#marauders patronuses
avenlovescoke · 1 year
Marauders Era Headcanons - The Marauders
Dude, i'm so tiered of all of the misogynist and ableist/grossophobic marauders posts on tumblr so imma try to get that fixed! Here we go for Some headcanons of the marauders
Remus John Lupin :
Sexuality : Bisexual
Gender : Transmasc (had a non binary era so he's alright with being called he/they) by the way one of my favs hcs about remus being transmasc is that his deadname is Venus Lupin and the whole "my name is Remus" started off as a joke cause he read the myth about Remus and romulus being raised by wolves but... well it wasnt a joke anymore by summer before hogwarts so he cut his hair short without his parents knowing the very night before hogwarts and had so much gender euphoria that he couldn't sleep. He started taking hormones so soon (by his 13) that no one knows he's trans except the marauders obviously, Lily, Mary and Reg ! (Marls still hasn't figured out)
Lover : Sirius Orion Black
Family : His father is a scientifist and a searcher lycantophobic that tries to find a potion against the phenomen that he calls "against universe's laws". He divorced Hope three years before hogwarts and Remus lives with his mother ! Hope lupin works at a bakery and she's such a Sally Jackson variant.
Patronus : Wolf
Animagus : Werewolf
Fancast : Matt Hitt
Sirius Orion Black :
Sexuality : Omni (Male pref)
Gender : Genderfluid (He/She/They)
Lover : Remus Lupin
Nationality : Born in France, moved in england at 5
Family : The Blacks
Patronus : Used to be a Dolphin but wasn't able to corporate it after James's death
Animagus : Black Shaggy German Sheperd
Fancast : Louis Seriot/Conan Gray
James Fleamont Potter :
Sexuality : Pansexual
Gender : Cis man
Lover : Regulus black
Nationality : English (Mexican Mom)
Family : Mia and Monty Potter :D
Patronus : Either a Nurse Shark or a golden retriver
Animagus : Stag
Fancast : Reiky devalk/Omar rudberg/xolo maridueña
Peter Oscar Jonah Pettigrew
Sexuality : Ace and demiromantic straight guy
Gender : Cis man
Lover : none
Nationality : English (Swedish mom)
Family : Raised by a single mom
Patronus : Hedgedog
Animagus : Rat
Fancast : Lewis Capaldi
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bimoonphases · 13 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 8 - prompt 8: Patronus [word count 590]
They had been at it for two weeks now, and it had been exhausting. Still, Mary had to admit their DADA professor had been right about all the hard work paying off, since now most of them had been able to produce a fully-fledged Patronus. She leaned back on the desk, her silvery squirrel immediately running up her leg and settling on her shoulder, its eyes comically wide as if it had misplaced a walnut in the classroom, and looked around at the chaos of students and various animal-shaped clouds of silver light, some brighter, some dimmer. She had spent long hours poring over most of the literature on the Patronus charm, not only how to better obtain it, but also the endless academic discourse on what the singular shape a person obtained could have some deep meaning. She honestly wasn’t sure it had one, but she was glad hers was that cute, with its feather-like tail, even if she hadn’t expected a squirrel at all. Exactly like Marlene, who had worked really hard and now was staring at a Canada goose who just looked back at her before flying to the top of the professor’s desk.
“Is it because I like flying?” she asked as the goose started to peck at some papers left around.
“It’s a very elegant animal,” Mary said.
“And they mate for life, isn’t it romantic?” Lily added.
Lily had been very happy when her own Patronus had turned out to be the most elegant silver doe who was now moving around the classroom in dainty little steps.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” she sighed.
That enthusiasm ended up being short-lived when they turned around to loud cheers and saw James’s silvery stag prance around the boys.
“Called it!” Peter clapped James on the back.
“What can I say, I’m amazing,” James smirked.
“That you are, dear Prongs,” Sirius nodded, his own large dog already whirling around the stag.
Mary smiled, happy to see Sirius had managed to get a Patronus as well. He hadn’t said anything, at least not to her, but she knew he was terrified of not having a happy enough memory to cast the spell correctly. She then turned back to Lily and elbowed her.
“You know what they say about having similar Patronuses?”
“Don’t you dare, MacDonald,” Lily hissed, making the doe disappear with a flick of her wand before the boys could see it.
Mary rolled her eyes and looked back at the other group right in the moment when a silver Komodo Dragon shook its head to free itself of the skin it was shedding and turned back to Peter, affectionately bumping its head on the boy’s leg.
“Why always me?” Peter sighed while behind him James and Sirius almost collapsed with laughter for some reason.
“Same,” Remus muttered by his side.
