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Hey there hope you’re doing well I don’t know if you’re still taking your requests at the moment. But if you are here’s one I would like Some head canon for Azula shocking, I know and Mai Tylee and Suki With an OC who likes to sleep topless If you’re comfortable with that or interested
I'm so sorry! I thought I posted this 3 days ago and I check my account and notice it isn't there. I checked my drafts and saw it🤦🏽♀️. The gif of Suki I'm using is the only one with just her(no other characters in the picture), if anyone could find more with just her I'd be so thankful!!
Also does anyone know why when I press my stuff(my posts) tumblr says it doesn't exist. Yet I'll scroll down in my acc and find it. It's confusing and I'm going to have to fix a bunch of stuff because of it.
Ozai's Angel's + Suki
When fem!reader sleeps topless.
Y'all ever sent hat shocked pikachu meme? Yeah that's Azula the first time she sees you sleep topless.
I imagine it was your first night sleeping in the same bed, and you just threw your shirt off. No hesitation. Azula turned and just stared are your bare back. You still had pants/shorts on so she assumed you were going to change. Although in front of her? Really? So bold...
Instead when you turn towards the bed to lay down, you hear the loudest little squeak! It's probably one of the only times Azula will ever act like that. It's just so surprising that you'd frivolously in front of her.
"What do you think you're doing?"
You would look over ins surprise and Azula would immediately turn around.
"Something wrong, zula?"
Azula will stomp her foot and turn back towards you, her eyes cast downwards. You didn't see anything wrong with your clothing choice seeing as you distinctly remember mentioning this to Azula multiple times before.
"You have no shirt and nothing to conceal your chest! Just what are you trying to do on our first night...disgusting!"
Of course Azula didn't mean that last part, but she said it anyway.
You just stared at her for a few moments and then laughed, if you're this far in the relationship(and it wasn't forced) you've learned Azula a lot better than most.
"I'm going to lay down, when you're comfortable: come join me?"
Just wait it out and within a few minutes you'll feel shuffling in the bed. Azula wont touch you in anyway, even to wake you up. The next few days will be her getting comfortable with sleeping next to you like this. Within a month(maybe longer if this is something that truly surprised her about you) she'll be spooning you and refusing to explain why. Don't ask either or she will stop.
The most calm about the entire situation. That doesn't mean Mai isn't surprised, she's the complete opposite in fact. Mai just doesn't show her emotions like others.
As you two were getting in bed after a long day of doing everything Azula wanted...and complaining about it when she wasn't listening. You and Mai just wanted to relax together.
It doesn't matter if it was the first time you slept together or if you simply always wore a shirt to make her comfortable. Either way Mai has to ensure she's in the right reality when you- in front of her and with no shame -begin to undress.
Mai is(despite popular belief) very awkward. Especially around the girl she's oh so in love with. Mai has, on multiple occasions, not said a single word to you for an entire day. Simply because you made her too 'flustered' to function and she was afraid that she might say something less than appropriate for the situation.
So Mai doesn't say anything. She stares, though. Her eyes don't leave you body the moment she notices what you're doing. It's already hard for her to look away when you have clothes on, but this?! You must be trying to kill her.
"Mai? Are you okay? I'm sorry should I put my shirt back on?"
That's about the only thing that will get her attention. Mai looks up at your face instead of your chest. It takes her a second to recognize your words. They turn her a slight pink, which she looks away as to not show you.
"No. It's fine. Warn me next time. . .please."
Mai has a tendency to make herself seem cold and distant for fear of hurting you. Unknowingly though, that's what ends up hurting you in the end.
You lay in the bed, turned away from Mai. You hear a slight rustle in the bed before a small voice speaks up. Not something you'd expect from her normally.
"I think you look pretty; I-I love you."
Your heart melts.
Ty Lee
A lil' NSFW
Ty Lee is the one who reacts the sweetest. I fully believe that Ty lee has seen some things from being in the circus and all. She doesn't react coldly like Mai nor is she embarrassed like Azula. Ty lee is simply happy her partner trusts her so much as to be naked around her.
You two had been sore from a long day and after bathing(separately) you headed to your room together. Ty lee sleeps in a loose shirt and shorts, she's very open with her body as long as it's her partner.
Truly, she flirts with others but you're her sun. The only person she would truly share her body with.
You take off your shirt with your back turned to Ty lee. Sometimes she wishes you would look at her when she undresses. It makes her feel better about her body, knowing her partner likes it.
Ty lee turns and sees you with no shirt. She just stares for a moment before turning back around, she assumed you were still changing and just waited a little longer.
"Uhm, are you done changing yet?"
You told her yes and she turned around. Nearly tripping over herself.
"Are you going to sleep without a shirt?!"
Ty lee barks out a bit of laughter with her words. She realized you were as soon as she said it. You smiled and simply nodded while Ty lee got a little closer to you. She enjoys your body, it's the most beautiful thing in the world to her. So it is incredibly hard for her to look away.
"You know I think you should sleep like this every night. You look. . .cute."
Ty lee pulls herself closer to you, your bodies press together. Your chests more specifically. Ty lee presses her lips to yours and you slowly lead eachother to the bed. Before you two find yourselves under the covers you hear her whisper.
"Your body's so beautiful; I'd like to see all of it."
I'm sorry if this isn't as accurate to Suki's character as you'd like!(I'm also sorry Suki's is shorter than the others)
Suki is definitely the most bashful, but in a way the least surprised. I'm more than sure she's seen her fair share of female bodies from the Kyoshi Warriors. The only difference is you're her partner, her one and only.
Suki is a very devoted lover, but(and were going off assumption) you're the first woman she's been with. So she feels safer than she would even wirh her closest friends.
As you two were heading in and getting the first bit of proper rest in a while. You didn't think about your sleeping conditions, you were just tired and uncomfortable in your own skin. As you take your shirt off you hear a loud, strangled cough behind you.
"Oh, I didn't realize you were going to change in front of me."
You laid down in the bed and turn towards Suki who looked away. She wasn't wearing her makeup, but she was still in her uniform.
"You should probably take that off. It'll be uncomfortable to sleep in."
Suki just stares at you dumbfounded, some days she wonders where her love for this idiot came from. Suki undresses, not fully knowing if you're watching or not. Her face reddening.
"Do you feel safe like that with me?"
Suki has been emotionally stunted due to her past. Many days, after meeting you, she felt like you'd find someone more devoted and leave.
That because she was a Kyoshi Warrior she wouldn't be able to fully love you.
You hum quietly, you're too tired to answer. Instead you slowly open your arms up from the bed. Suki gets in bed and snuggles into you. Her head pressing against your neck as she peppers kisses.
"I love you, you surprise me everyday."
No one in their right mind can tell me all of those girls don't have trauma. So I tried to sprinkle a little bit of that in there.
#wlw#lesbian#women are hot#fem reader#atla#atla x reader#suki x reader#azula x reader#mai x reader#ty lee x reader
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Guess whose not dead?!
(This is an actual post with a character, just scroll down to the pink bow if you don't want to read this.)
I was in and out of the hospital for a long time. I'm sorry I haven't been writing, but I'm doing so much better. I've closed requests so I can catch up on the ones I currently need to do.
I also wanted to mention some of the newer works(that AREN'T being requested) that I plan to make will probably be either smut or darker stuff. It's a way for me to cope and I enjoy writing altogether.
Yandere!CEO x Fem!Reader
Morena(yan!ceo) x fem!reader
Synopsis: You're a young woman working in the tech industry, you know people(mostly men) don't take you seriously. Due to the constant stress of needing to be better (just to be considered good) you are constantly anxious and jittery, you've also developed a depressive mindset and you consistently struggle with taking your medication.
You just got a new job by a large, female owned, tech company! You thought you'd feel better and you wouldn't have to deal with a toxic environment. You were dead wrong; your boss is a bitch and expects constant perfection and no less. You were just barely able to make it under her radar, until she starts going through files- and you find yourself in her office with a deal you just aren't allowed to refuse.
Not like you can refuse a demon after all?
TW: Non-consensual kissing and physical touch, somewhat mentions future kidnapping.
The reader is kissed(while under a spell that takes away will-power from their body) and is forced to sign a contract against their wishes.
You stand quietly, with your hands in front of you- clasped together so tightly you'd think you were about to get in your knees and pray. But no, instead you were ready to beg to not be fired.
That's what this was right? You were getting fired and your horrible, asshole, bitch-faced boss wanted to say it to your face. You could cry, you almost did on the way here.
Yet as much as you wish you weren't in this situation, as much as you wish you could repent for whatever you did; you genuinely have no idea why you've been called here. You've never gotten a write up, all your reports are clean and bug free, and you work well with seemingly everyone.
You stand face forward, staring at the woman who decides wether you get to eat for the next month. The same woman who while you hate her, you can't -no you won't- deny her beauty. You-
"Hello?! Do you hear me or are you too busy pissing yourself to pay attention?"
You look down, wondering if you genuinely did pee yourself, only to see dry pants and floor. You look back up at her and she gives you the look of someone who both wants to laugh and yell(not in the good way).
You wondered if there was something who had tried to sue her for how rude she was. I'm sure there could be some sort of case, as long as there was proof. Hell, even witnesses would do.
"Sorry, ma'am. What exactly is it you called me for? Has my team done something wrong, did we miss some meeting, or did-"
She stands up, slamming her hand on the desk so loudly it echoes. You nearly jump out of your skin- was she going to hit you?!
