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blackypanther9 · 1 year ago
Gossip between Father and Daughter – Father!Alastor x Daughter!Reader
A/N: I decided to do this Oneshot/Headcanon for both, alive!Alastor x daughter!Reader and Demon!Alastor x Daughter!Reader. Enjoy ! (Picture belongs to rightful owner !)
TAGLIST!: @meg-giry1  @wen01203
WARNING!: mentions of the S word, name calling, insults, mentions of cheating, Vox and the other Vees get bullied in public AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
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Human!Dad!Alastor x Human!Daughter!Reader:
When you start to talk about new Gossip:
Alastor was cooking Dinner as suddenly you bashed open the door, scaring the living daylights out of your Father. He quickly looked at you and made a face to scold you.
“Mon ange (My Angel), are you planning to give your dear ol’ Father a heart attack ?”
You ignored his scolding and gave him a big grin with a twinkle in your eyes. Alastor got intrigued.
“You will NEVER believe what I’ve heard, Papa ! That is some interesting tea indeed !”, you announced happily.
Your Father cocked his head to the side in curiosity, his smile not leaving, but it shrunk in curiosity and confusion.
“Oh ? What happened, Cher ?”
You entered the kitchen fully, pulled out a chair, sat down and looked at him.
“You do know Felicia Monrue, right ? You reported about her last week in your Broadcast, because she got caught drunk, even though there was no giggle water (Alcohol) allowed and she had to pay a hefty debt as punishment.”
“Ah...yes, I do remember her indeed. Hoho ! Such a gal getting caught.”, Alastor laughed out in humor, “Couldn’t even hold her own liquor, hahaha !”
You nodded eagerly.
“Well guess what !”
“What is it, mon petit (Little one) ?”
You looked around the house, as if anyone was listening in, then bounced and gave him a big mischievous smirk.
“Rumors have it, that she was spotted a few times with different men on her arm. She brought them home and someone heard lewd noises, while one of her neighbors swore they saw her and the different men in her bedroom, doing the forbidden act ! Can you believe it ?!”
Alastor took a sip of water, which he promptly spat out in shock, as you said that. He stared at you, then looked at his glass of water, then at the food he was cooking, then back to you and back at his drink.
“Am I sure that I am drinking water right now ?”, he muttered in shock.
“You are, Papa ! Stop being so silly !”, you replied laughing.
He looked at you again.
“You aren’t talking nonsense, right, Dear ? That poor Lady surely could never do such a scandalous thing.”
You shook your head.
“I really heard it, from more than one person too ! It already goes around like wildfire, Papa ! One even said that they have a picture of it ! If this gets out into the newspaper, her clothes store will shut down forever !”
Your Father shook his head and looked at his food, sighing in disappointment.
“Such a fine Dame and no class... Didn’t her parents teach her any manners ? How scandalous !”
You shrugged your shoulders and gave him a grin.
“Maybe it is just a faux, Papa, but it would be entertaining if it was true ! Don’t you agree ?”
“It sure would be, Cher. Anything else you heard rumors about, hmm ?”, your Father asked you amused.
“Oh ! There are new rumors about the Bayou Killer too.”
“Oh, do let me know ! I’d LOVE to hear their theories !”, your Father said enthusiastically.
“Some speculate now that it is a butcher and others that it is a doctor ! How ridiculous is that ?!”, you said laughing.
For a second the kitchen was silent and then Alastor broke out into laughter and he shook his head.
“A-a WHAT now ?! Hahahaha !”
Alastor laughed so hard that he wiped a tear away from his right eye. You looked at your Father in amusement.
“Stupid, isn’t it ? They really think you are a Doctor or even a Butcher ! I mean...you kind of are a Butcher, but at the same time, you are not !”
Alastor snorted in amusement and continued to cook Dinner, while you told him all the Gossip you heard and he discussed it all with you, happy to listen to anything you heard.
When Alastor starts to talk about new Gossip:
You were just returning from a quick shopping spree with some groceries as you saw your Father with a huge mischievous grin on his face. He took a few bags from you and you both started to fill the kitchen cabinets and fridge with your catches that you got from the stores.
You knew that glint in your Father’s eyes. He heard something scandalous and amusing. You couldn’t wait.
As soon as you both finished, you entered the Living room and sat down on the couch, your Father sat down in the armchair.
“Alright, Dad, spill the tea. What rumors have you heard, hmm ?”, you pressed.
Alastor looked at you with one of his hugest smiles and started to chuckle.
“Do you remember Gwen Kosiak from my workplace, who quit his job not long ago ?”, your Father asked you.
“Yes. Why ?”
“Well my dear child, he was married and they seemed happy. Suddenly they divorced out of nowhere. Rumors have it that he cheated on his wife with the housemaid !”
You covered your mouth in shock.
“No way !”, you gasped out.
“Yes indeedy !”
You started to let out a chuckle.
“I would have never expected that from Gwen.”
“Me neither, Cher ! Me neither !”
You both chuckled and as it calmed down, your Father smirked.
“There has also been the rumor going around that the dress shop, you love to visit so frequently, is going bankrupt, because the owner of the store refuses to pay the rent !”
You stared at your Father gob smacked.
“Seriously ?”
All your Father did was nod.
“Indeedy !”
You leaned back in shock, then your face saddened.
“A real shame, guess I should look for a new favorite dress store then.”, you muttered.
“You definitely should, Cher !”, Alastor encouraged.
You could see that he wasn’t finished yet, so you waited for him to start the next section of discussion to gossip about.
“Also, Mrs. Tiana gave birth to her and her husband’s offspring ! The spawn looks nothing like them ! Hahaha !”
“You don’t think that she was going behind her husband’s back, do you ?”
“I think she was, Cher !”
“My, how scandalous ! Was it truly that bad ?”
“The child didn’t have their skin color, nor their hair color ! The child’s skin color was almost like mine and the hair was ginger ! Both of them were white and one had blond hair while the other had black hair. They both said that none in their Family tree had a different skin color, nor ginger hair ! So it just can’t be his offspring.”
You covered your mouth in shock.
“I never would have thought of Mrs. Tiana as a harlot.”, you muttered.
“None of us did, mon Cher ! Yet, here we are !”
The two of you continued to gossip and talk about rumors for a while. Alastor was always happy to listen, theorize with you and to talk about everything. He was almost like a woman, chattering about all the scoundrels that were talked about and you LOVED your Dad for that. He was practically both to you. A Mother and a Father. You never lacked anything.
In Hell:
When you start gossip:
Your Father was just about to wrap up his Broadcast in Hell, as you stormed inside. He looked at you startled, his Deer ears standing on high alert. As soon as he saw you, he rolled his eyes gently, scolding himself in his thoughts, that he got scared of you.
“Father, guess what !”, you announced happily.
Oh, he knew by that voice that you heard some gossip. He turned to you, leaving his broadcast on for now.
“What is it, Cher ?”, he asked.
“I heard some interesting tea about the Vees ! Wanna hear it ?!”