Mary followed his gaze and her mouth dropped open as she saw the magnificent silver wolf quietly sniffing Sirius’s dog. The dog wagged his tail happily and soon enough the two had settled on the floor, the dog curled up between the wolf’s paws. Mary looked up from the lovely sight and  half the class cooing at it and saw Remus look at Sirius, the both of them staring at each other for a second before immediately looking away, a blush creeping on their faces. She rolled her eyes. Those two were absolutely lovesick, still dancing around each other and definitely not subtle at all. She might start considering locking them in a supply closet sooner or later.
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fanfictionroxs · 8 months
Lily failing to produce a patronus charm in 7th year because all her happiest memories are either with Tuney or Sev. Lily slowly healing with James by her side, but her tainted memories still not allowing her a patronus. Lily strolling through the forbidden forest and meeting a deer, finding unparalleled joy among the trees and with that sweet animal. Lily finally producing a patronus, her doe meeting James's eerily familiar deer.. her doe seeking out its twin near Sev only for him to leave.
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Okay, lets talk about Patronuses.
To my understanding, a person's Patronus is either a physical representation of their character, or takes a form that is the animal version of somebody who is dear to that person or someone who that person looks up to.
Harry's Patronus is Prongs, a stag— his dead father's animagus form. His dead father, who everyone says Harry looks like (except his eyes. He's got Lily's eyes), who Harry looks up to, who Harry idolizes throughout the series. I think it's interesting to note that Harry doesn't have an animal that corresponds to his personality— the dursleys were never a place where he could nurture or grow his own identity, and Hogwarts was always riddled with too many dangers for him to have time to figure himself out. Up until the end of the war, he had no aim, no direction, no idea what his own personality was like. And so, his Patronus took the form of a stag, a tangible representation of his parents' sacrifice, of his physical likeness to his father, of his love and admiration for people he couldn't remember.
Snape (barf) had a Doe Patronus. His obsession with Lily was so strong that it became his personality. His obsession was the only reason that prompted him to betray Tom Riddle, the only thing that prompted him to make an oath to Lily that he would protect her child (bang up job he did of that, btw- just superb), and the only reason he made an effort to stay alive. If it had been the Longbottom family that was under attack, Snape would have gone down in history as one of the cruelest and most loyal Death Eaters of Riddle's army who did terrible, horrible things in the name of his "love".
Now to the main point of this little rant: James Potter, Lily Evans, and Sirius Black.
The Terf Extraordinaire has declared in Extracanon that James' Patronus was a stag, and Lily's patronus was a doe. Imo, that is complete bullshit. James Potter and Lily Evans are famously known for having started off on the wrong foot— he's an arrogant, bullying bastard and she is a sanctimonious, hot-tempered bitch (bear with me, please, I love both of them).
I can't believe Lily's Patronus being a doe— she had too much love in her heart for it to be a representation of her own personality. Even if it was that, it is entirely too inaccurate. Does are considered delicate, weak, innocent creatures. Lily in canon has too fiery a temper and too sharp a wit for her Patronus to be something so mundane— she hurries to rescue Snape in SWM with such rage, unafraid to go against the worst pranksters in the school. And if the angle that Rowling wanted was for it to be an indicative of her love for James, that her Patronus was a doe instead of stag was because Lily was a female, then that's utterly, completely stupid. Lily hated— no, Lily loathed James with her whole being for the first six years of their school. They canonically began dating some time in their 7th year, and even if Patronuses were taught only in the 7th year, Lily wouldn't have fallen in love with him so fast; he had been an utter dick thé previous years, and Lily is canonically too smart to let herself fall for someone who had changed so very recently. She gave him a chance in seventh year, but i believe that she fell in love with him much, much later. All of this just points to the fact that Lily's Patronus being a doe right off the bat is just.. weird. And something I can't imagine happening. If I was to give her a Patronus before she fell in love with James, it would be either a big cat or a dragon. And hey maybe her Patronus changed became a doe to match James when she married him, but then I don't like the connotations of a wife having to submit herself fully to her husband. So no. No Doe Patronus for Lily.
James Potter having a representation of himself as a Patronus is much more believable; he is confident, smart and self assured— traits we don't often see in teenagers. The thing is, though: James loved Sirius. Whether canon or au, platonic or romantic, they are always described as "never see one without the other", as soulmates, as two people who had a legendary friendship. His love for Sirius did not become his entire personality, but it was an integral part of his growth as a character and his story arc. They were best friends who liked each other's company so much that they literally made magic mirrors to talk during detentions. You cannot tell me that James' Patronus was a stag; his patronus was more likely to be Padfoot. He wasn't obsessed with Sirius like Snape was with Lily, he just had more love for Sirius in his heart than he had arrogance in his mind.
