#malon x oc
dreaming-of-lu · 11 months
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Let Dovah smooch her wife, dammit! 😭
-bonus- "Honey, I can just pick you up instead of you having to use the crate to kiss, you know this right?" Dovah blinked at Malon when she scoots the crate over with her boots. Malon huffs, "Oh, hush you, I rather you save yer strength for later."
"Yes ma'am," Dovah playfully saluted and chuckled.
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justapixelthing · 11 months
So I didn't know canon character x OC was a common way of shipping, but I'm glad it is. I'm always team Zelink but I don't like loose ends so....
Meet Arod, a skilled archer of the Hylian Army, who ends up marrying Malon, the beautiful ranch girl from Ocarina of Time.
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Arod and Malon are especially prominent in the 4th timeline (where my Zelda story 'TLoZ: Remnants of the Past' is set on) but I see him with her in any timeline. In the 4th timeline however, their bloodline creates the ROTP side characters Maron and her son Aron who run the ranch as Ron Ron Ranch many generations later.
Have some 4th Timeline specific info on Arod and this relationship:
He originates from an ungoverned area outside of Hyrule
He doesn't know for sure, but it is rumored (or pretty clear) that his family is of the Sheikah, due to their white hair and red eyes. But they have lost the knowledge of their tribe.
Arod is a highly skilled archer, a skill he has practiced since childhood
He came to Hyrule during the period of reconstruction post-Oot, after news of what happend spread to neighboring places.
Eventually he joined the Hylian army, which was being reformed by Impa and the Hero of Time.
He butted heads a lot with Link and teased him a lot.... even though Link is his literal trainer.
Arod is VERY cocky. He thinks very highly of himself and brags a lot. Unfortunately for the people around him, his archery skills do kinda give him those bragging rights. He can be very sweet with the right people.
Because of his archery skills, he is also nicknamed 'Sniper' in the Hylian army.
He first saw Malon when she made a shipment of goods to the construction site and instantly fell for her.
But Malon was heartbroken because she had feelings for Link and Link, while caring for her, was clearly destined for Zelda. So Arod found it hard to approach her.
Once Link found out Arod was into Malon, he set them up to meet more often by causing random coincidences where they'd have to spend a bit of time together.
It worked! Arod and Malon became familiar and Arod eventually offered to work on the farm after trainings. Over all that, Malon eventually realized she didn't love Link, but she loved what he did for her. What she felt for Arod, that was true love.
Arod literally became the knight to sweep Malon of her feet, as Malon always wished for.
Link and Malon became better friends over this. Link and Zelda eventually became official too and both couples became super close.
Because Link and Arod still tease each other, Malon and Zelda joked that their men are gay for each other and anytime the guys would tease another, one of the girls would go "Go get a room!" Arod clearly didn't care enough about the fact that Link became King to stop messing with him.
The children of Malon and Arod would call Zelda and Link auntie and uncle. The children of Link and Zelda would do the same with the other couple.
Though despite that, one child of Zelink would actually eventually fall in love with one child of Marod. I headcanon that this also happens in the child timeline and there this new couple would lead to TP Link's bloodline (Like, the Zelink child leaves the throne to a sibling to stay on the farm with the Marod child, thus TP Link who is their descendant doesn't end up as a royal)
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imgondeletedis · 3 months
hey guys so
who would be interested if i wrote a mini-series Benedict bridgerton x reader, like a dark multi-shot, might or might not be inspired by fortnight by Taylor Swift because in my opinion one of the complex songs on this album, you've got to trust the process, I MIGHT GET A LOT OF BLACK LASH BUT ALRIGHT I am kinda proud of it, gonna include a slight cheating warning. So who wants to be on the taglist?
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Gif not mine obviously.
Will also post on ao3 if someone's actually interested hehehe
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toasttt11 · 5 months
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April 28, 2025
It was the sixth playoff game in the first series and Penguins have won two so far. Kensington was having some great games in the games so far.
Kensington asked her family not to come out for the first round and come out if that make it two the second and her friends were all busy with the school year ending soon they couldn’t join anyways.
It was halfway through the third period and the teams were tied 2-2 and Kensington had just scored the last goal tying them back up during her last shift.
She looked up as she took the pass from Sidney when she suddenly felt the other team player slam into her but more importantly they slammed into her bad knee, she quickly crumpled to the floor and instantly she was groaning out in excruciating pain, it was completely worse than the first time it was injured.
Kensington was on her side and curled in to a little ball, holding her knee to her chest, whimpering out in pain as she felt so much pain in her knee, more than she has the whole time it’s been injured.
Sidney and Braden both quickly rushed over to her as well the penguins trainers, everyone on the team knows about her injury and they can see her holding her bad knee.
Kensington looked up with teary eyes and shook her head, she knew she wouldn’t be playing any longer.
The trainer had Sideny and Braden help her up again and she had all her weight on her good leg, her bad knee not even close to touching the ice. She wrapped her arms around the two and they both wrapped an arm around her back helping her stand.
They slowly helped her get of the ice and down the tunnel. Luckily they were playing at home so they had there full medical staff, Kensington was helped down the tunnel and in to a medical room and in to the medical bed.
Sidney and Braden both wanted to stay and be by her side, “Go, go win the game.” Kensington croaked out barely being able to open her eyes from how much pain she was in.
They didn’t win the game and the Penguins were out from the playoffs.
Kensington had gotten helped changed out of her uniform and equipment and they took her into the MRI, the medical team shared a uneasy look seeing how bad the knee had gotten from that hit, they knew surgery was now needed and as soon as possible.
Kensington was staring at the celling devastated as she knew her knee was worse she could feel how bad it was and she had just gotten out of the playoffs for the first time.
She looked up as the door opened and the doctors walked in with hesitant looks on their faces and Kensington felt dread fill her stomach as she knew something was bad, something bad with her knee.
“Tell me.” Kensington politely demanded she wanted to get it over with, she knew nothing good would be coming from them and she prepared for the worst.
“Your tear is still there and it has gotten worse, but you also damaged more in your knee. Kensington you have a grade 3 tear in your ACL and MCL. You’ll need surgery as soon as possible.” The doctor gravely told her.
“How long will i be out.” Kensington desperately questioned as she realized she know how three different tears in her one knee.
“At least four months up to six months depending on how it heals.” The other doctor sadly told her, “We can schedule your surgery for tomorrow morning we just need your consent.”
“Do it.” Kensington quickly agreed knowing the sooner she gets the surgery the sooner she can heal up.
The doctors left the room giving her some space.
One of the team members had gotten her personal items and brought her to Kensington, she grabbed her phone and saw hundreds of texts and she knew everyone saw her fall and were definitely texting her very worried.
She ignored everything and clicked on her mom’s contact, for the first in months she was calling someone else and not declining someone else’s call or face time, she held the phone up to her ear waiting for her mom to answer.
“Sunny!” Ellen quickly answered the phone and had four pairs of eyes on her all just as worried for Kensington.
Jack, Luke, Jim, Quinn and Ellen were all at home in Michigan watching her game together and had been worried like crazy since they saw her fall and get helped off the ice.
“Mama.” Kensington felt herself tear up at her mom’s voice, “I really need you to come here.” Kensington knew she couldn’t hide this any longer and she needed her family.
“Of course we will be out as soon as possible.” Ellen quickly assured just wanting to see her daughter, “Sunshine are you okay?” Ellen heard the wavering in her daughter’s voice.
“No. No I’m not okay.” Kensington whispered out, she hadn’t been okay in along time, “I’m getting surgery tomorrow.”
“Oh my sunshine.” Ellen covered her mouth knowing it has to be bad to get a surgery that quick, “We will be there okay.” Ellen reassured her.
“Thank you Mama.” Kensington sniffed blinking her eyes to keep her tears in.
“And uh could you tell Will please.” Kensington whispered softly she knew she needed Will just as much even if she felt like she didn’t deserve to ask for him to come with how she’s been treating him.
“I will.” Ellen hummed she knew she would tell Will, Ryan and Gabe and they all would be coming out as well, “I’ll see you tomorrow my sunshine i love you.”
“I love you too mom.” Kensington whispered back.
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Missed Communication [Time x Fem!OC x Malon]
In which Time has met his match in the least flattering way possible and Malon has custody of all the brain cells.
A.K.A Time and OC are idiots and Malon's their only saving grace.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
This was not how I thought my first visit to Lon Lon Ranch would go.
Maybe a friendly greeting with Time's Misses, a few laughs with the boys and then a well placed excuse to escape the chronic awkwardness (and unease) that seems to dominate my every interaction with the Hero of Time these days.
Not. This. Whatever this is.
Our first meeting had been as normal and pleasant as any magic portal driven meeting could be. That is to say, not normal at all but pleasant regardless. Just really, really weird.
The older Hero and I had just clicked, despite this. His nonchalant deadpanned humor matched well with my well-placed instigation and soft-spoken wit. It helped that I was (physically) his age and boosted a maturity surpassing that of most of his charges.
Also, he was handsome as sin. Like, painfully pretty. Don't get me wrong, objectively all the boys were beautiful, but the mature set of Time's jaw and the faint lines around his eyes just stroked the woman in me.
Man has dilf himbo energy in spades. The whole damned package.
Malon was a lucky woman indeed.
The first few months of our aquatince was warm, simple and steeped in a growing trust that grew with each exasperated sideward glance and fond smile shared over the boys' heads. He was, in the truest meaning of the word, my friend. I dare even say a good one.
And then it happened.
That damned fortune teller.
The beginning of the end of our budding friendship. Stopped dead in it's tracks in less than the span of a breath.
I don't know what she'd told him that day, and he wouldn't tell, but it changed something fundimental in the bond I'd thought we'd shared. Now, he can hardly stand to look at me most days, let alone have a full converstion.
And I'm...just so lost.
It hurts, the sudden distance. So unexpected. One moment we're sleeping next to each other each night, whispering fondly about his beloved wife and my beloved pets, and the next an entire fire and six bedrolls lay between us.
