#patronus nonsense for fun and profit
saintsenara · 1 month
I actually think Snape would not have been able to produce a Patronus without Lily in his life! I can imagine that without being challenged with her innocence about the wizarding world as a child, without striving to deserve her friendship (failing eventually, but either way), and without his feelings for her grounding him, he’d have spiralled into a dark path much earlier, with no return ticket.
i actually don't back this, i'm afraid, anon.
in general, i really don't like the way the series uses two pieces of magic - the patronus charm and the killing curse - as a dividing line between the goodies and the baddies.
we know that the order shoot to kill - lupin tells harry that he's stupid for not doing so - and there's no reason why they wouldn't use a curse with a flawless [unless what you're attempting to blast is a bit of your own soul] outcome. we also know that at least one unambiguous villain - umbridge - can produce a patronus, and i see no reason not to assume that plenty of the death eaters also can.
indeed, how i understand the patronus charm is drawn - for my sins - from the workaround jkr gives on pottermore in an attempt to explain why umbridge is able to produce one, when the books emphasise the charm's connection to those of [in its view, at least] undeniable moral purity:
A rare few witches and wizards of questionable morals have succeeded in producing the Charm (Dolores Umbridge, for example, is able to conjure a cat Patronus to protect herself from Dementors). It may be that a true and confident belief in the rightness of one’s actions can supply the necessary happiness. 
i actually think this - the idea that the strength needed to produce the charm would be connected to one's level of righteousness - explains the way it features throughout canon much more neatly.
harry - generally completely unwavering in his belief in the righteousness of his actions at any given time - finds it easy to produce one. so do the members of dumbledore's army [who are able to be taught one of the hardest spells in the wizarding arsenal without any trouble whatsoever by a fifteen-year-old], who evidently aren't united by moral spotlessness [zacharias smith nation, rise up], but are united by the unshakable conviction that what they're doing is the right thing. hermione, in contrast, finds the patronus to be one of the only charms she struggles with outside of controlled spaces - not, it's clear, because she's less noble or less happy than harry, but because she's bad under pressure, and clearly panics too much to ignite the unbending, righteous spark needed to call her patronus up.
[and voldemort - who clearly can't produce one - finds himself in this position not because of the atrophy of his soul, but because his inability to be honest about anything - especially his inability to be honest about the inevitability of death and the value of love - makes it impossible for him to have the requisite strength of purpose.]
and if there's one thing we know about the adolescent snape, it's that he thinks he's got all the answers.
part of the collapse of his friendship with lily comes from his inability to understand why she won't just shut up and accept his view of the world - why she won't defer to his opinions on the marauders, why she won't be moved by his insistence that mulciber's use of dark magic was trivial, and why, it's heavily implied, she doesn't agree with his evident belief that voldemort will help them both [lily is, after all, just as in need of a powerful patron to help her navigate the entrenched class-system of the wizarding world]. he doesn't become a death eater while entertaining a kernel of doubt - he becomes a death eater because he's one hundred percent on board with what the lads are planning for the world.
his damascus moment switches the force of that conviction - makes protecting [and then avenging] lily the only thing he thinks it's worth living, fighting, and dying for - but it doesn't create it. he was prime patronus material all along. it was just a crow carrying a knife, rather than a doe...
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caustic-curses · 5 years
HPHM Profile: Corbyn Reyes
Thanks to @hogwartsmysterystory for this new profile template!
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Name: Corbyn Samil Reyes
Gender: Cisgender Male
Age:  16
Birth Date: 11/15/1972
Species: Valravaan
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Sexuality: Asexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Ethnicity: Slavic
Nationality: Serbian
Residence: Bristol, UK
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISTJ
1st Wand: Pine | Dragon heartstring core | 12 ¾" in length | Rigid flexibility
The straight-grained pine wand always chooses an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt without protest to new methods and spells. Many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect and perform best for owners who are destined for long lives, and I can confirm this in as much as I have never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. The pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic.
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
2nd Wand:  Ebony| Dragon heartstring core.| 11 ¼ “| Unyielding
This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience, the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
Animagus: White Cat
Misc Magical Abilities: Parselmouth (currently unaware)
Boggart Form: Being  in a hospital gown gaunt and ignored
Riddikulus Form: Dog in an outfit prancing around
Amortentia: The scent of patchouli, rose and teak wood tease the senses while the note of vanilla adds excitement (spicy, the thrill of late summer, mountain flowers)
Amortentia: the earthy scent of a meadow,  lavender & coral rose, and the faded  scent of butterbeer (Tulip)
Patronus:  Cat
Patronus Memory: Camping late at night with Jakov and creating images from the stars
Mirror of Erised: Seeing his mother there, holding him close with a delighted smile of approval and acceptance.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Caterwauling charm, Confundo, and Diffindo. His favorite is the disillusionment charm.
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Faceclaim: Ivan Vuckovic
Game Appearance:
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Height: 5’4
Weight: 135
Physique: Average
Eye Colour: dark forest green (D20 on the 1998 eye chart) Left eye is 3s lighter as he is becoming blind in that eye from a spell gone wrong
Hair Colour: deep brown with natural mahogany highlights (noticeable in direct sunlight) styled via French crop with a gradual fade.