Vice versa for Sirius, who had Prongs as his own Patronus, because James was the one that saved him. James became his friend, irrespective of his last name. James took him in when he ran away from home. James was there for him, always, every time, every day of his life since he was eleven. James was his first friend. Sirius' Patronus was Prongs, and you can't convince me otherwise.
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elmodoescrimes · 5 days
Marauders Characters and their patronuses
(That is not how it's spelled but leave me alone)
We obvs have the 3 we already know, Sirius - Dog, James - Stag, Peter -Rat(atouille)
Then Remus as a brown cat
Tumblr media
That one.
Mary as a squirrel. Don't ask, I just see it.
Lily as an Australian magpie or a lammergeier
Marlene is a falcon
Dorcas as a Barred Owl
Pandora is a fennec fox or a gecko.
Barty as a racoon.
Evan as a ferret or stoat
Regulus as a black cat
Then here are a few less major but still cool characters:
Bellatrix as some type of snake or scorpion
Rita as a robin or bluebird
Narcissa as a swan
Alice as a starling
Frank as a jack russel terrier
I could go on but Im stopping now
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greenerteacups · 8 months
Hi! Just wanted to say the latest chapter is lovely & amazing & sweet & had me smiling the whole time! I absolutely love your characterisation of everyone, especially Draco, so it was so so lovely to return to this world & to his thoughts!! with his best friend and crush at malfoy manor no less! All the yearning is already off to a great start hehe I am so excited for the rest of book 5!
Wanted to ask you how has it been for you to write this new book and volume? Has your writing process changed since when you’d first begun taking on a long form project like this?
& also are there any moments or surprises in this book that you’re especially excited about?
sending so much love & gratitude for you and your incredible works 💓
Thank you so much! This is really encouraging, I so appreciate it.
Inasmuch as I can use this metaphor without having kids myself, I sort of see each of the books as a different child. The first one flew out in basically a few weeks of very intensive writing, and it was a total dream — plot, pacing, symbolism, major beats, all fell into place basically without effort. The character stuff was the hardest, as I've written about before, but even then, the glorious part of writing beginnings is it's the most energy you'll ever have for a project, so the lows were pretty soft lows. Book 2, in contrast, I had to drag kicking and screaming by its ankle from under the bottommost mattress of my brain. It's one of my least favorite books (tone problem; COS has killer plot/setting/ingredients for a YA novel, but it's stuck in the doldrums of Harry Potter's well-documented Early-Installment Weirdness, before Cedric Diggory slams the gas and upshifts the whole series into its correct age bracket). More specifically, once I'd gone through and picked out everything in the book that happened because of Lucius, I didn't have a plot — hey alexa how do you rewrite Chamber of Secrets when We Got No Fucking Chamber Of Secrets — and oh by the way, even if you want to do a moody tone/political setup book, remember that your protagonists are still twelve, so if you go too dark or too intense, you'll risk torpedoing your readers' suspension of disbelief. Good luck, Charlie.
Book 3 felt the most like its own novel, if that makes sense? It's the last truly feel-good book of the series; it's a great stand-alone mystery novel with relatively low stakes. Plus you get a bunch of the big series icons: patronuses, dementors, werewolves, Hogsmeade, the Marauders' Map, and time turners arithmancy. It just felt like a good old-fashioned motherfucking romp of a mystery/adventure story, before any of the complex character work and major stakes of the late books come in.
Book 4 was the most fun I've had writing anything maybe ever. I don't even know what it was. Maybe the tournament arc, honestly? Love me a tournament arc. But in any case, I opened every new chapter feeling a tingle of excitement for what I was gonna get to do. Oh, and the romance started, finally, Jesus God (if it feels like a slow burn reading, just imagine what it felt like writing it, when everything takes ten times as long, and you have to figure out how to word the fucker.)
Book 5, in contrast, has felt much less like that tingle of "here we go!" and more like "oh, man, this is gonna be cool." Because this is the arc of the story that composed the original idea for Lionheart, literally years ago, and to be honest, I didn't think I'd get this far! If you'd asked me "do you know that it's going to take you 500,000 words of backstory before you can start writing that concept you're thinking about, and you're going to do it anyway?" I would have said: "absolutely not, strange mind-reader!" But like... I'm here! Finally! And it's... real now? Like, this isn't just a bunch of clips of scenes in my head anymore! That's rad!
