#mary poppins theory
vidavalor · 11 days
Perfectly Splendid
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"Perfectly splendid" is a Mary Poppins allusion from another story that, thematically, is an interesting one for Good Omens to be referencing in The Final 15. That story, plus the ton of other Mary Poppins references in the last two episodes of S2 and how that could help us figure out what's going on, beneath the cut.
The phrase "perfectly splendid" is an allusion to Mary Poppins that comes from Mike Flanagan's The Haunting of Bly Manor. It's a modern-set Gothic horror story that features a nanny arriving to care for two, Jane-and-Michael-Banks-esque kids at an English manor house. Flora, the little girl in the story, is obsessed with her mysterious former nanny. We see quickly in the series that Flora has taken to using her former nanny's catchphrase and so calls everything she likes "perfectly splendid" repeatedly throughout the story, in a way that is both cute and eerie as all fuck, depending on the scene.
The "perfectly splendid" is a take on Mary Poppins' "practically perfect" and the homages to Mary Poppins in The Haunting of Bly Manor are overt, if not quite as much as Scary Poppins is in Good Omens. (It would be hard to top that!) Flora saying "perfectly splendid" is the main quote to come out of the series and a reference in Good Omens to this signature bit of The Haunting of Bly Manor is then also a roundabout reference in Good Omens to Mary Poppins.
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The Haunting of Bly Manor is a horror story about possession.
Ya know, that thing that Satan did to Crowley in 1.01...
...and, I would wager, in the bits below of 2.06:
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When the character Derek Jacobi is playing first arrives, all five angels fail to identify this being as The Metatron... and all while the only demon in the room-- Crowley-- is very still in the chair and suspiciously (forcibly?) silent until spoken to by the being.
The angels not being familiars of The Devil is, I think, the simplest explanation for why none of them can recognize a face that should be very familiar to them. Upon this person being identified as The Metatron, Michael, Uriel and Saraqael are then so terrified of ticking him off that they fail to recognize that he told them all to go back to Heaven using language from the wrong Julie Andrews movie.
If this is The Metatron below, then why is he saying "spit spot" (and alongside "not another word" as a bonus, as she says that, too)? These are Mary Poppins signature phrases and Mary Poppins is Hell's answer to Heaven and The Sound of Music in Good Omens.
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I'm actually pretty sure Crowley & Aziraphale had a hand in writing both, which is why neither Hell nor Heaven seem to actually understand their signature stories but, for now, we know which one is supposed to go with which group and any sign of Mary Poppins is a sign of Hell, ever since the Warlock era... which parallels the last two episodes of S2, with The Meeting Ball disaster as a version of Warlock's birthday party. This time around, the party leads to the influence and not the other way around.
In S1, it's Crowley as Scary Poppins at the door to influence Warlock with Aziraphale there to counter him as the gardener... mirrored in S2 with Aziraphale as the Warlock, Crowley the Gardener as one influencing voice and the other being Satan-appearing-as-The-Metatron arriving at the door in the midst of a Poppinspalooza.
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But there's still a lot more Mary Poppins than just the above:
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...
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Most of the Mary Poppins references actually started the prior night with the arrival of the demons, when Crowley paused in the street in mid-conversation as the demons arrived on Whickber Street and spoke aloud about how he felt a change happening a la Bert in the opening scene of Mary Poppins.
Wind's in the East/Mist comin' in
Like something is brewin'/About to begin...
Then, there's Crowley asking Mrs. Sandwich (who is wearing a plume very much like Bert's favorite lady in that opening scene of Mary Poppins) if she "has her hat pin", which is a reference to the suffragette movement, so cast off the shackles of yesterday! shoulder to shoulder into the fray!...
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Mary Poppins' "Sister Suffragette" scene is also an example of one of its many scenes in which the humor is built around two characters who aren't at all hearing one another, which is very similar to Aziraphale and Crowley having issues with that to some extent during The Meeting Ball and then being in full-on, Baby-Swap-Plot-level, miscommunication Hell in That Scene in The Final 15. A lot of those Mary Poppins scenes, including "Sister Suffragette", involve action around a door-- like damn near every scene in Good Omens-- as that is symbolic of communication and whose voice is being listened to at any given time.
Or how everyone was then link your elbows/step in time-ing it the fuck out of the shop...
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They're at the gate/step in time... It's The Master/step in time...
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That was all after things got a bit supercalifragilisticexpialidocious...
So when the cat has got your tongue, Mrs. Sandwich, there's no need to dismay! Just summon up that word and then you've got a lot to say...
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Beez's Fly + Hell claiming Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets =
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But the best/worst is near the very end:
Though her words are simple and few
Listen, listen/She's calling to you...
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Feed the birds/That's what she cries
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While overhead/Her birds fill the skies...
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So, yeah...
Up/Where the smoke is all billowed and curled, Aziraphale...
...between pavement and stars
is the chimney sweep world...
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When there's hardly no day/Nor hardly no night
There's things off in shadow
And off way in white...
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We're owed some serious "Let's Go Fly a Kite" come S3. 🦆☂️😊
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thoscheienjoyer · 3 months
The type of music I think some doctors and master might listen to
Saxon: pop breakup songs and upbeat songs that have angsty lyrics, imagine him playing bad blood by Taylor Swift or good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo or good luck babe
8 and 12: a lot of the music doesn't have lyrics, just violins, stuff you'd read or fall asleep to
Roberts: dad rock or guys with deep voices that don't actually scream or anything: theory of a deadman, Hinder, citizen soldier. And then religious imagery songs like from Eden and Francesca
13: yearning lesbian songs, like Reinaeiry covers, and some Miski in relation to the master
15: club music like Ke$ha
10: just music you'd sob too and the music you'd dance too like going from I bet on losing dogs to don't stop me now
11: Christmas songs
3 and Delgado: the classics
Ainley: angry and sad music, if he knew about Adele it would all be over "water under the bridge" "rolling in the deep" burn fron Hamilton, you'll be back
7: yearning gay songs
9: what if his music taste was really happy? That'd be funny
Missy: bad bitch music and Mary Poppins
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thehumanwiki · 3 months
I’ve seen a lot of theories! So let’s see what y’all think—
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yuurei20 · 9 months
hi yuurei, good morning/evening!!
HELLO :> Thank you so much for this question!
Unfortunately no I do not! I searched around and discovered a variety of fanart, such as Epel, Idia and Jade based on their early-design forms (in this same series of tweets Yana shared how Epel wore glasses and longed to be in show business, Idia was the youngest on the cast and Jade had a punk-inspired hairstyle/multiple piercings)--
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--and many theories!
It seems a common assumption that Azul may have had the penguin, as the penguins in Mary Poppins are waiters (also, tuxedos).
Other theories are: ・Crewel had the puppy familiar ・The owl may have belonged to Riddle or Rook ・Maybe the penguins actually belonged to the twins (as the penguins in the "It's a Small World" ride wear purple hats)
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swhhdr-wthhr · 19 days
lots of fun facts about my sanders sides opposite au: (but i clearly have thought of some characters more than others)
logan :
introduced around the time of og accepting anxiety. represents bad decision making and willful ignorance
his first big moment was in can lying be good, which was a game show run by him instead of a play directed by janus. he didn't care whether thomas lied or not. he just wanted to give janus a morality crisis and joke around with virgil
only uses analog technology (ex: if someone asked to borrow his phone, he'd pull out a rotary phone, which works despite not being plugged in)
he's an amateur magician and loves showing off his tricks. virgil is the only one who is impressed by this
pulls things out of seemingly-too-small spaces like mary poppins with her bag, but only from other people's clothes (he will often steal janus's hat and pull something absurdly large out of it)
instead of rising up or appearing out of nowhere in the videos, in every video he walks out from a different random place (ex: from behind the tv like remus, from underneath the couch, down the stairs virgil sits on)
all of his clothes are glow in the dark
he doesn't know he needs glasses. he just assumes everyone has blurry vision
uses vocab cards like original logan but all of the words are made up and have never been said by anyone
regularly puts inflection on all the wrong parts of words and pronounces common words wrong (he doesn't pronounce long, uncommon words wrong, just short, easy to pronounce ones)
always talks just a little too loud and a little too fast
conspiracy theorist but only for theories that no one has ever heard of
wears a suit in every video except the court room one, where he wore the unicorn onesie the whole time
when thomas died his hair purple, his hair was inexplicably a completely different color. it would change every time someone mentioned it and he would never acknowledge that his hair looked different from everyone else's
censors people like og janus, but instead of covering their mouths, he just makes a loud distracting noise like og remus
the only side who doesn't think he's annoying is virgil, who finds him hilarious
introduced in episode 1. represents pretty much all of thomas's positive emotions and none of the negative ones. also impulsive thoughts (impulsive not intrusive)
is technically a light side based on his role in the story but he's friends with everyone and "doesn't pick sides" (he sides with whoever is the most useful or interesting to him in the moment)
whenever conversation with the others bores him, he shamelessly ignores them, often scrolling on his phone in the middle of a video
extreme form of a hedonist. he chases dopamine like his life depends on it and is willing to do extremely reckless things if he thinks it will be a little fun
often causally tries to usurp the others and gain unilateral control over thomas's life ("wouldn't it be fun if you just ignored all of them and listened to me?")
