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teruteru-mama-boy · 2 months ago
some sketches
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Cooking more art(unless i should never cook art again)
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waffelycute · 8 months ago
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it may be july… but i dont really Care! winter clothes yay
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b4bygangst3r · 2 months ago
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my turn to cook art
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astroboyzzzzz · 1 year ago
Every time I go on tumbler I post art for a different fandom
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Anyways I only like Danganronpa for fuyuteru + peko
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Comic panel i redrew from Danganronpa 2 anthology
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problamticsideanna · 9 months ago
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hanamurachan69 · 2 years ago
Fuyuhiko: *yawns*
Teruteru: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Fuyuhiko: Then you must be exhausted.
Hiyoko: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
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b4bygangst3r · 2 months ago
might be strange, but heard.
Sound a little strange but what about, hear me out, fuyuteru.
I have seen some evidence of Fuyuteru in the game, manga, and anime that got me thinking~ Like when Fuyuhiko yells at Teruteru during the class trial and he gets all giddy because he’s into that. Also, I saw a page from the manga where Teruteru is all blushy while talking to Fuyuhiko and he says something like “Aww! You really do care about me~” There’s also that moment in the anime when he teases Fuyuhiko about getting hyped for the party after seeing how much work Chiaki was putting in. It’s fun to imagine that Fuyuhiko’s hostile disinterest is actually just him being a tsundere. It’s definitely a fun ship! 💖
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pekopeko-yama · 2 months ago
how does that whole peko kuzu teru thing work?/genuine not malicious
Honestly I've been thinking a bit about that too, considering I do like rarepairs and figuring out how they could work. I am not surprised you're asking, considering it seems like a bit of a curveball. So here's some Thoughts (mostly on Terupeko because I think that might be the hardest sell here. Oh, and Peko bias):
I should not have to explain The Kuzu X Peko part of this. If you need an explanation for it, there's plenty of other posts on it.
Not going to lie... I cannot see PekoxTeruteru alone working out. Peko is not that horny* and I can't see her being on the same wavelength at all as Teruteru at his most Teruteru
*I think Peko is the kind of person whose horniness would be stoked more by someone less horny than her, rather than more. The former lets her own desires coming to her naturally, and I can see her getting more invested in that rather than being confronted with them by someone else.
...But Kuzupekoteru? I think it's helped a lot by the fact that Teruteru and Fuyuhiko both have quite strong personalities, and so they're able to vent a lot of their stronger emotions (particularly horniness) with each other. (At least that's what the direction those two character RP'ers are going with it.)
(Can't explain in-depth of Kuzuteru would work, other than Kuzuryuu being a bit like 'oh my fucking god I can't believe I'm in love with this guy', and that becoming more and more affectionate as the relationship goes on. But whatever, they're horny and in love with each other, Teruteru makes sure Fuyuhiko doesn't eat fried dough cookies all day, I'll allow it.)
And so with someone else to express his horniness with, I can see Teruteru being more chill around Peko, which allows them to click better.
Especially since, whilst Peko's cooking abilities would obviously not measure up to Teruteru's, her knife skills certainly would. And so I can see them just chilling in the kitchen together, just conversing with each other lightly (idk what recipe would require that much chopping, as Peko is f a s t, but I'm sure Teruteru could figure it out. Maybe they just don't use garlic presses.)
Either way, I think Peko would like being with someone more proactive and outwards with how they feel. She's quiet and not always the best at sorting out her emotions, I think she'd be grateful having someone easily express how they feel and move things along.
But yeah. I think Teruteru would enjoy having someone to have more lowkey conversations with as well. Peko is very much a good listener, so he can go on and on about his mother and his family restaurant and she will just listen to it all.
Especially since she, who was raised as the lowest of the lows, would absolutely not judge him for his more rural background that he tries to hide.
Aand I consider Peko's love language Quality Time, so that's all a win for her (in terms of what she'd like to receive, since her outward love language is absolutely Acts of Service)
So yeah. Teruteru has his Horny BF and Chill GF, allowing himself to express himself fully, Peko gets two people who care for her, and Fuyuhiko gets to have his cake and eat it too by dating both people he's romantically into (again, going by how the RP has gone)
So yeah. Maybe that helps explain some of it? It certainly helped me understand it more haha
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teruchanyippie · 9 months ago
Idk.. i like kuzuteru more than anything.
Imagine teruteru likes to carrying his bossbaby around and his mom belike "Omg son u gay???", I FU C KING WISH I COULD SEE FUYUTERU KISSING AND DO ROUGH THINGS IN THE ANIME ISTG!!!
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ask-the-shorty-squad · 6 months ago
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We have letter fridge magnets so obviously I had to sneakily make KuzuTeru and Nagiyoi✨
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World peace has been achieved thanks to you. All is now right with the world.
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askthesdr2survivors · 11 months ago
Greeting mod! I’m new here and I noticed to kuzuteru stuff so I’m definitely interested. However is the blog still alive or is it basically dead?
((Hey Anon! Yeah sorry. This blog is very much dead and gone. Mod Ash isn’t really interested in pursuing KuzuTeru as a ship much further. Their flagship fic, Anger, Denial, and Chocolate Cake should still be up on AO3. If you’re interested, they’ve written more works for NDRV3 since that was a thing after this blog died.
Either way, I hope this message finds you well. Take care!
With love and cola,
Mod Audri))
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consuming-leaves · 2 years ago
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500x500 Black Teruteru Hanamura x Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu icons for Anon!
Rb+credit if you save/use!
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waffelycute · 9 months ago
i am unfortunately kuzuteru trash. its a lifestyle
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vndooms · 4 years ago
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short kings anthem
edit: i forgot fuyuhikos freckles... extremely flop of me
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rainbowdelicartz · 4 years ago
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I just wanted to bring some attention to my DR ships and my personal hcs for them! To start, here's some KuzuTeru! (I hc Teru as pansexual and genderfluid and Fuyuhiko as bi!) (w and w/o filter)
I hope ya’ll enjoy!! 🌈🌈
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