#all the honey lemon ginger mint tea
caveiratimida · 2 years
Guess who has a scholarship report
Thought it was due end of March
It is due tomorrow, 11:59 PM :')
And I just woke up today with the worst symptoms of a colddddddd
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rainbowbarnacle · 6 months
Please make a tea post so I can save it especially the pineapple ice cubes I need more info
Oh, like, different teas I like to make? Okay! :D
🍍Pineapple Tea🍍
The way I do it is really simple:
Buy a giant jug of already-made tea (I like gold peak!)
Buy a carton of pineapple juice
Freeze the juice into cubes, pour a little of it in the tea for extra flavor
And that's it. That's aaaall you gotta do.
There's all kindsa ways you can dress it up, but nine times out of ten I just do this and drink it by the gallon when it's hot out.
If you wanna get fancy with it, feel free to cold brew your own black (or green) tea, add actual hunks of pineapple fruit in there, add some orange juice, add some honey, add some coconut milk or sweetened condensed milk, whatever sounds good! (Also, pairing pineapple tea with coconut cookies? SO GOOD.) Put mint in the pineapple cubes if you like mint! Add a bit of boiled ginger root or some brown sugar and cinnamon for a little kick! Heck, last summer I used blue peaflower star-shaped ice cubes just because they were pretty.
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(Peaflower petals don't taste like much, but they make a GORGEOUS blue, and if you put something acidic in there like lemon juice IT TURNS PINK. :D)
🍓Strawberry Tea🍓
I find this stuff sort of difficult to find where I live, so often I go the same route as the pineapple tea: grab a jug of black tea, grab a jug of strawberry juice, (ocean spray has a really nice cran-strawberry one I like) freeze the juice, mix, and enjoy. Super simple.
If I can't find strawberry juice, I dice some strawberries up and put it in a jar with some water and a bit of sugar for a few hours, then add *that* to the tea. (heck, it's really nice all by itself!)
What goes with strawberry? ANY DANG THING YOU WANT. I am particularly fond of lychee. Jasmine tea and rose petals pair really well with it too. Again, if you like mint, it's *really* nice with strawberry. And you know how if you put black pepper on strawberries they taste even strawberrier? (If you haven't tried this, go do it, it's magic.) Same goes with the tea, add some peppercorns or a teeny bit of chili powder or some ginger.
If you wanna drink it hot or cold brew a batch of your own, here are some brands that are also nice:
1. Strawberry Sensation
2. Adagio Strawberry Tea (this is also where I got the peaflower petals)
3. Any of Lupicia's Strawberry Teas they are HEAVENLY
🍏Apple Tea🍏
As with the pineapple and strawberry teas, it's totally fine to just go find some ready-made tea and mix it with some apple cider or apple juice for tasty low spoons fun. If you drink it iced, a bit of sugar and lemon juice brings out the apple flavor nicely!
I prefer drinking this stuff hot though. You know that Fall Drink post that was floating around? IF YOU HAVEN'T YET, TRY IT, IT'S AWESOME.
☕Chai Tea☕
So here's the thing about chai for me personally: I don't tend to drink it iced or sugary, but if you do like it iced and sugary, there are a couple of really nice chai tea concentrates:
Oregon Chai Latte
Tazo's Chai Latte (Forget the "skinny" nonsense, I just wanted to include an option with no milk so you can add whatever you want to it)
Pacific Chai isn't concentrated, but you can use it to make hot or iced chai and it's really lovely, not too sweet and super easy to work with. As for dressing up chai, I don't tend to! There's already so much going on with all the flavors, I just drink it as-is most days. Play with milk-to-tea ratios or sugar amounts all you like, figure out what's your jam.
I do know that mixing chai and coffee together (or chai and chocolate together) is guaranteed to make a feeling groovy kind of morning, at least if you have two thumbs and you're me. Iiii think that's all the tea blather I can think of for right now. Thank you for asking, anon, it was fun! Anybody reading this, feel free to add your own favorite things to do with tea. :D
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deesblanketfort · 7 months
Sick and regressed ☆´ˎ˗ ︶︶︶ 
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Well, while I'm writting this I'm bedridden (likely with covid), and for some reason I really want to spend my sick days regressed and take something good out of it at least.
Getting comfy!
🧦: Pajamas time! Is there anything more regressor-coded than cozy printed pajamas, an animal kigurumi or onesie? I'd say no. And since I'm staying on bed, I'm surely wearing those all day long.
🛏️: Bed setup! When you're bedridden, a bed table ends up being really useful in case you want to do stuff that requires a flat surface. If you have one of those, lucky you! I, however had to improvise with a smooth wooden board standing on my lap, therefore any kind of long, resilient and flat surface can do the job just fine.
🧦: Blanket fort! Alternatively, if you're able to roam around your house or have someone to help, you can build a blanket fort over your bed or a comfy surface to stay in!
🛏️: Sick gear! Runny nose? Bring tissues. Got a fever? Make a cold damp towel for your forehead. Tummy aches or localized pain? Make a hot water compress. And make sure to keep track of the meds you're taking, of course.
🧦: Get your plushies! Since what I got is very contagious close contact with anyone is out of the table, but my stuffies are completely immune to sickness and ready to cuddle! (I'll have to wash them afterwards to disinfect them though)
Games and activities!
