#mamma Ginger
catsloverword · 4 months
Come puoi non emozionarti 🥹
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La famiglia si allarga...
Ben arrivati Yin e Yang ☯️
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adashofginger · 3 months
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"Cowboys ain't easy to love and they're harder to hold."
Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys | Willie Nelson & Waylon Jennings
Model: Matt Dubbe
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the-pantry-of-art · 6 months
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In a crooked little town They were lost and never found Fallen leaves, fallen leaves Fallen leaves on the ground Run away before you drown Or the streets will beat you down Fallen leaves, fallen leaves Fallen leaves on the ground
He was sitting like 2 weeks in my files 'couse I forgot to post him.... What a fail XD
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crazy-sheep-lady · 2 years
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Will the mother of this lamb come claim it.
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learmonti · 3 months
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caveiratimida · 2 years
Guess who has a scholarship report
Thought it was due end of March
It is due tomorrow, 11:59 PM :')
And I just woke up today with the worst symptoms of a colddddddd
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percervall · 10 months
Mamma mia, here I go again {pt1}
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Summary: A summer of poor decisions leads you to having to face the consequences of your actions —and the men involved. Pairing: Kevin Magnussen x fem!reader, Lewis Hamilton x fem!reader, Mark Webber x fem!reader Warnings: talk of pregnancy, brief mentions of a one night stand, mentions of cheating, mentions of abortion Word count: 1.2k Taglist: @averagef1fansblog @barcelonaloverf1life @bradfordbantams @dannyramirezwife @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @jaypreshpresh @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lazybot @norrisleclercf1 @opheliaas-stuff @roseseraj
Part 1 of the Mamma Mia series
“Still not feeling well?” George asks you when he spots you dropping slices of ginger into your mug. You shake your head, trying to breathe through the waves of nausea. 
“Had too much to drink again?” he jokes.
“No, God I wish it was just a hangover… Just- Just the consequences of my own actions,” you tip-toe around the subject as you pour the hot water into your mug. You feel George’s eyes on you, can almost hear the gears turning as he tries to figure out what you mean.
“So not a bug or food poisoning, not hungover… Are you-..”
“Yes,” you cut him off, not wanting anyone to hear, “Yes, I am and- and it is what it is.” You feel your shoulders tense up and you will yourself to relax.
“Does Kevin know?”
You shake your head, shame settling heavy in your chest at the mention of your on-and-off-again boyfriend, “No, and I don’t see why he should because I am not keeping it.” Before George can say anything else you leave the coffee station in the motorhome to find solace in your office, praying to whoever will listen that this doesn’t get out. 
Your hope is short lived when there’s a knock on your door.
“Come in,” you call out, eyes glued to the screens in front of you.
“Hey,” a voice calls from the doorway and you freeze when you realise who it is.
“H-hey,” you reply, trying your hardest not to turn around.
“Can you please look at me?” You bite your lip and swivel round, pushing your computer glasses up into your hair. Looking up your eyes meet his’. 
“Hey,” Lewis says again, a warmth to his eyes you’re having trouble placing. 
“Hi,” you manage to utter, voice timid. You know you would’ve eventually have to see him again, working for the same team kind of made it impossible not to, even though both of you had decided to never speak of that night again.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Lewis asks, breaking through the fog of thoughts and memories.
“Tell you what?” You can feel your brows pull together in confusion. 
“That you’re pregnant.” 
The moment those words leave his mouth, you feel as if someone has pulled the rug from under you.
“Who told you?” you manage to utter as panic rises in your throat.
“George. I overheard him telling Lando and Alex before the press conference.”
“Oh no,” you groan, burying your head in your hands. You can only imagine the gifs and memes that are floating around on social media right now. 
“I take it he wasn’t making it up? Come on, talk to me, My,” he says gently, crouching down in front of you. The nickname helps you feel a little more at ease, it having followed you for most of your career ever since you told one of the reporters off for making a sexist comment when you were at RedBull, Mika Häkkinen overhearing you.
“Yes, I am pregnant,” you whisper, “and the reason I didn’t tell you is because-.. I don’t-.. Lewis, I fucked up so bad. I don’t know who the father is.” 
The two of you look at one another and you know he is thinking the same as you –the night neither of you regret but promised to never speak about. 
“So there’s a chance I’m-..” 
You nod, biting your cheek to stop the tears from falling. “But it doesn’t matter. I’m not keeping it, I can’t Lewis.” 
“Wait, hold on. Does Kev know?”
You shake your head. Confusion is written all over his face.
“Because I can’t look him in the eye and tell him I cheated. Twice. In the span of 48 hours.”
“Oh Jesus. Damn girl,” Lewis mutters. 
“But it’s fine,” you tell him in an attempt to convince yourself and ignore the feeling of shame weighing on you like a ton of bricks, “I have an appointment booked for Tuesday. I’ll be fine.” You wipe your tears away and plaster on a fake smile as you put your glasses back on. 
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a job to do,” you say, effectively shutting down the rest of this conversation. Just four more days, you tell yourself, you’ve got this, just four more days.
Trying your hardest to keep your head down –and avoid the men that participated in your predicament–, you make your way through the paddock, scrolling through the data on your iPad. 
“Skat?” someone calls out to you from your left. There’s only one person you know who would call you that and right now he is the last person you want to see.
“Oh, hi Kev,” you offer meekly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kevin asks you as he comes to stand in front of you. An unnerving sense of deja vu climbs its way up your spine.
“Didn’t tell you what?” you ask in return. Instead of answering you, Kevin holds up his phone, showing you the still paired Google calendar. 
Tuesday 5 September  9:30 BPAS
“No, tell me why you didn’t tell me and I had to find out through Google. An abortion provider, really?” 
“Lower your voice will you?” you hiss, his tone rubbing you the wrong way. 