He perked up and looked at you highly interested. He snapped another chair into existence next to him and gestured for you to sit down. You did so eagerly.
“Now, what was that, Cher ?”, he asked, interested.
You were bouncing up and down on your chair.
“So, apparently Valentino and Vox are in a on and off relationship, just to screw each other, when Valentino’s harlots are too busy ! How desperate is that, Papa ?! Hahaha !”
Alastor, who sipped his black coffee, spat it back out and coughed into his sleeve from shock. Then he chuckled.
“That sounds pathetically desperate ! Hahaha ! I never thought that Vox would sink even lower than he already did !”, your Father laughed out.
“I didn’t know that Valentino was so depraved and pathetically desperate that he even fucks his own harlots ! Hahaha ! That just shows how unwanted he is !”, you laughed out.
“True, true, my Dear !”
“Oh, oh ! And have you heard that the Demon, Velvet dated, broke up with her ?!”
“Applesauce, mon petit !”, he yelled in fake shock.
“It’s true, Papa ! They apparently were dining in a restaurant and suddenly the man said that he is dumping her ass, then left the restaurant without paying too ! She left it, looking like a mess ! I bet the other two Vees had to coddle her to make it better ! HA ! How fucking pathetic for an Overlord !”
Alastor laughed loudly at that and petted your head, affectionately.
“Also, Vox tried to copy your Radio Station to make Radio Broadcasts himself, to grow bigger ! Can you believe how desperate that flat faced idiot is ?! Hahaha !”
“Is that so, Cher ?”, Alastor said partly amused, partly triggered.
“He tried to hide it from you too ! Sadly someone from his team snitched ! Hahahaha !”, you confirmed with laughter.
“Hmmm. Interesting indeed, Cher !”
“Also, some guests in Valentino’s porn clubs said that the hygiene in the bathrooms, of all the clubs, are so nasty that no one even wants to take a dump there ! Hahaha ! That insect is destroying his own image !”, you cackled out.
Alastor laughed at that.
“Well, what did you expect from a moth, Cher ? That they are clean ?”
“You would think his business and his employees means something to him, but it seems it wants to go broke soon enough !”
Alastor just chuckled and already planned how to teach Vox a lesson, for trying to take over Radio, HIS specialty.
The Broadcast went 30 minutes longer, discussing and gossiping about the Vees mostly.
After they finished their Broadcast, they saw that all of Pentagram City had a blackout. Welp, they fried Vox then with the other two Vees.
When Alastor starts gossip:
You both visited Rosie, just to catch up a bit and that was where everything went down. From a small pleasant exchange of how you all three have been, it turned into gossiping.
“My Dear, you have to be pulling our legs.”, Alastor accused Rosie in disbelief.
“I am not, Al ! I promise ya ! He really tried to eat her !”, Rosie insisted.
You just laughed and ate another finger that Rosie offered. You rarely did eat her treats that she offered, but today you were fine with it. Rosie knew about your picky diet swings, so she never felt insulted.
“What about you, Dear ? Any interesting gossip ?”, Rosie asked you.
“Oh quite some interesting ones, indeed !”, you replied.
“Oh do spill the tea, Dearie !”, Rosie said in excitement.
“Well, I heard that Zestial had three Sons and they are all down here. They say that Zestial hid them from everyone, because they are not very strong and he is ashamed of them.”
“Oh my...”, Rosie said in shock and intrigue.
Alastor was in slight shock and very interested in it.
“I will ask Zest about it tomorrow. After all we are supposed to meet up at Carmilla’s tomorrow. He is always there.”, you told her.
“Oh please do ask him ! I would love to know if these rumors are true !”
Then she turned to Alastor.
“And you, my friend ? What did you catch ?”
Alastor chuckled.
“A lot of people are starting to question Queen Lilith’s absence. Many say that she made a Deal with the Holy Gates. Others say that she got exterminated.”
“Hah ! As if anyone could kill our Queen ! She would NEVER agree to make a Deal with the Angels either ! How silly !”
Alastor chuckled and nodded, agreeing with Rosie, while you just shook your head in amusement.
“Also, it was rumored that Overlord Missi Zilla was seen with a lowlife Sinner, getting a bit steamy in an alley way.”
“No way !”, Rosie and you yelled.
“Yes, yes, indeedy !”, Alastor insisted.
Rosie leaned back.
“Oh my stars...”, she muttered.
“Who do you think it was ?”, you asked the two other Overlords.
“All I have heard was that the Demon Sinner was a bull. There was nothing else.”, Alastor chimed in.
“As if Missi would stoop that low.”, you scoffed.
“You never know, my Dear !”
And the gossip with Rosie and Alastor would continue for a long while, while you chimed in and shared your own gossip. You saw Rosie like a Mother figure and your Father didn’t mind it a bit. He was glad you liked Rosie.
You three Overlords would gossip for hours.
Alastor is a HUGE fan of gossip. You never know what interesting information you will hear, after all.
He would gossip with you, his beloved Daughter, like women would gossip amongst each other.
He would try and see if you were pulling his leg or not, but most of the times you were serious.
As soon as he got interesting gossip, he would immediately sit down with you and share, loving to bond with you over simple gossip.
He would always share a few laughs with you here and there.
He loves it when you have gossip/information about his enemies/victims. Somehow you just KNEW where and how to get the interesting tea ! He couldn’t be prouder !
He would never shut you down if you wanted to gossip with him. He would always listen and throw in his input/opinion on the matters discussed.
He is the perfect person to gossip with and so are you and Rosie.
I hope I hit the mark with this ! ^^'
(Words: 2 605)
Masterlist HERE !
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update-blog-bp9 · 9 months ago
Because y'all probably wanna know...
Father!Alastor x Son!Reader book (Wordcount): 41,806 (8 Chapters currently)
Father!Alastor x Daughter Reader (Wordcount): 24,442 (8 Chapters currently)
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webism · 2 months ago
the first time you bring gojo home to fuck, he’s like a kid in a candy store. he’s touching everything but you, which was the point of him being there in the first place.
“don’t touch that,” is said more often than not, because he keeps taking things off shelves and peeking into your drawers as he looks around.
even when you do get to kissing and touching on eachother, he can’t decide on which room he wants to take you in. he likes your bathroom, wants to test out your kitchen counter, appreciates the scents in your laundry room, needs to test out that couch… the back garden looks fun, and he’s not-so-secretly itching for the neighbours to peer in and see you take his cock to the base on that pretty sun lounger you’ve got outside.
you manage to get him to settle on the bedroom, though, which was a mistake because he’s already trying to get into your panty drawer for a souvenir. peeking under your bed to try and find where you keep those pretty little toys he knows you fuck yourself with when you’re thinking of him.
“just fuck me,” you have to plead with him, which you never thought you’d need to do with satoru of all people.
and of course he obliges, because he’s as starved as you are ravenous, but when he’s taking you from behind on that squeaky mattress of yours, balls slapping against your clit with every thrust of his cock inside of you, he leans over your tight body and hips at your earlobe before speaking.