🎮: Viddy games! Either on computer, phone or a console (handheld preferred), videogames are perfectly stationary and don't require much movement from your part.
🖍️: Table games! Table games are also stationary and can be played right from your bed if you have a bed table, although most games need other people to play with you, your plushies can serve this purpose.
🎮: Play pretend! Playing pretend can be limited when you're bedridden, but there are some scenarios you're perfectly able to do! Such as pretending you're a shop owner and your stuffies are the clients, pretending your stuffies are your doctors/nurses taking care of you, or vice versa. Things like tea parties and pretend schools are still on the table!
🖍️: Arts and crafts! Being sick won't stop me from wanting to draw and color, since I can do it from my bed anyways! Aside from drawing and coloring, I might as well do some collage and paper craft, just might need help to clean up afterwards.
🎮: Cartoon time! No better opportunity to (re)watch your favorite cartoons than when you're sick, bedridden and bored, right? And since this brings me comfort, here are some cartoon episodes that center on being sick: Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound (Bluey), Steve Gets The Sniffles (Blues Clues), Bear Flu (We Bare Bears), Doctor Daisy M.D (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), Arthur's Chicken Pox (Arthur)
Snack time!
🍼: Hot drinks! Specially if you're with a cold or a sore throat in general, hot drinks such as hot cocoa and tea are perfect for warming up an icky throat.
🧁: Spices for a sore throat! Like mint, honey, ginger and lemon. I'm sure there's plentiful of drinks you can make using these!
🍼: Give preference to healthy snacks and meals! Like fruits and veggies, yogurt, noodles, soup or sandwiches. Bonus points if they're arranged in a fun shape (animal, plant, star, etc)!
🧁: Keep your appetite in check! It's pretty common to lose your appetite when sick, therefore I'd say it's ideal to keep your meals smaller (and sometimes eat more often) than usual.
Taking care of yourself!
🧸: Stay hydrated! Water is always good, and if you're sick you likely need it more than usual, drinking from sippy cups, baby bottles, straw cups or any kind of fun themed cup is usually more fun and encouraging than boring adult cups.
🧶: Keep your temperature in check as well! Besides from checking if you have a fever ever so often, it's also good to keep yourself warm with blankets and heating if your body feels cold, or alternatively, turning on fans and using lighter sheets instead of blankets if you're too hot.
🧸: Beware the germs! If you got a contagious disease (like me), make sure to properly wash and disinfect anything you bring to your mouth such as pacis, teethers, bottles and cutlery before and after using them. Plus, it's important to wear a mask or ask others to wear a mask when near you as well.
🧶: Resting is key! Some of these days I'm too tired to do anything above, and I'd rather just nap the whole day, and that's okay! Sometimes being sick means not being able to do anything at all and it's important to have your extended napping time to get better.
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lunavenefica · 2 years
We’ve all heard about kitchen magic, but how does it work?
It’s pretty simple! Every herb and spice has a meaning and magical properties.
Kitchen witchcraft consists in the use of basic ingredients to make magical recipes!
Casting spells is cool and all but I think we’d all agree that enchanting your cookies is way better!
So how do I make a spell?
It’s easy! You enchant the ingredients and follow your recipe meditating through the process and visualizing your intent.
And then you eat what you made! Or you can share it with your friends, your loved ones, offer it to the Deities you’re worshiping or to the Earth; there are many possibilities!
There are also many herbs that can help improve your health and aid you in your spiritual journey!
⛤Some useful herbs:
Cayenne: boosts metabolism.
Cilantro (Coriander): Is a good source of iron and magnesium; it has been used for thousands of years as a digestive.
Cinnamon: can help lower cholesterol.
Cumin: Is loaded with antioxidants, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc, magnesium and  it also helps with insomnia.
Clove: Is an anti-fungal and alleviates toothache.
Ginger: Stimulates circulations and it is an excellent digestive, aiding in absorption of food and minimizing bloat.
Parsley: Is a nutrient-rich substance which acts as an anti-inflammatory  and antispasmodic, helping conditions from colic to indigestion.  Rub it on itchy skin for instant relief.
Thyme: Is a cure for hangovers and helps alleviate colds and bronchitis.
Turmeric: It boosts production of antioxidants and helps in the reduction of inflammation.
Sage: Very beneficial in treating gum and throat infections. Sage tea can help ease anxiety.
⛤This is just a short list with some basic correspondences:
Black coffee with cinnamon
Chili pepper
Water and lemon
Bay leaf
Apple pie
Ginger tea
Honey and milk
Mint tea
Bread with poppy seeds
Chamomile tea
Cinnamon Rolls
Lavender water
Vanilla ice cream
Apple pie
Honey and milk
Please feel free to add to the list!
⛤Isidora & Bleiz ⛤
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⛤Isidora ⛤
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saw you talking about tea the other day and now i'm intrigued 👀 any flavors you're particularly fond of? asking for a friend also. please do ramble about it bc it's delightful :D
Jay! Hi! Fellow tea lover?
Hm… I love lots of teas, but really I prefer simple teas to anything super decadent or elaborate. I don’t ever add anything to my teas unless I’m sick (then I’ll add a bit of honey).
