#may you enjoy my blog~~
dailyeohkakyoin · 7 months
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the crusaders do have a healer.
they don't like to talk about it.
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
Tango and GeminiTay visit Etho post-charity stream travel while Grian interacts via chat. Etho says he and Joel were alone all week and everybody teases him.
19 minutes into Tango's "I AM THE MASTER" stream, April 2024
Tango: So, Etho, what did you do all week by yourself? Were you lonely?
Etho: Dude, it was so dead on this server-
Tango: It was so quiet! I know.
Gem, overlapping: Did you miss us?
Tango, overlapping: He DID! He did!
Gem: Awww!
Etho: A little bit... It was just like- It was like Joel and me, and...................... and that was about it... And Cub came back eventually.
Gem, overlapping: Of COURSE you mention Joel first.
Tango: Yep, yep; of course.
Tango, quietly sing-songing: Obsessed~ ... Obsessed...
Etho: [Laughs]
Gem: Not your neighbor, Cub. JOEL. Joel's top of the list.
Etho: But I couldn't even go see Joel because it would've been awkward to, like... just be alone.
Gem: You poor thing...
Tango, reading Grian's message in chat: 'Joel is enough for you.' Yeah...... I see more statues popping up- Who's making them?
Etho: Not me! Okay, something weird is going on- I don't know the deal behind it-
Tango, laughing: Uh-huh...
Etho: I've made two statues... Total.
Tango: Which ones did you make?
Etho: The Joel one... and the other one's... a secret.
Next, Tango and Gem tease Etho because they're pretty sure the other statues he built are the giant Etho statues, implied to be something he put in front of Joel's base himself. Etho says this is "not confirmed in his video."
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destielmemenews · 24 days
Due to a lot of feedback on the nature of this blog, and how the meme format can come across as insensitive and shameless, I'm considering switching to a news only post format, without the use of the destiel meme. I greatly enjoy sharing information about current events, and would like to continue doing so in some way.
So I am making this poll to ask everyone their opinion on the way I do things, and for suggestions to improve my content.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
I have greatly enjoyed your comics ever since i saw them and have been quietly Iurking as ya do- thought youd want to know that i played hollow knight based on how enthusiastic u were and how fuckin cool youre art of hk/mdzs is. OH and watched dungeon meshi. Your influence is vast and i have been enriched. Keep on keepin on 🫡
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You have bestowed the highest honour upon me.
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rheakira · 4 months
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Today, May 23rd, is Robin's birthday!
Happy birthday, Robin!
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
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On The Topic Of Eddie.
First of all, he’s completely fucked. He’s screwed. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again: I’ve never seen a character more doomed by the narrative. 
Second, Eddie’s halloween costume was Frankenstein’s Monster. And pray tell, what was the Monster’s whole thing? That he’s betrayed by his own creator, rejected / attacked by the town, deeply misunderstood & interpreted as a violent beast despite being well-read and helpful/benevolent. There are some interesting ties there - especially with the Misunderstood Despite Being Well-Read (switch out violent beast with forgetful klutz and it’s a perfect fit). That, plus Eddie’s description of “...brought back from the dead… by the scientist… stitches… a deathly pallor… a bit of a moral conundrum…”
Take that and add it to how Eddie resembles the “night” side of the clocks (this will be expanded upon with Sally in a different post), and how @/theneighborhoodwatch once pointed out that the color purple is only shown in relation to Eddie & may represent secrets, how in livestream trivia it was implied that Eddie doesn’t sleep at night as he is a “busy guy”, and how Sally’s “monster” only comes out at night and likely isn’t a monster at all - she is dramatic, an embellisher, and said to present things that she herself doesn’t know / is uncertain of As Fact, or at least present them as if she knows exactly what she’s talking about (even when she doesn’t and knows it). 
Another tidbit that I may have mentioned but I’ll bring it up again: Eddie’s eyelashes match the scalloped trim under Home’s windows. Three round curves. 
As an additional tally in the “Eddie is soooo fucked <3” scoreboard, Eddie is the mailman in a story where one of the first things we knew to be actually happening was the WHRP receiving letters of Welcome Home media (now I’m not saying Eddie sent them, certainly not. He may or may not have had a hand in helping with the delivery, but what I mean with this is how it ties in symbolically/abstractly/thematically.) That plus the red envelope, the general unfolding delivery theme… Eddie even has a holiday explicitly associated with him - Mail-In Time Day. 
