#citizen soldier
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batfsm · 3 months ago
Citizen Soldier
I think you say sorry too much
I think you got issues with trust
From the voices in your head that say
That you're too hard to love
I think you still live with the ghosts
Of people you needed the most
That let you down and taught you how
To keep your closet door closed
But I've been there, and I would rather die (would rather die)
Than watch you drown in tears that you need to cry
You can talk, you can talk to me
I can tell that you're not okay
You can spill your guts, I won't leave
You are not a burden to me
You can talk, you can talk to me
Even down in your darkest place
You can let your skeletons scream
You are not a burden to me
(You are not a burden to me)
I think that you never get heard
By thinking someone's got it worse
Been minimized so many times
That you believe it's deserved
I think you've been silent since youth
'Cause every time you speak your truth
You're stigmatized, re-traumatized
By all the things you didn't choose
I don't mind your darker side, you can lose control (can lose control)
I'd rather hear your hell than see your funeral
You can talk, you can talk to me
I can tell that you're not okay
You can spill your guts, I won't leave
You are not a burden to me
You can talk, you can talk to me
Even down in your darkest place
You can let your skeletons scream
You are not a burden to me
The monsters that you're holding back
There's no need to dress them up
Your ugly truth gave depth to you
Now there's so much more to love
You can talk, you can talk to me
I can tell that you're not okay
You can spill your guts, I won't leave
You are not a burden to me
You can talk, you can talk to me
Even down in your darkest place
Don't ever be ashamed of your needs
You are not a burden to me
You are not a burden
You are not a burden
(You can talk, you can talk to me)
(You can talk, you can talk to me) you are not burden to me
(You can talk, you can talk to me)
You are not a burden, burden, burden, burden
The monsters that you're holding back
There's no need to dress them up
Your ugly truth gave depth to you
Now there's so much more to love
I wanted to write something based on this song. It just seemed so Tim.
Instead I wrote what's under the readmore. I want to name it 'Grief, Death' but I'm still debating on that, so right now it is just 'Grief'.
Tim let out a sob and snapped his mouth shut.
It was too late though.
Footsteps came close and then stopped in front of his closet hiding place.
Biting his lip, Tim waited for the steps to start up again.
They didn’t.
His fingernails pushed into his skin but Tim ignored the pain. He ignored the blood pouring into his mouth and just tried to keep his breathing soft and small.
It wasn’t enough.
The door opened and Tim looked up into hate filled eyes.
This time he let the sob be loud. He let them all out.
Tim cried as he lost consciousness.
Timothy Jackson Drake didn’t realize that he lost to much blood. He didn’t notice that he slipped away as he was beat upon.
Jason Todd stepped back and smirked down at his work. His successor was gone. He taught Batman a lesson and now he was done.
Nightwing, Dick Grayson-Wayne, was the first to go. Tim Drake, Robin, was the second. Jason Todd, ex Robin and current Red Hood, was the third, the last.
Bruce Wayne was too late once more. This time though he didn’t just lose one son, he lost three.
His Robins were dead and never coming back.
Bruce once more buried Jason but he buried Tim and Dick beside him.
Jack and Janet Drake hated him, they didn’t know why but they knew Wayne was the reason their son was dead. They came for the funeral, they didn’t want Tim near the Wayne boys but it had been Tim’s wish when he was younger to be buried, if possible, near Dick, so they let Wayne do as he wished.
The Drake parents left after Tim was buried, vowing never to talk to Bruce again.
Bruce stayed through the day after even Alfred, who was not talking to him, left. He stared at the three graves and then the dirt beside them. Bruce had put his foot down and said he would cover the graves himself. Everyone had wanted to argue but at his look, didn't.
Only Bruce knew that two of the three graves were empty. All three of his Robin's were together, he had made the coffin that held them himself. Dick was the first, then Tim, and then Jason.
Bruce wanted to put Jason in between but he realized that Tim was to small and that if they came back once more, they wouldn't Bruce knew, he checked with the magic users but he still had hope, it be better for Tim to be closer to the top. He wouldn't last as long as the other two and Jason, no matter how much it pained Bruce to put him closer to the Earth once more, had gotten free once, he could do it again.
Dick was the first because he could pull Tim and then Jason free if need be. Dick also had everything within easy reach for his long arms to help the trio break free.
The coffin had three hand shovels, a small flashlight, and masks so they wouldn't breath in to much of the dirt in each compartment. Dick's compartment had a burner phone that went straight to Superman's phone and wouldn't stop ringing until Clark picked it up.
Thankfully, because of how badly Dick and Tim had been beaten and Jason's shot to his face, it had been closed caskets so Bruce could use dummies in the other two caskets.
Sighing Bruce got to work and covered the graves. He ignored everything and worked through the night, not even going back to the Manor.