“i love your place, baby, don’t get me wrong but…” he fucks you so deep you can hardly hear him right. “… ‘s not good enough for you. need to keep your stuff at mine, hm? move in with me.”
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kirammansbow · 1 month ago
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The way isha shoots the bad hallucinations
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akanemnon · 6 months ago
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Shouldn't there be a minotaur in the labyrinth? Who put this goat here? This is not accurate to the mythology! /j
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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casiia · 7 months ago
simon hated dating for the sole reason of small talk. in the nicest way possible, he does not care what your favorite color is or what your childhood pet’s name was. he would rather not beat around the bush, in his opinion it’s a waste of time so he simply doesn’t date.
he decides to give it another try, you were so sweet asking him for his number. stuttering and shifting on the balls of your feet, a pretty blush lighting your features.
but he has to stop himself from rolling his eyes when you ask him what his favorite animal is. instead of walking out like he normally does, he decides to ask his own set of questions — for once.
“i like to draw.”
biting his tongue he has to resist the urge to say “that’s what everyone says,” because most of the time, they are horrible at their hobby.
but after a few dates, and a few hookups, you decide to let him browse your sketchbook. sitting in his lap you nervously fidget with your fingers, watching as he slowly flips through and admires each page. chewing on your lower lip when his eyebrows raise, you almost gasp when he shifts his hips upwards beneath you.
“okay, that’s enough.” you grumble, reaching for the book and trying to snatch it away. simon only smirks and leans back, holding the book to the side out of your reach.
when you told simon you were an artist, he was very surprised to see your intricate drawings of people, landscapes, and human anatomy.
smudged pencil lines of hands groping breast, detailed veins running along various sized and shaped cocks.
he swallows thickly when he turns a page and sees one centered, one that looks too familiar to his own. when you finally snatch the book from his hand with a wild blush, he knows. you couldn’t stop thinking about him.
“aw, baby. needed something to look at when you miss me? y’coulda just asked me.”
simon’s grinning up at you with a teasing glint in his eyes, his hands running up and down your thighs.
he doesn’t want to think about the other drawings of dicks you’ve drawn, the men before him. he just needs to make sure that his will be the final one in your precious book.
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imsofreakingtired · 1 month ago
what if you and Sevika had a lesbian situationship divorce and she goes on a shimmer bender crashout
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content warnings: blood, violence, self-destructive thoughts, uhmm chaotic angst
like she just doesn’t stop using it. she has a belt full of Shimmer cartridges and uses three at a time whether she’s fighting or just needs a kick, an escape.  
uses it even when she goes to the brothel and just picks any girl who looks remotely like you. she sees you in the sky, hears your voice echo through the streets, feels your hands on her skin when she’s in the gardens, thinks if she closes her eyes she can almost believe the girl she’s with is actually you. calls out your name huskily when she comes. hates herself for it but can’t stop the cycle. and she always fucks on Shimmer, rushing through her veins. making everything dizzy and hot.
she does it even more because she remembers how you always scolded her for using Shimmer, saying it would eventually destroy her. a part of her wants to destroy herself for leaving you. a part of her hopes you’ll save her before she does. 
one night she gets caught up in a street fight and takes on like ten muggers at once. they have knives and masks and want her Shimmer supply, she laughs with the freedom of a woman who has lost all hope. last thing she remembers is thinking, “oh, baby’s not gonna like this.”
you hear a bang on your door in the middle of the night and you jump out of your half-sleep, a knife in your hand. you’re so sure the enforcers finally found you and you know you’re not going down without a fight. you open the door, gripping the blade so tight your palm aches. but there are no enforcers. it’s just Ran, their eyes wide and desperate. they’re propping up a lifeless figure, knees nearly buckling under the weight. Sevika. 
your first thought: Oh Janna. I’ve lost her. 
the knife falls to the floor with a clatter. you open the door wide enough to let Ran in, more dragging Sevika than walking her. you cast a swift look up and down the street to make sure they had no unwanted company following them, then you shut the door firmly and run over to help Ran prop Sevika in a chair. 
“I was gonna take her to Singed,” Ran explains. “but do you know what she said? ‘fuck Singed. i’m not going to Singed.” 
Ran looks at you. “she told me to take her to you, or let her bleed out in the street.” 
you fall to your knees in front of Sevika, and you try to keep your hands from shaking as you inspect her. she’s in bad shape. her mech arm is broken and shimmer leaks out from its wires onto the floor. her shirt is torn and bloody. her face is darkened with bruises and blood, but even in this state you’re confident that whatever she did to the goons that attacked her was ten times worse. 
she stirs awake, half-conscious. grey eyes look up at you in a haze. you wish she hadn’t. you wish she just stayed unconscious. because now that she’s giving you those eyes you can’t even remember why you were angry, you can’t even remember the emotion itself. 
you want to cling to even the memory of being angry at her, just so you don’t fall apart looking at her like this. 
“help me move her to the bed,” you tell Ran, and together you prop Sevika up again and lay her down on your bed. you barely notice the Shimmer staining your clothes, all you can see is the shallow rise and fall of her chest. 
“i can take it from here,” you tell Ran. “thanks.” 
“just…keep her alive.” 
when Ran is gone, you set to work cleaning the wounds. the cuts aren’t as deep as you feared, only one - a gash across her right forearm -  needing stitches. Sevika stirs and groans just as you finish dressing the cuts. she mutters something. you lean in close and hear her whispering your name.
“i gotta tell her…” Sevika trails off. “i gotta tell her i’m sorry.” 
something fails in your heart when you hear this. you smooth her hair out of her eyes and kiss her forehead. 
“i’m right here, you idiot.” 
Sevika’s eyes open and rest on your face. and you’re thinking fuck, fuck. whatever she did or said to hurt you didn’t come close to the sharp pain of seeing her expression relax, her eyes soften with relief. you take her face in your hands, rubbing her cheek with your thumb. 
“i’m sorry, too.”
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ysaona · 3 months ago
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“One day I’m gonna ride in one of those things.” — powder (s1. ep1.)
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salarymanwaka · 10 months ago
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let's see which will be faster, your sword or my tongue
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thepencilnerd · 5 months ago
take a slice
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Summary: No one could imagine a more cunning or manipulative player than Shuntaro Chishiya—until he meets you. complete fic on my ao3 here <3 Word Count: 3.8k Contains: Depictions of violence, unresolved sexual tension, emotional constipation
A/N: because I binge-watched Alice In Borderland in the span of two days and I am very late to the party (but never too late for self-indulgent fan service)
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Chishiya spots you across the same floor, your black silhouette nearly lost in the shadows of the night. It’s only your movement that catches his attention, the dark outerwear a sharp contrast to his bright white jacket. You and he are the only players scouting from this vantage point, watching from above while the chaos brews below.
The night is eerily quiet—the calm before the storm, as they say. Your gaze locks onto his, and for a moment, time seems to freeze. Chishiya feels his heartbeat falter, a fleeting hitch he quickly tamps down.