"Be quiet. I can't handle you prattling on like a cow. I'm not firing you, nor am I firing anyone on your team. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Oh and please- call me Miss Morena. Thank you."
Oh she is definitely a condescending bitch.
You thought for a moment, 'quite the opposite'. So you aren't getting fired, hell you may be getting a raise! Maybe Morena wasn't so bad of a boss. Maybe she just likes hard workers.
"Thank you, ma- Miss Morena. If I may ask: does this mean I'm getting a promotion?"
Morena smiles, not the smile you give someone when they're right about something. The smile you give when you're a fox, and you've just cornered the bunny you've been trying to catch.
"Yes, a promotion of sorts. I actually have a contract for you, but I can give you the gist and read the rest to you later."
Morena pulls an inch thick stack of papers from the desk. She sets them aside with a pen and slowly steps out from the desk. Morena signals you to come closer, but you only take a few steps forward. You could practically feel how badly this situation was going to go.
As Morena got closer, you began to feel more compelled to make eye contact with her. Like someone was whispering into the back of you mind, telling you to look up. To look into the beautiful blue eyes that Miss Morena holds. To never look away; keep your eyes on hers.
Don't look away from me. I always get what I want and that isn't changing anytime soon, little rabbit.
"Well I've been looking over employee information and I noticed you moved from very, very many jobs before you got to this one. Never staying in one place. I never really liked people like that, and from what I've seen, people like that have done the same with my company. Now I hope -very strong word here- that someone with skills like yours wouldn't do something to this company. I hope that you'd stay, willingly of course. You would stay willingly, right?"
Of course you would, you never had any interest in leaving. You planned to stay past the one year mark, past the time where everyone would get raises in order to ensure you were getting a that this place was a good opportunity. You loved it here, you loved you teammates, your boss, you loved the office building itself.
"Of course I'm staying, Miss Morena. I would never leave."
The words coming out of your mouth felt robotic, they felt like you were lying to yourself and others. Like you were in your body, but you weren't the one speaking.
"Good girl, now go over to my desk and sign you name on all of those papers. Don't read them, you don't need to. You can put all your trust in me."
You did exactly as you were told, you signed every paper with you signature. You didn't even think, your body was moving like second nature. You had this warm feeling in your gut, this safe and controlled feeling. You like feeling like this- don't you?
You hear some shuffling behind you and yet you can't turn around to see what's going on. You only hear a voice.
"You know while your under I guess I can explain. You can't really yell at me or try to run away, so I can speak my peace. You're going to be the newest human I suck the life out of! But hey, for the next few months you'll get to live lavishly and without fear of anything. Other than me of course!"
Your brain registered what she was saying, but you couldn't respond. What were you doing to do? What could you do?
"Come here bunny."
You turn around and walk straight into Morena's arms. She gently grabs your face, you just noticed three of her fingers on her left hand have been filed down. Meanwhile the nails on her right hand, as well as her pinky and thumb on her left, are long and colorful.
Morena pulls you closer to her, her lips ghosting over your mouth. You feel her press her lips to yours and you get an overwhelming feeling of disgust wash over you. You feel nothing but utterly dirty as she kisses you, you feel like someone's just stabbed you and is trying to clean the wound to make themselves feel better about the act.
Your eyes are wide open the entire time, so you watch Morena go from kissing you deeply to pulling back in what looks to be shock. Her pupils dilate slowly, her eyes relaxing and you see nothing but black take over.
"Oh...oh you're much too sweet to kill."
Morena gently moves you head to the side pressing her tounge against your neck. You feel her shiver and watch as she pulls back with a dark smile on her face.
"I take back what I said about you enjoying these next couple of months. . . You'll get to enjoy such pleasures for the rest of your life. With me."
You let your body process her words this time, you don't know how to react. Instead you feel your eyes wet themselves, your expression hadn't even changed. And yet, you were crying. Morena notices almost immediately and you watch her face distort itself into a disdainful look of annoyance, until it twists into one of sadistic pity.
"Oh, shh, bunny. Hush now, stop those tears. I'll take the spell down once were home, in my home you wont be able to run away. So you can have a tantrum all you want there. I know you don't like me right now, you maybe even hate me, but give it some time. You'll realise you need someone, and I'm the best you'll be getting for the rest of your pathetic human life."
Everything goes black after that.
#wlw#lesbian#im bad at this#women are hot#female yandere#tw nonconsensual touching#lesbian yandere#yandere x reader#yandere#female yandere x reader#CEO!yan!Morena#yandere ceo#im not okay#im not sorry#im not dead#demon#yandere!demon
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From the article:
The authors of the dangerous Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) unveiled an amended version this week, but it’s still an unconstitutional censorship bill that continues to empower state officials to target services and online content they do not like. We are asking everyone reading this to oppose this latest version, and to demand that their representatives oppose it—even if you have already done so. KOSA remains a dangerous bill that would allow the government to decide what types of information can be shared and read online by everyone. It would still require an enormous number of websites, apps, and online platforms to filter and block legal, and important, speech. It would almost certainly still result in age verification requirements. Some of its provisions have changed over time, and its latest changes are detailed below. But those improvements do not cure KOSA’s core First Amendment problems. Moreover, a close review shows that state attorneys general still have a great deal of power to target online services and speech they do not like, which we think will harm children seeking access to basic health information and a variety of other content that officials deem harmful to minors. We’ll dive into the details of KOSA’s latest changes, but first we want to remind everyone of the stakes. KOSA is still a censorship bill and it will still harm a large number of minors who have First Amendment rights to access lawful speech online. It will endanger young people and impede the rights of everyone who uses the platforms, services, and websites affected by the bill.
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Sis where is part two for Our Unparalleled Love for You I'm waiting 😭😭😭😭
I'm sorry but I wont be continuing that series!😭 It got a really negative reaction and some people even DMed me about it. I'll only make darker things when specifically requested.
I know a few people really liked it and when I clear out my ask box more I might finish what I have so far.
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Hi idk how full your inbox is but I’d like to ask for Makima with a  Chihuahua like reader (short and agressive and bratty basically) could it also be nsfw also thank you
Woooo! I've been thinking about this one for a bit. Makima is just like the perfect person for a brat, you cannot tell me otherwise. I made this sort of toxic because I honestly believe that any relationship with cannon Makima is gonna be fucked up in some way. If yall want non-toxic just say that in the request.
Makima x Bratty!Reader NSFW
"Do you enjoy you life, little red? Do you enjoy the things I buy you and the way I treat you?"
Makima enjoyed asking rhetorical questions a lot, especially when she was mad. That usually means you had to make her mad first, and despite her calm demeanor: it's fairly easy to anger her. A few snide comments here, a few too rough arm pulls there, maybe you decided to play around with Power or Denji.
In the end, you fucked up in some way, you fucked up so badly that she's completely lost it. Although...you enjoy that dont you? You enjoy when Makima has to grab you by the neck and practically hurl you into another room. You love when her hands find their way up your skirt; it's a warning, it always is.
Makima is by no means a kind woman. In fact she's the complete opposite of kind, she's mean, harsh, rough, and fucking cruel. Makima us a naturally sadistic person -not with everyone, you just fucked up somehow and she knew you were the one.
Now that you think about one of the subtlety not so kind things shes done is give you a nickname. "Little red". To her it's a way of making fun of you. You're easy o annoy(not that she isn't either because of you) and you face gets red when you're mad. The "little" part is solely because of your height, she enjoys reminding you every so often.
"If I pull out the gag will you respond the right way?"
You were essentially being told to watch your fucking mouth, or else. And you, ever the fucking idiot: didn't think twice when the ball gag was taken out.
"I thought you'd be angrier, I guess you really have gone soft, Miss Control Devil."
Oh, now you remember how you got here: you continued to run your mouth after she gave you two strikes.
The first strike was because when Denji told you that Power let him grope her. You very loudly said, "Wow I wonder if she'll let me do it too?!"
Of course you wouldn't, you're not Denji, you value your and Powers too. That was all it took though, you knew Makima was watching, she was always watch you. And when you were called up to her office and told to sit in a corner, and help her do paperwork for an hour you wonder if you made the right choice.
The second strike was not long after, you decided you were thirsty and begged Makima to let you grab a drink from.the vending machine downstairs. After you were pleading for ten minutes: she relented.
You practically ran downstairs, but once you were down there you realised you were alone. You remembered that there was a nice coffee shop not too far from here, she wouldn't mind if you got her something right? You went straight to the coffe shop, you knew by now there was something watch you. Not that it mattered!
"Maki! I got you a drink-please don't be mad!"
Were the first words that left your mouth once you walked in, and as you set the drink down you felt a small warmth in your stomach. That look, she's mad, not pissed but you're sure as hell in trouble...maybe. And of course that look turns you on, she looks so fucking hot when shes mad. When she looks like she wants to eat you alive.
If there was one thing in the relationship between you two that you hated it was your beight difference. Makima isn't all that tall, and yet you're right at chest level. Sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's fun. Other times you remember just how fucking intimidating she can be.
"Hey...so y'know I never noticed how tall-"
"Strike two. Give me the drink and get back to the paperwork."
You put the drinks down and feel a hand on your arm, Makima gently pulls you closer. Until you're in her lap and your head is pressed ever so gently to her neck. You smile when you feel her kiss your neck, at the end of the day you matter most.
"Do you enjoy patronizing me? Or are you mad because of the. . .Denji thing?"
That's what you labeled it, and you refused to refer to what she's doing as anything else.
