. under the cut. tw seokmin best boy
seokmin is so shy. he doesn’t seem it, because when he’s with svt he goes BUCK FUCKING WILD but in reality he clams up around people he’s not super comfortable around. example: that one picture of him standing with yuju from gfriend where he looks like he’s gonna shit himself kJHFJS or when he was filming his solo parts for the mama performance and he kept saying how nervous he was without the members. he’s super reserved around people he hasn’t known for forever. he even tends to be quiet on variety shows, only really doing his fun comedy bits and talking when other members prompt him (which is almost always jeonghan or seungkwan don’t get me started). infjs (like isfjs) tend to keep a very small group of friends that they are very open and seemingly extroverted with, which is why we get to see seokmin’s genuine personality a lot. he is so fully himself when he is with seventeen and i think that is so beautiful. that being said, infps also are the most social introverts. he makes friends everywhere, and genuinely cares about all of them. his excallibur castmates have said that he was such a bright loving personality on stage and behind the scenes, and he would always visit and support them even after they stopped working together! he went to plays they starred in and posted pictures with them, telling carats to go support them too. you can tell they really appreciated this, because they would return the favor and go to seventeen concerts to cheer him on!
seokmin’s intuition is no joke. he seems a little naive at times, but he is also extremely good at looking at the big picture of a situation and deciding what needs to be done, ie. when they were leaving the venue during ttt he was seemingly the only one that remembered they left a giant mess in the kitchen. that being said, infps skip over details a lot. he also is SO FUNNY like he is genuinely the FUNNIEST MEMBER in my opinion because he just understands every situation so clearly. he’s able to take something a little mundane or whatever and comment on it or react in a way that’s REALLY FUNNY like when they were driving home from ttt and mingyu said he could buy the walnut sweets JFDSKJDSF mingyu wasn’t expecting him to say yes bc they’re such a common treat and seokmin laughed at first but hten immeidately was like “oh actually yes order them” and gyu was like ??? but seokmin kept just saying “stop talking to me order the walnut sweets pls” GODD THEY’RE SO FUNNY i literally cry laugh at shit seokmin does like i don’t know how he does it he’s the funniest motherfucker i’ve ever seen.
he seems like the most understanding member of svt to me. the others are too, ofc, but seokmin’s on another level. infps also feel very deeply and genuinely. as an intuitive personality type, he is immensely empathetic, but not in the same way that jeonghan is. seokmin feels other peoples’ emotions like they’re his own. he sympathizes fully and completely, and i think he tries really hard to internalize that as to not seem so emotional all the time, but as soon as the facade cracks he starts cRYINGGG like he’s a BABY he can’t help it he just FEELS SO MUCHhhh. idk if anyone else notices this but he always repeats what is being said? i find this to be related because he is actively listening, and his way of showing is affirming with short responses every few sentences. he seems like such a good person to go to when you’re struggling and want someone to comiserate with. seungkwan is someone you go to when you need advice, but seokmin is the one you go to when you want to vent, because he’ll immediately match how you’re feeling about the situation and empathize with you.
i think seokmin also tends to take things personally? i think he’s gotten better about this in recent years and instead uses it as a joke, but you can tell it still bothers him sometimes ㅠㅠ like, okay, so seokmin posted that picture for seungkwan’s birthday and said something along the lines of “do you remember when we went out to have fun and fought? sorry i couldn’t be better” etc so in boo’s birthday live he explained the situation because it was resolved nicely. he said that the two of them went kayaking with jeonghan (which, btw, booseokhan are literally married and i am the most spoiled carat ever) and got in a little disagreement about something menial, and seungkwan thought it was resolved quickly, but afterwards jeonghan was driving them and seokmin put on a song and boo was like “oh what kind of song is this?” as a joke, but seokmin took it personally and got sulky. but then him and jeonghan danced to anysong and honestly who can blame them. it seems like every time he gets in a fight with other members, he thinks about how he doesn’t want it to tear them apart, so no matter how mad he is, he tries to find a way to resolve it. like with the gray bag incident JDHFKJHF he said that he thought if he didn’t pick up the bag, mingyu might hit him. he was mad and thought he was in the right, but he didn’t want the argument to escalate, so he did something he didn’t want to end it where it was. also, when jeonghan went live during seokmin’s live, saying “those who want to watch dokyeom watch him, those who want to watch this watch this,” and seokmin got all sulky about carats saying they wanted to see what jeonghan was up to. he laughed and said he was kidding, but then he was like “i’m not fun anyways.” whiCH leads us to...