Then there’s the fact that Eddie tends to express Knowledge and a more worldly disposition, in a way. Despite Frank being mentioned as the neighborhood “intellectual”, and he is so with facts, Eddie seems to have a deeper well of… let’s say cultural know-how. Pair that with how his bio is the only one to say/imply that he comes from elsewhere, that he’s been Around. Everyone else came from their family or don’t have a stated before, but Eddie? He was strongly implied to have delivered to a lot of different places - this is made into a running gag, but we all know a running gag for the Show has deeper implications and meanings. 
And the fact that his genuine knowledge as well as his past are consistently dismissed and/or played off for laughs…
A while back - this is related I swear - there was an ask Clown answered where they talked about some of his notes on Eddie. The first part that I want to point out is how apparently Eddie is a good source for information (specifically How-To), but despite being talkative he doesn’t share unless prodded for it. This directly relates to the above points. 
Then there’s the one I really want to talk about - how Clown says that “He [Eddie] has a great deal of precision for someone who presents themselves as a semi-clumsy busybody!” 
That single line made me insane, personally. First, the wording. The choice of saying presents themselves as instead of something like for someone who is. There’s an obvious discrepancy between his precision and clumsiness. Now I don’t doubt that he may be a tad accident-prone, but what if Eddie is dialing up the clumsy nature to disarm his Neighbors / craft a specific reputation for himself / give himself leeway in other areas. 
On one hand, this is suspicious as fuck.
On the other hand, this is so adhd of him. 
One of the things rarely mentioned about it is how sometimes we adhders will play up our more “useless” traits in order to create a bit of a social safety net. Admittedly, I will sometimes play up my forgetfulness so that a) if i do forget things (truth more often than not), people aren’t surprised. b) when i remember things, people are pleasantly surprised. I mean, if people start thinking we’re competent then they’ll start Expecting things from us, which is never a good thing! 
And another thing that relates to it that that ask said - Clown says in it that Eddie is slow to anger, but he gets frustrated more easily. Which is fascinating and very relatable. They also said that he can’t talk about it without wandering too far, which - if the post is viable - has… implications. 
Anyway I am very confident that Eddie is in fact adhd. List of reasons (refer to the wiki trivia Eddie Dear section for sources):
He’s forgetful
He gets so involved with a task and cannot break away until it’s finished, thus often making him late
He’s particular
He has a watch - likely to help him keep track of time, implying that he has difficulty with the concept (time blindness!) 
He is very talkative and rambley 
& seems to have slight difficulty with picking up on social cues telling him when to / when not to speak
He’s slow to anger but more easily frustrated 
Beyond all of this I don’t have much to add that I haven’t already talked about in a previous post! I’m sure even so I’ve restated some (or a lot of) things - it Happens! 
In conclusion: bbg is so screwed & also adhd <3
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sobselpop · 7 months
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Define ‘‘irreplaceable’’
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right-there-ride-on · 2 months
Gyjo in the fandom
cw: light discussion of ableism
Gyjo… what am I thinking about gyjo…
I like them. I like them a lot, actually. They have paralleled narrative arcs, they complement each other nicely, the romantic subtext is incredibly obvious to the point that even the most homophobic fan you know will admit they understand why people ship it… so why do I also have a problem with it?
There’s a lot of good fanart. Hell, I’ve reblogged plenty. Maybe it’s just something that’s more pronounced in fic.
I’m trying to word this correctly. My issue with gyjo has nothing to do with the text itself. I think my problem is just how people portray it in the fandom.
Maybe it’s because it’s so popular, or maybe it’s the sheer prominence of applying ‘Character A’ and ‘Character B’ dynamics without considerable regard for the characters involved, but I feel gyjo is very prone to flanderization. I believe the intersection with how ableist people are toward Johnny (intentionally or not, subtly or not) and the old tropes these two get shoved into makes it so I have trouble enjoying fics in the fandom.
I’m not saying it’s bad to enjoy certain tropes. I’m not saying headcanons are bad either. What I am saying is that writing is hard, but if you’re going to write fanfiction please have consideration for the characters you’re writing. The arcs of these two are complex and multilayered, which is why I think they have such staying power, but I also think they also provide a good opportunity for us as writers and artists to examine our biases when it comes to the portrayal of certain groups, personality types, mental illnesses, queerness, disability, etc. and maybe come out better people for it.