My go-to is just a simple green or peppermint tea, though I’m also a huge fan of spiced chai and earl grey. I adore jasmine tea - jasmine is probably my favourite, but it has to be a good jasmine, so I don’t have it all the time (again, it gets expensive). I always have some green or peppermint tea on hand though - a quality cup is always nice but I don’t as much mind if these are the cheaper kind.
I’m not a huge fruit tea person, though I did have a peach white tea once - that one was lovely cold - and of course a good lemon ginger is always nice. If I’m having bubble tea though, I always go for a mango or lychee green tea if they have it!
I have to say that I can’t remember what pu’erh tea was like - I know it was interesting and I liked it, but I’d need to try it again I think to recall it properly. I haven’t found a rooibos tea I’ve been particularly crazy about, but it’s nice too, just not what I’d gravitate towards.
If you want a sweet or dessert type tea, then any oolong is great, but I think I’m spoiled for that wuyi oolong now hahaha. I’ve had a vanilla black tea - it’s really good. I’d highly recommend that one. I also have this sweet apple-cinnamon tea with nuts. I don’t have it super often, as I’m not a fan of sugary teas but this one is a nice dessert on its own. It’s very nutty which makes it pretty unique.
When I’m sick, I’ve had a couple good teas. One I have for colds is a eucalyptus-mint. I recommend having this one only when you are very congested because boy is it strong. Tastes amazing though. Also my mom had several Korean friends when I was little, so I have fond memories of her making yujacha at their urging when I wasn’t feeling well as a young kid, and boricha for us to put in the fridge and drink cold. I love both.
I don’t usually have chamomile at home, but this is largely because on days when I’m really incredibly stressed (like, shaking with anxiety, actively spiralling, kind of stressed), I like to go for a walk in the evening and pick up a chamomile from a nearby café to take back with me. It’s an indulgence that way.
Other cool teas I have tried:
Butterfly pea flower tea: More of a novelty than anything but this tea is bright blue and changes to red when you add citric acid. It’s a natural pH indicator!
Lavender black tea: Incredibly good. This was another gift from my mom a few years back. Very nice in the evening.
Mushroom tea: These tend to be incredibly overpriced due to purported health benefits so I’ve only ever had samples but honestly? The ones I’ve had are very nice, a smooth, rich flavour. Not convinced they’re worth that price though.
Dandelion tea: People say this can be used as a coffee substitute. I’m not entirely sure I agree with that but it does have a dark roasted flavour that is similar to black coffee. It’s a little sweet though. I like this one a lot, but I only have this with food because if I don’t have anything in my stomach it makes me cramp a bit (as I found out the hard way) :/
Matcha green tea with roasted rice: Okay a friend of mine got me some of this as a gift when she went back to visit family for a bit and. Um. This tea is so incredibly good. We had some together and it was fantastic. I’ve been saving it and only having it at times I know I can really savour it because I want it to last. If you can find some good quality stuff I highly recommend it.
Aaaand sometimes, admittedly, I will enjoy an orange pekoe. It’s nice on occasion. I make it pretty strong hehe
I hope this was fun for you your friend! 😆
What are your favourite teas, Jay?
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lacebird · 8 months
Making Hayden Christensen's tea 🫖 | Recipe
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After seeing the gifset above (from this interview), I could not stop thinking about Hayden's ginger tea. So I did what any normal person would do and bought all the ingredients required to make this tea. I did some research before doing this and used all the tea knowledge I possess (I basically just winged it). This recipe is for a single serving, but I'm sure you could eyeball it to make a full pot.
Obviously, I don't know if this is how Hayden does it. Ya'll who'll be meeting him at cons this year can maybe ask him lol
Recipe and directions below the cut 💜
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Hayden's mean cup of ginger tea
I won't give exact measurements because I pretty much eyeballed this, but it's pretty straightforward. Feel free to add more or less of something if you want!
Water (fill the cup you'll be drinking from + add a splash)
Cinnamon sticks
Wash the ginger, mint and lemon.
Fill the cup you'll be drinking from with water, place in a saucepan and bring it to boil on the stove.
While the water comes to a boil, smash and chop the ginger (I used a piece the size of my thumb, feel free to use more or less). Slice the lemon (I used one slice about a 1/2 cm thick). You don't have to peel the ginger and lemon since we washed them first (also who has the energy to peel stuff — not me). Pick a few mint leaves, I think I used about six, but I'd use more next time since I didn't really taste the mint that much.
Throw everything in the saucepan, add a stick or two of cinnamon. Cover and let it boil for about 10 minutes or longer depending on how strong you want the tea to be.
Pour the tea into a cup (strain it of course) and add some sweetener if you like. I'm vegetarian so I use agave syrup, but you could also use honey or plain sugar. Or since Hayden's canadian, I guess maple syrup could work too? Feel free to try whatever you want—it's your tea, not mine!
For the peeps that find pictures helpful!
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Water added to a small saucepan. As it boiled, I washed the ingredients (except the cinnamon)
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When the water was boiling, I added everything to the saucepan, put a lid on it and set a timer for 10 minutes.
