#tea collection
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belovedapollo · 8 months ago
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updated my tea station, again 🫖 reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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cheesedtoteawithyou · 7 months ago
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Today I'm feeling very thankful for my teajourney, that it led me to so many cool people, that I found a new passion in the pretty boring life I led, and that I can keep learning something new.
Tea is a very cool thing, not only is it a tasty treat, but it can also improve ones health and wellbeing. You can use it as your meditation, your ritual, powerbooster, etc.
Whether you enjoy pouring its sweet drops onto a teapet with gratitude or you'd rather save every bit to yourself, doesn't matter, ceremony is yours and only yours to enjoy.
I think tea is one of those things that taught me to be grateful for the little things in life, and kind of stay in the moment,
and for that I'm grateful.
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leggeteconme · 8 months ago
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I’ve been working on tidying and reorganizing my apartment, and this morning’s main project was the tea cupboard! I relocated and rearranged my collection, and I finally accepted that ADHD means zero object permanence and put a list of everything I have on the door so I don’t forget about half of it like usual 😖
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Anyway, I’m very pleased with the result, and will now hopefully stop finding my favorite tea at the back of the cupboard because I completely forgot it existed 🤦🏼‍♀️
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chiekodivine · 1 year ago
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catscraftsandcommentary · 11 months ago
I can't remember who I was talking to about tea (@thequeeninyellowlace and @help-help-i-need-an-adult maybe?), but I figured I should mention a few of my favorites:
- Adagio chestnut (flavored black tea) is my new all-time favorite tea. No really. Even over Irish breakfast. It is THAT GOOD. My brother and sister-in-law gave me a 3 pack of Adagio teas for Christmas, and this one was in there, and I have NOT looked back. It's just a really good black tea, with a slightly nutty flavor and some maple notes. I LOVE IT. (The other two were gingerbread black tea - quite good - and candy apple herbal tea, which I expected to be better.)
- Twining Irish breakfast (black tea) is now my second favorite black tea. Which goes really well with creamer and a little sugar.
- Stash maple apple cider (herbal tea) is AMAZING. I accidentally ordered two 100 packs of it, and then ordered 2 sampler packs of tea which each had an 18 pack box of that flavor in it, and I'm not even mad. It's that good.
- Stash chocolate mint (flavored oolong tea) is the OTHER flavor I order in 100 packs. For good reason. If you like mint chocolate, TRY THIS TEA. (Harney & Sons has a very good loose leaf mint chocolate tea, if you prefer loose leaf!)
- Great Value (Walmart) peppermint bark (herbal tea) is a seasonal tea (AKA only sold around Christmas) that tastes like mint chocolate with spearmint. I bought one box last winter, then went back and bought two more. I'm already out.
- Bigelow blackberry citrus (herbal tea) I tried when I wanted a blackberry tea (I like blackberries) and then LOVED. It's now on my "don't run out of this tea" list.
- Stash white peach (oolong tea) is a lovely, light tea with a gentle fruity flavor. You can drink it by itself or mix it with chamomile - both are nice. You might want to use two tea bags if you have a large-ish cup - the flavor is a little weak, and I like my tea strong.
- Bigelow peppermint & chamomile (herbal teas): I mix these together when I have a cold/sinus infection (which is basically EVERY OTHER MONTH, fuck my life) and it works slightly better than most teas at loosening up the gunk in my nose so I can blow it out. Also, with some sugar or honey, it tastes nice! AND it soothes a sore throat, which is always a nice bonus during cold and flu season.
- Stash holiday chai (black tea) is my favorite chai tea, and I have tried SOOOOOO MANNNNYYYYY chai teas. Seriously. And "spiced teas."
- Harney & Sons has sooooo mannnnyyyyy good loose leaf teas, but I'm at work right now, and I don't bring my loose leaf teas to work (too fiddly), so I can't remember which ones are my fave, other than their mint chocolate and a Venetian tiramisu white tea that is SURPRISINGLY GOOD.
- Tealyra lovely nights (rooibos/herbal tea) is rooibos, chamomile, mint, vanilla, and AMAZING. I bought some to try it and YOU NEED IT TOO.