Before he can fully process it, you’ve already vanished around a corner, just as a rain of bullets peppers the area behind you.
A boy’s voice echoes from below, frantic. "The only way to clear this game is to work together!"
Bullshit , you think.
There must be a reason behind the attacker's anchoring position, Chishiya muses.
Of course.
When you finally make your way to the safe room, you’re welcomed by four unfamiliar figures: the spree-killing horse, the brunette boy from earlier, a girl with a bob, and the blonde. 
Chishiya strikes swiftly, the crackle of his taser breaking the stillness. The masked attacker crumples to the floor, their face hitting the ground with a muffled thud. You waste no time, stomping down hard on their wrist, sending the gun skittering from their hand. Before they can recover, you grab the weapon and fire a single round into the crown of their skull. 
When you glance up, you catch the faintest trace of a smirk ghosting across the blonde’s face, but it’s gone just as quickly.
In the seconds that follow, the two other players in the room hastily slam their hands on the red buttons lining the walls.
Turning around, a pair of wide eyes greets you. 
“Thank you,” the boy finally speaks, addressing you and the blonde in a shaky voice. 
You respond with a nod, glancing over at the girl and seeing her return the acknowledgement. 
“Don’t mention it.” The blonde’s condescending tone from behind you is paralleled only by his burning gaze, locking onto you immediately. He almost misses seeing you slip something from the dead body into your pocket. 
You feel his focus linger on you as you leave the room. 
The night air is thick with tension, the distant cries from nearby arenas only amplifying the silence with each footstep behind you. You don’t bother turning around; you already know who it is.
Chishiya steps into your peripheral vision, his pace unhurried, like a cat stalking in the shadows. The forest buzzes with the threat of unseen dangers, but all his attention is locked on you.
"You didn’t have to kill him," he says, his voice casual, almost amused, as though discussing the weather.
You don’t stop walking. "You didn’t stop me."
A quiet chuckle escapes him, barely more than a breath. "True." His tone remains light, but there’s an edge beneath it, like he’s testing you, challenging you. "Still, you’ve got a certain efficiency. Impressive."
Your expression stays neutral. And yet, Chishiya’s presence beside you stirs something strange—a shared awareness, as if you’re both circling an invisible boundary neither of you are quite ready to cross—yet.
"You took something," he says, breaking the silence again, his voice calm but probing. His gaze stays forward, unreadable. "From the body."
You glance at him briefly, just enough to meet his eyes, which glint with curiosity under the moonlight. He’s trying to figure you out.
"And what if I did?" There’s a challenge in your voice now.
Chishiya’s smirk returns, faint but unmistakable. "Nothing. For now."
The tension between you tightens, pulling you closer in the silence. The game isn’t over. Not between the two of you.
As you continue walking, he trails behind, but soon loses sight of you in the dense trees. Shadows shift, swallowing you whole. He barely has time to catch his breath before a sudden force slams him to the ground, knocking the wind from his lungs. The disturbed soil and decaying leaves soften his fall, but his back still hits the earth with a solid thud.
Your knee digs sharply into his sternum, pinning him down. One hand tightens around his throat, not enough to choke him but enough to strain his breath. The cold, unforgiving edge of a blade presses against his cheek—a silent threat.
Chishiya’s indifferent expression makes your skin crawl, yet his stoic, unflinching gaze cuts through the moment like a dagger—piercing both hot and cold at once. Neither of you speak. It’s a game of cat and cat, both of you testing the other's resolve in this tense, silent standoff.
For a fleeting moment, he wonders if you can read each other’s thoughts.
You feel him gulp beneath your hand, his pulse quickening under your fingers. Both of his hands remain raised in surrender by his ears, calm, unwavering, and empty of any weapon or defense. His eyes flicker to the deep scar on your neck, lingering there for just a moment.
The air between you thickens. What feels like minutes pass in the span of heartbeats.
Without warning, you spring up and disappear into the night.
Chishiya stays on the ground for a moment, catching his breath. He sits up slowly, eyes tracing the path you took into the darkness. His chest rises and falls unevenly, the phantom cold of the blade still lingering on his skin. Silence wraps around him like a fog, but his pulse betrays him—racing, driven by more than just adrenaline.
For the first time in longer than he can remember, he feels something—a strange tug deep in his core, like something vital slipped away the moment you left. A curiosity stirs, mingling with the remnants of tension, a silent acknowledgment that this game isn’t over.
It’s only just begun.
Chishiya’s lips twitch into a faint smirk. Your piercing gaze and the scar on your neck are seared into his mind. He knows he’ll see you again. And next time, he won’t be caught off guard.
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“You look like you have something on your mind.”
Kuina sits down across from Chishiya, her curiosity piqued as she watches him stare off into the distance. The evening air is still, a rare calmness settling over the Beach after a chaotic night.
Chishiya leans back, crossing his arms, a faint hum escaping his lips. “Just an interesting game tonight,” he replies casually, but there’s a lingering spark in his gaze that betrays more.
Kuina raises an eyebrow. “Must’ve been some game, then.”
“Perhaps,” Chishiya says, his voice smooth and unhurried. The rush of endorphins from the near-death experience still thrums faintly through his veins. 
The cause? A player whose actions were as cunning and unpredictable as his own. The thrill of narrowing down their motivations felt like a puzzle finally worth solving.
His mind drifts back to the game, replaying each moment like scenes in a movie. The chaos, the desperate shouts, and the blaring alarms all felt distant—mere background noise compared to the razor-sharp focus he'd found himself drawn to. That focus was centered on one person.
You had been an anomaly from the start. There was a precision in the way you moved, calculated and unfazed by the panic unraveling around you. It was as if you thrived on the chaos, embraced it even, letting it fuel each step you took. While the other players were scrambling to find shelter or allies, you seemed to anticipate every move, predicting the patterns before they even unfolded.
And then, the moment that had truly hooked him: the kill. Cold, efficient, and executed without a trace of hesitation. You weren’t just surviving; you were playing the game in its purest form—adapting, evolving, always a step ahead. There was no hesitation in your actions, no unnecessary flourish—just the unyielding will to end a threat. It wasn’t just about self-preservation; it was about winning. And that’s what made you different.
Chishiya’s curiosity flared the instant your eyes met his in the aftermath. For the briefest moment, he’d seen a flicker of something—recognition, maybe even a hint of challenge. Like you were silently asking him if he had what it took to keep up.
It was absurd, really, to feel anything in the Borderlands beyond the mechanical urge to survive. But something had shifted tonight. For the first time in what felt like forever, the game had become more than a series of calculated risks and rewards: it had become interesting.
Chishiya’s gaze shifts back to the window where lights scatter the sky. His fingers tap idly on the armrest of his chair, a rhythm betraying the restlessness he tries to mask. He’s always prided himself on being detached, keeping emotions and sentiment far from his calculations. Yet here he is, preoccupied with thoughts that don't have a place in his carefully constructed logic.