“Since when do I not have a right to know you’re pregnant with my child?” Kevin ignores your request and barges on, demanding an answer. 
“Everything alright here?” The Australian accent makes you want to cry. Of course it’s just your luck that he is also here.
“Doesn’t concern you, Webber,” Kevin tells the older man before turning back to you, “Why did you keep this from me?” 
“Kevin please-..” 
“No! Why didn’t you tell me that you’re pregnant?” 
You know you have two options here: you can either come up with some bullshit excuse or you tell him the truth, and neither of them seem particularly appealing right now. 
“Because-..” you start, swallowing thickly, “Because I don’t know if you’re the father.” You feel both sets of eyes on you as you fight back the tears.
“Sweetheart, what do you mean?” Mark asks you quietly, a hand on your arm. 
“You know damn well what I mean. And I am not your sweetheart.” 
You have to give Kevin credit, it only takes him two seconds to put one and one together before he’s swinging for the former F1 driver. Mark takes a step back, shielding you behind him at the same time.
“Okay,” you hear Nico say and when you peek around Mark’s broad back, you see the German driver holding Kevin back. You have no idea where he came from, but for once you’re grateful to see him. “Kev, we fock smash doors, not people.” 
“Suck my balls,” Kevin seethes, struggling to break free. 
“Kevin, unless you want to explain all of this to both Steiner and Netflix, please listen to Nico,” you say. Kevin freezes, seemingly becoming aware of his surroundings, and lowers his arm. 
“We will talk tonight, okay? Pretty sure you have a meeting to get to and I need to see if Toto hasn’t fired me yet. Tonight,” you add when Kevin opens his mouth to reply, “Same goes for you Mark. I’ll text you.” And with that you leave them behind, head down as you walk back to the Mercedes motorhome.
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And the plot thickens! Told you it was an unhinged idea 🙈
Feel free to let me know what you think! Your comments, tags and likes mean the world to me
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makethatelevenrings · 5 months
Angel by the Wing - THIRTY-THREE
chapter warnings: vomiting, morning sickness
Series Masterlist (Mobile Masterlist)
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It was an average morning.
Rock music floated through the house coupled with the sounds of pots and pans banging around and you were bent over a toilet, breathing deeply through your nose and out through your mouth as nausea wracked your body.
“That’s good. Nice deep breaths.” Jake had popped his head into the bathroom to ask how many eggs you wanted when he found you bent over the sink with your hands clutching the sides of the counter. At first he thought you were in pain, but then the murderous glare you shot him when he asked if you were okay answered that question.
Now your hair was pulled away from your face, a cool washcloth pressed against the back of your neck, and a soothing hand ran along the length of your spine as you dry heaved over the rippling water.
“I fucking hate this,” you bit out. Tears pricked the backs of your eyes and you tilted your face to press against your forearm so he wouldn’t see you tearing up. Jake adjusted the washcloth so it wouldn’t fall off and scooted closer to you.
“I’m sorry, angel. I wish I could fix this for you.” If there was one thing Jake had learned since entering this relationship, it’s that he couldn’t stand to see you or Bradley like this. He hated being helpless. He was a fixer. He wanted to soothe your aches and remove anything that made you feel gross.
But he had also helped put you in this situation.
“Hey, hey,” he shushed you as you let out a pathetic whine. “Rooster is making some ginger tea right now and then we’re going to move to the couch. Set you up with some toast and applesauce and a bucket.”
“What if I puke on you?” you moaned dramatically.
“Darlin’, you’ve seen me and Rooster violently hungover. A little throw up won’t faze me.” You nodded in agreement with his statement and he took that as a good sign. Jake tentatively scooped you up and cradled you to his chest. Despite feeling sick as hell, you savored the feel of his warm skin under your cheek and pondered the possibility of them going shirtless every morning.
“How’s the patient doing, doctor?” Bradley asked when you emerged from the bedroom.
“‘M not playing sexy nurse right now,” you mumbled. Bradley chuckled and moved to help move some blankets over on the couch while Jake lowered you down onto the soft cushions. Jake hurried off to grab a bucket to place next to the couch while Bradley tucked one of the blankets around you and adjusted the washcloth to keep you cool. Skipper poked his head up over the back of the couch and then crawled over the pillows before he gently landed on the space between you and the cushion. The little cat curled up next to your stomach and laid his head on his paws, lazily flicking his tail while staring at Bradley in what some might call a threat.
“I’m trying to help her, dude,” Bradley muttered. The cat merely flicked his tail once more and extended a paw to lick at his fur.
And maybe show off his claws.
“Bucket,” Jake announced. “Plus tea and toast and whatever you want to watch on television. Please, please, don’t let it be Titanic.”
“Fuck you, it’s a masterful film.” But despite your protest, you settled on another classic. The boys knew better than to argue when the opening titles of Mamma Mia began. Jake instead settled in next to the bucket on the floor with his plate heaped with breakfast balancing on his knees. Bradley took up the rest of the couch by your feet. You nibbled on the toast that Jake handed you and absentmindedly pet Skipper with your other hand.
“Any plans for today?” Bradley asked once he was done destroying his mountain of food. Feeding two aviators was like turning on a garbage disposal and letting it run. You nudged his thigh with your foot and he put his plate on the coffee table so he could rub your feet.
“I was going to do laundry but I think I’m just going to rot instead,” you said. “I work at five so hopefully I feel human by then.”
“I got it,” Jake assured you. “I was going to mow the lawn and weed the garden but I can also make Roo do it too.”
“I’ll do it shirtless and everything,” your boyfriend said. He wiggled his brows salaciously and you pretended to gag.
“Thank you.” You ran your fingers through Jake’s fluffy hair. You loved it without the gel he typically wore. It stuck out in all directions thanks to the fact that he hadn’t brushed it after rolling out of bed and you appreciated how it made him look so soft.