is very open to trying new things for the experience, even if he can reasonably guess that he won't enjoy it. roman has no short supply of horrifying, painful ideas that they can try together
very good at insulting people in ways that really hurt. also very good at acting innocent and pretending he wasn't trying to be mean
some parts of the fandom in this universe would think he had a corruption arc when he became friends with the dark sides (there would definitely be fanfics where patton kidnapped and brainwashed him to be evil or smth) but he was just always like this.
always excited to help out the dark sides with their plans, being a bit of a double agent because thomas trusts and listens to him
he's an asshole who just wants to have fun and get what he wants all the time forever
introduced in this version of dwit, but he represents dark creativity and melancholy more so than intrusive thoughts
claims to hate disney but constantly quotes disney villains
frequently goes on long, depressing, overly dramatic speeches
collects dead things. he's trying to get a corpse of as many different animals, plants, etc. as possible
shameless masochist. (his shoes feel like he's walking on broken glass all the time and he loves it. he was inspired by the original little mermaid)
says all of the same types of things as og remus, but in a more monotone, gloomy way
often very aggressive, especially towards logan. he shows his love through violence and insults. he does the same with patton and virgil but less overtly because he can't get away with it as easily
came up with the name "the dark sides" just like he did in the og series, but this time it's an official term because it was created by one of them
always fights with patton over who's in charge. patton is usually the winner. either way, they don't like listening to each other so whoever wins would just boss around logan (they already both do)
introduced in episode 1. represents honesty and justice
the most gullible person ever. assumes everyone is always telling the truth and is completely blindsided when he's lied to
a strict kantian. he literally has never lied intentionally
associated with sheep instead of snakes (get it? like the bible?) it's much more subtle than the snake symbolism but gets more obvious as the show goes on and he gets an outfit change. (he wears a white wool turtleneck, has sheep/goat rectangular pupils, and has little horns under his hat, which is why he wears it)
his logo doesn't have a sheep on it, but his christmas sweaters do
tries to be nice to everyone since it's his job to be a good role model, but he would rather be honest than polite, so he can be pretty sassy at times
always feels guilty for something, even if he did nothing wrong
always a target of logan for his gullibility, and how he tries so hard to steer thomas in the right direction. in can lying be good, the game show logan hosted was rigged and completely nonsensical. this drove him crazy because...
he cares very much about things being fair
much more competent in the courtroom scenario than og patton was, too bad patton in this universe is also more strategic than og janus
introduced in episode 1. represents light creativity, hopes and dreams, and innocence
very squeamish and easily scared
if og remus is r rated creativity and og roman is pg creativity, this remus is g rated. never curses. very averse to violence
he's kind of the straight man of this group of gay men (similar to og logan). he's fed up with everyone, especially the dark sides
really hates the fact that virgil is friends with the dark sides, but he can't really do anything about it so he just sulks
you know in the we take requests video where they say the most out of character thing each character could say? and for remus they say like 'can you guys just chill? i'm trying to sing all of moby dick'? that's this remus's energy
writes poetry in his free time
his ideas can be pretty out there and weird like og remus, but just without the dark stuff
mostly pretty calm and subdued, but can get very hyper and intense when he's exited about an idea or a romantic opportunity for thomas
introduced around the time of svs
very strategic. plans meticulously before doing anything. (even little unimportant things) he was the mastermind behind pretty much everything logan and roman did before he was even introduced
says that he doesn't care about the other dark sides and that he only works with them out of necessity. he is actually very fond of and protective over them. he'll never admit it
always polite to everyone, even when he's arguing against them (this was very confusing to thomas who expected him to be even scarier than roman). it's just performative though. he's a hater, not a lover
enjoys making puns but always denies that they were intentional (like og logan but if he was lying about it being an accident)
has very dulled emotions. he enjoys spending time with roman, logan, and virgil because they're all so intense in different ways and allow him to feel something
he is especially attached to virgil, since virgil can't just make him feel any emotion, he can make him feel happy
doesn't emote with his eyes. or blink.
starts off as less threatening than roman, but later on, he gets some much scarier moments. roman has more of a constant, steady stream of scariness, while patton holds most of it in until it builds up to an explosion
has a #1 Dad mug, but it's been crossed out and has #2 Boss written under it (logan gave it to him)
roman frequently tries to kill him. he pretends not to notice it to frustrate him (ex: roman will poison his coffee and he'll drink the whole thing with no reaction)
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Gonna be honest. When I first saw this shot of Mrs Flood I was immediately reminded of Mary Poppins
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Between the umbrella and the suitcase bag, and standing on top of a roof (almost like flying with the open umbrella) it set off Mary Poppins bells in my head.
And then I remember the “Mary Poppins is a Time Lord” theory from a while back.
And then I remembered Missy also carried an umbrella.
So now I’m thinking Mrs Flood is another Time Lord/Lady and Time Lady’s just really fucking love the aesthetic of carrying umbrellas with them to complete their look
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Okay, so jumping here. I've been thinking and imo the 'Lilith' is Eve in disguise and Rosie is Lilith theory still holds true. This is brought to you by me going "We know Viv is a shitty writer, so from the writing already available, where would she lead the plot NOW?" and by my tinfoil hat.
We know Lilith is somewhere in Heaven (maybe even in Eden itself). Unless she pulls the weirdest explanation out of her hat for why she took a small vacay for 7 YEARS abandoning her daughter (with whom we know she had a good relationship with, IF that part of the pilot is still true. She never stopped to explain what parts of the pilot are still true, ffs.), Lilith would never. I don't even think she:
1) Would be allowed in Heaven, even by making a deal with Adam.
2) Adam's pride is too big for him to simply accept such a deal and Lilith's pride would be equally big imo. This interaction would never work.
So that has to be Eve. And Adam *has* to know that that's Eve. Or he doesn't, idc. Point is, it's far more likely by normal logic for that to be Eve. By Viv logic...? Not so much.
Which brings me to my second point! Rosie and her character. I did kind of feel the Mary Poppins vibes a bit, ngl. Horrible redesign, but oh well... The way she reacted to Charlie, her going "yeah, singing totes works here, in the *cannibal* colony!" and her giving that love advice + "we all did things we aren't proud of" + the fact that she's a "hellborn"? She has to be Lilith, sorry. Also also I feel like cannibalism isn't even such a big deal??? In the show I mean. It's literally so cartoonish it simply becomes a hellish quirk for some inhabitants. Sure Alastor, you're a cannibal, boo-hoo. I don't feel threatened by any of them, is what I mean. And even irl, I feel like yeah, it's gross and most likely getting yourself sick, but what makes cannibalism truly bad is the act of *killing* that person, ye know? In Viv's Hell that can't even happen, they'll just respawn, no problem.
And my final reason issss: Viv just ran so fast past 4 seasons worth of plot that imo she backed herself info a corner. The only things keeping the plot going are...Alastor's deal and who he made it with. It's probably Roo or Eve (or Lilith if Rosie is just Rosie), but I have a feeling like it can't be so simple with her, she has to pull a super complicated sayan explanation to make it seem like she just had us all guessing the wrong things, she's suuuuch a literary genius. And she loves musicals a bit too much (Adam is literally just Beetlejuice minus everything interesting about him), so pulling a Sweeney Todd sounds very in-character for her.
Now, speaking of Alastor....I haaaate how she destroyed his character with all the swearing and the petty edgelord-ness. She's not smart enough to write a smart chaotic presence/maybe potential villain. There, I said it. She should open a psychology book or some shit (she should've hired psychologists to coach her about writing about topics such as SA, addiction, sadistic/criminal personalities and so on, but we know she never put such thought into her work). Or at least a sensibility reader for her plot, smh. The overall tone of the show is jumping around faster than a bunny on electrolytes.
