#male teach
asena9690 · 1 month
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lennadanvers · 2 months
Boyfriend!Eddie x perfectionist!workaholic!overachiever!reader.
Like you're always stressed, having headaches three times a week and sleeping five hours a night. When you're not doing schoolwork you feel guilty, and when you get straight A's you barely let yourself enjoy before putting your head into the next thing that has to get done.
And then Eddie happens.
All your friends and family think he's such a bad influence. Since you met him, your grades have dropped. They are not bad now, but they were perfect before. And how come you're going out on school days? Also, you're getting up later than usual. He's making you either lazy (like him) or he's making you so tired that you can't focus in what's important.
Meanwhile, you have never been so happy. Eddie celebrates any class/test/project that you pass, even if it is with a B-. He invites you over to watch movies and eat cheap pasta box. He always smiles and tells you how proud he is of you, even when you didn't do anything big. When you stay over, you two sleep in late and cuddle in Eddie's warm bed.
So, maybe your academic life is getting worse. Who cares?
Not you. You're too busy having a better life.
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laurentidal · 2 months
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Report to the Office
Tammy sighed as she hung up the phone. Paul had gotten yet another complaint of bullying and she'd had to phone his mother. Now Paul was sitting outside waiting for her to reprimand him for the thirtieth time. She knew she'd gotten into the job because she believed in the kids and the possibilities of their futures but fuck...
Maybe some just couldn't be helped.
She opened the door and asked Paul to step inside. But as he walked past her something seemed off. There was a strange smell in the air. It smelled like ozone. It smelled like the room could be struck by lighting at any moment. And had Paul gotten... More?
She shook her head, unsure about what that thought even meant. He sat and looked up at her expectantly. She untucked her shirt as she began his reprimand.
"Paul how many times have we done this? You're 18 now. If you continue to cause trouble, the police are going to get involved."
He nodded with seeming understanding as she unbuttoned her shirt.
"What happened this time? Mrs. Redmond said you were harassing Emily Dinny."
He tried to explain his actions as she slipped her pants off.
"I wasn't harassing her," he said staring at the principal's increasing exposure. "I was groping her. But she asked for it!"
Tammy slipped a finger inside herself and gasped at his insinuation.
"Paul mmmm that attitude is not healthy! Women aren't ah nnn asking for anything regardless of the way the dress."
"No, Miss Weathers. She actually asked. She asked me to 'Squeeze her melons until she came.'"
Tammy moaned loudly at that comment.
"I have ohhhhhhhhhh trouble believing that. Nothing ever changes with you Paul. What are we going to oh fuck oh what can we try that we haven't already tried?"
"You could ask me to eat you out. I know you want to."
"Oh yes please Paul. I seem to need your ah your help."
Paul nodded, seemingly penitent, as he approached. Tammy let her mind drift away on the pleasure his tongue provided. And by the time he'd finished her off, she believed his story. She could see why Emily would want his attention.
"I should tell you, Paul. I've already called your mother and Emily's. They'll be here soon."
"That's okay. We'll just explain it to them like I just explained it to you."
"Oh yess..." Tammy sighed. "I believe everyone will leave satisfied."
Continue the story with Mama Bear.
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cybrpnkd · 12 days
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V — Phantom Liberty
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littlefankingdom · 12 days
It's funny how in fanfics, people write Clark giving parenting advices to Bruce, when in the comics (see: World's Finest: Batman and Superman) and other media (see: Young Justice), Bruce is the one giving parenting advices to Clark, and he is always very serious about it.
After all, Bruce has been a father figure and mentor for longer and more kids than Clark. Of course he doesn't need to call Clark for help to learn how to take care of his kids, Clark is the one calling Bruce for help when he has an issue and Ma Kent is busy.
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shiplessoceans · 1 year
Me since April of 2022: "Where is season 2? I need a season 2! Renew it HBO! Or Max! Whoever you are renew it for the love of Black Pete FUCK WE NEED IT GIVE US SEASON 2!"
*trailer drops*
Me today: "Wait what do you mean October 5th? That's um...that's so soon aha I um...fuck, I don't know if I can...Help... I, oh God this is gonna kill me isn't it. David Jenkins blink three times if I'm safe. If anyone is safe. I just OH FUCK I'M NOT READYYYYY."
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cuddlytogas · 3 months
there was some Twitter madness recently where someone left a comment on someone's art to the effect of, "Ed shouldn't wear a dress, he's a man!" which I do disagree with on principle, but unfortunately, it brought out one of my least favourite trends in the fandom
so, naturally, I had to write a twitter essay about it. and I already largely argued this in a post here, but the thread is clearer and better structured, so I thought I'd cross-post for those not on the Hellsite (derogatory). edited for formatting/structure's sake, since I no longer have to keep to tweet lengths, and incorporating a couple of points other people brought up in the replies
I want to point out that the wedding cake toppers in OFMD s2 aren't evidence that Ed wants to wear dresses. Gender is fake, men can wear skirts, play with these dolls how you like, but it's not canon, and that scene especially Doesn't Mean That.
People cite it often: 'He put himself in a dress by painting the bride as himself! It's what he wants!' But that fundamentally misunderstands the scene, and the series' framing of weddings as a whole. I'd argue that Ed paints the figure not from desire, but from self-hatred; it's not what he wants, but what he thinks he should, and has failed to, be.
(Yes, I am slightly biased by my rampant anti-marriage opinions, but bear with me here, because it is relevant to the interpretation of the scene, and season two as a whole.)
The show is not subtle. It keeps telling us that the institution of marriage is a prison that suffocates everyone involved. Ed's parents' cycle of abuse is passed to their son in both the violence he witnesses then enacts on his father, and the self-repression his mother teaches, despite her good intentions ("It's not up to us, is it? It's up to God. ... We're just not those kind of people. We never will be."). Stede and Mary are both oppressed by their arranged marriage, with 1x04 blunty titled Discomfort in a Married State. The Barbados widows revel in their freedom ("We're alive. They're dead. Now is your time").
But even without this context, the particular wedding crashed in 2x01 is COMICALLY evil. The scene is introduced with this speech from the priest:
"The natural condition of humanity is base and vile. It is the obligation of people of standing ... to elevate the common human rabble through the sacred transaction of matrimony."
It's upper class, all-white, and religiously sanctioned. "Vile natural conditions" include queerness, sexual freedom, and family structures outside the cisheteropatriarchal capitalist unit. "The obligation of people of standing" invokes ideas like the white man's burden, innate class hierarchy, religious missions, and conversion therapy. Matrimony is presented as both "sacred" (endorsed by the ruling religious body), and a "transaction" (business performed to transfer property and people-as-property, regardless of their desires), a tool of the oppressive society that pirates escape and destroy. That is where the figurines come from.
When Ed, in a drunk, depressive spiral, paints himself onto the bride, he's not yearning for a pretty dress. He's sort of yearning for a wedding, but that's not framed as positive. What he's doing is projecting himself into an 'ideal' image of marriage because he believes that: a) that's what Stede (and everyone) wants; b) he can never live up to that ideal because he's unlovable and broken (brown, queer, lower-class, violent, abused, etc); c) that's why Stede left. He tries to make himself fit into the social ideal by painting himself onto the closest match - long-haired, partner to Stede/groom, but a demure, white woman, a frozen, porcelain miniature - because, if he could just shrink himself down and squeeze into that box, maybe Stede would love him and he'd live happily ever after. But he can't. So he won't.
The fantasy fails: Ed is morose, turns away from the figurines, then tips them into the sea, a lost cause. He knows he won't ever fulfil that bride's role, but he sees that as a failure in himself, not the role. It's not just that "Stede left, so Ed will never have a dream wedding and might as well die." Stede left when Ed was honest and vulnerable, "proving" what his trauma and depression tell him: there's one image of love (of personhood), and he'll never live up to it because he's fundamentally deficient. So he might as well die.