"Oh no, I mean give him all the attention you want. I was talking to Quanxi though-"
That did it, you were flipped over and slammed into the part of the desks without the drinks on it. You could feel the murderous intent coming off of her.
"Really? Her. Is she the hill you wish the be killed on, little red? I can assure you it will happen if you keep this up."
You tried and failed to turn your head, instead just giggle like a little girl.
"Oooh, is she a threat to you or something? I mean she and her girls are hot but-"
Makima flips you over so you're facing her, if looks could kill you'd be dead thrice over. You smile, this- this is what you needed for days. And finally she's giving it, finally.
You open your eyes, coming back to here and now.
Yeah that got you dragged onto her desk. You feel a hand wrap around her neck roughly; she's doing this to test you limits. Makima presses her body against yours, she looks at you for a few moments. Finally taking time to admire her handiwork, you look so fucking beautiful.
A red-ish orange rope was wrapped beautifully around your skin, the rope held your hands and arms back as well as wrapped around your tits. You weren't naked, but seeing as you were in a nice set of lingerie Makima buys for these occasions, you aren't exactly dresses either.
Within it all you were originally wearing a red ball gag that was now covered in spit. And the best part? A small, ruby red plug was set inside your ass. And of course a small bullet vibrator that Makima had set to one, although now she's regretting not just leaving it on five and walking out.
"Every. Single. Fucking. Time. I think were making progress, and then you go a do this. At this point I feel inclined to ask: do you enjoy being punished?"
You knew the answer just as much as she does: fuck yes. Makima wants to hear it, she wants the words to leave your tear stained face. C'mon say it for her, wont you?
As you begin to answer, Makima turn the vibrator up to three. Oh, she wants you fucked.
Makima looks down with a smile, she's enjoying this past sexual gratification. She enjoys seeing you so dependent on her, so needy. And despite how much you act out: you'll be in her bed each nice. So it doesn't matter anyways.
"Yes what, little red? I need specifics."
Oh this bitch.
"F-fuck you, you can't make me say shit!"
That did it for her. Makima backs away slowly, her hands going to her temples. She looks back and you and then the clock in the room, she has a meeting and an hour. That's plenty of time to handle this. But before that-
"What's your color?"
One word, yet it completely determines how this hour will go.
"Good girl, good girl. If only you could respond this swiftly all the time."
Makima takes a few things from her desk: a bigger vibrator, a blindfold, and a strap-on.
"Remember, what happens next is your fault, little red."

I'm sorry it's not great, I just wanted to finish this as soon as possible!
#wlw#lesbian#im bad at this#women are hot#kinda toxic#chainsaw man#makima smut#makima x reader#makima#fem reader#brat reader#nsft
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Please write more Annie x fem reader
Our Unparalleled Love for You is being discontinued. It didn't get the traction I wanted and some people unfollowed me because of it(someone dmed me). Things like that will only be written upon request. If you're worried just please be upfront about what you want and ask anonymously.
Anyway I'm sorry it's short, I've been in the hospital and the other writers aren't writing on the acc anymore.
Yan!Annie x Colossal Titan!Reader

What happened?
Those words were desperately trying to leave Annie's mouth, but she was failing herself. Beretoldt is dead, and you inherited his titan. The girl whom Annie had saved from titans more times than she saved herself.
Why you?
The idea that someone like you, someone so...human. Normal, kind, willing to save others. How could someone like you be a titan, and the most destructive one at that? How could someone who hid behind Reiner when she(Annie) was mad do this? It doesn't make sense.
When did it all go wrong?
Annie is no idiot, she knows that to an extent, you were acting. You always had that look in your eye, like you knew something was wrong with what you said. You never truly said anything, therefore she never acknowledged it.
Why did you do this?
It was you or Berthold- why did she choose you? Why did she choose a girl she barely knew, when Beretoldt was the one she grew up with? It doesn't make sense, it doesn't add up. Why do you make her smile, why do you make her feel things shes never felt before?
Could it have gone differently?
Annie wanted to tell herself it could have gone differently. The idea that she could have chosen Beretoldt in another universe, it gave her clarity clarity that was stripped away when she saw your face: fear, anger, anguish, and confusion. You didn't get what was going on.
What is doing to herself for you?
Anything; Annie would do anything for you, and no matter what she tries to tell herself, you both know it. The look in her eyes isn't one of anger, she isn't as scared as she's deluding herself to be. No, she's not stupid. One of the thing she prides herself on: she knows what to do. But in that moment, she didn't. She could save herself or save you.
"Trust me."
Annie- despite telling herself differently- will always trust you. Until the day she dies Annie will put her life in your hands. With no regard for her safety, and no idea of what to do. She'd kill them all, just to save you. Armin, Reiner, her father. If it must be done, then so be it. Their just more blood spilled, more stains on the ground.
Monster or not, you'll still love her right?
Of course you would. Annie is risking everything for you, the least you can do is love her unconditionally. No matter what you feel, you know you're indebted to her. No matter how mean she is, no matter how mad she gets, no matter how many she kills. It's in your name, it's for you. You have to accept it, you will accept it right?
It's just a few bugs, why are you so scared to kill them, better yet, why do you help them?
They're not you. Annie doesn't care because they're not you. So why, why do you care about them? Your titan is made for destruction, yet you use it for protection. Not just of yourself or her, for others. Eren. What do you fucking see in a man, what does Eren have that she doesn't? Is it his titan? His power? She'll give it all to you, just stop staring at him. He's a bug. Not a person, not you.
You still wont leave her?
After everything she's done, you're still by her side. Even as she fights for someone she hates, even as she kills her former comrades. You still love her? Well, you're just as fucking crazy as she is.
#wlw#lesbian#im bad at this#women are hot#i cant write#yandere#annie leonhart#yandere annie leonhardt x reader#annie leonhart x reader#yandere annie leonhardt#fem reader#female yandere#lesbian yandere
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Embrace the cringe.
Write weird fanfic.
Read weird fanfic.
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Isn't physiological horror and like thriller a really good genre? Okay maybe that's just me(and the others), but I love the idea of someone being genuinely crazy. Not the "oh I'm in love crazy" or the "oh I'm this horrible bad serial killer crazy". No, I want to be afraid every second that some fucked up shits going to happen.
So now were in our yandere phase and today I'm giving you something I think a lot of people with family issues will want and hate. Please read warnings. This is part 1 so it's pretty tame compared to what I have in store for the others. You'll get to see other perspectives next chapter. No smut until reader is 16+.
WARNING: this work contains mentions of past mental and physical abuse towards minors, the drugging of minors, the forcing of a minor to undress in front of adults, and reader gets kissed on the back while naked and drugged.
The men are platonic and only SOME (the daughters) women/non-binary characters will be romantic.
Have fun and dont hate us for this.
Our Unparalleled Love for You
"These are the Smith's, they're good people. They will also be your knew foster family for the time being."
A man in jeans and a nice dress shirt stood in front of two charming adults, he wasn't old. He definitely wasnt young either, you'd decided over time that you didn't like him. Mainly because every foster family he put you in was worse that the last, it might've not been his fault but you were going to blame him anyway.
You stood next to the man, slightly behind him. You weren't afraid of these people, you just didn't want to meet them. You stared at both the man and woman for a few minutes, taking in their features. The woman stood slightly in front of the man, she held a cane in one hand and the other was behind her. Holding the man's hand.
The woman was quite tall compared to you, about 5'9 maybe 5'10. The man was taller though, he looked over 6'0. You couldn't pinpoint exactly how tall, but he was definitely tall. You stared at the couple a bit longer, noticing a few concealed pins in the mans shaggy, blonde hair. You assumed his hair was a bit long, but maybe he preferred to hide it.
The womans hair wasn't short by any means, although you might not be able to tell how short because of the bun it was in. Her hair was tied in a beautiful and intricate bun, that you wouldn't understand how to do for the life of you. The lady had midnight dark hair, and it almost looked like it had a blue-ish hue to it.
They're were both elegance defined. The womans eyes were a bright and beautiful brown, her eyes were on you. Like you were the only thing that she wanted in that very moment. The man has a a small smile, or maybe he's not smiling and you're just imagining it. The man has bright blue eyes, they look like the ocean.
You remember one of the families you used to live with, they lived in Florida and went to the beach often. Not that you ever got to go with them, but you remember the house being close to the ocean.
"Mr and Mrs Smith, this is Y/N. She's a good behaved girl, and I promise that she'll only be with you for a few months."
The man next to you gets closer and whispers into your ear, "You better not fuck this up. These people have good money, and they're wasting it on you."
You looked up at the man and woman and watched their small smiles turn into disapproving frowns. The woman grips her cane harder than before looking between you and the man for a moment.
"I think we'll bring her home now, thank you for the meeting. We'll see you in a week."
The womans voice is silly smooth. You shiver slightly at hearing her cane drag on the ground just before she begins walking. The woman grabbed your shoulder and roughly pulled you to her. For a moment this felt like some sort of transaction, and you were feeling more than uncomfortable.
You began walking to the car with the two new people. The woman had her hand on your shoulder the entire time, meanwhile the man strode in front of you. You all stop in front of a large black car, it looked sleek and brand new. The man opens up the passenger door, and the backseat door.
You look at the two, slowly getting in car. You sit down and immediately notice that the seats warm, actually the entire back seat is warm. It feels sort of weird, and kind of cozy. You weren't against it, but you've never had this luxury before so it isn't something your used to.
You buckly yourself up and the Smiths make start the car. You hear your voice repeated a few times, your head snapped up. How many times had they called your name before you knew it? Were they going to yell at you now that you were in private?