And as always, Alastor and Rosie have more chemistry than Charlie and Vaggie literally the "main" couple. They seem like a 30s married couple, tbh.
Also also super confused about Alastor's microphone and how she can hand it over to Charlie??? Why would he do that??? Are we supposed to understand he now cares about her? Handling his (presumably from the Adam fight) source of power to her just like that?? TWICE?!?
I understand his final lyrics are supposed to be "holy shit, I almost died for these people, what is wrong with me???" in a nutshell (+ that part about the contract), but we were never SHOWN how he became more attached to them??? We just have to believe him based on the talks with Rosie and Niffty respectively. What a joke. (Niffty got partially restored in my brain, at least).
-idk, Broadcast🎭 anon- (I know I DMed u, but yea)
Honestly? Even if this leak never comes true the way Viv planned it back then, I for one am having a great time speculating.
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otakusheep15 · 8 months
There is so much to unpack! I’m probs gonna make a better post later, but right now I need to do a stream of consciousness just to get it all out!!
Okay, first, the music slapped as always. My fave of the new for is definitely Charlie recruiting the cannibals. It was absolutely adorable and gave some twisted Mary Poppins vibes.
Vaggie’s arc in this show might actually be my favorite out of everyone. Her in the 7th episode was so good!! And I am glad my theory about her dying was wrong.
Speaking of which, Sir Pentious died! I was so sad. I also thought Alastor died, but he didn’t. BUT, on the bright side, Sir Pentious was redeemed!!! He went to Heaven! And his angel form is so adorable omg!!
Alastor at the end is def giving evil vibes, but worse than we’ve seen from him so far. I’m interested to see what kind of shit he’ll get up to in season two. Also, he said fuck twice in one episode, which made me happy.
Not too much development for Husk or Angel, but they did have a couple of cute moments on the side, so that was nice. Hopefully we’ll see more of them in later seasons.
I need to make a whole separate post for Rosie at some point because omg I love her so much. She’s absolutely adorable, and her friendship with Alastor might be my favorite thing. Them as a duo is top tier.
The Vees watching a livestream of the whole war going down was funny too, and Vox killed it as per usual.
And that’s all I have for now. Like I said, I’ll make a more sophisticated and less chaotic post once I’ve calmed down, but right now I’m so excited and need to get it all out!
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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A Very Supernatural Christmas
"Um, my daughter and I were in our beds. Mike was downstairs decorating the tree. I heard a thump on the roof and then I heard Mike scream, and now I'm talking to the FBI." The woman said as I stand in front of her.
"And you didn't see any of it?" I asked her. "No, he was…he was just gone." She said, devastated. "The doors were locked? There was no forced entry?" I asked. "That's right." She said.
"Does anybody else have a key?" I asked, curiously. "My parents." She replied. "Where do they live?" I asked. "Florida." She replied as Sam and Dean walk out of the house. "Thanks for letting me have a look around, Mrs. Walsh. I think we, uh, got just about everything we need." Sam said as he and Dean walk up to me.
"We're all set." Dean whispers to me and I nod at him before I turn to Mrs Walsh. "We'll be in touch." I said to her and she nods. The boys and I walk down the steps before Mrs Walsh turns to us. "Agents…" she calls out and we turn around. "The police said my husband might have been kidnapped." She said, worried. "Could be." Dean said.
"Then why haven't the kidnappers called? O-or – or demanded a ransom? It's three days till Christmas. What am I supposed to tell our daughter?" She asked us and the three of us give her a sympathetic look. "We're very sorry." Sam said and we walked away and Mrs Walsh turns to go inside.
"Find anything?" I asked the boys and Sam sighs. "Stocking, mistletoe…this." He said and he gives me something out of his pocket. "A tooth? Where was this?" I asked as I examine the tooth. "In the chimney." Dean replied. "Chimney? No way a man fits up a chimney. It's too narrow." I said. "No way he fits up in one piece." Sam said. "Alright, so, if dad went up the chimney—" I said and Dean talks over me. "We need to find out what dragged him up there."
Sam and I were searching the internet for information about demons when the door opens and Dean walks inside, carrying a brown paper bag. "So, was I right? Is it the serial-killing chimney sweep?" Dean asked us. "Yep. It's, uh, it's actually Dick Van Dyke." Sam said, jokingly, and Dean looks at him, confused. "Who?" He asked, confused. "Mary Poppins." I said.
"Who's that?" Dean asked and I scoff in surprise. "Oh come on— never mind." Sam said as he waves his hand. "Okay, after this, we are having a Disney movie marathon." I said. "Oh God, kill me now." Dean groans and Sam and I chuckle at this. "Hey, don't knock it til you try it, Dean." I said and Dean rolls his eyes.
"Anyway....It turns out that Walsh is the second guy in town grabbed out of his house this month." Dean said. "Oh yeah?" Sam and I said, in unison. "Yeah." He replied.
"The other guy get dragged up the chimney, too?" Sam asked him. "Don't know. Witnesses said they heard a thump on the roof." Dean said as he shrugs. "So, what the hell do you guys think we're dealing with?" He asked. "Actually, we have an idea." I said. "Yeah?" Dean asked. "Uh, it's gonna sound crazy." Sam said.
"What could you two possibly say that sounds crazy to me?" Dean asked and Sam and I exchange a look.
"You wanna tell him?" Sam asked me. "I'll let you do the honors." I said, smiling, and he rolls his eyes then looks up at Dean. "Um…evil Santa." He said as he smiles. Dean pauses and then nods. "Yeah, that's crazy." He said. "Yeah…I mean, we're just saying that there's some version of the anti-Claus in every culture." I said and I show Dean some evil Santa pictures. "You got Belsnickel, Krampus, Black Peter." I listed off as Dean takes the pictures from me. 
"Whatever you want to call it, there's all sorts of lore." I said. "Saying what?" Dean asked. "Saying back in the day, Santa's brother went rogue and now he shows up around Christmas time, but instead of bringing presents, he punishes the wicked." Sam explains. "By hauling their ass up chimneys?" Dean asked, confused. "For starters, yeah." I said, nodding.
"So, this is your theory, huh? Santa's shady brother?" Dean asked us. "Well, we're just saying that's what the lore says." Sam said. "Santa doesn't have a brother. There is no Santa." Dean said. "Yeah, I know. You're the one who told me that in the first place, remember." Sam said as he looks at Dean, who looks down, then sighs. I could feel some tension between them again. 
"Yeah, you know what, (y/n) and I could be wrong." Sam said. "Maybe, maybe not." Dean said. "What?" I asked him, confused. "I did a little digging. Turns out both victims visited the Same place before they got snatched." Dean replied. "Where?" Sam asked him.
Later, we come up to a Santa's Village where Christmas music plays, children were playing, and people wearing Christmas costumes walking around, obviously looking like they weren't having a good time. "It does kind of lend credence to the theory, don't it?" Dean asked us. "Yeah, but anti-Claus? Couldn't be." I said. "It's a Christmas miracle." Dean exclaims as we walk in to the village.
Then Dean turns to us. "Hey, speaking of, we should have one this year." He said. "Have one what?" Sam asked him. "A Christmas." Dean said and Sam scoffs at this while I give a slight nod. "Not a bad idea." I said, shrugging. "No, thanks." Sam said. "No, we'll get a tree, a little Boston market, just like when we were little." Dean said.
"Dean, those weren't exactly Hallmark memories for me, you know." Sam said as we stop and he turns to his brother. "What are you talking about? We had some great Christmases." Dean said. "Whose childhood are you talking about?" Sam asked him, annoyed. "Oh, come on, Sam. I think it would be nice little break. We could head back to my safehouse and I could cook up a good meal." I said. 
"You know how to cook?" Dean asked me. "Yeah...dad taught me how when he wasn't out killing monsters and demons." I replied and Dean makes a surprised face at me. "What do you say, Sammy?" I asked as I turn to him. "No, just…no." Sam said, shaking his head and we look at him, surprised. "All right, Grinch." Dean said and he and I walk away, while Sam stands still.
After paying for our entrance, we head back over to Sam, who was still standing there. "You'd think with the 10 bucks it costs to get into this place, Santa could scrounge up a little snow." Dean said as we come up to him. Sam jumps a bit then looks over at us. "What?" He asked and Dean glances at him then shakes his head. 