This hit me from my very first viewing. The scene is devastating, because Ed is wrong, and we know it! He doesn't need to change or reduce himself to fit an image and be accepted (as, eg, Izzy demanded). Stede knows and loves him exactly as he is; it's the main thread and theme of season two!
(@/everyonegetcake suggested that Ed's yearning in these scenes includes his broader desire for the vulnerability and safety Stede offered, literalised through unattainable "fine" things like the status of gentleman in s1, or the figurine's blue dress. I'd argue, though, that these scenes don't incorporate this beyond a general knowledge of Ed's character. Ed is always pining for both literal and emotional softness, but the significance of the figurines specifically, to both Ed and the audience, is poisoned by their origin and context: there is no positive fantasy in the bride figure, only Ed's perceived deficiency.
Further, assuming that a desire for vulnerability necessarily corresponds with an explicit desire for femininity, dresses, etc, kind of contradicts the major themes of the show. OFMD asserts that there is nothing wrong with men assuming femininity (through drag, self-care, nurturing, emotional vulnerability, etc), but also that many of these traits are, in fact, genderless, and should be available to men without affecting their perceived or actual masculinity. It thematically invokes the potential for cross-gender expression in Ed's desires, especially through the transgender echoes in his relieved disposal, then comfortable reincorporation, of the Blackbeard leathers/identity. It's a rich, valuable area of analysis and exploration. But it remains a suggestion, not a canon or on-screen trait.)
Importantly, the groom figure doesn't fit Stede, either. Not just in dress: it's stiff and formal, and marriage nearly killed him. He's shabbier now, yes, but also shedding his privilege and property, embracing his queerness, and trying to take responsibility for his community. In a s1 flashback, Stede hesitantly says, "I thought that, when I did marry, it could be for love," but he would never find love in marriage. Not just because he's gay, but because marriage in OFMD is an oppressive, transactional institution that precludes love altogether. All formal marriages in OFMD are loveless.
So, he becomes a pirate, where they reject society altogether and have matelotages instead. Lucius and Pete's "mateys" ceremony is shot and framed not like a wedding, but as an honest, personal bond, willingly conducted in community (in a circle; no presiding authority, procession, or transaction).
That is how Stede and Ed can find love, companionship, and happiness: by rejecting those figurines and their oppressive exchange of property, overseen by a church that enables colonialism and abuse. Ed is loved, and deserves happiness, as he is, no paint or projection required.
ALL OF THIS IS TO SAY: draw Ed in dresses! Write him getting gender euphoria in skirts! Write trans/nb Ed, draw men being feminine! Gender is fake, the show invites exploration, that's what 'transformative works' means! But please, stop citing the cake toppers as evidence it's canon. Stop citing a scene where a depressed Māori man gets drunk and projects himself onto a rich, white, silent bride because he thinks he's innately unlovable and only people like her can find happiness, shortly before deciding to kill himself, as canon evidence it's what he wants.
(Also, please don't come in here with "lmao we're just having fun," I know, I get it. Unfortunately, I'm an academiapilled researchmaxxer, and some of youse need to remember that the word "canon" has meaning. NOW GO HAVE FUN PUTTING THAT MAN IN A PRETTY DRESS!! 💖💖)
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Hey beautiful babies 💙 happy V day, here's a smitten starlit Ed, another gift to a dear mutual 💙
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When Ed looks back at Stede, he pauses, exhales audibly and sends Stede a soft smile. Watches him as he runs his hands over Stede’s thighs, kneads his thumbs into the hot, sensitive skin at his groin, tilts his head a little to the side.
Stede has to look like a complete mess—he knows his hair must be disheveled, can see the thick streaks of ejaculate on his belly shine in the silvery light. But Ed is a true vision, backlit by the moonshine coming though the yet curtainless windows (six months), and need still buzzes through Stede’s veins despite the mind-blowing orgasm Ed just coaxed out of him.
Read Five Birthdays and a Funeral by @bizarrelittlemew for your own wellbeing 😘💋
Uncensored version going up on Twitter, and in the fic in due course too 💙
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sunnist4rs · 1 month
I hate men because today after years of my brother mocking me whenever I talk about something I’m well informed on by saying I did no research I finally told him how much it upsets me. So straight after he brought up my male assault statistics and called them fake before leaving.
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asena9690 · 1 year
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bonecarversbestie · 3 months
I really want a scene between Lucien and Nesta where he tells her he understands what it's like to feel that no matter what you do, or how much of yourself you give, it'll never be enough to gain respect and acceptance from the IC. And that family shouldn't force you to earn their love.
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laurentidal · 1 month
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Mama Bear
Sequel to Report to the Office.
Emily's mother stormed into the office in a huff.
"What has the Benson boy done now?" she demanded of the principal. There was a strange smell in the air. It was almost familiar, but she couldn't place it. The principal sighed heavily from behind her desk.
"I'm afraid this one may have just been a misunderstanding," Tammy said. "I apologize that I called you in, but we've done some checking and I don't think there's actually been any wrongdoing."
"Nonsense," Mrs. Dinny huffed. "You said that the Benson boy was harassing my Emily. If he's involved it's sure to be true. Now I want to know what happened."
Mrs. Dinny's hands were idly playing with the collar of her shirt, pulling it deeper and showing more skin. It also felt very warm in here. Very warm.
"I'll let him explain himself," Tammy said, and for the first time, Mrs. Dinny realized they weren't alone in the room. She hadn't even looked in the corner beside the door, where that damn Benson boy sat quietly. She blushed hard, realizing what she'd said about him.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Dinny," he said, eyes to the floor. "I didn't mean for all this to happen."
At least he seemed remorseful for whatever happened. She'd pulled on the collar of her top so much that her breasts were in danger of exposure. Huge as they were, she struggled to find a top that could contain them on the best of days. And today she'd been rushed getting here, and fuck why was it so hot in here?
"Emily asked me for a favor and I did it for her. Mrs. Redmond saw it and assumed the worst," Paul said, eyes finally raising to meet Mrs. Dinny's. "I didn't do anything Emily didn't want me to."
Mrs. Dinny was absently groping at her own chest now. "And what did she ask you to do?"
"She asked me to 'Squeeze her melons until she came.' I have to say Mrs. Dinny. I see where she got hers. Yours are exquisite."
"Thank you, young man," she said through a long low groan. "Please call me Beth."
"You want it too, don't you Beth?"
Beth pulled her top all the way down letting her tits spill out.
"Ask me."
Tammy was sitting on her desk, fingers back inside her slit.
"Ask me, Beth."
"Squeeze my melons until I cum."
"Gladly!" Paul got to his feet and filled each hand with tit. "These are even nicer than your daughter's."
"Thank you…"
"Tammy why don't you eat Mrs. Dinny's cunt. I'm sure it's soaked by now."
"Okay," the principal replied happily and she dropped to her knees in front of the mother. She never had this much fun at parent conferences. And they still had one more lined up today.
Continue the story in A Pattern of Behavior.
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alastxrs · 3 months
could you maybe do a whitebeard and tall husband who's been with each other for years and when marine ford happens and edward is about to get shot by blackbeards crew his husband sacrifices his life
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My Darling Captain, I'll Die for You Always!
𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 "𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝" 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧…
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❝𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞, 𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞.❞
Those were the words Captain Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate had promised his husband, Y/N Newgate when they arrived at Marineford.
They had been together through everything.
When the Whitebeard pirates thought of their Captain and Y/N, they thought about how happy the two men had been and how they wouldn't die unless it was to die with each other.
Yet, the fates were not on their side now.
"Teach!! Don't do it!!"
They had already lost Ace, they couldn't lose their captain too.
Marshell D. Teach stood in front of an injured Edward with his crew and guns in their hands.
The giant man was breathing slowly as he stared at his old crewmate.
He had already fought Akainu and that hit him hard.