infps have chronic inferiority complexes, but they aren’t envious people, so it manifests in just being immensely self critical. seokmin genuinely believes he isn’t handsome. or a good singer. like. what the fuck is that all about. i get genuinely angry when i think about this. i could talk about how fucking WRONG he is but this is just supposed to be a personality analysis so i’ll just mention that i talked about why i think he’s the perfect man alive in another ask! check that out if you want JKFHKSDF he always has negative things to say about himself but only positives to say about others. which makes me wanna fight. he also is maybe too idealistic??? like i said before, he will always see the best in other people, and it leads the rest of the members to genuinely worry about him. they’re worried that if they’re not there to take care of him, he’ll end up getting taken advantage of by someone. they don’t want him to get scammed ㅠㅠ
some other aspects of infp personalities that i think suit seokmin well but i’m literally braindead and cannot write more of this: open minded, passionate, determined, and loyal.
i would marry seokmin in an instant.
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bakurapika · 3 years
re: writing a character in a population you’re not part of
i guess that was a lot of tags so maybe ill translate it into text form, since it was not even 100% related to the original post lol. expert that im not a disclaimer etc. this isn’t about cultural differences i don’t think, just other groups from ur own culture, esp those who experience oppression/marginalization. kept it purposefully vague, nothing is universal, these aren’t laws set in stone bla bla
if ur researching a topic about any marginalized group to write about, i would advise:
avoid general questions where all the results are from medical/diagnostic/ charity/parent organizations - not bc they're bad but bc that doesn't rly tell you anything about someone's lived experiences
before u go up to an advocate and ask them questions, browse forums (reddit is good to find out what's controversial altho it's not a monolith) and look for advocates' social media. a lot of good advocates on youtube etc
also consider like instead of finding someone to answer “What is it like to be X?” do that cursory research. find out some specific challenges that people w that identity have. then try to google around for “What should i do when this challenge happens to me?”
and also like recognize that ur understanding of the group is inherently flawed and be ready to change based on new info. groups are rarely defined by the problems they encounter, but that is also the space where you might find the most info available and the most people willing to share firsthand experience. so, yknow, grain of salt for everything. 
Default to offering dignity and respect; recognize ur limitations as a writer; and don't treat firsthand accounts as a source for you to mine for fun writing details .. The communities have real people which are more important than your fictional ones. 
also it does seem likeeee some groups specifically get inundated w questions from writers instead of being able to share their own resources. Don't ask people for permission to write ur character a certain way. no one speaks for everyone.
like see ur writing as an optional thing to do, not your end goal of research. it’s an opportunity for you to learn more about a community you're interested in and want to care about and advocate for. Don't only care about people based on what they can do for your writing. like not that any of us intend to act that selfishly but, if you do not try hard to avoid that, that is what will happen. you know? 
if you’re already researching instead of relying on stereotypes, that's good !! keep doing it. just be aware of folks’ boundaries. don’t ask people questions about their marginalized experiences/a sensitive topic if they haven’t already offered to answer those kind of questions. there’s probably already a bunch of articles/interviews/thinkpieces on that topic anyway! with a bunch of diverse opinions that may not agree. esp in terms of whether and how a character from X group should be written. 
be aware of ur sources, and if you already think you know how X works, try to find sources that prove yourself wrong and compare ‘em. also language evolves constantly, u probably don’t know all the terms that are respectful and widely used, so pay attention to that in those firsthand accounts (esp the ones from the last couple years). good luck >>
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fmdduri · 3 years
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word count: question 1 is 402 words, question 2 is 316 words, question 3 is 283 words, question 4 is 342 words, question 5 is 268 words, question 6 is 351 words.  reward: +5 tracker points. 