"Nothing. What are we looking for, again?" Dean asked. "Um…lore says that the anti-Claus will walk with a limp and smell like sweets." Sam explains as he looks around. "Great. So we're looking for a pimp Santa. Why the sweets?" Dean asked. "Think about it, Dean. If you smell like candy, the kids will come closer, you know?" I said and Dean scoffed. "That's creepy." He mutters and Sam and I chuckled.
"How does this thing know who's been naughty and who's been nice?" Dean asked. "Don't know." Sam and I said as we see a man wearing a Santa Claus costume sitting outside a small barn then a woman and boy walk up to him.
"So, Ronny, come sit on Santa's knee." The guy said and the boy sits on his lap. "Ah, there you go. You been a good boy this year?" Santa asked. "Yeah." The boy replied. "Good. Santa's got a special gift for you." Santa said as the boys and I look at Santa and the boy. "Maybe we do." Dean mutters as Ronny's mother takes his arm and leads him away from the Santa. "Come on, honey, let's go." She said as they leave.
Then a woman in an elf costume walks up to us. "Welcome to Santa's court. Can I escort your child to Santa?" She asked as she looks between me and Dean. "Uh…" Sam mutters then Dean speaks up. "No. No. Uh, but actually my brother here…it's been a lifelong dream of his." Dean said, smiling, and the woman looks at Sam like he's a freak.
"Uh, sorry. No kids over…12." She said and Sam shakes his head. "No, he's just kidding." Sam said and I speak up. "Yeah, we're just here to meet up with my sister and niece, who should be around here somewhere." I explained. "Oh, okay." The woman said and she walks away.
"Check it out." Dean said and we watch the Santa leave his chair. As he walks, he has a bad limp. "Are you guys seeing this?" Dean asked. "A lot of people walk with limps, right?" I said and the Santa walks past us and I smelled something kind've sweet. 
"Tell me you guys didn't smell that. That was candy, guys." Dean said to us. "That was ripple, I think. Had to be." Sam said. "Maybe." I said, shrugging. "We're willing to take that chance?" Dean asked us and we exchange a look.
Inside the Impala, we were sitting and spying on a simple house that is decorated with Christmas lights. "What time is it?" Dean asked. "Same as the last time you asked. Here.." Sam said as he hands Dean a thermos. "Caffeinate." He said and Dean takes the thermos from Sam and tries to pours coffee into the cup, but the thermos is empty. "Wonderful." He grumbles then suddenly he scoffs. 
"Hey, Sam." He said. "Yeah?" Sam asked. "Why are you the boy that hates Christmas?" Dean asked him. "Dean—" Sam groans. "I mean, I admit it. You know, we had a few bumpy holidays when we were kids." Dean said and Sam looks over at him.
"Bumpy?" Sam said. "That was then. We'll do it right this year. I mean, even (y/n) has offered to cook." Dean said. "Look, Dean. If you and (y/n) want to have Christmas, knock yourselves out. Just don't involve me." Sam said and Dean and I look at Sam in disbelief. "Oh c'mon, Sam! I'm not that bad at cooking. Plus it won't be a complete Christmas without you." I said but he shakes his head and I let out a sigh as we go back to watch the house
Santa looks outside from his window, then closes his curtains. "What's up with Saint Nicotine?" Dean asked just as we hear a woman's voice shout. "Oh, my God!"
We jump out of the car and run to the house with our guns drawn. Dean looks inside the window of the front door. "Huh." Sam mutters and I look over at him. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing. It's just that, uh…well, you know, Mr. Gung Ho Christmas might have to blow away Santa." Sam said and Dean and I shrug before Dean opens the door.
The guy stands up, holding a bottle of whiskey, then turns to us in shock and surprise. The boys and J quickly hide our guns. "What the hell are you doing here?" Santa asked us as I look around and realized the guy is only watching TV. I look at the boys, who shrug. Then Dean starts to sing Silent Night, pretty badly. He looks over at us and Sam and I join in and Santa begins to smile and laugh and join in the singing until the boys and I leave.
"That was awkward." I muttered. "Yeah..." Sam said as we head back into the car.
"So, that's how your son described the attack? Santa took daddy up the chimney?" I questioned Mrs Caldwell. There was another kidnapping and this time a kid had witnessed this. "That's what he says, yes." Mrs Caldwell said. "And where were you?" I asked her as the boys were looking around the house for clues. "I was asleep and all of a sudden…I was being dragged out of bed, screaming." She replied as the boys come stand next to me.
"Did you see the attacker?" I asked and she shakes her head. "It was dark, and he hit me. He knocked me out." She replied. "I'm sorry. I know this is hard." I said then Sam speaks up. "Yeah…um, Mrs. Caldwell, where did you get that wreath above the fireplace?" He asked and Dean and I look around at the wreath. "Excuse me?" She said, confused, as Dean and I look at Sam, waiting for an answer. "Just curious, you know." He said.
Later, we walked out of the house and Dean looks at his brother. "Wreaths, huh? Sure you didn't want to ask her about her shoes? I saw some nice handbags in the foyer." He said, jokingly. "We've seen that wreath before, Dean." Sam said. "Where?" Dean and I asked.
"The Walshes'. Yesterday." Sam replied. "I know. I was just testing you." Dean said and I look over at him with a raised eyebrow. "Uh-huh. Sure you were." I said as we drive away in the Impala.
"Yeah, all right. Well, keep looking, would you? Thanks, Bobby." Sam said then he hangs up while Dean and I were sitting nearby at our motel roo. "Well…we're not dealing with the anti-Claus." Sam said. "What did Bobby say?" Dean asked. "Uh, that we're morons." Sam said. "Well that's nothing new." I said, shrugging.
"He also said that it was probably meadowsweet in those wreaths." Sam said as he goes to look at his laptop. "Wow! Amazing." Dean said, with sarcasm. "What the hell is meadowsweet?" I asked Sam. "It's pretty rare and it's probably the most powerful plant in pagan lore." Sam explained.
"Pagan lore?" Dean asked. "Yeah. See, they used meadowsweet for human sacrifices. It was kind of like a…Chum for their gods. Gods were drawn to it and they'd stop by and snack on whatever was the nearest human." Sam said.
"Why would somebody be using that for Christmas wreaths?" I asked, confused. "It's not as crazy as it sound, (y/n). I mean, pretty much every Christmas tradition is pagan." Sam said. "Christmas is Jesus' birthday." Dean said, firmly. "No, Jesus' birthday was probably in the fall. It was actually the winter solstice festival that was co-opted by the church and renamed Christmas. But I mean, the Yule log, the tree, even Santa's red suit – that's all remnants of pagan worship." Sam said.
"How do you know that? What are you gonna tell me next? Easter bunny's Jewish?" Dean asked but Sam says nothing. "So you think we're gonna dealing with a pagan God?" I asked Sam. "Yeah, probably Hold Nickar, God of the winter solstice." He said.
"And all these Martha Stewart wannabes, buying these fancy wreaths…" Dean said and Sam nods. "Yeah, it's pretty much like putting a neon sign on your front door saying Come kill us." Sam explained. "Great." Dean and I muttered, sarcastically, as Sam reads an article on the laptop.
"Huh… When you sacrifice to Hold Nickar, guess what he gives you in return." Sam said. "Lap dances, hopefully." Dean said and I punched his arm. "Mild weather." Sam said to Dean, who runs the spot I punched on his arm. Then I look out the window. "Like no snow in the middle of December in the middle of Michigan." I pointed out. "For instance." Sam said, nodding.
"Do we know how to kill it yet?" Dean asked. "No, Bobby's working on that right now. We got to figure out where they're selling those wreaths." Sam said. "You think they're selling them on purpose? Feeding the victims to this thing?" I asked and Sam exhales. "Let's find out."
"Help you, three?" The shopkeeper asked as we made our way into a shop. "Uh, hope so. Uh, we were playing Jenga over at the Walshes' the other night, and, uh…well, she hasn't shut up since about this Christmas wreath, and..." Dean said then he turns to me. "I don't know, you tell him." Dean said as I glanced at him. "Sure. It was yummy." I said.
"I sell a lot of wreaths, guys." The shopkeeper said. "Right, right, but – but you see, this one would have been really special. It had, uh, it had, uh, green leaves, um, white buds on it. It might have been made of, uh…meadowsweet?" I said and the shopkeeper gives me a look.
"Well, aren't you a fussy one?" He asked and Dean smiles and places his arm around my waist. "She is…" he laughs and I shrug as I give a fake smile. "Anyway, I know the one you're talking about. I'm all out." The man said. "Huh. Seems like this meadowsweet stuff's pretty rare and expensive. Why make wreaths out of it?" Dean asked the man. "Beats me. I didn't make them." The shopkeeper said.