- Every so often, I get bored and buy a sampler of teas that look interesting - most recently was a Stash pack of 50 different tea bags. (They also sell packs of 6 boxes, each a different flavor. The fall/autumn one is good!) Doing something like this is a great way to try new flavors without getting stuck with a bunch of tea bags of something you don't like - if you DO like a flavor, you can order more! If you don't, it was one bag, no big loss. (Apparently I like ginger and citrus/fruit teas more than I realized because I LOVED the lemon ginger tea, and liked both the orange ginger and the peach ginger tea, but the plain Meyer lemon just tasted like hot lemonade to me.)
No, I'm not getting paid or endorsed or even free samples for recommending tea to anyone. I just get a kick out of going "hey, want to try this thing (that I like) and see if you like it? You did? Want me to tell you more about it and maybe try more types of it?" Which is 100% how I got a coworker hooked on fancy teas. She went "I need caffeine, but coffee and energy drinks give me heart burn" so I was like "want to try some tea?" And the rest is HISTORY.
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morimatea · 1 year ago
The color of the gaiwan is simple and stable, ” antique“ beauty.
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caprisun-cap · 11 months ago
one of these days when i have fully moved in ill post my teacup and teapot collection as im quite proud of the start i have made :)
i did also buy 3 news ones while om vacation lol but they were inexpensive from thrift and vintage stores and are adorable so sue me
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forkborb · 11 months ago
I like collecting mugs. I love my target mugs with inspirational messages on the sides and earthly tones on the inside. I love the textured mugs that you can feel. I love the mugs from places I’ve visited. I love the mugs that were game mercy. I love the mugs that were gifts. I love the mugs I have yet to get my hands on. Love me the mugs.
Then with mugs I can drink many teas at the same time or if I didn’t finish and want to try more without wasting. I can bring the mug to class , or use it in a library or friends’ places. I can drink the 24+ varieties of teas I collected (both herbal and caffeinated and both) (in teabags or loose) and sigh constantly after a good sip.
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meeshnut · 2 years ago
🚨 ‼️ 🚨
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maedrosreforging · 2 years ago
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The majestic taste of Yorkshire tea grands you the ability to fly, nocklip through reality, antidote, balance in the force, increase your athletic, strength, intelligent and luck. Be careful 😁
Thanks to the magnificent Spiffing brit for recommendation.💖
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belovedapollo · 8 months ago
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little tea station in the kitchen ☕️ reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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tea-and-twigs · 9 months ago
Experience the Finest with Our Premium Tea - Elevate Your Tea Time!
Experience the essence of sophistication with our Premium Tea, a blend meticulously crafted for the discerning tea lover. Sourced from the finest tea gardens, this exclusive collection promises a rich, aromatic, and flavorful experience with every sip. Perfect for any occasion, our Premium Tea is designed to elevate your tea-drinking ritual.
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captain-mozzarella · 11 months ago
I headcanon that all of Yoda's finest teacups were made by younglings
In fact most masters of the order's finest teacups were made during crèche crafting time when the kids were learning pottery.
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nourishtea · 1 year ago
Does black tea contain caffeine?
Yes, black tea contains caffeine, although the exact amount can vary depending on factors like brewing time and tea leaf quality. On average, an 8-ounce cup of black tea contains about 40-70 milligrams of caffeine, which is less than coffee but enough to provide a gentle energy boost.
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catscraftsandcommentary · 11 months ago
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A quick-and-dirty collection of my tea collection. Does not include strainers, tea balls, mugs, tea pots, kettles, etc. Probably doesn't include any iced tea or any tea bought by or for other people in the house. And this is RIGHT AFTER I'd just sorted several boxes of tea bags into the little organizers. (I *LOVE* my little organizers! My brother found the open sided one, and my dad found the two clear ones with the hinged lid!)
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purplerayart · 1 year ago
Truck Art Table Coasters | Purple Ray Art & Design
Experience the vibrancy and uniqueness of the art on the go... Truck art. Elevate your sipping experience with our stylish tea coasters. Bring colors to your table and protect the surface in style. ✓Fastest Delivery. ✓Exclusive Range of Authentic Designs ✓Ecofriendly ✓Indian ✓Souvenirs ✓Gifts ✓Best Prices
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