". . .Y/N? Are you listening?"
You shook your head yes, apologizing for not hearing them. Your head goes up,but your eyes stay glued to the ground. You didn't want to get yelled at for making eye contact with them.
"Well sweetie, we were asking if you were hungry. Are you? If you want to eat something, we can get some food on the way home."
You heard the womans voice again, you noticed her husband didn't seem too inclined to speak with you. That was okay, as long as he wasn't mad. "No, I'm not-"
Your stomach growled loudly in protest to your words, you'd been caught. You blush and close your eyes. You were somewhat embarrassed, but also a little bit afraid. You hear the woman laugh, and the man chuckle. It sounded genuine, like they found it cute.
The woman speaks again, and you notice the man is turning into your favorite fast food restaurant. Lucky you. "Well honey, were here anyways so why dont we get some grub? What would you like? If you want a little something sweet, that's fine too. In fact I want a shake!"
You laugh, she was trying to make you feel comfortable. You've seen it before, and you enjoyed it every time. You tell her your order and the man finally speaks, ordering all of yalls food. His voice was deep and sounded mean, you didn't know how to describe it. He just sounded mean.
Once your handed your food and drink you sit and wait. You didn't want to get yelled at for eating in the car. The woman noticed and stared at you oddly. "You can eat. I really dont mind, I mean I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I ate but didn't let you."
She continued eating, and you began eating yourself. You were quite happy, these people seemed nice. Although generally, the people that were nice didn't have nice kids. You groaned internally, hoping these people taught their kids right.
"Ah, I completely forgot- you can call me Ophelia and my husband is Arthur. We understand that calling us mom and dad isn't something you're ready for."
Mom and dad? These people are fostering you, not adopting you. You looked up for a moment to say something, but the look on Arthur and Ophelias faces said it all. She knew what she said, and she didn't stutter. They both wanted you to say something, they wanted to put you in your place.
Your eyes went back down, you looked at your food for a moment and then continued eating.
The car comes to a stop and your door is once again opened. You get your food and step out of the car, you look around and see a large mansion. Just how rich were these people? You're ushered into the house, standing in a large open space. After a bit of walking, you noticed two large and winding staircases. Standing on the sides of them were about 10 butler's and maids(per staircase).
You freeze up at seeing so many people, all with their heads bowed down and in such a large place. Arthur takes the eaten food and hands it to one of maids, you assume she was going to throw it away. You could've done it yourself, you didn't see the point of having her doing.
Your feel a hand against your back, it runs you gently; Ophelia. As if trying to comfort you, but instead you felt uncomfortable as hell. You tried to move away, just move around a bit so she got the idea. Instead she pulls you closer, you were now in a sort of side hug. She had her arms wrapped around your side, and she had you pressed into her side.
You squirm a bit more until Ophelia looks down at you. She didn't look annoyed or mad, simply disappointed. You hated that, this woman was holding you and all you could think about was how good it felt to be held. Fighting back was admittedly out of the question, and you definitely dont trust these people. You decide to indulge yourself, just this time, never again.
You give up fighting her and go limp in her arms, Ophelia looks more than pleased. You want to kick her, but you're afraid she'll do it back.
This woman was freakishly strong.
After a moment Arthur begins looking around the room, he speaks up. His voice had chilled, did he normally speak that way to his servants? "Where are the kids? I want them to meet their new sister."
You almost rolled your eyes, not this shit again. Unless they planned to adopt you, which you knee they wouldn't. They shouldn't be calling you their daughter, they dont even know you well enough!
One of the maids, her outfit was different from the rest, it had a large crest on both shoulders bowed her head a bit farther and walked closer to us. "I'm sorry sir, they're still at school. They shall be home in a few hours, we can pick them up early if you wish."
This woman sounded like she came out of a movie from the 1990's. You thought it was funny and laughed just slightly. You knew it was heard, but honestly that's their fault. If Ophelia didn't want to hear you laugh, she shouldn't have you practically on top of her.
Arthur shakes his head and huffs a bit. You thought it was stupid, how did he not know when his own kids were getting home? "Fine, I want her upstairs and in a room. I've gone over the procedure; bathing, skincare, all of that. Get it done."
With that Arthur walks out of the room, muttering something about poor planning. Ophelia lets you go, not before kissing your forehead and walking off. You would have found that sweet if that woman didn't give you the heebie jeebies.
The maid, whose name is Mary(her nametag) began to usher you upstairs. You thought she was bringing you into a bedroom, until you find yourself in a lavish bathroom with a large bath and shower. The shower was one of those glass boxes, and it look over 20 feet wide with multiple showerheads. Each looked different from the other.
The bath was ten times bigger, it was a large oval and there was a large shelf with soaps, hair washes, and skincare products. The large door to the room closes, and you're left with three maids. They all just stand and stare at you. Mary puts both her hands on your shoulders, pulling your arms up. "Take your clothes off or we'll do it for you."
Mary didn't sound like she was trying to threaten you, instead she talking as if she was nicely asking you to move. Although her words still properly registered in your head and you jumped away. "No, I can bathe myself! Just tell me how to turn on the shower and I'll be fine!"
Mary tuts loudly at you, she shakes her head and begins walking closer the two maids behind you doing the same. "Please take your clothes off or we will do it for you. Your parents instructed us to bathe you, and very clearly stated to not let you give yourself a shower."
You struggled and tried pushing them ladies away, it was five long minutes and you could feel yourself beginning to cry. Your fight or flight instincts had kicked in and you lost the fight. These people are freakishly strong. "Fine! Just please let me undress myself."
The three ladies all back away and you undress. You watcher as one of the maids was pouring Epsom salts into the water, you didn't even notice the water had turned on. You watched her pour a massive bag of the salts into the tub(didn't feel like a tub more liek a public bath) and it wasn't enough to cover even half of the bath.
You're guided into the water while the maids get some soaps and hair washes. You move around a bit in the water, it's a little under 5' feet deep. There are stairs and you just swim around trying to think. The water does feel nice, you feel almost protected by it. In a way you feel safer in the water, even if you are naked.
Your eyes were feeling puffy and felt like you wanted to cry again; you didn't. You didn't want to show these creeps how much power they held over you. You hear a beckoning voice and you walk back to the maids. You're sat on the steps, luckily the maids are willing to let you wash yourself but they're still doing your hair.
The maids turn around and start look at the shelves as you wash your body. You dont know what kind of body wash it was, but it felt amazing and you were smelling really good. After about ten minutes, the maids told you to sit and let them do your hair. You sat down on the steps, the warm water covered most of your body and it felt great. You could almost forget the warms tears that began to run down your face.
You sighed loudly, the sound echoing off the walls of the bedroom you were placed in. The room was so big it could fit 12 elephants, and apparently it was now your room. When the maids had washed your hair it took them almost an hour and surprisingly the water stayed warm the whole time. Your hair had multiple products put it in and you were given a bonnet to keep you hair looking nice if you took a nap.
(Sorry I have curly hair and I wasn't thinking when I wrote this part. Yes, anyone(in my opinion)can wear a bonnet.)
The room looked bland, the bedsheets were a cream color and the walls were white. You get up and open a door, finding a bathroom. There is another big bathtub and shower, but no where near as big as the one from before. The color pattern matches; white. You close the door only to open another and find a walk-in closet. The closer was about a 1/4 of the rooms size. Your eyes bulged in surprise, goddamn these people are rich.
You notice a mirror in the closet and look at yourself. Despite wearing the bonnet, you're in pretty normal clothing. Just a shirt and some pants, you refused to wear the shorts. When asked why. . .you didn't reply. The maids had given in quickly to your ask for pants instead.
You see a clock in the normal part of the bedroom and notice its already been three hours. You hear a knock on the door and vocie calls out, it's Arthur.
"Y/N? The kids are here, please come downstairs."
You hear the sound of him walk away, and as much as you want to stay in the bedroom where its "safe", you're not taking chances. You open the door, expecting to see no one and instead are greeted by Arthur in front of the door. He smiles, he looks quite nice when he smiles. Unlike how he normally looks like an ass, he looks almost nervous now.
"Come now, downstairs."
Arthur puts his hand out, presumably for you to take it but you don't. Instead you just begin to walk, you hear a quiet hug behind you but choose to ignore it. You dont want to touch any of them, no matter how touch starved you are. These people have not show you, even slightly, that they can be trusted.
You walk down the winding stairs and see Ophelia with three kids standing next to her. Kids isn't the right descriptor, they look your age(15) and older. Two girls and one boy, all three are standing next to their mother like little guard dogs. It almost made you laugh at how protective they look.
You walk until you in front of them, they all look at you with somewhat indifference. You're something new and shiny, yet foreign and mysterious. Whether they liked you or not though, they'd put up an act in from of their parents. They each step up individually, as if everything they said and did in that moment was planned. It fucking was.
One after the other they performed their little parts, each looking up just slightly for their parents approval every so often.
"My name is Ezekiel, I'm 17. Lovely to meet you, Y/N."
Ezekiel has strawberry blonde hair, cut to find nicely around his head. No short, but not long. You're beginning to notice a pattern with the men in the family. His hair is a bit curly, but unlike his sisters his hair is more wavy. Ezekiel has- and you almost hate to admit this because you can tell this guys a prick- beautiful blue eyes. The look exactly like his fathers, except brighter. Ezekiel is only a bit shorter than his mom(5'9) and still taller than you.