That being said, it's definitely been slower than Book 4, because I kept switching back to my outline document to make sure that certain things were set up properly, and that I hadn't lost any of the plot threads or forgotten a minor beat that was vitally important for the story three chapters later. And I had a minor crisis about three months ago when I ripped out about 8 chapters in the first third of the book — basically everything from September to December — because I'd done a readthrough to check pacing (big mistake! never edit while drafting, that's satan talking) and realized I had a missing storyline. Like, there was a whole layer of the story that was just. Missing. Not there. And the existing text really couldn't fit another thread, so instead of taking weeks to pore through and try to sift out what I could save, I needed to factory reset and start over. And I didn't want to! I vividly remember sitting there with my head in my hands, trying not to weep, because I'd decimated 90,000 words of work in a single edit. But it had to be done. Because the story wasn't going to work. And now (hopefully) it will.
And of course, there's still that sense of excitement and exhilaration from before. Always. But whereas Book 4 felt like a delicious chocolate pudding, Book 5 is a medium-rare steak.
(Book 6, so far, is four shots of espresso and a whiskey chaser. FWIW.)
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spooky-theatre-ships · 5 months
That one time the marauders cast patronuses
Professor: Okay class now we're going to take turns casting the Patronus Charm. Potter- you go first.
James: Expecto Patronum!
*A stag flies out and everyone is surprised but also happy- the marauders look at each other like "mmhm i wonder why?"*
Teacher: Okay, Mr Lupin.
*A wolf flies out and Remus nearly breaks his wand*
Teacher: Okay Mr Black
Sirius: Expecto Patronum!
*Another wolf- he turns as red as a fucking tomato- James and Peter lose their shit*
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four2andnew · 1 year
I started to write a fic about this, but then I realized it was just turning into basically a head cannon list about various Hinny tattoos, so I'll share it here -
He wandered aimlessly into a muggle tattoo parlor after all the BOH funerals were done and got to talking with the artist who ran the shop. Listening to the artist's passion, Harry fell in love with the idea of covering one's self with visual reminders of all their favorite things.
the first tattoo he gets is a Hungarian Horntail on his chest as a nod to Ginny's joke back in his sunlit days era. It covers his left pec and the flame the dragon is breathing blends over the scar left by the locket horcrux.
his next tattoo is the coat of arms from the Marauder's Map, where each quadrant includes a silhouette of the Marauder animagii, except where Peter's rat used to be he has it swapped for the silhouette of a lily. It's on his right shoulder blade.
the first letter Ginny sends to him during her 7th year he takes to the tattoo parlor and has them transfer her signature to his right side, just along the ribs, right where her body fits against his when he wraps his arm around her shoulder.
while on their honeymoon, Harry and Ginny get matching tattoos of their patronuses (patroni???). Just simple line sketches of a stag and mare nuzzling each other. Harry's is on the inside of his left bicep, nice and close to his heart.
on his right inner forearm, just under his elbow, he has a snowy owl mid flight
in his left inner forearm, just under his elbow, he has a Dara Knot (Father's Knot) with his kids' birthdates inside
Ginny's first tattoo consists of getting a replica of Harry's lightning bolt scar tattooed over her heart on her 17th birthday. Harry is pissed when he sees it, but she catches him tracing a finger over it when he thinks she's asleep.
Her next tattoo is a girly tattoo - blue peonies across her collarbone and trailing down her left shoulder. Everyone is shocked because they tend to think of her as a rough and tumble kind of girl, but she likes girly shit too and isn't afraid to broadcast that
One Christmas, all the Weasley siblings get drunk as skunks and all go out together to get matching birth order tattoos, even Percy. Most of her brothers choose somewhere sensible like their shoulder or ribs. George gets both IV and V tattooed, one on each of his ass cheeks. Ginny gets her VII on her right wrist.
On their honeymoon, Ginny and Harry get matching tattoos of their patronuses. Just simple line sketches of a stag and mare nuzzling each other. Ginny's is on her left shoulder blade, where her shoulder rests against his tattoo of her signature when his arm is wrapped around her
The only magical tattoo she has is a floating snitch that moves around as her body warms. When it's resting, it lives on her left hip bone. (This is adapted from @blvnk-art 's snitch tattoo)
Her entire right thigh, hip, and ribcage are taken up by a massive phoenix. The head rests just under her right breast and the tail feathers curl around her thigh. This was the tattoo she's had in mind since she first started getting tattoos. It reminds her of how she rose from the slime ashes of The Chamber and became the person she is today.
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hannahlikeso741 · 1 year
Overdue Masterlist
Whelp, it is about time I did this as it is clear as day my written works are being scattered across Tumblr and A03 so here is a clear record. Holy Crap I did a lot for the Hogwarts Legacy Fandom.