"You're quiet," Kuina observes, her tone carrying a hint of amusement. "More than usual, I mean."
Chishiya’s smirk is faint, barely there. “Am I?”
She shrugs, leaning back in her seat. “You’ve been lost in your own head since you got back.” 
Chishiya’s expression doesn’t falter, but there’s a slight shift in his demeanor—a barely perceptible sign of vulnerability, quickly smoothed over. “Maybe I’m just considering... possibilities,” he replies, the words coming slower than usual, as if he’s testing how they sound. 
Kuina’s eyes narrow thoughtfully. “Possibilities, huh?” She tilts her head, studying him. “That’s one way of putting it. Or maybe… a person?”
Chishiya’s silence is uncharacteristic. He feels the pull to dismiss the notion immediately, to scoff at the idea of being distracted by a person, much less affected by them. But instead, he pauses. It’s enough for Kuina to catch on, her curiosity piqued.
“Interesting,” she murmurs, a teasing smile curling on her lips. “You’re actually thinking about someone, aren’t you?” When he doesn’t respond, she presses further. “It’s a girl, right? Did she do something to catch your eye?”
Chishiya finally meets her gaze, his own guarded but not entirely dismissive. “She’s... unusual,” he admits, the words coming out almost reluctantly. “Not like the others.”
Kuina arches an eyebrow. “Unusual how? Smart? Dangerous?”
“Both,” he replies without hesitation. “Efficient, focused. But there’s something else.” He uncrosses his arms, feeling oddly exposed, as though admitting to these thoughts makes them more real, more tangible. “It’s like she’s not playing the same game as the rest of them.”
Kuina studies him for a moment, then lets out a soft laugh. “You’ve got it bad,” she says, shaking her head. “I never thought I’d see the day you’d be drawn to someone for more than their utility.”
He scoffs, a ghost of his usual arrogance returning. “Don’t get carried away. I’m only interested because she might be useful.”
“Sure,” Kuina says with a knowing grin. “Keep telling yourself that.”
Chishiya falls silent again, but the truth gnaws at him. He knows it’s more than just her utility in the grand scheme of escaping this hellhole. It’s the way she challenges him—forces him to reevaluate his strategies and makes him wonder if there’s more to this game than just surviving.
He hates how that thought clings to him, even as he tries to push it away.
Chishiya shifts in his chair, feeling a dull ache radiate from his chest. He’s been operating on a different level since encountering you, and the physical reminder feels almost like an anchor to what he’s been trying to navigate.
He glances at Kuina, who’s still watching him with an amused expression, still probing. “You look like you’re plotting something.”
“Just considering my next move,” he replies, a hint of a smirk returning to his lips. “The game is full of variables, and I need to prepare for them.”
“Variables, huh? Is that what you call her now?” Kuina teases, leaning forward, her elbows resting on the table.
“Focus,” he snaps lightly, but there’s no real heat in his voice. Instead, his mind races ahead to the next game, and how he can draw you in, maybe even observe you more closely. He’s already picturing the scenarios—the players, the setting, the stakes.
What he really wants is a way to see you again. To understand the force that pulls him toward you, the complexity that makes you more than just another player. The anticipation churns within him, exciting yet unnerving.
“What if I made a move to recruit her?” he muses aloud, considering the prospect. “She could be an asset. If she operates outside the norm, that could change the dynamics of our strategies.”
“Or it could blow up in your face,” Kuina counters, her tone light but her gaze serious. “You’re not exactly known for your emotionality, Chishiya. What if she doesn’t want to play?”
“Doesn’t matter,” he replies, brushing off her concern. “I’ll figure it out. I always do.”
But the truth is, he knows that this isn’t merely about the game anymore. It’s about the way you make him feel—like a player in a game he thought he understood, now suddenly complex and exhilarating. Chishiya can’t shake the thought that if he wants to unlock the potential you represent, he’ll have to make a move soon.
He allows himself a moment of vulnerability, resting his chin on his hand as he reflects. “What if I want to see her again, Kuina? What if it’s not just about strategy anymore?”
Kuina’s eyes widen, clearly surprised by his admission. “Wow. You’re actually admitting you care.”
Chishiya rolls his eyes but can’t help the smirk tugging at his lips. “Don’t get carried away.”
“Sure,” she says, leaning back with a satisfied grin. “Just remember, sometimes the best strategies are the ones that come from the heart.”
With that, Chishiya’s mind drifts again, calculating and assessing. He’ll be ready for the next game. He’ll be prepared to take any risk to find you again, to unravel the mystery of what you truly are: a partner, a rival, or perhaps something more. As the night draws to a close, the shadows deepen, but a flicker of determination ignites within him.
He will see you again.
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A few days have passed since the last game, but the adrenaline still courses through your veins, lingering like a ghost. You survived, but the victory feels hollow, overshadowed by the memory of the indifferent blonde boy who’s drawn you in more than you care to admit.
Your thoughts drift back to that game—its intensity still vivid in your mind. It was like no other you’d experienced, where survival felt more like a dance with death than a struggle against it. And he was at the center of it, moving through the chaos with a calculated grace that caught your attention long before you understood why.
It wasn’t just that he was calm under pressure. Plenty of players had nerves of steel. It was his indifference, the way he seemed detached from the dangers around him, as though nothing could touch him. Where others flinched or panicked, he merely observed, as if the unfolding chaos was a puzzle to solve rather than a life-or-death situation. That kind of control was rare in the Borderlands, and in some strange way, it felt like a dare, an unspoken challenge that made you want to test him, to see if there was anything that could shatter that composure.
You remember the moment you locked eyes across the chaos, the way the world seemed to fade into the background. It was brief, but in that instant, it felt like a silent conversation—an understanding that went beyond words. There was something sharp in his gaze, a spark of curiosity that mirrored your own. It was as if he was evaluating you, sizing you up just as you were doing to him. For a fleeting moment, you wondered if you were seeing a part of yourself reflected back in those cold, calculating eyes.
But it wasn’t just his composure or his gaze that drew you in. It was the way he acted in those crucial seconds when lives hung in the balance. While others scrambled to save themselves, he made moves that seemed almost playful, like he was toying with the danger rather than simply evading it. There was a thrill in watching him maneuver through the madness with an ease that bordered on arrogance, as though he was always three steps ahead of everyone else—including you.
And then there was the moment when the game ended. You had both survived, of course, but there was something in the way he looked at you afterward, something that lingered, a faint smirk that hinted he had seen more than you’d intended to reveal. It wasn’t pity; it was as if he recognized a kindred spirit, someone who understood the game on a different level. For the first time in what felt like ages, you felt truly seen. 
That feeling unsettles you even now, as you sit by the fire, staring into the flames. It’s not that you seek validation in the Borderlands; you’ve learned long ago that the only approval that matters is your own. But there’s something about his quiet confidence, the way he seemed to acknowledge you without saying a word, that’s hard to shake. It makes you wonder if he was as unaffected as he appeared or if there was more beneath the surface, something hidden behind that cool exterior.