Ezekiel bows his head in an almost exaggerated manner, he takes a few steps forward and holds out his hand to shake. You didn't want to cause any problems with him(you knew the kids could cause more problems than the adults sometimes) and going along with his show was the best way to do that. You shake his hand in a firm grip, you two make eye contact and he looks away as soon as you do.
You notice he stares at the ground then looks at his sisters, then his parents, then you. Where they like a weird hivemind and you didn't know? Would make sense...
The second one stepped up, you assume they were doing oldest to youngest. The girl has hair much like her mother; midnight black. She's gorgeous, and you can't help but blush a bit at how long you've stared at her. She's pretty and she knows it too. Her hair is a lot curlier than her brother and she has bouncy curls that go well with her back length hair. Her eyes are dark brown, they look like a murkier version of her moms.
She walks forward and makes a big show of hugging you. She laughs(and it sounded like it would be better described as a giggle) and presses her head into your neck for a moment. You pull away as soon as her grip lets up; the fuck was that?
Now she stands in front of you with an award winning smile, one that might've fooled you if not for how she grabbed you. When you hugged, her nails dug deeply into your back and you could practically feel your skin coming off. The girl towered over you, she's taller than Ezekiel; bitch got her dads genes.
Creepy bitch.
"Oh it's just great to meet you, our parents have been talking about you for the past few months! My names Rosette, and I'm just so happy to meet my new baby sister! I'm 16- turning 17 in a few months, uh- oh, my favorite color pallet are pastels! It's just so hard to choose a color. . ."
Rosette babbles on for another minute, and you're not sure if she's a great actor or an airhead. For now lets try to assume the best about people. Also was the baby sister necessary? You're only a year or two younger than her!
As you turn your head to the youngest- a loud bell rings across the house. You hear Arthur clap his hands in delight, and watch all the maids and butlers appear. Not this shit again...
"Ah, it's time for dinner, Lucille, you can be introduced to Charlotte later." Ophelia says while pulling you out of the room and into a one about the same size. The only difference is the decor, instead on an open space theres a large table that can seat at least 100 people. There's multiple plates full of food, some foods you don't think you've ever seen before.
Ophelia pulls out a chair, it's the on to the left of Arthur, who is sitting at the head of the table. On the right of him is Ophelia next to her is Ezekiel. Next to you is Charlotte and Rosette(in that order), the seating doesn't feel right. Not in the damn slightest. You feel uncomfortable with how close Charlotte is to you. Unlike how the seat are spaced out, Charlotte moved her chair closer to yours.
You look over at her and she just stares down at her food. You dont say anything, maybe these people do prayer? You waited for Arthur or Ophelia to start, instead Arthur looks over at you. He looks down at your food and then nods at you.
"Try it."
This felt culty.
You do as asked and take a bite of the food that was on your plate. It was good, not bland and honestly very flavorful. You chewed it for a few moments and swallowed. It was hot, a bit too hot but good nonetheless. It wasn't a favorite of yours, but it tasted a lot better than food you've had before.
As you swallow your bite everyone else starts eating. You chose not to notice the pair of eyes searing into your head from the side. Charlotte was staring, and it wasn't in a "just looking" sort of way. She took a bite of her food and then stared at your while she ate it.
At some point you turn and Charlotte smiles. She moves her head a bit closer and quietly introduces herself.
"I'm Charlotte." Charlotte doesn't say a word after that, you now take note of how creepy her smile is. It looks forced, and from the resting bitch face she had earlier, it might be.
You just smile thinly, you keep your eyes on her for a minute until you the food starts to call your name again. It was good, like really fucking good.
You kept eating until your stomach started to hurt, not from overeating. Instead you felt sick, like you were going to throw up and pass out. You can feel you skin vibrating, or maybe you're shaking? You look around and no one is looking at you, instead they're all look away. You try to get a few words out, but your throat hurts like your have strep throat.
You begin to sway and finally hear a voice, although it's much closer to you than it should be. "Oh dear! Arthur! I told you, you put too much in her food. Now she's gonna be sick as a dog!"
What? What was going on? What is Ophelia saying? Better question- is it true?
"Shh, shh, shh it's okay, Mommy's here. Rosette, help me pick her up and take her to her room. I'm glad we had the maids clean her ahead of time."
You're shaking violently now, you start to tear up wondering if your going to die today. Wondering if they were just giving you a good last day, a day better than the one you lived with before. Without being beaten into the ground, or slapped by a hand with rings.
. . .
You're laying in a large bed, your large bed. You look around the room and see it's the room you were given earlier. You move around, but feel sick the moment you do. You run to the bathroom and barely make it, throwing up on the ground a bit. You shaking and crying, your body feels horrible. You feel yourself sweating and you're hot, but at the same time your feet and hands are cold.
You begin to cry, you cant stop the vomit that's destroying your throat and burning your insides. You feel weak and all you want is to sleep, to just close your eyes.
You jump when you feel a hand on your back. "It's just me-"
The sound if you puking overshadows her voice, she stays quiet and instead just rubs your back. Rosette places her head on your back and presses a firm kiss to what you realise is bare skin. You're naked. Who the fuck undressed you?!
Finally the vomiting stops, and now you realize the situation. You're head is pressed against the toilet seat and your naked down to your underwear. Rosette, who is fully clothed by the way. Is holding you from behind, she is rubbing your back and she kissed it a few times. You feel fucking disgusted.
"It'll be okay. Mom was right about you, she said you'd make a perfect bri- sister. A perfect adopted little sister. You'll remember some of this tomorrow, but not the creepy parts. That's all that matters, now let's get you to bed."
More to come soon. Rosette and Charlotte are the main love interests. Yes, this is something we dont usually write and I understand if you find this creepy or uncomfortable. I on the other hand am getting into writing darker stuff, my rules for the blog will not change and we will not end them.
#wlw#lesbian#im bad at this#women are hot#i cant write#oc x fem reader#oc x reader#horror#yandere#yandere male#yandere female#reader is a lesbian and does not have any interest in men#i tried#part 2 soon#idk how to tag this#creepy#kinda culty#no smut yet#mommy “kink” if you squint#Ophelia just likes being depended on#Arthur is a good crazy dad#Ezekiel is not a prick he just gives prick energy#pseudo incest#NOT BIOLOGICAL SIBLINGS I SWEAR#Rosette is gonna be a big problem and yall arent ready for that talk#Charlotte is not a savior shes as bad as her family but hides it better.#my oc Ophelia#my oc Arthur#my oc Rosette#my oc Charlotte
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Can I request mary dating hc’s
Yes and for some reason my tumblr us acting weird and not letting me format things normally. This won't have smut unless specificly requested. Idk here you gooo. Completely UNEDITED.
Mary Satome Headcannons
As a partner Mary acts much like she does with Yumeko. Except kinder, or in some cases meaner. When first meeting you she doesn't know how to act, does she like you or hate you? Does her heart beat too fast and she cant look at you? What's wrong with her?!
Mary's love for you is unconditional, and I truly mean unconditional. She's slightly obsessed, she sees you as being able to do no harm. (Even if you're worse than her.)
As a girlfriend, Mary definitely gives you gifts a lot. She feels the need to make up for being mean all the time, and she sees this as a good way. If you're the type to not accept gifts like that, she will pester you until you do.
As a girlfriend, Mary enjoys holding you hand. She doesn't care about the approval of others as much when she's around you. She trusts you not to hurt her, and this us one of her ways of showing trust. She gives you more than she has and never regrets it.
Mary is still rude as a girlfriend, that'll never change. Although she's rude for completely different reasons. If you happen to not be eating, sleeping, or you just aren't taking good care of yourself. Be prepared to get yelled at, she doesn't care who it's in front of.
Mary does enjoy flirting with you, seeing your face get red and seeing you look away gives her a rush. Sometimes she'll just hug you and/or kiss your forehead. Although those are reserved for private time.
Mary hates when Yumeko hugs you. She'll pull the girl off and hug you, it's almost like a python restricting you. She's more touchy than usual, feeling the (unnecessary) need to stake her claim over you.
As a girlfriend, Mary gamble's against you over stupid things. Unlike Yumeko, the stakes aren't stupidly high. No, she just wants to pay for the date, but if you want to pay this time... well she'll make you gamble with her. And when you lose (because let's be honest you're not that good) you have to let her pay, and deal with the shame of losing.
As a girlfriend, Mary also gambles with you. The two of you will sit side by side, while Yumeko and Ryota sit in front of you. Yumeko and Mary joke about how it's a friendly game, but halfway through you're not so sure anymore. In fact you worry about playing against Yumeko at all times.
Mary hates it when the president comes with a 50 foot radius of you. Not even joking, she'd threaten Kirari over you. Of course she'd be scared as hell while doing it, but she isn't letting that bitch anywhere near you. She also hates Ririka coming near you at first too, over time that changes.
"I dont love you, love is a very strong- I'm lying! Dont cry please- my god!"
There has definitely been a time when she's said something along those lines. You cried and her reaction switched up real quick. She was apologizing like never before, and that memory will be ingrained in her mind forever. She hates the idea of you not loving her, and she hates herself for saying that.
Mary takes you on dates like it's nobodies business! That girl would spend every dime she had to make sure you're happy. Then she'd make the money back by gambling with some idiots. Higher stakes probably, and she'd bring Yumeko to watch. She'd bring you too, but that's so you can see her in action.
Speaking of, as a girlfriend, Mary loves your validation. She literally lives for it. If you tell she did anything right, she's thinking about it all day. Sure, she acts like it isn't a big deal, but Mary treasures you more than herself.