But what can I do. He'd made his stance clear, silent though it may be, and who am I to cling to a friendship I was the only one harboring. It wasn't fair to him, and it most certainly wasn't fair to me.
So, I let it go. Just stayed in the back of the group where our paths wouldn't have to cross and began to forge new friendships among the boys. And honestly, I'm still enjoying myself among this gaggle of sweet, overly protective gremlins. Despite whatever misfortune (or miscommunication) caused this rift between Time and I.
Case in point, Legend might just be the funniest guy I've met in a long time and I'm glad I've had the opportunity to grow closer to him. Even if his words sometimes bite a little too close to home. Though Hyrule's quiet concern over the strained interaction between thier unofficial leader and myself often leaves me feeling guilty. His large, inquiring eyes and soft, sympathetic smile enough to shake a woman down to the bones.
Such sensitive boys, all of them.
I wish I'd had answers for them.
Especially when it all took an even deeper nosedive when Time recieved a letter from his wife. Standard fair but for the way his eye had hooded and cut towards me for just the briefest of moments, focused and cold.
Had I not been looking around the group as I had in that moment, I would have missed it entirely. But be it fate or luck (ill though it may have been) I had unintentionally made eye contact with him.
It was the first time in all my interactions with the Chain that I felt...
...afraid. Of him.
But it was gone as soon as it happened. Seemingly a simple misread flicker of the firelight, but for the way my heart stood cold in my chest for the rest of the night afterward.
And many more nights to follow.
So, upon exiting the portal to the wide pastures of a land I pegged to be Time's, I steeled myself. Against what, I wasn't sure, but I was on his home turf now and he certainly didn't seem to want me around. So, I'd imagine he'd take exception to my presence in his home.
But nothing could have prepared me for...
"Goodness! Why, aren't ya just the sweetest thing! All doe eyed and honey dew smile! Dear! Why didn't you tell me she'd be such a darling!"
She took to me like a bee to pollen, a moth to light. She locked her arm with mine immediately and refused to budge, even as she embraced the boys one by one. Her dark blue eyes were glimmering (like the surface of deep water) and hair shining in the sunlight. Sun-kissed face glowing with wonder and delight. The freckles on her cheeks charming across her sweat slicked skin.
She was wonderful. She was beautiful.
I was terrified.
I couldn't bring myself to look in Time's direction. I didn't think my heart would survive what I'd find.
I was afraid to see that cold, focused eye ripping though my soul again, as though staring down an enemy.
I made my excuses early, feigning weariness, much to Melon's dismay. She took it well enough though. Called me a delicate, spring flower. Showed me to the guests rooms, offered me my own. I refused (I wanted to stay with the boys. She seemed charmed by the admission). Touched my hand with such warmth, was slow to withdraw.
I smiled at her, small but grateful, hesitant. My heart was hammering in my chest. The hairs on the back of my neck rose at the feeling of a stare on the side of my face.
She smiled back, seemingly eager for my tentative gestures of friendship. So very sincere, radiating the kind of adoration a person spends their whole lives searching for.
I didn't look to her right. I didn't look up nor  over her shoulder. I kept my eyes on hers, entranced by their dark colors and the little sparks of life dancing within depths but afraid to tell her so.
She was absolutely gorgeous and I was so smitten and so very fucked.
I hoped my face didn't give me away. I prayed that my eyes didn't reveal my thoughts.
When her eyes crinkled at the corners, I knew I'd failed.
I bid them a good evening.
Even as I'd closed the door I could still feel his gaze on me.
I stayed in the room all that evening and all through the night. Four was sweet enough to bring me a plate of dinner, and I was once again so grateful to be in the company of such caring young men.
I really, really was.
That night I slept with Hyrule curled against my back, trying to be the best big spoon he could. Sky was at his, the whole damned ladle to encompass us both within his arms. Legend at our feet, his hand curled loosely around Sky's half rumpled sock and face scrunched in discontent, fingers occasionally twitching around the fabric.
I loved them all so much.
Then things got weird.
I exited the room the next morning before the majority of the boys had even left their bedrolls and found Time waiting at the end of the hallway. He was wearing a plain off-white shirt and dark pants.
He looked good. Relaxed, almost, but for the tension in his shoulders when he caught sight of me. The reminder was enough to tear my eyes from him and keep my gaze lowered as I moved steadily to walk passed him.
"Hey." The sound of his voice startled me, so long has it been since it was directed towards me.
He sounded awkward and I wanted to ease that awkwardness. I did not have the strength to, however. I was a coward.
And hurt. Very, very hurt.
"Yes?" I eventually said after the stilted silence had carried on too long, unable to keep watching this strong man (this good man, still, for all we were at odds) struggling to continue.
His one good eye tried to meet my gaze, feather soft and regretful in my peripheral, so very vulnerable under my carefully blank stare fixated on his cheek.
"I know I don't deserve it, and you need not accept, but I'd like to properly apologize for the way I've treated you in the recent weeks." He finally managed, voice laden with an emotion I couldn't fully place but thought sounded suspiciously like grief. "If you'd allow me, may I please escort you to the kitchen?"
I wanted to say no. I wanted to stay silent. I wanted to be petty.
I wanted Sky to stop worrying about me. I wanted Twilight to stop repenting to me. I wanted Hyrule to stop fretting for me. I wanted Warriors to stop defending me. I wanted Wild to stop raging for me. I wanted Legend to stop hurting for me.
I wanted...I just wanted...
I just wanted my friend back.
I wanted to feel safe again.
I've always been such a fool for vulnerable men.
Tentatively, he offered his arm, eye soft and resigned from the corner of my vision. Waiting for me to reject him, I realized, wanting me to express my rage the only way he knew I'd allow myself. Wanting to be punished accordingly for having suddenly scorned my friendly gestures and inquiring whispers.
What a fool man. Such a damned idiot.
Guess that makes two of us.
I took his arm, fighting down the wave of unease and spite that pushed against my throat. His arm was warm and solid under my tentative touch, barely restrained power coursing under the cloth and skin. I'd nearly forgotten how his shoulders seemed wide enough to carry the weight of the world.
No. No I hadn't. In the quiet of the night, when the unease and uncertainty were strongest, sometimes I wondered if that might would one day snuff the light from my eyes.
I wondered if he'd cry in remorse afterwards. If he'd feel anything at all.
He wouldn't. He wouldn't feel a thing because he'd never do that and I knew it. Wouldn't have been fighting for breathing room between Sky and Hyrule's smothering heat if he'd had any intent to remove me from their lives. Wouldn't have been cradling Wind's small head between the soft valley of my breasts if he'd deemed me dangerous or unsavory or suspicious.
I may have fallen out of his favor, but he loved his boys with a fierce and zealous devotion. He'd never let harm befall them, be it body, soul or tenderly beating hearts.
He'd have cut me down long ago if he ever meant to. To spare his boys the pain of loss.
The kitchen was bright and smelled faintly of herbs when we entered, my arm still folded gently with Time's.
Malon was there, enchanting red hair down around her shoulders and eyes bright, despite the early hour. The faint crease lines of pillow marks reddened the soft curve of her cheek, stark even against the spread of her freckles.
She smiled at me, tired and fond, before pinning her husband with an intense, expectant stare. The set of her mouth and brow was carefully neutral, but the fire in her eyes gave away her true feelings.
She was mad. Not livid or spiteful or even disappointed, just mad.
She was scarier for it. I could tell she wasn't the type of woman to go off on a rampage and say or do anything that would deminish the validity of her own arguements or feelings. She was probably the type of woman to say exactly what she means and how she feels without embellishment nor doubt. She seemed the type of person you couldn't find fault in their anger, because it was perfectly supported by their words and actions.
Noticing this, I almost felt bad for Time and how thoroughly he was probably admonished to make him this compliant after weeks of silence and avoidance. Almost. Mostly I just felt a hesitant spark of validation and kinship with Malon, even as confusion and caution swirled in my chest.
Why? Why was this even happening in the first place? Why this sudden atmosphere around the couple?
They loved each other so much. They missed each other so much. Before- that happened, Time never shied away from expressing his feelings regarding his wife. Nor what she'd written to him in turn.
What happened? What did she see between Time and I that would bring her scrutiny down on her beloved husband? For a woman she didn't even know?
Time led me to the chairs closest to where Malon was leaning against the counter, loosening his grip enough for me to remove my arm from his. It seemed to be another conscious decision on his part, to not pull away and to allow me to be in control of our proximity. Honestly, it was sweet he was trying so hard, and had it been before all of...this, I certainly would have swooned at the effort he was making.
I steeled myself against the warm feeling trying to take root in my stomach though, and instead took a seat at the counter.
"Good mornin', darlin'. You sleep well?" Malon asked softly, eyes warm and sleep dry lips pulled into a tired but inviting smile.
I nodded, before managing to speak around the lump in my throat. "Yes. Thank you for having us, Ms. Malon. I apologize for retiring early last night. The road left me quite weary. You and your husband's hospitality is most appreciated."
I noticed a spark of something glinting in Malon's dark eyes, before it was soothed down with a bright smile. "Now, now! There's no need for that, dear! You're always welcome here!"
She looked to her husband then, and when I instinctively followed her gaze, I wasn't expecting what I saw.
His jaw was clenched, betraying the- false- smoothness of his brow and relaxed curve of his ears. He was upset, but trying to reign it in and project a calm front. The lines around his eye gave him away though.
He looked hurt. Gazing into Malon's eyes with a lost expression.
What was happening?
I couldn't take it anymore. This underline tension and these confusing actions and feelings being tossed over my head. Like fists full of powder clogging my senses.
"I'm sorry, but, please." I said softly, bringing their attention back to me. My stomach rolled, but I pushed on. "I don't understand what's happening right now." I kept my eyes averted. "Please just explain it to me, so I can understand how to fix this."
I spoke once more into that silence. Voice tight with emotion and broken, useless pride as I continued.
"I'm sorry for this tension I've caused. I meant no harm. I just want to make amends for whatever I did to offend you." I looked Time in the eyes. The first time since that fateful night we locked gazes across the fire. "I'm sorry. Tell me how to fix this. Please, Link."