“Our baby,” the boys intoned. They had taken to answering your thanks with a reminder that you were growing a baby inside of you. A baby that they had been very enthusiastic participants in creating.
Bradley grabbed Jake’s plate and his own and headed towards the kitchen to clean up after breakfast. You were transfixed with the movie on screen as the bachelorette night came on. Something sparkled in your gaze and Jake felt such a surge of want that it could have knocked him off his feet. Instead, he headed towards the bedroom where three overflowing hampers of laundry cluttered up the closet.
Dumping the clothes into one large pile, he set about sorting them into different piles so he didn’t end up with pink shirts from one of your stray red socks. He also made sure to check every pocket of pants and jackets thanks to the infamous “washing Bradley’s keys” incident. He found quite a few different packs of mint gum and ginger chews in your pockets and created a little pile for the future.
He picked up your jean shorts from a few days ago and heard the crinkle of paper. He tugged it out and flipped the paper. It was an envelope and he knew he should just place it on the dresser and let you deal with it but the hospital’s address was written in the corner. He shouldn’t read it. He knows better. But you had been avoiding talking to him and Bradley about something. They both could tell.
His fingers were extracting the letter before he could stop himself.
He unfolded the paper and found a bunch of letters filling the page. Jake didn’t understand a single word written except for two things.
Alleged Father: Seresin, Jacob
Probability of Paternity: 0%
Bile rose in his throat and burned along his tongue but he pushed it down. There was another paper behind it and he extracted the second page with numb fingers.
Alleged Father: Bradshaw, Bradley
Probability of Paternity: 99.99998%
Did Rooster know? Was that why he asked about leaving this place? Was that what you two whispered about? Was that why you shared smiles over Jake’s head, like he was outside of a joke?
What happens if the baby isn’t his? What happens if the baby isn’t his and you two decide you don’t need him? That you don’t want him? Can he handle that? Can he handle this dream being shattered?
His mom was just trying to help. Jennifer saw the possibility when he couldn’t. He was so fucking stupid.
Jake tossed the papers onto the dresser and headed into the closet to grab his duffle bag. He needed space. He needed time. He needed to figure things out.
You couldn’t push him out of your life if he walked out first.
Tag List:
@mizzzpink @xoxabs88xox @dreaminglandsworld @khaylin27 @loveforaugust @atarmychick007 @itsmytimetoodream @krismdavis @emma8895eb @startrekfangirl @hangmandruigandmav @lunamoonbby @sihtricswife @jstarr86 @drakelover78 @abaker74 @hardballoonlove @nerdgirljen @primroseluna
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nox140497 · 6 months
07. You're an idiot you know that?
Authors Note: Ok, so this was an idea from SandoraMidoriya, and I think it's a cool idea, and it inspired me to write this, so thank you!☺
Y/n's P.O.V
It's been a couple months since Jason started to go out with us, and I really could not be prouder of my two little birds really I couldn't, and I love them more than anything in the world. Other than Bruce, obviously.
But on days like these.
Days like these that I truly want to strangle them and question my choices in life.
Let me explain.
Ok, so us being members of the league means that our boys have met the children of the other leaguers. Now, for some reason Dick has formed a brotherly bond with the children/sidekicks/prodegés of Flash, aka Barry Allen, and Green Arrow, aka Oliver Queen
One Walace Rudolph West and one Roy William Harper.
Now I love these boys as my own, I do, but when the three are together, it usually ends in some kind of disaster.
And Thus,
we get to my current situation. The three of them figured that it was a good idea for Dick to teach the gingers how to do some tricks.
What's the problem with that, you may ask?
The thought it would be best to do it near one of the second floor windows.
The first thing I heard was the shattering of glass and then three screams of my oldests name, and in a flash (hehe sorry I had to) both Bruce and I were upstairs looking through the now broken window down at my bloody and probably broken eldest bird laying on the ground two stories down. I blinked a few times before I snapped out of it and sprinted back down the stairs and out the door. When I got to him, I fell to my knees and checked for a pulse. I found one and sighed in relief before hearing footsteps behind me. Looking behind me, I watched as Alfred came over and picked Dick up and took him inside and down to the cave. I was slightly paniced, but I also knew that Alfred would kick me out if I followed him, so I turned to the three panicing kids and walked over to them.
"He's gonna be ok, boys." I murmurred softly to them as I took all three in my arms.
Wally and Jay sniffed and nuzzled closer. I sighed as I slid my fingers through Roys hair, knowing he wasn't very fond of affection.
-------Time skip to when Dick wakes up-------------------
I walked into the room where the boys were all gathered. I leaned on the doorframe, taking in the scene of my youngest cuddling up to his big brother and the gingers on each side of his bed.
With arms crossed, I made my presence known to the boys.
"Now that I know you're all alive and in mostly one piece, does someone want to explain to me why you four thought that it was a good idea to practice infront of a SECOND STORY WINDOW!!???!?!" I asked, yelling at the end and glaring at them.
They all looked sheepish and remained silent. I sighed and walked over.
"Boys, I'm not mad about the window. Hell, Bruce is already organising it to get replaced. But boys, we CANNOT replace the four of you. You mean the world to Bruce and I. He doesn't always show it, but he loves you boys. All of you. Not to mention your parents. Boys, if something were to happen to you, we would not be able to forgive ourselves." I said in a soft, gentle voice.
"We're sorry, Mamma." All four boys said in unison, all looking down. I sighed softly and then smiled softly at them.
"Alright, you menaces, how about we go up and drag B out of his ofice to whatch a movie." I said, and all four boys perked up and nodded. I chuckled and helped Dick up off the bed and up the stairs.
The rest of the day was spent watching movies and eating pizza.
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catsloverword · 29 days
Tale madre...
