#manly dan gravity falls
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
"Manly" Dan Corduroy from Gravity Falls
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hasnomoxxie · 9 days
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My inbox is flooded with messages like these, fun fact- when I started the designs I actually didn't know what to do with her- BUT NOW IK (at least some) OF WHAT I WANNA DO WITH HER.
Still trying to figure out what I wanna do with the design and lore of the bill replacement though- Still a heavy wip!
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Mabel takes the role of Stanford in this au! Fun loving and enthusiastic since birth, Mabel was once a budding young photographer who eventually found her way as a newspaper journalist for Levity Rises. She quickly began to notice some of the strange things happening in the town, taking pictures and objects to create her own scrapbooks. She didn't think much of it at the time, but she was certain her brother would've liked the scrapbooks. Maybe if she'd done something earlier, she wouldn't have accidentally ended up in another dimension for 30 years- oh well- at least she knows how to kick ass across 7 different dimensions. Not sure how the identity theft is gonna work yet-
OK REFRESHER ON THE OLD CAST and added Grauntie Mabel too! One of my friends suggested to call Ford 'Sixer' the same way Dipper is named, so that's what's gonna happen going forward just cause it's a cool lil detail (plus in this au Six hides his hands in a similar way to Dipper hiding his birthmark so I think it works). Notes as per usual :]
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Also yeah, I put my ussy into that logo, you're gonna see it a bit
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I'll still keep thinking of stuff for this au! I have a few screenshot edits planned :D
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citricacidprince · 22 days
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Some more doodles of my Relativity Falls AU because ooooh the way I’m imagining it is so fun I just can’t stop thinking about it💥💥💥
Featuring: Manly “Boyish” Dan, Abuelita Anjelita, and some silly Mabifica because mmmmmm them in this AU makes me wanna lose my mind
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twptwp · 1 month
Drawing my favourite Gravity Falls characters: Tyler Cutebiker, Bill and Mabel. I wanted to make them all interact a little! Fun! And some ideas with Bill and Mabel.. I like the idea of Mabel and the axolotl interacting
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h4unted-d4rling · 10 days
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What seat are you taking?
I’m picking three. I need to shoot my shot with that damn triangle
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sage-nebula · 18 days
Thinking about how important it is that Wendy is a part of the Pines family. (Because she is, as much as Soos is. It's why she's in the family photos, such as the one representing Ford's happiness at the end of The Book of Bill.)
We don't know too much about Wendy's home / family life. Unfortunately, we don't a single Wendy-focused episode, and we don't get to learn too much about her outside of how she interacts with the main characters. But here is what we do know:
Wendy is the oldest of four siblings, with three little brothers. Wendy herself is 15. We are never given ages for her brothers, but given the photo that she shows Dipper of her younger self in "Double Dipper", I'm guesstimating that the youngest Corduroy brother (Gus) is about 6 in the present day. This is because young!Wendy was wearing braces and also noted to be "freakishly tall" for her age, and Gus was wearing a diaper in the photo (but standing on his own). Braces can take two to three years to be removed, and Wendy doesn't have them in the present day, meaning she was probably around 11 or 12 in the photo. Meanwhile, Gus was in a diaper but able to stand, meaning he was probably a toddler, likely around 2. So in the present day, Wendy is 15, Gus is around 6 (depending on if Wendy was 11 or 12 in the photo), and Marcus and Kevin (the middle brothers) are between 14 and 7.
Wendy's mother died when she was young. Given the age of Gus in the photo, we can estimate that Wendy's mother died when Wendy was, at youngest, 11 or 12 -- so, three or four years pre-canon. (Because any earlier than that and Gus couldn't have been born.)
Wendy's father is Manly Dan, who shouts just about every line of dialogue he has and routinely breaks things, including in his own house, albeit sometimes by accident. He also spends most of his time in a biker bar, though we do know that he does love his children. (e.g. is seen with the boys on both family fishing day and Summerween, is seen taking Wendy out for breakfast in "Dipper vs. Manliness").
Dan is the reason why Wendy has a summer job. As she says in "Gideon Rises", "If I can't work at the Shack, my dad's gonna force me to work at my cousin's logging camp up north." This implies that Wendy has to work somewhere, per a rule of Dan's.
In "Into the Bunker", Wendy has this to say when she comments on how she's excited to be going on an adventure with Dipper and Mabel: "It beats cleaning up after my dad at home." She says this with a frown, in a grousing tone. We're then treated to a clip of Dan breaking apart the cabin as mentioned above.