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Done! How adorable is this little teapot T_T
To conclude, I thought the tea was pretty delicious. It's very warm and cozy, a really nice drink for winter, I think! I hope you try this out! Let me know if it was any good! 💜
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littlefaefeather · 6 months
Black Butler manga foods/drinks
I'm sure I missed some things, but it was all things that weren't really named or specified, or I couldn't tell with certainty what they were. @sebastian-ciel-mutual-bullying this is for you! feel free to take and use as you need o7 Book 1 breakfast: poached salmon and mint salad with toast, scones, and pain de campagne on the sides, ceylon tea horribly salty lemonade dinner: Japanese green tea, gyuutatakidon, Italian red wine, apricot and green tea mille-feuille dessert: orchard fruit cake with pears, plums, and blackberries dessert: deep-dish apple raisin pie milk
Book 2 assam tea afternoon tea: keemun and summer pudding of currants and other berries lunch: stuffed cabbage and minted potato salad chocolate earl grey afternoon tea: cornmeal cake of pears and blackberries salty rosehip herbal tea
Book 3 hot milk with honey or brandy peeled apple assam tea with milk oranges with shalimar tea steak and kidney pie and salmon sandwiches messy birthday cake and donburi strawberry-decorated birthday cake
Book 4 fish chai with ginger breakfast: shrimp curry and French toast with ginger mackerel with gooseberry sauce and cottage pie
Book 5 British-style Bengali chicken curry chicken curry afternoon snack: gateau au chocolat beef curry blue lobster with seven curries curry bun assam tea white darjeeling tea champagne sushi
Book 6 Christmas pudding cookies shaped like bones fish and chips, meat pies, bread
Book 7 rice porridge dinner: milk risotto with a three-mushroom medley, a pot-au-feu of pork and wine, and a warm apple compote with yogurt sauce
Book 8 oranges afternoon tea: chocolate macarons with fruits and three-berry shortcake
Book 9 custard cream puffs red wine white wine brunch: herring pie and spinach quiche dinner: curry, and chopped vegetables for an appetizer
Book 10 dinner: soybean hamburg steaks
Book 11 elevenses: darjeeling tea and petits fours tonkatsu, shougayaki, tonjiru, tonshabu, yakiton
Book 12 cake with strawberries on top
Book 13 spiny lobster saute, roast turkey, sticky toffee pudding, fairy cakes (cupcakes) warm milk with honey
Book 14 watered-down darjeeling tea darjeeling tea dinner: roast duck and gateau chocolat
Book 15 golden syrup sponge pudding tea cakes lemon myrtle souffle glace with milk tea
Book 16 lunch: beef mince pie
Book 17 dessert: strawberries, cream, and meringue (Eton mess) with a side of iced summer pudding
Book 18 chicken pie coffee and walnut cake
Book 19 ravioli (maultaschen) and wurst soup, stewed pork with herbs and spices (eisbein), and rote grutze (sour berries boiled and chilled to jelly, served with cream) evening snack: caramel macarons, coffee cream eclairs, dark chocolate florentines. black tea ceylon tea
Book 22 earl grey tea with orange almond cake and berry tarts
Book 23 smoked salmon sandesh (milk sweets)
Book 24 soft licorice candy apples
Book 25 berry-filled pudding fish and chips and steak and ale pie gulab jamun (fried balls of dough drenched in syrup)
Book 29 kidney pie, fish and chips, and ale wild-hare pie tapioca steak
Book 30 nilgiri tea breakfast: pea soup, meatballs, croissants, boiled egg, orange jelly chicken and steamed vegetable salad, oxtail stew, pain de campagne with butter oolong tea
Book 31 candy cigarettes
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chestcongestion · 4 months
I don't want to distract you from all your writing and stuff, so only if you have the time: snzcanons for Fizzarolli?
No worries, I deeply appreciate the interaction and these are so fun to write!! Fi//zzy time!
Sneezes in a 3-2-1 format, first a triple, then if he's still itchy, a double, then if he's still itchy, a single, and by then he's usually relieved... or else the cycle begins again.
Because of his new bendy elbows and strange coordination with his phantom limbs, covering properly is hard, often ends up just covering with a tissue.
Sneezes are wet and tend to drag a bit, lots of "Hh-hah'PkkSsHhEW! Heh'PktSHHEW! H-heh'PpSshHEW!" followed by a few dense sniffles.
Very dramatic buildup, "Ahh...a-ahh... Hahh! H-hahh! HhHh-!" while tilting his head back.
Photic motherfucker, cannot stare at the ceiling lights in the penthouse.
Allergic to dust, Oz sometimes uses him as a quality tester for housekeeping staff when they go on vacation, if he doesn't start hitching after 40 seconds in the room, it's been thoroughly cleaned.
Pretty decent immune system that was decimated by stress, while he was still working it felt like he was fighting something once a month, sometimes more, but after quitting he's only sick once or twice a year.
Very nervous about being vulnerable when he isn't feeling well, tries to shove it down and pretend like everything's okay until he collapses.
Sometimes gets flareups of intense phantom limb pain when he's feverish, ends up writhing in agony and biting his tongue hard enough to draw blood unless he's given painkillers.
Snores when he's congested, a low rumbling snore that almost sounds like purring.
Hates drinking tea, so when he's sick he just mixes mint, lemon, and ginger into some honey and eats it with a spoon.
Can't wear his prosthetics when he has a fever because his skin conflicts with the metal and the fatigue from the fever makes it hard for him to stay in control, so he'll often be bundled up in a sling across Oz's torso, napping next to the comforting sounds of his heartbeat.