"Who did?" I asked him. "Madge Carrigan, a local lady. She said the wreaths were so special, she gave them to me for free." The man said. "She didn't charge you?" Sam asked. "Nope." He said. "Did you sell them for free?" Dean asked. "Hell no. It's Christmas. People pay a buttload for this crap." The shopkeeper said and I give a sarcastic smile. "That's the spirit." I said, sarcastically.
Back at the hotel, Dean opens the door and turns on the light, Sam and I follow him in. "How much do you think a meadowsweet wreath would cost?" Dean asked. "A couple hundred dollars, at least." Sam replied. "This lady's giving them away for free? What do you think about that?" I asked them. "Well, sounds pretty suspicious." Sam said as we take off our jackets and sit on the edge of our beds.
"Remember that wreath Dad brought home that one year?" Dean asked Sam. "You mean the one he stole from, like, a liquor store?" Sam asked, annoyed. "Yeah, it was a bunch of empty beer cans. That thing was great. I bet if I looked around hard enough, I could probably find one just like it." Dean said.
"All right. Dude…What's going on with you?" Sam asked. "What?" Dean asked, confused. "I mean, since when are you Bing Crosby all of a sudden? Why do you want Christmas so bad?" Sam asked Dean. "Why are you so against it? I mean, were your childhood memories that traumatic?" Dean asked. "No, that has nothing to do with it." Sam said.
"Then what?" Dean asked. "I-I mean, I-I just…I don't get it. You haven't talked about Christmas in years." Sam said. "Well, yeah. This is my last year." Dean said and Sam and I look at him and I give a look of sympathy to him.
"I know…That's why I can't." Sam said and I look over at him. "What do you mean?" Dean asked him. "I mean I can't just sit around, drinking eggnog, pretending everything's okay, when I know next Christmas you'll be dead." Sam said, a hint of sadness in his voice, and Dean nods. "I just can't." Sam said, again, and Dean nods, realizing the sadness in Sam's voice. 
The three of us sit there in silence.
"This is where Mrs. Wreath lives, huh? Can't you just feel the evil pagan vibe?" Dean asked, sarcastically, as the three of us walked up to this white house that had a bunch of Christmas decorations. "Oh yeah. Feel that evil energy." I said as we get to the front door. Dean knocks on the door and an older woman greets us.
"Yes?" She greets. "Please tell me you're the Madge Carrigan who makes the meadowsweet wreaths." Dean said, questioning. "Why, yes I am." She said, cheerfully. "Ha! Bingo." Dean said, excitedly. "Yeah? Uh, well, we were just admiring your wreaths in Mr. Sylar's place the other day." I said to her.
"You were? Well, isn't that meadowsweet just the finest-smelling thing you ever smelled?" Madge asked. 
"It is, it sure is. But the problem is, is that all you wreaths had sold out before we got the chance to buy one." I said, trying my best to look a bit sad. "Oh, fudge!" Madge exclaimed, with a sort've over-the-top expression. "You wouldn't have another one that we could buy from you, would you?" Sam asked her. "Oh, no, I'm afraid those were the only ones I had for this season." Madge said, frowning.
"Aww…" I said, disappointed. "Tell me something, why did you decide to make them out of meadowsweet?" Dean asked her when an older man, which had to be Mr Carrigan, comes down the staircase from inside the house. "Why, the smell, of course! I don't think I've ever smelled anything finer." Madge said, smiling. "Yeah…um, you mentioned that." I said as Mr Carrigan comes up next to Madge. 
"What's going on, honey?" He asked his wife. "Well, just some nice youngins asking about my wreaths, dear." Madge replied. "Oh, the wreaths are fine. Fine wreaths. Oh, care for some peanut brittle?" He asked, offering us peanut brittle. Dean and I reach out to take some, but Sam slaps our arms away. "We're okay." Sam said.
That night, back at the motel, Dean and I were sharpening a couple of wooden stakes, five other wooden stakes were on the bed and floor near us, while Sam uses the laptop. "I knew it!" Sam exclaims after he claps. "Something was way off with those two." He said and Dean and I look over at him. 
"What'd you find?" Dean asked him. "The Carrigans lived in Seattle, last year, where two abductions took place right around Christmas. They moved here in January. All that Christmas crap in their house – that wasn't boughs of holly. It was vervain and mint." Sam said. "Pagan stuff?" I asked. "Serious pagan stuff." Sam said, nodding.
"So what, Ozzie and Harriet are keeping a pagan god hidden underneath their plastic-covered couch?" Dean asked. "I don't know. All I know we're gotta check them out." Sam said and he looks over at us and sees our stakes. "So, what about Bobby? He's sure evergreen stakes will kill this thing, right?" He asked and we looked at the stakes. "Yeah, he's sure." Dean said.
Later, the boys make their way into the Carrigan's house while I stayed in the car, acting as backup. I sit there and just wait around for the boys, hoping that everything goes well. Minutes go by and I start to get a bit worried for the boys. I sigh and get out of the car and make my way to the house.
I crouch and walk along the porch when I heard voices. I walk over to the window and look through it to see the kitchen area; where I see Dean and Sam tied up to a chair, both of them were wearing wreaths around their necks.
Then Mr Carrigan starts to slice Sam's arm and Sam begins to scream in pain. "Leave him alone, you son of a bitch!" Dean yells. "Hear how they talk to us? To Gods?" Mr Carrigan said as Madge takes the knife and bowl. "Listen, pal, back in the day, we were worshiped by millions." Mr Carrigan said. "Times have changed!" Dean yells at him.
"Tell me about it. All of a sudden, this Jesus character is the hot new thing in town. All of a sudden, our – our altars are being burned down, and we're being hunted down like common monsters." Mr Carrigam said. "But did we say a peep? Oh…no, no, no, we did not." Madge said as Mr Carrigan adds something to Sam's blood in the bowl.
"Two millennium." Madge said as her husband picks up a tool. "We kept a low profile; we got jobs, a mortgage. Wh-What was that word, dear?" She asked. "We assimilated." Her husband replied. "Yeah, we assimilated. Why, we play bridge on Tuesday and Fridays." Madge said as she holds a large knife. "We're just like everybody else." She said, smiling.
"You're not blending in as smooth as you think, lady." Dean said. "This might pinch a bit, dear." Madge said as he comes closer to Dean and slices his arm. "You bitch!" Dean yells and my heart raced a bit. "Oh, my goodness me! Somebody owes a nickel to the swear jar. Oh, do you know what I say when I feel like swearing? Fudge." She said. "I'll try and remember that!" Dean growls.
"You boys have no idea how lucky you are. There was a time when kids came from miles around, just to be sitting where you are." Mr Carrigan said as he stands in front of Sam with the tool. "What do you think you're doing with those?" Sam asked him, panicked, while Dean looks up at Madge.
"You fudging touch me again and I'll fudging kill you!" He growls. "Very good!" Madge said and she slices Dean's other arm and he groans in pain, while Mr Carrigan grabs Sam's hand. "No! Don't." Sam yells then I duck down and hear the boys screaming.
"Crap." I muttered then I make my way towards the front door. I stand up, pull the hood of my jacket over my head and ring the doorbell. After a few seconds later, I ring the doorbell again as I pull the stake out of my jacket pocket and hold it behind me.
The door opens and I lower my head, covering my face, as a voice asked. "Can I help you?" 
"Yeah, I'm looking for a couple of my friends..." I said and I look up and see Madge standing at the door. I quickly bring out the stake and attack her. I knock her down on the floor and I try to shove the stake towards her chest but she holds it up.
"Honey?" Mr Carrigan called out, concerned, and I hear footsteps coming. I then smack the end of the stake and insert it into Madge's chest, killing her. I quickly get up, shut the front door just as Mr Carrigan comes in and sees his dead wife.
"Madge!" He screams and he looks over at me, in anger, then attacks me. We struggle and fight then he throws me into the living room and I crash into a side table. Mr Carrigan then grabs me around the neck and begins to choke me until I see a wooden stake sticking out of his chest. He screams in pain and let's me go as I look up and see that it was Dean stabbed him. 
Dean then stabs him twice before Mr Carrigan lies dead on the floor. I breath heavily, just as Sam comes in the room while Dean sighs in relief. "Thank God." Sam said, relieved, as Dean goes to help me up to my feet. "You boys okay?" I asked and they nod. "Could be worse." Dean said then we look at the dead bodies. "Merry Christmas, guys." Sam said, sarcastically, and I roll my eyes at this. "Come on, we better go." I said and we leave.