In "Society of the Blind Eye", before she's about to have her memories erased, Wendy confesses thus: "I'm stressed like 24/7. Have you MET my family?"
Wendy dreams about her mother every night. The glimpse of her dream that we're shown depicts her receiving a comforting hug from her mother.
The conclusions that I draw from the above are thus: prior to her mother's death, Wendy had what amounts to a normal family life in Gravity Falls. The Corduroys were a two parent household, her mother was there to help balance Dan out and raise the kids (Wendy included), and Wendy could, well . . . be a kid. It's possible, even, that some of Dan's more worrying traits (such as spending the majority of his time at a bar) didn't exist when Wendy's mom is alive. It's pure speculation on my part, but it's possible that Dan feels compelled to go to a bar to be aggressive (and drink, even if we don't see it because it's a kid's show) because that's how he processes his grief over his wife's death, away from his children's eyes and ears. He's trying to be a responsible father and not hurt his kids, while at the same time still not handling things in the most healthy way.
But back to Wendy. Once Wendy's mother died, the dynamic in the Corduroy household shifted. Dan was hit by the tidal wave of grief that comes with losing a spouse, as well as the sudden onslaught of being a single father to four children, one of whom was very possibly still in diapers. And if my speculation is correct and that he took to going to the bar to deal with his grief, then who is left to change Gus' diapers and get him potty trained? To operate the stove or oven or microwave to make sure that the boys (who would all be under age 10 at this point) got fed, and to make sure she got fed herself? To, in her own words, "clean up [her] dad's messes" when he was at home to make them by breaking apart the house with his own head?
Wendy was a child herself when her mother died, but she was the oldest child, potentially freshly into middle school while the boys were still in elementary, and the oldest daughter to boot. The girl, expected to know how to do "girl things" like cook and clean. I'm not saying that Dan told her to do these things, but we know from Wendy's personality that she is protective of those who need it (e.g. Dipper and Mabel) and, more importantly, that's her home and her family, and she does love them (she makes this clear in the Weirdmageddon episodes numerous times). She wouldn't let her little brothers starve, wouldn't let her youngest sit in a filthy diaper, would try to pick up the house if her dad and brothers wouldn't. Wendy would step up to do it out of necessity, even if she hated it and felt stressed out about it, especially while also feeling the crushing grief that comes with having lost her mother.
So Wendy, having lost her mother at a young age, probably had to step up into a pseudo-parental role in her own house, trying her best to fill the void that was left by her mother's passing even though she was only a child herself. And this is why she's "stressed, like, 24/7." Because not only are her father and brothers loud and chaotic (especially with Dan raising the boys into miniature versions of him), but because it's her responsibility (spoken or no) to keep the house in as much order as she can. It's little wonder that, outside of the movie that she and Dipper are watching in the beginning of "Into the Bunker", Wendy seems to spend as little time as possible in her own home.
So, how does this fit into it being important for Wendy to be part of the Pines family? Or, worded in a better way, why it's so important that she has the Pines as a second family, and the Mystery Shack as a second home?
As I said above, once Wendy's mother died, her ability to be a child in her own home effectively ended. Again, to make it clear, Wendy doesn't hate her family. In fact, it's the opposite; the Weirdmageddon episodes make it clear that she still loves her father and her brothers very much. But "Society of the Blind Eye" also makes it clear that they stress her out. She has a lot of complicated feelings, something that's understandable given her complicated situation.
But because she has to help keep the house together when she's at home, that means she can only really be a kid (or teenager, as the case may be) when she's outside of it. She has a lot of fun doing this with her friends, but sometimes a teen does need a home to relax in. And for Wendy, that home is the Mystery Shack -- and yes, that includes when she's on the clock.
Now, I know what you may be thinking: it's stated that Stan is a terrible boss, that he barks orders, that he yells -- how is that any different from her father? Well, I'll tell you how: the only time we actually see this is in "Boss Mabel", in which Stan being a boss who yells and barks orders at his employees is a plot point meant to create the conflict for the episode. Otherwise, we never really see Stan being an awful boss, and in particular we never see him being hard on Wendy. In fact, I would argue we see the opposite.
Here are things we know about Wendy's behavior at work, and Stan's response to her behavior at work:
Wendy constantly reads magazines while working the cash register, often right in front of Stan. Stan never tells her to put the magazine away.
