#margaret liones
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maslosstuff · 10 months ago
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The female side of the Liones family.
I changed Veronica outfit to blue because everyone wears those colors more than that pink she had on plus I made her eyes the color of Nadja for more of a resemblance.
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mechadeimos · 5 months ago
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the-face-in-the-mirror · 10 months ago
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As promised, here she is! Margaret in all of her new glory. I have scarcely been able to stop staring at this one, she's so pretty it's almost unfair.
Finally, a proper outfit for the icon herself. My goal here was to make Margaret look more like a princess and a royal heir, with some inspiration taken from Princess Zelda's design in Breath of the Wild while utilizing some of the colors that Margaret is seen wearing in canon. I might adjust the veil later to make it fit in more seamlessly with the rest of the outfit, but right now, I think it looks okay; let me know if ya'll have any ideas for that.
I always thought Margaret needed more love as the heir to the throne; being the firstborn, you'd think there'd be a little bit more emphasis on her and the position she holds, but she just kind of... exists in a bubble, it seemed like. This time around, Margaret gets a bigger role in terms of her place in Liones and the royal family. Given the time period, there'd be very little separation between Church and State, especially since the Holy Knights are a thing, so I've decided that Margaret gets to essentially be the head of the Church, or at least hold a high position in it. Since Margaret has never demonstrated any magical ability in canon, I imagine I can work with that to aid in her position as High Priestess; I'm still figuring that part out, but we'll get there.
Her overhauled role also gives Margaret more to do than just being constantly locked in a basement like in canon. Personally, I don't really get why she had to be other than the excuse that it was for her own protection, but even then it still seemed weird since Hendrickson had her being watched at all times by the chimera anyway. She'll likely be up to a bit more in this rewrite, and I hope to expand more on her character being stalked by the chimera versus no longer being stalked by it. Margaret could be cool and honestly it's what she deserves.
That's it for now, so I'll see ya'll just as soon as I figure out what to do next. See ya!
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ivyllamauwu · 1 year ago
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Margaret is so fucking pretty,it’s insane
If I didn’t know any better I’d say that she is the prettiest Liones sister.
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variouspolltournaments · 2 months ago
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Anti-Propaganda is not allowed. Please only give reasons to vote for something and not give reasons to vote against something.
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herothiccs · 2 years ago
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cookiecandy22 · 2 months ago
Casting NNT characters in EPIC the Musical:)
(This is not canon in my odysseyxnnt au!!! I’m just going by voices and vibes lmao)
(Voices are based in the japanese dub, I haven’t watched the english one sorry)
First, who gives theater kid ✨ vibes mhm
The first two characters that come to mind are Gowther (OBV) and Deathpierce (have you seen that guy like-), and like at least two out of the four archangels give me the vibes too but I want this to be like a “if there’s a production in universe who would be casted” (even if that would be impossible).
So I think that even if they give me the vibes some of them wouldn’t participate.
Taking that into account… First
Who of the nnt characters gives me theater kid vibes?: (The only 4kota characters I’m taking into account are Lancelot and Tristan)
-Hendrickson (I see him in the backstage, helping with the special effects)
-Ludociel (but doesn’t admit it)
-Diane (especially in the dancing part)
-King (in costume or props design, I think he’d die if he were on stage)
Then we have the characters that’d be “that guy who hasn’t done theater in their lives but lands the main character”:
-Howzer and Griamore (the straight guys that get casted because there aren’t enough male actors😂)
-Elizabeth (her japanese VA sings very good)
Now, I don’t think that demons or archangels would participate in this as most of the people casted would be humans, but I see fairies and giants participating.
So finally, who would I cast for who? (Including substitutes)
For the main three humans soldiers (originally wanted them to be the troublesome duo but I’m changing it)
Polites: Gilthunder (I imagine him to have a sweet singing voice so it matches). Substitute: Howzer
Eurylochus: originally I wanted to make him Ban, but maybe he’d get too excited in the fighting scene and would end up badly lol, the I thought of Slader to have someone very tall but his voice doesn’t fit, so I’m going to go with Griamore as he has also a deep voice. Substitute: Slader (he’d pull a Jonathan Bailey and act as the straightest guy on Earth in this) or Golgius
Odysseus: Meliodas (he’s the power of the protagonist, also because I think he’d make both a good aggressive voice and an emotional voice which is necessary to make a good Odysseus). Substitute: Howzer or Slader (both can make it pretty scary and emotional I think
Crew and suitors: the ensemble would be a bunch of holy knights and most of them don’t even sing, they are on stage to make it seem as if there’s a lot of people. But the main voices that you can hear in the choir are: Golgius, Dogedo, Twigo, Ruin and Marmas.