The warm slide of tears escaped down my cheeks without permission, my body no longer able to hold back the immensity of my feelings. The hurt, the confusion, the desperation. The pulsing, writhing, whispering doubt that was my fear.
Fear of this man's wrath and the power he so casually holds over me, a foreign woman with no means to properly defend or support herself in this strange, unfamiliar world. Who's very survival hangs by the thin thread that is the Chain's compassion and continued favor.
Fear of his every frown and unreadable silence. Of the loyalty the boys hold for this man and his words, his influence, his command. Of how quickly he can take it all away in a moment of displeasure or offense. This warm safety net of fondness and companionship I've built myself within the soft, welcoming hearts of the boys, nothing more than delicate silk webs weaved around his fingers. Allowed purchase by the grace of his will alone.
Fear of his overwhelming strength, his unrelenting fury in the face of opposition. Of his unyielding might and unfathomable abilities beyond anything my limited understanding of this world can comprehend. The raw talent he possesses, the potential he wields, like magic weaving themselves into mortal flesh.
My shoulders begin to shake, throat closing as I hide my face in my hands, fingers wetting with tears. The weight of everything crashing down like stones upon my chest and I'm overwhelmed by the fall.
I miss my world, my home, my family, my friends. I miss my independence. I miss the security of knowing how to survive in the world around me, of being able to support myself and choose whom I give myself wholly over to.
I miss the power to live without fear of others opinions or goodwill. To stare down those who would judge and scorn me with the confidence of a woman with a full time job and the money to back up her words. Her own apartment, her own bills. A phone and heating and water and food and furry little mouths to feed.
A woman assured of herself and where she stands in the world. I woman without fear.
The woman I used to be. Not this sniveling, begging shell of a creature clinging to life by the favor of a man. Who. Hates. Her.
Eventually, the tears ran their course and I finally became aware of myself again. Arms were around me, holding me against warm muscle hidden under soft cloth as my hands twisted into their long sleeve.
"I...I'm sorry." I choked, embarrassed and struggling to breathe through blocked sinuses. "I didn't mean to...to..."
I opened my eyes.
I realized, staring at Malon's blurred face twisted in compassion from across the counter, that it wasn't her holding me.
She wasn't the one holding me.
My breath nearly hitched in anxiety, stomach dropping in the cold void of my guts. My mind reeled with confusion, a thousand thoughts swirling through my head between one breath and the next. A cold sweat broke out along the nape of my neck, along my lower back.
I'd frozen, still clutching to the sleeve between my fingers and my shoulder tucked into a chest (firm, laden with dense, lithe muscle) that could only belong to one man.
This didn't make sense. Being forced by your wife to apologize was one thing, but to actively comfort the person you resented was something else entirely. I couldn't wrap my head around it.
I felt confused, wrong-footed, relieved. But mostly, I felt stupid. Because I didn't understand a damned thing that was happening right now or what had caused this sudden shift in Time's behavior.
Then Time started speaking, and it was like the entire world began to shatter and remake itself around me.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think- I didn't know-" He paused briefly, before taking a deep, fortifying breath and continuing. "I'm sorry I hurt you. That I put fear in your heart. It was never my intention. I hadn't even considered how the situation must have looked to you."
Another breath, the slightest tensing of his arms around my shoulders. "You always seem so calm and assured in everything you do. It didn't even cross my mind that you might feel vulnerable after everything that's happened to you."
My heart squeezed. All my insecurities, being laid out before me. One glance at Malon's knowing gaze and I understand where this sudden awareness must have come from.
Time continued, heedless of my newfound understanding. "I never once intended to cast you aside or let harm befall you. I care for you so dearly. Even if you had decided to reject my companionship, I'd still protect you all the same. I thought you knew that, but I was wrong. I should never have assumed you knew something I didn't tell you."
He sighed, but it sounded shaky in my ear. "I hadn't stopped to consider your feelings, before I sought to protect my own. And for that, I'm sorry."
The arms around me tightened, as though trying to impart the sincerety of his words with the action. He needn't have bothered though, because despite it all I believed every word he spoke.
If there was one thing I could always rely on, it was his honesty in matters regarding the heart. No matter how strained our friendship became, it was the one thing I knew he would not actively lie about.
But still.
"But I never did anything to you." I sniffed wetly, fingers digging into his sleeve as I fixated my gaze at the countertop where Malon's freckled hands were resting. "I don't understand why you suddenly felt the need to- escape from me." The tears wanted to come again, but I held them back. This was too important to lose focus. "Please help me understand. The fortune teller-"
Time groaned suddenly and Malon laughed with impish delight, a glint of mischief making an unexpected appearance in her eyes. The sound of Malon's laughter brought confused warmth to my chest, cutting through the thick turmoil muddying up my mind.
Awkward silence. Until Time sighed again. Deeply.
"She told me I'd find new and- passionate love."
Wait, what?
I pulled away from his arms a bit, just enough to turn and peer at him through watery lashes, taking in his blurry visage. My brows pulled down and a look of disbelief no doubt found purchase on my face, mouth pressed in a tight line.
"That's it? Weeks of avoidance and radio silence because some lady in a tent said you'd get the hots for someone? And you just assumed that someone might be me?"
I couldn't believe it. All this time. Just because some lady happened to see us traveling close together and decided to play matchmaker? Really?
Of all the-
Wait a damned minute.
"Time?" I said, tone flat as I locked gazes with him. Dead serious.
He looked right back, though there was caution in his eye now along side the regret. "Yes?"
I leaned forward a bit, our already close proximity putting me squarely in his face. My could feel the spark of rightous rage taking form in my chest.
"You weren't having doubts about your marriage with Malon, were you?"
And suddenly there was no space between us, noses nearly touching, his stare so intense I almost pulled back despite still being trapped in his arms. I could feel the warm, damp spread of his breath against my lips and chin.
"No." He said with dead calm, the hard surely of his tone left no room for doubt.
"Good. Because if you were, you don't deserve her." I threw back, still giving him a hard stare.
Silence. He breaths smelled of coffee and something sweet coated over his natural scent. It made my gut twist in a not unpleasant way. It reminded me that his arms were still around me. How warm he was in the morning chill. How firm his muscles were against my hands and shoulder.
He grinned then, eye brimming with fae-like mirth as he rested his forehead against mine. It was the first time I've seen that beautiful expression in so long. My heart ached at the sight of it, warmth and sweet relief flooding into my heart like babbling spring water.
"There you are." He breathed lowly, eye closing as he leaned more into our point of contact. He inhaled deeply through his nose, shoulders relaxing. I hadn't even noticed until then just how tense they were. "I thought I'd ruined this."
"Hmm?" I hummed in question, still caught up in the rapture of seeing his smile again. Head foggy from our proximity, I felt the beginnings of fatigue settling into my bones from my earlier crying.
"My! Would ya look at that! You weren't kiddin' when ya said she had them lovin' eyes, darling!" Malon spoke up suddenly with barely contained glee, popping the bubble that seemed to exist around Time and I.
I pulled away hurriedly, realizing just how close Time and I had been. Sharing breath, foreheads resting against one another and our noses nearly bumping together. His arms around me and my body nestled into his chest. All of it completely inappropriate for the situation. Especially for being right in front of his wife!
And she sounded far too pleased with this whole thing. Like it didn't even matter that I'd just blubbered in her husband's arms and then touched my face to his like I had a right to.
The confusion was back. But this time, it pulled bright, sweet warmth to my cheeks as I stumbled to my feet. The gentle wink of butterfly wings swirled around in my stomach and Malon's delighted smirk only intensified the sensation, sending the flock up into my throat.
I needed to get away. I needed to think.
"I-I accept your apology, Time!" I stuttered out embarrassedly, fighting the blush I knew was trying to heat my face. "I hope we can talk more later, but I'd like time to think about what you said!" I explained a bit too loudly even to my own ears, nearly wincing at my own awkwardness.
Malon, having come from behind the counter, leaned against her husband's back, hands on his shoulders. She smiled sweetly, a complimentary expression to Time's amused grin. Both of them were haloed by the sun shining softly through the window behind them, like a Goddamned magazine cover.
Goodness, but do they make a beautiful couple.
No. Stay focused. Escape first and then figure out what the Hell is happening. Get yourself together.
"Have a good day, Time, Malon!" Time's lip twitched upward. My stomach squeezed. "Okay! Bye for now."
Then, I all but ran from the kitchen, leaving behind what may have been the last of my dignity. Behind me, Malon's sweet laughter chased me down the hall, alighting my face with hellfire.
And therein began my first official day at Lon Lon Ranch.
Because of the limited perspective of first person narrative, a lot of the finer details are implied rather then stated. So if something seems out of left field, it's because the OC herself didn't realize what was happening behind the scenes.
Now I must return to the shadows to rest.
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king-trollex-fangirl · 10 months
Prince D x Rap songs
"Girls Like You" by Maroon 5 ft Cardi B
"My Love" by Justin Timberlake
"This Is Me" by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas (from Disney Camp Rock)
"Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen
"Sunflower" by Post Malone and Swae Lee
Rap belongs to me
Prince D belongs to DreamWorks
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Other OCs (part 1)
I’ve been wanting to talk about other OCs that may or may not be a part of Morgan’s story - I haven’t decided yet, and there’s always aus - but I felt like I wanted to make at least something for them rather than just ramble, and I could never quite get up the motivation.  But today I have, using this picrew, for a few at least.  So:
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Connor Lannon
His hair should really be silver/grey rather than white - as should Morgan’s grandparents in this post - but the picrew only had white (purple and blue, but not grey) and I’d already started making some characters in it and I kind of wanted to have a bit of a ‘uniform’ representation for them, so - I did what I could.