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...tale figlia 😍 🥰 🤭
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margowritesthings · 10 months
Hey, Margo! 🩷
I’m sending the request according to your new post 🥺
I would like a friends to lovers trope. But here’s the thing: Could the female character (lil me) and Arthur actually had a relationship in the past (current relationship status is they broke up) and now they are falling for each other again (second chance)?
Of course I would love a Red Dead Redemption (Arthur Morgan) fanfic 🩷
The gender is female, and if you could make her ginger with brown eyes (like me) I would love it 🥺 And if Arthur calls her angel, even better 🩷🩷🩷
Feel free to add smut, fluff and anything you would like!
Thank you for tagging me! You know how much I love your writing 🩷
sweet angel hello! thank you for participating, i got so many ideas for your love story with our pretty cow boah
come celebrate 1k followers with me!
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arthur morgan // second chance + friends to lovers
you two have been sweet on each other since the moment you met, the day you joined the gang. arthur was brave enough to ask you on a date after only a short three months of pining after you
he took you to the saloon, you beat him at poker, and in that moment he knew you were his soulmate. a forever love.
you were together for a few months, and it was that kind of love you only thought existed in the stories you read. it was celestial, ethereal. a wild burning flame extinguished far too quickly.
when he found out about isaac and eliza's deaths, arthur really struggled. he drank a lot and lost himself for a while.
you knew the best thing to do was to just be there for him, so you both decided he needed friendship right now.
"you're my best friend, arthur. that ain't ever gonna change."
but the feelings didn't just go away as easily as your plan relied on, that flame too furious to be extinguished by simple "logic"
you wanted to respect the space arthur asked for, and he never thought he was good enough to have you after letting you go the first time
unworthy of your love
if he couldn't protect isaac and eliza, how could he ever deserve you?
and thus ensued years of pining
the very best of friends, unable to stay away from each other while this silent love roared
you'd work jobs together, go hunting together, have midnight chats by the fire, save each other's asses from time to time
years went on like this, where everybody in the gang and their mamma would share glances and roll their eyes at the two fools who couldn't just admit they were made for each other
you were the first person arthur wanted to see whenever he got back from a job, the one he rode home to even if he never said it aloud
and as much as your heart ached a little every time you looked at him, you would have stayed like that forever if it meant getting to keep arthur in your life
until the day he left it
when he didn't come back from the 'chat' with the o'driscolls, you were out of your mind with worry
the thought of never seeing arthur again flipped a switch in your mind and you finally realised that this life stuck in limbo wasn't enough
you were sneaking out in the dead of night against dutch's orders when you saw him, beaten and bloody, riding home to you
it broke you, the relief washing over you like a wave that breaks the walls you've built as though they're nothing but paper
he practically falls off his horse, but you catch his weight and support him
you take him to your tent and patch him up, holding him and crying with him when you see what they did to arthur. your arthur.
he winces when he reaches up to push that stray rebellious hair out of your face, but the way the candlelight glows in his eyes has your own breath hitching in your throat
"i was so worried, arthur... i-i thought-"
"i know, angel, i know... i'm sorry...
but i'm here now
and i ain't ever leaving you again."
that nickname... from all those years ago when you first found eachother
whispered for the first time in a moan, you and him tangled together in sheets for the very first time
"goddamn... you're an angel, how'd a dirty sinner like me ever get so lucky?"
when you broke up, you never thought you'd hear it again
and yet here you are
the sweet name echoing in your ears as he kisses you, reuniting your lips after far too long apart
it's a desperate kiss, the kind that holds two lifetimes of context
like you're scared if either one lets go the moment will disappear
so you don't
you tangle your fingers in his hair, he cups your cheek, your bodies moulding together
being any closer would be impossible
"this is it, angel, you hear? no more messing around, this is it. this is us, cause i ain't letting you go."
"you better not, mister."
you’re both crying, breathing each other in, never wanting to let one another go
and you never do again
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Tommy Shelby- Daddy’s Girl Pt2
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Finding out you were pregnant was because Tommy wouldn't stop telling you every morning which got on your nerves so you gave in and took an A-Z test
"Your definitely pregnant love" Tommy says to you as your sat eating a ginger biscuit
"Tom will you stop. I'm not pregnant. I've been pregnant twice before, so I should know"
"Your eating ginger biscuits and you've been sick" Tommy raises an eyebrow at you making you sigh in defeat
"Fine. I'll take a test later if you want"
"Thank you love. I'll see you later" and with that Tommy kisses your forehead before leaving for work.
A week later a letter is posted through the door, the results of the pregnancy test
"Go on love open it up"
"I'm not pregnant Tommy"
"Then prove me wrong and open up the letter" you roll your eyes at your husband and open up the envelope. The words 'presence of the hCG hormone in the urine detected' jumped out at you
"So what's the result?" Tommy asks smiling as if he already knows what your going to tell him.. well he did already know
"I'm pregnant" you now smile. Tommy lifts up up and spins you around with a wide smile
"This is amazing love" he now puts you down and you share a kiss.
Telling Charlie and Florence was... eventful. Charlie took it fine but Flo wasn't a happy girl at all. Tears ran down her face as she cried
"But I don't want a baby. Your my mamma and daddy not theirs" she points at your slightly bloated tummy
"We will always be your mamma and daddy and we will love you both just as much as the baby"
"No!" Flo screams as you try to comfort her. Tears start to form in your eyes
"Come on Flo. Won't it be nice to have a brother or sister to play with?" Tommy kneels down to Florence's level and wipes her eyes
"No!" she shouts again and crosses her arms with a frown
"When I had you in my tummy, Charlie didn't really want a sibling. But now look at you both, you love each other and you'll love this baby"
"No mamma I won't. I only want you, daddy, Charlie and me. No more only us and dogs and horses" you sigh feeling defeated as she runs off. Tommy stands up and tells Charlie to go play. He places his arm around your waist and kisses your cheek
"She'll warm up to the idea"  Tommy tells you
"I hope so"
Florence didn't warm up the the idea of a new baby and now here you were in the nursery sat in a rocking chair feeding your new born boy John, named after Tommys late brother, and trying to get him to sleep
"Mamma come play" Florence walks into the nursery holding her dolls
"I can't at the moment Flo. Maybe in a bit when John is asleep. Why don't you ask Charlie or Mary?"
