#mama hanamura
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thebruno65 · 10 days ago
Pretty sad there aren't that many in total, or at least ones that i can think of.
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When it comes to design, most of the time a lot of people will complain how most girls in the franchise share a feature, whether that be body type, clothing, etc.
But something that I don’t see talked about as much is how almost every girl has the same facial placement. Like, eyes, nose and mouth are all placed in the same spot for most of the women, regardless of anything at all.
Which kinda sucks bc in contrast to them, the boy designs are super different from one another, like the obvious ones like Teru, Hifumi, and Ryoma with their different designs. But also, Kazuichi with his more squished in eyes, Dr2 Togami with more puffed-up cheeks, Nekomaru with his buff/JoJo esq face, Tengan with his showing his age, etc. they’re def more unique in that regard.
Ofc I’m not saying that ALL designs are the same, as seen in here these are some of the exceptions I found: Sakura with a more masculine/buff structure, Ayaka with a bigger nose, Fujiko with her bigger eyes and cat mouth like Hifumi, Terus mom with the same design as his, Kyoka with her… sideways eyes… I mean she’s a plant hybrid so ig that’s possible…
Heck, even Sato, Kiriko and Ikue have this! While not obvious at first glance, these 3 actually have more squished eyes, and they’re more upwards than the rest. Things like these is what makes these designs surprisingly stand out from the rest in my eyes, these tiny adjustments like moving up the eyes a bit, or elongating their nose, or thickening their eyebrows, make their designs stand out much more than you think.
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roobjoshi · 8 months ago
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there is no canonical backing for this except for the fact that girls should kiss forever
(alt versions under the cut)
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bananashakexx · 11 months ago
I was wondering if i can see teruteru and his mama hugging and cry happily? <:]
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Heck yeah
he loves his mama!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaghhgg!!!!!!!!!!!
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luuxxart · 4 months ago
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epic kurusu/takeba family thanksgiving crossover but it’s the famous painting but it’s also a day late
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teruteru-mama-boy · 2 months ago
some sketches
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Cooking more art(unless i should never cook art again)
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supernovasbeyond · 2 years ago
They would be a friend group but at the same time would murder each other
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handsomehanamura · 4 months ago
Didn't post for Thanksgiving! The diner was closed and I was with my Mama at the hospital all day! They said she can go home tomorrow! 😁
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echoingvoice · 2 years ago
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This is an actual text conversation between mama hanamura and teruterus dad when he was born
Actually factual no printer
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drawbauchery · 2 months ago
Mama Hanamura is gonna have to weigh in on all these shenanigans the dang-gang gets up to
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forbidding-souda · 3 months ago
tbh this is soooo personal bc this is something I've been thinking on for a loooong time but intensified this year
so here I am to ask for hcs.
oh yeah the era is back. I said never again but I love the way you write him so idc!!!
Teruteru Hanamura × S/O who has to take care of their family ( bonus points if they have a mother who is Ill and if they're overworked )
( I legit just took a day to cry yesterday cause of the stress and I have such a bad habit of hiding my feelings that I cried all night and couldn't actually listen to any of my classes 😭😭 NOW I HAD TO WRITE EVERYTHING FROM MY LAST LECTURE TODAY UGGHH)
— 🐭🌙 ( oh my god that was such a long message- 💀 )
Teruteru Hanamura with an overworked S/O who has to take care of their family
-Mod Souda
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❤ He understands fully. He knows all the right things to say when you open up about it.
❤ He is a talker but when it comes to serious situations, especially with his lover, he will sit his fruity ass down and listen. He doesn't need to give his two cents or general advice, he will simply just listen if that's all that you do.
❤ He's a bit too obtuse to say the exact words "What do you need?".
❤ Your family is HIS family now. Period. And beyond how much time being a Hopes Peak alumni can take, he's going to spend his spare time trying to get to know those important to you so he can see just where in your life he can fit as another person you can love.
❤ He is super homebody he'll be there if you need him, and ofc, he shows his love for food, so expect a good meal for you and your family.
❤ Getting a hug from his mom could make your day too. She understands the stress a child can go through. Her hands are warm they wrap around your head, holding you tight.
❤ Mans is going to start making the bed to have things be less stressful for you. Fluffing the pillows and everything. Will make a suggestive joke about it, duh, but it's his way of trying to be sweet. Acts of service.
❤ Fluffed pillows, a full fridge, and a surprisingly clean bathroom.