Connor is probably the most fanciful idea I came up with.  Essentially, he is a career criminal, a contract killer/enforcer for the most part - with a lot of Liam Neeson in Taken vibes, but more evil and I only vaguely think of Liam as a faceclaim for him.  About 20 years before the start of the game, he was on a job in Montana.  Things went south, he had to run, and ended up getting hunted down by a rival gang.  His car stalled on a road around Great Falls, and Morgan’s father happened to pass by.  He helped fix the car for free, and when people looking for Connor showed up - he let Connor hide and covered for him, sent them on their way.  Without asking any questions or demanding anything in return, despite a decent implication he might get hurt for it.  Connor got out of the job safe and sound, but he kept thinking back on that incident a lot as the years went by.  20 years later, now in his middle age, he has something of an existential crisis - he decides one thing he really wants to do is find that guy who saved him, thank him, and see if he can pay the debt back in any way.
He tracks down Morgan’s father, but finds out he died years earlier.  He still visits Morgan’s mother, being very vague about his connection to Morgan’s dad, and finds out about Morgan.  Morgan who has just started a career in law enforcement, away from her family.  And he decides to go find her and see if he can ‘repay’ the debt by helping her in some way.  I figure that getting in to Hope County during the Reaping wouldn’t be quite as difficult as getting out - the Cult wants to ‘save every soul they can’ - so whether it’s during the Reaping or in a no-warrant AU, he manages to get to Morgan and - helping her out with the immediate problems in her life in either situation brings him rather sharply into conflict with Eden’s Gate.
He basically just came out of an idea I had for a) Morgan deserves a psychotic badass on her side, and b) how would she deal with a psycho, given her morals, outside of the specific culture of Eden’s Gate and ‘we’re saving people really’.  Connor is a psychopath in my general conception of him - but not a pure one, not incapable of empathy, just having had it crushed out of him by a lifetime of organised crime and trying to survive it.  He has some feeling - hence his getting stuck on Morgan’s dad’s act of selflessness, and wanting to ‘repay’ that in some way.  But he is not a nice man, and he will do horrible things, despite having the ‘honourable’ goal of helping Morgan.  How that will mesh with her morals, and the situation she’s in, will likely be very messy.
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Carl is a member of Eden’s Gate - not a Chosen, but one of those high-level ‘security’ dudes with the cool black coats.  During the Reaping, and maybe in some aus, Joseph specifically wants him to try to talk with Morgan about her situation and why she should join Eden’s Gate, because Carl has a unique insight into her position - he used to be a Deputy at the Sheriff’s Department too.  He joined up, very optimistic and with the best of intentions - but became disillusioned with law enforcement in the County and in America.  Largely related to the treatment of black and POC people, and poor people.  He does do his best to make a connection with Morgan and talk to her - but very often at the end of a shotgun, or after she’s been woken up from being knocked-out, tied up, again.  She is a slippery one.
I don’t have a specific last name for Carl - I was thinking Teller, but I also quite like the headcanon that everyone in the Cult takes on the last name Seed, because they’re all a ‘family’ - except for Feeney, to whom no rules apply.  Teller may be his pre-Cult surname, but I also might change it.  I don’t have a lot of backstory decided for Carl, but I really like the idea of him and Cold Little Heart by Michael Kiwanuka always makes me think of him.
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cornyforjk · 3 months
Your quite treason | JJK
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ᥫ᭡pairing: married exbsf!jungkook x female reader 
ᥫ᭡genre: ex best friends, forbidden love , angst rating: 16+
ᥫ᭡warnings: drug and alcohol usage, mentions of cheating, swearing, depressed, obsession, crying and all that stupid stuff.
ᥫ᭡word count: around 20K (ik it's too much but i couldn't control my feelings 😩)
ᥫ᭡summary: Your love for Jeon Jungkook was ruining your life.
ᥫ᭡inspiration: Fortnight by The Motherr Taylor Swift (ft.Post Malone)
ᥫ᭡listen to: Fortnight by The Motherr Taylor Swift (ft.Post Malone), happier by Olivia Rodrigo
ᥫ᭡Author's note: AHHHH, okay, woof. This is the first ever fanfic I'll post, tho I've written many but never posted. Please bare if there's any grammatical mistake and if my writing feels too much.
Show some love and your suggestions are welcome in the comment section 😗
Hello Mrs. Park, how have you been?" You turn around to find Minji, speaking to you while watering the flowers of her front garden.
Minji, Jeon Minji. She always made you feel like the worst person, tho she never meant it. In fact,she's the sweetest and the kindest person you've ever known. And that's why, she's in the position you've always dreamed to be in. That's why she has the man you've always dreamt of.
And the fact, you can never be her nor in her position, makes you feel like the worst person on this earth.
"Hello, Mrs. Jeon, I've been doing just fine. How about you? " Tho your tongue burnt on the feeling of reffering her by the title,you still held up a smile. A smile behind which no one could see the pain. "I'm great, actually! But you, Mrs. Park, you look unwell." You sensed the concern to be genuine and you hated that. "Oh yeah, just tired from work. Yk it's too much these days." You replied, not wanting her to noticing anything wrong with you. "Ah, I understand. Work can get stressful, but I'm sure everything will get tell well soon." She smiles at you, and you see another reason why she's deserves the title more.
You smile back at her and thank her before leaving towards your house, your insides burning with the urge to kill her right then.
"There's a new couple shifting in the house behind ours" Jaehyun, your husband says while he's eating his breakfast. "Oh, in the Jung's? Didn't think they'll actually sell it" You reply, as you pack your lunch, not really caring for the fact. You forgot about it and the new info never crossed your mind once in the day.
It was when the bell rang and you opened the door only to face the new neighbors. Him, Oh god, It's him. Your excitement died the next second when you saw a very pretty women standing right beside him, her arm wrapped around his. "Oh-Oh hey Y/N. I totally didn't expect you! " His face evident with surprise. "You know her, babe?" The woman asked him. "Yeah, hun. She's a college friend. " That's when you felt your heart clench tightly.
Jeon Jungkook, the guy who you've been loving since your collage days even when you got married. The guy you thought of every night before you slept, the guy you thought about when woke up in the morning, the guy you thought about everytime when you ate icecream. Jeon Jungkook, was your friend who you trusted with your life. But now, he was just a stranger you know everything about. (Stranger by the loml Olivia Rodrigo, but the oc isn't over kookie😩)
"H-Hi. How are you J-Jungkook." You couldn't believe it. You've cried so many nights for him. Praying to get back in his arms, have him in your life as anyone, if not a lover. But now that he comes back, he's married. And very happily, you can see.
"I'm doing very well, Y/N. This is Jeon Minji, my wife. We have just shifted in the house right behind your backyard. So nice to see you again." You could feel your eyes pinch with pain, but you tried your best to pull up a bright smile. You can do this, you're very good at hiding feelings. Come on Y/N. "
I'm so happy to see you too. And hello Minji, nice to meet you. Well come in you both. " You move aside for them to come in but the refuse by saying, " It's fine, Y/N. We were just her to Introduce, but guess we don't need to do that. " Minji chuckles and continues, "But we'll see you soon. Have a good night. " She smiles at you, and you feel your legs tickling with jealousy. "You too have a good night, and please don't hesitate if you need any help in shifting. Both me and my husband are willing to help."
You fail to notice Jungkook stiffen as he's reminded that you're married too. He doesn't know why but he's always been uneasy with you being in a relationship and he has no idea why.
Both of them agree and leave after a short goodbye. You shut the door and you suddenly feel all the strength leaving your body. You collapse against the main door, still not believing everything that happened. All the memories that you were burying, we're now out of your control . You could hear his voice, feel his touch and his warmth. Tears made their way out of your eyes as you cry silently.
You unlock the main door to your house as you get inside. It's been so long since they've moved but you can't get yourself to move on. You reach the kitchen to grab a can of bear in an attempt to calm yourself down. But nothing seems to work, every drink or drug, leaves only a temporary effect. You continue loving jungkook even when you're high. You decide to take a cold shower when you hear the main door open again, only to see your shitty husband entering.
Jaehyun, both as a husband and a person, might be the worst guy you've ever met. You don't understand how he's able to lie on your face so smoothly. If you had control, you would have never married him. But fate and your parents had a different plan for you.
Around 2 months ago, your friend Sarah sent you a picture of Jaehyun with a girl sitting on his lap, and they were heavily making out. You didn't feel any pain in your heart but only shame, it felt like he had stepped hard on your dignity, your self respect. He made you feel like the most undeserving person, and he definitely did that intentionaly.
Ever since then, you've never started and conversation with him, disgusted to even look at him. And you guess, it makes it easier for him to leave the house whenever and stay at the girl's place. But you don't bring yourself to care, your mind always drift to jungkook and his very happy married life.
They're living their best lives, the typical rom-com like love life. Jungkook never leaves without a kiss with his wife. And Minji is always ready to welcome him by door when it's time for him to return.
When you had the same time routine, you always witnessed them being the happiest around each other and you had to change your timings. You couldn't bare seeing them being all lovey-dovey, so you leave for work earlier and arrive back home later.
"Y/N? " You were too drunk to hear him calling you. He called you out a few times before his hands reach your right arm to turn you around. "What the fuck!" You slurred, your drunkenness now evident to jungkook. "What are you doing here Y/N?? " He asks you with a strict voice, which soon melts when he sees you pout. "Kook, oh it's you thank god. I thought It was some guy again. " You said slowly as you moved closer to him. You were too drunk and high to remember the argument you had earlier. "Let's get you home Y/N. Don't you have morning classes tomorrow,hm? " He speaks very softly, as is talking to a kid. You mover your side to side, disagreeing with him and then you say, "Noo, let's have another drink and dance. I missed youuu" You wrap your arms around his neck, as your pouts grows even more. He chuckles while holding your waist just as tightly as you're holding him.
He agrees with you and empties the red cup you were having rum and coke in. Both of you weren't a fan of frat parties but whenever you're both together, everything feels the best. Jungkook's breathe fans over your neck as you both dance along On the floor by JLo.
When the chorus of the song starts you along with most of the other girls turn around to twerk along, as if it's a mandatory ritual. Jungkook's cheeks and ears turn bright pink as your ass grazed his crotch a few times while dancing and he wishes you don't notice. You turn back around to hold him again because when you weren't, you felt a certain type of coldness even when you're in bw so many people. His warmth was something which can get you just as high as a joint.