1. assuming your muse has changed in some way, be it internally or as a result of a change of the external factors around them, how is your muse different? these can be as small as an opinion on a song they hadn’t released previously or as big as a major change in their background.
probably the biggest changes of duri, comes from the fact that he now is aged down to being born in the year of 1994. i always felt like it would be better for duri to be younger, but because he was already well established, he continued to be in his hag days. however, thanks to the restructure, i was able to finally make duri part of maknae line of his group, in this case being titan. it’s a little change, but it really makes me pretty happy. 
with this change, as well, comes some slight background changes. duri has now become a trainee in january 2009, training for two years until january of 2011, which was when titan had debuted. before, duri had only trained for about two months, before he had debuted as the member of a group. this change also removes him from completely his military enlistment before debuting, due to age - which is fine, because i have future headcanons involving enlistment that are in my head, that probably won’t be shared, but they’re there! 
opinion wise on things, i think the only opinions that duri has is a bit of a favor for the infinite releases, over the other releases. that might just be the second gen stan in me, but infinite is one of my ults (shinee and cassie still taking the first two spots, of course,) but they’re definitely tied with exo. however, overall, duri really enjoys their discography, and has no completes about it whatsoever. 
one small thing that changed as well as the name of people in his life. i changed the names of his parents, as well as his uncle and aunt. now, his father is bonju, his mother is aeri, his uncle is bongki, and his aunt is choa. this is a small change i wanted to reference as different, just because i mentioned them all often and they had different names before. 
one last change that i think is important to mention is that even though duri has never had a scandal attached to himself - he has had a saesang issue, which simply just comes with titan - it also doesn’t help that he’s always been clean from scandals, so more seemed to attach themselves. however, duri is a titan member that bc entertainment decided to protect from them, so it’s a problem that doesn’t really stick around for him. 
2. what does your muse think of their company and their group?
bc entertainment is seemingly a bit of a mixed bag - at least, that’s how it feels to duri. he feels really lucky to be in bc entertainment, as they’re considered to be the best of the best, and they’re probably the reason why titan became “the kings of kpop” in the first place, nonetheless. not the mention, bc entertainment has given duri so many great opportunities for his career outside of  however, he wonders if bc entertainment fully cares about their artists in general. since he’s struggling himself with mental health and bc entertainment has a bit of a problem with overworking duri, he can’t help but to wonder if they cared if he came to them? or if they’d notice something wrong with him? generally, he’s a bit on the fence.
when it comes to his group, titan, duri really loves titan. he enjoys the music that they have put out thus far (of course, give or take a few of their later years tracks, but it’s nothing major) and believes that he’s been a great fit for titan. generally, duri has no problems with titan at all. even though he may be a member that doesn’t have any scandals, whereas other members may (based off of the group description), he believes that things simply happen and don’t believe any member of the group is really at a fault for getting caught up in something. simply, things happen, that’s how to put it. however, duri did have a hard time with titan at first because a lot of people believed he didn’t fit the concept, so he had to work really hard to prove that he was able to handle the concept. now, fans and netizens see that duri is able to fit himself into whatever concept is needed based off his charisma and stage presence. in general, he loves titan as a whole. 
3. is your muse on their first contract or their second? if they’ve renewed, what were their feelings around that at the time and what were their hopes for their second contract? if they haven’t renewed, what are their current thoughts on the end of their eventual first contract?
duri is currently on his second contract with bc entertainment and titan. when it came to renewing, duri was more than happy with renewing because bc entertainment was still treating them rather well. he can’t say he felt anything negativity towards bc entertainment, simply because of the fact that he was getting work in and out of titan itself. though, there was a bit of a wish to have some solo songs. of course, maybe there’s the same wants of more of a break because titan is one of the hottest groups on the scene and it’s clear that even with things that have happened, titan isn’t going anywhere. the group still has a hold on the industry and truthfully, he hoped that’s something that would continue to happen with the second contract. so, when it comes to hopes for his second contract, he was hoping to finally see a solo debut within the midst. thankfully, that was something that had come the next year, and he had gotten his hope for the second contract. another hope had been to get more than one solo project a year - at this time, he had only gotten either a brand ambassadorship or variety show main cast a year, with nothing else happening to him, and bc entertainment seemingly wanting duri to mainly stay within the realms of titan itself. this was something else that came to fruition, with him getting more projects each year, essentially working more into that realm of “overworking.” but, duri is rather happy and wishes he could be gay in the open - but, that’s clearly something that he has to continue to wish and is just that, a wish.