Has some residual lung damage from heavy smoke inhalation during the fire/explosion, so every time he gets a cold he ends up having to use an incentive spirometer to make sure he doesn't end up with pneumonia. He has fun with it, though.
Loves reclining on the sofa and watching trashy reality TV when he's sick, he ends up taking notes on different plot points to see if he can piece it all together when he's feeling better.
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literateowl · 15 days
hey there, i’m trying to spread some positivity after yesterday’s news, here’s a nice ask for you
what kind of tea do you think is each character’s go to?
Hellooo thank you so much for this delightful question 🩷💜🩷💜
Starting with Marjan because our home girl is probably the QUEEN of tea, like she is of many other things. She likes all of it and definitely has at least a mint plant for cooking and tea brewing, if not more of a little tea/herb garden going on. She has her own Moroccan Mint recipe that she tweaked and experimented with. I also just came up with the hc that she's the reason TK and Carlos have that large box of tea selection when they're setting up to talk to officiants. She gave it to them as a housewarming/glad you're not broken up anymore gift. Also she got almost everyone to expand their tea horizons too.
We know TK and Owen like to drink green tea. And I can totally see Owen with a whole fancy matcha set up that he uses at home on his days off.
TK's favorite is jasmine green or white tea with honey and lemon or Marjan's Moroccan Mint tea (<-that's very cute alliteration I just did)
Carlos also likes a variety but I imagine his favorite is something spiced with cream or milk like Chai or Thai tea
Mateo is obsessed with Marjan's mint tea recipe but he likes it iced and Marjan lets him do it even though she thinks it's weird because he's her little brother now.
Nancy likes a chamomile or Earl Grey blend with vanilla. She adds only a little bit of honey.
Paul's favorite is either ginger tea or sweet tea. Depending on the vibe.
Tommy drinks a hot toddy after a stressful day or when she feels like she's starting to get sick. (Link to a recipe if you don't know what that is)
Grace canonically loves English breakfast (or she did when she was pregnant at least) but she bothered Judd until he got her a peppermint plant too on Marjan's suggestion.
Judd only likes Texas sweet tea. He thinks all hot tea just tastes like grass even though he is polite and will try it again if offered to him.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
CockTails in the Skyy! - Drink Recap
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I made it through eight rounds of drinking, so I could get through Our Skyy 2 with minimal damage. Below are the basic ingredients for each drink, links to the connected post rambling about each episode, and the drinking GIFs I used for each installment. Feel free to take the GIFs and the drink recipes to use as you'd like.
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Bottoms Up!
Rum-Antics - Never Let Me Go (7.5/10)
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spiced rum since I couldn't get Mekhong
smashed blueberries for that purple color that Nueng and Palm always had during their lovey-dovey scenes
ginger ale because I think Nueng was studying abroad in England, but if not . . . it is what it is
brown sugar and lime juice on the rim for class differences
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Sun & Stars - Star in My Mind (7/10)
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gin & tonic to balance the bitter and sweet of Daonuea and Khabkluen's dynamic
pineapple juice for that beach vibe
elder flower syrup and vanilla bean sugar on the rim to add to the sickly sugariness they expell
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Jack Nasty - The Eclipse (8/10)
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Jack Daniel's Honey Whiskey for Akk and Ayan's sweet yet intense dynamic
unfiltered apple cider for the A+ prefect jerk, Akk
lemon juice for the wrench in the system and Sour Patch kid, Ayan
honey and cinnamon on the rim for Kan and Thua
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Purple Pair - Vice Versa (6/10, could've been 9/10)
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Absolut vodka because vodka is my least favorite liquor (just like this show), but Absolut since much like this company, I'm gonna support my fellow queers no matter what
cranberry juice for Puen's pink(ish)
curaçao for Talay's blue
lavender syrup and rock candy on the rim for the wild switcheroo between calm and chaos
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For Goodness' Sake - My School President (9/10)
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sake for Chinzhilla's hot pot adventure
more white wine for all the whining and pining the Gun and Tinn did
lemons, limes, oranges, grapes, and apple slices for the sweetness overload (I was going to comment about the variation of fruits, but I don't know the crowd's feelings on the word, so . . . *takes a big sip directly from the bottle*)
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Deja Brew - A Boss & A Babe (8/10)
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dark coffee for our "tough" boss, Gun
vanilla brandy for the boss's babe, Cher
soy milk and ice for the men holding it together Tubtab and Jack
whipped cream and chocolate shavings for the disgustingly sweet Three and Zo
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Sleigh What? - Bad Buddy (9.5/10 crossover with ATOTS)
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champagne because all I hear is Jessie Ware's "Champagne Kisses" when I see these too
coconut water for episode 11's cake by the ocean (sex on the beach)
mint for that refreshing Pran smell that Pat loves
Christmas glass because it felt like Christmas getting that crossover and never forget Pat was shot on Christmas Eve!
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Par-tea-ing Ways - A Tale of Thousand Stars (9.5/10 crossover with Bad Buddy)
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tequila because I was saving my favorite liquor for my favorite series in this lineup
mango tea for those sachets that saved the village
chimoy and Tajín on the rim for that 🔥🔥🔥 Tian and Phupha bring
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As usual,
Cheers, Queers!
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luminiscandleco · 1 year
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Coming Saturday, July 15, at 12 pm Pacific time...