"Okay, how does this taste?" Sam asked me as he hands me a small cup of eggnog. He hands it to me and I take a sip from it and I hummed in approval. "Oh that's good." I said. "You sure? Doesn't need any more of a kick?" He asked me. "No, I think if you do, it'll taste awful." I said then I flip the burgers on the little griddle.
After we dealt with the Carrigans', we made our way to my safehouse where Sam and I decided to do Christmas to surprise Dean whenever he got back from getting beer.
"How's the burgers coming along?" Sam asked me. "They look good so far." I said. "They smell good." Sam said and I smiled as I place the cooked burgers on a plate and Sam grabs the buns and other toppings for the burgers.
We go into the Christmas decorated living room and place the food on the table just as the door opens and Dean walks in, carrying a bag. He turns to us then stops as he looks around at the decorations and the little tree Sam and I picked up and decorated.
"Hey, you get the beer?" I asked him as Sam and I hold up a cup of eggnog. "What's all this?" Dean asked, amazed. "What do you think it is? It's – it's Christmas." Sam said and Dean looks at us, as Sam lets out a deep breath.
"What made you change your mind?" Dean asked Sam. Sam and I exchange a look before Sam picks up another cup of eggnog. "Here, uh, try the eggnog." Sam said, ignoring Dean's question, as he hands the cup to Dean. Dean sips it and looks surprised at the taste. "No, we're good." Dean said and Sam and I smile. "Yeah?" Sam said. "Yeah." Dean said and we smiled. 
"Is that burgers?" Dean asked. "Yeah...sorry it ain't a turkey but..." I said but Dean shakes his head. "No, no, no. That's great." He said and I smiled. "Good." I said.
"Well, uh, have a seat. Let's do…Christmas stuff, or whatever." Sam said and Dean looks at the Christmas tree, which is decorated with lights and car air fresheners. "All right, first things first." Dean said as Sam sits on the couch and Dean pulls up a chair then I go sit on the arm of his chair.
Dean takes three packages put wrapped in brown paper from a plastic bag and holds two of them out to Sam and one of them, which was a bigger package, and hands it to me. "Merry Christmas, guys." He said as Sam and I take the gifts. "Where'd you get these?" Sam asked. "Someplace special." Dean replied and Sam and I look at him. "The gas mart down the street." Dean said and Sam and I laugh.
"Open them up." Dean said to us.
"Well, great minds think alike, Dean." Sam reaches under the couch for two packages wrapped in newspaper, which he gives to Dean. "Really?" Dean asked as he takes the gifts. "There you go." Sam said as I smile. "Come on." Dean said and Sam opens his first gift, which is two porn magazines, and he laughs. "Skin mags!" He exclaims and Dean nods, satisfied with Sam's reaction. "...and…" Sam said as he opens the other gift. "Shaving cream." He said.
"You like?" Dean asked and Sam smiles. "Yeah. Yeah." Sam replied as he nods. Then Dean turns to me. "Your turn." He said and I open it and see that it was a couple of packages of (favorite candy). "Ah, a man after my heart." I said, smiling, and Dean smiles back at me and we share a quick kiss.
"Okay, your turn." Sam said to Dean and he open his presents. Then he chuckles as he unwraps the gifts. "Look at this." He said as he lifts his presents, it's a candy bar and a bottle of oil. "Fuel for me and fuel for my baby. Well...my other baby." Dean said as he looks up at me and winks. "These are awesome, thanks." Dean said to Sam. "Good." Sam said then Dean looks over at me and I smirk.
"Oh don't worry. I got something for ya." I said and he raises an eyebrow. "Oh really? Where is it?" He asked me. "You're just gonna have to wait til later tonight to open it." I said, giving him knowing look. His eyes roam over my body and a smirk quirks up on his lips. "Can't wait." He said and I lean down and kiss his cheek while Sam just rolls his eyes.
Dean looks between us and I notice there's a bit of sadness in his face before he lifts his glass of eggnog. "Merry Christmas, guys." He said. "Yeah." Sam said as he and I lift our eggnogs and make a toast with Dean's glass.
The three of us each take a drink of our eggnog and Dean whistles softly at the taste. "Hey, Dean." Sam said and he looks sad and was about to say something, but he hesitates, then sighs and looks at Dean again.
"Do you feel like watching the game?" He asked him. "Absolutely." Dean said, smiling, and Sam nods. "All right." Sam said and he grabs the remote off of the table and turns on the TV. We start grabbing a burger and began to eat and watch the game, trying to push back the thought that this would be the last Christmas we would have together.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester
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desertsongpdf · 2 years
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thepaladinstrait · 1 month
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✮  ALEX  /  FINN  ━━━ they/he/xe/it ⋆ non binary ⋆ demisexual ⋆ pansexual ⋆ minor ⋆ infp-t ⋆ type 2w1 ⋆ south aus ⋆ dog person ⋆ black cat ⋆ depressed but sometimes i'm funny ⋆ fanfiction reader and writer ⋆ purple is my favourite colour ever ⋆ permanently dehydrated ⋆ sleep deprived ⋆ hot chocolate addict ⋆ music is everything to me ⋆ angst writer ⋆ headphones on 24/7 ⋆ i live here ⋆ spotify loml ⋆ clikkie ⋆ theatre nerd ⋆ amethysts are my favourite ⋆ crystal queer ⋆ grammar nerd but i type in only lowercase ⋆ green belt in karate ⋆ slytherin ⋆ pinterest whore ⋆ i leave unhinged tags on your posts ⋆ i can rap the entirety of hamilton ⋆ fnaf obsessed ⋆ mentally ill ⋆ #1 leave the city fan ⋆ rpf writer ⋆ autistic ⋆ i infodump way too much ⋆ professional oversharer ⋆ otter lover ⋆ reputation and ttpd stan ⋆ winning at the game of dyscalculia ⋆ poet (in theory) ⋆ perpetually curious ⋆ dreamer ⋆ stargazer ⋆ high schooler ⋆ i vent a bit too often ⋆ choker and necklace wearer ⋆ procrastinator ⋆ an absolute loser ⋆ horror movie lover ⋆ true crime podcast listener ⋆ asmr defender ⋆ victim of the spelling curse ⋆ black jewellery is superior ⋆ dark chocolate defender ⋆ uno bully ⋆ i overuse exclamation marks ⋆ scaled and icy defender ⋆ i hyperfixate way too easily ⋆ sleeps with stuffed animals ⋆ free palestine
✮  MUSIC ━━━ twenty one pilots ⋆ my chemical romance ⋆ sleep token ⋆ billie eilish ⋆ lyn lapid ⋆ ed sheeran ⋆ bmike ⋆ alec benjamin ⋆ maddie zahm ⋆ taylor swift ⋆ sabrina carpenter ⋆ we three ⋆ olivia rodrigo ⋆ xana ⋆ kelsea ballerini ⋆ conan gray ⋆ finneas ⋆ lewis capaldi ⋆ boygenius ⋆ harry styles ⋆ cavetown ⋆ gracie abrams ⋆ waterparks ⋆ dove cameron ⋆ semler ⋆ paramore ⋆ chappell roan ⋆ birdy ⋆ anson seabra ⋆ mxmtoon
✮  MY SONGS ━━━ achilles come down (gang of youths) ⋆ leave the city (twenty one pilots) ⋆ oldies station (twenty one pilots) ⋆ matilda (harry styles) ⋆ family line (conan gray) ⋆ illicit affairs (taylor swift) ⋆ the anonymous ones (dear evan hansen) ⋆ hurricane (hamilton) ⋆ slipping through my fingers (abba) ⋆ hope ur ok (olivia rodrigo) ⋆ another love (tom odell) ⋆ photograph (ed sheeran) ⋆ that's on me (ed sheeran) ⋆ the light behind your eyes (my chemical romance) ⋆ astronomy (conan gray) ⋆ love in the dark (adele)
✮  BOOKS ━━━ the song of achilles ⋆ nevermoor ⋆ keeper of the lost cities ⋆ the dictionary of lost words ⋆ if he had been with me ⋆ the help ⋆ girl in pieces ⋆ a good girls guide to murder ⋆ hunger games ⋆ divergent ⋆ the dead poets society
✮  MUSICALS ━━━ hamilton ⋆ dear evan hansen ⋆ six ⋆ mean girls ⋆ wicked ⋆ the addams family ⋆ in the heights ⋆ the greatest showman ⋆ jesus christ superstar ⋆ legally blonde ⋆ mamma mia ⋆ mary poppins ⋆ newsies ⋆ matilda
✮  MY CHARACTERS ━━━ charlie spring ⋆ patroclus ⋆ alexander hamilton ⋆ katniss everdeen ⋆ pippa fitz amobi ⋆ tao xu ⋆ remus lupin
@emailsicantfuckingsend - poetry blog
discord - conjectureandgloom
dm for personal instagram if we are close
me :) - random posts about me and my life