Wendy often puts her feet up on the counter. Stan never tells her to take her feet off the counter.
Wendy goes up to the roof "all the time, every day" to the point where she has a chair and cooler up there. ("The Inconveniencing"). We don't know if Stan knows about this or not, but it's hard to believe he wouldn't if Wendy goes up there as much as she says she does.
When Stan told her to hang signs up out in the woods, she said, "I would, but I can't . . . reach . . ." while making no effort to get up to get the sign, and not removing her eyes from the magazine or her feet from the counter. Stan simply said, "I'd fire [. . .] you if I could." i.e. she got away with it 100%. ("Tourist Trapped")
When Stan double checks with Wendy and Soos that they'll wash the bathrooms while he's gone, Wendy says, "absolutely not" with a salute. Stan laughs and then says to stay out of trouble, not caring at all. ("The Inconveniencing")
Wendy was supposed to work the ticket stand all night at the party. She quit about ten minutes in and blatantly joined the party. Stan had to have seen her. He did nothing. ("Double Dipper")
Wendy claims in "Boss Mabel" that Stan doesn't let her have friends at work. In contrast, we see Robbie visit her at work all the time throughout their relationship (e.g. "Fight Fighters", "Boyz Crazy"), and Stan even comments on "is that the guy that's always making googly eyes at Wendy?" but otherwise has no problem with it. So again, it was a conflict invented for "Boss Mabel" that otherwise doesn't exist.
And that is just off the top of my head. The point is, Wendy is perhaps treated the easiest of the staff at the Mystery Shack. She's blatantly lazy and snarky and the most Stan ever does is grouse that he would "fire [her] if he could."
And this is a good thing.
The Mystery Shack, even if when she's on the clock, is clearly a place where Wendy can relax. It's somewhere she feels comfortable, rather than stressed. Yes, she's working -- but she's putting in the barest minimum effort because the stakes are the lowest they could possibly be. Because even though Stan grouses and complains about how little she cares, he won't fire her. He says he can't, but let's be honest, he could. One could argue that he'd be out a cashier, but he already is when the school year starts and Wendy has to go back to school. The Shack doesn't close down then, so it wouldn't close now if he fired Wendy.
But he won't fire her, because he knows that if he did, she'd be sent up north to her cousin's logging camp, a job she would hate and that would add on to the stress she already has from her home life. Stan has been in Gravity Falls for 30 years; he's been there since before Wendy was born. He knew her mother. He remembers when her mother died a few years ago. He probably saw how Dan's personality changed, how Wendy's personality changed from a more carefree little girl to a little girl who had to act more carefree than she actually was because she won't ever dare let anyone know she's anything but tough as nails, kinda like the guy he sees when he looks in the mirror. So he'll grouse at her about her laziness, and she'll complain about how much she hates having to work, but he'll also never hire another cashier even during the school year when the Shack maybe could use the extra help, and she knows that he both has an orthopedic back pillow and where it's kept, and that's as much as either of them will say about it. (Source for the orthopedic back pillow: "Soos and the Real Girl").
Wendy spends time at the Shack that would otherwise be spent at her home. When she decides to leave Tambry's party early, she goes to hang out at the Shack and watch movies with Stan, before the twins or Soos arrive ("Summerween"). She's likewise hanging out with the Pines and Soos watching television despite work clearly being over in the beginning of "Dreamscaperers". Wendy can relax at the Shack, can be in a home environment where she has no responsibilities, where she can simply be a teenager without also having to be a pseudo-parent. She can be a big sister figure to Dipper and Mabel without the added responsibilities of having to make sure they're fed and brought up right. She can be snarky with Stan, and he'll be snarky back, and there are no risks or consequences at all.
It's important that Wendy is a member of the Pines family, because here there are no complications for her. She loves her original family, but things got difficult when her mother died, and they won't ever stop being difficult. But things aren't difficult with the Pines. In a way, being with the Pines is as comfortable as the hugs she gets from her mother in her dreams every night. Being with the Pines feels right. It feels safe.
It's good that Wendy has them. It's important that Wendy has them. And fortunately, she always will.
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anon55mystery · 24 days
Ideas for a GF Lost Legends sequel or well midquel.
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1). We get a story that features Ford working together with Dipper and Multi-Bear!
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We learn more of their friendship and their interests.
Multi-Bear meets Ford! Him, Multi-Bear, and Dipper become an unlikely trio!