Whitebeard didn't understand why had betrayed them and killed Hatch, knowing his old son was going to kill him didn't bring him the satisfaction.
Edward closed his eyes as he thought about his husband and their wedding.
The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the serene beachfront where Edward Newgate and Y/N were about to exchange their vows. The gentle sound of the waves provided a soothing backdrop to the joyous occasion. Edward, towering and imposing as always, stood with a rare softness in his eyes. Today, the mighty Whitebeard looked almost serene, his usual aura of power tempered by the tender emotions of the moment.
Y/N, just an inch shorter than Edward, stood by his side, a mixture of excitement and nervousness evident in his expression. The two men were surrounded by their closest friends and crewmates, all gathered to witness this monumental moment. Despite the rough and tumble nature of their lives, today was about love and unity, and it was clear that everyone present was deeply moved by the occasion.
As the officiant began the ceremony, Edward reached out and took Y/N's hand, his grip firm yet gentle. "From the moment we met, I knew you were someone special," Edward began, his deep voice filled with emotion. "You’ve stood by my side through thick and thin, and I promise to stand by yours for the rest of our days." The sincerity in his words brought tears to many eyes, including Y/N's.
Y/N, with a voice steady but full of feeling, replied, "Edward, you are my anchor, my strength, and my heart. I promise to love you fiercely, to support you always, and to cherish every moment we have together." The two men exchanged rings, simple bands that symbolized their deep commitment to one another.
"Edward Newgate, do you take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Do you, Y/N L/N, take Edward Newgate to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
When the officiant pronounced them married, Edward pulled Y/N into a strong embrace, lifting him off his feet slightly. The cheers from their friends and family were deafening, the joy palpable in the air. The two shared a passionate kiss, sealing their vows with a promise of forever.
A sigh escaped the captain's lips as he looked at the man he had once trusted with his life.
At least, Y/N would be safe.
Or so he would think.
"You'll never be my son, Teach."
And that was when Blackbeard pointed his gun at him, he heard the order to shoot him yet he couldn't process the words.
He was ready to die now.
"Y/N NO!!!"
"DAD NO!!"
He assumed Y/N was trying to fight against the other men to get to him.
He couldn't hear footsteps.
The gunshots went off and yet he never felt a single bullet pierce his skin from the shots, there was no way these pirates were missing the shots on him when he was standing right in front of them.
Suddenly, the gunshots stopped after awhile.
Edward opened his eyes so he could see yet his heart stopped and his eyes widened at the sight in front of him.
Even Teach was surprised at the sight in front of him.
His beloved, Y/N was in front of him.
His body was covered with blood and the slightly smaller husband of his was shaking trying to keep a grasp on living for a little longer.
Though, a smile formed on his lover's lips.
"If you think I'm going to allow you to die without me, you must be insane Edward.." His husband whispered as he turned his head to look at him. "I know you aren't going to escape alive so I might as well die with you."
He couldn't deny that and he couldn't help himself but to chuckle one last time while Y/N moved next to him slowly.
"Til death do us part, you are taking that too literal."
"Well of course, I told you I didn't want to live in a world without you when we were in our prime no?"
"I'm still in my prime, dear."
"Darling, we are old, these young kids are reaching their prime but ours has ended."
The two laughed as their hands intertwined, Edward squeezed his husband's hands.
The Whitebeard pirates cried louder because this would be the final time they would hear their fathers talk. The Marines were quiet while watching the two lovers, some were crying.
While Teach, he looked angry because he didn't understand what the two men said.
Gasps were heard around and everyone around couldn't believe what had been said, a lot of people didn't believe that the treasure of Gold D Roger was real.
Before anything else, the two men let out their final breaths.
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blackypanther9 · 6 months
Alastor teaches M/n how to hunt – Father!Human!Alastor x Son!Reader
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WARNING!: Killing Deer, bathing someone (Don’t you dare make this sexual, eww.), mentions of weapons (rifle to hunt and hunting knife), Angst AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
A/N: If any of you make this one bathing scene sexual so HELP ME THE RADIO DEMON !! *Gets out the rolled up newspaper ready to smack your perverted heads* (Pic belongs to rightful owner)
TAGLIST: @l0liamk @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @moiravim @meg-giry1 @wen01203
Words: 8 792
If Alastor hated one thing dearly, it was being compared to his Father. That’s why he NEVER acted like that vile man did. His Father forced him to learn how to hunt already when he was an 8 year old kid, for example.
M/n, his Son, was 11 years of age now, but he hated thinking about teaching him how to hunt. He knew it is important. Who knows if M/n will have to use that knowledge one day... But he deemed him way too young still. He loved animals.
Why was Alastor even thinking about this ? Because M/n asked him, for 3 months by now, if he could join him and learn how to hunt.
Alastor had to go today, but he didn’t want to drag M/n along. M/n knew that and with that locked all the doors to get outside and then hid Alastor’s house keys. Without them he can’t go, besides he wants to climb out a window and then be locked out by his Son.
“Please, Papa !”, M/n begged with big eyes.
“Mon petit (My little one), you are way too young for that.”, the Radio Host denied again.
“Why am I too young for it, Papa ? I wanna learn !”
“Cher, do you even know what hunting means ?”
“Umm...that you go out with a gun and look around ?”, M/n said in confusion.
Alastor chuckled and ruffled his Son’s hair.
“Almost, mon petit. But not correct !”
M/n pouted.
“Then TEACH me ! YOU are MY teacher and my FATHER !”, M/n reminded his Father.
The Radio Host eyed his Son for a long while. He was very unsure, he doesn’t want to be like his own Father was... He forced Alastor to learn and witness everything at a very young age. He was glad when he finally died.
“Are you absolutely sure about this, Cher ?”, he asked M/n gently.
His Son held pure determination in his eyes. Something the older male admired.
“I am very sure, Papa. I wanna learn everything you know.”
Alastor gave him a confused smile.
“Why ?”, he asked the kid.
M/n gave him a big smile.
“Because I wanna be just like YOU, when I grow up ! I wanna be as funny as you, skilled as you, nice as you, I even wanna do the same job as you when I grow up !”
The Radio Host was shocked, but felt very touched that his own Son wanted to be just like him. At the same time it was silly. He chuckled and ruffled M/n’s hair.
“Mon petit, you don’t have to be just like me. I want you, to be yourself. But...I would lie, if I wouldn’t say that I would love to teach you everything I know.”, the older male gave in.
His Son’s eyes sparkled.
“Does that mean you’ll teach me ?!”
Alastor sighed and then nodded, smile still present. M/n jumped up and down in happiness and the adult chuckled at his adorable display. He was nothing like his Father, his Father never cared to make Alastor happy. He never gave him time, as a child, to develop an interest in what he did, while his Mother did.
“Alright. So, hunting is not something that is taken lightly.”, Alastor started.
M/n instantly sat down on his Father’s bed, next to Alastor, listening intently. The Radio Host was almost amused by that display.
“Yes, hunting takes part in taking a hunting rifle outside with you and walking around, but you don’t do that to waste your time away. You are on the search of something.”
“And what is that, Papa ?”, M/n asked in curiosity.
“Food.”, Alastor answered and looked at his Son.
“Food ?”, the boy asked in confusion.
“Why yes. You know...the meat we consume, like chicken and fish...are animals. Living things. Our food.”, Alastor explained.
M/n looked at his Dad.
“I mean...I knew that, but why hunt it ? They die by themselves and then we eat them, right ? We find them and they are already dead.”
Alastor shook his head and laughed gently.
“No, no, no, Son. We hunt these animals, kill them and then we take the meat from them. We don’t wait for them to die, god knows if they had diseases that ended them. Some diseases can pass onto us as soon as we consume them, so we hunt them instead.”
M/n’s eyes were wide.
“What ? But what about the babies ?!”
Alastor smiled softly.