"TURNABOUT," an Ace Attorney-inspired collection!!
This collection features 8 scents inspired by Ace Attorney characters, available both as candles and snap bar-style wax melts.
Scent descriptions and more photos under the cut!
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"Objection!" - Phoenix Wright: A woody, slightly spicy scent that opens with peppercorn, cedar, and orange zest. Heart notes of sandalwood, jasmine, neroli, and cashmere are followed by a resinous base accented with vetiver and Cabernet grape.
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"Unnecessary Feelings" - Miles Edgeworth: A rich, luxurious blend. Top notes of orange bitters and rock salt ease into freshly waxed mahogany wood and pink pepper, all wrapped up in a smooth base of oakmoss, paprika, bourbon, and tonka bean.
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"Hamburgers and Ramen" - Maya Fey: Sweet and girlish, this scent begins with grapefruit, bergamot, thyme, and sweet pea. White tea, nutmeg, rose, and honey form the heart notes, and are followed by tuberose and jasmine.
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"Chords of Steel" - Apollo Justice: A strong scent with a kick of spice. Top notes of bergamot, ginger, and lemon mingle with cardamom, nutmeg, rose, and incense. Woods, labdanum, amber, and musk linger at the base.
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"Courtroom Air Guitar" - Klavier Gavin: A balanced scent reminiscent of expensive cologne. Sea spray, eucalyptus, and citrus zest provide an ozonic opening combination, warmed by heart notes of cashmere, florals, and earthy mint. Cedar, sandalwood, vetiver, and amber musk complete the blend.
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"Impromptu Psychoanalysis" - Athena Cykes: Bright notes of lemon, lime, citrus peel, and lemongrass jump-start this blend, followed by a calmer heart of jasmine, sugar, and blackcurrant. A simple patchouli and powder base holds the medley together.
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"Gallery Fopdoodles" - Simon Blackquill: An earthy blend that opens with palm leaf and coffee, blending into oak, leather, patchouli, and caramel middle notes. Bottom tones of smoked vanilla, whiskey, and dried woods leave a lasting impression.
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"Weaponized Prayer Beads" - Nahyuta Sahdmadhi: Soft and delicate, this scent's top notes of aloe, citrus zest, and milky ambrette unfold into a smooth heart of bamboo, green leaves, tuberose, and temple incense. Tonka bean, vanilla, sheer musk, and teakwood add depth for the finishing touch.
This collection has been bouncing around in my noggin for about two years, and now it is finally time to release it into the wild.
Everything will become available on my website promptly at noon on July 15; quantities are limited, so be there or be square!!
also maybe keep an eye out for a DGS/GAA collection in the future
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DIY [dirt cheap & probably works better than a] Starbucks Medicine Ball:
Functional teas that I had on hand were:
Celestial Tea Well Organic Ginger Mint
Bigelow Benefits Lemon & Echinacea
Honey, the real good stuff (this is from my cousin's farm)
Lemon Juice 🍋
Sugar Free Peppermint Syrup
Bonus Add on: Young Living Peppermint
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Although the OG diy recipe uses the Teavana brand and a metric shitton of sugar, I am not that boujee and trying to avoid extra sugar... Honey has enough sweetness, but honey also has its own special properties. Use the google, I ain't your momma.
This tea is what I had on hand, and likely bought on sale or clearance. Also...there are a ton of different teas that are specifically blending to aid immunity or cold season. Try varieties by Yogi or Traditional Medicinals if you can find them. Experiment & find what works best for you.
I also don't have the space for a bag of fresh lemons. It is really all about balancing what you have with the effect you want.
I have found that in most of my experiments, I will feel better with any combination of mint, lemon and honey. But if I have to work, a tea that has some caffeine will help me perk up.
And yes, I have to work. I work FT and caregiver FT, I am out of PTO. My FMLA is only if my patient is sick, it doesn't cover my illnesses. But I work from home so... it could be worse. At least I am not infecting people.
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writingsbychlo · 6 months
do you prefer coffee, or tea? and what’s your favorite drink order?💕
I’m a tea drinker, but I do love coffee. I just tend to drink tea more. I have a mint green tea with honey every morning before breakfast, and I have a ginger & lemon tea after workouts! I also sometimes have a nice calming tea before bed. I just loved all herbal teas, really!
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I can't remember who I was talking to about tea (@thequeeninyellowlace and @help-help-i-need-an-adult maybe?), but I figured I should mention a few of my favorites:
- Adagio chestnut (flavored black tea) is my new all-time favorite tea. No really. Even over Irish breakfast. It is THAT GOOD. My brother and sister-in-law gave me a 3 pack of Adagio teas for Christmas, and this one was in there, and I have NOT looked back. It's just a really good black tea, with a slightly nutty flavor and some maple notes. I LOVE IT. (The other two were gingerbread black tea - quite good - and candy apple herbal tea, which I expected to be better.)
- Twining Irish breakfast (black tea) is now my second favorite black tea. Which goes really well with creamer and a little sugar.
- Stash maple apple cider (herbal tea) is AMAZING. I accidentally ordered two 100 packs of it, and then ordered 2 sampler packs of tea which each had an 18 pack box of that flavor in it, and I'm not even mad. It's that good.