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chibisfanartcave · 11 months
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found out my switch pro controler works on PC, so ive been going nuts playing Guilty gear. so i wanted to draw my mains
Millia speed go unga bunga.
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*trundles into your askbox* guess who dug through this entire blog! Hellar it makes me so insanely happy to see more people enjoying this cringe phone I've been on this grind for five years now all alone. Some of my older drawings are in here too I used to be stobotnik :} cheggout my BAG
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Holy moly guacamole, that is an amazing Commander Tartar ita bag you got there!
I am so in love with the blender-thingamajig... ohhh look at Agent 8 in there with the lil memcakes... And Tartar on top of the blender... It's so creative!
Yep, this is the best thing I've seen in a long time.
Super duper mega awesome stuff, thank you for showing this to me 🫶
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valyrfia · 6 months
i'm like n1 lecfosa but i have to say some of the anons i've seen in other people's inboxes because they think that charles could've driven better today or that carlos deserved the win....have not been it. if you have an opinion to say, please just post it on your own blog and put your own name to it rather than going to terrorise and spit on someone who doesn't agree with you while retaining the luxury of hiding behind an anonymous icon. or even better, if you're upset, stick to the blogs that you know share your opinions.
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musicalmoritz · 1 month
“ADA Dazai” this, “PM Dazai” that
Shut up
We are never gonna see Bar Lupin Dazai again😔
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vellichorom · 3 months
I Would love to hear what you think about the meaning of the stanley parable is to you?
I've tried looking but I don't know if you ranted about that before.
I just like hearing others interpretation and widening my own.
the MEANING of the stanley parable to me? as in... what i would think the plot is trying to convey? what the overall game's meaning / lesson is SUPPOSED to be?
oh god i don't know,
& unless i'm just ESPECIALLY dense, i'm not sure anyone actually WOULD, i'm not sure the answer to that is remotely clear. i think it's ALL a matter of interpretation; what YOU make of everything you've seen thus far, & even then, we're all probably far off from what's really going on. there's SO much going on in the background, man... so many implications made in details we're STILL discovering about the game years later.
i mean- if you could tell me what the plot of the stanley parable was in a straightforward fashion, what COULD you say beyond " a narrator & a protagonist get up to existential misadventures in a game, "
a very rough ballpark answer i could give you is that, it's a game about isolation & madness in mundanity; it started off nice & simple - you think, with some guy merely wanting to make a successful game that changes one's life to play it, ONLY for it to spiral out of his & anyone's control. the game is playing him. it's playing itself. you are playing the stanley parable. did anyone ever have control? could it be so simple as a video game gone awry?
& somehow this goes fluidly well ( at least in my opinion ) with ultra deluxe's message CLEARLY more revolving around the meta in-universe escalation of the narrator's game, managing to convey the bastardization & overstayed welcome of genuine passion projects stretched to their limit & what that does to the creator as WELL as the project in of itself, but also having this take PLACE in the same realm of madness you were stuck in & isolated to begin with. which is as fascinating as it is unique; you're witnessing the " behind the scenes " stuff in the MIDST of the game you're playing, IN the REALM of the game you're playing, contained in the place where all this madness began, blurring the line of what's truly real for these characters or what is merely performance between them. & do they themselves even know?
i feel like, & ESPECIALLY with ultra deluxe's release, the meaning of everything in this game is a blend of one's experience alongside some kind of commentary, but i could not for the life of you give you a definite answer or opinion as to what it all adds up to or means. what it was truly MEANT to tell you.
but maybe that's the point,
you just get to witness this hell for these characters, you see it all, & then you leave. there is no answer or solution for you to find. you can't help them playing the game, & you can't help them not playing the game. you just get to see, then leave.
but hey, that's just a theory. a ga
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alisterix · 6 months
Have been reading lots of Asterix comics lately and fell in love with Cacofonix.
Finding this blog about the adventures of Asterix and Obelix and seeing you're a Cacofonix stan is a blessing for my eyes :)
may the magic potion give you eternal strength ✨
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sometimesanequine · 26 days
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