❤ "Sugar, I know you've been working real hard, I want you to know that I uhh... I appreciate the things you're doing." Fidgeting with this fingers, showing a tenderness as if you were the one helping him.
❤ You two still have the small moments where it feels like all the stress in the world goes away. The two of you sing together in the kitchen, you fall asleep against him while watching movies, he will give you roses and flatter you beyond comprehension. And when the weight of the world comes back, he'll still be there.
❤ Gonna add this too but you know he got hella money from having attended Hopes Peak just saying.
❤ He puts a lot of effort into making sure your family likes him and is comfortable around him. He doesn't want to add any distaste or any feeling such.
❤ He got that extra experience in taking care of ill family members. Will just softly drop tidbits of his experiences while also trying not to make the mood darker. In between his often 'aloof' sense of humor comes small sentences of something more.
❤ I am so sorry but I can't get out of my head Teruteru greeting your mom like "hey mama" all southern like a son from Louisianna.
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 1 year ago
Does anyone else ever think about Teruteru's siblings, like, we only know about them from like one free time event but i have SO MANY QUESTIONS about the apparent ultimate male and female escorts???
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Who ARE you two, I have SO MANY QUESTIONS about your home life teruteru on why it makes so many hypersexual cooks not to accuse mama hanamura of wrong doing but MA'AM YOUR KIDS??? YOUR HIGHSCHOOL AGE KIDS????
Also if theyre making so much money why is so much pressure on teruteru to get money for the diner??? hello???? what IS this family dynamic?!
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wildwinterlunas · 8 months ago
Kiriko Interaction Rewrite
Ok time to re-write Kiriko's interactions cause I am so tired on how she's treated in game (thank you @kindasketchysideblog for giving me the push to do this). Now for context I am going to refencing Kiriko's out of game material and using my own HC (mainly the basically canon that Kiriko is 26) for these interactions, I will also be referencing a post I made previously on who Kiriko should be interacting with . I will also be including the interaction I think should stay in the amount of interactions I think that character should have with Kiriko.
Anyway, let's get into it;
Hanzo (5, keeping all original interactions)
Hanzo: You may have been Asa sensei's daughter, but I was her favourite student Kiriko: OK mama's boy Hanzo: I am sorry for what you and your family have had to sacrifice for my mistakes Kiriko: Well.... at least your here now, so that's got to count for something. It's better then what's Genji's done Hanzo: Aren't you being a little too hard on him? Kiriko: You both left us helpless, at least you had the decency to look back
With Kiriko's original interactions with Hanzo the only one I would really change is her interaction about Hanzo picking back up the sword. Specifically I would have the tone of it changed to imply what Kiriko is actually saying is that he's still no more honorable then the day that Hanzo killed Genji and abandoned the clan. Honestly my bigest complaint about a lot of the interactions I kept is just the tone.
As for the new interactions I made I wanted to give her ones that mirrored her development in "Where Honor Lives" along with pointing out that out of the two brothers Kiriko would be more mad with Genji. I also wanted to give her one interaction with Hanzo where they're joking around and not her being mad at him.
Genji (6)
Kiriko: You know, I shouldn't be surprised that you never came to help. You were never the responsible type Genji: You know I never wanted to lead the Shimada clan, I never wanted that life Kiriko: You still had the duty to understand how everything worked! If you did then maybe the Hashimoto wouldn't be killing people on the streets! Kiriko: I see you got a new sword, it's not one of my fathers Genji: No, the agents at Overwatch reversed engineered my old one after it broke Kiriko: It's well crafted, but I'd still call it a cheap imitation Genji: Heh, you sound like your father Kiriko: You had the rescores in Blackwatch to help us, why didn't you ask them to help?! Genji: My judgement was...clouded during my time with Blackwatch, I wasn't in a state to help Kiriko: What about after? In Overwatch, after Overwatch, after Shambali.... why didn't you ever come to help? Genji: How is Hanamura and Kanezaka? It's been so long since I visited. Kiriko: Rikimaru was robbed a few months back Genji: Oh um... Kiriko: Don't worry, your cowboy friend stopped the robbery, he's been around a lot actually Kiriko: Heard you payed Hanzo a visit, was I not worth the same effort, anija? Genji: There wasn't enough time to find you Kiriko, I needed to join the recall as soon as possible Kiriko: Was it a matter of time? Or were you just too afraid to face me? Genji: Your using your mothers maiden name? Why? Kiriko: The Hashimoto were after me so I needed to change my name Genji: Oh. I'm sorry Kiriko: Had to legally change my age too if your curious.