Polyphemus: I want him to be Dolores with a distortion effect in her voice (with magic). I imagine her just apologising after every rehearsal haha.
Zeus: again almost casting Ban as him but I think that Dreyfus would be best as he looks older and has a deep voice too. Substitute: Ban
Winions: I’d love if this part of the ensemble are fairies that were convinced by Helbram to participate in this (he’s not dead in this okay? I love him so much and I need him for this to work)
Hermes: talking about Helbram…Yeah, him. Substitute: Harlequin would have to step up and he is praying he doesn’t has to lol (they needed someone who could fly), also Gloxinia
Athena: I want Margaret to be her so much, I feel she would be a very good actress for her but her voice don’t match that much, but that’s because she always speaks so softly… Maybe she could be a good Penelope? Ok I’m leaving Athena and Penelope for the end because I think I have an idea.
Aeolus: Elaine or Elizabeth (I know Elizabeth would do a perfect Penelope as Mel is Odysseus but I don’t think she’d want such a spotlight), both would work so I’m making them taking turns haha.
Circe: Deldry yayyy. Substitute: Jillian
Tiresias: Howzer CAN sing. Substitute: Gowther (he can imitate any voice so the singing bit isn’t a problem to him, and I think he can pull off a very good dramatic act)
Poseidon: BAN WOULD BE THE PERFECT POSEIDON, especially with Mel as Ody. Substitute: Deathpierce
Apollo: Gloxinia. Substitute: Marmas
Hepheastus: I think this as a role for “an invited celebrity” such as Denzel.
Afrodite: wanted to make her Melascula but can’t so it’s for an “invited celeb”. Substitute: Eli:) as a fun gag
Ares: Twigo¿ no idea, I wanted to make him Galand but can’t, also for an “invited celeb”. Substitute: Meliodas as a fun gag:)
Telemachus: depending on the timeline ngl, either Pelliot or Tristan. Substitute: Simon (a grown ass man but that’s how theater works)
Antinous: Deathpierce, fire vocals need the guy who’s power is related to music heh. Substitute: Dogedo
Okay now finally Penelope, VERY hard. I think Athena and Penelope are going to have more than two actors depending on the telemachus and Odysseus and have the same substitute: Margaret, Elizabeth (kinda want to put Gelda and Merlin here ngl) and Veronica (going to throw the three princesses here because interpreting these two characters would make them have a good public image and may attract more people to watch the show. Substitute: Gowther (I’m putting him in a lot of places as a substitute because he’s the most versatile actor from here, as he can literally imitate ANYONE. Like I imagine him acting the most heartbreaking scenes like in the “would you fall in love with me again” song, crying and everything and after ending the scene just: 😭->😗)
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sds-rewrite · 3 months ago
Here she is, Margaret Liones... The most NPC looking main character I've ever seen-
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What I changed:
Looks less like an NPC
Her entire personality doesn't revolve around Gilthunder
I'm making her a minor ANTAGONIST instead of a useless "main character"... Seriously, she's more of a prop than a character in the OG. It's like the writers realized how useless she is, so halfway through season 5, she suddenly becomes important with no reason... But I'm not gonna spoil what I have planned... You'll find out around chapter 10 or so
You can find my AO3 account down here ↓
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ampedupkaon · 6 months ago
August Writing Challenge Day 26: Gilthunder/Margaret
AN: Last specific day. The twenty sixth of August is Gilthunder's birthday. I thought he might appreciate having a night with Margaret; the love of his life. Set after the Holy War is over. Completely over; after the mess with Cath Palug. Possibly the night after the shopping for toys with Bartra.
“Do... do you think my father wants more than one grandchild to spoil?” Gilthunder's cheeks matched his hair at the question. Margaret was the love of his life, yes... but that didn't mean he was quite ready to make love to her; to try and get her with child.
“P-Possibly...” He stuttered; hoping she didn't ask to try making one tonight. He wasn't ready; not yet.
“Alright. Something to keep in mind for when we're ready, my love.” She could sense his nerves it seemed. And then she reached for the fastening of her dress and his cheeks darkened.
“M-Margaret, I'm...” She stilled, giving him a look.
“You're my lover. You're allowed to look.” She loosened the dress, letting it slide to the floor and pool at her ankles. Only a pair of panties protected her modesty and they were swiftly dragged off too. He swallowed, admiring her. She let him for a moment, before speaking.
“Do you wish to cuddle?” He sort of did, but not while she was like this. She scrambled out of the pool of dress at her feet and made her way over to him. He swallowed again, forcing his eyes up to her face. She had a mischievous look on her face that wouldn't be out of place on Veronica. Her hands reached for the hem of his top and he jumped back, instantly nervous.