4. what are your muse’s goals and motivations?
duri’s most personal goal/dream is probably be get married and have kids. of course, this is something that can’t happen right now, and probably won’t happen for a good while, since there’s still so much to do as a member of titan and as a soloist, so he has to continue on simply just not doing. however, it’s something that’s just really up there and something that he really wants for himself. for now, though, he’ll settle with dogs and a cat as his children, his fur children - they’re just as much of family as humans are. 
another more personal goal that duri has is to do more for charity. for the longest time, he’s always done charity work. however, he feels like he could so do more, and would love to maybe become an ambassador for something of that sort. however, bc entertainment seems to not push for it all that much, so he assumes he’ll have to advocate for it himself. though, maybe they think his own person works of charity is more than enough, instead of gaining a ambassadorship for that. 
career wise for goals, seems to be a bit more extensive for duri. of course, duri would really like to release more music wise. it would also be cool to chart higher than he has with his music, but he’s not complaining because he’s still done rather well. not to mention, the chance to do more osts for dramas. besides for that, he’d like to have more main cast variety jobs. this is something that he has a lot of fun with, where he really just gets to show off himself some. he enjoys making appearances on shows, but he’d love to have something a little bit more permanent once again. he’s sure he’ll manage to get there, of course. following that, duri would also love to have some more brand ambassadorships. however, he’d really enjoy some brighter ones, like what he has done for baskin-robbins and coca-cola, as a few others were seemingly not as bright.
5. what is one conflict, internal or external, that your muse is currently dealing with, has recently dealt with, or will need to deal with in the future?
the one conflict that duri has been slightly dealing and needs to deal with in the future is his mental health. due to the car accident that occurred when duri was five years old, he suffers with post traumatic stress disorder. when he was younger, this was something that was dealt with and he even kept up with it as a trainee. however, as duri got really busy with titan, as well as the established career claims, he seemingly fell off in treatment. this caused him to have a relapse with his mental health, sometime down the line. currently, it’s probably at it’s worst, and something he’s slightly dealing with. however, because it’s something that he’s really managed to ignore for a bit, pretending that he’s perfectly okay, and telling people that he’s okay - it needs to be dealt with in the future, but he continues to really just ignore it. not to mention, he also has insomnia that goes along with the ptsd, so more often than not, he’s exhausted, rather than well rested. he treats it with multiple cups of coffee, which definitely just makes it worst - but, that’s how he has to get through a schedule. simply, there seems to be a lot that really goes along with this, along with often being haunted in his dreams with the scene that changed constantly, before he’s waking up sweating and sobbing. will he figure out how to ask for help? or will he continue to suffer? it’s most likely the former, simply because he’s rather embarrassed that he has gotten bad all over again. 
6. if your muse has established career claims, what are their thoughts on their career so far? if they do not, how do they feel about not having individual activities yet? what would they like to do in the future, if anything? if they don’t have ambitions for individual activities, explain why.
duri has an established career in modeling, variety, & songwriting. thus far, he’s really happy with his established career. it wasn’t something that he was really expecting, thinking that he’d have more osts or something along those lines, with bc entertainment most likely wanting to use his voices - since they did keep him hidden when he was a trainee, due to his voice and not letting him do anything during those two years. however, it’s a bit interested they wanted to use his face and his likeness for both modeling and variety instead. however, duri can’t really complain because he really liked being the ambassador for both beanpole and baskin-robbins - arguably he liked being the ambassador for baskin-robbins a bit more, since he felt it fit himself a bit more. but, he does understand getting a beanpole ambassadorship. when it came to being placed on main casts for variety, he did really enjoy those as well, especially cool kiz on the block. sure, he’s not really sporty (besides for being an avid gym-goer.) but, he really did enjoy doing the neighborhood sports and this was what had gotten him really more comfortable with variety, and it proved he was a good accent for variety. however, his next main cast wouldn’t come till 2018 with dunia: into a new world. truth be told, he didn’t really get it at first, but once he did, it was clear there really was something there. he had fun with the concept and the whole being brought back to life in the game was a cool addition. of course, duri really, really enjoyed getting to write for titan. he has full writing credits for b-sides: light, playboy, she’s dreaming, and lights out. he also had full writing credits for one title track, kokobop. 