Both of you melted in each other's arms and stayed that way for so long, you didn't even know what song was playing now. "Mhmm, kookie can i kiss you? Just once I promise. " Jungkook wanted it, he wanted you to kiss him forever but he knew it's not safe for your friendship. He can't let his feelings over take him because he knows you only see him as a friend (who you might kiss sometimes 🤭) but how can he say no to you, especially when you're being so cute and adorable. So he decides to fuck it and bend down to kiss you. He captures your lips in a kiss as you both make out in the middle of the crowd. Jungkook felt like the luckiest person ever to have you like this. He has always been so happy that you're open to him with your feelings and uhm.
And you felt similar, just as euphoric and wanted this moment to last forever. Oh, how you wish to have him in all the ways possible. Even pray for it at every 11:11 you notice. And everything feels so good with him around. You were so in love with him but you knew he wasn't.
He has always been the best friend, the bestest you could ask for. But best friends can never be together, thec can never have feelings for each other because it always results in heartbreaks.
And so it did, both of yours heart broke quite terribly. When jungkook had to leave for USA after he got a job placement but he told you about it just 2 days before. Out of anger, you didn't talk to him neither did you come to see him off at the airport. Both of you were hurt, and you both had your reasons.
Next morning when you were returning from a morning run, you ran into Jungkook by the mail box. "Good Morning, Y/N" He wishes you and you just wanted to jump in his arms. "Oh, Good Morning to you too Jungkook! " You wished him back trying to match his level of energy. "How have you been? " You ask him further.
"I've been great, what about you? "
"I'm doing well too. " You reply, knowing you always feel well around him. "Good to hear that. The weather has been terrible these days" He says, trying to start a conversation.
"Yeah, ikr. It's so hot these days,even when it's just February." You both continue talking about random things when he invites you and Jaehyun over for dinner.
"Thank you for the invite, but i don't think Jaehyun will be able to make it, he comes back late these days. " You say and Jungkook could sense your hesitation on the topic of your husband. And ofc, him being the kindest human being , he asked, "oh, btw, is everything fine between you both? Minji mentioned you being very stressed these days. You know you can always reach out. " with concern evident in his eyes.
It became difficult to maintain an eye contact because you both know how terrible you're at lying to him. "W-well, yeah everything is fine between us" You say, your eyes roaming everywhere but jungkook. He knows that's not the truth so he persuades, "Y/N, yk you can't lie to me so tell me what's up? " When you finally meet his eyes, you feel like crying.
He thinks your misery is because of your husband but who's gonna tell him that he's the reason. He's why you're suffering, he's why you're depressed and he's the reason of your misery. You give him a little smile, and when you're about to continue, you get a phone call from your husband. "Uhh, I'll have to take this up. " You tell him and he says, "okay Y/N, I'll get going but please ask for any help that you need, hm? " With that you both smile at each other and leave.
"What? " You ask Jaehyun. "You're not at home? Where are you? " You turn around and see him at the main door. You scoff realising that he's coming back from that girl's place and you want to kill him right there.
It had been a week since you met him and now you were walking towards their house around 10pm. Your dad had been calling since morning but you couldn't answer his once . Though you're high as fuck but you can't find your phone, and that's why you're going to jungkook's place to ask for any of theirs phone.
You ring the bell and wait there for a few seconds. The gate opens and you're met with a just out of shower Jungkook. Your breathe hitches and you feel your cheeks burning. He's just as hot. "Umm, hi Y/N.all good? " He speaks, breaking your trance.
"Oh hellooo" You give him a 90° bow which startles him "I'm good how are youu? " Your words trail of as your brain suddenly feels numb. "Wait- are you drunk? " He recognises your drunken voice but you deny him by saying,
"Noooo. I'm not drunkk I'm Highh hehe" You start giggling and it confuses hi even more "I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour, but i need your phone." You pout, and jungkook feels like he's floating. He knows how it is, but your pout still softens him. "Come inside, it's cold. "
"Your wife isn't at home? " You ask him to which he replies, "no she's out with her friends for drinks."
"Oh cool"
You get inside his house and are amazed how pretty they've made it. This place screams jungkook and it feels so much like home. "So what brings you here? " He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Ohh yeahh my phone was calling and I need to call him back but i can't find my dad" You pout again. This time he chuckles, laughing at your words.
"You can't find your dad?" His lips pulling into his iconic bunny smile.
"Yeahh, I can't find my dad. Can you give me your dad so i can call my dad, pleaseeee"
"Here you go, here's my dad" If you both were still young , he would've have teased you a lot. But you both have grown up and even though he wanted to, he couldn't.
"Thank you so muchhhh" You busy yourself dialing your no. when he asked you, "where's your husband tho? "
You were trying so hard to dial your no. correct, that you didn't realize when you said, "he's probably at his girlfriend's. "
"Holy fuck"
"Shit shit, you didn't hear anything" Your eyes widen with horror and you scolded yourself internally. "Wait fr? Jaehyun's cheating on you? And you know that?? " His eye balls almost out of the sockets, shock evident in his voice.
"Uhh, no no, Yk I'm-im drunk, don't mind that" You tried to play it off but jungkook wouldn't even budge. "Y/N, ik you're telling the truth, you don't have to lie to me. " His eyes full of concern and once again you feel your brain going numb. And you were starting to feel sober, which was even worse.
"Uhmm, I'll have to take your phone over so i can listen to my phone ring. " You ran quickly in an attempt to save yourself from further embarrassment.
Later in your room, you find your phone in your bathroom floor (you have no idea why) And now you have to return jungkook's phone back to him.
You gather so courage and reach his house. You plan on giving it to him and leaving right after thanking him.
And you did so, but after you turned around to leave, he held you arm in an attempt to turn you back. "Y/N, please talk to me. How long have you known this? " You see genuine concern in his eyes and feek like hugging him and crying on his chest.
"Uhh, just let it be jungkook."
"No, tell me. " His voice stern now.
"Why do you even care. It's nine of your business"
"But i just can't see you get hurt. " His voice soft again.
You looked in his eyes, and scoffed. "You can't se me hurt? Of all the hurt I've ever experienced, you have been one reason every fucking time. And you can't see me hurt? Wow"
Jungkook's face falls,but that doesn't stop you. "You fucking hurt me more than anyone does. I don't even care jaehyun's cheating one. It doesn't hurt me. But you do. You hurt me so much that i can't even feel any other pain. " Your voice now louder. Your eyes pinch with pain, tears threatening to fall. But no, you can't do this, not in front of him at least.
"How do i hurt you? " His voice low like a whisper. "Good question Jungkook. You wanna know how you hurt me? How don't wanna know since when you've been hurting me? "
"Y/N you're still mad at what happened almost 10 years ago? " A frown appears on his face and his tone makes you feel as if you're at fault.
"I wouldn't have been if it didn't affect me so much. And why do expect me to not? You told me fucking 2 days before you were leaving for Florida? You never called while you were there. You were living your life and here I was dying. I was suffering." Years finally rolled down your cheeks. And jungkook wanted to wile them down and hug you to make you feel better.
But he was feeling the similar frustration you were feeling. And it became evident when he said, " You weren't the only one Y/N! I was also hurt. You didn't even come to see me off at the airport even when I texted-begged you over text. I wanted to apologize you that day and tell you something important. But you decided to be egoistic and didn't come. And that's why I never called. Even when I was in utter need of help and support, I couldn't call you. Because I lost the level of trust and I knew you won't even pick up. "
His word felt like slap. He's right, you were being a bitch when you didn't meet of on the last day, but you were mad too. "I would have, I was missing you so much, I would have definitely. I would have caught the first flight to Florida only to be with you again." Your words were now slurred due to your crying, when you finally broke and jungkook felt like crying too.
"I know it's wrong, it's so so so wrong but I can't help myself. I can't control myself" You covered your face as you cried even harder. And when you felt his arms engulfing you, you couldn't hepl but wrap your arms around him too. Jungkook stands there caressing your back while he himself cries silently.
"It's so wrong I still can't move on-" Jungkook's heart picks up speed. He's not ready for this. You suddenly pulll away from him and wipe your tears. "I'll get going jungkook. " You left before you could do something that maight ruin not one but many hearts.
And for the next few weeks you so neither jungkook nor his wife and you were very glad for it. It was untill one Tuesday morning when you swa both of them in front of their house. And they were not kissing or anything but arguing? You heard Minji saying, "what has happened to you? You're so distant these days kook. You don't even kiss me a goodbye??" To which jungkook replies, "it's nothing baby, I'm just stressed with work and things are getting lost in the back of me brain. Come here lemme kiss you" You were shocked when you heard Minji saying "No, you're first gonna tell me who else you're so in love with"
"What the hell, Minji? Why would you say that? " Jungkook was just as shocked. You didn't want to hear anything further so you stepped out of the fence and that's when Minji calls you out. "Mrs.Park! Good morning!"
And hearing your name from her mouth, Jungkook's eyes light up and he turns around quickly to look at you. He couldn't control but then he blurted out, "Nice sweater, Y/N."
Minji called you out to check something and she was right. She was right. "Oh Good morning, Jeon fam. And thank you Jungkook. Hope you guys have a nice day!" You wished them and hurriedly left.
And so did Minji. Jungkook was left standing there.
It took him 2 minutes to finally understand how he reacted and complimented you which was totally out of his mind.
And he finally realises how fucked up he is.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 6 months
All Falls Down- Moodboard
Taglist: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @bemybabiibish @baconeggndcheez @purplehairgawdess @jstarr86 @theninthwonder @nbanenefrmdao @arination99 @alyyaanna @harmshake @empressdede @m3llowww @jeysbae @badbitchcentralinc @raya-hunter01 @kawaiisadoglu @msbigredmachine @dietothemusic @2-muchsauce @tian-monique @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @woahthatshitfat @allmyn1ghts @paigereeder @mindairy @amandairene88 @reignsboy19 @wrestlingprincess80 @abadbitchblogs @cyberdejos2 @saintaquarius @bebesobrielo @scarlettnoir01 @venusesworld @meanniam
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All Falls Down (Jey Uso X OC!) [ with a hint of Roman Reigns x OC]
Summary: After 13 years of marriage, Kiyana’s world is turned upside down when her husband comes home and tells her he’s been having an affair.