They all work together to find something or someone in The Crawlspace about Ford's past. Maybe also some information of The Oracle!
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Also maybe some more flashbacks of Ford's childhood and maybe Multi-Bear shares some of his childhood memories too.
Also their love of the group BABBA and their hit song Disco Girl!
2). The second story can be about Pacifica working at Greasy's Diner.
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After her parents lost their mansion for pledging their alliance to Bill. Pacifica has to find work to pay off her parents new house.
While at the start, she's her usually bratty and spoiled self. She slowly learns how to be nice and compassionate to others. Also because her, and her parents aren't wealthy anymore, no one is cowering before her.
Even when Pacifica is mean to her at first, Lazy Susan is is still cheerful and polite towards her, she even lets her stay at her place when her parents are "busy" wallowing in pity.
We also learn a little bit of Lazy Susan's past and why she's nice. Also her becoming Pacifica's grandmother figure.
3). A reconcile story of Old Man McGucket and his son.
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We get flashbacks of what's his childhood like and what type of people his family were.
His friendship with Stanford, him giving an axolotl, and more of their friendship during college.
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Some flashbacks of him when he was healthier, and his relationship with his son Tate McGucket, along with is ex wife Emma-May.
Maybe even some tension between Ford and Tate for understandable reasons.
4). A story of Wendy during high school, and still having adventures after The Pines Family left Gravity Falls.
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She's still the awesome laid-back, rebellious teenager, we know and love, but this time we learn a bit more about her childhood and who her mom was.
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We see the relationship between her dad, her younger brothers, and her mom before her disappearance (I like to think she disappeared when Wendy was twelve. Also I believe in this theory)
In the flashbacks, we get to see her dad training her and her brothers for an apocalypse, and her awesome fighting skills!
The origin on how she met Tambry, despite being complete opposites. Also her eventual friendships with Nate, Lee, Robbie, and Thompson.
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We also see she still goes on adventures without Soos and The Pines Family. Sometimes she goes on adventures with her friends or brothers.
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Maybe even while she's ditching school during a boring trip at the museum, she finds a something about her missing mom.
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aaeeart · 5 months
Hope not too complicated for you. Can you draw Manly Dan noogies Dipper, please?
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hey I tried! also tried to give it that Gravity Falls style and kinda forgot once again, that this was supposed to be a sketch 😭
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cartoonfan21 · 25 days
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thicctails · 27 days
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some late night GF sketches for yall! The first one was inspired by a convo i had with @unearthlyfromage on discord, where we talked about a sort of spin off of my I Grow Maddened (with grief) AU, where a young Ford is blamed for the murder of his brother, which was committed by IGM!Ford. This Ford runs away to avoid being wrongly imprisoned, and ends up working on the McGucket farm. He and Fiddleford go to Gravity Falls together in this timeline, and end up befriending Boyish Dan, and eventually Ford and Fiddleford go into the portal together to hunt down Stanley's killer.
The second image is me celebrating the fact that I am learning how to draw more varied body types so that i no longer draw Stan skinny >:) Also its an excuse to draw smth for my Under The Falls AU
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hasnomoxxie · 13 days
Could you tell us more about Dan from Levity Rises?
I recently updated the designs for them so I'll talk ab them all if you don't mind :]c
I'll add the most information on Dan though just for you bbg!
I do plan on making a few screenshot redraws (and potentially an intro animatic because an awesome person actually made a theme for this au)
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Stanley and Stanford Pines take on the roles of Dipper and Mabel! Stan's curious and is the more mystery focussed one whereas Ford is more energetic and active than his base counterpart.
Stanley is an adventurous young boy, looking for the next interesting trip to go on, initially thinking spending the summer at Levity Rises was going to be a waste of time. Though after arriving and finding the scrapbooks alongside the anomalies happening across Levity, he and his brother quickly became obsessed with finding out the secrets of the Rises, as well as who the mysterious Smile Pup(swapped with bill cypher) is.
Ford (often going by 'Six' or 'Sixer) is a happy go lucky and optimistic young child who is alot tougher than his base counterpart was at his age. Since it's typically only just been him and his brother, so he's eager to make the best of his summer by meeting new people, though he hides his polydactyly with gloves he changes frequently.
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Dipper takes the role of Grunkle Stan in this au!
Owner of the mystery shack, Grunkle Mason- or (Big) Dipper to people around Levity Rises- is the resident faux scientist of the town. His personality is more eccentric, tending to get hyper fixated on paranormal paraphernalia, to the point in where he does lock himself away for periods at a time.