So I'm gonna circle back to the being mean thing. So before the two of you dated, Mary wasn't the nicest towards you. She didn't treat you like a house pet, but she was a bully. She'd made you cry at least once, and while she personally couldn't tell how she felt. Mary knew she didn't like seeing you cry.
Of course, because you has to build trust, Mary has to earn it. Mary had visited you in your classroom, giving you small tips on gambling or maybe even just talking to you. She enjoyed her time with you, and would usually leave the classrooms as red as a tomato. It's not her fault you're so kind to her!
Mary definitely made you gamble her and the agreement would be like: 'you have to do whatever she says for a week if you lose and vice versa.' Mary had pretty much forcer you to go on dates with her, and by the end of the week she'd ask you out. She gave you the chance to say no, but you didn't and that made her all the happier.
After that there were many bumps in the road of yalls relationship, just like any other. You two were ready though, and hell you could maybe just imagine marrying this girl. Maybe.
#wlw#lesbian#im bad at this#women are hot#kakegurui#i cant write#kakeguri x reader#kakegurui Mary Satome#Kakegurui Mary#mary saotome x reader#mary saotome
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Dont ask just read, this is what a bored and horny mind can come up with. Yes, this woman needs a name so for now we will call her LSM. What does that stand for? Lets find out together. Completely UNEDITED.
Lesbian Sugar Mommy

You had a daily schedule, a routine. You followed this routine everyday for years. For years. So you being poor as hell at only 24, being barely able to afford food and rent. It was an all time low for you, and an embarrassing one at that. Recently your friend recommends you try a sugar dating app. At first you thought it was stupid, but mulled it over and remembered how broke you were. You made a profile and it took a couple days before you matched with a woman. At first you were incredibly awkward when texting and felt embarrassed. She seemed like the kindest woman you've ever met. She understood you and was better than any man or woman you had previously dated.
You were honestly pretty enamored with her, she has dark green eyes. Like a forest green, god they're beautiful, and you swear they change color depending on what she's wearing. Her hair is long and dark, contrasting her lightly tan skin. Her hair is slightly curly, definitely not straight. In the many pictures she's sent you, you notice all her nails are perfect manicured, but two on each finger have been cut down completely. You didn't bother asking, weren't a virgin or stupid, simply poor. You two began talking a bit more about finances after a couple weeks. She listened to you talk about your financial situation, how you could barely keep a roof over your head. By the end of your two and a half hour conversation, you found yourself being wired $10,000. It wasn't as if it was out of nowhere considering what the conversation was, but it was surprising. LSM had said she wanted to give you a bit of money to keep you going for the month. She had not said she was give 10,000 fucking dollars! You didn't know what to do with the money. Other than pay your bills and let the rest sit.
For a couple days you were worried she'd want it all back, but no, instead she asked if you wanted more.
"Well I didn't give you that much...so I'm just making sure it's enough. I can give you plenty more, sugar."
You had reassured her it was enough, much more than enough. In the following days you were finding her flirting with you more, being more straightforward. You blushed everytime she made a crude joke, but you almost wished it was a statement.
When LSM had asked if you wanted to have dinner at her place you agreed. You wondered how the night would go, if you would fuck up and she'd be mad. You hoped the night went as well as possible, and if not, that she'd at least tell you.
The night went a lot of different ways. At first she was playing the kind and gracious host, then she was flirting with you. Finally you had both drank a little too much of her expensive red wine, and she fucked you against her king size bed.
You dont remember the first little bit, but you certainly remember how your night ended. Well not all of it, that woman has the sex drive of a beast. She continued until she couldn't, until you couldn't walk and she couldn't see straight. If nothing else; your legs will remember this until you die.
"Good morning sugar, how are you feeling? I hope I wasn't too rough on you, although I can't say it was entirely my fault. You kept begging me to keep going, and who am I to deny you?"
You whined, talking hurt, and you couldn't move without some part of your body below your waist hurting. You sit up just a enough and look at yourself in your phone mirror. Oh she knew exactly what she was doing, theres a massive bite mark on your shoulder. Everywhere else there's hickeys, like they're changing color.
"Before you get mad- please look at my back!"
She turned and you saw large scratch marks running down her back. From her shoulders to her ass, you can also see quite the array of bites on her shoulder. One looks like it was actually bleeding. Your reaction must be funny because she's laughing like crazy. She gently cups your face and kisses your lips.
"So pretty. My girl is so pretty arent you? Mommy's little girl."
You just laid in her arms for a while, letting her talk about whatever she wanted. You were tired and her touch made you weak. You began thinking about your job, did you have to call in to work today? Were you working today? You asked LSM, but she just smiled and shook her head.
"You wont need your job anymore, at least not this one. I've already sent your monthly allowance over to you. You can quit that job anytime, it'll give you more time for me."
Monthly allowance? You pulled away to check your bank account. Sure enough she had transferred over $40,000.
You stared at the number for a moment a then looked back at her. You assumed she was some sort of big millionaire, but now that you're looking around. Really looking. You dont want to know what this woman does for a living.
"Pay no mind sugar, now come here. I'll have someone bring breakfast and we can stay in bed all day!"
#wlw#lesbian#im bad at this#women are hot#i cant write#sugar mommy#lesbian sugar mommy#lesbian sugar mommy x reader#rich#unedited#i tried#she might be in the mafia but i am not confirming nor denying that#maybe shes a mafia boss#maybe she is just really really rich#i dont see this as smut
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i saw that request for resident lover is open soo... may i ask for some cassandra smut? i NEED this woman her way with me
Yall are down bad, but I am too so no worries. I fully intend to write smut for Alcina and Miranda later. If anyone would like to request a special kind of smut with them, I'd be more than happy to write it. - L and W
I also have a dark one-shot(maybe more) for Cassandra's BAD end. I'm so down bad for scary Cass, and I think her turning to the dark side, but still loving you is perfect. - L
"Cassie, I know you said you had some big birthday gift for me, but considering we're not in the theater and instead in your room, I'm slightly worried..."
You heard rustling around the room, and you hear a loud and pretentious scoff. You smirk, knowing you've offended your girlfriend in some way.
"I'll have you know that my entire life doesn't revolve around theater. It revolves around you; you're my world. As for your gift, if you don't like this, I don't know what you'll like!"
You can hear the cheery happiness in her tone; she's more excited about this than you were.
Previously, Cassandra had told you she was doing something a bit different for your birthday. All you had to do was stand in the bedroom and wait. With your eyes closed of course!
You make a snarky remark back and based upon the fact that Cassandra doesn't answer you assume she's ignoring you. You continue to hear rustling and even some groaning on her part. What could she possibly be doing?
"Alright, you're allowed to look!"
You smile and open your eyes only to see something that's absolutely engraved into your mind and while stay there until the say you die.
Cassandra is wearing a lacy red and black lingerie set. The base itself is black, while the design is a crimson red, adorning Cassie's skin elegantly. Cassandra can make just about anything look good, and she's proving that right now. Cassie has her arms behind her back and the most lovestruck and mischievous look on her face.
She looks like she's going to eat you, and you would let her. In the state you're in right now, you'd let that woman do anything to you. And you'd thank her for all of it.
You stare so hard that Cassandra begins to blush bashfully. You haven't spoken a word, and at first, Cassandra worried that you didn't like it. That was until she saw the awestruck look in your eyes. You're mentally preparing yourself.
"Are you just going to sit there, my star? If so, I just might have to take care of myself if you won't... And to think I was going to let you top tonight, what a shame."
That snapped you out of it quickly, you look up at her like a love sick puppy and shake your head.
"No, no, no, I-I want to take care of you Cassie. I want to-"
You're cut off with a finger to your lips. Cassandra pulls her finger away and leans down, she gently kisses you on the lips. It felt amazing, you two had kissed many times, but this? This was different in some way, some way you couldn't properly explain. Nor did you want to.
Explaining would mean you'd have to start thinking, and you didn't want to do that. You wanted to become a girl shaped pile of mush that let Cassandra do whatever she pleased to her.
The taste of Cassandra's lips were intoxicating; espresso and chocolate. They melded so well together, and being able to taste them on your girlfriends lips made them taste even better together.
Cassandra pulls from you with a devious look on her face.
"I guess you can try to top me next year, star. After seeing the look on your face-"
Cassandra's voice gets lower, her eyes darken and she shifts your chin so your looking her in the eyes.
"-I fully intend to take good care of you and your body. Now l hope those clothes aren't important because I will be ripping them off."
Cassandra quickly mumbles something about buying you more later before grabbing your shirt and making good on her words. She rips your shirt in two. She almost did the same to your shorts, but you talked her into letting you strip.
Of course, Cassandra being the impatient person she is, once you were down to just your bra, she grabbed you and pulled you onto the bed. The look in her eyes made you wonder if you were going to survive the night.
"Hands on the headboard, you know the deal."
Her voice change sent shivers down your spine. The usually velvety smooth voice has gotten dark, rough. Cassandra not only looked at you like she was going to eat you, she sounded like she was too.
Cassandra's hands begin to explore, one on your stomach kneading and pressing her hand into it. The other playing with your chest, she runs her fingers over your nipples softly before giving them a hard pinch.
You yelp and she laughs melodiously, it sounds so sweet. You'd revel in the sound of her voice more, but what her hands are doing is far more important.
The hand that was previously on your stomach has found it's way into your underwear. Cassandra has a finger pressed against your puffy clit, and the rest of her fingers are cupping your pussy.