“There is a season for that. When the time arrives where babies are supposed to come, you are not allowed to hunt and kill animals. After the hunting season is back on track, you have to watch out and be careful that you don’t take away the Mother from a newborn. That does every hunter worth their salt.”
He looked at his Father worried.
“And the Fathers ?”
Alastor chuckled awkwardly.
“Well, most animal species only mate once and they usually don’t care about their newborns. As sad as that sounds, usually the males then leave and can even hurt the newborn. And when the newborn is a male and grows up, they might fight for dominance.”
“Hey, don’t be so sad, Son. One animal leaves and three new ones are already there. Animals don’t die out that fast.”
He looked at his Dad.
“What are we hunting, Papa ?”
“I was going for a Deer. You want to tag along ?”
M/n nodded. He was sad about the animals, but first...they tasted good and second he wanted to learn.
“Okay then.”
Alastor got up and then left the room, when he came back he had a small hunting outfit in his hands and handed them to his Son. He took them.
“Put these on. They were formerly mine, when I was 12, but I don’t fit into them anymore and they might fit you.”
M/n nodded and left his Father’s bedroom, went to his own and dressed up. The clothes fit him perfectly.
As he showed up, his Father smiled brightly.
“Splendid ! They fit you perfectly !”, Alastor said happily and then grabbed his Winchester 1898 rifle hunting gun.
Then M/n saw, that his Father had a hunting knife in his belt too, sheathed.
“Papa ?”
“Yes, mon petit ?”
He pointed at the sheathed knife.
“What do we need the knife for ?”, he asked his Dad.
“That is a hunting knife. You never leave the house without it, in case you need it.”
“Oh. Okay !”
He smiled at his Son, then put on his coat and they both left.
“Rule number one, Son: You have to know where they might be.”
“Do you know where the Deers are ?”
“Always near the same location, yes. Just follow me.”
He did as told and after a while, which was 2 hours of walking, they arrived at a small river and saw a Stag, eating grass all alone, the birds were chirping very loudly, perfect. They can use that to their advantage. Alastor crouched down, behind a bush and M/n followed his example.
The Radio Host continued in a whisper, so the Stag won’t be alarmed.
“Rule number two and three: Don’t make any loud noises and never let the prey spot you. They hear you, they run away. They see you and they also run away. Deer are very jumpy and fast.”, he taught his Son.
M/n nodded at that. Then he watched his Father, very carefully, grab and pull his rifle, from his back, to his chest. He silently opened his gun and put two bullets inside it. He looked at M/n.
“Do you want to shoot it ?”, he asked his Son in a whisper.
M/n nodded gently. Alastor came closer and carefully handed M/n the rifle, positioned his hands where they had to be and then gently guided his hands and the rifle through the bush. He looked over the edge of the bush and saw the Stag still eating.
“There is a little hole on the top of the gun, you look through it with your right eye. You will have more focus and aim on the Stag then. Aim for the head.”, Alastor instructed, still in a whisper.
M/n did as he was instructed, with the help of his Father. Alastor was behind his Son, had his head next to his Son’s left side of the head, and focused his eyes too, to see if the front of the rifle lined up with its target. He smiled when M/n had it.
“Perfect, mon petit. Before you pull the trigger, I need to warn you. The rifle will have a strong recoil. Keep your arms relaxed, then the gun will recoil in your hands and your arms will be pushed up and you might fall back, but you won’t get hurt.”
“What if I stiffen my arms ?”, M/n whispered his question.
“Then you will seriously hurt yourself.”
“I will be here and support you.”
“Let’s shoot it together, mon petit.”
M/n nodded and then they both checked again. Everything was still perfect, Alastor took the safety off, then M/n and Alastor pulled the trigger together.
M/n’s arms were in the air with the rifle, his ears ringing, the recoil made him fall into his Father’s chest and they heard a heavy drop.
“Oof !”, M/n let out as he collided with his Dad’s chest.
“I told you, I will catch you.”, Alastor said smugly.
M/n giggled and then looked over the bush. His eyes widened in happiness.
“I got it ! I got it, Papa !”, M/n cheered.
On the floor, was the Stag, dead. They got it good. The Radio Host chuckled and got up.
“That you did, Son. Good job. Now let us take it home, so I can skin it and store the meat, for us, away.”
“Okay ! Can I help ?!”
Alastor looked at his Son, his smile a bit tighter. He knew that M/n was definitely NOT ready for that.
“No. When you are older, I promise. Skinning and storing the meat away from an animal...is not a nice sight. For that, you really are still too young. Trust me, mon petit.”
M/n lost his smile and looked at his Dad in concern.
“Oh...okay... You’ll be okay ?”
“Cher, I skinned a lot of Deer, way before you even arrived !”, Alastor chuckled out.
He ruffled the boy’s hair.
“I’ll be okay, Cher.”, he said gently.
Then Alastor went to the Stag and heaved it up, then put his head under it and stood up, his right hand held its hind legs, his left hand held its front legs and behind his neck was its belly. With that he started going back home and M/n followed.
“Isn’t the Stag heavy ?”, M/n asked in concern.
“It is, but I carried a lot of animals and other things, so I have enough muscle to carry it. Don’t worry, Cher.”
Alastor gave his Son a bright, proud smile.
“Hey, Son ?”
“Yes, Papa ?”, M/n replied.
“I know, I said it already, but...you did a spectacular job today. Your first time hunting and you got a Deer ! Normally kids that start hunting won’t even catch anything ! You caught a Stag. Deer are very hard to catch, without them running away before you can get them ! Congratulations.”, Alastor praised highly.
His Son smiled and it went brighter when he continued to praise him for a job well done.
“Thank you, Papa. It means a lot, coming from you.”, he replied with a big smile.
Alastor wanted to reply and had a warm smile on his face, as he suddenly felt something wet hit his nose. He froze up at that, his smile frozen. M/n got a wet drop on his forehead and they looked at each other, then up, into the sky.
More drops hit them and Alastor muttered under his breath.
“Oh, applesauce...”
They were still far away from home, they walked for like two hours.
“We should speed it up a bit, mon petit ! It is raining !”, Alastor said and fastened his steps, which M/n did too.
-Time skip-
It was raining heavily and it felt like buckets of water was poured over them, when they finally arrived at home. Alastor quickly unlocked the door and M/n rushed in, he took his soaked coat, shoes and socks off, then he opened the basement door, for his Dad.
Alastor brought the Stag into the Basement and then came back up, taking off his own soaking coat, boots and socks, then they both rushed upstairs and decided to dry off with towels, then put on comfortable clothes.
M/n was the first one to be in the living room and he decided to light up the chimney, so they will warm up faster. He wore extra clothes under his hunting clothes, while Alastor didn’t. He was soaked to the bone and came down, rubbing his arms, to warm up. As he saw the chimney lit, he sat down on the couch, in front of the chimney, and warmed up there.
His Son in the meantime was in the kitchen and turned on the stove, warming up the leftovers from their Lunch that day. It was enough for Dinner and they both hated food going to waste.
So while M/n was busy in the kitchen, warming up their Dinner, Alastor sat near the chimney and warmed up. Tomorrow he had to go to work again too. It was Sunday and the Radio Host hasn’t taken a day off ever since M/n turned eight years of age. It was pretty good for his record, after all, his NEW Boss was even stricter with him. Worst ? It was a woman...
A woman, M/n HATED. She couldn’t take a fucking hint.
After a few more minutes M/n dressed the table in the dining area and looked at his Dad.
“Dinner is ready, Papa.”
“Thank you, mon petit. I will be there shortly.”, the Father replied softly, voice sounding weak.
‘Did he get sick ?’, M/n thought worried.
He went to the table and poured his Father already the bowl, then his own. They had Gumbo. It didn’t take long and Alastor arrived too, sat down in his seat and they both ate Dinner.
