#mari shut up
spikystar · 2 years
I can't focus on this match boys are pretty
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tommyarashikage · 1 year
characters cleaning blood off their partner's face is just PEAK romance actually. bonus points if it's someone else's blood
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celticcatgirl2 · 3 months
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No Freaking way….
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rooolt · 1 month
it’s so funny because the whole season was spent with like adaine oisin flirting, Fabian ivy flirting, fig creating a woman for Ruben to fall in love with, hell, even people shipping kipperlilly and Kristen and me specifically making jokes about kipperlilly having a crush on riz, and yet the bad kid x rat grinder ship that was canonized was better than I could have ever imagined
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sharp-fanged13 · 3 months
What a wonderful occassion to remember this happened and is canon af:
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jaylaxies · 3 months
he’s giving cunt and it’s turning me on
no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for—
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god-u · 8 months
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there’s just something about when they touch each other or hold hands idk…
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spn-lesbian · 2 years
obsessed with the fact that Dean and Cas could break heavens mind control with their love and John and Mary couldn’t even break a ghost possession
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masseffectgayliens · 1 month
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inklore · 9 months
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spikystar · 8 months
trying hard to keep things in perspective n remind myself that we've been through worse n there's so many other bad things going on but I'm still so so sad and so terrified for so many people. also kinda baffling that I have to keep explaining to people around me that electing a far right, libertario "I'm not into politics" "anarchocapitalist" guy to be the President isn't a great move for marginalized people...
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andithil · 10 months
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Our Flag Means Death s2 trailer October 5, 2023
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celticcatgirl2 · 3 months
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anothermansjeans · 2 months
never give you peace
s.r x youtuber!reader
summary: during their first date, youtuber!reader feels the sudden anxiety that they can never give spencer peace
cw: little angst; hurt/comfort?? mentions of going to a restaurant, strangers coming up to reader, reader is in their head :( the smallest mention of the foyet/haley plot
wc: 855
a/n: hi!!!!!! i would LOVE to take requests for youtuber!reader and spencer!! PLEASE send them in! i love these two sm. inspired by peace by taylor swift!
You didn't know when it started happening– the random people walking up to you asking for photos– you just gradually started to get used to it after twenty or so times. Normally, it wouldn't bother you. The people who support you and the reason you make YouTube videos deserve the world in your eyes, but now that you're here, walking down the streets of D.C with Spencer on your first date… it was bothering you… just the tiniest bit!
It took a while for you and Spencer to get to this point. A lot of phone tag (you were both very busy people), you being out of town, and Spencer being out of town really put the two of you through the ringer. To say you deserved this moment of having a proper first date would be an understatement, which is why these two sweet girls walking up to you with shy smiles put you on edge.
“Hi! You're Y/N, right?”
You and Spencer were supposed to be at the small bistro not even a hundred feet away at this point. If you were by yourself, you would be ecstatic to talk to them. Maybe you're a shitty person (you're not. Spencer would later make sure to explain that you're allowed to have boundaries and that talking to strangers normally puts people on edge). Maybe for once, you wanted to not talk to the people who made your career possible. Maybe you feel too bad even thinking this way that the people pleaser is screaming to come out. “Uh… hi.”
“Do you mind taking a picture with us? We’re obsessed with your videos.”
You've been hyper aware of Spencer by your side the entire time. He’s never seen you in your element with followers. You have no clue if he's ever been through something like this with anyone he’s previously dated, but you want to assume this is all new to him and you're probably scaring him away as the seconds tick by.
You're only brought out of your thoughts when you hear Spencer speak up next to you. “Go ahead.”
“Okay…” The process was relatively quick. Spencer offered to take the photo, the girls thanked him profusely, and about five photos total were taken. When Spencer returns the phone the two turn back towards you with wide smiles plastered on their faces.
“Thank you so much! Have a nice night!”
And that was that. Except, it didn't feel like it was done. There was an awkward feeling settling over the two of you, but nothing was said as Spencer linked your arms back together and continued to walk to the bistro.
It was eating at you the entire time you've been in the restaurant. He never brought it up though, always steering the conversation to your shared interests and throwing in a fun fact now and then. It was right before the check came that you finally had enough with the all-consuming thoughts and blurted out the only thing you could truly focus on.
“I could never give you peace.”
“What…?” His wrinkled eyebrows did all of the talking.
“My… job. More people have been doing what those two girls did– asking for pictures. And I know how serious your job is, if people start asking for pictures of you too… I don't want to put you in that position.”
It was quiet for a moment. Although he was a genius, Spencer needed a moment to take in what you said. “Ditto.”
What? “What?” You slapped your hand over your mouth. You did not mean to say that out loud.
He didn't flinch, going straight into explanation. “My job is serious. Serial killer serious. My boss lost his wife because of this job. If you're worried about me in regards to your job, I’m worried out of my wits for you.”
“So… if we both can't provide peace?”
“It's a good thing I enjoy a little chaos.”
A small smile was shared between the two of you, and after the waiter dropped off the bill, you took another look at him. “Well, Dr. Reid, you really are a genius. You solved a majority of my fears with one small conversation.”
“It doesn't take a genius to see what he has in front of him has great
potential to be one of the best things in his life.”
A smirk appeared on your face when he shyly looked at you. “That good, huh? Does that mean I scored a second date?”
“Of course!” Spencer perked up, eyes immediately widening. “Did you know that the typical success rate for getting a second date is 13.7%, which gives a match an opportune time to learn the real chemistry between them and their match, including their values, passions, and family? First dates are actually–”
Sitting there, listening to him changed the smirk to a genuine smile. Maybe the two of you couldn't provide peace on the outside, but as he continues to speak passionately, you feel nothing warmth spread throughout you. The same type of warmth you feel at home; the same type of peace.
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kermit-coded · 3 months
something about how erik's death enraged rogue but remy's death broke her.
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spitinsideme · 3 months
So since demon Ragatha is cat-coded, does she knock over things intentionally? Like I can see her swatting something with her hands for attention, but I can also picture her just kinda turning around and accidentally knocking a glass over with her ass since she’s so thick lmao.
obviously !!! shes a bitch on purpose, she wants nun pomnis attention 24/7 becaus3 why would nun pomni chopse to get on her kne3s to pray when she coukd be on her knees for othet things !!! teuly terrible for demon ragatha, so she has to get her attentoon somehow
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