#marble saga
skysometric · 8 months
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FRIDAY'S FEATURE STREAM: monkey balls to the walls, almost literally – i'm playing through some custom levels that my brother and i made over 15 years ago for an obscure Wii marble roller called Marble Saga: Kororinpa. my wrist hurts just thinking about it
this unassuming looking marble game features not only a full 3D level editor, but even the ability to roll up walls by tilting the Wii remote sideways. you bet your ass we abused the hell out of this mechanic in our levels… and every other mechanic in the game too.
7PM Central tomorrow @ https://twitch.tv/skysometric
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sejanusarchive · 14 days
There’s so many layers to Sejanus being devastated by Marcus’s fate. He hates how the districts are treated by the Capitol, hates the cruelty of the Hunger Games, he feels the same emotional pain he would have felt being a tribute himself, if not even more, having to watch completely safe from afar, unable to do anything to put an end to the senseless slaughter, while guilt gnaws at him for not risking getting picked to participate himself, for having escaped. No innocent child deserves that, and it gets even worse when one of the children picked is someone he personally knows, someone he used to share a routine with, someone he used to spend hours alongside in a classroom.
And that child isn’t just someone, that child is Marcus, the kind boy who, while not even being his friend, went out of his way to help him when he got hurt, completely unprompted, just out of the goodness of his heart. That boy is a testament to what Sejanus already knows, that everyone seems to keep forgetting, which is that humanity at its core is and can be better than how it’s currently behaving. Not to mention how that was probably the last time Sejanus ever experienced an act of such pure, unconditional kindness. And that simple gesture was so impactful on him, it was enough to cement Marcus’s presence in his heart for all those years and then the rest of his life, and it no doubt helped shape Sejanus into the person he became. Someone as good as Marcus shouldn’t be going through all of that, and it drives Sejanus crazy. If the Hunger Games were too much for him to handle before, now that Marcus is involved, they're unbearable.
But there’s more to Marcus. He is also a safe memory to Sejanus, one who undoubtedly often comforted him when he was feeling at his worst. And he’s one of the main things Sejanus thinks about when he thinks of District 2, his home. Home, which despite the fact that he lived there during the war, despite all the suffering he witnessed, despite the reality of the current living conditions there, is still Sejanus’s happy, safe place; it’s the place he belongs to, the place that could fix almost everything for him. But he can never return there. It has to exist only as a memory, kept safely locked away and untouched in his mind and heart.
But when Marcus arrives in the Capitol, he brings his home with him too, he is the physical manifestation of it. Sejanus’s desperation doesn’t just stem from the fact that it’s Marcus, the innocent, kind-hearted boy, undeserving of such cruelty; but also from the fact that that’s his Marcus as well, the one whose existence is synonymous to his home, his sweet boy from his memories, his comfort. Marcus being there doesn’t only mean the pointless, unjust death of a good person, Marcus being there also means the death of Sejanus’s home, its image no longer far away, safe and untouched, kept only in his mind. Now it’s here and crumbling in front of his eyes. He already knew the reality of things, but it was just that: knowledge. Now he’s face to face with it, face to face with the fact that neither Marcus or his home are or will ever be safe. And, worst of all, he has no way to save them, or anyone else, he’s powerless and completely hopeless against the cruelty of the Capitol, against their fate; and now more than ever, since he’ll have to witness the death of the boy whose memory so often brought him hope before.
In the end all that’s left of both of them, for Sejanus, is a small chunk of marble, made from the same material as his District and carved into the shape of a heart, because that’s exactly where Sejanus’s own is: home with Marcus. We learn he has carried it to his new life in Twelve, immediately before we learn the only pictures he’s taken with him are of his family and his classmates in Two, of him, home for one the last times, standing with Marcus right behind him. That heart is the last physical object connected to Two and Marcus that he’ll have with him for the rest of his life, the last symbol of what he lost and will never get back, of what he couldn’t save or help. But it’s also the one object connected to them that he brought with him when he regained faith, when he felt like he could finally make a difference and actually help people in the districts; the last symbol that things could still get better and not all hope is lost.