I don't like any of Genji and Kiriko's in-game interactions. We could of had some insight to both of their characters along with a more complex look at Genji's character in general, but we didn't. Instead we got a bunch of jokes that feel like they've been ripped out of the MCU. With the rewrite of these interactions I wanted to make even her casual interactions with Genji hostile. I also wanted to imply that Kiriko found out Genji was alive awhile ago, hence the mentioning of Blackwatch, Overwatch and the Shambali.
I also wanted Kiriko to be a window to Genji's life pre-Blackwatch, initially the first interaction was going to mention Genji being a party boy but I traded that for a more subtle interaction.
For Sombra, Ana, Lifeweaver and Pharah I think her interaction with them a perfect, specifically with Sombra, I personally love that interaction. With Pharah however, you need to change the tone of her "what's right isn't always what's legal" interaction, making Kiriko a lot more bitter towards Pharah. With Ana and Lifeweaver it's the same as Sombra.
Lucio (3)
Kiriko: Don't you ever get tired? With being a revolutionary and a world famous DJ? Lucio: Do you ever get tired of being the leader of a gang and making sure the civilians around you are safe? Kiriko: I don't think those would count as the same thing... Lucio: I do! We're both protecting and giving people hope, you're just better at hiding in the shadows! Kiriko: Not gonna ask me what my favorite animal is? Lucio: I mean... it's kind of obvious, and you probably would have said something like "really? take a guess" Kiriko: But it would have been funny! Lucio: For you! Kiriko: I heard one of your songs playing on a Hashimoto party boat Lucio: Ew, that ain't right! Did you sink it? Kiriko: Absolutely, can't have a group of suppressors disrespect a revolutionary like that! Lucio: Damn straight!
I wanted to make Lucio and Kiriko to have a lot more of a mutually teasing dynamic as looking at their interactions in-game interactions it seems a lot more one sided in Kiriko's direction. I also wanted to explore the idea that they both are technically revolutionaries, just on different scales with slightly different enemies. In general, like all of Kiriko's dynamics, in-game this one goes underexplored. I also wanted to play with the idea that though they do have similar attitudes, Lucio is a lot more positive then Kiriko.
Soldier 76 (2)
Soldier 76: Aren't you a little too young to be on the field? Kiriko: I'm pretty sure you a little too dead to be on the field Soldier 76: Excuse me? Kiriko: You heard me
Kiriko: Do you know how much damage Overwatch and Blackwatch caused by taking down the Shimada clan? Soldier 76: We did what we had to, the Shimada were criminals Kiriko: You left us with no protection, you didn't even bother to come back to clean up your mess Soldier 76: I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand
Kiriko is the one playable character the was only negatively effected by Overwatch and I wish that was explored more. Especially with characters like Jack. In all honesty I think Soldier 76 would be one of the character would be the most hostile around, especially with his "they were criminals" mentality.
D.Va (3)
D.Va: Rabbit and the Fox, an unlikely duo! Kiriko: Well who else is going to keep up with a rabbit when it rushes into the backline? D.Va: How do you stay so calm in a fight? Especially when you have so many people look to you for answers Kiriko: I've been at this for a long time, and I probably had some of the best teachers when it came to leadership D.Va: Everyone on my team depends on me, I'm the best piolet we have so they expect me to know what to do but sometimes..... Kiriko: Hey, your already doing great, you give your people protection and hope. You should be proud of that! D.Va: Heard your not a stranger to the arcade. Wanna play later? Kiriko: Sure, but I do warn you, I don't loose easily. D.Va: Neither do I, bring it!
D.Va and Kiriko's dynamic has the same issue as Lucio, with the added bonus of Kiriko calling Hana "bestie". If they're supposed to be fast friends then actually show that! Don't just have one voice line saying it.
Cassidy (3)
Kiriko: Haven't seen you in awhile cowboy, how have you been? Cassidy: Catching up with some old friends, what about you? Still causing trouble? Kiriko: What else would I be doing? Kiriko: Did you know what would happen after you took down the Shimada clan? Cassidy: In my line of work with my background it's impossible not to, no one listened to me when I said we were going in too fast. Kiriko: At least you've been trying to help fix it, that's more than what I can say for your "friends" Cassidy: Even then I'm sorry for the damage I caused, I should have tried harder to stop it Kiriko: Been awhile since we fought together, you planning on getting covered in noodle's this time? Cassidy: Depends, you planning on blowing your cover this time? Kiriko: Those trays came out of no where! Cassidy: And those noodles came out of no where, your point?