Hogwarts Legacy Fic List
Sins of Our Parents (Ongoing, SFW for now) (Sebastian X Aurelia Gray with past Garreth X Aurelia. Also featuring OC X OC)
Summary: The year is 1920 where rules are starting to change and a new generation of students have taken over Hogwarts from their parents that came before.
Meet Arielle Sallow, the youngest daughter of Sebastian Sallow and Aurelia Gray (F!MC) and Henry Weasley, the youngest son of Garreth Weasley who is now the Potions Professor at Hogwarts. Forming an unlikely friendship, their world turned upside down when Arielle's parents come on board to teach at Hogwarts on their 6th year. An uneasy tension follows that prompts Arielle and Henry to find out what happened during their parent's time at Hogwarts.
Will the truth be darker than expected? If so, will their friendship survive?
Oneshots :
Prove yourself to me (Sebastian/Reader, being dates at a ball)
Summary: To cheer up the mood after exams, Hogwarts have decided that hosting a ball is a good thing. (This fic is an excuse to write about Victorian balls and feeling the same but never admitting it.)
Confessing in the Undercroft (Sebastian X Theadora, my continuation of @solemn-marauders 's Patronus story)
Summary: Thea finally understood what Patronuses mean . She needs to find Sebastian quick.
She wears Honeydukes on her skin (Sebastian X Anna Moon, For @silverxstardust) A Gaunt is never Worthy of Love (Unrequited Ominis/Reader, For @emptycauldron)
HL Character Reactions:
HL Boys Smelling Female MC's Perfume - Part 1, Part 2 HL Girls Smelling Male MC's Perfume- Part 1, Part 2 HL Boys wedding Vows to GN!MC One Song to my Desire (HL Boys and their desire to Female MC, with Song list) Poems from A Secret Lover ( HL Boys being MC's secret lover)
AI Audio Scripts :
Sebastian smells Anna in his Amortentia (For @silverxstardust) - Link here Proposal scene from Drag me to Despair (Created by @pandanscafanfiction) - Link here
Drag Me To Despair (Sebastian X My fem!MC, Aurelia Gray. Sebastian X Poppy and Garreth X My fem!MC) (Complete)
Summary: For Sebastian, meeting the new 5th year Slytherin girl, Aurelia Gray has been nothing short of eventful. But since using Dark Magic, he has been fighting those little whispers that creep in his sleep.
Now entering 6th year and they enter adulthood, He sees Aurelia in a way he cannot describe. With the gossip that surrounds Hogwarts, how will Sebastian keep his secrets? And who really is Aurelia Gray, and why is she so willing to follow him?
(Warning : Contains spoilers, BDSM and smut with underage teens)
Old Wounds Hurt (Durmstrang Sebastian X Female Slytherin Reader) (Complete)
Summary : After what happened to you during your 5th year, Sebastian only left a note saying he wasn't coming back to Hogwarts. After you thought you got over him, a tournament of dueling and Quidditch will be held between Hogwarts and the Durmstrang Institute students on your 7th year. But the new, top student of Durmstrang is beginning to open wounds you thought were healing. 
(Warning: Contains Smut between 18 year olds)
We Only Have Each Other (Sebastian X Female Hufflepuff OC, Marie)
Summary: A request for a bloodpact between Fem MC and Sebastian, both turning dark.
(Warning : Contains Smut and blood)
Public Smut - (Garreth x Female MC)
Summary: Inspired by @greedyforgarreth 's public sex prompt. Title sells itself.
Tell me I'm Wrong- Sebastian X Female MC (For @silverxstardust)
Summary : Female MC isn't satisfied with her current partner, and keeps turning to Sebastian. Written in Sebastian's POV.
(Warning: Contains swearing and mentions of smut.)
AI Audio Scripts :
Female MC giving a lapdance to Sebastian (For @silverxstardust) Christmas in Feldcroft, a section from Drag me to despair. (Created by @pandanscafanfiction)
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hel-ga-huff-le-puff · 5 months
i get that they're wizards and all but y did the original order of the phoenix decide that their best and fastest mode of communications would be through patronuses, which are a highly advanced magic that's not even taught at Hogwarts??? which they altered to be able to carry messages, making them even more advanced??
ok maybe moody was an auror and james and sirius were incredibly intelligent but seriously? the marauders were barely out of school (probably still in school??) when they joined up??
wouldn't an easier form of communication, that didn't require incredibly advanced magic, that a group of pureblood wizards that despise technology wouldn't even know of/understand be a little easier??
like say a fucking phone?
lily is a muggleborn and remus is a halfblood and the prewett brothers already had arthur weasley as a brother in law (and several nephews), did none of them think that a landline in each safehouse might just be easier? or teaching the order members how to use a payphone?
this isn't even a timeline issue, they existed! payphones have been around since the 1880s and landlines got popular in the 60s, so the marauders (lily and remus) would have grown up around them!
also now harry and hermione have a chance to update it in the late 90s to mobile phones (nokias). or at least at some point after 1994, which is before OotP anyway.