Feeling her touch your bundle of nerves, you buck into her hand. That results in a harsh slap to your thigh. You whimper, but otherwise keep quiet.
You know what you want, she knows what you want. You hoped that it was only a matter if time before you got it, but that was for her to decide.
Cassandra pulls rips your panties off of you and spreads your legs. She wants you on full display, she wants to see the embarrassment on your face knowing she got herself all dolled up for you.
But you don't get to touch her, meanwhile she can rip your clothes off and treat you how you deserve to be treated. Cassandra looks at your face, you look absolutely debauched.
"Mercy is a wonderful thing, my star."
Cassandra dips her head down between your thighs, she uses two fingers to spread your folds apart and begins sucking on your clit.
You whine loudly and squirm, you begin moving too much for Cassandra's liking so she grabs you by your thighs and all but presses you into her.
Cassandra mounts both your legs onto her shoulders. The look in her eyes isn't one of love, it's pure lust.
Cassandra moves one of her hands down onto your cunt, she presses two fingers into you. You're already so fucking wet, these will surely fit. And she's right, they practically slide in, god you wanted this.
Cassandra enjoys it for a moment, getting onto a rythm of sucking on your clit and pumping two fingers inside you at the same time.
Meanwhile you whined, at first you were begging- for what you did not know, but now you're spouting unintelligible words that you aren't sure go together.
Cassandra's tounge always brings you to the edge the fastest, and paired with her fingers and the lingerie. You were bound to have quite the fun night. Because you've learned the hard way that Cassandra enjoys forcing one orgasm after the other.
She enjoys seeing the dumb and fuck out look on your face when shes done. The tear stained cheeks and the bite marks and throbbing hickeys all turn her on in a way she doesn't understand.
Cassandra can feel you tightening around her fingers. She stops sucking on your clit and begins sucking your tits. Meanwhile, the other hand holds onto your thigh. Cassandra lets go and presses against your stomach, gently applying pressure.
Cassandra breaks away from your tits, deciding to stake her claim elsewhere. She moves to your neck and begins sucking small hickeys before getting impatient and biting down.
"C-Cassie! A-ah, oh fuck-"
"You can pull your hands down, and I won't make you beg to cum. Although that is one of my favorite activities..."
You wrap your arms around her back and dig your nails into her skin. Your body is melting; it has to be. This is too much all at once, and yet you just want more and more.
"Ah-fuck... my star. That's it press against me as much you n-need."
Cassandra talks you through your orgasm and you whimper and whine the entire time. It's just so much, and as good as this feels you know this isn't even close to the end.
As you ride out the last of your orgasmic bliss, you feel Cassandra pull her hands away. When you open your eyes you see shes moved off the bed and is standing there with a dark red strap.
"You're choice star, either you sit on my face and I eat you until you see stars...or I rail you over the bed. Both will be happening, but you get to choose which one first!"
Cassandra had that charismatic look in her eyes, the one that held darkness and need. A need you could fill so very easily.
"So what will it be, little star?"
I regret being a co-writer to this monstrosity. - W
Anyway we hope yall like this to some extent. Also of course if you haven't played Resident Lover(a free sapphic game based off of Resident Evil: Village) you definitely should. The people that made such an amazing game are @resident-lover .
#wlw#lesbian#women are hot#cassandra dimitrescu#Cassandra dimitrescu x reader#resident lover spoilers#resident evil fangame#resident lover#Cassandra is so hot#wlw nsft#sapphic#lesbian nsft#nsft
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Begging for makima x fem reader smut fluff don’t care just need Makima
I love Makima...yeah she's a bad person, but I supports women's rights and wrongs!! This is my first writing prompt, I'm Wora and if you like the way I write please give me feedback!! Sorry it's so short!
Thanks to Azur for being my grammar police!
Makima x fem!reader
Smutty Fluff

Oh, you're perfection. You're amazing. You're the reason she wakes up in the morning. You make Makima feel like the most loved woman in the world, and with enough persuasion, she could be. That used to be something that sparked her interest, that and the Chainsaw Man.
You don't have to worry about him anymore. Who even is this man? Person? Thing? She doesn't know, which means you don't either.
Makima thinks about you day and night. The idea of you simply being there makes her even happier. Your mere existence keeps her from doing less than savory acts to the general public.
A better way to describe it is that you are the reason there aren't as many devils as there could be. If she lost you, well, all hell would break loose. So be careful, okay?
Makima knows you love her too and knows kindness spreads through your body. Even if you weren't as she imagined, a soft weak lamb, she would still see you in that light.
See you as something all-encompassing and all-loving. You love her, so you obviously have some sort of a heart.
The woman sings your praise, and she wants to hear you sing too. Makima wants to reward you, give you a reason to love her as much as she loves you.
She'll play any role, be anyone: a monster, a human, a friend, a fiend. From the fake soft smiles when others are around to the true and convoluted grin as you cry out in pleasure, all alone in her bed.
"You can take more—it wasn't a request."
Oh, but she's just so mean to you! Yes, seeing you cry and whine, begging for something you don't understand. Begging from someone you can't comprehend.
It's all too perfect; you're too perfect! Giving her a reason to love you and your body, brain, and soul. Makima loves all of you, and she enjoys frequently reminding you just how much love she has for you.
She's been planning this reward for weeks, and finally, she'll get to taste the fruits of her hard work...and you'll get fucked into bliss!
Warm hands wrap around your thighs. Makima has a particular love for your lower body, whether you have thick or thin thighs; she loves them all the same. She loves you, and it would take a lot to ever change that.
Makima has you bear your hands tied neatly behind your back and you on your back. Your head rests on a small stack of pillows, just high enough to elevate your head properly.
She wants you to watch her torture you into oblivion, she wants you to remember who you belong to.
Your whines and whimpers can be heard all throughout the room. You feel her nails gently run up and down your body; it feels so nice.
You'd think, with the look on her face and how gentle she's being, that she intends to take it slow.
You both know that's a lie.
I am an absolute heathen for this woman, I mean who isn't...she's hot as fuck.

#wlw#lesbian#women are hot#fuck grammar#chainsaw man#chainsaw man fandom#makima x reader#makima smut#makima fluff#kinda obsessed#totally obsessed
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Our obsession with this game is natural... PROMISE(lies)
To anyone who played the game, yes, all romancable characters + Elena and Mia are requestable.
New writers on the block yall! I'm Lune, this is a collaborative writing effort from the original owner(Azurli) and I. This somehow just turned into shit about Bella being crazy and and in love with you, so enjoy.
Bella's Obsessive(Toxic) Tendencies
Bella loves you, she does, but sometimes she loves you too much. The idea was in her head long before she had gotten her heart back.
Bella had dreams of you, of you in her arms - without a shirt or pants. You looked beautiful, and every night she'd wake up in a sweat, her face red, and her thighs wet.
After Bellas heart was unnumbed(is this a word?) she was feeling so much, too much.
One moment, she was happy and content with being around you; the next, she was mad because someone looked at you.
Toxic isn't how one would describe the beginning of your relationship. It isn't how Bella would describe it either, but to outside forces...that's exactly what it looked like.
To others, it seemed like the horrible Ice Queen on campus had decided you would be hers, against your will.
Which, in reality, we all know is far from the truth. With how deeply you love her, you two will be able to overcome anything, even her overly possessive nature.
Of course, if Bella is anything, it's a fighter. It's not like she's become so used to being trapped under Miranda's thumb that she has begun to develop a complex.
That's preposterous. Bella doesn't worry about what would happen if you found someone different. She doesn't dream about you finding the girl that got a bit too close to you, dead. And when you run to her in fear, you hug her knowing she's never done anything unless it was to protect you.
Bella doesn't imagine Mia's blood on her hands as you cry into her shoulder, thankful to be protected.
Bella is perfectly sane in her love for you.
Now let's be serious.
Bella would give you anything and everything. Well, maybe not anything... not yet, at least. She wouldn't hurt her family for you, but damn, the anger she holds for her mother at times. She worries for herself.
Bella gives you her all in the relationship. That means she gives all of herself: no more secrets, no lies. She bares herself to you wholeheartedly and completely. She expects you to do the same, so if you don't, you will lose her. You love her too much not to, right?
"I love you, you know that right? You make me so happy, I love you so much."
Bella's words are a sweet poison; don't drink it. After a fight, she'll storm off not only to cool herself down but also to let you cool off.
You've both learned that this is for the best, especially if you want to keep this relationship going long-term, which you will. Bella wouldn't allow you to leave her.
On some occasions, Bella will wait for you to apologize first, and then she'll act like she was just getting ready to apologize to you.
Her words are as sweet as honey, but her voice is as sharp as a razor. You can't tell if she's happy, angry, sad, or horny.
Bella does this on purpose, and you're starting to figure it out.
When she speaks to you, she doesn't lie, so everything she says is true. However, the way she says it and the little words she sprinkles in change the meaning entirely.
That's enough of that though, Bella wants you to think of the good times with her. The fun times, the safe times.
The times when you're lying in her warm bed, her hands snaking up your thighs, a more content look on her face. She enjoys this, enjoys you, and she'll continue to do so.
Bella has a lot of pent-up sexual aggression, so what better time to let it out than the minute you two get back from a nice dinner?
Well, that sounds just perfect, and from the way you're crying out her name, it must sound good to you too!
"Shh, Kitten. We're going to play the quiet game, and you're already losing by a lot."

This wasn't absolutely horrible was it? I'm ashamed to have wrote this, and I'm sure my co-writer is ashamed to have read through it before posting.