"Ughhh" Florence groans "when will daddy be home?"
"Later Flo. He's at the office in London today so you'll probably be in bed when he comes home"
"But I want daddy!"
"I know you do, I want him home as well. He will be spending all day tomorrow with us and all day Sunday"
"But I want him now!" Flo shouts stopping her foot
"Florence please don't shout. I'm trying to get John to sleep"
"Stupid John" she mutters and crosses her arms
"Florence sweetheart. I know your struggling with the baby but if you let me get him to sleep then we can play"
"I hate John!" she shouts again and runs out of the nursery. Tears then roll down your face feeling exhausted and emotional.
That evening Tommy arrives home and helps you with John, letting you have a little bit of rest. You also explain to Tommy about Florence's outburst earlier in the day.
The next day you Tommy, Florence and Charlie are all in the sitting room. Charlie is reading to you while Tommy is sat on the floor with Florence playing with her dolls, something that no one except you gets to see. You then hear crying
"I'll get him" Tommy tells you as he gets up
"No!" Florence shouts "no more John. Send him back"
"Florence come on" you sigh
"No! You don't love me anymore so I hate him"
"Flo of course we love you, you and Charlie. When you were a baby mamma had to feed you and change you. Why don't you come and help me?"
"No!" Florence stamps her foot
"Florence enough" you sternly say as Tommy leaves the room
"Daddy no!" she shouts running after him
"Florence stop!" he now raises his voice at her. Something he's never really done before "mamma said enough. John lives here now so you can either carry on hating him or you can learn to accept him and maybe even love him"
"But daddy your mine not his"
"No Florence. We both love you, but your not the baby anymore so you need to be a big girl now" and with that Tommy walks away from her and up the stairs. Florence runs to you and hugs your waist. You start to stroke your daughters hair
"I know it's hard Flo but you've got to stop stomping your feet and shouting. I need your help Flo by being a good girl and doing as you've been told"
"I'm sorry mamma" Tommy then walks down stairs with a wide awake baby
"How about tomorrow we all go out for the day?" you ask looking at Tommy who nods his head "and you can help me push the pram?"
"Ok mamma"
"So no more stamping your feet" Tommy tells Flo
"Ok" she says looking sad
"And when I'm not here you need to help mamma. Both of you" Tommy looks between Florence and Charlie
"Ok dad" Charlie says smiling
"Florence?" you ask looking at her
"Ok. I'm sorry" Flo apologies
"Alright. Now mamma needs to go and change John because he smells" this causes Flo to giggle
"Your holding him" you laugh
"I changed him last time"
"I gave birth to him. 16 hours Tom"
"Not going to let me forget that are you" Tommy laughs and takes John to change him.
Over the years Flo gets used to John and actually ends up loving him. A few years later after having John you end up getting pregnant again, of course Tommy knows before you, but this time you listen to him and take a test as soon as he tells you he thinks your pregnant. This time Florence is very excited, now 6 years old she is excited to hold the new baby and help out more than last time.
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dr-jem-nutcase · 1 year
MvA h/cs
Cooked up some movie & TV h/cs...cuz I can
before the timeline of the movie, the monsters had a TV on occasions. This was a rare treat which lasted until the TV set broke on its own and couldn't be repaired or got destroyed
the monsters' rec area was like the hand-me-downs central; anything the staff didn't want or need anymore went to the monsters, from those playing cards to radios to whatever. It usually came from the trash heap for Dr C's meals
the 2000s brought a little variety as a lot of people at the base made the transition to DVDs and threw out their VCR sets and cassette tapes
after the post-freedom upgrade, the base set up on-demand entertainment for the monsters
for every streaming site, every monster has their own accounts. Except for Link & Butterflysaurus (or B) who share accounts
they can all agree on sit-coms and comedies, believe it or not, some film noir or some off-the-wall random movie
depending on the sport, they all like watching a good game
down for most anything anyone wants to watch
likes period and mid-century romance/dramas like Downton Abbey, Bridgerton, Call The Midwife, Mad Men, and anything based off Jane Austen's books
was a Twilight fan back in her teens and now cringes at those memories of being on Team Edward
chic flicks: Legally Blonde, Pretty Woman, The Notebook, Mamma Mia!, Audrey Hepburn movies. Titanic and Moulin Rouge! are both fully capable of making her cry almost every time. This is a very good reason why she has her own streaming accounts
can make it through most horror movies but doesn't really enjoy them
roots for all sports teams from Cali
the only monster most willing to watch whatever BOB wants to watch
liked watching cooking shows and DIY tutorials when she was small. She'll still watch them sometimes inspite of the fact she can't easily cook or pull off most DIYs
the kids' page on streaming sites & YouTube Kids all the way!