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snapeingturtle · 1 year
Rating some of the Marauders era / snera™️ ships (ships involving ppl the Marauders and Severus went to school with) I've been exposed to because I'm drunk and feeling spicy. Romantic ships only, I have different opinions on the brotps. I could talk about this all night but I chose not to make a long post.
Disclaimer: this is heavily influenced by headcanons I've convinced myself are canon and generally my opinions. Not in order from best to worst because I am drunk and I'm not proofreading this.
Prongsfoot/Starbucks/James x Sirius 10/10. James is just as inobservant as Harry. Of course he didn't notice that Sirius had a crush on him. James didn't even notice he himself was into Sirius. Love it.
Jily/James x Lily 2/10. In my heart Lily is a lesbian. Jily has some potential as a comphet storyline where they're both actually gay and think of each other as the man/woman they're supposed to like. Other than that it's a no from me.
Wolfstar/Remus x Sirius 1/10. Unpopular opinion again, I know. I see Remus having a one-sided crush on Sirius before the prank, but honestly I'm a Ronks stan because I can project my insecurities on Remus and have been in love with Tonks for years and I hate the idea of them being in a relationship with anyone else but each other. Plus, I really don't see Sirius committing and definitely not to Remus. Sirius is a bachelor for life and I identity with that. Another reason to dismiss this ship.
Snily/Severus x Lily 1/10. The only reason I don't rate this at 0 is because they're one of my favourite brotps. She's gay and not his type, they're sister souls, just look at the doe patronuses, they found security in each other like does in a herd etc. and I hate it when people say there were romantic feelings involved. I could accept this with fem!Snape though.
Starchaser (wtf is this name)/Jegulus/James x Regulus 4/10. I think it's funny to have James falling in love with his best friend's brother. I don't have any negative feelings about the ship itself. HOWEVER. As someone who has been exposed to Jegulus content despite not looking for it and Snily content despite not looking for it. Jegulus feels like m/m Snily for people who hate Snape. The content (I've seen) has the same vibe and I cannot get over that.
Remus x Lily 3/10. If I were able to see Lily as not a lesbian I would love this, not as an endgame thing but more as a teen romance that ended on ok terms before they both moved on. No strong feeling about this tbh.
Snegulus/Severus x Regulus 4/10. They're definitely not in love but they're both sluts so they probably fucked and it was probably hot. That's all.
Lily x Mary MacDonald 3/10. I would consider this as another one-sided crush situation. Mary is the token straight in their dorm and that's unfortunate for Lily.
Snucius/Severus x Lucius 8/10. They're not endgame. But they fuck. I refuse to consider Sirius calling Severus Lucius's lapdog anything but calling him his sugar baby. I don't rate this higher because Snucissa is better than just the men.
Lily x Pandora Lovegood 10/10. I don't know if they ever interacted or if they even went to school at the same time but I'm in love with the idea of them together.
Severus x Mulciber 3/10. Another one-sided crush sitch. Snape was infatuated with Mulciber at a certain point, Mulciber (forgot his first name sorry) knew and took advantage of it. That's Snape's slut origin story.
Snupin / Severus x Remus 3/10. They would never date. Doesn't fit my fantasy or the reality of their relationship. But hate-fucking in one of their offices while Remus is employed at Hogwarts? I see that. I dig it.
I also headcanon Dorcas as queer but I don't see her with Lily but I don't have any feelings about that ship in either direction so 3,5/10 maybe?
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Fic Author Self-Recs
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thank you for the tags @artemisia-black and @merlins-sequined-hotpants!
The Nymph of House Black - Tonks travels back in time to the Marauder era. I loved writing this story so incredibly much. Snippet below:
Dora stood gingerly and saw herself in the mirror – it was the vision she’d seen for years. Mousy brown hair, pale complexion, heart-shaped face, and dark grey eyes. She was ready.
“What’s going on, Dora?” Tonks said. “You don’t look very good.”
“Nothing, Tonks,” Dora croaked. “Do you remember what I said about love?”
Tonks nodded slowly, still looking concerned.
“No matter what happens, please remember who you love. No matter how scared you are, love for me, okay? Just love everyone for me.”