I've talked in detail on why I want Cassidy and Kiriko to interact and why I want them to know each other before she joins Overwatch. Mainly from the noodle robbery. The problem is a lot of the dialogue I want them to have is more then 4 lines. Other than that I really think Kiriko and Cassidy should interact, he's the only Overwatch agent who is shown to regret what happened in Hanamura, not only that but he's the only one shown stopping crime from happening there. He was also directly involved with what happened to the Shimada clan. The reason why I focused on more relaxed interaction between them is because I have already given her a lot of serious interactions. That and again, a lot of the interactions I have for them are longer then 4 lines of dialogue.
Illari (1)
Kiriko: You shouldn't sacrifice your morals just to seek redemption
Illari: What would you know of sacrifice
Kiriko: A lot more then I'd like to
Reaper (3)
Kiriko: You know, paitence is a virtue Reaper: Excuse me? Kiriko: You just seem like the type of guy to rush into things and create a power vacuum, but hey, what would I know Reaper: Just listen to orders and we won't have a problem Kiriko: Listening, that's funny coming from you Reaper: What? Kiriko: A good leader listens to the people they are leading, who they are protecting, but when have you ever done that? -Team Kill via Combining Ultimates- Kiriko: Ugh, that felt so wrong Reaper: We won, get over it
Moira (2)
Kiriko: Ugh, you look cheery Moira: As cheery as you are significant Kiriko: That would mean your at least a little cheery, I would your cheeriness is of the same level as your success rate Kiriko: You know, you do a lot more damage then healing, though I guess that's expected from someone like you Moira: Oh? Done some reading? Prey tell, is it the "crimes against nature" and Talon hiring status? Kiriko: Neither, it's the ex-Blackwatch agent record. Moira: Well, that certainly is new.
Mercy (2)
Kiriko: Does it ever get easier? Trying to fix others mistakes, telling other that the path they're going on will only lead to more pain? Mercy: I don't think it does, but that's part of being who we are. We can only hope that what we leave behind is better. Kiriko: Did Genji ever...talk about me? Mercy: Not to me no Kiriko: Figures, guess if he was too afraid to face me he wouldn't want to mention me either Mercy: Don't say that yet, he might not have mentioned you to me but he might have mentioned you to Cole or Lena.
Doomfist (1)
Doomfist: You seem familiar...are you Asa Kamori's daughter? Kiriko: Yes....why? Doomfist: I knew your mother, she was a rival of mine when I did martial arts, she beat me once. It's a shame that we never got to have a rematch Kiriko: Interesting, she's never mentioned you
I'm gonna start here cause you can probably tell when I started loosing energy for this. I'll do a multi-interaction rewrite some other time but for now this is it.
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askthedespairkids · 3 months ago
To our small boys like Fuyuhiko, Teru, and Ryoma, how tall are your parents. Did you inherit your height?
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...ugh, fine. The Kuzuryuu's on the whole are on the...shorter side. Though if you ask me, those genetics made my family work harder to prove our clan was to be taken seriously.
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My parents were average heights, if you must know. I just had PSS Dwarfism. For some reason people always expected my parents to be the same as me.
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Me and all my siblings are around the same height. My mama was a little bit taller than us but the Hanamura's on the whole were a short group, hehe...
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bananashakexx · 11 months ago
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school wifi sucks
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year ago
Agere List
To me Carer/Regressor dynamics are different than your typical Romantic/Platonic/Familial type of realationships, so I've decided to make a separate list for F/Os who are my Caregivers, or who I Caregive for.
This is very different from a headcanon list of characters who I think are Caregivers/Regressors, this is characters I personally have this relationship with. I am also only a Caregiver in a Fictional space, and cannot CG a real regressor in the real world.
Thankyou for your attention, list below the cut.