Skin Tone: warm ivory
Inventory: He wears a dragon-shaped pendant and a dark brown wooden wrist cuff given to him by Jakov, his wand, and a pair of glasses
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Affiliations/Organizations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Professions: Aurologist and Herbalist 
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Charms: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
DADA: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Flying:  ★★★★★★★★★☆
Herbology: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
History of Magic: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Potions: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Care Of Magical Creatures: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Divination: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Quidditch: Chaser
Extra-Curricular: Gardening Club
Favorite Professors: 
Professor McGonagall -She takes on the role of a mother figure in Corbyn’s eyes. She is stern but only out of a desire to see him succeed. Her admiration for his accomplishments is thus hard-won and genuine. 
Professor Sprout - Her gentle nature and willingness to encourage his interest in herbology quickly made her one of his favorite teachers. She is patient and kind, he can always count on her class to be his favorite.
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Snape - No matter what he does, it’s never good enough. No matter how hard he studies he continually feels inferior. He came to school hoping to escape that type of nonsense.
Professor Rakepick- She’s suspicious. Her methods of teaching don’t sit well with him and it seems as if there are more at stake than just a few house points.
Brother: Jakov Callum Reyes | (21yo) 11/271967- Sagittarius
Seer although he never told his family (mother had suspicions)
Woodcarver-aspires to be a wand designer
Is aware that Corbyn is his half-brother
Biological Father: Haedon Knezevic | (35 yo)  4/17/1951 -Aries
Full-blooded Valravan -began life as a raven
Magic is gathered from outside sources rather than from within like wizards
He was locked away under the watchful eye of the Legacies which prevented him from being a part of Corbyn’s early childhood.
Father: Ezekial Reyes |  (41yo) 5/9/1947 -Taurus
He married Lilith despite her indiscretions when in his late twenties.
Despite not being his true father, Ezekiel took on the role without question to become the parental figure Corbyn adores. As a role model, he endeavored to teach Corbyn virtues. He can only pray that they stuck with him at Hogwarts.
He was gone often and for long periods of time due to his work. This field of work has caused him to become sick but he keeps this as a secret.
Mother: Lilith Reyes | (38yo)  2/25/1948 - Pisces
Cheated on Ezekiel with Haedon becoming pregnant with Corbyn. He functions as a bitter reminder of everything she lost and of what she could have had.
Lilith is an Ilvermorny Alumni
When Jakov disappeared, Lilith’s smile went with him. A bit of her spirit broke and Corbyn was left with the aftermath of distance and anger.
Love Interest: Tulip Karasu
Best Friends: Barnaby Lee, Tulip Karasu & Chiara Loboscu
Rival: Merula Snyde & Diego Caplan
Enemy: Frith Fuilteach & Seth Drystan
Dormmates: Rowan Khanna & Laurent King
Pets: Midi- Tawny owl
Closest Canon Friends: Penny Haywood, Rowan Khanna, Barnaby Lee, Charlie Weasley
Closest MC Friends: 
Laurent King (@slytherin-puffskein)
Dahlia Goldman (@a-bear-at-hogwarts) 
Samuel Gabehart (@hphm-ravenclaw-writings)
While Ezekiel was away on business trips, Jakov often took over the role of parent. As an older sibling, he was expected to make Corbyn mind the rules while also helping his mother. The more often that this occurred, the more that Jakov began to resent his half-brother. The games they played became rougher and bordered on dangerous. Jakov was a teen pushed too early into adulthood and Corbyn was the scapegoat.
Despite this, Corbyn admired Jakov and looked up to him. To him, there were tense times but that did not diminish the genuine fun that they had. He loved Jakov as did their mother. So when news began to circulate about him opening the vaults, their mother was worried something might happen. This was proven correct when they received that fated letter. She was heartbroken. Jakov left and took her maternal love. Corbyn was left with bitterness, resentment, and emotional manipulation. It was here that he realized vulnerability is deadly. 
The Reyes had only recently moved to Bristol, UK when they received the news. Corbyn was 9 years old when he realized his brother would not be coming home. Rumors regarding Jakov joining You-Know-Who or his possible death were hard to hear but he continued to defend his brother to the point of coming home bruised and bloodied.
It was debated but Corbyn was allowed to go to Hogwarts in 1984. It wasn’t because his mother was scared of losing him. It was because she was sure he was a squib because he had only a few magical mishaps. She did not want to be further embarrassed by him.
During the first few years at Hogwarts, he befriended several students who demonstrated that vulnerability can be okay and it is sometimes needed. Not only did he learn some interesting spells but he learned of secrets and rumors that caused him to seek out the truth and eventually befriend Chiara.
Loyal: This is to a certain extent. Even if you are friends, he might not be loyal until you’ve proven yourself to be worthy of that loyalty. Sure, it is a bit of a test but once that loyalty is won, it is golden.
Self-sufficient: Due to the nature of how he was raised, Corbyn learned early on that the one person he can rely on is himself. Thus, he has a hard time asking for help in any matter. He prefers to solve the problem himself rather than be indebted to anyone.
Clever: Witty. Sarcastic. Corbyn uses words to cut down others or to trick them for profit. He does this because it's one way to look out for himself. If he can trick you, he will continue to do so for as long as possible.
Vindictive: Being a jealous individual isn’t a good look but he hasn’t been able to change. When someone crosses him or especially someone he has befriended (see loyal), then he’s out to assure that this never happens again. He will find your weaknesses and force you to endure them.
Obstinate: While this can sometimes be seen as negative, he is stubborn in the sense that he knows what he stands for and what he wants out of life. He is headstrong so it makes convincing him otherwise to be a headache.
Likes: intense spices, herbology, pranking his friends, the idea of courting
Dislikes: bananas, excessively sweet things, The Black Lake, not knowing how to swim
Hobbies: working with magical creatures, cooking/grilling, gambling
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