(more under the cut)
Cariad - a postwar, Remus and Tonks survive story. It's entering a new stage with a calmer life for the Lupin family, but writing Remadora going through the real pains of marriage was so rewarding.
“This isn’t working, Remus,” Tonks said, wiping her nose with the cloth napkin in her hand. A strange buzzing, quite unlike the catchy music, filled his ears.
“What isn’t—”
“We aren’t working. I know you want the kids at the house but I just can’t live there anymore,” she said, her chin quivering against the multicolored party lights. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I can’t…this isn’t working.”
Remus felt as if his heart had been ripped out of his chest. Hope slipped in his arms, but he caught her, holding her tight to his chest, scrambling to hold onto something that would make sense of what Tonks was telling him.
Call Me Edward - Teddy goes back in time from 2009 to 1997. I put that little bean through so much.
“All I wanted to do was meet them,” Teddy said bitterly. “But they’re nothing like what I was told.”
“Well, people don’t always want to tell you the worst about your parents,” Harry said. “Especially if they’re not alive anymore.”
Teddy rubbed his toe against the worn Persian rug in the library, at a loss for words.
“I don’t know what it feels like to get your parents back, but I think you should talk to them. They definitely don’t hate you. People who hate you don’t send Patronuses to ask after you. They don’t worry about where you are or what you’re doing. They don’t talk about you at work, either.” Harry offered Teddy a small smile.
The Death of Teddy Lupin - an exploration into the afterlife through the eyes of Teddy.
“Where’s home?” Teddy asked, almost afraid of the answer.
“Where love ends,” Gran replied simply, putting her hand on his heart. “As long as there’s love to give, we’re not home yet.”
Teddy gaped at them, confused. “Won’t that take forever?”
Nymphadora and Remus smiled brighter than anyone else.
“The more time you spend here,” said Nymphadora, taking Teddy’s hand, “the more you’ll understand. Forever is all the time we need.”
On Her Terms - an Astoria piece focusing on her relationship with her mortality. This one's rather personal to me.
“I wanted you to be happy,” Astoria says calmly, rocking Scorpius to sleep. “Do keep your voice down. My son needs to sleep.”
“Does he know? Draco?”
“I told him this morning.”
Daphne gave Astoria a reproachful stare. “And?”
“He didn’t take it well.”
Daphne bursts into tears. “You’re my only sister. How could you do this to me?”
“I gave you the life you always wanted,” Astoria replies softly. “I’ve got the life I wanted too. It’s all right, Daph.”
I'll tag @messrmoonyy, @mumka-fanfic, @puppyduckster, @passionatewrites, and @annabtg!
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starwrittenfates · 6 months
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Just some random headcanons about Lily as a person (Marauder's Era -- PART 1)--
Lily's mother was big into Floriography (the Language of Flowers) and hence, named her two daughters and children after flowers. It was something Lily developed an interest in too, even when she found out the meaning behind her name (Lily symbolizes Purity and Enduring Love) and her sister's (Petunia = Resentment and Anger.)
Lily was raised on Muggle fairytale's when she was little and secretly continued to believe in them until she was 16. After that, she only believed in the ones that had been proven true in the Wizarding World.
Growing up in the Muggle town of Cokeworth, England in the 60s/70s, Lily was raised in a middle class family and supposedly the better part of Cokeworth (at least according to Petunia.)
Knowing how Severus' home life was (or at least how his father could be), she would often invite him over to her house, much to Petunia's annoyance. Besides spending the summer's together when they were off from Hogwarts, Lily would also invite him over for holidays at times.
She was a bookworm since the age of 8 (and loves the smell of books.)
Potions is her favorite subject at Hogwarts. Not only was she fantastic at it, Slughorn absolutely adored her. She had top marks for seven years, and she never complained about a single lesson.
However, despite her love for Potions, she actually wanted to pursue a career as a Healer. She especially had an interest in Healing Magic because of this. And it wasn't all so bad since she could combine her love of Potions with it to make Healing Potions.
I know it's probably an unpopular opinion of mine...but I believe Lily's original Patronus was always a Doe. It didn't change into one because she eventually fell in love with James (like how Tonks went from a Jackrabbit to a Wolf because of Remus.) If anything, James and Lily's patronuses just ended up complimenting each other perfectly by accident. A Patronus was a spirit guardian that encompassed all your positive thoughts/emotions, and to me a Doe just fits the kind of person Lily is: A Doe symbolizes beauty, grace and a caring nature. They are motherly as well. (I will go into more detail about Doe's another time...)
She ended up in Gryffindor because she's always wanted to be seen as brave and strong with everything she does in life (and because, sometimes, she struggles to be that thanks to her insecurities she keeps locked away and hidden behind a smile.)