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All Things End - Hozier
Unknown/Nth - Hozier
Decode - Paramore
Not Gon Cry - Mary J Blige
Call Out My Name - The Weeknd
Take What You Want - Post Malone ft Ozzy Osbourne & Travis Scott
Wicked Games - The Weeknd
Tears in The Rain - The Weeknd
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eringobragh420 · 1 month
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Pairing: Seth Rollins x f!OC Summary: Seth believes he's doing the right thing. Warnings: Suicide, depression, infidelity, smut, 18+ Notes: Not sure if there's an audience for this one lol if so, let me know! There will be eventual fluff and smut. Song is "Reputation (Just To Save Yours)" by Post Malone
He looked at the black suitcase in the corner of the hotel room, his cross-body fanny pack sitting atop the clothes inside. His heart pounded as he thought about what was waiting for him inside the zipper. It was time. If he thought about it hard enough, it was past time. He should have made this decision long, long ago. A clatter in the bathroom drew his somber brown eyes to that door for a brief moment—his fiancée, his everything, his reason. His gaze slid back to the bag. He didn’t know exactly how she would react, though he knew she would be upset. He only hoped she would understand in the end—he was doing it for her. He was finally putting her before himself.
take my own life just to save yours drink it all down just to throw it up take my own life just to save yours
He glanced down at the phone in his hand, having forgotten momentarily he was holding it all, and there, staring him right in the face, was the ultimate nail in his coffin. A breathy chuckle escaped his lips at his own dark humor. TMZ had posted on their Instagram two nights ago another article depicting him as a cheater, this time with a woman he hadn’t told his fiancée about. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t true, or that he didn’t know the woman, or that his fiancée claimed it didn’t bother her because she had finally learned to trust him after all the other times. It mattered that these articles would never go away, made up relationships or rendezvous would never cease to be written about, and his fiancée would be forced to face them, deal with them, and question her faith in him every time a new one was published. And it was his fault. He expected and agreed to be punished for the rest of his life for his transgressions, but not her—she didn’t deserve it, and he wouldn’t allow it any longer. Surely they wouldn’t continue to run these kinds of stories if he were—
“Are you okay?”
Seth Rollins snapped out of his stupor and looked at her, his beautiful fiancée, as she exited the bathroom. Her scent billowed into the room, and Seth’s eyes fell closed as the brief memory of buying her the Versace perfume flashed through his mind. She’d fallen in love with it, not so subtly hinting at a fresh bottle for her birthday every year since. Her honey-colored hair was curled to perfection, makeup a masterpiece, and her outfit on point. She was going to nail the interview, he knew it. His timing was bad, he knew that, too, but it was now or never. Everything was in order. He hadn’t expected the interview to be rescheduled. 
take my own life just to save yours i got a reputation that i can’t deny you’re the superstar, entertain us
He smiled at her as she crossed the room, extending his arms to envelope her within. One last time. His eyes fell closed once more because now that he was holding her, how was he supposed to let her go? She felt so good against him, so right, so pure. And he’d been nothing but cruel and deceiving and a user. He didn’t deserve her. Nobody deserved her, really, but certainly not Seth Freakin’ Cheater Rollins. He smelled her hair for the last time, inhaling deeply, hoping her scent lodged itself into his nostrils so he could smell it while he’s… He felt her breath on his neck, her small hands squeezing his much larger back. He didn’t know where he was headed in the next few hours, and he didn’t much care, but he kept faith he would one day hold her like this again. After, though. After he paid for his transgressions. If he ever fully did.
entertain us but please don’t wake me up i betrayed us but us don’t give a fuck
“This is stupid,” she said, pulling away suddenly. Seth held on, which was unusual, and she noticed. However reluctant, he let his hands slide away from her warm body. “I’m not gonna get this job. We both know it.”
“Bullshit,” Seth replied, swatting his hand. “There’s no one better for the job.”
He wasn’t just saying that. Her ideas, so far, had been brilliant and well-received by the WWE Universe—the couple choosing to ignore the mass sympathy the fans had for a woman who had been repeatedly cheated on and humiliated by one of the most popular superstars. Whether they liked the direction the storylines were taking or simply felt sorry for her, she had won an interview with Triple H himself for a job opening in Creative. She no longer wanted to be on the show—she wanted to write for it. She was a talented performer, that was for sure, but she would be even more deadly with a keyboard.
“Seth,” she said, looking up at him from nearly a foot away in height.
“I mean it,” he said. “Please don’t second-guess yourself. This is what you’re supposed to be doing. I know it.”
“But what if—”
“What if you don’t get the job? You go back to wrestling and try again next time and if it doesn’t work, you keep wrestling, which you love, and then you retire. What if you do get the job? You live the rest of your life doing what you love and then you retire.” He left himself out of the picture on purpose. “It’s a win-win situation.”
After a moment, her expression relaxed, her eyes softened, and she smiled. God, he would miss that smile. “How do you always know what to say?”
kill myself today kill it all away broken path i made please just stay away
Seth swallowed, a small smile flickering across his thin lips. He did always know what to say—especially when it came to convincing her to stay with him after another night of fucking someone other than her. “I also know,” he started, ignoring the self-loathing thoughts constantly fluttering around in his battered brain, “that Trips hates it when people are late for meetings.”
She glanced at her Apple watch and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Oh, God,” she whined pathetically.
“Calm down,” Seth chuckled. “Deep breaths. Shoulders back. Chin up.” She followed each order without question, her body ramrod straight as if presenting herself to her commanding officer. “You’re gonna kill it.” He instantly regretted his poor choice of words, but she had no idea why they were in such bad taste, and his heart ached. It would be just like him to humiliate her one last time before putting her through what might prove to be one of the most difficult events of her life. It’s for the best, he kept telling himself. She would hurt for a while, but it would go away and she would find someone else and she would forget about him.
“I love you,” she said softly.
The Visionary inhaled as deeply as his lungs would allow to keep the tears from pooling in his eyes, to keep from grabbing her and squeezing her and never letting go, to keep from confessing his true intentions once she left the hotel room. He looked into her eyes for the last time, held her hands, fingered the enormous diamond ring he’d purchased in the hope that he could buy her forgiveness for one transgression or another. Christ, he really didn’t think it would be this hard to say goodbye without saying goodbye. He knew what he was doing was the right answer, so why didn’t that make this any easier?
i know i fucked up before, but i won’t do it again and i got a lotta things that i wish i would’ve said and i’m the same damn fool when i’m wearing that hat again i know i fucked up, and i can’t make it right
“I love you, too,” he replied after clearing his throat, which he played off as having dry mouth.
He tried to stop it, but she pressed her lips to his, and his eyes squeezed shut and his body somehow froze and melted all at the same time. He cradled her face, thumbs caressing her silken skin, and he realized too late that he should have memorized every peak and slope of her lips because she was pulling away too suddenly, and he was leaving very soon. She giggled, and his heart fluttered, stomach rolling. She quickly reached up with her thumb to wipe away her lipstick from his mouth before grabbing her purse, blowing another kiss at him, and then she was gone. And he was alone.
watch yourself, i can’t slow down this is who i am, can’t be anyone else, so don’t let me go, save yourself just save yourself, just save yourself 
Seth grabbed the small bag from his suitcase and tossed it on his side of the bed. He filled two plastic cups to the brim with water from the tap and set them on the end table. He clapped his hands to maintain focus—adrenaline was zooming through his veins and his heart was slamming against his rib cage and he could feel the tiny doubts in the back of his mind chiseling away at the wall he’d built to block them out. He unzipped the fanny pack, pulled two pill bottles out, and placed them beside the cups of water. At the time he was prescribed these antidepressants, he’d assured the doctor he hadn’t been suicidal. He hoped Dr … WhateverTheHell didn’t blame himself for not seeing any signs. Especially since Seth had been laying his happiness on fairly thickly for those around him as of late to avoid suspicion. So far, so good. Staring at the full bottles, he pulled his blonde and brown hair into a high bun so he would be able to lie comfortably on his back on the bed. His mahogany eyes closed, and he saw her in a beautiful, flowing wedding dress, walking toward him on a deserted beach in Hawaii where she’d told him she’d always wanted to get married. She wouldn’t be headed toward him when she got married, and Seth believed she would be better off because of it. Smiling at how happy she looked, the former Shield member opened his eyes and felt a wave of calm crash over him. It would all be okay. He started toward the pills when he heard the lock click on the hotel room door.
“Sorry!” she exclaimed, rushing into the room, bringing with her that pretty perfume and positive, albeit anxious, energy. “I don’t know where the hell I think I’m going without my keys.” She crossed the room, snatched the keys from the table not two feet from where Seth stood, and he knew she could hear his heart clobbering his chest or his uneven breathing, or she would see the sweat forming at his hairline. Fuck, if she realized what she walked in on … 
“Just to the parking lot,” he automatically replied, and his eyes snapped shut for a quick second, in complete disbelief he’d allowed himself to speak at all when he knew his voice would crack like it just did, quiver slightly as he drowned in the accumulating adrenaline. But if he hadn’t spoken, she’d have been suspicious. This was the biggest lose-lose situation of his life.