in the future, duri would like to continue this track of modeling, variety, and creative claims. of course, he’d also like more solo musics, but those are givens. in general, his career will be completely focused on music, modeling, variety, and creative claims - keeping himself to those 4 areas mostly. 
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ardenttheories · 4 years
Something gleaminggarmore said pinged hella true so here I am, making another post on Homestuck and gender.
So much of Roxy's character arc works around her being fem and really should have been USED by the writers of HS2 to make her either transfem or fem-aligned nb because she IS coded that way more than anything else. This is a lot of why I think people outright refuse the transmasc Roxy canon while advocating June canon.
However. I can't think of a single character that actually stood out to me as coded transmasc if we get rid of Meat's Roxy. Like. Dave, I guess, if you corrolate some of his abuse under Bro as being forced to "man up". But I don't really think "emotional vulnerability" is an inherently transmasc trait, and like, that detracts away from the importance of showing cis men with emotions in a society that is STILL trying to enforce toxic masculinity on them.
Dirk, maybe? He's the one I'd say is transmasc more than anything, at a push. But now they're writing him as a cis man in HS2. Which is just... swell. Really. I'm not bitter about it at all. /s
And none of the originally female characters feel transmasc to me the way June feels transfem to transwomen. They all FEEL fem to me, unrefutably, and not like even closeted transmen.
Which is why it boggles me that instead of giving us good transmasc rep they took the fem coded character instead and made her masc. Though maybe half the problem is they couldn't find a character the fandom decently cared enough about that was actually CODED transmasc, so they just threw names in a bag and Roxy was the first one out.
So many of the characters were written as cis people BY a cis person, and it desperately shows. Now that they're actually trying to canonise things, they're just... very much doing it wrong. Because you can't just take a cis-coded character and slap on a shiny new gender as if that's what being trans is - and you sure as HELL shouldn't take a fem coded character and make her masc - but there's almost no other way to do it with how Homestuck was written.
Bc again, if we get rid of Roxy, we have... no transmasc rep at all, really. Best we got is Lanque and he's in the fucking game that doesn't seem like it's ever going to drop. The one that isn't even associated with Homestuck's main story.
It's infuriating to see what little rep we have and how it's actually pretty bad rep at that. Like. If you don't care enough to do it right, don't fucking pander to us, bc all it's done is taken transfem rep away from transwomen and fem-aligned enbies and stopped transmen from having actual, genuine representation confirmed in canon.