“Cuddling in the nude doesn't make babies. At least... not in any of the books I've read.” He was still nervous, frightened of... her reaction. Would she pounce him if both of them were...?
“And it's not fair that you get to admire me in the nude and I don't get to admire you.” That was true; he realised and lifted his arms up.
“It's... not a pretty sight I'm afraid. Not sure how your books portray a man's... you know... but it's not very pretty.” She dragged his top off while he was speaking. His trousers were pooled around his ankles and she was holding the hem of his underwear. He swallowed, nerves being pushed down with the action and nodded. He felt the tickle of cool air and the heat of her gaze, admiring him.
“You're wrong.” He gave her a confused look.
“You are a pretty sight. You're you. And I love you.” His cheeks flushed and he gave in to the urge he'd felt for a little while. She made a small shocked noise, her lips brushing back against his when she realised what he was doing. They parted as quickly as it had started, her hand finding his and gripping.
“Want to go to bed?” He shuddered.
“We can both be naked, cuddled up in bed, and that be all that happens. I'm not expecting anything more from you than what you're ready for, Gil.” He pulled her in for a hug, happy Margaret was understanding. She hugged back one handed, then lightly tugged his arm. He followed her to bed. She climbed in first, lifting the corner for him to join her. He did so, happy he could finally do this. Climb into bed with her, the woman he'd loved since he was... if he was being honest, since he knew what love that a man felt for his partner was. He couldn't recall knowing that and not feeling it for her. The ten years he couldn't have it were torture, but... that first night of freedom, holding her in his arms as they both went to sleep... had been worth every second of it.
“Come on, you're letting the cold air in.” He chuckled, realising he hadn't actually done it and had been lost in his thoughts. He climbed in, shuffling over so they could cuddle. It felt different without anything covering him... either of them. Every place their skin touched felt hot, like a small fire was blazing between them.
“It's... not too much for us to be... like this, is it?” She asked, her cheeks flushed. She could feel it, the same way he did.
“No. I do dread what a maid might say come morning though.”
“They can gossip all they like. You're my lover; they know that. Why shouldn't I be in bed with my lover, with or without clothes on?” He chuckled.
“Because you're not yet wearing my ring, Margaret.” She considered that for a moment.
“Is that what's making you nervous about... making love to me?”
“Dreyfus told me a man's first time should be the night he marries the woman he loves. Though... he also told me it was hard for him to resist Anna for that long!” Margaret laughed and Gilthunder was pleased he'd made the comment. He shuffled about a bit to get comfortable, her clinging to him the whole time. She fidgeted a bit once he had, both of them lying, content, in the other's arms.
“Good night, Margaret. I love you.” He whispered, brushing his lips to hers right after.
“Love you too Gil. Sweet dreams.” She gave him a kiss in return, his eyes slipping closed, a smile on his face. It had been a long road getting here, but it had been worth every second.
AN: A maid does find them together in the morning, but makes the incorrect assumption they both have clothes on. Said maid becomes rather flustered when they both sit up, Margaret clinging to Gilthunder because she doesn't have a top on. A rumour starts that they've slept together in the figurative sense; though it doesn't bother Bartra, he's happy the two of them are trying to make more grandchildren for him to spoil!
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pbear · 2 years ago
If your favorite isn’t here, then maybe they’re on @purplehairswagtourney. I just picked some of my favorites to put in this poll.
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somthing-lavender · 2 years ago
New bonus chapter spoilers
Ouch, reading this hurted.
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Chion use to have his mother's kindness. But then Vivian kidnapped him and became his "new mother." In the end Chion lost the traits he hot from him real mother, and they were replaced with traits from Vivian (obsessiveness, bitterness, cruelty).
In a cruel way Vivian did become Chion's mother. A horrible one, but she was his primary caregiver from 3-9 and raised him for ~38% of his life.
Bonus Headcanon: I've been thinking recently about how Chion would of turned out if he never was kidnapped. I personally don't think Chion would want to know tho. To him it's either
The worst event of his life permanently changed him
He was always gonna be messed up
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ivyllamauwu · 1 year ago
My ladies🫶🏼🫶🏼❤️
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azurlily · 2 years ago
The Seven Deady Sins Masterlist
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Who I will write for:
Elizabeth Liones
Margaret Liones
Veronica Liones
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year ago
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The Wizard of Oz lobby cards (1939)
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ivyllamauwu · 1 year ago
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His eyes omfg, that is such a beautiful color. I didn’t expect them to be such a beautiful shade of purple 💜
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fizziedoodle · 1 month ago
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The Wizard of Oz
directed by Victor Fleming
starring Judy Garland, Jack Haley, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, & Margaret Hamilton
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