Writing and Aloe
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  Background Photo by Steven Kamenar on Unsplash.  Profile Photo by Bob van Aubel on Unsplash.
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aloeverawrites · 1 hour ago
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With stroke going on and everyone catching up on shows/movies they couldn’t watch
I highly recommend watching old OLD films
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aloeverawrites · 2 hours ago
my general position on public nuisance is "you should do your best not to irritate or inconvenience other people unless there's a good reason" and then litigate the "good reason" on a case by case basis. i think that's the best anyone can do. the definition of "good reason" varies wildly depending on context, your background, culture generally, what data you have as a participant or a bystander, and local laws, and all three of these things are relevant factors
for example it really does lower my level of reactive, irritable stress with my neighbors to know their names and general schedules. i don't know why but it really does bother you less if Kyle Upstairs is having a party a little too late and you can hear Bulletproof through the ceiling, as opposed to if you're on year three of living underneath some anonymous fuckhead you want to kill. it's like oh Kyle's cousin is visiting and they're just chilling out maybe they lost track of the time. this makes all the difference. as usual the best advice is to form community with the people around you no matter what, even if you are entirely self-interested it will benefit you in the end. well that's all I got
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aloeverawrites · 2 hours ago
The great thing about having friends and acquaintances across a variety of professions is to really hammer home as much as possible the fact there is literally zero correlation between the amount someone actually works, the amount they contribute to society, and how much they make in a year.
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aloeverawrites · 2 hours ago
The thing about "well veganism is bad because what about X group" is that somehow nobody making those complaints cares to find a fix. And tbh I see it in other stuff too, but especially environmental and vegan stuff.
Like does anyone else remember "zero waste is classist"? Sure there were some issues in the community, but nobody cared to be like "hey not everyone can use zero waste here's an alternative!"
I think a lot of people are more interested in shutting down topics they find uncomfortable than finding solutions. And in veganism that often presents like "ok well what about people in rural areas who can only live off chicken eggs?? NOT EVEN RASPBERRIES??" And then when you go "well nobody NEEDS to eat raspberries and I'm sure we can find a way for them to not need eggs" everyone flips, because they don't want solutions, they just want you to shut up.
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aloeverawrites · 2 hours ago
If you have to explain how your Nazi salute wasn’t a Nazi salute, you are probably a Nazi.
If you are often making statements that mirror Nazi propaganda, you are probably a Nazi.
If you are actively engaged in directing government actions which mirror the Nazi rise to power, you might be a Nazi.
If you support public figures who do all three, you are an American conservative voter.
When you often do all three, you are an American Conservative in the Trump Administration.
When it acts like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi, and behaves like a Nazi, it is a Nazi. Supporters of Nazis are Nazis.
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aloeverawrites · 2 hours ago
reblog to reassure the next person who reads this that everything is going to be okay and it’s all going to get easier soon
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aloeverawrites · 2 hours ago
You won’t see this every day but making sure the system cannot proceed unless women have a seat at the table is the best possibly thing you can do in a place of privilege.
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aloeverawrites · 5 hours ago
Hey uhh,I'm 20 and self diagnosed autistic... I somehow graduated high school in 2023 but now I have a severe burnout. And honestly I don't think I'll ever be able to have a job or study ever again,and it scares me. I definitely don't qualify for any kind of disability pay in my country because I'm too "high functional" and... Yea.. I don't even have a diagnosis and I don't really want one (I'm mostly scared of medical appointments, but also I flew under the radar for so long I don't have the energy to fight with doctors about my diagnosis)
I'm so scared for the future. I don't know what to do :( I know that if I force myself to have a job I will most likely get fired after a week because I'm so tired that I fell asleep or straight up skipped half of the week (I genuinely cannot work more than a single day per week,and it takes me the entire week to recover, unable to move, cook, or have hobbies, which sucks, my hobbies are so dear to me because during all my school time I was too tired to do anything, but now it's the second year that I'm "free" and honestly I would never sacrifice my hobbies ever again)
I'm lucky my parents are nice and let me stay but I'm scared it won't last... And I'm so scared. Every time I talk about it to my parents it ends with screaming and crying because it feels like they don't even try to understand, saying "I can't work" isn't "I'm too lazy" but genuinely a cry of help, saying that working is painful and that I'm too weak and capitalism is ruthless and leave people like me to die and rot outside... I don't even qualify to any kind of disability pay in my country because I don't have a diagnosis and the requirements are way too stricts, and I'm "too fonctional" because I can actually walk and talk (debatable I go mute a lot ahah)
I'm terrified for my future, I looked up everything but nothing seems to help, I don't qualify for any kind of monetary help from the government of my country, and I have no way to get money, and my family is far from rich so it's not even like "oh well we're rich so my parents don't mind". They will most likely start to mind soon, even if I don't ask for much, I never ask them for money, I only get 50€ from them each month and I somehow deal with it... But one day I know it'll be too much. I'm just so scared. I'm weak and I know it and noone is there to help me :(
I don't even have any kind of job that's possible for me. Art commission? Sure but I'm nowhere near famous enough to be able to live from it. Plus it means giving up on doing personal art, which is way too dear to me. Any kind of artistic job that would suit me requires money and fame, which I don't have (and am not interested in). I keep saying it but it's terrifying. Even if I somehow get a job, that is a single day per week with flexible hours (I feel sick if I wake up before noon... It sounds stupid but living is exhausting I need 12 hours of sleep per day and I am the most comfortable being active in the late evening... I just follow what my body tells me to do because if I force myself to have another "more normal" schedule I just get depressed and sick).. well even if I somehow find a job like that (not very likely), I will still be depressed because I will still be exhausted and have to give up my hobbies.