- Stash chocolate mint (flavored oolong tea) is the OTHER flavor I order in 100 packs. For good reason. If you like mint chocolate, TRY THIS TEA. (Harney & Sons has a very good loose leaf mint chocolate tea, if you prefer loose leaf!)
- Great Value (Walmart) peppermint bark (herbal tea) is a seasonal tea (AKA only sold around Christmas) that tastes like mint chocolate with spearmint. I bought one box last winter, then went back and bought two more. I'm already out.
- Bigelow blackberry citrus (herbal tea) I tried when I wanted a blackberry tea (I like blackberries) and then LOVED. It's now on my "don't run out of this tea" list.
- Stash white peach (oolong tea) is a lovely, light tea with a gentle fruity flavor. You can drink it by itself or mix it with chamomile - both are nice. You might want to use two tea bags if you have a large-ish cup - the flavor is a little weak, and I like my tea strong.
- Bigelow peppermint & chamomile (herbal teas): I mix these together when I have a cold/sinus infection (which is basically EVERY OTHER MONTH, fuck my life) and it works slightly better than most teas at loosening up the gunk in my nose so I can blow it out. Also, with some sugar or honey, it tastes nice! AND it soothes a sore throat, which is always a nice bonus during cold and flu season.
- Stash holiday chai (black tea) is my favorite chai tea, and I have tried SOOOOOO MANNNNYYYYY chai teas. Seriously. And "spiced teas."
- Harney & Sons has sooooo mannnnyyyyy good loose leaf teas, but I'm at work right now, and I don't bring my loose leaf teas to work (too fiddly), so I can't remember which ones are my fave, other than their mint chocolate and a Venetian tiramisu white tea that is SURPRISINGLY GOOD.
- Tealyra lovely nights (rooibos/herbal tea) is rooibos, chamomile, mint, vanilla, and AMAZING. I bought some to try it and YOU NEED IT TOO.
- Every so often, I get bored and buy a sampler of teas that look interesting - most recently was a Stash pack of 50 different tea bags. (They also sell packs of 6 boxes, each a different flavor. The fall/autumn one is good!) Doing something like this is a great way to try new flavors without getting stuck with a bunch of tea bags of something you don't like - if you DO like a flavor, you can order more! If you don't, it was one bag, no big loss. (Apparently I like ginger and citrus/fruit teas more than I realized because I LOVED the lemon ginger tea, and liked both the orange ginger and the peach ginger tea, but the plain Meyer lemon just tasted like hot lemonade to me.)
No, I'm not getting paid or endorsed or even free samples for recommending tea to anyone. I just get a kick out of going "hey, want to try this thing (that I like) and see if you like it? You did? Want me to tell you more about it and maybe try more types of it?" Which is 100% how I got a coworker hooked on fancy teas. She went "I need caffeine, but coffee and energy drinks give me heart burn" so I was like "want to try some tea?" And the rest is HISTORY.
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witchpussy42069 · 7 months
Financially Fucked and Dealing with Climate Change (Tips On How To Survive Wildfire Season):
I'm not an expert, I'm just poor and the trees are on fire again❤️. Please reblog/add on your own tips or any information regarding fire safety, smoke safety, health, etc.
Before we get to how to clean the air, let's start with how to keep yourself safe. I can tell you to stay inside and avoid being out in all that smoke, but most of us are selling our souls to corporations and have jobs we have to go to. bummer.
1. Masks
Anyways, the ideal mask for this would be an N95, but a scarf or any kind of mask will also help you a little. Significantly less effectively than an N95 but it's better than no mask. Definitely wear while out and about, and consider wearing inside depending on how the air is in your home. Wash regularly if you're using a reusable mask or a scarf.
2. Washing
When you get home after being outside, take a shower and change your clothes. Wash all those pollutants out of your clothing, wash all the smoke particles off of your skin, and moisten up that air!! You're gonna want the air wet, I'll explain why in a minute. Not so wet that mold could begin to grow in your house though, to be clear.
3. Stay away from chemicals
Your lungs are tired. You've been working all day, breathing polluted air all day, your throat is sore and your head is killing you. You know what WON'T make you feel better? Breathing in the fumes of bleach, Lysol, Febreze, ammonia, etc. when you need to clean, stick to white vinegar or lemon juice, or something else natural, since you can't ventilate the house with all that smoke outside.
4. Honey & Ginger
Inevitably, your throat is sore and your head hurts. Honey and ginger will help you with that. Tea would be perfect. Peppermint tea will help too, any warm liquid with honey in it actually. Ginger is full of antioxidants, honey is full of probiotics, and mint soothes the throat and mouth.
5. Limit Excersize
Isn't excersize supposed to be good for my lungs? Yeah, it is. But your lungs are already working overtime just to survive the smoke with minimal damage if possible. So don't put extra strain on them now. Wait until the air is clear to play any sports or do any strenuous excersize.
6. Water (pt. 1)
Drink sooooo much water. Drink all of the water. And then drink even more water. Your body has this magical way of flushing out toxins and magically healing just by drinking water, and by magical I mean very scientific. I'm not a scientist tho, or a doctor, but its something something about kidneys and the liver idk, just drink water...
7. Public Places
Maybe a window in your home is broken. Maybe the vents don't work. Maybe you don't have a home. Whatever the reason, public spaces are a safe bet if you need somewhere to go with filtered air. City hall, libraries, and malls are all good options. Don't stay by the doors, especially if there's lots of people going in and out and smoke is wafting in. Go find somewhere away from unsealed windows and doors that doesn't smell or look hazy.