“Hilarious,” she said, standing on the ball of one foot to lift herself so she could kiss his cheek, which she again wiped free of her lipstick. She was going to have to reapply at this rate. Seth’s smile was small and quick and he dared not meet her gaze. “Love you.” As she headed back toward the door, she glanced in the direction of the nightstand, toward the pills and the cups of water, and Seth worried he was about to pass out. But she continued on, disappearing behind the door, and Seth collapsed, one hand on the mattress, the other clutching his stomach. 
i was born to raise hell i was born to take pills i was born to chase mills i was born to cave in i was born to fuck hoes i was born to fuck up i was born … what a shame
When the nausea passed, The Architect started toward the pills again. He froze mid-step, waiting for her to come back, and after nearly a minute of waiting, he took a seat on the bed beside the table. He opened both bottles with trembling hands, set the caps down, and he folded his hands in his lap. After several deep breaths, he poured five or six white pills into the palm of his hand, launched them into his mouth, and swallowed a few gulps of water. Less than twenty seconds. He could do this. He wanted to get them all down, both bottles, before he lost consciousness, to be sure he got the job done. He could do this.
take my own life just to save yours drink it all down just to throw it up take my own life just to save yours take my own life just to save yours i got a reputation that i can’t deny you’re the superstar, entertain us
She unlocked the black SUV and climbed behind the wheel. She tossed her purse onto the passenger seat and checked her makeup and hair one last time as she inserted the stupid key into the ignition. She was going to be so late—Hunter probably wouldn’t even open the door for her at this point, and she wouldn’t blame him. Her hands fell into her lap, her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath. She could do this. Seth had been so supportive throughout her journey from superstar to writer, and while she could easily let herself down, she simply could not disappoint her fiancé. Grabbing the steering wheel once more with one hand, she maneuvered out of the hotel’s parking lot, and onto the busy roadway.
This was going to be her year, she decided. With a job in Creative on the horizon, she would also be getting married in the near future. The thought brought a smile to her face. She hadn’t yet told Seth, but she’d already been wedding dress shopping a few times. She went alone, told no one, and disguised herself as best she could while shopping so her secrecy wouldn’t get back to her fiancé. Of course, several days after trying on wedding dresses, a routine doctor appointment informed her of the child growing inside of her, a baby belonging to herself and Seth Rollins. A decidedly unplanned pregnancy, she’d been more than excited to find out anyway, and she imagined an incredulous, yet thrilled smile gracing Seth’s thick beard once she shared the news with him. They hadn’t really had the conversation about whether or not they wanted children, but with Seth having turned over a new leaf, she just knew he would handle this life-changing event better now than he would have last year. He would be shocked, of course, but happy nonetheless.
Violet was so proud of Seth. Everything he’d overcome, his relearning how to be in and sustain a healthy relationship, and especially the mental help he’d sought all on his own. He was seeing a therapist, and his psychiatrist had prescribed antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication, which he was taking regularly without a single complaint. He’d given her opportunities and plenty of reasons to leave him, but her love for him outweighed the anger and resentment. Neither of them could ever forget all the cheating, the lies, or the public opinions dumped on them in the wake of each transgression. But they could move on, and that’s what Violet intended to do.
She smiled, random memories floating through her mind as she came to a stop at a red light, just before the white line. Seth had been so attentive to her while being compliant with his medication and doctor appointments, surprising them both. He held her hand more, pressed whisker kisses to her cheek, and even slapped her ass while they were grocery shopping. Most importantly, he spent his nights at home. He’d had his pills at the ready when she’d left him a little bit ago, causing Violet to again swell with pride. 
Her eyebrow twitched.
As the moment became clearer in her mind, she recalled both bottles of antidepressants had been on the bedside table. Both bottles. Why did he need both bottles? 
Her head tilted.
Next to both bottles of antidepressants had been two full plastic hotel cups of water. Of course he used water to swallow the pill—just one pill; the other bottle had been entrusted to him due to his traveling and the possibility of misplacing one—but he didn't need two fucking overflowing cups.
She shook her head, a brief, uncomfortable smile splitting her lips because what she was thinking was outrageous. Not possible. Seth wouldn’t do that to her. 
He’d been nervous when she’d gone back for her keys. Her eyes snapped shut, only to open at twice their normal size, and she saw—playing right in front of her unblinking, unseeing eyes—Seth glance at the table with the pills and water. He’d looked right at them, and she had looked right at them. 
Tears welling in her eyes, she upended her purse, dumping the entire contents onto the passenger seat. Swiping things to the floor, she snatched her phone and, with trembling hands, managed to place a call to her fiancé. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four …
“Hey, it’s Seth. Leave me a message. I’ll get back to ya.”
Violet ended the call. She sniffed, salty rivers winding down her cheeks, leaving pale trails in their wake, washing away her perfect makeup. She pressed send once more, listening to the ringing, and she tugged at her lips with quivering fingers. Seth’s voice-mail answered again at the very moment the traffic light turned green. She tossed the phone in the general direction of her purse as she hit the gas, turning the wheel hard to the left so she could make a U turn.
She saw the truck as she was turning, but by the time her desperate brain registered the danger, her foot wasn’t fast enough to react before the blue cab of the semi slammed into the front of her SUV. The sounds made by crunching metal and breaking glass and the squealing of the truck’s many tires were the loudest she’d ever heard. Her body bounced against every surface, head meeting the driver’s side window and producing a crack of its own, and her light blinked out.
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thefairywithboots · 6 months
Welcome To My Blog
Hi there! ;)
Welcome to my fanfic blog. My primary places to post are AO3, Wattpad, and Dreamwidth, but I have moved a lot of my stuff over here to Tumblr because I love the community and friends I've made over here!
All of my NSFW work fics will be labelled as such. I am not responsible for any minors who ignore the warnings and read such fics anyway.
Requests are closed
About Me
Hi there! ;) You have managed to somehow stumble upon my little corner of the internet. So welcome!
My name is Rita, and I have written fanfiction ever since I was 11 years old - by hand in spare spiral notebooks that I had - back before I even knew what fanfiction was. I’d just sit scribbling alternative endings to video games whose canonical endings had left me emotionally traumatized (Twilight Princess, Valkyrie Profile, etc.) But I didn’t start writing fanfic to post for the public to read until a full decade later.
I have always used writing as a form of escapism, to create worlds when I felt like the one I am in was too restrictive. This blog will be my safe space from the world, and I want it be just as much as an escape for others as it is for me. I want this to be a positive vibes only blog. 🌻
I am a hopeless romantic at heart, and spend a lot time trying to spread positivity, peace and love. ❤️ 🌻
My other interests include crochet (I often post pictures of clothes that I make,) painting/drawing, video games, fantasy/mythology, and most importantly music. Music is my catharsis. The reason I am alive.
I usually keep to myself in fandoms to avoid drama and fights, but am a really nice person as long as you are not an asshole, so please don’t be afraid to slide into my DMs if you want to chat.
Fic Requests
Stuff that I write:
• Fluff
• And most importantly, angst because I love torturing my characters/muses as well as myself.
•X Reader inserts
•x OC
•FxM (fluff and smut)
• FxF (fluff and smut)
• MxM (fluff)
Stuff that I will not write:
•Obviously icky stuff (pedo/necro/rapey shit)
• Jimbert - nothing against people who write or enjoy these kinds of fics - there's actually a few fics of this ship I enjoy myself - and people can write whatever fictional scenario they want. It's just that a very small handful of people on here take things way too far insisting that this is not fantasy, and these two had very real feelings for each other. So... yeah. That shit ain't for me. So I won't be writing this ship. I'll read others' fics though, and any other MxM ship is open for requesting. :)
So... yeah. Other than that, I'm willing to write anything. So feel free to send in requests.
My Fanfic Library
Iron Maiden
Dave Murray x Janick Gers
Fates Warning (Book 1 of Into Darkness) a Dave x Janick fic that follows their relationship throughout the 1990s.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Led Zeppelin
Robert Plant x Reader
Your Most Sacred Place (Smut)
Submissive Robert (Smut)
Aftercare (Smut)
Fire At Midnight
A Little Deal (Smut)
Way Down Inside (Smut)
Who’s In Charge (Smut)
Daddy, I Just Can’t Wait (Smut)
Far Too Long (Smut)
If You Wake Up With The Sunrise
Just Pretend
Robert and Evanna (OC ship)
Depollute Me, Gentle Angel
Steal Away Now (Smut)
I'm Gonna Put You Down For A While (Smut)
I'm Gonna Crawl (Smut)
Song Fics
Tea For One
Crack Fics
What Is And What Should Never Be
Legend of Zelda
Link x Malon
Welcome Home (Smut)
Recommended Blogs
@bijouxcarys writes incredible Robert Plant fics, is such a prolific writer, and is also the sweetest person ever. So check her out. ⚔️🌈
@firethatgrewsolow @brownskinsugarplum76 and @nature-and-music have also written some of my favourite Robert fics, and just overall extremely talented writers who inspire me to get better at my own. So please check them out. 🌻
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imgondeletedis · 3 months
~𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖. 𝒊𝒕’𝒔 𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆.~ || 𝚊 𝙱𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒-𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜. || 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚋𝚢 𝚃𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚠𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝚏𝚝. 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎
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pairing: Benedict Bridgerton X fem!reader
a/n: that's a snack before the meal hehehe, this prologue is from the reader's pov,, the next chapters will all be from third person's pov haha,, also pleaseeeee benophie fans don't hate me, I'm not gonna hurt ur girl sophie dww hehehe. this is obviously inspired by the first verse of the song. I hope this mini-series lives up to y'all's expectations ahaha
Word count: 358 (it is js the beginning trust me)
Warnings: umm I don't really think there's anything to warn the reader is slightly insane (ig?) that's all but like aren't we all lmfaoa
The mini-series' masterlist
next chapter
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“ 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞.”
asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum asylum.
That's probably where I should be right now. Instead I am here, in the Canary Islands, in Spain.
so far away from London, from home, from him. The gossip flowing around is true. He's the torment, bless, curse, and love of my life. He's none other than the artistic
Benedict Bridgerton.
It's the year 1819.
Benedict Bridgerton got married 2 years ago. From what I've heard, he married that beautiful woman called Sophie, 2 years ago, he had a son last year, another this year, Which is funny.
Benedict and I always used to talk about how we'd both love and would be great parents to a girl. Together.
Now he's all married off, to another woman, and has 2 boys, funny isn't it?
Life may lack a lot of things, one thing it surely can and would never lack is the element of surprise, the dynamatic plot-twists,and turns.