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avegollum97 · 2 years
God, every time jk tries to add anything about CANNON Jilly , she just ends up making it seem more of oa toxic relationship ,
Jk says that that his main problem with Severus was how close he was with Lily ,and that he ,personally, bullied him for it more than anything else (this is more an explanation to some of James actions more than an addendum of any kind to cannon )
Her first and kinda only prerequisite for them dating is him stopping hexing other students without reason ... But he doesn't even do that , Sirius and Lupin admit that he just got better at doing it where Lily couldn't see and he just concentrated all of his bullshit on Snape even after becoming Head Boy (this is cannon as hell)
He changed for her and their patronuses match ....but according JK it is it is HERs that changes to match his , u know he guy that was supposed to " change" , making s not to subdole parallel with one of the most fucked up moments in any relationship in the book when an abandoned and pregnant tonks very much in a state of depression finds that her patronus is a wolf , which always sounded desperate as fuck since she was the one getting fucking abandoned
She is described by Sirius a kinda of a honorary marauder , but they barely have anything to say about her years latter , because while they were very much part of the family , James was far more important to them , even if both Sirius and Peter are given literally control over her and her child life and death .
Jk proposed that she would have wanted Severus to be the godfather of her next child , showing that she basically never made strong connections or friends she could trust with her child life after them breaking up that were not with James circle of followers , and I don't really think she was all that destroyed by the prospect back in 5 year since she is the one who did it , making the cut as permanent as possible . But years latter her DE ex friend is her only option ? ( This isn't cannon but it is straight out of the author mouth showing how she her self sees the ship )
Does jk just fucking hate cannon Jilly or it just me ? She negates the premise of it , she negates that they are soulmates , she makes James a lier and a man child in cannon .
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Okay, one more take on the Snape and Lily- dynamic, that has come to me just yesterday.
I've noticed that they mirrored each other pretty, pretty well. That is usually the case when people have closer and more meaningful connections with each other. On an obvious or less obvious level they usually mirror each other in distinct ways. We could argue that the doe patronus is one of these ways and I'd be so, so curious what Lily's happiest memory was that she drew on to create it and how it was connected to another person in her life. Do we know if Snape's patronus really was molded after Lily's or did they maybe develop their corporeal patronuses originally independently from one another? Either way I think there's much more to look into there.
But I digress, I wanted to mention something in relation to their mirroring each other. Basically Lily grew to dislike Snape due to his affiliation with the Death Eaters. The people who would dislike her the most and who would be possibly (and actually 😓) very dangerous to her although they did eventually not kill her for being a mudblood but for her child, as far as I understand. She logically wanted to feel safe with Snape as a friend but probably also as a male confidant. There's more to that topic also but that's for another post. She certainly needed him to draw the line there.
Now Snape on his side really wanted to have a better and possibly safer life at Hogwarts. But most of all, I think Lily was his only genuine light in many ways and he trusted her. So of course it was a problem that she associated with the people who disliked him the most and who harassed him for existing basically. They were also the most dangerous to him in a social sense but also in the sense of putting his life in danger. He wanted to feel safe with Lily as a friend and possibly also as a female confidante, we may speculate, also in a sense of exclusivity.
I noticed that they both associate with the people who were worst for their respective life paths and neither was really ready to acknowledge it or to draw the line that the other one would've needed to feel safe in the relationship. Of course if the safety gets lost in a relationship, neither can feel confident and relaxed in it and the intimacy, which needs safety, retreats. Obviously, if Snape doesn't protect her from the Death Eaters, that's a big NoNo and I don't blame her for being distressed by it. They both ran into massive blocks for their mutual relationship because there was no way Lily could make herself fit to the Death Eaters and there was no way Snape could make himself fit to the Marauders. Eventually Snape's choice turned out to be the most dangerous one to Lily. I wonder how he actually felt about her having a baby. In the end it is not just his rival James having a kid but mostly it is Lily having a baby, regardless of who the father is.
But somehow in the end, the child, Harry, was key. They both sacrificed themselves for him essentially. He was the life-altering decision for both of them (and many others of course). If I have some more insight into this, I might write another post on the whole theme of "choosing Harry". It's super interesting but I'm still trying to understand it myself, that'll need some time. ;)
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lynxindisguise · 2 years
what are some of your favorite tropes?
Ooh I love mistaken identity/secret identities, exes getting back together (after they’ve spent time apart and grown), academic rivals, power imbalances, enemies to friends to lovers OR enemies to hate-fucking to lovers…
And specifically for marauders: fucking around with potions, patronuses, petty duels, anything that takes advantage of the magic available
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