has the kid's tendency to watch the same thing over and over again and never get sick of it
the other monsters can't watch adult films and shows with him. He'll ask questions like, what's going on during a bedroom scene or "What's a [enter any profanity of your choice here]?". He's also a parrot who will mindlessly repeat a single swear word he only heard once
sometimes you'll find him watching random stuff like a Malaysian talk show or a Julia Child cooking tutorial or some abstract silent film
you know those kids' shows that interact with the audience, like Mr. Rogers, Blues Clues, & Dora the Explorer? Yeah, he REALLY gets into them
had a kids tablet for about two weeks but then accidentally ate it. Monger hasn't had the heart to give him another one
Dr C
his pastimes include lab experiments, reading books and science papers, playing chess (via a computer versus the CPU/another player online because no one at the base wants to play), and other mentally/intellectually stimulating activities, so he'll watch something if he wants and/or needs a mental break
the other monsters tried getting him into Big Bang Theory. To everyone's surprise, he didn't care for it
has BritBox
when he's chilling, he'll watch vintage/vintage-style musical movies, particularly with good dance numbers like Singin' In The Rain. One of his heroes in dance is Gene Kelly; Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers would've been on his list, but he hasn't had a skilled dance partner offhand since his college days
likes videos like Ted Talks and Infographics Show (YouTube). He may be the most brilliant man in the world but he knows there's always more to learn
his YouTube subscriptions include dance groups and science lecturers from around the world
doesn't care much for most sports but he'll gladly watch polo and a lot of the Olympics. Tried to pass the time by reading a book during a football game once, and Link said, "Doc, if you don't put that book down, I'll throw you and that thing in the trash!". Never again
as mentioned in an earlier H/C post of mine, he's a closeted shonen anime fan and he'll watch anything but One Piece
football is his favorite sport to watch. He watches it when he can
NEVER misses Super Bowl Sunday. Or at least to the best of his ability. He was very disappointed when one of his missions happened on Super Bowl Sunday
also likes WWE
martial arts: always and forever, baby!
has watched both Luca and The Shape of Water. He doesn't mind them but he got pretty annoyed when people made comparisons between him and the Amphibian Man or the sea monsters. BOB was like, "Hey, Link! Why don't YOU turn into a human when you leave your tank?"
was into superhero movies and TV series in the 2010s but jumped off the bandwagon when he thought they were being overdone. Though he still likes Guardians of the Galaxy, Deadpool, and anything with Wolverine
thinks Star Wars, Harry Potter, and most other popular sci-fi/fantasy franchises are just for kids and nerds
doesn't care much for romances or most cartoons either
if something scares him or makes him cry, he'll try to hide it
it took him a while to be able to watch anything with Shrek after being mistaken for Shrek in the Halloween special
[a/n: I can also see him being a gamer]
likes sports no thanks to Link
will watch most anything Link watches
likes some anime, particularly Sailor Moon for whatever reason
likes cartoon shows meant for older kids
doesn't like horror movies, has a hard time settling down or going to sleep after watching one
avoids animal/nature programs as some of them can be quite traumatizing
every now and then she'll be caught watching something with BOB like Bluey
watches the news every day
knows better than to believe everything he sees
watches a little M*A*S*H before bedtime at least twice a week
every now and then watches stuff like All in the Family just cuz he likes the comedic but logical political tension among the main characters
still has analog cable (antenna and all) at the farm
hates I Love Lucy because his wife had it on TV more than anything else
likes war films and a number of films about World War II. There's a few he won't watch tho because he thinks they're either badly made, too sentimental, or too depressing
likes comedies from the 1950s-60s
The President
likes watching himself on TV and videos online
likes talking smack to opposing politicians when watching videos of them, like, "In your dreams, bucko! Not while I'm large and in charge!"
comedies, comedies, comedies...and game shows
Simpsons fanboy
has an appreciation for daytime TV: long-running soap operas, talk shows hosted by middle-aged women, Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, etc.
considers the family sitting in front of the TV together as quality family time and sit-coms as an American staple
can't watch foreign language films with English subtitles. He eventually gets bored and falls asleep
as mentioned in an earlier H/C post, he doesn't trust biopics one bit. After finding out over half of The Greatest Showman was fictional, he lost faith in any portrayals of history both on screen and stage
liked watching famous news reporters and weather-folk as role models when he was a kid and as inspiration when he became a weatherman
took Susan and other girls he dated to the movies
if not at the movies, he and Susan would curl up on a sofa and watch something together, going back and forth between what he likes and what she likes
likes most sports, except basketball
Ted Talks, late night talk shows, and popular sit-coms
watches whatever catches his attention on Hulu and Max
had a very hard time watching anything with the monsters. Still does but it's not as hard anymore
Invisible Man
went to a few drive-in theaters with his wife on dates before and after they got married
Andy Griffith and Red Skelton were some of his favorite shows
yet he enjoyed some of the heavier and less lighthearted films, like Streetcar Named Desire. If he cried, he tried to not let anyone know
not much of a cinema-goer but he enjoyed taking his two older kids
liked what little he saw of The Carol Burnett Show while in prison
if he saw Mel Brooks' films, he would've loved them
von Wolfmann (my OC, a German wolfman and past monster, at Area 5X 1960-65)
having lived much of his 70+-year life away from society, he probably had no idea what TV & cinema were, let alone knew they existed
The Cyberian (my OC, a Soviet Russian cyborg and past monster, at Area 5X 1981-85)
TV became a bit of a staple in the Soviet Russian home over time, so there was a handful of shows that she liked throughout her life
she liked going to the movies with her dad/grandparents as a kid and teenager, a special treat
didn't like anything based off books. "Just read the book." She said. "No pictures but they're a lot more interesting than THIS sad piece of work"
thought period pieces were boring. More than once she fell asleep watching them
grew up with black-and-white TV, so she was excited the first time she saw color TV
learned some of her English from what little TV the monsters had and learned a bit about the USA and the world outside the USSR
probably would've been the only monster to have been a big fan of Star Wars and/or Star Trek
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two-red-lungs · 2 years
Could you write reader finding out food tlb liked from when they were human/their childhood and making it for them as a gift?
I know you wanted a fic but I have so so many thoughts about each of the boys that I'm gonna collect them all in this post!