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Alder - Pokemon BW - Grandpa
Darmanitan - Pokemon BW - Babysitter
Whimsicott - Pokemon BW - Babysitter
Maractus - Pokemon BW - Big Sister
Molayne - Pokemon SuMo - Big Brother
Hassel - Pokemon SV - Daddy
Salvatore - Pokemon SV - Trainer
Stoutland - Pokemon BW2 - Companion
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY - Knight
Bloodmoon Ursaluna - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Mommy/Yandere
Beware - Pokemon Anime - Mommy
Doctor Mario - Super Mario Series - Doctor/Yandere
Meta Knight - Kirby - Protective/Guardian
Craig Cuttlefish + Octavio - Splatoon - Grandpas
Callie + Marie - Splatoon - Big Sisters
Agent 7 (Eight) - Splatoon OC - Babysitter
C.Q. Cumber - Splatoon 2 - Boss/Yandere
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 - Boss/Papa
Papyrus - Undertale - Babysitter
Chara - Undertale - Chaotic/Babysitter
Swatchlings - Deltarune - Butlers
Gaster - Deltarune - Father/Eldritch
Enderman - Minecraft - Companion
Winston - Overwatch - Teacher
Moira O'Deorain - Overwatch - Doctor/Babysitter
Siebren de Kuiper (Sigma) - Overwatch - Grandpa
Sombra - Overwatch - Big Sister
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch - Chaotic/Big Brother
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa - Babysitter
Genocide Syo/Jack/Jill - Danganronpa - Chaotic/Yandere
Shirokuma - Danganronpa - Daddy/Yandere
Toy Freddy - Five Nights at Freddy's - Big Brother
Nightmare Fredbear - Five nights at Freddy's - Guardian
Huggy Wuggy - Poppy Playtime - Babysitter
Mommy Long Legs - Poppy Playtime - Mommy
Doey - Poppy Playtime - Gaurdian/Protective
Wally Darling - Welcome Home - Yandere/Neighbor
Morgo - Little Misfortune - Eldritch/Yandere
Anna (The Huntress) - Dead by Daylight - Mommy/Yandere
The Dealer - Buckshot Roulette - Babysitter (One Time)
Chzo - Chzo Mythos - Eldritch/Father
Kyle + Brett - Drive Time Radio - Chaotic/Eldritch
The Narrator - Stanley Parable - Eldritch/Guardian
Gremio - Suikoden - Protective/Mama
Victor - Suikoden - Papa Bear
Micheal Bleak - Wayward Children - Guardian (former)
Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children - Guardian
Aziraphale - Good Omens - Guardian/Knight
Crowley - Good Omens - Chaotic/Guardian
Edgar + Alan + Poe - Ruby Gloom - Babysitters
Scardy Bat - Ruby Gloom - Big Brother
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice the Animated Series - Chaotic/Papa
Mashirao Ojiro - My Hero Academia - Babysitter
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia - Chaotic/Big Sister
Doflamingo - One Piece - Chaotic/Yandere/Big Brother
Law - One Piece - Protective/Dada
Shiro Ashiya (Aciel) - The Devil is a Part-Timer - Stern/Papa
Watanuki + Domeki - xxxHolic - Daddies
Chieko - Princess Jellyfish - Mother
Mayaya - Princess Jellyfish - Chaotic/Big Sister
Pompompurin - Sanrio - Companion
Muta - The Cat Returns - Companion
Baron Humbert Gon Gikkingen - The Cat Returns - Royal/Babysitter
The Beldam - Coraline - Yandere/Mother
Anger - Inside Out - Protective/Dada
Sadness - Inside Out - Mama
The Storyteller - OC - Eldritch/Guardian
Cyrus - Pokemon Platinum - Permaregressed
Arven - Pokemon SV - Kid
Giacomo - Pokemon SV - Involuntary/Toddler
Saguaro - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Baby
Hydreigon - Pokemon BW2 - Trauma/New Born/Baby
Smeargle - Monster Mind - Dreamer/Puppy
Princess Peach - Super Mario Series - Baby/Princess
Genji Shimada - Overwatch - Dreamer/Kid
Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch - Trauma/Baby
Toko Fukawa - Danganronpa - Involuntary/Baby
Celestia Ludenburg - Danganronpa - Dreamer/Gothic/Kid
Kyle Klim (K) - Virtue's Last Reward - Kid
Kazuaki Nanaki - Hatoful Boyfriend - Dreamer/Baby
Hitori Uzune - Hatoful Boyfriend - Trauma/Involuntary/Toddler
The Little King - Hatoful Boyfriend - Baby/Toddler/Prince
P03 - Inscryption - Involuntary/Bratty/Baby
Lapis Lazuli - Steven Universe - Trauma/Ageless
Nezu - My Hero Academia - Trauma/Involuntary
