My little star touch elf OC, black hole type, because why not. They are watcher, enjoying shitstorm Aaravos is causing while eating space popcorn.
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My beauty, my beloved, the love of my life, my The Dragon Prince OC, Amaranthae.
Her 3 main turnarounds;
1) Her ward uniform, 2) Magefam outfit, also known as The Main Look, 3) Purification ritual + Post-Lux Aurea, (ft Binding Ribbons).
Nothing makes me happier than these three turnarounds and I honestly don’t think anything ever will.
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Feylan chara design with his usual Moonshadow clothing vs dressed as a Startouch Elf.
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Feylan is a young Startouch born during the Era of Avizandum, 300 years before the battle of the Storm Spire. His mother is Servi, a skillful Star Mage, and the infamous Arch-mage Aaravos.
When Aaravos was defeated, and sealed away in the Mirror, Servi escaped with Feylan, and begged her friend Líswen, a Moonshadow Moon mage, to take care of him, in order to protect him.
Líswen raised Feylan as if he was his own son, and Feylan grew up at the Silvergrove, ignoring everything about his origins. Feylan was taught about Moon Magic, and eventually, he managed to create a connection with the moon arcanum.
At 19 years old, as he was wandering alone in the Moonshadow forest (as he often liked to do), Feylan met Varrahel, a mysterious Startouch Mage, and learnt about his birth parents and his past, which Líswen confirmed.
Feylan followed Varrahel and his young Skywing apprentice, Thelris, for long wanders across Xadia and even the humans lands. In the care of the Startouch Arch mage, he was able to learn about Startouch Elves, but also learnt to use the Star Arcanum.
About two years of wanders, Feylan returned at the Silvergrove, where he lived with his mother Líswen. There, he worked at the Silvergrove’s library.
Years passed, and Líswen was getting old. Being not blessed with the long existence of Startouch Elves, she eventually passed away, and Feylan left the Silvergrove and built himself an house in one of the Trees of the Moonshadow forest, where he always felt the most at home.
Few time before the Battle of the Storm Spire, Feylan had recurrent dreams about his father Aaravos, talking to a mysterious human through a mirror.
When he heard an human dark mage fought against Xadia, before behind defeated, Feylan left his house and travelled to the Storm Spire, where many elves who participate or not at the battle were camping there for investigations.
There, Feylan and Varrahel met again, but Thelris already passed away.

Chara design for Feylan, dressed with his usual moonshadow clothes
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Feylan, my little Startouch boy who grew up among the Moonshadow Elves
He is enjoying some Xadian old tales at the Silvergrove’s library
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So, this is the mother of my oc, Feylan. A Star Mage lady.
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New attempt to draw Feylan, my startouched elf oc
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I'll show you my startouch elf.
I'm still working on it.
But the horns will be different, as will the hair color.
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My Startouch Elf Oc from The Dragon Prince Fandom
He was found as a baby nearly the Silvergrove, and grew up among the Moonshadow Elves. (A moonshadow elf woman adopted him).
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Done. One of my most complex works so far.
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The Antagonists
Since I introduced the turnarounds for my protagonists
Here are turnarounds for the antagonists ^u^
Here we have the following
Zagreus - An overly ambitious elf , he seeks his place amount the stars.
Jinx - a black winged skywing elf , she is loyal to a fault
And finally
Parmarth - a earthbound skywing elf , keeper of two blades
I hope u enjoy them , even if they are the big bad trio I still love them dearly ^7^
There are more antagonists throughout my story but they are minor or secondary , hopefully I can show em one day .
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Alixaris the (OC) Startouch elf, at least how I imagine she looked.
Keep reading
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An older Aster who is hundreds of years old.
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As a 100 sub special I drew all my Startouch elves designs in one pic.
Now, these might be my Oc but I see them more as designs of how Startouch elves might look like that represent our solar system, so I don’t really have any story or character personality for them (just like rough ones). I still hope you enjoy them
My goal is it to draw our entire solar system as Startouch elves…let’s see how far I’ll come
Total Startouch elves: 16
Metroid -> Shooting stars
Styx -> Styx, a moon of Pluto
Iapetus -> Iapetus, moon of Jupiter
Lunar -> Earth’s moon
Ganymede -> Ganymede, moon of Jupiter
Callisto -> Callsito, moon of Jupiter
Junit -> Jupiter
Meladas -> Saturn
Vera -> Venus
Neptice -> Neptune
Lactea -> Milky way
Pulsar -> Neutron star
Mistel -> red dwarf
Polaris -> Pole star/North star
Nigrum -> Blackhole
Malgre -> Dark Matter
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