personal - personal vents. will be tagged appropriately with triggers if necessary. format for triggers will be '#tw ___'. common tw's will be self harm (tagged as sh), discussion of suicide (tagged as both sui and suicide), eating disorders (tagged as ed), and panic attacks (tagged as panic attacks)
finncore - posts that are mecore
alex /pos - daily positivity posts (currently not being done)
arch 🐾 - my dog and loml and baby, archie
five nights at finn's - fnaf posting
tag games - self explanatory
asks - self explanatory. tagged with url of asker or anon dearest
little guy clancy - my beloved little guy, catboy clancy <33
crop top ty - tyler joseph in the tulip crop top
the chronicles of crop top ty - visit this post for explanation
finn irl - photos of me :)
✮  NOTE ━━━ dms and discord are always open!! i love talking to new people, and i love getting new mutuals!!!! my ask box is always open to random vents or for advice, or if anyone just wants to pop in to say hey, by inbox is here!!!!! i might come off as slightly awkward though, and this is my formal apology for that. i also tend to forget that i have things in my inbox? so i'm so sorry for that too
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credit to @svnflowermoon for the intro post format
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tangledbea · 8 months
I was just thinking about Wish and all the blatant references in it. I remember watching it in theaters and at first I thought "Okay cute, the friends are the dwarves, that citizen wants long hair, funny homage, Asha's looking at the stars like Tiana, that's nice..." then it all went downhill to "Just. Stop." by the climax. Especially the Asha/Fairy Godmother theory: as a POC I find that very offensive. Then I realized... Tangled was the 50th DAC movie, and it also had lots of references. (1)
There were all the hidden items in the tower, Pinocchio in the Snuggly Duckling, and the books in the library referencing other Disney movie covers. Not to mention the New Dream scenes that were similar to other DP couples, like the boat (Ariel/Eric), the dying love confession (Belle/Adam) and the whole princess + thief premise (Aladdin/Jasmine). And yet, those easter eggs didn't stop Tangled from being its own unique film. Same goes for Encanto, the 60th movie, and it referenced others, too (2) I think both Encanto and Tangled can still hold up as classic, rewatchable movies despite the anniversary celebrationz because the writers/directors/general crew put the references in the background. They were fun to find out about, but you don't need to know about them to still enjoy it. Wish, on the other hand... I feel like you would have to literally watch all the DAC movies and then some (Mary Poppins) before it even begins to hold up to the standards of the previous 'celebration' films (3) And even then, the story relies on the callbacks to get you to enjoy it. If I stripped Wish of every single Easter egg it had, I'd be left with barely a shell. Meanwhile, if I did the same to Tangled, the result would be pretty much the exact same movie. TLDR: Tangled is a much better anniversary movie than Wish, and that's a fact. So those are my thoughts, thanks so much for reading all this, I appreciate it! :D (4)
The thing is, the other movies you mentioned (Tangled and Encanto) were markers of "how many animated movies they've released" milestones, while Wish was 100 years of the Disney company. It's not the same kind of milestone at all, because it was marking time rather than progress. Not that this is excusing Wish of its disappointing story, but expressing the difference between the movies and the studio's approach to them. Tangled and Encanto (which, by the way, is my second favorite Disney movie from recent years) weren't written to be the 50th movie and the 60th movie. They were written to be their own things and happened to fall in line with the 50th and 60th release. In fact, some numbers had to be fudged a little in order to make Tangled line up with the 50th release, and Encanto was the tenth one after Tangled. Disney didn't even expect Encanto to do well, and were blown out of the water with surprise when it became a smash hit. Where as Wish was "crafted" (I use the word loosely) to be the 100 year celebration of the company.
Every time I find out more about earlier concepts of the film that they opted not to use (the Star being a prince, the king and queen being a power couple villain duo) I get very frustrated and angry about what we could have had. They had some really solid, interesting concepts in there, and they threw it all out the window in order to cram as many references as they could into it. Asha has seven friends (for example), to be the seven dwarfs, but their characters aren't developed at all. They had to tell us what the deal was with color coordination, alliterative names and gimmicks that lined them up with the dwarfs instead of focusing on them at all and making it clear through that who they were supposed to be. Just, "Get it? There's seven of them and this one wears glasses and Asha calls her 'doc' and this one's always sleepy and this one's always sneezing and this one's kind of dopey and this one's grumpy, get it?!?!?!"
I like Alan "I went to Julliard" Tudyk, but not only does he not need to be in every single Disney movie these days, they really didn't have to make Valentino, you know, a thing. "Get it? This is the origin of talking Disney animals, get it?!?!?!?!?!" And they really gave him way too much screen time. I'm often not a fan of the comedy relief animal sidekick as it is (there are some exceptions - some I really like and some I'm neutral to), but boy howdy did they overplay Valentino and make me actively dislike him.
The interesting thing is, I'm not a fan of Raya and the Last Dragon. I don't hate it, but I'm not a fan. I gave it a shot, I watched it, but it left no impression on me. It felt very... Millennial check-listed. POCs, found family, no overt romance but if it's there it's LGBTQ, dragons (cause who doesn't like dragons?), etc. Raya is fine. But for me, it's forgettable. I've only watched it the one time, I barely remember what happens in it, and I have a lot of trouble remembering the characters' names.
But Wish? Wish, I think about often. I have never been so disappointed in a Disney movie as I am with Wish, because Wish has the bare bones potential to be something great. And instead, it's that. What Disney should have done for its 100 year anniversary was make a movie that was finely crafted to show everything they've learned about animation in the past 100 years. I made an observation on a different blog that, when to you take a step back, King Magnifico is a stand-in for corporate Disney, and the whole movie is the crew railing against the corporation stripping the creativity from its workers and not valuing art, even though it’s in the art business. They just want everyone to love them, because everyone always has. Magnifico wants to hoard the wishes the way that corporate Disney wants to hoard talent, and the citizens willingly give up their talent and work because they believe something good will eventually be done with it. It feels to me like the climax of the movie is the artists and animators fighting the good fight against their corporate overlords the same way that actors and writers were striking for so much of 2023. It felt like a battle for the soul of the movie. But although the heroes of the movie win in the end, it was actually corporate who won, because the movie was stripped of all of its heart and soul in order to cram in more references. The artists did what they could, but they still had to follow orders if they wanted the movie to get made.
Oh, and as a side note, you can't just make a mortal human be a literal fairy by giving her a magic stick. That's not how that works.
Anyway, for my money, Once Upon a Studio is a much better homage to 100 years of Disney than Wish ever will be. Anyway, sorry for this incredibly long-winded rant.