4 years ago , I would've sworn to you that he was the one for me, honestly I still do think so, no matter how insane that sounds, I mean I know I can't say the same thing about me to him, because apparently he's content with his current life, but I am not with mine.
I can't exactly say I am happy for him but I do hope he's okay. Even if he's the literal reason for why I turned out in such a way.
You see you can't live without having a story to tell, an explanation to explain, so let me tell you ours, mine. And you be the judge of that…
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@skyrigel @avngrssckr @preetrambles @ephemeral-oasis @basekpagalsiladki @ihateitheretaylor @littlebitb
another a/n hehehe: did you notice that i made her residing in the canary islands which was THE FLORIDA of their time??? (according to my research ofc) this is just a reminder that NOTHING IS A COINCIDENCE WITH ME. and ive learnt it from the best (catlady taytay)🤭🤭
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toasttt11 · 2 months
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January 14, 2020
Cutter and Rutger’s family’s were taking a vacation up in the mountains and spending most of the vacation snowboarding and skiing, they were also spending Cutter’s birthday at the snow.
Cutter was peaceful sleeping under her many layers of blankets and was extremely warm in her little cocoon, she didn’t hear Rutger quietly walking into her room as he sat on her bed gently shaking her.
“Cut.” Rutger softly whispered making her groan and turn her head hiding her face in her pillow, “Come on Cutta.” He softly cooed making her groan and turn her head to him squinting her eyes at him.
“Happy birthday.” Rutger softly spoke leaning down pressing a soft kiss to her forehead making her cheeks flush a light pink.
Cutter hummed squeezing his hand in thanks and noticed how the sun was not even up and it was still very dark outside, “Why is the sun not up and i’m up.” Cutter grumpily grumbled.
“It’s a surprise, just get dressed in your snow gear and meet me downstairs.” Rutger told her before smiling at her once more before getting up and leaving her room.
Cutter groaned rubbing her face, Rutger was so lucky he is her best friend anyone else she would have smacked for waking her up this early.
Cutter very reluctantly got out of bed and slowly slipped on her snow clothes and excited her room heading down the stairs of the cabin seeing some of the lights on and she noticed one of the walls all decorated with silver streamers and a number sixteen balloons.
Cutter walked through the bottom floor and found Rutger in the kitchen, she smiled softly seeing a very cute cake and a bouquet of white tulips, her favorite flower.
Cutter picked up the car in the flowers and raised an eyebrow seeing they were from Rutger.
“Happy sixteenth birthday.” Rutger softly whispered pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek.
Cutter was glad Rutger was standing behind her so he didn’t see the pleased smile she was trying to hide.
“Thank you Rut.” Cutter softly whispered back grabbing his hand and squeezing it once before dropping it.
“Alright let’s get going.” Rutger told her walking to the front door picking his backpack up and putting it own before opening front door getting blasted with the freezing cold air.
Cutter shook her head fondly as she followed Rutger into the freezing cold, the things she does for her best friend.
Cutter followed Rutger for a good fifteen minutes of comforting silence as they hiked a small snow mountain.
Once they reached the top Cutter’s breath was caught in her throat at his beautiful the view was from up there especially as the sun was slowly starting to come up as well.
Rutger plopped down on the snow opening his backpack as Cutter admired the view in front of her.
Rutger pulled out two thermoses, handing one to Cutter as she sat down next to him. Cutter took a small sip not sure what was in the thermos but was pleasantly surprised it was her favorite hot chocolate, the one Rutger makes.
Cutter leaned her head on his shoulder she happily sipped on her hot chocolate with Rutger as they watched the sunrise together.
“Thank you.” Cutter softly spoke after a few minutes of peaceful silence, she was grateful to have someone as special and kind as Rutger in her life.
“Always.” Rutger promised squeezing her shoulder before reaching into his back pack and grabbing a small box and handing it to Cutter looking nervous.
“Happy birthday.” Rutger watched her nervously as she gently opened the small black box.
Cutter’s eyes widen in shock as she delicately picked up the small necklace, it was a star, her favorite star. Something she has never told anyone.
“How did you?” Cutter looked up at Rutger in a shock and disbelief.
“I pay attention.” Rutger nonchalantly shrugged but was smiled pleased glad Cutter likes it.
“It’s perfect.” Cutter whispered in awe gently tracing her finger over the small star charm.
“Good.” Rutger smiled satisfied that he picked a necklace she seems to love.
“Help me put it on?” Cutter asked him softly holding the necklace out to him.
Rutger eagerly nodded and gently took the necklace as Cutter turned around pushing her hair to one side of her shoulders.
Rutger softly wrapped the necklace around her neck and clipped it close.
He watched as she turned back around facing him again, “Beautiful.” Rutger mumbled staring at her with stars in his eyes.
Cutter froze hearing him, she didn’t understand why she felt what she feels for Rutger but she isn’t ready to figure that out yet.
Rutger gently pushed her hair behind her ear and smiled sadly at her seeing the fear on her face, “I know.” Rutger knows Cutter better than anyone and knows how much she gets uncomfortable because of her own emotions and hates feeling vulnerable.
Which is also why Rutger knows when Cutter feels something for him back, he notices the pink that dust her cheeks because oh him and the glances she makes when she thinks he is not looking. Rutger is more than happy to wait as long as he needs to until Cutter is comfortable, Cutter is still his best friend and that is more than enough.
“I do have feelings for you Cutter but i know you aren’t ready for anything, i will happily wait for however long you need because i am perfectly content being just your best friend.” Rutger softly confessed but also reassured her, he did not want to make her feel bad because he understood.
“Now we better get back everyone else is probably wake by now.” Rutger smiled at her reassuring her again, he didn’t want her birthday to be sad but he did want her to know he does care for her romantically but is happy with being just friends.
Cutter reluctantly nodded and toon Rutger’s hand standing up as they grabbed their stuff before staring the hike back down the snowy hill.
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It's slowly growing. Best to organize the trash heap before it becomes a hoarding situation.
Wind + War's Scarf
Midnight Impulses [Chain + Healer!Reader]
Comfort [Yandere!Chain + Isekai!Reader]
Small Problems [Chain + Reader]
Glory Bound [Chain + Mercenary!Reader]
Human Things [Short Skit + Reader]
To Keep [Yandere!Sky x Isekai!Reader]
Missed Communication [Time x Isekai!OC x Malon]
Graveyard Waltz [Deity!Reader + Fallen!Time]
Favor [Twilight x Reader]
By Omission
Trust [Four + Veteran!Reader]
To Obtain [Yandere!Four x Isekai!Reader]
Soft Morning [Husband!Four x Reader]
Breakdown [Isekai!Reader + Legend/Marin]
Parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Of A Feather [Legend x Winged!Reader]
The Pinks
The Negotiator [Reader + Mer!Warriors]
Comfort [Mer!Warriors + Reader]
Cuddles [Wind + Mother Figure]
Cuddles [Wind + Father Figure]
Olive Tree Sonnet [Warriors + Juniper (OC)]
Running Circles [Reader + ???!Link]
Apple Merchant [Link x Isekai!Reader]
Parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
AM Alternate Extras: Embrace
Fall Birds [Link + Reader]
Harvest Season [Reader + Link]
:: Twilight Princess ::
Unsung Hero [Link + Veterinarian!Reader]
:: Hyrule Warriors ::
Lavender Armor [Servant!Reader + Link]
175 notes · View notes
allgremlinart · 6 months
davematches for u ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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HOLY SHIT ? HOLY SHIT? HOLY FUCK? YOUR MATCHES.... THEIR PANTS (I'm just rly impressed by people who can draw fabric folds ok) THE CIGGIES.... ITS ALL SO PERFECT
this knocked me out like shotgun shell when I woke up this afternoon morning what do you MEAN art of my oc x canon... ?
also recently I DID call him "Henchman Mike" this is because he is so beautifully generic that I forgot his name but remembered his essence. I think this means his official full name will be Dave Michaels....
anyway. more Matches Malone art cheers I'll drink to that 🥂 pass the henchyaoi
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Joseph & Morgan?
Thank you! I don't really have a 'canon' timeline for them, but I have considered children they might in some versions of their story. Here's their eldest:
Name: Afanen "Effy" Malone
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Dark-haired, pale-skinned, tall like her father, clear piercing eyes
Personality: She's quite quiet and thoughtful - maybe a bit nervous. A childhood growing up around Joseph's devotion and Morgan's lack of belief, and her tendency to either question/tease things he states as fact or obviously bite her tongue, gave Effy a lot of pause when it came to believing what adults say - or thinking of conversations as easy things to have in general. She's generally good though, and likes trying to do the right thing.
Special Talents: None, really? She's pretty ordinary - all their kids are. She's a pretty good shot, having been taught by Morgan, and she's picked up some of Joseph's eloquence, and thoughtfulness from both her parents, but I don't think she's particuarly exceptional. She probably has a talent for conflict resolution, accidentally.
Who do they like better: Morgan - Joseph very much split his time between the Project and his family, and although both Effy's parents can be quite opinionated, Morgan's more inclined to give Effy space and encourage her to think for herself, whereas Joseph - still very much thinks you should think the 'right' thing.
Who they take after more: Probably Morgan, just from spending more time with her. She actually looks like a perfect blend of both her parents - her hair's darker than Morgan's but not quite black, and she has Morgan's green eyes but more of her father's face and build. She certainly has echoes of Joseph in her, and he has spent plenty of time with her, especially as his eldest child, but personality-wise she tends more towards Morgan and her cautious, even-minded approach to things.
Personal Headcanon: She's an avid reader - probably even more than Morgan, since Morgan always like plenty of outdoor pursuits too and Effy's more of a stay-at-home type. She spent a lot of her life almost waiting for her parents to break up, give how often they disagree about things, and to have to deal with that - and try to protect her younger siblings if it did happen, to take responsibility for them. She spends a fair amount of time looking after them anyway, when Morgan still has a tendency to roam a little, and Joseph's very devoted to his larger Family.
Face Claim: I'm not good at faceclaims! Morgan doesn't even really have one, but I looked around and I think this is a pretty good one for her:
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But with green eyes.
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