You clench your jaw, frustrated with yourself for even thinking about him this much. He was just another player—albeit a skilled one—and you’ve dealt with plenty of them before. But there’s a part of you that can’t ignore the way his presence lingers, like a splinter in your mind, a question that refuses to be answered.
Why did he make such an impression on you? Was it his composure, his intelligence, or the quiet thrill of crossing paths with someone who didn’t play by the same rules as everyone else? Or was it the way he seemed to see you in return, as if you were more than just a piece on the board?
You realize that you don’t know the answers—and perhaps that’s what’s most intriguing of all. There’s an unfinished quality to your last encounter, a feeling that your story with him isn’t over yet. It’s as if the game itself has drawn a line between you, daring you to cross it again.
You shake your head, trying to dismiss the thoughts that have become stubborn visitors in your mind. Why does he occupy your thoughts so much? Is it his calm indifference, the way he moved with calculated grace? Or is it something more that stirs a curiosity you can’t quite define?
Pushing the thoughts aside, you focus on your routine, an independent existence in the Borderlands, where survival means mastering skills few have the patience to learn. You've carved out a small camp nestled within the trees, camouflaged by foliage, a sanctuary of sorts amidst the chaos.
Every morning, you rise before dawn, the cool air biting at your skin as you check your traps. The gentle sounds of the forest waking around you are a familiar symphony, one you find solace in. You harvest small game—rabbits, birds, whatever you can catch—and meticulously prepare them, savoring the simple act of cooking over a small fire.
Hunting and foraging have become second nature. You collect wild herbs and edible plants, storing them in makeshift pouches crafted from scavenged materials. Each successful hunt reminds you of your resilience and strength. 
But even as you focus on these tasks, your mind drifts back to him—the blonde boy from the game. The way his piercing gaze seemed to see right through you, as if he was calculating your every move. It’s unsettling yet exhilarating, a contradiction you can’t wrap your head around.
The sun climbs higher, and you take a break from your chores to wash your hands in a nearby stream, the water refreshing against your skin. As you splash your face, you catch your reflection in the rippling surface, a mix of determination and uncertainty staring back at you.
You spend the afternoon working on camp, reinforcing the makeshift walls and clearing away debris that threatens your space. But even as you work to distract yourself, you can almost feel his presence lurking at the edge of your thoughts, his smirk dancing on your mind like a memory that refuses to fade.
Eventually, you settle on a log outside your camp, a piece of driftwood you dragged from the riverbank. Pulling out your small notebook, you begin to sketch the maps of the Borderlands, noting down resources and potential hideouts. It’s practical, a way to keep your mind sharp, but each mark on the page feels like a tether to the games, to the players who dance around you like shadows.
You reach into your pocket and pull out the small, crumpled piece of paper you took from the body during the game. You’ve looked at it countless times since then, trying to make sense of the chaotic scribbles. It’s a series of numbers and symbols—coordinates, perhaps, or some kind of code. Whatever it is, it’s not immediately clear, and that only deepens your curiosity.
You flatten the paper against the rough surface of the log, comparing it with your sketches. Could it be a location in the Borderlands? A clue to something hidden or an upcoming game? The patterns don’t align with any familiar maps, but something about the markings feels deliberate, as though there’s a message buried within them. You trace the lines with your finger, committing them to memory, trying to see what the original owner had seen. What was so important that they’d die with it?
Your mind drifts back to the moment you took it. The blonde boy’s eyes had flickered towards you—just for a heartbeat—when you pocketed the paper. Did he know what it meant, or had he noticed the same curiosity in you that you now feel?
As you draw, memories of the game resurface: his calculated moves, his indifferent demeanor, and the strange thrill of standing against him. There’s something magnetic about his presence, something that both fascinates and frustrates you.
In the fading light of dusk, you close your eyes for a moment, letting the sounds of the forest wash over you. The call of distant birds, the rustle of branches—each note a reminder that you’re alive, that you’re here, navigating a world filled with peril and unpredictability. But still, the thought lingers. Will your paths cross in the next game, or will you remain a ghost in his memory?
With a sigh, you shake your head and return to your sketches, determination settling in your chest. It doesn’t matter. Yet, in the depths of your mind, a part of you yearns for that inevitable meeting, that chance to unravel the enigma that is the blonde boy.
As darkness settles over the forest, you tuck your notebook away, the images of your maps a promise of the journey ahead. Tomorrow will bring new challenges, new games to navigate. And if fate has its way, perhaps it will also bring him back into your orbit once more.
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fear-is-truth · 14 days ago
mdni 18+
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rafe cameron is a tease, and not the kind that makes it fun. he revels in making you suffer. gets off on the sight of you writhing in his lap, grinding down on the thick, hard press of him, but he won’t give you what you want—not yet. instead, he lounges back, eyes heavy-lidded, mouth curling into a mean leer. “what, baby? need somethin’?” his fingers find your jaw, thumb pressing into the soft hinge of it, tilting your face up. restraint strung so thin and tight it’s a miracle he hasn’t snapped. “c’mon,” he coos, voice coaxing, filthy in its sweetness. “be a good girl. ask me real nice.”
rafe cameron is violent. not to you, never to you, but all that rage, just looking for an excuse—a fist connecting with a jaw, followed by the sickening crack of cartilage giving way. and you should stop him, because it’s the decent thing to do—but all you can feel is the slow coil of heat licking up the base of your spine, thighs clenching together involuntarily. and later, rafe’s hands are still shaking, but they’re on you now, and that’s all that matters. “you like that, huh? bet you were fucking soaking for it.” because of course he fucking knows. he clocked it the second he threw that first punch—the look on your face, not horror, not even disgust (which would’ve been justified), but with something else. fascination. “god, you’re sick, baby,” he croons, pressing his thigh between yours, forcing a slow, grinding friction that has you biting back a moan. “good thing i am too.”
rafe cameron is prone to jealousy. it is an ugly thing. and it doesn’t take much. if another guy so much as looks at you the wrong way and rafe sees it, he doesn’t bother pretending he’s not pissed. “you think i didn’t notice that? you fuckin’ smiling at him?” his voice is bitten-off, like the thought itself physically pains him. and maybe it does. maybe that’s why he’s panting, pupils blown wide, hands shaking as they yank your thighs apart, forces you to feel the way he’s still twitching with it. he makes you redeem yourself. has you choking on his name like it’s your only salvation, again and again and again, repentance. until he’s inside you in every sense that matters—body, mind, and soul.
rafe cameron is clingy, and that’s the real kicker. when you’re spent, raw, leaking his cum between your thighs, he doesn’t let you go. won’t let you go. arms cinch around your waist like a vice, his skin is searing hot where it presses to yours, even as the sweat cools and your body shakes with the aftermath. even then, he’s still latched on, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
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blackypanther9 · 1 year ago
Boys ask you out – Teen!Daughter!Reader x Father!Alastor
A/N: Human!Alive!Alastor and Human!Alive!Daughter Reader.