What worried M/n the most though, was that his Dad immediately went to bed after. He never does that. He usually stayed up an hour longer after Dinner, played a game with M/n and then sent him off to bed. He was VERY worried. He cleaned the dishes and the empty pot, where the Gumbo was inside, and then went to bed himself.
-The next day-
M/n woke up and looked at his clock. He saw the time and sighed, getting up. His Dad should be in the kitchen already, making Breakfast. He got dressed and freshened up for the day at his Dad’s studio and then went down the stairs. He was confused as he saw the kitchen spotless and no smell of food was there.
‘Where is he ? Is he still sleeping ?’
He went back up the stairs and knocked gently at his Father’s door. No response. He opened the door and looked inside.
“Papa ?”, he gently called out.
In the bed was movement and a weak groan came from it too. M/n entered the room and stood next to his Father’s bed. He took a closer look at him and saw a red nose, cheeks flushed and his eyelids were red. M/n put his hand on Alastor’s forehead and pulled it back again. He was burning up.
He let his Father sleep and went to the phone. He called the Radio Station.
“Yes, Alastor ?”, a female replied.
‘Great...the pompous Bitch of a Boss...’
“Hello, Miss Ducasse. I am calling for my Father, Alastor Hazbin.”
“Oh...M/n Hazbin...what do you have to tell me, that your Father can’t, hmm ?”, she asked rudely.
“My Father is sick. He has a very high fever and I wanted to ask if I can call him in sick today, so we can get a doctor and get a look at how long and how serious his fever is. His forehead is burning up, but I don’t have a temperature yet. I would send you the testament and sick leave as soon as I have it.”, M/n promised.
It was silent at the other line, then she sighed, annoyed.
“Fine. But you better keep your word, otherwise your Father will be in big trouble and I won’t let this happen again.”, she threatened.
‘Sure you Bitch... You just want to get into my Father’s pants. Whore..’, he thought, rolling his eyes in anger and disgust.
“I will. I promise. Thank you and have a lovely day, Miss !”, M/n said happily.
She hung up, aggressively. M/n looked at his phone and scoffed.
Then he dialed a doctor’s number. It was almost instantly answered.
“Hello, this is Dr. Thomas Hugo. How can I help you ?”, a man answered.
“Mr. Hugo ! Just who I needed, do you remember me, Sir ?”, M/n asked, glad it was his Father’s house doc.
“M/n ! What do you need, child ?”, the man asked surprised.
“I need you to come to my Dad’s house. I think Papa caught a very high fever and I need someone to check how bad it is and what I need to do, how long it might take. My Papa’s Boss wants a sick leave and testament as fast as possible. Can you make it ?”, M/n asked in an urgent and pleading tone.
The other line was silent for a bit, then he heard rustling.
“I am on my way, Kid. I’ll be there in 15 minutes, okay ?”, Hugo informed.
M/n smiled brightly.
“Okay ! Thank you so much !”, M/n said.
“Always, Kiddo. See ya in a bit.”
“Be careful !”
Then they both hung up and M/n went back to his Father’s room. Alastor was still in bed, sleeping, looking very sick. The boy made sure that his Father was wrapped in his blanket, then he opened his window, letting fresh air inside.
He stayed by his Father’s side, until the door knocked. M/n jumped up and rushed down the stairs. He opened the door and smiled brightly as he saw Dr. Thomas Hugo standing there. He hugged him tightly and then let him inside.
“Thank you for coming here on such a short notice. My Dad is still asleep. I opened the window for fresh air and he is covered by his blanket, so he shouldn’t get worse.”, M/n explained as he led the Doctor up the stairs.
“That was very good thinking, Kid. Fresh air clears the room of the bad and used air, chasing the bacteria and viruses away, cleansing the room.”, Dr. Hugo praised.
M/n smiled brightly, then he opened his Dad’s bedroom door and let the Doctor enter it before him. They both went inside and M/n closed the door behind himself. The Doctor was already approaching Alastor’s bed on the right side and took a look at his face.
“Puffy eyelids, red swollen nose and red cheeks...”, the man muttered.
He put a hand on Alastor’s forehead and pulled it away.
“Burning forehead...”
M/n waited for the diagnosis. Dr. Hugo pulled his bag next to himself and opened it, pulling out a thermometer. He turned it on and then gently opened Alastor’s lips, then put it into his mouth. The sick adult groaned, but didn’t do anything else.
After a few minutes, Dr. Hugo pulled it out and took a sharp inhale.
“That is serious. Deadly serious.”
“Why ? How high is it ?”, M/n asked.
“Before I tell you...How did he get sick ?”
“I think it was from yesterday. We took a walk and we were two hours away from home as it started to rain and it turned into a heavy one. I was dressed with two layers, Papa wasn’t. He only wore one layer and he was soaked through.”, M/n explained.
Hugo nodded.
“Okay, makes sense... Your dad has a very high fever. His temperature is 41°C. A normal one would be between 36, 5°C – 37,4°C.”
M/n stared at Thomas in shock.
“How do I get it to come down ? What do I have to expect ?”, M/n asked worried.
“He will be sluggish. He might have a cough, a cold, scratchy throat, a headache and stomach pains. He could also feel sick to his stomach, so he might not eat much. You need to go to a Pharmacy and get him something against his pains, stomach and cough. I will write you some recipes. Give him much water and tea, don’t leave him out of your sight, help him to the bathroom and everywhere else, air the room a lot and put a cold rag on his forehead. I will give him a sick leave for 7 days and then I will come back, to check on him.”
“Okay. Can I get the sick leave twice ? Papa’s Boss sometimes let the sick leaves of Dad’s disappear.”
Thomas nodded and made him two sick leaves, signed them and then made a testament twice too, then he wrote M/n the recipes for the medications. He also wrote a few tea kinds down and what food Alastor should be able to consume while he is sick. Then he gave it all to M/n.
“If you run out of the medication too fast, give me a call and I will get more and come over, okay ?”, Thomas told the boy.
“Okay. Thank you so much, Dr. Hugo.”
The Doctor smiled and ruffled the boy’s hair.
“No problem, Kiddo. I hope you know what to do from here on. Do you need money ?”
“No, Sir. I know where Dad has some, that I can use.”
“Good, alright. Be careful when you go shopping and don’t get in trouble, yeah ?”
“I will, I promise.”, M/n swore as he led Thomas out of the house again.
“Good. Good luck, Kid. Take good care of your Dad.”
“I will. Be careful on your way back and I hope you will have a lovely day.”
The Doctor smiled and then left. M/n closed the front door, then he dashed to his own room and dressed up, to go out. He then rushed to his desk and wrote a note for his Dad.
‘I’m shopping and giving the annoying Boss your sick leave. You have very high fever and are written sick, I’ll get the medication. Stay in bed ! Love you, Papa !’
He took the piece of paper and put it next to his nightstand, then left a sick leave and testament from the Doctor there, in case his Dad needs to look it over. He also put his glasses there, so he can reach them better and doesn’t have to move too much, then he went to his Father’s black dress pants and pulled out his wallet.
He took out a 50 dollar bill and three 20 dollar bills. He hoped that was enough. He took the second testament and sick leave from Dr. Hugo after that, with the medication recipes and notes, the Doc made. He snatched his Dad’s house keys, and then left, locking the front door, then left for the town.
His first stop was his Father’s Radio Station. He entered it and got greeted instantly by his Dad’s coworkers, warmly.
“Hello, M/n ! Where is Alastor ?”, a friendly fellow asked.
His name was Francisco Zuft. He was a good friend of Alastor’s.
“Hello, Mr. Zuft. My Father is sick. He caught a high fever. I am here to bring the Boss his sick leave.”, M/n replied friendly.
“Oh dear... Wish him well from me.”
“I will, Sir.”
With that they parted ways and M/n knocked on Miss Ducasse’s door.
“Come in !”, she called.