By the time he was done, it was late enough that if he had been out in Gotham, Bruce would have been headed back to the Cave. Instead Bruce stepped forward, towards Dick's grave.
Dropping into the small opening he had left, Bruce used the shovel he had in his hands still to pull the rest of the dirt over him. Then, ignoring his phone that started ringing, Bruce placed it beside the coffin and opened the casket.
Climbing in the billionaire tossed his cellphone into the dirt beside the shovel and shut the casket. Getting comfortable in the space he had made for himself, Bruce pulled out the gun Jason had used on himself and brought it to his head.
As the wind seemed to pick up and then stop, a shot rang out.
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sgtgrunt0331-3 · 9 months ago
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Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸
Brought to you by armed citizens who weren't afraid to stand up to tyranny.
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thoscheienjoyer · 9 months ago
The type of music I think some doctors and master might listen to
Saxon: pop breakup songs and upbeat songs that have angsty lyrics, imagine him playing bad blood by Taylor Swift or good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo or good luck babe
8 and 12: a lot of the music doesn't have lyrics, just violins, stuff you'd read or fall asleep to
Roberts: dad rock or guys with deep voices that don't actually scream or anything: theory of a deadman, Hinder, citizen soldier. And then religious imagery songs like from Eden and Francesca
13: yearning lesbian songs, like Reinaeiry covers, and some Miski in relation to the master
15: club music like Ke$ha
10: just music you'd sob too and the music you'd dance too like going from I bet on losing dogs to don't stop me now
11: Christmas songs
3 and Delgado: the classics
Ainley: angry and sad music, if he knew about Adele it would all be over "water under the bridge" "rolling in the deep" burn fron Hamilton, you'll be back
7: yearning gay songs
9: what if his music taste was really happy? That'd be funny
Missy: bad bitch music and Mary Poppins
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iwasmadetobeasoldier · 2 months ago
ooc important
guys, so hi, its Sandy again.
Okay I have some exciting news. So some of you might know that I was under the weather for a good little bit with depressing thoughts and crippling anxiety. I'm not on meds and have not been diagnosed with anything officially, but I was suicidal for around two months straight.
I felt- well, I felt free the first day of the year. Maybe it was just because my birthday is like- tomorrow, and that I made it another year. Well, GOOD NEWS GUYS I'M NOT SUICIDAL ANYMORE!! 🤟🤩 I feel great and that I literally walked through it without giving up. I've lost so much but the heck with giving up, screw you depression!! I am not dead and I'm not gonna let this end me, okay??
I thought maybe you guys would like to know that I am just great and you can do it. You can make it, I just know it. True, I'm not perfect now, I still get sad, I still get angry but I'm not dead.
Feel free to listen to the songs above at anytime and this one below is also great.
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martialartslover7 · 5 months ago
Weird Wednesday Headcanon: Hinata is a huge lover of hard / emotional / power rock.
OK, this one Naruto headcanon of mine is truly out there, but it has been bubbling in my bonobo monkey brain for months now. That being...
...Hinata Hyuga being a closeted metalhead. And she emotionally connects with Kiba, Rock Lee and especially Naruto, over this passion of hers. Just picture how adorable it would look to see Hinata sharing headphones with Naruto, as they headbang in unison.
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And most of her mixtape involves songs from bands like DragonForce, Linkin Park, Skillet and Citizen Soldier. I just want to use this opportunity to flex my own. A few samples of what she would listen to, to feel powerful, or be in the moment.
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randomtaleau · 2 months ago
Randomtale: Monster Made of Memories
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Speedpaint here
This piece represents Asriel’s guilt for the death of his mother, Toriel. She died after he made a mistake in the recipe of the pie he made for her, inserting buttercups and poisoning her.
Based on the song Monster Made of Memories by Citizen Soldier, a very important song for Asriel's character.
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devilcatdarling · 2 years ago
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Even angels need their time in the dark
How else could they shine again?
How else could I feel you from so far away?
Ashes to Ashes you've fallen again
So lost in those moments that won't seem to end
And second chances can't seem to pull you away
Why won't you live again..?
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prismaticstarshch · 11 months ago
if y'all can stomach listening to songs about mental health, then I very much recommend listening to Citizen Soldier's music
as a testament to how powerful CS's music is, I've seen some people who've listened to it say that it literally helped save their lives, and I'm def one of those people
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homeb0ys · 9 months ago
“Home Sweet Home.”
My take on a Homelander poster for The Boys Season 4, Episode 4. Stills are under the cut if anyone wants ‘em.