Headcanon(?) THIS IS NOT ROMANTIC !!!
(picture belongs to rightful owner)
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Alastor and you were just eating out in a restaurant, as a teenage boy came up to them and asked you out on a date.
You felt slightly caught off guard and shy, but agreed softly.
Alastor just looked at you and then at the boy, clearing his throat, which made the boy look at him.
“And who may you be, my good fellow ? Boldly asking my daughter out in front of me ?”
“My n-name is Finn, Sir.”
“When did you ask me for my permission to ask my daughter out, Finn ?”
You could tell that your Father was losing his last bits of patience with this teen. You found it quite amusing how protective your Dad was, yet...you understood why. A killer was roaming around after all.
“I didn’t know this charming woman needed her Father’s approval to go out on a date.”
Oh...wrong, overconfident answer and you knew that. You always looked at your Father for approval. He could read people a bit better than you and you trusted his judgment.
“She needs it indeed. That is my daughter after all.”
“You treat her like an object right now.”
Your Father’s eye twitched slightly at the boy’s comment.
“I don’t. There is a murderer running around and you expect me to let my daughter run around freely and alone, in the middle of the night, with some stranger ? Ha ! No.”
You gave your Father a small smile, grateful he looked after you so much. Even though he was the Killer.
The boy scoffed and looked at you again, smile gentle, but fake.
“Tomorrow evening at 6PM in front of this very restaurant, beautiful ?”
You were speechless and looked at your Dad for help. Alastor had a look of annoyance on his face, but his smile didn’t drop yet.
“She is not going anywhere with you, boy. She has no permission to go out with you. Now shoo off.”
The boy scoffed and left. You looked at your Dad.
“Thank you, Papa.”
“No problem, mon ange (My angel).”
That boy was Alastor’s Dinner the next evening, for his lack of manners.
-Another day-
The both of you took a stroll through the park as a group of boys spotted you with your Father.
A blond haired boy approached you, very confident and he seemed to have a very highly stroked ego, like no one can say no to him.
He ran a hand over his hair and gave a flirty smirk towards you.
“Hey there, beautiful~ Wanna go out with me tonight~?”
You got nervous and looked at your Dad, this boy made you uncomfortable.
“My face is over here, pretty girl~”
The boy TOUCHED your chin and had the AUDACITY to turn your face back on himself, forcefully, IN FRONT of Alastor !
Alastor smacked the boy’s hand harshly, the guy yelped and let go, shaking his hand, glaring at your Father.
“What is your Problem, man ?!”, the boy snarled.
“What is MY problem ? Has your Mother never taught you how to treat a woman ? How dare you touch her without asking for permission ? And that in front of ME !”
Your Father was positively boiling in anger. He pulled you into his side, glaring down at the boy. He was the next to die tonight.
“Who even are you ? Her lover ?”, he asked in disgust.
“I am her FATHER.”
At that the blond boy grew a smirk.
“Then shouldn’t you be thrilled that someone like me even bothers to ask your daughter out ?”
This boy was on thin ice and your jaw dropped open in offence. You glared at the boy in disgust.
“Papa ?”, you called out.
“Yes, Darling ?”, Alastor responded, looking at you gently.
“I would like to go HOME. This disgraceful human being ruined my mood. I wish to return home and read a good book.”
The blond boy stared at you in offence, then disgust.
“How dare you call me that ?! I can get any woman I WANT !”
You gave him an unimpressed glare.
“Well, you didn’t get me now, did you ? You have a foul mouth with a disgusting attitude and now, I wish to retreat home, Papa.”
“Of course, Cher.”
The blond boy’s hand formed into a fist and he swung his fist. You closed your eyes tightly, but the impact never came.
You opened your eyes and saw that your Father caught the boy’s hand. His smile and eyes were wide and filled with rage. The boy quivered at that, turning pale.
“You try that again, young man, and we will have very big problems. Understood ?”, Alastor said calmly.
“Y-yes, Sir.”
“Good. Now go away.”
As soon as your Father let go of the boy’s hand, the guy ran away and back to his friends, who laughed at him.
Your Father put a hand on your back and guided you back home.
Overall, Alastor would observe every young man that approaches you, to ask you out.
He would interfere when he doesn’t like them at all.
He would force them to ask for his permission first, because that was how it was usually done in his time anyways and he knew, for a fact, that tradition didn’t stop yet.
Usually a lot of boys back down as soon as he demanded them to ask for his permission first, others would ask and get a big, fat NO from him anyways, which amused you to no ends.
Alastor would be overprotective of you and he was NOT afraid to show it.
He would pull you into his side and wrap an arm protectively over you, showing that you had someone to protect you and that he didn’t take any Bullshit from anyone.
A boy tried to force you to go out with them, they would be found dead soon enough.
Alastor was possessive of you, not in a romantic or perverted sense, but you were his daughter and he knew what young men usually thought when they saw a beautiful woman. He hated the thought of you leaving one day and never coming back. He had some enemies. What if they got you ? No, no, no, he can’t let that happen.
He glared every young man down, that dared to give you nicknames, just to butter you up. Usually they would be his next Dinner too.
As soon as he sees a young lad eying you with impure thoughts, he will end them in the week. If they dare to approach you too and ask you out, clearly just looking to disgrace you, he would go so far as to be very aggressive.
Alastor, your Father, saw no boy worthy enough to date you, in his eyes, they were all way too beneath his Angel. So get ready to have a very long time to staying single and left at peace.
You couldn’t have asked for a better Dad. Alastor was a top #1 Dad in the world. No matter what.
-Addition if you both land in Hell together-
He will NOT let you date in Hell. Absolutely NOT.
He would constantly worry over your safety and send his shadows after you.
Alright...he let you date ONCE in hell and it was an absolute disaster !
That pig just wanted to get into your underwear and the Radio Demon was FURIOUS !
Save to say he ate that guy and then forbid you from dating in Hell. FORGET IT. NO DATES AND LOVE LIFE IN HELL.
And you are not allowed to leave his side for a long while after that either !
He is still your #1 Dad in the whole world though.  <3
A/N: So....what do ya think?
(Words: 1 372)
Masterlist HERE !
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update-blog-bp9 · 9 months ago
You know...I know all of you will hate me when I drop the biggest bomb any of you has ever had in the Father!Alastor x Son!Reader series.
If you think 15 Chapters are all, then you are dead wrong. But I don't know any titles yet for the other ones. I know that I will probably add like 3 or 4 more Chapters with Alive!Human!Reader and then we swap over to HELL.
So plan that this series will have at least 25 Chapters or so... Not sure how many it will be. TvT
All planned out, but no ideas how to name them and how many Chapters it will be. I plan them long mostly and with that I usually don't know how many it will be in the end. I am gambling with 25 Chapters in total, might be more or less though.