M/n opened it, after an eye roll of annoyance. He peaked his head inside.
“Miss Ducasse ?”, he called out gently.
She looked up.
“Ah, M/n. What have you gotten for updates for me ?”, she asked rudely.
‘I want her so dead...’
“My Father has a high fever of 41°C. He was written sick for a week, for now. Then he will be checked up on again. Here is the testament and the sick leave from his house Doctor.”, M/n said and gave her the papers.
She took them and read through them. She sighed and nodded.
“Alright. This is serious, your Father is excused. Thank you for bringing the papers to me. You may leave.”, she said with distaste.
“Thank you. Have a lovely day, Miss.”, he politely said and then left.
As he was about to leave, a lot of Alastor’s coworkers swarmed M/n and asked him to send him their get well wishes and they wanted M/n to come back tomorrow. They had something planned for Alastor. He agreed and then left, wishing them all a lovely day.
He rushed to the Pharmacy. A kind, young Lady looked at him.
“Can I help you, little boy ?”, she asked gently.
“Yes...umm...”, he answered and nervously fumbled in his coat pockets.
He pulled out the notes and recipes. He handed her the recipes for the medications he needed.
“I need these medications for my Dad. He has a very high fever and I am taking care of him. Do you have any of these or maybe something that comes close ?”, M/n asked, politely.
She took them and read through them. She smiled at the boy and nodded.
“We do have these medications, wait here for a bit.”
Then she left and came back after a few minutes. She had small and big versions of the medications.
“Do you want the big ones or the smaller ones ?”, she asked.
“Depends on the price, Miss. Can we look how much ?”, M/n asked gently.
“Of course.”, she replied kindly.
She scanned the small ones and they made 26.78 Dollars in total. Then she scanned the big ones and they made 40 Dollars in total. M/n took his chance.
“I will take the big ones.”, he chose.
“That would be 40 Dollars. Do you want a bag, Kiddo ?”, the woman asked.
He gave her a smile.
“That would be nice. Yes, please.”, he said politely, while he pulled out two 20 Dollar bills.
She nodded and pulled out a bag, putting the medications inside the bag, then she took his money and she gave him the bag.
“Have a good day, Kiddo and take good care of your Dad.”, she told him with a warm smile.
He smiled back.
“Thank you, Miss. I hope you will have a lovely day.”
Then he left the Pharmacy and rushed to the store. He took a shopping cart and rushed through the aisles, taking what he needed for the food, his dad can consume, looking at the price tags and calculating the price in his head. Some stuff was lowered in the price, which was positive ! He saved up money.
He needed vegetables A LOT of them, some seasonings they ran low on them, then he bought chicken meat, some crackers without salt, Rusk, eggs, milk, a lot of water and some other small things his Dad can snack on.
For all of that stuff, he had to pay 30 Dollars, then he bagged it all, shoved the cart back into its place and rushed home with the bought goods.
-Time skip-
M/n was home and unlocked the door, he carried the food inside the house and into the kitchen, then he stored it away and rushed up the stairs, while opening his coat. He entered his Father’s room and saw that he was NOT in his bed, but a lot of tissues were on the floor. He looked around the room and then heard the flush of the toilet in his bathroom.
The door opened five minutes later and his Father walked out, looking like death warmed all over him. He knocked on the door and it caught Alastor’s attention. He looked at him and gave him a weak smile.
“Hey, mon petit. Did you get everything ? Have you had any trouble ?”, he asked with a hoarse voice, quietly.
“Hey, mon papa malade (My sick papa). I did get everything and I had no trouble. I got the medication and took the big packs. I took 110 Dollars from you and gave out about 70 Dollars. They had a lot of prices reduced, so I saved a lot. The medications were 40 Dollars, but the small packs would have costed more in the long run. They were all together almost 27 Dollars.”, M/n explained gently, minding his voice.
Alastor sat down on his bed, coughed and nodded. He held his head, his head was pounding horribly.
“I gave your sick leave and the testament to your Boss. I asked Dr. Hugo to make us two, in case she makes your sick leave disappear again.”
“That’s good, Cher.”, Alastor weakly said, proud of his Son.
“I will make you some soup now, lay down and try to get some more sleep. After you ate something, you can take the medications.”
“Of course, mon petit. Thank you.”
“No problem, Papa. Leave it all to me. I will take care of you.”
With that he left the room and went back into the kitchen. He took out a bottle of water, he had to stop a few times to continue and carry the heavy package, but he was proud he got it so far, then he brought the bottle of water to his Father’s room, with the remains of the money he took and a cold, wet rag.
His Father was laying down again, under the covers. M/n put the bottle on his side table next to his bed, then he brushed his Father’s hair back and put the cold rag on his forehead and put the remaining 40 Dollars onto his desk in his room.
“Thank you, Fils (Son).”, Alastor rasped out, sighing in relief at the coolness on his head.
“No problem, Papa.”
Then M/n left and entered the kitchen. He searched through the cupboards for his Grandmother’s recipe book. He found it and opened it, looking for a chicken soup recipe, after he found it, M/n read it.
Then he pulled out a cutting board, knife, a pot, the ingredients he needed and two bowls. Then he got to cutting the vegetables first and put them in the first bowl, after that he cut the chicken meat and put it into the second bowl.
He put butter into the pot and turned on the stove, heating up the pot.
-Time skip-
 He loved his Grandma, even though he never got the chance to meet her. Her recipe was perfect, it tasted amazing and he didn’t burn down the kitchen ! The soup was done and he filled a bowl, for his Papa and put a spoon inside it. He brought it to his Father’s room and saw him sleeping.
He seemed to be sleeping better than before. He put the bowl of soup down on the nightstand and then left again, getting the medicine and his own bowl of food. He sat down next to his Dad and took the wet rag off of his forehead.
“Papa...wake up...”, M/n called gently.
“Mmmnnn... Five more minutes...”, Alastor sleepily replied.
The boy giggled.
“Papa, the food is getting cold.”, he informed the adult.
The adult sat up carefully at that, eyes very small from sleep. He yawned.
“Already ?”, he asked his Son.
“Yes, I cooked for a while.”
Alastor put on his glasses and then looked at the clock.
“Huh.”, he said in shock as he saw how late it was.
Then he coughed.
“Barely awake and coughing already.”, M/n said in pity.
Alastor weakly waved it off and then grabbed his own bowl. He smelled it and looked at his Son in shock.
“You...You made Mama’s recipe ?”, he asked with a cough interrupting him.
“I did. I looked through the cabinets and cupboards just to find the cook book of Grandma. She wrote it so detailed, that I had no trouble making it. I hope you will like it. Oh, and your coworkers wish you all a get well soon greeting.”, M/n informed.
Alastor smiled and weakly ruffled his Son’s hair.
“Thank you, mon petit. What would I do without you...”
“Probably be in agony right now.”, M/n replied jokingly.
Alastor let out a raspy chuckle, then a cough.
They dug in together and Alastor had to admit, M/n cooked it exactly like how his Mother used to cook it. Not even Alastor could get the head on the nail, but his Son did it. He remade it and it felt like his Mother made it.
He ate two bowls of it, while M/n ate three, he received his medications after and took them. Cough syrup, something against his cold and stomach and then a painkiller for his head. Then he was back to sleeping, with a new cold rag on his forehead.
As Alastor woke up again, he saw that M/n left him a bag with snacks he should be able to consume. He smiled. His Son knew him too well.
It was nighttime and he needed the bathroom. The sick Radio Host winced as he felt his bladder, almost exploding. His Bedroom door opened and in came his Son, checking on him. He turned the lights on, making Alastor groan and shut his eyes tightly.
“Sorry, Papa. I thought you were still sleeping. I wanted to open your window again, for fresh air. Night air is always the best.”
“It...It’s alright, Cher.”, he replied with a cough.
“Do you need anything ?”, the kid asked.
“Bladder...”, the man got out.