Tamaki Amajiki - My Hero Academia - Baby
Momo Yaoyorozu - My Hero Academia - Toddler/Kid/Big Sister
Tomura Shigiraki - My Hero Academia - Newborn/Baby
Dabi - My Hero Academia - Involuntary/Bratty/Kid
Himiko Toga - My Hero Academia - Dreamer/Toddler
Jin Bubaigawa (Twice) - My Hero Academia - Trauma/Toddler/Kid
Erza Scarlet - Fairy Tail - Involuntary/Big Sister
Juvia Lockser - Fairy Tail - Permaregressed/Toddler/Kid
Gajeel Redfox - Fairy Tail - Involuntary/Big Brother
Toma E. Fiore - Fairy Tail - Involuntary/Prince
Tamaki Souh - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Involuntary/Prince
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Baby
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate - Baby
Embarrassment - Inside Out - Baby/Toddler
Micheal Myers - Halloween - Permaregressed/Evil/Kid
Jason Voorhees - Friday the 13th - Trauma/Baby
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy - Permaregressed/Toddler/Kid
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice the Musical - Spooky/Horror/Baby
N - Pokemon BW - Permaregressed/Kid
Jacq - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Big Brother
Miriam - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Nurse
Kieran - Pokemon SV - Evil/Pokemon
Gooigi - Super Mario Series - Big Sister
Kirby - Kirby series - Toddler/Big Brother
Flowey - Undertale - Trauma/Big Brother
Vulkin - Undertale - Pet
Ralsei - Deltarune - Prince/Big Brother
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher - Kid
Pheonix Wright - Ace Attorney - Involuntary/Teen
Monokuma - Danganronpa - Dreamer/Object
Kazuichi Soda - Danganronpa 2 - Involuntary/Toddler
Moon - FNaF Help Wanted 2 - Baby/Toddler (former)
Kissy Missy - Poppy Playtime - Trauma/Kid
Boxy Boo - Poppy Playtime - Permaregressed/Object
CatNap - Poppy Playtime - Trauma/Cat
Doey - Poppy Playtime - Permaregressed/Trauma/Involuntary
Grendan Highforge - Drawtectives - Dreamer/Old Dog
Rosé - Drawtectives - Pre-Teen/Teen
York - Drawtectives - Dreamer/Little Brother
Muriel - Good Omens - New Born/Ageless
Frank + Len - Ruby Gloom - Teen/Toddler
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Toddler/Little Brother
Banba - Princess Jellyfish - Hyperfixation/Kid
Joy - Inside Out - Bratty/Big Sister/Kid
Fear - Inside Out - Protective/Big Brother
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let-them-eat-rakes · 1 year ago
danganronpa headcanon 10; Favorite Game Special
Makoto Naegi: Minecraft
Kyoko Kirigiri: Mystery Games
Toko Fukawa: Dating Sims
Genocider Syo: The gorier the better
Byakuya Togami: management games
Aoi Asahina: Wii Sports Resort
Yasuhiro Hagakure: Sonic Colors
Sayaka Maizono: DDR
Leon Kuwata: Rock Band
Chihiro Fujisaki: DDLC
Mondo Oowada: racing games
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Ace Attorney
Hifumi Yamada: anime games
Celestia Ludenburg: Microsoft Solitaire
Sakura Ogami: Street Fighter
Mukuro Ikusaba: realistic combat simulators
Junko Enoshima: Dark Souls
Hajime Hinata: Stardew Valley
Izuru Kamukura: Rogue likes
Kazuichi Souda: Tank Mechanic Simulator
Akane Owari: Wii Fit U
Sonia Nevermind: Yandere Sim
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Yakuza 0
Ultimate Imposter: amogus, duh
Teruteru Hanamura: cooking mama
Mahiru Koizumi: Pokemon snap
Peko Pekoyama: Skyward Sword
Ibuki Mioda: Rock Band
Hiyoko Saionji: Taiko games
Mikan Tsumiki: Surgeon Simulator
Nekomaru Nidai: Wii Fit U
Gundham Tanaka: Nintendogs
Nagito Komaeda: Luck Based ganesy
Chiaki Nanami: every game ever made
Shuichi Saihara: Mystery games
Himiko Yumeno: Super Mario
Maki Harukawa: Hitman
Rantaro Amami: Uncharted
Kaede Akamatsu: piano.
Ryoma Hoshi: tennis.
Kirumi Tojo: House Flipper
Angie Yonaga: Passepartout(?)
Tenko Chabashira: Any game with a lesbian MC
Korekiyo Shinguji: Assassin's Creed games
Miu Iruma: Sandbox games
Gonta Gokuhara: Pokemon Snap
Kokichi Ouma: BOTW/TOTK
Kaito Momota: Universe Sandbox
Tsumigi Shirogane: Yandere Sim
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