Btw: I am listening to fuckin' Jazz, while at the same time playing a relaxing outside night sound, with a crackling fireplace in a house sound and rain with soft thunder added. I never tried this sheesh before, but I feel a bit more collected and chill. The last few days my brain was all over the place and in no state to write anything... Has anyone ever tried this shoot before ? I recommend. ^^
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vauer · 3 months ago
𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
Reader x Jinx
SUMMARY: you are a thief who steals from people who are passing through your town. this time you came across the wrong person. that didn't stop you from fucking her though.
CW: sub!Jinx, fem!reader, cunnilingus, fingering, squirting, some kind of plot(?), fastburn
(English isn't my first language, sorry for any mistakes💌)
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★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰
Jinx moaned softly as she kissed her new friend's thin lips. The edge of the countertop rests uncomfortably against her lower back, forcing her to arch her back and make a dissatisfied mumble, only to hear a quiet chuckle in response. She couldn't believe how quickly this girl had managed to win her over.
A couple of weeks ago, a strange woman came into her small workshop. You were pretty and looked to be no more than twenty, but your piercing gaze was too intently and sharply jumping over various details of the interior, studying the situation. And you were wearing some ugly kind of wig.
“I haven't met you here before. May I know the name of such a charming lady?” your eyes sparkled playfull. Your intonation and body language put Jinx in a stupor. Since she faked her death and fled to the edge of the world, away from Piltover, changing her appearance, she has not yet received any attention from anyone. Jinx wasn't really sure if it was sarcasm, because she didn't look her best right now: crookedly cropped hair had grown back and looked even more untidy, and bright blue hair roots were starting to grow out from under the purple dye. And that's not to mention the oil and dust stains on the clothes.
“Powder," Jinx said after a couple of seconds of reflection. Lately, she's been using her old name to avoid attracting attention.
“Like baby powder or gunpowder?” you grinned annoyingly, leaning slightly on the table.
"Like gunpowder," Jinx replied grimly, rolling her eyes.
"Then you can call me Fuse," you grinned again, winking. Despite your outspoken flirtation, Jinx didn't miss the way your gaze appraisingly scanned her hideout.
"I have a business here, not a dating club," she grumbled, lazily rolling a blue hexteck ball around the table. Jinx chuckled inwardly, noticing how your gaze immediately eagerly darted to the jewel, as she suspected.
A couple of days later, she finally caught you trying to sneak into her workshop late at night.
“Are you looking for this?” Jinx appeared behind you, inserting a blue ball into the gun and pointing it at you.
“Rather for you,” not confused, you took a seductive pose, leaning on the table. “Jinx, right?”
“Well, how did you find out?” She rolled her eyes, pouting and moving closer to use the edge of the gun to push the hood off your head. Well, at least you weren't wearing an ugly burgundy wig right now. "I don't want to kill you. I'm kind of done with it.”
“Who else would have this round blue thing but Jinx? You're almost a legend. Almost,” you shrugged. You didn't seem to care much about the hextek-loaded pistol next to your temple. "You don't have to hide your identity here. No one cares who you are.”
"Except for you, of course," Jinx rolled her eyes.
“I don't care either. But I can say that you are too charming for the inadequate maniac they call you," you grinned flirtatiously again.
The shot cut off the edge of your bangs.
“Shut up!” Jinx said tiredly, going upstairs to sleep. Anyway, there was nothing to steal from her except the blue ball.She earned a couple of coins by repairing all kinds of utensils for the residents of the city, and that was all her money.
You had been coming to her several times a day for the past two weeks, but at least hadn't tried to steal anything. You just stared at Jinx while she worked, fixing something or building custom devices. After a while, you started chatting about little things, you brought her a snack when Jinx sat in the workshop for hours without leaving. She had to admit that she liked such a quiet life much more than the hustle, intrigue and dangers of Piltover.
Day after day, and at some point Jinx found herself pinned against her own desk, whimpering softly in need as your deft hands pulled off her top, tracing the contours of her tattoos with your fingers. You leaned to her neck, leaving weightless kisses on the pale, almost transparent skin.
Jinx's knees were already buckling with impatience and excitement, and a fog of lust filled her head. Squeezing the thin skin of her thighs, you lifted her up, setting her down on the table. You lips gently touched the skin between Jinx's breasts, saying one word.
— Perfect.
Jinx flinched, her eyes widening. Then a purple flash followed and she practically hung on to you, wrapping her legs around your waist and kissing you deeply, simultaneously taking off your top.
Meanwhile, you reached for her pants, pulling them off along with her underwear. Jinx leaned back, supporting her reclining position with her hands. Her stomach was trembling slightly with excitement as your lips dropped a kiss just below her waist.
Finally, you wrapped your arms around her hips, lifting her legs and pressing your lips to her wet and throbbing flesh, making Jinx moan and arch her back.
Your soft tongue explored her folds inside and out, knocking more whimpers and moans out of her and causing her muscles to contract from overexcitation.
"You're doing great for the first time," you purred, pulling back slightly to run a finger over her sensitive clit, lightly teasing her entrance before gently pushing two fingers inside. Jinx tensed slightly, but then relaxed, and feeling pleasantly full, began to move her hips towards your hand. The wet sounds only added to their excitement.
You smiled contentedly at the sight of Jinx’s eyes closed with pleasure and her bitten lower lip. When you curled your fingers upward slightly inside her, Jinx screamed at the unusual sensations, breathing heavily.
“What is it?” She mumbled plaintively as you plugged her with a wet kiss, continuing to move your fingers inside her. You showered Jinx's chin and neck with soothing kisses, feeling her inner muscles begin to contract, bringing orgasm closer.
You accelerated your movements slightly, pressing your fingers against her upper wall and applying pressure to her swollen clit. Jinx didn't have time to figure out what happened when she felt a clear liquid squirting out of her on her thighs and stomach. Blushing, she tilted her head back, allowing the orgasm to swallow her.
A few weeks of being alone and talking to herself had loosened Jinx's tongue. She desperately wanted to brag about how brilliantly she had convinced the whole of Piltover and her own sister of her death.
“And then I slipped out through the ventilation and hijacked the airship while they mourned the dead and me,” Jinx enthusiastically talked about her adventures, while you lazily braided her short hair into small pigtails.
“And then where did you put it?” you asked.
“And that's beside the point, as far as I remember," Jinx narrowed her eyes in displeasure. You grinned, pulling her closer to your chest.
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azlrse · 1 year ago
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– basically idia's married life with mc
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tojisun · 8 months ago
hhh thiming about biting (dbf) simon’s neck during missionary, digging your teeth into his skin so hard they leave an indent—
he pulls away with a snarled hiss, his cheeks flushed and his pupils blown wide, only to pause at the drunken look in your eyes.
“mouth getting too empty f’r y’r liking, love?” he croons.
and when you nod, mewling mid-tears, all simon does is chuckle, his gaze shifting into something so soft it makes you ache.
“alright, then,” he murmurs, nuzzling close, before tilting his head to the side, giving you room to slot yourself into him again.
every drag of your teeth and every puncture, every suckle—it makes simon hiss in pleasure, his breathy rasps reverberating from where his chest is pressed onto yours.
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