Anyway this character is from the game Resident Lover, it's an amazing game made by @resident-lover .
I'm marking this as spoilers in the tags, and I hope anyone who hasn't played the game after reading this plays it!
#resident lover#wlw#women are hot#sapphic#obsession#bella dimitrescu#resident evil 8 village#resident evil fangame#resident lover spoilers#slightly nsft#just a lil bit#okay maybe more than that
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Dont ask where this came from, but I was tired and came across a tumblr post abt means lesbians. My first thought was, mean lesbian gf smut???." So now you get: Mean Lesbian NSFW!
She's a bit of a yandere, but that's okay we love her anyways.
TW: The three G's. Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss!
Mean Lesbian
[ML stands for Mean Lesbian, I dont have a name for this character yet.]
The whole Mean lesbian stereotype never fit in my eyes, I mean becoming nice for the sake of your girlfriend? Yeah no, how about making your girlfriend worse than you, for the sake of yourself? That's right up my alley, but when you like a girl that's as sweet as apple pie...it takes time to get her to your pace.
"All I'm saying is that she deserved it, I don't care if people think I'm doing it because I like her. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. She was flirting with you."
Very recently a bunch of nude pictures of some random girl had gotten out around school. The culprit being none other than ML, she'd been out snd proud about it. Knowing damn well no one could, nor would do shit. Her daddy has money, her moms a lawyer, how are you meant to fight someone like that?
You aren't, and that's the point. No on is meant to be able to fight someone with power like that. So no one does, and ML likes it that way. No matter how much her sweetheart disagrees.
Quiet whimpers and soft sighs bang around the room, while ML was having her little monologue her girlfriend was in a sticky situation.
On her knees, head laying against ML's thighs, a thick ball gag in her mouth, and pink silk adorning her skin. Soft cries attempt to leave the girls mouth, although it's all in vain. ML runs her hand through the girls hair, and dark smirk on her face.
"Oh pretty girl, my baby girl. You look beautiful you know, you look like a piece of art. Ready to be torn in two, just for me..."
Fake innocence runs thickly in her voice, she wants you to think she pitys you. She wants your dumb brain to think she cares,(which she does) think she loves your weak, useless body.
ML's hand grab at your body, slowly pulling you up on the bed. She's picked up heavier girls than you, she used to be a cheerleader and then she didn't even enjoy picking them up. She gently sets you up, just on her lap. Soft hands running up and down your back, up and down your ass.
Her face is bright red, while ML has had plenty of girls in her bed before, you're her favorite. Which is exactly why she made you her public girlfriend a while ago. Well, you don't know you're her girlfriend, but everyone else does. That's good enough for her!
You feel two long fingers press against your entrance, her long slender fingers scoop up some of your slick. She puts the two fingers in her mouth and sucks on them. She continues this activity by rubbing you with her fingers, giving you just the tiniest sparks of pleasure. Then taking it all away as she tastes you.
You whine louder and louder, you like foreplay but this was too much. You'd pass out before even getting to actually cum as this rate! You whine and attempt to move around, quickly remembering how she has you tied up.
Your arms tied behind your back, your feet tied but not your legs. She wants easy access, one of the rops running down your back onto your ass. And tightly around your chest. ML mentally praises herself for such amazing work.
ML hears your whines and sees your breaking point arising.
"Oh, I know baby, you wanna cum so badly! So let's make a game out of this, I'm going to take that pretty gag off and ask you a few questions. For everyone you get right; I fuck you more. For every wrong answer; I spank you. Seem fair?"
ML didn't wait for you to nod your head, she took the gag off and asked the first question:
"Am I better at fucking you than your exes?"
You feel two long finger slide inside of you, while her other hand is on your ass. She's just waiting for a wrong answer, or maybe she's waiting to reward you...
"Y-yes you're better than them!"
You answered as honestly as possible, and you were greatly rewarded for it. You feel her fingers pump in and out of you, you whine loudly as moves them through you at a painstaking slow pace. She slows even more as she asks the second question:
"Good answer. Second question is easy: would you ever cheat on me...or have you?"
Cheat? You two aren't even dating, right? Right? You ponder for a second too long and a sharp hand slams down on your ass. Your cry out, but it doesn't matter and she does it once more. After the second time she stops, you don't dare move or speak for that matter. Her fingers stop and you almost cry at the loss, you dont though because you know what would happen.
"You took too long to answer, I'm talking it as a yes. And because of that I'll be asking something different for my third question. Were you actually flirting with that girl, hm? Or did I just take it the wrong way and...accidentally ruin her reputation?"
There wasn't any anger in her voice, quote the opposite, she was happy and you knew damn why. You've seen how obsessed she gets over someone, you're the example after all. The worst part is that you hated that girl, that's exactly why you were in fact flirting with her. You knew exactly what she would do, and you loved it.
"I- I was flirting with her, why are you jealous? Green isn't a good color on you-"
She gently flicks you on the back of your head, you don't need to look up to know the look on her face. Angry with a hint if pride.
"Hm, wrong answer."

#wlw#lesbian#im bad at this#women are hot#i cant write#mean lesbian#mean girl x fem reader#oc x reader#oc x fem reader#wlw nsft#lesbian nsft#love mean lesbians#mean lesbian x fem reader#gaslight gatekeep girlboss#corruption kink
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can you PLEASE do a yumeko x Reader fanfic. I beg
Embarrassingly enough, I don't want to talk about why this took so long to get out here and make. I just didn't make it. I was honestly just putting this off for a while, sorry. Here y'all go, you hungry rats. There is a lil bit of sex stuff in here. Just a lil bit.
Yumeko x Fem!reader
Gambling For Your Heart

"Aw, come on this isn't fair, just one more round! Please, pretty please? Just once more, that's all and I promise I'll leave you alone!"
Across a semi-large gambling table stands a girl groaning at the one in front of her. Yumeko Jabami, one of the most infamous gamblers at the school is currently begging her fellow student to gamble with her.. again. For the fifth time today, and the seventeenth in the week...
Why? Why would she go through such great length to gamble with some girl? Is the student more important, richer than her, interesting to be around, a pro gambler maybe? No, the girl is none of these things, simply she is in one word:(and a word that Yumeko often uses to describe her) pretty.
While the girl herself might not think as much, Yumeko believes differently. Sure, there are plenty of 'pretty' people that have caught Yumekos eye. Many being girls, but this- this is different.
Yumeko can and will say it's simply her beauty, simply the smile she has when gambling, the look of eager concentration. Yumeko could lie all day and say those are her reasons for loving liking the girl. In reality it's something much less...shallow.
The two met about three months prior, there was a small gambling tournament among Yumekos friends for a.. small amount of money. This girl just so happen to be participating in said tournament. To Yumeko's dismay the girl was eliminated early, and Yumeko didn't get to gamble with her, she still took quite an interest in the girl.
A few days after the tournament, Yumeko challenged the girl. She simply wanted to see why she was eliminated so early. Interestingly enough, Yumeko couldn't find a reason as to why the girl was eliminated early. She was an amazing gambler and beat Yumeko on her first try! So why oh why did she lose against her previous opponent?
Yumeko wanted to know, she hadn't found something this exciting in so long! It had taken about two weeks for the girl to willingly gamble with her again. In Yumekos eyes: it was all worth it! Seeing the girl again, getting to talk to her during a heated gamble. It was perfect, something that Yumeko hadn't felt in a while.
It took a weeks of gambling back and forth between the two, weeks before Yukemo realized why she was so intrigued by the girl. This was a simple interest, this was more. Love? Maybe, but it was too early to call it that. Instead Yumeko stuff with a word she knew all to well: obsession. Yes, Yumeko Jabami was obsessed with her fellow classmate. Obsessed with her smile, her laugh, her pout, her face when she was tired, the look of bliss when she fell asleep.
There were only two ways to sate this need, the burning need inside her heart. One way was to gamble with you, gamble until you were hers and she could take you out. Date you properly. The second way was to "talk to you privately" and then fuck kiss you senseless. Or until you were will to let her date you, anything was an option with you. Yumeko knows shes beautiful, she knows she has a good body that attracts girls and guys. She can also see your attraction, and would use that to her advantage any day.
The girl sighs and asks Yumeko, the same question she always does. "Why are you so damn infatuated with me?"
And Yumeko will answer in the same adorably innocent way: "You're simply just too pretty to not be around!"
When in reality Yumeko wishes to answer with, "You make me smile in a way very few have before. It's a feat almost no one has accomplished, so please date me! Then I can make you smile the same way."
It's cheesey, and embarrassing, and not something she'd ever thought in her entire life. Yumeko is naturally a straightforward person, yes, she has ulterior motives sometimes. Although that doesn't change how she feels in any way.
Yumeko smiles and asks once more, "Can we please gamble again? If I win, I get to take you on a date!"
And once again the girl groans, knowing one day Yuemko will win. One day she'll accept her date, one day her own feelings can spill. One day the two can be together, one day they'll finally get over their fear of loving the other.
#kakegurui x y/n#wlw#lesbian#im bad at this#women are hot#kakegurui#i cant write#kakeguri yumeko#yumeko x reader#yumeko jabami x reader#fem reader#lil bit of dirty stuffs#not a lot#i love women#writing is haaaaaaaaard#i tried
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Hey, how are you doing? Quick question are you requests currently open or closed?
I'm so sorry, I dont know when this was sent in, but I deleted tumblr because no one was requesting stuff. I an here now and I'm doing asks and requests!!
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