I know it's selfish, "I can't work cuz I'll be sad and tired :(" but it's genuinely just more than that... It feels like the "sad and tired" is ×100 compared to "other" people, like I'm not tired in a "oh no I'm tired :(" way but in a "I can't even walk anymore and no matter how long I sleep it won't fix it" way
I'm so sorry for venting like that but I'm so scared and lost, I'm so desperate, there is no way for me to survive in this world, I am meant to rot. It hurts to be seen as the "undesirable" part of society because we are too weak to be exploited
Autism diagnosis aside, have you looked at chronic fatigue syndrome?
It is possible that it's autistic burnout, definitely. But something about the severity of what you're experiencing is a bit more than I'd expect from just burnout.
As for work, outside of causes, have you looked at "at home jobs"? Below is a link to an example of a website that helps people connect with these types of jobs (you may have to look for what's available in your country). I've even seen people working from home for another country, so it's not limited.
I'm sorry that you're feeling this way, and I'm sure you'll have good days and bad. *Warm autistic auntie hugs*
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aloeverawrites · 5 hours ago
They're going to run out of movies, let's trick them into releasing morbius a third time
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aloeverawrites · 5 hours ago
Forgive my ignorance but what’s wrong with using amab/afab/agab? And what is an alternative I can use? /gen
Thanks in advance :)
i mean your agab is one event in your life. using it to talk about a whole half of the population’s experiences is just… wrong and simplistic. it acts as though we can put intersex people in one of two categories based on the trauma they’ve endured and then their experiences should match up. it assumes trans men have more in common with cis women than trans women or cis men based on the idea that we share a sex category that means so much
be specific about what youre talking about. if you mean people raised as girls, say that. if you mean people perceived as men, say that. if you mean people with the capability to get pregnant, say that. stop acting like sex assigned years ago can’t change and is somehow still a good group to use
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aloeverawrites · 5 hours ago
Only Good Memories
Watercolor On Black Paper
2025, 9"x 12"
Forget Me Nots, Myosotis
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aloeverawrites · 6 hours ago
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The Flax Remain Unchanged
Watercolor On Black Paper
2025, 9"x 12"
Blue Flac, Linum
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aloeverawrites · 6 hours ago
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aloeverawrites · 6 hours ago
My Local Library Has Banned Pride Flags
I talk a lot about libraries here, and right now, I need to rally as much support as possible for mine. In Edmonton, Pride flags have been banned. Please kick up as much of a fuss about this as possible; if you are Albertan, contact your local representatives. Just now, on social media, the library account began spreading lies about the policy and the union, so it looks like they are going to try to stand their ground.
The union is standing up against this, so we are supporting them here. I will keep you updated on what actions can be taken to change this. Right now, the union has signed an open letter to our mayor, and I plan on calling Mayor Amarjeet Sohi using his publicly available phone number: 780-496-8100.
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aloeverawrites · 6 hours ago
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aloeverawrites · 6 hours ago
This post made me realise that while I can wiggle my ears I can also move them independently. But only one and it’s the one in the picture-
maybe im just a weirdo but does anyone else hear an interesting or relevant conversation behind you in a way where you think if i’d been a cat my ear would have done this just now
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aloeverawrites · 6 hours ago
lets hear it for transgenderism and faggotry. can I get a round of applause for transgenderism and faggotry
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