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sgtbuckyybarnes · 3 years
🎬 for Harper! 🎬 for Dax! 🎬 for Ava! 🎬 for Elodie! (i’m too lazy to send separate ones)
who the fandom ships them with - Bucky and Nat I hope! There would probably be some Harper x Steve shippers because she does love him a lot but they’re definitely just friends haha!  why the fandom loves them - The marvel fandom don’t have the best track record with female characters haha But I hope they would love her because she cares about Bucky so much, she legit fights for him at every stage why the fandom hates them - Probably because she’s with Bucky to be honest, getting in the way of Stucky or SamBucky. Also they’d definitely think she was too like Nat and there’s that whole thing with Tony’s parents... what the cast relationship would be like - Clemence seems quite shy and quiet so I think she’d get on with them well but they’d have to pull her out of her shell like they did with Seb haha!  what was their audition scene - Her first scene! The TWS post credit scene where she catches Bucky reading about himself in the museum. They’d also have a chemistry read which ofc goes amazing bc Seb has chemistry with everyone dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with - She’d be with Seb and Mackie then for IW/Endgame probably Scarjo!  if they spoil things - Definitely not!  if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large - It hasn’t officially ended yet (I need more Bucky pls) but I think (hope?) she’d be pretty happy with what I have planned for the end of FATWS
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who the fandom ships them with - Probably Adiya, I ship her with Adiya a bit tbh  why the fandom loves them - Is it bad that I’m not sure they would? Especially after Jily’s death when Sirius is arrested and she bails, leaving Remus and Adiya behind! But I think they’d come round to the idea of her more in the sequel, she’s Harry’s biggest advocate when she comes back and really looks out for him.  why the fandom hates them - Why is this a running theme...probably because she gets in the way of Wolfstar. Also people would say she could have been the Slytherin hero we needed instead of her being placed in Gryffindor like Sirius what the cast relationship would be like - There isn’t an official cast for the  young marauders is there really, like I know from the flashes of them but also no. I feel like Nina and Ben would get on well, I feel like they’re already friends but they just won’t take a selfie because they are selfish what was their audition scene - The scene where they’re fighting the death eaters in Godric’s Hollow to see how she handles the battles with a wand but also one where it was just her and Sirius dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with - Ben or Erin Moriarty who plays Adiya if they spoil things - I don’t think she would, maybe the odd insta story here and there that would make people question (like she’s doing with Legacies at the minute lol) if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large - I think so, especially now you got me to change SF canon and keep them alive hahaha
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who the fandom ships them with - I’m gunna steal your tag and say probably Briar haha! But also Kol, there would be the select few who ship her and Damon even after he’s a dick to her and ofc there would be the Katherine x Ava shippers why the fandom loves them - She can be a bit of a badass, she doesn’t take any of Damon’s shit at all and she can be a bit sarcastic. Also her relationship with Briar  why the fandom hates them - They would not trust her at all. She used to be Katherine’s bff and is working with Isobel when she first comes to Mystic Falls! Also she gets in the way of Delena at first.  what the cast relationship would be like - Obvs she’d get on with Shelley the best! I think she’d also get on well with Nina, she works with her a lot when she’s playing Katherine. Ofc she’d get on well with the boys too but I can imagine her, Shelley and Nina being quite the trio what was their audition scene - Her first scene where she meets Stefan/Paul in the woods, also chemistry tests with Ian and Nina - would she need one with Shelley??  dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with - Probably Shelley! Or Nate, especially during The Originals if they spoil things - Nooo definitely not if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large - Yes I think she would be, her and Kol are living happily and she still gets to see Briar 
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Idk how well this will work with Els but here we go! 
who the fandom ships them with - Steve, he’s the only one she spends a lot of time with really!  why the fandom loves them - She’s very caring and really pulls her community together during the snap, she also looks out for Steve why the fandom hates them - Because she’s with Steve? Also she hates superheroes and is very sarcastic about how much she hates them haha! I feel like it would definitely take the fandom some time to get used to her  what the cast relationship would be like - Ana and Chris definitely get on, you can tell through their Knives Out interviews! what was their audition scene - Probably just a chemistry test with Chrevans, possibly her first meeting with Steve dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with - Chris for sure  if they spoil things - Nooo, definitely not with how Marvel are with spoilers!  if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large - I’m not actually sure how her story ends! But it’s probably happy because I could never do that to Elodie
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hongism · 3 years
“How dare Seonghwa look so gentle and confident even while being chained and held in the brig of his own ship?” CALY I AM GENUINELY CRYING WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS
HER DREAM OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK????? are those supposed to be alternate realities of what would’ve happened if jongho went to fight mingi instead of hongjoong????