M/n nodded, quickly opened the window and then went over to his Dad. He helped him out of the sheets and the bed, guiding him to the Bathroom door. He could feel how weak his Father was, he could barely hold himself on his own legs...
“Yell if you need my help. I will wait outside of the door and then heat up the soup again, for Dinner, then you get your medications again and then it is back to sleep for you.”, M/n told his Father, like he scheduled it.
Alastor smiled and chuckled weakly in amusement. His Son really was strict with him, so he can recover just fine.
“Alright, Son.”, he agreed and then shut the door into the Bathroom.
While he was in the Bathroom, using the toilet, M/n was worried sick.
‘Am I doing this right until now ? Papa would have been the same with me...The few times I was sick he was very strict, but it helped...Am I cornering him too much ? But he didn’t complain yet...Does this mean that I am doing this right ?’
The boy never had to take care of his Dad, like this, before. Alastor had small colds, small coughs and once or twice a small stomach bug, but he usually could always handle himself and just asked M/n for small things. Like a bucket, new pack of tissues, heating up food, a bottle of water or even paper towels. Alastor never was so weak, that he couldn’t handle himself. This was entirely new to M/n and he was scared that he is fucking it all up...
He was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard his Father retching. The boy instantly opened the door and saw his Dad vomiting into the toilet. It hurt his little heart. He left and started to get the medicine, a bottle of water, a glass and some paper towels, in case he wasn’t fast enough and some was on the floor. When he returned, the toilet was flushed and Alastor leaned against the wall of the Bathroom, looking absolutely miserable.
M/n looked at the toilet and saw that some sick was on the floor and stained his Father’s shirt. He seemed very weak, so he decided to help his Father, as uncomfortable as it was going to be for the both of them...Alastor couldn’t stay in his soiled clothes.
He wiped away the stain on the floor and threw it into the trashcan in the room, then he looked at his Father.
“You need a bath. You look like death warmed all over you, Dad. And that is the nicest way to tell you, how miserable you look. Not even your smile is still there.”
“And who will undress me ? I am far too weak, Son.”
“You are speaking to the answer.”
The man’s eyes widened, in shock and slight worry.
“Absolutely not, M/n.”
“I am supposed to take care of you, Dad. You are my responsibility. You helped me with everything too, when I was sick. Now...it’s my turn to help. This is nothing new to us, just the roles are reversed.”, M/n reasoned with his Father.
He looked at his Son, still not convinced.
“Your body is too weak to handle itself properly. Your shirt is covered in sick, you are sweating terribly too, which causes you to smell bad later. Let me help you wash up and all is well. I won’t be scarred. I admit, it is weird and uncomfortable, but I want to help you feel better. We are both guys. It is nothing we haven’t seen.”
Alastor eyed his Son for a while and then he sighed.
“Alright...BUT, as soon as we feel too uncomfortable, I want us to stop.”, he said with a few coughs in between.
M/n nodded softly, then he let water into the Bathtub and some bath foam, for bubbles. After the water was running he turned to his Father, who still sat on the floor, back leaned against the wall. The boy rolled his own sleeves up and then approached his Father.
“First we get your arms out and then we pull it over your head, so the sick won’t get in your face and you don’t have to hold your arms up for long.”
M/n grabbed his Father’s left arm and maneuvered his arm out of the sleeve, then he did the same with the right arm, then M/n grabbed the front of the shirt, careful to not touch the stain of sick, and pulled the shirt over his Father’s head. After the shirt was off, M/n folded it and put it away, so he can wash it later.
“Now, stretch your legs out and lift your hips, we pull it all off in one go.”, M/n instructed.
Alastor did as told and soon enough he had only socks still on. M/n took them off and then helped his Father up. He guided him to the Bathtub and helped him inside, gently. As he sat in the tub, M/n put the ruined clothes away, while Alastor sighed in comfort at the warm water.
“I’ll be right back. I am going to get you towels and a new set of Night wear.”, M/n informed his Father.
“Alright.”, he replied weakly.
The boy left and started to collect everything, while Alastor relaxed in the bathtub, turning off the faucet. As he returned with the towels, new set of Pyjamas and a measuring cup, for the hair wash, he saw his Father relaxed. That made him happy.
He put everything on the cupboard near the sink and then approached the bathtub again. He took a washing cloth and wettened it. Alastor opened his left eye, lazily.
“Hey, Son.”, he weakly got out.
“Hello again, Papa.”, the kid greeted back.
He took his Father’s favorite soap and gently lifted the parent’s left arm, then he put some soap on it and started to spread it with the cloth, washing him. Alastor felt uncomfortable at first, but he slowly started to relax into it. This was his Son, he wouldn’t do anything perverted to him.
M/n washed his Father everywhere. Arms, back, chest, neck and he washed the armpits twice too. The two of them agreed that Alastor will wash his legs and man parts himself. M/n helped his Father sit up and held his legs up, because his body was too weakened to do that all itself for longer than 10 seconds. He was grateful to have his Son right now.
The Radio Host got cold in the water and M/n turned the hot water on, to fill the tub a bit more, warming up the bath. When Alastor said it was good enough, the kid shut the water off again and he washed his Father’s hair. The grown up would lie, if he said, that he hated having his hair washed.
M/n massaged his head, while he washed his hair. It felt nice and relaxing. He almost fell asleep, but before he could even think about nodding off, M/n washed his hair out and then got the toilet seat ready, for Alastor to sit down on.
“Alright, now you gotta get out, Pa.”, M/n said.
Alastor sighed and carefully got up, then used M/n as support. Even though the child was just 11 years old, he was strong and wise. He carefully got out of the tub and M/n wrapped a towel around his waist, never once looking and seeing his Father’s tool (Quite the achievement), then he guided him to the toilet seat and sat his Father down. He grabbed a smaller towel next and wrapped his Father’s hair in it, then got a bigger one and started to dry his back, chest, neck and arms.
“Do you want to dry the rest ?”, he asked his Dad.
M/n nodded. He decided to turn his face to the wall next to him and shut his eyes.
“If you need standing support, I am here. I won’t look.”
Alastor did need the support as he got up. He used the towel around his waist and started to dry the rest of himself, always holding onto M/n when he felt unsteady. After he was dry, he held the towel in front of his crotch.
“I’m done, Cher.”
“Okay. I will turn back around and give you, your underwear.”, M/n informed.
M/n did as he told Alastor and turned away again, letting his Father use him as support, so he can put on his underwear. After that M/n told his Father to sit back down and he put his pants on him and helped him into his shirt, then he put new socks on his Father too. He smiled as they were finished.
“All done now. Look at you. You are sparkling clean, in new clothes and you look way better than you did a few minutes ago, Papa ! Now we need to style your hair.”, M/n said happily.
Alastor smiled and chuckled. M/n instantly got to work, having watched his Dad do his hair multiple times.
-The next day- (Damn is this shot long...)
After M/n helped his Father into the Bathroom and back into his bed, in the morning, made sure he ate, took his medications, had some food in his stomach and a new bottle of water, with a glass, tissues and a bucket filled with water, he decided to leave the house and head back to the Radio Station.
As soon as he arrived, he was swarmed with his Dad’s coworkers. They lead him into a small room and he was confused. He saw nothing changed, so why were they there ?
“Guys...what did you plan on doing ?”, M/n asked them.
“Don’t worry ! We are getting everything ! You’ll love it, M/n ! We hope it will be helpful to you and your Father too.”, Tony said happily.
Tony Justa was another coworker that was close with Alastor. They weren’t friends per say, but they got along very well and acted, most of the times, like Brothers. It was surprising that someone, who was white skinned, liked Alastor so much. But here Tony was, a white skinned man and he had no problems with M/n’s Papa. He found the whole racist stuff absolutely stupid. M/n couldn’t agree more with him.
“Okay then. You better have something good planned for your petit frère platonique (platonic little Brother).”, M/n teased Tony.