Okay, that's all I know about that. I'm not an expert. Now we're gonna talk about ways to clean ur air WITHOUT BUYING AN AIR PURIFIER, BECAUSE SOME OF US ARE POOR GOD DAMN IT. I cannot count how many results on the internet have told me to just buy an air purifier. I am EXTREMELY POOR 😎
Ways to clean the air in your home from wildfire smoke with things you probably either already have or can easily acquire:
Water(pt. 2):
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Good ol' plain ol' water. I'm not a scientist, so forgive me for my lack of perfect articulation, but basically water absorbs smoke particles. Makes em clump together and coagulate so they're not just floating everywhere in the air. Also, as the water clings to the pollutants, it cools them down, which causes them to fall to the ground/floor. So unless you're army crawling everywhere, this is something to look into. Just get a spray bottle and mist water everywhere, aiming for just, like, the air and stuff. Or get a bowl of water and leave it to sit out and absorb toxins throughout the day. Maybe don't drink the water afterwards, but you can use it to water your plants. And speaking of plants~
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plants are your best friends when it comes to cleaning the air! We all know they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but did you also know that some of them absorb mold and smoke particles from the air too? Well you do now! A list of plants that are especially good at cleaning the air include, but are not limited to:
-Aloe Vera
-Rubber Plant
-Any kind of Ivy (pothos, english, etc)
-Bamboo! (Cat safe)
-Snake Plant
-Spider Plant (Cat safe)
NASA on spider plants:
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Yeah spider plants are amazing. I want 20.
Baking Soda:
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Baking soda works much like activated charcoal in this scenario, what with its ability to absorb so many impurities! And baking soda's best buddy in every 5th grade science project ever, white vinegar, can help you out too! Leaving a bowl of baking soda out, or leaving a bowl of white vinegar out, will deodorize the air; but it's not just making things smell less horrible, it doesn't just mask scents, it absorbs and 🔥ELIMINATES🔥them.
Okay now everybody say thank you Tay Tay!! And thank you Mr Bezos!! And thank you to alllll the other beloved private jet owners and billionaires❤️ now I don't have to wear my mittens anymore, teehee🤭
Anyways reblog and add on your own tips for fire season safety!
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thesharkbaitspellbook · 2 months
happiness, warmth, healing, love, encouragement, prosperity, abundance, fertility, community, diligence, work ethic
Honey is an ingredient I use often. And Honestly, there is too much lore across too many cultures to just list but the history is RICH with information. Obviously a major use it to "sweeten" a working but there are so many other areas to use it in, as listed above. The golden color also plays a huge role in why I use it for so many things and offer it to so many of the deities in my practice. So here is some other things related to it…
Medicinal Uses:
Help with Indigestion – Taking a tablespoon or two will settle your stomach and it won't ferment and cause more trouble.
Relieve Nausea – You can use honey with ginger ale to help relieve nausea
Wound Care – Use as a topical wound care, it can help quicken healing time for injuries such as rashes, burns, and skin abrasions.
Cure Acne – It's a natural face cleaner and is known to help cure acne, and works on all skin types even sensitive skin. Use about half a teaspoon and warm it in your hands then spread on your face like soap, rubbing in circular motions. Let sit for about 10 minutes then rinse with warm water and dry.
Relieve Sore Throat – There is a reason your mom would make you warm tea with honey when you had a sore throat, it can help it feel better.
Sugar Substitute – Use raw honey as a substitute for white sugar
Energy Boost – Take a tablespoon of honey before as a pre-workout.
Moisturizer – Use a spoonful of honey and mix with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice to make an ultra moisturizing lotion.
Cure Dry Elbows – Rub some honey on your dry elbows and it will help soften your skin.
Lip Balm – Use honey to a make a natural lip balm. You will need honey, beeswax, and a few other oils.
Hair Mask – This will help lock in moisture and shine in your hair use one teaspoon of honey to 5 cups of warm water the rinse and style like normal.
Cure a Hangover – Honey will help speed up your metabolism and help your body process the alcohol faster.
Cough Syrup – Use honey to make a cough syrup
Reduce Seasonally Allergies – Use local raw honey and take a tablespoon or so a day. The local pollen in the honey helps build your body's immunity to the pollen which will lessen your allergies during pollen season.
Moisturize Your Skin – Add a tablespoon of honey to your hot bath to help moisturize your skin while you bathe!
Help Get to Sleep – Use a tablespoon of honey at night to help get to bed! Honey has been known to help absorb the compound tryptophan, which makes us sleepy!
Honey Combos
Thyme Honey: the Honey of Courage
Lavender Honey: the Honey of Magic and Healing
Acacia Honey: the honey of Vital Energy
Manuka Honey: the honey of Healing
Pine Honey: the honey of Protection
Flower Honey: the honey of Happiness
Eucalyptus Honey: the honey of Uncrossing
Rosemary Honey, Rose Honey: the honey of Love and Beauty
Mint Honey: Honey of Prosperity
Honey Cakes
Make ritual soaps
Spell jars to sweeten or stick
Healing Workings
Communication Workings
Manifestation Workings
Hexes to make it stick and hard to get off
Make mead lol
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