The Lost Boys: Their Favorite Old-World Foods
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The little Italian stallion <3333
I HC him as growing up in inner Florence, Italy, during the artistic revolution. He was fairly elite/in high demand as a model
Basically, a brat with an ego
Still despite rubbing shoulders with the greats, he loved to come home to his family’s little city house and eat his mamma’s cooking
I think Marko’s favorite ‘old world’ dish is Garmugia: a simple springtime soup with cured pancetta, lima beans, scallions, and all sorts of other green veggies
It’s not fancy or especially delicious at all. But I think the smell, the taste, would make him freeze up, flooded with memories
and maybe for a second he’d stop being a feral, combative, snapping undead animal, and you’d catch a glimpse of the athletic young human from centuries ago
My personal HC for Dwayne is he got put in a residential school for native Americans at a young age, basically ripped away from his family
He probably escaped, hightailing it out at around 16, and then survived alone on the streets of early 1800s colonizer cities with the rest of the dredges of society 
(Which to me gives him a very strong “I fucking hate capitalism I truly hate this country and deep down I do genuinely want to see this broken system burnt to the ground, also FUCK cops” mentality)
I think Dwayne’s most memorable old-world food would be Gingerbread. Not the gingerbread we know: a soft, cake-like bread flavored with molasses, ground ginger, and cinnamon. Very dark and not very sweet
He worked odd (and illegal) jobs to stay alive and when winter rolled around street vendors would sell big hot slices of the stuff
Bringing him some real, legit circa-1810-gingerbread would probably make him remember the far-distant, little moments of actual joy he had in his human life
AND you’d probably be able to convince him to actually talk about his past for once
Country boyyyy, I love youuuu
In my mind Paul is rural midwest, late 1800s when the industrial revolution was really kickin’ off and the cities were poppin (with drugs and alcohol lmao)
He was probably raised on a farm & did farmwork most of the time. Picture him in a low ponytail and work duds, pitching hay. That was probably for the best because that dude 100% has dyslexia and a math learning disability
But oooooh he was prettyyyyy and he knew it: I think Paul eventually ran away from his family’s farm and basically became a partyboy in a big city, like New York, and was changed there
I think Paul’s favorite old-world food is (brace for the cliche) Apple Pie!
Probably a rare treat his momma and sisters would cook up in the autumn and winter: smelling a good, home-style pie now makes him think of barefoot evening sitting on the farmyard porch, listening to cicadas
Unrelated, but I think Paul- that’s right, partyboy druggie bonerboy Paulie- still remembers how to tie a hog
I have conflicting thoughts abt this motherfucker
His backstory HC for me is still a little elusive, but I have some basic details for him
He comes from a pretty fucked-up biological family (probably a crazy-abusive dad and absent mother), was 100% drafted in a war at some point (I suspect the civil war), and 100% deserted his station in that war. Out of cowardice, fear, or distain, I don’t know. 
I don’t think David really has a favorite food?? He’ll eat plain rice. Plain, oily noodles. Hard-tack biscuits. Literally anything like whatever it’s not his personal thing
David like drinking and smoking. I think David’s favorite old-world vice is Irish Whiskey. Again, not the drink we think of. A lot less refined, very rough and coarse: it was the most popular and easily-accessible spirit in the 1860s 
I think it reminds him of ‘simpler times’: just him, alone, human, in a dingy old bar, getting the cheapest drink he can get, ducking his head to avoid being seen by military officials and wondering where he can run away to next
Give him a straight shot of Irish whiskey in an old-style enameled bar glass and it’s one of the only times he won’t be full-on Mansplain Manipulate Manwh0re: he’ll probably sit on a beachside bench with you, drinking in silence, watching the waves crashing far away. Lost in thought. Looking as old as he really is.
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windermeresimblr · 10 months
OC Obscure Associations Tag
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I was tagged by @treason-and-plot! Thank you, Pru! Of course I chose Alasdair.
Animal: Badger. Colors: Green, blue, and red. Month: May (he's a softie and loves to see flowers blooming and the world returning to life, shhh.). Songs: I always associate him with the Master and Commander version of "Musica notturna della strade di Madrid," because it's just such a lovely piece and he originally began life in my head as a companion to Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin. (And perhaps one day he might play a duet with a certain Spanish bluestocking…) And--this is a touch self-indulgent--"Chì mi na mòrbheanna", specifically for a loose translation of one line that goes "in the hunts of the deer shall I roam." Never mind that poor Alasdair doesn't like deer! Number: 8. Plants: Tulips. Smells: I'm hopeless at smells, so consider this a freebie! Gemstone: Freshwater pearls. Time of Day: Early morning. Season: Spring. Places: The loch by the McCarrics' house; his mamma's townhouse in London from when he was a boy; in the forest when sun shines through the canopy. Food: White soup, as in Pride and Prejudice. Drinks: Mulled wine. Element: Earth. Astrological Sign: Aquarius. (This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius / Age of Aquarius / Aquarius…) Seasonings: Mustard, ginger, marigold blossoms Sky: Dawn breaking through the clouds, followed by a wild stormy sky. Weather: Clear and bright; whether sunny and mild in the springtime or brisk and chill in the autumn, he doesn't have much preference. Magical Power: Time travel, of course! (Also he has some psychic ability…he is a very, very good guesser.) Weapon: A claymore. Social Media: He doesn't have one. If he were in the modern era, he'd have an Instagram focused solely on his beloved, spoiled rotten Scottie dog Wee Lassie and her antics, where he would make appearances only as a hand giving her treats or petting her. Make-up Product: None, though as a teen his mother would hold him down and wash his face with all kinds of concoctions to "fix his pimples." This did not work, but fortunately our Alasdair is a handsome man anyways! Method of Long-Distance Travel: Ship. Art Style: He's in the weeds of the 18th and 19th-century Academic style, but I think he'd like the Preraphaelites. I think he'd also love the Fauvists. Fear: Deer (though he'd never admit that), losing control (sorry buddy) Mythological Creature: Centaur. Piece of Stationary: Sealing-wax. When he was a child he would play with bits of sealing-wax, rolling them into balls, squashing them, etc. More than once he burnt his fingers trying to melt it. Three Emojis: He's from the Regency. Modern Alasdair: 🦡🐴🐶 Celestial Body: The Pleiades.