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if anyone wants I have a musicals playlist that's over 200 hours that has I think around 205 musicals here's an alphabetized list let me know if I'm missing any I should add (I don't like Andrew lloyd Webber musicals and I'm also not a huge fan of jukebox musicals more specifically mamma Mia) and if anyone wants a link please ask me
21 Chump Street
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
36 Questions
42nd Street
The Addams Family
Alice by Heart
Annie Get Your Gun
Anything Goes
Avenue Q
Back to the Future
Bat Boy
Beauty and the Beast
Be More Chill
The Big One-Oh
Billy Elliot
Black Friday
Bonnie and Clyde
Book of Mormon
Bring it On
Once More With Feeling (Buffy musical)
Bugsy Malone
Bye Bye Birdie
Catch Me if You Can
A Catered Affair
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
A Chorus Line
Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein)
The Colour Purple
Come From Away
Damn Yankees
Days of Wine and Roses
Dear Evan Hansen
Desperate Measures
Dog Man
Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Drowsy Chaperone
Duolingo on Ice
Epic (all released sagas)
Everybody's Talking About Jamie
Falsettos Revival
Flora the Red Menace
Fun Home
Funny Girl
A Funny Thing Happened
A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
Grand Hotel
The Great American Trailer Park
Grey Gardens
Guys and Dolls
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Hadestown (broadway)
Hadestown (off broadway)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Hello Dolly
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (this one is just for Patrick page)
How to Dance in Ohio
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Hunchback of Notre Dame
In the Green
In the Heights
Into the Woods
In Trousers
It Shoulda Been You
Jekyll and Hyde
Kimberly Akimo
The King and I
Kinky Boots
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Legally Blonde
Les Miserables (english and french)
The Lightning Thief
The Lion King
Little Do They Know
The Little Mermaid
A Little Night Music
Little Shop of Horrors (english and german)
Little Women
Lizard Boy
Love in Hate Nation
Love's Labours Lost
Mad Ones
Make Me a Song
A Man of No Importance
March of the Falsettos
Martin Guerre
Mary Poppins
Mean Girls
Merrily We Roll Along
Miss Saigon
Monty Python's Spamalot
The Music Man
My Fair Lady
My Heart Says Go
My Son's a Queer (But What Can You Do)
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (I only have one song because I'm waiting to watch it with my friend before adding more)
A New Brain
New York, New York
Next to Normal
Nightmare Time
Once On This Island
Once Upon a Mattress
Only Murders in the Building (Death Rattle Dazzle)
The Pyjama Game
The Prince of Egypt
The Producers
The Prom
Ride the Cyclone
The Rink
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Scottsburo Boys
She Loves Me
Some Like it Hot
Something Rotten
The Sound of Music
South Pacific
Spiderman Turn off the Dark
The Spitfire Grill
Spring Awakening
State Fair
Sunday in the Park with George
Sweeney Todd
Sweet Charity
The Theory of Relativity
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Tick Tick Boom
The Time Traveller's Wife
The Trail to Oregon
A VHS Christmas Carol
The Visit
Wait Wait Don't Kill Me
West Side Story
Water for Elephants
Wizard of Oz
The Wiz
Zombie Prom
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
I saw you say that you like Raver/Scenecore music, and it has me wondering if you have any thoughts for George and Fred (or even just the rest of the Weasleys too) for what sort of music they'd like?
Ooooo!!! Good ask good ask! I love music so much, and even studying piano right now! My final recital song is even Wizard Wheezes! ((My special interest is Weasleys, what can I say?)) So this is a super amazing and awesome ask! Thank you so much anon! I love love love love music!!!!!
Types Of Music The Weasley Siblings Listen To
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William ‘Bill’
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Bill is very much a Rock person. You’ll hear him listening to Ghost, Three Day Grace, My Chemical Romance, the classics like that. Just different types of Rock in general. Pop Rock, Rock and Roll, etc. Even go as far as to play an electric guitar. How did he manage to? I mean, magic. Who says you need to plug it in anywhere, when you can just produce magic itself to work it? Loves Alternative Rock Music. Favorite song? Gotta go with a classic like Mary On A Cross
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Of course he loves punk, and alternative, but he did mellow out a bit when he finally settled into his job. Playing softer music for the new born dragons made him come to love softer songs. Like jazz, country, and folk. So to kinda wrap it all together, he’s a Taylor Swift fan. He’s not a swiftie, but he does enjoy her music. He also loves to play guitar, many kinds, and even knows how to play the flute. Thanks to Hagrid. Playing the guitar, or flute, for the baby dragons is a passion time he wouldn’t trade for anything. Favorite song? 100% Taylor’s ‘No Body No Crime’ for sure
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100% is the type to believe in the Mozart Theory. He listens to classical musics constantly. Such a nerd. Genuinely though, he does enjoy it. It helps him study and focus. So if you were to introduce him to the genre of lofi? He really would like it. Soft wordless music to play in the background, as he works. So he would be such a Stan for The Lofi Girl, if he was to say if he has a favorite anything
Fred And George
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Big Band, Jazz, Swing, Techno Swing, they LOVE that high energy bop music. I mean, look at what their literal shops theme song is ((Fun fact, as I am writing this I am ACTUALLY playing Wizard Wheezes on the piano right now, for a recital!)) They gotta love that high energy music. Love it love it love it. Fred and George go nuts for Fully Dressed With Out A Smile. They also will break into Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better if given the chance. They especially loved singing that with Ginny, while growing up
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He was invested in Rock, of course. The side effects of being a younger sibling to a big family, but Hermione helped him explore other interests as well. Helped him be more brave in what he liked. He does love Rock styles, but Pop Rock was more his branch. Pop just has a more fun energy to it. Different from his day to day life. Helps him stand out a little as well, since Bill is more into the alternative/emo/goth aesthetic types or Rock. One Republics ‘Run’ speaks to him a lot. Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but he also really likes Sk8ter Boy. Because it makes him think of Hermione. Shhhhh
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Musicals. She just can’t pick a genere. Growing up with six brothers gave her a love of different types of music. So if you ask her what she likes, she will say musicals. Musicals have so many types and moods. It’s perfect for whenever you don’t know what to listen do. In a romantic mood? High energy? Even depressive gothic? There’s a musical for it. She’s learned to keep her mind open, and invest in different interests. Her favorite song really depends on the mood she’s in, or vibe. But if you had to twist her arm, it’s gonna be that classic Merry Poppins Step In Time. It reminds her of her brothers, whenever they had to do spring cleaning together. If she’s sad, that song will ALWAYS make her feel better. If not? Clearly a imposter!
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Bonus: Belladonna
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Fun fact about me! I am currently learning piano! I just love music so much. Piano is also good for me health wise, because I have dexterity issues because of my muscle spasms. I’m practicing a recital song, and it’s Wizard Wheezes. Which I’ll perform as my final. I hope to post it on tumblr in the future. As for music I like? Scene/Ravecore and Techno Swing. I guess I just love high energy songs with electric vibes. Ironic, given I have chronic fatigue. Along with, ya know, trapped in a wheelchair. Slay. Thank you again anon! I love music so much, and I am forever grateful I have hearing to enjoy it. A really great ask!!!
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I’ll tell you. I think Ted Lasso succumbed to what, in my opinion, has caused a lot of problems for a lot of shows: fanservice. Social media has allowed for creators and fans to interact in a way that’s unprecedented in the history of entertainment. First of all I think the sense of entitlement from fans towards their favourite properties has never been bigger. And it’s sickening. But creators have now started doing the worst thing they can do which is compromise their vision by doing stuff because they know people would love it. Because they have instantaneous feedback from millions of people who don’t shy away from contacting them directly. It’s new territory and it does not bode well at all. They sometimes do the unforgivable and take a U turn because fans guessed what was gonna happen so they diverge from the obvious path in fear of predictability. They confuse logical outcome based on what was delivered with boring and unoriginal.
I don’t know what happened to TedBecca. I don’t know if it was ever planned. It probably wasn’t. But you can’t convince me that the discourse online has not influenced it, and other things. The nurse being Roy’s sister for instance, which was a big theory at the time. I am 95% certain they added that. And I dislike it immensely. Because it should never be about rewarding the audience. That’s when things start to get messy. Season 1 is considered a masterpiece precisely because they did things EXACTLY the way they wanted it, because nobody knew about it and could therefore give their *shudder* opinion.
The finale episode felt vapid and hollow to me because a lot of it was done for the sake of fan service as opposed to something truly rooted in character. And I’ll be blunt, callbacks to past scenes is not clever writing. Once or twice is sweet. But the finale episode was FILLED with it. It’s dull, it’s self indulgent and it adds nothing. They wasted so much air time with those.
The only scenes worth watching were Ted interacting one on one with characters, Nate, Rebecca and Beard being the highlights for me. But they were all tarnished because Ted was no longer the Ted we knew and loved but a poster man for their silly Mary Poppins schtick. Disconnected. Empty. Sad.
I’m sad, guys. It’s not at all what I thought this journey was going to be. And I don’t think the creators did either.
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vidavalor · 8 months
I'm not trying to rush you but I really, really need to know your full theory about what happened at the end of S2. I've been reading through your blog and mind blown. I think you'll probably be on the right track. Can you share what you think is missing from other theories?
Thanks for the kind words but I don't think anything is missing from other theories-- everyone has their own ideas and there are many great ones. I appreciate the interest in mine and I'd say I'm about 80% done with it so should be up soon. I would say that since you're looking for where my thoughts are going, my theory is based around a mix of things but it's mainly built around Arthur Young, The Blitz, Mary Poppins, and the Mrs. Cheng & Mrs. Sandwich meta scene, especially this beginning part of it below, in which I think they're actually telling us the plot.
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