Tony chuckled and rubbed his neck with a soft look. No one knew, but Tony was two years older than Alastor and while they never officially called each other Brothers, they behaved like Brothers. There was no term for such a bond yet, so M/n called them platonic Brothers.
Soon enough the other coworkers came inside and all of them had small baskets or bags in their hands. Francisco gave Tony his bag and then he left M/n’s side and stood in – between the small group and M/n, who looked confused.
“We all wanted to help you and Alastor back to health, so we decided to make small gift bags with get well cards !”, Tony announced.
At that M/n’s eyes went wide in surprise. He didn’t expect that. The others just nodded with big smiles.
“Why would you all do that, you saps ?”, M/n asked gently.
Another coworker chuckled, Peter Geraldo.
“Because, silly, you and your Father brighten up the days here and always make us laugh or at least smile. Without you two here...it’s just not the same. You two always gave us something when you were here, so now it’s our turn.”, Peter stated.
The others nodded. M/n smiled at them and chuckled.
“You are such thoughtful good friends and coworkers. Thank you.”, M/n said softly.
The group smiled and then started to give M/n the bags. They always told him what was in them and M/n couldn’t be happier. One of the discs Alastor had his eyes set on for a while, teas, juices, get well cards, fruit in a lunch box, vegetables, teas they made at home themselves, fruit pies, small snacks for Alastor to munch on and more.
Peter, Francisco and Tony were the last ones. They had the biggest bags.
Peter gave M/n his bag first.
“In there are two cards. One is for him and one for you, Kiddo. Some sweets you like and some things your Dad likes. There are two kinds of tea inside too and two big boxes of different juices.”, he told the boy.
He smiled at Peter and hugged him tightly.
“Thank you, Pete.”
“No problem, Kid. You need some appreciation and care too.”, he replied and rubbed the kid’s back.
Peter stepped back and Francisco was next. M/n gently took it from him.
“There are some homemade teas inside, two recipes that Alastor would love to have they will also power up his Immune System, some homemade spices, a small Coupon that holds 30 Dollars, a strong homemade juice, some tissues, a few sweets for you, some cut fruits in a lunchbox and a little something for you to keep around, Kiddo.”, he said, winking at him.
M/n was curious, but decided to wait until he was at home. He smiled brightly and hugged Francisco.
“Thank you, France.”, M/n said.
“No problem, Kiddo. Peter was right, you also need some appreciation and care.”
How did M/n just get so lucky, with Alastor and now his friends and colleagues, become his too ? Just how lucky was he ?
They parted from the hug and Tony was last. He had a big, gentle grin on his face and handed M/n the big bag.
“There are two juices for each of you two. Two are for your Dad and his Immune system and two are for you to just enjoy and stay healthy with, they are all four homemade too. Two of your favorite teas, homemade, are also in there, some sweets and snacks for you and Alastor, I baked you some of your favorite pastries yesterday too, I know how much you love them. Then I bagged two packages of your Dad’s favorite Coffee in there and I gave you, for food shopping, two 50 Dollar Coupons. I also went around and got you and Alastor each a small little surprise. I hope you two will like them.”
M/n had small tears in his eyes with a big smile. He hugged Tony tightly, which he returned.
“Thank you so much, Oncle (Uncle) !”, M/n said happily.
Tony froze for a split second and then tightened his hug, a big, warm smile on his face.
“No problem, Neveu (Nephew).”
They parted and M/n looked at the time, his eyes widened a slight bit.
“Applesauce ! I need to get home, before Papa wakes up ! Whenever he wakes up he needs me to help him around !”, M/n said, cursing. (Yes, he cursed by saying Applesauce, just like Papa.)
“Is he that weakened ?”, Tony asked worried.
M/n sighed and nodded.
“He has a very high fever and it is hard to get it down...His body is not coping very well with it and he can barely move around on his own. He is...pretty weak right now.”, he told the three still in the room.
“He gets his Medicine ?”, Francisco asked.
“Yes, he does. I always give him his medications when he ate something. Even if it was a small piece of bread.”, M/n answered.
Tony hummed in thought, trying to think of something that might help his, platonically claimed, little Brother. Then he came up with a few things.
“You will need Peppermint tea, it will help with his throat and the coughs, it gives him better rest and his body will relax a bit more. Peppermint has also antiviral properties, and can help to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and clear congestion. It has the trait to warm you from the inside out. Chamomile tea is also good. It reduces cold symptoms, boosts the immune system, and reduces inflammation. Also if his eyes hurt a lot or they even start to fester, just drown a piece of paper towel in the tea and put it over his eyes, it works wonders. I also would recommend Hibiscus Tea. It will give him a lot of Vitamin C, which his body will need.”, Tony listed off.
Francisco, Peter and M/n stared at him in awe at his knowledge.
“What ? I had to take care of my parents a few times and my Sister. I researched where I could.”, Tony defended himself with a small pout.
M/n smiled and hugged him again.
“Can you write it down for me ?”, he asked the adult.
“I will do you one better. After work, I will get it and come visit. I will help you with Alastor. How does that sound ?”, Tony offered.
M/n looked at him with big eyes.
“But I was supposed to take care of him. What if he makes you sick too ?”
“You will still take care of him, but with a bit of help, so you don’t have to stress yourself around, Kiddo. And if I get sick, I have my Family to look after me AND I will get a break from work. It is a win for me.”
M/n put his finger on his chin and hummed in thought, then he looked at him again and nodded. Okay, deal !
Tony smiled brightly.
“Then I’ll see you later. Now rush home, before Al realizes you ran off.”
The boy nodded and then ran off as fast as he could, yelling Goodbye. Tony chuckled.
“This kid is just what Al needed. Now he has someone that will take care of him again.”, he said to Peter and Francisco.
“Yeah. It’s nice to see that Alastor has someone else to care for him now. After all, we all aren’t getting younger.”, Peter replied with a chuckle and a warm smile.
Francisco nodded, smiling brightly. Then they got back to work. While M/n was home in record time, before his Father woke up and even realized he was out.
Masterlist HERE !
A/N: Yes, it is finally out and I am out of the WIP for part two ! ^^ YASSSS !!!
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mogitz · 6 months
Ladies and gentlemales,
We’ve seen Feyre’s more “feral” and wild stubbornness with her mate.
We’ve seen Nesta’s more “viscous” and sharp stubbornness with her mate.
May I please do the honor of presenting you with the concept of Elain’s “proper girl” stubbornness. Includes phrases “that’s preposterous!” and “how dare you insinuate such a thing! You don’t know me- “
And poor, exasperated, (but highly amused) Lucien is just a bonus.
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I wasn't sure what i was going to say to him today. I needed to build on what happened yesterday. When i walked into class, he was busy getting everything ready cause it was a lab day and we were going to be doing experiments and stuff. We always split up into partners, C is the one to choose partners. Usually i'm with a friend. But today, it was an odd number of students and guess who he paired me up with???? He paired me with himself!!!!!!! OMG like he did that on purpose right?? He looked at me and said since there's an odd number you can work with me. i am almost fainted my mouth went dry and i was probably blushing so bad. The entire class i was right next to him, trying not to stare or act strange. We touched a couple times kinda bumping into each other. I was wearing perfume (Ariana Grande God is a Woman!!) and i could swear i heard him take a deep breath a few times like smelling my perfume. He kept smiling at me as he explained what we were doing. I'm not even sure what we were doing haha i was so focused on being next to him. He looked so totally gorgeous today too. After class was over he said thanks for being his partner today. I managed to say you're welcome it was fun. I wanted to say let's do it again sometime but i was too nervous haha.
Like he choose me to be his partner, that's on purpose right?? he could have chosen anyone but he chose me. And he loved being my partner. I went into a bathroom stall after class and just cried tears of joy. i just haven't been able to think of anything else all day
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