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percervall · 10 months
Mamma mia, here I go again {pt3}
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Summary: A summer of poor decisions leads you to having to face the consequences of your actions —and the men involved. Pairing: Kevin Magnussen x fem!reader, Lewis Hamilton x fem!reader, Mark Webber x fem!reader Warnings: mentions of sexism/double standards Word count: 978 Taglist: @averagef1fansblog @barcelonaloverf1life  @bradfordbantams @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @exotic-iris13 @goldsainz @iloveneteyam @jaypreshpresh @laura-naruto-fan1998 @monzamash @norrisleclercf1 @opheliaas-stuff @roseseraj @vellicora 
Part 3 of the Mamma Mia series
The one thing none of you had considered was how to explain all of this to your bosses. You were fairly sure Lewis would make sure you couldn’t lose your job over this, but somehow the idea of losing Toto’s respect felt worse than that. So as soon as you entered the paddock, you went to find Toto to ask him to call a meeting with the Haas team principal. Looking at your watch, you see that you have another fifteen minutes to go before Steiner gets here. Resting a hand on your stomach, you breathe through another wave of nausea. 
“Here,” someone to your left says as they hand you your favourite mug with ginger tea. 
“Thanks Mick,” you offer weakly, taking a careful sip. Mick smiles and sits down next to you. 
“So, George wasn’t lying,” he says, looking over to where Lewis, Kevin and Mark are standing, deep in conversation. 
“No, he wasn’t,” you admit. Both of you are quiet for a while. 
“I do wanna say thank you. For making life more stressful for Steiner. Just wish it didn’t have to include me knowing you slept with two men I look up to,” Mick breaks the silence. You can tell from the twinkle in his eyes that he is mostly joking. You nudge him with your shoulder.
“Gotta look out for my Micky, don’t I? Even if it leads to feeling like a lamb being led to slaughter..”
“Toto won’t think any differently of you. You’ve been here for all of Lewis’ scandals with women. He’d be a hypocrite.” 
“He would be, however, the standard for women is different. Especially in this sport. I have worked with Toto for 10 years now so logically I know he won’t hold it against me. Doesn’t mean I’m not scared of what will happen next,” you say while looking at the ginger floating in your mug. Sighing you get up, signalling to Lewis that it’s time. Despite knowing Mick is right, you can’t help the feeling of absolute dread at needing to come clean about your predicament.
“Now that that’s over and done with,” Mark starts as the four of you make your way back outside of the motor home after promising both team principles to handle this like adults and stay out of trouble, “Lewis, Kevin and I were figuring out logistics for our plans of wooing you.” 
“Oh great..” you mutter, “So what, you’re gonna rock, paper, scissors this?” 
“Something like that,” Lewis chuckles, “Can I take you out to dinner after the race on Sunday?” 
“After the race debrief you mean? I-.. Yeah, okay.” 
“Great,” Lewis says, a fondness to his eyes that catches you off guard, “Just wear something comfortable, we’re not going to a fancy restaurant.” He gives your arm a squeeze before getting whisked away by one of the Mercedes press officers. Mark and Kevin also say goodbye, and you can tell both of them would love nothing more than to show more affection towards you than you’re ready for right now. In the end both of them settle for a hug before leaving you alone with your thoughts. You quickly make your way into your office to gather the data you need for the meeting with the engineers ahead of qualifying.
The rest of the weekend passes in a blur. Making sense of the cars’ performances during the three qualifying sessions keeps you busy enough to refrain you from even thinking about Sunday evening. It’s not until you’re back in your hotel after the race debrief that you remember you need to get ready for dinner –for a date. 
“I don’t even know where we’re going,” you mutter as you dig through your suitcase for something that isn’t Mercedes branded. Thankfully you find a patterned skirt you had thrown in to travel home in, the bloating you are beginning to experience making trousers uncomfortable sometimes. You get out the ironing board and let the iron heat up while you freshen up, getting ready in record time. You hear a knock on the door as you finish tying your laces.
“Coming!” you call out, getting up from the chair. You quickly let Lewis in while you gather your phone and wallet.
“This is the best I could do with the clothes I brought, hope it’s okay?” you say, as you put your belongings in a tote bag, not having brought a purse this weekend.
“You look beautiful,” Lewis says, taking in your outfit. You decided to pair the skirt with a plain cropped t-shirt and your trainers. “You always look beautiful,” he adds. You feel your cheeks heat up under his gaze and awkwardly clear your throat.
“Thanks. You look good, too,” you reply, trying not to stare at the way his white t-shirt clings to his muscles. He gives you a wink that only makes you more flustered. Get it together, you scold yourself, he’s a friend. You follow Lewis out of your hotel room and let him lead you down to the garage where he opens the car door for you of the Mercedes he was driving all weekend. You murmur a thanks and let him help you in, the warmth of his hand comfortable as it holds onto yours. For a moment you feel 16 all over again, getting swept off your feet when your crush would hold the door for you. Lewis gives you a smile and closes the door before rounding the car, giving you a second to take a deep breath. The two of you are silent as he pulls out of the garage and onto the streets of Monza. 
“Where are we going?” you ask as Lewis merges onto the motorway.
“You’ll see,” he replies with a smile. You can’t help but roll your eyes at his secrecy and settle in for the drive.
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A shorter chapter this time, but the next one will make up for it! Gearing up to the dates now 🙊
Feel free to let me know your thoughts! Your comments, tags, and love for the previous chapters meant the absolute world to me 💜
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