For Sejanus Marcus is a kind and innocent kid; he’s the good in humanity; he’s a safe memory; he’s the marble heart because he is hope and comfort, and despair and helplessness, and home, and because he is deeply rooted in his own heart
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imaginationcenter · 2 months
Stalkers watching the object of their attraction sleep
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Creepy boys watching who have stalker-obsessed crushes watch the target of interest sleep away. See the parallels here, or am I the only one?
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w1r3z · 5 months
Revisited the muffins saga recently and thought of an idea for a rewrite that i haven’t seen done yet: what if Maud was a one of the bakers?
the idea is honestly so funny to me, considering how monotone she is, especially when compared to her sisters. Like, we have the energy-filled Pinkie, the grounded yet narcissistic Inkie, the brash and blunt Blinkie, the quiet, pessimistic, and unnerving Minkie...and then there's Maud. She's there. She likes comedy. And rocks.
I imagine she might have tolerated the rock farm just a bit more than her sisters. She still hated it, but since she isn't the type to show...well, any emotion, you would never really know. She'd probably be pretty close to Minkie; the both of them being the quietest of the group. She would also take a matriarchal role along with Inkie; as they are both the most level-headed. Going off of what we see in the show, she would be pretty chill with Apple Bloom, too.
then there's the whole turing ponies into pastries thing. she would participate, but while the rest of the bakers show their true insanity, Maud just stays monotone. She doesn't do much extra to torment anypony; her emotionless attitude usually does the trick anyway. she leads the baking the least out of the group, and mostly just helps out with whatever the other end up doing.
IDK, the idea of Maud being in the deranged world that is the muffins saga and turning ponies into cupcakes is a hilarious concept to me, and i'm surprised i haven't seen anyone talk about it yet
Basic summary: Muffins rewrite where almost everything is the same except Maud Pie is there.
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doodlingwren · 2 months
If only the original Saint Seiya anime was a 2014-2018 anime series instead of being aired in the 80s-90s, I can only imagine the sheer amount of animation memes that could have been done. Some of the characters are just so perfect for those, like, if this was a more animation-oriented fandom this would totally be a thing.
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muff1nspie · 3 months
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Minkie, Blinkie and Inkie sprites
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peppermint-whiskers · 5 months
I'm listening to no longer you obsessively
This is Not Good(tm)
Last time this happened, a n g s t happened
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productofaritual · 7 months
Ik I'm kinda late to the party but that won't stop me from going insane over EPIC: The Musical
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birthdaycakesaint · 8 months
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autopoiesei · 1 year
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shit poopoo palette reqs (batch 1/2)
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so we all watched that, right?
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skysometric · 2 months
"What possessed me to make this level? Satan himself?"
New highlights video! I think the developers of this obscure little gem for the Wii would be thrilled to know that my brother and I would regularly torture each other with the game's level editor. The Geneva convention, however, would probably be less pleased.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 8 months
for the first time in ages an ebay search for Alex Kralie's Discontinued Striped Blue American Eagle Outfitters Hoodie turned up a result! a preworn XS one (with photos of a ruler across its height & width to reference against a garment of your own) with a small hole beside the top of the zipper (shown in photos also. mend Or just decide is alex kraliecore as is) & ships out of texas, $12.99 or best offer
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gentleman-velvet · 8 months
You know if I had the time and money I would create the craziest crossovers ever
I want Alan Wake, Saga and Alex Casey to fight the operator while the old gods of Asgard are singing their rock song
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This egg shit is easy
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ruiination · 8 months
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RUIINATION - a multi-fandom multi-muse roleplay blog by topaz. featuring muses from alan wake, final fantasy, persona, dead by daylight, and more. ( template. )
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