Not much is known about his origins, he just kind of always existed on the outsidea of the town, but after opening the shack to the public, people quickly accepted his presence due to his quirky personality.
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Dan actually takes the role of Soos in this au, being the resident handyman of the mystery shack! Though often the lines blur between his role and Wendy's from the original. Wanted to keep it flexible yk?
Dan's a real dude's bro, pretty dim witted and blunt but often chill and level headed- Unless he's challenged- dude's competitive as hell, it's actually crazy. His mother, dubbed 'womanly wendy', is the toughest lady in town, owning a diner, aptly named 'Wendy's'.
Dan enjoys working at the Shack as it's one of the few places that'll let him freely experiment with his logging with the nearby trees for his own projects and adding fixtures onto the shack, which Dipper is pretty thankful for since he can focus his efforts on other things. It's also because of this reason that Dipper puts up with Dan's outbursts and semi airheaded personality. So it's safe to say, he's there the majority of the time.
Stan admires Danny alot and the events of 'Into the bunker' happens with Dan in place of Wendy. This does mean Stan had a passing crush on Danny during the episode, but even afterwards Stan kind of puts him on a pedestal. Ford enjoys Dan's company often being called 'little man' and playfighting on occasion. The twins act like his little hype men and he enjoys hanging with them.
As for Soos in this au, he initially built the mystery shack and is frequently seen around Levity Rises taking on odd jobs and making people as happy as they can be, though it's implied that he hasn't found his true calling yet.
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Lazy Suzan takes the role of Wendy in this au! Hazy Jane is a part time worker at the mystery shack, and is stan's first crush upon arrival to the Rises. She's a bit of an odd soul with a less than perfect memory, but is incredible at making a homely environment for the shack. Despite that, she can be extremely co-dependent in some situations, especially with her boyfriend. Otherwise she's earnest and does her best at her job. The events of 'Soos and the real girl' occur with Jane instead of Soos (and Rumble instead of GIFanny). Despite wanting to help, Stan is incredibly pouty throughout the episode.
Here's the design line up as well as initial notes I made when redoing them!
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Hope this answered your question about Dan :]
I'm fixing wording and stuff so it's easier to read soz :p
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inbarfink · 1 year
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feral-racoon · 4 days
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Oh my god words cannot describe how much i ship these two fuckers together
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curiosity-room · 30 days
Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wendy Corduroy & Stan Pines, Wendy Corduroy & Ford Pines, Ford Pines & Stan Pines, Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez & Wendy Corduroy, Ford Pines & Wendy Corduroy, Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez & Stan Pines Characters: Wendy Corduroy, Ford Pines, Stan Pines, Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez, Abuelita Ramirez, "Manly" Dan Corduroy Additional Tags: Wendy Corduroy and Stan Pines Bonding, Nerdy Ford Pines, Stan Pines Being Stan Pines, Protective Ford Pines, Ford Pines is Trying, High School, Protective Stan Pines Series: Part 3 of The Hills We Have To Climb (We'll Be Alright) Summary:
With the end of summer, the dreaded high school re-entered Wendy's life.
She had never been the best student, but she wasn't bad. She got A's and B's with the occasional C. She'd never failed a class before.
Tenth grade chemistry might change that.
(Alternatively Titled: How Wendy Gained Two Uncles)
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fannishstuff · 5 months
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part 4. Links to the rest under the cut. Manly Dan had Apocalypse training every year instead of Christmas, so I figure insurrection training was around Easter.
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:
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jonbongjovii3 · 2 years
Cw: suicide mention, Gravity Falls spoilers
in season 2 episode 7 of gravity falls, during the scene where the twins are on the road in the fed truck, i noticed something.
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on the back of manly dan’s lumber truck, there are 3 notable bumper stickers.
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there’s the obvious sev’ral timez sticker, which is pointed out in the scene, the american flag, and a yellow ribbon.
if you’re in the mentally sparkly club, which i assume you are because this is tumblr, you might know that the yellow ribbon symbolises suicide awareness and prevention.
which, first off, cute, alex hirsch. love u man.
that got me thinking.
wendy’s presumed mother (manly dan’s wife) is not mentioned in the show. ever.
i always assumed she was out of the picture in some way
but what if wendy’s mom committed suicide?
it makes sense. idk. i’m high as fuck and i could be totally wrong but food for thought.
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