NOOOOOOOOOOO MC SEEING EVERYONE DIE EXCEPT SAN <////3 does this mean her greatest nightmare is not even losing him but him not remembering her???? <//////3 which echoes what he said to her in ch15?? 16?????? about not wanting to have no memory of her??????????? I AM PAIN
“I feel I might lose my mind if I cannot bring him back safely soon.” IS THIS FORESHADOWING OH MY GOD
noooooo her imagining the crew living peaceful ordinary lives :((((((((((((((((((((( i genuinely cried at that :(((
wait but yunho kind of has a point but also kind of doesn’t?????? i am big confusion bc he seems like he has the right idea but something else (maybe his personal feelings towards joong) is still holding him back from making a completely unbiased/unselfish judgment but i guess that’s humanity and no one can ever be 100% objective :((
has mc put down the name for the pardon papers yet? i’m not sure if she did or has already written hyunwoo’s but i’m sure it was mentioned????? ahsjhajs so many questions
JWJDHWJFUWJDJSJKS YUNHO HONGJOONG WHDJWHJSHQJDJWIE nothing like the devil’s tango to break up the Angst and Tension i suppose 😔😔😔😔
“I just… want you to know you are loved today just as you were yesterday, and you’ll be loved tomorrow as well. Whatever kind of that love is, it’s love nonetheless. These people — the family you have built and chosen yourself — will continue to love you even if you get a little lost along the way.” I AM CRYING MOC SEONGHWA (and the rest of them minus jisung) DESERVES TO HEAR THIS AND NOTHING LESS :(((((
leave it to jisung to ruin everything as usual 😀😀😀😀😀🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨 pls let me go and give him the hammer miss caly icb i wanted them to reunite before act five started now i want him gONE 😀😀😀
SO IT REALLY WAS MC WHO SAID THAT U SEXC MF :’)))))) okay when i thought she was going psycho in this chapter i really thought it was gonna be batshit crazy psycho but this silent type of crazy is just as sexc 🤩
oop nvm but jisung deserved that so 😔😔 is it bad that i kinda wanted her to kill him
“Still, his tone holds far more softness than anger” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 hajdhwjjdjsk not me going uwu over such a serious moment 🤡🤡 but v v obsessed with sexc captain joong 😔
i personally really adored the lil nuances to joong's reaction when they brought woo back i think it was v downplayed for purposeful reasons BUT also v underrated bc !!! UGH !!! jJUSTUISHiu yeah ;-;
the DREAM areofigjodifjg are they alternate realities what are they hmm hmmh mhmhmhmhm mysterious mysterious im sorry i legit sobbed while writing the hwa and joong part that was so hard to get thru it hurt SO BAD and it wasn't even REAL just :') yeah :')
ur onto something there with her greatest nightmare I WONT SAY MORE but i'll just say ur onto something BIG !!!! and it does echo back to lots of their conversations from acts two and three !! T-T PAIN!
there's actually something V IMPORTANT TO NOTE about that line too the 'i feel i might lose my mind if i cannot bring him back safely soon' and it ties to yn's convo with jisung and the last line of the chapter as well 🥰
genuinely CRYING AT THE PEACEFUL LIVES PLS !!!! it was supposed to be a gentle moment no tears ;-;
yunho was very much playing the devil's advocate as well as acting on personal feelings himself since we've seen that tension between him and seonghwa before but it truly IS humanity, no one can be 100% objective without any bias and that's something that's hard to work around and work with ;-;
she has nOT put a name down on the pardon papers, for now it's just alluded to that she plans to put hyunwoo's name down ONE DAY but those papers will become important again sooooooooon
U KNOW I HAD TO DO IT smack smack tension breaker sexcie times i had to okay it was getting TOO INTENSE!!
our DEAREST HWA DESERVES TO HEAR IT he needs the encouragement and love he NEEDS IT he truly deserves it too pls i cried there too ;-;
that's a LOT OF HAMMERS AND SMILES BLS UR SCARIER THAN JISUNG IS GOD DAMN i'll allow it u are welcome to take the hammer to his noggin oki oki u have my permission 😳
dONT WORRY SAN HAS HIS LOVELY LADY YN TO PROTECT HIM she'll DEFEND she PROTECC she ATTACC (and most important she love san bacc?)
OFC IT WAS MC WHO SAID IT HELL YEAH I WASNT TEASING THAT TIME silent crazy with an edge of psycho truly beautiful <3 jisung deserved the splat right then but sadly </3 he's still necessary </3
when joong pulls on the sexc captain pants 😫 if u liked that then i think u will ADORE the beginning scene of the next chapter <3
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