Nobody showed up, nobody slowed down
They must have been deaf, I was screaming so loud
Nobody had faith I'd ever be found
Born into a hole six feet in the ground
I had to love me when nobody cared
And be the family that never was there
Had to have hope when I didn't feel spiritual
Had to be my own, my own miracle
- My Own Miracle: Citizen Soldier
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mer-acle · 30 days ago
"Thank You For Hating Me" gives me Athena and Zeus Vibes ( why is citizen soldier such good Vibes)
Ohhh you should listen to Give up to Ghosts it's got kinda similar vibes but in a different tone if that makes sense XD
Gods I love CS a lot actually.
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Can't fall in place until you break
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brandileigh2003 · 8 months ago
Guess what I got the courage to do!!!!
(I got ada seating, we got there early and my walker wasn't a problem. It was cool bc the band members actually sang in our direction too)
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It was so so good. Citizen soldier made me cry and it was a I would do this again in a heartbeat
Pleasantly surprised by skydxddy. Omg. Trauma core 💯
You'd take my thirteen reasons why and give me a million to stay
You are enough!
When you're a little messed up When you're a little unwell And nobody understands That you are going through hell Right here like this right now You are enough When you've been broken and bruised Because the past has been tough Being human is What makes you something worthy of love Right here this sick right now You are enough So don't give up
They played the unreleased "burden"
I think that you never get heard By thinking someone's got it worse Been minimized so many times, that you believe it's deserved I think you've been silent since youth Cause every time you speak your truth, you're stigmatized Retraumatized by all the things you didn't choose I don't mind your darker side, you can lose control I'd rather hear your hell than see your funeral I think you say sorry too much, I think you've got issues with trust From the voices in your head that say that you're too hard to lovе I think you still live with the ghost of peoplе you needed the most That let you down and taught you how to keep your closet door closed But I've been there and I would rather die than watch you drown In tears that you need to cry You can talk, you can talk to me I can tell that you're not okay You can spill your guts, I won't leave You are not a burden to me You can talk, you can talk to me Even down in your darkest place You can let your skeletons scream You are not a burden to me
Would anyone care-- this song helped me find them and I realized that they did mental health songs like I've never heard before.
Would anyone notice If tonight I disappeared? Would anyone chase me And say the words that I need to hear? That I'm no burden Not so worthless Bent so much that I just might break All-consuming So confusing The questions that keep me awake Would anyone care, would anyone cry If I finally stepped off of this ledge tonight? Would anything change, would you all be just fine? 'Cause I need a reason to not throw the fight It just might save my life Would anyone want me If they knew what was inside my head? Would anyone see me For the person that I really am? I won't lie So hard to hide I've never felt worthy of love I would give up Everything I have Just to feel good enough If you're dying inside Sick of being alive Let me in, let me share in your pain From my lungs through the dark Spoken straight from the heart Let me give you a reason to stay If you're out there still lying awake If you're out there still wondering Would anyone care, would anyone cry If you finally gave up and turned out the light? The world would be changed if you left it behind You can't be replaced, no, tonight is the night You take back your life Take back your life
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nicknaysayer · 11 months ago
Furina 🌟🌟
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randomtaleau · 2 months ago
Randomtale: Monster Made of Memories (Speedpaint)
This piece represents Asriel’s guilt for the death of his mother, Toriel. She died after he made a mistake in the recipe of the pie he made for her, inserting buttercups and poisoning her.
The song used is Monster Made of Memories, by Citizen Soldier. It is a very important song for Asriel’s character.
Full Piece under the cut
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urlocalbadomen · 1 year ago
Okay, so I've done an accent propaganda post but what about music artists I think the batfam sound like?
Bruce- Alex Terrible(Slaughter to prevail) or Jake Segura(Citizen Soldier), two very different artists
Dead end life (Jake)
Viking (Alex)
Dick-Tyler Joseph(Twenty one pilots) or Cody Carson(Set it off)
Guns for hands (Tyler)
Punching bag(Cody)
Jason-Hozier or Danny Worsnop(Asking Alexandria)
Angel of small death and the codeine scene(Hozier)
Alone in a room (Danny)
Cassandra-Tatiana Shmailyuk(Jinjer) or Courtney LaPlante(Spiritbox)
Pieces (Tatiana)
Jaded (Courtney)
Tim-Chester Bennington(Linkin Park) or Lukas Magyar(Veil of Maya)
Breaking the Habit(Chester)
Red fur (Lukas)
Stephanie-Chinchilla or Violet Orlandi
Cut you off (chinchilla)
Damian-Nico Sallach(Electric callboy) or Conor Mason(Nothing but thieves)
We got the moves (Nico)
Before we drift away (Connor)
Duke-Kadeem France(Loathe) Tim Armstrong(Transplants)
Two way mirror (Kadeem)
Diamonds and guns (Tim)
"Comments are for love, not for hate haters can go fuck oneself"- Mark Hector of Brainsqueeze reacts.
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tilbageidanmark · 4 months ago
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I don't remember seeing so many citizens walking in the streets armed with machine guns during my previous trips.
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